
Psychologists, What Are the Creepiest Mental Conditions You've Seen? | Professionals' Stories #1 

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@piethedye3948 4 года назад
Everybody gangsta till you start relating
@kaynaorozco2239 4 года назад
im reading through the comments and watching the video like me too, me too, oh same.
@damonwillows3810 3 года назад
Yeah I was all interested until the one redditor talked about their schizophrenic room mate. Schidzophrenia runs in my family and I’m worried I have it and I unfortunately do some of the things she described her roommate doing and I was like 🥺
@laav7777 3 года назад
@bensenboi5933 3 года назад
Hehehe I can relate to a mental illness hehe look at me I NEED attention hehehaha please laugh it’s funny why are you not laughing your ass off yet it’s the funnies I’m funnyyyyy
@shoe479 3 года назад
@@bensenboi5933 lol
@melissaharris3890 4 года назад
there is a guy in town. called 'the cat man' if he hears a meow, from a cat or person, he starts punching himself. its really sad. given himself black eyes.
@deadaccount2765 4 года назад
That is so sad. What happened to the dude?
@melissaharris3890 4 года назад
@@deadaccount2765 don't know
@enchantedgamer9428 4 года назад
The fact that you know if a person meows he does it then too, meaning people do it on purpose, is really fucked up. Not on your part, but the people who meow.
@Keys420 4 года назад
Oh my Uncle thinks he’s Jesus and can see the future and is all powerful Anyways so he started walking around in a store and starts “blessing” everyone so like touching there hands rubbing them kissing there hands- he also has a girlfriend and when she comes back from work he will force her to got to the bathroom and a scrub herself to the point her skin starts peeling and rashin. So now people know him for “Lansdale Jesus” There’s so many stories it isn’t even funny
@callumtait4793 4 года назад
Let me guess: one time some psycho kids just cornered him and made a bunch of meowing noises so they could watch him punch himself because they thought it was funny?
@Maverick2736 4 года назад
People who joke about OCD are often ignorant about just how bad it is and how it works. I developed OCD when I was a teen, and it can manifest as many different types. Mine manifested as "magical thinking" OCD, which basically torments you with non-stop nightmares while awake along with an overpowering irrational belief that those nightmares are gonna somehow come true _because you accidentally thought about them._ The uncontrollable intrusive thoughts are so distressing and so constant over the most random and numerous triggers that your desperation scales to the point of looking for ways to *_forcefully distract_* your brain from the nightmares by making up compulsive rituals that slightly ease the distress. In a way, you end up making up "good" irrational beliefs _("if I do everything in intervals of 5, my loved ones will be protected by my thoughts because 5 is a good number, like the five points of a celtic pentacle, which is a symbol of protection")_ to try to counter the "bad" irrational beliefs and their respective triggers _("if I put my socks and shoes on by starting with the left foot first, it's going to trigger gruesome mental images of loosing my mother, which is then going to influence the universe and the malevolent entity that haunts me into making it a reality sooner or later because merely thinking about it put it in motion")._ The funny compulsions everyone relates OCD to? That's where they come from: it's a desperate coping mechanism to try to rein in a brain that is uncontrollably besieging itself with self-destructive nightmares 24/7. If anyone reading this has watched Barry Levinson's 1998 horror movie *_Sphere_* or the Michael Crichton novel it's based on, magical thinking OCD is exactly like that. It's a really, really shitty illness.
@BeepBoop14 4 года назад
YES THIS! I have OCD as well but mine manifests as severe intrusive thoughts and paranoia where I have to do painful rituals to self soothe. When I was in high school, people would constantly joke about “being soooo ocd haha” and it was so weird/miserable to see them making light of something that has plagued me for 18 years. I wish people would take ocd more seriously because people like us deserve better.
@juno3281 4 года назад
my symptoms manifest in my relationships or just things in general i can’t control. i’m very aware of it so i tell people before i get close to them because i feel really bad if i don’t but they have a hard time understanding it isn’t just being a germaphobe. it’s made my life so difficult and it actually does trigger when when people say they have when they can’t even imagine how awful it is. mine started after i almost died i had an allergic reaction and was in the hospital for a week. i was diagnosed with ptsd but after a while it seemed more similar to ocd. i also have a tic. my psych said most people with ocd have tics so it made me feel better cause i thought i had cancer or something lmao
@juno3281 4 года назад
Bushra Ahmed i’m glad other people feel the same was as me it makes me uncomfortable when people make light of it cause it literally ruined my childhood
@Uncann7 4 года назад
THIS RIGHT HERE! I have OCD also, but it manifests as intrusive thoughts and physical sensations. The things I usually have to do are all physical, whether if it's smashing my keyboard, messing with door handles, to the more severe ones like self harm. Physical sensations come in when I don't do my 'rituals' and my fingers start feeling as if their getting squeezed to death, getting worse as it goes on. The amount of jokes people say about OCD, let alone people not knowing the difference between perfectionism and OCD (I have both) is crazy to me. People literally kill themselves because of this shit, people should take this disorder more seriously.
@thedudewhodies602 4 года назад
I got it you want attention heres some attention
@elgekok560 4 года назад
Psycologists:There's no reason to be afraid of getting help! I will never judge you and everything you say is bewtwin us Also psycologists:
@haleyrhone2472 3 года назад
They’re humans too ya know😐😂 they don’t judge to your face, only behind closed doors like a regular person 😂😂😂
@anduro7448 3 года назад
@@haleyrhone2472 atleast they dont give names so thats something
@maxdecphoenix 3 года назад
nothing you ever say to a doctor/lawyer/psych is 'just between you'. If they are early in their career, they are required to discuss cases with shadows/mentors. If they are in mid-career, they are relating cases to peer/board review. If they are late in their career they have built a circle of trusted peers they can vent to to stay sane w/o getting in trouble. I have a family member who is a mental-health councelor at a drug-treatment facility. She can't offer advice, she is basically just there to listen to addicts/recovering addicts and try to discern if they are bullshitting the system for more drugs or if they are legitimately turning a corner and recommend what kind of professional they need to see. She is not exactly a super stable person herself. I could go on, but won't. Sadly, this the best humanity can offer, slightly less imperfect people attempting to guide more imperfect people.
@loganwolv3393 3 года назад
@@maxdecphoenix Yeah but still judging others even in conversasions with other people dosen't help ethier. In order not to judge someone you gotta try to think as objectively as possible, you know like from God's perspective right? where there's nothing really wrong just nature manisfasting itself. Or to put it in simplier words let's just take a look at each other how we take a look at other animals...we don't judge a pack of lions when they kill a buffalo and eat it for example, so apply those principles to us humans too. Do psychologists learn that?
@lucyandecember2843 3 года назад
@@loganwolv3393 God is kind of a judgemental asshole tho lol
@theresapebbleinmyboot 2 года назад
I had a friend that told me I can't possibly have OCD because my apartment was a mess. The sheer amount of people who really think having OCD means you're a clean freak is actually ridiculous.
@poopyfartballs5363 Год назад
Ocd is just the worst
@kb8511 Год назад
Same, but I think I have OCPD.
@nopenope5561 Год назад
same here. in fact most people w ocd i know are super messy and struggle to keep up with chores and hygiene at times, myself included (though i do have add as well). the actual obsessions are just that time consuming ☹️
@LakeofCrystalclan Год назад
As someone who actually has the disorder, it truly is a lot more than that. OCD is comprised mostly by intrusive thoughts that make it difficult for someone to live their lives, and cause great anxiety when not insured in some cases. Some subtypes lead you to being a clean freak, others a complete hoarder. Some lead to intense, violent intrusive thoughts on the daily, and others lead to existential fear. These aren’t all of them, though. I have what I believe to be a few types, most notably the horrific thoughts type, and I am BY NO MEANS a clean freak. OCD isn’t just clean-freak.
@theresapebbleinmyboot Год назад
@Lake of Crystalclan as someone who is also diagnosed, thanks for repeating exactly what I just said.
@willo6115 4 года назад
the stories: terrifying and creepy af the music: 💖🌸🌈💧💕🍭
@ashaler__ 3 года назад
good, it distracts me in these types of vids lmao
@orangejuice9102 3 года назад
How lovely
@atree7509 4 года назад
When trees get the urge to stop producing oxygen.
@brsvideos8143 4 года назад
Is this a warning or a threat?
