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Question: How Do I Get Rid of House Centipedes? 

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@bibicop414 12 лет назад
same HERE!!! How do i get rid of them??????? I spray Lysol all around the house until I can't breath, it seems to work, but at the same time I think the Lysol might be killing me too lol
@christophershields324 9 лет назад
One time I was sitting in my basement, and one fell off the ceiling and landed on my lap. I freaked the fuck out and smashed the thing into millions of pieces haha.
@RohanSingh-bl2sq 8 лет назад
@mayankrocks89 8 лет назад
I was just a kid! I opened the bathroom door and one huge fucking centipede fell on my head and it wasn't a house centipede either! It was a reddish brown sand centipede! Scared the hell out of me because I jumped and knocked it on the ground and it ran and hid into stair well! lol
@0XTFSX0 4 года назад
That's mean :( they are harmless and they eat other bugs that go in ur house and they are super clean u jerk
@ATL064_ 8 лет назад
A centipede sticky trap, u could possibly get it on amazon!.
@quiotu 15 лет назад
Ultimatejuiceboxtube is correct. If you have these guys running rampant, it means they have a large food source. And all house centipedes eat are other insects. Spray, put bait traps out, keep the place clean and dry. The centipedes will leave when the food supply dwindles.
@satomiwa 12 лет назад
Also, once their food source is gone, they'll move out on their own, meaning you've got some kind of bugs in your apartment the house centipedes are preying on. But since you asked, get a cat or two. I used to live in a couple of places with house centipedes, and my cats were always leaving their mutilated carcasses everywhere. I asked them to please knock it off, told them all about how they should befriend the house centipedes, but they weren't interested in my opinion. Very annoying.
@lifestylenavigation2172 9 лет назад
Omfg I can't stop laughing because this is the exact same reaction I had omg 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 my room is also in a dark basement,
@svtcontour 14 лет назад
Buy a de-humidifier and put it in your room. They like damp places and most basements are damp which is why they end up there. If the dehumidifier is in your room and you keep your door closed, hopefully your room will be less humid than the rest of the basement and they may migrate out. Dehumidifiers do run up the electricity bill so keep an eye on that. Lastly, you SHOULD try to get over the whole disgusting appearance issue as you already know they are beneficial and dont harm people.
@IhateAlot718 4 года назад
Same thing i saw at 4am. I cant lay down. My bathroom is very humid and i dont know if its silverfish or not. Shit was huge and then a black and goldish one popped up a few moments later. So now I'm just messed up. The silver looking one was huge. Im staying up for the rest of the day. Im tearing my room apart until i kill ot
@storytellerslc 13 лет назад
Yeah, I've seen a couple of these in place too. Basically, seal up cracks and holes in the wall, make sure the areas around windows, doors, pipes, etc. are properly caulked, keep the place free of other bugs. Beyond that, though, be aware that they can still get in through drains and vents, so you might want to place traps around any areas that seem like obvious entry points.
@2.fjgacetoysoldier232 10 лет назад
From what I heard the odds are theirs only 150 centipedes depending if that one centipede you saw has been Alice in your room for a full 7 years the best way to handle Em is kill Em on sight the odds are it was just a random roaming one, or you can just put sticky traps for it to see if the infestation is huge if it is definitely get an exterminator
@pamelapemberton9941 7 лет назад
And just so you know centipede do like hanging on the floore ceilings and walls and they are poisoness but they dont have enough poison to kill you they just make the area they bit numb
@midnightsstar8864 6 лет назад
DUDE I know I have looked up alot and all I found is the same shit I GET so Manny in my house it drives me crazy I can't sleep because I just seen um well so my husband has this strange habit of falling asleep on the floor after dinner and I just seen a big ass centipede run tords him and is currently snuggling up with him as I anxiously tried waking him up but he opened his eyes for a split second long enough for me to scream there is a huge centipede under him he just said cool and back to sleep he went so now I'm looking up how to get rid of them and I'm finding nothing other then the same shit u found please if u have found anything useful please get back at us I'll just stay curled up and cry my self to sleep lol
@HuskerDuKid 12 лет назад
USE HAIRSPRAY! I have no idea how to PREVENT them but a good way to kill them is with hairspray because it stiffens their legs and they cannot run away, then you can squish 'em (because its a pain in the ass to kill them since they are so fast).
