
r/EntitledPeople - Snobby Karen Demands I Give Her a NEW IPHONE! I Get Her FIRED Instead. 

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@DarkEinherjar Год назад
The fact that they paid for the older brother's meal says it all: they play favorites. Parents who play favorites are the scum of the earth.
@Kayenne54 Год назад
I actually think there is something wrong "upstairs" with them. As in, some as yet undiagnosed medical psychological issue. Did "scapegoat" somehow cause mother more pain during birthing? Terrible pregnancy? Hubby was cheating while she was pregnant and it's all scapegoat's fault? Yep. They're nutz.
@tetsuclaw Год назад
If I were the older brother I would have paid for the younger siblings dinner in that circumstance.......
@bebbychad7607 Год назад
I totally agree.
@jlessien3826 Год назад
My parents know that by first hand. They were the least favorite ones in the family. Grand dad on my father's side wanted to have daughters and only got sons, my grandparents on my mother's side wanted to have a son, got a son in the end ( my uncle is the junior by 11 years), and they favoured him over my mother.
@kathleenherron594 Год назад
First, advanced notice would have avoided it all. Second, if the parents invited him, they should pay.
@gageperuti5519 Год назад
Story 3: the worst part for me is that OP was denied a meal without even being told beforehand, even though the mom paid for his OLDER brother. That is the worst example of blatant favoritism I've ever heard of.
@teslagod7221 10 месяцев назад
true.but i am wondering if the elder brother had a job and is giving money to the parents.i don't think it was mentioned.though,it was extremely sad and annoying that a just turned 18 on his birthday is being bullied and humiliated by his own parents and brother...
@joannejasny750 8 месяцев назад
That they sat there and ate in front of him, blows my mind!
@nicolasjoly6948 7 месяцев назад
The principle is ok : you are major, now you pay for your stuff. But, the birthday is definitively not the moment to do so. And, I would say it's not way too. If you want them to work and provide for them self, give them what you're confortable with, and for everything else, ask them to find money. Like, for legos (yeah... I'm old!), cell phone plan extra, video game, ... : work! Take care of your money; don't spend everything as soon as you get some for birthday & other stuff. Don't humiliate them "by surprise" in a public area in front of everybody : you'll just create a lot more issue!
@silentmuse6660 Год назад
Story 3: If this story is true, then Op just learned that their 'family' didn't love them as much as they thought they did. The whole 'you're 18 and you're an adult now, so you have to pay for your own food' while the 23 year old brother gets his food payed for by mommy is so hypocritical. Parents have a favorite, and it isn't Op.
@Mrs_Sugar_Min Год назад
Yeah don't play favorites!😊
@kristineguetschow9134 Год назад
But what about the money that magically appears in your wallet on your 18th birthday???
@Iflie Год назад
The waiter will have told the whole staff about how cruel they were to the kid on his birthday.
@sesshomaruslover1 Год назад
That's 100% favoritism and has a huge psychological impact on kids. that dude is going to learn real damn quick to run not look back
@james68908 Год назад
that family is a complete a bunch of narcissists. i hope OP leaves and cuts all contact from them.
@patriciahansen6032 Год назад
Last story: that the brother kept retelling that story many years later tells me everything I need to know about what a jerk he is. And he also doesn't seem to realize how poorly that story reflects on himself, when he thinks all he's doing is tormenting his brother. OP caused far more drama than he intended, but I think the end result is good. Jerk brother got taught a lesson (if he even pays attention to it at all), the new wife escaped, and OP got some measure of justice.
@fdm2155 Год назад
Well, the brother's crazy over reaction in slapping the cake out of the wife's hands is what REALLY kicked off the crazy. And they only assumed OP pooped in the cake because the brother had done that. Seems pretty clear the couple had a LOT of problem before the wedding.
@Shuichisaihara5499 Год назад
I wonder if he actually DID get the cake tested. Someone ask the OP. I can’t afford Reddit
@Mars0Bars Год назад
​@@Shuichisaihara5499 reddit is free?
@doctordetroit1217 Год назад
That brother must be a moron to not realise that his brother couldn't have added anything to the cake when it was being made, unless he was a baker and made the cake, as for what he did to the cookies, why we nobody called him out on such appalling behaviour?!
@robertaylor9218 Год назад
@Dark Wizard it’s not just don’t dish it out. Kids can be stupid and cruel (not an excuse), but bragging about it for his entire life, that says something very different.
@laurarcharron7860 Год назад
They thought it was ok to eat in front of him at his own birthday dinner. Seriously? No one even told him. 3 a holes and none of them are him.
@--Tia-- Год назад
Story 3: The family should have warned OP before embarrassing them in public. I could see this happening for a normal dinner, but not for a birthday.
@LoveOnTheInsidex3 Год назад
And then to gladly pay for the other sibling who’s 23 is so rude
@crichtonbruce4329 Год назад
But doing so would not been remotely as cruel. I suggest that cruelty and humiliation was the parents (for whatever twisted motive) intended gift to OP.
@spiritbx1337 Год назад
@@crichtonbruce4329 They gave them the valuable gift of knowing that they can freely stop associating with them without feeling too bad.
@starflier Год назад
Devil's advocate: if OP was further on the ASD/ADHD spectrum than the rest of the family it may have been a family traditional prank. The usual result would be another family covering the bill and everyone laughing it off. /advocate My own opinion? Eff those parents.
@kalimaxine Год назад
@@starflier Sadly, I don't think it was that. And even if it was, that is an awful prank.
