
PROCESSIONAL ENTRANCE & EXIT: Washington National Cathedral, St. Peter & St. Paul 

El Sembrador_El Pescador Mateo 9:37-38 -LA BIBLIA
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^^^Washington National Cathedral, St. Peter & St. Paul*** Samuel T. Lloyd III, Cathedral Dean***Michael McCarthy, Director of Music***The Scripture Life Reading: " Praise ye Jehovah. Sing unto Jehovah a new song, And his praise in the assembly of the saints." Psalms 149:1 -The Bible^^^ julio C. Farfan Video Production Ministries; VISITING:The Cathedral & Washington DC. area: www.nationalcathedral.org; 3101 Wisconsin Ave., NW, Washington, DC 20016-5098 and also, enjoy FREE admission to ALL museums.



4 окт 2024




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@hudsonbailey674 5 лет назад
Beautifully celebrated a liturgy to God.
@richardforce5620 Год назад
@RevWarRev 13 лет назад
As a former acolyte, I'm seriously impressed with the crucifers and torch bearers. In step, dignified, on point. Lovely! Nice procession, but a little fast. But what is the poor child doing with the long swishy stick - it does appear a bit silly. No snark, please, just a simple answer to a liturgical question.
@dsindc 13 лет назад
@DBPHuguenot sigh - I mostly agree. I live in D.C. where there is an Episcopal Church on every corner. We still see huge differences in liturgical practice. Having said that, we hardly have a monopoly on bad taste. I have been in R.C. parishes where the introit on Pentacost was "I'm Leaving on a Jet Plane", and everyone including the priest had a balloon. That said, I attended eons ago as a student Archibishop Lefevre, the Traditionalist Bish. at VERY high mass (cont).
@rickpeuser233 10 лет назад
@richardforce5620 4 года назад
Absolutely beautiful I love it I love it gif tremendous
@HugoDBPHuguenot 13 лет назад
@dsindc I did love Orial/Oxford. VN war was on. Some older academic chided me The Quiet American after Graham Greene.The epithet stuck. I share it when I run into The Real Thing. The older guys always laugh, and stories or a little literary discussion follows. My wife is British (St. Annes). We have strong UK and HK connections. I hope you enjoy my comment below, though it's more than I should write publicly. It's genuine from the heart of an Old Episcopalian. Thanks for the good wishes!
@dsindc 13 лет назад
@OldPost661 Amen ! I hate those things. I have seen them in several churches. My first thought was, what next? The Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders with pom poms ?? Why do we continue to insist on taking the dignity of the liturgy and destroying it ? I take issue with 901cleo. This is NOT a typical Episcopal Church procession. It may be a typical low church procession. An Anglo Catholic parish or cathedral would never allow this stuff.
@davidstuart401 7 лет назад
This IS a place to add your comments; maybe find a positive one along with a negative one if you wish but sit back and enjoy the music as well.
@hudsonbailey674 5 лет назад
Thank you, david stuart, to sing is to twice pray.
@selvakumari1686 2 года назад
@RockenMusicLuver 10 лет назад
And I still love the processionals and recessionals toooo, but DO READ below plezzz!!!!!
@williamjayaraj2244 5 лет назад
The music is good.