@ultimatejuiceboxtube 15 лет назад
Retaliatory methods may include keeping the light on as much as possible before sleep so you don't have to see it, proceeding with extreme caution when the light was off prior to entry, making freakout noises and yelling, "AH!CENTIPEDE!", scouring any traces of moisture that exist and may possibly exist and plugging up the baseboard cracks with more cawk than Jenna Jameson will ever see in her life.
@ashresearcher 12 лет назад
If yours was that big, its another species of centipede that can actually hurt you. If you see anything under your bed that looks like a hair clip, don't grab it. I did so when I was about 10 years old and it turned out to be a 3 inch centipede. Luckily, it was dead.
@scottak1712 15 лет назад
Then, locate and seal possible entry points, such as foundation cracks, poorly fitted windows, etc. One way to determine the centipedes main travel routes is to place sticky traps (like roach motels) at various places around the house, particularly in the basement. Other arthropods caught in these traps also will give you some idea as to what the centipedes likely are feeding upon and thus if other control measures might be needed.
@cookie22100 13 лет назад
my room is in the basement too :/ I get them all the time around summer. But they go away in the winter. What you need to do is get is a dehumidifier. This will suck all the humidity out of the air causing your room to be an uninhabitable environment to them. They're body needs moisture.
@pinds83 12 лет назад
I realize this is 3 years late and therefore is probably not very helpful, but I've had some luck getting rid of House Centipedes. I live in a basement apartment and used to have them EVERYWHERE. Squishing them with a shoe has been the most effective way, to be honest. Haha. However, I've also been using a botanical insecticide which contains pyrethrin and piperonyl butoxide. I just spray it along base boards and around windows and doors. It will also kill other pests. Bonus.
@KristinRyans 4 года назад
Omg! I know this is posted 11 years ago, but i hope you found a way to get rid of them! I have the same problem now...i have thank god not seen one in my apartment yet, but i live in London in a shared flat and it's pretty damn moisty in the UK, and we wanna move somewhere to the country side, in a house, surrounded by nature... but at the same time i am conpletely FREAKED OUT and TERRIFIED of potentially having these at home... and seeing one..or getting bit by one ...or even worse..this thing crawling on or beneath me while i am sleeping!!! I have an extreme Insectophobia, and these creatures can literally bring me a heart attack!! I am currently at war with cloth moths, here in the UK they are a problem, and i have set sticky traps, and i have lavender spray ...so far i have caught 3... today i saw a freakin cochroach crawling on my TV shelf... on top of all i have this itchy, crawly, weird feeling beneath me every single night when i go to bed... and i just hope it's not freakin bed bugs!!! So having house sentapiede would be just the final straw! Please if you read this comment, there is still no good suggestions out there, if you have found something that works..please let me know!! I am desperate..i am scared to move out just because there's a big chance i'll have these in the house that i move in , because of the shit weather here in England!
@w9771 3 года назад
@Deandre230 13 лет назад
I HATE THOSE THINGS TOOOOOOO!!! We put peppermint oil on our floor crown molds and the ones one the ceiling too. I haven't seen them in a while, won't keep out spiders tho
@RainJetSprinklers 12 лет назад
Your house has too much moisture sitting around it, centipedes main habitat is mostly moist leaves and other debris outside of your home. Eliminate things like piled up leaves around the perimeter of your home and then spray the perimeter of your home with a quality pesticide product, not raid, its a contact pesticide and has no residual effects I would also apply a granular pesticide to your lawn as well as spraying inside Theres prolly a few behind that paneling Remember Centipedes
@scottak1712 15 лет назад
here's what one guy has said:(The lady he was talking to has cats)(I will split this into several messages) Dear Mickey - House centipedes need harborage (cover of some sort) and sources of moisture to thrive, so among the first things you should do is to make the indoor environment (especially the basement) as dry as possible, and remove as much clutter as possible.