@siytz.w 4 года назад
@@brsvideos8143 *b o t h*
@Dragon-hu5ev 4 года назад
siytz I am afraid
@dgage1776 4 года назад
Trees aren't the only source of oxygen
@franktheflamingo6221 4 года назад
BRS Videos yes
@paikeahigurashi7575 4 года назад
I had reactive attachment disorder when I was six years old. When I was four my parents divorced. Not very tragic. They fought A LOT about money, chores, getting the car fixed, or getting a washer machine. My mom put a restraining order against him so I never saw him again after the divorce. I also have epilepsy and Borderline Personality Disorder. So basically when I seized enough times, I forgot what he looked like by the time I was five. When I was six someone asked me where my dad was. I had forgotten I had a dad and answered casually with, "I don't know." I remember the first time feeling it. I remember my parents divorcing when I was four but I also remember her taking us all to her boyfriend's alot. When I was six, I felt I got really close to my mom's boyfriend and I called him Dad. He had death in his eyes when he looked at me and said, "I. AM. NOT. YOUR. FATHER. I want to hear you say it." I cried as I said it back. I had been Dad hunting up until I turned 15, when I realized there are other ways to get attention. I no longer have reactive attachment disorder. I know it's creepy, but I've definitely been there before, to just about any adult who showed me attention. You want me to be better at math? I'll do it. Wash your clothes? Consider it done. Clean your house everyday? You got it, just please love me. Tell me I'm a good kid.
@ryutanaka4117 4 года назад
Right well you may not know me but you’re not creepy you have mental disorders alot of people do. you can always talk to me. I can give you a discord if you want to talk if you don’t that’s fine too! Just know i will always have time to talk. Im sorry if this sounds creepy
@ryutanaka4117 4 года назад
Did have*
@paikeahigurashi7575 4 года назад
@@ryutanaka4117 I really apreciate that, but don't worry about it. I'm adult with therapy, a service dog, and medication. I live with my boyfriend and I'm going to be just fine. Again. Thank you
@ryutanaka4117 4 года назад
Paikea Higurashi that’s good too hear! Hope you have a good life!
@inevitablecatto8090 4 года назад
Say no more bud. You're a good man.
@TheNormExperience 4 года назад
Not a psychologist, but Capgras Syndrome, also known as ‘Imposter Syndrome’, has always fascinated me because it must be just as terrifying for the loved ones as it is for the one suffering. The disorder is basically when you wholeheartedly believe someone you love has been replaced with an imposter. The idea that your mind can hurt you that intensely even while it seems to be protecting you just really creeps me out.
@ickysticky1641 4 года назад
Norm Rayos among us memes intensifies
@bjaxstriker5245 3 года назад
Wow I didn’t even think of that as being a thing outside of my 13-year-old mind (I’m 26 now). It’s actually reassuring to know there are other crazy people outside of young me, thanks for sharing the condition’s name LOL.
@bigphatdingus212 3 года назад
You're trying to replace yourself
@bigphatdingus212 3 года назад
Also it's called the capgras delusion
@crazy_wwww 2 года назад
@@ickysticky1641 AMOGUS
@alexismyers6053 4 года назад
Today I just learned of a disability that is more sad than creepy, but it still kind of is creepy. Body Integrity Identity Disorder (BIID). Not much is known about this disorder, but from what I understand, people with BIID want to either amputate a major limb or sever the spinal cord to paralyze themselves. And the saddest part is that treatment for other disorders like depression or something similar don't work, only an actual amputation will help. It's a disorder that upsets people with actual disabilities, of course, because they give anything to not be disabled, yet these people are saying that they (the person with BIID) are "meant to be disabled". On top of that, there are those attention seekers that talk about wanting to be disabled or claim to have mental health issues that they don't just for the clout it would get them, so it's hard to tell if a person posting about wanting to be disabled is doing it for attention or because of a mental disorder. I really hope that better treatment for BIID can be found soon, because it's sad that a perfectly able bodied person would want to be disabled because they think it's their destiny or something.
@hithere911 4 года назад
Do you watch Illuminaughtii as well?
@alexismyers6053 4 года назад
@@hithere911 yes lol I just recently got into her and I LOVE her!
@hithere911 4 года назад
@@alexismyers6053 I'm glad to hear that. I found her over a year ago. She's great, I love her content. Have a good day!
@carjis 4 года назад
The mlm destroyer herself?
@alexismyers6053 4 года назад
@@hithere911 thanks you too!
@NinaNiterose86 4 года назад
I was in a clinic because of my BPD multiple times as a teenager and one night, while we were all in the TV room, there was this boy sitting next to me on the couch, who suddenly, out of nowhere, in the middle of our movie, decided that I was the devil and that he had to strangle me right there and then. When the guards came, I'd already passed out. I never found out what made him snap that night. Another girl I met there had lost half her foot, because she set it on fire while being in said clinic. And I almost got r*ped in the girls bathroom by a boy who was going through a manic phase. All this stuff happened while I already had a tough time dealing with my own trauma. It was a terrible and scary place and I thankfully never returned.
@Skyl3t0n 3 года назад
She burnt half of her foot???! Holy, i agree that people who have illnesses like depression or eating disorders should be kept away from those cases.
@breonawarren1507 3 года назад
@@Skyl3t0n It should be that way but many places lack the funding & space to keep people separate. “Nicer”ones have teens separated by disorder on totally different floors with specific doctors.
@garrettecstasy1568 Год назад
They really need to like up the bathroom safety in those places I only went to a mental hospital once and the bathrooms were single stall and locked automatically when the door closed. Only one kid was allowed to go at a time as well
@mcrurkdurst4846 4 года назад
I know this doesn't compare, but I was staying at a hospital after thoughts of suicide. It fricked me up and gave me PTSD. The most terrifying thing was that there was this little girl that had to stay in solitary. Now I had to stay in solitary. Just one day in there and now I have a very bad concept of time. But we would hear this kid screaming day in and day out. One day she got loose. I just happened to be in the hallway when she streaked past me. It's like time froze as I saw her face. Her eyes were filled with terror. She looked like she hadn't slept for weeks. When they caught her and brought her back, she was struggling and screaming. I wish I had the inner strength to tell them that they're just making her worse. But I couldn't.
@internetacorn7584 4 года назад
I hope she’s ok...
@mcrurkdurst4846 4 года назад
@@internetacorn7584 I hope so too. I really hope that she got out of that place and got proper treatment for the PTSD she no doubt has as well.
@CausticSpace 3 года назад
Mental Hospitals and Pysch Wards are meant to make crazy people crazier. How can you get money from people who arent there?
@midnightgamer2088 2 года назад
The poor girl, must have been scared out her mind
@idk_what_my_channel_name_s5864 2 года назад
"this girl is screaming and crying all the time, lets put her in a room by herself, that'll cure her!"
@gsac3529 4 года назад
7:20 Stuff like this makes me realize how much *worse* things could've turned out for me. I'm a dude but same thing, abusive biological father including molestation. Mom and I were his playthings. We got away when I was almost 16. I'm still working on emotional blunting & cynicism, but other wise I haven't broken luckily.
@Mousey10101 4 года назад
I am glad you fled that life with your mom, no one needs/should to go through this kind of hell. I hope everything is 1000x better now than it was.
@gsac3529 4 года назад
@@Mousey10101 Thank you, seriously. Things are so much better away from him. I really don't wish abuse on any kids, or a person to have a partner like him since it is traumatic. It was scary. Such an aggressive, charming, narcissistic, and manipulative man. Constantly lived on stress and had to "walk on eggshells" or get my ass beat. I wasn't even a rebellious or bad kid. Mom and I took the brunt of it instead of my younger siblings.
@gsac3529 4 года назад
The very sad thing is, when you grow up in abuse you think it's "normal" and how other families work.
@Mousey10101 4 года назад
@@gsac3529 Man, this kind of thing I definitely have heard of in Psychology classes, thinking that abuse is "normal". To recover from such an ordeal will definitely almost take an entire lifetime, but even the pain from it will be so distant eventually that it will feel like "it happened, and it was not good at all.". Funny thing, I grew up with awesome (but of course flawed) parents, thinking this is what everyone has too, but some friends of mine kept saying how great my parents are and they wish their parents where like mine. That was my first exposure that not everyone grows up in heaven. Maybe that's what drives me to Psychology and understanding humans, even monsters. I hope if you start your own family (if you do) that you will be an amazing parent or even lover.
@eqstudios9878 4 года назад
Im proud of You
@NeverKissSomeFrog123 4 года назад
11:48 excuse me?? How absolutely unprofessional to show him the book? Of course that will damage him!
