
r/IDontWorkHereLady - Psycho Karen Attacks an Army Vet! Worst Mistake of Her LIFE! 

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21 сен 2024




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@SirusEinzla Год назад
Karen is lucky cause I've seen what can happen if someone who has a violent PTSD reaction isn't stopped in time. It can end horriblely.
@AurizenDarkstar Год назад
Exactly. Many times a PTSD episode will force the person to completely freeze or roll into a ball (or in worse situations, go catatonic). But many will relive what caused it and go into self preservation mode. And simply put, when you're dealing with someone who was taught to kill, it can turn deadly for whomever causes their episode to surface, and the person won't even know what they did during their episode.
@jasmineharrison7822 Год назад
My grandfathers had ptsd so I understand War flashbacks are no joke Soto the fool who did something that stupid to a military veteran she is dead lucky the dude got the man off her because things would never end well for her
@m.degroot6837 Год назад
Karen v.s Rambo. A battle for the ages.
@kranberry3318 Год назад
It doesn’t matter what your intentions are when you trigger that person. It doesn’t matter if all you wanted to do was yank them back to you to yell and whine. As far as we’re concerned, you’re here to kill me and I have to kill you first so I don’t die. Thankfully I’m pretty easy to stop, but most others - ESPECIALLY vets - are a lot harder to shake out of their episode. Mine is just from being strangled and almost dying (twice) so it’s not like I’m reliving war where I don’t notice someone yelling to stop because the scene I’m in is supposed to sound chaotic. My incidents were traumatic because I was alone and there was no one to save me. So as soon as someone yells or something, I don’t see another target, I see a possible rescue. Then I transition into the “catatonic silent panic attack can’t breathe or speak” response. I remember once that happened in music class or something in HS. (My NDE’s happened when I was very young.) Thankfully I didn’t try to kill anyone when I was triggered and skipped violence straight to panic attack, because that’s also a possible outcome. I couldn’t speak for like half an hour or something. When I’m in the thick of it, I cannot perceive anything around me bc all I can see and hear is events replaying over and over and over. I had one friend who could pull me out of those. Thankfully, we had that class together, so she got me through it. I was in touch with reality, not stuck in a replay, could breathe well enough but still struggling, but I couldn’t speak for the rest of the class period. Half an hour or something thereabouts. Fortunately, she and I had also been teaching ourselves a little ASL out of a dictionary just for fun. I was able to sign to her what I needed. Best possible outcome tbh. Anyway yeah don’t trigger people they can kill you if there’s no one capable of stopping them
@andrewstackpool4911 Год назад
I wonder how her Army husband would have responded
@natasjaaitchison4409 Год назад
“I need deodorant!” ‘We can smell, Karen. We can smell.’ 🤢😂😂
@LunaP1 Год назад
She needs glasses and brain surgery too.
@Maninawig Год назад
All the time I am thinking "Don't think they have any roll-one for her stinky attitude."
@joehung1552 Год назад
My first thought was "You sure do Karen."
@dinascharnhorst6590 Год назад
EUREKA!!! (Yeah, a terrible pun, I know)...
@voutsider190 Год назад
That's what I was thinking, lol
@jonborchardt5548 Год назад
Story #3: It's NEVER a good idea to attack a military vet, no matter the branch.
@TheSjuris Год назад
I knew a guy who claimed he was an ex-Navy Seal he got into a argument with a co-worker who weighed 100lbs if his clothes were wet and got roundly ass whipped by this guy.
@fredk.2001 Год назад
@@TheSjuris, anyone can claim to be a VET. Not all claims are true.
@robertbode2716 Год назад
@@TheSjuris So your support is you knew a guy who knew a guy?
@TheSjuris Год назад
@@robertbode2716 nope, I knew a guy. As in personally knew a guy. Not knew a guy who knew a guy. Guy was a white piece of shit too. A real braggart and an uneducated idiot.
@TheSjuris Год назад
@@fredk.2001 nobody doubted that the idiot was a vet, there’s no way he was an actual Navy Seal.
@Azsnas Год назад
Story 3: I have a friend that was in some Spec Ops unit. Highly trained in CQC. Someone scared him once & he hip tossed them onto the ground into a choke hold. No warning either. Fastest thing I ever saw. PTSD is no joke.
