
Putin and The Age of The Strongman, with Gideon Rachman 

Intelligence Squared
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By launching a full-scale invasion of Ukraine, Vladimir Putin has started the first war in Europe for a generation, defying the post-Cold War international rules-based order and inflicting great suffering on millions of civilians in the process.
In April 2022, the FT’s Chief Foreign Affairs Correspondent Gideon Rachman, came to Intelligence Squared to explain the strongman phenomenon. While others have tried to understand the emergence of these new leaders individually, by drawing on the themes of his new book The Age of The Strongman, Rachman reveals the complex, and often surprising, interaction between these leaders. He argues for a bold new paradigm to understand the new world of nationalism - a world in which, as of February 24, ‘nationalism’ involves - for Vladimir Putin at least - launching an unprovoked attack on a democratic neighbour.
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16 июн 2024




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@KevinJLenard 2 года назад
Age of strongmen started with Putin?!? We've had them since we started farming 12,000 years ago and they've never gone away.
@tonyholmes962 2 года назад
Why blame farmers Mongols were very rude absolutist too
@bonghead6621 2 года назад
Spot on.
@TheNaturalLawInstitute 2 года назад
The primary conflict with russia is the completion of the industrial revolution and the transformation from strong men, military governments (empires) to economically strong, market governments, (federations). There is nothing new about russia being developmentally behind. This is because the bolsheviks interfered with russian political evolution which was only slighly behind europe pre ww1, but the public had not be modernized, because mondernization moved eastward from england through germania, through poland, to east slavics, through into russia. Russia is just fialing to modernize because it was set backwards by the blosheviks/soviets. And putin is a 19th centtury thinker seeking force, instead of 20th century thinker seeking economic power.
@2Hot2 2 года назад
The idea is that democratic leaders try to convey the idea "I am one of you and have the underdog's best interests in mind" vs "I am a superhero and the only one who can use my superpowers to defeat our common enemies". I mean you can think want you want about Franklin Rooseveldt, Carter, Kennedy, Clinton or Obama, you can't imagine them wearing a general's uniform covered with medals like Stalin to show their god-like nature. P.S. For a perfect illustration of the strongman image. watch the DW documentary "Who is Narenda Modi?", especially the superhero cartoons starting at 23:00.
@paullangton-rogers2390 2 года назад
True. The real start of them though was 20th century and Mussolini, and the revival of ultra-nationalist politics not seen since the imperial-power era end in 19th century. But we are definitely seeing the rise in the 21st century of far right politics all over Europe, even in France and Germany....especially countries like Hungary and Bulgaria on the edges of the EU that now have very outspoken nationalist leaders openly confrontational with the EU being anti-open borders anti-Muslim.
@jacobzaranyika9334 2 года назад
Nixon once tried to argue, by virtue of being a president, it is impossible for him to commit a crime. Crime does not apply to Presidents. Hitler would argue the same.
@rogue8533 2 года назад
Right wingers have no moral compass
@paullangton-rogers2390 2 года назад
Well nobody is above the law. Not even Presidents and Monarchy. How they're treated when they break the law, that's a different story!
@jansix4287 2 года назад
@@paullangton-rogers2390 If you’re treated differently for breaking the law, then you’re literally above the law!
@shasha259 2 года назад
Bush, Blair + others were found guilty of war crimes but the West wouldn't recognise the Malaysian ICC. USUK use the law to hide behind eg put up bio weapon research facilities in client states like Georgia/Ukraine.
@cbalagopal7894 Год назад
So too Obama, Clinton, both the Bush's, Reagan, and the list goes on.
@DstnyCln 2 года назад
If there's one takeaway that I will remember from this conversation, it's the anecdote about Peskov using a rotating series of quotes from 1984 as his screensaver. Crazy!
@rubenjames7345 2 года назад
Great stuff!
