
'Quiet quitting' was happening in China before the rest of the world caught on 

CNBC International
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You may have heard about "quiet quitting" this summer. The term, which means doing what's required at work and no more, went viral on the TikTok app after a New York software engineer posted a video on the trend.
Yet the rejection of hustle culture started in China long before it was popularized in the West.
"I talk with my friends, and they often use that term like 'tang ping,' I really want to lie down and I don't want to do my job and don't want to achieve something," said Dian Gu, who works as a content specialist for an internet company in China.
Since 2021, the internet in China has been awash with the phrases tang ping, which means "lying flat" in Mandarin, and more recently bai lan, which means "let it rot." This has coincided with many young people in China becoming increasingly frustrated with both their personal and professional lives.
Unlike most countries, China has continued to pursue a zero-Covid strategy, which requires strict and sudden lockdowns and extensive testing for cities experiencing outbreaks, confining hundreds of millions of Chinese people to their homes.
As a result, the economy has slowed and unemployment is rising. The labor market has shrunk since 2019, and there is fierce competition for white-collar jobs.
"We could definitely link this wave of quiet quitting and rethinking work, to an inherent lack of satisfaction with what is out there in terms of job availability," said Maria Kordowicz, an associate professor in organizational behavior at the University of Nottingham.
So is China's hard-working culture about to change? Watch our video above to find out more.
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26 сен 2024




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@mrsusan5672 Год назад
Bosses: *Pay the minimum they can* Also bosses: Why aren't people putting in maximum effort?
@god5535 Год назад
It's very easy to empathize with the workers until you yourself at the end of receiving such customer service. There is no workers vs. bosses in many cases. The workers who serve at McDonald's may be customer at Jiffy Lube's and they will wonder why the reality is slapping back because of their karma.
@extrastout1741 Год назад
So true
@sandrahart6195 Год назад
Automation is a strategy that makes or breaks a work balance.
@sevens3 Год назад
@god5535 You are missing the point--you don't see the presence of the bosses by design; you DON'T interact with them directly, precisely because the want you to think its "just the workers" responsible, and obfuscate any hand management has in directing and controlling workers. Have you noticed the surging popularity of calling everyone an "independent contractor" (see Uber etc.) rather than the traditional W2 wage employee structure? That's not an accident--it has profound legal significance which on balance mostly favors the employer. Among other things its effect (and I'd imagine, purpose) is sidestepping a lot of employment law/regulations on wages and working conditions that only apply to "traditional (W2, non-1099 'independent contractor') employees". Have you also noticed how it gets harder and harder to get an actual live person and/or just competent help GENERALLY, whenever you attempt to contact one of these businesses/get customer service? Is it not OBVIOUS that all else being equal, the bosses have EVERY incentive to cut every corner possible, cut staff to literally the bare minimum for their to even be a business at all, if possible--as long as they still make more profit from the savings of cutting corners/reducing quality & quantity, than any losses from angry customers/longer wait times etc., what would stop them from doing this, and if the answer is nothing, then why WOULDN'T they the way things are setup now at least (literally, they're incentivized to)? The very fact that you DON'T directly, CAN'T EVEN reach if you tried, anyone with any REAL POWER in a given for-profit enterprise IS the point, and ISN'T an accident, and ISN'T proof "oh it's really just the workers, there are no bosses here"--ACTUALLY the EXACT opposite, a TESTAMENT to the vastly disproportionate power of the employer versus employee (or for that matter, the general "consuming" public) to dictate terms of employment, and the economic consequences that follow from that. So say management calculates that reducing staff 20% will cause an increase in wait times, decrease in customer service, and some angry customers and lost sales and decreased revenue as a result. BUT ALSO, say they calculate they will save more in the costs of labor and etc. by making that change such that at least based upon the facts they're relying upon, they would see an increase in profit were they to make that move, all things considered. At what point realistically do workers have any say (or even awareness) over any of this except to decide to quit, when the management--having already made this decision--announced it and started to implement it? Heck, if you're one of the intended layoffs in the 20% what leverage AT ALL do you have? "Management: Hey we're implementing this decision that will definitely make it shittier to work here, make customers angry, decrease overall quality--but we think not paying 20% of y'all will still put us ahead after doing that. You're fired Bob. Bob: I...quit?!" Alone the worker has no power--Bob could 'resign in protest', but that's literally what they're already trying to do, except EVEN BETTER for them I think under many state's laws, since a 'voluntary resignation' I think will often entitle one to no/less benefits than a resignation (like unemployment etc.). About the only resistance the worker COULD mount, is collectively with a sufficient mass of the other workers, a direct concerted action like a strike MIGHT have some actual leverage--i.e. form a union, basically, and many try to do exactly that, for exactly the reasons--but notice, even despite some evidence that option DOES exist to and IS tried at least an extent, it clearly has not been enough to change the overall dynamics describe above that we are witnessing unfold right before our very eyes in the present. In the meantime, any attempted worker resistance notwithstanding, the employer legally and practically, has the power to carry forward with their decision, limited by nothing but their own reevaluation that it's "not worth it" as a matter of net profit, in light of new developments (which could be worker resistance, could just be a revaluation of costs, or any number of other factors that may or may not have anything to do with anything the workers have power over). The strike MAY work long term, OR they may be able to weather it and simply hire scabs/replace the strikers, etc. So what are workers to do then, to stop decisions that employers believe are net profitable BUT do objectively worsen customer service, and who REALLY then is more responsible, who REALLY then has the power? If you want better customer service, just blaming workers, as working conditions worsen because decisions management made they had no part in, is not going to do that. ONLY changing the balance of power described above will.
@sandrahart6195 Год назад
@@sevens3 It took you 6 hours to write this, and you can't use bolds, italics, and underlines to describe your points. I think I know the real reason you got fired from your last job- you need to stop infringing on negative face needs for your help as a start. The 'Always learning from Customers', must have been your job and people assumed it was a hobby of yours for real for years. Stop letting yourself be an employee for turnovers and quit looking for loopholes to get mad...in other words...don't do something you'll regret.
@Aninkovsky Год назад
It's funny that quiet quitting is actually just "normal work ethic"
@thanavigator12 Год назад
EXACTLY! It's literally just doing what needs to be done and go home. I don't understand why people think they need to go above and beyond for a job that couldn't care less about them.
@lil_jong-un6668 Год назад
The only thing that could make sense out of this is that the term "quiet quitting" is made by greedy companies, not the working class themselves. This is a threat to them because younger generations start to care more about work-life balance. Companies are so used to expecting more, they want you to do jobs that are not within your contract with little to no compensation. Companies also want you to be committed and passionate to the companies but they wouldn't do the same to workers.
@momoko7859 Год назад
it's been my working attitude ever since i've started working. not sure why it is just making the "news"
@annnee6818 Год назад
​@@momoko7859 Because companies are noticing losses to their earnings is why it makes headlines now.
@TheAmbientUniverse Год назад
They want to guilt trip us into giving them free labor. A new low.
@catyji134 Год назад
I'm glad people are quiet quitting. It means they are finally starting to take care of their mental health. It's like a self defense mechanism to avoid burnout.
@alexismayalalancette5597 Год назад
agreed coping mechanism not only from work but probably knowing deep down that they're stuck in a country where they have little value or impact
@chenyuniq Год назад
@@alexismayalalancette5597 I guess that’s why so many people are quiet quitting here in the US
@TheAmbientUniverse Год назад
There's a woman at my job who sometimes does over a hundred hours a week to avoid her three kids and she is UN-FUCKING-HINGED. Yeah I don't want to be like her someday, not for less than minimum wage. Not for anything, actually.
@jackwang3006 Год назад
Lol no it’s people being lazy
@MariaRodriguez-xq4bk Год назад
@@TheAmbientUniverse 🤣
@Potato-mu7nu Год назад
Hustling used to get you somewhere in a company, but increasingly it's more about who you know, who likes you. Not on merit but on likeability.
@jordanferguson2254 Год назад
Thank you, this is why I feel like quitting. It's no different to what it took to be high school president, for instance.
@ANGELCRYPT0 Год назад
And companies wonder why they are struggling performance wise.. the corruption needs to end first.
@anthonytravis1420 Год назад
That's because companies increasingly don't produce anything of real value. Zombies.
