
Psychiatrist Analyzes What Meghan REALLY Wants! 

Andrew Gold
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Meghan Markle talks of her ambitions without stating what they are. Forensic psychiatrist Dr. Sohom Das takes a look at what her motivations and ambitions might be. After all, what does Meghan Markle want from Prince Harry and the Royal Family, and how has it torn his relationship with Prince William, King Charles and the late Queen Elizabeth II apart. Is she a narcissist, (after her interview comparing herself with Serena Williams), or has she been given a rough time by the press.
#meghanmarkle #princeharry #royalfamily



20 сен 2024




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@AndrewGold1 Год назад
Is she a narcissist? Or are the press racist? Or just unfair on her for non-race reasons? What a minefield! Let me know below.
@SusanaXpeace2u Год назад
Kate is much more resilient. It cannot be easy to marry in to the royal family but I don't think Meghan knew how much negative press would hurt her. She's always trying to control what people think of her to find comfort instead of sitting with the discomfort and letting it pass. I don't think Kate is bland, I think she's private and she doesn't care if the public thinks she's bland. She just lives with that. Harry revealed inadvertently in his book that Meghan said Kate had baby brain and that upset Kate, and *Meghan* in fact not Kate was the victim of that. As we all know, IT WAS MEGHAN WHO CRIED. Interesting to hear the actual trigger. Kate was put out but it was Meghan who cried. It shamed Meghan that Kate had a visibly hurt reaction to something she did because she believes she is pretty perfect. How dare Kate be hurt by a perfect person?! That is a narcissistic behaviour. DARVO. Deny, Attack, Reverse Victim and Offender.
@Linda72. Год назад
She wants millions in the divorce settlement and use those poor children as pawns..they are her meal ticket but at the core she is just a z list yacht girl. I'll say it she IS a terrible person.
@deejames1st Год назад
Too many people see the same alleged pathology. There’s been a lot of patterns. I’d like to see this guest examine her childhood videos along with her podcast/interviews.
@clumple Год назад
She's a narcissist, like Amber Heard without the court case to prove it? she will leave Harry, but that could be good for him as then there could be a RF reconciliation
@clumple Год назад
got to the end, great discussion again btw! you both need to look at the timeline of where the so called "racist" comments/threats come in. I think you'll find it's after they left (or announced their intention to leave?) the UK and that in/around their wedding day there was no hint of it at all from the UK, as actually there was no "race" card at that time.
@DawnieLockyer Год назад
You have to be a narcissist to invite famous people you have never met to your wedding and only one family member. even the Hollywood celebs didn’t know why they were invited!
@alexandriarowin535 Год назад
Oh my goodness…. Is that true? She invited famous people neither of them knew? Who does that?
@maryjohnson6796 Год назад
Criticise all you want. She’s a 40 something year old narcissist.
@Lorimars319 Год назад
And you’re 40-50-60 something-year-old bully
@maryjohnson6796 Год назад
@@Lorimars319 bullying isn’t telling the truth hun.
@walkawaycat431 Год назад
@@Lorimars319 Ahh. You've fallen for Megan's perpetual "Victimhood" she would be very happy to know that. 😄
@nv6636 Год назад
@@Lorimars319 it’s not your fault if you want to believe and like her. the rest of us who easily see through her bs and recognize her behavior as textbook narcissist, just have higher EQ
@missylearned9821 Год назад
All I remember while Catherine was dating William were the constant stories about her family being lower class trash (especially her mother’s side), that she was a commoner not worthy of the royal family (laughable if you follow history), etc. I remember thinking how awful it must have been for her and her family. I actually think psychologically it was far worse for Catherine and she and her family never said a word in defense during quite a few years of onslaught from the media and from the supposedly royal class that didn’t think she was good enough for him. Has everyone forgotten the press gave her the belittling title “Waity Katie” for years in the press?
@Kreepyb5 Год назад
@BlessYourHeart254 Год назад
Totally agree 👏👏👏
@eleanoraquitaine2966 Год назад
10 years Catherine and her family were hammered.
@olliestudio45 Год назад
Excellent observation. Also a good reminder of how toxic the media-audience ecosystem is (and not just the tabloids).
@IrishRose Год назад
Catherine is an amazing Princess of Wale. William and Catherine are very lucky to have eachother
That woman is a destroyer, hands down.
@heidirippl2815 Год назад
Sorry, she didn't just fall in love, she wanted Lizzie Cundy to find her a rich British man.
@BlessYourHeart254 Год назад
💯 percent
@peachesmcgee4795 Год назад
She hit the jackpot! I think she targeted Harry.
@korger1481 Год назад
@@peachesmcgee4795 She wanted William, Harry was 2nd choice.
@loumartinez7717 Год назад
Indeed! But if she doesn’t like Britain why a British man? Why not an American?
@korger1481 Год назад
@@loumartinez7717 Perhaps, it was all plan to destroy the RF. For some reason.
@BoeBreezy Год назад
I've always thought Megan came off as narcissistic. She thrives on attention whether it be positive or negative. She never fit into the royal family and focused on going against them every step of the way. I honestly don't believe Harry would have left his family and title if it wasn't for Megan's influence.
