
Questions that led me to my deconstruction/deconversion | Why I Am No Longer A Christian 

Maria Rivera
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This is the 2nd video of a series on my deconstruction journey, or deconversion story, or the why I'm not a christian anymore.
On my first video I shared about my previous relationship with Christ and how becoming a missionary and studying other religions, world views and apologetics, brought me to my "deconversion" of the christian faith. After releasing that first video I got many loving messages asking more about it, some asking about the specific questions that lead me to my deconstruction. I'm sharing here 4 important questions that I couldn't find a good enough answer for me to stay. This is like my video journal but I'd love to hear some of your thoughts.
Let's talk 💫
Email me to: Hello.MariaRivera92@gmail.com
Instagram: / maria.marziana
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Este es el segundo video de una serie sobre mi viaje de deconstrucción, o historia de desconversión, o el por qué ya no soy cristiana.
En mi primer video, compartí sobre mi relación anterior con Cristo y cómo llegar a ser misionera y estudiar otras religiones, visiones del mundo y apologética, me llevó a mi "desconversión" de la fe cristiana. Después de lanzar ese primer video, recibí muchos mensajes amorosos preguntando más sobre él, algunos preguntando sobre las preguntas específicas que me llevaron a mi deconstrucción. Estoy compartiendo aquí 4 preguntas importantes que no pude encontrar una respuesta lo suficientemente buena (en mi opinión) como para quedarme. Esto es como mi diario de video, pero me encantaría escuchar algunos de tus pensamientos.



21 июл 2024




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Комментарии : 1 тыс.   
@katherineg9396 3 года назад
They say you weren't a real Christian because they are afraid it will happen to them and they have to prove that there is a difference between them and you. Its so condescending and dismissive. Thank you for your honesty and openness.
@susanmaggiora4800 3 года назад
It’s called the ‘No True Scotsman’ fallacy. They are being dishonest & condescending as hell. But I’ve come to expect that from religion, along with a complete lack of logic & critical thought.
@mikeyant2445 3 года назад
@@susanmaggiora4800 It could be a "No True Scotsman Fallacy," it could also be what John said.. 1 John 2:19 KJV They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us. I survived deconstruction with a faith that is levels of magnitude stronger than when the doubts first started. Why? I would say the evidence pointed that way.... But my Born Again experience was very powerful. And no matter how bad the doubts got, I could not deny Jesus, but kept looking until the answers came.
@Volcanic47 3 года назад
Kool Klaim Katherine
@rlittlejohn2772 3 года назад
@@mikeyant2445 It's a book just like Lord of the rings or harry potter. The sun is older than the earth. Talking snake? Eve punished for an apple but Cain kills Able and that's ok. It makes no sense. Jonah living inside a whale, the walking dead etc etc. No J in the Hebrew or the King James bible. These chariot drivers didn't have electricity or light. Written before the scientific era. Edited , revised and redacted etc. We don't have any of the originals. Clearly written by men who held women to a low strata in life.
@mikeyant2445 3 года назад
@@rlittlejohn2772 The other side of the equation... Four Facts About Jesus Christ You Need to Know: Before You Decide You Don’t Believe in Him Fact #1. The Four Gospels accurately record the life of Jesus Christ, miracles included. Even the enemies of Jesus Christ from that time period admitted in their writings that Jesus Christ was the miracle worker the gospels described. The religious leaders who had Jesus crucified admitted to His miracles in their writings which are recorded in the Talmud. One passage reads: On the eve of the Passover they hanged Yeshu (of Nazareth). . . in that he practiced magic and led astray Israel. (Babylonian Sanhedrin 43-a) One religious leader, Eleazer Ben Hyrcanus, wondered about Jesus’ “magic arts” and speculated where they came from. The Bible says that Jesus gave the power to heal to His disciples, and that after His resurrection they healed many in His name. The Talmud verifies that at that time there was a controversy in Palestine as to whether or not it was lawful to be miraculously healed by a disciple in the name of Jesus. The Roman Emperor Julian the Apostate was a vicious enemy of Christianity. He wrote: Jesus has now been celebrated about three hundred years. . . having done nothing in his life worthy of fame, unless any one thinks it a very great work to heal lame and blind people in the villages of Bethsaida and Bethany. (These quotes came from the book, “Evidence that Demands a Verdict, by Josh Mcdowell) Today, two thousand years after the fact it seems easy for skeptics to deny the miracles of Jesus. That is something the skeptics of Jesus’ time could not do. Fact #2 Examined. The Old Testament portion of the Bible predicted that the Savior of mankind would be born of a virgin in the town of Bethlehem. (Isaiah 7:14, Micah 5:2) It predicted He would come with God’s message to man. (Deuteronomy 18:-19) It predicted that He would back up His message with miracles of healing. (Isaiah 35:5-6, “Then the eyes of the blind shall be opened, and the ears of the deaf shall be unstopped. Then shall the lame man leap as an hart, (deer) and the tongue of the dumb sing.” It predicted that He would be rejected and killed. However, it would be in His death that He would accomplish His mission to man; that He being innocent would bear the punishment in the place of us who are guilty. Consequently, as He had been punished for us, we could be forgiven and saved from our sins. (Isaiah 53, “. . . He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief: . . . Surely He hath borne our griefs and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem Him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted. But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace (with God) was upon Him; and with His stripes we are healed. All we like sheep are gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the LORD hath laid on Him the iniquity of us all.” It predicted that He would rise from the dead, (Psalm 16:8-10) and that immediately afterward the news of Him would spread around the world, with many finding forgiveness and salvation. (Isaiah 52:14-15, 53:11) Finally it predicted that Jerusalem would be destroyed shortly after this Savior was killed. (Daniel 9:26) Note: Jerusalem was leveled by the 10th Roman Legion 37 years after Jesus’ resurrection. This is not just a passing resemblance. The life described by the Old Testament prophets looks very much like the life of Jesus Christ in the gospels and history. Fact #3. The eyewitnesses were absolutely certain that they had seen Jesus Christ physically resurrected from the dead, and that those memories were not the type of memories anyone could have been mistaken about. They spent their lives proclaiming that they had seen Jesus resurrected, and that eternal life was a realistic hope. According to history they were persecuted and/or killed because it was the only way to shut them up. Fact#4. The coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost was a historical event. From that time on, people who repented of their sins and put their trust in Jesus Christ have experienced what He called the new birth. This is a very real transformation that takes place in a person when the Holy Spirit begins to turn him away from his sins and toward God.
@kevinsturges6957 3 года назад
Well said, and more power to you. Thank you for being brave enough to stand up and speak out.
@jdmac44 3 года назад
The sharing about the comments you've heard about how you were "never really a Christian" is so typical and unfortunately it's built into the system of faith itself, the Bible doesn't leave any room for questioning or thinking in any way that would allow someone to find their way out of it; what does that tell you about the faith? When people try to tell me that I wasn't really a Christian, I ask them if they know what the 10/40 Window is? Which of course, an enormous proportion of Christians have never heard of it. I was a 10/40 Window missionary, the 10/40 Window is a term used to describe a geographical location, spanning from the west of Africa all the way to the eastern end of China, between the 10th degree longitude north, to the 40th degree longitude north. The 10/40 Window represents the vast majority of unreached people who've never heard the gospel of Jesus Christ. Jesus' departing words were to "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you." The most important thing to do as a believer is share the gospel, around the world, with those who've never had a chance to hear, but how many "real" Christians actually do that? I eagerly went to work in the 10/40 Window with Operation Mobilization, my plan was to make it my career, I didn't care about my safety or even my life, I was in very risky situations a few times, I worked in countries that are among the most dangerous in the world, like Yemen, Djibouti, Papua New Guinea, etc. I celebrated the danger for the sake of Christ, for some couch potato, holier-than-thou, ditto head for Jesus to tell me I wasn't a real Christian is the most hilarious thing ever. Guess what folks, there's nobody there. You have to ask yourselves what's more important, what you want to believe or what's actually true. The facts are out there and they're abundant, but can your faith withstand hearing it?
@joshuamartinpryce8424 3 года назад
Its true though, according to the bible if you do not make it to heaven everyone that goes to the damnation judgement will be told by Jesus i never knew you. This means that you were not really a christian you just were superficially religious. Thinking you can do certain things to enter in, when its a relationship with God and Jesus that counts and not doing certain things.
@ChrisSmith-xh9wb 3 года назад
You sound very bitter, and I obviously don't know what led you to where you are now, but if you will allow me I will make a few observations. Your take on Christianity comes across as "salvation by works" rather than what it really is, "salvation by faith". Working in dangerous countries does not make you a better, more " obedient-to-the -gospel" than the "couch potatoes" you seem to despise. A "career Christian" is no better in God's eyes than a person who goes about their mundane life simply knowing that the unconditional love of Jesus has paid the penalty for their sin. The penitent sinner who knows they have nothing to offer is more valued by God than the proud Pharisee. Jesus himself said that there are many who will come to him presenting the work they have done "in his name", but he will turn to them and say "I never knew you". I do not know if you ever genuinely knew Christ and had a personal relationship with him, but if you did please think about these words from Hebrews, which were written for someone in your position: ""Remember those earlier days after you had received the light, when you endured in a great conflict full of suffering. Sometimes you were publicly exposed to insult and persecution; at other times you stood side by side with those who were so treated. You suffered along with those in prison and joyfully accepted the confiscation of your property, because you knew that you yourselves had better and lasting possessions. So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded."
@2fast2block 3 года назад
"unfortunately it's built into the system of faith itself, the Bible doesn't leave any room for questioning or thinking in any way that would allow someone to find their way out of it;" Really? God asks us to prove things. You prove you're a liar. You don't even know what biblical faith means. It's a trust in the evidence. You put your effort though into lying because you're a dunce like the person in the vid. Biblically, faith means trust. It's a trust by evidence seen. God asks that we prove things. To reason. To get knowledge. To study. God has nothing to hide. We develop trust from what is seen, and that which is not seen yet is trusted also because of the trust built up from what is seen. It's much like a human relationship. We don't trust much until a person has gained that trust from what is observed. The difference is though, God is not limited to human powers. He created us. Romans 1:20 For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities-his eternal power and divine nature-have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse. crossexamined.org/biblical-faith-vs-blind-faith/ www.truthortradition.com/articles/what-does-the-bible-say-about-faith www.revisedenglishversion.com/Appendix/16/Faith_is_Trust www.truthortradition.com/articles/faith-a-confident-expectation-of-gods-promises-coming-to-pass www.truthortradition.com/articles/hebrews-1-11-and-faith Wow, the bible starts with creation. Creation has clear evidence it can't happen naturally. YOU missed that too though. Real science says nothing does nothing. Real science says if there was something there already it must fit with the evidence of what we know. We know the 1LT says there's a conservation of energy. It can change forms and neither can be created or destroyed. Creation cannot happen by natural means. The 2LT has various aspects, one being the universe is winding down, entropy. Usable energy is becoming less usable, so at one point usable energy was at its max. This all points to a supernatural creation, by a supernatural creator at a certain point in which matter, space, and time were created. When I read how it can happen otherwise, ALL the fools resort to science-fiction. Once a supernatural creation is accepted, then the next step is finding proof of what supernatural power did it.
@shomshomni2314 3 года назад
Hi there, as someone who left the faith of 8 years but then came back after lots of seeking, I asked the same questions at one point as well but they are actually very easy to answer and not something you should loose your faith for. I am happy you're asking these questions, here are the answers. Why does God allow evil? Genuine love cannot exist unless freely given through free choice to accept God’s love or to reject it. This choice made the possibility of evil become very real. When Adam and Eve disobeyed God, they did not choose something God created, but, by their choice, they brought evil into the world. God is neither evil nor did He create evil. If God is Love, Truth and Light, what left is there to create/choose but the opposite. Ie. hatred, lies and darkness. Man brought evil upon himself by selfishly choosing his own way apart from God’s way. Why early manuscripts are not identical? The bible is the most well preserved historical book of all time. Because of this we have more evidence on the life of Jesus than we do for Napoleon just a few hundred years ago. The way that we investigate the accuracy of the bible is through a science called textural criticism. Because we have so many copies of early manuscripts (literally thousands) we can compare these manuscripts and discover human errors. This allows us to have confidence in knowing what manuscripts have been tampered with. The differences between any of the copies is a tiny fraction of the whole. Check out those footnotes in any Gospel, and you will see how few and minor they are. No Christian doctrine depends upon a disputed verse What was the reason for all the rules for Israel? First consider what was the purpose of the nation of Israel. They were to be a nation of priests to the whole world. They were chosen to know the most about God and through their bloodline the Messiah Jesus would be born, offering salvation to the whole of humanity. Because of this their health and morality had to be preserved. Some things at a surface level may seem silly but when you exam it is very intelligent. Why did Jews have to be circumstancised? So that they could identify who was actually Jewish. Why did God say that babies should be circumcised on the 8th day? It has now been scientifically proven that on the 8th day the vitamin k levels are the highest they will ever be (higher than even adult levels) which allows the blood to clot so the baby can heal. Why did God tell Israel not to eat unclean animals such as pork and shellfish? These animals are the waste disposers of the earth, they eat waste and scavage which makes them very prone to having parasites and spreading diseases. Why did God tell Jews to keep the Sabbath? Having a day off can preserve your life by as much as 20%. All of these rules were in place to maintain the nation of Israel so that Jesus could be born into a healthy bloodline who remembered to Lord and His prophecies. Why did God allow slavery? Our idea of slavery is the transatlantic slavery. This happened to my ancestors. It is cattle slavery. The bible says that anyone who does this shall be put to death even if the enslaved person has escaped, that's how evil it is. The slavery in the bible is indentured servitude. Often people would sell themselves into this for a certain number of years to pay off they're debts. After their debts were paid, the Master had to send them off with money so that could start a new life, (they also had to release and forgive their debts after a certain number of years even if they still had debt). It's almost like being a citizen of any nation who makes you pay tax. If you don't pay your taxes you will be thrown in prison. You may think you own you house but the government can take it at any time is you don't pay your taxes. Why are there so many denominations? We see in the book of Acts that there have always been disagreements in the body of Christ. For example Peter thought that all gentiles should be circumcised but Paul didn't because it's no longer necessary in the new covenant. Some things in the bible we need to Jesus to interpret just like He clarified scripture in the old testament, whereas other passages are indisputably clear and to deny them is a heracy. Majority of the time by just continuing to read the bible the passages that you were unclear on are explained. Nevertheless, reading the bible without the Holy Spirit is like reading blind. We all have different personalities. Some may be very extroverted and prefer a happy clappy pentecostal church, whereas others may prefer the more reserved tradition of an Anglican church. We also are a mixture of nations which inform us on what we think is reserved and the kind of music we listen to etc. But our doctrine is what unites us. The Trinity, Jesus is a Son of God who sacrificed Himself to atone for our sins. No one is Good but God which is why we need Him so much. Our repentance and also the Holy Spirit who dwells in believers. This is what marks us a brothers and sisters in Christ. Your questions haven't been hard for me to answer. There are so many apolergists on youtube who can answer your questions such a Mike Winger, William Lane Craig, Allen Parr, Frank Turek, Ray Comfort. I love the book of Romans and the gospel of John because it's quite apolergistic in nature. If you really want answers to your questions, the answers are so easy to find. But if you are simply look for an excuse not to believe, you won't look for the answers and will continue to listen to athiest fan boys who deny that Jesus even existed even though its a historical fact. Believe me I left the faith for 8 years but then I came back when I started questioning morality. If morality is objective, that requires a God with a law. God put the commandments on everyone's heart. Its called the conscience. I understand that some things in the bible may be hard to read but the bible is descriptive, not prescriptive. The characters are so flawed. But our standard is not them, it's Jesus. The entire Bible points to Jesus. I recommend watching American Gospel on Netflix, watching/reading the Case for Christ which is a movie which I think can be found on youtube and amazon prime. God bless 🕊️
@ChrisSmith-xh9wb 3 года назад
@@shomshomni2314 Thankyou for sharing your thoughts. Like you, there was a time when I totally rejected Christianity. I spent many years diligently searching for true spirituality and relentlessly questioning everything until all the answers came together like pieces of a jigsaw and the picture I saw was the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ. I know nothing of the apologists you mentioned, but I do know there is a God who cared enough about the questions I was asking to lead me to where I am now.
@bradjohnston9800 3 года назад
Thank you for sharing your wonderful thoughts and questions! You worked hard and now you have a superpower, the ability to change your mind. Some people don't like the idea of living with doubt. I hope you find it liberating to ask questions and empowering to doubt whenever doubt or uncertainty is the best position.
@arthousefilms 3 года назад
This is extremely well delivered, covering the points that really make the bible seem like a fable, just like the Epic of Gilgamesh. Good job!
@verticaladventure5762 3 года назад
Maria, I'm experiencing a deconstruction myself... After being separated from my church during Covid, it has afforded me to look objectively as to where it had come from. After taking my religious glasses off and reading the Bible in an honest manner I have found many glaring problems. After deep reflection on the texts, both Christian and secular Biblical text critics, story inconsistencies and distant dates between events and authorship it is not difficult to question it's validity. We do ourselves and those around us disservice if we do not openly ask why. If God is true and every man is a liar then we must seek truth at all costs no matter how far from people's beliefs it seems to be. I'd be a liar if I claimed scripture as truth, if in fact it is not...
