
Psychology of Psychonauts | Compton's Cook Off 

Gaming University
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@Fennalope Год назад
Surprised you didn't say anything about the judges being goats and specifically goats. One common misconception with goats is that they will eat anything you put in front of them which is untrue. Goats are actually really picky eaters. so having to prepare a dish for a really picky eater only adds to the stress he must feel.
@Razberri Год назад
Aren’t they sheep? It’s Ram it down idk they could still be goats though
@ohmhasmeaning7292 Год назад
Every American knows the stereotype about goats but since Compton can speak with animals he knows the truth that they’re picky. That’s probably a constant subtle source of cognitive dissonance
@Fennalope Год назад
@@Razberri I imagine it's "Ram it down" for the animal related Pun.
@dumbsterdives Год назад
@@Razberri Goats and sheep are fairly closely related and often confused, plus theres no good eating pun for goats
@dimentiorules Год назад
As someone who works with goats, one of them keeps trying to eat my hair and my hat, so I’m not quite sure about them being picky eaters.
@michelecastellotti9172 Год назад
This is why Psychonauts 2 is so... special, its not just about the people who suffer from anxiety/depression and other mental illnesses, but also the inability of those around them to recognize this problem and provide the necessary help in due time... its so sad, you cant help but feel satisfaction in seeing these poor elders, whom by all accounts are actually a representation of soldiers that came back from war, getting over their problems thanks to your help.
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
I think they should have brought note to that a bit more. To really hammer home the point. Reminds me of how veterans struggle silently here.
@michelecastellotti9172 Год назад
@@GamingUniversityUoG yeah... i feel shame in saying that i started to realize this side of the world thanks to doctor who season 3... there was this poor veteran without a leg outside a place where a party was taking place and i hated to see ask for charity, then years later came another heart break with seal team, dueing the second season there was this soldier who suffered from something that made him forget things and in the end, after loosing his wife, he takes his own life... it is horrible really.
@maverickdarkrath4780 Год назад
Except otto, which the gane even points out that we neither explore his mind or interact with him much outside of gaining the camera and stray thoughts tracker (both optional items only really require for hunting for collectables ..its probably possible to never directly interact with him apart from the cutscene with Shasha and then never see him till the end of the game
@michelecastellotti9172 Год назад
@@maverickdarkrath4780 wasn't bob the drunk man? You mean otto mentalis, right?
@maverickdarkrath4780 Год назад
@@michelecastellotti9172 fuck mixed them up
@Apolleh Год назад
Compton's Cook Off is definitely one of my favorite worlds in Psychonauts 2. Raz reminding Compton that it's okay to take breaks when you're overwhelmed was when it fully set in how much his level was designed around his crippling social anxiety. One of the things I like most is how Raz perfectly puts into effect here what Hollis had taught him at the end of Hollis' Hot Streak. He initially takes over the 1st presentation, but slowly encourages Compton to do more and more of the talking until he's comfortable and confident to present the 3rd dish by himself. The young Aquato merely helps the eldest Boole gain the footing he needs so Compton can help *himself*. Giving him the push, but nothing more.
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
Agreed. It is obvious he was really shook by his actions so he dows what he can to encourage the others to help themselves but gives then the tools to do so.
@FerreTrip Год назад
This is *_exactly_* what those in the mental health profession do, and it shows Raz is maturing as a Psychonaut. When I was a Peer Specialist, my job was to listen to people who needed to talk to someone and give advice and commentary based on my own experiences, not to just tell them what to do. A good therapist never tells their patient to do something, but instead suggests, making it clear it's a suggestion. Nobody gets stronger on their own, but those who help can't do all the work for them, or that person will never get stronger. You can give someone weights, you can show them proper form, you can spot for them, but they're the ones who have to pump the iron.
@danielcurren2119 Год назад
Raz is quite literally Compton’s Sue chef in his mind, which is like an assistant to the main chef that helps prepare ingredients. The connection and symbolism with raz’s role in Compton’s mind is perfect
@paweljedrzejczyk41 Год назад
Yeah, it's like Waterloo World from Psychonauts 1. Raz helped Fred gain his footing so that Fred could win, and the same applied to Compton.
@brendantoungate8287 Год назад
I don't know if it's intentional, but I think of the ingredients as the animals that Compton used to fight Maligula. They're all happy to be sacrificed for the dish, with one commenting that they're old friends with Compton because he used their father and grandfather earlier. It's a reminder of the lives that he sent to their end in a failed attempt to defeat her, something Compton would likely feel guilty about.
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
Very depressing way of looking at it. He definitely has guilt over sending those animals off like that.
@katietaylor8314 Год назад
The fake time limit captures my own anxiety so well. If I have any sort of deadline that means it has to be done NOW NOW NOW or something terrible will happen and my stupid subconscious won't even let me sleep because WHY ARE YOU SLEEPING WHEN YOU SHOULD BE DOING THE THING?? Also, I'm pretty sure the "pet shop" was an animal testing facility. Your average American pet shop doesn't sell monkeys as far as I know, plus you can see the telltale hypodermic needles and such in the foreground.