@Kreepyb5 Год назад
Yes in my opinion 👍🏽✌️❤️💯
@Kreepyb5 Год назад
He has severed himself from all he knows and family!!!??!! It's coercion at its highest level!! Taking grandbabies away from the queen at that age? Causing turmoil!?!? Selfish narcissistic behavior
@Kreepyb5 Год назад
My thoughts not yours
@mandymckeown8625 Год назад
Spot on 👍
@Allison-hg9vm Год назад
@jennykilgore381 Год назад
My only comment on Megan is this: She knew she was marrying into the Royal Family. She is old enough to know that there are rules, traditions and obligations. And are we to believe that she was Just Shocked about her being treated differently - regardless of her race, divorce, or economic status. As for the documentary - I felt for the Prince. He looked as though he was in Pain over his wife....smh Sad situation. If I were a betting woman - I'd bet he will eventually leave her. The embarrassment will only worsen.(Kate is classy, my friend. She knew what she was getting into and she respected it. As she should. She is not bland - she's respectful to the Family and Crown! That is why she is Not in the tabloids being shredded!)
@Kreepyb5 Год назад
Exactly ❤❤💯
@merrywalsh2809 Год назад
Yes. She wanted the title. She said she would do the job, but she knew she could play Harry and leave if she didn’t like it. She researched how much money she could make if she left. She kept her managers. She conferred with Michelle Obama, Hillary Clinton and others about the Netflix, Spotify, book, speakers circuit megabucks. When she saw that she and Harry were decidedly third in the pecking order, she smeared the royals, claimed victimhood and left. She sized up her situation in six months, and set their exit in motion at that point.
@pixie3760 Год назад
I couldn't agree more with you more.
@scarba Год назад
She’s not bland, she’s following the Queen’s style of not showing her true opinions etc, she’s being neutral. We never did get to see what the Queen was really like and that’s what kept her popular. It wasn’t about her but what she represented.
@Randomlycreatedbyme Год назад
I hate when people call Catherine bland, she is anything but. Her style is impeachable and she seems to be really good at making people feel comfortable and heard during engagements.
@maggiekent7753 Год назад
As a mother of two adult sons, I find the whole thing tragic. It would break my heart if our son's behaved this way to each other.
@Maya_Pinion Год назад
I know. Are they married to two successful,beautiful, opinionated young women? That's 😵‍💫 trouble I have found in life.
@theparkeys4345 Год назад
Hopefully, your sons were treated better by the adults in their life than the princes were.
@maggiekent7753 Год назад
@@Maya_Pinion one almost married, and yes she's beautiful, successful and opinionated. She's also madly in love with him and only seems to want the best for him. She also understands that the love between a parent and a partner is completely different. She's a wonderful young woman.
@maggiekent7753 Год назад
@@theparkeys4345 - they've had their problems. Don't want to brag but we're quite a close family, supportive family. Really hope it stays that way.
@judyholiday1794 Год назад
The only reason Rachel Meghan Markle was hired on Suits was because her then hubby Trevor Engelson that is a producer called in a favor..I have chatted with a prior Friend who was around during their divorce and yes,it's true she mailed her wedding rings back to him ..The rings were apparently not big enough but she does seem to love the Chanel Bracelet he gave her as an engagement gift..So much so that she is wearing on her wedding day to Harry 🙄..I cannot stand the way she acts and it has absolutely nothing to do with her skin color or being jealous that she was able to trick a very confused and angry Prince into putting another ring on her finger..Which was also not big enough because she had her engagement ring that Harry had designed for her torn down and enlarged within a matter of 2 months.. She's an arrogant User that has literally destroyed this man's life under the phony pretense of Love .I used to feel sorry for Harry but not so much anymore however,if I could give him any advice I would tell him to hide his share of the blood money that they have scored from making up lies about his family.. Because he doesn't realize it but he's gonna need that money in the near future because she's going to take him to the cleaners when she divorces him..Sadly, all of these crazy revelations that he put in this book will be used by her in court just watch all of you that adore her you will see her true colors when it happens..
@patriciam.1204 Год назад
She will get half of everything won’t she? Wow does that include royal stuff? I would love them to be together forever they deserve each other.
@richlee509 Год назад
Hopefully they split up sooner rather than later
@museysmoderndreadfuls Год назад
Actually, completely false. I know this is false. Why? Let's just say that I am a professional actress in the same general age range give or take half a decade as Meghan, and may or may not have appeared on Suits, and know a bit about this particular issue that I sincerely doubt you do. Unless you are a handful of colleagues. You can believe me or not- I don't care. You and others in the same camp seem to pull "facts" about Meghan out of tabloids , or sheer fantasy. End of the day: Harry is a grown man and he chose Meghan over the pomp and bullshit, and doesn't have to look at his Father - who cheated on his mother from the word go, then eventually "got permission" to marry his Mistress after his Mother (Diana) was all but murdered by the British press. I would have said "forget this" too in his position. Oh, and by the way he loves Meghan and his children. Why be so hateful. It's swarmy and gross really.
@annahart69 Год назад
The tabloid press was nothing but positive for a loooong time and only started turning on her, when her steadily increasing number of incidences of terrible behaviour, her greed, her demands, her selfishness, her arrogance, and obvious disdain for having to be a team player & actually SERVE in her capacity as a working royal and not just be served and verifiable stories coming from old friends, co workers and family didn’t jive with her own versions of events, became so overwhelmingly obvious, that it couldn’t be downplayed, excused or ignored. People were angry, confused and felt hoodwinked. Catherine from day 1 endured far worse and for much, much longer from the tabloid press, but won them over by showing everyone that she not only deserved respect, but was (and is ) doing a smashing job, loyally & devotedly SERVING crown and country.