@CausticSpace 3 года назад
Pysch Wards and Mental Hospitals are fucked up places, they want to make them crazier amd crazier
@Baiswith 3 года назад
My thoughts exactly - not as if concerns had been raised and they were admitting those concerns had been valid and steps had been taken as a result.
@xpouii-3992 2 года назад
That story really sounds like a fabrication. Typical Reddit clout-seeker using the common “mentally ill people scary evil” storyline.
@whizkeysh0t 2 года назад
@@xpouii-3992 i don't think you understand how bad some people can end up due to abuse, dude. some kids become monsters because of extreme trauma (not their fault), and psych wards just makes them worse.
@xpouii-3992 2 года назад
@@whizkeysh0t I have 16 years of experience in mental health care honey. I know how bad people get. This is just demonization of the mentally ill and developmentally disabled.
@marissagiberson3140 4 года назад
I don’t really think that mental illnesses should be labeled as “creepy” but I understand the point of the vid
@I_Eat_Lemons 3 года назад
@@elysianpoet They didn't ask.
@e.clectic2533 3 года назад
@The Absolute Madman Yeah. I am so sick and tired of PC Culture. It is BEYOND dangerous. I can't wait until it disappears.
@nikoutoajaisai6310 3 года назад
My sister went through a nervous breakdown and the kinda of things she does creep me the fuck out I try my best know that she went through real agony and stuff doesn't make it any less creepy.
@aradiasnowdon7016 3 года назад
Idk man, I'm mentally ill myself and I'll admit that some of the more severe symptoms (of many illnesses) can come off as extremely creepy.
@emmae2520 3 года назад
@The Absolute Madman "We get 'creeped out' to protect ourselves from dangerous, dysfunctional, and diseased people." Yeah man you proved the point that people who are mentally ill are heavily stigmatized as something dangerous and gross and meant to be put out of sight. That's not a good thing. I get that stuff can come off as weird and creepy. I have been weirded and creeped out by people, and other people have been weirded and creeped out by me. We're all allowed to feel our feelings, I get that much, but the language you use, the defense you chose off the bat that this is some evolutionary protection from a threat, is telling of your own biases and how you do not recognize them AS biases.
@Nocturnalday 4 года назад
The first half for the little girl at 18:00 sounded like she's autistic. Stuff like sitting and staring could be her lost in her thoughts and the wall touching and stomping could probably have been her stimming. Not sure about the violent tendencies though. They could have been something else probably
@blueskylark9965 4 года назад
Olive Owl Violent stimming can occur, although it’s incredibly rare
@Magpie-Syndrome 4 года назад
Olive Owl I myself am autistic (I’m only a little though so I can’t speak for everyone) and I can say that people like me will get lost in our imaginations and sometimes talk to our imagery friends out loud and stomp and run around or no reason (I’ve done it before and have thought to myself ‘wow I must look like I’m hallucinating’ we aren’t though, we are just lost in our own worlds) as for the violence, some of those things do make a bit of sense, but her trying to murder the old woman is out of context for us. (Lol I sound so casual saying this stuff....)
@Nocturnalday 4 года назад
@@Magpie-Syndrome Oh I'm autistic too, that's why I recognized the stimming stuff. I noticed the talking to herself parts too but why she may have been stomping and touching walls was easiest to explain for me :)
@Magpie-Syndrome 4 года назад
Olive Owl Oh cool, I haven’t meet anyone else with autism out side of my school (which I’m not going to right now because cov*d) so this is interesting for me 😁
@The1andonlyAbber 3 года назад
To me it sounded like she might have schizophrenia because of the “word salad” (knowing how to talk but sometimes saying nonsense).
@PigBoy99 2 года назад
In my town there is a girl. When she was a toddler her dad kidnapped her, took her to a cave, and for years he... well, you can fill in the blanks. I used to see her walking around, muttering to herself and the voices in her head (Schizophrenia). I felt bad for her. She went through horrific things nobody should go through and still had the scars from it. There's a special place in Hell for her father.
@DraedonDev 3 года назад
Psychology is literally the brain studying itself.
@fsddfdafdsfs8008 4 года назад
I was in a phych ward of depression. I was sharing a room with this young guy who was a few years older than me He was there for coke and he was pretty cool. He told me I was lucky I got a room with him because all the other guys there were real phycos. So i felt relieved he was my friend. Now that I think about it if we met any other way we'd be really good friends. but the ward had strict restrictions to not share information. God brought you here for the reason to live get the help you need and don't deny anything.
@venuso6260 4 года назад
@@Chipswitch22 look, I personally don't believe in god or whatever but don't bash on other peoples' beliefs, not cool
@aidisnotapotato1132 4 года назад
@@Chipswitch22 Dude, not cool. Let people believe what they want.
@SonOvaSon 4 года назад
@fsddfdafdsfs8008 4 года назад
@@Chipswitch22 I can't change your mind and I have no desire to. But there's a man who choses which is right and wrong, what is sinful, he died for the bad we may due, he is all knowing in his kingdom of heaven.
@Chipswitch22 4 года назад
Samm3y see, you seem to be suffering from some pretty severe delusions... Tell me Sammy, is this magical man in the room with you right now? Does he ever tell you to do naughty things? You should get someone to drive you back to the psych ward ASAP.
@LovePrettyNailsLady-Jay80 4 года назад
There is some people out there who think their life is a game and someone is controlling their every move
@imunderyourbed358 4 года назад
When I had a bad period of mental illness and emotional problems, I was convinced the entire world around me was full of lifeless robots. And I was the only regular person who experienced emotions and consciousness lmao.
@Ixe2077 4 года назад
Tbh life is just a giant MMORPG game
@responsibleprocrastinator6497 4 года назад
Sometimes i have thoughts like that although they are all just thought experiments i guess you would call them nothing more
@flare_studios. 4 года назад
Pretty much every time I'm around someone, I have this anxiety that my thoughts aren't private, that everyone could see everything I was thinking and just didn't want to tell me. I've never spoken to anyone IRL about it since I'm pretty sure they'll just say "Oh it's all in your head get over it" or "why are you so anxious about that what are you thinking of" I k n o w it's irrational but I can't h e l p it and it's been going on for y e a r s /endrant lmao
@enchantedgamer9428 4 года назад
@@responsibleprocrastinator6497 same. I just sit there and I'm like, what if everyone's robots, and I'm just some experiment. I ponder the thought, and then move on
@bisexualdisasterlol 3 года назад
Both a psych major and mentally I'll person here. Any disorder in which you see/hear/feel/taste/smell something that isnt real. It is absolutely terrifying to both witness and go through. I often hear the voice of past abusers telling me awful things, sometimes see them. Occasionally, I'll see a character that brings me comfort as a coping mechanism. I also suffer from sleep paralysis, which often consists of one of my main abusers interacting with me or something generally scary to me.
@KiraNazena 4 года назад
What I learn from this stories :NEVER go into a psych ward. When you aren't that messed up before you will most definitely be so after the ordeal...
@VaxzaLimeIsCool 4 года назад
Seems they pretty much scare you to lie and not wanna go back, don’t sound like those places work well... and why tf do they put you in a place with a roommate that can kill you.
@ozzyb1995 4 года назад
I can’t speak for everyone, but my experience in the ward was positive. It certainly didn’t fix my problems, but it got me out of my worst depressive episode yet. It was a Christian place, but luckily they didn’t force you to do religious things or convert. In summary, the experience you have depends on the place you go. But if you can, research a bit.
@ari913 3 года назад
depends on the place, if there's voluntary patients then it's usually okay. 99.5% of the time it isn't scary (imo) just sad
@SaraH-jn5db 3 года назад
True. It was traumatizing being there, I begged my mom to take me out but she wouldn't for 2 weeks
@johnrobinson2228 3 года назад
One of my best friend had to go to a ward during a bipolar manic episode and the place made him worse. I went there and it was fucking horrible. The doctors all lied to him too and it made him feel even more paranoid and angry. Really upset me and pissed me off seeing how it was there. Luckily he has been stable since and hasn’t gone back...
@Glotglot 4 года назад
I live with multiple mental health disorders as well as chronic pain. I always find it weird when you get a new Psychiatrist and they ask you weird questions that seem so out of context you just wonder what the heck did that mean? Here's one I can remember: PSY: How old were you when your parents divorced? Me: 28,why? PSY: Weird questionig look, with a slow "Oohh."
@hyenaedits3460 2 года назад
Sometimes I describe what I think is just a mildly weird memory to my therapist and she cringes in horror and starts taking notes ._.
