
Pulled by Police Again! 

AJ Audits
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On the way to Norwich, we get followed by the police and suddenly get pulled. The excuse that they use is that the car comes up that there is a wanted person on board. They do their checks and then let us go on our way. Unfortunately, the camera cuts out so I didn't get all the footage.
This is the second time in just over a week that I have been pulled by the police. I’m more than certain that it is because I am an auditor!



3 окт 2024




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@michaelwheatland4565 Год назад
They know it’s intimidation, they are all a disgrace and again it just shows that we are one step away from a police state and there are plenty of goons available like these two to carry out this policy. I do remember the discussion many years ago whether we would have had similar problems with quislings had the Germans invaded, well here is the answer.
@Gypsyauditor Год назад
This is pure harrasment now
@scorpionaudits Год назад
@mysmtpservices4818 Год назад
I would have never gave them my ID. But showed them, as you can not trust the old bill
@lloydclevely9956 Год назад
Got no choice if you're driving.
@richardjones8699 Год назад
He means you don't have to physically hand it to them. Legally, you just have to show it.
@TheHovel Год назад
@@lloydclevely9956 He wasn't driving.
@lloydclevely9956 Год назад
@@TheHovel yh, my bad. Should've watched the whole vid before commenting. There is no way I'd have handed ID over being a passenger
@1inchPunchBowl Год назад
@@lloydclevely9956 Absolutely not.
@douglastodd1947 Год назад
That's a New LIE the COPS have come up with.
@_-_-_-6670 Год назад
It's not, it's a very old lie. The classic lies of the police are: "We're looking for someone who looks like you" or "We're investigating a crime and the suspect looks like you". This gets you into "oh no, I'm innocent!" mode psychologically and your guard is down. The other, when they want to search you unlawfully (probably because you are black or have short hair or tattoos) is the vague "there have been burglaries in the area". In general, the police invent lies to create "grounds" and have for years, it's partly why they aren't trusted. Regardless of what they say, you never tell them anything until you are arrested and at the police station. That applies even if they pretend that you resemble a mass child killer they're looking for.
@darrylyoung1121 Год назад
such a wanted person on board, he comes across with hands in pockets.
@sheenapower607 Год назад
The passenger did not need to show ID and should have asked if they fit the description of the wanted person and if that was the reason they were asked for it.
@shaundixon3645 Год назад
Sorry but your wrong there, a police officer actually involved in stopping traffic can ask for us of all occupants even passers by , and it is obligated that you provide it
@lindsaydudden1174 Год назад
@@shaundixon3645 I'm sorry that is incorrect, only the driver is legally obligated to provide nae and date if birth. Under section 165 of the Road Traffic Act.
@_-_-_-6670 Год назад
The police would have a lie for that, probably either "yes" or "we don't have a description". There is no point asking them anything, as they are liars. You never give your details if you are a passenger, no matter what they tell you or what they *pretend* they suspect. You are under no obligation legally until you are under arrest AND at a police station. This was a very amateur auditing error, but it was balanced by the sensible decision to record the interaction.
@dannyf8198 4 месяца назад
@@lindsaydudden1174 They require you to show your driving license under the road traffic act, none of this was mentioned here. He just asked for ID, you dont have to show your id unless you have commited, about to or in the process of committing a crime.
@dannyf8198 4 месяца назад
@@shaundixon3645 Nearly all correct, yes under the road traffic act the driver has to show id, but not passengers, unless a crime has been commited. As for passers by, they cannot ask for your id, again, unless you have commited a crime, they can ask, but your under no obligation to give over your id.
@Aloh-od3ef Год назад
Pulled over because they think a wanted person is in the car. However they did not attempt to look into the back seat of the car. Also made no attempt to check the boot! But they was very interested in running your I.D through the NPC. Clear evidence of harassment and nothing to do with a wanted person in the vehicle 😉
@wjrs5 Год назад
Why do you think they’re targeting this car then? They’ve never targeted my car or anybody’s car that I’ve ever known so why this car? If he’s in the habit of carrying wanted folks then I would advise him to stop. If this is just an isolated incident then it’s just an isolated incident and it’s no big deal but if it’s more than that then why?