@bibibibi9457 2 года назад
Superb, thanks
@paullangton-rogers2390 2 года назад
Interesting debate and an accurate description of the changing shift in geo-politics. What we have been seeing is really the rise of nationalism and a move to the right in politics. What Rachman left out, is Eastern European leaders in countries like Hungary, Bulgaria, who have been openly defying the EU open borders policy and re-affirming their right to be Christian-value countries, to decide who comes to their countries and not to allow the EU to dictate to them. The EU leaders and American's have blasted those Eastern European leaders as 'far right' and 'racists'. Even in France, we've seen growing resentment towards the EU and open borders..with the rise of French nationalism under Le Pen who at one point in her first bid to be President, was threatening to take France out of the EU but has since changed her stance on that and lost against in the recent election, even despite changing her stance..I think her politics are too radical for France's majority and they don't trust her to keep her word, given her traditional politics and her father's legacy who was ultra-nationalist, some might say fascist even..
@stevenupton7825 2 года назад
is it surprising ? putin watches blair bush invade sovereign countries and copies them , macron is in bed with putin , is it surprising the vote gets split with the pro putin opposition , the worst most corrupt government in europe 1 year ago are now the most pious freedom fighters full of virtue and moral values in the world in ukraine now, i m a socialist , but even i m not blind to the lack of virtue in the west
@kiwitrainguy Год назад
I've often wondered if the UK should have taken a similar stance regarding immigrants rather than go for the whole Brexit thing. Adopt more self-determination and if the EU doesn't like that then let the UK be kicked out of the EU rather than electing to leave. The onus would then be on the EU to reform or to begin loosing members.
@adagietto2523 2 года назад
I don't see Trump as a strongman, he's not really a politician at all, but a narcissist playing that role while on an ego-trip.
@capusvacans 2 года назад
It's what he wanted to be, he was just too incompetent to pull it off.
@paullangton-rogers2390 2 года назад
Well he was strong with nearly all his foreign policy. For decades, the US has been walked over and weak, not standing up to China, or NATO members, or North Korea, or dealing with the southern border mass illegal immigration issue, or even saying US had a problem with radical Islam. He dealt with all those issues one by one, and didn't skirt around the issues or bury their heads in sand as US leaders and administrations historically have. All previous American administrations basically accepted China was rising and America was in decline, its best days were behind it and that's just how it was and they had to accept it. Trump said no. We can be an even greater nation more powerful than ever. And he started to achieve that, breaking all the records economically..and reducing illegal immigration and crime dramatically..he was very tough on the border and on crime. Very tough with China with the sanctions, and that strength was respected by China, Putin, North Korea..they knew they were dealing with a strong capable leader not someone they could exploit or ignore.
@randalmiller5450 2 года назад
Trump aspires to be a strongman but can't make the cut.
@g0679 2 года назад
@@paullangton-rogers2390 Trump is an avid reader. “Reading maketh a full man.” - Francis Bacon
@kirstinstrand6292 2 года назад
@@paullangton-rogers2390 Trump has this positive side, what about his weakness?
@mlcooks8663 Год назад
Great conversation
@deprogramr 2 года назад
I find this talk extremely one-sided and frustrating. Talking points from 2017, holy moly. The world is too divided for us to have one-sided conversations without pushback.
@inesgrade7010 2 года назад
@tawandashambare1605 2 года назад
I think you're right it's about that, it's one sided
@vertigo2894 2 года назад
So what is your counter?
@tandrichter 2 года назад
The fact that the world is divided doesn't mean that Truth should be too, particularly if one considers all factors when reaching a conclusion. I believe that in one hour, the guest speaker, a distinguished journalist that certainly knows how to do research to get to facts and truth, has proven his point with honesty and integrity
@Homer62001 2 года назад
Guy puts Putin, Xi, Modi and Boris Johnson in the same group? Come on.
@dag3014 2 года назад
Other than all of them being authoritarian, these 4 are incredibly different i agree.
@tonyholmes962 2 года назад
First three good liars last not so good
@TheNaturalLawInstitute 2 года назад
He's not saying that, he's saying that as globalism comes to an end, and the returns on consumer capitalism come to an end due to the demographic collapse it created, that all countries are returning to traditional self direction and self interest.
@USERNAMEfieldempty 2 года назад
''Come on.' is not an argument. And do the words ''2019 British prorogation controversy'' ring a bell for you?