@snicole2811 Год назад
Also, there was this girl I met during a stay at a psych ward. She spent most of her days pacing the hallway and yelling at herself. Occasionally she would come to and come into the TV room and want to join our group while we were chilling. She was so, so sweet. But within minutes she’d be on her feet and arguing with herself again. You could literally watch the shift on her face from aware to unaware. It was so sad, I really hope she’s getting the help she needs now.
@mmllrjr 3 года назад
“she grabbed my hair and started screaming it’s too beautiful i need it” i do that with people’s dogs around my apartment complex.
@lydiaburgess6391 3 года назад
Why is this so relatable?
@raisacabral3826 3 года назад
I've met a guy who would randomly TEAR UP girls hairs from the scalp. And smell. Yes, just like that guy from Charlie's Angels. He did it to me. I punched him on the balls and he kept smiling and smelling the friking hair. The boys of our group decided he was no longer welcome at our square and if he came, would get his ass kicked by them. Saw him again a few years later and just crossed the street.
@sturmovik5448 4 года назад
10:00 my brother (age 27) can hardly bear to watch that movie because it really, really creeps him out. Doesn't affect anyone else in our family but I can honestly understand how it would. 13:15 I remember an old story about a Marine home on leave from one of the wars, standing in his parents' living room early one morning watching the sunrise, mom came up behind him to hug him and he broke both her arms. Don't know if this qualifies as PTSD or a deeply ingrained survival reflex but still sad as hell either way.
@Orthanderis Год назад
Actually reports of medieval knights flying into episodes because of similar things. One that stuck out to me was an individual who would scream and go into a rage anytime he heard metal scrape together. One time a servant drop silverware and he just collapsed into a ball completely paralized.
@memeju1ce 4 года назад
i was hospitalised a few times, the scariest for me was seeing an anorexic girl regress so much that she got brain damage and would only scream and moan, she was wheelchair bound too.....
@jd_kreeper2799 2 года назад
How did this happen? Did she starve herself to the point the body started eating it's own brain?
@memeju1ce 2 года назад
@@jd_kreeper2799 i’m not really sure. i didn’t ask, i was dealing with some of my own issues so i was in my room with the shutters closed a lot. but when we had to come out of our rooms to walk around the ward she was always being pushed in a wheelchair and she would try to grab onto whoever was pushing her
@diamondseraph9369 4 года назад
I feel for these people...I've always been incredibly emotionally/mentally fragile (especially after I ended up developing PTSD as a toddler) but I never really developed any serious mental conditions. But as a kid I actually ended up developing a form of selective amnesia and later I even ended up creating a second personality of sorts that I would usually take up whenever I was in public where I would suppress all of my emotions as much as possible because I was not only afraid of worrying others by seeming depressed/anxious/traumatized but I was also constantly getting picked on and it was the only thing I could think to do in order to protect myself...so now sometimes it's like I become a different person and I'm not completely sure what my real personality is anymore...
@Glotglot 4 года назад
That sounds exactly how young kids develop dissociative identity disorder. They escape into a different person when they get hit by a similar issue the prompted the safety keeper. I have 1 daughter one niece and one nephew that have it. I have now and then wondered if I also have it. It's really disconcerting to wake up somewhere and have no idea where I am or where I was going.
@zeronothinghere9334 3 года назад
... I'm not sure if my words are gold or poison, but if it helps you: Everything is still a part of you. Your first and second personality, your body, whatever else you consider is you. I said this before to a person who believed that when they interact with outside, they put on a mask, and that's not who they really are. I said the same back then to him, and it seemed to have helped. That's why I'm sharing it.
@DigitalJedi 4 года назад
My dad works with dementia patients. That disease man. It's no joke. Some of the patients are violent, most are paranoid, and a significant portion are perpetually confused. It freaks me out that something about a person can just fall apart like that.
@ellis3087 4 года назад
8:00 I’m a severe boarderline and I’ve done some things that I would have considered pretty creepy and obsessive (wasn’t totally aware of how abnormal that behaviour was at the time) but I’ve never even come close to doing anything that serious. Wow
@ying6115 3 года назад
@Make Me Care what
@ryanjung4416 3 года назад
I’ve never heard of that condition
@mollyoly 2 года назад
Me too… I’ve 100% stalked/obsessed but not to that extent to where it’s ILLEGAL… And I’ve also definitely (TW) Cut names into me too but I’d never install cameras?? Or lie and say I was their gf like bro 😭😭😭😭
@VampiraVonGhoulscout Год назад
I knew BPD would be mentioned in here 😔 how is anyone supposed to recover from this disorder and live normal, healthy, happy lives if everywhere you look people call you a creepy evil monster that doesn't deserve love? Sometimes I think the stigma is more damaging than the actual symptoms.
@Octoberdoomster1 19 дней назад
I have bpd, but it was mistaken did bipolar 2. 7 years on the wrong medication. I am afraid of myself sometimes. My moods are a roller coaster and I’m not sure if I overreact or underreact. I feel like an alien in a human skin suit.
@abbeyissololasde 4 года назад
I feel like we shouldn’t call abused children who act out due to their trauma creepy because it’s not their fault ); same with anyone with any mental illness.
@brazenbull636 4 года назад
Says the person with blood all over their face..
@abbeyissololasde 4 года назад
Brazen Bull it’s fake I did it from left over Halloween blood when I was 15 and forget how to change pfp
@juno3281 4 года назад
Sergeant Bones i think we should just try not to cause not everyone thinks that way. i bet parents or loved ones feel bad that people call their family member creepy. they’re already having a hard time in life why make it worse
@yeet8627 4 года назад
Abbo Cadabbo true. It’s not like they chose to be like that.. It really pisses me off when people calls them creepy like no, what if it’s you in their place? Did they even asked to be like that?
@b.c.7741 3 года назад
Awww , boo hoo. Get over it. The last thing people who have been abused or are troubled is to be babied or treated like they're special or some bs. they usually happen to have very thick skin are very resilient, having been through much worse. I'm speaking from experience. Just treat people according to how they treat others. that's it. Give respect Get Respect. And troubled kids/people need discipline and structure, not special treatment.
@megansturgill7217 3 года назад
Im a hypochondriac, I know I don't have any of these but my brain goes "that's you!!" It's dumb and I hate it.
@artistrg3487 2 года назад
Before I started taking meds, my hypochondria made me think that a scratch in my throat was actually throat cancer, or that mild nausea was actually the beginning of gastroenteritis, and so on. My logical brain knew none of the above was true, but my anxiety overpowered my reasonable thoughts. I believe my hypochondria began as a form of PTSD as a result of developing an autoimmune disorder when I was 13. :/
@henrikhyrup3995 2 года назад
There was this kid in my school class....he was never diagnosed with anything, but I'm sure he could have been. He did lots of weird stuff, like - picking off scabs, eating them, then pick his nose and smear the snot into the open wound - if someone sat at a computer, he would sit right next to them, not saying a thing or moving at all. If you left the room, he would still sit there, completely motionless. Once he sat looking at the windows screen saver for hours on end - once our main teacher got into a car accident and was in hospital for a week or so, so we were asked to make some nice drawings for her. Everyone drew the typical 'kids' things, smiling stick figure people, flowers, sunshine etc - not this kid. He made a quite realistic-looking drawing of a car crash, very gore-ish with blood and limbs all over the place. - he took a cat, walked home with it and tried to make it fight the family's dogs 'just to see what would happen'. Obviously he was clawed pretty badly, but he just laughed it off
@snailsofneon 3 года назад
The disorganized schizophrenia one really got to me. I had a classmate that acted perfectly fine, a little socially awkward but it was junior year. Not even halfway through the year, we noticed he was following random people in our friendgroup at random times, mimicking them, muttering to himself and making very odd arm and hand gestures. He made a concerning comment that we thought was supposed to be a school shooter joke but wasn't. By the end of the year he tells us his therapist thinks he has schizophrenia, it had worsened a little bit by then too. The next school year comes by. He's gotten worse, and barely acts like the same person he was. He began whisper-yelling to either himself or the people he hears, repwat the same phrase over and over. He randomly has to leave class, and randomly shows up late with a nurse or doctors note. He went from staying around 5, 7 friends to one or two entirely different people than before. He couldn't do his work, had trouble participating in group work, and would more frequently ask us to respond to what he hears. I have no idea what he did outside of that as I had one class with him in senior year and never saw him in the halls. It really sucks cause he was a cool dude, and I have no idea if anyone I know is even able to contact him. I think he was supposed to go into the military, but I heard they don't allow people with schizophrenia to enter. I hope he continued to go to his therapist and that his parents are helping him. Edit: Looking into catatonic schizophrenia it seems more like that, except no sudden movement. Then again it could be similar symptoms with other types/categories. Idk, I'm not that far into my psych major
@CannibalChxrry 4 года назад
I mean the last one with the puppy I can't really say I blame the kid. I'd go ballistic if something happened to my fur and feather children.
