
r/IDontWorkHereLady - Idiot 'KAREN' Demands CUSTOMER Obey Him! Gets Car Ruined! 

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22 сен 2024




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@fredferd965 2 года назад
I went into a store with the employees wearing blue shirts. I got a call on my phone and made an offhand remark that they had moved everything after remodeling and I couldn't find the light bulbs. I got off the phone right after that and a guy who happened to be nearby told me where to find them. I thanked him for his help and was about to go on my way when he said "I just wish I could find the dog food." My response was to tell him where the dog food was. He looked so happy as he thanked me and walked off. Neither of us worked there and were not even wearing blue. Sane and helpful people do exist, they're just really hard to find.
@molliannstocks2217 Год назад
I think sane and helpful people are everywhere, you just need to be polite, as the two of you were to each other!
@kissit012 Год назад
No they’re not. They’re usually just minding their own business
@Olimar92 Год назад
Sane, Helpful people need to be asked for their help. They're not rare, just people are afraid to ask less they seem rude or run into a, asshole.
@monroerobbins7551 10 месяцев назад
Gee whiz, it’s almost like acting like a nice person helps you get help! Who’d’ve thunk it?
@qugo8158 2 года назад
First story, I would have called the cops and pressed charges. That is assault against a disabled person = their life is fucked
@lancerevell5979 2 года назад
Many places make assaulting a disabled person even more a crime. Assault me, my Irish Blackthorn cane can, if neccesary, become a defensive weapon.
@brothersgt.grauwolff6716 2 года назад
and this is the reason I keep an umbrella on me at all times when I'm out abouts
@rogerrabbit80 2 года назад
Here in Nevada, assault on a disabled person has a minimum sentence of one year in prison. No suspended sentence, no parole, no "time off for good behavior". They serve the entire sentence behind bars.
@markrayes2973 2 года назад
not just assault....your looking at a potential felony, and like 3 to 4 more additional charges, that's only if op was fine afterwards...but it it would of lead to any more damage like broken limbs, or potential head trauma...😬 Karen could be looking at a wonderful life behind bars where she can be on the receiving end of the consequences for her entitlement....
@someguy7629 2 года назад
@@rogerrabbit80 Epic
@harleyhuskey 2 года назад
The amount of Karen's that say they don't have time, but clearly have all the time in the world to argue and complain to managers is astounding.
@SuperNormalMan 2 года назад
They're never actually in a hurry, they just want to push people around because the drugs in their system make them braver (and much more stupid).
@xamnoir 2 года назад
If we had a dollar each time they say that, we may not need to work the next day anymore, haha.
@dave900575 2 года назад
Priorities. Karen's block out time for hair, nails, spa, b*thing and complaining. There aren't enough hours on the day left to do anything for themselves.
@OcusticClear92 2 года назад
This is evidence of a huge gap in awareness.
@startheangel9760 2 года назад
Karen's are just lizard people that reproduce asexually and all share the same brain cell
@randycarter2001 2 года назад
Just kicking the cane is assault. If it got caught on camera she could go to jail.
@RedT...TheOriginal.NotANumber 2 года назад
Not only that, but assault of a disabled person. That carries even heftier penalties!
@Funfitdude 2 года назад
I used a cane for a while, after operation for a service connected injury. Had someone kicked my cane they would have woken up the the ER
@kbeara03 2 года назад
You should always treat things that help injured and disabled people move around as an extension of their bodies. My youngest sibling often uses a wheelchair when there’s going to be a lot of walking because of drop foot and while nobody has been disrespectful so far, I would do my best to protect my brother and the essentials he needs.
@gaxalee7392 2 года назад
@@kbeara03 The thing is most people who are willing to outright attack disability aids(such as wheelchairs or air tanks) don’t consider anyone but themselves and their “equals” to be human and are perfectly willing to harm flesh as much as metal or plastic. I do believe the average person needs to be more respectful of disability aids and their users. I hope more people realize that a cane is a leg and a tank is a lung sooner rather than later.
@markrayes2973 2 года назад
@@RedT...TheOriginal.NotANumber isn't it a felony?
@silverflight01 2 года назад
Story 3: Even if OP was an employee, if an employee is helping someone, it is rude to interrupt them. Just look for someone else. It ain't that hard.
@JimmySpace69 2 года назад
Yeah, simple solution is just rob the store (massive profit for the grind)
@lindaouellette6656 2 года назад
WHAT!!!! Do you mean it’s not that hard… of course it’s that hard!!! Everyone should only be paying attention to ME, I am a paying customer damn it!! Signed, EVERY Karen ever…lol.
@lancerevell5979 2 года назад
Karens have no common sense. That's what makes them Karens.
@dejaypage1575 2 года назад
But that takes *effoooooooort*
@markrayes2973 2 года назад
that's not how the broken mind of a Entitled person works...they think they shouldn't have to wait...the peasants can wait and you must listen to them because they are more important... these douchebags were the kids who just took crap like toys , books , crayon etc from someone who was using it and they thought it was okay because it wasn't seen by a teacher or their aid , so they grow up continuing to do crap like that and not get called out so they grow up believing it's okay....of course other times it's sh!@ty parents passing on their entitlement to their kids
@toddandrews9829 2 года назад
I loved the last story. How many kids would look out for their sibling to this degree? Awesome!!