@MuttonTheDragon Год назад
Last story, sounds like that poorly timed joke helped the bride get out of a bad marriage when it could still be annulled and the brother finally got a decade or so of karma brought on him. With that update, dude is absolutely NTA
@robertaylor9218 Год назад
Seriously. Not only was the brother a monster as a child, but he bragged about it at every opportunity for his entire life
@ladyfatassii901 Год назад
Op nta.. his brother is a jackass
@KazeShikamaru Год назад
No. People saying not the asshole are just revenge boners. That was overstepping and dumb as shit what he pulled.
@Josh_the_jester Год назад
While I get that pulling a prank on the groom's wedding day is in poor taste, but you know what else, openly admitted that you made the person who pranked in retaliation, that you tricked them into eating your feces as a child
@Godzilladino Год назад
​@@robertaylor9218Wich shows he didn't change much
@Kayenne54 Год назад
Last story: insist the cake gets tested. Then demand a public apology from Brother. Then go strictly no contact.
@jacquelynsmith2351 Год назад
Story 2: You're right, not all "Karens" are Karens. My sister texted me a few months ago freaking out that she was a Karen because she asked for a manager. She'd been trying to get her fridge fixed under warranty for 5-6 months at that point and had not once asked for a supervisor or a manager until that day. I'm pretty sure a Karen would've asked for a manager on day 1
@darkmask5933 Год назад
I mean ... if I bought a brand new fridge and day 1 it wasn't working and it wasn't getting an immediate replacement if I was not at fault, I would be calling a manager too. We need to stop calling all women "Karens" just because they don't accept bad service. There's a difference between demanding what is rightfully owed to you and being entitled. People seem to pretend that line doesn't exist anymore.
@jacquelynsmith2351 Год назад
@@darkmask5933 true. Several guys had been to her house to fix the fridge. All had failed. It wasn't until she talked to the manager that they sent out a guy who knew about Samsung fridges. All the other guys specialized in other brands...
@DeadlyRivfader Год назад
More like day 0 screaming her lungs out at the fridge that she demand to speak to a manager
@Sasha-up9er Год назад
As long as you're respectful and kind about it, standing up for your rights as a consumer is not being a karen
@Josh_the_jester Год назад
One thing I don't understand is, where she get the idea it was a pipe bomb. Last I checked they're thrown, not launched like an RPG
@mavis4801 Год назад
The simple explanation for story 3 is that op is the scapegoat and the brother is the golden child. Kind of surprised the mom only wanted op to pay for their own meal and not for the whole family.
@fdm2155 Год назад
LOL, have to say I had the same thought. Even if they were making both kids pay for their own meal... who announces that AT THE RESTAURANT!?
@rachelquintero9488 Год назад
​@FDM 215 And on the op's birthday too no less...... really sucks. Especially if they knew he had no job/money, to begin with.
@sarahfullerton6894 Год назад
​@@fdm2155 , yes. This family, especially the mother, was cruel and heartless to OP, especially for an 18th birthday dinner. I would have walked out.
@terrychant4365 Год назад
​@@rachelquintero9488 yea, 18 is rough financially even with a job cause of high school. To spring it on your kid after they order knowing they dont have a job and you normally pay for the kid; its so cruel and on purpose. Thats the type of mother that isn't a parent and deserves to die lonely.
@Mistfall254 Год назад
​​@@terrychant4365 at 18 I was dealing with the loss of a parent lost him 3 yrs ptior roughly
@MegaAstroFan18 Год назад
Story 5: Okay, the update seals OP as not the asshole. That does make it sound more like his brother has personality issues, and frankly the 'prank' is kind of indicative of that. Yes, they were kids at the time, but the fact he never came clean about the truth, apparently never apologized, and apparently never learned that doing such a thing isn't really a 'prank' anyways if the other party doesn't find it funny, means that OP was just returning to sender. Perhaps his brother can finally learn that you can't just mistreat someone, even a sibling as a kid, and just make it disappear over time as though it never happened. You need to take ownership and apologize. But then again his overreaction seems to suggest he has not learned this lesson yet.
@nancyomalley6286 Год назад
Even when his wife files for an annulment
@SerenaSilverMoon Год назад
But the brother kept telling everyone his version of the story, so he didn't feel bad at all and didn't care. If the OP had never pulled his prank, then the brother would never have fest up about what he really did. He thought that it was funny their whole lives and would have kept telling the story until he died if the OP hadn't done what he did.
@MuttonTheDragon Год назад
Story 3, OP’s family should have told them the plan AHEAD of time if they were going to pull that
@Mrs_Sugar_Min Год назад
I'm 55 and my parents still celebrate my birthday!🎉
@halowar0520 Год назад
Even then it was dead ass right as he turned 18. you do that kinda "pay for your own stuff" after that day and you tell them before hand
@thunderflare59 Год назад
"Heads up, we're going to abuse you and play favorites."
@dudeorduuude5211 Год назад
Exactly. You don't just spring it on someone when it has never happened before. The parents are bratty
@josephmckee3605 Год назад
It's a pretty shitty thing to do at the restaurant tbh
@sakilynn Год назад
Karen knows sulfur when she smells it because she spent her previous life in Hell before Satan kicked her out after she complained to him way to often.
@UmamaGoblin Год назад
He's not the Ahole for the cake joke, the brother's reaction, and the full cookie story proves that he deserves everything he got 🥃
@damienhailey118 Год назад
He made a fairly innocent joke. Bro's guilty conscience did the damage.
@UmamaGoblin Год назад
@@damienhailey118 facts
@SerenaSilverMoon Год назад
It's a good thing that the OP got sick in it and didn't try to "tough it out" and eat one of the cookies. Think what the brother would have done if the OP had eaten one.... OP is not the ass but the brother just got sweet karmic justice, even if the OP didn't know it at the time.
