I believe Cece to be a mother and she allowed Collins to have his space. I saw the love in her eyes as she looked.This performance was powerful. And that is what mothers do, they usher their children in their destiny Well done for passing on the mantle with gracefully. You are a mother. Thank you
Pastor CeCe is about letting the next generation… it’s all sprit lead and you can’t force the spirit…. And Pastor CeCe is spirit lead….. solid performance to glorify no men but to glorify GOD
Cece was wise enough to see the Lord was using Roman. That's why she stepped back and looked at him with a smile. Plus alot of artists to this on such shows to allow the contestant to shine which is humble. She wasn't trying to be the star. She was trying to deliver a message.
Dats alright I am hollering all by myself!! Did y’all hear Roman switch code and feel the spirit peek out of Cece’s blinking eyelashes. (EDIT) What IF they had invited Roman’s background crew & musicians? What IF ‘Tasia climbed on stage barefooted and all w/her bottom lip trembling? What IF the stage transformed into an Alter Call?? What IF the “church” doors were opened?? I mean, like what IF they used alla the crayons (even the broken ones) and boldly colored outside of the lines?? Hallelujah EVERYTHING WITH BREATH GIVE PRAISE.
I was absolutely appalled at your comments about this amazing performance by CeCe Winans and Roman Collins. I had to shut it down when you said, "I'll give it a 7!" You don't have to put down world-renowned artists of this calibre to elevate your own status or opinion. This was a transcendent cultural event orchestrated by the Holy Spirit of the Living God! There were tens of millions of views in the first 72 hours alone! Your dismissive and condescending words, in my opinion, devalue your ministry.