@Jerseybytes2 2 года назад
I have twin boys, and a younger boy (7 years difference between him and the twins, they're all adults now). Younger son got along with one of the twins, not so much with the other (let's call him twin A). One day the neighbor's kid (around 10 or so at the time) began picking on my youngest kid who was around 4 when he and my now ex were waiting for his older brothers to come from school. well, the kid's timing couldn't have been worst if he tried because at that moment the bus arrived, twin A saw his little brother being picked on and he tackled the kid rather nice. that neighbor kid never picked on my youngest kid anymore. As for the twins themselves, they were always super protective of each other. if you picked a fight with one of them, you'd have to fight them both
@pamiam9017 2 года назад
My younger two do,my son used to have regular blood tests they would offer him jelly beans for being"brave" he would always take them and give them to his sister, when he was little and sick, my daughter would get him a drink with a curly straw to encourage him to drink, they are now 20 and 15 and Miss 20 recently bought Mr 15 a packet of curly straws because he was sick lol
@Ishlacorrin 2 года назад
To be honest this level is normal for most kids of that age. Kids are born innocent and tend to share with and care for others by default. Greed, indifference and prejudice are all learned traits. That's why it's so important to teach your children well when they are young and lead by good examples.
@gabinathan5499 2 года назад
@Mr.LegoBrick 2 года назад
tbh not me
@jamescaron6465 2 года назад
My wife was disabled so seeing anybody abuse a disabled person really rubs me raw. Should have thumped her foot with that stick.
@user-mc5vy2vk5n 2 года назад
Such a shame OP didn't press charges for assault, the Karen sure deserved that! It annoyed me so much that she just walked away after abusing someone. She didn't even care enough of her surroundings to notice it's another customer, not employee! The cater to me attitude, yuck. Maybe charges would have humble her. Not that I'm thinking assaulting an actual employee would be okay, everyone deserves to be treated with respect, but abusing already struggling people is just next level of evil. 😬
@bytemark6508 2 года назад
"If she's not an employee, how does she know the store so well?" "Yes, sis, the EK has a point. How do you know the store so well? Are you one of those ... smarties... or something? Can you, like, read, or like, write too?? That's really dubious. You must be a witch, for sure" There is nothing more telling that when an entitled person can't fathom the idea that somebody else can do anything better than them.
@autonomouscollective2599 2 года назад
You really can’t rule out the possibility that the OP is a witch.
@dragonfliesnh4204 2 года назад
@@autonomouscollective2599 That really made me laugh! LOL
@silverbrumbyfan 2 года назад
Get the duck
@autonomouscollective2599 2 года назад
@@silverbrumbyfan It’s a fair cop.
@RedT...TheOriginal.NotANumber 2 года назад
Fluff has it 💯 right: If you ask for help NICELY, other people are likely to at least try to help you, even if they don't work there. It's not the "I don't work here" causing the issue, it's the ATTITUDE of the entitled person. You shouldn't treat ANYONE that way, even if they do work there. My favorite stories are when the other person (not the EP) happens to be, or be close to, a cop, and EP gets arrested for assault. ALWAYS press charges if someone lays a hand on you in that manner. They won't learn otherwise!
@ahdoodeclair 10 месяцев назад
I'm tall (194cm) and often get asked to help shorter people get stuff from a high shelf in supermarkets. I'm happy to help anyone who asks nicely. On one occasion, I had just got something down for an elderly lady when someone poked me in the shoulder and demanded I get something down for her. "There are," I said to her, "two types of people in the world. Those who ask me nicely to help them, and if I can, I'll help, and those who give me orders. Those I tell to f**k off. Consider yourself told." And I walked away leaving her doing goldfish impressions.
@RedT...TheOriginal.NotANumber 10 месяцев назад
@@ahdoodeclairNice! And as a short person (160cm), I thank you and those like you for your assistance. True story, just yesterday: I was shopping for Thanksgiving dinner (yes, American) and couldn't find a couple staples. I asked a lady, "Do you happen to know where I can find xyz?" She pointed it out to me (it was literally right behind me). And laughed at the joke on my Tshirt. :) A few minutes later, still effectively blind, I asked an employee for help finding something else. He pointed it out - I couldn't find it. So he walked me over to where it was. Two wonderful people being excellent to other people. Treat people with courtesy, and you'll usually get this kind of response. How can that possibly be so hard to comprehend?!
@TriXJester 2 года назад
Last Story: I've learned from my years as a nanny that you do have to be pretty specific with instructions given to kids, they take everything literally so you have to plan for that.
@Kruhee 2 года назад
Soooo, a child can understand a person doesn't work there but an adult Karen can't? Children: 1 Karen: 0
@DrTimeSCPPsych 2 года назад
"Just because shes on a break" actually its illegal to help cusotmers on break because you're legally required to not work. So even if op was a panda employee on break your ass cant demand help from them. Besides the bathroom key is usually behind the counter anyway so...
@chadpayne100 2 года назад
Even I know that feeling all too well, I work retail and today was an absolute nightmare, EBT was down 4 hours at my job, thousands of dollars worth of perishable foods I had to put back in the correct areas, meat deli items cheese milk produce and frozen items that could’ve gone bad but thankfully it didn’t(I work for Kroger in Ohio)
@Robynhoodlum 2 года назад
Yup. Even my manager can’t make me work on my break. What makes Karen’s think I’ll make an exemption for them?🙄
@gothgirl4evr414 Год назад
Had that been me when she said she needed my help going to the bathroom i would've said if you need assistance in that department you should go back to the home bc im not helping you wipe your ass and as far as i know neither will any of the employees that actually work here either so good luck with that😅
@mjjoe76 2 месяца назад
And this is why Karens as managers are nightmarish.
@savannah4439 2 года назад
Seriously how do people get to the point of treating people like that? Whenever anyone has mistaken me for an employee, they’re always embarrassed and/or apologetic after I inform them that I don’t work there
@gorilladisco9108 2 года назад
You can thank participation trophy education for that.
