
Proof Romans Invented Jesus Christ - The Flavian Signature 

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The Romans left a signature of their authorship in the Gospels, The Flavian Signature - as coined by Joseph Atwill. This video is separate from the Caesar's Messiah documentary - it is mainly a tool for anyone interested in understanding an abridged version of Atwill's core discovery of the Flavian Signature directly.
Joseph Atwill's book, "Caesar's Messiah: The Roman Conspiracy to Invent Jesus", gives us a revolutionary new understanding of the origin of Christianity, who was the real Jesus (Son of Man), what is the New Testament, and how Christ's second coming already happened. In this short explanatory video, Atwill presents concepts from The Flavian Signature chapter in the latest edition of his book. The Flavian Signature refers to the parallels Atwill discovered which link the Jesus story in the Gospels to the military campaign of the Roman Caesar Titus Flavius in the histories of Josephus. Atwill shows how these parallels prove that the story of Jesus is not historical, and that it was the Flavian court who authored the Gospels - thus leaving their "signature", the "Flavian Signature", in the Gospels for posterity to discover and recognize. Runtime: 34 minutes
Created by Fritz Heede
Watch the Caesar's Messiah Documentary COMMERCIAL-FREE for rent or purchase on Amazon:
...or FREE with ADS on Tubi-TV:
Based on the book "Caesar's Messiah" by Joseph Atwill
Featured scholars are Joseph Atwill, Robert Eisenman, John Hudson, Kenneth Humphreys, Rod Blackhirst, Acharya S / D.M. Murdock, and Timothy Freke.
Produced by Nlightning workZ Copyright 2012
Directed by Fritz Heede
Written by Nijole Sparkis and Joseph Atwill
Cinematography by Marisa Maldonado & Fritz Heede
Narrated by Nijole Sparkis
Produced by Nijole Sparkis, Fritz Heede and Joseph Atwill
Music and Editing by Fritz Heede
/ caesarsmessiah



28 сен 2024




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Комментарии : 11 тыс.   
@MultiSmartass1 3 года назад
I always suspected Roman involvement in this matter when I was a kid forced to read this stuff. Things never added up. Maybe this is one reason why I never was religious.
@8bambino 3 года назад
Now One thing that this reporter never took the time to do is reading the bible for sure . The bible clearly says that everything that happened to the Jews and the promises made to those prophets , were all prophecies of Jesus the coming Messiah . Now the difference is that Jesus are still waiting for a ruler like every nation have . Which will make them no different from any country of this world it would actually lead them to spilling more blood than we already have . This is what happens when you want a human leader . For example David , God did not allow david to build his temple because David spelt a lot of blood. What God told to the jews since Day one is that God was their king but Jewish wanted to see God and have them arount them . Now Jesus fit every of these categories . On being the King that the Jews needed but not like they wanted because he did not come with Gold a big horse like a man who wants to show himself did . He actually came on a Donkey and Preached peace instead of rebellion and wars . And he promises he will come back one day to make finalize his plan to completly win on evil . So the video that this man made is just proving that Jesus again fulfilled all the prophecies , but thinking that its kind of weird and instead make a THEORY that its flavius that invented christianity . And remeber one thing a theory is never a plane true story its just someone making things up that are kind of logical and they now need proofs to back up their theory . Now christians can back up their theory since a lot of the things that herod did were recorded by romans , the jews were in fact captive by tbe romans . The jews recognize that jesus existed but that he is just not their messiah . Paul , peter , and so more did exist . Christian massacre did happen . And plus romans would want to control people , if their plan was just to kill more people unless they wanted to autodestruct their own governement . And again there is even more things that i dont jnow yet . Look it up your self if you want and judge if the archeological and historical proofs tdont ring bells to you .
@MultiSmartass1 3 года назад
@@8bambino One, this guy isn't a reporter . Two, he didn't offer a theory per se , he made an argument based on historical facts of the period and Flavius activities as a Roman General. Also a theory is not fiction. A theory is a proposed explanation based on evidence and facts. You. don't seem to have much education apparently based on your lack of knowledge here. Also your comment is poorly written mishmash which I guess means you disagree with the guy in the video. If that's the case, take it up with him not me. You are talking to the wrong person. LOL
@8bambino 3 года назад
@@MultiSmartass1 It’s a theory . I see no facts here . He said Jesus was a jewish guy who was causing rebellion . And every one knows , including muslims that The blood of Jesus is on the Jewish people and not rome . What are his proofs for that . There is no solid proof for that , so it is a Theory
@8bambino 3 года назад
@@MultiSmartass1 There is a clear distinction between theory and fiction don’t take me for a dumb ass please .
@MultiSmartass1 3 года назад
@@8bambino That's your opinion. I see no facts cited here. You are entitled to your opinion but You should keep it to yourself . I've no interest in it.
@cedricworthingtonbroadaxe2287 4 года назад
Unfortunately, it's always been far easier to deceive people, than it is to get them to later admit that they've been deceived.
@epiphanydrums5427 4 года назад
Yes, and the silence after that comment is deafening 👍
@cedricworthingtonbroadaxe2287 3 года назад
Reply to The Shadow. Thank you for a highly intelligent, rational, well thought out comment; which I shall now do my best to respond too. 1. You may/may not be aware of this, but the Old Testament is based upon the Pentateuch compiled by Moses several hundred years after Abraham and his household 'went out into the desert' from the Sumerian city of Ur (Genesis 11:28-31); and is based upon the very much more ancient information contained within the Sumerian myths/legends/historical memories. These ancient tales were recorded upon clay tablets, tens of thousands of which were unearthed and shipped back to London during the Victorian Era. Once deciphered in the early 1900s, these ancient records told an incredible story which both 'validated' traditional religion; but also explained it's origin (and that of Life on Earth) in a way that's highly understandable to 20/21st Century thinking. 2. Basically, what religion now remembers as 'Gods' were actually Interplanetary Mineral Mining Expedition, which arrived on Earth some 400,000+ yrs ago. As part of this project, they 'terraformed' planet Earth (rather as NASA plans to do on Mars) and two others, and began shipping large amounts of mineral resources back to Nibiru (their home planet), now remembered as 'Heaven'. 3. Following numerous political/financial upheavals including the mutiny of their original labour force, these Annunaki (Those who from the Heavens came down) genetically engineered humanity into existence as a replacement labour force by adding some of their DNA to that of a "lower earthly creature". Ultimately however, political instabilities within their Home Culture triggered a monumental 'War of the Gods' which sterilised the planet we now call Mars, brought an end to mining on Earth; and reduced the survivors amongst humanity to a 'Stone Age' condition. 4. These 'Stone Age' nomads included Abraham and his household, who apparently had to get out of Ur before the advance of a "noxious cloud which killed everything it's shadow fell upon"; continued to possess stories of what they remembered as 'The Golden Age' before the catastrophe now remembered as 'Noah's Flood/The Clash of the Titans etc …. 5. As part of the post-apocalyptic negotiations, the Annunaki faction which had initially created Mankind (along with a number of refugees who'd survived the catastrophe on Mars) were 'imprisoned upon the Earth' (perhaps by intense radiation of the Van Allen Belt ? ) by the victorious faction back on the Home Planet, and began interbreeding with their human creations (Genesis 6:2 ); which is the origin of the various human races on Earth today. 6. The intention of this imprisonment was to see how humanity would develop over time. Would we gradually fall back to the level of our earthly (read 'ape') ancestors, or would we develop into a seriously advanced quasi-Annunaki species; capable of becoming a threat to other advanced humanoid species scattered across the Galaxy ? This amazing situation being the origin of the 'Final Judgement' tales contained within traditional religious doctrine today !!! 7. Hence, according to ancient Sumerian mythology, there is certainly a 'battle' between Good and Evil going on around the Earth today. We are being watched by 'higher beings' and we are going to be 'judged' at some point in the future. There is a concealed 'Satanic' influence, intent upon creating a One World Government (and all the evil that goes with it); BUT …. it's all very much more practical, logical and technology based than traditional religion admits. The Origin of Humans according to Ancient Sumerian Texts ... www.ancient-code.com/the-origin-of-humans-according-to-ancient... According to the creation story, Anu, the main God of the Ancient Sumerians saw that the labor on Earth was too great. The Son of Anu, Enki, proposed to create a species that would inhabit the planet and be... Nibiru: The Mythical Home Planet Of The Anunnaki www.ancient-code.com/nibiru-home-planet-of-the... Nibiru is believed to be the home planet of the Anunnaki, a race of extraterrestrial beings who came to Earth to save their home planet. According to the ancient cuneiform texts, which are believed to be so
@jamesbest1314 3 года назад
@The Shadow heaven is real don't listen to this joker, I died an see it. Look at the comment I left him, he's so smart he's stupid
@jamesbest1314 3 года назад
@@cedricworthingtonbroadaxe2287 ok, so if u agree with this guy that the bible is fake then y agree with anything else that it says ? I died an seen heaven, and the darkness, trust me when I say that u have absolutely no control on where ur soul goes. This man's wisdom will fail him and he will burn in hell for leading astray God's children. And Jesus is real, he talks to us through our dreams
@trafficjon400 3 года назад
DECEIVED is in all walks of life. so what your saying is nothing.
@jimscobie6646 5 лет назад
Even if the pope and Vatican came out and said " Christianity and Jesus was a fabrication." Then laid out the history of it to show the way it was fabricated, I feel people would still cling to it like a safety blanket. That would put every pastor, church, etc....out of business. They would just say the evidence is false and then double down on faith.
@increasekru5123 5 лет назад
This is the most profound comment I think I've ever read, I totally agree with you and think that you are spot on. Christians are religious fanatics and absolutely would not believe the Vatican or any other entity for that matter that said their false god jesus was not real. I've gotten to the point where I will not comment on my beliefs or the truth unless I am absolutely sure the person is interested in hearing and knowing the truth, some people will not want to talk to you or be your friend promoting or introducing them to this type of evidence. They would just say Blasphemy and as you mentioned, then double down on faith.
@jimscobie6646 5 лет назад
@@increasekru5123 .... as children we look up to our parents for guidance, comfort and protection. I think that carries into adulthood too. Christians refer to their god as Father and look up to it for guidance, comfort, and protection.
@increasekru5123 5 лет назад
@@jimscobie6646 Very True, but when you have something as important as this is, one should want to know the truth especially as adults. There are many without fathers or grow up with step fathers, in regards to christians calling jesus father, it seems like the truth would be more important than just holding onto a lie for comfort. I've known the truth for 3 years now, and it truly has changed my life.
@bcalvert321 5 лет назад
First what has the pope have to do with Christianity , nothing at all. Jesus, and people following, Him were a few hundred years before any man became a pope. People don't need a pope or a pastor or a church to believe in Jesus. Why because being Christian is a one on one deal. That is what makes Jesus real. We don't need any outside proof. We have it inside.
@bcalvert321 5 лет назад
@@increasekru5123 Another fool that hasn't a clue what being a Christian is or does.
