
PROOF Autistic People Make Great Employees - The Bystander Effect 

Orion Kelly - That Autistic Guy
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28 сен 2024




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@laurencewinch-furness9450 8 месяцев назад
My boss was talking about me recently with a senior nurse I work with (who's also autistic). Apparently my boss said: "If Laurence is autistic, I think we need more autistic people working here"
@nadionmediagroup 8 месяцев назад
For a little of roles, this is exactly the right match. I’m a hiring manager, and I will look at that for certain things. You do need to have an understanding that pointing out problems will annoy you, as a defensive default. They tend to be right. It’s worth learning how to accept it.
@CheerfulMountainRange-mx6lr 8 месяцев назад
I was actually misdiagnosed when l went for autism screening based on the grounds l had trained as a nurse. Unfortunately my first nursing post didn’t go well, l was experiencing bullying in the work place and found it difficult to speak up, which increased the bullying. I actually like my palliative post, had to resign in the end as l was diagnosed with cancer! They were going to dismiss me anyway, once they finished bullying me. For a drug erra l made. Strangely my honesty realised the mistake and l reported it. Three other nurses had served the same medicine and the seniors turned a blind eye. And my life became a working hell. That was December 2016. My life has never been the same, deep depression, anxiety and burn out. Verbal autistic diagnosis from psychiatrist, misdiagnosed by a private screening autistic practice.
@samanthalang3402 7 месяцев назад
Sounds like you have an amazing boss 🥰
@CheerfulMountainRange-mx6lr 5 месяцев назад
@@YxYzYx Yes l saw a psychiatrist for a year. Came away realising l have mild autism. My life suddenly made sense. I am now 51. My youngest son was late diagnosed two years ago and he is now 19 and l also have another son who also is high functioning. My ex husband has also realised he two meets the criteria and his daughter who is 8 seems to be presenting with autism too! I came out to my family as being on the spectrum they felt it all made sense and l can honestly say my life is improving since l realised my brain thinks differently to the typical person. I realise misdiagnoses happen all the time especially with females. I’m also a woman of colour this too is an added factor. I had cancer growing in my body and an amazing team of oncologists missed it! I had to really fight to be seen and heard. And once they realised the error l had to go through a few operations, chemo and radiation therapy! Just because another human says l don’t have autism doesn’t mean they must be right because they have a degree and took some courses. These days l feel so much better because l know what is going on with me. 😂
@CheerfulMountainRange-mx6lr 5 месяцев назад
The screener said in the feedback, it’s impossible to be a nurse and in the spectrum!
@greenghost2008 8 месяцев назад
I wish instead of interviews they let us try working. They seem utterly unrelated to the job. They are weird games they make us play.
@villageflippinidiot 8 месяцев назад
And a resume they don't read with numbers I have to look up of old places I worked, that they won't call? Yeah I just don't like the whole process of trying to get a job.
@KhaoticDeterminism 8 месяцев назад
this issue is not us being able to do the job it’s how we make everyone else feel just existing they’d rather label us a disorder and say that’s the reason why we don’t feel in socially not because they erase us instead they have to want to change for themselves unfortunately #ADHD has the same issues they can’t help but perceive us as lazy and entitled just asking for our #disability to be taken as seriously as ones that are visible they don’t care the law says they can discriminate all the want until you bring in accommodations and when you bring those in they will assume you’re faking it cause it doesn’t say your disability and rip it up welcome to #Ottawa #Canada cheers #autism #2Spirit #audhd
@BLu3RayDiskRang3 8 месяцев назад
I agree, job interviews are stupid and pointless. Neurotypicals in power are the scum of the earth!
@guitarman0365 8 месяцев назад
I get it if the job is customer service or lawyers, salesman, doctors, something that logically means you have to interact with people and interact with them well and constantly for the job itself. To see if you are confident in social skills makes sense. But most jobs don't need that. As long as you can communicate nessessary information and perform a task that should be all that matters. But we live in an extroverted world so we have to play by their rules.
@BLu3RayDiskRang3 8 месяцев назад
@@guitarman0365 This is why I decided to create my own business and work from home instead.
@michelebriere9569 8 месяцев назад
I've had bosses who would get so impatient with me when I picked apart a task with questions. They couldn't understand that I needed those little questions answered, if I was expected to do the job correctly.
@larrettamullen4023 8 месяцев назад
I've been making a taxable paycheck since I was 14 [over 30 years] and have had around 10 employers in that time. I only relatively recently figured out that I, along with my youngest [adult] child, am Autistic. Over the years I've often stated that at every job I've ever had, I've been "pulled up the ladder" [mostly] unwillingly. I've never needed to ask for a promotion; they've always just been forced upon me until I caved to avoid conflict. Looking back, I can now see that it's been mostly due to my autistic tendencies to #1. Perform well [above and beyond] at all things (including completing/fixing tasks that were not assigned to me... aka: "problem-solving" and "putting out fires"); #2. To NOT engage in conflict [if at all possible] while also not allowing "wrongs" to go unnoticed; and #3. To act professionally while on the job. They all knew I was a Great Employee but no one [including me] saw/cared that I was "burning out". At this age, I'll still be working for a paycheck for some years to come (yes, in management), but I'm concentrating on NOT doing the work of 3, for the wage of 1. Keep being awesome.
@Low760 8 месяцев назад
The avoiding conflicts is personality not autism but yes. Good for you.
@amys0482 8 месяцев назад
I have been denied promotions for these exact same reasons/behaviors so it might vary wildly depending on what you do and where you work.
@timseguine2 7 месяцев назад
@@Low760 Well I feel like autistic people tend to avoid conflict because conflict results in situations that are difficult to navigate effectively.
@neurodivergenthomestead 8 месяцев назад
As a self employed person, I think I'm my best employee.