@wave2maddie 4 года назад
He killed someone. Ive lost a pet, not to something as bad as that but, that isnt a reason to kill someone. though he was a kid, appearently still didnt care.
@cez_is_typing 4 года назад
Pastelli of course he didn’t care lol, he’s a sociopath
@sashawiellette984 3 года назад
@@wave2maddie Eye for an eye.
@Winniesuman 3 года назад
@@sashawiellette984 an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind
@venturereclipse6833 3 года назад
I would never actually do it, but when I found out my dog had been hit by a car and killed my first thought was “I’m going to find the person who did this and kill them.” Frankly, given the chance, I would have punched them even though I’m aware it was an accident.
@stealthyshadow567 3 года назад
I was in a mental hospital for a week, there was this kid there who was 17, he fantasized about cannibal and murder. He was also very delusional, and he went from “hey look at this funny normal dude” to “this man has tried to eat someone” real quick. He was convinced that many popular video game and creepy pastas (slender man fnaf etc.) were real and he interacted with these characters. He was in various mental hospitals of varying security and different time plans. I met him when he was months away from being completely released from the entire system. By now he is likely out. He had tried to kill and eat people previously and in a place like that you don’t exactly know want to keep up with people so I dont know what happened to him.
@Sofia-ik3sl 3 года назад
When I was a kid I thought everyone in the world was watching me and could read my thoughts. I only just recently learned about the Truman whatever it's called. I also had OCD and intrusive thoughts are a huge part of my OCD. So, since I "knew" people could read my mind, I tried hard not to let the intrusive thoughts in, which of course, only made them worse. I felt so bad and thought that people actually believed my intrusive thoughts and that I was some sort of monster or something. It was crazy af. I was stressed. Every once in awhile it happens again, or something triggers it again, but it only lasts a tiny awhile and doesn't happen often. It only really started getting better when I was around 18 years old. I'm 21 now. Oh, and until I was 10 or so I thought my family was trying to kill me. I would also sometimes think that they were imposters, especially my mom. I also thought family pets were being swapped out with other ones and the original ones were being hurt somewhere. My mind was a tortured place. I'm a huge empath and my delusions often ripped at me through my empathy. I'd cry over my mom and pets being scared and alone somewhere.
@theonlyoneash 2 года назад
Bless your heart I hope things get much better for you in the future ♥️
@alceusrydan6237 Год назад
The pets one is so sad
@Orthanderis Год назад
Yo samesies
@N.A.M.LazyCloud 4 года назад
You gotta stop with the "fricking", dude.
@palacsinta6622 3 года назад
It's better than the "ducking" censor some other people use though :/
@VileCarnival 3 года назад
i remember a few years ago, when i was in a psych ward due to a suicide attempt and self harm, i was roomed with a girl. i don't remember her name as i don't think i ever heard it, but basically, the night she was brought in, she was screaming and crying and shouting at her parents in the little couch-and-tv area. she practically had a breakdown or something for over an hour, and it took the people on night shift a while to calm her down. she was still panicking and sobbing when she was put in my room, but i still tried to hold her and rub her back. needless to say, that helped calm her down some more, but it was still pretty scary to see how terrified she looked that night. i still feel pretty bad for her.
@random-faxts3873 2 года назад
I can, unfortunately, relate to the BPD. I viewed my ex as my god, and my life revolved around him. He couldn't handle dealing with my issues anymore (we were both very toxic to each other), and I became so upset that I kept harassing him for months after. His dad was dying/died during this time, and I convinced myself I was just trying to be there for him, when I was causing him more stress. I am much better now, but still think about him time to time because I wish I could apologize to him
@WickedPhase 4 года назад
1:48 *Everybody gangsta until the second personality comes out*
@Whendidweloseit. 2 года назад
Both my parents had major mental health issues. My mom scared me more than my schizophrenic father. His episodes never bothered me much. He wasn't around enough for it to, I guess. He never scared me or hurt me. He just locked himself away and no one was allowed to go inside because he was scared of somethings that were watching him or he thought we weren't ourselves and were something else. So he just hides away from the world out of fear. My father got bad into drugs because he said it made him numb. My mother was able to manipulate people who didn't know her well or only saw one side of her. My mom had episodes where she was very high and then very low. Extremely happy or extremely angry there was no in between. These episodes could come at any moment. I felt a constant fear when talking to her or being around her. Because I never knew when she would snap and become extremely angry. It could be something minor or nothing at all and she just lashed out at me. It traumatized me. To this day is someone's tone shifts in a conversation I instantly panic inside and prepare myself to be screamed at or hit. I struggle with having a normal relationships with people and I live in a constant fear that I might end up like them one day. My mother passed away 8 years ago. I miss her. if she had gotten the mental health care she desperately needed maybe we could have had a healthy relationship. Which is why I try to take care of my own mental health and cope with things in a healthy way.
@amyturner2034 2 года назад
Not trusting your own brain is horrible. There were months on end of my life where I was filled with the worst paranoia I have ever felt. Every moment of every day. Being alone I thought demons would kill me. In the shower especially, I would check outside the curtain multiple times because of the fear something had somehow silently gotten in and was readying to kill me. At night even when I wasn’t alone because I share a room, I was terrified of the dark. Running from the door to my bed because I feared that something would reach out from under my bed. And that hasn’t left lasting scars on me I’m sure. The feeling of being curled up in tourney bed under a blanket because you are so genuinely filled with terror and knowing that nothing is there.... it’s spirit crushing. I’m so glad I don’t have that anymore. I wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy. Maybe Hitler though. Only Hitler. Ooh this also reminded me of my crazy emotion detaching episode where I didn’t feel anything or care during school. I was in a laid-back class with two of my friends and was struggling that day a lot. I went outside with them early in class and screamed. Later I just disconnected from emotion, from thought. None of the words I said were expected even by me because my filter was gone because I DIDNT CARE. I didn’t care about anything. I rolled on the ground down the hall. I had my friend kick me in the back of the leg. Nothing. Nothing mattered except because I knew the feeling would go away and future me might care. Otherwise I easily could’ve watched everyone in my family did and I wouldn’t have cared. It was one of the creepiest sensations of my life. Maybe even worse than the paranoia. Well.... nah. No feelings is less bad then panic. Wow this really turned into a long chapter about weird occurrences in my life. Whoops. Leave a like or something idk. Thanks for reading my stupidly long comment.
@kitkong5075 Год назад
tl:dr: immense paranoia causing sleep terror
@UnbrokenOnion Год назад
this happens to me, i have constant thoughts that theres someone or something like, outside my window, in my closet, in the hall, i sleep with 2 knifes, and a pvc pipe.
@thegooseshack2619 2 года назад
Luckily I've never experienced it first hand or anything similar, so there MAY be something I'm missing. But if I opened up a psych ward or something like that... I wouldn't have the patients sleep in shared rooms.
@pastelshadows6437 3 года назад
I have regular, frequent visual hallucinations. I see shadows, lights, and even fully detailed people or animals moving in my peripherals; I have ever since I was a toddler. Almost everyone I tell this to thinks it must be completely terrifying, but honestly I've gotten so used to it nothing fazes me. They're not auditory, and whenever I look at them clearly they go away: so I just learned not to take every vague sight seriously. It's possible I may have a mild form of schizophrenia, but so many of my symptoms overlap it's hard to tell.
@funynonsence 4 года назад
Idk Man all these reddit readers are just copying each other it’s funny how many there are and yet no one seems to see it
@Blurgamer17 4 года назад
Idk Man all these reddit readers are just copying each other it's funny how many there are and yet no one seems to see it
@AnarchyWillows 4 года назад
Blake Nicholas lmaoo
@prithyachan333 4 года назад
Idk Man all these reddit readers are just copying each other it’s funny how many there are and yet no one seems to see it
@skylovermc2146 4 года назад
Blake Nicholas lol
@maxtrimmer1227 4 года назад
Blake Nicholas lmaoo
@evamarie8635 4 года назад
It sucks how a lot of these people went into psych wards to be treated and then left even more traumatized
@zeronothinghere9334 3 года назад
America, am I right?
@evamarie8635 3 года назад
Zeronothinghere yup!
