
Psalm 23 / "Mizmor LeDavid" / by Gadi Elon / מזמור לדוד 

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Psalm 23, "Mizmor Le David" by Gadi Elon
CD Album "Gadi Elon Collection"



29 сен 2024




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@stjepanistra5238 8 лет назад
Blessed be Am Izrael, Blessed Hashem! All nations sing songs to Adoni!
@gracereza1 Год назад
Mizmor le'Dovid, Hashem ro-i lo echsar. Binot desheh yarbitzeini, al mei menuchot yenahaleini. Nafshi yeshovev yancheini bemagalei tzedek lema'an shemo. Gam ki elech be'gei tzalmavet, lo ira ra ki atah imadi, shivtechah u'mishantechah (X2) hemah yenachamuni. Ta'aroch lefanai shulchan Ta'aroch lefanai shulchan Ta'aroch lefanai shulchan neged tzor'rai dishanta vashemen roshi dishanta vashemen roshi dishanta vashemen roshi kosi rivaya. Ach tov Ach tov va'chesed yirdifuni yirfuni kol yemei chayai ve'shavti ve'shavti be'veit Hashem ve'shavti be'veit Hashem l'orech yamim.
@mariogarcia3385 4 года назад
Gracias por tener acceso a esta pagina
@mariogarcia3385 4 года назад
A toda el pueblo les digo esta pagina es una bendición
@RafaelSilva-vp9ks 7 лет назад
Essa canção é quase hebraica
@mavi5712 7 лет назад
1.Mizmor ledavid, HaShem roí lo echsar. 2.Bin'ot déshe iarbitsêni, al mê menuchot ienahalêni. 3.Nafshi ieshovev, ianchêni vemaguelê tsédec lemáan shemo. 4.Gam ki elech begue tsalmávet, lo ira ra ki ata imadi, shivtechá umish' antêcha hêma ienachamúni. 5.Taaroch lefanai shulchan négued tsorerai, dishanta vashemen roshí, cossí revaiá. 6.Ach tov vachéssed yirdefúni col iemê chaiai, veshavti bevet HaShem leórech iamim.
@seantift1267 6 лет назад
mavi5712 I'll pass was the first thingy I learned in Hebrew while I was in prison
@sandhyaelamparithy1107 5 лет назад
mavi5712 Dear there, I feel like you missed a line between 5 and 6. Don’t be angry, I couldn’t follow there, I don’t know hebrew
@gordongordonplex9455 4 года назад
Thanks. A big help.
@faturechi 3 года назад
@@sandhyaelamparithy1107 No. The singer just repeats many phrases and repeats all of verse 6 at the end.
@manheekim4992 8 лет назад
Hebrew psalm sounds more spiritual to me. . God be with us
@keerthisolomon4526 7 лет назад
@masaktahutempe625 2 года назад
Adonai ro-i, lo echsar. Bin'ot deshe yarbitseini, Al mei m'nuchot y'nachaleini, Naf'shi y'shovev, Yan'cheini b'ma'aglei tsedek, L'ma'an sh'mo. Gam ki eilech B'gei tsalmavet, Lo ira ra, Ki Atah imadi. Shiv't'cha umishan'techa Hemah y'nachamuni. Ta'aroch l'fanai shulchan, Neged tsor'rai Dishanta vashemen roshi Cosi r'vayah. Ach tov vachesed Yird'funi kol y'mei chayai, V'shav'ti b'veit Adonai L'orech yamim.
@yoachanan6701 Год назад
In the near future ❤ 5789?? Hashem knows
@eco100eco100eco 13 лет назад
The L.RD is my shepherd, I lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he refreshes my soul. He guides me along the right paths for his name’s sake. Even though I walk through the darkest valley I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil
@MentorOfMinos 11 лет назад
I'm with Jeremiah on this one: pray for the peace of whatever country you happen to be living in, because the peace of that country is YOUR peace, and if you have been sent there either as a Jew or a Christian or whatever kind of diaspora you might be in, perhaps you have been sent there for such a time as this (to quote Mordecai); perhaps you are one of the 10 righteous saving your modern-day Sodom and Gomorrah from being destroyed.
@leonarduscarol3402 8 лет назад
God bless Israel
@elsiedeluca886 3 года назад
Stunning! I so wish I could understand and speak Hebrew.♥️
@jonchalk3855 7 месяцев назад
The words are from Psalm 23.
