3:37 This may just be me, but this clock may be referring to the phrase “it’s always 5 o’clock somewhere” cause you know, that’s the only thing on the clock. I may just be an idiot though
Once I was staying at a hotel and there was carpet at the bathroom and the area near the toilet was ALWAYS WET and MOISTY EW. Once I stepped there with socks
5:37 U have to read it back to front so its Better late than never Edit: I come back to see 82 likes Thanks Edit 2: im not a 5 year old kid so this is the last time ill do it Thanks for 229 likes
5:37 I think that happened because the person who designed it is from japan and I am pretty sure Japanese books go from the right of the page to the left.
(8:40) If you don't understand that signage, you shouldn't be driving. - "Stop" means you have to come to a standstill before the sign (in some places you're allowed to roll slowly), and yield before entering the road. - "No stopping at any time" means the action of stopping the car for no legal reason and for no traffic situation. It's when you stop to drop off or pick up people or goods. So that is perfectly sensible. In Europe, the second sign would be a round blue sign with a red border and a red X. That sign would instead appear on the other side of the intersection, and the stop sign (same design) appears before the intersection.
So at the college my band goes to for band camp, there's a big sign that you see everytime you walk to the field, and it just says "the one place for every you" and I don't understand what it's trying to tell me.
*"You can only like if you in the first 10,000 viewers"* Replies: r/gatekeeping *Searches "gatekeeping meaning on google"* Clemslngator 321: i kNoW iM gATekeePiNG iM juSt CUriouS LMaO
3:42 this is supposed to represent an expensive kind of coffee. I some sort of animal eats the coffee beans and it ferments or something in there stomach and then farmers use it when they poop it out to make a richer coffee. Apparently those coffee beans are super expensive. They clean the beans really good but still...
They taste good, trust me. The process takes a long ass time (the cleaning, not the, y'know, shitting) so they're clean and safe to consume. But not like what's pictured on the cup holy fuck that's gross...
My friend an I were watching this video together, and at 2:26 my friend said, “Yeah Gio should know that. Since he lives in Australia and London IS in Australia” I facepalmed too hard after that
4:41 Legend has it that if you pull from the right toilet paper roll, you will be unleashed on a life-changing journey to Quarantine Cove, a mystical cave filled with so many riches you could last 20 years. *Note: The riches are toilet paper.
The tiny duplex we lived in for about 6 years of my childhood had a carpeted bathroom. It also didn't have a shower, just a bathtub. My dad usually showered at work or the YMCA and my mom, sister, and I could only take baths. Hated that place for many, many reasons.