@user-mc5vy2vk5n 2 года назад
Ikr, not being an employee of certain place doesn't make them more human than they were before, and actually being an employee of certain place doesn't make them less human. Just treat everyone with respect, it really isn't that hard...
@adamb89 2 года назад
@@gorilladisco9108 My karate teacher in high school was kind of like Johnny Lawrence from Cobra Kai. Not full on toxic masculinity like the character, but he was a real hardass. Didn't believe in no-contact sparring, and didn't believe in mincing words when someone loses. There must be losers in order for there to be winners, so if you can't call anyone a loser, you can't call anyone a winner either. So one of the requirements for..I think purple belt? I dunno it was a mid range and above, but you had to participate in a sparring session against another student who was up for promotion. Only the winner gets promoted. It's light-contact, you're probably going to walk away with a couple bruises, but the point was to get comfortable with what being hit is like, since in a real fight you ARE getting hit. Anyway I won, we shook hands, and he went back to his dad just accepting that this wasn't his week, and he can try again next week. He was totally on board. But his dad decides to raise a stink (which MORTIFIED his son for the record, he was totally cool). Trying to make a point "He tried his best, he deserves to be recognized for it." The instructor was like, so you think he deserves a ribbon? Fine. Then he goes into his office, and comes out a minute later with a piece of red ribbon with LOSER sloppily written on it in marker. The dad of course freaks out, even moreso because the more he yells, the bigger the shit eating grin my instructor had. Finally my instructor holds out what he'd been concealing behind his back, and he says "Oh, don't worry, I made one for you too!" and holds out an even bigger red cloth with LOSER written on it. The guy just kind of walked out in a huff yelling something about suing them. But the kid? Like a fucking boss, he pinned the "LOSER" ribbon to his gi.
@laris2328 2 года назад
Concrete Camry. I bet that AH used his washer and wipers to try and get the dust off of the windscreen. I'd have loved to see that one lmfao 😂. I actually applauded at the end of this story. Loved it.
@shooie27ss 2 года назад
Story #7 was the best story I've heard in such a long time. I'm glad the mom wasn't upset with the kid or the lady helping.
@RedT...TheOriginal.NotANumber 2 года назад
No joke. I full on expected the mom to pitch a fit about "attempted kidnapping" or "child molester", or something like that. This whole story was amazingly reasonable. A lovely reminder that some people actually DO use their brains!
@HappySunshineDay 2 года назад
@@RedT...TheOriginal.NotANumber Not to rain n the parade...however: Based on the Mom's, "I should have told you to look for someone with a red shirt AND a name tag," It seems Mom sent off the child ALONE in a large store to get the Oreos. Maybe I am selling out of my own pocket here, but I find that part scary. Glad al turned out well!
@RedT...TheOriginal.NotANumber 2 года назад
@@HappySunshineDay [sigh] Typed up a nice response, then it got deleted. Ok, short version - 1) I grew up in a very different time. Things are more dangerous now for kids to be not-directly-supervised. 2) OP said they're no good at telling ages. If the kid was 8 or 9, that'd be more understandable. 3) I said the story was "reasonable". Meaning the mom responded like a normal person, instead of losing her mind on OP - which, given the nature of stories in this channel, is completely what I expected. I didn't say her initial action showed good judgment. [hauls out umbrella and enjoys the parade anyway 😉]
@lindab.716 Год назад
@@RedT...TheOriginal.NotANumber sounded like the child was way to young to be wandering around Target un accompanied. I wouldn’t let my elementary age kids do that in the 80’s.
@patriot8938 2 года назад
I have been in grocery stores/wal mart and watched short people, people in mobile carts, etc. having trouble getting items. I usually step up and ask if I can get the item for them. 99% of the people say yes, and then thank me and I walk off. Then there is that 1% that act like I am going to mug them. I just say whatever, and walk off pushing my cart.
@e.pluribusunum7916 2 года назад
As a short person, I really appreciate this. Having to find someone to help you get something off a 6 foot tall shelf is embarrassing and you wouldn't believe the number of people that just walk past and ignore you jumping up and down and trying to find other grocery objects that can be used as tools.
@someguy7629 2 года назад
If someone lays a finger on you, no matter age or gender. By all means, defend yourself (or people in need).
@timrumeau2422 2 года назад
Imagine being mistaken for an employee and the person doesn’t listen when you say “I don’t work here”. So you follow them out to their car and jump in the backseat. Exclaim your destination and refuse to listen when they say they aren’t A TAXI.😁
@echomoon3381 2 года назад
1st story, Karen kicking the walking stick, 'mobility aid'. I spent a year in a cast on my right leg and when I got off crutches I used a cane when I finally got the cast off I used a cane. I had someone deliberately kick my cane loose and I almost fell. Tell you what, people need to hone their reflexes, because I turned around and whacked that person with my cane. When she started screaming and hollering like crazy an employee and a manager came running. She was threatening to call the cops claiming assault. The manager said he would call them for her himself. Then he told her to be very careful about calling the cops because it it would be on video and they would clearly see what happened and if she didn't need kick my cane out from under my hand she could be arrested. The woman shut up and walked away.
@someguy7629 2 года назад
Karens and racists thier worst fear and enemy's are camera's.
@the_babbleboom 2 года назад
you let her get away with it, she'll do it again.
@Apolloscleric 2 года назад
Story 3: Real talk, you might be surprised at how many people lack any common sense when it comes to figuring out store layouts. I work retail and I've seen so many customers go to health and beauty looking for laundry detergent or look for coffee in infants or some other ridiculous thing.