@mariamarziana 3 года назад
I can resonate with those words. Thank you for sharing. I know deconstructing can be messy and hard on our social lives but yeah, I guess what better time than now. I hope you'll find like-minded people to surround yourself with.
@joshuamartinpryce8424 3 года назад
You havent asked for guidance from The Holy Spirit, you read the bible like a book. When we do that its just stories, meditation is needed for deeper understanding.
@verticaladventure5762 3 года назад
@@joshuamartinpryce8424 in all honesty I have been. I did not really want to lose faith. I've been serving God all of my teen and adult life in many capacities. However after reviewing the inerrancy of scripture I've found irreconcilable discrepancies. Even under the assumption of divine authorship much of the scripture has been altered beyond the lost originals. Even honest Christian Bible scholars acknowledge that. I've have openly discussed these issues with my pastor. He was very understanding. However I was told that I didn't need any other books for knowledge or understanding. "There is simplicity in Christ". I appreciated the input. But if God's word IS inspired then it should not matter who reads it. What is written is meant to be disclosed AND understood by all as being inerrant. Or are we to perceive the most holy book of all to be confusing and textually problematic? Possibly God is either testing mankind's faith with poorly penned documents or it really isn't inspired. If God is in control of world affairs am I incorrect in thinking that His word should be no different?
@verticaladventure5762 3 года назад
@Chief Blacksheep Agreed...
@2fast2block 3 года назад
"After deep reflection on the texts," And? How did a dunce like you get past the first verse on creation? Real science says nothing does nothing. Real science says if there was something there already it must fit with the evidence of what we know. We know the 1LT says there's a conservation of energy. It can change forms and neither can be created or destroyed. Creation cannot happen by natural means. The 2LT has various aspects, one being the universe is winding down, entropy. Usable energy is becoming less usable, so at one point usable energy was at its max. This all points to a supernatural creation, by a supernatural creator at a certain point in which matter, space, and time were created. When I read how it can happen otherwise, ALL the fools resort to science-fiction. Once a supernatural creation is accepted, then the next step is finding proof of what supernatural power did it. Give me a laugh how much you think and tell me how creation happened naturally. It will be easy for you since you boldly claimed..." I'd be a liar if I claimed scripture as truth, if in fact it is not..."
@lulubeukes2296 3 года назад
This was so helpful! I've been going through my own deconstruction, and I had all the questions you had, but I couldn't word them as properly as you did. Now I can use this video to explain my concerns and doubts. Thank you so much, and all the love to you and youe son
@kadene2 3 года назад
I like the analogy of how you can teach children to be kind and how God could have taught humans to be kind to each other even in the infancy of our species. I too have always wondered how he took the time to instruct his people not to eat shellfish or wear some mixed fabrics yet didn't see it fit to tell them that slavery was immoral and it wasn't right to kill people and grab their land. As a matter of fact, he gave them directions on how to do it. That woke me up to the realization that if God indeed existed, he was not good, but cruel and sadistic. 'Psychopath' came to mind. I thought that if he existed as a human, his persona would be in dire need of psychiatric intervention.
@salaltschul3604 3 года назад
Because HE didn't do any of those things! The Bible -- and all Holy texts -- were written by people. PEOPLE made those decisions. I doubt that God gives a toss what you eat or how you dress.
@themacocko6311 3 года назад
I believe in God. After several, SEVERAL years of study, I believe 0% of anything organized religion says. I've seen too much evidence. I could go into detail but the bottom line is, humans have screwed it up. It's NOTHING like it's commonly portrayed.
@patricagooden3078 3 года назад
@@themacocko6311 can you follow me on insta please I really wanna hear your mindset @knaj.ii
@DIBBY40 2 года назад
You're in good company. Marcion of Sinope thought the same. X
@Raiden-the-Goat32 Год назад
Only the case can be made a genuine psychopath would just learn to play the system and fool the psychaitrist. Being a psychopath is a part of the person's personality and can not actually be treated.
@xavierrobles1497 4 года назад
thank you for this. this is where I'm at with my faith (or what's left of it) right now. I admire your courage to share your story.
@mariamarziana 4 года назад
I'm so honored to hear that. Don't mind what other people think or say. We are ever growing beings! ♡
@joshuamartinpryce8424 3 года назад
Go back to church, you should not leave the faith because you do not understand everything, things become understandable over time and with spiritual growth.
@2fast2block 3 года назад
@@mariamarziana "We are ever growing beings!" You are growing to be a dunce. You don't understand evil... www.truthortradition.com/articles/does-god-permit-evil ...as you don't understand many things because you don't care to. You only care about whatever you want to believe and make lame excuses for it.
@shomshomni2314 3 года назад
@@mariamarziana Hi there, as someone who left the faith of 8 years but then came back after lots of seeking, I asked the same questions at one point as well but they are actually very easy to answer and not something you should loose your faith for. I am happy you're asking these questions, here are the answers. Why does God allow evil? Genuine love cannot exist unless freely given through free choice to accept God’s love or to reject it. This choice made the possibility of evil become very real. When Adam and Eve disobeyed God, they did not choose something God created, but, by their choice, they brought evil into the world. God is neither evil nor did He create evil. If God is Love, Truth and Light, what left is there to create/choose but the opposite. Ie. hatred, lies and darkness. Man brought evil upon himself by selfishly choosing his own way apart from God’s way. Why early manuscripts are not identical? The bible is the most well preserved historical book of all time. Because of this we have more evidence on the life of Jesus than we do for Napoleon just a few hundred years ago. The way that we investigate the accuracy of the bible is through a science called textural criticism. Because we have so many copies of early manuscripts (literally thousands) we can compare these manuscripts and discover human errors. This allows us to have confidence in knowing what manuscripts have been tampered with. The differences between any of the copies is a tiny fraction of the whole. Check out those footnotes in any Gospel, and you will see how few and minor they are. No Christian doctrine depends upon a disputed verse What was the reason for all the rules for Israel? First consider what was the purpose of the nation of Israel. They were to be a nation of priests to the whole world. They were chosen to know the most about God and through their bloodline the Messiah Jesus would be born, offering salvation to the whole of humanity. Because of this their health and morality had to be preserved. Some things at a surface level may seem silly but when you exam it is very intelligent. Why did Jews have to be circumstancised? So that they could identify who was actually Jewish. Why did God say that babies should be circumcised on the 8th day? It has now been scientifically proven that on the 8th day the vitamin k levels are the highest they will ever be (higher than even adult levels) which allows the blood to clot so the baby can heal. Why did God tell Israel not to eat unclean animals such as pork and shellfish? These animals are the waste disposers of the earth, they eat waste and scavage which makes them very prone to having parasites and spreading diseases. Why did God tell Jews to keep the Sabbath? Having a day off can preserve your life by as much as 20%. All of these rules were in place to maintain the nation of Israel so that Jesus could be born into a healthy bloodline who remembered to Lord and His prophecies. Why did God allow slavery? Our idea of slavery is the transatlantic slavery. This happened to my ancestors. It is cattle slavery. The bible says that anyone who does this shall be put to death even if the enslaved person has escaped, that's how evil it is. The slavery in the bible is indentured servitude. Often people would sell themselves into this for a certain number of years to pay off they're debts. After their debts were paid, the Master had to send them off with money so that could start a new life, (they also had to release and forgive their debts after a certain number of years even if they still had debt). It's almost like being a citizen of any nation who makes you pay tax. If you don't pay your taxes you will be thrown in prison. You may think you own you house but the government can take it at any time is you don't pay your taxes. Why are there so many denominations? We see in the book of Acts that there have always been disagreements in the body of Christ. For example Peter thought that all gentiles should be circumcised but Paul didn't because it's no longer necessary in the new covenant. Some things in the bible we need to Jesus to interpret just like He clarified scripture in the old testament, whereas other passages are indisputably clear and to deny them is a heracy. Majority of the time by just continuing to read the bible the passages that you were unclear on are explained. Nevertheless, reading the bible without the Holy Spirit is like reading blind. We all have different personalities. Some may be very extroverted and prefer a happy clappy pentecostal church, whereas others may prefer the more reserved tradition of an Anglican church. We also are a mixture of nations which inform us on what we think is reserved and the kind of music we listen to etc. But our doctrine is what unites us. The Trinity, Jesus is a Son of God who sacrificed Himself to atone for our sins. No one is Good but God which is why we need Him so much. Our repentance and also the Holy Spirit who dwells in believers. This is what marks us a brothers and sisters in Christ. Your questions haven't been hard for me to answer. There are so many apolergists on youtube who can answer your questions such a Mike Winger, William Lane Craig, Allen Parr, Frank Turek, Ray Comfort. I love the book of Romans and the gospel of John because it's quite apolergistic in nature. If you really want answers to your questions, the answers are so easy to find. But if you are simply look for an excuse not to believe, you won't look for the answers and will continue to listen to athiest fan boys who deny that Jesus even existed even though its a historical fact. Believe me I left the faith for 8 years but then I came back when I started questioning morality. If morality is objective, that requires a God with a law. God put the commandments on everyone's heart. Its called the conscience. I understand that some things in the bible may be hard to read but the bible is descriptive, not prescriptive. The characters are so flawed. But our standard is not them, it's Jesus. The entire Bible points to Jesus. I recommend watching American Gospel on Netflix, watching/reading the Case for Christ which is a movie which I think can be found on youtube and amazon prime. God bless 🕊️
@Odo-so8pj 3 года назад
Just have faith in Christ, you don't need works or any of the stuff the wolves have put in over the last 2000 years.
@L0VEisAmixtape 4 года назад
This is so good. Thanks for breaking this down!
@joshuamartinpryce8424 3 года назад
Maria talks about easy to answer questions, i knew that answers to these questions in my early christian living when i didnt take church seriously.
@2fast2block 3 года назад
How did you get past the first verse on creation? Real science says nothing does nothing. Real science says if there was something there already it must fit with the evidence of what we know. We know the 1LT says there's a conservation of energy. It can change forms and neither can be created or destroyed. Creation cannot happen by natural means. The 2LT has various aspects, one being the universe is winding down, entropy. Usable energy is becoming less usable, so at one point usable energy was at its max. This all points to a supernatural creation, by a supernatural creator at a certain point in which matter, space, and time were created. When I read how it can happen otherwise, ALL the fools resort to science-fiction. Once a supernatural creation is accepted, then the next step is finding proof of what supernatural power did it.
@L0VEisAmixtape 3 года назад
@@2fast2block frankly I don't really care anymore. I just don't believe in God or hell or Jesus anymore and that's that :) simple.
@2fast2block 3 года назад
@@L0VEisAmixtape unfortunately, what most churches teach is garbage and for many years I stayed away from them. To not care is to not care about yourself. It's your life. For me, I wanted answers that had evidence and made sense. You do have the freedom of will from God, just as you have your life, this earth, and this universe all from God. If you have no thanks for it all, then you live with the consequences. In the end, God is not taking excuses.
@L0VEisAmixtape 3 года назад
@@2fast2block I don't know how to respond because I am kind of confused by your stance. But I do care about myself. There are multiple spiritual practices one can engage in. It's a big world out there and one can take whatever path they choose. I don't believe in hell so I am not sure what consequences you are referring to.
@rolandwatts3218 2 года назад
Saw your interview on "Harmonic Atheist". A great talk. Well done. I loved it. All the best for your journey into the future.
@simplygilgh 2 года назад
Thank you for opening your heart and share your story with us. You made many powerful points that are deep and intriguing. Keep being genuine and a shining light in your journey through this planet Earth.
@wilfordmurray 3 года назад
Boy have you got that right. My life would be better if I had nothing to do with the church I grew up in.
@SteveFergBitbucket 3 года назад
Excellent presentation! Very clear. Good job!
@jamesrohla537 3 года назад
I can totally relate to you. I too had unanswered questions that lead me to lose Faith. After many years I have rediscovered my Faith but I would call what I now as a Fractured Faith. Thank you for sharing I know there are many who can relate to everything you said.
@insanetubegain 3 года назад
It seems you have adopted the proper tools to help you find truth where ever it leads. Hope your journey is fruitful.
@JulietTheGirl 3 года назад
That part about the denominations was the biggest issue in my deconversion. Especially in connection of worship music - what is "right" and "wrong" style and lyrics and overall expression.
@mariamarziana Год назад
Hey! Just going back through some comments and found yours. I wanted to let you know I recently posted a new video and it’s about the stage of rebuilding and wanted to invite you to check it out in case our journeys converge at this point. ✨
@luminescence2404 3 года назад
Thank you for sharing your experience! After nearly 16 years of practicing Christianity, I've decided to back out.
@mariamarziana Год назад
Hey! Just going back through some comments and found yours. I wanted to let you know I recently posted a new video and it’s about the stage of rebuilding and wanted to invite you to check it out in case our journeys converge at this point. ✨
@1life2live69 3 года назад
Great video, thanks for sharing the questions which were a struggle for you. It's so frustrating when Christian viewers presume to 'know' that you were never a 'true' believer, simply because the facts must be bent to suit their theology. Bending the facts to fit your existing beliefs is not away to find the truth. For me, I felt I had good theological answers that satisfied my questions (rightly or wrongly) but it was ultimately God's inactions and apparent indifference in the face of suffering of his followers, which was the final straw in my belief - similar in theme to the Epicurus' trilemma you described but specifically focused on suffering, in stark contrast to all the NT stories of Jesus and his disciples healing the sick, which caused me to question their authenticity. I look forward to seeing more of your videos!
@2fast2block 3 года назад
Dunce, it's like a daughter telling her mother, "I was never your daughter." The only way it makes sense is she was truly never her daughter.
@smfort1 2 года назад
When some of my friends discovered that I do not believe in a heaven or a hell, I was asked on why I live a highly ethical life. I do not need the reward of a heaven or the concept of a god continuously watching me. I became an atheist 20 years ago.
@ryanjosephlock 3 года назад
On the accuracy of the Bible issue (around 8 min), the bar is so low for evidence of God that we look at the evidence of a document... Why wouldn't God just talk to us and be known? That would make most sense if he wanted to have a relationship with us. But we're left arguing about the translation accuracy of an ancient document instead. And I understand that many Christians believe God talks to them, but when asked it's often through other Christians or voices in heads. I'm talking about a relationship like the ones we have with other people.
@mariamarziana 3 года назад
I see that too.
@joshuamartinpryce8424 3 года назад
God does talk to us through His Spirit. This is what the bible says. God speaks through His word.
@historicalbiblicalresearch8440 3 года назад
@@joshuamartinpryce8424 have you ever heard of circular reasoning?
@frankwhelan1715 3 года назад
@@historicalbiblicalresearch8440 Yes,they keep refrencing the bible as 'the word of god' when this vid is what all this is about, (serious doubts/disbelief that it IS the word of god.
@Gismho 3 года назад
All gods are products of the human mind, backed up by fables, some committed to writing, i.e. bibles, korans, vedas, catechisms, etc. Well done young lady for thinking the matter thru.
@Carrosh87 2 года назад
First of all I'd like to give you so much love for doing this video, because you are really brave coming forward and speaking about this even if you are getting very negative comments from Christians about how your faith wasn't real. I'm kind of in that situation too. Just 6 months ago I said out loud that I was an atheist, my deconstruction from evangelical to exvangelical took me about 15 years and I still have traumas and questions to fight through. I also did struggle most with the question of evil and what made me come to my final conclusion about God being non-existent was that of him being almighty and not willing to stop all the evil - therefore he is evil. That was my conclusion of it all. Thank you for your open thoughts about these questions!
@mariamarziana Год назад
Thank you for commenting. It really means a lot. Feel free to check out my latest video in case it’s useful. 🫶🏽✨
@samantadubois7749 4 года назад
I support you and totally agree. I've been through the same process lately.
@mariamarziana 4 года назад
How are you doing? Do you have people around you to support you through it? Deconstruction can be such a difficult thing to go through, and even more so alone.
@mariamarziana 4 года назад
Apparently, I'm a grandma and instead of replying to you last comment, I deleted it. -_- But I got to read it. Feel free to email me to hellomariagernand@gmail.com, I'm very responsive to my emails. Wishing you lots of peace ♡
@jmdsservantofgod8405 4 года назад
samanta dubois ..... many videos on de-conversion..... lots of great answers in this comment section.... please read them
@joshuamartinpryce8424 3 года назад
How sad you decided to leave the faith for stupid reasons also. We are supposed to invest in the bible not just read it like a story book. The Holy Spirit gives spiritual meaning to the texts.
@Blue_Dun 3 года назад
@@joshuamartinpryce8424 did you just land in here to bash people for questioning the Bible and their faith? How very Christian of you. For some of us not everything is so black and white. I'm happy for you that you are so concrete-minded, it must make it much easier. Do you know that you have much in common with an atheist? You can believe anything you want to believe, there is a God, there isn't a God, God is like this, God is like that. But the truth is neither one of you REALLY KNOW.
