I designed an open source frame, the skelter5 v2. The biggest struggle was trying to figure out a good solution for avoiding the stack screws and keeping the arms well locked in place. I love the simplicity of the overlapping arms. Great job. I'm looking forward to being able to try it. Add note.. no reason for any extra carbon to protect the battery. Instead of the single grommet spacer, you can just make a tpu bumper with the grommets incorporated. Protected and no more ejected lipos
Definitely interested in getting one of these to try out sometime. Looks 👀 very interesting and 533 is the next state over for me so shipping would be pretty quick too. 👌
To the damage battery "problem" that would be easy fix with a different design of TPU that goes on top to the dog bone stands offs. A TPU that connect both with an extra TPU that come off in the center to not let the battery to touch the top plate during a crash.
I wanna see the wall crash test to see how it handles real world environment. Nice frame by far but all frames are stiff and rigid. Barwell's center arm mounting lock was the best I've ever seen on any frame.
That looks cool as hell. I really like the split top deck design and the way the arms are held together. It looks pretty durable and relatively easy to repair. My only question is how well does it handle a bando? I will totally pick one up eventually just because of how cool it looks, but if it's tough too it will totally be my new go to freestyle frame. I just built a Demibot basher because I was sick of having to fix my TBS source one frame every every other time I flew.
@Headsup FPV - Please dont make a mistake of putting countersunk screws on GoPro mount plate. Make it flat, and use something like a quadmula ps-3 spacer to attach TPU GoPro mount to the top plate...
take the tpu doughnuts extend one side of each side so it goes up and over the carbon piece everyone is worrying about cutting ther packs. this way the small amount of tpu will act as a bumper.
This frame reminds me to Vannystyle pro with the shape and bottom plate mounting.I am not a fan of split top plate since I had a couple of frames with the split plate and they never worked out for me... they ended just braking or split even more =(