@RockenMusicLuver 10 лет назад
Comment on Tamiasthechipmunk. Personally I grew up with Pipe Organ, Instrumental Music, Brass, Choirs and all such and it has brought tears 2my eyes justuhh lissen 2 all this, yet the Apostle Paul in his letters 2 his different churches, rote about singing with melody in Ur hearts to the Lord, and ALSO, Singing with Grace in Ur hearts to the Lord, IS ANYWON merry, let him OR HER, sing PSALMS. Now 2me whether or NOT 2 still instrumental music, Is STILL my question?????? IS GOD really trully still pleased, or even tolerant, wen WE still use instruments of music 2 play and sing his praises!!!! I do WELCOME ANY and alll comments
@tamiasthechipmunk 10 лет назад
Its a ashamed to go from one church related video to another and all I see in video comments is infighting as to how God is to be worshiped. Why does it matter as to how God is worshiped as long as we all love him, praise him, and live by the teachings of Christ? A big part of the reason why younger generations have leaned towards secularism is because of all the divisiveness and infighting among the religious all vying to force feed how they believe how god should be worship down others' throats. It drives people away. I have seen it happen with my own two eyes. A good friend of mine who was a devote Roman Catholic was driven out of his religion due to infighting and people dictating to him as to how he should act, behave, and believe. I myself love the pageantry of the church, and am fascinated by its inner workings. I would like to partake in Holy Communion. But I will not attend church because I feel far too intimidated by the aforementioned pressure and infighting. Bottom line is if Christianity at least here in the US is to have a viable future where allot of disenfranchised Christians like myself and more importantly, younger generations feel inclined to become active in the faith, than the faithful need to take two of the most important things Christ has ever said more seriously. Those being "Judge not less ye be judged" and "Love thy Neighbor".
@dsindc 13 лет назад
@DBPHuguenot As an undergraduate I wrote a lengthy paper on JHN. He and his life partner are buried side by side. The more things change... I did not want to carry this on... and will try to wrap this up. I do feel sorry that you feel so much pain, and ask for forgiveness if I sounded flippant. But I know so many, so so many who have felt exactly the same in the RC church. I will say, if you are no fan of 'iron-clad' theology, you had better become one. I wish you well in your journey.
@HugoDBPHuguenot 13 лет назад
@dsindc Apology accepted. A little confession - I may be a "cautious deist" (Jeffersonian). When in the middle of a young Soldier's chest trying to repair damage done by people of Ultimate Evil, I am honored to enter God's greatest Cathedral. I feel His presence; an intimate place where time stands still. A Eucharist between Christ, a Soldier, and me. Sometimes we win. I lost a UK soldier after 11 hrs, more than allowed. Later, he and I and a UK medic had a good, long cry. God enough for me.
@pfretz13 13 лет назад
@4yall It's not a Catholic Church! It's Episcopal, making it one of the more liberal Protestant Christian religions in the States.
@HugoDBPHuguenot 13 лет назад
@dsindc You speak to ME about medieval practices. My military obligation puts me in contact with people who would like to roll the clock back to 1670. In a forward position, I have the honor of caring for men and women who pay for our rejection of that insane idea. I am a Huguenot who's family fled amazingly violent persecution. In America they became founding members of the Am Episcopal Church. Leaving the AEC was very hard. Our Anglo-Catholic church is NOT in communion with Uganga.
@dsindc 13 лет назад
@DBPHuguenot LOL, yes the Tractarians did seem to be making an attempt at counting the angels on the head of a pin. By the way, I really had intended to say something about your service, but ran out of space. I do appreciate you service to the country and wish you well in your next deployment. I was very close to the 9-11 disaster at the Pentagon and will never forget that day. My parish seems fairly orthodox, and has many ex-Catholics. I don't think one size fits all. So, best of luck!
@Mdebacle 12 лет назад
The 'church' which I belong to is "the church, which is his body" Ephesians 1:22,23. I was baptized by one Spirit into this church 1 Corinthians 12:13. I am a member of no denomination, so as to have no allegiance to a human tradition or doctrinal statement. If the Catholic church wished to prevent the "infiltration" of homosexual clergy, one might think the first step would be to have pastors "the husband of one wife" 1 Timothy 3:2 instead of the opposite "forbidding to marry" 1 Timothy 4:3.
@brettpatrickXVI 12 лет назад
Yes 1 Timothy 3:2 does refer to the CC. Bishops are "married" only once, to the CC at their ordination. The 2nd Timothy you are citing probably refers to the Protestant congregations/nondenominationals, it simply says there will arise groups professing heresies and things against God. As I said previously, the proof of Christs' est of a Church is Matthew 16:18. St. Peter was the first Pope, & since then, there has been an unbroken line of successors (popes) that can can be traced back to Peter.