@sampark1986 3 года назад
Hi Maria, I am an orthodox Christian and I want to say I appreciate watching this video. Your candor and honesty about your doubts shows a lot of humility. I wish you well on your spiritual journal. I
@aaronkwok584 3 года назад
When someone truly understands what Jesus has done for them, they won't leave Him. Christ is like a refreshing spring you've found after being lost in a vast desert. If you truly know the life saving water you've found, then you won't leave the spring. Those who leave Christ are like those who find the grass and plants near the spring, but never the spring itself. It's completely fine to question your faith, just don't stop at the first answer you find. Many people wrestle with the same questions you do and find Christ when they persist in their search. Hoping you find the spring of living water.
@KekeMoloto 2 года назад
@JDrocks4ever 3 месяца назад
How condescending. Maybe actually learn the perspectives and listen to the stories of ex Christian’s before putting out straw man arguments.
@TheIronicRaven 3 года назад
Loved the video! These are great questions that I feel more people should ask. I love hearing the questions that other people had that lead them to deconstruction. Number 3 was a huge one for me! It was actually the first question that began to shake my faith. Very glad to hear others asking the same questions! I hope you have been able to find a more reliable path to truth than the bible, and keep making content!
@mariamarziana 3 года назад
Thank you so much. I want to, I just need more time. :)
@monicavalladares4356 3 года назад
I love this. I also would like to be able to talk like this with the Christians in my life, the people I really love- not to spark and win some debate, but to help them understand who I am.
@loyevangelists 3 года назад
so true. many christians treat you like you have the plague when you begin asking questions like these and they shun you. dont want to hear it. that really helps
@DominicvH 3 года назад
Just show them this video
@scottjackson163 3 года назад
I don’t understand the phrase “relationship with Christ.” How does one have a relationship with an invisible, silent entity?
@mpalmer22 3 года назад
Christ is revealed through scripture, it's tangible, we can read, study and learn more about him. You should really check it out.
@shomshomni2314 3 года назад
Christ is not silent. He answers our prayers all this time.
@gleanerman2195 3 года назад
@@shomshomni2314 He does say he can answer all prayers, but it's a goddamn lie, the fucker is man made bullshit.
@merikijiya13 3 года назад
I suppose it’s much like having a “relationship” with who we think we are. The us in our heads isn’t really the us in reality but our relationship with that individual effects us in reality. Jesus can be a simply mental construct that effects people in reality to which people can and have built a relationship with. Or to put it simply I’m a big fan of Wonder Woman, I have a “relationship” with her in terms of who I want to be and who I perceive her to be. Of course she’s not real but she still effects me in reality.
@1thess523 3 года назад
@@merikijiya13 no it's nothing like that 🤣
@thestig007 4 года назад
You have a lot of courage, and are well spoken. I've been an atheist for over a decade and still find it hard to talk about.
@mariamarziana 4 года назад
Thank you so much. And I totally understand, it's not an easy thing to process, I have better days than others but every journey is so precious and valuable not only to each of us but to the collective.
@joshuamartinpryce8424 3 года назад
You are feeling convicted by your conscience, that is why. The conscience is related to the spirit and everybody has a body, soul and spirit and the bible teaches this.
@thestig007 3 года назад
@@joshuamartinpryce8424 Have you ever heard of peer pressure?
@gleanerman2195 3 года назад
@@thestig007 It damn sure ain't no holy spirit shit. lmao
@nielnielsen4822 3 года назад
@@joshuamartinpryce8424 It tell you that sometimes it's ok to kill people with rocks too.
@machyndman9933 3 года назад
Thanks for your video! Thanks for your honesty and passion to share your truth! I am a Christian and love the Nazarene with all my heart! I wish you well and I really enjoyed hearing your story! Hope you have a wonderful wonderful day!
@JM-ot8ux Год назад
Some people go their whole lives believing that Elvis is still alive.
@JM-ot8ux Год назад
@@machyndman9933 Elvis is dead and has been since 1977. Whoever "Jesus" was, he died 2,000 years ago and there's no evidence that either Elvis or Jesus is resurrected--but there are still plenty of people who believe Elvis is still alive. They're just "the faithful."
@JM-ot8ux Год назад
@@machyndman9933 You're welcome. Always happy to help because I have a generous and kind heart, thank you for acknowledging that, made my day.
@mariamarziana Год назад
Hey! That’s such a respectful and honest comment. Thank you 🙏🏽
@mariamarziana Год назад
@@JM-ot8ux 😂
@KeytarKris 3 года назад
I’m goin thru my own Deconstruction and this means a lot to me. Thank you
@danielgalvez7953 3 года назад
If you question your faith, please give me your questions. I think I answer the ones Maria Gernand had trouble with.
@danielgalvez7953 3 года назад
@@olab9300 The story of Noah is part of the Pentateuch, the first five books of the bible. I have fellow Catholics who believe in the historical accuracy of these books, but believing in their historical accuracy is not Catholic doctrine. The way I see it, these are ancient stories adapted from the Mesopotamian mythology, they have important messages imbedded within but its impractical for anyone today to attempt to receive them without a Bible translator(a theologian), or a phd in theology(being a translator yourself). As for the book of Joshua. There is no certainty in its historical accuracy, since there aren’t many documents to corroborate. I think it's likely the author used events he lived and saw and used them to record some important truths by using some crazy imagery and fiction in the storytelling. I would highly recommend to anyone to seriously speculate any accounts of supernatural activity. I think the supernatural is evident in the fact that the universe exists rather than doesn’t exist, since science has yet to discover how to create something out of nothing, and more than that: how to create the laws of physics and the 3 dimensions and time for that matter, and I seriously doubt it ever will. If your doubts about the bible are the supernatural accounts, I would advise seeking clarification on what the meaning of the Bible is from someone who believes in the extreme value of the Bible but understands that the historical accuracy is not important. I have yet to attend the Seminary, but I have my doubts on any certainty of finding what you’re looking for from the mentors there; while they are likely very knowledgeable the Seminary is for teaching people how to be leaders more than a school of philosophy/theology (philosophy and theology are really the same thing). Even if you are a woman and can’t attend the Seminary, you can still go to the individuals there and ask for help. I highly recommend listening to The Psychological Significance of The Bible youtube series by Jordan B Peterson. I know he is a controversial figure, but he is very true to doing what he thinks is right, and is undeniably qualified for what he talks about. Another suggestion is the free online course at Hillsdale University on The Genesis Story, I have yet to start it, but it shows promise to me.
@eloiseramsey9276 3 года назад
I never understood how people could give over their lives to something they don't question. When you can do that, it's because you lack self value.
@gleanerman2195 3 года назад
Congrats, anyone who leaves that b.s. is a better person for it.
@Morewecanthink 3 года назад
And what's your foundation wishing to decide that.
@Morewecanthink 3 года назад
@Raheem K. - But that is not the foundation and intention of the first commentator and of that girl following her own limited false understanding denying the truth.
@randomeplo6034 3 года назад
@@Morewecanthink u can’t really say it’s a false religion Bc historical documents were founded that Jesus existed and 2000 manuscripts were founded by ad to Bc and 500 of them witness Jesus rise from the dead and wrote about it in the manuscript it’s not only the Bible it’s the history u study about if u don’t believe in that u sure can’t believe that evolution actually happened
@Morewecanthink 3 года назад
@@randomeplo6034 - Why are you addressing this to me? Obviously you didn't understand my commentary.
@fear9-qf9kn Месяц назад
Im a christan too man but it hard he takes away yo freedom a little
@SapphirePanorama 3 года назад
Your video is refreshing and I'm grateful for you sharing. I've deconstructed from Christianity in the past few years and also had a lot of questions & answers that didn't add up. And I realized there were many harmful ideas and doctrines in the evangelical Christianity I grew up with. I've shed those beliefs and I'm so glad (though I still have a lot to process with how I was indoctrinated for so long and have lingering effects from it).
@2fast2block 3 года назад
"a lot of questions & answers that didn't add up." Tell me how the first one added up on the first verse of the bible about God creating. Did God create or not? If not, tell how creation happened without God. Let's see how you add things up.
@SapphirePanorama 3 года назад
@@2fast2block God is a convenient way to explain anything we don't know how to explain. That doesn't mean that God did that. Just the same, it doesn't mean a giant invisible computer did it. Or that a massive army of aliens created the world. Just because we can't explain how it happened, doesn't automatically mean God did. And just because an ancient book says something doesn't make it true. None of us know how we got here and that's totally okay.
@2fast2block 3 года назад
​@@SapphirePanorama you need to learn some BASIC science, you dunce. Real science says nothing does nothing. Real science says if there was something there already it must fit with the evidence of what we know. We know the 1LT says there's a conservation of energy. It can change forms and neither can be created or destroyed. Creation cannot happen by natural means. The 2LT has various aspects, one being the universe is winding down, entropy. Usable energy is becoming less usable, so at one point usable energy was at its max. This all points to a supernatural creation, by a supernatural creator at a certain point in which matter, space, and time were created. When I read how it can happen otherwise, ALL the fools resort to science-fiction. Once a supernatural creation is accepted, then the next step is finding proof of what supernatural power did it. We KNOW those laws, at least some do except for dunces like you. Tell me why I should doubt those laws. You're only good for laughs so supply some more.
@SapphirePanorama 3 года назад
@@2fast2block again, none of your points prove the existence of God, much less a specific God (like that of the Christian Bible). Could there be a higher power? Sure, that's possible. I wouldn't say it isn't. If there is a God, what would be your explanation of how that God came to exist? You simply cannot prove something supernatural exists, because it would be beyond the laws of nature. I can't prove there isn't something supernatural, either. It's okay not to know and to admit uncertainty. You really don't need to insult someone who presents reasonable statements, like I did. It's possible to have intelligent conversations without calling someone a dunce, and using insults certainly doesn't help your credibility.
@shomshomni2314 3 года назад
Hi there, as someone who left the faith of 8 years but then came back after lots of seeking, I asked the same questions at one point as well but they are actually very easy to answer and not something you should loose your faith for. I am happy you're asking these questions, here are the answers. Why does God allow evil? Genuine love cannot exist unless freely given through free choice to accept God’s love or to reject it. This choice made the possibility of evil become very real. When Adam and Eve disobeyed God, they did not choose something God created, but, by their choice, they brought evil into the world. God is neither evil nor did He create evil. If God is Love, Truth and Light, what left is there to create/choose but the opposite. Ie. hatred, lies and darkness. Man brought evil upon himself by selfishly choosing his own way apart from God’s way. Why early manuscripts are not identical? The bible is the most well preserved historical book of all time. Because of this we have more evidence on the life of Jesus than we do for Napoleon just a few hundred years ago. The way that we investigate the accuracy of the bible is through a science called textural criticism. Because we have so many copies of early manuscripts (literally thousands) we can compare these manuscripts and discover human errors. This allows us to have confidence in knowing what manuscripts have been tampered with. The differences between any of the copies is a tiny fraction of the whole. Check out those footnotes in any Gospel, and you will see how few and minor they are. No Christian doctrine depends upon a disputed verse What was the reason for all the rules for Israel? First consider what was the purpose of the nation of Israel. They were to be a nation of priests to the whole world. They were chosen to know the most about God and through their bloodline the Messiah Jesus would be born, offering salvation to the whole of humanity. Because of this their health and morality had to be preserved. Some things at a surface level may seem silly but when you exam it is very intelligent. Why did Jews have to be circumstancised? So that they could identify who was actually Jewish. Why did God say that babies should be circumcised on the 8th day? It has now been scientifically proven that on the 8th day the vitamin k levels are the highest they will ever be (higher than even adult levels) which allows the blood to clot so the baby can heal. Why did God tell Israel not to eat unclean animals such as pork and shellfish? These animals are the waste disposers of the earth, they eat waste and scavage which makes them very prone to having parasites and spreading diseases. Why did God tell Jews to keep the Sabbath? Having a day off can preserve your life by as much as 20%. All of these rules were in place to maintain the nation of Israel so that Jesus could be born into a healthy bloodline who remembered to Lord and His prophecies. Why did God allow slavery? Our idea of slavery is the transatlantic slavery. This happened to my ancestors. It is cattle slavery. The bible says that anyone who does this shall be put to death even if the enslaved person has escaped, that's how evil it is. The slavery in the bible is indentured servitude. Often people would sell themselves into this for a certain number of years to pay off they're debts. After their debts were paid, the Master had to send them off with money so that could start a new life, (they also had to release and forgive their debts after a certain number of years even if they still had debt). It's almost like being a citizen of any nation who makes you pay tax. If you don't pay your taxes you will be thrown in prison. You may think you own you house but the government can take it at any time is you don't pay your taxes. Why are there so many denominations? We see in the book of Acts that there have always been disagreements in the body of Christ. For example Peter thought that all gentiles should be circumcised but Paul didn't because it's no longer necessary in the new covenant. Some things in the bible we need to Jesus to interpret just like He clarified scripture in the old testament, whereas other passages are indisputably clear and to deny them is a heracy. Majority of the time by just continuing to read the bible the passages that you were unclear on are explained. Nevertheless, reading the bible without the Holy Spirit is like reading blind. We all have different personalities. Some may be very extroverted and prefer a happy clappy pentecostal church, whereas others may prefer the more reserved tradition of an Anglican church. We also are a mixture of nations which inform us on what we think is reserved and the kind of music we listen to etc. But our doctrine is what unites us. The Trinity, Jesus is a Son of God who sacrificed Himself to atone for our sins. No one is Good but God which is why we need Him so much. Our repentance and also the Holy Spirit who dwells in believers. This is what marks us a brothers and sisters in Christ. Your questions haven't been hard for me to answer. There are so many apolergists on youtube who can answer your questions such a Mike Winger, William Lane Craig, Allen Parr, Frank Turek, Ray Comfort. I love the book of Romans and the gospel of John because it's quite apolergistic in nature. If you really want answers to your questions, the answers are so easy to find. But if you are simply look for an excuse not to believe, you won't look for the answers and will continue to listen to athiest fan boys who deny that Jesus even existed even though its a historical fact. Believe me I left the faith for 8 years but then I came back when I started questioning morality. If morality is objective, that requires a God with a law. God put the commandments on everyone's heart. Its called the conscience. I understand that some things in the bible may be hard to read but the bible is descriptive, not prescriptive. The characters are so flawed. But our standard is not them, it's Jesus. The entire Bible points to Jesus. I recommend watching American Gospel on Netflix, watching/reading the Case for Christ which is a movie which I think can be found on youtube and amazon prime. God bless 🕊️
@macavelli8905 Год назад
Courage it takes courage to own your own thoughts. The journey is singular and that has been lost in the group mentality that only knows to follow the middle man message,that claims to be sent to you rather than speaking directly to the person.
@mariamarziana Год назад
You’re so right. It does take courage and lots of self-love to explore beyond what we already know. ✨ thanks for saying it!
@AndrewKendall71 3 года назад
The "if God is good and all-powerful, why is there evil?" question does miss something - you are evil, I am evil. Why does he allow it? Love for evil us. Also, it misses human nature to say "there should have been a perfect manuscript of the whole of the scripture God intended," namely, that humans would worship that book (and some do, as it is). God wouldn't and doesn't want that. Also, the morality issues differ based on the variable purpose of the rules, not the unchanging morality of them. It's also important to understand what is meant by "slavery" across the eras of the scripture. And I very often hear the 23,000 to 46,000 denominations thing. That's including lots of groups that share 99% of their convictions. There are actually around a dozen functionally distinct permutations of what's called "Christian," not as many as many argue. Just a few thoughts that often get lost in precisely this line of reasoning.
@grimlund 3 года назад
Slavery probably means slavery in the Bible. Can you show us all that it means something else?
@AndrewKendall71 3 года назад
@@grimlund The Bible is many types of literature, covering many different eras of many different societies, empires, regions, and their proximate cultures. That's a framework for starting to understand. Slavery means slavery, but in some instances it means servant. In others it means the indenture of captives of war (providing for their survival). In others, it does mean something worse. Knowing which is acknowledges as livable in scripture is the key. The Bible does not validate the mistreatment of people. It documents it, and it gives instruction for those who find themselves in various types of servitude. But indentured life was a standard norm for all societies for all of human history, and still is, right under our noses.
@abigailrose802 2 года назад
God created us-so he created evil. He could have created us without it.
@DIBBY40 2 года назад
Read Exodus 21. A man can sell his daughter into slavery. She is property. Do you really think this is God inspired? Could he think of nothing better morally?
@AndrewKendall71 2 года назад
@@DIBBY40 That's an anachronistic moral framework coming from a place of the unprecedented luxury you live in. Daughters are not property in that passage. You can find the answer to your question with simple study of history of true destitution and commentary on the passage and nature of the moral law of God which protected the daughters of Israel more than all surrounding peoples by giving such specific instruction. Civilization was, after all, progressive in nature. Do you really think society all just sprang into existence with 20th-century Judeo-Christian morality (that has provided that luxury)?