@ansapa1234 Год назад
First Century Christian books that tell us about Jesus: (1) Didache or Doctrine of the Twelve Apostles which all date around 70 AD; (2) Letter of Clement to the Corinthians (third successor of Peter and writes in 96 AD); (3) The letters of Ignatius of Antioch who was bishop from 70 to 107 AD. Note: (a) the whole of the literary tradition of the age of the Roman Empire up to the times of Tacitus and Suetonius has been lost; (b) in the Annals of Tacitus, one of the few works that have come down to us, the books of the period 29-32 AD are missing and the story of book 16 stops in the year 66 AD; (c) - the mass destruction carried out by Vespasian and then by Hadrian swept away all the archives of Jerusalem, therefore all the public documents including the trial and condemnation of Jesus, just as the archives of the Empire in Rome were destroyed in the repeated fires that occurred on the Capitol between AD 69 and 83. Having made this premise, we would expect that 'nothing' had come to us from the pagans of that historical period; but it is not so: - Tacitus (54-119), in the Annals, fire of Rome 64 AD: "Therefore, in order to put an end to this rumor, Nero invented guilty people and subjected to very refined punishments those whom the mob, detesting them because of their atrocities, he called Christians. The origin of this name was Christ, who under the empire of Tiberius had been condemned to execution by the procurator Pontius Pilate; and, momentarily dormant, this lethal superstition spread again, not only through Judea, the hearth of that disease, but also Rome ...". Tacitus did not write by hearsay, he obtained this information either from documents of the Senate or from the Consul Cluvium in function under Caligula. - The "Jesus case" arrives in the Senate of Rome in the year 35 AD, a few months after the execution of Christ, Pilate, Caiaphas and all the characters are still alive. He arrives there since Tiberius asked the Senate to legitimize the new "Christian" religion and therefore to recognize that Jesus as "god", eventually, legitimizing this new Jewish heresy was part of the imperial approach that had already been practiced with the Samaritans to emancipate them from guardianship Judaica and retain them in Rome. How does Sardis reach us, through Justin of Nablus who writes around 150 AD that there was a report from Pilate to Tiberius on the story of Jesus for which he referred his contemporaries to the imperial archives. Pilate then testified about the slain Galilean on the evening of April 7, AD30. - Tertullian in 197 AD reports "under whose reign [Tiberius] the Christian name made its entry into the world ... transmitted to the Senate, giving his first favorable vote, all that had been communicated to him from Syria Palestine and that demonstrated the truth about the divinity of Jesus. The Senate, not having itself verified these facts, voted against." for unlawful superstition. Tiberius also mocks the context, finding absurd the pagan idea that a god without the favorable vote of man would not have been such. - After the rejection of the Senate "Tiberius sent his legate Lucius Vitellius to the East with full powers, who in 36-37 deposed Caiaphas, the High Priest who presided over the Sanhedrin when Jesus was condemned to death, and recalled Pilate to Rome, as attested by the Jewish historian of the time Flavius Josephus (ant. Giud. XVIII, 89-90, 122) and also by Eastern sources independent of Tertullian.... And the Successor of Pilate deposed by Vitellius by order of Tiberius, Marcellus, it has the same name as the senator who would have hosted St. Peter in Rome according to the Acts of Peter, fol. 8 ss, an apocrypha of the 2nd century which however is based on ancient legends." - Abgar, Middle Eastern king allied with Rome. Letter exchange between Tiberius and Abgar known as the Black, datable to the year 36, "Abgar exhorts Tiberius to intervene against the Jews, to punish those responsible for the crucifixion of Christ, and Tiberius replies that he has already deposed Pilate and promises to take further measures against the Jews once the problems with the sons of Spain had been settled..." deeds deposited in the Royal Archives of Edessa, capital of Osroene (Syria). - Edict of Nero, found in Nazareth in 1878, marble stele 61 cm high, 38 wide, 22 lines, called diàtagma Ka (62 AD): "Edict of Caesar. It is my will that the sepulchres and tombs, of any type, made out of religious respect for ancestors, or children or relatives - remain inviolate forever. placed, thus offending the deceased themselves, or have moved the slabs or tombstones, against such persons I order that a trial be held, as one does - for contempt of the gods - against anyone who worships a human being. there is greater respect for the deceased. That absolutely no one is allowed to move the bodies that are buried. But if anyone does so, I order that the offender be sentenced to capital punishment on the charge of trespassing on tombs." Outrage to the gods, peri theon, de diis principal charge against the Christian hominis cultores. - The darkening of the sky at the death of Christ, Thallus, Samaritan freedman according to Flavius speaks of it, but the text has disappeared, Sextus Julius Africanus (50 AD) mentions it but this text has also been lost but is quoted in a work later, Giulio Africanus demonstrated how the naturalistic interpretation was wrong since there were no eclipses in the periods of full moon (Passover when Jesus was crucified); it is therefore spoken of at the level of the imperial court - Mara Bar Separion, Syriac Stoic of the 1st century "What benefit did the Athenians derive from the death sentence of Socrates, a crime they had to pay with famine and plague? Or those of Samos from having burned Pythagoras, since then Was their country in a moment buried by the sands? Or the Jews by the execution of their wise King, for they were despoiled of their kingdom from that time? In Justice God took vengeance on those three wise men. The Athenians died of hunger; those of Samos were submerged by the sea; the Jews were killed and driven from their land they live scattered everywhere. Socrates is not dead, thanks to Plato; nor Pythagoras, because of his statue of Hera; nor the wise King, thanks to the new teaching that he had imparted" - Flavius Josephus, Jewish Antiquities (18, 63-64), 93 AD, "Jesus lived in this time, a wise man, even if he is to be called a man. In fact, he performed extraordinary works and was the teacher of men who joyfully welcome the truth, and so he drew many Jews and also many Greeks to himself. He was the Christ. Even when, in denunciation of those among us who are the leaders, Pilate had him crucified, those who had loved him before did not stop loving him He appeared to them on the third day alive again, according to what the prophets had foretold about him all this and a thousand other wonders. To this day there is still the genus of those who have taken the name Christians from him." Flavio was born in 37, of a priestly family on his father's side and royal on his mother's side, this means that his relatives had been present during the vicissitudes of Christ, the text however was contested by the genius of Voltaire, therefore . .. - 1971, prof. Shlomo Pines Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 10th century Arabic codex, the Universal History of Agapius, bishop of Hierapolis, Syria, different version of the passage from Flavius: "At this time there lived a wise man Jesus. His conduct was good and was esteemed for his virtue. Many were those, among the Jews and other nations, who became his disciples. Pilate condemned him to be crucified and to die. But those who had become his disciples did not stop following his teaching. They reported that it had appeared to them three days after his crucifixion and that he was alive. Perhaps that is why he was the Messiah of whom the prophets have told marvels. You've been telling imbecility for 2000 years, please, stop the idiocracy.
@erock3737 3 года назад
I have been watching a lot of videos related to this subject. His step by step comparison has been one of the clearest I have watched.
@youngonzita508 3 года назад
You need to look up caeser messiah shredded goes step by step with evidence that this guy is lying & bouncing back & forth to make his theory seem true
@ef702 3 года назад
@@youngonzita508 i will check that out
@erock3737 3 года назад
@Whats In a nameI will thank you
@AnthonyL0401 3 года назад
@@youngonzita508 But that guy is clearly a Bible apologist... still this caesar messiah guy seems crazy
@graceorchard 3 года назад
As I was listening to each connection made, I found it hard to see the typology. It just doesn't seem to be there. For me, talking to Jesus in prayer brought a spiritual change so profound, I wouldn't want to live without it. Not only that, what Jesus did for me spiritually has strengthened and sustained my relationships with a community of other believers. That, I would also not want to live without. Peace, my friend.
@chazman74 3 года назад
Whether this is true or not. As Mark Twain said, It's easier to fool people than it is to convince them that they have been fooled.
@WonderlustThing 10 месяцев назад
Yeah im pretty naive/gullible. Lol i have too much faith in the good in people. Which will eventually probably be my downfall
@JohnSmithAnythingChannel 3 года назад
Typology isn't a type of literature. It's a form of interpretation of the Bible.
@mickysanchez5511 5 лет назад
they never described Jerusalem neither when talk about Egypt where they never mention the pyramid something that u can't missed.
@ManuelMartinez-bi8cb 5 лет назад
In those times pyramids were every where all over mespotamoa Africa and everywhere else
@jesusislord9080 5 лет назад
@@ManuelMartinez-bi8cb not only that but Jerusalem is a long ways from Egypt.
@ManuelMartinez-bi8cb 5 лет назад
@@jesusislord9080 actually it's walking distance bro take about 1 maybe 2 at most to walk there
@jesusislord9080 5 лет назад
@@ManuelMartinez-bi8cb from Jerusalem to Cairo you say is walking distance?
@ManuelMartinez-bi8cb 5 лет назад
Not from Cairo but from lower Egypt 2 day walk for a professional walker/runner
@nicholastam2681 5 лет назад
What he's talking about adds up but I was brought up in Roman Catholic school and church and I admit that I'm brainwashed and it's hard to believe the truth
@KalimYEl 4 года назад
Thank you for your honesty and open-minded enough to see the truth amidst a bunch of lies.
@tptvtoolive8640 4 года назад
@@wwlib5390 Jesus never existed & you can't have creation without a woman. Jesus & Mary is a plagiarized copy of Asset & Heru. The whole bible is copied from stories that existed thousands of years in Kemet. They're still carved in the walls of the temples till this day. I've seen them with my own eyes. Jesus is the sun, not the son. His birth & death is the winter solstice & spring equinox. His 12 disciples are the 12 months. The 5 wounds he suffered are the 5 months that the sun is at it's lowest points. The ancient people saw the sun as a saviour because when the sun is out there was no predators that could harm them. The sun brings forth rain so vegetation can grow and vineyards can make wine hints turning water into wine. The sun shines over water and looks like it's walking on water. Jesus is a metaphor for the sun. In ever painting of Jesus you can see the sun over his head. Last thing the "man" in the bible was Josephus Flavius. He wasn't the sun of God.
@halleluyahpraiseyahuah2618 4 года назад
@@tptvtoolive8640 umm no
@ricoza7476 4 года назад
@@halleluyahpraiseyahuah2618 ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-ViHAT_-hwIU.html
@stevemclendsy9478 4 года назад
Well,I've always new something wasn't right about religion and the Bible. It's being proven false almost every year. There is absolutely no such this as accepting an impartcular God or you will be punished for eternity. I found that out when I had a near death experience in 2005. I died for three minutes. I cross over to the other side. Guess what I saw. Peace. You are at peace. That's where I went. I saw no Jesus. I saw no Hell. I saw no Heaven. I saw the most beautiful place on earth and didn't include any concept from the Bible. I had no physical body whatsoever. I swear on my kids life,it was completely real. I saw grass. I saw a beautiful river in front of me. Out of nowhere,everything got brighter than the sun and I was back in my body in a ambulance. I felt the love of there. We all go to a personal place of peace. No-one is sinful enough for Hell. No-one is good for Heaven. But every soul deserves peace and that's where we go.
@Ravenbones 3 месяца назад
"You see this when..." "May Scholars have...." "If you read here...." "Note how...." Yet nothing shown on screen, no verses, no writings, no excerpts, no page numbers, no passages, no citations, no nothing.
@svenbruder9977 3 месяца назад
IT’s Greek to me…lol no seriously, there’s written Greek accounts of Jesus and it’s not good…don’t go down the 🐇..
@YawnGod 3 месяца назад
@markmaxwell9642 Год назад
The world would be a much different place if mankind could understand these truths hidden from them for centuries.
@tommerphy1286 10 месяцев назад
@ this guy's Parallels are rife with holes . Haven't heard actual hard evidence only opinion and personal interpretation no specific places. How many entrances are there into that city? Your inference is parallel to taking a segment of DNA and replacating it over and over again and presenting in as proof when in truth it's not
@celticviking1945 3 месяца назад
I think the Flavian's were sponsors, but it was Josephus who was the mastermind.
@KaosAucht 3 месяца назад
Wouldn't surprise me at all knowing his personal history
@mnamhie 3 месяца назад
Right on the money. Josephus was definitely involved. But undoubtedly it was a team of highly educated Roman elites.
@gregrhodes6802 4 года назад
Joe has put up with dozens and dozens of both secular biblical scholars, and Christian scholars whom have labeled him and his brilliant hypothesis as crazy... With most of them never having even read or studied his work... But now some years later , and after all these years his work has become groundbreaking, and many of his ideas have come to be accepted ... great job. Joseph Atwill...!!! 👍
@JohnBrown-of4pw 4 года назад
Greg Rhodes He is worthy of ridicule Will you also say that Plato made up Socrates?
@cameradanblack 4 года назад
I agree. Joe Atwill is a hero for freethinkers everywhere yet he goes mostly unknown. The sequence that he discovered proves the Gospels are Roman propaganda and not Jewish Histories. His accomplishment will be his legacy because he truly has opened Pandora's Box.
@brentwebster3751 3 года назад
The problem with this story is that at the very least, the first 5 books of the Bible predate Flavius. This is no different than the movie 'Zeitgeist' trying to say that Yeshua is just like all other gods, having the same attributes and stemming from sun worship. The problem with that is, most of the dates and things attributed to Yeshua in that movie and in Christianity today are wrong. For example,Yeshua was not born on the 25th of December. Nor was he resurrected on Easter. Those are fallacies perpetuated by the catholic church and continued as tradition in other churches and branches of Christianity. This is dissemination. As is most of what is taught today as gospel. Yeshua is and was very real. And one day soon I believe, we will all stand before him to give account for our lives. I just pray I will be ready. And I pray you will as well.
@sincorazon9920 2 года назад
@@brentwebster3751 which first 5 books?
@brentwebster3751 2 года назад
@@sincorazon9920 the Torah /Five books of Moses. Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy.
@friendlyboylulea 5 лет назад
Very great research with enormously significant implications. To a rational person, it is easy to be convinced that all religions have been made by human society and political entities but your research takes us one major step a head in the case of Christianity. Thanks for sharing with the world!
@truethinker221 5 лет назад
Does it seem rational that the Roman Imperialist would want to invent a Jew from Nazareth to be there God.I think that by the time they realized the initials J.C. stood for Jesus Christ rather than Julius Caesar it was to late.