@Robynhoodlum 2 года назад
Yup. Makes me question the reading ability and word association of the general public.🙄
@erichanastacio9695 2 года назад
They're just effing lazy so they bully others to do their work.
@gothgirl4evr414 Год назад
​@@Robynhoodlumthat's assuming they even stop to read aisle signs, that's too daunting its easier to find a random person and demand help instead. Then when the person doesn't help its because they are dumb or lazy as if that isn't the pot calling the kettle black
@francesquinn8091 2 года назад
If someone kicked my walking stick,they'd be picking their teeth off the floor.
@LunaP1 2 года назад
Nah, aim for the kneecaps. That way it would be hard for them run away before the police get there.
@julieb157 2 года назад
Yep, defend yourself
@lancerevell5979 2 года назад
Agreed. Chase 'em like spilled Chicklets!
@brothersgt.grauwolff6716 2 года назад
in many places here in the US it's perfectly legal to defend yourself
@thomas.parnell7365 2 года назад
@@brothersgt.grauwolff6716 agreed someome trys grabbing your arm if their not the police hit them as hard as you physically can.
@Listrynne 2 года назад
Just had my own little IDWHL story today. I was at Wal-Mart (of course) picking up a few things and grabbed some raspberries. A minute later they fell out of my over full basket in the main audit that runs past ALL the other grocery aisles. I cleaned up what I could and had to stand the blocking half the aisle for more than 10 minutes waiting for an employee with a broom. I had to ask 2 separate employees to radio cleanup. When the 3rd one showed up with a broom she said one of the guys I asked said I was an employee without a vest. I laughed and said "I don't work here anymore, but I did in '08 and '09 (13-14 years ago)." I guess it still shows. Also, it's really hard to just stand in the way of everyone. Lol
@Kayenne54 2 года назад
First story: do not threaten to get an actual employee, yell out loudly for security assistance, asap. Particularly when someone kicks away your disability aid. Sheesh.
@someguy7629 2 года назад
And sue them for : ADA laws, harrasment and assault.
@impishrebel5969 2 года назад
@@someguy7629 Some places don't have ADA. Judging by the usage of "tutting" OP is likely British. And the Equality Act is a poor substitute.
@harryboyes2812 2 года назад
That last one is pretty wholesome. Kudos to the mother, she's clearly raising her kids right.
@CartoonHero1986 2 года назад
Oh wholesome kids shopping in retail stores stories are the best way to make a retail employee feel better about all the crap we deal with. One I think about a lot was a little kid going through my cash lane on a hot day. I had my desk fan on that we have at each lane since it tends to get hot up at cash (these fans are a permanent fixture screwed down to our lanes). The kid couldn't see my fan and could just see my hair blowing so the kid asks "how is your hair blowing it's not windy in here?" I smile and look at him and whisper "because I'm a superhero" and the kid's eye just light up as he steps back in amazement while his parents and I giggle at his reaction. I should note; I knew the customer as a regular so I didn't do this to some total stranger's kid.
@HappilyHomicidalHooligan 2 года назад
Karen: THEN HOW DO YOU KNOW WHERE EVERYTHING IS??? Me: Because unlike you, I have eyes and a working brain! Karen: ... Me: Please convey my Apologies to the Cleaning Staff for the mess... 😄😁😆😅😂🤣
@arentibbs799 2 года назад
Story 2: I loved that someone who works helping people with disabilities talked to the Karen as if she were one of the clients. Confusing a Karen was hilarious.
@merlinathrawes746 2 года назад
Walking stick story: I would have asked the employee to have his manager call the police, then file assault charges against Karen for kicking my walking stick. She had literally no idea if that would have caused OP to fall or not, but that was definitely her intention! I can no longer use my cane due to problems in my shoulders now, so I either have to use a store provided scooter (when available) or lean on/over a shopping cart which is very uncomfortable. Working for caregiver facility story: LOVED IT! Knowing where things are story: Gee, I've only worked retail once, back in the 1980's, but most stores aren't that hard to figure out. Various signs pointing out the departments and just looking at what's around you goes a long way. Shopping at a place previously doesn't hurt either. I will ask for help in a gocery store to find specific items I don't normally purchase, but that's about it. Karen's and Richard's seem to have severe vision problems, not being able to recognize store uniforms from other store uniforms or regular clothing. I don't mind helping if someone actually needs my help and asks politely or I see someone in need and I'm able to help. But if you just assume and are rude in the process, well I tend to be petty and have no problems in turning the tables. Target story: Something seems off with this one. WHO lets their young child, 4-6 yo, run off in a busy superstore by themself? It's just so easy to kidnap a child in such places and most even have a code to cause a store lockdown to prevent them from leaving. If this story is true, I'm glad it worked out, but it causes me some doubts.
@ettinakitten5047 Год назад
Random strangers kidnapping a child is actually extremely rare, people are overly paranoid about it. The vast majority of kidnappings are done by non-custodial parents. That kid was probably in more danger riding in the car to the store than wandering around the store unsupervised, given the risk of a car accident.
@ricochet0928 2 года назад
Story 6: "Your employee is terrible! Just because they're on break, they won't help me go to the bathroom-" "Sorry ma'am, but I'm afraid helping you go to the bathroom is a bit above our pay grade. I would suggest going to a doctor for that."
@namethestars 2 года назад
I'm still recovering from not being well this week and dammit that last story had me bawling. If only we all saw the world through the innocent eyes of a child, that was so wholesome and needed. I'm forever grateful I found your channel Darkfluff 💕
@SecretHero914 2 года назад
Story two: that was genius using her profession to help the Karen.