@lukechristwalker 3 года назад
Sorry to hear about your deconstruction. I was not raised a Christian, but upon hearing the gospel when I was nearly 18, I had what can only be described as a miraculous conversion experience when I thought I was winning a debate with the person sharing the gospel with me and suddenly Christ made Himself aware to my mind and I realized I had been deceived for years. I had lots to learn and , like you, had all the same questions and especially the doubts. I had always thought the Bible was just a book written by old men to keep people in control, so I really struggled with that one. But in spite of all my unanswered questions, my conversion experience kept me anchored in Jesus until the answers finally came. Many of the answers did not come for decades, because they require years of study to acquire enough wisdom to even know what questions to ask. But one thing I could never deny. The day I became a Christian I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that Jesus Christ revealed Himself to me internally in a way that I knew it was real and not my imagination. Today, nearly 50 years later, I have found the answers you say you could not find, therefore you deconstructed. My prayer for you is that this might be a temporary stage in your walk with Christ and not a total rejection. I, too, have had to deconstruct some of the bad teaching I received from some of those 40,000 denominations, as we all must do. For me, I was able to do it while still clinging to the One who hung on a cross for me, and was raised from the dead. One day He will return and set all things right, and I know you do not understand why He does not right the wrongs sooner. This is not the format to really answer your questions, but let me just say I pray you consider seeking answers more thoroughly before you make up your mind in such a way that you cannot find your way back. One of the things I noticed you say was that if you were God you would not _____. Fill in the blank. Comparing ourselves to God will never get us closer to the truth. You are asking good questions; God is not afraid of the questions you are asking. There are answers. Part of the journey is learning to face your limitations. And one of the greatest dangers we face is having a little bit of wisdom and knowledge without realizing it is just a little bit. I am not really internet savvy, but if you know of a way we could email without the entire world getting our information and spamming us, I would be happy to talk to you more in depth. Otherwise, anchor your hopes in Jesus Himself. Trust Him to see you safely through the confusion. The Bible is clear. In the last days, many will abandon the truth, and believe the lie. BTW, if you think the Bible teaches God has changed His morality, you are not reading it correctly. He doesn't change. And He still loves you.
@Odo-so8pj 3 года назад
It's the great falling away. These videos are stratigic to entice the Christian Greys away. A wicked generation that loves not the truth.
@JDrocks4ever 3 месяца назад
These so called “answers” are not good answers and you wouldn’t consider them to be sufficient answers for anything else. I won’t put your “miraculous experience” into question, but to assert that it was Christ as opposed to literally anything else requires actual evidence so you can delineate. What I find is that most people aren’t Christian’s because of the overwhelming evidence for Christianity. They’re Christian’s because of some sort of personal attachment/experience which is heavily biased by the religion in their environment
@swotithinkanyway2163 4 года назад
Nice honest and heart-felt video. I noticed at the end that you talked about the many denominations, which range over the whole spectrum from small disagreements on particular beliefs to cults that were born out of Christianity but change/add so much that they are often considered to be practically separate religions (eg Mormons and Jehovah's witnesses). Perhaps you are aware of Jesus praying to God the Father for unity of the church. Not only is this a prayer that surely should've been answered in the affirmative (with a certainty that perhaps doesn't apply to the prayers of human christians) but he even says that this prayer being answered would serve as a demonstration to the world that the Father sent him! Apart from today's mass of disagreements, history records "heretics" being wiped out (eg Cathars) and there have been huge conflicts (eg central Europe's 30 Years War) between Christians. Of course, apologists have responded to this, though all I've seen is an attempt to dilute the meaning of the idea of unity to such an extent that, what is effectively a prophecy, could only have failed to be fulfilled if every christian was always at the throat of every other christian!
@joshuamartinpryce8424 3 года назад
The short answer about many denominations is people have different insights and interpretations, and congregations go along with what they feel comfortable with.
@RoseSharon7777 3 года назад
When I read Romans 1:3-4 one day, it blew my mind! Started my 4 year journey out of Christianity and back to the father ALONE. I actually do understand why evil exists, so that was never my question. WHO God REALLY IS is what my journey was about. The truth set me free and my life became filled with joy unspeakable and full of glory, after 35 years of chronic depression!
@sockeye1140 3 года назад
Yah... I also have gone through the process of deconstruction as well. It took 8 years for me to get to the point I am now, but it's been an enlightening journey for me. In talking to people who have also left christianity behind, it's interesting to see how we all get there. For me, it was primarily through history, anthropology, and logic. Everyone has their own distinctive ways they get to this point, though.
@2fast2block 3 года назад
How did you get past the first verse on creation? Real science says nothing does nothing. Real science says if there was something there already it must fit with the evidence of what we know. We know the 1LT says there's a conservation of energy. It can change forms and neither can be created or destroyed. Creation cannot happen by natural means. The 2LT has various aspects, one being the universe is winding down, entropy. Usable energy is becoming less usable, so at one point usable energy was at its max. This all points to a supernatural creation, by a supernatural creator at a certain point in which matter, space, and time were created. When I read how it can happen otherwise, ALL the fools resort to science-fiction. Once a supernatural creation is accepted, then the next step is finding proof of what supernatural power did it.
@sockeye1140 3 года назад
@@2fast2block Hmmm... If you are talking physics, your guess is going to be better than mine. It's definitely not my strong point. What I do know, though, is that the archaeological evidence found (and not found) casts doubt that the god of the bible exists according to those stories told in the bible. What's more, the contradictions in the bible cast doubt on the legitimacy of the bible as anything more than just another man made holy text. There's really nothing unique about Yahweh when compared to other iron age gods in that part of the world during the time that the books of the old testament were written. In fact, it looks very likely that the ancient Israelites and Judeans borrowed stories and theology from their surrounding neighbors. I suppose it's possible that a god could exist, but if it does, I really don't see how it could be Yahweh.
@2fast2block 3 года назад
@@sockeye1140 funny how you talk about the bible being stories and you can't get past the first verse about God creating. Funny in a bad way.
@sockeye1140 3 года назад
@@2fast2block I mean... You say I can't get past the first verse, and yet you're the one who's still stuck on it. You're into physics. Cool. From my very first post I did mention that my areas of interest are in history, anthropology, and logic, though. You knew that before you started talking to me about physics; something I don't have an interest in. If you want to discuss how the first verses about creation are similar to other, older Mesopotamian creation myths such as what can be read in the Enuma Elish, I'd love to talk about that. If you wanna talk about entropy and conservation of energy, then I only have surface knowledge on those things. Question, though: Even if supernatural means could be used to explain gaps in our scientific knowledge, who's to say that the biblical explanations for those supernatural means are correct? Why not older creation myths such as what we read in the Enuma Elish, the Zend Avesta, the Vedas, or even something newer like what we read in the Quran? What makes the Bible the correct one?
@shomshomni2314 3 года назад
Hi there, as someone who left the faith of 8 years but then came back after lots of seeking, I asked the same questions at one point as well but they are actually very easy to answer and not something you should loose your faith for. I am happy you're asking these questions, here are the answers. Why does God allow evil? Genuine love cannot exist unless freely given through free choice to accept God’s love or to reject it. This choice made the possibility of evil become very real. When Adam and Eve disobeyed God, they did not choose something God created, but, by their choice, they brought evil into the world. God is neither evil nor did He create evil. If God is Love, Truth and Light, what left is there to create/choose but the opposite. Ie. hatred, lies and darkness. Man brought evil upon himself by selfishly choosing his own way apart from God’s way. Why early manuscripts are not identical? The bible is the most well preserved historical book of all time. Because of this we have more evidence on the life of Jesus than we do for Napoleon just a few hundred years ago. The way that we investigate the accuracy of the bible is through a science called textural criticism. Because we have so many copies of early manuscripts (literally thousands) we can compare these manuscripts and discover human errors. This allows us to have confidence in knowing what manuscripts have been tampered with. The differences between any of the copies is a tiny fraction of the whole. Check out those footnotes in any Gospel, and you will see how few and minor they are. No Christian doctrine depends upon a disputed verse What was the reason for all the rules for Israel? First consider what was the purpose of the nation of Israel. They were to be a nation of priests to the whole world. They were chosen to know the most about God and through their bloodline the Messiah Jesus would be born, offering salvation to the whole of humanity. Because of this their health and morality had to be preserved. Some things at a surface level may seem silly but when you exam it is very intelligent. Why did Jews have to be circumstancised? So that they could identify who was actually Jewish. Why did God say that babies should be circumcised on the 8th day? It has now been scientifically proven that on the 8th day the vitamin k levels are the highest they will ever be (higher than even adult levels) which allows the blood to clot so the baby can heal. Why did God tell Israel not to eat unclean animals such as pork and shellfish? These animals are the waste disposers of the earth, they eat waste and scavage which makes them very prone to having parasites and spreading diseases. Why did God tell Jews to keep the Sabbath? Having a day off can preserve your life by as much as 20%. All of these rules were in place to maintain the nation of Israel so that Jesus could be born into a healthy bloodline who remembered to Lord and His prophecies. Why did God allow slavery? Our idea of slavery is the transatlantic slavery. This happened to my ancestors. It is cattle slavery. The bible says that anyone who does this shall be put to death even if the enslaved person has escaped, that's how evil it is. The slavery in the bible is indentured servitude. Often people would sell themselves into this for a certain number of years to pay off they're debts. After their debts were paid, the Master had to send them off with money so that could start a new life, (they also had to release and forgive their debts after a certain number of years even if they still had debt). It's almost like being a citizen of any nation who makes you pay tax. If you don't pay your taxes you will be thrown in prison. You may think you own you house but the government can take it at any time is you don't pay your taxes. Why are there so many denominations? We see in the book of Acts that there have always been disagreements in the body of Christ. For example Peter thought that all gentiles should be circumcised but Paul didn't because it's no longer necessary in the new covenant. Some things in the bible we need to Jesus to interpret just like He clarified scripture in the old testament, whereas other passages are indisputably clear and to deny them is a heracy. Majority of the time by just continuing to read the bible the passages that you were unclear on are explained. Nevertheless, reading the bible without the Holy Spirit is like reading blind. We all have different personalities. Some may be very extroverted and prefer a happy clappy pentecostal church, whereas others may prefer the more reserved tradition of an Anglican church. We also are a mixture of nations which inform us on what we think is reserved and the kind of music we listen to etc. But our doctrine is what unites us. The Trinity, Jesus is a Son of God who sacrificed Himself to atone for our sins. No one is Good but God which is why we need Him so much. Our repentance and also the Holy Spirit who dwells in believers. This is what marks us a brothers and sisters in Christ. Your questions haven't been hard for me to answer. There are so many apolergists on youtube who can answer your questions such a Mike Winger, William Lane Craig, Allen Parr, Frank Turek, Ray Comfort. I love the book of Romans and the gospel of John because it's quite apolergistic in nature. If you really want answers to your questions, the answers are so easy to find. But if you are simply look for an excuse not to believe, you won't look for the answers and will continue to listen to athiest fan boys who deny that Jesus even existed even though its a historical fact. Believe me I left the faith for 8 years but then I came back when I started questioning morality. If morality is objective, that requires a God with a law. God put the commandments on everyone's heart. Its called the conscience. I understand that some things in the bible may be hard to read but the bible is descriptive, not prescriptive. The characters are so flawed. But our standard is not them, it's Jesus. The entire Bible points to Jesus. I recommend watching American Gospel on Netflix, watching/reading the Case for Christ which is a movie which I think can be found on youtube and amazon prime. God bless 🕊️
@stacywilliams3944 3 года назад
I think it's great that you made this video. I really appreciate you putting it out there, because I've been going through a lot of the same things.I would venture to say that the Bible is not even 99% accurate. Many books were written way way after they supposedly happened. By people who were not even eyewitnesses. So many things were passed down through years and years of verbal stories before they were written. There's no way that they are as accurate as we were taught to believe.
@2fast2block 3 года назад
"There's no way that they are as accurate as we were taught to believe." OK, how did you get past the first verse on creation. Did God create or not? If not give evidence how it happened naturally. Real science says nothing does nothing. Real science says if there was something there already it must fit with the evidence of what we know. We know the 1LT says there's a conservation of energy. It can change forms and neither can be created or destroyed. Creation cannot happen by natural means. The 2LT has various aspects, one being the universe is winding down, entropy. Usable energy is becoming less usable, so at one point usable energy was at its max. This all points to a supernatural creation, by a supernatural creator at a certain point in which matter, space, and time were created. When I read how it can happen otherwise, ALL the fools resort to science-fiction. Once a supernatural creation is accepted, then the next step is finding proof of what supernatural power did it. Now get around that science or at least try so I can have more laughs.
@sandorski56 3 года назад
@@2fast2block Incorrect. Except for one part, as far as we can tell the Universe on the whole is a Closed System subject to the 2nd LT. However, there is enough Energy in the whole to keep it going for some 200 Billion years yet. That is with our current understanding. What is "Creation"? Is it Adding Energy into the System? Is it Simple Things becoming more Complex Things? Early Christian Scientists accepted Creation. As they investigated the Natural World they began to see that all their ideas regarding Creation were wrong. One thing that has never been found has been evidence of the Super Natural, so there is no way to determine a specific Super Natural power. You could try, but countless persons have failed that endeavour throughout time already.
@2fast2block 3 года назад
@@sandorski56 now that you relieved yourself of your gas, next try to actually get around the science I gave. You skipped that part.
@sandorski56 3 года назад
@@2fast2block Which was?
@shomshomni2314 3 года назад
Hi there, as someone who left the faith of 8 years but then came back after lots of seeking, I asked the same questions at one point as well but they are actually very easy to answer and not something you should loose your faith for. I am happy you're asking these questions, here are the answers. Why does God allow evil? Genuine love cannot exist unless freely given through free choice to accept God’s love or to reject it. This choice made the possibility of evil become very real. When Adam and Eve disobeyed God, they did not choose something God created, but, by their choice, they brought evil into the world. God is neither evil nor did He create evil. If God is Love, Truth and Light, what left is there to create/choose but the opposite. Ie. hatred, lies and darkness. Man brought evil upon himself by selfishly choosing his own way apart from God’s way. Why early manuscripts are not identical? The bible is the most well preserved historical book of all time. Because of this we have more evidence on the life of Jesus than we do for Napoleon just a few hundred years ago. The way that we investigate the accuracy of the bible is through a science called textural criticism. Because we have so many copies of early manuscripts (literally thousands) we can compare these manuscripts and discover human errors. This allows us to have confidence in knowing what manuscripts have been tampered with. The differences between any of the copies is a tiny fraction of the whole. Check out those footnotes in any Gospel, and you will see how few and minor they are. No Christian doctrine depends upon a disputed verse What was the reason for all the rules for Israel? First consider what was the purpose of the nation of Israel. They were to be a nation of priests to the whole world. They were chosen to know the most about God and through their bloodline the Messiah Jesus would be born, offering salvation to the whole of humanity. Because of this their health and morality had to be preserved. Some things at a surface level may seem silly but when you exam it is very intelligent. Why did Jews have to be circumstancised? So that they could identify who was actually Jewish. Why did God say that babies should be circumcised on the 8th day? It has now been scientifically proven that on the 8th day the vitamin k levels are the highest they will ever be (higher than even adult levels) which allows the blood to clot so the baby can heal. Why did God tell Israel not to eat unclean animals such as pork and shellfish? These animals are the waste disposers of the earth, they eat waste and scavage which makes them very prone to having parasites and spreading diseases. Why did God tell Jews to keep the Sabbath? Having a day off can preserve your life by as much as 20%. All of these rules were in place to maintain the nation of Israel so that Jesus could be born into a healthy bloodline who remembered to Lord and His prophecies. Why did God allow slavery? Our idea of slavery is the transatlantic slavery. This happened to my ancestors. It is cattle slavery. The bible says that anyone who does this shall be put to death even if the enslaved person has escaped, that's how evil it is. The slavery in the bible is indentured servitude. Often people would sell themselves into this for a certain number of years to pay off they're debts. After their debts were paid, the Master had to send them off with money so that could start a new life, (they also had to release and forgive their debts after a certain number of years even if they still had debt). It's almost like being a citizen of any nation who makes you pay tax. If you don't pay your taxes you will be thrown in prison. You may think you own you house but the government can take it at any time is you don't pay your taxes. Why are there so many denominations? We see in the book of Acts that there have always been disagreements in the body of Christ. For example Peter thought that all gentiles should be circumcised but Paul didn't because it's no longer necessary in the new covenant. Some things in the bible we need to Jesus to interpret just like He clarified scripture in the old testament, whereas other passages are indisputably clear and to deny them is a heracy. Majority of the time by just continuing to read the bible the passages that you were unclear on are explained. Nevertheless, reading the bible without the Holy Spirit is like reading blind. We all have different personalities. Some may be very extroverted and prefer a happy clappy pentecostal church, whereas others may prefer the more reserved tradition of an Anglican church. We also are a mixture of nations which inform us on what we think is reserved and the kind of music we listen to etc. But our doctrine is what unites us. The Trinity, Jesus is a Son of God who sacrificed Himself to atone for our sins. No one is Good but God which is why we need Him so much. Our repentance and also the Holy Spirit who dwells in believers. This is what marks us a brothers and sisters in Christ. Your questions haven't been hard for me to answer. There are so many apolergists on youtube who can answer your questions such a Mike Winger, William Lane Craig, Allen Parr, Frank Turek, Ray Comfort. I love the book of Romans and the gospel of John because it's quite apolergistic in nature. If you really want answers to your questions, the answers are so easy to find. But if you are simply look for an excuse not to believe, you won't look for the answers and will continue to listen to athiest fan boys who deny that Jesus even existed even though its a historical fact. Believe me I left the faith for 8 years but then I came back when I started questioning morality. If morality is objective, that requires a God with a law. God put the commandments on everyone's heart. Its called the conscience. I understand that some things in the bible may be hard to read but the bible is descriptive, not prescriptive. The characters are so flawed. But our standard is not them, it's Jesus. The entire Bible points to Jesus. I recommend watching American Gospel on Netflix, watching/reading the Case for Christ which is a movie which I think can be found on youtube and amazon prime. God bless 🕊️
@Religious_Atheist-eu4ci 20 дней назад
Congrats sis! Good to see more of our people (Latinos) on the side of truth and reason
@susanmaggiora4800 3 года назад
Just want to say how much I appreciate you making this video. I’m sure it wasn’t easy, but your message is powerful & I hope it reaches other people who may be struggling with their faith & helps them to look at their beliefs with logic & critical thought🙂
@thomaspayne7617 3 года назад
No triggers necessary, but I am happy to hear you left that horrible cult. Welcome to the fact-evidence based reality.