@kennethsnyder9236 2 года назад
Imagine there’s no heaven no hell. After years of investigation I have come to a conclusion to this fact
@nywill9125 2 года назад
@@kennethsnyder9236 Break it down for us
@rossqm369 2 года назад
dont forget Maometto copied from the new and old testament thereafter, that one is the worse, very similar to jews and authoritarianism
@mikadotanh9396 2 года назад
Only to go back to square 1 with computer simulation technologies
@ricardocardenas5684 4 года назад
I hope your right as for me ill believe in Jesus Christ!
@metaphorphosis252 4 года назад
if you look into the actual hebrew translations you will see that the old testament was written with the knowledge that jesus would come. when moses saw the father from behind he was radically transformed and grew horns. no man can look on the father and live...this didnt mean they would die but would no longer function in the world among other men. jesus was given to us that we would be able to know the father
@titus3264 4 года назад
The Scientific evidence that supports the Bible is so staggering, the real Histories of the middle east all of them agree, the first kingdoms are from the Bible please do your research.
@candyaudioline 3 года назад
Not really well versed in the bible but i do believe in God... after seeing lots of videos about proving falsehood of the divine, i start to feel sorry for these non believers... then i remembered a scene from Jesus of Nazareth were Jesus told Judas to "open you heart and not your mind"...
@sethmichael8188 3 года назад
@@metaphorphosis252 King James Bible Who hath ascended up into heaven, or descended? who hath gathered the wind in his fists? who hath bound the waters in a garment? who hath established all the ends of the earth? what is his name, and what is his son's name, if thou canst tell?
@AngryBilleh 3 года назад
@@candyaudioline open your heart and not your mind does explain all the poor souls paying child support today huh? It's so much easier to preach than it is to pursue truth in which we preach
@dithmarscherwebdesign 3 года назад
In 1972, on one of my first days in school, my father asked me what I had learned in the morning. So I told him that the teacher had told us the story of the good Samaritan. "Always remember," my dad then said, "these are all nice stories, but they are just that, stories. None of that really happened." And thus I was blessed to grow up in the absence of the lord.
@rachelgreer5263 3 года назад
Yes, Jesus told parables to educate on eternal life and morals.. But the Bible as a whole is a history book. I love you Dirk, and if I may be so bold as to ask you to educate yourself personally and not rely on your parent alone to tell you about life everlasting or lack there of. Because my father told me different. So if we were to argue just based on what our father's told us wouldn't we just be playing a "my dad is better than your dad" child's game? The moral law is already written on your heart, your conscience, reminds you of this. Please, don't ignore it. And because we fall short and rebel against these laws and His holiness, He sent His son as a sacrifice for us. And if we repent and believe He paid our debt making us clean in the eyes of God, death can no longer hold us down. Resting in Him is a joy I can't even explain. Please consider what I've said. Again I love you Dirk, this earthly life is but a vapor. May God soften your heart to receive His love.
@guitarplyr327 3 года назад
@@rachelgreer5263 So he killed his son (himself) because he loves us? Sad how often Christians overlook the barbarism in this act.
@rachelgreer5263 3 года назад
@@guitarplyr327 I agree, that to the carnal mind it may be seem barbaric and sad. To me it means sanctification. And I'm very grateful He gave the ultimate sacrifice. To Him be the glory.
@guitarplyr327 3 года назад
@@rachelgreer5263 What exactly did he sacrifice?
@rachelgreer5263 3 года назад
@@guitarplyr327 you said it yourself in your previous text. God in the flesh.
@twocents4912 3 года назад
Believe in the LORD JESUS CHRIST and be saved 🙏
@benjalucian1515 3 года назад
Be saved from what?
@Kinesiology411 Год назад
You're just as well to believe in Harry Potter.
@rightousliving 3 года назад
What about another explanation, since the gospels were happening around 40 years earlier, if Titus was aware of them, which he most likely was, he instructed Josephus to make a mockery out of it by having his military campaign in the same order written down. This is much more likely he used mockery of scriptures like „I make you fishers of men“ when he stood at the lake of Galilee by using this peaceful sentence and making something really bloody out of it.
@williamsifton6270 3 года назад
@larrysherk 3 года назад
Well sort of . . . Constantine wanted to go to Byzantium and rule the Eastern half, which wasn't falling apart, so he gave the Western Half to the pope.
@jellyrollthunder3625 3 года назад
in Rome maybe
@Who63 3 года назад
The Roman Catholic Church has been founded by our lord whom he chose Peter the rock into which to start his church. Matt 16:18, Peter reigned in Rome as bishop for 25 years until his death in 64 AD. FACT. Long live Holy Mother Church outliving every major Empire for 2,000 years!
@David-og7di 3 года назад
@@Who63 And the Chinese? An Empire 5000 years before Rome.
@imthe1sthuemanonearth147 3 года назад
yeah they run america its call politics
@albwilso9 8 месяцев назад
It has become So clear to me now. The Flavians Did invent Christianity!!!, I see how the predicted everything, by just back dating Jesus’ (Titus’s ) Predictions!!!! So Clear
@paco_lord87 6 месяцев назад
Are you sarcastic or really saying that ? Because for me is way more logical that idea, then some peaceful messiah born by virgin woman, making wine from water and teaching people been good in times where almost every nation in that part of the world were in some sort of war...
@paulhwu5613 4 года назад
if flavian invented the gospel, then they had the ability to change the calendar system. yet, the anno domini (AD) was not changed until 525 AD, not around 90 AD
@kensmith8152 4 года назад
This statement only begs the question: Why then did the Romans persecute the Christians then?
@ccreativghost8148 4 года назад
That's right This documentary is nothing but deception
@justiciaesbuena6704 4 года назад
HAHAHA! You are right! The title should say something like this: "How the romans (The Flavians) inspired the invention of jesus" or "The gospels plagiarized romans' (The Flavians) books.
@lukeschultz6886 4 года назад
my thoughts exactly
@stephengibson4823 3 года назад
@ Seems like you know very little about scapegoats, persecution and absorption within political power struggles. lol
@stephengibson4823 3 года назад
@ Wow you really need to think about why Rome was so successful and read more history. The roman Empire wasn't absorbed. It collapsed as all empires finally do, but not because of Christianity. Greed and power struggles within the ruling classes was the collapse and long after Constantine. It's success, at it's height was it's ability to absorb cultures into their own. Which didn't mean suppress as you might think. Yes, Christians were scapegoats at the time of Nero. Purely political motivation. Constantine did indeed make Christianity the official religion in 313 AD but he didn't convert until his deathbed in 337, 24 YEARS LATER. Was this maybe fear in his dying moments that there might be something in this christian religion so better safe than sorry? We will never know. What we do know is he was a pragmatist. Christianity was becoming a large minority. A movement that after official acceptance carried out their own persecutions of other existing religions in Rome on a comparable brutal scale, often conveniently overlooked by Christians today. Constantine might have observed about what certain "Christian" factions could be capable of as it grew in popularity. "Meek and Mild" they most certainly weren't. And then, behold, the birth of the Roman Catholic religion which became the corrupt, oppressive, power hungry institution it was. With the still strongest military power at its back it's grip and consolidation was assured. He convoked the first council of Nicaea to try and calm the growing unrest with the different factions of the religion. The catholic church even fabricated the Donation of Constantine which gave immense power to the church in the middle ages. This was politics and power pure and simple. No god required. A link worth reading www.reddit.com > comments > why did the Roman empire adopt Christianity when Romans killed Jesus. Try reading some unbiased christian accounts of Roman, It's rise and downfall for a change.
@yisraelthebesorah Год назад
The Tanak is the truth and all praise goes to the most high YAH
@Baa975 Год назад
@lindajoubert6205 Год назад
I'm in total agreement.
@TAC0FACE Год назад
@craig221 10 дней назад
Lmao no its not. Its bullshit too
@jackmenendez956 5 лет назад
Believing in anything you want to believe in has been the easiest. But the most difficult part is letting go. Letting go of those lies that we once held dearly in our hearts to be the truth. Hard to let go when those lies have been the foundation that we built our principles and values on. And while all that is swirling in your head, you suddenly become overwhelmed with the sense of betrayal because the truth actually does hurt. The truth hurts because the truth is a lie being exposed.
@Fruit732 10 месяцев назад
I am feeling this way right now. My brain hurts as it tries to un-learn everything I've been taught. The deeper I dig for truth, the more confused I get and I realize I know absolutely nothing.
@larrysherk 3 года назад
Virgin births go well back into Egypt, also. Neat trick. See John Lamb Lash "Not In His Image"
@derrickflintstone548 3 года назад
They were virgin births, but they were mostly from other creatures rather than humans. If you look at all of these verses; Genesis 6:2, Exodus 4:22, Jeremiah 31:9, and John 3:16. After reading those take a look at Genesis 15:4, Genesis 22:2, Galatians 4:22-31, and line those up with the previous verses I gave you along with Deuteronomy 6:4 in its original translation then you'll see Jesus is real and this guys theory is flawd.
@johnnyelle8052 3 года назад
Virgin human birth as a story narrative goes back further than Egyptian beliefs back to ancient shaman beliefs from India.
@larrysherk 3 года назад
@@johnnyelle8052 Very cool, Johnny ! Do you have a reference so I could learn more ?
@Adamcharlie333 2 года назад
@@larrysherk wheres that proof ?
@TheSnakemanOfTheNorthwest 9 месяцев назад
One of the big arguments this guy makes is that Jesus is too similiar to Moses, but in Duet. 18: 15-19 God says he will raise up a prophet like Moses. I don't see how any of the other prophets could've met the same amount of criteria as Jesus did. On top of that, Atwill here gives converting the Jews to a pacifistic religion as a motive for making Jesus up, but the new testament put Jews as the people who handed Jesus (who according to the new testament itself is God incarnated) over to the Romans for the expressed purpose of having him slain. This would mean the Romans are trying to pacify the Jews by effectively saying "Hey, both our people put your God to an extremely painful and humiiating death, wanna bond over that?". That sounds like a hard sell chief. I don't think anyone is going to try and sell people on, "Hey, you're terrible, I'm terrible, wanna pay taxes?"
@deetrain5890 3 года назад
The first letters of Paul are dated to the 50's far before the Flavians ever came to power.
@saroyafanniel8932 3 года назад
That is the case yet the Bible has been tampered with on a number of occasions that are documented by the Catholic *and* Protestant church. Given the historical behavior of Rome it is not far fetched to consider that there was direct intervention by Roman Caesars - especially when they had access to a He [brew] scholar willing to sellout his own folks to secure his position. Who determined the date of Paul's letters? Church historians. That's like having the CIA investigate its own wrong-doing. Even the KJV was doctored by the church after he was exiled. He attempted to restore the original Old Testament from the Torah (He [brew]) and the New from Aramaic and Greek. King James was a melanated Jacobite (He [brew]) and the original book he published *included the Apocryphal texts*, introductions as well as timeline, map, genealogy and language concordances. The *ORIGINAL* KJV (1611) published by "Rex Jacobus IV and I Di Magna Britannia, France et Hibernia" contained the 'Apocrypha' up until 1885AD (also, some books are called 'deuterocanonical' by the Catholic church - deutero "second"; canonical "authorized" or "recognized"). Why do you suppose they referred to this group of arbitrarily removed books as such? Because the word itself is derived from Greek and pertains to 'hidden' or 'secret' writings reserved for advanced initiates of Chr [is] tianity not some clandestine radical scenario. In those times most "pe [asa] nts" (average citizens) were illiterate and for many centuries *only* monks, priests and church hierarchy had access to the Bible. King James did not agree and wanted to bless everyone with the scriptures. After he was deposed the church 'officials' decimated his work. The directive for "good" Ch [ris] tians to avoid the Apocrypha like the plague is only a little over a century old yet they have folks believing it has always been the case. And therin lies the problem: when it comes to history Westerners are woefully deficient and complacent. The lies are gargantuan and on *EVERY* level of academia from scientific to cultural. People should take this time created by the pandemic to actually educate themselves (the 'compulsory education' [K-12] model is indoctrination designed to make good worker bees). Are we slaves or pets obeying masters; or human beings created to implement their free will and critical thinking? As Yehoshua Hamashiac said, "Let the discerning ear hear." ______________________________________________________
@deetrain5890 3 года назад
@@saroyafanniel8932 The Romans creating Jesus is a flat out bad theory supported by atheists but not by facts of history.
@deetrain5890 3 года назад
@@saroyafanniel8932 The bible is a collection of books. It is not a magic book and true Christians do not worship it. Septuagint is the oldest bible and it was written in Greek and ha the Apocryphal books. Jews in reaction to Jesus wrote a non-Greek bible in the first century AD that later became the Masoretic text. The Catholic church added letters to the Septuagint and then Jews convinced weak protestants to remove the Apocryphal texts and to use the Masoretic over the Septuagint.