@darlenefraser3022 2 года назад
I LOVE that she got “killed with kindness”! Not to mention embarrassment! AWESOME!
@user-mc5vy2vk5n 2 года назад
I loved this story, too! Two best strategies for Karens seem to either retaliate and treat them as employee and demand to being walked to "where the x thing is", making their brain actually freeze for a moment and they defend themselves that they aren't employee or just treat them as visibly mentally ill, talking slower and louder, asking if they got lost, where their caretaker is and so on.
@Robynhoodlum 2 года назад
I feel like a lot of these Karen’s could benefit from OP2’s help!
@kathryncoffey8961 2 года назад
I like how some of these IDWHL vids end with a wholesome experience. While I can’t say I have a story like that, let alone an IDWHL story period, I wouldn’t mind listening to those nice, wholesome tales on your channel
@ghislainedefeligonde5166 2 года назад
And such an intelligent child "mom, she doesn't work here, she just wears a red shirt" There is hope for the future right there.
@heathermiller5765 2 года назад
@@ghislainedefeligonde5166 How about that, a kid smarter than all these dumb Karens combined 😄
@kuroshinryu 2 года назад
Story two was handled, oh so well. That's going to be a tough one to beat for sure.
@joehung1552 2 года назад
I think if I was OP in the first story, my cane would give her a nice rectal exam.
@alyssamounts9876 2 года назад
I currently work retail and the amount of adults that I see everyday that for some reason or the other, refuse to read a simple sign, still astounds me. One customer literally asked if we had a candy aisle...3 aisles down from the giant sign that said, "Candy." I've also been asked where the rice was located at....directly next to the aisle with rice as well as the giant sign....I want to shed tears of joy whenever I overhear customers telling someone they are with that they read a sign for some product located nearby and to follow them. I've also encountered an angry customer in the toy section of my store because she couldn't find toothpaste...
@brothersgt.grauwolff6716 2 года назад
it's because they can't be arsed to either look up from their phone or pulling their head from how far up their @$$ it is
@RedT...TheOriginal.NotANumber 2 года назад
I'll be honest, I've had days where I just completely missed a sign. I mean literally standing at the end of the next aisle over from what I wanted, and couldn't find it. But at least I wasn't rude about it! (A bit embarrassed, actually.) Usually it's because I'm tired or something. So, thanks to you and all the others who deal with those of us having brain dumps. Hopefully most are respectable about it!
@sicilianboy27 2 года назад
When I worked retail I was stocking the detergent aisle and this lady who was literally standing IN FRONT of a pallet of bleach turned to her friend and said "let's go somewhere else because this place is out of bleach"
@erikrungemadsen2081 2 года назад
45 million people are considered functionally iliterate in the U.S. There might be a reason they don’t read signs. And trust me it is not much better in my country.
@RedT...TheOriginal.NotANumber 2 года назад
@@erikrungemadsen2081 That's an interesting bit of information. I had to look up a few things, but: 1) I confirmed your statement. 43mil of the 330mil (or 1 in 7) people in the US are functionally illiterate. 2) The ratio is the same in the UK. 3) Functional illiteracy is defined as "reading below a 5th grade level". 4) This problem is often due to undiagnosed learning disabilities, like ADHD or autism. 5) 15% of adults around the world are illiterate/functionally illiterate. So once again, a lot of the problems in the US come back to the shitty healthcare system. When will these stuffed-shirt bureaucrats learn that?! What country do you live in?
@namethestars 2 года назад
My favourite IDWHL moment was when I was in a shop primarily film based and this poor guy asked for my help as he couldn't find Aladdin (apparently a film his gf loved), I'm a film fan and regularly frequent that store so I knew the layout well. To the chagrin of my then husband I went and helped him find the item, he didn't realise until after that I didn't work there - tried to apologise but it wasn't necessary, I like helping others especially when they are appreciative of the effort. The smile at him getting the item was thanks enough ☺
@jamescarrington5521 2 года назад
I can't tell you how many times I have helped complete strangers in stores, and a few times, when they were extremely elderly, I've even let them continue to think I work there and I have completely stopped my own current mission in the store to help them, and I don't think most people would mind helping anyone....just don't be an entitled jerk about it.
@MsAubrey 2 года назад
Right. I help people in our local mom & pop grocery store ask the time, because I go there so often that I know where most things are.
@lechatbotte. 2 года назад
I believe the people who attack others like this are just wanted to display their bigotry and hatred but try to cover it by claiming they think the person works there.
@albertocabezas282 2 года назад
Once I had to try a walking stick and yes, a karen started her stupidity against me. Bad for her. I'm quite sure my surprise kicking (done with my good leg) still hurts. Same to the idiot who blocked my exit from the subway.
@someguy7629 2 года назад
People whenever they came to close to me to try and intimidate me (i'm tiny, ish) I just give a quick, hard knee into the privates. That's what happens XD And if they poke thier figner into my chats i bend it in unnatural ways.
@Mongolenfreak 2 года назад
Karen logic: you breath so you know human anatomy, you must be a medical professional
@Offutticus 2 года назад
You know, in every store I have ever been in, there's these things called "Signs". They are almost always overhead and sometimes also on the ends of aisles. Amazing, right? And of all the times I have frequented stores, and at my age, that's a lot, I have probably only asked for directions a handful of times. Usually because an item was moved from where it should be to one of the ends. Like, putting the Oreos next to the milk instead of the cookie aisle. And in those handful of times, never did I ask nor expect to be shown the location. I think the only time I was taken to the location was in Lowe's or Home Depot. And that time was because the employee wasn't quite sure where they were either. Even in stores, I was visiting for the first time, I could still find what I needed. Because, you know, sign.