@davidcox3076 Год назад
I watched an interview with a Marine who had just gotten back from a tour of the jungles in Southeast Asia. He went home to his mom's trailer. She made him a place to sleep in the living room floor. As some point during the night she got up to adjust the thermostat. She stepped over her son to get to it. When he woke up his mom was on the floor and he was on top, choking her. He had reacted in his sleep. If someone hadn't intervened, Karen would have been in much worse shape.
@DerekScottBland Год назад
Yep. Childhood friend of mine had a step dad who had shell shock (I will NOT use the pussified terms people make up to make this horrible condition sound better) after serving in Vietnam. He went to wake stepdad up, touched him lightly. Next thing he knew, he was on his back with stepdad strangling him with one hand and a fist raised to punch him in the face.
@christopherjones8448 Год назад
@Druid of Scosglen It's not a competition you know
@CalifScots Год назад
Story 3: I am a combat vet and have had a few nasty experiences over the years. I don’t do 4th of July much anymore because of the fireworks but I had some friends talk me into it a few years back. They said they would be careful and warn with the fireworks going off, and it was a great evening of food and friendship…. until one of their neighbors thought it would be funny to chuck an M-80 (loud firecracker if you aren’t familiar) over behind my chair. I bolted up and just about jumped him before they got to me, but that was it for me for the night. I think a lot of people don’t realize the depths of ‘invisible trauma’ like that. A lot of stories in these subreddits talk about abuse survivors, veterans of one service or another, or crime victims, all reacting to something and a ‘Karen’ giving them crap for it. Just because you can’t see the scars, Karen, doesn’t mean they aren’t there. Sorry for the rant…
@astellehope7345 4 месяца назад
I can't imagine. I'm the type of person who likee to cross boundaries when it's safe mentally and physically for someone and in a respectful way. However, I know when there are boundaries not to cross, and when I don't know about something like a trauma, or how it is to live with, I shut it and don't do anything that can trigger something like that.
@Icalasari Год назад
Story 3 - I am SO happy somebody recognized what was going on and helped the guy out of his PTSD episode and that the woman got arrested. These can go SO wrong for the victim of PTSD
@gaza102289 Год назад
For story three: Ignoring the end of the story, if some woman waltzed into a pharmacy asking for ways to drug her kid, clearly stating she doesn't care was it is, I'd be calling the police for a welfare check
@SharmClucas Год назад
Yes, exactly! That poor kid!
@DarDarBinks1986 Год назад
Don't get me started on people who come into a pharmacy and ask those of us who aren't pharmacists what drugs are best for what ailment. I work in a retail pharmacy and have done both front-end and pharmacy duty. Back when I was a front-end cashier, I had this one guy ask me where laxatives were. I led him to the digestive aisle and showed him where the laxatives were. Then he asked me which one was the best. How the hell should I know? I'm not a pharmacist or doctor! I don't know shit about shit that makes you shit!
@melkiorwiseman5234 Год назад
From her behaviour, I'd hazard a guess that she was on something illegal which means that she very possibly had it on her, which would have led to a very fast loss of her child to the authorities once they searched her during processing at the police station.
@SharmClucas Год назад
@@panchoandthemule Who are you replying to? I think you might have responded to the wrong comment accidentally. I hope things get better for you soon.
@Iflie Год назад
Yeah if it's even her own kid. Probably just mad the child is crying. Red flags everywhere.
@silverflight01 Год назад
Story 3: I get that Karen was probably worried about her kid, and it put her on edge, but that doesn't excuse berating everyone and pulling on some guy's lanyard, choking him. That's trouble
@LunaP1 Год назад
I doubt she even cared about her kid and is just a violent psychopath.
@SharmClucas Год назад
Not that worried, she was more fussed about getting meds to shut her baby up than if the poor kid needed medical attention.
@YouTubeSupportSucks Год назад
She wasn't that worried, clearly, since she put herself in jail thus removing herself from her son and likely ruining her finances with a court case.