@saroyafanniel8932 3 года назад
@@deetrain5890 Christianity was referred to as "the Roman religion" for centuries...
@deetrain5890 3 года назад
@@saroyafanniel8932 Which centuries?
@MrBBaron 9 месяцев назад
There are many NDE experiences where they did not see a Jesus . They see their loved ones, etc. They claim to see a light and an intense feeling of oneness with all and immense love. Other cultures see their god, not Jesus The key is near death ..not dead. Claims are not proof.
@whippet71 3 года назад
This would explain why the time-line is so screwed up - I think it's possible Josephus Flavius also wrote under the pen name, the Apostle Paul. This character Paul invented Christianity not Jesus. Atwill is gifted. He should collaborate with Ralph Ellis, a modern day Sherlock Holmes when it comes to Mideast history.
@smack09 4 года назад
I noticed that Jesus fed 4-5 thousand people and sat them down in groups of 100s n 50s.. Said to the mate that that force is about as big as a roman legion and could give the Romans a great go.. Could the multitude actually be a legion of Titus? After giving the multitude a big morale boosting speech they said he taught them as of one having authority unlike a teacher, sounds like a commander the more I read.
@elliottpaine9259 2 года назад
So throughout the matt- flavius connection, is it insinuated by Atwill that some "Flavian book/story " was written way before the book of matthew , thus, matthew is the copy? He doesn't expressly say it. Can someone clarify? To me if they were written at same time or matthew was written before he has no arguement.
@MarYSoldePuertoRico 2 года назад
Malachi 3:6 says Yahuah does not change and 3:16 mentions “the book of remembrance or a cepher of record was written”. Then these devils named it old testament and created a new testament…
@PhillyPhilPhil 3 года назад
After doing a quick google of Josephus and his life it seems very likely that the wiring-together was the other way around. Also Christianity was a thing before Josephus started writing.
@cypriantertullian7495 3 года назад
Exactly. Jesus was born, lived and died before Titus. Jesus is believed to have been born in 4BC and died in 33 AD....and resurrected of course, as a Christian myself. Titus was born in 39 AD...So how can the story of Jesus be based on Titus, when the chronological order says otherwise?
@badnaseebsingh 3 года назад
@@cypriantertullian7495 Jesus was 37 or 33 when he passed away?
@cypriantertullian7495 3 года назад
@@badnaseebsingh ...He was 33 when he died. Luke 3:23 says Jesus was 30 years old when he started his ministry, and then he died about 3 years later. The main point though is that Jesus lived BEFORE TITUS, and not the other way around. Titus was born in 39AD and died around 81AD.
@badnaseebsingh 3 года назад
@@cypriantertullian7495 I know. I'm just confused about the math 4 B.C - 33 A.D.
@cypriantertullian7495 3 года назад
@@badnaseebsingh .....Well, it's either he was born 4bc and died 30AD, which would make him 33 years old at his death, or he was born 1AD and died 33AD which would make him 33 years old at his death, and resurrection of course. But like I said, Jesus lived and died before Titus was born.
The Prophet Daniel prophesied about Kingdoms that will take over from each other and Nebuchadnezzar at that time so the Jesus Christ calling Him the Son Of God. Moses, Jeremiah , Isaiah, Ezekiel etc all talked about Him coming before He was manifested. The question is where was caesar's who even didn't exist at that time not even the 1st emperor of rome get the idea of creating a Messiah?
@yisraelthebesorah Год назад
HalleluYAH all praise goes to the most high Yahuah and him alone no saviors attached.
@hoslabara2703 9 месяцев назад
Maybe Jesus is Many myths Combined Sweet Metaphoric Character invented by Romans Based on Julies Ceaser , Alexander, Egyptian Horus, Osiris, Persian mythras,Indian Krishna.
@comfortablynumb9342 8 месяцев назад
I've heard that he's a composite of a bunch of different old "pagan" traditional stories and myths. The whole Bible is the same way.
@pdjinne65 8 месяцев назад
just like the bible in general, old testament included. Life was hard without a good internet connection!
@Reticuli 7 месяцев назад
@@comfortablynumb9342 The old testament has been pretty much the same for a long time, but the Hebrews did borrow a bunch of stuff along the way and fabricate other parts, like Exodus, which was written during the Babylonian captivity.
@Reticuli 7 месяцев назад
@@pdjinne65 yes, and people were easy to manipulate
@pdjinne65 7 месяцев назад
@@Reticuli Imagine being told you're going to hell for ETERNITY if you don't believe in X or Y.
@MrRaretunes 5 лет назад
Ah the Chewbaka explanation. Why would a Wookiee, an 8-foot-tall Wookiee, want to live on Endor, with a bunch of 2-foot-tall Ewoks? That does not make sense! But more important, you have to ask yourself: What does this have to do with this case? Nothing. Ladies and gentlemen, it has nothing to do with this case! It does not make sense! Look at me. I'm a lawyer defending a major record company, and I'm talkin' about Chewbacca! Does that make sense? Ladies and gentlemen, I am not making any sense! None of this makes sense! And so you have to remember, when you're in that jury room deliberatin' and conjugatin' the Emancipation Proclamation, does it make sense? No! Ladies and gentlemen of this supposed jury, it does not make sense! If Chewbacca lives on Endor, you must acquit! The defense rests...NOW BUY MY BOOK!!!
@god9335 5 лет назад
I don't remember that part where or what episode is that in ? It wold make sense if he wanted to be King.
@apokalypse7777 5 лет назад
MrRaretunes They are furry, like Chewbaccy😜😜😜 So he would feel comfortable in their presence. A bit like the Annunaki, wanted to live among puny humans.
@toddedwards6383 5 лет назад
How do I buy your books. You have opened my eyes Messiah. You must be the chosen one. Argggh!
@johnnyblade3226 2 года назад
What the hell are u talking about are u on drugs
@kgthegman 5 лет назад
since josephus came after jesus.. this seems to prove that these stories of titus were invented to mimic stories of jesus.. making titus seem more badass than he really was.. makes a lot more sense than a tiny roman dynasty inventing jesus that came ~70 years before their dynasty..
@jesusislord9080 5 лет назад
You're on the right track, Josephus was just a bootlicker and like a true Jew was in denial of Jesus as the messiah and claimed vespasian was the messiah instead so as to kill him with flattery so he wouldn't be killed. The Josephus method was fathered by him as well obviously, he worked out the numbers so his band of friends killed eachother and he was supposed to fall on his sword to avoid being enslaved by Rome. Only once all were dead he dropped his sword and pleaded with Titus and Vespasian to let him live and help them get the jews to give up making it easier.
@markfennell1167 5 лет назад
I was thinking the same thing. If there is any creative license and using a past history, I would think that it would be the man expanding on Flavias Titus inserting some historical references to Jesus. Not the other way around.
@howardreg2 3 года назад
I'm late to the party here, but wasn't The Complete Works of Flavius Josephus written after The Gospel of Matthew?
@liljade53 3 года назад
or, how does Mr. Atwill explain the Book of Acts, or Paul's epistles or letters, and the letters of Peter, John, James, Jude. The Flavians would have to be the greatest conspirators of all time!
@robertmatteson8109 3 года назад
I am a literature major (including the bible as lit) and agree with you 100%
@Stonezster Год назад
Oh Please, haha. He didn't mention Paul's writings before Josephus even met the Flavians, not to mention James and Peter. Real people...
@skilz8098 10 месяцев назад
@@Stonezster You also forgot to mention Jude
@AwakeningWarrior 3 года назад
The very first time I read the Bible, I came to the conclusion that someone invented Jesus to get away from a previous rule... I did not grow up steeped in any kind of religion and didn't even know Peter from Paul... so when I read the Bible, it was so obvious to me. This video just made my day. It confirms everything. It's so obvious!!!
@user-sj1tt3ie3z 3 года назад
As like stealing the books of moses just to quash it's laws (& generate MUCH $$)...................................................yep.
@terryglenweaver 3 года назад
Being that I met and spoke with Jesus face to face, I can assure you this guy is lying. Sorry for to burst your bubble.
@AwakeningWarrior 3 года назад
@@terryglenweaver LOL people have visions and psychedelic experiences without drugs all the time, that's what the body does. You'll have those experiences always in alignment with your beliefs. It's your brain, not reality. Not reality. I repeat, not reality lmfao
@terryglenweaver 3 года назад
@@AwakeningWarrior Who are YOU to claim my visions are fake? I know... you are nobody. You show you have no capacity to learn. On top of this; Look up Revelation 11. It tells of 2 Witnesses, of which I am one. Then read or re-read Ch 13 until you understand it. By the Way, God tells us to test our Prophecies and visions. I do just that and God's Visions and Prophecies have always passed.
@AwakeningWarrior 3 года назад
@@terryglenweaver All visions are fake, from any belief system. Christianity is a lie, it's bogus nonsense. I don't care what the bible says. It's all a lie. Just a story. And anyway, if the God of the bible is real, he's a piece of shit asshole and it would be better to serve his adversary than him any day. Screw that god, the god of the bible is actually satan... wake up!
@Dennnis10B Месяц назад
Realizing this truth is personal, very few can handle it or even care to look it up. The world has a perfect purpose..😊
@timdel9 8 лет назад
People have been hypnotized, nlp'd, mentally controlled, and manipulated, and to believe that after 2000 years some are still in that trance.
@milothecat2094 8 лет назад
I'm sorry brother but the same can be said for you!
@Kinesiology411 Год назад
​@@milothecat2094we aren't brainwashed.
@reddread973 5 лет назад
For my bible thumpers out there, Jesus said this to his disciples...Matthew 24:5 "For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ and shall deceive many."
@al.k1619 5 лет назад
It must be true then, cause it's written down lol.
@UnknownAlien475 5 лет назад
Just cause its in the book does not mean its true.
@michaels1749 5 лет назад
All this tells me is they don’t want people to really question Christianity and the existence of Jesus lol. The Bible is a tool boi
@al.k1619 5 лет назад
@@michaels1749, not only do they not want anyone to question but as we know throughout history people were murdered, burned and tortured for questioning, same as Islam. Religious institutions only need blind believers and not people who question. I still hear people saying that " Jesus is coming back ", lol. How about we take away all their gold and wealth and see what happens then.
@michaels1749 5 лет назад
Almir Kablar That’s true. A good read on the subject is the Christ conspiracy book by acharya S. She provides mass amounts of evidence that the character of Jesus is fictional and never existed, same as Moses. O suggests any Christians reading this, read that book.
@yahusephlellock 2 года назад
An acquaintance and I both used to becin a place of doubt because of all the similarities in the New from the Old Testament. Mature now I can see that reaffirming facts are what you should expect to find and if everything was new and not consistent from the Old that would be a very big issue.
@veryunclear 3 года назад
The "suffering servant" (Jesus) in Isaiah 53 totally disproves this hypothesis.
@wailinburnin 3 года назад
The “why” the Flavians would have done this is the necessary next step in the explanation and the next researcher who takes up this challenge and can popularize his/her work will make a tremendous contribution to understanding the evolution of consciousness. Rather than a mockery or a trick, the creation of a new mythology that could justify the total destruction of the the Temple may have been an urgent imperative if the Roman Empire was financially tied, if not dependent upon, the Mediterranean-wide Jewish trade arbitration colonies established by Greeks and Phoenicians centuries before. Jesus is so clearly the Hercules redeemer figure to begin with, it cheapens his whole deal to try to make him a real, historical figure in the first place, might as well insist “6 days” is 6 days and declare all poetry dead.
@michaelnicholls3294 2 года назад
He wasn’t born on 25 December and no date is given anywhere. It was impossible for the Magi and shepherds to have been there on the same night e.g. the Magi followed a star that only appeared upon his birth. The two gospel accounts of his birth conflict - how? The only witnesses were his parents. Who delivered him? The Holy Sepulcre Church was apparently built on the site of the stable. How did they know over 35 years later, where he was born? It would have been developed. Downstairs you can kiss the exact spot where was born……how can they prove that?! The four Gospels were not written by the names given to them and written forty or fifty years after his supposed death. Why take so long to record such a famous person? Emperor Constantine created Christianity by issuing an Edict of Milan in 313 and proclaimed himself to be one. It was created to subdue great civil unrest to give the Jews somebody to believe in. There are other examples of the story we are given that just don’t make sense………if you are interested.
@thetruthchannel349 4 года назад
"it was the Flavian court who authored the Gospels" *Yet the gospels all the way to Revelation and then reaching ALL the way back 1445 years through Prophetic utterances that the Romans would NOT have known about are 100% synchronous.*
@cas343 4 года назад
Titus was banging Aggrippa's sister and she knew a bunch of rabbis who crafted the narrative to fit in Jewish theology. *Daughter not sister.