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
Copy that on the shop details. Im not sure how to classify me but I have a really hard time doing nothing. My brain always tells at me saying I'm wasting time if I just enjoy myself.
@katietaylor8314 Год назад
@@GamingUniversityUoG Sucks, doesn't it? It's one of the more damaging parts of many cultures including ours that you're taught that you must *always* be working, sometimes to the point that taking a day off sick makes you feel *guilty*. In fact I remember reading that when white settlers first came here to Australia and saw the locals chilling out in the shade once they'd gotten the day's food sorted out, they condemned them as "lazy" and therefore inferior. A real civilised Englishman must work in a factory all day, by Jove, or he's good for nothing! It's so toxic. No wonder our rates of anxiety and depression are so high.
@inky_mena Год назад
i frowned when the time was over & repeatedly thought "i didnt serve it in time, i'll have to do it again." but when is served the dish i was so surprised 😭 the time limit really is a lie
@metarcee2483 Год назад
My anxiety is similar. At least I don't turn in late assignments for school.
@katietaylor8314 4 месяца назад
@@inky_mena I thought it was a bug!
@Techhunter_Talon Год назад
7:10 Just noticed that Compton has a TV with a cooking show going on in the background. I guess that's why his mental world takes the shape of a cooking show.
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
He definitely enjoys cooking. His inner workd reflecting the food metaphors. Like me, I work in construction so I use a lot of building metaphors in my language.
@battybuddy Год назад
Compton taking off the hand puppets and showing that HE was the one giving himself the criticism and judgments was one of my favorite of the endings. Also, given that Compton is the shortest of them, Cassie is the tallest, I find that funny in a “opposites attract” sort of way.
@andistansbury4366 9 месяцев назад
Compton is shaped like a marshmallow, Cassie is shaped like a skewer. By this logic, Helmut is Gram Crackers, Bob is chocolate, Ford is fire. PSYCHIC SMORES
@averyfields8183 3 месяца назад
​@@andistansbury4366... Oh my god.
@concept8192 26 дней назад
@@andistansbury4366 and they all have totems of their faces around the campfire in Whispering Rock
@wolcamophone4783 Год назад
2:23 I like the little way Raz asks if he can enter his mind, by simply letting him do 1 scream for yes and 2 for no. It shows that even if a patient seems delirious they can still reach some barebones level of communication.
@starpokeheart664 Месяц назад
And shows how Raz has matured as well
@racer927 Год назад
Compton's Cook Off is easily my favorite level because of how much it resonates with me. As an adult with autism, I have similar self-judgement along with the anxiety that this stage gives with its timer.
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
I feel it is the best at having the gameplay get the story across. Hope you're doing alright with everything. Take care of yourself.
@metarcee2483 Год назад
Same, I also have generalized anxiety disorder.
@dakotasan8719 Год назад
I’m kind of reminded of Waterloo World too, from the relatively small world compared to the other mental worlds to helping Compton overcome a self-imposed mental condition a la Fred’s Learned Helplessness
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
It definitely stands out from the others much like Fred's did.
@cheatsykoopa98 Год назад
I love compton as a representation of anxiety and social anxiety because I can relate to it, Ive been diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder. at the same time I kind of missed the anxiety this level puts upon you because videogames became my coping mechanism. so I guess it didnt work because gaming is how I get relief from anxiety
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
Sounds like you got a good way to cope with gaming. I forgot how I was the first time I played this level. I'd have go back and check the stream. Pretty sure I was rushing like crazy.
@SoratheWonderful Год назад
11:54 also to note is Sam his granddaughter and her role in game at the Flapjack restaurant. He probably shared his love of cooking with his family. We can see both his grandchildren as also a mirror of him.
@FerreTrip Год назад
This was a perfect example of storytelling through gameplay--the player learns of the anxiety Compton has to deal with through intentionally anxiety-inducing gameplay. You can show someone being anxious, you can present things that cause anxiety, but nothing makes you connect to it like actually being put on the spot. Then, as you get more and more used to the level, your anxiety lessens and your confidence grows. Then when you're in front of the boss, things seem bad, but then you realize it's not as complicated as it seems--much like how many anxiety-inducing situations are so bad because our anxiety makes us overthink.
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
100% agree. It is a rare balance to get the gameplay to match the theming so perfectly while not making it overly gimmicky.
@starden20 Год назад
Feeling different than everyone else growing up, I always thought something was wrong with me but I couldn’t figure it out. Playing this level for the first time helped me understand my own social anxiety/ptsd and accurately depicted what my brain is like constantly. The constantly cycle of feeling anxious, off or there’s a target on you that others can see is real
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
I'm sorry to hear you've had to go through all of that. The game designers seem to have really done their research on this. Hope you're doing well!
@katietaylor8314 Год назад
I wouldn't be surprised if in the future this game was actually used as an educational tool, much as child therapists are apparently now using "Inside Out" to teach their patients about depression.