@bloodspartan300 Год назад
It's always been that way
@thatbloomer5642 Год назад
It's about how well you can kiss their a** basically.
@noelgibson5956 Год назад
As a 54 year old Australian, I'm still working full time to pay off a mortgage I've had since my early 30's, and can't scale back until it's cleared, in about another five years. I'm getting tired, and just want three days per week for a better work/recreation ratio. I have a car which I don't need or want, as my apartment is fairly centralised, so if I also sell that, that further reduces the cost of living. Translated:- I'll happily become a minimalist if it means I can just work less. I wake up some mornings, I'm burnt out and dread going to work. It's like, is this all that life is, working, and then you're in a coffin ten years after retirement, never having had any time for yourself in your prime years? Sometimes when the sun is shining on Thursday morning, I just want to stay home, go for a walk or ride on the bike. Life's too short.
@australian2 Год назад
Work till you drop… that’s Australia.
@王柏林-p2p Год назад
I feel you. It seems it happens most places around the world.
@alexfrank5331 Год назад
Did you get screwed by the bank with a horrible mortgage? Your home value should've increased enough to cover the rest of your mortgage. :o
@PurnadiPhan Год назад
​@@heptagrammar21 Give it a thought. People who have chosen the wrong path of career, or those doing bullshit jobs, have worked since you are born until today so that you or I can live our lives. Imagine the world where everyone has chosen "the right professions", then we can live comfortably but only at the expense of our own misery.
@OQUINN83 Год назад
Repent and Trust in Jesus Christ…. Your still breathing, you still have a chance…
@megandresitox Год назад
Quiet quitting seems to be the term used now for taking care of your mental health + minding your own business
@whatsinaname11 Год назад
And not being a mug! I'm not working for 0!!
@zergilli9719 Год назад
Yea, they want you to work harder to make billionaires more money while we get a yearly $0.30 raise. Please.. f#$# these people.
@TheSnoefvy Год назад
Omg 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 all my colleagues are like that...and I got called in the office for my dedication. Guess I need to quit to... Im already quite( also a problem)
@Jose04537 Год назад
It's a gaslighting term of human resources. Just like "we are like a family here" to disrespect your boundaries and guilt trip you for trying to enforce them. People "quite quit" because they were "quiet fired" by removing any incentive or reward for all that extra effort (pensions, retirement accounts, equity, seniority bonus, etc.)
@yuyutubee8435 Год назад
The 1% don't make money when the lower classes stop spending. They want us to be slaves to consumption.
@theboone3848 Год назад
I think i've been Quiet Quitting my whole life, I have never gone above and beyond for a corporation since they have never done that for me.
@coraltown1 Год назад
This helps explain the bad attitude so pervasive in US youth these days, it's own self fulfilling prophecy of failure. Fifty years ago I pumped gasoline for peanuts, was glad to have the job, worked my ass off, and did it with a genuine helpful smile.
@tslee8236 Год назад
@crassgop For some dead end jobs, employers may prefer such employees as they are unlikely to leave.
@jockjockin9589 Год назад
@@coraltown1 in old times getting a job meant you would be happy but now even after getting a job you would never be satisfied. A job in the past meant a safety net but now it's more like a self tightening leash which would choke you if you don't take caution. Trust me, that leash is terrifying, most who don't focus enough end up choked to death and a few break the leash. The corporates love showing those who survive not showing the endless bodies that they left behind.
@Tore_Lund Год назад
QQ since 1991.
@jerryrichardson2799 Год назад
​@@coraltown1 Back in those days you could live in a lot of places for minimum wage, you can't do that anymore. Also, there's a lot less upward mobility. If the minimum wage had kept up with productivity increases it would be $23.00 an hour. The amount of rigamarole, money, and time it takes to get a better job has grown by a factor of twenty since the days you're talking about.
@tomlxyz Год назад
Why do people call it quiet quitting? You're doing exactly what you're supposed to in your job
@Kevin-of4jf Год назад
Simply because if you want to grow in your career you have to do more than your current job in order to learn & climb stairs.
@tslee8236 Год назад
@@Kevin-of4jf Could be a dead end job. Or truly burnt out.
@TheStephaneAdam Год назад
@@Kevin-of4jf Or, you know, maybe they're burnt out and just done with the gig economy. Employers have come to expect workers working for free with vague promises. After forty years of this people are wising up.
@academicpresentations6062 Год назад
@@Kevin-of4jf may be learning new skill isn't that hard.
@Jose04537 Год назад
It's a gaslighting term of human resources. Just like "we are like a family here" to disrespect your boundaries and guilt trip you for trying to enforce them. It's a one sided game only the employer benefits. People "quite quit" because they were "quiet fired" by removing any incentive or reward for all that extra effort (pensions, retirement accounts, equity, seniority bonus, etc.)
@Jose04537 Год назад
People "quite quit" because they were "quiet fired" by removing any incentive or reward for all that extra effort (pensions, retirement accounts, equity, seniority bonus, etc.) It's a gaslighting term of human resources. Just like "we are like a family here" to disrespect your boundaries and guilt trip you for trying to enforce them.
@bodybalancer Год назад
Omg yeah the “we are like family” “everyone becomes like family”…. They mean like an abusive & dysfunctional one. Run.
@outsidethabox1443 Год назад
The best comment so far
@CostaKazistov Год назад
@yuppers1 Год назад
And "be a team player" and "don't say 'It's not my job'"
@cushlathompson3074 Год назад
Brilliant comment.
@PoolGyall5441 Год назад
Who would have thought people would get tired of working more hours than their grandparents and barely afford a roof over their head and food on the table.
@cobalius Год назад
yeah, shocking
@TimErwin Год назад
Some people can't even afford food after rent. Some working full-time jobs have gone down to 1 meal per day.
@notornados3790 Год назад
​@@TimErwin it's crazy that people working full time are slowly starving to death
@TimErwin Год назад
@@hirondelle8734 LOL. We'll just call this all "fasting" then.
@Whiterun_Gaurd Год назад
Not inly that. Back in the day only the husband had to work. Now you need to bring your kids to daycare bevause two parents have to work fulltime to pay taxes for questionable national expenses.
@BB-pi2wd Год назад
I'm in my 50s. I've never not worked since I was 15. and I can tell you unequivocally, if I could go back and tell myself one thing it would be "Never go above and beyond... Never". Because it never once amounted to anything for me. Never benefitted me in any measurable way. Not once. To those younger than me, never be shamed into believing that just going and doing your job and nothing more is a sign of no motivation. It is a lie that employers love to use to get something for nothing.
@tgrey_shift..mp334 Год назад
Thank you so much, truly. I’ll take your wisdom to heart.
@citizencoy4393 Год назад
You are telling the truth! Millennial taught that hard work propels you. I broke my back for these companies and would be passed up time and time again for ppl that were lazy and called in often but were funny and cool to higher ups. I was early 20’s then but have not broke my back for others since. I have been working since 12 and like u my experience has been that it’s not what u know or how u work. It’s about who u know!
@sandrahart6195 Год назад
Sounds like 'quiet quitting' also gets people written up and fired.
@densebread Год назад
i've always done more than asked in every job, did above and beyond. I've realized this "hustle" usually goes unrewarded, in fact, all my bosses instead assigned me new roles and tasks to do without a pay raise or promotion. At my old job i was doing 3 different roles. All my hardwork ended up being used, exploited, and me getting burnt out. I now only do what is expected and give them 60% of my work ethic lol. My friends feel the same way. One of my friends worked overtime because their company was understaffed for a year, the corporation made 60% more than last year, did they give my friend's department a raise, promotion, anything for hustling??????? nope,.
@az5129 Год назад
reminds me of what I've been doing for the past year. My department was short staffed, and I put in the effort to cover everybody that I could, and even did overtime to catch up on my work. During evaluations, that only earned me a $1 raise.....so much for working hard...e_e
@user-iw4xb3lh5r Год назад
I think you have hit the nail on the head, "I now only do what is expected and give them 60% of my work effort" This is exactly how it should be! That other 40% is for you to live! Wash, eat sleep, socialise, exercise. It's time to redirected some of the wealth these companies are generating into creating efficient and sustainable working conditions. If it's detrimental for a company to employee more staff for financial reasons, then something is going seriously wrong. And it can't be because the staff aren't working hard enough, these people are working their fingers to the bone. Yearly growth, and the need to appease shareholders/ senior members are taking priority over the welfare of human beings, the greed of a few, is robbing the lives of young people across this planet. Work stability, and access to workplace benefits are being, and in some cases have been completely taken away from an entire generation, pension funds destroyed, holiday and sick pay removed. Whilst bonuses and extravagant excess are the staple diet of those who exploit their own workforce.