@jasonthomas208 8 месяцев назад
I make a terrible employee, not because I'm not a good worker but because I have so many issues with focusing on what I'm doing and even remembering what I'm doing. Sometimes my memory just goes blank and for a minute I have to work out where the hell i am. Then there is a constant stress and anxiety and the hypersensitivity. By midday I am exhausted just getting up and walking my dog, I've never managed to hold down a job for very long my entire life and everyone accused me of being lazy or irresponsible when in reality it is because I'm autistic and have a bunch of issues which make basic living a struggle, never mind holding down a full time job! I'm 57 and have no idea how to fit into this society!
@like90 8 месяцев назад
I'm autistic and I've never once gotten a job through a job interview (I've had lots of interviews). I managed to get a job via someone I knew. Now I'm a proven loyal, hard worker that is super detailed oriented. I just want to do my job forever because it's a very enjoyable job for me.
@Clare_LDA 8 месяцев назад
I have recently got a job, being very honest and open from the get go with my boss. I was also recommended to my boss from a friend working with the same company but in a different branch, in a different town. She is a great boss!
@hoflandmm 8 месяцев назад
I worked so hard for more than a decade in one field but sucked at EVERY area outside of work... bc work was something I know, something I can do for long periods of time, but now I am paralyzed from burnout or what I learned to be burnout bc of amazing channels like your channel and Taylor's!!!
@wuzittooya 8 месяцев назад
Yep…I started to realize that a lot of people who were “great” workers because they did everything super fast. But when I’d go over their work, I’d find lots of really simple errors that just ended up being quite sloppy that I’d have to back and fix. Not sure why ppl praise the bare minimum and then shame other workers who need some more time so that they can give the best result possible
@scottdrury7404 2 месяца назад
I’m on desk duty after an injury. My employer asked if I would be able to analyze records for errors and deficiencies. I just said leave them here and I’ll let you know when all done. Completed shortly. Employer amazed. Good use of the capabilities of an AS brain.
@AmyF.1977 8 месяцев назад
I love your channel. I’m so happy I found you a few months ago. I believe my entire biological family is on the spectrum, but they just don’t know it yet. My father has been unemployed since I can remember and now my brother is at that age (50) following the same patterns. He has an engineering degree/license, but no job. My sister got sick of the the toxic healthcare business and started her own PT business. Your videos will be the perfect tool to use to educate my parents and siblings. You are an amazing human being. Thank you for doing what you’re doing and being you.
@igitha..._ 8 месяцев назад
Orion, dear cosmic autist brother!, I'd love to see your take on autistic business owners and autistic entrepreneurs, it seems there are a few out there that are making headway! Loving the positive spin on things, keep up the wonderful work!
@PresidentJamesDChaos 8 месяцев назад
I will definitely be using this to spice up my (very bare) resume lol
@user-wi3yx3gy2o 8 месяцев назад
This makes me think of all of those “what you said is true, but that’s not what we’re saying” moments during the decision-making process, and all the “go to the meeting and contribute or else that looks bad but also do not say too much or say anything that makes you look too good because that makes me look bad for not having said it, and don’t say anything, even 100% true if it contradicts the decision we already made and are now having ‘decision-making’ meetings to pretend that we are actually making that decision with all the information and perspectives.”
@coffeegonewrong 8 месяцев назад
Just singing it in your head first. “Something like a phenomenon”
@reneedevry4361 8 месяцев назад
Thank you Thank you Orion.❤ This has been the first bright ray of sunshine in my recent horror of finding out that I am not mentally ill but incureably Autistic. I am a great employee until burnout. If the job has structure that forces breaks or lunch that abitity to work lasts much longer before burnout. Another similar thing is being asked to be on Boards for organizations. I have been recommended for so many Boards or "working groups" for Charities. I cut through politics (politely, most of the time) and regularly bring up things that nobody else considered. I tend to jump in to summerize when people get lost in long boring speals of gum flapping with nothing new being added and ask questions or redirect where we need to be going. Boards meetings always get more done in less time when I attend. Only problem is that people often become "afraid" of me because I am seen as unpredictable or a loose cannon. I will admit to a full public meltdown when some idiot allowed cars to drive on one of the most perfect (still curing) paving jobs I had ever seen in my life. ☹️ The compaction, angles, flow patterns, and smooth perfection of the job was almost orgasmic. This one idiot likely took 30 years off how long the job would last costing the Church at least $185,000 in the future but everyone else thought I was freaking out over nothing.
@LilChuunosuke 8 месяцев назад
I have found over the years of my employment that developing a relationship with management is the hardest part, but once they understand me and how my mind works, they LOVE me. I will struggle to get hired and often recieve attitude from managers who misconstrue my mannerisms as lazy or uncaring. But then every time they try to catch me in the act of slacking off, they will find my peers being lazy and me working away, often doing vitally important tasks without being asked to simply to pass the time after my main job responsibilities were completed. All I ask for in return is fair wages and a respectful work environment.
@teresat2162 8 месяцев назад
It’s the employees that come to work sick (snorting of snot and coughing seems constant) that is problematic for me. Immune system is good yet the work environment turns into a hospital and now my lungs sound like soup….GROSS. Thank you, Orion.
@lolieware1955 8 месяцев назад
Thank you Thank you Thank you!!! This is amazing. You have just unscrambled my AUDHD brain. I now understand why I have been suffering from imposter syndrome all my life. Your videos make me fall in love with my brain a little bit more everyday day ❤
@xxcrystalxchaosxx 8 месяцев назад
That’s fascinating, I will keep this video in my back pocket 😊
@DebraAlexander-md6oj 8 месяцев назад
Spot on! Autism rocks the classroom and job scape! They voice things that others are thinking- true honesty. 😂
@zsedforty 8 месяцев назад
8:21 This is a great conversation to have with loved ones.
