
Question 39: Did Jesus keep the Sabbath? 

The Door
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Michael Pearl answers a question received from a reader: Did Jesus keep the Sabbath? If so, shouldn't we also keep it, as followers of Jesus?
Watch Mike's full series on keeping the law: • Judaizers
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@johnblackwood5308 3 года назад
I've never met another person that preaches the word the way you do. I'm glad God put you in my path.
@bodhizev2312 3 года назад
I know im randomly asking but does anyone know a method to get back into an instagram account? I was stupid lost my password. I love any help you can offer me.
@Benvana4 3 года назад
Pray/Fast/Worship on Saturday the Sabbath. Work on Sunday, while praying many thanks for the weekend!
@kristenspencer9751 Год назад
The full concept of worship in God's mind is a 24-7 thing...God is worshiped when we walk by the Spirit and are patient and kind and praise Him everyday. But there should be a special day set aside when believers meet together to uplift each other, pray, and worship God. Paul settled the matter when two groups in the early church wrestled with this subject. Some were accustomed to their tradition of Sat. Others wanted to worship Sunday b/c it was the day the Lord was raised. Since we are not under the law, but under grace, Paul stated that Sunday worship was fine. Or ANY day that a group chose to meet. In the book of Hebrews, the day of rest is taken even further to be understood as resting from a salvation/righteousness based on works. When we believe that Jesus IS our salvation and our righteousness, and we are saved by HIS WORK alone, we can therefore "rest" from our self efforts be righteous. So go ahead and work on Sunday if you have to. It's ok.
@bigskyab 3 года назад
And here's the patience of the saints those that keep the commandments of God and have faith in Jesus Christ Revelations
@nubiancharm8556 3 года назад
From Sabbath shall all flesh come and worship me , Isiah 66-23
@fruitful7753 3 года назад
Revelations 14:12 Here is the patience of the saints; here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus. Isaiah 8:16 Bind up the testimony, seal the law among my deciples. It is the seal of God. Isaiah 8:20 To the law and the testimony; if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.
@Truthinlove03 Год назад
Matthew 22:36-40 King James Version 36 Master, which is the great commandment in the law? 37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. 38 This is the first and great commandment. 39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. 40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.
@brianp117 3 года назад
Actually the second mention of the sabbath occurs in Exodus 16:23 when the Israelites are commanded to not collect the manna on the 7th day of the week. Therefore it does actually precede the Ten Commandments. I'm not saying that negates your argument, but it appears that you are incorrect in the way that you relate it.
@Odo-so8pj 3 года назад
Yes he kept the sabbath
@vikingdrengenspiders7875 Год назад
@pstreav 4 года назад
Michael Pearl, I found you 2 days ago. Since I have watched a dozen 10-20 minute videos and am on episode 4 of the Antichrist series you have done in the past. I am grateful that I have found you to just listen to your interpretation. You are a Blessed man and I am glad to have known you, even if through this platform. God Bless, and God Speed when we are taken up.
@crusher1980 2 года назад
I really dont like to do advertising but if you like brother Pearl I highly recommend to you Robert Breaker, Charles Lawson, Gene Kim and Peter Ruckman.
@praiseYAHalways 4 года назад
there will be one law for the you and the stranger (Gentile) among you. One
@ItsAllLuv 3 года назад
Very good breakdown, except for that last statement you made about us not having to follow Christ 🤔... very misleading sir. Paul said follow me as I follow Christ, (because Christ is perfect)..& even Jesus himself said be ye perfect like he was
@addyybrown4661 4 года назад
Jesus & his disciples kept the Sabbath & we should. The Lord speciphically said Remember to keep the sabbath day not Sunday which is the worship of the sun god. Anyone that does not keep the Sabbath has broken the Law & will not inherit the Kingdom of God. "Moreover I also gave them My Sabbaths, to be a sign between them and Me, that they might know that I am the LORD who sanctifies them "- Ezekiel 20:12. FYI Roman 14:5-6 is not talking about the Sabbath day. The angel in Rev 22:14 is clear "Blessed are those who do His commandments, that they may have the right to the tree of life, and may enter through the gates into the city"
@janetdavidson8798 2 года назад
I have been a NT Christian for 44 years . Never Kept the Sabbath and never will . God has not convicted me to keep it I have a personal relationship with Jesus and He is active in my life. If He wanted me to keep the Sabbath and I didn't , that would be habitual sin . He would withdrawal His presence from me until I repented .
@WatchingTrainsGoBy-PassingTime 3 года назад
the 1/2 mile to a second home thing is ridiculous. It's amazing how we create "cheats" so we can break our own beliefs and not feel guilty about it.
@janetdavidson8798 Год назад
I totally agree with you .
@angelamcclaskey9389 4 года назад
Simply 1 verse you stated destroys your case that we don't need to keep Sabbath. Sabbath was made for man not man for the Sabbath. So does the word man mean only the physical nation of Israel. I beg to differ.
@misn1ce 4 года назад
Colossians 2:16 talks of not worrying about men judging us for celebrating the sabbath and only eating certain meats.
@annajorgensen1627 3 года назад
A wonderful message. I enjoy how you teach your lessons and always use all the scriptures for the subjects you are covering. Thank you so much for answering questions that people have. I'm learning a lot. God bless you all 🕊️♥️
@T_Cee3999 4 года назад
yes Jesus kept the commandments, the disciples kept the sabbath, i am going to keep it too, when did sunday keeping start? then that will answer tour question. God gave it, no compromise i will keep it. the bible the bible alone. keep any day but God rested on the seventhday.
@93556108 3 года назад
Chikondano Chimseu. Jesus died on the Sabbath but he rose again on Sunday. Why not Christian remember the Sunday and keep it holy to honour your Lord of the sabbath too? Think about it as further no bible verse in the new covenant that commanded Christians to observe the sabbath.