@julianciahaconsulting8663 4 года назад
Yes the Romans would have known all about that material - after all they hauled off all the books in the 2nd Temple to Rome,,,,and had a jewish historian...Flavius Josephus...go thru that material.....
@thetruthchannel349 4 года назад
"after all they hauled off all the books in the 2nd Temple to Rome" *The reason Qumran exists is BECAUSE they knew Rome was going to torch Jerusalem and with it all the Scrolls and texts. There isnt a SINGLE scroll or text that comes from the 2nd Temple itself*
@thetruthchannel349 4 года назад
*Flavius was NOT a Jewish Historian. He was in fact a Greco Roman historian who recorded Jewish history*
@julianciahaconsulting8663 4 года назад
@@thetruthchannel349 Not now there isnt..correct....but the romans had alot of it after the war,,,and that material probably got destroyed by any number of events in the last 300 or so yrs of the roman empire,,,
@unknownfrvr6767 4 года назад
It always blows my mind how even in 2020 people still think religion is real
@paulsilas9070 4 года назад
Christianity is not about a religion but about a King and a Kingdom.
@MrKit9 4 года назад
@@paulsilas9070 The King of Lies and Deception
@GoodShepherdFilms3333 3 года назад
The narrator here. seems like a nice guy, I listened to nearly the entire presentation. speaking candidly the connections he makes between Titus and Jesus are extremely vague. No hard feelings but what he has presented would not even qualify as bad science. Basically he stared at the sky long enough to see what he wanted to see and made out what he see as a face in the clouds.
@eckerjoe 3 года назад
The connections are obvious to anyone who hasn’t beep previously brainwashed , which is what theism does without exception. The face in the clouds was invented by Christians. The lie is yours, as the ball is in your court.
@rayw3332 5 лет назад
"My atheism, like that of Spinoza, is true piety towards the universe and denies only gods fashioned by men in their own image to be servants of their human interests." George Santayana
@roddo1955 5 лет назад
Ooooh. I like that. I deny gods fashioned by man. Yet, I do not deny men fashioned by religion. They are man. As am I. One but not the same
@justinamusyoka4986 4 года назад
What a thoughtless chat.If you dont know anything,doesnt mean its not there.search more.
@justinamusyoka4986 4 года назад
@Christian Slayer even so without any book,the consciousness informs individually of the existence of a higher power beyond what we know.invincible doesnt mean non existent.I love the most High (GOD) because of this marvellous world and all the life in it. Today no intelligent person can tell the number of ALL people who have ever lived on earth yet ABBA FATHER ELOHIM knows every single hair in our heads,again he will resurrect those He purposed.
@titus3264 4 года назад
lol, You're a joke. Read a book. up top moron.
@mikewaggoner4016 4 года назад
the universe could NOT make itself. How does Jesus death and resurrection serve my interests EXCEPT to deliver me from sin and Hell ?
@Ben-br1bu 5 лет назад
Isn't it more plausible if Josephus made the mistake of writing "Son" instead of "Stones" that he is the one who copied from the Gospels instead of the other way around? Obviously when he made such a mistake, he was thinking of a "Son" entering the city while writing it, so it would make sense that he had the Gospel story in mind which inspired him while writing and because he had the part of the Son of David entering the city in mind, he would have accidentally written Son instead of Stones. The same is true for other parts you mentioned: For example why would he write that the Romans picked the Jews out of the water "like fish"? Seems to me as if he was trying to copy the story of the Gospel more than the other way around. Why does he describe the Jewish "Legion" (why that word) as having a "demonic spirit"? That seems to also have been copied rather than the other way around. Then you even mentioned that Josephus even has a character called Jesus who makes woes which is obviously also copied from the Gospels... How can one still assume that the Gospels were copied and not the story of Josephus if he looks at it objectively? Again, like the guy in the video admits, it is unclear as to why Josephus would make the mistake to write "The Son cometh". Do you really believe that the whole of idea of writing the Gospel about the Son of Man was based on a typo of Josephus? Because that's what the guy in the video is suggesting. And I don't know about you, but that absolutely doesn't make sense to me. Is it not more plausible to suggest that one typo (Son instead of Stone) was produced by copying the story about the Son of Man? In addition, the Story of Jesus Christ predates these events and there is enough to indicate that at least the Gospel of Luke was written long before the destruction of the temple in 70 AD. Josephus obviously didn't believe in Jesus being the Son of God but he might have found the story appealing as an art of fiction of his Jewish culture and therefore taken it as an inspiration to make his account about Titus more interesting. As he was writing this for a Roman target group, he wouldn't have feared that they would ever see where he got his inspiration from because the Christian community was just a Jewish sect in the area under persecution at the time.
@woofwoof7226 2 года назад
Interesting critique. I may add that it's Mark, not Matthew who used the name Legion. In Matthew the demons are unnamed, something that should bother the man in the video if his Matthew is Flavius Josephus. The use of plural for demons is common in jewish exorcism lore from the Second Temple period. Speaking topology as this author loves, the jews that wrote the Gospels must have known Isaiah's words about heathens that practice necromancy, sleep in temples of idols to obtain their dreams (e.g. Aesculapius' temple) and eat swine's flesh. So the demons, are according to some, the Romans. But how is this reconciled with the Romans inventing the Jesus or the rebellious fanatical jews that the Roman Jesus condemns :) Literary critic Rene Girard's theory of the scapegoat tells us something else. Jesus' entering the scene reverses the outcome of the traditional topology of a mob that stones to death or pushes over a cliff a wrongdoer, by saving the individual and damning instead the mob.
@acecaldwell4701 3 года назад
Only a fool would think Christ was an invented idea.
@jellyrollthunder3625 3 года назад
It was certainly invented before Christ, lol
@acecaldwell4701 3 года назад
Would you like a link to volumes of information that contridict your "opinion" because the evidence is stacked high against that statement.when you say things with a lack of proof makes you a compulsive fool
@jellyrollthunder3625 3 года назад
@@acecaldwell4701 ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-8U1Grl4HSRU.html
@adriansmith3427 3 года назад
Only a fool would believe 2 thousand year old fairy tales!
@jellyrollthunder3625 3 года назад
​@@adriansmith3427or MAYBE just a regular person who stands no chance against the culture of indoctrination they were born into. This is the case with most people as evidenced by the vast majority of people in this world who are hopelessly incapable of asking the most basic, albeit CRUCIAL questions of their religion and most likely their fundamentalist political religions as well because they don't care to know if their religion is wrong. They'd rather not know if it was, because they NEED it to be infallible because all fundamentalism perpetuates itself by commandeering the identities of its victims so they become addicted to the absolute certainty and righteousness of their completely subjective and unfalsifiable premises that they are fighting a heroic war against evil on behalf of a deity they cannot allow to be even kinda wrong about ANYTHING, and likewise, it's just as important to never give their ideological opponents any credit on ANYTHING. #1 rule in fundamentalism is to never humanize your ideological rivals with any of that messy nuance that might diminish the "pure evil" the NEED them to be lest their presumed "holy war" becomes anything less than the holiest pursuit capable by mankind against the most dangerous and EVIL earthly foes working directly for everyone's favorite boogieman/terrorist in the history of the universe unless anyone points out that Yahweh just arbitrarily chose to create satan, hell, blood sacrifices of innocent animals so he can feel temporarily validated, supposedly created a system where over 99% of all humans in history will be mercilessly tortured over an apple that somehow turns hunter-gatherers into gods who hate nudity. Though it clearly states that this silly "crime" against no one occurred before they could have possibly understood good vs. evil, not that it would make any sense with the most generous modern interpretation, but how can you hold a glorified chimpanzee responsible for knowing something they had no way of understanding at the time, much less every other human who ever lived, even the ones who never heard those stories or the regional deity who was happy to torture the oblivious for the first several thousand years of human civilization before ANYTHING was ever mentioned about Yahweh, his lopsided, genocidal sense of justice, or system that, if it were true, would ensure that the main function of all but a sliver of people in human history were created for his booming torture industry that would absolutely dwarf his eternal paradise industry he's clearly not even trying to promote. Why would anyone care about a place where everything is made out of gold if you can't even sell the gold. It might as well be made out of Coors Light cans if nothing even has value and even if it did, gold would be the most common substance by a landslide and worthless as water in the ocean. As worthless as a paradise with a genocidal, psychopathic, narcissus who can't think of any better reward for those lucky enough to make it aboard his tiny region of "non-torture" than to "praise" him for eternally. SO, torture for everyone, everywhere, with the exception of a small loophole for those sycophants suited to maintain his insane addiction to having his ego fluffed, despite his history of arbitrarily killing his own son for a weekend to supposedly create a loophole to help populate his ego-fluffing colony. But none of this terrible shit was necessary. No one is forcing an all-powerful god to have his own son tortured and murdered for a weekend and virtually everyone else not privileged enough to know that his personal ego-fluffer is the best-case scenario. As an apple-chimp-deity myself, I'm positive that I could have created a universe with less human suffering, fear, and arbitrary torture where faith isn't misrepresented as useful and skepticism isn't a tragedy because fundamentalism wouldn't be able to thrive in a world where the concept of faith was never artificially inflated into a virtuous position that has no place in the real world of problem-solving and only exists to insulate it from basic skepticism that easily embraces the nuance required to resolve real-world problems and disagreements where the only thing fundamentalism knows how to do is to claim to be right about everything while conveniently painting those from opposing fundamentalist groups as EVIL. Neither side has the ability to fact-check what they might be right or wrong about as fundamentalism isn't equipped with any such mechanism for nuance or compromise. Fundamentalism is quite simply a glorified addiction to certainty with no practical applications aside from weaponizing all the ugliest aspects of tribalism by eliminating their member's basic abilities to compromise or update their position with updated argumentation or evidence because having faith that you have a special way of already being right about everything is considered more reliable to them than some evidence that might have FORCED an intellectually honest adult to rightfully update their worldview, but that's just not a label you can assign to a group of people who would rather not know what they are wrong about because they are all addicts, sad to say. Addicted to certainty.
@ozzyg7742 2 года назад
Timothy 4:1 “Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;”
@brojotabada8688 5 лет назад
I have few take aways and questions as well 1 Why use Jesus' name? Why not other names? 2 If you will create a story and wants people to believe it, will you not consider to include few truths along with the lies?
@JohnBrown-of4pw 4 года назад
Josh iah A Roman would never think to use females as the first witnesses to the resurrection.
@JUSLOFI 4 года назад
Because Just like John The Baptist is the new ELIJAH, Jesus (YHWH Saves) is the new ELISHA (Elohim Saves).
@mikadotanh9396 2 года назад
What can we do today to mimic some sort of resurrection of some tribal member that doesn’t know any better? High technologies, a mass population to pick from.
@arctos49 5 месяцев назад
The conspiracy to invent Jesus also had another influence. If you look at the particulars of the purported life of Jesus they bear a striking similarity to the life of the Egyptian God, Horus, from many centuries before . Many are virtually identical such as being born of a virgin, performing miracles and healing the sick. It seems to me that the life of Horus was great source material for the supposed life of Jesus. That life was eagerly adopted by Paul (or Saul of Tarsus) as the foundation story for his church
@EpicFantasyRPGOfficial2 4 месяца назад
all religions are jew created.
@blacklands5967 4 года назад
Anybody read the Council of Nicea 325
@lueforteiii4581 3 года назад
Now its called the NEW York Stock Exchange.
@Rakeemgrant 3 года назад
Yes. They dicided which books would go into the Bible
@aisaketakau7824 8 месяцев назад
this guy is speculatiing for whatever his motive . there is no secret that the new testament rests on the old testament , but his roman connection is a joke .
@paco_lord87 6 месяцев назад
It is joke to believe that virgin woman can give birth...
@lex.cordis 6 месяцев назад
@@paco_lord87 Or that a 100 year-old (or so) woman can give birth to a child. Or that people can literally "Wander" in the wilderness for FORTY YEARS. Give me a fvcking break, man.
@paco_lord87 6 месяцев назад
@@lex.cordis Or that raining for 40 days all over the Earth (which is physically immposible) will cover the mountains.. while in the Amazon can rain 2 months and the water never covered half of the trees... Or splitting the sea to cross it while the bottom is still wet and muddy and be able to walk in that for 5 km and escape the egiptians ridding horses... Or Creating universe with 200 000 000 000 galaxies for 6 days and then decide to relax the 7th.. why god will need to relax if he is all doing...
@Grayraven777 3 месяца назад
Nope, it's your ability to listen that is the joke.
@ChrisHamberg-ok2cz 5 лет назад
How do you know that the flavian story isn't made up?
@travosymir3188 5 лет назад
Ya its a myth spread by the synagogue of satan. Nobody has even heard of Flavius and Jews admit Yashua was real but that he was a Jew (which he never was) fanatic that got killed after he went after the Jewish bankers. This guy presented no fact but just speculative assertions.