@mantidream8179 11 месяцев назад
Compton's first mental vault is a total throwback to Dogen. While Dogen's accident is mostly played for laughs, you can see in Compton's case just what kind of damage that experience would do to one's psyche, feeding into his self-isolating behavior and fear of taking action, lest it hurt others. The psychic gifts of the boole line seem like such a cruel joke when you think about it.
@drakofox1362 Год назад
You know this level was just pure anxiety especially with that damn time limit (always hated time limits in games) but hey that was the point of the level
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
Honestly, this level has the best gameplay to emotion comparison in my opinion. Everything about the design put you in his head.
@pretzelbomb6105 Год назад
@@GamingUniversityUoG And the best part of the comparison is what you lose if you fail to finish within the time limit: nothing. The level proceeds as normal and the mystery box remains closed. However, if you come back to the level later, they’ll be open.
@jailcatjones3250 Год назад
As someone who cooks for a living, anxiety is the last thing you want in a busy kitchen. But it really is a form of meditation, cooking my signature items is like being in the eye of a hurricane all calm and tranquil and as soon as I'm done the storm rages again.
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
When I have music playing and I am working on a dish I'm familiar with, it almost becomes a dance. Yes there is a lot going on but like you said, eye of the storm.
@gaidencastro9706 Год назад
I didn't realize that the ending to Compton's Cookoff represented Compton shoving his success down his jury's throats. It makes so much sense now.
@simonhansson4115 Год назад
Mmm, social anxiety. I know that one. Ended up at a psychotherapist to try and fight off some of mine I got from school.
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
Mine got better after I started working. No joke there was a time in college when I had to a speech in front of the class. Had the whole thing prepared. I went to school but stayed in my car until the class was over to avoid doing it. Told the professor I got sick.
@cagedcoco1681 Год назад
The fact he accidentally obliterated animals and his Mind Environment is a Cooking show really hammers home the trauma he suffers
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
That part shocked me the first time I saw it. poor dude
@killercloud345 Год назад
Ah yes a 4Am video of examining the child examining the people. Splended!
@CandyFlossWizard1928 Год назад
Its 4 AM for you?
@killercloud345 Год назад
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
@CandyFlossWizard1928 Год назад
@@GamingUniversityUoG When i read this comment arent i technically examining it? and When you read this you would be examining this comment INFINITE EXAMINECEPTION
@killercloud345 Год назад
@@CandyFlossWizard1928 It's always 4Am somewhere. Time is a construct anyway...so is sleep. B)
@TheRoomforImprovement Год назад
As a man with autism, self judgement and anxiety are two factors that constrict my mind. They can often caused me to procrastinate on my creative endeavors or career advancement. Sometimes even become defensive towards others, who are trying to help me because I perceive their comments as accusatory. It’s times like these I think about what my own mind would look like. There’s a good chance it may look similar to Compton’s cook off.
@danaugust993 Год назад
The bossfight made me feel pretty stressed too. You kind of have to keep doing the ingredient collecting minigame while under heavy fire. And it's absolutely disgusting too. Pretty unnerving and it's quite the endurance test as well.
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
It felt like sensory overload in some ways. Way too much going on at the same time.
@liiuu7y Год назад
Great video! I say it's slightly better than a mouth full of nails!
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
I found it to be surprisingly acceptable
@UntunedRadio903 Год назад
@@GamingUniversityUoG these puns are moderately pleasant
@Orange_Tree_ Год назад
I'm not a scientist, and also sure it will be brought up in her episode, but I feel like reason why Compton is so dependant on Cassie is mainly because he sees her as an example of what he can be. I don't remember if it was ever stated, but I may only assume Compton is aware of her past, the gang being such close friends and all, and seeing how Cassie managed to turn her life around for the better gives him hope to also escape his explosive misdeeds. Seeing Cassie being able to correct (and, honestly, overcorrect) every thought in her mind provides Compton assurance he can keep an iron grip on his abilities, actually allowing him to ignore his anxiety and function normally. Still, starstruck by this fantasy, he fails to realise on his own, that Cassie is right on the other side of the coin, facing surpisingly similar problems, except judging her past more than her present. But that's just my two cents, will look forward to hearing your opinion. Really love your work, dude, always glad to see more, and grateful for what you've done so far.
@lmrpirate5273 Год назад
Another thing is that due to how many times someone or something dies shortly before a perceived success (blowing up the shelter dogs leading to him becoming part of the Psychic 6 and the Maligula battle making him a Psychonaut leader), he made the mental connection of Success ------ Sacrifice This is referenced by the audience being the ones who are used as ingredients and their willingness to be mutilated and eaten to help Compton and Raz win the cook-off.
@wookywok Год назад
One thing that i don't think has been brought up: there are no Bad Ideas in Compton's mind!
@codyboise9989 Год назад
Two of my favorite moments in the level are raz & compton improvising with the food descriptions, have fun & fake it til you make it. Also the satisfying feeling of raz realizing Compton doesn't need help anymore. Have you ever had that satisfying feeling after helping someone with their mental issues? It must be a great feeling.