@djm2189 Год назад
Yes! My old manager/mentor stated when I moved to a new company, don't overdo it. Take it slow and show you can do the work in the 40hrs vs in 20. If you overdo it they'll put more on your plate without compensation. Damn it works. I get everything i need to in 20 and then chill.
@socalrenegal9409 Год назад
I can relate. I ran state contracts and the CEO just kept giving me more and more. I told my boss that I was at no more capacity to take on new contracts (which are very involved from marketing to budgets, procurement to reports, etc…). It got up to 7 contracts and I was supervising half the department. Then on top of that when covid hit the CEO put me over a $2 million contract to find, purchase, track and distribute PPE to thousands of people so I asked for temps, now I was overseeing 8 more people and working 13 hr days every day sometimes 8am to midnight. Mind you overhead was being taken out of my salary (office space, phone, internet, etc) so I never enjoyed the salary I was given which wasn’t great to begin with. Nobody cared and I was viewed as a machine with any mistakes I made pointed out. I ended up sooooooo mentally exhausted that I quit. It took one year for them to replace me and when they did, they gave the person HALF of my work and the full title and pay.
@doodlemecrzy8075 Год назад
HR works for the company , not the employees. You have to plan your own career. Over 2 decades of corporate experience taught me these hard truths: 1)Learn to socialize ; brown nose and you will get there much easier. 2)Instead of spending useless time, $ & effort on an MBA, go to the gym or get plastic surgery to enhance your looks. 3)Even if you are smarter than your boss, never let them know.
@cjxgraphics Год назад
We've watched older family members sacrifice everything for their jobs, just to have that company cut them off right before retirement. We've been busting our backsides for years to get into better positions, and for what? If we can't afford food, families, or homes. What's the point? Meanwhile so many people who are doing well, you find out it's because their families gave them so much. There are people who work hard, and do well, but those are becoming so few and so rare. And the amount of luck and nepotism that is involved in their success is absolutely maddening, when they look down on everyone else who didn't make it, and tell them to just work harder. If there's no getting ahead, why are we still doing this?
@alooposto23 Год назад
@AnnAndNala Год назад
@amanp5249 Год назад
Thats nothing. Ive never worked. Beat that. I am one with the dao.
@Cloud29065 Год назад
@@amanp5249 ngl i know a friend on unemployement that live on a farm he literally says free cash and that he lives a simple chilling life
@JJUnohu Год назад
Really?....my eighteen year old daughter works 55 hours a week at two jobs and just put a down payment on a small piece of property and is starting to build real wealth already....along with a small investment portfolio she' won't have to rely on anyone but herself for life or retirement....hard work will always pay off ....if you can't do that where you live then it's time to move where the work and opportunities are.....it's not that hard
@markmaurer6370 Год назад
Just turned 40. My career was a failure but my wife has been very successful. She has always gone to the max at her job, it's just her personality, but throughout her twenties she did not work at a place for more than a year maybe a year and a half. The reason she changed so much is because when she was at a place that did not recognize and reward her for going above and beyond she left. She made some horizontal moves she made some sort of upward moves but once she got to the right place she went up like a rocket. It's hard to believe that in only 7 years we've gone from both of us working together making less than 50K to her alone making over 200K. Now we're way behind because our twenties and the beginning of our 30s were essentially lost. We weren't able to buy a house we weren't able to save any money and we did not gain any skills that we use in our day-to-day lives now. So I think quiet quitting is a rational thing to do it's what I ended up doing before I didn't need to work anymore, but a better idea is change jobs until you find a place that actually recognizes the work you do and rewards you with money and with promotions. Now this experience was brutal and cruel and there were intense moments of despair throughout. This is a bad system and I cannot recommend it. But while you toil get by and think is an option that will improve your life more than just punch in the clock
@theragoooverlord5021 Год назад
There are laws and commitments employers must do to support women and promote them. We as men in the same workforce are just seen as expendable and are disliked.
@cherylT321 Год назад
I hope you are living below your means because there are many stories out there of people suddenly losing a high paying job like that at an older age…If they are able to find another job, it never seems to pay what the former job did!
@Molly-el8kj Год назад
@@cherylT321 Yea, they'll eventually want to replace her with someone that they can pay less to do the same job. Companies have no loyalty!
@cherylT321 Год назад
@@Molly-el8kj Agreed!
@theragoooverlord5021 6 месяцев назад
@soultune908 my comment is from personal experience. The company I worked for had to met it's commitment to promoting 51% women to 49% men. The gender equality agency was in the same building. This means my chance of moving up got limited by half when companies decided to go along with such dei. By the way it's a case of get woke go broke now. Thought you might like to read the happy ending to the story
@Alex-pr6zv Год назад
In my parents' day, it was possible for a working person to earn enough to support his or her family in a 40-hour week. People had more time for social activities and were more willing to take on volunteer admin roles in clubs, for example. They are still doing it today. Many clubs and events are now run by people over 70 because there are hardly any young people to replace them. It seems like we are working ourselves to death at all levels of society, and something has to change soon.
@joelc9439 Год назад
Houses where cheaper back in and life was a bit easier.
@SquirreleLIV Год назад
Yes. And you do realize these changes are all be design. So you. They also wouldn’t have been possible without the so-called women’s rights movement. Thanks feminism, for making slaves of us all.
@hoperissa4253 Год назад
Because in the past they are in modern industrial economy but now, the whole world compete in terms of globalisation. Globalisation competition causes longer working time since globalisation is driven by greed.
@sepg5084 Год назад
@@SquirreleLIV lol, found the incel 😂
@user-iw4xb3lh5r Год назад
@@hoperissa4253 The need to see profits over last years profits over last years profits over last years profits. Apparently it's called growth! You just have to sacrifice the lives of an entire generation to achieve it. And take away all the benefits those who push for this growth have become so accustomed to in their own working lives.
@可乐Gaming Год назад
I'm a Chinese and I can feel it. for so many years we were told to work hard, chase your dream, we can make big money, live a better life. but in fact whatever how hard we working, we can't afford to buy a house or get merried, not mention to raise a baby in China cost like crazy. The rich people and powerful gov ppl had everything in their hand and ready for their kids to take over. "Normal people" just keep working to feed themselfes, can't do anything more. So why we keep working that hard? Landlords and goverment people have everything, in China 2% of people controlled 95% of China. No point for us to working hard. They do whatever they want, we just don't get merried. "Normaly people" just live alone and die along, so we can slowly disppear, help goverment to reduce total population, make those rich kids and goverment kids happy. They can have more houses and money~~~haha🤣😂
@florence3502 Год назад
That’s so sad
@leezhieng Год назад
Some of my chinese friends worked hard and they could buy house and own car before turning 30. They are not from rich background either.
@KayAnderson888 Год назад
@@leezhieng To people that couldn't I would say "try harder"
@amirpj66 Год назад
@@leezhieng Let me "mansplain" by telling you the cost of living in a first tier city vs someone's "hometown" is like comparing buying an apartment in Manhattan vs. Akron Ohio. Or more straightforward, it's common for the major cities to cost over $10,000 per square meter (on average) for an apartment that is built poorly. So go talk to your friends and ask them if they live in Beijing, Shanghai, or Shenzhen. And by the way a car isn't really expensive, but again back to big cities, the license plate will run you minimum $7000 and up unless you get an electric car. It's already a hard working culture no doubt, but now the previous dream has turned to an illusion, and many realize that now.
@daekwonrose3160 Год назад
@@leezhieng It’s always someone … Don’t even know where the person is from just straight up “my Chinese friend”
@sathwicksv Год назад
This is happening in the Indian IT industry now. This was not the case 15 years back. Companies didn't differentiate much between star performers and average performers. So there is no motivation to be a star performer. For example a developer does a great job, the team gets appreciation and awards. The same developer messes up, he gets blamed. This work culture doesn't motivate anyone to go the extra mile.