@michaeldavies5092 3 года назад
@@93556108 Jesus said give all glory and honour to the one that sent me.
@michaelbee2165 2 года назад
Except that PAUL taught us we are no longer under the law. Jesus taught the same when the Pharisees confronted Him about the Sabbath.
@arkshisha 2 года назад
So you will keep the sabbath exactly as God commanded...?. you wouldn't even be switching on an electric bulb coz it would cause a spark of fire. You wouldn't step out of your house to meet friends or take a road trip. You wouldn't be wearing clothes made from synthetic fabric. You wouldn't make food or do household chores between dusk and dawn on a sabbath. You would most definitely be observing ALL the sabbath days, weeks, months and years... you know, the sabbath of the sabbaths. Of course, you'd be circumcised if you're a man....
4 года назад
The Law of Moses or the circumcision did not save the Jews. Why would those laws be able to save a non Jew? These days the Torah observant or Noahide Laws are the spirit of the Phraisees, the sons of perdition, are rising up to lead many away from salvation by faith in Christ Jesus.
@ImNotStalkingYou 4 года назад
Thank you very much for your teaching. I can tell you fully love God and I have been blessed by your work. Tithing has always bothered me because upon my first time reading the Bible I realized that it simply isn't biblical. This doesn't stop churches from extorting money from their members though. I just feel like a person should find a truly noble cause and give the money to that. For example, my coworker's mother passed away in Mexico and he had to miss 2 more weeks when he came back for the quarantine. I absolutely have no problem giving him money because I know he actually needs the money and is in a period of grief. On the other hand I have a huge problem with giving 10% of my paycheck, under threat of loss of salvation no less, to a church that is teaching lies and misunderstandings by twisting scripture and recruiting more cult members to take advantage of. I love God but I despise modern religious traditions
@DTumbleweed1968 2 года назад
Churches need to pay their bills and brothers and sisters in the body are to support their local church. Exact 10%? Maybe not. But remember, every time you take a church bulletin or use their restroom you are costing the church which you are a part of some $$ and that has to get paid for. Give as the LORD leads.
@tomdrigs5635 2 года назад
@@DTumbleweed1968 So let the pastor ask money telling sincerely that it is to pay the bills. And not LIE and convince the members of the church that tithing is for them. You try to justify a lie, that ain't gonna work. This is sin.
@kristenspencer9751 Год назад
@@tomdrigs5635 churches are supposed to give an account to their members. And provide them with a run down of how the tithes are spent. Small churches struggle b/c they tend to be mostly older and/or elderly who don't have much extra money and may no longer be physically capable of volunteering to clean the building, repair a roof or fix the plumbing, as they could in their younger years. Even for larger congregations, it gets worse when the gov't comes along and says they have to replace a septic system or well if it's out of compliance, or force them to landscape, and have other code work in place. They also want to be able to help low income members with rent, house repair, food, car repair and give to Christian ministries. I completely agree with you that Pastors can forget the Main thing (which is Christ) and start wanting to gain influence and have fancier buildings, sound system, start paying youth pastors, worship team members, and the janitor. All just to attract more members. More people = more $. A lot of pressure on a pastor to "grow" his church. A lot of temptation! I personally think home churches have a place b/c tithes can go directly to a need in the group, when there is no building. Small groups can be more intimate and deepen relationships and be able to take care of each other in a way mega churches can't.
@a-a-rondavis9438 Год назад
Very simply and concisely put: We don't need churches. We just need to congregate. Tent churches and home churches are real and still happen. Running a church becomes a business. A pastor shouldn't have to rely on a salary to stay in a home. He should have a job with being a pastor as a side-note.
@davidval7188 5 лет назад
17:00 but to be fair murder and stealing or coveting wasn't mentioned either.
@janetdavidson8798 2 года назад
It's common sense not to steal, lie, etc.
@janetdavidson8798 Год назад
God created the New Testament for a reason . It's the new covenant that we live by . God's greatest commandments , Matthew 22 :36-40 . So if you love your fellow man , you won't steal, lie ,etc from him . No mention of keeping the Sabbath.
@yeshuaslivingwordoftruth4267 3 года назад
Matthew 7:12-21 [12]Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets. [13]Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: [14]Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. [15]Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. [16]Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? [17]Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. [18]A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. [19]Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. [20]Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them. [21]Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.
@tombourne7184 4 года назад
Jesus IS THE SABBATH...don't have time to watch video now but i know that's what the bible says as Jesus and his disciples pick wheat from the fields while walking through
@michaeldavies5092 3 года назад
Rest in Jesus
@alicegoddard8134 4 года назад
Thanks! God bless.
@YolandavdWeerd Год назад
I keep the Sabbath, as many Believers worldwide since 2008...-as the Ruach has called us OUT of the main-stream "churches"
@nacho-man1063 Год назад
The sabbath is any day of the week you choose. As long you dedicated to God. Worship, learning his word, resting, enjoying with your love one’s. He knew the whole world was not going to have the same work scheduled.
@richardhayes4420 3 года назад
I know you Michael Pearl & I know which god you serve. Jesus most definitely kept the Sabbath, read Luk 23: 54-56. The disciples & women travelled with Jesus who could not lie & they knew exactly what He did, what He said & what He practiced. So when the women rested on the Sabbath, after Jesus had died, it was to show us the Sabbath was not only observed by Jesus, it continues.
@sacredwaters9121 4 года назад
The ten commandments is not the law of moses...
@thelastminutegifts 3 года назад
It was the law given to Moses. The law of Moses sounds like Moses acting as God rather than God bestowing the law unto him and his people.