@Maninawig Год назад
I have seen plenty of concerned parents (at least here in Canada) and the kid comes first, lines be damned. I remember once seeing a young couple rush their kid into a walk-in clinic cause their doc was too far away... the receptionist actually got my doc away from the patient he was seeing to check on this kid... not one person complained. I doubt that Karen was very concerned about her kid more than annoyed she had to parent.
@richardwhite3924 Год назад
I am a 27 year U. S Army retiree who started his Army career with Vietnam and ended it with Operation Desert Storm. Over the 27 years I was wounded twice and I have severe PTSD. If I had been the veteran she attacked, it is entirely possible that they would have been taking her body to the morgue instead of taking her alive to the police station.
@mynvision Год назад
Spam is a popular, high-theft item, as with other canned meats. I remember reading in the news about those smash and grab crime rings targeting those. I think it was either in NYC or SF. Also, the PTDS gentleman...he was trying to get away from the situation, and the woman essentially choked him with his lanyard! Being choked is horrid, and, in a normal situation is bad enough, and I would have fought tooth and nail to get rid of the person doing that to me.I can't even imagine how someone with PTSD would be feeling, but I totally understand the reaction.
@NN48commander 7 месяцев назад
But who actually eats spam
@citizenken7069 Год назад
Story 1 - Karen says, "I need deodorant!" I'd have sniffed, made a disgusted face, and said, "Yep, you sure do!"
@shariys1 5 месяцев назад
I would have shouted "THEN GO FIND IT, B!!CH!!"
@kranberry3318 Год назад
Story 5: Yoooo OP is THE REAL MVP my man just lookin out for overworked people who need help and doing what needs to be done just to help. He deserves the best in life!!!
@silverflight01 Год назад
Story 4: Yeah, nobody wants THAT attitude in a workplace. It would've been a nightmare. Hopefully this experience taught her a lesson and made her improve her attitude so people would hire her
@RunnyBabbitMom Год назад
I know someone like her and I can tell you what happened. Person: So how did the interview go. Entitled moron: The interviewer was a man, they didn't like me because I'm too much of a strong woman and that intimates them.
@jamesweekley1087 Год назад
The problem is, once hired she would revert back to her Karen-ish ways. She wouldn't be able to help it. It's in her blood.
@timengineman2nd714 Год назад
Worst yet, she would have been the first person your customers would have seen!
@The_momur Год назад
@@RunnyBabbitMom 😂😅😂😂👍🏼🤣😂🤣👍🏼
@albertocabezas282 Год назад
Once saw this with my own eyes. My boss was interviewing people to hire someone to a vacant managerial site. How unprofessional is to show themselves like you just jump from the bed without a shower, disheveled and cig smelling. Another woman came yelling orders to the employees like she was actually hired to the position. She dared to tell my boss many things have to change here because she doesn't like this and that. My boss waited for a karen's pause and told her he didn't like her attitude and how nastiness like yelling to the employees are completely banned here. He showed her the door. Horrible woman.
@DarkEinherjar Год назад
Every time a Karen gets punched in the face, it's sweet karmic justice.
@jamesweekley1087 Год назад
"It's about time. I need deodorant." OP should have sniffed the air audibly and said, "That's for sure!".
@melkiorwiseman5234 Год назад
"Your personal hygine issues are none of my concern."
@jamesweekley1087 Год назад
@@melkiorwiseman5234 Another good one!
@SPY46 Год назад
I once went to an A&W, got my food and then headed off to the bathroom, of course like most fast food places, even the men's room only has one stall, sadly it was plugged and I needed to use it. The staff were rather busy with a number of customers so I figured what the hell and used the plunger to unclog the VERY nasty toilet, did what I needed to. on my way out the apparently only male employee was about to go in and take care of it, told him it was taken care of. He asked me why and my only answer was "it's a toilet, anyone can do that." poor guy was grateful and surprised.
@lancerevell5979 Год назад
Karen: "I need deodorant!" Me: " " Yes, you surely do!" 😆 People will steal anything not nailed down.
@LunaP1 Год назад
I've seen a crackhead steal packets of gum. I wish I had ratted her out or tripped her at the door, but I was too stunned at the audacity.
