
Process-Oriented Performance Based Assessment 

Bryan Nozaleda
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@siribanalfredd2544 2 года назад
I experienced the authentic assessment test when our ICT Teacher test us on how to make a Powerpoint Presentation. In this type of test, we were able to make a PPT Presentation with the used of different feature on the said software application. In this test we should make or create presentation basing the criteria he had. I benefited from this type of test because in the future I will be doing those skills that requires in my inclined career ( Teacher). It will help me to do my learning or instructional material someday in the future. In addition, it helps me now to make a report using the App to have a pleasing presentation in the eye of every listener and watcher, and make my life easier.
@floresianxaviers.9888 2 года назад
I experienced using online platforms, applications and websites. In this type of test, we do examinations or test using the selected website or application online. Instead of using lots of paper and inks, it is now easier to answer exams or test without any expended papers and inks. I benefited in this type of test because it is budget friendly, and also less effort in doing exams. But the biggest benefit of this kind of platform is that we can still learn even we are experiencing pandemic by the help of these platforms.
@garbolorenestrella2253 2 года назад
I experienced using Oral type of test in my Senior Year. In this type of test it allow us to show and give our knowledge and ideas about the subject. Back in my Senior Year, my teacher will call our names and give a certain topic. After giving the topic to us and a minute to prepare, she would let us discuss our knowledge about it. I benefited in this type of test because it help me to improve my critical thinking and also to train me in public speaking.
@reynonelmajaneg.1429 2 года назад
I experienced using the performance based and oral type test. In this type of test; performance based, we were asked to perform how we interpret a certain dance step and in oral based we recited what we have learned from the topic that has been tackled. I benefited in this type of test because I gained from both of the tests the fact that I was able to participate to the class and I got the chance to prove to myself that I have learned something.
@pastorchristinediannea.616 2 года назад
I had the opportunity to participate or to experience the process-oriented performance-based assessment. This test usually assesses students' ability to apply the combination of their knowledge, skills, and abilities into real world problems or actual performances. The main objective of this is that the students are required to create or produce something (it can be in form of arts or it can also be in form of performances) that is graded with a certain criteria. This also assess if they have applied their knowledge appropriately into an actual tasks. This type of test benefited me as a student since it recognized that we may express what we know and can do in a variety of ways. Evaluate both your growth and your performance. Examine the entire youngster. Involve students in the process and produce something that is beneficail and a lesson also for all.
@mayleal1147 2 года назад
I experienced using oral type of test when I was in Senior High School. In this type of test, we are asked to deliver our personal thoughts, ideas, Knowledge and understanding about our topic through extemporaneous speech. I benefited on this type of test beacuse it enhance and develop my speaking skill and boost my self confidence to deliver my own ideas in a way that I can build up a connection to my listeners.
@cabanaanthonyjames772 2 года назад
I experienced performance based-assessment In this type of test we can assess or measure own learning of a student from the the lesson. It can bring every students to be participative because it involves own knowledge of an individual. It Is known as an authentic assessment, and it is a form of testing that requires students to perform a task rather than select an answer from a ready-made list. As a student I benefited this type of test because it helps me to mold my self-confidence in expressing my own insights and what all I know in a particular lesson. For me it is much effective because it requires only what you know and doesn't need to memories whole topic.
@raquinorogerjr.u3491 2 года назад
I experienced using Performance-base Test In this type of test, we have to use our higher-order thinking skills to create a product or to complete a process. It means we need to necessitate these skills in executing or performing such activities in order for us to achieve certain goals. I benefited in this type of test because I can able to measure my capability in applying various knowledge and skills that I've learned from a unit. Moreover, it enhanced my thinking skills, communication, and creativity. It also taught us to be more complex and resourceful in real-world situations.
@marinelelpedes7172 2 года назад
When I was in Highschool, I have experienced about the Oral type of test ,in which our teacher asked us a question and then she will give us a short minute to prepare our answers. Those method tells us on how do we respond to the certain question immediately and on how deep our knowledge about the topic she have been discussed. I was beneffited from that type of test because it helps me to improve my learning capacity and also improves my skills in public speaking.