@jenalchin1272 3 месяца назад
Truly is it the law of God that is given to Moses and his people the people of God are we ,Mathew 2:17-18 p“Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. 18 For truly, I say to you, suntil heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the Law until all is accomplished.
@johnygoodwin3441 Месяц назад
​@@jenalchin1272 For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.
@peteholms9298 3 года назад
Colossians 2 is talking about not lettting "OTHERS " judge you when you take the sabath, new moon, etc.
@janetdavidson8798 Год назад
What is Colossians 2:16 referring to them ?
@kristenspencer9751 Год назад
@@janetdavidson8798exactly what the commenter above stated. Don't allow others to judge you when you if you keep the sabbath and new moon or festival, food or drink. For the Jews...they had a long long tradition of keeping the festivals and the Sabbath. Hard to break that off right away for a Jew who converted to Christianity. For gentiles who were converted, the Jews were trying to convince them they had to keep the feasts and the sabbath etc., but God was saying that they were free to worship on whatever day they wished. It was becoming divisive in the church, so Paul was writing to folks to let them know it was OK because the OT things were a symbol of Christ who was to come. Example Jesus IS the Sabbath Rest. But the apostle does try to wean Jews (and gentile converts to Judism) to be free from all the OT stuff. You have to take that whole paragrah in context Col 2:16-23.
@The-narrow-gate 2 года назад
You seem to be confusing the Jewish laws they made to help them prevent them from breaking the commandments, with the laws that God made. Either way, Jesus tought in the synagogue "as was his custom."
@sonofyahweh8 3 года назад
Rev 12: 17. Rev 14: 12. Rev 22: 14. Those who reject Yahweh's 7th day Sabbath are breaking Yahweh's law. The wages of sin is death. 1Jphn 3: 4. Rom 3: 20.
@matthewshannongreen1900 Год назад
We love watching your videos but the sabbath was mentioned in Exodus 16:23,24,26,29 discussing the gathering of manna sufficient for two days on the 6th day right?
@jeremynicoletti9060 4 года назад
I am just as confused as before watching the video. It seems like Jesus IS changing the law. It also seems that at one time God was all about holy days and sacrifices and trinkets and lamps. In so establishing them as being of paramount importance to the faith before Jesus. It seems like the only reason Jesus may have broken Sabbath - and other laws - was due to his divinity - something Christians do not share. I've looked at 7 videos about Sabbath and found 7 different answers about how to approach the holy day. And I am still not convinced the apostles ever had a firm grasp on what Jesus was ever saying given how they failed understanding him so many times. Still, if anyone knew how to answer this then it was probably them.
@janetdavidson8798 Год назад
God created the New Testament for a reason . It's the new covenant for which we live by . Colossians 2 :16 God's greatest commandments , Matthew 22 :36-40.
@kristenspencer9751 Год назад
I totally understand. It can be confusing to get different answers. Your comment is 2 years, so maybe you have a clearer understanding now. Read the Book of Hebrews. It helps to explain that the things in the OT like the temple sacrifice...were types and symbols of what was to come. For example...in the OT they had to sacrifice a lamb. In the NT, Jesus IS the lamb of God who takes away sin. The Sabbath is also a type and symbol. The idea is about "rest from work". God used it in the OT so that when His Son Jesus came in the NT and died on the cross...that believers should "rest" from doing 'good deeds' in order to try to earn salvation on their own. In the NT Jesus IS the sabbath day. When you trust that Jesus took away all your sin (past, present and future) and gives you HIS Righteousness...HIS WORK is all you need! You can "rest" from working your way to heaven because God already did the work on your behalf. Hope that helps.
@josephrorie5728 5 месяцев назад
Well Said!
@ericdrexil 8 месяцев назад
I respect the desire to please the Lord that men have leading to sabbath observing stances...but it's just as Bro Pearl says it is.
@mikeneumann4660 5 лет назад
That was amazing. The Lord truly wants us to be free and without burden
@marchill861 3 года назад
So to answer the question, YES Yeshua was a perfect man , a perfect Jew so He followed the Law of Moses as given by God . An interesting thought, Yeshua followed the Law given to Moses by Himself on Mountain. Yeshua followed all the Law, now think about this also Yeshua was to offer sacrifices for His sin. Since Yeshua didn’t sin He never had to give up a sacrifice. Yes Jesus followed the Law of Sabbath.
@codymadison9993 2 года назад
Jesus was out teaching and healing on the Sabath. These types of activities are literally called works. On sabath.
@janetdavidson8798 Год назад
Jesus was born a Jew so He kept the Sabbath .
@jimharmon2300 3 года назад
Just because the law was not written down does not not mean it did not exist. Before The Commandments Genesis 26:5 (KJV) Because that Abraham obeyed my voice, and kept my charge, my commandments, my statutes, and my laws. You fail to understand.
@jeremyheintz1479 2 года назад
Abraham did not have the ten commandments.
@janetdavidson8798 2 года назад
Colossians 2 :16 and Romans 14 :5
@terryrambarran5917 4 года назад
When Jesus died on the cross, He declared 'it is finished'. He fulfilled all the law and the prophets with His life and the penalty for our sin with His death on that cross and rose again to give us that believe on Him, a new life by His Spirit unto the Father, reconciling us, redeeming us and restoring us in right relationship. Enter into rest in Him today and every day unto salvation. Amen.
@Benvana4 3 года назад
No. That meant taking on the sins of the entire world, those that have lived and those that will. The 10 commandments are for EVERYONE ALWAYS. Mike P is wrong about this.
@debraolson7553 2 года назад
@@Benvana4 Amen!