@JamiHeart Год назад
This is my favorite section of the game. I can relate to Compton. I have some social anxiety due to feeling overwhelmed in a crowd. I have to put myself in a certain mindset to be able to make it through most social activities. Part of it comes from being bullied as a kid but most of it comes from being short. I know that sounds silly but, when you're only 5 ft tall and all you see are chests everywhere you walk, it can get intimidating. Sometimes I feel like I can't breathe. It's scary. So, I have a special connection with Compton and his self judgement about "not measuring up".
@Karlusman Год назад
Yess, another Psychology of Psychonauts! I have never played any of the games, but I really look forward to seeing another one come out, and it made me reflect enough to take up knitting as a hobby because it helps me when i get stressed.
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
Knitting you say... well stick around to the end of the series and you may see something that goes along with your hobby
@mrjacob7795 Год назад
I loved this level not just for the fun of the obstacle course, but also for how it managed to resonate with me in that, while I don't suffer from social anxiety, I DO become a jittery wreck when trying to cook just about anything. To much happening at once with separate time sensitive things to watch over PLUS the idea that I have nothing but my own intuition on when something needs more, less, or is done absolutely terrifies me. I couldn't help but be reminded of that while playing, which helped put me in Compton's shoes. As an added bonus, I lovevthe detail that Compton wears a metal hat just like Dogen wears his "special tinfoil", likely to aid in keeping his own blasting to a minimum.
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
And the sad thing is that is a big reason why some meals turn out bad. Every part is time sensitive and wasn't planned out perfectly.
@RawCauliflower Год назад
Compton's powers really feel representative of people with psychosis, sort of like in Senuas Sacrifice, in terms of hearing negative voices, or just any voices, constantly reflected back at them.
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
Interesting comparison. I always looked ar the Furies as being different parts of Senua's internal thoughts. All her insecurities and thoughts playing as audible voices rather than subconscious thoughts.
@AnnamatopoeiaArt Год назад
I’ll be honest while I love the level, it was the hardest for me to beat. I never discovered that the timer was meaningless because it stressed me out so bad that I kept dying over and OVER. I did other levels and avoided it for as long as I could because the first section was so stressful. I struggle with stress related to social interactions, and I’ve highly considered going to a therapist, but ironically the whole process is too stressful for me to actually do it. I also totally understand how Cassie could be an anchoring presence, as when I am with specific people I have much an easier time controlling my stress.
@TheMustardMan8 Год назад
Great video! It should also be noted that while the normal enemies that produce it aren’t notably present, there’s doubt slime EVERYWHERE in this level.
@michigosinister1508 Год назад
As someone with Anxiety, I understand how Compton feels. Sometimes, simple things could be so overwhelming. I am also one of those people who like their alone time as large groups are draining to me. I also get having someone that helps keep you calm with your Anxiety. I've been lucky to have great friends around me who understand that sometimes I just have some issues and need a little time to myself.
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
I used to be in the same boat. I would hate being around groups and need to go hiking to get away from everything and recharge. I'm getting better and can tolerate more of it but yeah. I tend to be a bit asocial.
@Jawmax Год назад
With the gameshow itself, I like that it's combines elements of Double Dare and the Price is Right. Classics.
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
Dude I always wanted to be on Double Dare as a kid. And a buddy of mine won a camper on Price is Right.
@QuestionDeca Год назад
All the food items from the cook off, even those Compton makes during the final battle, are all related to Grulovia (Drowned Egg, Royal Borscht), Cassie (Strawberry Jam Croque Madame, Jam Tarts (strawberry),Vegetable Medley), or Ford (Honey Pepper Pancake Stacker). It actually gives a hint of his priorities/what he holds important (Cassie, Grulovia, and Ford from most to least).
@Bolt_Chaser Год назад
Another delightful installment!
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
Thanks a bunch!
@colony30sshittyproudbanner Год назад
I don't know about social anxiety, but I do have diagnosed anxiety and it can definitely hinder me at times. Especially with the "get out of there right now" and "oh god everybody hates me" feelings. So it's nice to see anxiety given shape, and in a fun cooking game no less
@treynash1405 Год назад
Looks like the good doctor really cooked up a special with this one.
@ailingstar8856 6 месяцев назад
Something I just noticed is that the judges share the same hefty, hunched-back figure as Jasper, further making it clear that Jasper is himself analogous to a Judge. It's a nice touch, though I'm not certain it was intentional.
@GamingUniversityUoG 5 месяцев назад
Never really noticed that. Wonder if that is because both Jasper and they are so much higher that they have to hunch over to look down upon you. Sounds reasonable.
@DisKorruptd Год назад
8:14 I don't think it's a pet shop, what with the syringes and dishes near to the perspective of that first slide
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
Someone else pointed that out as well. Always thought it was a testing facility but someone on the wiki mentioned pet shop so I went with it.
@cinnamonpumpkin7655 Год назад
The surprising thing with Compton is he somehow had a kid ?? Since he has grandchildren !