@taguiamjoanb.9012 2 года назад
I had experienced using the process-oriented performance-based test The main objective of the process-oriented performance-based test is that the students are required to create or produce something that can be in form of performances that is graded with a certain criteria. This test usually assess if they have applied their knowledge appropriately into an actual tasks and also assesses students' ability to apply the combination of their knowledge, skills, and abilities into real world problems or actual performances. It benefited me as a student, for the reason that, it recognized to express what we know and can do in a variety of ways. It Involve students in the process and produce something that is beneficail and aslo evaluate both the growth and performance.
@sindoljohndenverm.8097 2 года назад
I experienced using Performance Based Assessment In this type of test, we applied or performed what we've learned from a certain lesson. I benefited in this type of test because it improves my Higher order thinking skills wherein I was exposed into the real work of a certain discipline.
@rumusudrobertkarln.5597 2 года назад
I had experienced using the oral type of test. In this kind of test,an instructor will ask the students a questions in spoken form or an instructor will give a topic then students now will deliver their knowledge in an oral form. Just like what I've experienced in my senior high school days. My teacher gave us the opportunity to choose a topic and gave enough time for us to prepare for our impromptu speeches. An oral exam is used to demonstrate knowledge and mastery of a subjectand its main goal is to show off your presentation, speaking, and interpersonal communication abilities. This type of test was beneficial to me because it allows me to exercise my brain and improve my memory skills. It's also a rapid test because the teacher may provide feedback right after speaking infront amd it helps me focus more and practices retention skills.
@delacruzharveylanzm.5701 2 года назад
Way back in Secondary, i used Performance based test qin dance subject as it is part of our curriculum. Our teacher instruct us to such activity and explain it to the class. This helped me because it gives me the chance to actually used the materials in the school becuase it is hard to just imagine how to do it
@joanamaggay7926 2 года назад
I experienced using the oral type of test way back on Senior High School. In this type of test, Since I've took Humanities and Social Sciences, (HUMSS) most of our teachers are executes impromptu examination. And we are given limited time to answer. I benefited in this type of test through developing my communication skills and think critically in a short period of time.
@balladreymarkm.1585 2 года назад
I experienced using Performance-Based Assessment way back when I was in High School and Even up to this days. In this type of test, we performed or applied what we have learned in a certain topic. I benefited from this because it helps me easily assess the progress and see tangible results.
@babaranjhonmarkc.9054 2 года назад
Back when I was in high school and until now in college I experienced oral type of test. Where in this type of test it develops my communication or speaking skills,because back when I was in high school our teacher always gives us oral reading or oral form as a recitation for us to train ourselves how to speak fluently or train ourselves how to communicate with others. I benefited with this type of test because it improves my communication skills and it helps me to boost my confidence that will help me to improve my speaking skills as a future teacher someday.
@michellemamauag5555 2 года назад
Back when I was in High School In this type of test, Our teacher in Pe to perform different festival dances here in the Philippines. She let us choose the festival that we want and in our group. This kind of test, for me, needs a lot of effort because unlike the former where we are just writing our answers, the latter requires a lot of time to prepare. We need to learn the backgrounds of each festival to be able introduce it right in proper also prepare for the dance consider to find time with , the formations, steps, costumes, and other related needed to the presentations. I benefited in this kind of test because I have learned new festivals around the Philippines specially the history and where that festival originated, but also how to perform it. And it is also beneficial to me currently taking up my course because of the knowlege that i have learned and also experience way back highschool .
@cudaljerica.7969 2 года назад
I experienced using the oral type test In this type of test, the student has to answer the question in such a way as to demonstrate sufficient knowledge of the subject to pass the exam. I benefitted in this type of test because it helps me to improve my memorization and critical thinking
@baligodryan295 2 года назад
I experienced using essay test, in this type of test we are asked to give our opinion or ideas about a specific question, I benefited in this type of test because it allows me to express my thoughts freely, and i think after my teacher giving feedback to my answerss, it provide me a basis to what should I improve in constructing my ideas. Another is the performance test, in this type of test we are asked to perform a specific task such as dancing, demonstrating, acting, and more. I benefited in this type of test because i acquired different skills which is relevant to the real world context. I also experienced group work or teamwork, in this type of test everyone is encouraged to participate in a given task especially it is a group work, therefore, everyone is encourage to cooperate in the planning and decision-making of a certain task. I benefited in this type of test because I was able to develop my communication and collaboration skill.