@privategirl2 Год назад
Meghan entered the Palace with a plan. Distorting reality was #1. I am laughing at the fact that people still using the "Out Of Compton" article to show BM racism against Meghan. The reality is, she lied about her background. Meghan was raised by her white father near Beverly Hill. She didn't come from an Urban background. Also, the Writer of the article was an American, not British.
@teensymom1420 Год назад
Just remember you are only hearing her side of the story. The Royal Family know better than to get into addressing each thing they say because they know that they will never stop. After Oprah, Spotify, Netflix, Interviews with Vanity Fair and The Cut and now Harry's book, all anyone has heard is their endless list of complaints. But they never tell the whole story and that is the problem.
@ashleydavis2355 Год назад
I've always believed that there are (at minimum) 3 sides/"truths" to every 2 person story. If you and I are in an argument, the three sides are: your side/"truth", my side/"truth", and what really happened. Incidentally, the third side is usually somewhere in the middle. That's not to say that anyone is lying. Everyone's perception of an incident is skewed by their own motivations/thoughts/etc, even when they're trying their very best to stick to the bare bones facts. No matter what our opinions are about M&H, we would all do well to remember that and to take it under advisement when we are forming opinions.
@Enoo-Wynn Год назад
@Ashley Davis We can see their actions though.
@ashleydavis2355 Год назад
@@Enoo-Wynn in a way, we are seeing 2 of the sides. It's long been suspected/assumed/implied that the anonymous sources that talk about the goings on of the royals are either the royals themselves or their staff. That it's their way of telling their side without outright telling their side. If we operate on that assumption, we should assume that the actual reality is somewhere in the middle.
@Deethehiddengem Год назад
I strongly believe she has full-blown NPD. Her behavior is extremely self-centered and she takes no responsibility for anything. Her thirst for admiration is unquenchable and so much of what she claims is untrue or twisted to make her look like a victim. On her podcast all she did was talk about herself as I don’t think she cared about any of her guests or wanted them to outshine her.
@annenoir9409 Год назад
Right I would have loved to see other narcissistic traits highlighted/discussed in the video. My mother is NPD. Definitely Meghan is a full blown NPD
@Stardusted1 Год назад
I’d agree with the NPD. Hundred percent.
@mandymckeown8625 Год назад
@@annenoir9409 same here Anne I’ve gone no contact . Nmarcle is one also. Hope you have set boundaries ❤👍
@deejames1st Год назад
Has anyone considered or looked into a comorbidity with histrionic disorder…
@lindatannock Год назад
@@annenoir9409 exactly, and abusive like separating him from his family to control him.
@ItsMaisyDaisy Год назад
She actively set her sights on finding a wealthy famous British man and Harry fit the bill. She had studied the Royal Family and even wore Diana's favorite perfume for their first date. I think she was treated with kid gloves, even coddled, by the British press and the Royal Family. Only when she began showing disrespect and disdain for the Royal Family and the duties did she begin getting any unfavorable coverage. The British press is notoriously hard on anyone who marries into their Royal Family. Sarah and Catherine received much more difficult press. Meghan thrives on divisiveness, drama and playing the perpetual victim. She perceives a slight in everything! She and Harry have both turned into perpetual whiners and victims. I find them so immature and disgusting. As for race...I am American and few of us had even heard of her until she nabbed Harry, and probably even fewer knew she was part African. She reportedly always presented herself as white, only dated and married white men and her friends were pretty much all white, until she met the wealthy and famous Serena Williams. I am darker skinned than she, and as far as I know my ancestors were European and gg and ggg grandmothers who were reportedly Jewish. It's not gone unnoticed that Meghan was content with being perceived as white, until she learned that she couldn't be on a higher pedestal that Queen Elizabeth and Princess Catherine, THEN she began playing her never-ending deck of race cards. Truly, I think she believed that being a third-rate American actress in an obscure television show as a supporting actress and her narcissistic belief that she was so awesome and amazing would catapult her to the top with the British press and public. She wasn't interested in putting in any effort because she just felt it was due her. These same personality traits of narcissism and entitlement are why she never really made it in Hollywood. I agree, Andrew, she's a Narcissist. She's also the biggest whiner, bitcher, moaner & groaner I have ever seen, and she's been successful in teaching Harry to be the same.
@Maya_Pinion Год назад
😳 Whoa
@alexdevalera4550 Год назад
She was not an aristocrat, she was not even British ; the press and the British people just loved her until they discovered who she really was. She is just a narcissistic social climber who has no sense of common decency. Both of them have lied so much that anyone studying their time track can find many inconsistencies and contrary facts. She compared herself to Serena Williams and to Nelson Mandela !!!! She has an overblown image of herself and she would be a nobody if she hadn’t married immature and silly Prince Harry. She is a toxic person. When someone of good will comes around they find solutions to problems, they stress the things that bring people together and they work hard for the better. This woman is an arriviste, she was so pathetic on the Oprah interview and the Netflix propaganda piece. Her PR campaign is not even subtle and of course it has backfired badly.
@susanhamilton1205 Год назад
Yes, sadly, I must agree.
@manuellubian5709 Год назад
Where did it ever come out, or where was it ever written that she thought she could be on a higher plain than QE and Catherine? Never heard that one before.
@aurus6483 Год назад
How do you know all this?
@markjones1337 Год назад
If it was Meg that told him to put the number he killed while in the army, I'd say she wants him to be number 26.
@kerryjohnson9738 Год назад
Talk about drawing a target on them, the Royals, and L.A.
@Maya_Pinion Год назад
@kristallklar3758 Год назад
Quite sure PH announced the 25 on purpose to increase the risk level - so that he gets his IPP Status back!