@DryadsBounty 8 месяцев назад
I am soooo sending this to my supervisor in the sincere hope that he will watch, absorb, and achieve some level of understanding of my relationship with my job! Perhaps your use of English will be better understood than mine?! Thanks for this video subject, Orion💚
@spidersylar 8 месяцев назад
I think the only way I managed to get my job (so far still the only permanent job I've ever had) is that I was literally already doing it so they already knew I was good at it. Basically I was in a temp agency and ended up working at this place, was supposed to be for a few weeks (no chance of extension they said) but they apparently liked me enough they kept me on for 10 months and then the listed the job I was doing as a permanent position, I applied and got it. FYI the job started with basically a lot of data entry but then they also realised I was good at data analysis as well etc. So in short, I would recommend signing up with a temp /recruitment agency if you also struggle with interviews etc.
@spankmcnasty2687 8 месяцев назад
Speaking from my own experience with employment, I cannot agree fully with this video. The five points you mention are true but in the reality of the modern workplace I believe cause more problems for people with ASD and often lead to them losing their job. I just haven't experienced a workplace that places high value in these traits. Again, I am speaking from my own experience having had over 25 jobs and most ended in disaster. In point one you mention the 'loyalty' of the ASD employee and how employers value that highly. From my perspective employers like to have a certain amount staff turnover or 'churn' as it allows them to get rid of people that don't fit in (usually neurodiverse people) and those that want improved working conditions or a pay rise. From my experience, churn is built into the system and employers in the real world don't mind it. You mention 'honesty' as a virtue that employers like. Again, in real life employment situations this has backfired on me so many times that I cannot agree that it is a positive trait or a trait that will encourage a harmonious or long-lasting employment experience. Sure, an employer will like it if you don't steel cash from the till but pointing out that the employer is not obeying a particular law or regulation is a death sentence in many cases. 'Productivity' is all well and good and is definitely valued by employers however, so is a harmonious workplace. In my experience my ASD has regularly led to workplace disruption and as a result workplace productivity has been negatively effected. I think differently than a neurotypical person. That is obvious. And in my experience this has little real value in the modern workplace. I haven't seen any willingness to increase diversity in the workplace by management. It always seems to be at the direction of senior management and is considered a burden or a chore for those that have to actually work with the neurodiverse person. My ability to 'pick up on things' has got me into more trouble than not. In my experience, being able to pick up on something and point it out to a more senior person is something they very soon get tired of. 'The bystander effect' is similar to the previous point and has to be used very judiciously or you soon become identified as a 'trouble maker' or a pest. It may seem logical to a university researcher but in real life it doesn't work that way.
@Jade-db1jx 8 месяцев назад
Even in university settings, these issues you lay out are true. (Speaking from personal experience)
@cblaney3931 8 месяцев назад
Great video Orion. And I agree with what you said. A problem arises when you're being bullied, and management doesn't want to know, using the fact you are autistic as an excuse for you not being able to 'handle' being bullied. (Hope that made sense)!
@EricMHowardII-yh1rn 8 месяцев назад
Important values to keep: Loyalty Honestly Productively Thinking Differently ByStander affect Mr Kelly Thank you for sharing your thoughts wholeheartedly.
@Kloops 8 месяцев назад
I was shamed for speaking for others and pointing out where things could be improved. So I was forced to stay quiet. It’s really messed me up big time. I never could understand why my friend was always so worried about losing her job over saying things that were obviously needing to be addressed. And one time I called my dad telling him how I was done with work and it was only three hours in to an 8 hour shift. He told me to be careful or I would work myself out of a job. It was all so weird to me.
@thegreatrunofchickina2623 8 месяцев назад
his may have, I stress may have, helped me but 35 years ago. But, I doubt it. Good luck, next gen. I'm old and broken. I knew these things, but had no ability to express them in a meaningful way. ASPIs are the future. Only ASPIs know why that is so true and the best for EVERYONE, including the planet. Typicals have NFI. ASPIs know exactly what to do. If only typicals would stop being ego driven, moronic, economy driving, in to the ground, no where to go, after thinking 3 steps ahead, rather than 100 steps, in100 different directions. I got sacked after a meeting where I doodled the entire time yet i knew almost word for word the idiot low level manager said. While no one else dd I'm damaged. I will do my best to be my-self, for the generation of now and ASPIs in the future I'm hungry and annoyed, but I mean everything I just typed. I'm not apologising.
@ASDPOWER 8 месяцев назад
That's why I got fired from nearly every job ever!!! woohoo
@PossumMedic 8 месяцев назад
Interesting info. Please link the study so we can give it a read
@TheTrueOSSS 8 месяцев назад
I've found that resources like chat gpt can really help to reveal unforeseen social context when trying to phrase resumes and cover letters. Don't copy paste, but break things apart like Legos, then reconstruct the output that describes you best.
@mattsmith1318 8 месяцев назад
I found that the more I tried to discover the details, the more upset my coworkers are around me because they don't seem to care about the details that I can't even conceive the whole picture of until I've heard them😭🤦
@The-Autistic-Strategist 8 месяцев назад
I use the bystander effect, not because I want to. But because I get (verbally) attacked (or otherwise socially burned) for not following it. So I stay in the dark corner of the room and watch silently, then when things go wrong and they ask why, I pipe up and explain why. Than it all happens again in 2 weeks. Almost everyone I have ever had prolonged interactions with have followed this 2 to 3 week cycle. And I have a higher chance of being listened to after everything goes wrong than before. (No one wants to hear that they’re doing it wrong before. And (as I’ve observed, I maybe incorrect because of limited sample size) 65% of the time people don’t even want to know why something went wrong even after the fact. They just want someone to blame/punish. These observations have been made through both direct observation throughout my life, and through compiling stories I’ve heard (from a variety of sources like family and family friends talking about that they or other colleagues have experienced) While I have not been employed I have been dragged to the workplace of family members to “get me out of the house”
@The-Autistic-Strategist 8 месяцев назад
The fact that I’ve started commenting on RU-vid is a major accomplishment for me because I am terrified of making my opinion heard by anyone (including most family) with exception to Mom, Dad, and Sister!