@Wuestenwiesel Год назад
The difference might be up to 20% and for that you are constantly watched and have to justify why you are earning this.
@marktaylor4216 Год назад
They go into scamming instead?
@qjtvaddict Год назад
The soviets were ahead decades ago
@sepg5084 Год назад
@@marktaylor4216 corporations have been scamming workers all over the world for decades now, so it is not surprising
@RealCherry8085 Год назад
@@marktaylor4216 YUP, its more profitable and easier.
@AnthooFitz Год назад
It should not be called quiet quitting instead call it an “awakening realization”that the system that we are pushed so hard to work under gives you crumbs every-time you make a pie
@ladyeowyn42 Год назад
Yeah. It’s been that way for over a generation. Millennials and gen z have never known an economy that wasn’t openly antagonistic towards them.
@izzuddinmnasir4884 Год назад
Or "doing a job"
@vividdaydream1516 Год назад
Employers stopped offering incentives for going "above and beyond" _decades_ ago, so I'm more surprised that it took this long for this idea to catch on. If you're never going to get a raise, promotion, or bonus no matter how hard you work, there's no point in working any harder.
@markwhittaker6866 Год назад
@vonn2221 Год назад
Totally agree, the employer just expect people keep become their naive slave and forever kind to them, so they could exploit that kindness
@鲁青青 Год назад
quite quiting is a kind of wake up. it means youth generation cares more than just living. they care themselves.cheer themselves, and more independent.
@tylertyler965 Год назад
100% agree
@Rafael-ly7hr Год назад
If you’re gonna hustle, it should be for you, not some company that you don’t own.
@jimmyschmidt14 Год назад
gone above and beyond for a corporation since they have never done that for me.
@edwardharley9 Год назад
always employers started expecting strict loyalty to them, but recently changed that to: if they did not need you, the worker was discarded like tissue paper...
@robertparsons313 Год назад
Where are you going to find employees to work for you who won't "quiet quit" on you?
@RM360CR Год назад
But tha is not the real world in the real world slavery still exist today.
@mattzun6779 Год назад
Companies that promote from within and have real bonuses and raises for hard workers can align hustling for yourself and hustling for the company to some extent. Too bad that this rare these days.
@brianh9358 Год назад
I think balance is what is lacking in modern life. The constant focus on consumerism is driving us all into our graves. I'm in my 50s, and if I could go back in time 10 years I wouldn't put in all those extra hours again. I would live more simply and just say no to a lot of things that proved to not be important in the long run. At least I've learned that before heading into my 60s.
@HikariMiwa Год назад
Do you decide on having children?
@mr.santos5205 Год назад
Very true
@brianh9358 Год назад
@@HikariMiwa I've had one child. Maybe would have had another if I had married early enough.
@HikariMiwa Год назад
@@brianh9358 well, current generation can't even afford one, I can't speak for everyone but I'm childfree
@brianh9358 Год назад
@@HikariMiwa Didn't see this earlier. I think that people can afford children, but they have to keep things simple. You have to ignore the tendency to "compete" with other families. You have to cut corners that is for sure. I wouldn't even suggest college these days - teach kids how to learn on their own.
@ahah1785 Год назад
Im a bus driver and i work 70% tops. Low living cost is the key. You have to downsize to feel better. No point of having 3 cars and a large house if you are sick and cant get up. Also DONT allow other people or relatives to abuse you for choosing to work less, just tell them its my life and you can go frack off.
@CostaKazistov Год назад
@recall2880 Год назад
I hope you don’t work for Stagecoach
@markwhittaker6866 Год назад
😂😂😂😂😂 I totally agree with you.
@xiaoyizhang8698 Год назад
There have been many discussions in China about protecting oneself from being abused by relatives and superiors. We call that "pua" in China
@avayu2289 Год назад
I think people just don’t want to have a stress and anxiety filled life.
@joshuadelafuent3 Год назад
Too much to ask for nowadays....
@amazing3954 7 месяцев назад
Yes peace simple life
@unclescipio3136 Год назад
"The reason they call it the American Dream is because you have to be asleep to believe it."
@adamjames1375 Год назад
R.I.P. George
@justfun5479 Год назад
Nice one. Heres an upvote
@Jackpan272 3 месяца назад
@@justfun5479 bro thinks he's on reddit
@mtunofun1 Год назад
Just wanted to put it out there that quiet quitting is not slacking. You can do your job to the minimum, but compentently. This concept is not new. Heck my manager, whose been a manager since the 90’s has always told everyone on his team that he doesn’t hide that fact that does whatever is needed to be “be in the middle of the bell curve”. He may not be the best performing amongst his peers, but not the lowest. As long as you’re in the middle, management will not know you exist and leave you alone. So don’t accuse someone who is quiet quitting of being a slacker. They’ll get the job competently, but don’t expect them to volunteer for extra projects or overtime without additional compensation. Especially when doing so doesn’t benefit them anyways.
@SecondTake123 Год назад
Right! Lol
@BoxLaneProductions Год назад
It's a bit commy imo
@nigelwest5776 Год назад
@denrimi Год назад
@@BoxLaneProductions lmao what. That’s the worst take I’ve ever seen. Imagine selling your life and soul for a company that will discard you at a whim. 😊
@nunyabidness3075 Год назад
I’m not sure this is really what people think quiet quitting is. To me, QQ isn’t being in the middle, it’s being just above the minimum to not get fired.
@DogeMultiverse Год назад
The truth is working harder will only make u superficially richer. What is money if u have no time and mental health to enjoy it with. The next generation is smarter and wiser, working hard can only go so far. Improved productivity is the key
@l_ifeefi_l1998 Год назад
But bad news to the society and the govts won have it!!!
@tomlxyz Год назад
Working harder often doesn't even give you more money
@fishsquishguy1833 Год назад
I do see, with some of the younger workforce, a want for instant success, promotions and time off without putting in the years of work some veteran employees had done to get there. Home ownership is not realistic for many which is awful as it was always part of the American Dream. By age 30, a large percentage used to be starting or adding to their own family and we rarely see that now. There has to be some big goal like a house and family but if that’s not doable, that would have certainly taken the wind out of my sails when I was younger. Putting in the extra hours for OT or picking up a second job had a purpose and wasn’t going to be forever.
@realnapster1522 Год назад
It only makes owners rich. Why to work hard for others?
@coraltown1 Год назад
This helps explain the bad attitude so pervasive in US youth these days, it's own self fulfilling prophecy of failure. Fifty years ago I pumped gasoline for peanuts, was glad to have the job, worked my ass off, and did it with a genuine helpful smile.
@shadowspire Год назад
It’s already happening here in the states too. Why would I go the extra mile for a company that doesn’t value me and could quite simply fire me whenever they want? If I go above and beyond it’s when I do my own side work(construction) I work 9-5 with a company doing the minimum required. After work I do my own jobs and that’s where I go above and beyond.
@wentjen Год назад
Well said man. Did it too
@firedup692 Год назад
Maybe if you went the extra mile whilst working your day job, your company will value you more?
@jjbrown396 Год назад
@@firedup692 Please! If you want loyalty get a dog. Companies that look after their employees are few and far between. My after hours and free time go into my side hustle now. After 6 years of being with the same company and seeing no growth and going above and beyond to meet deadlines. For what? To work in excess of 8 hours a day for no additional financial reward. All the company gets from me is the time stipulated on my contract! Nothing more nothing less
@TimErwin Год назад
@@firedup692 LOL. Give 150% and get a .50 cent raise. No thanks.
@overflow7276 Год назад
Lol. It's similar with me. I also save my energy for my own projects after work. Doing more than average simply does not pay off anymore.
@BritishEcho Год назад
In my job 'going the extra mile' just results in more work getting piled on with the expectation you will get it done. I used to hate the people who did the bare minimum, now I understand why they do it and that they are the smart ones, because they earn the same as me... And doing half the work.
@FrancoDFernando Год назад
@wraithrunner2355 Год назад
Not sure why it's becoming such a big deal we're not required to go above and beyond And the mere fact that companies and workplaces expect it is Unacceptable. That would be like us expecting bonuses on every paycheck that we get?