@joana-rosefelix6677 2 года назад
I experience using oral type test during our senior high school. In this type of test our topic was impromptu. Where in our teacher flash some pictures or a topic that we will speak out our insights and ideas that are not being plan or we need to answer immediately . And I was benetifed on this type of test because it mold me to speak or answer to a certain question immediately and by these type of test my mind was being practice to think critically on how should I speak on a certain ideas.
@sharmaineteano1378 2 года назад
I experience using -Practical Test/Practical Exam In this type of test- Also known as performance exam, this is relating to real action rather than ideas or thought practical matters. Also, in this type of test it works to assess a students competence and expertise in completing crucial and routine work tasks. I benefited in this type of test because we do it in actual way which we were enjoying and at the same time it also encourages self-learning. I can say it's also a form of stress reliever.
@embiernoberlyno.4308 2 года назад
I experienced using pocess-oriented performance tasks. In this type of test, I was taught to learn step by step on how to manipulate the sewing machine from familiarizing all the parts of it to how to put the needle to inserting the thread, and to make a clothes, from measuring to drafting to cutting, and to make an output by ourselves. I benefited in this type of test because, I was able to use the knowledge I gained in that class in to our home where I was able to fix my own clothings when the seam is damaged or destroyed.
@johnkylesolocamacam1682 2 года назад
I experienced using performance based test back on my senior highschool. In this type of test my senior highschool professor removed all the wiring of the aircon that we are going to repair and let us work with it without his guidance so that he could know if we learned something from his teachings. I benefited in this type of test because until now I am applying the techniques on how to fix a wiring of an aircon that he taught us.
@duqueliezelc.1848 2 года назад
When we say process-oriented performace task is an actual task that has an output and product of a certain activity. In this type of test that i remember in my highschool is making an investigatory project(IP), where we are going to conduct or proposed a product that is something unique, in this case we are able to familliarize the procedure or step in making invetigatory project for us to have a success output I benifited in this type of test because i learn a lot on how to make an investigatory project that i can apply someday if i am going to make other Investigatory project. And also it helps me to enchance my mental skill in doing an innovation product.
@aguirregimmieiramagica4608 2 года назад
I experienced performance based test. In this type of test we perform our skills and talents for the crowd. I benefit with this type of test because I was able to express myself and It is not that hard because talent is Inborn and we just have to enhance it by practice.
@princessfernandez178 2 года назад
I experienced the performance based test when I was in highschool especially in our Physical education where in we need to perform the basic skills in playing volleyball and badminton and up to now i also experience this type of test like in our subject Philippine traditional dances where in we need to perform a certain dance term. In this type of test, the teacher will give us a certain dance term tht we are going to perform. I benefited from this test because it allows me to experience the topic and not just by imagining how to do it. And it also helps me to improve my skills.
@anthonyumayam3765 2 года назад
I experienced performance-based test when i was in high school In this type of test, we are mandate to perform any festival here in the Philippines. I benefited in this type of because I learn what are the dance steps of the certain festival.
@kiboytv5040 2 года назад
I experience the performance based test, it was my highschool years My teacher in english told us to create and an hand signals using our hands that based on our topic. We execute an letters that based on the deaf hand signals and in that way i learned how to used hand signals without any using my mouth or oral skills and we created a long sentence with this kind of hand signals
@lealvhead.8094 2 года назад
Oral test Here, we are given a chance to answer questions orally. This type of test I have encountered was mostly a subjective test. Most of the questions are opinionated or can be done by providing facts, personal experiences or evidences to support our stand. It improved my speaking, language and vocabulary skills. It opened the door in acquiring strategies and developing skills on how to capture the attentions of my listeners and in order also to communicate effectively where everyone can understand me.