@erikrungemadsen2081 2 года назад
15% of Anericans are iliterate. In my own country it is about 13%. It is actually a problem in modern society since most jobs need at least a low level of literacy.
@nellinightshade3358 2 года назад
uh-uh. a good, accidental double whammy to the shins at the very least. you know us cripples... we can't control our mobility devices if flustered.
@ClaireCaoimheRaeMoonshadow 2 года назад
That last story was the sweetest!
@emeraldqueen1994 2 года назад
First story : I also use a cane for mobility (CP) and if someone kicked it out from under me, they’d be LUCKY if they only got a bruise from me… self defense sometimes HAS to mean getting physical (I hope I NEVER meet someone I couldn’t just talk away) EDIT : I love the last story!!! 🥰
@rickypedia999 2 года назад
That last one has to be the most innocent case of "I don't work here" ever
@silverflight01 2 года назад
Story 6: I’m not too familiar with bathrooms that need a key, but I bet a lot of conflicts resulted from those
@RedT...TheOriginal.NotANumber 2 года назад
Not really. It's pretty common in busier areas, to prevent random people from walking in and using the bathroom. Toilet paper, water, towels... it all costs money. So it's kinda rude to walk into a place and use their bathroom without buying anything. Worse in more urban places where people... do other things. So the logical solution is to lock the door and only let customers borrow the key. Most people are pretty reasonable about the whole thing. Annnnnd then there's THOSE people. But they're the exception, not the rule.
@dragonfliesnh4204 2 года назад
This is common at gas stations in my area. This is due to people people ODing in the bathrooms or making a huge mess in them. The employees have to make sure the bathroom isn't trashed afterwards. The bathrooms are less likely to be disgusting and dirty because of this and less people will use them to do drugs. It is a pain to get a key and return it especially when the employees are really busy checking customers out, but it does help overall.
@crimsonmaelstrom573 Год назад
Story 7 just made my day so much better. OP definitely deserves the Big Heart Award for going out of her way to help a little kid make his sister feel better
@TheDarkLink7 2 года назад
What a wholesome last story.
@TinyGiraffes Год назад
Gotta love the "Just because you're not legally allowed to help me doesn't mean you shouldn't help me!"
@BHStudios01 2 года назад
3:30… for anyone wondering WHY the OGP (online grocery picker… we are the ones who do the shopping for you inside the stores when you purchase online) didn’t stop to show the Karen where everything she wanted was located in the store… WE CAN’T. Every single one of our runs is timed, we’re expected to pick a certain amount of items per hour (at LEAST 100 per hour, which is why you see us speed running around the store with our pick carts… and god forbid if we get assigned an Express order that’s usually due in less than fifteen minutes from the time we accept it), and we are grabbing items for orders that have already been paid for. If we go past the time expectations, we can and DO get in trouble. So we will TRY to point you in the general direction, but we legit cannot walk you to the item UNLESS we are not in the middle of a run. Yes, I agree, it sucks that we can’t really help you out fully, that’s not the customer service skills I was taught in ALL other customer facing jobs (15 years with Shoprite, we were HIGHLY encouraged to walk you to the item you were looking for), but that’s how it is for OGP employees.
@MontanaRose406 2 года назад
After seeing post after post, I am really wondering, has anyone every heard of a real employee lying and saying they don't work there? The way these Karen's act, they seem to think this is common.
@user-mc5vy2vk5n 2 года назад
I wondered that, too, and came to result that: 1) there are employees on their break, who are indeed wearing an uniform, but aren't even legally allowed to work on their breaks and they answer "I don't work now / I'm on my break" and Karen's mind doesn't process such complex info, 2) they do work here, but not atm, just finished their shift (usually after night shift) and they just do shopping there before going home, or it may be their day off in general, 3) they used to work there, but don't do it anymore and Karens aren't able to process it as well, 4) they're putting products on the shelves in their section and Karens demand to be walked to section across the store they don't know well, so they refuse their help, 5) they are some manager checking on the local shop belonging to the chain and it's neither they job to help out the customers, not they have idea where something is, they just happen to wear what employees of the local store do, but really aren't able to help the customer. No sane employee in uniform would really answer that they don't work there, their polo shirt / lanyard / name tag is a giveaway. Usually the insane ones in such situations are customers, not able to comprehend simple answer and / or perceiving it as invalid excuse.
@windscryer 2 года назад
i mean, if all they ever ask are non-employees it *is* common. that they are the problem is irrelevant and how dare you bring that up! I WANT TO SPEAK TO THE MANAGER OF RU-vid ABOUT THIS RUDE EMPLOYEE.
@JoshSweetvale 2 года назад
Beautiful. More Karens should be treated like doddering dementia patients. 'Cuz some effectively _are._
@RippingJack76 2 года назад
When you're right you're right! If people ask nicely I will help them out for hours on end. Usually to the detriment of my own Pursuits. When people start acting rude and entitled they get a big hearty helping of Lady I don't work here.
@someguy7629 2 года назад
Same here.
@OcusticClear92 2 года назад
Attention, Karens, everywhere! Understand this: Ask, and you may receive. Demand, and you get nothing! Use the following phrase for the next time you need help: " Excuse me. I am in need of help. Would you be willing to help me?"
@SIS3W3N 2 года назад
Calling Panda Express a Chinese restaurant seems a bit... generous.