@TheTrialbyfire91cr 12 лет назад
i have the same problem as this guy, my room is in a finished basement and the back area is for storage and holiday decorations, its not like theres an "Infestation" but late at night i'll occationally find one scurry around, but that could just be because its fall now, i never see them in the winter. but its true as well that they eat everything (much worse things) so i dont mind them
@hhds113 14 лет назад
ALL centipede have venom and they ALL do bite....except that the centipedes in America have weak venom and causes bite marks similar to more like a common house spider. Nothing to worry about. The ones in tropical areas are the ones you need to worry about as those have much stronger venom and can kill.
@Kurdishmusic92 10 лет назад
In the winter I don't see them but once it hits April ish, I start seeing them, like I kill about 3-4 big ones a month and about 2 baby ones a month, I just murdered one 10 minutes ago. I'm going to seal up every crack in my room, I renovated our basement from our garbage looking house basement before, so I'd understand why their still here.
@mayapple4161 6 лет назад
Hakkarî Kurdistanî I have a video on my channel about a infestation in our bassment
@scottak1712 15 лет назад
Although more toxic than the aforementioned dusts, they also have low mammalian toxicity.
@ComputerTechTV 13 лет назад
I have seen a few and killed a few buying a dehumidifier seems to help and sealing up the cracks in your house. Checking my bed right now seem to see them in the basement and bathroom like dark and damp areas. Have not seen any other bugs so guess they are doing there job.
@Zellig 13 лет назад
In Soviet Russia, house centipede gets rid of YOU.
@TheTrialbyfire91cr 12 лет назад
yes they go away in the winter, ive had my room in the basement here for 3 years now, its really only as the seasons change when i see them, they just want to come in from the cold and hatch in the spring. it doesnt mean your house is infested unless your finding nests of them
@distortiontildeafness 14 лет назад
Use raid, apparently raid sticks around in your room for 2 weeks.
@angeltucker1538 3 года назад
It says if you Google it put rock salt or any table salt around the creases of your room or take peppermint oil a sprinkle it in your room and the creases of your room and the closet and use a bug spray that very powerful one that kills all bugs indoor and out because I just had one and I got rid of it I have not seen one ever since and mop the floor with lemon dishwashing liquid and water
@berner 12 лет назад
Go to a hardware store and buy double sided tape. Put the tape under your doors and around things like appliances that offer lots of darkness for every creepy crawly imaginable to hide under. Maybe see if you can kill off the things they like to eat and thereby eliminating their food sources. If there isn't any food for them, they'll leave. Hopefully you will find creepy crawlies stuck to your double sided tape and then you can peel the tape up and then dispose of them how you wish *thumbs up!*
@Tink2127 13 лет назад
My boyfriend got up a few nights ago at 3am to get me a bottle of water and there was a huge one on the handle of the fridge!!! I'm soooo happy that he got up for me because I would have died of a heart attack on the spot!
@scottak1712 15 лет назад
Centipedes only feed on living prey, so if there is nothing in the house to attract them, they will leave in search of easier hunting.
@berner 12 лет назад
Also forgot to mention that they're just like cockroaches and light. If there's a light source, they will run away from it. Perhaps you can find a way to sleep with the lights on. Maybe try one of those eye mask things you can get at the drug store
@HaiAbbyBear 11 лет назад
I'm watching this because I found one in my room and I'm really scared.
@MockingVenus 12 лет назад
It is 3 am. I have one in my room right now. I am F-ING TERRIFIED. I've never seen anything like this before. I'm so scared. It's on my ceiling, MENACINGLY. I feel like such a baby, but I mean really!!!, how could anyone stay calm with one of those things in the room!!
@nsxaj 12 лет назад
LOL!!! I love this line, Cause I do the same thing.. "Don't clean it up! so the others will see what there in for incase they have any ideas on coming the same direction" When I do this to Carpenter Ants, I watch some walk up to the dead Ant, then run away FAST!!, then in other cases, some C. Ants carry the dead home. Remember they have brains and can see or at least sense, too.
@scottak1712 15 лет назад
Finally, with the cats in mind, some dusts such as boric acid and diatomaceous earth may give some measure of control when applied to cracks and crevices where centipedes may shelter. These dusts have very low mammalian toxicity. Also, when the cats are not in the immediate vicinity, you could zap individual centipedes when you see them with any off-the-shelf household aerosol containing natural or synthetic pyrethroids/pyrethrins.