@katmandudawn8417 Год назад
When and how would OP have had access to the cake in order to tamper with it? Wedding cakes are usually delivered fully iced and decorated. Any attempt to mess with it would be noticeable and observed. There are also some other “facts” I question. I don’t think this story is real.
@Magami31 Год назад
​@@katmandudawn8417 I think the brother didn't thought that out. He truly believe that if he can do it, OP probably can too, no matter how. Maybe like a revenge prank or something. Honestly the brother is a toxic sibling, a bully. He doesn't want to think, he prefer blaming everything wrong to OP. I suggest OP to LC the brother. Btw, I'm curious about granpa's cookies. Did he do nothing to brother for spoiling the cookies? No punishment? Nothing? If it's true, no wonder the brother continue to be a major spoilt bully.
@cScottD Год назад
Story 3: The problem I have with the parents is (1) if they’re going to make OP pay for his own birthday dinner, they should have told him before leaving for the restaurant, instead of springing it on him like they did; and (2) if 18 is old enough to pay for your own meal, then 23 is too. Paying for the older brother’s meal after insisting that OP pay for his own is just a slap in the face.
@gorilladisco9108 Год назад
If I was the older brother, I'd felt awkward.
@grizbear4115 Год назад
Story 3: It's definitely not about OP becoming an adult since they paid for OP's 23 YEAR OLD BROTHER.
@LadyLexyStarwatcher Год назад
Last story.... like... if all details as presented are true... For sure, NOT the a-hole. That brother was a horrible person that got everything they deserved out of that encounter.
@stephenadams8712 Год назад
If you're expecting someone to pay their own bill tell them first don't drop them in it
@crypticghost21 Год назад
To OP in the 3rd story, personally I don't care how old you are, it's YOUR birthday (The one day of the year were everything is about you) and they paid for your 23 year old brother Yes it's good for kids to learn some responsibility as they get older. But if they knew that you had issues with talking to other people, then they should've respected that
@kinasakuraba Год назад
I mean, I've literally never started a meal at a restaurant with calling over the server. They come around when they're ready, I've never had to wait long enough that it's a problem. So they fact that they want him to do that is ridiculous.
@florenceshuler6383 Год назад
Op wasn't the Ahole. The parents were and I hope they see this. Why would you ruin your child's birthday? Karen and Chad!!!!
@AnimaMandala Год назад
Story 3: Crap family, that's all there is to it. Also, if I were that server I wouldn't have hesitated to ask why only the youngest person here, who admits they have no money, must have a separate bill. That wouldn't have sat right with me, and I would have brought it up with management. Now I've never worked in a restaurant, but I'm sure the whole staff's goal is to be sure every guest has a pleasant experience, and I'd like to think somebody being bullied and excluded from their own party would warrant some intervention. Again, no experience, but just letting that happen seems all kinds of wrong.
@LegendStormcrow Год назад
Fluff's right on the rocket story. Also, now knowing the real cookie story... Guy deserves it. Normally weddings are off limits, but ...
@PyroRoadScout Год назад
Idk I'd disagree. She escalated it unnecessarily and couldn't gotten OP in serious trouble over something as dumb as a homemade rocket. I do think OP was dumb to do it in public, but calling the cops was an entitled move
@davidwaxter66 Год назад
@@PyroRoadScout just wrote my own comment on that. OP is an idiot but Karen is still a Karen by escalating the situation and causing panic. If she truly thought it was a threat then why wait around to inform police instead of calling them immediately
@joleenphillips2415 Год назад
The fact that whatever fuel was used in that rocket ate through the pavement had me nervous and then the fact they threw it in a field and just left it there. This could have been an environmental hazard. Next time, stick to baking soda and vinegar.
@blender4464 Год назад
​@@PyroRoadScoutyou spelled 'getting op in trouble for building and lighting a rocket when he clearly didn't know what he was doing' wrong. He absolutely deserved and needed consequences for that. She did the right thing. Also i have to note at the beginning. He was sick and felt like death. I feel like he was fibbing a bit to get out of work and did the stupidest thing imaginable by going out of his house and drawing a bunch of attention. Dude's not very bright.
@playwithmeinsecondlife6129 Год назад
Pranking brother got karma. He expected his brother to do what he had done, so it's as good as if he had.
@jimmiemurvin1871 10 месяцев назад
Agreed. It's called projection.
@Enter_the_Toshiverse_1996 Год назад
Story 3. I'll never understand why parents immediately try to kick their kids out of the house when they turn eighteen. They always go "oh you're eighteen now which means you're an adult, which means you're on your own!" Yeah, this unemployed, fresh out of highschool kid who has no money is definitely ready to take on the real world. It's not the first place they're gonna end up is either in a crappy apartment with a mediocre part time job or a homeless shelter. Just because you're eighteen and legally an adult, doesn't mean you're capable of handling the responsibilities of an adult, especially since you lack that one thing human beings need to live: money! Hell, I'm twenty six years old and I still live with my Mom because I haven't finished college yet but once I do, I'll be able to work and help pay the bills and eventually get my own place. My Mom didn't kick me out when I turned eighteen because she knew that without money I'd have nowhere to go and no way to survive. You know what my Mom did do on my eighteenth birthday? She took me to eat at a fancy seafood restaurant along with my sister and grandpa, and as a present, she gave me front row seat tickets to a Katy Perry concert!
@dee_dee_place Год назад
I was paying my own way from 15 onward. I paid for my incidentals, gas, car insurance, car maintenance, & clothing + I gave my Parents 'money for the house' each paycheck. When I turned 16 & could work f/t, I started paying for my medical stuff as well. The only things I didn't pay were rent & utilities. My 'money for the house' paid for my food but by Sr yr in HS, I was never home to eat. You can teach your child financial responsibility without kicking them out on the street to fend for themselves.