@kerryjohnson9738 Год назад
@@kristallklar3758 I've never heard of some decent person numbering the amount of humans lives lost at their hands due to war! Death is a horrible result of war no matter which side you're on.
@morticiagomez6166 Год назад
The psychiatrist has it all WRONG!! Kate got a lot of bullying in the beginning, but she held her tongue, held her head up, put a smile on her face and did her duties in a professional and calm manner (be they royal, woman, mother or wife)! By the time poor old Meghan came onto the scene, Kate had already ESTABLISHED herself in the UK royal family and in the public eye. Kate had EARNED RESPECT by then! She was a seasoned veteran in the field. Meghan, on the other hand, got it TOO EASY initially! Everybody “loved” her and was very POSITIVE to welcome her into the picture! I remember yawning and thinking it was all a bore to read constant sugar and honey about her and Harry. I think it was BECAUSE she was a POC and a foreigner that she got treated EXTRA SPECIAL, in fact! Because the Brits wanted to make her feel as comfortable and welcome as they could! However, Meghans rotten personality and NPD surfaced very quickly and she angered and offended and upset A LOT OF people. So now, she is getting more criticism than usual because she can’t stop chasing after attention and Notoriety. The avocado story was a Woke-Karen gripe because its MEGHAN who preaches about climate change, isn’t it!? So the Woke Karen’s were reminding her of the avocado nonsense about impacting on the environment. The more public pity parties she throws, the more people will mock and hate her! She has dug her own Grave. Let her lie in it! Don’t feel sorry for her! Feel sorry for her children that have to grow up with a mother with NPD and a Dada whose still 12 years old in his emotional state. In summary, KATE EARNED RESPECT, while MEGHAN LOST RESPECT. That’s the difference!
@jedburghpear9633 Год назад
All her speeches concentrate on HERSELF. It’s all me, I, myself. If that’s not narcissism I don’t know what is.
@dmb6559 Год назад
I think Megain is a malignant narcissist that targeted hazmat and manipulated him from day 1 to do what she wanted. She wanted to be super rich and super famous and went after it hard! The level of narcissism she exhibits is astounding!
@DMAC1301 Год назад
She knew exactly what she was doing.
@cherylbetts7379 Год назад
Oh yes she's definitely a narcissist now she's playing a victim and let's not forget Harry he's also playing the victim😭
@phillipaclemons7261 Год назад
She claimed the people of Sth Africa were dancing in the streets when she married Harry. It was just like the release of Mandella from jail!!...... Narcissist? Hell yes She claimed one of the crew, on the plane when she flew out of the UK, thanked her for what she had done for his country!!.... Narcissist? Hell yes
@gingernightmare9152 Год назад
There were 8, Eight, well-respected, long-serving members of the Royal household that quit their careers after having to work with that thing that calls herself a duchess. She's a bully. And that's in her history too.
@KnutFan Год назад
I know I am not alone in wanting to remind you Andrew that Kate and Camilla both received incredible amount of hate It is inevitable anytime someone marries into the top of the hierarchy. It’s just part of hazing.
@jenniferbailey5914 Год назад
Take it from someone who has to deal with narcissists most of my adult life. MM is a full blown narcissist and Harry’s book has given her everything she needs to discard him and take it all. Harry will end up in an institution or worse. Those that don’t see that are her flying monkeys that will do he bidding no matter what. When Harry is given his marching order watch how they will defend MM and vilify Harry. One thing is for sure….narcissists all work from the same playbook. Until you read that playbook don’t bother commenting! 😡
@SN-bl6xm Год назад
Unfortunately I have narcissists in my family. They are no celebrities, or are successful in sports, they don’t even work because they think they are too good to have to go working. They literally have the feeling everyone else should and has to treat them as “god’s” and if you don’t treat them like a “god” they think and say you disrespected them and they say you are a terrible person and then they start gossiping about you. There is really something wrong in the head of these narcissists! They are delusional and sick people!
@BBelle64 Год назад
Meghan’s main focus is fame and attention.
@susansimon5105 Год назад
Meghan’s main focus has always seemed to be Meghan!
@ItsMaisyDaisy Год назад
And 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰 💰
@donnamcgrath_Lawyers_Coach Год назад
Honestly WTF would you know!! Stupid person
@carole4448 Год назад
Sorry you got stick from speaking your thoughts on Meghan, your entitled to do that. Meghan is untruthful and manipulative, you only have to watch her to see that.
@anonymousmedusa Год назад
I had high hopes for Meghan becoming part of the royal family but I began to have problems with her when they announced their engagement and she "posed" to show off her engagement ring. It came across as " look what I captured". It made me cringe.
@lauras3554 Год назад
If you 've never heard Kate then you have missed her truly kind compassionate nature. The integrity of her actions highlight the hollow rhetoric of Markle
@Kreepyb5 Год назад
Definitely she is calculating by her actions my opinion
@ralpho5389 Год назад
Harry and Megan are more like Bonny and Clyde than Romeo and Juliet.... You just have to look at Meghans relationships.... She leaves a litany of broken one's behind her... She has changed Harry beyond recognition and isolated from family and friends...
@stephanieoconnell2343 Год назад
I love your style Andrew. 🌻 You don’t take yourself too seriously and you keep things real. I appreciate you. 🌻
@AndrewGold1 Год назад
Thanks Stephanie !!
@Kreepyb5 Год назад
@Kreepyb5 Год назад
@@AndrewGold1hate flack when intentions are genuine
@Kreepyb5 Год назад
Right !!??!!??
