This is interesting. The spread I use the most in tarot as a general overview of a situation (I thought I had invented it 🙃) that asks about ones head, heart, hand and feet (as in :where is this going?) Interesting, anyway, for a beast of the head as I am. You don't need to know mechanichs to successfully and safely drive a car.
Also, while I am NOT in the "America is best and can do no wrong" crowd, I am not in the "I must avoid any sign of patriotism" crowd either. I believe my country has done (and does) greivoius harm, but also has incredible potential. I believe in the Fundamental Ideals of the nation, and want her to live up to those ideals.
I met a person once and without know him I felt a urge to put my hand on his heart and I told him and immediately he placed his hand in my front head… it was a really strong moment in a random encounter … what you think happened?
USA all the way, i say you are straight from the heart ❤️ but i being air person think your doing great work here and has HELPED me understand yup no worries magick is my friend and works for me and i should try as hard as i can despite my lack of self confidence and I was Successful all along in my work, you really helped me see that, i always end up slowes person. But i have major maximum Saturn influence and every single situation i am held back, but gain favore end up on top LoL saturn delays me, (they claim doesn't deny) but i seriously doubt that This HAS helped me you Fukng Rock Man!Thank You!