@yushpi 2 года назад
Indian here. What do any of you neoglobalist tools know about Modi? Almost nothing. West has been tone deaf about Asia and Africa for centuries and sees everything in its own image, using it's own misfit terms and concepts and caricatures and makes unhinged immoral interventions whenever it benefits it's power.
@jacobzaranyika9334 2 года назад
He would rather trick you than fight you. Outsmart you than start a war with you.
@kiwitrainguy Год назад
Sounds like a sound strategy.
@solgato5186 2 года назад
"unprovoked" is not intelligent.
@laurentsaint-laurent3659 2 года назад
A lot of that applied to Mussolini, too.. he was first considered a valid way to move Italy forward and restore stability.. Its only after 1924-25 that the wider world started to notice the threat he was posing.. Anyway, the book looks intereresting & I'll probably get it.. looks like a good complement to "Corruptible" by Brian Klaas, about power, why the wrong people tend to be attracted to it and how/why they too often manage to reach it..
@paullangton-rogers2390 2 года назад
Indeed...Mussolini is the man who inspired Hitler after all.. and ultimately that's where you end up when you put so much power and trust in one man and one dominant strong-man personality. Putin is the product of this kind of politics and cult-of-personality strong-man.. Now he's become this authoritarian dictator who ignores all the rules, and enforces his own personal will using ruthless means in many ways. Some American liberals were comparing Trump to Hitler and fearful he would errode American traditional values and democracy, resulting in a kind of Trump-dynasty as he appointed friends and even family members like his daughter into positions of power. We saw Trump supported the attacks and protests inside Congress in Washington D.C. which I think severely damaged him politically, but there's still a lot of support for Trump in many States and he seems to be preparing to stand again in 2024.
@kxjx 2 года назад
Anyone who thought Modi was OK did not do enough research. Modi didn't change much he was a nightmare well before he reached international recognition.
@bigfreshdeal 2 года назад
If Indiens trust him on ellections what can I say?
@bcrawford6115 2 года назад
Interesting topic. One pointer though, Could you fix the sound quality? There seems to be no bass and the treble is so sharp that it kind of hurts my ears. I couldn't make it through the whole program - had to quit because of the sound quality.
@duhbearz 2 года назад
Agree...too much treble is a bit nerve wracking.
@LA-kc7ev 2 года назад
Interesting observation about Peskov's revolving computer screen with contradictory formula like 'war is peace'. I have been struck by Lavrov's ability to lie and change word definitions at his leisure, such as 'de-Nazify is to eliminate Russiaphobes wherever they are.' It is a characteristic of the highly influential Aleksandr Dugin, such that the book I just read about him (by Charles Upton) is called "Dugin against Dugin." This last strategist is called a Fascist by many, a label that is gaining extension with political scientists such as Benjamin Snyder, with some memorable quotes, such as: "Fascists calling other people fascists taken to its logical extreme as a cult of unreason. It is a final point where hate speech inverts reality and propaganda is pure insistence. It is the apogee of will over thought." This, and the apocalyptic streak to be found in Dugin and Russia today, is frightening.
@mushtaqbhat1895 2 года назад
It is amazing that the journalists react the same way as the oppostion to such rehearsed manipulations of Putin or Trump in debates or interviews. Turning attention from one's self to the questioner. Making the questioner, the object of enquiry. There occurs a total reversal of subject and object. The journalist is now completely catapultated into a defensive position. Because it is always an unexpected surprise, the journalist is fully thrown off the tracks and offbalance never to regain it. It is about fault finding and nailing it. And yet it would be so easy to counter it, with equally good training. I will just confine myself to Putin's alluding to the big ring of the journalist, to draw attention to himself. Yes Mr. Putin, you are right, my big ring is meant to draw attention to myself, just like your brand watch is meant to draw attention to your self. And may we now get back to my question?
@davidguilbertrozenman5025 2 года назад
I heard another story about "Ras" Putin, when he received the Israeli ambassador, after Russia decided to restablish relations. He told him Israel should return all liberated or as he called occupied territories, and the ambassador answered that Russia never had returned 4 very small islands to Japan, and it is the largest country in the world, and Israel is a very small country and can't afford to return land which is vital for self defence like Golan. Then Putin smiled and said that is why Russia is so large and Israel is so small.