@KaminoKatie Год назад
He got busy
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
Probably before the Psychonauts. Imagine him being the man about town lol.
@metarcee2483 Год назад
Also, the judges represent you beating yourself up. Particularly since you can bear yourself up over having anxiety. I know that I do. In particular, I have social anxiety. This is a good representation of how it feels to go out when I've been having bad anxiety. I'm also on the spectrum, and my sister is as extroverted as the receptionist. I know that feeling, Compton. I really do.
@billlupin8345 Год назад
Cassie has enablers, and Compton did think he couldn't do things without Cassie. Do you think she enabled his dependence on her? As to why he got along so well with her, Cassie was quite adaptable. What if she used an archetype free of judgement to deal with him? We see in Cassie's mind that the psychic 6 are hidden, but it's not just the psychic six. She's very judgemental of them, and it shows in what each has to say. Is it significant that she, who gets along so well with Compton, is so good at hiding her judgement?
@AllG98 Год назад
Found this level so stressful but apparently that’s by design!
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
They did such a good job at making it frustrating
@OdoDaVodo Год назад
At first I thought the reason the puppet’s vomit was purple goo was to make it fun and less gross, but now I think it’s actually made from the same purple goo that the doubt monsters are made of. You mention self doubt and that gives to this idea that his puppets of these figures that relied on him are literally taking in his work and then vomiting their doubt onto him. I think he is deeply effected by imposter syndrome over his career and relationships and that sort of blew up during his breakdown.
@TotoPotoRoto Год назад
This is my favorite RU-vid series!
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
Thank you so much! I'm glad you have been enjoying it.
@NightwolfRainbow6Siege 2 месяца назад
4:02 I don’t know why, but the energy behind “this is a FALSE belief” was amazing. It felt like you weren’t talking about Compton alone. It felt like it was directed at ALL of the viewers who had self doubt.
@homoxymoronomatura Год назад
This level is so amazing because many of us can relate to it. We all feel anxiety, many of us have low self esteem, we feel overwhelmed when we're being judged. It's more difficult to relate to other brains.
@SylvanusRayll Год назад
I've just binged all your psychonauts videos in one go after being recommended the Milkman one, and I'd just like to say how amazing they all are. You clearly have a lot of skill and put a lot of work into your videos, and I want to thank you very much for that.
@princetoon290 Год назад
I must say, although I'm aware you have several other levels to cover, I'm looking forward to seeing you do "Cassie's Collection", "Bob's Bottles", "Fatherland Follies" and going in depth about Maligula. The former two being my personal favorites.
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
I'm looking forward to all of them too! Cassie's Collection probably being the one I'm most interested in since it delves into archetypes
@princetoon290 Год назад
You mean that 12 archetypes thing like the ruler, the sage, the outlaw, ecetera?
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
@@princetoon290 Yeah all that stuff. I study these a lot so getting the chance to dive into it will be fun.
Interesting~ I had a much simpler and direct reading of Comton's Cook Off. To me, it seemed clear that Compton was mostly over his trauma but just genuinely wanting to be alone, and this was getting a glimpse what it looks like when a mature Psychonaut is toying with somebody. AKA, well, playing when more positively put. The game show. The dark humor. The slightly mean but still funny digs at his old co-workers slash Raz's big idols. The gross-out. How Comton shows up as he slowly lowers his guard towards Raz and enjoying himself. Even getting swept up in the 'fight' at the end. Even how small and compact the world is, to me, points to it being a construct. Kinda like a light mirror to the start of the game, where we get to see a mental construct from the other end. As the 'entrapped' being subtly interrogated instead of the jailer slash interrogator. Raz being watched, to see how he reacts. And~ at the end, in this reading, Comton decides to focus, and walk out. Because he realizes at least one of his old friends are in town, Cruller, *and* something fishy is going on. But that this kid seems to at least thinking he's doing the right thing and so Comton takes a mostly wait & see approach. So something of a Hero Of Another Story, meets a benign getting lost in your own story you're telling type deal.
@luckyinky7849 Год назад
I've watched the whole playlist in one go because of how interesting this is ! I love watching stuff about the psychology of video game characters, but this is even better than what I usually watch ! And about the video, I would like to say that I relate to Compton but more one the physical and behavior side : going outside can be a real torture for me because I try to look "normal" even though I think I don't have anything abnormal going on me but I feel overwhelmed whenever I do something slightly weird or a little mistake. I also cannot see anyone as inferior or equal as me, plus I also have difficult understanding what people are saying of me which causes me trouble during school or work because I then get scared of talking to them again and isolate myself from them. The only persons I'm less anxious around are my parents, my rabbits and my best friend but I don't see her often since she live far away and only see some times of the year.
@Ronin11111111 Год назад
I love these videos so much, Psychonauts 2 was so cool and these keep me thinking about it longer. Thank you so much!
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
Love the games that keep us thinking about it after the fact. Glad you enjoy them buddy!