@benpatterson5771 Год назад
For me 2 days after I turned 18 my dad and stepmom gave me an ultimatum that either I drop out of school and get a job or stay in school and be kicked out of the house immediately and since I didn't have anywhere to go I had to drop out sadly.
@Enter_the_Toshiverse_1996 Год назад
@@benpatterson5771 I'm sorry to hear that 😞
@dee_dee_place Год назад
@@benpatterson5771 Unbelievable. I had my Nephew move in with me so he could go back to school. He worked f/t & went to school p/t. I truly believe some Parents don't want their kids to be more successful than they are. My own Mom was jealous of me because I had the life she wanted... no marriage, no kids, a degree, & a high-paying job. Go figure!
@WolfgangDoW Год назад
It's cos at 18yo they don't LEGALLY have to keep you feed, clothed, shelter So it means the only reason they did before is cos they legally had to do that bare minimum to keep you alive Aka you've always been a burden to them in their eyes Everyone deserves good parents Not all people deserve kids though
The fact the the brother imidiatelly thought of his own actions really is telling. It's his wedding if that is still in the front of his mind he's a child that deserves all the psychological warfare that is going to ensue.
@anionhero Год назад
Story 3: The parents were in the wrong, not OP. If they expected OP to pay for his own meal, they should have sat down with him before going to the restaurant and tell that this was going to be what was going to happen. Plus, the parents were paying for a 23 yr old sibling. The parents were the just awful.
@mase-b Год назад
Absolutely! OP had no idea he was going to have to pay for his food. If I was him and the tradition was my parents pay for my birthday I wouldn’t have brought money either. They should have explained it before they got to the restaurant rather than embarrass him. And they paid for the brother? Talk about favorites
@reeses_unicorn Год назад
In my opinion, a person shouldn't be paying for their birthday dinner, at all.
@shadodragonette Год назад
I used to work in a cave as a tour guide. I never regretted it, I loved it so much I named my son after that cave. If someone had ever behaved so badly, I would have told her to get out and never come back. Lucky for me, the worst behavior was a woman screaming because she saw a bat. The bat had been spooked from it's nap and was only trying to get away from us scary creatures. The owners of the cave had left a way in and out for bats, so it escaped unharmed. I knew where one bat liked to nap, and I would go and carefully peek at it when I wasn't busy. It never moved or seemed to know I was peeking. I loved that bat! I later found out that the local bats eat mosquitoes and other bugs. Bats became my most favorite wild life! Next in line were the ones that eat ticks. If I ever own property, it will be filled with bat houses and safe places for opossums to sleep!
@GaySatanicClowns Год назад
What's the name?
@starrywizdom Год назад
I hope you get to own some property -- bats & opossums need safe spaces!
@shadodragonette Год назад
@@starrywizdom If my apartment complex would allow it, I would already have bat houses. My friend has plenty of wildlife on his few acres, so I sometimes feel a bit jealous. I do spend a few weeks per year visiting him and getting to see some nature 🥰
@yaqbulyakkerbat4190 Год назад
Yeah no one feels bad for that last brother.
@LoveOnTheInsidex3 Год назад
Which brother do you mean?
@imugi-16 Год назад
​@@LoveOnTheInsidex3 The brother in the last story, the one who pooped in a cookie jar and bullied OP over it
@thunderflare59 Год назад
Jkiwi needs to tell all the neighbors "Hey, I'm gonna need more work. My parents told me I need to pay for my own food and let me go hungry on my 18th birthday." Your parents need this behavior dragged into the light so they are properly ostrosized.
@merriebadham6701 Год назад
There's a fine line between "tough love" and bullying. The parents paid for the older son's food, they could have paid for the birthday child's dinner too. Especially since they didn't at least give a heads up.
@marclytle644 Год назад
That one about the guy that had to pay for his meal on his birthday. How cruel can that family be? I can't imagine anyone in my family doing tha to another. No matter how much they dislike that person.
@sesshomaruslover1 Год назад
i'd let my brother try and sue me then bring up in court he shat in those cookies for a 9 year old child so it's a part of public court records forever
@SylverLeo Год назад
In the last story, the siblings on my mum’s side of the family always put the blame on me. I ended up being everyone’s(including my mum’s) punching bag for years. Regardless, I’ve stood up for myself many times and I grew thick skin from the ‘verbal shots’ over the years
@juliebiggerbear7300 Год назад
Story 3. How do you take the birthday person out to dinner and spring on them that they have to pay their own bill with no warning? WTF? I would have left.
@jasontoddman7265 Месяц назад
I'd have gone no contact just as soon as possible.
@foxfireinferno197 Год назад
I wish I'd been there for that first story. When she said 'adults know more than teenagers', I would have started laughing my ass off.
@rosemartasgaminghoard Год назад
Last story: that's not a prank that's disgusting. Op's brother is the asshole
@jasontoddman7265 Месяц назад
In this case quite literally.
@silverflight01 Год назад
Story 3: Yes, you definitely need to learn to start paying for things when you turn 18, but a birthday dinner, I believe that can be an exception. And rather than just let it slide and order for OP, the parents decide to just not order for OP and let him starve. I don't believe this to be tough love. That's being petty, especially since they were going to pay for the 23 yr old.
@brendanboomhour7606 Год назад
I think you mean were going to pay for the 23 year old, not weren't
@solitairemask7754 Год назад
Way to ruin your son's 18th birthday. What worthless goddamned parents.
@Iflie Год назад
Nothing changes if you are 18, if you do not have a job you can't pay bills. Most 18 year olds are in school. who goes get a job at 17 because they have to start paying their parents at 18?