@zanneBC Год назад
She stalked him and had a goal in mind. William was taken and Harry was the spare yet again
@cadie187 Год назад
She was treated according to her behaviour! She was adored before she showed her true colours!
@chriswebb5235 Год назад
Is it me or does Meghan like to throw out the race card while at the same time doing her best to not identify with her black heritage?
@takata98 Год назад
She throws the race card out there because it's a volatile trigger issue, on the flip side she knows exactly what she is doing because on her CV which was printed for all to see during the "Briefcase Girls" debacle she clearly states she is Caucasian.
@rosannecole4992 Год назад
Depending on the situation Megan picks and chooses what suits her for that day !
@dezraboudreau1871 Год назад
For her, this marriage was an opportunity. Her first one was. You honestly can't bag a bigger catch than Harry... only because Prince William was already taken. She wanted to be Princess Diana, and she failed. Catherine got it so much worse for years. Me-gain has a card to use, so she automatically got it worse.
@laluna5177 Год назад
Read Courtiers by Valentine Low and then have him on the show to discuss what really went on behind the scenes while they were working royals.
@millacolic Год назад
Without question, she is a narcissist the modern world has not seen thus far. Think of one royal family member in the world , one actor, one public that has gone this far in trashing its family in public. Does it mean this is so because other families are perfect? No, because family matters are handled privately. Only a narcissist needs the world to know what she is going through. Harry is full of anger and found a narcissist to expose his frailties.
@vbachman6742 Год назад
Amber Heard comes to mind.
@museysmoderndreadfuls Год назад
Oh please. After we've seen Amber Heard! Give me a flipping break.
@museysmoderndreadfuls Год назад
@vbachman6742 then you are pulling at straws. Meghan doesn't cheat, drink casks upon casks of wine, drop grumpies in bed, was already a well known actress when she met Harry ( while I wouldn't have been able to pick Heard out of a line up before Johnny, and I work in "The Industry)- so... nice try , but also absurd try.
@Kreepyb5 Год назад
Harry and his Gran were very close by what reports! And he was estranged when she passed.. that!!?! In itself makes me sad for the Queen. She did her best always with the changing in times! She adjusted as much as she was able as a Queen
@Kreepyb5 Год назад
My thoughts
@doriensenatore0360 Год назад
Why is Harry so blinded not to see it like everyone else does
@BlessYourHeart254 Год назад
She’s a total narcissist IMO, and she’s dragging the BRF down with her. Isn’t the British tabloid press brutal on most any famous person, particularly anyone marrying into the BRF? Asking since I’m American.
@allytrudie864 Год назад
The BRF drag themselves down. They have done this all themselves. They have had extremely toxic dynamics in our lifetime that if we had been paying attention over the last 50 years or longer you can prove the toxicity. Why do you insist on thinking this toxic my abusive family is worth bowing to? Giving your money to all because they were born? Why do you think the king or queen is more important than YOU? It isn’t narcissistic to refuse to cow-tow to abusive tactics. That family plants stories on each other to protect the crown and all its direct heirs. Planting stories about Meghan and Harry were so obvious at times and always when another royal was in it deep (example: pedo Andyand Will’s roving pecker). Any family that does that is SICK. I wouldn’t have stood for it silently either like every other person in the family does. They did it to Diana and fergie back in the day also. Use logic and your eyes people.
@beth3535 Год назад
Reserved does not equal bland.
@MountainsRCallingMe Год назад
If rather have “bland” Kate than liar Meghan
@Allannah_Of_Rome Год назад
So true, actors are known to be egotistical, narcissistic gooses, Megain is no exception. And because most people have dealt with a narc they can instantly recognize one when they see one. Megain has become the pin up for narcissism. I'm a psychologist and also go down the body language road. The body never lies where Meagain's does!!
@karenqueenslander6441 Год назад
The difference with Meghan is that she preaches and tells everyone what to do and then goes and does what we are not supposed to do.
@louisestevenson5102 Год назад
She never loved him she targeted him
@leannecolephotography Год назад
I think this Psychiatrist needs to go further back. Look at the press that Camilla has got in the past. Look at the press that Kate got before her marriage, and then after as well. It is common that the gloss and shine rub off and the press in the UK will make the royals, whether it is Catherine, or Meghan if they are not doing what they are meant to be doing. They get public money and should be held accountable. I also think you have to be very careful believing anything that she says in the Netflix series. I also think that we are in a lot of trouble of you can't criticise someone of a different race for anything. Especially if that criticism has nothing to do with their race. You get horrible people in all races. An a***hole is an a***hole no matter what the skin colour is. Judge people by their personalities not by their looks, which includes race.
@sarazohar4923 Год назад
As a physician who has a terrible relationship with my sibling ,I am of the opinion this is a intelligent and educated conversation, and the interviewer is brilliant
@danatate8803 Год назад
Where there really hundreds of thousands of racist tweets against her? I mean, Christopher Bouzy appeared in that Netflix series. We all know how he makes a living!
@loriru3135 Год назад
I love your rapport with Dr. Das. I hope you have him on often.
@AndrewGold1 Год назад
Thanks !! He’s become a good friend
@baronmeduse Год назад
And let him talk a bit, because I didn't really get the psychiatrist's entire point-of-view.
@verococo3057 Год назад
Catherine Princess of Wales was literally hounded by the press!
@nancysilverman495 Год назад
P.S. The Psychiatrist never told us what Meghan REALLY Wants.
