Every Puppetmastaz work is a piece of art, and will always have a place in my heart. I think they need a Sesame Street style show for teens with badass raps and occasional lessons. Uncensored, of course.
Jeeeej This is fantastic!! I thought I had lost you guys forever! Saw you @Dour festival in 2008 and never heard of you again! PLEASE come to the Netherlands this summer!!!!!!
this is still an absoulute banger. If someone knows where to find lyrics to this song, let me know. the ones i found are terribly wrong and incomplete.
Oh ouiiii les puppet sont vivantes !!!! Where is that club ??? humans can enter this ??? Eh Puppets When we shall see you in the sitcom mongrels ???? @+ en live dans les alpes ;) ...carré vip > mrOizo, la classe...
pour la petite histoire, mr oizo, DJ qui ces associé a un autre DJ pour donner modeselektor. beaucoup de feat entre puppet et modeselektor donc ce morceau voilà pourquoi mr oizo apparaît sur le clip.
??? Q.Dupieux serait à la base de Modeselektor ???? Pas vraiment non, j'ai du mal te comprendre. fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modeselektor fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quentin_Dupieux Leur son n'a d'ailleurs que très peu de similitude (if any)... D’où est-ce que tu sors cette info stp ?
From the looks of things, you guys have a great beat I'm more interested in the message. And I'm, yes. Considered a threat. According to thought police. That's only because I don't do flouride Algarythyms?
If english is your native language, thanks to help figure out the lyrics to the song and contribute to : genius.com/Puppetmastaz-innerself-respect-lyrics
Sorry something bumped into me. Anyway, you make yourself hard to find at night, but you don't realize how vital your words are. Especially right now. I'd like to help 🤨