@enkidu360 5 лет назад
Mizmor le-David. HaShem Ro’i, lo echsar. Bin’ot deshe yarbitzeini, ‘al-mei menuchot yenahaleini. Nafshi yeshoveiv, yancheini ve-ma’gelei-tzedek le-ma’an shemo. Gam ki-eilekh be-gei tzalmavet lo-’ira ra, ki-attah immadi, shivtekha u-mish’antekha heimmah yenachamuni. Ta’arokh lefanai shulchan neged tzorerai, dishanta va-shemen roshi, kosi revayah. Akh tov va-chesed yirdefuni kol-yemei chaiyai, ve-shavti be-veit-HaShem le-orekh yamim.
@cesarfariasdossantos4099 5 лет назад
O cântico de louvor no idioma hebraico nunca envelhece, é uma verdadeira adoração ao Altíssimo, YHWH. SHALOM ADONAI
@robcounts63 10 лет назад
So beautiful! When I heard it, I thought, with great excitement, "I must have this!" and I found it shortly after. It soothes my spirit and brings worship to my heart for my God!
@robcounts63 10 лет назад
Thank you, my friend, Pauli G. Rob
@robcounts63 10 лет назад
Thank you, PAULINHA.
@albertdiner 14 лет назад
This is my favorite melody for this Psalm "Mizmor Le David" . Many have recorded it.
@estheryadin8686 2 года назад
Mine too! The melody is very special.
@johnyenebere8494 9 лет назад
this is amazing, iam leaning hebrew, following english paralel to words of hebrew, yhis is wonderful, god bless you dear
@Zydecomama 4 года назад
So beautiful...Listening to Gadi Elon's beautiful rendition of this powerful prayer has been very comforting during the Corona virus pandemic. It's become my new daily ritual after reciting it for Yizkor two days ago...
@MariaN-o9v 3 года назад
1.Мизмор леДавид, А-дойной рои ло эхсар. 2.Бинъот дэше ярбицэни, аль мэй менухот йинаhалени. 3.Нафши, йишовев, янхени вемаглей цэдек лемаан шмо. 4.Гам ки элех бегэй цальмавет, ло йира ра, ки ата имади,шивтэха умишъантеха hема йинахамуни. 5.Таарох лефанай шульхан нэгед цорерай, дишанта вашэмен роши, коси ревая. 6.Ах тов вахэсед йирдефуни коль йимей хаяй, вешавти бевейт А-дойной леорех ямим.
@koledy123 8 лет назад
. 1 A Psalm of David. The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. ב בִּנְאוֹת דֶּשֶׁא, יַרְבִּיצֵנִי; עַל-מֵי מְנֻחוֹת יְנַהֲלֵנִי. 2 He maketh me to lie down in green pastures; He leadeth me beside the still waters. ג נַפְשִׁי יְשׁוֹבֵב; יַנְחֵנִי בְמַעְגְּלֵי-צֶדֶק, לְמַעַן שְׁמוֹ. 3 He restoreth my soul; He guideth me in straight paths for His name's sake. ד גַּם כִּי-אֵלֵךְ בְּגֵיא צַלְמָוֶת, לֹא-אִירָא רָע-- כִּי-אַתָּה עִמָּדִי; שִׁבְטְךָ וּמִשְׁעַנְתֶּךָ, הֵמָּה יְנַחֲמֻנִי. 4 Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for Thou art with me; {N} Thy rod and Thy staff, they comfort me. ה תַּעֲרֹךְ לְפָנַי, שֻׁלְחָן-- נֶגֶד צֹרְרָי; דִּשַּׁנְתָּ בַשֶּׁמֶן רֹאשִׁי, כּוֹסִי רְוָיָה. 5 Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies; {N} Thou hast anointed my head with oil; my cup runneth over. ו אַךְ, טוֹב וָחֶסֶד יִרְדְּפוּנִי-- כָּל-יְמֵי חַיָּי; וְשַׁבְתִּי בְּבֵית-יְהוָה, לְאֹרֶךְ יָמִים. 6 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life; {N} and I shall dwell in the house of the LORD for ever. {P} Bible - Psalms -
@ephiesters 13 лет назад
Lirycs: Mizmor ledavid, Adonai roi lo ejsar. Binot deshê iarbitseni, al-mê menujot ienahaleni. Nafshí ieshovev ianjeni bema´guelê tsedec lema´an shemô, gam qui elêj begue tsalmavet lo-irá rá´qui atá imadi, shivtêja umishiantêja hemá ienajamuni. Taarôj lefanai shuljan negued tsorerai, dishanta vashemen roshi coci revaiá. aj tov vajesed irdefuni col iemê jaiai, veshavti bevêt Adonay leorej iamim.