@TCO_404 Год назад
Psychonauts 2 is one of my favorite video games period, but every video you release makes me love it just a little bit more. Keep up the good work!
@Springtime562 Год назад
12:19 fun fact about me I enjoy being creative because it helps me focus. As someone with adhd and is easily distracted something to just focus on and tune out everything else Is best. It's why I have noise canceling earphones.
@Skimmer951 6 месяцев назад
Related so hard to this level and his anxiety but also seein ghim grow more and mroe confident and at the end not needing any help anymore felt powerful to me when he casually walks off cool as a cucumber with Raz comment of "huh, guess he doesnt need my help anymore"
i always thought the grulovian drowned egg was a reference to helmut + bob, with helmut being the outspoken egg and bob being the unruly onion (fortified by bobs appearance as a bulbous plant in bobs bottles). the egg being boiled while the onion is sliced into pieces could be a reference to bobs mental anguish after helmuts body was lost underwater, as well as the "sense of longing" raz describes the dish to have afterwards. but i love your interpretation as well!
@kiayaplews8593 Год назад
how long until the next video? I cannot wait to see your analysis on synesthesia and the metaphorical concept of "the brain in a jar" via a literal example... also, we have to gather different pieces of Ford's shattered mind, and how the different jobs align perfectly with how that fraction of his psyche is coping (ex. what does sanitizing shoes have to do with Ford's love life, or the war have to do with being a barber)?
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
Most likely I'm going to be doing two of the Ford worlds before heading back to the Psiking. I have a fun anecdote of synesthesia I'm going to bring up. Had a friend in music school who could see sound as colors. Needless to say she could easily cheat on listening tests lol.
@kiayaplews8593 Год назад
@@GamingUniversityUoG that is very interesting, can't wait to see more of that... but seriously, though, when is your next video? When it comes to the Psychology of Psychonauts, I'd like to get the ball rolling (no pun intended)
@monu_894 2 месяца назад
One interesting thing ive noticed and i think is worth mentioning is that throughout the bossfight we can see Compton's dishes become progressively better and tasty looking, which also tells us a lot about him dealing with his anxiety(represented mostly by the goat judges, which he kills with those dishes)
@an0idiot0of0use Год назад
Absolutely amazing job, once again. Your lectures are just so well put-together and articulate, they constantly help me understand myself and a lot of the behavioral patterns that I find I tend to exhibit. Of course it never can hurt when you're pulling from one of the greatest games ever created for source material. I can't wait for the next one. 👍
@KaminoKatie Год назад
I got diagnosed with anxiety when my grandma had fallen ill back in 2019 since she's been around for the majority of my life, but now it looks like she's not gonna be around for much longer with her health continuing to decline(not to mention the anxiety I have when I had to cook dinner for my family). so this level hit very close to home for me
@cadoized Год назад
great video as usual, though i'd point out on small correction that a lot of people get wrong (admittedly its a pet peeve of mine) the facility compton breaks into isnt a pet shop, its a science lab/animal testing facility. this is evident by the syringes and tape seen on the desk, as well as all the animals pictured being the most common test subjects (dogs, rabbits, monkeys, and mice) - idk about you but ive never seen a monkey in a pet shop. given this, its only makes it all the more understandable why they would swarm him with grattitude, and why compton would feel *such* an immense guilt over accidently killing them. again, just a small thing, but i really dont get how people see that scene and thinks its a pet shop
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
Yeah I sadly rewrote my original script away from the testing facility angle to the per shop after reading the wiki. Should have kept my original ideas and not changed them. All in all very minor.
@cadoized Год назад
@@GamingUniversityUoG for sure. either way, it was still a tragedy that affected him and thats all that really matters
@thegreendragon5390 Год назад
Comton's Cook Off might very well be my favorite Mind in Psychonauts 2. It's certainly the one I can empathize with the most. I often find myself worried that I would disappoint or fall short of the expectations of friends & even family. Although, 90%+ of the time, it's really just in my own head.
@CamdenKaneakaNeptunesdaughter 4 месяца назад
I saw something else that I don’t see anyone else talking about. I think on the TV in Comptons cell, I swear I saw a cooking show playing. I’d wager that that’s connected somehow
@nickdegugs7190 Год назад
You can replay the cook-off? When I went back the challenge was shut down!
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
I think the mystery boxes are just open and available for you upon rentry. Personally, I've never had to go back. Always 100% ot the first time so l've never seen how the game handles it.
@nickdegugs7190 Год назад
@@GamingUniversityUoG yeah, I only missed the third prize. If you go back the show is shut down and all the prizes open for you for free. I was actually disappointed. I wanted to earn it!
@rayceeya8659 Год назад
THis was a really difficult level for me. It was triggering my eating disorder hard.
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
One of those you had to get through quick I imagine
@AntonMonster Год назад
I can say that most of my life I was having a social anxiety. But the weirdest thing is that I thought that I can’t be around people and start conversations with random strangers, but did anyway almost without hesitation.