@janetdavidson8798 2 года назад
@@Benvana4 Colossians 2 :16 and Romans 14 :5
@34Graywolf 4 года назад
I don’t see how you can know what day the sabbath is anymore, cuz it goes by the new moons and I can’t find anywhere in scripture or research outside of that on what a new moon looks like, it’s either the full moon or a complete dark moon
@hatepasswords8169 5 лет назад
If, we don't follow Jesus, the Mosaic Observant Jew, then we are not Christians or little Christs. We can't be Messianics, those who follow the Jewish Jesus or Yeshua if, we don't do what he did. Concerning church attendance we basically have a choice between Messianic Congregations or Churches, Saturday or Sunday unless we've found a 24 hour 7 day a week fellowship.There are Gentile and Jewish Christians and Gentile and Jewish Messianic believers so, should the Jewish people in any camp keep the Sabbath and the Gentiles not go to church on Saturday and not on Sunday? How can we say we love Jesus if, we don't keep his commandments?
@thedoormichaelpearl 5 лет назад
The Bible says that Jesus came under the law, to free us from the law, so that we might be sons, no longer in bondage to the elements of the world: Galatians 4 v3-6 "Even so we, when we were children, were in bondage under the elements of the world: But when the fulness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law, to redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons. And because ye are sons, God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, crying, Abba, Father." Galatians 5 v18 "But if ye be led of the Spirit, ye are not under the law." So then, now are led of God's Spirit, and "against [beside, along with] such there is no law" (Galatians 5v3). We are not to follow Christ's every earthly action, but his Spirit which God has given us. Jesus came so that those who were under the law could graduate to something much better. We aren't to follow Christ as servants under the law, but as sons under grace through his Spirit.
@timothyp1937 2 года назад
Even Christians are supposed to keep the Sabbath holy also
@janetdavidson8798 Год назад
God created the New Testament for a reason . It's the new covenant that we live by . Colossians 2 :16. God's greatest commandments , Matthew 22 :36-40 No mention of keeping the Sabbath there .
@kristenspencer9751 Год назад
In the NT Jesus IS the sabbath and HE is holy. The OT Sabbath is a symbol that teaches of Jesus. When you put your faith in Jesus and HIS work, then you are to "rest" from works-based righteousness, b/c it's not for you to work, but to believe on the work of Jesus for your salvation, sanctification and righteousness. Now then, believers are still called to meet together to worship and learn about Jesus, and be encouraged and to pray. But that could be any day of the week...most choose Sunday b/c it was the day Jesus rose from the dead and they wanted to set themselves apart from traditional Judaism that did it on the Sabbath. But when the Bible refers to a "Sabbath rest"...the meaning of that is Christ!
@peteholms9298 3 года назад
Joh 8:10 When Jesus had lifted up himself, and saw none but the woman, he said unto her, Woman, where are those thine accusers? hath no man condemned thee? The law requires both partys to come foreward. they were trying to trick him Joh 8:6 This they said, tempting him, that they might have to accuse him. He didnt bring anything new, the law requires both partys to come forward. Joh 8:10 Jesus stood up and said to her, “Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?”
@kristenspencer9751 Год назад
yes...and even more than that! They set the woman up! It wasn't like they just happened to be in the 'right' place at the right time. They had it all arranged in advance. Maybe they paid the guy to help them out. Maybe it was someone they knew who also despised Jesus and was happy to be in on it. They just "used" the woman in order to find fault with Jesus.
@walterbintner2016 3 года назад
they never argued about the sabbath
@donna2023 2 года назад
Would you please explain the statement you made about Christians no being followers of Christ. I enjoying your teaching, and have learned a lot. Thank you.
@robertbecker5362 3 года назад
Thanks Michael. I'ma sinner even on Sunday. But I try hard. Thanks for your wise words. Go Jesus
@Pbutreus 3 года назад
Saturday is the sabbath bro, not Saturday.
@jimharmon2300 3 года назад
All through the OT GOD gave them special days and times . Why do you change the words of GOD ?
@debpratt52 4 года назад
Thank you, Michael, for the truths that you teach. I'm so glad I found your channel.
@suskaklapp6641 3 года назад
Sadly it just seems to be opinions.
@93556108 3 года назад
Suska Klapp, his presentation is based on the Scripture and not based on opinion. Are you aware that the reason we are not supposed to keep the sabbath is because Jesus came and fulfilled the Law (of Moses) and the Prophet's prophecy of Christ himself, perfectly(Mat5:17-19). Note Jesus fulfilled the Law of Moses constituted of the 10 commandments plus the Sabbath. Thus when Jesus fulfilled it all the Law of Moses and as Christian you must not show your disrespect in still keeping it. Further in Col2:16. 17 it stated the sabbath is a shadow and in the bible shadow is not to remain forever when the substance is found in the Lord of Sabbath who had already come. Well you certainly as a Christian can still observe the Sabbath but the bible didn't command you to do so. Hope this information can give you a clearer picture biblically. Any comments please .
@marioncountyservices6692 Год назад
So we aren’t called to follow Christ. So who do we follow or do we strive to be like. Paul said imitate me as I imitate Christ. You said don’t imitate Christ because then you have to follow the law of Moses. So I’m confused
@jimharmon2300 3 года назад
I think it is talking about the Sabbath in Exodus 5
@RemingtonTripp 4 месяца назад
the word for "forever" is "olam" in the original language which basically means "for a great while to come" so no the Israelites are not still under the old covenant any remnant of that was removed when Christ died on the cross.
@1bassman9 4 года назад
How do you know that Enoch, Noah and Abraham didn't honor the Sabbath ???
@thedoormichaelpearl 4 года назад
Hello! Thank you for your comment. Due to the high volume of questions and comments, we are unable to answer every question with the time and care required. However, Michael has published many more teachings in his books and CD’s available through No Greater Joy Ministries here www.nogreaterjoy.org/ Also, to see if your question has already been answered on RU-vid, please search your question on “The Door” RU-vid channel ru-vid.com/show-UC5wl-5XZhI3ZQPf5KyW0aBw
@93556108 3 года назад
Bassman, because there is no factual evidence to support that those people kept the sabbath. Biblically the argue from silence is not acceptable and further you can do it by inferences if there are no explicit verses on a subject matter .