@Pilgrim07 13 лет назад
Wonderful! Toda
@OscarANota 13 лет назад
B'H Very beautiful song. I like Israel and all jewish people... אלוהים יברך ישראל
@alexanderhersh1974 12 лет назад
I have also listened to and participated in the singing of Mizmor le' David from Sefer Tehillim - Book of Psalms, particularly Psalm 23: 'Adonai Roh'i lo echsar' sung in Hebrew but this is the very first time in my life that I have encountered and experienced such great pleasure in listening to Israeli, Gadi Elon singing this Psalm so beautifully and exquisitely in the original Hebrew. Gadi Elon has a lovely expressive singing voice !! It is so inspirational and spiritually elevating !!
@HadasahMiryam 14 лет назад
TODA RABA!!! I was looking for a "good quality" vid of this beautiful song, and now I found it. Wonderful! Shalom v'brachot.
@brunoyobode832 11 лет назад
J adore les chants religieux en hebreu.
@tezavandhan6912 3 года назад
King 🤴 David, make me cry , I love you HASHEM 😍 SABBATH SHALOM 🌈 TO ALL
@exoduspsalm 2 года назад
I hope to become a type of King David.... Because a legion of Goliaths seek to defeat me in a Ephesians chapter 6 verses 12 - 18 type battle. My only weapon of true warfare here is to know Yah is my defender.
@deborahparis6668 4 месяца назад
The melody was composed by the late Ben Zion Shenker, who is rarely mentioned but he should be remembered for his beautiful compositions of Hasidic music
@alexanderhersh1974 12 лет назад
Over the years, I have, on occasion, listened to many of our Tehillim - Psalms, including the ever popular Psalm 23: 'The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want' which is always so beautifully, gloriously, magnificently and inspirationally sung in English by the choristers within the Anglican Church of England.. However, this is the very first time in my life that I have encountered and experienced such great pleasure in listening to Mizmor le' David sung so beautifully by an Israeli, Gadi Elon !
@davidsokoloff2331 9 дней назад
Thanks..Shalom and Blessings from Chicago 🙂🇮🇱
@tiferet777 8 лет назад
YaHUaH Roi lo echasar!
@alexanderhersh1974 12 лет назад
I have also listened to and participated in the singing of Mizmor le' David from Sefer Tehillim - Book of Psalms, particularly Psalm 23: 'Adonai Roh'i lo echsar' sung in Hebrew but this is the very first time in my life that I have encountered and experienced such great pleasure in listening to Israeli, Gadi Elon singing this Psalm so beautifully and exquisitely in the original Hebrew. Gadi Elon has a lovely expressive singing voice !! It is so inspirational and spiritually elevating !!
@diannan8394 5 лет назад
Amo esta música Salmo 23 gracias por compartir ✌️🍀✨💖🙏🏼
@TheSharonsRose 11 лет назад
Israel 4 ever..
@jorgearenas872 4 года назад
That Star shines for all those whose trust is in The Almighty.
Thank you Jesus Christ 🙏🇹🇭
@cesarfariasdossantos4099 5 лет назад
Ouvindo em 19/07/2019. Shalom
@LisaGoldberg-ky3hi 3 месяца назад
Where can I find the sheet music for this?
@dasdoresmontenegro1912 Год назад
Gratidão 👏👏
@alexanderhersh1974 12 лет назад
I have also listened to and participated in the singing of Mizmor le' David from Sefer Tehillim - Book of Psalms, particularly Psalm 23: 'Adonai Roh'i lo Echsar' sung in Hebrew but this is the very first time in my life that I have encountered and experienced such great pleasure in listening Israeli, Gadi Elon singing this Psalm so beautifully and exquisitely in the original Hebrew. It is so inspirational and spiritually elevating !! Gadi Elon has a lovely expressive singing voice !!
@johnpyter6699 5 месяцев назад
@TheLillieSaylesGroup 10 лет назад
@sewingbuddy48 9 месяцев назад
This has always been my favorite song and Hebrew melody. ❤
@lanarv 14 лет назад
David Melech Yisrael !..CHAI VEKAYAM !!! What a great rendition..of Gadi Elon ! :-) Brings PEACE and HOPE ! Thanks A LOT for sharing , MyZeidi ...always ! :-)
@deolansantossilva6914 2 года назад
Tehilim 23
@angelheavenlee4576 3 года назад
@darmonjeanpierre 14 лет назад
@lavishrich9825 6 лет назад
Still..I can't seem to listen to this song without my eyes tearing up.😿
@SammyCee23 12 лет назад
How do Jews feel about the Far East?
@leonarduscarol3402 7 лет назад
Seoul they are our brother too, sons and daughters of abraham.. just believe in Adonai, don't worship an idol anymore and life according ten commandement..