@kiwitrainguy Год назад
Rather like Hitler's "What we have, we hold".
@ramatgan1 2 года назад
This guy (GR) supported George Osborne. Tells you all you need to need know about this charlatan.
@danfergus3335 2 года назад
He seems like he thinks that whatever the MSM peddle is objective reality
@leafhappy 2 года назад
Conspiracy theories are always absurd as long as they remain theories
@mabaker 2 года назад
@lorainejones41 2 года назад
Conspiracy theories coined by the CIA to keep Truth hidden.
@leafhappy 2 года назад
@@lorainejones41 are you a time traveler from the sixties?
@lorainejones41 2 года назад
Yes, seen it all lived through it all, wish my time machine could take me back. I would put on my bellbottom jeans and fringe vest and go to a concert. 😂 I'd see the legendary Phyl Ochs folk singer, you can learn much from listening to his songs, the CIA and FBI hated him of course. Rumour has it they killed him too.
@nikolaishmelev7837 2 года назад
What is the purpose of altering his picture?
@phildurling7185 2 года назад
@notheotherklaus Год назад
Gideon Rachman makes the important - crucial - difference between liberalism and neoliberalism. To make things worse, most neoliberals will call themselves 'liberals. '
@robahas 2 года назад
The idea that Putin gave a pattern and a permission to other strongmen brings up the question: is the strong reaction to Ukraine by the west a turning of the tide? Now strong men are nervous? Now democracy and liberalism will perhaps take the leadership again? Putin went too far and woke up the pro-democracy forces and spurred them to action?
@nrbroderick 2 года назад
hey guys, not nice. he left our president out. we're the best at this as well
@paullangton-rogers2390 2 года назад
Good point Rob. Really this is a key moment in history, where it's the world v Strongman. Will the world be able to overcome the Strongman bully, or will he successfully be able to assert his strength and power against the united will of 40 countries and the US? This is going to be the ultimate test. I think Putin will resort to a limited tactical nuclear weapon use in Ukraine eventually to re-assert his power and show US and NATO he's not to be f**ked with and Ukraine is not up for discussion and a red line for NATO expansion.
@wamnicho 2 года назад
Maybe the US should first solve it's mass shooting problem first
@robahas 2 года назад
@@wamnicho False dichotomy. A nation of 350 million can multitask.
@wamnicho 2 года назад
@@robahas well that multi tasking is not working
@KOSTASPAP23 2 года назад
What you have to say about RAD Corporation's strategy on how to destabilize the Russia?
@danielhill9080 2 года назад
"Rand Corporation". :)
@dvegule920 2 года назад
Chodorkovsky? Mr Engdahl wrote or spoke something relevant about him. You "experts" from the UK forget to mention the dynamics within post soviet countries. Who got access to all the wealth and why. This is also the "democratic" Mr. Chodorkovsky. With all the kind help from all the "democratic" NGO.
@wisedup20 2 года назад
Gideon Rachman, you are attending too many dinner parties where you all agree with each other.
@podvac3437 2 года назад
@pratikpanchal7276 2 года назад
Opinions are not facts!
@ravindramehta769 2 года назад
Negative comments about Indian democracy are utterly ignorant. After working as a doctor in the British Isles for 30 years, I say Institutional racism, corruption and prejudices are far worse and harmful.
@LA-kc7ev 2 года назад
Marine Le Pen could be called a 'strong woman'.
@paddy654 Год назад
So was Margaret thatcher, golda meir to mention a few..
@RTC1655 2 года назад
The term "Strongman" is a complete misnomer and has to go. There's no strength in being a dictator, rather to the contrary. Besides, given the primitive nature of these people, the moniker serves as a complement, as something to be proud of. Putin is 169cm tall, hardly anyones idea of a _strong_ _man_ .