@dominichadley2712 8 месяцев назад
It’s funny you mentioned that Quote from Liar Liar because that’s literally how I feel, I have to tell the truth no matter what it is, it also makes me feel like Data from Star Trek TNG 🤣
@carolinefiorentini3233 5 месяцев назад
I've actually just been shown the door for going too much into details and not being synthetic enough... while i've just been doing what you describe : trying to have a good overview of the projects to do my job the best i can. And i've noticed so many mistakes and missed-steps that i shared with my collegues and they told me i was nosy and doing the jobs of others... I was pretty burnt out a few weeks ago and my employers told me they'll stop my contract because they fear they are putting me in danger... while my job position could be done by 3 people working full-time... And it's been a while I say it's too much and proposing new ways to share the workload with collaborative tools but... apparently it fell on deaf ears
@apennyforyouraspiethoughts23 8 месяцев назад
What a great video! Thank you for sharing!
@jamesnicoll8415 8 месяцев назад
Totally resonates. Thanks Orion. 👍
@jessicaqueen8162 8 месяцев назад
My employer respects all his employees. He doen´t mind I´m autistic. Our team relies on each other. When someone is ill of on holliday me and the others take on some extra work. Last year I had to quit working becaus I was burned out. After seven months they asked me back. I came back and when I need a break from work I can take a few days off.
@Skyjamb 8 месяцев назад
Interviews are the worst.
@tbcstuff3634 8 месяцев назад
Yep, my work place was terriblely run. Of course, went I pointed out the problems it resulted in the boss considering it a "fight" and proceed to be more illogical and more ineffience to show he was the boss. I left the job after getting tired of all the nonsense.
@EpreTroll 8 месяцев назад
If you can't find a job. Go work in logistics. Truly no experience needed and everything is streamlined
@Diverse_Interests 8 месяцев назад
Attention to detail, hyper focus and ability to see how complex systems work with open communication minus manipulation. Neurotypicals are blind sighted on things that don’t fit their concept of achieving a goal and often the goal is what’s best for them first. It’s not neglect of attention, it’s just how their mind works , they aim for a thing and only things getting them to the thing enters their cognitive sphere. I would love to have people not with hold info or lie at work.
@affsteak3530 8 месяцев назад
I swear to God, my NT coworkers would rather keep recovering a faulting machine for 10 hours than spend the five minutes doing a tool adjustment to fix the issue
@dio69666 8 месяцев назад
Genius to talk about the bystander effect in relation to employment. When you said "if you're autistic and you're reading this" LMAO! Years back I saw a lot of people calling similar things 'hivemind' or 'sheeple' if they felt like being bullied by neurotypicals that day. I usually used hivemind more. I've questioned if it's okay or if it's derogatory and never came to any conclusions.
@spenserclarke5956 8 месяцев назад
I would like to know how many people would consider being given 13 days to learn a new job, is considered sufficient, before a summary dismissal? In relation to the end of the video, well, I pointed out rather quickly what I thought of the training process, or lack of. It might be another reason for the above, although I truly know what the actual reason was.
@KatrinaTapio 8 месяцев назад
Oh no, a research paper just explained why everyone called me a "tattle-tail" in school... always telling the teachers if someone was cheating or doing something wrong....
@joeystroud 8 месяцев назад
Could you post a link to that research? I'd really like to read it. Thanks!
@its.Lora. 8 месяцев назад
Job interviews today are insane even for NTs (American perspective). I see Redditors all the time raising huge problems with modern recruiting processes, how discriminatory and straight up confusing/messy recruiting/HR has become. They have hyperfocus on "optimization" and trying to find unicorn employees whilst they ignore thousands of qualified applicants. It is total chaos so when the recruiting and capitalistic/corporate insanity is negatively affecting NTs, well anyone ND is definitely lost in recruiting hell sauce.
@clarsa1 8 месяцев назад
Spectacular. I have been let go for speaking the truth as I saw it. A thing you didn't mention (perhaps because it's too obvious) is that autistic people aren't as likely to identify the work/the product with the person. That is, I am not the report I filed, therefore, if you criticize the report, I see it as stating facts about the report, not as a rejection of me as a person. If I bring a dish to potluck and you find it too salty, I'm not going to be emotionally devastated if you tell me it's too salty. I'll just use less salt next time. In my experience, NTs often take an objective critique of their work as a personal attack. That's how we get the "mean", "lacks empathy", "not a team player" reputation. [I had a college professor who, in the context of a complex algebraic proof, put 2x3 equal to five. I pointed out that it was 6. He stuck to his guns as if he were the numbers he had written in chalk on the board and I was attacking him personally. If you're an autie, you just say "Oops. Thank you" (possibly "good catch" if you focus on giving positive feedback). We do not identify with our products. Don't know why NTs can't be like that.] I also have trouble knowing how to tell people to shut up and let me work. My productivity can go to hell when an NT co-worker decides she needs to use me as a therapist. Maybe NTs can say "I really need to work now" and make it stick without making an enemy, but I haven't had any luck with that. I need management that can sheep-dog that for me.
@waynetec13 8 месяцев назад
As someone who is AuDHD and owns a lawn care business, employment is not required to have a full filling life. Money. Money is required. And it's only required because everything costs lots of it. If I had a choice, I'd quietly disappear into a hole, and avoid humans for the rest of my life. After 48 years, I loathe humans in general. I don't want human connection. I can get companionship from my dog.
@swordseye2 6 месяцев назад
Maybe one day I'll get to live my life but obviously I'm never going to be let to live in peace
@MichaelFowler-bu3fd 8 месяцев назад
My younger brother seems perfectly capable of working, but he can’t keep a job because he won’t do things the way the employer wants things done. He does things his way even if his way doesn’t work at all. It’s a spectrum and some even high functioning autistic people are not good employees. So many levels of autism.