@oliverjulienjoyg.1914 2 года назад
@verzonrachellejoyl.6091 2 года назад
Many times did I experienced performance-based assessment way back high school because I am a product of K-12 curriculum and we all know that one of its aims is to measure authentic learning. I experienced performing role plays, speech choirs, cheerdancing, name it! But my most favorite is performing our chosen festival dance in one of our MAPEH performances. We are grouped by our teacher and we have to choose what festival do we want to perform based on our lessons. So, our group chose Masskara Festival. We then reviewed the history of the festival including the people who celebrate it. After that, we planned everything from how we would practice down to the costumes. After having many practices, we bought mascaras along with other necessary materials in the market and painted it. We even DIY our costumes. And then finally we performed and we did great! I can now see that as an authentic assessment which is performance based and incorporated diverse parts of the lesson into a grand output and/or performance. It is not merely a multiple choice nor a true or false type of test. Our cognitive (by recalling lessons), psychomotor (by dancing) and affective (by working with our classmates and instilling values from the performance) are all bullseye! This is a remembrance for me as a future educator to always make my assessments authentic to the best that I can so that one of my students can remember my type of activities with a smile on their faces as how I remember mine now.
@garingganbrendamaec.8448 2 года назад
During my last year in senior high school, we had an immersion at Shakey's Restaurant and as part of the requirements for graduation we have to finish that OJT for 180 hours. In this type of test, I experienced on how to deal with working with people. I also experienced practicing all the concepts from welcoming the guest, arranging the proper tools in every dish to be served and also on how to manage my time in cooking and serving. I had to double my endurance in standing for long hours. Hard work and patience is really needed in this field. With that experienced, I learn on how to manage changes from waking up early and going to work because they are really strict in the attendance. I also learned on how to adjust and interact with the different types of customers. Lastly, I experienced the real scenario of working. With this experienced I can say that I have the authentic learning on the concepts in my subjects in home economics under TVL track.
@palattaodominiquep.6542 2 года назад
As part of our MAPEH curriculum in high school, I completed a performance-based dance test. The teacher instructs us to do a task after explaining or interpreting it in this type of test. This test was beneficial to me because it allowed me to feel the content rather than just think how to complete it.
@menorprincessp.1103 2 года назад
During my high school years, most of our teachers used the performanced based test specially in our MAPEH subject. I always remember when maam Vicky asked us to do a culminating activity showcasing our different talents with our knowledge in the basic steps of the different dances in the Philippines. This helped me a lot because it serves as a stepping stone on my field that I am now enrolled in because some of those dances is being taught to us specially those skills helped me in what my passion really is.
@vinamaepuma9746 2 года назад
I experienced using oral type of test. In here,our instructor gave us a performance which is an extemporaneous speech. He gave us enough time to prepare and create our own speech. He let us pick a topic to be discussed. The advantages of oral exams include improved concept retention, improved academic performance, and immediate feedback from the instructor. In short,oral exams at the undergraduate level provide significant benefits. Oral exams, on the other hand, are not without difficulty.
@araomarkdominicb.8945 2 года назад
I experienced the performance based Test back in our junior high school. In this type of test, we are being task to perform the 12 strikes and 12 blocking techniques in Arnis with a partner after discussing it. I benefited in this type of test for the reason it enhanced my combative and self defensive skills. It also develop my timing and working ethics with others.
@silvereraramos5567 2 года назад
When i was in High School, I experienced a performance based type of assessment. This type of test enables students to apply what have they learned in a specific topi through performance. This assessment encourage students to perform a certain task which is graded with criteria. As a student, this type of assessment benefitted me as it helps me in molding my self confince. Not just my confidance but also in how i collaborate or communicate to others.
@dumpitdarwinjr.4290 2 года назад
I experienced the Oral type of test when I was in Senior High School. Being one of the HUMSS student we are more on in Oral type of test. The teacher give us a certain type of topic for us to demonstrate our detailed understanding about the topic given to us, infront of the class after a minute of preparation. By always doing this kind of test, I benifited because it helped me to develop my verbal communication skills.