@timtreefrog9646 Год назад
The "Almost Straight Outta Compton" headline was referring to where her mother lived. If you read the actual article which accompanied that headline, it is about her being from a 'rough' area and the rags to riches story. It was positive. They've wheeled that same headline out as evidence of racism in almost every interview with no context.
@pnwlady Год назад
And it was written by a US corespondent in Cali. That reference is pop culture, not derogatory. But that’s my take at someone her age who listened to a lot of NWA (rap group that produced the album Straight Outta Compton) 😂
@apgx6032 Год назад
Anyone who has been been caught in the web of narcissism recognised red flags during the engagement interview.
@shermac246 Год назад
She pissed me off when she said Diana didn’t have it as bad as her because there was no social media back then. Her husband is Diana’s son, clearly he’s shared with her stories about how the press threatened her physical self so much she could not take her kids to school. I think Harry was flattered because a pretty woman was attracted to him and let’s face it, he isn’t that attractive and is rumored to be kind of a dummie. You see beautiful women with less attractive men but they are typically smarter or funnier to make up for not being so attractive. Harry is not known for his intellect or comic talents so I have zero hope for this marriage and suspect she’s been bored to death with him for quite a while already. I am sorry for Harry but not that sorry considering he was an adult and walked into it with plenty of warning signs. He also has plenty of money and two great kids.
@trishhennessy673 Год назад
Princess Diana was humble and kindhearted in her interviews it's missing with her I hate to say that
@giddygrub7176 Год назад
There is a difference between the press, the paparazzi, crappy mags and social media and it is often conflated in the discussions around Megan. Side note: I believe it has been picked up that a lot of the press headlines used eg in the Oprah interview, weren't actually British publications. I personally only started seeing negative press following the shenanigans at Wimbledon.
@janiceb2733 Год назад
Everyone seems to forget that the press were pretty cruel to Kate Middleton - especially her family. Meghan is not the only one to suffer at the hands of the press but Kate didn't and doesn't whinge about it.
@ane-louisestampe7939 Год назад
The "real" little mermaid (Andersen's, not Disney's), married a prince. The price she paid was walking on broken glass for the rest of her life!
@deanerdean58 Год назад
@kalicanterbury8085 Год назад
She earned her treatment by the media. Reports started coming out that she was throwing tantrums, leaving engagements after 5 mins, complaining she wasn't getting paid, complaining how hard work was on her in a country plagued by poverty.....Context matters. Just comparing two events YEARS apart and claiming that proves worse treatment is nonsense. Gotta turn this off.
@barbaraadams8347 4 месяца назад
Old Megs has stated that she wants to be the Queen of England. It is that simple. The two of them have created such a bad reputation that the UK citizens would never want her as Queen.
@MrELMENDA27 Год назад
Hello, Andrew. You recently had a podcast with HG Tudor (excellent), so allow me to use his lexicon. 1- Only the “sugars” will send flack your way for expressing an opinion AND even for pointing at facts: form of censorship. 2- Let’s apply what HG recommends, which detectives and judges do at all times: go to the evidence. 3- As I’ve commented before, “Harry’s Wife” is a proven and documented liar: why believe anything she says. 4- Her history shows that she uses people till they no longer suit her purposes and thus discards them: many examples available. 5-Her ambition is plain to spot: more is never enough, she wants “more more”, an impossibility. 6- If she can’t get her way, well, look at the evidence: throw the baby out with the water, withdraw, smear, claim victimhood, etc… Greetings from Australia.
@REDinitial Год назад
The media was absolutely horrible to Kate, for years. Waity Katie? In addition, this idea that Meghan had no choice because she was marrying into royalty is simply not true. Upon her engagement with Harry they were asked if they wanted to be active royals and have titles, it wasn't required of them. The same way it is not required of many other royals. They insisted they wanted to be active royals. Meghan has not received preferential treatment and in her world that is bullying.
@Dstew57A Год назад
WTF marry into the Royal Family when you supposedly knew what it entailed. In their engagement interview she said its very clear what is expected of her
@Sammy_019 Год назад
There are reports she knew exactly what she was doing!
@kalicanterbury8085 Год назад
IF she is a narcissist? Stomach turning as you engage in gymnastics to bow to the sugars. Yuck.
@AndrewGold1 Год назад
Who are the sugars
@littlemy1773 Год назад
@@AndrewGold1markle supporters who think everything she does is sweet . Sugary . She can do no wrong according to them
@Linda72. Год назад
@@AndrewGold1 they are extremely vile supporters of the Harkles. They are abusive and scream racism disparage your looks, bring Prince Andrew into it and constantly bang on about Charles and Camilla. And how the RF murdered Diana...Andrew please dig deeper this goes deeper than you could ever imagine
@angelaconner3131 Год назад
@@littlemy1773 it's true and they are insane. I have read some of the stuff they have put out there about other people. It's disgusting.
@littlemy1773 Год назад
@@angelaconner3131 I know, they’re utterly vile and repulsive people, who can’t handle facts and proof of H and Ms lies
@IrishRose Год назад
Meghan would have never given Harry the time of day if he wasn't a Prince!