@thomaspayne7617 3 года назад
I see she has many essential oils in the background, hopefully, it's for aroma and not pseudoscience BS.
@mariamarziana 3 года назад
@@thomaspayne7617 lol! It is as a matter of fact for aromas only 🤗
@thomaspayne7617 3 года назад
@@mariamarziana What a scent of relief. Maybe people leave faith and fall into other pseudoscience. Which is fine for a person to do, but not ok if you spread misinformation. Anyway, glad you walked away from religion and now can enjoy life more fully.
@joshuamartinpryce8424 3 года назад
Spoken by a true nonbeliever does doesnt have any spiritual insight or no spiritual experiences How is Christianity a cult? You morals come from your religious upbringing. I do not think you have any morals.
@thomaspayne7617 3 года назад
@@joshuamartinpryce8424 Quite the claims. I am an ex-Christian. Every religion from the dawn of man has had a spiritual experience. Either drugs, sleep deprivation, illness, dehydration, meditation, music, sex, etc. Its purely biological. Many psychologists and neuroscientists study this phenomenon. If you want we can take each topic and go deeper into personal spiritual experiences and the formation of morals. Either topic is interesting and has evidence to back it up that no religion or supernatural is required.
@baptistboy2882 3 года назад
After watching your Q&A, I understand those hard hitting questions. I too have studied apologetics to prepare myself to give an answer to anyone who asked. Not everyone uses apologetics to the same end. Dr. James Mook at Master's Seminary says that the famous Geneva Reformer John Calvin taught that apologetics were meant to strengthen a Christian's faith and not to convert sinners. Calvin believed in monergism. For me, the moment that changed everything and opened my mind to other possibilities was when a Presbyterian minister and Sam Waldron stated that the bible we possess is neither inspired nor inerrant, but then they still expect us to continue to submit to it's authority. Well, if its not inspired by god then what authority are they referring to? The link below goes to my first short video on the matter of biblical inerrancy. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-hZ3Wk3I53-w.html I have recently been thinking that due to the bible containing contradictions and errors that this is the cause of the thousands of denominations we have. All of them state to be "truly biblical". Rome claims apostolic succession, Protestants claim "Faith" alone, and then you have all these splintered evangelical sects which add "do's and do not's". So each church can be correct in their own eyes because they can interpret the scriptures according to their imaginations. The pastors lead & manipulate their congregations according to their ideology. Its frightening. Christians who tell you, 'well, then you were never "truely" saved to begin with' are regurgitating what they have been taught their entire lives by their Sunday school teachers & pastors. They all base this off a couple of bibles verses (for example: 1 John 2:19 & Hebrews 6:6). However, what most evangelical Christians don't know is that these books were written anonymously. They were included in the cannon because of TRADITION, not because they were actually written by John or Paul. Its tradition that we go to church, stay in church and die attending regularly. The apostles all had an apocalyptic view in their day. Therefore, they weren't trying to establish an institution they were out there with a message of repentance (depending on which gospel you read). Ultimately the reason we are on this journey is not because we decided to rebel against god or the church, but we find ourselves here because the truth we were raised with reasonably dissolved under logical scrutiny. Thats it!
@joshuamartinpryce8424 3 года назад
I have asked myself these questions that the youtuber speaks of, it didnt take long to find the answers. The truth is these questions are excuses to leave the faith, she left because she didnt feel blessed. If she did she would of stayed.
@Blue_Dun 3 года назад
Baptist Boy....spot on. Enjoyed your enlightened comment.
@2fast2block 3 года назад
" because the truth we were raised with reasonably dissolved under logical scrutiny. Thats it!" You pretend to be logical. Hey pretend smart person, do tell ho you got past the first verse about God creating. Tell me how it happened naturally and we'll take it from there.
@Odo-so8pj 3 года назад
Sorry you believed a wolf.
@MichaelAllen-po4eo Год назад
Maria, have you ever considered the Gnostic worldview?
@mariamarziana Год назад
Googling it now. 👍🏽 check out my latest video if you’d like to see kind of what direction I’m leaning towards now
@technomewmew 3 года назад
Thank you for sharing. I'm a Christian who wants to know some of what people who aren't Christians are thinking about God.
@ZenWithKen 3 года назад
I’m one of those ‘nonbelievers’ you hear about. In fact I’ve never believed in a god despite the exposure I had growing up. To answer your question, I don’t think about god at all. The same goes for the devil, angels, demons, fairies and so on. The only way I can describe why, is that it never made sense. Every time I dug into the stories I had more questions. As I got older and my questions got deeper, no one could answer them. I came to realize at a very young age that gods are man made. That why we have so many. It’s why you never get to meet them only hear about them. The older I get, the more I realize that faith based belief is like a poison. It closes off your mind to reality and because of that, it causes a lot of harm and frankly holds humanity back. My children were raised Catholic. I tempered their studies with reality and always pushed them to think for themselves. They came to realize there is no god on their own. If you have any other question, please let me know.
@orgenoburt8988 3 года назад
I know how you feel Christianity broke my heart!
@2fast2block 3 года назад
You're another whiner making lame excuses. None of you dunces can get past the first verse let alone the rest. You can't give evidence of the creation of the universe without God.
@gleanerman2195 3 года назад
It kicks everyone's ass, yet most keep going back for more.
@2fast2block 3 года назад
@@gleanerman2195 now that you made your empty comment, care to read mine above?
@livinia296 3 года назад
Watch blogging theology on youtube Watch One message foundation on youtube Your Questions will be answered.
@mariamarziana Год назад
Hey, I just reread this and wondering how are things going in your journey? I just posted a new video, check it out if you have time and I hope it can bring some hope to you.
@repentfortheharvestisready3137 3 года назад
Jeremiah 3:22 KJV- Return, ye backsliding children, [and] I will heal your backslidings. Behold, we come unto thee; for thou [art] the LORD our God.
@joshuamartinpryce8424 3 года назад
@faultytitties 3 года назад
@jw66jw 3 года назад
Maam, if your child does begin to attack another child, you said you would say no this is wrong, how would you stop it? Suppose your child says I'm going to do it anyway, then what? TIMEOUT Then after that he goes and attacks another child? what then?
@sethsuleiman4419 3 года назад
(1). Just to share may experience. My children are all grown up now but when they were children, yes they did attack another child. Taking note of the circumstances, we stopped and pull them away and talked to them each time they did any attack. (2). By our together normal children upbringing, they stop any form of attack to other children by the time they were around 3.
@arthousefilms 3 года назад
3:50 Start of questions after intro.
@quepugh 3 года назад
For anyone scrolling through the comments a year later. We weren’t put on this earth knowing everything. We wouldn’t need God or faith if that was the case. These questions are very thought provoking and make for great discussion but the truth is no one fully knows the answers except God. But at the end of the day the only thing that matters, the bases of Christianity, is the Gospel . The fact that God became man in Jesus Christ to live the life we should’ve lived and died the death we deserved to die 3 days later he was rose from the dead offering the gift of salvation to all those who believe. This is still true. And if you believe that then you will have eternal life and you will be made a new creation . Don’t grow weary , keep fighting the good fight, *insert another cliche quote* Haha God Bless
@frankwhelan1715 3 года назад
Just because someone wrote somethings in a book (even if it didn't come down from word of mouth, (hearsay) even if they believe it, doesn't mean it's true, people can (and do) write anything, any god worth the name would know that,so wouldn't trust (esp for such an 'important' message) such an unreliabile method
@2fast2block 3 года назад
@@frankwhelan1715 How did you get past the first verse on creation? Real science says nothing does nothing. Real science says if there was something there already it must fit with the evidence of what we know. We know the 1LT says there's a conservation of energy. It can change forms and neither can be created or destroyed. Creation cannot happen by natural means. The 2LT has various aspects, one being the universe is winding down, entropy. Usable energy is becoming less usable, so at one point usable energy was at its max. This all points to a supernatural creation, by a supernatural creator at a certain point in which matter, space, and time were created. When I read how it can happen otherwise, ALL the fools resort to science-fiction. Once a supernatural creation is accepted, then the next step is finding proof of what supernatural power did it.
@merikijiya13 3 года назад
But how do we know god even exist?
@quepugh 3 года назад
@@merikijiya13 Well I believe every creation has a creator. I don’t believe we are here on accident.
@quepugh 3 года назад
@@merikijiya13 you are clearly very smart. You also have a lot of bible knowledge, so I’m assuming you grew up Christian ? Do care to tell me what made you leave Christianity?
@andrewkuefler7754 4 года назад
Hi there. I am sorry that no one was there to help you research or look into these questions. I have been educated in theology, Greek, Hebrew, apologetics, textual criticism, philosophy, and many other areas, and spent much time looking into these questions that you posed. I am not sure what your sources are, but they do not match either current scholarship, nor the common knowledge of the fields (I mean this as merely an observation). I know of many people who look at popular sources, and then conclude, that, because of them, they have “researched.” So, if you are genuinely interested in doing further research, I can point you to many good and credible resources that accurately reflect the data. To the "Problem of Evil": Firstly, there is no logical problem of evil. This is widely recognized. (I've written research papers on this if you want a detailed response for my MTh). God is not a moral actor in that His goodness is determined by what He does. Rather, He is the very standard of goodness. All good things come from Him. Second, as a believer, you should understand that there is no such thing as an “innocent sufferer.” The Bible says that no one is good but God, and that the human heart is desperately wicked. All fall short of the glory of God and deserve an eternity in hell. Because of this, everything that humanity receives from God is a sheer act of grace. Neither you nor I deserve anything. So, a better question would be to ask is, “Why is there any good in the world at all when we all deserve eternal punishment?” God permits evil, but He does not cause it. Euthyphro’s dilemma is not a dilemma because God is His goodness (the doctrine of Divine Simplicity). Regarding errors in the Bible: The belief in inerrancy is not that the copies that we have are without error, but that the original manuscripts are without error. Likewise, know that the thousands upon thousands of manuscripts that we do have lend tremendous credibility to the veracity and accuracy of the texts that we have. Likewise, when much older manuscripts are tested against texts like the Dead Sea Scrolls, it becomes plain that they have been remarkably preserved. Note also that hardly any copying needs to take place to get to the manuscripts that we currently have, as most manuscripts stay in circulation between 500-1000 years (and note that the text of the Bible is, without contest, the most well-attested in all the ancient world). Likewise, the textual evidence and accuracy of the Bible as we have it today, according to scholars, is 99.97 percent of what was originally written in the original manuscripts (you may be interested in looking into how textual criticism is done, as that is a field of itself). Many people are not aware of what actually goes into such criticism. Much more can also be said on this subject that lends the Bible amazing credibility, by secular and Christian standards. And here is another thing. Those texts in question leave no doctrine altered. They are inconsequential (I’ve looked at them myself). So, there is nothing missing from the Bible. Everything is there, and it is excellently preserved. Regarding Hebrew being a “dead” language for some time and not having anything for it, we do have a lot for it. The Masoretes and other like groups kept meticulous notes, which is where we got much of our knowledge of the language from. Likewise, there are also other ways that we can come to know how certain phrases are used: their usage. There are ways to go about that. Regarding God’s “changing morality,” I have been reading and studying the whole Bible for a long time (my thesis specializes in the continuity between the Old and New Testaments), I cannot even find one thing that shows God changing His morality. The key difference between the two testaments is Christ Jesus. Jesus “fulfilled” (not abolished) the law of the Old Testament. For instance, He was the perfect sacrifice, ending the need for the sacrificial system; He cleanses all from their sin upon conversion, having obeyed the Old Testament law perfectly, ending the need for the ceremonial laws (we have Christ’s cleansing); and we are members of a new covenant, with our country being not of this world, meaning that the particular theocratic laws no longer apply. Now, only the moral laws are to be obeyed, not for salvation, but out of love for God. Thus, there is only a perfect progression from the Old to the New Testament. Nothing changed, except for our being made a new creation in Christ. Christ died not only for your sin (which required His sinlessness), but also for your righteousness (requiring Him to obey all of the Old Testament laws). For one who is in Christ, that person has Christ’s obedience and righteousness given to them by faith, which leads to Christians living only according to the moral law of the Bible, and no longer the others that were fulfilled (not abolished) in Christ. On slavery: The slavery commanded of in the Bible was not the American slavery you are probably familiar with. Think indentured servitude, which is not unlike you hiring yourself out to a typical job today (“servant” is a more accurate term, as it was generally term-based). In the harsh environment there, servants were provided for, given protection, and a family. Likewise, when their term was up, they could either leave or become permanently slaves (if they loved being with their master). Many chose to do this. It was also a common practice in those days to sell oneself and one’s family to indentured servitude for the welfare and care for their families (they were given an allowance for their services). That is what God commanded of servants. It was very merciful and made society better for all involved (its abuses were another story. The view you mention in your video is called an “evolutionary view of the Bible,” which is a secular view of the Bible that its truths are socially constructed over time (getting increasingly complex). That is not a Christian explanation, which has me concerned again about your sources (that view was popular in the 1800’s but has since been rejected as being not credible; based more on evolutionary theory than anything in the text). On Genocide: The Canaanites were wicked, and their destruction was forecasted hundreds of years in advance by God because of it. God was merciful in that He even gave them the time that He did. And, if anyone can make that call, it is God, and He is not doing wrong in taking life; rather, it is uniquely His prerogative as the Creator. So, if you are willing to say that God is God, and that He commanded those people to be killed, then there is no moral problem. All people deserve judgement from Him (the Canaanites, though, were extremely wicked, his action being good and just by God’s very goodness). Likewise, the God of the New Testament is the same. You should read the latter half of Revelation. God is going to do a lot more killing when Christ returns. And, again, this is not because He is evil or bad. Rather, He is the standard of goodness (His very essence is goodness). Any act of mercy and grace is, by definition, undeserved. We all deserve to be wiped out. So, really, we should all be in awe at God’s immense mercy and grace that He does not strike us all where we stand. Regarding denominations: There are a few things that can be said here. First, most of the denominations out there reflect geography, rather than distinct belief systems. So, new denominations are often created because they can be better managed on the local level. Second, while there are many denominations (20,000 is an inflation of the true number), nearly all of them differ only superficially, being very alike in all of their doctrine. They may only differ on minor points, such as the type of building to use, liturgical form, and so on. Regarding more charismatic and NAR type denominations (which have been exploding in recent years), many of these denominations, especially in the third world, base their theology on experience, rather than on the explicit teachings of the Bible. In other words, many of them do not care to interpret the Bible with precision or accuracy (the science of hermeneutics, which has been standard practice in the church since the beginning). Ignoring hermeneutics, and having an authority external to the Bible (personal experience), inevitably leads to many diverse takes on the Bible that do not reflect the truth of its pages. Likewise, you need to keep in mind that God sent the Holy Spirit to ensure that believers get the true message of Scripture. So, even with understanding of the Bible differing on certain points, those who are truly saved will have an accurate understanding of salvation, and grow in their love and knowledge of the text as they diligently study it. So, there are no issues with the number of denominations. Thanks for the questions. These are questions that many people often have, and they are good to ask. They are also not new questions, but have very well-thought out answers (many of your questions are as old as Christianity). For believers who investigate their faith, they pose no difficulty or trouble. (They may need some guidance, as there is a lot of misinformation out there, but the truth poses no difficulty or trouble). Rather, answering them should lead to their faith being strengthened.
@mariamarziana 4 года назад
Thank you so much for your comment. I'll definitely take the time to read it carefully and I'll get back to you with my thoughts. I really appreciate this.