@MELEMADE338 Месяц назад
@@zeronothinghere9334America is the best country ever
@extec101 4 года назад
i know of a man that also killed some people over his murdured dog and stolen car...
@Deliciousjuicysandwich 4 года назад
Who wouldn't want to kill over that
@LaraGroll 4 года назад
Oh, me too! Must be a coincidence
@lugo_7776 3 года назад
Do you mean John Wick?😂
@TheSimpleMan454 2 года назад
"He once was an associate of ours..."
@Sincerelymakay 3 года назад
I worked in the psychiatric unit of a skilled facility. The craziest things would always happen at night. We called it sun downing. We had a lady who would routinely get out of bed, strip out of her clothes, and stand in the corner of a bedroom facing the wall (not always her own room). The crazier part about it was that she needed a wheelchair. But during these episodes, she got around fine. I had to work the night shifts alone and care for 27 residents on my own. Crazy times.
@Monochrome2004 4 года назад
i just had a random thought those people who tell people suffering from depression to just cheer up probably think stuff like, "if i had a mental illness, i would simply just think about normal stuff, rip to these people but im different" why is humanity like this
@yeet8627 4 года назад
Ice Wing true. It really pisses me off when they do that. Do they think people with depression or any other mental illness can just “turn it off” ?
@zeronothinghere9334 3 года назад
It's probably more them misdiagnosing themselves / other people in their surroundings misdiagnosing themselves, and then them thinking that "well I / he got over it, so why not you?". A similar line of argument can be made for being poor, which there also is a lot of blaming going on (just stop being poor!)
@nxverxnder 3 года назад
That's like telling someone to "just breathe" while they're having an asthma attack. what's wrong with people
@sys-foster Год назад
Right? Like do people really think that anyone *wants* to be mentally ill? Believe me, if I could be anything even resembling healthy (mentally or physically), I'd do nearly anything to achieve that. But it's not possible.
@calico.5588 Год назад
"i think that one demographic of people might think a certain phrase. what is wrong with humanity?" unfamiliar people who don't know how to help with certain issues can be annoying, but this comment is far more annoying than they could ever hope to be
@Marqan 2 года назад
The scariest thing in this video is that if you get into a psychiatric intitution then there's a good chance you'll get even less healthy cause of all the unstable people in there. Some of those doctors seem infuriatingly irresponsible.
@TheunissenC 4 года назад
Why do all these psych wards have shared rooms? Tf. You know what kind of patients you have in these places. They should not share rooms. Especially since they can be violent
@thebepsi1809 4 года назад
I’ve been in 3 different mental health hospitals, never had to share a room and was very confused I found out that some places do that!
@elgekok560 4 года назад
@Maverick2736 4 года назад
@@thebepsi1809 You where lucky. I've been to one in which the entire ward of residents had to sleep in a single giant shelter with elbow-high walls separating the groups of beds (each cubicle had six beds), so it felt like a cubicle office of sorts. Some residents often woke up at night to whisper death threats at someone else or woke up in the morning with someone else's dried ejaculate somewhere on them. We also had to wake up at light of dawn every morning pushed around and yelled at by an enormous bouncer-like nurse that shoved us into an iron-gated shared shower with ice cold mountain water coming out of broken pipes in the wall. Sometimes you had to dodge turds on the wet floor. Oh, and the food gave the entire ward food poisoning more than once while I was there. This was six years ago, but that hospital is still there, completely unchanged (for those wondering, it's the one located in Pavas, here in Costa Rica). Some psychiatric hospitals really are that bad, even in this day and age. Always thoroughly research a specific place well before you admit yourself or a loved one there.
@kristall5928 4 года назад
Space, budget, some patients do better with a friend, and to have someone who can kinda watch you in case you have a breakdown or something when staff is working on something else
@TheunissenC 4 года назад
@@kristall5928 I have never in my time on a crisis ward (about a year total) seen anyone make a friend and even if they would want to there are shared spaces they can do so in. The other things are obviously a result of money but safety should always come first. A shared room with a (sexually) violent person is a lawsuit waiting to happen which are also very expensive. As for helping when staff is doing something different that's completely unacceptable. Patients are in a psych ward to get themselves better not other. I know here there is always someone available to help no matter what
@meteorenn3831 4 года назад
Not a disorder, but I used to have some weird version of sleep paralysis demons, but I would like, hallcuinate shadows, and they'd stand outside my bedroom door and watch me sleep, I don't know why but the idea that something was watchingme, even if it was imaginary, freaks me out
@ericpanissidi6761 4 года назад
Im in aa.alot of people have addiction and mental illness.im 6 years sober now and have done 12 steps.my patience and tolerance have improved 70%.a guy 6'3 300 in our group talks to himself in meetings but goes outside if gets to loud.6 years ago i would be in same room with him.we showed him love and he is a gentle giant.
@nicolasramos2170 3 года назад
Honestly I think that threads like that do a disservice to people with mental health issues. It's like we're treating them as monsters or villains of some sort when in reality they're just people who needs to be treated. It would be better if this thread brought up more of a constructive conversation to bring awereness of the importance of treating people who suffer from this issues.
@THEFlea1991 Год назад
I disagree completely. I have a condition myself. You don’t speak for me.
@nicolasramos2170 Год назад
@@THEFlea1991 I never said that I'm a spokesperson for mental ilness.
@joelhagan1621 2 года назад
Worst I've ever seen is a time where a friend of mine had a severe anxiety attack (fidgeting with stuff, pacing nonstop and rambling), I didn't know what to do or how to help. I take my hat off to Psychs that actually deal with far worse in their patients. They're absolute troopers
@floralrex8079 4 года назад
Not my profession but my bf went through a time where he literally thought he was in hell. Not the burning fire pit type but his own personal type....here’s the thing...our life was fine. Had our own place, both of us had good paying jobs, a cat and dog, dream life for a lot of people. But he thought he was in hell. Nothing hurt more than that time.
@maatnofret1234 2 года назад
I’m glad to read that you are in a better situation. Trauma like yours can cause mental illness. Our father, while not nearly as bad as yours, was a piece of work too. One of my siblings struggles terribly, and must work very hard to stay lucid and tethered to reality. While her condition is genetic, the rest of the family and I wonder if it wasn’t exacerbated by the abuse. As you have probably already figured out, the best thing to do is to address it, work through all the feels, then let it go as best you can. Trauma may shape us, but it does not define us. We are so much more than that. Best of luck.
@andkon22 4 года назад
I love watching reddits as background noise and hate when i get ads every two reddits and theyre like 5min ads, really glad i found updoot whose videos almost never have ads for me, thank you
@person8101 3 года назад
or maybe use an adblocker, brother
@JadetheGoober 2 года назад
I was diagnosed with dissociative fugue a few years ago while i was a call center agent doing surveys for Medicare. American health insurance is a really messed up industry. I was already mentally damaged, but that broke me.
@baylix3725 4 года назад
I have a lot of mental problems but most of them stem from starting elementary school. I went from a sheltered pre-school with small classes to teachers that were constantly telling us that we would never make it and that we were all terrible children and that we could never get into college because we were all lazy and stupid. I developed anorexia (they said my brain isn’t good enough so I better make my body extra perfect to make up for it), depression (what’s the point if I’m never going to make it), anxiety (I always have to work so hard to be as close to good enough as I can get so I can make it in life). But nobody else had problems. Nobody else got hurt on the inside from that like I did. Why was I so scared and sad while everyone else was fine? I don’t know what’s wrong with me. Why can’t I just deal with it like the others? Why did I have to be weak and crumble while they were fine? Developing sentience was my worst mistake. I just go back in time sometimes to pre school times before I moved and everything was loud and bright and I was happy. I’m fifteen but I still have all of my favorite books from when I was 5 and younger and all my stuffed animals. I just like to go back and pretend that I’m still small and too young to worry about being good enough and that everything could still be okay. I don’t know what to do when I grow up because I’m so scared.
@zeronothinghere9334 3 года назад
There's two things at play here. Others might undergo the same and you didn't notice. Or you just crumbled and they didn't. Usually mental stuff is very personal, and not everyone is affected by the same thing equally.