@bbailey17b 2 года назад
They're not ACTUALLY strong; that's not what's implied when the term is used. It's that they CLAIM to be strong, they portray themselves as the strong fighters for those legitimate masses who feel disadvantaged or mistreated. They claim to be iconoclastic and more forceful than dull, conventional politicians, who achieve nothing. They claim to have the muscle to put the Jews in their place (Hitler), to control world pressures to not 'develop' the Amazon (Bolsonaro), to retain the culture (Orbon and Trump with immigrants, Brexiteers too), to squash drug-dealers corrupting Filipino youth (Duterte), to recover the lost greatness (Musolini), etc. Ditto for India's Modi and Turkey's Erdogan. And, of course, all claim to NEED dictatorial powers, no restraints, so they can effect what's needed.
@kiwitrainguy Год назад
Napoleon, Hitler, Stalin, Mao (and probably some others I can't remember), they were all short(ish) in stature and could also be regarded as "Strongmen".
@ObeySilence 2 года назад
Isn´t Putin the epitomisation of weakness?
@rogue8533 2 года назад
Yes, he send people to do it. He never does anything by himself, like a grown up man.
@paullangton-rogers2390 2 года назад
I don't think so, he's extremely dangerous and ruthless..a bullying and murdering sociopath many would argue. He exploits others weakenesses and constantly tries to find weaknesses. He is a strong leader and has built a cult-of-personality on that persona. As someone very close to him once said, Putin never ever backs down from a fight or confrontation..never accepts defeat, never compromises, and never apologies or admits he's wrong. He would rather escalate a conflict than withdraw from one with a failure and defeat. That's why I think it's a serious mistake for the West and NATO to underestimate him and the Russian military as failing in Ukraine...I seriously think he will use tactical nuclear weapons at some point further down the line to re-assert his power and strength, as his military options run down and the NATO weapons capability Ukraine has increases, plus the massive economic pressure on Russia takes hold more. The nuclear option is on the table for Russia, but US and NATO has shown weakness and made it clear to Putin they wouldn't respond 'in kind' to tactical nuclear use in conflict.
@mitchyoung93 2 года назад
Strongman is someone I don't like.
@thesilkpainter Год назад
Could Xi habe whispered into Putin's ear to attack Ukraine?
@kiwitrainguy Год назад
Perhaps it was the US so that they can create another market for their armaments without having to do any fighting themselves.
@zollen123 2 года назад
Putin had a unique opportunity in Russian history to turn Russia into a economic power house with dynamic and creative culture, equal if not more than any western super powers. He could have given his people a real sense of purpose, a real sense of pride of their nation and their identities. Instead he squandered it with his narrow mind thinking. But we can't really blame him as he is a creature of the old legacy. He can only conduct himself with what he knows.
@TheNaturalLawInstitute 2 года назад
Correct. And it's exasperating.
@Roddy1965 2 года назад
EXACTLY. I had big hopes for Russia, but it's been 100 years, and they're still doing whatever it takes to NOT advance themselves in the modern era.
@Kevin-uv1wk 2 года назад
Russia will always be a outersider unless it breaks down to small countries, otherwise it has no chance to join in EU not to mention NATO.
@sheilawade433 2 года назад
They learned to act popular by watching "The Great Communicator" Reagan
@LilliR4116 2 года назад
@@TheNaturalLawInstitute The US is exasperating putting their claws in every country and starting, engaging in wars!!!
@cobbler40 Год назад
Age of the narcissistic man. Basically insecure and weak as well as inadequate. They cause so much pain.
@virtualpilgrim8645 Год назад
Wow! That thumbnail of Putin shows he has a super thick neck!
@richier53 Год назад
I disagree labeling Trump as a strongman with the likes of Putin, Xi Jinging, and Erdogan. Rather a poor assessment from one who twice endorsed Obama for President of USA and being British.
@leoyuanluo 2 года назад
Authoritarianism did not threaten democracy. democracy threatens democracy
@bigfreshdeal 2 года назад
you guys you are one war late
@David-wk6md 2 года назад
SIMO is coming for you. He sees you. click click SPLAT You're dead. NEXT?
@jacobzaranyika9334 2 года назад
Even kidnap and hold a 10yr old as a political prisoner. I alone can fix this and lead you into success, so don't question my methods. I have to be above the law to lead you successfully. What is the definition of a leader above the law? That is what democracy now represent across the world.