@maguddayaomickelericaq.1585 2 года назад
Back when I was in high school, I experienced the performance-based test in TLE subject which I take cosmetology class that time. Back then, our teacher wants us to learn how to make beautiful and nice designs of manicure and pedicure works, and also told us to find a peer and do the nail works with our peers. Who ever does a nice and beautiful work will be given a high score and will be graded high. This benefited me because, aside from I am receiving a high grade, as girl it makes me learn how to manage my own nails clean and decent to look.
@Coach_Sun 2 года назад
When I was in high school, I took a performance-based test in dance as part of our MAPEH subject. In this type of test, the teacher instructs us to do a task after explaining or interpreting it. This test helped me because it allowed me to actually experience the material rather than just imagine how to complete it.
@maguludmayolyn 2 года назад
In my high school years, I was able to experience a lot of performance-based assessments and it is inevitable because I am a product of K-12 program. In this type of test, our teacher let us picked on what folk songs are we going to execute. And our group chose to perform the Indonesian folk song entitled Burung Kakak Tua. Of course we needed to educate ourselves on how to do it by watching the video that our teacher have shown us, and also to know the literature of it. What I have gained with that type of test is that I was able to figure out the skills that I also have. Aside from it, it also helped me to build bond and creativity with my group mates. And gladly until now, that folk song still lives in me.
@arafilesmerijo3694 2 года назад
I experienced using the oral type of test way back in my senior high school. In this type of test, my teacher gave a word and give our knowledge or thought that connected to our life within a second you should answer it. I benefited in this type of test in improving my self-confidence to answer in front of people, and enhance my thinking skills to connect that word immediately.
@johanesenrique5339 2 года назад
I experienced using an ORAL TYPE of TEST when I was in High School and the first year of my college. In this type of test, (high school) we deliver a prepared speech which ever topic we want. According to my teacher, it primarily aims to measure our speaking ability aside from our writting skills. In my first year of college, my teacher conducted an extemporaneous speaking to measure also our speaking skills, in organizing thoughts, and kind of fluency in speaking English, since we used the English language to deliver the speech. I benefited from this type of test because I somehow increased my self-confidence in speaking in front of people. Aside from that, I was able to practice how to organize thought in a given period of time.
@caronanhedienardd.1867 2 года назад
I experienced using process oriented performance based test. In this type of test we need to follow a process in order to build a product. This type of test will not only used to assess what we have created or whether we learned but also guides us to the process of doing a certain activity until we build a new product, because the main concern of this type of test is the actual task performance rather than the product output. I benefited on this type of test for the reason that, due to its more complex instructional alignment we students are able to have a direct observation on what we are doing upon learning a certain course and because of that as we go to process on doing the activity we are able to self-assess what needs to be done to create a product and also realization for our improvements.
@mariclairedanga4641 2 года назад
When I was in highschool, I experienced the oral test with one of my teacher back then. Through oral test, I practiced and I developed myself interms with the communication skills and how to pronounce the words properly, that until now that Im in college I still apply this oral test. One thing that this oral test gives me, it develops my self confidence and reading words properly and many things.
@julianjudyann9519 2 года назад
Comments Add a public comment... I experienced using the performance based and oral type test. Especially in our subject Philippine traditional dances. In this type of test; performance based, we were asked to perform on how we interpret dance step and in oral based we recited what we have learned from the topic that has been discussed . I benefited in this type of test because I learned from both of the tests the fact that I was able to participate to the class.
@taculogjay-annep.8257 2 года назад
I've taken oral tests since I was in high school and continue to do so now that I'm in college. Whereas in this testing method, it tested my communication abilities because back in school, our teacher would always give us an oral reading or recitation so that we could practice ourselves on how to work on improving our information exchange skills and increase our confidence.
@honeylettaculog1226 2 года назад
Back when I was in High School, I experienced doing the performance- based test particularly our subject Physical Education. In this, our teacher requires us to wear our PE uniform because we will be demonstrating the different skills in a particular sport as well as how to play and win the game. This benefited me a lot because it allows us to perform the task not just by reading and imagining it. And this will be one thing that will shape me on how to become a productive teacher on the future.