@ninjatvlv6101 Год назад
The idea before was be valuable when potential lay offs or hour cuts happen but these days since the coof a lot realize it doesnt matter and this is affecting how some places ran. I myself was up for goingbabove and beyond till i began to realize that it just asks for more workload and jack all for a raise. So now like many others are just doing our job and not doing extra for free.
@josueperez4333 Год назад
If someone asks me what my dream job is I’d say “I don’t dream of labor”
@sandrahart6195 Год назад
You need a product, not a project_Jake Parker.
@bidossessi Год назад
That is beautifully said!
@wenroosaretin8966 Год назад
@caitlinweiss8801 Год назад
I started quiet quitting after working at my job for 2 years and being constantly praised by management and the owner for going above and beyond but when I asked for a raise they said my job had a "set wage" and I would never be eligible for a raise, nor a promotion.
@winninginlife Год назад
Wow...woah, atleast you didn't let their jedi mind tricks ..trick you into staying longer. Look at it as a lesson learned at your next job...clock in, work...clock out and go live your life. I learned my lesson the hard way. Never again...I want, deserve, need and desire a life worth living once I clock out for the day....And so do you🌹
@IramCoercere Год назад
Why didn’t you change your workplace then?
@daekwonrose3160 Год назад
@@IramCoercere Can you read?
@IramCoercere Год назад
@@daekwonrose3160 i could ask you the same
@danek893 Год назад
You get too comfortable with your work, its time to get new job
@thrivingthegrind6830 Год назад
Bai lan is more than quiet quitting….it’s also ignoring social norms, and deciding what you want for yourself in career and life path…
@ghostmanscores1666 Год назад
It's the depression you get when you have a job but no freedom. People escape socialism for capitalism and freedom!
@Suepd1991 Год назад
@fischer9001 Год назад
I think what burned me out is the fact that either my job is a giant pain in the ass, or its painstakingly easy and boring. I just want a steady flow of work without all the stress. the stress is mainly coming from bad management and a chaotic work environment filled with idiots who cant do their job but still manage to keep said job somehow. I quit working overtime a long time ago. 40 hours now. I'm not spending 1 minute longer than I have to in that damn zoo.
@marpinero Год назад
@cobalt-teal9589 Год назад
I’d go with painstakingly easy and boring anyday. My last job during the pandemic was a nightmare😂
@anthonytravis1420 Год назад
Learn to laugh at it all
@danielkelly8756 Год назад
But how backwards to approach that workplace. Rather than be so negative, why not see it as an opportunity to step up into the management and be able to have some influence over the work environment so you can solve the issues which clearly to you are soo easy to fix. I would imagine you haven't got what it takes or the knowledge and youve got a long way to go of consistent grafting and experience to get there. Or just give up and stay in a regular job getting payed the same and facing the same frustrations.
@markwhittaker6866 Год назад
Well said. And I completely agree with you.
@yamchayaku Год назад
I went a step and quit entirely. At an earlier age, I've extended my stay living with my parents, and I've saved up enough money to retire early. It's been about 8 months since I've quit. I'm just reading, developing my own skills in my interests and making some extra spending money from my hobbies. This will allow me to comfortably coast till I die from old age even if I have one or two medical emergencies. Even though I still have about 20 years to "contribute to the economy", I'm not going to. I don't even care... Let it rot. More people should follow this and let companies hurt, especially since they've been holding all the cards on their favor for far too long. All my time belongs to me now, and I'm not going to waste another second making a stranger rich.
@markwhittaker6866 Год назад
Bravo.👋👋👋👋 I'm very impressed. Keep on keeping on.
@DP-rr9kp Год назад
The youth in the US gave up long time ago. They see no future.
@stevenhensley7250 Год назад
I quiet quit back in 1993. I’ve been happy ever since. Just do the bare min. Let the system rot. 🎉
@icestationzebra8636 Год назад
People have told me that it is hard to do well and move up in a company. Management is hired straight out of college or from the outside not from the ranks. The reason is CEO’s and presidents don’t want to address workers needs or demands and want nobody in mid-management advocating for them. With this kind of environment there is NO hope of moving up. Staying with a company for twenty years or even earning a pension. Another problem with this is the mid-management has almost never done the job. Demand things they know little to nothing about and then complain nobody wants to work. Workers don’t want to excel because where is the motivation? The hope you might get ahead and be able to look forward to something instead of working paycheck to paycheck? What’s the point?
@noahgonzalez9041 Год назад
Every family has that one person who will break the family's financial struggle, I hope you become the one 😊
@christopherhobb7702 Год назад
Assets that can make you rich Cry-pto Stocks Real estate
@lasvegasluca9509 Год назад
@@christopherhobb7702 You're right, it's obvious a lot of people remain poor due to ignorance
@indiaculture5166 Год назад
I'm looking for something to venture into on a short term basis, I have about $6k sitting in my savings
@cassiejacobs4197 Год назад
@@indiaculture5166 Learn and trade under a guide I do same and I hardly make losses in the market
@josephfrys6969 Год назад
Obviously trading in cry-pto is very volatile and risky to trade that's the reason most traders trade with a company
@sandspar Год назад
We worked blue collar hard all our life, educated our kids, and managed to position ourselves to be able to retire modestly, but still be able to afford the basics. Covid hit in our last two years of working, and it has decimated our options. The money we saved is no longer enough to live on. Our children look at this and say " WTH !?! " Very hard to point at our example and say work hard and it will take care of itself.
@akhil5020 Год назад
Why have children bro , u wud be saving money lol
@citypicker4449 Год назад
Your not alone, we are in the same position
@citypicker4449 Год назад
@@akhil5020 my children say the same thing. The irony
@mango-strawberry Год назад
@@akhil5020 younger gen wont be having kids and thats great
@annnee6818 Год назад
​@@akhil5020 Bit late now eh?
@diyentomologist159 Год назад
Why work yourself to death when there is no payoff in the end? Your kids hate you because of the hours you weren't there. The retirement got wiped out because of inflation and medical costs. Lastly if you are lucky enough to retire at a decent age hope to hell you don't get cancer or anything else that will eat up that retirement. In America a cancer diagnosis will bankrupt you even with "gold tier" insurance. So in the end just live your life while you can still enjoy it.
@ladyeowyn42 Год назад
Pretty much, yeah. My generation may never retire so I’m taking my relaxation over the course of my career.
@robbenvanpersie1562 Год назад
because of corporate greed
@jasoncuray Год назад
Actually quitting and moving on to another job is better than quiet quitting. Don’t limit your mind into thinking that you can’t leave your job right now where in fact, it will just take 1 paper to resign. And btw, don’t feel too guilty about it, they’re already holding you back from the best life that you can have right now.
@johnmulcahy9903 Год назад
I work 4 days per week 9.45 hours per day, it's the best balance of work and life iv had. I am grateful for it.
@whatever4561 Год назад
I cant afford a house, studio rent, a car payment, nice clothes, or even food. I give up. Im going to be a bum for the rest of my life and if I die, so be it. Im working for nothing so I may as well be not working.
@justfun5479 Год назад
Seems logical
@twomix1822 Год назад
Basically Tangping or Quiet Quitting are phenomenon as a societal backlash to working for years or decades only to realize you will never be as wealthy or well off as your boss who owns the company no matter how hard you work. This is a failure of the capitalist system. This is why it is imperative to maintain a balance between capitalism and socialism as well as work life balance, too much of either is bad for society. This manifestation of the frustration of workers are also manifesting in the US in more dangerous ways such as the rise of Trumpism and white nationalism.
@bernardscheidle5679 Год назад
A union would help restore work/life balance. Capitalism is to serve people, but we have allowed it to be reversed, where we are expendable, existing only to serve capitalism, and capitalism is now our new master and King, and we are it's new slaves.
@effexon Год назад
@@bernardscheidle5679 can union fight constant flow of immigrant workers? coz only reason that is happening in mass is to weaken worker rights... its not about price really.
@dbsk06 Год назад
100%. In fact political drama with trump is just a distraction of this
@jedics1 Год назад
People are realising that they should just enjoy what they can while they can because the future is bleak no matter what direction they look in....
@jjn6914 Год назад
Rather than investigating "quiet quitting", we should look at when this hyper-hustle, give-your-life-to-your-employer practice became an expectation. My guess it came with Reagonomics and mass capitalization of benefits like 401(k) while killing pensions in the late '70s.