@olderwiser64 Год назад
I’m an auditor by training & trade. I worked in that field for almost 15 years. The evidence that woke me up was the staff losses. In all the years in my job, I can say with 100% certainty, when you see that many people leaving a workplace like the palace, even in a longer time period, say 3 to 4 years, you’ve got a problem manager at the helm. The nature of those jobs is that the palace has many long-term staff, and even if they leave one position, they tend to move to another position still within the royal households. So that many people leaving in 18 months or less, and many within 6 months, hands down, you’ve got a toxic monster at the helm. And those jobs in particular are sought after. They are prestigious jobs even though they may not pay as well. And the BRF traditionally treats staff members very well-with a few exceptions of course like Andrew. But it’s a familial type relationship because it has a certain intimacy to it. But as soon as Meghan joined the firm she began targeting & bullying-mainly women-employees out of there. I’ve learned that employees rarely leave a job in which they are happy, even for better pay or benefits or quality of life changes. They just rarely do it. But if they are made miserable by management, they will take a pay cut, lose benefits, and accept a worse commute just to get out of there. Bottom line is people are rarely enticed out of a good job, but they will be driven out of a bad one, no matter how sweet the deal is. And that’s what we saw at the palace AND it has continued at Archewell. Their first big-time hire was Catherine St. Laurent from the Gates Foundation. She didn’t even make it a year. Just eleven months. And it continues. Meghan is a sociopath. She cannot keep friends, staff, or family members. She has zero shame, regret, or remorse, which is why she can come back for the jubilees and the other royal events and not bat an eye or lose her smile once during boos or cold shoulders. She doesn’t care. As for getting worse press treatment, no, she was not treated worse IN THE BEGINNING. And you have to compare Meghan’s treatment & timeline to Catherine, Camilla, & even Sophie. Please research it yourself. She was initially given better coverage. Much better. It only changed when her negative behaviors became public. Please look at people who have gone out and done analyses of Meghan’s coverage. Baggage Claim is a great Channel and she’s done that analysis. Tom Bower has also done a great job of bringing out account after account of this consistent sociopathic narcissistic behavior from Meghan and over 80 people went on the record to give their accounts of her being cruel, Machiavellian in her planning to get what she wants, or to thwart someone she’s jealous of. It’s not that she just divorced her ex-husband because she no longer needed him-it was THE WAY SHE DID IT. He literally received a FedEx package from her one day with her wedding rings in it. No note. No conversation either before she sent the rings or after he received them. He said he felt like something she had stepped on that was stuck to the bottom of her shoe that she was getting rid of. That’s pretty compelling to say that. There’s so much more. Research research research.
@starlightone6948 Год назад
She took advantage of the guy. She had no career. Shame on her. Fame.
@mandymckeown8625 Год назад
Nmarcle is a narcissist my mums one. I have narc traits but I have empathy . it’s all playing out as it should . Harry is in devaluation period. This is why all this is happening. She is a mid range victim narcissist. And I think a lesser . Harry is in for a rude awakening and if he comes out of this alive I’d be very surprised. Also there no cure. Most of her family have been binned and so has Harry’s . Look at the patterns it will tell you you who she is . No pity here
@dawnbeaird5183 Год назад
Public opinion only changed from her actions.
@peachesmcgee4795 Год назад
Don't worry, Andrew, you're not alone,loads of us can see right through her!
@GrumpyMeow-Meow Год назад
From my observations, the media was originally really excited about .Meghan. I don’t believe it is anti-American, anti-color, I believe it’s because her behavior has been awful. She is not rebellious, she is a bully.
@Chanelchen123 Год назад
Just research Kate. Now one can't criticize her even slightly but when she married William, the DM comment boards were vicious. And articles as well. Anyone who tried to defend her was just attacked. MM had the same takedown. To put this down to racism is just ludicrous. It seems one is not supposed to criticize her because she has black heritage on one side of her family. But she also has white. And quite a lot of it. I know the article that everyone cited now that she and Kate were treated differently by the press. One was the Avocado thing and the other one was touching her belly.. MM had her hands glued to her belly once she was pregnant. Like a signature move almost. She was pushing her coat back so that photographers could get a shot of her belly. It was over the top. Did Kate touch her belly when pregnant? OF course. That's what one does when a baby is kicking in your ribs. But she didn't have her hands glued to it and drawing attention to the fact that she was pregnant. MM knew that it was too much and people were getting annoyed with her constant attention on the belly. What did she do? She amped it up. It's almost like she was begging for bad comments and articles on her antics. Only to then turn around to claim it was racist. No darling, you just rubbed people up the wrong way. The banana messages were just full-on cringe. You are loved on a banana for sex workers? Sure. It just goes on and on. Kate was slaughtered for being lazy and middle class. There were websites where people were just nasty.. She couldn't do anything right. Her eyeliner was too thick and black. Her hair too long and not up, and her skirts were too short or long. It was relentless. I would wish that commentators would put in some research and not just a short google search where the same article where Kate's and MM's Avocado and baby belly habits were compared. The article was wrong and cited up and down the airwaves.
@rosalynfayemartin4027 Год назад
Only because of her lack of truth and knowledge on most subjects she speaks up about🤬🤯🤥🤥🤥
@bjs301 Год назад
BTW, kudos to your forensic psychiatrist for refusing to diagnose without all the information.
@rowancoates.2054 Год назад
Totally disagree with the assesment of Kate as Bland.She is a friendly,kind woman with great manners.That is anything but bland.
@Hogyisne Год назад
Definitely a narcissist.
@dianeheiser4897 Год назад
Kate & Meaghan are not the same. Keep in mind Kate has earned the media's respect over the past 10+ years. The media harassed & touched Kate when dating Wills.
@elliesimpson1313 Год назад
You speak so clearly and fairly, Andrew. You phrase things so well and you've made me think.
@lenig1638 Год назад
I have just found your channel and really like your measured response, ❤
@AndrewGold1 Год назад
Oh thank you!