@dsindc 13 лет назад
@DBPHuguenot Thank you for the response. I had to smile at your assertion that the Episcopal has become "Deist". OK, I'll accept that. But I'll point out the the EC has also been Gnostic, orthodox, liberal, conservative, etc. It has even flirted with Arianism. The point is that the EC has NEVER in its history been dogmatic. The Book of CP, and liturgy have provided us with a common identity, but dogma has never been a source of unity. This is nothing new. (CONT).
@brettpatrickXVI 12 лет назад
Salvation is attained through Christ (who we Catholics receive every Sunday), and the sacraments that He instituted when he walked the earth. Let me ask you something, you say the Evangelican Christion "Church" is the only true "Church"; who founded the Evangelical Christian "Church"??? The Catholic Church was est by Jesus Christ himself for the salvation of souls. I'd like to see your response. God Bless You.
@dsindc 13 лет назад
@DBPHuguenot If you have never attended a Tridentine Mass (like the one I alluded to, celebrated by Archibishop Lefevre), you might understand why the R.C. and eventually Episcopal Churches went to another extreme. I found the Trid. Mass Arctic in its coldness. However, given the current state of christianity, I'm not sure liturgy is the problem. In my travels to Europe, Protestant, Anglican, R.C. churches are ALL on life support. This trend appears to be spreading to the U.S.
@OldPost661 11 лет назад
Actually, the words they're singing are "God of grace and God of glory, on thy people pour thy power, etc." It's a different hymn, set to the same tune (Cwm Rhondda). It's not a professional recording and it's a really big building. Hymn singing sounds like that in a big building. I still do think the guy with the stick is hilarious.
@HugoDBPHuguenot 13 лет назад
@dsindc How did we choose to leave EC? We were thrown into the gutter, that's how. A path appeared (God closes one door...), and that was to follow The Blessed John Henry Newman. The Magisterium for Reconciliation and Anglican Rite Use is real, we are in contact with the RC Bishop responsible for the Reconcilliation in US and we and our priests are preparing. About 120 EC or former EC congregations are doing likewise, as our fellows in the UK have already done.
@chriskelly2898 11 лет назад
What the HECK was that processional? Obviously, it was supposed to be "Guide Me O Thou Great Jehovah," but I didn't recognize ANY of the words. Were they singing it in Welsh, or something?
@BritishAutophone 8 лет назад
"God of Grace and God of Glory"
@HugoDBPHuguenot 13 лет назад
@dsindc Funny that you mention that paper. When I arrived at Oriel they had no idea what to do with "The Visiting (Quiet) American." So to start I was given a Reader from Christ's, and right quick plowed into The Tractarians, JHN, and the Oxford Revolt. Oh I was happy to be rid of that Reader!
@HugoDBPHuguenot 13 лет назад
@dsindc A remarkably Christian response from you (hugs). You want berate me about the path WE chose? I'll tell you: The new local bishop declared our Rector (and us) "outside of the Doxology of that of the EC today". The doors were padlocked with the local Sheriffs deputy standing by - as if a bunch of elderly women (EC-DOK) disturbed from their weekday efforts would attack the bishop's representative! A new regime fresh from EC-Command showed up to give the parishioners new marching orders.
@OldPost661 13 лет назад
What's that chap with the stick doing? Cleaning the chandeliers? Getting cobwebs out of the vaulted ceiling? Sorry, that's just silly.
@HugoDBPHuguenot 13 лет назад
@dsindc Says "You point to the suffering ad nauseum about your family..." The New EC message - accept and be quiet or go. Many hundreds of similarly situated Episcopalians like us question, pray, and strongly experience *spiritual suffering* on this. Why hate us so? My Profile is open (yours is not). I'll be deployed again soon, I hope forward where I'm most useful, and you suggest that I am a COWARD? Well, I guess you are EC, so in the spirit, God Bless You and Keep You Always, DS in DC.