@57ashdot 12 лет назад
dehumidifier is the best way to get rid of them, along with getting rid of the other bugs in your house that they eat. Keep you house extra dry (like below 40% humidity) and u should be ok
@mayapple4161 6 лет назад
What you do is take a glass jar,put corse tape on the outside of the jar.They craw in when you put the bait in,and they can't craw out of the smooth side.
@1andTheOnlyy 12 лет назад
You can't, even if you called a exterminator you kill them all MAYBE. But they can just come from inside again into your house walls.
@TheTrialbyfire91cr 12 лет назад
the worse is if you squish them and the legs are left twitching...CREEPY
@TheGaga1021 11 лет назад
one of those dropped on my computer when i was using it and i screamed so loud
@theykeeprising 14 лет назад
They become dehydrated easily. Reduce moisture.
@trunkbangking 13 лет назад
yep .lucky me my apt is in the basement ...get em all the time..still cant find out how to get rid of em myself
@rachelphillips9061 11 лет назад
Sevens is the answer you can place it around the parameter of the basement either by powder or mix it with water. O yeah tne oil you use to light your camp light lamp that keeps the at bay too.
@MediaUzer 12 лет назад
These things may be scary looking but believe me killing them off will do much more harm than good. My new kittens exterminated all of them in my house in just a couple of days and now there are ants, spiders, gnats, and moths everywhere.
@pointlys 12 лет назад
LMAO!!! The sponge bob killed me the most
@HoloSkull 13 лет назад
House centipedes thrive on other insects. To get rid of house centipedes, just cut off their food supply. I actually came here looking for some tips. I'll try and get myself a dehumidifier =P
@pamelapemberton9941 7 лет назад
I can give 4 ways of taking care of house centipede you can do what i do and use a high powered vacuum which will tear them apart the second one is to use a clear container catch the centipede 3 use a shoe to kill the centipede by smashing it or buy hairspray and use the hairspray to burn the centipede hair spray will burn the centipede
@ammaretto 15 лет назад
i have this problem....i just bought boric acid & sprinkle it around the baseboards/drains/cracks...etc hope it works..also if you have a de-humidifier..use it...keep your basement DRY. seal any cracks in foundation & near windows. I f-ing HATE those nasty SOB's!
@Wooskii1 7 лет назад
stop saying "don't kill them/ they're good ur lucky", why don't you go get some and turn them loose in ur own home... people don't want bug infestations! Why not say live with cockroaches because they clean up dropped food? spiders? I ts nasty for you/ guests when bugs(any kind) are on the walls!!!
@cocowavs 5 лет назад
Plus they are there to HUNT which means you probably have an infestation of another kind in your home as well!
@Indra9779 5 лет назад
Coral LB I would keep at least three let them run around and let them keep bugs out
@cocowavs 5 лет назад
My room is the 2nd floor of the house and we just put the heat on and it ran from the vent into my room and underneath my shelves which have a weird base with side openings like |----| that and so I have no idea where it is going to go and thank gawd I am up in a loft bed but I heard these nasty things can climb walls AND I WANT TO SCREAM IT'S SO DISGUSTING.
@eyelovemakeup24 12 лет назад
Dark , cool, and MOIST....get a dehumidifier. And keep your space EXTRA clean
@BantanaAudio 12 лет назад
the awnsers simple but it may take a while. First due some research on a insect that you may like. Then slowly build a army of said insects train them to grow food build homes and fight. after you have built a small city of that insect gather a group of the smartest insects and create a elite squad which will spy on the house centipedes. Now the attack needs to be thought out closely I suggest flying your troops in at night and suprising the centepiedes but what ever works. best of luck
@EdouardDubois 13 лет назад
The research you found is right, they make amazing pest-control. So I guess the best solution would be to keep the place super clean. If you get rid of all the other ants and insects and bugs, you'll get rid of their food-source. They'll either move on to somewhere else or starve.