@adamjames1375 Год назад
"Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country". ... The same Silent Generation that said that was primarily the generation that sent the majority of U.S. production overseas. Made a handful of men rich beyond compare & subsequently impoverished the nation. Seems to me like right around the Reagan era was the beginning of the decline.
@gilcpd Год назад
The term “quiet quitting” makes is sounds like workers are taking advantage of their employers and pretend working, when the reality workers are just doing what they are supposed to be doing, not overworking for no results. Stop using this insidious term.
@tomy3116 Год назад
I think the deep underlying issue is that opportunities for advancement has vanished in the past few decades for a variety of reasons and doing more work no longer gets you more than you put in, but usually more work assigned. As a result, you see the whole laying flat and quiet quitting phenomenon being more prevalent.
@Writeous0ne Год назад
as much as you might not like it, the majority of jobs are unskilled and the wages reflect it...
@bellylover342 Год назад
Because companies noticed that people will do everything just to be promoted, make them do more work,and make the promotion longer.
@Sam-dc9bg Год назад
I am definitely noticing a lack of upward mobility for talented workers. Companies would rather pull in external talent than provide a clear path of advancement. For this reason, I can't see myself staying at one job more than 4 years. Feels like I should just be creating my own path of advancement and promotions than waiting for someone else to give it to me.
@Writeous0ne Год назад
@@Sam-dc9bg its not possible. how can everyone advance upwards in a company, the higher you go the less positions there is. say you had 50 workers, 2 supervisors, 1 manager. thats only 3 higher positions and im sure those guys who already have them dont want to lose them.
@cwilfried8040 Год назад
It's everywhere. It has also happen to Japan, India and South Korea.
@gilbertfranklin1537 Год назад
Japan and South Korea, yes... but I don't think India has ever shown signs of over-producing anything.
@myawoo Год назад
@@gilbertfranklin1537 babies. Too much population.
@TheSatyamsingham Год назад
@@myawoo birth rate has been on decline since 2007, but simply having a large base from start and a much poorer population then any other democratic ocuntry means that everything moves much slowly, at current rate, india's population will start declining in another 15-20 years.
@sps6 Год назад
@@gilbertfranklin1537 the world has changed under your feet...it will take time for you to adjust...stop peddling western viewpoints
@realnapster1522 Год назад
@@gilbertfranklin1537 what do you mean? India has millions of IT jobs where they have to work very hard. Most large IT companies have offices in India.
@regorflora7915 Год назад
It's a process. after someone quits for a while, they will decide to work back, this time on their own terms and their own pace
@sunpark9195 Год назад
unless they get stuck in a whole....life is short
@iseeu-fp9po Год назад
@@sunpark9195 What do you mean?
@DetroitZeal Год назад
Its impossible to do quiet quitting. You gone want a rise your salary no matter what. You gone move by your pay hours and it still ain't enough to live. You quit a job just cause the internet said so. Life gone be tougher in the next two years for u following social norms.
@justfun5479 Год назад
Lol, spot on mate.
@YohonaIsTired Год назад
@@DetroitZeal well they don't wanna work so they will just let it rot
@yondoodle Год назад
I sincerely hope they find their way. I got a degree in communication and 2 college diplomas in management and human resources. Submitting your resume and applying for jobs is tiresome when the market is overcompetitive and the labour is undervalued. I took what little capital I had and ended up buying and selling everything I could get my hands on, meat, tobacco, liquor, pot, videogames, and now I'm farming chickens and learning beekeeping. Don't give up hope young ones!
@w462dh Год назад
When a job that provides you for only the bare minimum took almost all your waking hours, i doubt anyone will still have hope on any other possiblity in the future.
@yondoodle Год назад
@@w462dh Energy prices & stagnant wages vs rising inflation are also a cause. The cost of living in general. Trickle down economics do not work, and gov and business councils don't do enough to promote small/sustainable business. Sad reality.
@HungryMan007-ns1kw Год назад
What the hell is the problem? You do what the job requires and no more. That sounds pretty reasonable and healthy. It sounds sane.
@78town Год назад
This generation saw where worshipping corporations gets you. It’s not the jobs we quit… it’s capitalism.
@mostlysunny582 Год назад
It's has nothing to do with capitalism. What a bunch of nonsense.
@78town Год назад
@@mostlysunny582 This video is literally about the mass exodus from participation in the largest Market capitalist economy on earth Boomer 😂
@feels.like.coffee Год назад
Why is this news worthy? Guess the reporter is 'quiet quitting' today too lol
@briancase6180 Год назад
People in the US are amazed that Europeans get four, five, or six weeks of holiday every year. "It's August, Europe is closed for business." No, they're being normal, human beings. They've had two thousand years to figure this stuff out, and they can be productive with a much, much better life/work balance.
@nishantahvan Год назад
In India we are sick of all garbage companies and their environment.
@WvhKerkhof Год назад
Plant weeds in their gardens, it is for free.
@theshield1613 Год назад
Same with the U.S
@abbyc.4215 Год назад
Definitely understandable. In America, we are tired of our jobs being shipped to India. We are tired of not being able to speak with someone from our homeland when handling our customer service matters. I wish that we could find a balance that satisfied the people of both countries because at the end of the day, we need and depend on one another.
@nishantahvan Год назад
@@abbyc.4215 It and Call center jobs are only 2% of India rest are Products and service jobs. I called it garbage jobs because here there is no concept of minimum wage or hourly or free med or free food etc perks. Only works 8 to 12 hours at day for peanuts 🥜🥜.
@abbyc.4215 Год назад
@@nishantahvan I really hope that the economies and lives of the people in both India and the US improve significantly. We need it!
@patartimotiustambunan1946 Год назад
they will acuse of us lazy, without admited the problem is greedyness and materialize
@cvrajendra Год назад
Europeans live their life. Other countries are just working like machines.
@abdiganiaden Год назад
I work from home but barely able to save enough to buy a home or anything big. Feels like we as young workers are just subsidizing boomers who take our social security even thou we most likely won’t have it when we need it. What’s the point of it all?
@BurdenofTheMighty Год назад
This world has a serious problem. Treating it’s youth badly.
@beyondfossil Год назад
Not to pile it on but your generation will also suffer the most from climate change too. The boomers supercharged their generation's economic growth with abundant fossil fuels -- all at your expense.
@RogerJayYang Год назад
It's true. Boomers want another boat so they mess with Millennials who don't have a house
@lt4537 Год назад
You are a product of the boomers and will inherit what the boomers have.
@AnthooFitz Год назад
Man social security is a scam lol I want to use my money now not later and I dont want to sustain boomers they had their time to make wealth with better opportunities
@MsWinterlife Год назад
At my previous job, there was this guy who got his computer to display a giant flashing sign (in neon colours, no less) counting down the seconds until he would be free to go home after fulfilling his obligation of spending 8 hours in the office. When I also reached a point where I felt unmotivated and unappreciated (and bullied by my direct manager on top of it all), I started looking for positions elsewhere but I didn’t stop caring, mainly because I took pride in my own professionalism and ethics and did not want to let myself down. Lucky for me, my current employer cultivates a much better working environment and most of my colleagues are genuinely supportive and capable professionals, so I did do myself a huge favour by changing jobs.
@gg.6633 Год назад
Lmao, I literally laughed out loud reading this. The guy at your work who did that is awesome!
@markmaurer6370 Год назад
My wife is always been someone who does something to the maximum it's just her personality. But instead of getting stuck at a place that just exploited that part of her she moved jobs until she found a place that would reward her for doing that. And I don't mean free lunches I mean cash money and promotions. Quiet quitting is not an unreasonable choice but I think if you can move jobs you better off finding one that rewards you
@The4Tifier Год назад
When working hard and doing everything expected of you doesn’t even get you a roof over your head or food on the table, why bother working harder?
@RicePho Год назад
If they want me to go beyond and more then you better bet I expect my employer to pay me more.
@TheSatyamsingham Год назад
My father has worked hard all his life to educate his 3 children and buy a flat and some lands, now he is about to retire and all that he has for himself is those lands nothing else, seeing this how would i feel motivated to work hard, when i know that bare minimum is all i would be able to handle in my life in future.