@thunderfoot5167 Год назад
​@@wjrs5 Police can put a marker on ANY car they choose, if you upset one of them then they put a marker on your car so you are regularly stopped by different officers to make your life harder because you may have hurt their feelings once upon a time.
@robertmawby3021 Год назад
@@wjrs5 Are you really so naive?
@wjrs5 Год назад
@@robertmawby3021 naive about what, Robbie? Can you expand a little bit?
@wjrs5 Год назад
@@thunderfoot5167 so you’re saying that ANY copper can put a marker on ANY car. Wouldn’t that lead to millions of cars getting marked? Couldn’t that lead to huge traffic jams? Why haven’t you informed the media of this as it sounds like a solution to our traffic problems?
@ronaldnolan9036 Год назад
The bastards have tagged your car mate to imtimidate you.
@wjrs5 Год назад
But why? Maybe he’s a gang leader. I don’t know, do you? Is he a friend of yours.
@godsgod1677 Год назад
You can put in a claim that the police are taking up your time and get a compensation payout.
@David-p5q2o 6 дней назад
Get a life
@scousiered3124 Год назад
2 things: Driver has to SHOW ID but not give. Only driver has to show ID. No-one else.
@leavemyrightsalone Год назад
Driver doesn't have to show id, because Required is synonomous with Request. You can deny the request, but trouble is these low IQ specimens will smash your car up because they never got their way. Remember, everything is a choice.
@scousiered3124 Год назад
@@leavemyrightsalone Sorry, but the driver does. If you are driving a vehicle in the UK, the Police can require to see your licence, insurance, and MOT certificate. The law is that you HAVE to show your driving licence (which is ID) but the Police will take no action if you can show ID and they can allow you to provide the licence at a station at a later date.
@leavemyrightsalone Год назад
@@scousiered3124 REQUIRE!!! 164 Power of constables to require production of driving licence and in certain cases statement of date of birth. So lets break down this ACT which is a rule, NOT a LAW. Constable? English I (name) ...of (police force)... do solemnly and sincerely declare and affirm that I will well and truly serve the King in the office of constable, with fairness, integrity, diligence and impartiality, upholding fundamental human rights and according equal respect to all people; and that I will, to the best of my power, cause the peace to be kept and preserved and prevent all offences against people and property; and that while I continue to hold the said office I will to the best of my skill and knowledge discharge all the duties thereof faithfully according to law. LAW? So law is a rule. rule noun uk rule noun (INSTRUCTION) Add to word list [ usually plural ] an accepted principle or instruction that states the way things are or should be done, and tells you what you are allowed or are not allowed to do principle??? noun!!! Robert peel's policing principles. 5. The police seek and preserve public favour, not by catering to public opinion, but by constantly demonstrating absolutely impartial service to the law, in complete independence of policy, and without regard to the justice or injustice of the substance of individual laws; by ready offering of individual service and friendship to all members of society without regard to their race or social standing, by ready exercise of courtesy and friendly good humour; and by ready offering of individual sacrifice in protecting and preserving life. Independence of policy!! Policy: A set of ideas or a plan of what to do in particular situations that has been agreed to officially by a group of people, a business organization, a government, or a political party So when driving and the police constable asks for a driving license and is a requirment as required - required adjective [ before noun ] uk necessary according to the rules or for a particular purpose The rules? or law? law noun uk law noun (RULE) Add to word list A rule, usually made by a government, that is used to order the way in which a society behaves ORDER?? order noun uk order noun (REQUEST) a request to make, supply, or deliver food or goods order noun (INSTRUCTION) [ often plural ] something that someone tells you you must do must? If you tell someone else that they must do something pleasant, you are emphasizing that you think it is a good idea to do that: Oh so it is a good idea to show a drivers license? if you don't show a driver's license, the