@HugoDBPHuguenot 13 лет назад
@dsindc I did end with "a Doxology of P.C. nothingness." THAT is the issue, not the celebration of liturgy (though that plays a part). The New New Episcopal Church is essentially deist. Everything's OK, just keep God in your heart. The issue with women priests (certainly) and gays (probably) could be worked out. I could no longer take it when my priest was "executed," by a left-wing Episcopal bishop and 3/4 of the parishioners disbursed. Where were we to go? (more)
@dsindc 13 лет назад
@DBPHuguenot Finally, I have no idea what break away group you belong to. However, the largest group- ACNA - see following from an ACNA publication "The Anglican Church of Nigeria declared itself in communion with the new church in March 2009 and the Fellowship of Confessing Anglicans has recognized it as well. In June 2009, the Anglican Church of Uganda also declared itself in full communion with ACNA." I find it disingenuous to deny these ties.
@brettpatrickXVI 11 лет назад
Hi! first off, are you saying that you only have to go to Church once, then you're saved? Second, yes, you are correct, Jesus did establish the Catholic Church for the salvation of souls, outside of which there is no salvation. Third, Catholic don't "worship Mary more than Jesus". We don't "worship" anyone except Jesus Christ. We venerate Mary as well as the Saints, big difference between "worship" and veneration. Only Jesus Christ is to be "worshiped" as the one true God.
@phoenixbells 10 лет назад
how is the exit hymn named?
@BritishAutophone 8 лет назад
"We're Marching to Zion" in the Lift Every Voice and Sing Hymnal #12
@HugoDBPHuguenot 13 лет назад
@dsindc I am no supporter of iron-clad theology. Your assertion that the EC is somehow elastic is wrong, though it was true in the past. Today "management" of EC is by policy and swift practice shutting down those congregations and their priests who appear more conservative than the current church demands. You express no emotion for the pain of many who have been forced out. Just going back to my grandparents, we have 379 years of faithful service with EC. It was very hard to leave.
@dsindc 13 лет назад
@DBPHuguenot I apologize if I made some ad hominem attack. I don't see where that was the case, but will accept your argument. I certainly never accused you of being a coward. My argument involved certain liturgical trends in the church. I never intended to bring up theology. I find it ironic that you are now joining a church that is about as exclusive as they come. If you feel the need for the RC 'Magisterium' to inform your belief I'm happy for you. I find that spiritually stifling.
@HugoDBPHuguenot 13 лет назад
@dsindc Attack? That would be what you directed at my family and about *spiritual pain* caused to thousands at the hands of The Episcopal Church and it's more recent Presiding Bishops. I bring it up because the very people who use to care about such things have turned their back on what thousands of Episcopalians are presently feeling. Look at how our Congregation was treated! Doors padlocked with an armed deputy on hand in case the DOK attacked !!
@brettpatrickXVI 12 лет назад
what is that person doing with the long pole thing. It looks like he/she is trying to sway at something. LOL they even have to process in with the Washing D.C. flag.
@brettpatrickXVI 12 лет назад
The CC is the only Church/Congregation/Denomination/etc (whatever you wanna call it) that can be traced back directly to Jesus Christ. This comes mainly from Matthew 16:18"And I say you are Peter, and UPON THIS ROCK I WILL BUILD MY CHURCH". I'll have to read these Timothy verses to see what the Church says on them, I don't wan't to misinterpret them. I'll get back to you when I get a chance to read them. Thanks for having this friendly discussion. In the Holy Hearts of Jesus and Mary. God Bless.
@brettpatrickXVI 12 лет назад
@choralcathedral1 thats what I thought. How you like them apples, (*sigh*) Protestants.
@brettpatrickXVI 12 лет назад
@choralcathedral1 read my last comment.