@EliW95 8 месяцев назад
we'd be better off as independent business owners working projects of various kinds on our own time according to our special interests
@its.Lora. 8 месяцев назад
I never understand anyone who thinks being honest is mean. No, being honest is being honest - sure how you say it matters but in my experience it isn't the how it is the fact I dare tell the truth. Employers hate the truth when it doesn't benefit them. My employer is a major health company who loves the image of ticking the diversity quota box like "we hire autistic people" but then they fail to train management/staff (mandatory DEI trainings that never include neurodiverse people. Includes everyone but neurodiverse people). And then forget accomodations. I was 💯 honest in my interviews and they still tried to back pedal on me and give me a hard time about accommodations that are actually simple to implement.
@AutisticAthena 8 месяцев назад
I don't think I personally have it in me to be a "great" employee anymore. I'm not speaking for anyone but myself... But I'm not doing it anymore, I'm going to work on developing some sort of alternate source of revenue. I don't want to be anyone's employee again ever. Nope. I'll pass... I will write books and sell things on Etsy and the world can STUFF a "job". I'm tired of navigating other people.
@NightOwlGames 8 месяцев назад
why do we struggle to get jobs? Because we're been judged in the interview!! the interviewer sees a querky person that cant do eye contact they speak funny the social skills are off so they dont think were up to the job, sods law! aint it, then Good ole Neorutypical GARY walks into the room all extroverted and highly socialble with the interviewer Congratulations GARY when can you start?
@downshift4life 8 месяцев назад
I make a terrible wage slave. I question every aspect of he work I do, its effect on my health, the pollution it creates, who profits the most of it. As you can imagine, nobody can work almost anywhere with this attitude. I never had a job that I loved, and I'm 42 and jobless now. Also, I don't believe in resumes and shit.
@fluffyworm 8 месяцев назад
Productivity, yes great we are unless it's being killed by sensory overload or discomfort caused by how others treat us and stress. We might end up burned out if our differences are dismissed. Acceptance in workplace is the key.
@brgmail235 8 месяцев назад
Makes me feel good others have the same experiences
@cross-eyedmary6619 6 месяцев назад
Easier for me to get the job than keep it.
@roguedoge2479 8 месяцев назад
My company thinks I’m a sociopath
@peg_e 8 месяцев назад
This pointing out of things was never welcomed and always frowned upon
@mahakalabhairava9950 8 месяцев назад
I personally don't believe this. I am autistic and unemployed for most of my adult life.
@FuriosaSonoran 8 месяцев назад
In a logical world, this would be accurate. In the (arguably: post) c0vd era, it's absolutely not the case. Many ppl were tossed face first out of their CAREERS (not just mere "jobs") for any reason(s) or no reason at all. Many have even lost their homes because of what has occurred. Most are now working crappy jobs they literally had to take to survive at all, and there's little hope of opportunity in the careers they have had and are still well qualified for.
@oleonard7319 8 месяцев назад
That started much earlier than the COVID era. Covid just made it worse.
@BebiAshymoth 8 месяцев назад
16:27 i think that i DEFINITELY see what’s wrong and i always need to know every detail about the task i gotta do and why! but because of masking i would try to not be nagging to people and try to figure it out in the back of my mind doing research when i come home…UGH 😭but i remember that in group projects in school i would always take the full lead wanting 100% control over the poster that’s supposed to be designed😂🩷
@Skyjamb 8 месяцев назад
We are smart, passionate and can stick to a task far better than the typical person. We pick on the small things that others don't. We are efficient.
@Crouteceleste 8 месяцев назад
all tthese qualities are not what most NT people want to work with. They resent us for it, because they usually slack off spending their time chatting and tthey overlook small things that can make the difference, and we make them feel bad for not working as hard as us.
@raven4090 8 месяцев назад
We pick up on things others miss, and in doing so, can often solve problems before they happen. Preventing mistakes or accidents in that way can also save money, and makes things run more efficiently.
@affsteak3530 8 месяцев назад
I raised a stink at work once because I saw the legs on a shelving unit were bent from being hit with a forklift. That shelf was holding live batteries that can literally explode and cause a fire if they're dropped hard enough or crushed. Not to mention, they weigh hundreds of pounds. Literally dozens of people walked by those racks all day. Nobody noticed, or if they noticed, didn't see they safety issue, or if they saw the danger, didn't care.
@FlamingCockatiel 8 месяцев назад
I wish more people saw that; usually seeing the problems first or seeing how things can go wrong gets you labeled as a "negative Nelly."
@raven4090 8 месяцев назад
@@FlamingCockatiel Oh, I know. All my life, too. People are too stupid to understand that preventing accidents is a positive thing.
@raven4090 8 месяцев назад
@@affsteak3530 Yeah. Isn't it amazing? I think it's the "bystander theory" or whatever is called. NT's just assume that "someone else will take care of it." We take action.
@KAT-dg6el 8 месяцев назад
Fact - narcissists interview the best because they know how to BS people. And we all know they do not make the best employees. Nothing but trouble. And when the employers are blind to these type of personality disorders it’s a nightmare place to work for the victims of these types.
@kellywaller8829 8 месяцев назад
I was recently diagnosed with ADHD. When I listen to you describe individuals who get diagnosed as adults for autism, I feel so explained and exposed and seen. Thanks Orion.
@coffeegonewrong 8 месяцев назад
Check back in a few months after you have hyper focused on all the autistic creators describing their experiences, doing every online quiz, researching the history and criteria for ASD…. 🙋welcome to the tribe.
@heathertoomey7068 8 месяцев назад
You might have both!