@danielmocsny5066 4 года назад
"I have been educated in theology, Greek, Hebrew, apologetics, textual criticism, philosophy, and many other areas, and spent much time looking into these questions that you posed." Thanks for the great laugh. Where were you "educated" I might ask - at Liberty University? If you knew the first thing about philosophy, for example, you would understand that your entire post rests on question begging and special pleading. First you assume God exists, and then you explain everything in terms of this God whose existence you provide not one shred of evidence to support. And it's also puzzling that any "educated" person would be unaware of the standard atheist and philosophical literature from which all of Maria's arguments derive. The problem of evil, for example, is not something you can wish away with scare quotes. It's a real problem - people who believe in a pretend perfect God must explain how a perfect God creates a manifestly imperfect universe. In any other context we judge creators according to their creations - on what other basis can we judge a creator? If I claim to be a watchmaker, and none of my watches keep accurate time, what sort of watchmaker am I? Certainly not a perfect one. To somehow allow the incompetent God who inflicts cancer on helpless children to be a "perfect" God, one has to reject the notion of absolute morality and substitute a convenient moral relativism instead. Consider: if I were to mix up a poison that gives children cancer, I would be vilified as a monster and be sent to prison by human judges. But when God does exactly the same thing, he's perfect and without sin? The only way for this to be true is to claim that giving children cancer is not absolutely wrong, but instead depends on who does it. If I do it, it's bad; if God does it, it's wonderful. Therefore absolute morality must go. The problem of evil is easy to understand if we simply acknowledge how religion evolved in the first place. People made up various superstitions over time, before they had thought through the logical consequences of their inventions. As with all human inventions, the early versions contained bugs that needed to get patched in later versions. So the simple folk religions gradually evolved into ever more complex theologies - and we have the historical record of this evolution particular in the later period. The first people who imagined a perfect God didn't think through the implications of crediting the universe to this God. And Christians have been trying to square that circle ever since. Similarly, your lazy dismissal of Plato's Euthyphro dilemma indicates that you have never seriously thought about it.
@andrewkuefler7754 4 года назад
Daniel, based on your response, you are not here to learn, but to ridicule. Secondly, I can tell that you have not seriously looked at the questions at hand. Thirdly, you are presupposing that God does not exist without showing any evidence of that claim (to use your own standard against you). Fourthly, I am aware of the literature from which the arguments derive. I have dealt with them on a scholarly level. There is no good argument from atheism. Of the “best” argument from atheism, the argument from evil, there is nothing behind it that Christians need to be concerned about. Firstly, it is not an argument about God’s existence, but what kind of God exists. Secondly, it only applies to some very specific conceptions of God, such as those made up by atheists and those who want to make God into one that is within the created order (not God proper). Thirdly, the argument can never be established, because it would take knowledge of every possible reason why God may allow evil and show that there cannot be any (proving an inductive argument; negative argumentation). Fourthly, any assumption of good or evil in the world presupposes the existence of God (the argument presupposes God). Fifthly, the argument has no application to the classical God of Christian theism, as God is the standard of goodness, from which creation itself gets its goodness (to say otherwise would confuse cause and effect). I could go on, but there is no reason to. The most potency that the argument from evil may offer to a Christian is either a purely rhetorical appeal or an emotional one. It is not a good argument, let alone an atheist one. Likewise, as I said in my comment above, an evolutionary understanding of religion has been abandoned, as there is both no textual evidence, nor evidence that one form is more evolved than another (likewise, some of the most primitive forms are often being lauded today as modern). You can’t make an argument out of that. Study also ancient Egyptian religion and you will see just how complex it is. Lastly, the Euthyphro dilemma has been solved for a long time by Christians and Aristotle. This is not controversial. God is neither good because of some higher standard, nor is just anything that He does good arbitrarily; rather, His being is the source of all goodness, from which all creation gets its goodness in derivative form. You seem confused by mixing cause and effect; derivative and source.
@susanmaggiora4800 4 года назад
Andrew Kuefler Where were you educated, what college did you study all this at?
@andrewkuefler7754 4 года назад
@@susanmaggiora4800 I have been trained at Ambrose University, Trinity Western, and Southern Evangelical Seminary (my latest degree). I also very much keep up to date with these things on a daily basis, and am working towards being a professor and minister. Please let me know if I can help you in any other way.
@colemoos9787 3 года назад
I'm not sure if you'll ever see this or not. But, I appreciate you being open enough to post this video. While I don't have all the answers, nor does any human being.. To know every intricate detail of why God is the way he is, or why his creation is the way it is, is impossible to say in absolutes. The idea of God and human would not make sense if we knew everything about everything. I do believe there is much evidence pointing to our universe having a creator. And I also believe the evidence for the life, death, and resurrection of Yeshua(Jesus) is very convincing. I also believe that there are more reasonable answers to your questions than what you've been told. To start, the question of "why evil exists, and why a loving, all-powerful God would allow that?" is a difficult question for Christians at times. I think this question is best answered philosophically. If God desires a loving relationship with his created beings, it simply cannot be forced. For an example, imagine a man that was very in love with you, but you do not to love him back. That is your choice. If he truly loves you he would let you chose to not be with him, rather than force you against your will to be his wife. That would not be love. The reality is that humans have free will and choice whether or not to chose God. Without God, morality can be very subjective. Life can very quickly become a selfish journey about whatever makes you happy, which in some people's twisted minds is very evil deeds.
@colemoos9787 3 года назад
I would also suggest checking out some of the episodes of Sean McDowell's podcast "Think Biblically" if you want some solid detailed answers to some of your questions! His RU-vid channel might be interesting for you as well. Thanks again for being real, and sharing your doubts and questions!
@livinia296 3 года назад
Watch blogging theology on youtube Watch One message foundation on youtube Your Questions will be answered.
@1Chongs 3 года назад
Also these are according to based on karma (the causes we make as of now may effect us in a different form in the future, aka what goes around comes around).
@joshuamartinpryce8424 3 года назад
Karma is a lie, good people suffer and bad people are loved and the bible mentions that. karma is a lie.
@1Chongs 3 года назад
@@joshuamartinpryce8424 karma is not a lie, good people get bad is part of life even the Buddha had bad days even I do, but we still need to keep on going on and on with our lives. Karma is true the reason why the cause and effect if science. Almost everything is impermanence, unsatisfactory, suffering and etc.
@merikijiya13 3 года назад
@@1Chongs Karma suppose that there is some involvement of the cosmos. No, the universe does not care if someone is good or bad. The universe does care if you murder or save lives. The universe isn’t going to punish people who do wrong and give rewards for people who do right. Animals are the only ones who care. Karma is simply a construct created by use at an attempt to understand and make sense of the world around us but it is no a real thing than morality or our perceived significance.
@modeltraintherapy5376 3 года назад
Next time someone tells you that you never had a relationship with Christ, just agree with them and tell them they don’t either...because he isnt real. There are no true Christians...because there is no Jesus to relate with.
@2fast2block 3 года назад
How did you get past the first verse on creation? Real science says nothing does nothing. Real science says if there was something there already it must fit with the evidence of what we know. We know the 1LT says there's a conservation of energy. It can change forms and neither can be created or destroyed. Creation cannot happen by natural means. The 2LT has various aspects, one being the universe is winding down, entropy. Usable energy is becoming less usable, so at one point usable energy was at its max. This all points to a supernatural creation, by a supernatural creator at a certain point in which matter, space, and time were created. When I read how it can happen otherwise, ALL the fools resort to science-fiction. Once a supernatural creation is accepted, then the next step is finding proof of what supernatural power did it.
@williamkaska7085 3 года назад
my heart truly breaks in seeing these videos. i have been viewing many of them... evidently the messege of the cross of Jesus Christ has been corrupted. and whatever the messege these so called preachers have been preaching and teaching? its no wonder why people are getting away from this false religion that clearly doesnt work. all i can say is, its definitely not Jesus, but a false gospel. but, Gods word does say it will happen. just heartbreaking.
@kirielbranson4843 3 года назад
What falseness did she talk about that isn’t the true religion?
@williamkaska7085 3 года назад
@@kirielbranson4843 its more of what is missing. when religion demands worship, but there is no basis for it, like going to church and attending services...why? who is demanding us to do these things? i think our dear friend got caught up in what thousands get caught up in...churches promising much, but giving absolutely nothing but disillusionment and disappointment.
@williamkaska7085 3 года назад
when there is no sin preached, no cross, and a relationship with Jesus based on some magic prayer, but no solid basis for that either, yeah, people have every right to walk away.
@livinia296 3 года назад
Watch blogging theology on youtube Watch One message foundation on youtube. Your Questions will be answered
@williamkaska7085 3 года назад
@@livinia296 i wasnt really asking questions though. just researching issues. i live in omaha nebraska, and over a year ago, God had impressed on me to stop going to a particular church. there was irony to this warning, i already saw more warning signs than i knew what to do with, but because my motives for going were healthy, it was cool, but, God totally gets our headaches, when trying to get to know people is like pulling teeth its definitely unhealthy. so, it was from that point i began to research false teachings in the church, and now, researching progressive christianity, which this church definitely fits the mold of that one. sometimes when God impresses things on us, its because theres alot going on we need to be aware of, and i had never considered falsehood in churches. talk about a can of worms though... its everywhere!
@christopheroshea9799 3 года назад
To all my fellow humans who have been involved in cultic delusion,no matter what religion you're leaving the joy and hope wen you disconnect from group ego is a more peaceful life ,as a former fundamentalist Christian I'm free 26 years and now live for deeper love truth and unity of all people
@teaglass3750 3 года назад
I'd like to say a few things in response to this video. I'm coming from a Christian background in doing so. I would also like to share in love. You have excellent questions! Your "requirements" for responses though are a bit hard to understand as they can be taken a couple of different ways. "As long as your intention is driven by love and our intention is to build up each other..." and "...as long as your intention is not to win an argument...". I totally understand. One can speak in the sense of "Just listen to me!" and bulldoze someone over. The other way this can be taken is, "I have questions, but I don't really want answers. Just post how you "feel". No objective truths, just post your subjective ideas.". While I doubt this latter view is yours, I'm sure it does exist in other places. Whatever the case, here is a video I hope you can watch. It's only 8 minutes long and it talks about Christian deconstructivism. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-8_mCUi4pHWo.html Before I post, this first question, while a good one, seems to go beyond Scripture. Unless someone else has found the answer in the Scriptures, I don't know. One can easily get into an area that the Bible doesn't really fully address. Whatever may be the truth about the origin of evil, God didn't find it fitting to include it. Your employment isn't based on knowing all the office and paperwork of your employer, but you're hired to do a job. So the "office and paperwork" of God is hidden from us, we only trusting in what God has deemed we should know. A fine question and answer to a Protestant catechism says this: Q: What do the Scriptures principally teach? A: The Scriptures principally teach, what man is to believe concerning God, and what duty God requires of man. That to me is a fine summation of the Bible. 1) Why does evil exist. "How can God see this happening and being okay with letting it happen." God is never okay with sin. In fact He did something about it. I'm not trying to be smart. I'm not here to answer all your questions, but would like to say a few quick things. Pikler's Trilema: 1) If God is not able to prevent evil then He is not all-powerful 2) If God is not willing to prevent evil then He's not all-good 3) If God is able to and He's willing to prevent evil, why does evil exist? 1) God is "able", as you say, to prevent evil. Jesus said before His crucifixion, Matthew 26:53-54, "Do you think that I cannot appeal to my Father, and he will at once send me more than twelve legions of angels? But how then should the Scriptures be fulfilled, that it must be so?”" So here we see that Jesus could have in a sense taken everyone out. That was a possibility. But He didn't and gives the reason why. 2) God is willing to prevent evil. Again in Matthew chapter 2:13, the life of Jesus is preserved: "Now when they had departed, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and said, “Rise, take the child and his mother, and flee to Egypt, and remain there until I tell you, for Herod is about to search for the child, to destroy him.” In the book of Daniel (3:17-18) we see the three men's lives saved: "If this be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and he will deliver us out of your hand, O king. But if not, be it known to you, O king, that we will not serve your gods or worship the golden image that you have set up.”" And the greatest of all preventions is the salvation of God itself. One verse out of many, John 3:18, "Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only Son of God." Not condemned! No longer under God's wrath! Brought into the Kingdom of God. 3) I don't think the Bible gives a clear answer on that. You also said that the reasons given weren't good enough. You said, "We live in an imperfect world, full of sin and God has a plan and we only have to resist this world, we only have to go through this awful season so that one day we're going to be with God in a perfect world." That basically is the gist and I don't think the Bible apologizes. What the meaning of "plan" and "resist" and "awful season" might have to be expanded upon though. "If He couldn't stop it then it would mean that He's not all powerful. If He couldn't stop Satan or anyone from finding out about evil, then He's not all powerful then." Another quick video here: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-sayGEPmjhiQ.html I'll end it here.
@hannahfitts2859 3 года назад
I grew up Christian and my whole family is and it felt so real at one point but I don't wanna be Christian anymore because of some of the aweful verses in the old testament and I'm scared of hell and I feel like my family couldn't be wrong and Christianity is engrained into my conscience and it's so scary to leave something that was so huge in my life. It's like losing a family member.
@hannahfitts2859 3 года назад
I also have been wondering how do I know this is real and would I be christian if my whole family wasn't
@daydreams9790 3 года назад
Hii there, I think it's very good you're starting to think for yourself. I've been in the same boat. I'm 21 now, my whole family is still very much Christian other than me and it's not easy but it's definitely a way that's possible. Keep asking questions but don't stress yourself, it can take a while until you'll really be able to have clear answers... And yes, it's so hurtful to lose your faith. I sometimes wish I'd never questioned my faith but then I'd be living a lie. And I'd rather not
@kanishkaranasinghe4405 3 года назад
Thank You!
@doubleplusgoodthinker9434 3 года назад
I know a chap who is a christian priest. He told me that he has not believed it for years but it his living.He has a wife and kids to feed
@postmodern9208 2 года назад
I was an associate pastor of a full-gospel church for about ten years. I went to college to become a Christian Apologist - long story short ~ I am now an Anti-Theist. My family disinherited me, my Church family shunned me and my community bullied me. I moved to another part of the country and started over. I never could have foreseen the freedom and courage that comes from fully letting go of GOD. Compulsory love - is not love.
@mariamarziana Год назад
Wow. That’s such a big life change. Thanks for sharing and I wish you so much light and strength in this journey. Keep going!
@michaelj1454 3 года назад
Hi Maria, I respect your integrity and I will have a go at answering three of your four questions. Why does evil exist? So I'm a Christian. I believe that God could create a world without suffering and evil. I think the point of Christianity is to know God, to love and worship God and secondly love our neighbours. (Mark 12: 30-31) In order for us to truly love God, God gives us freewill. This means God's allows to rebel and commit evil acts. So God permits evil, but he does not want us to do evil things. So freewill leads into the question of why are there so many demoninations? People have the freedom to create different churches and different religions. To me, I would say that its all knowing God, being born again and having God's spirit inside of you. So the number of Christian demoninations doesn't say anything about whether Christianity is true. The last question I'll have a go at is hard for a Christian to answer. Why did God change his perspective of morality? I'd agree with the partial you answer you stated in the video. Also God in the Old Testament was reluctant to punish people's who sinned against him. He gave them time to change their ways. Certain cities were doing awful things like child sacrifices. The offer of forgiveness was available. Still there are parts of the Old Testament that are extreme. I'll look into this more in the future. I'll avoid the question of the fallibility of the Bible. I'm not a biblical scholar. I agree with you that human language is flawed. Those are my pondering. I wish you and your family well. God bless you.
@livinia296 3 года назад
Watch blogging theology on youtube Watch One message foundation on youtube. Your Questions will be answered.
@mickyeverton 3 года назад
Many Thanks for your honesty, God knows the content of your Heart!! Peace From London. 🙏🙏
@1Chongs 3 года назад
Buddhist monk is more in a non judgemental way but Buddhist lay people maybe different. I been a Buddhist and they are very loving, kindness, generosity, honesty, harmony, peace, loving, compassion and other positive values towards all human life.
@joshuamartinpryce8424 3 года назад
Everyone of each different faith has good matured people in them, even Islam, a hateful religion. Islam literally preaches hate and encourages believers to hate nonbelievers, etc. Buddhists care about themselves and noone else and they are taught that, that its about oneself.
@Blue_Dun 3 года назад
@@joshuamartinpryce8424 You couldn't be more wrong about buddhism. Do some studying before making comments like this
@1Chongs 3 года назад
@@Blue_Dun Excuse me what do you mean?
@Blue_Dun 3 года назад
@@1Chongs you should be asking Joshua what he means
@greglogan7706 2 года назад
Maria As a Christian theist, I find the issues you are raising our superb!! I just listened to a response to your video and it was very poorly done or mediocre had the best. I trust you can see through the typical evengelical hooey that would be used to respond to the very serious issues that you raise about the way God is described in the standard canonical text.
@RonLWilson 2 года назад
In regard to why God permits evil in the world how would you suggest God end all evil? 1. He could destroy the world. 2. Or destroy all who do evil in this world, but that seems to be all so that is just another way of saying 1. 3. He could change us all into robots that can't do evil. .. or he could do what he is doing now and give us all time o see the effects of evil, decide we wish to have no part in it, and to repent for any evil we have done, and strive to do better, asking God to help us do that. Which solution do you prefer?