@zeronothinghere9334 3 года назад
I went through something different that I more or less brought upon myself, and ultimatively concluded that uhh... This might take a bit longer. Assuming that there is no god, nor is there some obligation, duty, or belief I must carry out, but my own. Also assuming I am insignificant in the universe. Then, whatever I do, doesn't matter, because I am insignificant. Therefore, I can either end my life or continue my life. Because the end of my life is guaranteed, and the time spent dead is probably close to infinity, it makes sense to use the finite resource (time spent alive) to try to make the best out of it. Meaning: I just do what I want to do. The worst that could happen is an early death. If you choose to adopt something similar, keep paying attention whether you truly are insignificant, at least on earth or in your country. If you have responsibility, you want to know what the responsibility is, and not ignore it just because "responsibility doesn't concern me"
@snicole2811 Год назад
I deal with psychosis and truly there is nothing more terrifying than having a psychotic episode. I get visual, auditory, and tactile hallucinations. The delusions make you distrust everyone around you. It feels endless; I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy.
@depressing5978 4 года назад
Am I a sociopath for understanding the last one, as in meaning that I would have wanted to do the same and not feel bad about it? I don’t see the boys behaviour as a creepy behaviour that’s what I am trying to get at, because it seems like people believe that I really do believe that I am a sociopath, but I’m not and I know it.
@SomeOne-ic5zg 4 года назад
I’m not gonna say straight up no, but please don’t just self diagnose yourself as being a sociopath is a lot more then that. If u think u might be please talk to someone x
@Athlynne 4 года назад
I was thinking the same. I have Asperger's (all under autism spectrum disorder now tho) and we tend to feel more emotion over animals than people.
@depressing5978 4 года назад
Duck Panda, No I get what you’re saying, I know that I am not a sociopath, I just don’t see myself feeling any remorse for that last one.
@SomeOne-ic5zg 4 года назад
Ariyanna Lilleström oop
@laurenj432 4 года назад
Honestly self diagnosing is better than being in denial. It’s best to be on the safe side and seek treatment if you feel you need it. If you actually do have an Anti-Social personality disorder, you can still lead a happy and healthy life because you are in charge of your actions! I feel people can grow to be more empathetic too though. I’ve had intrusive thoughts before, and was less empathetic as a child but now I feel much more compassionate and empathetic towards others so maybe that will happen for you❤️💕💖
@grass7864 2 года назад
Why are they forcing suicidal patients to share rooms with patients with severe psychosis? How can you expect people to recover from trauma when even their own living space isn't private or safe? It's like these facilities are more geared towards containment than rehabilitation. Don't we know more than enough about mental illness at this point to address this blantantly cruel and ineffectual model of operation?
@funnylookingdoggo9884 3 года назад
My aunt sometimes has manic episodes and it honestly freaks me out sometimes. She will start screaming and cussing and she will throw a fit. I've never been around her during a bad episode, but I've heard many stories from my parents of how she will start attacking family members or medical professionals that try to help her. I wish I could say she was never like this, but from what I remember she's been aggressive for a long time. Ngl I used to be scared of her as a kid, now I just feel bad.
@goreobsessed2308 3 года назад
My life isn't a TV show but I've constantly thought of everyone and everything as just made Believe matrix people. It makes being kind and honest and generous very hard
@amandaredd3057 3 года назад
I'm tearing up listening to these stories
@Ashas.Garden 3 года назад
How awful for those children.
@sevensesnvelasdljkaalkjkskksk 4 года назад
was in a psych ward for like two weeks. i didnt have a shared room but i know some people did. also there was a girl there who was convinced she could read minds.
@nopenopidtynopenope1708 3 года назад
So when I went to the mental ward (depression PTSD and DID) and there was one kid in there (maybe 8?) who kept trying to crawl up the girls' shirts asking for milk (poor kids mom and little siblings died in a car accident people think he was trying to get comfort from suckling) and he eventually went to log term (this is what had put him in the long term ward where he still continued to do so but not to the same degree) where I was for about 6 months and he was roomed with me (One I was the youngest in the long term and two I was the "dad" of the ward) and when we had the night checks he would sit up not look at anyone and just say "goodnight see you in the end" and lay back down and the creepy part was in the morning when some of the nurses asked him about it he completely forgot about it had no recollection about it. Other than that poor thing was a good kid with attachment issues. he roomed with me for 4 months and when I left he asked to come with me (I'm not old enough to adopted or in a good financial situation to take care of him or I would) I felt bad because I told him the day before and just clung to me. He was a good kid and I truly do hope he finds a good family to take him in. edits: backstory and what put him in the long term ward.
@beanisdetermined9337 3 года назад
I’ve been to a partial hospitalization program and an outpatient therapy program, but the worst cases are actually in my school. I go to a special needs school for kids with autism, anxiety, ADHD, etc. There was one time when the police had to be called. The school handled it well, and we had no idea what happened until afterwards. Another time one of my teachers had to literally carry this seven-ish year old down the hall while the kid screamed awful stuff at him including the n-word (the teacher was black, the kid was not) claiming the teacher’s mom was gay and would leave his dad, and more, all while throwing in loads of cuss words. It was awful.
@jennisparx304 4 года назад
I have Disassociative identity disorder. Not really scary for me as I know how to live with it, but it has creeped some people out.
@jodie12347 2 года назад
Its a truly fascinating disorder. I dont mean its a good disorder to have but the way it is formed as a form of protection is amazing the brain never ceases to amaze me. I obviously wouldn't dream of wishing did on anyone because it must be stressful and confusing but it truly is one of the most fascinating disorders imo
@sys-foster Год назад
Yeah, the amount of people that are freaked out by it baffles me. Probably has a lot to do with media portrayal. I get about 50/50, half tell me I'm lying and that the others I share my body with don't exist (hilarious imo), and the other half are varying degrees of horrified: from thinking im a charity case to thinking im dangerous. Like no, I just want to have my existence acknowledged, and those who share my body want the same.😅
@queerdeer12 3 года назад
I'm taking psychology as a gen ed for the summer classes. Its fascinating to know exactly how the brain interacts with the world. I honestly thought I would hate this class. Its not that bad. The coolest thing we've seen so far is a video of a patient with "split brain' in which the left and right side of the brain are unable to communicate with each other. I didn't understand at first but the more I replayed the clip, I started to get it.
@P3rmissionD3ni3d Год назад
I had a nervous breakdown when I was 15. Is really scary to come to in a strange place when the last thing you remember is going to ponderosa with your grandmother and uncle. One minute I was heading to the mashed potatoes and the next I’m in a hospital. Zero memory in between.
@devin.dancing 4 года назад
10:03 could be derealization. I sometimes feel the opposite, depersonaliztion, where I feel everything around me is real but I'm fake. I'll ask my fiance if I'm actually there and I'll look in the mirror and not recognize myself. Its scary
@Nothingmore146 3 года назад
I had a buddy that developed skits when we were 17 just seemed a little off but by the the time we hit 21 he was a completely different person his delusions so insane and far fetched I can’t even explain. The things he did during episodes were even more insane. So he had to be sent away multiple times to long term facility’s. I feel bad I tryed to stay a good friend but has made it almost impossible and started to affect my personal life while I have my own life issues to deal with. So starve and sad to see someone become detached from reality and change from someone you had know your whole life up till that point.
@jayw7499 4 года назад
Wait! You mean to tell me my life isn't a tv show? Well damn, now life doesn't make sense. I have so many questions.
@iampurpleu5317 3 года назад
I have this same thing and idk what to do💀
@masteroftransoofs3235 3 года назад
Reactive attachment disorder, my brother has this, he's horrifying, and abusive
@SaferWafer 4 года назад
9:50 i did this as a kid! I was convinced i wasnt a real person and trapped in a cartoon like blues clues
@Lady_Chalk 2 года назад
I was sent to a “Behavioral Health Center”, (I’m just calling it the loony bin from here on out). The place was separated into different wards: adolescents, seniors, adults, and dangerous adults. I don’t think there was a kid unit. Oh, I was in the adults ward for depression, anxiety, ptsd, and while there I was diagnosed with borderline personality disorder. Finally that BPD diagnosis explained SO MUCH of me.
@lleucihill8508 4 года назад
The obsessive teenage love reminded me of something I went through a few years ago. TRIGGER WARNING When I was about 12 I made friends with this girl. She was quite shy and quiet but we had all of our classes together so became friends. She was bullied and I ended up defending her a lot and nearly got into a few fights because of it. She then became obsessed with me. For 2 and a half years she was gradually getting more and more obsessed with me, she would s**f h**m and carve my name, get angry if I didn't reply to texts, didn't respect personal space, stole my school supplies and books, try to kiss me etc. When I got into a relationship she would get extremely jealous and try to sabotage it by telling my gf/bf that I was mentally unstable. I used to have panic attacks a lot because of it, I became extremely reserved and unconfident and became scared of making new friends.