police going to smash your windows in and arrest you for a non crime of not showing a driver's licence when there is no law that says one has to show a licence? Positive Law. That part of law which consists of rules imposed by a sovereign on his subjects : law proper as opposed to moral law, and so on (Austin). See Law. So the police are under an OATH to serve the kings Subjects, yet the I don't see the king there, and I don't see any orders from the king except an ACT - act noun (LAW) law specialized a law or formal decision made by a parliament or other group of people who make the laws for their country So who wants to see my licence again and for what reason ? so where is the authority for the constable to do this? Just asking someone to do something because it is written down in an act doesn't constitute this has to happen. It is the equivalent of me asking you for £1000 and you paying up, Would you? So as you can see require is synonymous with request making it a request by the constable, and the Driver having an option to say yes or no! I showed you the English definitions of the words used. Now to show you the legal defintion to simplfy all this. MUST. This word, like the word "shall," is primarily of mandatory effect; State ex rel. McCabe v. District Court of Third Judicial Dist. in and for Deer Lodge County, 106 Mont. 272, 76 P.2d 634, 1171 MUSTER 637; and in that sense is used in antithesis to "may" This is black's law dictionary because legal is used worldwide in defacto courts. By the way all defacto courts are illegal in England according to the Bill of rights 1689. So again we see choice. The kings used dictatorship to rule the plebs and slaves, the constitution which is judaism when everyone swears an oath to the king or queen gives us choice, but don't tell the plebs how the words and defintions are used, they might lose control, why they use low iq to join the police because they're illiterate. This is for your eddification.
@leavemyrightsalone Год назад
@@scousiered3124 legislation noun uk a law or set of laws suggested by a government and made official by a parliament A set of nouns which are things. legislation noun LAW uk rules or laws relating to a particular activity that are made by a government Rules or laws? which is it??? noun uk A word that refers to a person, place, thing, event, substance, or quality Person and persons are the same. Bible james 2:9 2:9 But if all of you have respect to persons, all of you commit sin, and are convinced of the law as transgressors. sin verb uk sin verb [I] (MORALS) to break a religious or moral law If I showed my driver's licence I would be breaking a religious or moral law? Law. A law is an obligatory rule of conduct. obligation noun uk the fact that you are obliged to do something oblige verb uk LAW to force someone to do something, or to make it necessary for someone to do something Force??? are we living in a dictatorship then? The king and queens had their powers removed via the constituion, so what makes the constable have so much power? aaahhhhh you mean we have to bow to their EGO and POWER they don't have; or they lose their sh** on you for not bowing to them. Mind you rishi sunak did go around in what can only be described as a motocade almost as a dictator. Get it yet??? Did Britain go through a world war 2 to supposedly end a dictatorship? Oh Britain lost that war big time, can you tell me why?
@scousiered3124 Год назад
@@leavemyrightsalone LLB, 2x LLM, BVC = The seven years of law school that mean I earn £100k+ on a four day week. I will give this as general guidance, and not specific legal advice, for which I charge: You must, under UK law, produce your driving licence when requested by a Police officer, when in charge of a motor vehicle. That is why people who don't are charged and found guilty of the offence. If you think that is wrong, you may have just undermined the entire British legal system and you might earn more from one day's work than I earn in four. And think of all those convictions you could overturn.....
Now that I think of it, there is one other potential reason for the police to have put your reg on the ANPR for 'wanted person'. And if they have done it for this reason you will know how phenomenally stupid they are. It is possible that when you gave the police your video footage of the woman being assaulted at the market that they recorded YOUR details as the person they wanted for the assault.