@rosykindbunny1313 Год назад
As someone with anxiety (not as severe as Compton's, though), this level hit hard when I first played it. The timer perfectly recreated that anxiety for me. That was stressful, but the timer not doing anything was such a relief, although I thought my game might've glitched. I can definitely relate to stressing over certain deadlines I give myself. Something ironic that I'm not sure applies to anyone else is that a lot of my anxiety can be sparked by people feeling sick, mostly throwing up (my brother was pretty sickly when he was really young, so that probably played a factor in it). So the attacks being vomit really connected with me.
@Fragmentsinfractals488 Год назад
Goats, or scapegoats are also the place you put your blame. So, even though Compton is "doing this to himself", he places the Judgement in the Goats. They are doing to him, not him doing to himself.
@toxictaro Год назад
I love the content, and I never noticed that the enemies were relevant. Honestly, I just thought it was power scaling but them being special for each prize is an amazing catch.
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
Oh the enemy types 100% play a role. Judges here, the Psiking has panic attacks, loboto has regrets, etc.
@toxictaro Год назад
I don't think I saw a single bad idea on this level too.
@WilliamSchmidNetwork Год назад
Out of the Psychic 6, I can relate with Compton the most. I also feel that others are judging me and that stresses me out.
@Enigma2Me Год назад
5:00 But what's also interesting is how the timer is utterly irrelevant. Yeah, you can fail it, but it doesn't impose any actual punishment except not getting more mental health from the prize boxes. It signifies how much Compton is basically putting unnecessary levels of pressure on himself, creating his own artificial limits in his own head when none might actually exist.
@theradiantbeast3478 Год назад
God I can relate to the reactions and that entire level *_alot_*
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
It seems very relatable considering this type of thing is becoming more and more common.
@dovlatheman8344 Год назад
I just cant wait to watch your videos and i know they take long to make but for a month i dont watch nothing and then i have a maraton of enjoyment, keep up the good work, i have yet to watch a video from you that i found anything other than amazing
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
Thank you so much! Glad to hear your binge sessions are a good time
@ndfdm5705 Год назад
While I understood the cookshow on a surface level, I was so consumed in performing under the time limit, collecting things and generally enjoying the game that I did not see a lot of the things you pointed out. What I like about his level is how you mention the splitting up of tasks. That the main task - the level - needs to be your focus and your distractions should be sequestered when your focus is off it. It's a relatively simple rule for life but I never realized the level was showing me that because I was so immersed in the giant antagonistic goats. I especially like the part where you show how these sort of conditions can be come a cycle, synergizing with the coping mechanism. I guess if there's anything to take away from this video to me is that there is a time to protect/ care for yourself and then there is a time to invest and make a stand for yourself. It can be bloody hard, especially when you're going through it, to know which is which. Good video, brother. Keep it up. Just wish I could fucking beat control at some point so I can watch those as well.
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
Trust me I've been stuck in loops of messed up logic so I get where you're coming from. Glad you enjoyed my ramblings here. And make sure to stop by once you finish up Control and let me know your final thoughts. How far in are you?
@ndfdm5705 Год назад
@@GamingUniversityUoG If I recall - my memory might fail me a bit .I switched over to playing high on life to completion just recently - I just learned about the brother and got myself lost in the ashtray maze. After not seeing any clues to how to solve it I destroyed everything I saw in hopes it would reveal a clue. It did not and I managed to get some of that anomalous crystal for the portal protective devices, I think. My gut tells me that I'm as far as the middle segment of the story at best. I won't lie, the game kicked my ass a bit. I went into it being slow and careful before I realized it was a game where I need to be fast and comboing.
@AgentBlack-77 7 месяцев назад
One thing that i thought is about how he has a timer in his mind, much like a bomb which directly relates to his story
@flooferderp2918 Год назад
The editing of this video was slick! The font and such? Keep it up, this was good!
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
I'll make sure to pass it along to the editor! He does amazing work.
@AriMakesArt Год назад
So aside from some platforming navigation, I didn't have any issues with this level. Specifically because I heard about the timer and equipped the Time Warp pin so I could use the Time Bubble power to speed cooking certain items up. It felt like that pin was made specifically to assist with the anxiety of dealing with the Cook Off level.
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
I'll be honest I've never gone to this world after getting the Time ability. Didn't even know that was possible
@godomoths242 4 месяца назад
I always wondered why the rails in comptons cookoff were those Lil bead mazes. They always seemed strange to me
@DisKorruptd Год назад
I miss the discussing the particular figments found in each mind you did in the Psychonauts 1 vids
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
For this particular world it was just food and cooking utensil stuff. Not much to say. I mention it a little on other P2 episodes if it adds something.
@gubjorgm.2259 Год назад
I just watched all the videos, started at midnight and was finished at 5 am and was really sad I had finished all of them, only to find out that apparently 5 hours later, a new video dropped while I was asleep XD
@TheLukesub0 Год назад
I just had a thought about the fact that comparatively, Compton's mental world is really small in scale and scope. Besides being a gameplay decision, it could be a reflection on his preference for smaller confined spaces to remain safe, be it the isolation chamber or the prison cell in his flashback; A small space helps him block out the danger outside, but it only amplifies his self judgement and consecutively makes him more afraid of leaving that space.