@voutsider190 Год назад
That's what was thinking, lol
@emanymton7184 Год назад
And then they will steal the nails
@KingOfYamimakai Год назад
Story three: The veteran won't get in any trouble as Karen is the one that started the whole thing. Also her husband won't do a damn thing for her after hearing what she did since military officers have huge respect for Veteran so when he hear what his wife did to an Army Vet he won't do anything and might seek a divorce lawyer since I don't think he want to stay married to a woman that attack an Army Vet.
@jonathanwilliams1065 Год назад
Except it’s Canada so self defense isn’t allowed
@KingOfYamimakai Год назад
@@jonathanwilliams1065 That only apply to firearms. Physical self defense should be legal.
@jonathanwilliams1065 Год назад
@@KingOfYamimakai self defense With a firearm should be legal too The people in charge of Canada make the Democrats look conservative
@KingOfYamimakai Год назад
@@jonathanwilliams1065 Nope. Canada has strict gun control law where you can't open and conceal carry. You still can own guns you just can't carry it with you unless you are going to a shooting range where you are legally allowed to shoot your gun, but your gun must not be loaded and the ammo must be in a separate container from the gun when traveling to the said range. You can defend yourself physically you just can't defend yourself with a firearm.
@jonathanwilliams1065 Год назад
@@KingOfYamimakai you also can’t buy, sell, or transfer guns in Canada by decree of the dear leader now If you use even slightly more force than necessary prosecutors will pounce even in the US Now maybe if this incident happened out west he’d be ok but if he’s where 90% of Canadians live, and he killed her, the idiots there would totally make an example of him or just offer to have a doctor kill him, probably both
@billiearens5543 Год назад
The Lawson story was so sweet. I really don’t understand Karen’s. I was taught to respect others. Especially people who work hard, for little pay, ie dishwashers, cooks, janitors, wait staff, etc. You couldn’t keep a business going without them. Here’s hoping for 2023 we can treat people the way we would like to be treated. Thank you Fluff
@lilmelody93 Год назад
Common sense isnt so common, lucky for us. I'm addicted to these stories lol
@catjazzhappycat7273 Год назад
The only common sense some of these ( people ) have is the loose change in their pockets / purse.
@lilmelody93 Год назад
@@catjazzhappycat7273 except when there was a change shortage
@catjazzhappycat7273 Год назад
@@lilmelody93 LOL,
@TriXJester Год назад
Story 3: This can happen with PTSD and also with people with sever anger control issues, I've seen it happen and have had this happen to me as a teenager because I was part of youth group that tried to help us with those anger problems. It's really like getting a switch flipped in your head, you literally get turned off and your body begins to act more on instinct. I think it was explained to me that the rush of adrenaline just kinda takes over? Idk cus its been over ten years since that conversation. Anyway, the point is that when this happens the target of that person's rage is in serious danger, even if the person whose raging seems to be non-threatening. In my case I was a small girl who barely weighed more than a large dog most of my life, and even I could cause some serious damage. That man who intervened literally saved that Karen's life, an assumedly athletically built man with combat experience would of killed her if no one had stopped him.
@quartzskull8772 Год назад
Finally someone who shares this shit cause anytime I try to explain it's like a switch getting flipped I get looked at like I'm insane
@Choujifangirl Год назад
Exactly you do not mess with PTSD especially PTSD in regards to war because veterans were trained to kill and if their PTSD comes back they can easily kill a mothertrucker without even realizing that they actually killed a mothertrucker
@Choujifangirl Год назад
@@quartzskull8772 trust me you’re not insane 😊👍
@Kazeshini11 Год назад
I know what you mean all too well. Don't have to be military trained to snap like that. Lemme set the scene. I was 17 (am 41 now), had anger issues and to boot, I had just lost my mom to cancer. A class bully who was a bit bigger than me was trying to comfort me when I went back to school by slapping me on the shoulder each time he passed next to me in class. After the 3rd time I asked him to please stop. He didn't. The 5th time tbh all I remember is his hand touching my shoulder and I just reacted. I got up, lunged for his throat with my dominant hand, put my leg behind his to make him lose balance and I slammed him on the desk in front of mine. Didn't even take 5 seconds and I was choking him with both hands before I even understood what happened. I was put in detention for attacking another student but when the truth came out and others from my class corroborated my side of the story I was let off detention with a warning. But it set the tone to not mess with me which in a sense I was grateful cause all I wanted was to be left alone. I always hated to be touched by strangers since I was young so it didn't help either.