@sesshomaruslover1 Год назад
They basically expected him to magically have money bc he turned 18
@flamenmartialis6839 Год назад
OP should have just stod up and left.
@DarkEinherjar Год назад
You know how a bad deed sometimes ends up being for the best? That's the last story for me. It seems like OP inadvertedly saved that woman from being married to that piece of s---.
@kennycai8695 Год назад
Story 4: I got flashbacks to a story with a somewhat similar premise. Putting a long story short, this woman was deliberately melting her desktop computers with a space heater as a malicious way to get out of work and blame the tech support for it. It took about three melted computers and a laptop (which she also wanted) before management wised up, and after discovering she did no actual work, she was never seen on the company premises again.
@MrCrunchytime Год назад
Story 3 - That is... beyond cruel. It's their birthday, and for the family to suddenly decide OP needs to pay for their own birthday meal, berate them for being "entitled" and then spend the next Dat ignoring them, all without any explanation of what they did wrong... OP deserves far, far better than that. Seriously, if money was the concern, just tell OP that they can't do it this year and make an effort to make up for it, or at least say they'll have to pay for their own food if they go. But what they did... that was premeditated. They legitimately thought this was going to be teaching OP a "valuable" lesson, but all it did was destroy their self-esteem. Family doesn't do this.
@aetheralmeowstic2392 Год назад
Story 3: I would've pointed to my brother and said _also a separate bill._ Then when she crawled down my throat I would've told her that if she's going to expect me to pay my own bill, then he has to pay his own, too. Otherwise, I'm just going to go back to the car.
@MrKingArthurhk Год назад
She is going to sue for discrimination for termination for purposely destroying company I-Phones? She’s a Mega Felisha.
@miss_mish Год назад
Story 3: what horrible parents. How to ruin someone's birthday. You don't take someone out for their birthday and spring it on them they have to pay for themselves. Then to let him sit & watch everyone eat on his birthday whilst he has nothing. I would have got up & walked out.
@aking3624 Год назад
Birthday dinner: so they collectively targeted & scapegoated him on his 18th birthday? Especially when she paid for 23 year old brother...
@FreedomHero4 Год назад
I’ve made some jokes over my older brother’s mistakes and goofs, but they’ve only stayed between me and him as they’re our own personal business I’d never do anything to try and embarrass him in front of others with something that he did when we were kids. OP’s brother sounds like he had some red flag behavior if he carried it on into adulthood and I’m glad OP’s joke helped get that woman away from his brother
@jcsjcs2 Год назад
I still don't see why the younger brother should be embarrassed by the story. The only one who should be embarrassed is the older brother. Never mind if he farted or shat into that jar.
@Primalxbeast Год назад
I had to indirectly deal with a Karen last night. Karens will call the police over the tiniest thing. I was in a shopping center parking lot where I usually park for at least part of the night because I live in my car, so people are used to seeing me there and nobody has ever complained. Last night, after 10PM, when there was no one around me because almost everything was closed, I decided to move my car over a foot closer to the curb next to me, so if someone parked next to me in the morning, they would have more space. I left my door open since I was just moving over a bit in the same spot, and some Karen called the police and said I was driving around the parking lot with my door open. So, 3 or 4 cops showed up, shining spot lights in my car and everything just because I'd moved my car a foot over with my door open. I can't believe someone would call the police over that. At least one of the officers knew me, so they just asked if I was driving around with me door open, and didn't give me a hard time, but I had a bunch of cops hanging out surrounding my car for quite awhile over an open door. I have no clue how there was a Karen close enough to even see me with how few people there were around. I like that I don't live in a state where police won't even show up for even serious stuff, but sheesh
@victoriabutterfly6521 4 месяца назад
I'm sorry you had to live in your car & hope you're doing better now. On Monday I'm starting a new job after 8 months trying to find one & struggling to keep a roof over my head. I have a friend who literally fell of the face of the earth because he lost everything a few years ago & I have tried so many times to reach out to him through FB & his email, because he's in the US & I'm in the UK, but have not heard back from him. So I sincerely hope that you are doing well now ❤️
@sparkplug1018 Год назад
Just because it's a wedding doesn't mean you get a free pass if you're a die hard prankster. My wife and I entirely expected it actually. But we also got married dressed as Revy and Chloe Von Einzbern. So the random farts during the ceremony, and the bill for every toilet seat in the building being either broken or missing, wasn't really a surprise to us.
@alantran4901 Год назад
Story 4: Karen honestly didn’t think it through because management wouldn’t be please that she thinks can get away with destruction of property. All because she want a new IPhone that she can’t be use for personal use.😅
@flashstudiosguy Год назад
It's a shame that, when she screamed "THE EXECUTIVE WILL HEAR ABOUT THIS!", said Executive never materialised from around a corner and said "The Executive already knows and, because of that, you're fired!"
@MizuMing Год назад
Story 3: So they pay for the 23 year-old but they don't want to pay for the 18 year-old? Sounds like some favoritism going on there... Op is NTA.
@KertaDrake Год назад
I would have special-ordered a series of progressively older phones for phone Karen. Every time she puts in a request, she gets the next older model until she gives up, or gets a specially-modified-to-function 80s gray brick.
@vanillablossom Год назад
And then prove it was her all along amd charge her. She sounds so nasty, would probably rub the newest phone into others' faces if she only got one.
@lonestar_iconoclast Год назад
I think the worst I pulled on my baby brother was putting on a pair of my dad's brand new driving/aviator sunglasses and spooking my brother in the bathroom while he was taking a piss. I still get a chuckle out of the memory, but I don't go telling everyone about the prank because even a year afterward, I realized how cruel that was. Hilarious at the time, yes. Cruel for a nine and a six year old, also yes.