@cammie49 8 месяцев назад
I was diagnosed ADHD 20 years ago and Ritalin saved me from 3 a day of searching for stuff I misplaced and so many other executive function problems…but I still had trouble getting and keeping jobs due to social communication problems, sensory issues, burnout and getting bullied because I’m weird and I make other employees look bad because I love to work and find stuff to do that help the business when it’s slow…rather than chatting or scrolling on my phone. Yes, Orion, I LOVE the work part of work and NOT the social part!! I just got diagnosed as autistic at age 62 and my life makes so much more sense now! Bet you’re on the spectrum if you can relate to this video! Like the other guy said, welcome to the tribe😃
@EmperorZaph1512 8 месяцев назад
Unfortunately even the strengths listed in this video work against us in some ways. Certain workplaces, maybe even most of them, actually have these inefficiencies or unproductive choices/actions ON PURPOSE to maintain control over the workforce or justify a jobs existence (usually some HR rep), and they will get rid of you for pointing them out.
@LilChuunosuke 8 месяцев назад
Yup, I've personally experienced this. I've watched new managers exchange out old, efficient systems of doing things for new, less efficient ones and when you point this out to them, they ignore you at best or try to get you fired for questioning their authority at worst. I've had to teach myself to say internally that I dont get paid enough to correct these issues. Very frustrating because many of them are small, easy fixes too.
@travershipkiss 8 месяцев назад
As an electrician I have to say, my ASD and OCD really do come in handy. Can’t really just leave dangerous cables hanging about, is a good industry for people like us.
@JJ-qo7th 8 месяцев назад
Also an electrician. Two jobs ago my foreman would have me inspect everyone's work to get it ready for the city inspector. I once found the two receptacles on the floor out of about four hundred that were malfunctioning, and they were both part of some dumb prefabricated furniture with preinstalled receptacles. Anyone could have checked a receptacle on one of those desks, saw it work, and moved on without catching it. Not me. I checked every single one. Every one, without fail. If I could get my hotstick in it, I was checking it. No, it wasn't some heroic effort. I was just doing my damned job.
@alobowithadhd6191 8 месяцев назад
Except for the shy, small ones. I went into this field too, but quickly realized that the workplace culture was not for me. The hours were harsh, I was always seen as “the new guy that does nothing” solely because I was an apprentice that brainstormed ways to fix problems that my co-workers were having on the field. I was also looked at crazy when I asked if I could get a copy of the scope of work for a job site sent to my company email. I need to know what is going on without the issues of people dumbing down information because they believe I’m stupid. I later brought up some questionable pay practices that the team I was in was using, and got a pat on the back by management. The thing that got me “fired” was the fact that I did such a good job at HQ, that there was no more work that fit my scope to be done. Now that they ran out of work to give me, they decided I was going to be let go because I couldn’t operate ladders safely. No shit. I’m short. I have to run when others have to walk. I have to climb up farther than others on ladders. I have a mechanical disadvantage when doing anything with ladders. Don’t worry about the ludicrous amount of money people were stealing from you. Worry about the guy who pointed it out. Funnily enough, shortly after I was let go, the entire building was fired.
@imajenn3006 7 месяцев назад
My husband finds the same. I have AuDHD & mt ADHD part makes me fudge things a bit & lose things. I am in awe of how he works.
@knrdvmmlbkkn 7 месяцев назад
@@alobowithadhd6191"Funnily enough, shortly (...) building was fired." Poor building. I hope it received unemployment benefits.
@XSquidbeatsX 8 месяцев назад
With increased productivity I outshined my manager and because of that she tried sabotaging my work which lead me to having to leave thinking it was all me which is dumb. Work gossip is dangerous and I will never understand why people destroy others just to look good. So happy I just try to do quality work.
@viktoriar1762 8 месяцев назад
We are phenomenal employees and provide incredible insights, accuracy, productivity, and make connections others miss. However, I've suffered from being looked over for promotions because of my social challenges. At my previous job I actually had a write up because I was not social enough. Purely because I didn't small talk enough, didn't hang out after work, or attend voluntary social gatherings. It was so illogical.
@br4tb4by 8 месяцев назад
I feel you! I got a written warning for giving feedback to a senior😂
@JJ-qo7th 8 месяцев назад
I can't remember the last time I've been a victim of the Bystander Effect. I saw someone's car left out of Park start rolling away and there were about seven people standing around, dumbfounded, while this car started to descend a hill. I set my shopping down, briskly walked to catch up, and then leaned against the car. That was it. That seemed to activate *their* brains as I looked at them because a couple others came around to lean with me while the owner got in the car to engage the brake, start the engine, and regain control of the situation. I've pulled over into a nearby parking lot to park my car so I could help some strangers I'd never seen before push their dead car out of the street. I learned to smooth over my objections, but I still raise them. "I don't know if anyone told you, but..." [Your work has problems, this is how you can avoid them. You're about to run into a problem. There's an easier, still correct, way to do what you're doing.] I call people out for unsafe work practices. I try to do so to them personally before escalating. Improper ladder use is the big one. I keep extra ear plugs and glasses on my cart in case people are doing something unsafe or it's painfully loud. I'm the only damned person on the job a few jobs back who raised a stink about some contracted workers using hand-held power tools in such a way that, if they malfunctioned even for a moment, they could lose their damned fingers. But the interview process screws me. "We didn't feel you were a good fit."
@Octopossible 8 месяцев назад
We "pick up on the things that were missed", I think is a powerful and important observation. Combine that with the fact that we are not approval seeking and we aren't afraid to tell it like it is. I'm sure there are some employers who agree with everything Orion says, but how do I find them?
@affsteak3530 8 месяцев назад
There's also the constant battle against NT apathy and inertia. "This person is poorly trained and is making poor quality products!" "You can't say that!"