@RevWarRev 13 лет назад
Ah, a streamer - yes, see it now. Tis silly, and adds nothing to the celebration. Spastic, distracting, just the kind of thing people watch and wonder: Will it fly off?, catching the eye and drawing it away from its proper focus.
@4yall 13 лет назад
Liturgical abuse, anyone? The guy with the moving stick, and the female priest, for instance, signal a clear and growing detachment towards "freedomized" liturgy... which is not at all fit to honor the Lord.
@brettpatrickXVI 12 лет назад
Im sorry, but I don't understand what you're saying. You're quoting random verses from the Bible, and then putting random "interpretations" next to them. I will ask you again, DO YOU CONSIDER YOURSELF A CHRISTIAN??? Yes, or No? Simple question. Answer it. Also, do you believe in morals, ie, a sense of right/wrong, good/bad? God Bless. PS: glad we can have a friendly discussion without being rude to one another. God Bless You.
@dsindc 13 лет назад
@DBPHuguenot That the EC has always been tremendously elastic in its theology has been well known for generations. For there to be disagreement in my mind is appropriate - Church tradition and scripture are theologically inconsistent, and I am convinced that to deny this is intellectually dishonest. The Jesus of Mark ( note there is no nativity narrative ), and the Gospel of John are radically different. I have to conclude that any church that codifies dogma is playing a dangerous game.
@Mdebacle 11 лет назад
(1) "compiled the Bible" Origen had the 27 books of the NT in early 200s. (2) 4th century would have been the time of politicized "Christianity" foretold in Matthew 13:31,32. (3) Luther knew for sure what Moses said about hybrid religion, "For their rock is not as our Rock," Deut 32:31.
@Mdebacle 12 лет назад
Yes, I consider myself a Christian. As the world defines Christianity, I may be on the fringes. As the Bible defines a Christian (1 Peter 4:16) I am a newborn babe, desiring the sincere milk of the word (1 Peter 2:2). I believe in morals because any person must recognize his own ungodliness (Romans 4:5) to receive salvation. Now do you believe 1 Timothy 3:2 is the "true" CC church and 1 Timothy 4:1-3 is the devil's imitation ? To what in history does 1 Tim 4 refer to ? not the CC surely ?
@abourachidhamidi228 5 лет назад
Muhammad and his nation in the Bible Genesis 17v10 This is my covenant, which you keep between me and you, and your POSTERNITY after you: every male among you will be circumcised. Genesis 17v20 With respect to Ishmael, I have heard you. "Here I will bless him, I will make him fruitful, and I will multiply him to infinity, he will begend twelve princes, and I will make him a great NATION. Genesis 20v13 I will make a NATION of your servant's son, for he is POSTERRNITy. Esaie 29v12 Or as a book that is given to a man (Muhammad) who can not read, saying: LIS (first word of God to Muhammad) Read this and who answers: "I do not know how to read". Isaiah 42v11 Let the wilderness and its cities (Makka and Madina) raise their voices, let the villages occupied by Kedar (Ishmael's second son) raise their voices, Let the inhabitants of the rock (Arafa) tremble with joy. cries of joy. Matthieu21v43 Therefore, I (Jesus) tell you, the kingdom of God will be removed from you, and will be given to a nation (ARABES) that will bring forth the fruit. Jean 4v21 Woman, tell him Jesus, believe me, the hour is coming when it will be neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem that you worship the Father. Jean16v7 But I tell you the truth, it is your BENEFIT that I go away, for if I do not go away, the Comforter (Muhammad) will not come to you, but if I go away, I will send it to you. Galate 1v9 We have said it beforehand, and repeat it at this time if someone (Muhammad) announces another Injile (Quran) than that which you have received, that he is anathema.
@HugoDBPHuguenot 13 лет назад
@DBPHuguenot One parting response to you in public - You find it (me) disingenuous. We joined the ACA for a time, the better to wait for the Catholic Magisterium/Anglican Use. Within a short time we will be in full communion with the Catholic Church, fully allowed to continue under Anglican Rites. Honestly, I find it worse than disingenuous that you and the rest of the EC (management especially) have no problem with the pain suffered by those forced to depart.