@myrtle40210 Год назад
The last story: He actually put fecal matter in his brother's cookies. He knew this even though his brother never actually ate any of it. His guilty conscious is what ruined the wedding and made him overreact.
@vict632 Год назад
Story 5 reminds me of my older sister. I do love her as a sister and all, but damn did that hit close to home. Typical sibling bully that will make your life miserably for a few years but oh, now that we're all adults suddenly they were "just harmless pranks" or "it wasn't that bad" "I didn't do that" "I didn't hit you that hard" "why are you so cold to me?", and whenever *You* do or did anything to them suddenly it's not allowed and you went too far. Selfish and entitled pricks. The brother had it coming, clearly his marriage wasn't going too well and if it wasn't for OP's little prank it would've been something else that did it.
@TheDarkLink7 Год назад
Admitting to a fart might cause so much embarrassment on the mother she might as well die down there.
@tricia5792 Год назад
My dad calls it playing on the bum trumpet - a.k.a the double sharelled botgun 😂!
@baldrian22 Год назад
should have done the "stop it mom, we know the smell is because you are always gassy"
@Fuchsschwester Год назад
​@@baldrian22 Unfortunately, OP was too young to crack this kind of joke. But boy, oh boy, I would have paid to see the reaction of Karen mom.
@Kristiemiller1969 Год назад
Story #3 - I can only hope it's a troll post because OP's mother is a freakin hypocrite with the "you're 18 so you can pay your own way even though it's your birthday but we are going to pay for your 23 yr old brother." OP needs to do what he can to get away from them as fast as he can.
@alyssapalmer1995 Год назад
Story 3 DarkFluff you forgot to mention that OP'S horrible mother and stepfather had no problem paying for OP'S older brother who was 23. So clearly OP'S older brother is the golden child and obviously not expected to pay for anything and/or move out. OP you are not the idiot but you need to move out and cut all contact with your horrible family because they clearly don't love or care about you. And Happy Birthday.
@maxhay9098 Год назад
Story 2: the OP clearly stated that there was a small crowd gathered watching, that they had tried to inform everyone within reason, and that they weren't doing it in any kind of secretive fashion. If Karen saw them lighting this thing, she would have seen them staying around it after it was lit, the crowd around it before and during, and presumably the attempts to extinguish it when it was clearly a failure. She wasn't "just being concerned," if she saw enough to believe it was an explosive, she saw enough to see it wasn't being placed maliciously, and making a social media post about it painting them like terrorists is overboard
@666toysoldier Год назад
They were doing something with chemicals that didn't belong in the park. These idiots COULD have put together something that exploded. I'd call the police, too.
@christophercuston Год назад
​@666toysoldier Yes, at the moment, they started building and/or lighting it up. Waiting after everything happened is pointless to be "concerned."
@maxhay9098 Год назад
@@666toysoldier I don't contend that if you're concerned about potentially dangerous behavior you should contact authorities. What I think is wrong is that she took it to social media, purposely misrepresenting the situation to virtue boost herself. And from the story, I don't think she did call police if she had the license plate info, because if the police had a description of the cars, they probably would've found them getting fast food that day. It more seems like she JUST posted online, so the police sent a bomb detachment to investigate for public safety, and when they saw evidence an incendiary had been lit, went on full statewide alert, only getting the info from the Karen later on. At least, that's my guess, who knows.
@klocugh12 Год назад
@@christophercuston if there was a crowd and she was alone, it was reasonable to assume that crowd could react in hostile matter to her and overpower her, if malicious. And she couldn't know that. I def give that one a pass.
@delilahevil5089 Год назад
It's still a PARK! Dogs and kids playing. People enjoying the fresh air. These dipshits didn't even know what they were doing. It was wrong. So they warned people? No one agreed to a smelly fog overcoming the park. Talk about entitled.
@niani8359 Год назад
That tour guide was so nice 😭
@dragonwildchildKingqueen Год назад
Story 5: GROSS!! 🤮 OP your brother toke that prank to far!!
@catpoke9557 Год назад
Love how the mom smelling sulfur didn't consider for even a second that the sulfur could be from a fart
@empressmarowynn Год назад
Oh man I had my own story 1 experience. Back when I was looking for a house to buy my realtor and I were spending very long weekends touring house after house together. One day it was pouring buckets and we were both already miserable trekking all over the neighborhood in that mess. When we went into this one house I could feel my stomach start to churn from I don't even know what. When we went into the basement I couldn't hold it back anymore. I let out a silent but horribly noxious odor that smelled like sewage. My realtor kept going with the info on the basement and when he smelled it he said with all the rain the sewage may be having issues so if I chose that place we would need to get it checked. I felt awful for doing that to him but never fessed up. I didn't end up picking that house so I never had to deal with the aftermath but I'm so glad there was no one else there but us.
@rneidermyer5266 Год назад
Story 2: I kind of agree it was not a Karen. If it was she would have marched right in and gotten in everyone's face.
@1964Puddles Год назад
That birthday story broke my heart. What awful parents.
@elizabethadams5699 Год назад
My daughter used to work for an escape room company. She is lactose intolerant and is allergic to apples. She didn’t think about what she was drinking, a peanut butter shake. After it hit bottom she went and pretty much exploded in the bathroom. They shut the place down and had the fire department come because they thought it was a gas leak. 😂
@xanderfrost417 Год назад
Story 5: NTA if you can dish it you better be able to take it.
@josephpavone4574 Год назад
I don't care if his family never did that before, the rage I felt for this guy, I wanted to flip the table end over end on this mother what a beach
@silverflight01 Год назад
Story 4: Karen, you can survive without the new iPhone. Heck, some people still use flip phones nowadays, last I heard. Karen sounded like she wanted the new iPhone just to brag and shove it in the faces of others that didn't get it.