@markbahouth2713 2 года назад
Gideon Rachman ...you skipped Strongman Bushy Junior ( W ) and on purpose , didn't you. a war criminal President Bush , rat faced Cheney and Wolfowitz who's last name says it all. Gideon your a hypocrite writer just tryin to make a quick buck $$$$$$.
@thomasbentele2468 2 года назад
Ukraine wasn't the first war in Europe. Even the eight years lasting and ongoing war of the Nazi batallions, partly called AZOV against the people of Donbas wasn't the first war in Europe (14.000 killed as OSZE reported and millions of refuges). The western initiated destruction of a thriving Yugoslavia took place in very central Europe. The american ammunition was mostly depleted uranium, what causes birth defects now and for hundreds of years to come, like in Irak. Best Yugoslavia documentary: Oliver Stone, "The Weight Of Chaines".
@xxvxxv5588 2 года назад
Was in Ukrainian East started because of radical pro-russian irredentists not because of Azov and "Ukrainian nazis". And many of pro-russian irredentist leaders were from Russia, not from Donbass.
@thomasbentele2468 2 года назад
​@@xxvxxv5588 Do you sometimes listen to the other side. Do you know what happened before the Odessa massacre, where about 50 opposition members where killed in the union house, intentional set on fire by very dubious people, who then killed everybody, who managed to jump out of the building. The regime in Kiew announced to investigate this massacre but managed to do nothing to the current day, in spit of lots of video footage of the killers.
@xxvxxv5588 2 года назад
@@thomasbentele2468 Of course I know, I am Ukrainian and it's happened in my country. Your vision of what happened in Odessa then is false. It was a mutual conflict where pro-Russian radicals were the first to use violence. And this was already after the annexation of Crimea and the separation of some territories of Ukrainian East. Ukrainian soldiers were dying in Ukrainian East at that time, are their lives less important? Why are you spreading anti-Ukrainian propaganda? Do you think that we should not have the right to protect our borders? Let me remind you that any separatism is prohibited in Russia, and when Chechnya wanted to leave, Russian troops were sent there and it caused war. Why should Ukraine act in a radically different way? "Other" Pro-russian side is sectarian side of irredentism and warmongering. According to dominant Russian ideology Ukrainian national identity is denied and Ukrainians are stigmatized as peripheral version of Russians.
@barboraburajova4233 2 года назад
@@thomasbentele2468 what “other side” do you want us to listen? The one that is a part of special OBSE observatory or the one that did not react to the call of Int. Criminal Court? Russia still have to deliver proof on the things you claim before both of these bodies and have had the chance to do so till 2014 actually. But the result is nothing apart propaganda and agression.
@georgecurly5965 2 года назад
@@xxvxxv5588 The war started because after the US sponsored Maidan Coup the Kiev government started oppressing the ethnic Russian livin in Ukraine, who then, naturally, decided to fight for their independence from Kiev.
@i.m.gurney 2 года назад
The end of two tiered societies & the rule of God, well these are examples of those attempting to fight that & return to the past where they can. Onwards & Forwards......
@i.m.gurney 2 года назад
One reason China is an outlier is because it has already disowned religion, nearly confining it to the history books.
@i.m.gurney 2 года назад
This is not anti liberal, more the bible needs replacing & each want to write their successor story or for many, third testament in the original.
@i.m.gurney 2 года назад
For them, God needs to speak about what we have discovered since Copernicus.
@i.m.gurney 2 года назад
The poorly educated are the audience most likely to lean on religion.
@i.m.gurney 2 года назад
"....truth bound liberalism....", as I've said, to support religion one needs to bend/ignore the discoveries we have made these last few hundred years.
@jansix4287 2 года назад
Thanks for recognizing that Brexit is indeed a fascist dream of making the Global British Empire great again.
@CandysFavorites 2 года назад
You need yo go back to audiences!