@liketowatchcovers 12 лет назад
@laimabogdeliene9683 Год назад
Thank You Very Much ♥️🙏♥️
@GraphlinkMedia 13 лет назад
@ephiesters Thanks for posting the lirycs... Hebrew is a beautiful language...
@havahaman6028 8 месяцев назад
@cathymerimeche2705 7 лет назад
comme il est de chanter des louanges en l'honeur de l'Éternel 🙆🙆
@marioschultz7835 11 лет назад
What can I say? Baruj Ata Adonay. Shalom Ubraja Navi Mario
@shyjup8452 10 лет назад
i love jewish because jesus is jewish
@Michael_Kerstein 6 лет назад
shyju p Yeshua (Joshua) still not sure how you guys get Jesus other than Greek for zesus that turns to aye sus that turns to esus that goes to yesus which then translates to Jesus so you are calling a Greek mythology god as your Savior and not Yeshua (Joshua) the son of God most high. but Thank you for loving Jewish people and we love you too shalom
@guidojoaquinalfonso8252 10 месяцев назад
Toda Rab, Shalom
@happiest744 13 лет назад
@meusisto: Yes, it is the entire chapter.
@happiest744 13 лет назад
@meusisto: Yes, it is the entire chapter.
@goldentakure1436 2 года назад
Shabbat shalom
@LeDavidBeasley 14 лет назад
@albertdiner It's LeDavid not Le David
@LeDavidBeasley 14 лет назад
@tedisgod I am LeDavid The 1st
@Michael_Kerstein 6 лет назад
no words = failure
@fabiankierzkowski8331 8 лет назад
Pan jest Pasterzem moim...
@shoshanahxavier5137 5 лет назад
This song touches my soul
@deepakkiran719 Год назад
@isle153 9 лет назад
Oh mine! Beautiful!
@Guideonbearer 4 года назад
Thank you Col!
@lapplandsjagare 7 лет назад
yes - peace to you all
@36yovan 7 лет назад
Lovely song !
@joebtt 12 лет назад
@OscarANota me too. :)
@milindmakhwan7999 10 месяцев назад
@kkkkkkatherine 11 лет назад
As for me and my house, we Will Serve the Lord: the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob! . We bless ISRAEL. We Stand WITH Israel...we pray for the Peace of Jerusalem !! . May Israel turn to her TRUE Messiah: Yeshua Ha Mashiach!! ` "Yeshua died for our sins according to the scriptures: And that He was buried, and that He rose again the third day according to the scriptures" 1 Cor.15:3-4
@dartin537 12 лет назад
Wonderfully beautiful! dm
@rajvinderkaur7213 4 года назад
@werzegye2923 6 лет назад
amen amen amen
@dasdoresmontenegro1912 Год назад
@mustuke 6 лет назад
@Jewelmia 7 лет назад
@SpiritedCOG 6 лет назад
@GraphlinkMedia 13 лет назад
Thank you...
@netzachchokmah1 10 лет назад
Amen..Jesus is my Jewish King♡
@p.v.agustairwanedwinsyah 4 года назад
@p.v.agustairwanedwinsyah 4 года назад
@yeshayahuleyeshurun9902 7 лет назад
Hashem 是我的牧者,我必不至缺乏。
@jonahs92 7 лет назад
Mingqin Wen 请问, 您是开封犹太人吗? 您明明是中国人。您写"Hashem", 所以您大概是犹太人。
@berrakylmaz4489 4 года назад
@joanbaliwagan4299 8 лет назад
Yahawah , ancient / paleo Hebrew name..todah rabah
@agnesnicolas8594 9 лет назад
gloire à Dieu !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@shyjup8452 10 лет назад
jesus is my saviour
@the-future-starts-now 12 лет назад
@CalypsotheBard I think, why they try to follow the rules the Creator asked them to follow.... in general..... They know they were created in the immage of G'd instead they created gods in their immage....
@lavishrich9825 6 лет назад
May the God of David, punish all the people who took RENT money from me while entering my home invading my private life and poisoned me to sabotage my health. As I raise my head to the heavenly father, I know he will. For my life and health was a blessing from him.
@sofi86 11 лет назад
beautiful! what is the language? (obviously Hebrew but modern or classical?)
@ReyBanYAHUAH 3 года назад
Always remember to repent of your sins (sin is transgression of YAHUAH’S LAW: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, & Deuteronomy) And Have Belief On YAHUSHA HAMASHYACH. HE Died and Rose Again On The Third Day So that you can be forgiven of your sins! HE Loves you! Come to HIM!🙂🙂🙂
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