@brucecampbell6578 5 лет назад
It was Flavius Titus who captured the Torah from Herod's Temple and delivered it to his uncle Flavius Vespacian and according to their court Jew Flavius Josephus this Holy Torah was hidden from public view. Titus and Vespasian were put in charge of Jewish pacification by the last of the Claudian Roman dynasty. A guy by the name of Nero. It was Jewish pacification and reconquest that elevated the Flavian dynasty to power for the following centuries unto the time of Flavius Constantine who gave us the completed form of two religions in one book to bifurcate the mind in helplessness.
@brucecampbell6578 5 лет назад
That is to say Romans are not really interested in religions as they are in the politics of control. The Bible is pure propaganda, written and compiled by Flavian agents in Alexandria and Rome. As for Jesus, he was born of a virgin on the solstice and died on the equinox or celestial cross. You might as well call him the sun.
@terrysaunders5496 5 лет назад
the connection to freemasonry and the royals is undisputed the connection to 911 and 77 and terrorism is also proven. the number 77 is an occult number worshipped by both the royals and the catholic church. plane 77 hit the pentagon which has 7 floors, 77 feet high and built by freemasons on the meridian west line of 77 degrees. the london bombings were done on 77 the train used had a number of c77 and the bus used had a fleet number of 177. both wedding cars used for will and kates and pippas wedding had a plate number of 77. to be chosen as pope u need 77 votes from the bishops. infact look up 77 and the royals and you will find that many royal buildings and institutes have the number 77 as an address. the royals along with the freemasons and catholic church are terrorists which is proven by the number 77.
@ChrisHamberg-ok2cz 5 лет назад
@@brucecampbell6578 That is just a story, and could just as well be make believe as much as anything else.
@ranterredhead5005 5 лет назад
None of this makes sense at all.
@xaviersuv791 5 лет назад
@clifton gaither i watch his videos but i dont underatand why people dont take hia job seriously.
@warrenb3748 4 года назад
I need specific references for each of his claims. Slightly frustrated I haven’t found any parallels in my reading of Josephus yet. Makes me think this is bs.
@zaccoats1715 4 года назад
At the end of the day, we don't know who wrote the gospels, the years written were 60-70 ad. Avg life span was 60, so the original "apostles" didn't write the books, no one disputes that, accept sheep. There is on G-d, the gospels and paul contradict the old testament, Tanakh. Look up Rabbi Tovia Singer.
@warrenb3748 4 года назад
zac coats I suppose it doesn’t matter too much but you meant the word “except” and not “accept” when referring to sheep. Since my comment I’ve found the references and some of it checks out. I still haven’t seen the passage which directly reads “behold the son” upon Titus entry into Jerusalem but I accept the possibility I may have overlooked it. I know that most of the Bible is known to be written by other authors all apart from the Epistles of Paul. Dr Richard Carrier has some interesting lectures on that topic in his discussion of Jesus’ historicity. One sticking point of Atwill’s theory I find though is that Emperor Nero who predates Vespasian and the supposed Jesus myth is known to have persecuted Christians. Perhaps these were a pre-christian messianic faction of militaristic anti roman Jews, but it isn’t explained at all.
@shashanktripathi3398 4 года назад
read his book, every detail is there.
@renegade7890 4 года назад
Jesus is horis... just do some basic research and lift the veil.
@benjaminchartier6458 4 года назад
Josephus also spoke of many different men who were named Jesus,not just the Biblical Jesus. Some had parallels to the biblical Jesus, but not in whole. The book of acts recall Messianic movements other than Jesus also. If the purpose which Josephus had for pacifying Christians, it had an unintentional consequences, one being the dissolution of the Roman empire.
@kyalvidigi1398 4 года назад
Then several centuries later, people will believe Harry Potter is real. Trust me, it will happen.
@bungieflute 3 года назад
Will Elvis take the place of Jesus in a Thousand years? Dead Kennedys...
@raymondgrimaldi9207 3 года назад
@Egg T not hardly
@sassafrasred6657 3 года назад
What do you mean? Harry Potter is as real as Jesus.
@eigelgregossweisse9563 3 года назад
Hmm nah, maybe but Harry isnt so much as he isnt deified.
@jarrygarry5316 2 года назад
2000 or 3000 years later,people will believe Spiderman lives in New York to fight the villains
@timmacwilliam9519 5 дней назад
Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John were not written by them. There is zero evidence for Moses, archaeological or from other written records.
@bcalvert321 День назад
All lies by an atheist who has never dug into what archaeology has found and not found. We have many reasons to believe they were written by these men.
@John-vz5un 9 часов назад
Let's see: Matthew a tax collector; Mark whatever ;Luke a physician; John, fisherman. That would probably make Matthew the most literate of the group, however, not up to the sophisticated, stylized Greek literature.
@bcalvert321 8 часов назад
@@John-vz5un Luke was Greek. Mathew was a tax collector who had to be educated to work with money and the Romans. The Romans did not no Hebrew writing but they did know Greek. Greek was spoken by the Greeks and the Jews. All of the text were written before 70 AD. Scholars have dated the earliest manuscripts. Many years before Flavius time. So the video and you are wrong.
@martinbrown6327 3 года назад
Absolutely ludicrous…the very idea that a Roman family would go to this extent is absurd.
@rbutler6573 Год назад
forgive my ignorance. what is the time difference between the writing of the gospels and the writing of the history of titus? how do you know that titus wasnt copying the gospels? that for the helpful infomation.
@pbrothba 8 месяцев назад
Because there are contemporary sources that can validate the historicity of Titus and there are no original manuscripts for any of the gospels. I believe the first gospel is dated somewhere around 90 CE
@paulwillisorg 4 года назад
He talks more about how amazing and incredible it is than actually providing any good examples.
@davidfenton3910 3 года назад
Yes, a reply I just gave shows one. I will reproduce it for you. Yep, he doesn't lay out a basic structure and show that it is based in literary facts and to then fill in some important parts clearly. The following is from a reply I made earlier today. It lays out a basic factual structure, and uses a biblical authority (Dr Robert M Price) once publicly critical of Atwill and a clear example from Josephus in doing so. I hope it helps. Some literary typological links between Josephus and the Gospels, and in particular Jesus are obvious and because Josephus is an official Roman literary source, this makes the possibility of Roman involvement in the creation of the Gospels a reasonable inference. Some things are clear parallels thus establishing a link between the texts and because it is Josephus, thus establishing a link to Roman Power, which at his time was the Flavians. The following is from the tail end of a section in Josephus full of portents, omens and signs of a mythical and magical nature. It finishes with the point it was building to by basically saying what is even more terrible than all this is ... this Jesus Prophet of woe. “chariots and troops of soldiers in their armour were seen (in the clouds of the setting sun) running about among the clouds, and surrounding of cities. But what is even more terrible, *there was one Jesus, the son of Ananus,* a plebeian and a husbandman, who four years before the war began … began on a sudden to cry aloud … a voice against Jerusalem and the holy house, … and a voice against this whole people” Josephus depicts this through the rulers as a type of divine fury in the man. For the full account in Josephus ... See: Wars Book 6, chapter 5, Section 3 I draw attention to 9 parallels below 1 *Josephus Jesus, the son of Ananus,* came to Jerusalem at the feast of Tabernacles (Booths) which involves the waving of palm branches. *Gospel Jesus* entered Jerusalem to the waving of palm branches even though he entered to celebrate the passover festival and become its human sacrifice. 2 *Josephus Jesus, the son of Ananus,* Delivers a woe expressly using the word woe, against Jerusalem and ‘this whole people’ for over 7 years until he dies on the wall. This Jesus says Woe, woe woe woe woe woe woe for 7 years *Gospel Jesus* Gives 20 plus woes in Matthew Mark and Luke’s Gospels combined expressly using the word woe. 3 *Josephus Jesus, the son of Ananus,* Seized by Jewish leaders *Gospel Jesus* Seized by Jewish leaders 4 *Josephus Jesus, the son of Ananus,* Beaten and whipped 5 *Josephus Jesus, the son of Ananus,* Answers no questions when interrogated *Gospel Jesus* Answers no questions when interrogated 6 *Josephus Jesus, the son of Ananus,* taken to the Roman procurator *Gospel Jesus* taken to the Roman procurator 7 *Josephus Jesus, the son of Ananus,* Called mad *Gospel Jesus* Called mad 8 *Josephus Jesus, the son of Ananus,* Prophecied his own death and it happened *Gospel Jesus* Prophecied his own death and it happened 9 *Josephus Jesus, the son of Ananus,* Called Jesus *Gospel Jesus* Called Jesus In reference to the above, in the context of a Josephus Gospels link Dr Robert M Price says the following Note: *The Nativity* is the story of Jesus birth and childhood. *The Passion* is the tale of his capture, trial and execution These occur at the start and end of the Gospels. Their counterparts in Josephus occur at the start and end of Titus military actions which relate to the ministry of Jesus. When these 3 are all looked at together they form a triple series of parallel sequences. This is what Dr Robert M Price is talking about below. “The fact that the Gospels used Josephus ... is interesting too because you’ve got, in Matthew not just a Moses typology with the nativity, it’s that and then some because it matches Josephus’s nativity of Moses more closely than the Exodus original. And it just seems Oh, yeah he’s using Josephus here. And then on the other end of it (i.e. at the end of the Gospel) as I pointed out in “Deconstructing Jesus” I guess it was, and Theodore J Whedon*, he really unpacked the idea. It seems like the trial narrative of Jesus, and really the whole passion narrative, is based on Josephus's story of Jesus Ananias a prophet who was seditiously predicting the fall of Jerusalem and how during the siege of Jerusalem some years later, oh yeah, I’m sorry and (before this) he was dragged before the priests and the Roman procurator, though this was after Pilate’s time, _he was_ flogged but refused to say anything in his own defence but he was let go and he was killed on the wall of the city by a catapult during the siege and all four Gospels give evidence of knowing of the story or of getting it from Josephus. Well that’s the Nativity and the Passion Narratives on both ends of the Jesus Story that seem very likely to have come from Josephus. So he may be a much more important source for the Gospels than anybody has thought and of course people don’t like to admit that he was because for one thing that undermines the historical reality of the gospel story and makes the Gospels written a good bit later. But I think it’s pretty convincing and that makes me look back at a number of other things that Joe points out in Caesar’s Messiah, where they’re a little less obvious, you have to dig for them but they’re there it’s just hard to notice them until you get the big picture of Josephus and dependence on him.” (Brackets and italics added) Source at time of quote: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-pfXhUJ2fdwE.html Cheers Sincerely David
@cagehfh 3 года назад
You are not paying attention. He exacts parallels throughout. He begins listing the examples at 11:58
@With_all_due_respect. Год назад
​@@davidfenton3910Where is your source for all of this...?
@oorzuis1419 3 года назад
Rex and ignata natura renovate integra(INRI) above the cross is also Cesar's (Julius)
@Juan-lf6qo 3 года назад
w The human being wrote the prophecies of the Bible but is not the author. DISPERSION: (Deutoronomy 64) "And the Lord will scatter you among all the peoples, from one end of the earth to the other end"(NO OTHER PEOPLE OF THE WORLD HAS BEEN DISPERSED LIKE ISRAEL) PRESERVATION (Isaiah 66) "For as the new heavens and the new earth that I make will remain before me, says the Lord, so your offspring and your name will remain." ISRAEL WILL BE A NATION AGAIN: (Ezekiel 36) "And I will take you from the nations, and gather you from all lands, and bring you to your country." (prophecy fullfilled after WW2) I invite you to visit this channel of yotube to listen to the word of God,: Iglesia La Luz del Mundo - Ortodoxia
@jacobatienza7344 3 года назад
Makes sense that modern Christianity is basically Ancient Rome 2.0.
@mr.cuttupsaiyannation6238 4 года назад
@Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh123 4 года назад
Cause it's historically innacurate. Hes making claims with nothing to back it up
@pietrozion225 4 года назад
Because the Truth is only for those who seek it.
@newsboosters4902 5 лет назад
this is exactly the same scheme and inspiration based on which Gandhi was foisted on Indians.