@carolinegearhart2924 3 года назад
@@thedoormichaelpearl that’s kind of sad
@jimharmon2300 3 года назад
I don’t want to sound negative But it sounds like you made fun of the Sabbath. It just sounded that way .
@93556108 3 года назад
jim harmon, you seem to be a sabbath keeper Please prove it to me with Scripture in the new covenant that commanded Christians to keep the Sabbath?
@johnblackwood5308 3 года назад
I HAVE A QUESTION. Jesus says If you deny him he will deny you. Does that mean when Peter denied knowing Jesus three times in one day that he didn't make it to heaven? I don't know why that crossed my mind but it just did.
@thedoormichaelpearl 3 года назад
Hi John, thank you for commenting! You are welcome to submit your question at facebook.com/thedooroflobelville for consideration in a future video!
Jesus left exposed that the godly law was inboxed in religiosity under man convinience. No one had accomplished no one would be. Exposed our condition, exposed the double standard in its preaching, exposed the lack of pure intention in please God through its observance. Exposed Him as the only currency to obtain justification, not for works.
@marcelarispe 4 года назад
Thank you so much for this.
@kiikiinpiink 5 лет назад
I'm trying to figure out what says the death penalty is enforced as long as the sabbath us enforced... I can't find that in the bible... can you be more specific
@93556108 3 года назад
Kiara Rice, see whether I can help you to understand. The death penalty let us say murder, it is a moral law and this law is timeless and universal. But the Sabbath is a ceremonial law pointing to Jesus who had come to fulfill it by being our sacrifice on the cross(Mat5:17-19). The bible stated what Jesus say to us; in Mat 11:28 Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. “ We find rest for our souls in Jesus and cease from our own labour to strive for our acceptance by God as we receive his rest and forgiveness. Jesus is the Lord of the Sabbath and we now find our spiritual rest in him and further we don't have to seek for another Sabbath rest anymore. Hope my explanation will help you to understand the bible. Any comments. Thank you.
@walterbintner2016 3 года назад
jesus kept all of his fathers law .this is not a jewish issue the commandments were given long before there was a jew
@jimharmon2300 3 года назад
Exodus 5:5-7 (KJV) 5 And Pharaoh said, Behold, the people of the land now [are] many, and ye make them rest from their burdens. 6 And Pharaoh commanded the same day the taskmasters of the people, and their officers, saying, 7 Ye shall no more give the people straw to make brick, as heretofore: let them go and gather straw for themselves.
@AdamPlayFarms Год назад
It's like he has never read the Bible. Just blurbs out of context. Gonna be a big shock for him and his followers one day.
@peteholms9298 3 года назад
He was not trangressing the sabath. He was sinless. You have to concider brother, just because they accused him of breaking the sabath, doesnt mean its true. they have much stricter laws that are additional to the torah.
@anniebodyhome1000 3 года назад
Before the law was given, EX 16, manna was not given or collected on the Sabbath.
@93556108 3 года назад
annie bodyhome, that was in the old covenant but we Christians are under the new covenant with the Law of Christ so that we don't have to observe the law of Moses as it is now done away with. (Read Hebrews 8:13) Any comments please.
@masterx87 2 года назад
@@93556108 who was doing the creating in Genesis? God the Father or Jesus?
@letiliki5710 3 года назад
My friend, you read the bible and you doesn't understand what the bible says
@mikef6063 3 года назад
The Torah never said "if you are without sin, THEN stone adulterers." Jesus said the opposite of the Law of Moses. Think about it.
@93556108 3 года назад
Mike F, are you aware that the Torah is written in Hebrew, the oldest of Jewish languages. It is also known as Torat Moshe, the Law of Moses? any comments.
@brianp117 3 года назад
I think the assumption is that they all were guilty of sin that was worthy of being stoned, so if that is true, then He wasn't negating the Law, He was pointing out the nature of their conundrum.
@dub3901 3 года назад
I have wondered many times what Jesus wrote on the ground. Have wondered if it could be anything related to Jeremiah 17:13. Maybe He was writing their names in the earth, from the eldest to the youngest as they departed shamefully convicted by their own conscience. Just have always found that interesting. One day I will know the answer to my question 🙌🏼. Thank you Bro. Pearl for what you do.
@carolinegearhart2924 3 года назад
May I offer my (or maybe the Holy Spirit in me) thought brother? What if Jesus was literally asking His Father how to respond? There were many verses around that that said how He has many things to say and to judge, but He only says what His Father want sHim to say..I think He was hearing from His Father.. which is something My Father is trying to teach me even now… Shalom❤️
@kristenspencer9751 Год назад
@@carolinegearhart2924 it's certainly possible...but there's also nothing wrong with wondering what He wrote. Whatever it was it had an impact.
@dalp1535 2 года назад
I believe we are under the dispensation of David at our current moment So is the Sabbath a requirement ?
@janetdavidson8798 2 года назад
No . Colossians 2 :16 and Romans 14 :5
@randycrager4074 Год назад
Beautifully done Brother Michael.
@michaelbrutsche75 6 месяцев назад
Was God in Genesis 2 keeping the sabbath of Colossians 2 ?
@WoodrowfolloweroftheMessiah 3 года назад
Don’t we all (Jews and Christians) worship the God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob? What about their is no difference between Jews and gentile? What about Christians being grafted in? So can we do away with any of the other 10 commandments?