@Aloh-od3ef Год назад
As a passenger you are not required to provide any I.D. You have no legal obligation assist them or provide ID when asked. Next time I would recommend you provide no ID, no details. The only thing that you should say is. What is the description of the wanted person and do I fit that description. If they do arrest you, believing you are the wanted person. Let them do this as this opens the door to compensation. They police only seem to take notice when they have money taken from their budget 😉
@ianrosie4431 Год назад
If they are intimidating to protect bad apples, they are bad apples themselves. The public deserves better. Hire car time.
@shookoneldn300 Год назад
As a passenger WHY DID YOU ID!?😳 You keep handing out your ID to police then wonder why they harassing you!?🤦‍♂️ As an auditor or someone who police don’t like once they ID you it goes into police system which leads to non-stop harassment!!! This is why you refuse to ID unless; 1/You suspected of a genuine crime and they can articulate it’s YOU.. not um.. someone wanted or you match a description nonsense 2/When lawfully arrested 3/When driving under 164/165 RTA 1988. Now, to remove that intelligence on police systems will take 2-3years and thousands of pounds in solicitors fees..
@_-_-_-6670 Год назад
They won't remove it however much you spend. Even if they pretend they have. The police don't operate within the law.
@shookoneldn300 Год назад
@@_-_-_-6670 They will if you get a court order.. 😉 You can tell they have removed it if you interact with any other government agency. What people don’t understand is, all government agencies I.e. Home office, HMRC, Customs, DBS checks etc all have READ access to PNC and parts of PND(police intelligence database or lies about you.. ) I was like the passenger use to hand over my details to police for NO REASON.. until I interacted with a government agency to my horror the police added my details to their intelligence database full of lies.. 😳 Took 3-4yrs with threat of law suit before they decided to remove it, then I checked with the government agency they confirmed it was gone. Yes, I agree with you.. the police cannot be trusted at all… they all criminals and pathological liars.
@davian68 Год назад
You need to make an official complaint to the IOPC because this is intimidation and the scum need sorting
@edyak6280 Год назад
You stopped before the exciting part where they say, “Really sorry for being pathetically transparent!”
@johnbratley6926 Год назад
As a retired sergeant I can confirm markers are put on cars often for dubious or questionable reasons. A former colleague was disciplined for putting markers on the cars of the family of a traffic constable. The traffic constable had pulled him on his way to work for allegedly going through a traffic light late. This led to a two month long feud between A block and the traffic section. Our Super had to get the A block inspector and the traffic inspector in his office and bang heads together.
@TheBrawlBox Год назад
I believe only the driver under RTA 163 is obligated to produce ID when requested (164) but passengers are not. Definitely being vindictively targeted.
@esseel7896 Год назад
i had an hour stand off with the south wales police for not giving id as a passenger. 4 cars were sent out and numerous officers all acting threatening manner and saying they were going to impound car...i caved in as didnt want my mate to get more hassle. when i gave name they were well p1ssed as no warrants or anything on me. threatend wasting police time then, proper nob heads south wales police.
@bobikdylan Год назад
Are you American?
@TheBrawlBox Год назад
@@esseel7896 I am not surprised but they need to tell you under what law you are obliged to give your details-chances are they didn't have one! 👍
@TheBrawlBox Год назад
@@bobikdylan Welcome to RU-vid. Are you Czech?
@TheBrawlBox Год назад
PS I assumed it's Wales UK not NY👍
@grahambarnes8197 Год назад
This is a clear attempt to get your details and inconvenience you because they don't like being made accountable and your audits make them accountable. Please keep up the great work.
@cliffordbuttle4529 Год назад
Use another car😮😮😮
@paulminshall8793 Год назад
Agreed, and as a licensed auditor of the crown, you are entitled to special privileges against the rules in the Road Traffic Act.
@KS-bd7vr Год назад
You talk crap Mr Barnes
@scousepie2 Год назад
why did the passenger give their ID.. they are not driving ?
@scorpionaudits Год назад
So annoying, Ask to see the ANPR flag where it says that a wanted person may be in the car, if they won't show you, ask them to log the stop with control giving details of the stop, the reason, date, time, their Collar Number and that they are will you, you can ask them to do this based on Sarah Everard. If you are stopped again, speak to HNK about a harassment claim.