@Tessinentdecken 5 лет назад
The extant manuscripts of the writings of the first-century Romano-Jewish historian Flavius Josephus include references to Jesus and the origins of Christianity.[1][2] Josephus' Antiquities of the Jews, written around 93-94 AD, includes two references to the biblical Jesus Christ in Books 18 and 20 and a reference to John the Baptist in Book 18.[1][3] Scholarly opinion varies on the total or partial authenticity of the reference in Book 18, Chapter 3, 3 of the Antiquities, a passage that states that Jesus the Messiah was a wise teacher who was crucified by Pilate, usually called the Testimonium Flavianum.[4][5][1] The general scholarly view is that while the Testimonium Flavianum is most likely not authentic in its entirety, it is broadly agreed upon that it originally consisted of an authentic nucleus referencing the execution of Jesus by Pilate, which was then subject to Christian interpolation and/or alteration.[5][6][7][8][9][10] Although the exact nature and extent of the Christian redaction remains unclear,[11] broad consensus exists as to what the original text of the Testimonium by Josephus would have looked like.[9] Modern scholarship has largely acknowledged the authenticity of the reference in Book 20, Chapter 9, 1 of the Antiquities to "the brother of Jesus, who was called Christ, whose name was James"[12] and considers it as having the highest level of authenticity among the references of Josephus to Christianity.[13][1][2][14][15][16] Almost all modern scholars consider the reference in Book 18, Chapter 5, 2 of the Antiquities to the imprisonment and death of John the Baptist also to be authentic and not a Christian interpolation.[17][18][19] The references found in Antiquities have no parallel texts in the other work by Josephus such as The Jewish War, written 20 years earlier, but some scholars have provided explanations for their absence.[20] A number of variations exist between the statements by Josephus regarding the deaths of James and John the Baptist and the New Testament accounts.[17][21] Scholars generally view these variations as indications that the Josephus passages are not interpolations, for a Christian interpolator would have made them correspond to the New Testament accounts, not differ from them.[17][22][21]
@atomisedman6235 5 лет назад
@@Tessinentdecken ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-WUYRoYl7i6U.html
@exillens 5 лет назад
Yes, jesus was made up or embellished to pacify jews, Ghandi was sent to pacify the India and MLK was sent to pacify Black people in America to accept colonialism
@amythibodeauxclemons511 4 года назад
Im sorry if you have been misinformed That is European faluse miseducation. To give themselves a history. Africans are the first people on this planet, they grew and took the show on the road. They are the creators of spiritual beginnings.
@amythibodeauxclemons511 4 года назад
Reading is Fundamental, people who dont do thier homework are lost.
@amythibodeauxclemons511 4 года назад
Thats exactly why your misinformed
@amythibodeauxclemons511 4 года назад
@Emini Magic Old enough to understand what lies sound like, look like and how history has played a major part in destroying civilizations, people and cultures. Old enough to know that supremacist has had so much control on this planet that thier are some Karmas to be handed out.
@philmoney2463 4 года назад
That's really true I think
@MrKit9 4 года назад
@@amythibodeauxclemons511 I am not a racist but explain to me how you know that the first Africans were the creators of spiritual beginnings. Where is your evidence?
@georoll123 11 месяцев назад
This offers no proof in any direction. Claims that someone stole ideas from another. Put your critical thinking caps on. I'm not saying it isn't possible but there is obvious sleight of hand here to try to prove a point
@kens.8811 3 года назад
This guy has it backwards. He tries to put the cart before the horse. Of course typology is a major phenomena in scripture! 100's if not 1000's of books have been written on the subject. The entire old covenant is a type or shadow revealed in the new covenant. The entire book of the Revelation describes in figurative, apocalyptic language the judgement of physical, ethnic Israel and the fulfilment and end of the old covenant and the establishment of the new eternal covenant, the Church. In the old testament, God gathers His people at Passover and they are established by faith until they enter the promised land with the destruction of the walled city of Jericho. The same happens in the new testament at Passover where the Lamb of God was slain, the new eternal people of God are established through faith and ends with the destruction of the walled city of Jerusalem. Josephus (a Jewish historian) was a witness and wrote about Jerusalem's destruction, AFTER the fact. Unless this man can prove the old testament was also written by Rome and the new testament was written AFTER the destruction of Jerusalem, he doesn't have a case. The great thing about Christianity is if you're a believer, you're right and if you're not a believer, you're right also.
@misse8787 3 года назад
Brilliant, Rome will do anything to debunk Christ.
@DIBBY40 3 года назад
There were Christians before the Flavians. Nero persecuted them. Also, why would later Roman Emperors persecute the religion that they helped produce? Did the Flavians try to influence a rapidly emerging christianity by providing the biography of Jesus? Fascinating stuff though.
@DrBeauHightower 3 года назад
18:14 same with Black Rob
@jkeith1959 3 года назад
You sir are sharp 😂
@crackercarlbumpkin866 2 года назад
whats black rob? i know there is a guy that does videos of his omegle chats that he is always saying whoa whoa whoa in
@crackercarlbumpkin866 2 года назад
... oh, nevr mind "I hate Hip Hop!! The whole culture is cancer they'll kill their momma for some clout and a chain!!" - Tom MacDonald
@simonadebisi6501 2 года назад
Dr Beau Hightower your show is amazing you do amazing interviews with the fighters please get James Toney on the show and crack his back well 🙏🏾lol
@JH-ct1bm 3 года назад
Why did Rome go to such lengths to try to cover up that Jesus rose from the dead? Because He lived.
@nemeceka 3 года назад
They did not try to cover it up. They made it up and spread it around to make folks like yourself sit and take the mistreatment of those in power because you're supposed to be peaceful like your Jesus. You're supposed to take hunger, slavery, and drudgery because you'll get your reward later! Not now, of course not until you can't prove to anyone left that it's not really happening. Your reward comes later. Once you're dead. But just suffer quietly now. Because you'll get yours later. Keep suffering. Keep taking it. Because later.
@jamesedwards1806 3 года назад
Yep, I'm certainly convinced now! Why didn't he just say "there is no spoon"!
@joshuaanothereraseddad 25 дней назад
1723 Constitution of the Freemasons, "God's Messiah was born during the reign of Caesar Augustus. That great architect of the Church." Why would the Freemasons mention that if it was all just a sham? Literally makes no sense. Like you. Notice, as well, this bloke did not even quote one actual source through this all except for the Bible. He just willy-nilly throws some names out and claims to be an expert. The most intelligent people I've encountered are smarter than their indoctrination. 😂👍 For those with eyes to see, notice the Freemasons did not mention His name...
@gigachama 18 дней назад
Why would Freemasons tell the truth to plebs? Why would Freemasons tell the truth to anyone but members of the highest order?
@MichaelB-xi1hk 16 дней назад
You don’t have to believe in Jesus at all to be a Mason. Belief in One God is what matters. One God. Not a trinity of ‘em.
@omarmirza9957 10 лет назад
Even if you don't agree with his conclusion, the sequence of parallels needs explaining.
@cameradanblack 9 лет назад
Omar Mirza I completely agree with you Omar. We need a panel of ancient Greek scholars to verify that the parallels exist in the original Greek. This is the evidence that will convince the hard line hard heads.
@mypetcrow9873 5 лет назад
cameradanblack Oh you sweet summer child! Nothing will change the mind of a JEEZUZ! Breather. It was once said that trying to debate a deist is like trying to play chess with a pigeon. First the pigeon will knock down all the pieces, then crap all over the board and then strut around as if it had won. Try something useful like... I know, thoughts and prayers...that’s it, thoughts and prayers.
@timw4383 5 лет назад
@@cameradanblack: You people are looney.
@JeshuSavesEndTimeMinistry21C 3 года назад
*2 TIMOTHY 2 16* Irrelevant gossip and denial of the Truth as prophesied
@randyg.7940 3 года назад
Hey I heard Kim Kardashian say something similar to that.
@JeshuSavesEndTimeMinistry21C 3 года назад
@@randyg.7940 Anti theist gossip is pointless
@randyg.7940 3 года назад
@@JeshuSavesEndTimeMinistry21C I agree, anti-Christianity is more like it.
@JeshuSavesEndTimeMinistry21C 3 года назад
@@randyg.7940 Anti theism or anti Christianity is the same truth denial procedure as prophesied
@randyg.7940 3 года назад
@@JeshuSavesEndTimeMinistry21C theism: belief in the existence of a god or gods, especially belief in one god as creator of the universe, intervening in it and sustaining a personal relation to his creatures
@Randa_T. Год назад
First, who is this man and who did he travel back in time to get this information from that makes him so confident that Jesus is a fabrication? And who is William Whiston and why should we believe him or either of them? Second, you have to be looking for a reason to not believe in Jesus to accept this weak argument. For one, he says the Romans created "the character of Jesus Christ" to pacify the people yet he himself quoted Jesus as saying he did not come to bring peace. Jesus said he didn't come to bring peace but a sword. How exactly does that pacify? Jesus was not a hippie. Get that idea out of your head. Also, he says the parallels between Jesus and Moses prove that Jesus is fiction and that his life is taken from another book. Yes, we call that typology as well and to believers it's nothing negative as this man is trying to make it out to be but it helps us make connections to what God has done between the Old and New Testaments and helps strengthen our faith in God. The Lord is the same yesterday, today, and forever and there is nothing new under the sun. (Ecc. 1:9) Doesn't prove anything. Regarding "fishers of men" : Jeremiah 16:16 states “‘Look,’ says Adonai, ‘I will send for many fishermen, and they will fish for them..." Now, did the Romans make up the Hebrew Bible too? This passage is commonly interpreted as referring to the Jews being persecuted so if anything using this man's understanding of the Romans "catching the Jews" this would be a fulfilled prophecy not an "odd parallel between Jesus and Titus" made up by Romans. Further, Jesus could have very well been purposely alluding to Jeremiah to show that the opposite...grace...was now in full effect. To add, all scholars do not believe the story of Jesus was made up as this man implies. but only scholars who don't want to believe in Jesus. Need to be specific about who you are referring to as "scholars." Jesus asked about what is the best way to build a tower, Jesus predicted Jerusalem would be encircled with a wall, Jesus predicted a fruit tree would be cut down,...where are your biblical references for these? Because they all sound like distorted verses. Such as people cried out "the son has come" All the gospels have some form of the people’s cries as: “Hosanna![a]” “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!”[b] 10 “Blessed is the coming kingdom of our father David!” “Hosanna in the highest heaven!” This was also prophesied about in the Hebrew Bible (Zechariah 9:9) and the cries sound nothing like “A stone is coming.” Then, the Pharisees basically told Jesus to make the people shut up but Jesus said if they keep quiet, the stones will cry out. How in the world would anyone mistakenly get all that mixed up with "A stone is coming?" The Good Samaritan story Jesus told was just that-a story. A parable. He wasn’t giving facts and his story doesn’t parallel the so-called Titus story at all except for the fact that they both involved robbers which I’m sure people got robbed often in those days just as they do today. Absolutely no connection and same as with Jesus healing the man’s RIGHT hand on the Sabbath. The odds are 1:2 ain’t like you got many choices. It’s either going to be a right or a left hand, it just happened to be his right, so there is nothing suspicious about that. Jesus didn’t “suddenly” decide that he had to go to Jerusalem he had been mentioning it all along. He didn’t go before because it wasn’t time for him to go since the reason he was going at this specific time was to die for the sin of all of mankind to give us an opportunity to trust in God the Father and his Son Jesus Christ for eternal salvation. He knew what he was doing, he knew the exact time to go into the city to accomplish exactly what he came into the world to do. Just because you can’t understand why, when, or how he did what he did doesn’t mean he’s made up, it just means you lack understanding. Worrying about the wrong thing. In conclusion, Jesus taught the same thing as the Hebrew Bible teaches. The greatest teaching of the Torah is to love God with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength and love your neighbor as yourself, and everything Jesus taught reflects these two commands so Christ's teachings definitely agree with the Old Testament which came much earlier than the Romans so I don't know how they were making any "new Judaism." It's been almost 10 years since this video so maybe you have something new. So, try again. If you count yourself unworthy to receive God's gift of eternal life then stay prideful and condemned but leave other people and their faith alone.
@outoftheforest7652 Год назад
I can't believe it has taken so long for this knowledge to come out. I was raised Episcopalian... Went to a Catholic HS.... BUT BY a, year after I was rejecting the religion because it made no sense. I want to know how the managed to get this to spread so successfully..... All over the world
@outoftheforest7652 Год назад
I am 55
@extemporaneous4545 Год назад
War and conquest. Forced conversions. You are either with me, or against me mentality. The missionary zeal to commit cultural genocide wherever they went, and the natives, who had never seen religion as divisive before, didn't have a clue how to counteract this before it was too late. In most native cultures, people can worship in multiple religions. They didn't know that those of their own who converted would never come back. It's still happening today in places like India and Africa.
@TruthSpeaker. Год назад
Or alternatively they spread the word by miracle.
@Stonezster Год назад
Oh Please, haha. He didn't mention Paul's writings before Josephus even met the Flavians, not to mention James and Peter. Real people...
@mememan2344 Год назад
Also in addition, they do nothing but brainwash their kids- while telling people that it was their "choice".