@greencurtain1718 3 года назад
Hi, i'm Conrad. I'm into philosophy (ontology) It is good that you're providing rationale to your belief. But it is also good in seeking deeper. First, I will address the common pitfall in the problem of evil. The presence of evil (including the things you mentioned) doesn't equate to an evil creator, also the presence of evil doesn't equate to the non-existence of a creator. next, we cannot call the creator evil because as a creator he is outside creation. also, how can we call him evil if he didn't do the evil acts? the term evil is applicable to humans not the creator. we are creators. programmers create virtual realities with a timeline and a story. video games contain stories where the main character constantly deal with death and loss and evil. if, hypothetically, manage to create a self-aware virtual character who experiences these things, he will accuse us that we engineered his conflicts etc. we are beyond the morality of this aspect of reality because we are not part of this reality. morality applies to society only not the creator of everything. Anyways, even Sartre who is an atheist existentialist who believed that life is meaningless told people to aim for better things. i think you're crisis of faith is bent on loss of meaning of goodness and its supremacy. but Sartre, even believes in authenticity of self and that quality is metaphysical conatus. do you see where i'm heading? whether you believe in God or not, goodness in in a human being is dominant and inescapable. i suggest that you seek deeper.
@merikijiya13 3 года назад
The problem with your address is that the Bible and Christians believe god to be all good/all loving. It is certainly true that a deistic god wouldn’t be a problem in this scenario but a god who is supposedly active and good makes the problem of evil relevant. It doesn’t equate to an evil god true, it doesn’t equate to a nonexistent god, true. However it does equate to the improbability of an all good/all loving god.
@greencurtain1718 3 года назад
@@merikijiya13 Meriki, your point wasn't that clear to me for i didn't use the Christian perspective. also, the human perspective of what's good and evil is different with God. God is not all good in a way that he doesn't one anybody to suffer. there's suffering and death. i'm saying is that the phenomena of death, suffering, good and evil are different in God's perspective. and even if we exclude the topic of God, suffering and its meaning is in the context of the subject which is the sufferer. to be able to attain an ontological understanding of these phenomena we must go beyond our anthrophic view of death, suffering, chaos, good and evil. what's really evil in the objective context. anyways, i suggest that you all consider the perspective of ontology, continental philosophers like Heidegger. the mainstream embellishes on the ontic side of things, specifically scientific. God is an ontological problem. approaching it scientifically, demanding evidence things like that is akin to approaching a scientific problem using a philosophical method.
@merikijiya13 3 года назад
@@greencurtain1718 Well in this particular video she was attributing the problem of evil to the Christian god.
@joshuadavidromero5835 3 года назад
They say that we have limited minds thats why we cant understand god but really they were just stopping us from realizing that it just really doesnt make sense.
@greglogan7706 2 года назад
Maria you certainly are on the right path... Is especially regarding The Bible and the various presentations of yawa in The Bible. I loved yourGod changing his morality and say as an example we shouldn't eat pork and then we can eat pork - that is silly. Is what actually changed you know why would that be a change at all. It seems there is a much better explanation than some of the silly evangelical explanations that is that is a very human explanation. As far as the nature of God maybe that is an area where either God will reveal himself to a person and interact with a particular person as he chooses or he won't or the supernatural realm or whatever. But he is allowed to be and do whatever he chooses rather than what we choose so in that regard remain atheist but I look to God too identify himself rather than to silly evangelical fantasies and idols... Which lead to many misconceptions. And I don't try and explain what I don't know no I certainly don't know where God came from - I hardly know where I came from. I am not even get into the evangelical fascism and ugly hate mongering and fear of mongering, deceit, slander, ignorance, irrationally that is so endemic in that community.
@davidespano8674 3 года назад
You have researched and studied and that is good. However, have you sought? Have you prayed to God to restore your faith in Him and show you signs and find the answers you need? Have you done all of this with all the strength of your heart? Nobody can understand God and His motives through the sheer intellect how could we? How many things you do not understand but place your trust in i.e. do you know all Quantum Mechanics? Do we know Quantum Mechanics? Do we know ALL Quantum Mechanics? Is even QM ALL that needs to be known or it is only a facet of something? Why does God allow evil? If God is all-powerful (omnipotent) how can He allow evil and at the same time be good? How could have God started something that He knew would not be good and let it be in the first place? Is the Bibble absolutely true in all respects? How could have God changed His morals over time? How could have God allowed genocide, atrocities and suffering? Read them again, do you see the paradox? You are close but you try to understand too hard. Some have told you well. Observe very carefully the children behaviour (and yours) and reasoning over time and draw a parallel between you-and-them and then God-and-you and keep those questions and doubts close to your heart. Can you prevent your child from, one day, becoming a murder or committing rape? Would that single deed [murder/rape/etc.] void ALL the good that was ever experienced because of him/her or that he or she was capable of before the atrocity? What about the good that would potentially still left in him/her after the deed? Would he or she be unable to repent and be permanently unworthy of any forgiveness? A difficult issue, when it is your child who is the criminal and not some other person, isn't it? The child that we once held in our arms and smiled at and that smiled back to us and that we loved and were loved back. It is easy to forget all of this when it is not our child but just another person who is the criminal. Perspectives? Jesus did not come to die for the just He came to die for the criminals for the unjust! He came to die for and save our children from themselves. It is good that you have doubts. You'll get there (you miss the woods for the trees) you are still young, good luck I'll pray for you that you may be found the same as fish once caught and wiggled out may eventually be caught in another net on another day.
@mariamarziana 3 года назад
Yes, I did. Thank you for asking.
@debunkingthefundamentalist 5 месяцев назад
If you start questioning it leads to that path of finding answers. The real problem is people can read now. And as I state on my own episodes to my subs---people research on their own instead of just taking a pastor's word for it now. I didn't want to deconvert. Believe me, I fought it. But the fact is if you start to research you will see that the claims don't add up. And no I didn't take the late Christopher Hitchens word for it. I researched apologists' claims. I looked at Lee Strobel's interviewees and his total lack of objectivity, not to mention he never bothered to actually fact check their claims. And what you find is nothing but speculation and poor speculation at that. Or you find an apologist taking one fact (IE the city of Ur existed in Abraham's time) so therefore Abraham existed. Total fallacies and apologists do it all the time. I always say in my episodes that I want to find evidence to reconvert. But the fact is the more I research, the more the deconstruction continues. Cheers, DCF
@mikeyant2445 3 года назад
Sir William Ramsay,The Archaeologist who Discovered Jesus. Sir William Ramsay ranks among the greatest of all the archaeologists, and was by all accounts, an intellect of the very first order. At the time of his death in 1939, he was considered the foremost authority on the history of Asia Minor. In his life, he held the post of Professor of Classical Art and Architecture at Oxford, and he was appointed Regius Professor of Humanity (the Latin Professorship) at Aberdeen. He was knighted in 1906 to mark his distinguished service to the world of scholarship. Ramsay also gained three honorary fellowships from Oxford colleges, nine honorary doctorates from British, Continental and North American universities and became an honorary member of almost every association devoted to archaeology and historical research. But long before all these accolades were heaped upon him, he was just another Oxford undergraduate, and an agnostic. He believed, as did most of his peers, that the gospel’s accounts of the life of Christ were mostly an accrual of mythology and legend. According to the thinking of the day, the gospels were written so long after the events they purported to represent, they had very little historic value. After graduation, Ramsay’s area of interest was the Asia Minor of the first century AD. He took with him a copy of Luke’s "Acts of the Apostles," not because he thought it would be of much use, but because there were so few ancient travelers through that area of the world who recorded their experiences. He reasoned that although "Acts" was an obvious forgery, it still might have some tidbits of information that could shed some light on his discoveries. He excavated throughout Greece and Turkey for over thirty years. He broke the ground in many of the ancient city sites. He excavated Ephesus, Iconium, Philippi, and many others. At the end of thirty years his opiniVon of Luke as an historian had undergone a dramatic reversal. He knew through firsthand discoveries that Luke was one of those individuals who were characteristically accurate in the information they presented. Ramsay made discovery after discovery that showed Luke was right and his critics mistaken. It got to the point that Ramsay found himself depending on Luke for interpretation of many of his finds. Also, as the evidence began coming in, Ramsay found it overwhelmingly in favor of an early first century date for "Acts." As "Acts" is a continuation of the gospel of "Luke," then "Luke" also had to have been written at about that time.Those two facts meant to Ramsay that Luke got his information from eyewitness sources, and also, the early church, which was still filled with eyewitnesses, accepted Luke's gospel as an accurate biography of the Jesus Christ they had personally known. No serious historian suggests they were guilty of deception, they were enduring incredible persecution, precisely because of their belief in Jesus. They were certainly true believers. But what did they believe? While their memories conceivably could have been fuzzy about certain details of Jesus’ life, it stretches credulity way past the breaking point to assume they were mistaken about the main point the gospels make, that Jesus Christ was the greatest miracle worker in recorded history, and that they had SEEN Him resurrected from the dead. On the basis of those facts, Ramsay felt compelled to accept Jesus Christ as the gospels presented Him, the Son of God, the Savior, Who died on a Roman cross, paying for his, William Ramsay's sins, and Who rose from the dead three days later, defeating death. Sir William Ramsay went to his death trusting this Lord Jesus Christ as his Savior from sin. Information gotten from “The Bearing of Recent Discoveries on the Trustworthiness of the New Testament,” written by Sir William Ramsay.
@davidchupp4460 3 года назад
God doesn’t change in his morality but his standard of operating with people has changed. As God he has the right to make those decisions otherwise he wouldn’t be God. We are in the age of Grace. Thank God for that. All sinners can be redeemed by Faith in the atonement through his blood and his death burial and resurrection.
@iloveandy77 3 года назад
I understand your points but the only thing that keeps coming to my mind is that love gives one the freedom of choice. God loves us enough to give us the choice to love him back. Yes, he could get rid of all evil in this world but that would mean he would be taking away our freedom to choose how we live.
@ZenWithKen 3 года назад
That’s utter bs. If your child was walking towards a cliff, you would do everything in your power to stop them from falling to their death. Your god lets it happen. Don’t be fooled by the so called love, it’s anything but.
@iloveandy77 3 года назад
If my child were in danger, of course i would do all that i can to save them. Which is exactly what God did. He has already paid the price for all of us by sending His own Son, Jesus, to die on behalf of us and our sins. But He also loves us and desires us to have free will. So God doesn't just watch us walk towards the cliff without doing anything. He has already provided salvation for us. Even if we fall off the cliff, we can be saved if we just believe in who He is and what he has done for us. I think all of us can't deny the fact that our world is broken. There's sadness, sickness, and so much hate. But we need to remember that's not the world God created. It became broken because sin entered it and God couldn't co-exist with evil. And like I said above, because of God's love for us He created a way for us to be united with Him again and that's through Jesus. My heart breaks to see how many people have gone astray. But I pray for God to soften their hearts to see the truth and receive the unconditional love God has for them. God bless!
@ZenWithKen 3 года назад
​@@iloveandy77 I see that you are in deep, fair enough. I have a few thought experiments for you. I would appreciate if you could read the questions and write back your first thoughts. What would your life look like if you found out Christianity wasn't true? What's the worst that would happen to you? If commanded by your god, would you kill a loved one? If not, why not? If god brought utmost suffering to the earth for a day, would that be good? Does the thought of 1000's of babies drowning in the flood bother you at all? Why is sin bad? Why is disappointing your god a bad thing? I've had a powerful personal experience with my god. I was a depressed alcoholic with brain cancer and my god cured me of all three. The only difference between you and I is that my god is a pink dragon. What was your first thought when reading my god was a pink dragon? Is my belief in my god any less real than yours? If so, how? How do you tell the difference between having a personal relationship with your god and just thinking you do and are mistaken? Are former theists mistaken when they said they had a personal relationship with their god? How is that any different than the relation you have with your god now? There are many people who practice the Jewish faith. As you know, they do not believe Jesus was the son of god. Are they wrong? If you could save me from hell by you agreeing to have your god poof us both out of existence, would you (no hell for me, no heaven for you)?
@livinia296 3 года назад
Watch blogging theology on youtube Watch One message foundation on youtube. Your Questions will be answered
@ZenWithKen 3 года назад
@@iloveandy77 I see you have chosen not to answer my questions. That's to bad. I was hoping to have a conversation and show why I think your belief is false.
@kyliechen5263 3 года назад
Thank you. I have deconstructed from my Christian faith and became an atheist. If there is a hell and it is a terrible place of eternal torture, god would have shown up and tell us directly without leaving any doubt. It is god's responsibility to prevent anyone from ending up in the hell he created. Instead, we have people telling us this and that.
@joshuabcrown5168 3 года назад
Thas right. Why would God being holy and perfect, destroy such evil, wicked, sinful people? The question is why? Why won't he just change us? He's the one who's holy and perfect, so why can't he make us like him?
@mariamarziana Год назад
Hey! Just going back through some comments and found yours. I wanted to let you know I recently posted a new video and it’s about the stage of rebuilding and wanted to invite you to check it out in case our journeys converge at this point. ✨
@cristianbonilla8645 4 года назад
Hola Pily 🤗 te mando un gran abrazo, te recuerdo con mucho aprecio y cariño ¿Sabes? Solo he visto este vídeo, la verdad me sorprendió bastante pues sabes que nos conocemos desde que era una pulga, desde antes de Oansa, antes de que Renuevo se moviera a zona 11 Pero bueno, creo que hiciste las preguntas dificiles y creo que es importante hacerlas, y tratar de comprenderlas o buscar las respuestas. Por lo pronto, lo que nos queda como fuentes confiables es lo que se sabe del mundo en el que vivimos. Si ir más allá a lo religioso o espiritual, lo existente y material también es importante comprender para luego comprender porqué vivimos ahora y comprender el origen de las culturas y las religiones. Todo tiene un inicio y todo tiene un fin, o tal vez no. Y me baso de algo demostrable, el principio de la conservación de la masa-energía. Claro, este principio se deriva de una teoría, la teoría de la relatividad, a pesar de seguir siendo una teoría, es una fuente confiable porque esto ha podido explicar muchos fenómenos y comportamientos, hasta explicar nuestro propio universo. Y así, de esa manera se ha tratado de explicar este mundo. Imagínate, ni la ciencia podría darte una explicación infalible de todo, porque nos basamos en las teorías que mejor explican y resuelven problemas pero sigue siendo propuestas, que de alguna manera tienen un punto o tema que no puede explicar o que no la hace verídica en su totalidad, ya sea por falta de conocimiento de como es nuestro mundo o por falta de tecnología o recursos. Es por eso, que en lo personal he decidido vivir en el estoicismo y nihilismo. Si tenes tiempo o llegaste a este punto del comentario te recomiendo leer acerca del nihilismo. Pero bueno, con esto he concluido. Te quiero muchísimo Pily, me alegro mucho que hayas estado en mi vida de peque, y lo mucho que me enseñaste e influenciaste a ser una persona de bien
@mariamarziana 4 года назад
Gracias por ser vulnerable y compartir Cristian. Si, claro que he leído del Nihilismo, y aunque no juzgo a la gente que le gusta esa perspectiva de la vida, para mi no funcionaría. Desde mi punto de vista es una manera muy fatalista de ver la vida. Si ves mi último video explico más acerca de mis creencias hoy y la manera en la que práctico espiritualidad etc. ♡
@cristianbonilla8645 4 года назад
@@mariamarziana @Maria Gernand sí, puede ser fatalista pero también puede ser positivo. Al final, el hecho de ser un ser consciente y poder vivir y sentir, amar y ser amado, ayudar y ser ayudado, y demás, es un privilegio, no importa que mentalidad, religión tengamos. Sin pensar que va a pasar, lo importante es hoy y la persona que queremos ser, y el día que queremos vivir. Voy a ver tus otros vídeos, fijísimo. 🙌🏻
@Shake69ification 3 года назад
Good points about things like slavery and how morality cannot be cultural. Some Christians like to argue that their god follows an objective morality, so things which are wrong should always be wrong.
@1Chongs 3 года назад
There are no right nor wrong in this world if there is people will argue with each other. It is based what is in your heart and not your mind until your heart and mind becomes one then you can use your both mind and heart. Try doing the following meditation, mindfulness breathing, mindfulness meditation, meditation walking and others similar in a way.
@joshuamartinpryce8424 3 года назад
That is nonsense. If there is no right or wrong, its permitting sin, more importantly its saying that rape is fine, and killing someone is okay. Its saying that family problems is not bad etc. That is not a good way of thinking. Demons want people to think like this, so they can not fight back but embrace the devils abuse.
@1Chongs 3 года назад
@@joshuamartinpryce8424 Killing people is bad but he or she doesn't understand the full meaning of other people's perspectives and as well as what is right or wrong in the mind, the mind play tricks on us from what is right or wrong only the heart knows. How can we judge based on that person perspectives? He/she only knows killing is right and that is what is right, if a person taught her The Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path, he/she might stop killing. As in this world we are still learning from one and another. Why judge, why compare, why blame, why complain? Instead how to improve.