@Mdebacle 12 лет назад
[out of context] 1 Timothy 3:2 describes the qualifications and 1 Timothy 4:3 describes the imitation. [CC has never allowed priests to marry ] That would mean 1 Timothy 4:3 was being fulfilled as the Bible was being written. History says "forbidding to marry" was enforced by Gregory VII in 1074, quite consistent with "latter times". [only within the past 70 years ..serious cases of sexual abuse. ] The Judgement Day will open that can and let the stink out. myself a Christian ? 1 Peter 2:6
@pollardsells 11 лет назад
Dude, you may want to re-read the scripture, you are way off base on your interpretation. Learn the good book before you start putting your spin on it.
@brettpatrickXVI 12 лет назад
1st off, you're taking random Scripture passages out of context; remember: only the CC can correctly interpret Sacred Scripture because the CC put the Bible together in the 1st place. 2nd, the CC has never allowed priests to marry in 2,000 years, only within the past 70 years have there been serious cases of sexual abuse. The Church doesen't allow priests to marry because the first bishops (the Apostles) had to leave EVERYTHING behind and follow Jesus. Do you consider yourself a Christian? bless
@TheEdsoncaq 12 лет назад
St Peter first pope???? Hhahahahahahah
@tombroughton6757 8 лет назад
Aside from the fact that you can not have female priest, you need to get rid of those twizzlers!
@robert3302 7 лет назад
We can and DO have female priests. They are the glory of the Episcopal church. The streamers add a festive touch and in a very large church make the processional party visible to people far away from the aisle. They can be very beautiful if done properly.
@AmericansAlwaysFree 6 лет назад
Robert Coates seem to cause more of a distraction then anything but then again the streamers are nothing compared to the sacrilegious and invalid female priest
@dsti-xi7dl 5 лет назад
Christian So you would perverted Roman Catholic priests molesting our children. Any church that covers up the garbage going on in the RC Church all the way to Rome and including the pope, hardly has ‘valid’ orders. Now we see this crap going on in the Southern Baptist church. Disgusting.
@abourachidhamidi228 5 лет назад
Muhammad and his nation in the Bible Genesis 17v10 This is my covenant, which you keep between me and you, and your POSTERNITY after you: every male among you will be circumcised. Genesis 17v20 With respect to Ishmael, I have heard you. "Here I will bless him, I will make him fruitful, and I will multiply him to infinity, he will begend twelve princes, and I will make him a great NATION. Genesis 20v13 I will make a NATION of your servant's son, for he is POSTERRNITy. Esaie 29v12 Or as a book that is given to a man (Muhammad) who can not read, saying: LIS (first word of God to Muhammad) Read this and who answers: "I do not know how to read". Isaiah 42v11 Let the wilderness and its cities (Makka and Madina) raise their voices, let the villages occupied by Kedar (Ishmael's second son) raise their voices, Let the inhabitants of the rock (Arafa) tremble with joy. cries of joy. Matthieu21v43 Therefore, I (Jesus) tell you, the kingdom of God will be removed from you, and will be given to a nation (ARABES) that will bring forth the fruit. Jean 4v21 Woman, tell him Jesus, believe me, the hour is coming when it will be neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem that you worship the Father. Jean16v7 But I tell you the truth, it is your BENEFIT that I go away, for if I do not go away, the Comforter (Muhammad) will not come to you, but if I go away, I will send it to you. Galate 1v9 We have said it beforehand, and repeat it at this time if someone (Muhammad) announces another Injile (Quran) than that which you have received, that he is anathema.
Hymn at Washington National Cathedral
Просмотров 136 тыс.
Henry Purcell - Christ is made the sure foundation
Rededicated Cathedral of St. John The Divine, NYC
Taste and See - Washington National Cathedralv - Solo
Guide me, O thou great Redeemer
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