@shelleylyme6402 Год назад
First five seconds : Insist that he takes his hands out of his pockets when addresing a member of the public. The instant he doesn't do so you should state that you are frightened for your safety because of his slovenly, passive-aggressive attitude and you require that he summons a senior officer immediately to protect you. Invoke your right of silence and state clearly that you will speak only to the senior officer and not to him. Keep repeating this and do not shift from the position one iota. You can also say : "When the senior officer gets here I shall require that you to explain the situation (which I have on video) to him or her, and we will see if you keep your hands in your pockets whilst you do so". End of. Do this and he has no escape. He is totally fucked in the first five seconds. All it takes is some moral courage and self-belief, but I've never yet seen any so-called 'auditor' assert themselves in this utterly fundamental and straightforward, simple way.
@georgeblackley6028 Год назад
God. They must hate you auditors with a passion.
@johnross8555 Год назад
when you film their illegal behavior they obviously don't like it and they'll use any means to piss you off. dirty corrupt shitbags.
@camokoy Год назад
@leavemyrightsalone Год назад
With the passion of christ being dragged along with the cross on his back.
@_-_-_-6670 Год назад
Of course they do, they hate anyone who shows them up for what they are.
@PINACI Год назад
Why did you provide them with your ID ? As the passenger you are not required to provide your ID under section 165 of the road traffic act, Only the driver is required if they don't have their driving licence as per section 164, the DRIVER has to also provide the name of the person who owns the vehicle or a person whom a constable has reasonable cause to believe to have committed an offence in relation to the use on a road of a motor vehicle.
@PINACI Год назад
@FIEND PHOTO Exactly, they used one of the oldest tricks in the book to get his details.
@leecrowdy5218 Год назад
Bruva that's retaliation straight up. You got to push this next time.try not give up your ID next time, even though your with your missus ✌God I hate dirty cops.
@matthunt2128 Год назад
The passenger doesn't need to provide ID. Looks like there's a marker on your vehicle.
@bigsexy.6686 Год назад
*Exactly the passenger is clearly a woman so who are they looking for ? A man or a woman? Because regardless of who they don't need ID from both*
@AudunWangen Год назад
They have information that there's a wanted person onboard, and they don't know who that person is? Did I get that right?
@AJAudits Год назад
You did, and it is a ploy for them to get details
@AudunWangen Год назад
@@AJAudits Dirty pigs! 👿
@mrlogiclogic4119 Год назад
Dont give ID if they think someone is wanted they can look at the image of the wanted person to check then tell them to jog on. Bent bent bent
@seymourbutts9364 Год назад
Section 163 ?
@leathleyg5995 Год назад
In a vehicle is different from walking down the street. You're obliged to give details.
@richardjones8699 Год назад
​@@leathleyg5995 the passenger isn't.
@leathleyg5995 Год назад
@@richardjones8699 True....
@janh12340 Год назад
This is personal persecution
@karpkatcher1070 Год назад
Passenger is not legally obliged to ID.
@h4ppychap Год назад
You handed you ID over...WTF!
@Rob-hc5ry Год назад
They have a marker on your car…. This will continue now……… speak to a solicitor asap and complain to chief Constable…
@christophermcmullan2496 Год назад
the driver only has to show identification if an offence has been commited .
@davetwist8521 Год назад
You are not obliged to hand anything over
@bigpete822 Год назад
If they put that effort in to up holding law there would not be criminals around
@derekgibbs8966 Год назад
Cut short ! What happened ?
@kevinwalsh9419 Год назад
Confirm the vehicle is tagged and submit an immediate removal from the ANPR data base Use this evidence to your complaint
@TheHovel Год назад
You might want to re-think your choice to be an auditor if you're so easily intimidated in to handing over your details. He had no powers to demand them.
@stuartb4525 Год назад
Unfortunately they have. This is the UK.