@LaShumbraBatesAuDHD 8 месяцев назад
At work, I somehow ended up on a volunteer group that was set up to help facilitate suggestions for improvement coming from co-workers to upper management. In the 2nd year of this group, I had to email the lead to let them know that I had to leave the group because they weren't accomplishing anything. All of the meetings consisted of nothing more than trying to figure out how the group would be officially structured, and how the different employees would summit their suggestions. There was no discussion about the issues that we already knew needed to be addressed, nor any discussion of possible solutions. I just straight up told them that they weren't accomplishing anything, and the group was a waste of time. It didn't last too much longer after that. 🤷🏾‍♀️
@stevendorries 8 месяцев назад
Yeah, the point of the group was to provide the illusion of responsiveness
@LaShumbraBatesAuDHD 8 месяцев назад
@@stevendorries Exactly!
@affsteak3530 8 месяцев назад
​@stevendorries also if the group does their job, they might have to move on to actual work. 😒
@ragea1 7 месяцев назад
@@affsteak3530 or *gasp* spend money
@CherrysJubileeJoyfully 8 месяцев назад
Brilliant sir was a perfect employee until I became too ill to work.
@romanace3432 2 месяца назад
Same here first vomiting for 5 times a week for two years and now my back is really bad.
@CherrysJubileeJoyfully 2 месяца назад
@romanace3432 me too 30 Years of undiagnosed celiac and so much more. I would wake up at 5am so I could vomit till 6 smoke weed to settle my stomach and leave at 8 to get to work at 9 and function till 12 when I'd take lunch smoke more to make it to 5 and home.
@sarahconner726 8 месяцев назад
I have to say, in my two decades of my career I kicked butt at client satisfaction and work quality and output. But most management didn't like me. I'd be hired by a person who saw me for my value and was okay with my quirks. Then my boss would be promoted or take a new job. The new boss somehow was always a middle management Karen and they do not like me at all. As soon as a new manager took over, the countdown would start until my last day.
@csebesta84 8 месяцев назад
Same. I was cursed with a new manager who asked me if I cheated on client satisfaction survey because she HATED ME.
@Hellenen 8 месяцев назад
I was a great employee. And then i burnt out. 🎉
@megzasaurusrex 8 месяцев назад
I am a fantastic employee when I have a set schedule and supervisors who give me clear expectations, ask me questions when something is wrong instead of assuming and are a safe place for me to speak to. I pick everything up faster than most my co-workers. I see things people don't see and learn them myself as well. I show my bosses things they didnt even know about whatever systems we use since im curious. I love following rules. I do things the same way every time. I put everything back in its place and clean up after myself. Im great at figuring out what customers want when they dont even know what its called. I also find mistakes or why something didnt work fast or figure out a work around. Im always the one fixing things. Again because im curious. If i dont know something, i have to find it out. I have a wide range of knowledge and it can come in use in random scenarios.
@Dr.K.Harris 8 месяцев назад
Recently unemployed....this resonates very much! 👏🏾
@autisticMargo 8 месяцев назад
Orion, thank you very mush, I'm leaving it in LOL. I appreciate this video very much. And you shared this just in time for me. Because I live in MST mountain standard time and every Sunday night which is right now. For me, each Sunday night I have to really switch gears and get ready to start my work Week. I have to decompress, make sure I'm regulated, and get ready to go Monday morning. And this video is reminding me how suited my job is for my autism. So I'm actually very excited to go to work tomorrow morning. I manage pharmacy inventory for our local children's hospital. I have to wear ear protection in there and take breaks. But everyone knows I have autism. And there are certain parts and tasks of my job that I am very good at because I have autism. In my workplace at the children's hospital, I know of 2 other autistic employees who disclose their autism. One of them manages the Central processing department where all the surgical tools and items like that are cleaned and sterilized ordered and inventoried and then the other Autist I'm aware of at work manages the grounds keepers. He was a ground keeper and now he manages that team and the 3 of us seem suited to our jobs and I am so grateful for people like you who advocate. I'm so grateful for people in my building who disclose their autism. All of these things are helping my 2 adult autistic children who have started in the workforce. And again I just want to say thank you very mush. 😂 I appreciate you!!
@CamStubbs 8 месяцев назад
Baker for well over 10 years and was one of few that could do every aspect of the production side. I excelled till I was put in the position of managing others. The systems of production and bake off that I came up with are still used after I left. I left due to stress of gaslighting to open up about my problems while being told my needs were irrelevant and to be as normal as possible.
@alcatrazvongola 8 месяцев назад
I know how it feels. I had to left my project manager job as a web developer due to the stress of keeping up with so many sites and calling so many people. I mainly wanted to focus on the creative web development side and not interact so many with others.
@tracynottage356 8 месяцев назад
Hi Orion, I just wanted to point out to you, something that was said to me by a family member, who is usually the good guy and that is : " you have got to stop all this autistic nonsense " , the most hurtful thing that anyone has ever said to me and I am often told : " don't let your autism define you" , to me that is like saying dismiss part of your identity, anyway thankyou Orion for being a voice on my behalf, thankyou Orion 😊❤XXX XXX ❤😊
@JJ-qo7th 8 месяцев назад
I'd be tempted to deadpan answer, "I will in fact dial UP the autistic nonsense."
@wuzittooya 8 месяцев назад
I wouldn’t take it too personally. While it’s not something said to be genuinely supportive, I do think there’s some merit in taking that…sideways advice. What people usually mean to say is don’t let other people define you by your autism alone, but it often comes out incorrect, thus, sounding rude.
@tracynottage356 8 месяцев назад
@@wuzittooya my autism does not have an off switch
@chrismaxwell1624 8 месяцев назад
In response to that one should say, they should stop the neurotypical nonsense too. It's the same thing and really what is more dysfunctional, a NT brain that has lies and deceives, hide what want and self sabotage things. How about stop that nonsense.