@barisrocella.5112 2 года назад
I experienced the performance based test back when I was in highschool. In this type of test, we were asked by our teacher to perform a cheerdance after we had finish discussing about its basic steps. Our teacher even made us compete with other sections. I benefited in this type of test because I learned about the basic steps in cheerdance and apply it in our performance. It also enhanced my skills in dancing. Not just that,but also our sense of collaboration and communication with the members to be able to come up with a good performance.
@ryanjaycancejo7419 2 года назад
When I was in high school, there are so many test that I encountered and I find them helpful to me on my learning progress.One of the test that I experienced which I find interesting is the performanced- based test.We do a lot of performanced based test due to the implementation of the K-12 curriculum,which I am very grateful because I tend to know more knowledge and enhance my skills. My PE teacher always require us to bring extra clothes because every time he meet us ,he will present some dances and after he present it ,we will now going to practice and perform it on the other day .One dance that I remember is the ethnic dancing.He presents us the fundamentals in order for us to know and execute well this dance .He will divide us into three groups and we will be graded according to our right execution ,proper movements,spacing and teamwork.The performanced based test is somewhat I find accessible and valuable on our learning because we tend to know the background of the dances and its fundamental ,and after knowing about it ,we can now apply what we learned, compare to a paper and pencil test wherein it is only a test whether we can recall what we learn. As a future teacher ,this type of test benefit me a lot .I tend to demonstrate and apply my knowledge and skills in dancing and this test leads to a learning environment that embraces our higher-order thinking skills, as well as relating it to real world situations.
@gepilaalvinv.7096 2 года назад
During my junior high school days, the most used type of assessment was the performance-based test especially in the PE period. Our will do a lecture first before letting us perform the skills if we truly understand the lecture. This assessment has help me a lot of things for up to now, I could still manage to apply it to some sport leagues. During Senior High School, the most used assessment was the oral based type of assessment. Since I am the HUMSS Strand, our teacher in the Politics and Governance teacher usually pick randomly from the class to do an oral recitations. This helps me from going outside the box, giving my opinions, have confidence from speaking which I could the path that I will be taking.
@goyagoymarkrafael3363 2 года назад
During my high school years, I've experienced hands on test on many given times. In this type if test the teacher will let the students manipulate the tools or equipment needed in our performance like we're a real life worker in that certain area. We will be graded according to the outcome of our hands on test and later on the teacher will give his/her critiques and suggestions on our work. I benefited from this type of exam because I am excelling more on performance based activities than pencil and paper activities. In this type of examinations I can tell that it improved my critical thinking and time management skills when it comes to performing.
@markangelomaquera7161 2 года назад
I experienced using performance-based assessment. In this type of test, we focus to build some improvised "power bank" and they teach us the steps and skills on how to build and use it for emergency purposes. I benefited in this type of test because it allows me to use my creative skills and also my critical thinking to let the improvised power bank function.
@estrailaaileens.7228 2 года назад
I experienced using the oral type of test when I was still in my senior high school years. In this type of test, my teacher let us pick a question from a list of ones she had prepared. She will give us a minute to answer the question that we have picked. I benefit from this type of test because it helps me improve my skills at speaking in front of people and thinking faster.
@valeriedoca7655 2 года назад
I experienced using the Performance test. In this type of test we can measures how much the students understand the lesson. It is aunthentic assessment, which we can measures also how the students apply their knowledge and abilities about the task. I benefited in this type of test because it helps me to express more what I know, which gives a motivation to do more. This is very effective to the students that is lack of confidence.
@pinerarose-ann9188 2 года назад
I experienced the oral type of test when I was in high school and during my first year in college. In this type of test, the teacher will let us pick a random topic and we are going to explain and discuss the certain knowledge we have in connection to it. Its main objective is to showcase demonstration, conversing, and personal and social interaction skills. I can say that I benefited from this type of test because it helped me improve my critical thinking skills and improve my speaking skills in front of many people.