@thedoormichaelpearl 3 года назад
Hello! Thank you for your questions. In order to fulfill the mission that God has given Michael and Debi Pearl, as well No Greater Joy Ministries, they must remain focused on spreading the gospel in these last days and will not be able to individually answer all the questions coming in. However, Michael has published many more teachings in his books and CD’s available through No Greater Joy Ministries here www.nogreaterjoy.org/ Also, to see if your question has already been answered on RU-vid, please search your question on “The Door” RU-vid channel ru-vid.com/show-UC5wl-5XZhI3ZQPf5KyW0aBw
@carolinegearhart2924 3 года назад
Good question Woodrow and good points also, the one thing, since the whole thing is kind of obscure, that stands out to me, is the verse in Acts that says something like let every man be persuaded in his own mind and don’t let anyone judge you over it. If you want to observe and your seeking God about it, then observe it. If you don’t then don’t. It’s sort of like the whole pretrib and post trib or midtrib argument..it’s not crystal clear so seek God for your answers and follow Him. But I don’t think we should be judge mental or arrogant that we have the one right answer..since it isn’t crystal clear in the scriptures. Shalom.
@debraolson7553 2 года назад
No, we must keep all Ten Commandments. Who's to know his lineage as to weather you are a gentile or a Israelite? We are grafted in & Gods law like God will not change.
Neither God nor Christ, observed a sabbath rest day. (at least not during Christ's earthly ministry) Exodus 20:10 English Standard Version 10 but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the Lord your God. On it you shall not do any work, you, or your son, or your daughter, your male servant, or your female servant, or your livestock, or the sojourner who is within your gates. John 5:17 English Standard Version 17 But Jesus answered them, “My Father is working until now, and I am working.”
@kingdomambassador1904 3 года назад
Of course He kept His Father’s Sanctified. Yahushua was obedient to death. The Torah IS the Father’s instructions. If we are HIS people, we too will obey because we LOVE Him 🤍💖💕 It is not burdensome, Shabbat is a gift to His people- to REST, to FEAST on the Word!! And DO GOOD😊😊👍🏽 FELLOWSHIP IS COMMANDED on Sabbath beloveds. Stay away from the rabbinic non-Jesus Jewish practices!!!
@Benvana4 3 года назад
@peterbanning704 2 года назад
What if you have no one to fellowship with who keeps the sabbath as well
@yvonnesegers3214 4 года назад
Thank you so much!
@jessebotello3617 4 месяца назад
Do you only use the king James version?
@TorsSongs 4 года назад
@9:29 mark, The verse quoted is Ezekiel 20:12, Not Exodus 20:12 not arguing that you have the correct interpretation of the text, only that you quoted the wrong chapter and verse.
@brettralston3599 3 года назад
That was very interesting.
@VIheavyequipment 3 года назад
If god created a everything I’m 6 days could we assume has made other things we might not even know about?
@thedoormichaelpearl 3 года назад
Hello! Thank you for your question. In order to fulfill the mission that God has given Michael and Debi Pearl, as well No Greater Joy Ministries, they must remain focused on spreading the gospel in these last days and will not be able to individually answer all the questions coming in. However, Michael has published many more teachings in his books and CD’s available through No Greater Joy Ministries here www.nogreaterjoy.org/ Also, to see if your question has already been answered on RU-vid, please search your question on “The Door” RU-vid channel ru-vid.com/show-UC5wl-5XZhI3ZQPf5KyW0aBw
@Benvana4 3 года назад
Like we're one of HIS many great projects going on...absolutely.
@KingofHearts300 3 года назад
Excellent explanation. I was wondering that myself.
@peteholms9298 3 года назад
acts 15 was about a starting point commandments. beginning commandments before you learn more on saturdays Act 21:21 And they are informed of thee, that thou teachest all the Jews which are among the Gentiles to forsake Moses, saying that they ought not to circumcise their children, neither to walk after the customs. They will learn more , the 4 commandments were starting points.
@ShadrachTheThird 2 года назад
They were trying to trip Jesus up because the man wasn't there.
@ShadrachTheThird 2 года назад
Law of Moses required the man to be there also
@womanoffaith-jd3ut 3 года назад
What about if we read hebrew 4:4-12 we are still waiting for a day if rest or is it for the Jews only?
@rpa_srb758 2 года назад
You guys literally cannot understand it...it's simple, have you crossed the cross where jesus have finished it there or are you under the cross?
@MisterKBM 3 года назад
Wouldn't Jesus being the only way to God mean keeping the Sabbath to be unnecessary? We worship the father through Jesus, in which every moment is a day of praise.
@peteholms9298 3 года назад
1Jn 2:6 He that saith he abideth in him ought himself also so to walk, even as he walked. U just claimed bible doesnt say to walk like christ?