@lisachristoph437 2 года назад
I happen to be a short older shopper and often need help getting something off the top shelf. I wait patiently and I soon see a tall enough person to assist me. I always ask politely if I can get a hand. People are always agreeable as long as everyone is polite.
@unfortunatelyafangirl9587 2 года назад
The thing that I think is very sweet is that most of these stories start with op helping a perfectly lovely person first. People are willing to help if you they can & you aren’t a jerk
@johnburnside7828 2 года назад
Nope! Nope! Nope! OP in the first story should have gotten the manager and demanded the Karen be banned from the store for harassment and physical assault!!!!
@Rhaenarys 2 года назад
That last story was too freaking adorable!
@nickstewart6919 2 года назад
Story 4: it would be better if it started raining making the cement dust wet and ruining his car
@KatieB33 2 года назад
I love story 4, as a female who’s favourite place to window shop is Bunnings hardware. I’ll have to check out Camry’s in the car park 😆
@SabersLionHugger 5 месяцев назад
Legend has it that Story 6 Karen is still out there, searching for someone to help her with the bathroom.
@stoopingfalcon891 2 года назад
My personal favourite Karen story. Many years ago, I worked as a relief manager for a newsagent chain in Scotland (Now defunct). Covering for managers on holiday or sick leave, that kind of thing. I was in one shop where the staff were amazing, one of whom was Tracy, a really nice girl about 16. In walks entitled b**ch, snapped her fingers at Tracy saying 'You, go and get me that newspaper'. Without so much as batting an eyelid, Tracy replies 'Snap your fingers at me again and I will snap your fingers, get your own f'ing newspaper'. The look on the Karens face was priceless, she bolted out of the shop. Tracy turns to me all red in the face, 'Sorry boss but she just annoyed me'. No way was I gonna discipline her for what she did but I did say to her, 'next time, try it without swearing'.
@cabbievonbump 2 года назад
For the Camry Concrete Guy. Oh, man, I WISH I could've seen it. OP, this evil laugh and Foster's is for you!☝👍
@JCHB322 2 года назад
Story 4 I was *hoping* for some malicious compliance when the dude told him "I want 30 bags *on* my car!" and the worker actually DID it! And then the part where the bags ripped and spilled the dry concrete powder all over "Camry Carl's" car... 😆 I was so glad that Fluff had the same idea in mind... if it only had started to rain right at that moment! 😂
@frankrosenbaum3471 Год назад
OR, if the guy tried to use the windshield washer.
@lopaka76 2 года назад
Story 1: I wish the employee had said that the company does not appreciate customers harassing and assaulting other customers, that her business is not needed and escort her from the store.
@funnywelshman6380 2 года назад
The last story was so heart warming OP was so kind. I wish all these videos had these
@TheAttacker732 2 года назад
Fluff, don't forget about the trailer in the concrete story. He's probably trying to pull ~1700lbs with his car. Not *impossible,* but definitely hard on the car and very hard on the brakes.
@lbauer51 2 года назад
On story 3 I think I would march up to customer service, inform them that Karen had been harrassing me and abusive and demand that she be banned from the store. Might even go so far as to request the cops be called for assault as grabbing someone and refusing to let go should qualify.
@pLanetstarBerry 2 года назад
I do a lot of repair work around the house and come from a family of DIYers, so I frequent the hardware stores enough that I get mistaken for an employee a lot. This has happened even when I wear something no hardware employee would be allowed to wear on the clock (cutoff shorts, open toed sandals, an old t shirt, etc) My friends joke that it's my butch energy telling them "ask the gal with the undercut, she can help you." So far everyone who asked me for help is very polite, and I know where everything is, so of course I'm willing to help them.
@blakepace 2 года назад
I LOVE the Wholesome last story!
@mr.cellophane526 Год назад
What a treat. Two episodes with wholesome stories in a row.
@thatjeff7550 2 года назад
Last story: sadly, I can easily imagine the mom telling the kid, "Now, when you go get the Oreos, look for someone wearing a red shirt and be extra nice to them. Tell them you're looking for them for your sick sister. Say something like, 'I want the double stuffed ones so my sister will be double happy,' when you do. There's a slight chance the person will even buy them for you. That's grifting 101."
@someguy7629 2 года назад
Child abuse.
@blackangel6589 2 года назад
I know the world is bad, but come on, let us have a little wholesome story and don´t destroy it by assuming the worst right away, seriously.
@Rhaenarys 2 года назад
@@blackangel6589 agreed. Besides...doesn't sound like it. They'd want you to pay for everything, since...you know...sick kid, can't afford it bullcrap.
@Malicedagrey Год назад
The “HWAT?!” Takes me out every time🤣 10:06
@katrinajoyce6658 Год назад
Even the bag’s of concrete got in on the malicious compliance 😂🤣😂
@c.b.barlow 2 года назад
I'll shop at similar stores, but the layout is backwards. I can usually figure out where things are, and if I have any problems I work backwards. It's really not that difficult. Where I get confused is when the store changes where certain things are as this can be disorienting. Again, it's really not that difficult.
@wstavis3135 2 года назад
First story, the beautiful thing about walking sticks is they make fantastic weapons with which to defend yourself from assault. Story three, I'm so surprised more people aren't just slapped, punched or kicked when they attack people. Story four, a quick "f*ck off" would have sufficed. Last story, I love Fluff's ending on a great note.
@61rampy65 2 года назад
Thank you Fluff for putting fun stories at the end. It helps negate all the true Karen stories!
@thatonestardewnerd Год назад
Why is the kid with the Oreos literally so sweet though??
@kairoixi 20 дней назад
I often forget that some countries are convinced you need a large vehicle to tow anything. A Camry is more than capable of towing a box trailer with 600kg in it.