@striker44 Год назад
At least he has lands from his hard work. Where would you be if your dad quiet quitted? Some does not even have any land for themselves as banks or some entity owns them. This is a worldwide problem and we are the ones to find a solution to this made made problem.
@firedup692 Год назад
Boy, you don't know how valuable those lands can be.
@TheSatyamsingham Год назад
I know the value of those lands 😂 there location means that they can only be used for farming.🤗 I know that's better than nothing and i value that fact.
@prabinprabhakar4687 Год назад
When employer expects an employee to work more than his regular hours without paying for his overtime , then it should be called 'quiet exploiting' by the employer.
@mluu510 Год назад
I've been a quiet quitter all my life 😂
@IkaikaArnado Год назад
No. You have health boundaries.
@jimmyjimmy5574 Год назад
'quiet quitting' is literally the exact opposite of 'lying flat'. 'lying flat' is about doing the bare minimum to get by financially by doing a few odd jobs here and there, otherwise not working at all. 'quiet quitting' is about doing the job you were hired to do, not trying to be a 'girl boss' all the time.
@future62 Год назад
I think they are different versions of the same thing. Lying flat is basically quiet quitting on the social and cultural expectations of society. Quiet quitting is just doing that within the context of a company.
@tomlxyz Год назад
@@future62 if you're quiet quitting socially you'd have to do more than the bare minimum still
@bobravenscraft5376 Год назад
Girl boss????
@demonslayer9772 Год назад
Not opposite just set work at different minimum. Lying flat is working minimum to survive. Quiet quitting is working minimum not to get fired.
@jimmyjimmy5574 Год назад
@@future62 quite quitting don't apply to most worker because most worker were never highly passionate about their job, they clocked in, they clocked out. That's just work.
@HK-ts5lp Год назад
This isn’t solely due to the pandemic but a lot more with the companies expectations. There are managers in Northern Europe who I’ve worked with that wanted to micro manage every aspect of one’s work. I recall my manager putting a lot of workload on my plate to cover for being short on staff. It was very clear that she was chasing her own promotion and instead of supporting the team she was working on other projects, bare in mind she isn’t a project manager but a team leader. I left the company and so did many others because of her lack of leadership and bully behaviour. There are plenty of managers like that out there. I worked many times overtime and didn’t get paid for it. So yes, work bare minimum since these companies don’t care and if they try take you to HR for working within your contract then you should definitely get external support such as an union.
@enjyn09 Год назад
"They pretend to pay us, we pretend to work."
@gautamhalder5929 Год назад
Big car Big home big dreams all comes with a cost and people don't want give that much cost. Mental peace relax life with small car will be enough for life.
@TJwon9457 Год назад
Because now the big hone and car are becoming so unaffordable that it is an unrealistic dream for most. I see the same thing happening with colleges in the future.
@quiet451 Год назад
This is what happens when the wealth gap is so wide. The middle class works harder and loses ground as profits go to the top.
@adamjames1375 Год назад
I think we're going to really see some wild times soon. Blue collar essential work is brutally stagnant. Many skilled trades/hard labor jobs pay significantly less than basic office work. Average blue collar workers used to support families & now can barely support themselves. With less marriages & families, and the lesser pay, most guys just don't want to do physically taxing bust ass fairly skilled work for secretary pay.
@robertm2663 Год назад
In my last job, before I retired, I did my best to keep up with the critical issues, but so much work and unrealistic expectations were put on me that it was impossible. I was working 6 days a week, sometimes 16 hours a day. It was very demoralizing.
@Durio_zibethinus Год назад
It's hit too close to home. How do you manage to survive especially in this harsh time? Hospitalised from overwork was a nightmare and I don't want it again.
@sarahwillcox64 Год назад
me too
@slavenarkaimovski3897 Год назад
What you need is socialism,so se SFRYugoslavia for example,and se video from Michael Parenti how to kill a nation.
@ferdiw.9808 Год назад
Why does China get all the credit again?? We have been doing that for decades in the Caribbean.
@justinzhao9013 Год назад
If you are chinese, you've got 3 career paths, doctor, lawyer, homeless.
@D-B-Cooper Год назад
The floggings will cease when the moral improves.
@cameronf3343 Год назад
There’s nothing more inspiring than being worked 12hrs+ a day, daily, to “further the state” of a state which is obvious in how it don’t give a damn about you. I wonder why they’re quiet quitting?
@Divyesh44 Год назад
I think in India too, recently a report was published stating that a significant proportion of unemployed people have stopped applying for jobs whatsoever be the reason for it. Youths need to be cheered and encouraged around the world coz WE are the future of the planet. peace. 🙌
@sagarrajak5313 Год назад
Future of what, greed pollution over work. For what . Tell me dude can you buy home after 1 or 2 years of working.we are seeing end of modern over growth oriented civilization end. We need to stop . Few individuals handle soo much wealth , hard work is discarded .
@o9708 Год назад
Well to be honest, there tons of underprivileged peoples who would love to replace them so it won't really affect the output of our country. But still this shouldn't really happen.
@JohnM-ch4to Год назад
Yeah so are these companies, and we don't want them in our future.
@homer1273 Год назад
there is always an indian who starts babbling about india even if the story has nothing to do with india
@saineerajjetti Год назад
@@homer1273 Yup, we're all not the same, just so many..
@aramoana01 Год назад
I can definitely relate to this. For me it was either sacrifice my personal life for a corporation that didn’t care, or just only do the minimum required and put myself first. I didn’t start off that way but over twenty years service that’s where it ended. Saved my life. Self employed now and loving it.
@milkman2962 Год назад
We gotta start hopping on this trend. We have to make our employers understand that the companies can't run without us, the employees.
@markwhittaker6866 Год назад
@Freakazoid12345 Год назад
There will always be somebody more desperate or dumber. Corporations have marketing and legal departments and politicians they own who can dictate laws, taxes where police put authority... There average citizen is not smart enough and this is why it's a problem still.
@Omarsalahal-din Год назад
Earning money is one thing. But being able to use the money on Something that’s matter to you or your family is another thing! If you’d don’t have that then the motivation for work disappears and you have no future off your life! In the 50-60 there was two very important things! Your money had value and you and your family had a bright future to see forward too! Today the entire world 🌎 has no future for young (20-40 years old) and no bright future for anyone so why work!!! This is not only a china problem is the world 🌎 problem together!
@sum1337 Год назад
why go above and beyond for a comp that wouldn't do the same, why be loyal to a comp that would drop you at the drop of a hat?
@freespiritable Год назад
I'm a teacher and doing that. I've brrn giving my all all these years but promotions are gotten through nepotism, worst parenting without takin any responsibility, low social value of education, uninterested kids, curriculums are a business, the government is constantly against me, bad work environment, overworked, bullism, etc. I ended by giving in and do the bare minimum.
@zxrcanada Год назад
very true, parents tend to think teacher can teach their kids everything from table manners to school education, ridiculous
@dragonballz010 Год назад
Way to let down the kids yo
@brokencliche Год назад
Where r u teaching ? Just curious
@freespiritable Год назад
@@dragonballz010 if you're not a teacher please refrain from offering opinions. We continue working for the kids cause the salsry and the status are miserable. But we will be giving up on that as well. It's out own mental health in question. Kids deserve a healthy teacher, not the rags we are reduced to rn. It's society that has to think for children's best interests, teachers are secondary and the way education is rn proves that no matter how much a teacher cares, they're helpless with this apathetic society. And you're a fine example of this wrong mentality. While I'm talking about how bad my profession has become, you embark in an adventure of guilt tripping me. It seems you didn't understand my point. Not a decent knowledgeable person will chose this profession, they're litterally accepting everyone and they're lowering the standards every year. We're heading towards a babysitting service more than educational one.
@bjlover1615 Год назад
since you are so frustrated about your job, then just change your job and not nagging here and there. nothing will change by nagging here and there. you will stay the way you are.
@christinewatson1989 Год назад
I've been doing this my entire life and you know what? I'm in the exact same place financially as my peers who bust their ass at work and got straight As in school.
@alicynwonderland6499 Год назад
What have you been doing your entire life that seems equivalent to your peers?