@amerikano6302 2 года назад
No worries if you believe in liberty. Milton Friedman put it this way (paraphrasing): The history of humanity is a march toward expanding liberties. True, this march zigzags left and right, and sometimes it even lurches back (like in the Mideast). But the bend of the march is inevitably toward more liberties. This is not a religious or utopian argument. Liberty is inevitable simply because liberty works. Liberty produced more success in more societies than all the alternatives combined (theocracy, nationalism, communism, military rule, strong men, etc.) More economic success, more political stability, zero civil wars, superior health metrics, best education institutions, most minority rights and the smallest gap between women and men. Successful societies (aka the West) are certainly not perfect, they are simply the best. Just look at the arrow of migration, where people vote with their feet, risking their lives: millions upon more millions are fleeing illiberal governments toward lands where liberty rules.
@user-gi3or8sc7q 2 года назад
Blowing your own trumpet again, again and again ...
@busy4853 2 года назад
Lol smelling your own fart again
@kiwitrainguy Год назад
...and that's why Capitalism will be replaced by something better eventually as well.
@amerikano6302 Год назад
@@user-gi3or8sc7q Can't beat facts by a cliché
@amerikano6302 Год назад
@@kiwitrainguy So long as it's better, why not. However, the road of non-capitalist experiments is littered with road kills. So let's keep track of what was already tried and failed: communism, Nazism, Fascism, nationalism, socialism, theocracy, one-man rule, military dictatorship, one-family rule, ethnic dictatorship, one-party rule, and racialism (Apartheid, Pan-Arabism, Pan-Africanism). Also, tried and failed are mixtures of the above, like popularism, charismatic leader, ethnic socialism (eg African-socialism, Arab-socialism). In addition, failed are various versions of Third Way experiments. One could also "arguably"add social democracy. On the other hand, with nearly 200 countries, let's hope libertarianism and anarchism get a chance to show us what they got. But not Greenism, because it was tried and failed miserably in Sri Lanka.
@davidguilbertrozenman5025 2 года назад
Boris Johnson didn't take the UK out of the EU. The people had decided by plebiscite with a narrow margin. Boris Johnson had to negotiate the best way to manage the exit, as Theresa May was not able to get a decision approval in Parliament. Donald Trump tried to say he should have won re-election, but American democracy is too firm to allow an illegal travesty and in the end right prevailed.
@amandarickets5448 2 года назад
What good does American style „democracy „ does to the people who are subjected to it do? What you see in America, and in Europe for that matter, is a ever so widening Economic gap and its consequent social tensions, increase of urban violence, decrease in educational levels, homeless, xenophobia and a ban of freedom of speech and civil liberties. That sounds very much like the life in an authoritarian society, doesn’t it? On the other hand, people in societies, like Russia or China, can enjoy goverments which are not financed by a group of billionaires who control the media and the politicians, and therefore, can implement policies that actually improve the lives of citizens. On top of that, they can make long term plans and actually realize them as we see in China, which recently announced having taken more than 800 million people out of poverty. Putin, in his turn, has brought Russia from a bankrupt country, to one of the greatest economies in Europe and , certainly, the greatest European military power. Where is the Plutocracy, disguised as democracy, taking the “free” citizens of Europe and America?
@elorateq3672 2 года назад
And if you believe that, I have a bridge that I can sell you... tbf no political system is perfect. Capitalism does, initially, raise people out of poverty (as long as there are fair-minded, charitable people in control). Without it the West would not have had the Industrial Revolution. Communism does share out resources (until some start stealing the cream for themselves, then locking up - or worse - any who point out the theft). Each system requires the right sort of leader - and the ability to get rid of them if/when they abuse their power.
@amandarickets5448 2 года назад
@@elorateq3672 l think l’m the one who’s selling you a bridge, l’m afraid. Actually no, l would kindly advise you to update your geopolitical studies. Russia and China are no longer communist countries, and as for “charitable and fair minded people”, why should people need charity? That takes away their dignity. This is a very eurocentric/US centric view of the world.
@josephineamawiafe9428 2 года назад
Such wise words from you
@harrydean1020 2 года назад
People in Russia enjoy their government? You’re wrong. Even those who support Putin are afraid of repressions towards them. This is one of the most common fear in Russian society
@dioc8699 2 года назад
So you are accepting you are weak ? lol
@jacobzaranyika9334 2 года назад
Putin is an intellectual. That is what people forget. He is well read and studied history. By knowing history he is already a step ahead. He is president and still produces 25 paged essays. Look at history to figure out what is in Putin's mind.