@jmdsservantofgod8405 5 лет назад
he almost starts to laugh while trying to look serious
@christymeredith772 5 лет назад
Because the romans got away with it.
@johnc5915 4 года назад
Mockers have his turn under the sun..
@newdawnrising8110 4 года назад
This is one of the most absurd arguments I’ve heard mostly bc zero reference is compared. This guy is obviously not a scholar bc he simply can not formulate an argument for his position... very strange. Who is to say that the writer of the Titus story is not intentionally mimicking the gospels to make Titus more associated with the divine?
@ElectrickDragon 4 года назад
And the Romans and Christians fought against each other, which doesn't make sense if the Romans invented it
@tanukabanerjee1731 4 года назад
Is it as absurd as a virgin birth ?
@tanukabanerjee1731 4 года назад
Tom McLean it does make sense. Romans used the story of Jesus as a trojan horse . They couldn't suppress Judaism and subjugate them into giving up their ways and honour the romwn gods along with their own . So they break their unity by planting a seed of jesus who is a pacifist who will be so compassionate that Judaism god of old testament appears vengeful to most ppl . They slowly turn to the all forgiving God. And the militarist jadaism messianic movement loses steam Then Romans have Constantine accept the new religion giving it a sanction greater than judaism
@ElectrickDragon 4 года назад
@@tanukabanerjee1731 The virgin birth myth goes back to Ancient Egypt But this guy isn't saying Bible copied Egypt.. The Romans HATED the Christians, threw them to the Lions..why would they hate them so much if they invented it?
@ElectrickDragon 4 года назад
@@tanukabanerjee1731 then why did the Romans kill Christians? If they wanted pacifists?
@Randa_T. Год назад
And also, if all you've got to base your line of thinking on is a book by a modern-day person who translated what someone wrote years before any of us were born, why would you believe it but not the Bible since it's basically the same situation? And why would you believe the events in Jesus's life was the fabrication and not the other way around. There is no proof, evidence, or even a real basis for any of this belief.
@Enigma.and.Shadows 2 года назад
I'm curious as to where Paul fits into all of this.
@swanee22 Год назад
He was a Roman citizen who was supported in his efforts by high-ranking Roman aristocrats and military people, to create an alternative to the restive and often violent Jewish messianism of the day. His Jesus, who he never met or knew, by the way, was an otherworldly savior. This was in opposition to the Jewish rebel movements that wanted an earthly savior in the here and now to lead them out of subservience to the Romans. The Romans (more than likely) employed Saul/Paul to create a peaceful alternative to the rebellious Jews.
@P.H.888 4 года назад
The sad thing is this guy actually believes his own deception. Did Jesus start in Galilee aged around 30!? No‼️ Over 300 old Covenant prophecies ‼️ Full of Hebrew idioms, figures of speech! Where when & how He would be Born! Live, ministry Death and Resurrection ‼️ (So Titus was following Moses)⁉️🧐 How? Why?
@Southforthewinter 4 года назад
P Harrison what are Christians doing today? The same thing they’ve been doin for all these years. Waiting. It’s the greatest military strategy ever, how can you lose if your enemy is waiting for a hero.
@Doriesep6622 4 года назад
the nt writers cribbed from ot
@bigrudyilwu38619 4 года назад
Explain to me the resurrection and miracles after his ascending then to now!
@bigrudyilwu38619 4 года назад
@bigrudyilwu38619 4 года назад
@quaronmeakens4269 4 года назад
You act like you were there, lol
@GoodShepherdFilms3333 3 года назад
The narrator the author of this book comes across as a very sincere person, he does believe what he is saying is true and give him credit for standing up or in this case sitting down and stating his case and presenting what he believes is evidence Jesus is a fictional character. I am sure if I met him in person I would get along with him just fine. But speaking candidly he has not conducted anything that even remotely resembles an, impartial, thorough investigation. This is a case where you need to show the whole picture not just the small part of it that agrees with a pet theory. And the cost of being wrong has potentially Eternal ramifications which urges us to look at all the evidence and not reach a verdict until we have heard from the last Witness
@Batmobile769 2 года назад
You are mind controlled through fear. “Eternal ramifications” you are being controlled by fear. Sorry not sorry.
@alphanumericskeptic 5 лет назад
Good stuff! I like it. Gonna put this vid on a playlist. Thanks for the video!
@Tessinentdecken 5 лет назад
Who is Socrates?
@GoodShepherdFilms3333 3 года назад
Say to yourself "The Gospel accounts were written by the Romans" There is a reason it does not resonate as being true in your gut. Because it is not. See how simple this is. God wrote the truth into our DNA. to know the truth is simply a matter of being honest with yourself. The narrator here or anyone that believes him are not being honest with themselves.
@robhpll 3 года назад
How do you explain the Dead Sea scroll? What crap!!!
@starcityrc3298 Год назад
There was already Christians being executed under Nero prior to Titus becoming Emperor.
@jamestan4425 5 лет назад
@apokalypse7777 5 лет назад
James Tan Too simplistic. You need to Flesh out your argument a bit😇😇😇
@whosavedjesus 4 года назад
James Tan... sorry yo say... if your from asia like myself... your english is a bit poor well not poor but mashedUp you have put god & man in the opposite of the sentance... thats all. What you really meant to say was... man has invented a man into god and god into man.
@ChrisThornburn-ke5xk 4 года назад
man created all gods
@apokalypse7777 4 года назад
Lion King Jesus as we know him, is called YEHOSHUA in Hebrew. When the Angel Gabriel came to tell Mary she would have a child, and call his name............. It wasn't Jesus, the Angel said. Mary spoke Hebrew. So Gabriel would have said " you shall call his name YEHOSHUA or if you want a direct Hebrew to English. = JOSHUA.. WHY??? As Gabriel says " For he will save his people from their sins. This is what YEHO - SHUA Means. YEHOVAH SAVES. YHVH. Check out a guy called NEHEMIAH GORDON. He has a You Tube page called NEHEMIAH'S WALL. He has traced Father Gods name YHVH With Correct vowel points, in Over 2,000 ancient Hebrew manuscripts. He has 2 Degrees in Hebrew studies and knows his Truth.
@fredriksundberg4624 4 года назад
@James Tan : Darkmatter 2525 ; Gods God : ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-ODetOE6cbbc.html :-)
@Mumbi.G 4 года назад
I appreciate anyone willing to do the kind of work he did,we already know these 'books' & religion are man made but how it was done is as they say 'the devil's in the details'
3 года назад
Of course the books were "man made" ya idjut. The question is Who inspired these men to write them doofus maximus and whether what the say can be held as universal truth. And if you appreciate this twaddle passed off as some scholastic endeavor, then you are more lost than you know because even those in scholastics dont consider this as such.
@Mumbi.G 3 года назад
@ you have more courage than sense,try interchanging them next time
@Mumbi.G 3 года назад
@ LOL troll
@Mumbi.G 3 года назад
@ LOL I stand corrected,no sense & no courage aka ws troll,keep blabbing
@fleetwoodbeechbum 4 года назад
Gotta high five Joseph Atwill for this! He's the man!
@ucanliv4ever 4 года назад
Joe Atwill exposed... m.ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-c5EDscKmG2c.html
@jaredprince4772 4 года назад
@@ucanliv4ever Not exposed. It's a technical disaster.
@jaredprince4772 2 года назад
@@playtime5051 Don't get me wrong, I'm no believer. I think the whole Jesus story is mythologized, but this skeleton of an idea is not compelling.
@jaredprince4772 2 года назад
@@playtime5051 I don't need to replace it to be skeptical of it. In like manner, I have nothing to replace the poorly supported theories claiming there's a Bigfoot, a LochNess monster or alien anal probes. I'm skeptical of them all. There are many other possible explanations for the sightings or experiences and so too are there for the origins of Christianity and the Jesus myth.
@jaredprince4772 2 года назад
@@playtime5051 I don't recall the content of the comment by @Liv 4ever I was replying to. The comment appears to have been deleted. If it had been a reply to my comment, I would have an email record of it but @Live 4ever had replied to tommy miller.
@davestone7881 3 года назад
The only thing a common person should ask from this video is who the hell was Titus?
@randyreneau2086 3 года назад
Boy you need to read.
@zeenatmohammed2608 3 года назад
As a Muslim even I know that he was a roman soldier or something
@davidhoward2487 3 года назад
@@zeenatmohammed2608 He was a Roman Emperor...
@Angle98411 3 года назад
also Jesus could not be made in 66 ad jewish revolt,64 AD Nero blames the fire on group of people called Christians,also Christianity was banned Rome until Constantine made it legal,why would romans create a system against their own?
@Angle98411 3 года назад
The stars were created not on the 4th day made is past tense in Genesis,different from make or create hence proves the week is not literal Genesus 1 31 Genesis 3 1 Genesis 5 1 prove made is something God already done 4th day God put lights in the firmament,does not say first created lights This is God's creation week,not neccesarily a normal week You don't ever see a plant growing and producing fruit in 1 day Job mentions pleiades constellation which is 100m years old God's sabbath day isn't literal for God,he has finished his new creation and no longer is creating new things even to this dayso why should the other days be literal. Hence we can accept the Big Bang and old Earth Adam and Eve were not immortal since tree of life is there Why do snakes have poisonous fangs or other creatures like scorpions or why do venus fly traps have meat diet? Genesis 1 31 "Very good" does not mean perfect this context bc how come Adam was not immortal if perfect is flawless? Animals can not sin therefore Romans 8 applies to humankind God said "let the beasts reproduce to their kind" never commands animal marriage and sexual immorality exists Ephesians 5 11 God can not have the appearence of evil therefore animals can not sin and they can't commit sexual sin bc God can not tempt anyone to evil so predators aren't sinning when they kill each other God would have adressed the issue and said animal's are married but that doesn't happen,and he cant have the appearance of evil or tempt or command evil Hence Theistic Evolution is possible predators are not corruption made by Adam,sin entered the world through Adam and death sin to all men,not animals,animals can not sin but they still die.
@gusjeazer Год назад
The old testament mirrors the new testament? That Jesus said the same things as Moses at times, that the old testament is constantly pointing towards Jesus at every second verse? Wow you don't say... Facepalm. The Jewish leaders in Jerusalem at the time were in Rome's pocket. The main scene where they asked if they should pay taxes to Rome isn't exactly what people think it is. Jesus is trapped by the religious leaders inside the temple here, when he answers no, they will report him to their Roman superiors and he will be killed. If he says yes, everyone will hate him and zealots will try to assassinate him. Jesus asks the priests to give him a denari. One of the priests pulls one out of his pocket INSIDE THE TEMPLE. Thereby breaking the law to not bring any graven image into the temple. Caesar was claiming to be god, and having his image on the coins was a thorn in the eyes of the Jews. The priest also pulled one out of his pocket, signifying that he is a puppet of Rome. Then Jesus asks who's image it is and says to give Caesars what is Caesars (his image) but to God what is God's (your entire life, you are the image of God). Jesus doesn't really tell people to give the Romans their taxes, he tells them to live for God. He also points to the image on the coin, hinting at the heresy it entails. He is rejecting Caesar here. He also points towards Psalms 24: The earth is God's and everything in it. Hereby he actually turned tables on the Jews. If he were cruel, he could have followed up who owns what. If the Pharisees said God owns everything, they would have been in danger themselves. In other places, Jesus spoke out against taxation by Rome. Nobody really thought he was going to tell people to pay taxes. The religious leaders actually accused him of saying they should not be paying taxes.
@razony Год назад
That's how the NT was created, It's all allegorical of the OT.
@lawrenceeason8007 5 лет назад
Who knows? All we have is an old book that tells stories and makes outrageous claims
@ozark8944 5 лет назад
Lawrence Eason like modern history book and science book of today. choose wisely​ or spend eternity in Jahannam.
@lawrenceeason8007 5 лет назад
@@ozark8944 I have already chosen
@titus3264 4 года назад
Are you kidding me??? just because you're stupid, lazy and drunk doen't mean anything. Get off you're ass moron and look around. Science and History now known to be REDISCOVERED, supports the Christian Bible all the way. No exceptions. LOOK.
@ravikumarh8886 5 лет назад
Who invented you?
@steven7909 5 лет назад
Evolution duh! Lol
@HawkeyeAssassins-zh4nz 4 года назад
@steven7909 4 года назад
I was being sarcastic lol. #fearGod
@pauldouglas4158 4 года назад
One night, New Years Eve 1946 to be exact, after a night of heavy drinking my mother and father invented me
@NoName-wp7up 4 года назад
My parents
@Rick-rk1wc 2 года назад
It does not surprise me that the gospels are not believed. What I do not understand is why people spend so much time to disprove it. Why not choose your own beliefs and get on with your life.
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