@dabidibup Год назад
Doing the bare minimum at your job isn’t something anyone invented. Going above and beyond used to be worth something, back when the labour market wasn’t dominated by corporations - you could spend your labour/time in a garden or feeding the hogs. (Or doing anything that provided direct value to your community that non-essential work doesn’t) Now companies know you have nowhere else to go but somewhere that’s basically the same.
@OurZeroFuture Год назад
The system is set up to benefit a few at the cost of many. Not surprising at all this is a growing trend. Companies who places the wellbeing of their workers above their bottom line will probably retain the best workers and talent.
@bwofficial1776 Год назад
@eric Spencer Yup, it's laziness and jealousy. Anyone can become rich, they just have to apply themselves fully and stop making excuses.
@OurZeroFuture Год назад
@eric Spencer are you saying that 76% of global wealth being in the hands of 10% of the world's population is a result of the rest of us being lazy and/or stupid? I'm just saying there are many people who are working hard today and still being left behind. Not everyone can be rich for sure, but everyone who works hard at a job should be able to make ends meet and this is not the case.
@timothy1949 Год назад
the older generation around the world just decdie to fight things up, i see no reason for the younger generation to try to "achieve sometime", surviving is an achievement under the current world for the young.
@MayTheOddsBeInYourFavor Год назад
The comments section is so refreshing to read. You feel validated in not wanting to kill your self for a job that doesn’t value you. When I hear my older coworkers talk about the old days…the supervisor knew everyone that worked under them, they knew when someone was having trouble at home and made allowances for them to be off to deal with the crisis…there were year end holiday bonuses and they gave turkeys too. And it was enough for one spouse to work and fund the whole household. SMH. And now they’re saying families are dead and dying? Who has time and money for a family these days? They say people don’t want to work hard? No they don’t want to kill themselves for a job that would fire them if it were convenient. Such gas lighting tbh
@thomasho2630 Год назад
People are tired of what society has told them to achieve over the year while stressed out about a goal that could never be achieved because of the competitive job market. The quitting mechanism may not seem favourable to many, especially for those who already work a good job, but I am glad to see how young people are looking beyond material success and actually cares about their life satisfaction.
@kevinconnaghan1113 Год назад
Everyone realizing capitalism is a scam. Mostly working hard gets you no where, happiness isn't the result of career success, and actually spending time and energy on people and activities we love is essential to human well being.
@Darkotaku85 Год назад
The sooner the better.
@bwofficial1776 Год назад
Capitalism built modern society. Ever since the first person traded something for something else capitalism has funded progress. Communism hasn't worked anywhere.
@neveraloha1055 Год назад
i love how those gallup polls apparently show in the U.S. results had 60% of people say they were "thriving" as well as the U.S. ranking at 50% on the daily stress poll. You can draw a lot of parallels from putting those numbers together I feel like. It raises a lot of questions
@henrytep8884 Год назад
The main reason is that we get rewarded for that stress more so than a person in China or east Asia. Stress without reward is unsustainable, but with the proper reward it can work. That’s what I think though, but the average Chinese person with their work hours isn’t getting compensated in quality of life or freedom as much as the average American, caveat that it’s getting less attainable in the USA as time progresses.
@mspococurante Год назад
In the US they've got them fooled into thinking they're thriving with extreme consumerism, at every price point. Even poor people buy lots of things they don't need, just to feel something. It's all they have. They sure as hell don't have time off or vacation.
@kengng8797 Год назад
Americans are still being fooled of having freedom and better quality of life than China and East Asia 😂😂😂.
@crpggamer Год назад
@@mspococurante The US is a vacation bonanza. I live here and I'm sick of listening to people talk about their vacations, dogs, cats, children, etc.
@subcitizen2012 Год назад
When I entered the labor force in earnest in 2000, I was working a service job for 50 cents above minimum wage plus modest tips. My first apartment outside of what was then and still is one of the faster growing major cities in thencountry with a roommate was $600 plus utilities split. It wasn't glamorous, but I remember living, having disposable income for hobbies, and managed to save. By 2010 the work I was able to get, the pay was an improvement up about 30%, but the average apartment was going for $1200. Today in that same city pay has maybe improved another 25% to around $15, but the average apartment, of you can find a cheap one bedroom, is north of $2k. Meanwhile the cost of everything else has gone up. I was optimistic and hopeful when I was young and thought I'd be able to make it. It was all gradually squandered on rent and thinking I was living and getting ahead. I could've made better decisions... but so could have wall street and our governments. Now for the pay and stress, trying to achieve more in the dead end service industry, with bone crushing responsibilities and social expectations in the emerging underclass, it's too much. And many of my friends whom have moved on to better careers in bigger cities, nursing in places like Dallas, Denver, a d Seattle, struggle just the same to have a life that fits normal expectations of maintaining a home and a vehicle or two. The precariot class expands. Sure, were a wealthy nation due to technological deflation, but where does all that wealth really go? To corporations, particularly foreign ones, who then return the money as luxury investments here driving up costs even more. Now my eyes are on leaving the country for somewhere more sane in all respects with a better cost of living and life work ratio, and with a government and society that shares and appreciates it's citizenry and workers more. RIP America, whatever is coming is coming, and it doesn't seem that there's anything that's going to stop it.
@IramCoercere Год назад
You have to consider that what you have mentioned is not juts an us American exclusive problem. Its almost everywhere in the west. Its a man made problem and i speculate its done internationally
@alicelong3613 Год назад
Do you watch nomad capitalist? He talks about this
@nebula4689 Год назад
As a 22 year old chinese. I start work at 8 am, finishing work at 6 p.m.Just as work placement. 1158 millions colledge students will gratuate this year. I feel at sea, feeling nervous .What will i do in the furture? Utilities are too difficult to enter in . Millions of people take the exam each year, and perhaps only a few hundred thousand could get in . if chose a normal work, little welfare , little annuity,little holidays , usually work ovwetime every week.
@MusicLyf4 Год назад
This was me after working one and half years. I am glad I quit 100% and grateful for where life has taken me so far
@butwhytharum Год назад
"you will own nothing and be happy about it"
@adamjames1375 Год назад
Owning nothing is probably pretty alright with the accompanying zero responsibility. "Oh...it's 5 a.m. on a cold winter morning, & you want me to go out there and build stuff?" ...Think I'm gonna hit the snooze till about noon or so & maybe do a bit of looting come nightfall.
@Cryanister Год назад
Some years ago you had a 40 hour job, could afford a home and a family with the money. The job wasn't necessarily easy, but it was less demanding than todays counterpart. It's not only that you could afford a decent life in the past, you also weren't as exhausted since you didn't have to look into a screen all day and work fast. While digitization made many things more comfortable, it made work way more demanding. Everything has to be more efficient each day. Back in the day, when my mother was young, the small company she was working at had to manage maybe a hand full of letters each day from customers etc. Nowadays a company gets hundreds of mail in an hour that have to be processed. All the simple things were more chill back then. The global market and digitization made competition amongst companies a nightmare. Everyone has to stay up to date and constantly improve to not lose in this battle and the battle happens on the shoulder of employees who constantly have to perform better and cost less.
@vivektripathi6053 Год назад
Depression is connected with your job environment. And today most of us are depressed. So i think time has come to say enough is enough.
@zeejay-junejo Год назад
Call it quiet quitting, call it whichever way you want to frame it, nothing is gonna justify unpaid work.
@zeejay-junejo Год назад
@eric Spencer In india and pak its pretty common, you have not even seen the government servants, doctors are working extra hours unpaid, this is worst case scenario happening there. you are quite lucky if you have not seen anyone unpaid for overtime. very few companies pay for overtime here and even those that do they do not have a rate, they just pay as much as they see it fit. And what can an employee do anyway, when boss is saying you to come on call now you come on call now no choice. We can't say screw you i am busy or pay me for overtime first, then sir he will just say you can collect your final salary from your desk bye bye.
@zeejay-junejo Год назад
@eric Spencer how does that not matter brother will you like it if i asked you to work for me unpaid?
@zeejay-junejo Год назад
@eric Spencer brother i agree we are not bigger than the company but you deserve to be compensated money for the finite time you took from your finite life to help out this boss of yours. Nobody is doing favors here.
@boreofwrath837 Год назад
The world does not owe me anything, but I'm suppose to owe the world?
@imberrysandy Год назад
Working above and beyond did not save me from the axe after lock down. yea, I'm all about supporting people for just working
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