@sedwards7428 Год назад
it is all about the lies and behaviours
@lorir5728 Год назад
All the people close to her say she is a narcissist. Her and Diana are two separate people with separate issues. Can't compare them
I don’t think anyone cared nor new of her ethnicity until she brought it up…I didn’t care one way or another other than questioned her authenticity. Opinions/criticism began when there were contradictions
@ralpho5389 Год назад
If you look back on the tabloids relationship with royal women.. They have always pitted them against eachother... The Queen against Margaret... Diana against Fergie... Camilla against Diana... it's more Misogynistic... Catherine against Meghan
@chris55529 Год назад
Andrew -- as you know, I'm a big fan of your work (especially in regards to Scientology, in whose side you may prove to be the ultimate thorn). So correct me if I'm wrong here: this Meghan gal, blessed genetically with beauty, blessed circumstantially with success as an actress, and blessed beyond all reason as the wife of a prince...is COMPLAINING???? Karma's a bitch, Meghan. Maybe you should read up on it while you still have time.
@lyndaplancarte4895 Год назад
From my viewpoint, initially it seemed people were happy for Harry and Meghan. People were excited and lined up to see them the day of the wedding. I expected things to be positive for them but when did things change? Is there an incident that made so many people have negative thoughts about her? I think Harry wanted to step away from the RF and then when things started going south for Meghan, that sealed the deal for him to make the move to leave. If he was unhappy it was fine that he left but the issue that irritates and disappoints me is their constant complaints and public discussion of the RF. If they didn't want to air their complaints, be the bigger person, zip your lips, and fet on with your life!! The titles that you were given by the Queen are $ makers for you both so take those and knock it off with your continued complaints. It was old a long time ago but here you are continuing to beat a dead horse.
@Francesmurphy-h5c Год назад
it was the oprah interview which changed peoples perceptions of her. that is when the narccisism started to become apparent to a lot of people.
@fatzmybug Год назад
She posted her ring back to her ex husband. She was living with her bf in Canada when she asked her friend to hook her up with men in the uk. She was already in a serious relationship when she was with harry. She broke up with her bf via email.
@DebraAbbott-e1k Месяц назад
She is a danger to William and his family. Lord protect them.
@LunaNosille Год назад
Sorry, the psychiatrist lost me when he said: “ Meghan was treated worse “? Doesn’t he remember how Camilla was treated? Or Catherine? 🤨🤨🤔🤔🤔🤦‍♀️
@nothing2seehere34 Год назад
She is a narcissist, but she is so misunderstood? Just stop.
@kerryjohnson9738 Год назад
I would guess race did come up. But you learn to over come that. They used to only marry within the Royal family for YEARS!! Again, she knew going in.
@Kreepyb5 Год назад
Exactly! Cousins
@barbaralewis5951 Год назад
you have become my number two youtuber only because HG Tudor takes my number one spot. love your sincerity, and staying true to yourself. I appreciate your hard work and presentation.
@AndrewGold1 Год назад
Appreciate that! I’ll keep working to get to no. 1!!
@samcad-ho3ze Год назад
You should try Leilani of Barbados too, she is hilarious
@kerrydevlin Год назад
Meghan might well be a narcissist but I'd find it very hard to believe that Charles or Will are not narcissists also.
@lauriephillips7941 Год назад
She does what she wants then plays the race card. Deplorable
@jf9736 Год назад
Andrew, thank you for this interview, your professionalism as a host is a rare thing in podcast world (BBC, for all its shortcomings did its job). However, it was frustrating to witness the extent to which Dr.Das is limited by the DSM definition of narcissism. This limitation was blatantly evident from his interchangeable use of “narcissist” and “narcissistic.” In contrast, HG Tudor’s parsing of narcissistic traits that all people have, and narcissism as driven by the constant pursuit of what he terms the “prime aims” (fuel, control, residual benefits) is infinitely more nuanced and therefore accurate. I wish this conversation was a three-way, with HG Tudor having an opportunity to respond to Dr.Das.
@just_a_traveller Год назад
Agree 💯
@alyssaheller7860 Год назад
I agree. Having narcissism is something everyone has. Having a narcissistic personality is very different. And i say this as someone who is narcissistic and someone who comes from a family where borderline personality and narcissistic personality types run in it.
@alyssaheller7860 Год назад
Many people, including psychologists and MH professionals dont understand personality issues, like narcissistic personality type, borderline personality type etc, unless they have experience with these personalities. They esp misidentify borderline traits for narc traits. MM is a narcissistic personality type. It takes a professional to diagnose a disorder, if the traits are high enough on the spectrum to qualify as a disorder, but anyone can notice personality TYPES. and personality types like narcissistic and borderline are NOT just difficult personalities. They are difficult at best and abusive at worst. And their unacceptable behavior HAS to be called out. Every single time. Most with these personalities (including Histrionic, etc) do not have the self insight necessary to see that THEY are the problem.
@richardgray8593 Год назад
C'mon man! She IS a horrible person. Don't beat around the bush.
@irena4524 Год назад
She is like Amber Heard, lunitic.
@Teresa-sj4so Год назад
Go ahead and criticise Meghan. You are right and will not get any flack from me.
@jcoop49 Год назад
She MM had her eye on a irish golfer Rory McIlroy 1st ,and flirted so much with him to promote herself (he wasnt interested ) then a friend of Markle's suggested that Harry was single and this friend told her she could arrange a blind date with him for her ,and the rest is history.Can you explain what sort of a woman does this DR Das.Also I saw an expression wrote by Markle about 'treating men like a carpet' (bit disgusting to write here the whole saying).
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