@Shiny_Misty Год назад
Compton may have become my favorite Psychonauts character because I have serious Social Anxiety. And his whole level and story just feels so relatable. I just...loved this game so much.
@zachrodan7543 Год назад
ah, so that's why terryl is there. nothing like an extreme dose of sharp contrast to emphasize the situation.
@Mecceldorf Год назад
The commentary plays a major part in the judgement and stress immersion. When you can't even grab the ingredient shoved behind two others in the crowd without being berated by the hosts, even though you're operating with a loose sense of telekinesis anyways. It can get pretty aggravating to most having to listen to a constant stream of petty grievances, passive aggression, and backhanded insults, but as an anxious individual, Compton has gotten to the point where he can't even hide away to escape the voices in his own head. He has to learn to accept that endless bickering, and just like Fred Bonaparte, his inability to declare control of his own conscience pacifies him into a helpless resignation, and he needs a friend to kickstart his path to independence and building the nerve to bite back at his own self judgement.
@marieoconnor1283 Год назад
If I have enough bosses from game's like "Cuphead" luckily "Raz" has given a advice that's should be taken for granted: 15:04
@marieoconnor1283 Год назад
Since, It is satisfying to hear 😌
@RazorBladezX Год назад
Bruh you just earned a sub. Just found your channel and this was fantastic
@dejaypage1575 3 месяца назад
Honestly a bit of fridge heartwarming? Compton is Dogen’s grandfather. Dogen was one of the first *real* friends that Raz ever had that’s not his sister (hinted they were closer as kids) or the adults. In a way, Rasputin is giving back to Dogen (and by extension Sam) by helping their grandfather. I legit wonder if after the game, Compten goes to visit Dogen with Sam to maybe bring him into the fold.
@sirvilhelm2360 Год назад
Can't wait for more episodes! Been lovin' this series despite never playin' the games myself.
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
If you like 3d platformers I'd definitely check it out! And thank you. Glad you've enjoyed it
@ZeroTheHeartlessKing Год назад
one thing i saw as well when you first meet compton, his TV is showing a cooking show.
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
Honestly I never noticed that. I'll have to head back and take a look.
@ZeroTheHeartlessKing Год назад
@@GamingUniversityUoG 7:07 is where i saw it on the video (idk about the image before, looked like there was a burger but i could be wrong) but the next was two sauce pans on a lit stovetop
@kylerpetersen9197 Год назад
i am learning so much from these videos
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
Glad to hear it
@willisrose9756 Год назад
Nice to have a Psychonauts video to start today!
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
Good way to start the day!
@nobelphoenix 8 месяцев назад
I was expecting a level design much more similar to the psi king's sensorium in compton's mind as he seemed to show the signs of mental overload tied to his telepathic (or zoolingual) abilities. When I saw they tied his problems to being unable to manage things on his own and getting overwhelmed like that surprised me a lot. On the surface it seemed like the problem was unfiltered thoughts and intrusions more than his self-jugdment issues.
@DoodlePrince Год назад
I really like this series
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
I'm glad you enjoy it! It is a lot of fun to work on.
@thejman2003 Год назад
Of all the levels this one was my favorite
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
Based purely on story theme being compared with level design, this one is the best crafted in my opinion.
@ahitfan1captaina Год назад
I get the meaning behind the "Grulovian Drowned Egg" but what about the other dishes? Namely the Strawberry Jam Croque Madame, the Honey Pepper Pancake Stacker, Vegetable Medley, Royal Borscht, and the Jam Tarts. Also what's next, Strike City, PSI King's Sensorium, or Ford's Follicles?
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
That's the only dish which had a descriptor for the ingredients so I only mentioned it. The Pancakes might just be because Ford loves them and messing it up made him feel like he wasn't fit to be a Psychonauts. I'm still trying to decide in the Ford worlds. I'm considering going the Barber Shop, Bowling, then psiking and the mailroom.
@ahitfan1captaina Год назад
Okay, oh I just realized that the reason why all of the ingredients are "alive" is to show Compton that sometimes sacrifices must be made so the death of, say the animals he recruited, wouldn't blame him or Compton blaming himself for their deaths
@zachrodan7543 Год назад
I think another thing that might point to his fondness for cooking is sammy (or whatever her name was. the intern boole) and her trying to make pancakes (even though she clearly doesn't seem to know the first thing about cooking, she may have memories of the joy compton showed while cooking when they met in the past. they are family, after all);
@codyboise9989 Год назад
Also would you think compton has a form of face blindness? Perhaps after a while, he couldn't distinguish one emotion one was feeling with another, like he couldn't see his self worth in his own mind.
@peskypicklepower2625 Год назад
I got here early by shear luck but even before starting I can already tell this is gonna be an amazing vid!
@GamingUniversityUoG Год назад
Haha thanks for the faith!
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