@Connor-ONeill Год назад
Hell, some companies are bringing flip phones back.
@sesshomaruslover1 Год назад
they still make flip phones esp for beginner phones and for elderly ppl
@kayvaanmcsharrowkyn6901 Год назад
@jasontoddman7265 Месяц назад
OP was apparently too fond of the expression, "it ain't rocket science."
@katelynruth31 Год назад
I'd be far more embarrassed if that woman was my mother than I would of accidentally letting a big one rip!
@bebbychad7607 Год назад
The 18 year old's BIRTHDAY dinner should have been a birthday treat! What a horrible situation to put OP in!
@Wrathura 7 месяцев назад
Last story about ruining the wedding: OP accidentally "ruined" the wedding but saved that divorce process.
@BoxOKittens Год назад
That first story was so hilarious and relatable lol I had a similar incident when I was that age during a haunted ghost tour in St Augustine, Fl. Oh the horrors of being a little girl on her damn period...
@hollyhartwick3832 Год назад
Not so sure the rocket Karen was just a concerned citizen. The contraption had drawn a crowd of random onlookers and no one was being remotely subtle. The two boys who built it openly warned people to stand back for safety. It had been lit and smoked profusely, drawing even more attention from passersby. That doesn't exactly scream people planting a bomb. What the OP did was reckless and stupid, especially not double checking the instructions, but the carborne Karen definitely went overboard.
@BPJD2004 Месяц назад
I lived just outside of the Mammoth Caves in Kentucky, and yes, there are no sulfur deposits anywhere down there. People wouldn’t be allowed down a tunnel with any level of sulfur in it.
@DrQwertz Год назад
Story 1: thats not tough love! If it would be, they would have sat OP down and told OP, that things will change at OPs 18th Birthday and what they expect of OP. But it seems that OP had no clue and OPs Brother is treated differently. So this could be the beginning of a lot of mean things the Parents will do, or they might get that they went a bit too far.
@kb1kos Год назад
#1: "Poor teenager tourguide"? My sympathy went for the poor little girl who farted. #3: OP's mother is nasty, so it's time to move out and go NO CONTACT. #4: WELL PLAYED!
@voutsider190 Год назад
He covered for her
@justaperson4065 Год назад
That 3rd story really upset me. My daughter is 15, and came home one day in tears about how she has only had a few years with us, and only has 3 more years to "figure it all out" before she is on her own. I was bewildered, and asked what on earth she was talking about, she told me how several of her friends from school have to move out and pay for everything when they turn 18. I told my daughter I was appalled by what those other parents were doing, and I actually loved her, that she isn't a burden I'm casting off the moment she turns 18, and she can take all the time she needs, that Mom and Dad adopted her because we loved her, and we will always be her Mom and Dad, and will help any way we can, and we will be so proud the day the day she spreads her wings and flies from the nest, but that she can fly when her wings are ready. Seriously people, having a child is a life long commitment.
@jasontoddman7265 Месяц назад
I hope she is more confident now and never has such fears ever again. I am male but never had much self-confidence growing up either. My mother knew that full well however and she always made sure that I would never worry needlessly over such things as that; especially as I had four years of college to go through before I felt ready to live on my own. Well, sort of... I joined the military. But I was definitely ready to be on my own by then.
@justaperson4065 Месяц назад
@@jasontoddman7265 She is at peace now, knowing she may take her time. Your Mom sounds like a great lady.
@jasontoddman7265 Месяц назад
@@justaperson4065 I am glad to hear your daughter is doing well, and yes my mom was. :)
@JulianaBlewett Год назад
#1: I would have pranced by when the mother said she smelled sulphur with the biggest grin on my face. #3: When you're taken out on your birthday, you shouldn't expect to pay. Definitely not the a-hole.
@KallianaCorus Год назад
Story 3: If they wanted OP to pay for their own meal, they should have told them in advance. They’ve never done it before so it is entirely reasonable for OP to assume they wouldn’t have to pay. They purposefully sprung it on op and then shamed them for being unprepared. They are terrible. Story 5: How exactly does the brother think op messed with the cake? Does he think the cake decorator would allow such a thing or somehow wouldn’t notice? I’m glad the bride was able to be reasonable and noticed the red flags with how her husband snapped about the cake. And once she gets over the heartbreak she’ll have a pretty good story about how she was saved from staying with the guy because of one poorly timed comment.
@AmericanNinja85 Год назад
So OPs family paid for his older 23 yr brother but not OP on his OP's Birthday?? That's messed up!!
@hobisprite4050 Год назад
I think the lesson we should learn from the last story is to NEVER EVER mess with someones food.
@kaziglu8344 Год назад
Story 4: Hope the company charged Karen for the cost to replace both phones.
@Danarchy3 Год назад
Story 2- I can see your point about Karen not being a Karen. BUT if she would have taken time to investigate just a little she might have found the truth. I speak from experience because my neighbor called the cops on me because she thought I was smoking weed on my porch. It was a cigarette!!!!
@darkmask5933 Год назад
Uh, it was a piece of PVC pipe smoking so bad it looked like a forest fire, that was literally melting into the sidewalk. I'm sorry but no, you're just not very smart if your advice is "go up and poke it and see if its safe".
@CrowleyFledge Год назад
I can't see how Karen thought it was a pipe bomb. She could have asked OP or any of the spectators what was going on. I know there's some crazy people in the world, but who tf would set up a bomb and alert everyone in the area while gathering some people to watch? And then stick around for the "bomb" to go off?