@gleanerman2195 3 года назад
@@joshuamartinpryce8424 Demons are as real as gawd and santa.
@joshuamartinpryce8424 3 года назад
@@gleanerman2195 Really, then what is the cause of all the evil in this world. The bible says we wrestle against spiritual forces of evil. God is the ultimate and final standard of morals. God and evil come from spiritual forces.
@gleanerman2195 3 года назад
@@joshuamartinpryce8424 Evil man, the same ones that wrote the evil bibull!!! If god were real everyone would know it, yet he remains a secret that no one can witness.
@christopher22859 3 года назад
I think of it this way. If you mean by Christian someone who has an actual relationship with Jesus then no, but I don't think anyone else is either because I don't think there is a Jesus to have a relationship with.
@tracyavent-costanza346 3 года назад
who edited your video? was it all done at once? rather nice job on both accounts.
@joshuamartinpryce8424 3 года назад
She needed to edit her video because she was saying things that are nonsense, or not valid reasons for questioning.
@tracyavent-costanza346 3 года назад
@@joshuamartinpryce8424 "valid" according to what authority? YOU?
@Daniel-km3zw 3 года назад
@@joshuamartinpryce8424 “valid” reasons for questioning? Stop spewing hateful nonsense.
@mariamarziana Год назад
I did. Thank you. I didn’t get to edit my latest video but this is making me think I should’ve lol
@MayaLove777 3 года назад
I experience God solely through spiritual practice like meditation, crystals, being in nature, and don't read the Bible. I don't like the Bible there's some good stuff in it but also some horrible stuff that makes people feel judged and makes them think they will go to hell. I also have a hard time believing that God would kill the people he created. I believe God loves people no matter what they do and I don't think you have to do anything to please God.
@ZenWithKen 3 года назад
What god are you experiencing though? And why is it I get to burn in hell for eternity just for not believing in gods?
@kdogghotmailcom 3 года назад
So many lost souls, God does speak to us, under his circumstances, not ours. We can't be selfish. We want all the blessings from God but we don't want to sacrifice our sinful life.
@barrylyndongurley Год назад
Most questions become explainable when you no longer anthropomorphize God. Church is a place where we draw false comfort from a false consensus. Sant Kirpal Singh once said " God is high, but truth is higher still."
@mosog8829 Месяц назад
1 John 2:19a “They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would have continued with us”
@dusty3913 3 года назад
This is old. Not sure where you are in your journey now. But, two books I can highly recommend for you. 1) god is not great, by Christopher Hitchens 2) The Skeptics Annotated Bible-by Steve Wells. The Steve Wells book is an actual bible with commentary on problematic passages. It breaks it all down. Very helpful. Christopher Hitchens, well if you don't know of him, I'd also recommend looking into his many debates on youtube.
@livinia296 3 года назад
Watch blogging theology on youtube Watch One message foundation on youtube.
@mariamarziana Год назад
Actually I just posted a video and I think it shows a lot of what direction I’m going now 🥹🙏🏽✨
@jesusyeshuaisgodyahweh8180 3 года назад
I understand your journey. I have been on that path multiple times, at least three times. It was very healthy because it gave me a lot of understanding for people leaving the faith. However I always found back to Christ and my faith grew through my questions and doubts. Especially because I experienced Him and His providence in difficult times again and again. I'm not here to judge you, I want to encourage you to still be open for returning, you don't have to of course. However the door is and always will be open. Jesus Christ bless you.❤️✝️🕊️
@ZenWithKen 3 года назад
You believe Jesus is the son of god. Are the Jews wrong? Is Allah not the one true god? Perhaps you’re not digging deep enough?
@naturegirl372 3 года назад
You seem sincere and sweet
@mariamarziana 3 года назад
wow! thank you so much. Honesty is definitely a priority in my journey.
@jmdsservantofgod8405 4 года назад
Lots of denominations because God knew all people could not all think the same way....be “on the same page”.....I have been through 16 denominations and although there are differences.... all the people trust and hold on to Jesus.... have faith in what Jesus did.... and all receive communion to remember Jesus’ payment for all our bad things....this sets us free!..... its really all about Jesus the alpha & omega....and the theme of God’s book is God’s Grace
@gleanerman2195 3 года назад
We need some proof, not some stupid horseshit.
@PInk77W1 3 года назад
St Josephine Bakhita • pray for us
@notsoeasyryder5150 3 года назад
Hello Maria. Thank you for your video. I also underwent the same deconstruction/deconversion as you. A difficult process that took at least a decade. I understand all of the points that you made in your video, and have deeply contemplated all of them myself. But I am wondering: what is your position now? Do you reject any belief in a God, or at least something greater than ourselves, ie an atheist? Or do you hold a different view of reality that transcends religion in every form, as I have? Just curious. Peace.
@2fast2block 3 года назад
I'm curious how you or anyone else rejecting God can even get past the first verse of the bible. If God didn't create, how did it happen?
@notsoeasyryder5150 3 года назад
@@2fast2block I don't know if you're referring to me or Maria. As for me, I do believe in God, just not the biblical version. And yes, I also believe that this "God" created the Universe we live in. But I don't think it happened as described in Genesis. In fact, if you read Genesis chapter 1 and then read Genesis chapter 2, they are two completely different stories. Most scholars believe they were written by 2 different authors, neither of which was there to witness the creation, and were expressing there beliefs as to how it happened.
@2fast2block 3 года назад
@@notsoeasyryder5150 you don't know that the two chapters mesh. Back to creation, tell me the real version then of God creating since the bible is not it.
@notsoeasyryder5150 3 года назад
@@2fast2block No, they don't mesh. I have studied the bible studiously for over 40 years. They are 2 separate accounts, and in many cases, the details don't make sense. Like how could God have created all the vegetation on the planet on day 3, but didn't even create the sun until day 4? As to the "real version" of the creation, how should I know? I wasn't there, and neither were you, or anybody for that matter. All we really "know", is that we're here, the universe is here. And, like you, it had to be created by...something. Many atheist scientists tell us there are ways it could have come out of nothing, but I don't buy it. I am no longer a born-again, baptized, bible believing Christian anymore, but I do believe in a creator, the specifics of which are unknown, to everyone.
@frankwhelan1715 3 года назад
@@notsoeasyryder5150 There are many creation myths ,the bible has just one (or two) of them.
@YenkammaNe 3 года назад
WHAT IS SPECIAL ABOUT BEING A HINDU? By Francois Gautier 1) Believe in God ! - Aastik - Accepted 2) Don't believe in God ! - You're accepted as Nastik 3) You want to worship idols - please go ahead. You are a murti pujak. 4) You dont want to worship idols - no problem. You can focus on Nirguna Brahman. 5) You want to criticise something in our religion. Come forward. We are logical. Nyaya, Tarka etc. are core Hindu schools. 6) You want to accept beliefs as it is. Most welcome. Please go ahead with it. 7) You want to start your journey by reading Bhagvad Gita - Sure ! 8) You want to start your journey by reading Upanishads - Go ahead. 9) You want to start your journey by reading Purana - Be my guest. 10) You just don't like reading Puranas or other books. No problem my dear. Go by Bhakti tradition . ( bhakti- devotion) 11) You don't like idea of Bhakti ! No problem. Do your Karma. Be a karmayogi. 12) You want to enjoy life. Very good. No problem at all. This is Charvaka Philosophy. 13) You want to abstain from all the enjoyment of life & find God - jai ho ! Be a Sadhu, an ascetic ! 14) You don't like the concept of God. You believe in Nature only - Welcome. (Trees are our friends and Prakriti or nature is worthy of worship). 15) You believe in one God or Supreme Energy. Superb! Follow Advaita philosophy 16) You want a Guru. Go ahead. Receive gyaan. 17) You don't want a Guru.. Help yourself ! Meditate, Study ! 18) You believe in Female energy ! Shakti is worshipped. 19) You believe that every human being is equal. Yeah! You're awesome, come on let's celebrate Hinduism! "Vasudhaiva kutumbakam" (the world is a family) 20) You don't have time to celebrate the festival. Don't worry. One more festival is coming! There are multiple festivals every single day of the year. 21) You are a working person. Don't have time for religion. Its okay. You will still be a Hindu. 22) You like to go to temples. Devotion is loved. 23) You don't like to go to temples - no problem. You are still a Hindu! 24) You know that Hinduism ☺ is a way of life, with considerable freedom. 25) You believe that everything has God in it. So you worship your mother, father, guru, tree, River, Prani-matra, Earth, Universe! 26) And If you don't believe that everything has GOD in it - No problems. Respect your viewpoint. 27) "Sarve jana sukhino bhavantu " (May you all live happily) You represent this! You're free to choose, my dear Hindu! This is exactly the essence of Hinduism, all inclusive .. That is why it has withstood the test of time inspite of repeated onslaught both from within and outside, and assimilated every good aspects from everything . That is why it is eternal !!! There is a saying in Rigveda , the first book ever known to mankind which depicts the Hinduism philosophy in a Nutshell -" Ano bhadrah Krathavo Yanthu Vishwathah"- Let the knowledge come to us from every direction"......
@mikeyant2445 3 года назад
I was flooded with doubts in 1980. That was when there were no apolegetics ministries to help. My research led me to a completely different conclusion: God is. Jesus Christ was the Messiah promised millennia before. The resurrection happened. The God of the Bible actually judges sinners in real time.
@sweetsummerrain8086 2 года назад
1. God is: Define the word god. Get the book: God, the Failed Hypothesis; 2. Jesus Christ is the Messiah: No. Jesus Christ is a fictional character just like Harry Potter. 3. The resurrection of (of Jesus) happened). Nope. Provide evidence that the Jesus person actually existed. Never mind. I know you cant. Its why Hebrews 11:1 was written. 4. You are a sinner. I am not. Therefore, your blanket statement 'judges sinners' is incorrect. The god of the bible does not exist. It cannot judge anything. You statement seems to be gleeful in nature. The tone hints that are very happy that (as you believe) all humankind will be judge by this creature. I swear, Christianity is a mental illness.
@mikeyant2445 2 года назад
@@sweetsummerrain8086 Not gleeful at all. I have no pleasure in judgment. As far as the books you recommend, I’m conversant in the theories but I reject them. God is. Jesus is the Messiah. You completely misunderstand what Hebrews 11:1 means.
@mikeyant2445 2 года назад
@@sweetsummerrain8086 Is There A God Who Really Judges Sin? While there are many who have called themselves God or gods over the millenia, have any of them shown an ability to actually judge sins? The god of the Quran has never shown that ability. The gods of the Hindu scriptures have never shown any ability to judge. The god of the Book of Mormon has never shown that he actually judges anyone. Literally, in the history of man, the only God Who has shown that He judges sinners in real life is the God of the Bible. Throughout the Bible He pronounced judgments on cities and civilizations, and history has shown that they have come true just as promised hundreds or in some cases thousands of years earlier. The God of the Bible pronounced specific judgments on the cities Jerusalem, (Luke 21, 20-24) Nineveh, (Zephaniah 2:13-15) Samaria, (Micah 1:5-9) Tyre, Exekiel 36) Ashkelon, (Zephaniah 2:4-7) Capernaum, Chorazin, Bethsaida, (Matthew 11:20-24) and many others. In every case the pronounced judgment came true. Sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly, but they came true. The God of the Bible pronounced specific long term, or permanent judgments on the Hebrew civilization, (Ezekiel 36-38) the Edomite (Ezekiel 25:13-14) civilization, the Philistine civilization, (Ezekiel 25;15-17) and many others because of their sins. Once again, history confirms that the pronounced judgments came true. There are many religions that tell me to fear their gods. But there is no God, except the God of the Bible Who has demonstrated that He actually judges sinners in real life. He is the only God to follow. And He is to be followed according to the book He has given us, the Holy Bible. Are You Good Enough to go to Heaven? (The 10 Commandment Test) The Bible is supernatural in origin, therefore take heed to its promise of Heaven and warning of Hell. The Ten Commandments says “Thou shalt not kill.” Have you ever murdered? If you have you are a murderer. It says “Thou shalt not bear false witness.” Have you ever lied? If you have you are a liar. (Think: If one little murder would make you a murderer, then one little lie makes you a liar.) It says “Thou shalt not steal.” Have you ever stolen? Ever? Anything? If you have you are a thief. It says “Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain.” Have you ever used the name God or Jesus as cuss words. If you have you are a blasphemer. Jesus said that if we even look at someone with lust, we are adulterers at heart. Have you ever looked with lust? We have only looked at five of the commandments, yet if God were to judge you by the 10 commandments would you be innocent or guilty? If you have said yes to any of these questions, you are guilty and cannot stand before a holy God. Do you really think a Holy God is going to let murderers, liars, thieves, blasphemers and adulterers into heaven? The Bible says. “. . . all liars shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone.” (Revelation 21:8) You desperately need a Savior. The Bible says: But God commendeth His love toward us in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. (Romans 5:8) 2000 years ago, Jesus Christ, God the Son, died on the cross and paid for all your sins. The Bible teaches that He literally took the entire punishment that was coming to us for our sins, so that we could be forgiven and freely allowed into Heaven. He rose from the dead, and now wants to forgive you and save you from the sins that condemn you. He will give you a salvation that will not only forgive you, but it will turn you away from those sins that are destroying you. If you will repent of your sins, (name them) and trust Him for forgiveness and salvation, He promises: “Believe (trust in, rely on, cling to) on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved.” (Acts 16:31
@sweetsummerrain8086 2 года назад
@@mikeyant2445 When you break down your comment to me in small 'bites' I will respond.
@mikeyant2445 Год назад
Want me to use small words too…? Here they are. 1 God in the Bible made specific promises of judgment to sinful nations. 2 Those promises actually came true in their specific particulars 3 Yes they really did, and I am aware of the counter arguments. 4 This is unique to the God of the Bible. No pretend god of other religions has accomplished this 5 Therefore when this God promises eternal judgment to you for your sin, you should take Him seriously.
@greglogan7706 2 года назад
The people who criticize you by asserting you didn't really have criticized you by asserting you didn't really have criticized you by asserting you didn't really have Christianity are people whose identities are feeling attacked and so they have simply not crucified their own egos but they have tied up their eagles into their man made religion.... Rather than crucify it
@denniswelsh3935 3 года назад
Check out Hosea Ch 13 v 16 and Isaiah same verses and perhaps you'll have your answer.
@Slavaisusukhrystu 2 года назад
My only stumbling block is your last question. Don’t most denominations agree on core principles? They affirm the apostles’ creed. No joke, I just looked the term up, and 5 differently affiliated church websites had it on their website! 😂 Each person tries to live out Christ is his own way. The Jesuits would ramble from place to place, without food or shelter, to live life like the Christ. The proponents of liberation theology focus on the fact that God’s way for us to worship is to help the widows and orphans. Evangelical and Vineyard congregation focus on His grace, simplicity and desire to reach every nation and race. The church is the body of Christ - an infinite being - on earth, right? Doesn’t it make sense that it has different parts and different perspectives?
@tarno_bejo_ 3 года назад
The important question is: have we asses of what we believe will lead us to the truth without any bias? (specially the bias from emotional feelings and social pressure) The nature about the truth is, it aint always taste good. The cure/drug doesnt always taste good. BUT, in the end the truth ll reveal us the way to the good and happiness. Bad things happen on this world because: this the world, not paradise. Its simple as that. Our society (specially western society) has changed their morality compass like ALOT for sure. Since im a muslim, we believe that The Creator doesnt change His mind (I mention his, when actually doesnt have gender). As evidence, there is no contradiction in the quran unlike others religious books (you may try to disprove that yourself. Unless you can agree with bias view from other people who dislike islam just like that).
@2fast2block 3 года назад
"As evidence, there is no contradiction in the quran unlike others religious books " Go try and F00L others. You are a liar. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-fMJRsd8SrhU.html
@tarno_bejo_ 3 года назад
@@2fast2block What do you know about that video? Like, do you perceive the same view as the one who made that video? Its important to pour your own thought instead of bring others. So, unless you can mention it in the comment. Your thought is simply based of uncompleted knowledge, which may lead to the false. Afterall many anti islam people have mistaken such exception nor extended info cases in the quran as contradictions. Like, the quran says, - every living being is from water. It also mentions - The Creator created your from clay These two aint contradiction. It aint say ONLY from water nor ONLY from the clay. That what happen when you take everything from anti islam website just like that. You gotta be open minded and be less bias as possible.
@2fast2block 3 года назад
@@tarno_bejo_ "same view as the one who made that video? " Like all you liars, he gave hard evidence of your deception. It's always the same with you liars, you claim how holy your book is and it's all for dunces like you who will not look at your lies. Your un-holy quran of lies stole from the true God and His word. Your quran is fake like all of you love to be fakes. crossexamined.org/simple-reason-quran-word-god/
@TheTania323 3 года назад
Do you know about the Great Controversy?
@mariamarziana Год назад
I do not. I’m intrigued now, I’ll Google it. Thanks for commenting. I also just added a new video in case your interested
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