@stuartb4525 Год назад
@@seanmc1351 Yes driver plus passengers. It's wrong, but that's the law. Check the Road Traffic Act.
@TheHovel Год назад
@@stuartb4525 There's no provision in the Road Traffic Act that requires a passenger to identify themselves, except when supervising a learner driver.
@stvbee7479 Год назад
@@seanmc1351 Usually, the passenger is not required to ID. However, the police used the excuse there was a potential wanted person in the vehicle. That way, you have to ID or get arrested until they can further investigate if the passenger is the wanted person or not. It's just a sneaky way to get everyone's ID's!!!
@pussinboots1145 Год назад
@@seanmc1351 Not all disabilities can be seen.
@frankcarew239 Год назад
Police retaliation for auditing, should not have given ID, if a wanted person was in the vehicle they would have name and photo on the data base.
@brianfowler7285 Год назад
Its just the corrupt world we now live in.
@neverstop2493 Год назад
I don’t understand. why give ID ? They don’t know who they are looking for? the description or name of the wanted person?
@bobbydazzle4113 Год назад
If your car keeps popping up on on their system tell them to remove it to prevent any more stops .
@paulrprichard Год назад
Consult a solicitor and task them with finding out exactly what information the police had on your vehicle.
@AJAudits Год назад
That is being done next week when I am back home.
@moormoor4281 Год назад
They got your REG!!!!
@daipigeon7561 Год назад
Ask for the CAD number... Its bull shit
@grahambarnes8197 8 месяцев назад
This is another example of police trying to intimidate because you report the police for overstepping their authority. They don't like being made accountable for there actions.
@benaviisme9471 Год назад
Only the driver has to identify....Next time refuse if you're the passenger
@TheGreg6466 Год назад
you should ask who they're looking for, and say you may be able to help them find them, their reply will tell you for sure if they're just doing this on purpose to try and intimidate you, don't act pissed off with them or they'll think they're getting to you, it'll piss them off if you appear happy about being stopped.
@peterwilliams6956 Год назад
Your number plate is on the WhatsApp group of a lot of police officers
@legalactivity6977 Год назад
I subscribe to a few audits channels and make comments from a legal point of view. Was there any reason why you did not ask the officer why he was asking for your id? What happened in the end?
@AJAudits Год назад
I did ask and they wouldn’t say. Left to go on my way.
@legalactivity6977 Год назад
@@AJAudits I thought it strange they were asking for a passenger to identify.
@axiomcurbcommunity Год назад
Passenger didn’t need to ID could have gone down to station which they would have avoided and not showing us the full video doesn’t make for an audit considering you failed it by giving up your right. Rice vs Connelly 1966
@jamesm875 Год назад
@@AJAudits Should have as a passenger just covered your driver licence number and showed your name and photo refusing as a passenger to hand ID over. If it was legit then they would have known it was not their supposed wanted person.
@legalactivity6977 Год назад
@@axiomcurbcommunity I was thinking the same thing, but I aware that this auditor is fairly new and he needs to read up on relevant sections of the road traffic act.
@simongreen1607 4 месяца назад
What a load of absolute rubbish. If they are actively looking for a wanted person then surely they would have a complete file on that person including an up-to-date photo.
@dropped4you Год назад
As a passenger you don’t need to provide any identification. You should have told the PC to do one.
@Ioulou66 Год назад
Unfamiliar with their rights. Passenger not aware they did not have to surrender their identification.
@skyediddle6523 Год назад
Log all the stops...ask them to remove the marker and if it continues take them to court for harassment.