@consssf 2 года назад
You are just a little funny kremlin bot lol
@paullangton-rogers2390 2 года назад
But the problem is, Putin has a warped sense of history if you listen to him and read closely what he says and writes. He is brilliant at coming up with propaganda, revising history and creating conspiracy narratives. He views the Soviet-era from a different prospective too. Being young and only seeing the end of it..he thought USSR was good because of its sheer size and power in the world compared to how Russia has been contracting and its world power status has deminished dramatically from the USSR era. However, the reason for that is not only the collapse of the USSR and Western influence, but Putin himself..23 years of corruption and extremely bad governance, international and domestic criminal activity by Putin, resulting in 2 decades of sanctions and poor relations with the US and West. It could be very different for Russia, if Putin wasn't the way he is and hasn't behaved the way he has. Germany is an example..it went from having the most evil tyrant dictator and evil ideology regime on earth, being aggressive and expansist all over Europe, to becoming a peaceful prosperous nation that grew from a devastated poor nation after WWII, to becoming the largest economy in Europe and the most politically powerful one..Germany is in the top 5 countries worldwide by GDP. Russia could have gone the same way after Yeltsin, but they made the mistake of trusting Putin, a selfish greedy and ruthless criminal.
@consssf 2 года назад
@@paullangton-rogers2390 you're right but only one remark. Please don't compare russia and Germany. There was only a short period of time when Germany was a dictatorship country. But russia has been a dictatorship country and an evil empire that kills dozen of millions people throughout all its history. Russians don't like freedom.
@doctorcommonsense2364 2 года назад
Putin has people who write those "intellectual articles on history" for him. Anyone who knows history can tell you that Putin's articles are nothing but pseudo historical manipulations.. Russian media has built that Putin's image as a genius.. But any really educated specialist on economics or history can see how ignorant Mr Putin is in reality..
@workingproleinc.676 Год назад
_How you know Westoids are lying_ ? "Their Lips are Moving_
@Mrskess 2 года назад
Putin is the best president. I’d take him as a president/ prime minister in the UK any time over Johnson, Blair, Cameron and all the other clowns including in the opposition and all the clowns in the EU.
@markrobby7136 2 года назад
"Strong Man" has been responsible for the development of great Nations like Singapore, Libya, today China, today Russia, Germany in the 30s that was the most advance Nation on earth.
@NM-qc2dh 2 года назад
Interesting how you can read subjective menace into a man in the same room as you. I have seen EU leaders be absolutely rude aggressive and boorish toward journalists and yet we do not paint this ugly satanic picture of them. So tired of journalists manipulating our thoughts. and outright lying without consequence. Can’t you just report the news and let us make our own minds up. We don’t care for your opinions born out of your own insecurities or lack of understanding of other cultures. Sometimes I think you create villains we can all universally hate along with you. Please stop that noise.
@josephineamawiafe9428 2 года назад
Well said
@PhantomOfManyTopics 2 года назад
Western Woke Hypocrisy
@yushpi 2 года назад
Absolutely. As if these clowns aren't toeing the line of American empire, it's deep state and Western powerful establishment. They serve only themselves and seek only to propagate their power. You show them the examples of the destructions they've caused and still cause around the world and they'd accuse you of whataboutism, as if we should only show concern for the humanitarian issues they choose, convenient to themselves.
@vertigo2894 2 года назад
What is "woke"? And what is woke in this video?
@PhantomOfManyTopics 2 года назад
@@vertigo2894 , Woke is Biden
@liudmilabrilliantova4191 2 года назад
@feorh1919 2 года назад
I dunno... it kinda smells of propaganda to me: you'd call putin meneacing and yada yada yada only if you've never heard the dude speak in an interview. On the other hand - maybe he emanates some pheromones?
@huiyuanye6918 2 года назад
@SirAntoniousBlock 2 года назад
+100 Social points for you.
@alexanderford3819 2 года назад
You have Never met PUTIN…….You have NOT met Any leader anywhere of any kind …..BUT you R Jewish after all…hence an amazing ability to entertain…..good lord…find something to shut the Gob...
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