@eeveegaming4798 4 года назад
To be fair I would be mad that I’m taken through an emotional roller coaster and then you have proof. Like come on let’s get this over with
@zeronothinghere9334 3 года назад
Why is he "being taken through one" ? He was faking it.
@akteno2796 4 года назад
It is Alzheimer or Depression because both are very common and there is nothing to do about it, depression may be Curable, but it definitely leaves deep wounds forever but there is still clinical depression wich is not curable its just treatable with heavy medication or in some cases its just not treatable at all I really won't wish my greatest Enemy one of both And a note to the people who still say "man up" tp stuff like this: think before you speak, think about the impact of your words and actions, depression is a real disease and it's not possible to just man up.
@matthewblackwood9653 4 года назад
Clinical depression can be curable, depending on the source. If it's caused by genetics, then it's considered a chronic condition (treatable, not curable). If it's caused by trauma, it typically isn't chronic but may still be something to deal with for the rest of their lives. Non-chronic conditions can (and usually *are*) cured via therapy. Also chronic vs non-chronic has nothing to do with severity, it's just whether or not it's curable. Light medication is often 100% fine for chronic cases.
@akteno2796 4 года назад
@@matthewblackwood9653 one of my friends takes heavy enough meds for clinical depression (chronical) that he isn't allowed to cook by himself
@laziloo1742 3 года назад
9:00 What a....... Creative way to compliment someone 😳
@cookiechaina1238 4 года назад
I’ve been in dissociative fugue states before. Incredible but absolutely terrifying.
@nami1459 3 года назад
7:20 my mind is my own mental institution, i could never show others that this is me, but she just couldn’t keep it in her head while i *have* to. i am simply grateful for my control over my mind, but i can recognize that i am broken too.
@dr.doolittle5617 4 года назад
I'm not real mad at that last kid.
@gavinisdie 4 года назад
I Agree
@igkslife 2 года назад
I've been self diagnosed, and diagnosed by psychiatrist, and/ or therapist so many times I don't know what I am. Other than broken. I've also been diagnosed by my own parents before, and by the school. No, one can really agree what I am beyond high functioning autism, and adhd. However, me, and my parents thinks that I might also be a sociopath, or something like that. Sense I can imagine morbid things clearly as if it is happening right in front of me... if I wanted to, and it doesn't have to be morbid. Which is one reason why I like listening to audio books, and reddit stories, I get to use my imagination for entertainment. However, then you have the fact that I was the kid who found burning Santa alive, and eating his rain deer funny. I still do to be honest. Which is the reason why I self diagnose as a sociopath.
@mucklowthebaronofmercia8295 3 года назад
Anyone get scarred when u match some of the symptoms but then let out the biggest sigh of relief when you dont have some of the biggest symptoms
@theonlyoneash 2 года назад
OCD is like having nightmares 24*7 but you can't wake up from them
@Satan666Official 4 года назад
Psychotic episodes can look really creepy until you realize almost any one of these problems can happen to you. Everyone is crazy. We all live in the world inside of our head, and convinced ourselves that agreeing with the majority perspective of morals and rationale exempts you from alienation.
@jacobbrown466 3 года назад
I was in a mental health ward for a while for attempted suicide and there was a really charming nice guy who was there. He was usually very calm and would ask philosophical questions all the time like, "What if we did this or that?" And even said that we all deserve to have positive things etc. One morning he had some sort of episode and walked into the room my roommate and I shared and was screaming at everyone to wake up and good morning. It took the whole ward of nurses to pin him down and sedate him. He did this a couple more times in the five days I was there.
@Crazygirl1997XD 4 года назад
The last story is interesting. I always wondered where the age limit is for mental illnesses. Can a 6 year old just have schizophrenia? Or depression? I guess I could understand if a child developed mental illnesses because of major traumatic experiences, but can otherwise healthy children get "adult" mental illnesses like amnesia, borderline, schizophrenia, etc?
@autumnpeck3628 2 года назад
Most severe mental disorders can only be diagnosed at an older age, ranging from 16-21. Things like PTSD and other trauma-induced disorders, however, can easily and even sometimes commonly be diagnosed in young children. A good example of these is conduct disorder and ASPD. About 30% of children with conduct disorder will have ASPD in later life, having tendencies including cruelty to animals, arson, manipulative, etc. Almost everything you'd see in someone with ASPD in a child. And almost everyone with ASPD had conduct disorder as a child. Interesting, right? lol.
@willyreeves319 4 года назад
the long story about the guy developing disorganized schizophrenia - could possibly be a brain tumor or head trauma as the cause
@grass7864 2 года назад
Good point. Dude needs an evaluation and an MRI.
@madelineconte966 3 года назад
At 7:52, I feel like the girl may have had erotomania or obsessive love disorder. she may have had bpd, but bpd doesn't usually present itself in such a way.
@plsarguewithme2665 3 года назад
I can't help but pause from time to time because some of these remind me of my own condition years ago. I have ADHD and C-PTSD but it took long before my ADHD was detected. Instead I was diagnosed with BPD because of my violent rage quits, nearly stabbed my abuser who I live with. I was at my lowest at the time... hearing voices and imagining myself either killing my abusers or killing myself for 60% of my waking hours. Mom wouldn't get me therapy even if I begged after that time I nearly killed someone cause she just shrugged it off as teenage angst and told me to just pray and live on. I had to work and pay for therapy myself while also having to maintain high grades in school or else my abuser would be worse at me. Gladly I'm better now especially that knowing about ADHD has helped me make more sense of my world. However I sometimes still have suicidal ideas and sometimes still have very detailed thoughts on how to carry out murders. This terrifies me. I'm very terrified of myself. However I cannot at any cost allow people to know this because my reputation as a reliable and kind person might be ruined and I'm scared of destroying relationships the same way I did when I admitted those to a once close friend of mine.
@yeontankkamiminhoscats740 3 года назад
1:47 the whole story sounds like Disassociative Identity Disorder, it's one of the most interesting mental disorders actually, but also a very difficult to cope with
@dragonusmolamola4140 2 года назад
it moreso seems like a kid pretending to be nice until they get caught
@mattiev6932 3 года назад
I am a minor with a lot of mental health disorders, (I haven't been diagnosed and I just say I have them because I've talked to 3 mental health professionals and they all said I most likely have it but bla bla bla meds make brain bad so they didn't wanna diagnose me in fear I would ask. I believe I have depression, a stress disorder, and a tic disorder as I have tics that have lasted me 3 years, and before you say depression isint a joke listen to my story below this. I think I have a stress disorder as I have on multiple occasions had mental break downs that cause me to pull loads of hair from my head from stress and basically just screaming and crying and just breaking down all together. my story: this begins when I was about 5 years old, I wasn't self-aware enough to realize what was happening, my parents where getting divorced and it was brought up after 2 years of them fighting about divorce, my earliest childhood memories was my mom and dad fighting on our driveway. they got a divorce that lasted 2 years, after 2 years of them being divorced on November 5, 2017, my dad passed away on our basement floor, luckily I was at my mom's along with my 2 siblings, and we where told to stay home as my mom made sure my dad was ok, clearly, he wasn't, that's what leads me to the stress disorder, I now have a fear of sirens in the distance as that's the only thing I remember from that night that made my stomach churn worse than 3am shits, after the whole thing with dads death was sorted out his sides immediate family came out and helped us clean the house as my dad was a hourder and there was so much stuff to move that we needed help moving it, after a year or so the realization *set in* I was scuicidal I was crying constantly, I wouldn't get outta bed on the weekends and that was when I had 2 shitty teachers that didn't end up taking my siren thing to heart, that class was scared of me because I was holding back tears and eventually ran out of the room as the teacher ran out yelling after me and the dead face scared them that much because i was just trying to keep myself from breaking down to this ladys feet. after that about a year ago, my mom started being a piece of shit, yelling at me for not getting up on the weekends, etc. that's when my BFF (let's call him blue) was talking to me and I said I was contemplating suicide and he spoke up to his mom about it and she told my mom wich finally got me into therapy, I got my mental heathy better in 2019 and now I'm fucked again, I am still in contact with blue and he is also depressed now and he can't afford therapy so I normally help him if he needs it. if you read through this whole thing, thank you kind stranger, and if you need help or your struggling with mental heath reach out there are people to help you, talk to a friend, a family member a trusted human being, just speak up.
@ravengotica7493 2 года назад
Psychologies very interesting and I’m still debating whether I should major in it due to so many scary stories but at the same time they are very fascinating.
@susanfudge1737 3 года назад
The one where you can't recognise your child's face, only his voice.