@stephenfiore9960 5 лет назад
Thank you
@compromisedbad3666 4 года назад
The bible has 2 testaments the old the new we are saved by God's grace thru faith in Jesus the children of Israel was told to remember the sabbath and keep it holy it's very clear who it was instructed to and why Jesus fulfilled the law
@billgate2942 5 лет назад
- how Jews defiled Sabbath laws ? any Old Testament Sabbath laws was defiled, for example? Jesus pinpointed about Sabbath day defiled: KJV: The Lord then answered him, and said, Thou hypocrite, doth not each one of you on the Sabbath loose his ox or his ass from the stall, and lead him away to watering? (Why Jews defiled Sabbath? Because they created own excuse : we are no longer in the wilderness and finally reached Promised Land= some Sabbath laws expired! Explain this Sabbath law: KJV: But the seventh day is the Sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do ANY work! ( just 100% resting and relaxing in the own dwelling ) KJV: Thus saith the LORD; Take heed to yourselves, and bear NO burden on the Sabbath day! ( nothing in your hands during Sabbath! no book, no pencil, no bridle, no key, no purse, no phone, no Internet, no steering wheel, no any type of the transportation: NOTHING ! just stay home and 100% rest ) KJV: Neither carry forth a burden out of Your Houses on the Sabbath day, neither do ye ANY work, but hallow ye the Sabbath day, as I commanded. KJV: If thou turn away thy foot from the Sabbath, from doing thy pleasure on my holy day; and call the Sabbath a delight, the Holy of the LORD, Honourable; and shalt honour him, not doing thine own ways, nor finding thine own pleasure, nor speaking thine own words: ( no internet, forums, chats, texting, TV, newspaper, no ANY pleasure, etc = just stay home and 100% rest) KJV: It shall be unto you a Sabbath of Rest, and ye shall afflict your souls: from even unto even, shall ye celebrate your Sabbath.( From Friday sunset until Saturday sunset = whole Sabbath stay home and 100% Rest!) KMV: See, for that the LORD hath given you the Sabbath; abide ye every man in his dwelling, let no man go out of his dwelling on the Seventh Day! ( Stay inside your dwelling from Friday sunset until Saturday sunset =whole Sabbath! Don't take your ass outside! ) KJV: Six days shall work be done: but the seventh day is the Sabbath of REST; ye shall do NO work therein: it is the Sabbath of the LORD in all your Dwellings! ( Stay home and Rest from Friday sunset- whole Sabbath !) KJV: Ye shall kindle NO fire throughout your habitations upon the Sabbath day! ( no lights, headlights- during Sabbath day= just stay home, Rest and relax! From Fridays sunset -whole Sabbath ) KJV: And God did Rest the Seventh Day from all his works! ( please make sure SDA obeying ALL Bible Sabbath laws! Same as SDA members obeying and keeping own laws of Helen White the goddess of SDA) Google: Activities prohibited on Shabbat 2) do you know ANY Christian denomination, who keeping ALL sabbath laws during Sundays? no? - then, there NO Sunday keepers! ( to make Sunday holy - person must keep ALL Sabbath laws during Sundays = no fire, stay home, nothing in your hands, just rest and relax) Google: Shabbat lamp KMV: Bring no more vain tithes; tithes is an abomination unto me; the sabbaths, the calling of assemblies, I cannot away with; it is iniquity, even the solemn meeting. Your sabbath and your appointed tithes my soul hateth: they are a trouble unto me; I am weary to bear them.
@garysheridan2787 2 года назад
Where are you located good Sir, I sure would like to sit in on your sermons..
@ivamat687 4 года назад
God Bless you for your teaching❤️
@mathewalden9277 3 года назад
This guy has no clue what he is talking about. The travel restriction is not one's own house and the book of Acts confirms that. Acts 1:12. Also the guy who was stoned in Numbers 15 was not stoned for "picking up sticks to make some chilli." The word translated as sticks in Hebrew is "ets" which can mean tree or wood. So it is very likely the guy did a lot more than picking up a couple sticks (which you cannot even maintain a fire with). Also Jesus never violated the Sabbath. The Bible says He was without sin. He violated man made ordinances involving the Sabbath but He always kept God's word. See John 8:55
@jeremyheintz1479 2 года назад
Could you keep a biblical, Jewish Sabbath, without one infraction? No, and according to the old Law, you could be killed for it.
@suliasiiole1993 4 года назад
So what your saying is that jesus never keeped the Sabbath??
@debraolson7553 2 года назад
Jesus kept the Sabbath or He would have been guilty of breaking the Father's laws.
@janetdavidson8798 2 года назад
In Jesus time the law was in effect . God created the New Testament for a reason . It's a new covenant . Colossians 2 :16 and Romans 14 :5 .
@bernadettescott360 2 года назад
Salvation is free, the gospel of Jesus Christ is vital, sabbath or Sunday can talk to to heaven but seek to know Jesus Christ who died for all sins by the way go read (Romans 10 :4), Go read (Galatian 1:6)
@bulibulu4216 4 года назад
Yes , Jesus keep corect the sabath ! Not like the pharisees ! Entering in the rest that Jesus bring to our souls exclude NOT the corect keeping of the seven day ! ( Not first day-sunday !)
@MD-vz9ec 4 года назад
Can i have the scriptures that define what we are not supposed to do on sabbath, that u explained 4 mins into the video?
@93556108 3 года назад
M D, there is no explicit bible verses in the bible concerning the Holy Spirit but we still believe in it. The reason we are not supposed to keep the sabbath is because Jesus came and fulfilled the Law (of Moses) and the Prophet's prophecy of Christ himself, perfectly(Mat5:17-19). Note Jesus fulfilled the Law of Moses constituted of the 10 commandments plus the Sabbath. Thus when Jesus fulfilled it all the Law of Moses and as Christian you must not show your disrespect in still keeping it. Further in Col2:16. 17 it stated the sabbath is a shadow and in the bible shadow is not to remain forever when the substance is found in the Lord of Sabbath who had already come. Well you certainly as a Christian can still observe the Sabbath but the bible didn't command you to do so. Hope this information can give you a clearer picture biblically. Any comments please .
@carolinegearhart2924 3 года назад
@@93556108 so would that mean we show disrespect in keeping any of the other Ten Commandments? That doesn’t make much sense. No disrespect.
@carolinegearhart2924 3 года назад
@@93556108 and yes there are many scrips concerning the Holy Spirit.
@jeremyheintz1479 2 года назад
@@carolinegearhart2924 we are not under the authority of Jewish law as that means only death, but we should still not murder, covet, have other God's, etc. We are under the New Covenant and love is law. Love God with all of our being.