@arthurdevrome8925 8 месяцев назад
Indeed I can be honest. Social repercussions are absent because you arent in the hive anyway! 😉😉😉
@whitneymason406 8 месяцев назад
Before becoming a stay at home mom, I was a teacher in a toddler classroom at a Montessori for 6 years. I was very reliable, always on time, and great with the kids. Thanks for highlighting the positives! ❤
@illiteratemochi4150 8 месяцев назад
I’m glad you brought up that last point. As a high masking late diagnosed female, I’m very aware of how I appear to other people, and I change my behavior based on that. I’ve had lots of moments where I saw something happening, and I immediately recognized it as wrong and wanted to stop it, but because I was terrified of being singled out or having to face the repercussions of acting, I ended up staying silent. But even when that happened, I was certainly aware of it, and I knew I was holding myself back in order to protect myself.
@galespressos 8 месяцев назад
Thank you so much for saying all this.❤ People don’t realize the positive sides. (* Distraught here about finding or rather not finding doable work. People don’t value differences, to the community detriment, and my detriment too.)
@towzone 8 месяцев назад
Campground rules! Leave a place better than you find it. In my early research into people I came across the bystander effect. An terrifying example is if someone is injured and you yell into a crowd to call 911, there is no guarantee that any of the crowd will take the responsibility. In a bad situation you must point out individuals and give them a task, such as calling 911, so that there is no ambiguity about who’s responsibility it is. It is much harder to say someone else will do it when an individual has been singled out. Then they understand who gets the blame if nothing happens.
@cobrajin4016 8 месяцев назад
I dont know how you keep posting videos about exactly what Im struggling with on that day. Im in a union... i am not ok with what we are doing with tax dollars. Everyone else is. At my last job I finally quit for good because the boss and I could just not see eye to eye on things like safety. He wanted to only care about productivity but I wouldnt ignore organization and safety. We had so many fights because I simply wouldnt turn a blind eye to what bothered me. Well... about 3 years after I left he died in a workplace accident. I was litterally trying to save his life. Drove me crazy trying to let go of my concerns. I hit rock bottom when I quit. I loved that job. I worried about a friend and cousin that worked there. Put all the blame on myself being mentally weak. Ive quit so many jobs. Even though I wasnt talking to my old boss when he passed, I still went to his funeral. I even got up and said a few things. No one else was getting up... bystander effect kicked in. I didnt go up at first due to anxiety but when I realized no one else was going up and the lady was moving on, I awkwardly interupted her and asked to speak. Ive never spoken at a wedding or funeral. I knew before I went that I owed it to him. That I had to get up there. Bystander effect kicked in years in advance. I always thought about how Id speak at his funeral. No one ever gets up. Pre meditated bystander effect. Im so glad I did.
@user-eg8ht4im6x 8 месяцев назад
One time I was ‘let go’ because I didn’t waist time chatting with my coworkers I just got on with job I was paid to do!!!
@slimsonite2111 8 месяцев назад
Yep! The game doesn't end at the interview. You have to do the stupid small talk bs EVERYDAY too
@Omneyvdwatering 8 месяцев назад
omg, the details first, then bigger oversight is one i have experience with in a workplace. I noticed that with implementing a new thing, there was a part of the process which was not described at all but would be unmissable in the end. So I went to my manager and told them about it. I got send back to my desk and got told " to mind my own business and do my phone job" . 3 months later, they had still missed that part of the process and on the day the whole thing went " live" everything went to shit. I went home sick and never returned.
@freyarobinson804 8 месяцев назад
I'm currently struggling with "Work Place Culture" & "Core Values" modules we have to do every year, they have little to do with the actual job and serve as little more than prapaganda to compel me to care more about the company (that is exploiting my labor) than I should and do more work than what I signed on for(at no extra pay). It severely triggers my PDA with it's phrasing like how are you going to tell ME what MY core values are or what I aspire to? Most of the stuff I already do naturally which makes me NOT want to do it when I feel like I'm being manipulated into it and worst of all it ends with a "Quiz" that forces me to regurgitate the company's values as my own which is difficult for me because I can't knowingly tell a lie it feels unpleasant in my stomach and sits with me all day. Ps I'm a great worker and have been praised heavily for my work ethic and wide array of skills, I just don't like being told what my thoughts are.
@samanthalang3402 8 месяцев назад
I have found that most companies management teams can not and will not accept an employee who is honest. We are punished for being honest. Even in government jobs 😢
@FlamingCockatiel 8 месяцев назад
1. Loyalty 2. Honesty and openness 3. Productivity due to hyperfocus; enjoy doing job and don't need chit chat 4. Think differently 5. Bystander effect is lessened with autistic people, so they'll speak up sooner with less fear of group. Less likely to look to a group for guidance. Orion, thank you so much; I'd like this video to be played at every DEI conference or mandatory anti-harassment training. People would actually get something out of it.
@Sugar3Glider 8 месяцев назад
This checks out with my personal experience. I am in QA/QC, and have been known as the anomaly detection unit. I recently changed positions, and the owner was explaining their process for printing jobs. I winced, and told him that way sounded very silly, that we could adjust the file to print the lines we want differently from the rest. I've since been asked to add more colors to the file as they found more uses for it.
@roddo1955 8 месяцев назад
I was always the 'troublemaker'.
@klarisakivlin9433 8 месяцев назад
Yeah. Just a few nights ago I said to the group of parent council at my son's school "Well, they should read their emails then!" When the board was explaining why they needed to start a Fb group to inform parents of events at the school which are already detailed in the headteacher's emails which the parents don't read.
@MerryMoss 8 месяцев назад
12:33 101 for autistic people: _"We are_ *born* _to wake up in the morning, and find things that aren't right."_ I had to laugh so hard at that 😂 and I love how this is finally seen as a strength 💪 After having been jobless (and probably burned out to some extent) for years, I'll soon be trying to get back into work. (with the help of a certain company specialising in helping people like me) Your video came at just the right time. To help me feel more confident in my abilities. So thanks, mate. Have a good day 💚
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