@patriciahebson429 8 лет назад
I found a certain soap that kills them. It suffocates them, also cockroaches and some ants. I spray it around my house on the ground every month or so and clean my floors with it weekly. I use the soap to clean my dishes too. I just killed one last night that was under the garage door when I opened it. Then I sprayed the concrete where the door lands so no others want to hide there for a while. That's a sign its Time to clean and spray the inside edges of the garage and outside in the garden again! Next time I find one I will catch it and make a RU-vid video of how the soap affects it.
@yoginigovekar2994 8 лет назад
What's the name of that soap please tell me ...I wanna get rid of these creatures
@heidihenderson94 8 лет назад
please... what is the soap
@shiki_jk8095 8 лет назад
just buy a flame thrower
@w9771 3 года назад
smart :/
@MelanieMay2201 12 лет назад
This honestly just happened to me! I live in a top story apartment with an attic...full of centipedes. On top of that, the landlord did a crappy job with my ceiling and there are holes around the sides, fantastic. I was just sitting on my bed and a centipede the size of my pinkie finger, I kid you not, ran faster then I can across my room and I woke my mother up at 3:00 am to kill it for me. I'm 16.
@Z3rostar 12 лет назад
I hate to say it, but bugs are buttholes. We need bees, but, man, fuck everything else. I've researched them quite a bit and from what I can tell you have to play the "my house sucks" game, where you make your place unappealing. a)Get rid of the other bugs - yeah right... b)Get rid of the moisture, these things hate dryness - you're in a basement, but dehumidifiers may still have some effect. Moving to Arizona would be better, but that's not an option for most people. c)Have a pro do a+b.
@SB_Tommy 11 лет назад
imagine one of those crawling on ur leg...thats what happened to yesterday i sprayed Raids on it, died in an instance
@dilophosaurus122 11 лет назад
Mines a zombie. I killed it and it came back while I was recording and I pissed my pants. He's been returning every warm night and stalking me
@MrDrumFreak 14 лет назад
i have a question!........ do they go after u wen ur sleeping? do they leave u alone? wats the causes of having centipedes in ur house?
@CoffeeSandwich 13 лет назад
these seem to apear every summer. i see them come up in the sink/bathtub. so i pour random chemicals in the drains. hoping it helps.. :(
@MrHerzog333 11 лет назад
I have nothing against spiders; they also do a good job of killing other insects. But ...centipedes belong in the jungle caves.
@TheQueenofMars 12 лет назад
I have those bastards in my house...in my room and everywhere. Now the area I live in has bedbugs, so as long as the centipedes keep the bedbugs away from me I'll be okay..... As long as they stop crawling on my ceiling and then falling x.x
@Mattyew 3 года назад
ok it's been 12 years, have you gotten rid of them yet? Do even live there anymore?
@Dominoskiii 3 года назад
Atleast you got it i couldnt get mine and now i dont think i can sleep in here😭
@missjo797 11 лет назад
Fifth time ive watched this may be and i still laugh just as hard :o)
@HuskerDuKid 12 лет назад
OMFG that's the WORST!!!! I hate they they just randomly drop from the ceiling... i have nightmares about that shit...
@TheClownCentral 13 лет назад
i bought a good tent and sleep outside...seems there are less bugs in my tent then in my basement where i lived.
@scottak1712 15 лет назад
Keep them as friends?! Wow. That's got to be the worst advice EVER. I had one in my basement once(crawling on my freaking arm) and it scared me like nothing else. I have no idea how to get rid of them, but I'll try to find out for yah. DO you know for sure that you have a lot, or if there was only that one?
@TacticalCato 5 лет назад
People say "oh theyre on your side" i dont care! They're disgusting!!!! I dont want them in my bathroom!!!
@Indra9779 5 лет назад
Chibi Gamer I would have a pet centipede I want them to kill bugs I see
@WhItEmAjIc123 14 лет назад
@amykins83 use raid , i saw some centipides , in my basement but then i sprayed raid and they went away , raid also kills spider and shit like that so its really good , even bugs
@kebbun1 11 лет назад
if you are asleep you wont even notice....