@og_3rd_st_saint_gat Год назад
I hoped the Karen got fined
@Danarchy3 Год назад
@@darkmask5933 yeah cause I said “go up and poke it” But way to take the high road instead of being a smart @$$
@darkmask5933 Год назад
@@Danarchy3 Like you're literally saying "taken the time to investigate" when OP literally described it as a smoking piece of pipe that was melting into the sidewalk. What more do you need to investigate? It was a hazard. The "truth" was OP was a dumbass who made something that could have exploded if handled wrong, the smart response was to call the authorities.
@maritasue5067 Год назад
The 18th birthday story could have been worse. I had a coworker who was with his family on a summer road trip when he turned 18. He admitted he mouthed off to his dad and the dad pulled over and made his kid get out of the car (somewhere in eastern Montana, I believe) and left him. On the side of the highway.
@redbeardsteelskin6723 Год назад
Man...story 1. That employee is a hero, and I feel so bad for that lady as a child that day.
@Nivola1953 Год назад
Well the wedding cake guy, could have put the joke on the brother, by finger dipping into the ruined cake and eating it in front of all guests, followed by a “mmh nice” 😋😏
@sagethegreat4680 4 месяца назад
Last story op is not the A hole . Op is in fact the hero to his brother's wife for getting her out of a horrible relationship.
@katiemcwrath Год назад
Dude OP in Story 5 literally saved a woman from remaining married to an a-hole. He is a hero if anything.
@erinurbanus1858 Год назад
Who pays for their own birthday dinner with people??
@cScottD Год назад
When I turned 18, I took my Dad and Stepmom out for dinner, but… (1) it was because I had just gotten paid from my new job and wanted treat them, after all of the nice things they’d always done for my birthday; and (2) I let them know ahead of time that I was paying; and (3) they still asked me several times if I’d let them pay, since it was my birthday, until they realised how important this was to me, at which point they just thanked me and enjoyed the meal.
Story 4: if you ever wonder why we're all treated like children by our bosses and management..it's people like that..and it only takes one per company
@PixieDusted72 Год назад
Hi!! I have a story for you! I work for a garden nursery & love bringing a variety of plants home. Someone keeps ripping my periwinkle out of the pot on the top of my steps. I decided enough is enough time to take action. I have this cacti that gets my every time I go near it. I spend an hour picking spines out of my arm each time I brush past it so I decided to plant it in the middle of the pot and then strategically arranged the periwinkle around it. If you grab the little purple flowering plant, your in for a surprise. For several days nothing happens & I forget about it. Family & I are sitting down for a late dinner & hear an ear piercing scream. I forgot to tell my family what I did yet they still look at me accusingly. I open the door to my old neighbor standing there with spines sticking out of their hand. They had recently moved but had a relative in the complex that they still came to visit. They took this opportunity to rip my as well as another neighbors (I found out later) plants out. Hope they learned their lesson.
@davidponseigo8811 Год назад
I'm impressed, it's proof not only guys fart.
@ElCid48 Год назад
when I was a little girl, I had a friend who was my first male friend outside my large family circle of cousins and brother etc. I enjoyed he and his older sister and we would talk and play etc. one day I farted and was afraid because my other brothers would laugh at me. but he said nothing and later I learn that farting is a good sign that your system is working the way it should. also I learn as I grow up and got my period that I could fart from my vagina as well because it is just another opening in your body that will give you the pleasure of giving birth for a child.
@gilded_lady Год назад
Period farts are freaking toxic.
@starrywizdom Год назад
We ALL fart, even if some people like to pretend otherwise.
@lauramiller7690 Год назад
Know if they standard I paid for a birthday dinner it's not unreasonable to expect what was always norm and the fact that they paid for the 23-year old brother even though he's well past 18 kind of makes you wonder what they were thinking
@CadoThorson Год назад
fluff, i saluted the screen when you said you would save the tour guide in the first story. as a retail worker, i thank you, kind sir
@s0lastsummer7 Год назад
Those two doofuses making FUEL FILLED PROJECTILE EXPLOSIVES in a PUBLIC PARK *WITHOUT A FIRE EXTINGUISHER* or anything!!! 😱 like not even a bucket of water sir?! Water gun?! No?!
@TheDarkLink7 Год назад
The rocket story. Dare I say that the woman......... *gasp* ........... wasn't a Karen. In all honesty I probably would've made the same claim not knowing the situation.
@brendanboomhour7606 Год назад
There apparently wasn't a panic or people fleeing, so she should've minded her own business
@og_3rd_st_saint_gat Год назад
Imo the cops shouldn't have given a ticket to the original poster I wouldn't have paid for it I hope he didn't
@og_3rd_st_saint_gat Год назад
​@@brendanboomhour7606I agree with you
@TJDious Год назад
She's a Karen bevsuse she jumped to conclusions instead of investigating.
@merlinathrawes746 Год назад
@@TJDious Would YOU investigate a potential BOMB yourself, in person, not knowing if it could still explode???
@ocalaskyhigh Год назад
Birthday story: I am 66 and my mother still insist on buying my birthday diner/lunch. She is 84.
@andrewlanglois6362 Год назад
11:28 you are not the only one that thinks this is absurd. For my 23rd birthday, I was taken to a Denny's to eat out, and my parents paid the bill. I was only a busboy working 9 hours weekly too, and my mom is a Karen, I'm her golden child.
@jenniferlundquist9475 Год назад
Wow that last story…the brother is a piece of work. I feel bad for the bride, but the brother deserves everything.
@zvxha Год назад
The bday post makes me think of my own parents. As soon as i turned 18 i had to pay rent. Parents charged me 600/month and had to provide everything myself & their rent was only 535 at the time. When my sisters stayed with them, they never paid rent or utilities at all
@vahvahdisco Год назад
4:17 - shouldn’t that read ‘On that fartful day….’ ?!! 🤣😂🤣
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