@jovelyncadatal1894 2 года назад
I experience using process-oriented performance-based assessment back in my Junior High School. In this type of test we focus on actual task performance rather than the output or product of the activity. This performance test assess student’s ability to apply the knowledge, skills, and abilities into real world problems or actual performances. This also assess the student if they have applied their knowledge appropriately into an actual task. I benefited on this type of test because it deals of how we recognize and express what we know as a student to understand what good performance may apply on actual performance. It involves student’s in the process and produce something that is beneficial to them.
@julianjhensleemeia.2959 2 года назад
I experienced using the oral type of test way back on Senior High School. In this type of test, I recall our English teacher asking us a series of random questions about our topic and instructing us to respond impromptu with a time limit. I benefited in this type of test since it forces me to think critically in a short amount of time and improves my communication skills.
@taguiamanamaries.4360 2 года назад
Back when I was in highschool, I experienced the oral based type of assessment where in our teacher let us pick a topic on a jar full of different topics. We are given a couple of minutes to further explain or give insights about the topic we picked. This assessment helped me practice and improve my speaking skill and also my communication skills that I can use in my chosen field.
@gloriabethsantos1459 2 года назад
I experienced Process- oriented performance based-assessment This assessment measures how well students apply their knowledge, skills, and abilities to authentic problems. The key feature is that it requires the student to produce something, such as a report, experiment, or performance, which is scored against specific criteria. In general, a performance-based assessment measures students' ability to apply the skills and knowledge learned from a unit or units of study. As a student I benefited this type of test because it Recognize that we can express what we know and can do in many different ways. Evaluate progress as well as performance. Evaluate the whole child. Involve students in the process of assessing their own growth. For example, Group projects, planning, research, internal discussion, and group presentation. Experiments testing how well students understand scientific concepts and can carry out scientific processes.
@felixshellamae8455 2 года назад
I experienced using the oral type of test back in my Senior High School year. In this type of test, my teacher allow us to pick a topic from the topics provided and she will give a few minutes to answer. I benefit from this type of test because it helps me to improve and practice my skills in public speaking and to think faster.
@angelseguro3227 2 года назад
Back when I was in High School, I experienced doing performance-based test a lot because of the K-12 curriculum. In this type of test, we are told by our PE teacher to perform different festival dances here in the Philippines. She let us choose the festival that we want and in our group, we chose MassKara festival of Bacolod. Compared to the paper and pencil test, this kind of test, for me, needs a lot of effort because unlike the former where we are just writing our answers, the latter requires a lot of time to prepare. Prepare for the dance, the formations, steps, coustumes, etc. But I cannot also deny that it was more fun to do and we enjoyed it. I beneffited in this kind of test because I have learned not only the history and where that festival originated, but also how to perform it. And it is also beneficial to me as I am a future PE teacher and hopefully one day, I'm also able to teach these festival dances to my students.
@gosimarienellat.9636 2 года назад
I experienced the performance based test when I was in highschool and until now especially in our Philippine traditional dances and international folk dance and other dance forms subjects. In this type of test, the teacher ask us to perform the task after discussing or interpretating that certain task. I benefited from this test because it allows me to experience the topic and not just by imagining how to do it. And it also helps me to improve my skills
@vinzfrancismontenegro6633 2 года назад
I experienced using the Oral type of test. In this type of test, a teacher will pose a question to the student in spoken form. Oral exam demonstrates knowledge and mastery of a subject matter. The primary purpose of it is to demonstrate your presentation, speaking, and interpersonal communication skills. I benefitted in this type of test because it helps me to exercise my brain and sharpen my memory skills. It is also a quick type of test because teacher can give immediate feedback.
@balansagjamilp.8284 2 года назад
I experienced using the oral type of test during my 1st year college. In this type of test, the teacher allows us to choose a topic that he provided and he will give a few minutes to answer. I benefit from this type of test because it helps me to improve, practice my skills in public speaking and to think faster and ofcourse boost my confidence.