@misterroberts344 4 года назад
Lowkey just saw one when I walked out of my bathroom. I tried to wash it out of my mind as a dust/hair bunny. I know what it really was lol. I found a dead bumblebee half eaten yesterday. This thing brought a dead bumblebee into my house.
@misterroberts344 4 года назад
Also realized that when this was posted "lowkey" wasnt used yet.
@isabelmartins4212 10 лет назад
I would like to help but...I have the same problem and I'm looking for answers... Sorry!
@chatshi 12 лет назад
my cat doesn't even want to eat them....
@chucksrus84 11 лет назад
If you saw a centipede in your bed...maybe it was doing you a favor. Think about it. Which bug do we always associate with beds? Now think what might happen once you remove a house centipede. Yup. If you figured out the answer, you're fucked!
@raywolf3796 10 лет назад
i killed one with a throwing knife before it was funny and epic but another came up the next weak and you know spryed it with window cleaner dunno how dat made it dead but whatever.
@DanteValentine16 15 лет назад
man ur like me i have my room in the basement and i was going upstairs for a drink and what tha shiit i see a centipede on my stair way so i grap a shoe and raid and spray the hell outa it and while i do that what do i know another centipede run across the floor and i see another one by the crapet it scared the shiit outa me and i locked myself in my room ... i dont know when ill be able to leave ... oh ya did i mention it was 4:30 am!
@TheLastKilroyFilms 15 лет назад
well im not really a bug exterminator so i got nothin...
@Sara3346 11 лет назад
Nope actually house centipedes are from the Mediterranean ....and belong in houses...
@tylnozcn27 4 года назад
Does this guy still see these comments?
@UniqueMonique513 14 лет назад
ew,,creepy crawlers..I got the same problem!!! Ur not alone!!! I hate bugs period!
@Zellig 14 лет назад
Answer: You don't! Suck it up.
@BiggDogg25100 11 лет назад
i have a huge fear of centipedes. I dont kill them cause i cant, so i have somebody kill them for me. raid does wonders. every time i see one, i run out of the room screaming,"KILL IT WITH FIRE!!!!!!!"
@Jaymcmac17 12 лет назад
Lol good to hav them in the house where I don't see them
@KendallReviews 12 лет назад
I have these In my room, which is in the basement. Yay. I am a teenage girl and bugs already scare the crap out I me. I see one of those and I cringe up. I'm lucky I haven't found one in my bed.... Yet :/ I seemed to see them mostly in summer though, and it's just not fall.
@kjmarlo 15 лет назад
Dude....like fifteen minutes ago I was using the computer and then I heard this loud thump. Something similar to the noise of falling bird doo-doo outside. I look on my dresser and I was a huge fucking centipede. Apparently, it was crawling on my ceiling and it dropped on my dresser....I am so eff'n grossed out its not even funny.
@NebularImpact95 11 лет назад
Every time I see centipedes it looks as if someone photoshopped a daddy long legs and made it look like it had a thousand legs.
@VerbotenGott 12 лет назад
Actually, they do sting. And apparently it hurts and forms a decent welt. HAVE FUN :D
@djalsurdi67 12 лет назад
I Punch them because there so fast, no time for paper, then i leave them where i kill them, Don't clean it up! so the others will see what there in for incase they have any ideas on coming the same direction....Always works! The reason why they gross you out more then a spider is because there real quick and have too many damn legs.
@KillTheSharks 12 лет назад
Okay Roger Federer
@eveny119 12 лет назад
Get a dehumidifier, Raid for spiders kills them, or my cat who loves to chase and eat them..ggggrosssss(omit Raid)
@EzDude85 12 лет назад
Sad Story: i kill at least 1 of those bastards a day in my room and recently i was chillin in my bed about to go to sleep when 1 ran right by my head. I damn near killed myself jumpin out the bed, i searched for it afterwards and couldnt find it so i didnt sleep that night.. Now i sleep with a can of Raid
I sleep with a raid right next to me
@Nygiantsfanslash 11 лет назад
Probably a tank with mortar shells
@IMTinaMarieJ 14 лет назад
dis vid is hilarious i have lots of those things too and im freaking out now cuz theres a huge black one running around downstairs it ran right past my foot
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