@andybreglia9431 2 года назад
In the Panda segment, your animated icon said she Hope's Karen doesn't find one for a very long time. This is going to sound vicious, but I hope Karen wets her pants in front of everyone, and some tiny kid yells loudly, "Mommy, that lady over there peed her pants."
@MamaLauren523 2 года назад
I love it when you end with a wholesome story❤️ It's like a palate cleanser for the mind and an emotional reset after getting so mad at these entitled, hateful crazy people 😄
@Remoniq 2 года назад
Karens must be a rare breed where I live, for I have never seen anything like this in all my life.
@FolkloreLover 2 года назад
That double stuff story did make me double happy! We need more of that in the world.
@simplywatching2470 Год назад
Honestly, the second story just.. confuses me. She was angry she wasn't getting help, yet didn't accept OP's help. This sorta just made me think that she actively wanted to ruin someone's day.
@charlesestes7082 2 года назад
Little kids like the one in the last story are a hoot. I might have bought the cookies for their sister, too.
@MuffinHunterX Год назад
If anyone needs another wholesome story a few years ago I was stocking the toy section of the store I work at and a toddler excitedly ran up to me and hugged my leg. The parents saw my startled expression melt into a smile and chuckled. I had been having a sort of _meh_ day so it really lifted my spirits.
@northernshield5414 Год назад
The kid in the seventh story was just so sweet that it gave me cavities when the kid said he wanted the double stuffed oreos to make his sister double happy ^3^
@adamb89 2 года назад
#1 reminds me of my cousin who walked with a cane at 19 after a serious motorcycle accident nearly cost him a leg. (They were able to save it, but it could barely support any weight.) He was also a professional gunsmith who specialized in restoring antiques, and that cane was actually a single-shot 20-gauge pipe gun. There was a hinge like thing on the side that protected the trigger, but it could be discretely opened with the hand that was resting on it, raised, and fired before most people would comprehend what was actually happening. So any time you see someone with a cane, just remember, you don't know what that cane is capable of.
@Rae0814 8 месяцев назад
The last story was kind of wholesome. The kid didn’t know any better and got confused.
@computernerd1101 2 года назад
OP: I don't work here, lady. Karen: Yes, you do! Me: I really hate fake psychics who pretend to know you better than you know yourself.
@tranz2deep Год назад
That last one... was glorious. So many Karens, we end up asking ourselves "How could they not know better?" when deep down we know they've all but blinded themselves by sheer indignation by that point. An actual little kid that really didn't know proved to be smarter than any of them. I have a quick temper but you know what? I don't have anger issues. It took me Karen stories to realize this as they showed me my getting over it quickly and seeing what I wasn't realizing before meant it's not the literal blinding rage of the Karen.
@ToddAdams1234 2 года назад
YES!!! 2 simple phrases, “Please and Thank You”. NOT a difficult concept! 💁🏻
@blitzwinters5687 7 месяцев назад
Not even an I don't work here, but I do have a wholesome story. I was out doing my own shopping one day, and as I get to the registers, I find a group of kids arguing with each other over who should get rid of what, since they didn't have enough money to pay for the snacks they were getting. I just walked up and told them no one had to get rid of anything, and I'd pay for it. I even told them that if there was something they wanted but hadn't gotten because they knew they hadn't enough money for it, they could go ahead and get it. One of them went and grabbed one of those cheap plastic baseball bat and ball sets and asked if it was okay for him to get it. I told him yes, and he was super hype - said he was never able to have anything like that because he didn't have enough money. Best $13 I've ever spent.
@kayleighlehrman9566 Год назад
Before Aussie OP specified that the entitled guy had a trailer, I was very confused by how he thought he could fit 30 bags of concrete into a Camry
@Mr.LegoBrick 2 года назад
The kast one gave me second hand happiness in my head i was like "Finally a wholesome story!"
@Danarchy3 2 года назад
Story 4: “you pour the bag into the hole, wet it with your hose….” Uhh no! Never ever ever ever do concrete like that. Buy a separate mixing trough so that you can make sure the mixture is not too thick or too thin before you put it in the hole
@autonomouscollective2599 2 года назад
You know, of all these stories I found this one the most dubious. The OP said he didn’t want to hurt his back for the hard work that was coming later, but then lifts and carries 30 bags of concrete. I don’t know…
@diannelavoie5385 2 года назад
There's a product by Quikcrete called readyset that is used in just that way. Great for such applications such as setting fenceposts, mailbox posts and similar uses. Very handy stuff. No troughs or laborious mixing needed.
@Danarchy3 2 года назад
@@diannelavoie5385 I know some products say they can be used this way. But how I look at that is the same way that some foods give instructions for stove top and other instructions for microwave. You *could* cook it in the microwave, but the end result will not be nearly as good as if you used the stove top
@zathtanks 2 года назад
@@Danarchy3 u don’t cook enough clearly. There is majucwith microwaves you clearly were not taught
@Danarchy3 2 года назад
@@zathtanks I can’t even begin to try and figure out what you meant. But you do you, enjoy your microwave dinners, I’ll actually cook my food thanks
@perry714. 2 года назад
That last story was cute, so glad the child found a caring person lol
@tracygardner6318 2 года назад
If someone’s on their break lady even if they work there they don’t have to help you they’re on their break.
@tamarynbrown3178 2 года назад
Story four as soon as i hear Australian Hardware store i just screamed "BUNNINGS WAREHOUSE, LOWEST PRICES ARE JUST THE BEGINNING" i was so excited lol
Wait for winner 🏆 😂 #shorts
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