@ugalejohngeralda.561 2 года назад
Back when I was in highschool, I always experience the PERFORMANCE BASED TEST and even up to this day. In our MAPEH subject. We are asked to create a performance dance regarding the topic Aerobic Exercises. We are grouped and ask to make a choreography and present it on the classroom with a criteria for judging. In this type of test, we were ask to apply our learnings into actions. So we're basically doing performance. I was greatly benefited in this type of test because I was able to showcase my capabilities and talents. It also give me the opportunity to enhance, develop and mold my skills wherein it test my collaboration and communication with other people. And I think this will be a great factor towards learning development and process because it enables us students to strengthen our strength. Thank you❤️
@jovianomarygracebonad3536 2 года назад
When I was in high school, I had the opportunity to take an oral type of test, in which the teacher would ask the student a question in spoken form. An oral exam is used to demonstrate a subject's knowledge and expertise. Its major purpose is to demonstrate your ability to present, speak, and communicate with others.
@DivinaR157 2 года назад
When i was in High School, I experienced the performanced based test and as i observed mostly of our teachers used the performanced based test specifically in Filipono and Mapeh subject. because this both subject needs a high skill in performing dances and actings.This form of evaluation was beneficial to me because it aided in the development of my self-confidence. Not only in terms of my confidence, but also in terms of how I interact and communicate with people.
@eduKATE_LPTTopnotcher 2 года назад
I experienced using “science laboratory experimentation test” or conducting an “investigatory project” back in my Junior High School year. In this type of test, we conducted research that comprises a problem; then, a hypothesis following a proposal of the said project, and later on, present the findings of the product. I benefited from this type of test because I have executed and gained different skills, not just critical thinking skills (following the procedures and steps of the research paper). But also, being actively participative with the group members- to communicate well with them to produce a final product.
@dancelrhandelu.1514 2 года назад
I experienced using oral type of test way back when I'm still at high school level. In this type of test, our teacher usually give us a certain topic and we must think of an idea that is related to that given topic. And after that, we were given a chance to discuss it and we must be ready for some questions that were asked by our teacher or classmates. I benefitted in this type of test because it assisted me on how to think fast, think critically, think wisely and also it helped me to overcome my stage fright.
@jamaicanarag8713 2 года назад
When I was in High School, I experienced using the oral type until now in college. In this type of test, our teacher gives us a random Topic and you need to say something about that topic and discuss in front to your classmates. In this way, I can say that I benefited from this type of test because it helps me to think critically, develop my confidence and communication skills.
@sarmientotwinkled.9929 2 года назад
Back when I was in High School and even till now that I am a college student, I had experienced and still experiencing using Performance - based test. In this type of test, we are tasked to do a group project wherein we will work together on a complex problem that requires planning, research, internal discussion and group presentations. This benefited me to improve engagement. A tool to gather evidence about what we cando with our knowledge. Moreover, it allows me to apply knowledge to solve problems and demonstrate a skill.
@orelaldongerichob.7977 2 года назад
I experienced process-oriented performance-based assessment when my teacher in literature gave us a piece of romantic story to read and give our reactions and insight afterward. It is an oral test. In this type of test, there are no paper and pencil involved but we are assigned to realize, reflect and give our insight through speaking. I benefited from this type of test because it enhance my communication skills. Most importantly, it improves my decision skills, creativity, and critical thinking skills. I can also use these skills in the world of teaching.
@credojustinemaeu.9452 2 года назад
I expirienced using Practical Performance Based Test In this type of test we were able to show our hidden skills and knowledge in a certain activity. By doing a proper execution or performing in order to achieve a good outcome. I benefited in this type of test because I can able to show my skills. Since we do this in actual way it helps us to enhance and Develop our capability and boost our self confidence and it's really help to lessen our stage pride.
@grahamangelicag.1551 2 года назад
When I was in highschool, we commonly used paper and pencil test but aside from that I experienced using performance based test and until now that I am in college. In this type of test, we are encourage to listen, observe and cooperate to our co-students as we complete the task given to us. This test will show if we really learned from a certain lesson. I benefitted in this type of test because it requires me to have an active participation and to improve my critical thinking skills. Also, knowing the importance of cooperation.
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