@janetdavidson8798 Год назад
@@carolinegearhart2924 Hi Caroline, God created the New Testament for a reason . It's the new covenant that we live by . Colossians 2 :16 . We no longer need to keep the Sabbath , but can if you want to . It doesn't count. towards salvation . God's greatest commandments , Matthew 22 :36-40.
@robertgonzalez2669 Год назад
The door missed that Pharaoh confronted Moses about a day of rest he was giving the Hebrews. When dealing with kids or someone unlearned you teach slowly so that they are not overloaded and end up not remembering anything. Today we talk of Paul's writings as all we need for study. Yet any new testament needs to be or can be backed by old testament. You Protestants cherry pick scripture for your benefit. Like tithe new testament says what you can give. Church is gathering of people not building these same temples Catholics did and before pagans did wasting money instead of helping poor. Also how finance is done today is old testament and not righteous. Everyone read your bible, like Jesus said today I make this house desolate. Get away from all churches. God bless
@allenprice1807 3 года назад
A messed up interpretation. THE ONLY one he has right is to not kindle your fire.. all the rest your going to have to give scripture..or its your OPINION. Opinion isnt scripture.
@johnblackwood5308 3 года назад
Well, guess what! I have one more question. I know you get asked questions about the Sabbath all the time. My question kind of relates to that but not exactly. I've read quite a bit of the Bible. I used to read it every single day 2 or 3 times a day but for some reason I got out of that habit and I'm trying to get back into it. I've never seen anything in the Bible to refer to the question I'm about to ask you. First I have to tell you why I have this question in the first place. When I was a young man around 23 years old I knew this guy that was in one of those churches where they speak in tongues. He had a bad habit of telling other people they were going to hell. I just about knocked him out one time when he told me that! Anyways, once he told me that you could not worship God Alone and that you had to have atleast two people to be considered a congregation. Is there any truth to that? I speak to Jesus Christ all the time. I talked to him more than I do anyone and I'm alone most of the time. Well, you know as well as I do that we're never really alone. I have no doubt he hears me but I have this urge to get in a congregation. If I don't have to follow a Sabbath then why would I need a congregation? It's just something that burned into my head many years ago by a foolish man they spent most of his time telling other people they were going to hell. Why it still bothers me today at 50 years old I do not know. I'm never cared too much for being judged by anyone. We do not know the depths of our own hearts so how can we assume to know the depths of another's? Anyways, my question Still Remains. Are we required to congregate? If we don't have a congregation is there anything in the Bible that says we're doomed without one? I talk about God a lot to people on Facebook and that's as close to a congregation as I can get. I like to study deeper than most people. I spend days upon days going over different RU-vid videos and listening to other people's opinions on want what most people these days consider the Great Awakening. We're starting to understand a lot of the deceptions this cabal of wicked people in control of the world has been hiding from us. We're starting to understand that nothing on TV can be trusted. We're starting to understand the depths the conspiracies that have lead A lot of people to be brainwashed through the school system into believing things that contradict the Bible in so many ways. I choose the Bible over any science book or any other book for that matter but some of my studies do come from different books mentioned in the Bible like the book of jasher, The Book of Enoch, The Book of Jubilee, the book of Adam and Eve some of these people even read the book of the Giants but I've never really took to that one or looked into it. I don't know why I need to know what the Giants or the Nephilim believed but I do know knowledge is power if it's the correct knowledge. Maybe saying knowledge is power was not the right choice I'd words. I got that from The Schoolhouse Rock but I do know that if you don't know the Bible you are in many ways illiterate. I'm working on it. I apologize for the rambling. I just don't know how to express anything in that short manner. It's just the way I am.
@thedoormichaelpearl 3 года назад
Hello! Thank you for your comment. Due to the high volume of questions and comments, we are unable to answer every question with the time and care required. However, Michael has published many more teachings in his books and CD’s available through No Greater Joy Ministries here www.nogreaterjoy.org/ Also, to see if your question has already been answered on RU-vid, please search your question on “The Door” RU-vid channel ru-vid.com/show-UC5wl-5XZhI3ZQPf5KyW0aBw
@kristenspencer9751 Год назад
It sounds like the summary of your question has to do with gathering together with other believers on a certain day of the week. NO, this is NOT a salvation issue. There is nothing in the Bible that condemns anyone for not worshipping with others. There are a few folks like you who have become gun-shy of churches over the years. (some of the reasons given are even valid) That's why some have gotten to the point of just staying away. None-the-less, the Bible DOES say that we should not neglect meeting together (Hebrew 10:25). The Bible says we should meet together b/c you have a gift that someone else could benefit from and they have a gift YOU could benefit from. To pray for each other, worship God together, be encouraged, be strengthened. Learn the Word of God together. In a group with other believers, we learn patience, forgiveness, empathy, love, service etc. Can't do that alone...impossible! God wants you to be a part of a group of believers. Trust Him and begin to search for one. You might feel more comfortable in a small church where people have closer connections, maybe one that sings from hymn books. Maybe a large church has small groups that meet together once a week...like a home group. Maybe someone knows of a "church" that meets in someone's house. House churches are popular in other countries, but they occur in the U.S. Just harder to learn of them. But pray and ask God to help lead you to a group of fellow believers. Just think of what heaven will be like! Blessings to you my brother!
@davidval7188 5 лет назад
@hcharton5722 3 года назад
You assert that God revealed the contents of Genesis to Moses? What Biblical evidence do you have for this? That is Rabbinic revisionism and exactly what I am trying to escape from Judaism to Christianity. Try again please.
@sampeake4235 3 года назад
How did Moses write Genesis if not by divine revelation?
@aliciamoore8316 Год назад
Manna again
@Agaritus 4 года назад
Completely left field and perverted interpretation..
Question 15: What happens to children at the rapture?
a hornet bit me on the nose 👃😂
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