@garymoore8204 Год назад
If the police have nothing to hide they would have nothing to worry about, they will know who the owner of the vehicle is as it will come up on their system, the police want to stop playing these stupid games between themselves and realise its the public who pay there wages
@bigsexy.6686 Год назад
*Just a tactic to get your information* *Step 1: Claim they're looking for a wanted person.* *Step 2 : Ask for ID which will "prove" your not wanted. Thus now theyve got your details* *Step 3: If ID is refused they'll claim "reasonable" grounds for arrest. Which pressures to give details whether it be then and there or later at the police station. Either way they now have your details*
@paulminshall8793 Год назад
Agreed. There is nothing in the Road Traffic Act about identifying yourself as a licensed driver, or indeed to prove you are the keeper of the car. Laws don’t apply to licensed auditors of the crown.
@_-_-_-6670 Год назад
Correct, they'll be on file now. The next time they harass that vehicle, they'll know who's in it from the descriptions. If the police don't have grounds to do something, they *invent* the "grounds".
@stan-ut5gj Год назад
What the hell happened in the end,why cut it off,I hate that.
@calistakorb7821 Год назад
In America the passenger doesn't have to ID
@PJ-wm9nq Год назад
I'd say that they are being small minded.....but that would be too complimentary!
@Krazyjakeuk Год назад
Definitely got your car marked
@zcharged8294 Год назад
you got a marker on your car, like koleeberks had 😂
@martinfowler6644 Год назад
As the non driver you are not obliged to hand over your personal information.
@markstevens615 Год назад
Yes mate you need to change your car they have you on ANPR keep the audits going i watch them all
@_-_-_-6670 Год назад
There's a good chance it was a lie about the "wanted person suspicion". They just want to know who you all are and know fully well that legally, they can only demand the driver's details. Alleging that they are looking for a "wanted person" worries people and makes it more likely to get the others' details. Never give the police details unless you are the DRIVER, no matter what they say or threaten.
@johnbratley6926 Год назад
You should be able to identify who the wanted person and why the police believe they are connected to you. In the absence of a satisfactory answer you can insist the marker be removed.
@robertovers1863 Год назад
surely a simple question is "wanted for what crime "
@stvbee7479 Год назад
If they are looking for a wanted person and you both gave your ID's, why is it taking them so long to confirm neither of you are wanted? Or is it more likely they used "a wanted person" as an excuse to identify everyone in the vehicle????
@_-_-_-6670 Год назад
Yes, it's one of their many lies. They will know that people "sing like a bird" if you tell them a lie such as "we suspect you of xxx" or "you look like a wanted person". It's a nasty thing to do, to make an innocent person *think* they are under suspicion, but the police have a lot of nasty people in their ranks who will say anything to get the "result" they want. In this case, it was getting "intelligence" on everyone they think is auditing them, in other words, making them accountable in any way.
@tellytighe Год назад
You should ask whether the person they’re looking for is male or female and then don’t ID the other sex.
@thewatcher4718 Год назад
stay legal .the harassment can be proved eventually ,they have flagged ur car m8.
@marythomson8537 Год назад
Ask for CAD detailing wanted person linked to your vehicle.FOI for BWC and communication from police handlers to officers in patrol cars.Why was that constable not wearing shoulder numbers.What was the outcome of this apparent intimidation and harassment.Are you obliged to identify as this was not a stop under the road traffic act?
@simongreen1607 4 месяца назад
"There might be a wanted person in this vehicle." I wonder how long it took them to make that load of nonsense up?
@christophermcmullan2496 Год назад
only the driver has to identify themselves .
@andrewgilbertson5356 Год назад
Thank you
@trevorskidmore5439 Год назад
Any follow up to come. interested to see the outcome.
@dr_dr Год назад
Why are the Police so very scared of Auditors? They really shouldn't be should they! It shows very clearly that a) they have absolutely no interest in upholding the actual law (I don't mean the laws they try to create themselves), b) they are not being held accountable by the proper authorities, and c) they have something to hide. Time to call for reform and videos like this will bring that forward.
@brenda1378 Год назад
Make a complaint the constant pulls will normally stop.
@neilmacdonald5934 Год назад
Time to get your Sherlock hat on. Find out when the flag was set, who set it, who requested it, who authorised it, and the source of the 'evidence' used to justify the flagging, plus ask if flag is still on. Subject Access request is you friend. P.S. Btw, you do know that you didn't need to give up details.
@dogpound7162 Год назад
'What can I stop them for boss'? 'erm..... I don't know... say there is a wanted person on board or something vague like that, then you can ask for Id' , better than solving crime, isn't it?
@dave97368 Год назад
If you keep getting stopped there is probably a valid reason
@SharonD369 Год назад
Pure piggy harassment that is, wanted person lol what bullsh*t that is…
@alexandermaxwell2955 Год назад
No problem with the stop if it's true. It only takes seconds to check a ID just looking for anything that they can get you for.
@adeyjames4275 Год назад
You have no obligation to assist their make believe investigation. Passengers do not have to identify. Right to remain silent activated as soon as you're pulled over.
I see peanuts come in pairs and with the shell on
@twizzlestickx7 Год назад
@allanfleming2314 Год назад
have they not better things to do and the have your Rego so expect pulled over again soon i hope not
@VCanisMajorisY Год назад
I've not been stopped once in 30 years of driving. Something not right here. Wonder if that's a mobile meth lab they missed parked behind you 😂
@hairyspud7449 Год назад
Should of asked if it’s a male or female and the initials of the wanted person.
@philldownes8685 Год назад
nowwhy would it say a person who is wanted comes up ? total bullshit
@camokoy Год назад
Make a request to have your vehicle removed from the anpr system
@davidboyd-lz7qq Год назад
A little tip Always ask anyone who touches your personal belongings if they have clean hands And take precautions like having a disinfectant handy and instruct any who touches your property to place items in a sterile container on return of any possessions they are returning . Now just think what I'm saying as these two could be back street boys Shirt lifters if you like like ? and be infected with some sort of sexually transmitted disease or worse ? And they will not like the insinuations But they stopped you to dehumanise you so all is fair in these situations .
@AJAudits Год назад
I like that suggestion!
@davidboyd-lz7qq Год назад
yeah when we think about it These type of people who are involved in cross contamination situations in there work and never seem to be clean They always have written pen information on the back of there hands and there cars and vans are never clean inside .Who knows ? Maybe the police are responsible for Covid contamination ?
@edmundblackaddercoc8522 Год назад
Get the jam jar off the anpr system.
@drewmonty1452 Год назад
Didn't think a passenger had to identify 🤔🤔🤔
@_-_-_-6670 Год назад
They don't. The police know that, so use a psychological trick of making the person *think* they are wanted/under suspicion (they aren't of course, it's a lie). This sends the person into "defence mode" and they sing like birds. They wouldn't get my details even if they said "a mass child killer has escaped from prison and we think it's you", but then I know their tricks. 🙄
@MisterAuditor Год назад
Whatever your view on auditors is ? The fact is on my estate like many we have drug addicts driving stolen cars in a dangerous manner all day almost every day. Do the police stop the cars no or even try to stop the cars no . But a disabled man is stopped twice in his own car which is fully legal . And who is this wanted person the police should know what he/ she looks like and if it is not AJ or the female passenger then the wanted person is not in his car . Why keep him even longer checking out other things .
@mrstupid Год назад
Your car is marked to see if they are able to find anything to stop you driving around. Try to put you off the road to stop you auditing. The great corrupt British police service in action
@Tvrz Год назад
May contain allot of things, pickels perhaps maybe some shoelaces could be a goat... or maybe a it contains a carrot or two? A suspicion is a crime now?
@richardprimett4978 Год назад
you should have asked who they was looking for in the car
@easynowoldchap04 Год назад
These little piggies have just mugged you 2 right off lol was that easy to get your I'd
@LAAUDITS331 Год назад
@stuartwalker16 Год назад
Armed with what water guns 😂😂😂😂
@MG-nm9gt Год назад
Never give up ya ID if not driving mate
@leathleyg5995 Год назад
Looks like you're "on their list".......
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