@EricTheKei Год назад
"I NEED DEODORANT!!!" "Yeah -- Oh, Dear God, do you ever need it!" *backing away quickly*
@kat8753 Год назад
I think all job interviews should go like this. You never know who you are hiring until you see how they treat others. It would definitely weed out troublemakers before they become a problem.
@darlenefraser3022 Год назад
I swear, if someone bashed their cart into mine while yelling, “I need deodorant!”, I would have given an obvious sniff in her direction, make a face and say, “You most certainly do!”
@lancerevell5979 Год назад
If a rabid Karen attacked me like that, she'd be eating a big helping of floor. 🤨
@timengineman2nd714 Год назад
Last story reminds me of when I worked at a 7-11 while in the Navy Reserve. I quit after going back to full Active Duty, I swung by while still in uniform just before the normal 2nd shift would take over, (I used to work 3rd) and the manager told me that "Bill" was late and could I run the register and help while he counted and signed in the new cigarette cartoons. I smelled and winked at the regular customers, who smiled, some even softly chuckling under their breath at the situation, About a third or more stayed around to see how long it was before "Bob" realized his mistake. It actually took "Bob" 10 to 15 minutes (sorry, I know it was over 10 minutes, but this happened in 1985 so I've forgotten exactly how long it was) before he realized that everyone was smiling and took a good look at me in my summer whites! I shipped out soon afterwards, but I imagine it was a Long time before the regulars let him forget that mistake.......
@Traveler19491 Год назад
First story: OP missed a golden opportunity. When Karen shouted, "I need deodorant!" OP should have loudly said, "You sure do! Do you always smell that bad? I've smelled dumpsters that weren't as bad as you." Then hold his nose and given her the sourest face he could manage.
@hippychipsguitars601 Год назад
I don't even have PTSD, but if someone decides to put hands on me it will not end well for them.
@iononcantomascrivo Год назад
Story number 3: Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Karen messed around and she found out. Hopefully her baby daddy cuts ties and gets full custody of their child. She's obviously an unfit mother.
@victoriawilliams2786 Год назад
About a decade ago I went shopping at Walmart with the mother of my grandkids. She took the top off of two bottles of Dawn dish soap to top one off. I walked towards her when she was midway through and the second I saw what she was doing I changed directions pretending I don't know her. I never went shopping with her again. It really pissed me off. I'm not a thief and I can't stand people who are.
@Maninawig Год назад
Story 4: TBH, I kinda like when stories like that happen to the boss. Both because it gives the boss a first-hand account rather than having Karen calling the staff a liar, and cause entry-level staff might not be equipped to handle a Karen professionally yet.
@KingNoah231 Год назад
Leave military personnel alone no matter what branch they’re in lay one hand on them and results could be dangerous. PTSD is a serious illness and needs to be carefully monitored
@monkeytastix Год назад
Story 1. I work security at Target and part of my job is actually figuring out where to put cases and stuff like that. Laundry detergent is a very high-theft item (easy to re-sell online) and people will literally grab like 10 of them put them into a cart and run out the door with them.
@mavis4801 Год назад
After OP explaining about being there for an interview, you know the second the Karen appeared that it was her and she was screwed.
@charlesestes7082 Год назад
Last story darn near had me ROFLMAO. I imagine that the Japanese guys face darn near glowed red when he realized that he basically abused a customer.
@WanArk86 Год назад
That Karen was lucky that "Rambo" was subdued cause she'll's definitely gonna have a cracked skull and some other horrible wounds in the end.
@dragonweyr44 Год назад
1st story: Why do karens ALWAYS assume ANYONE in a store, whether they are in uniform or not is an employee? 2nd story: Another one? PTSD from your neighbors? Are your neighbors terrorists? 3rd story: Karens always forget surveillance cameras exist The military takes months to turn civilians into soldiers but turning soldiers into civilians takes longer. MUCH longer 4th story: Karma is a bitch
@jpbaley2016 Год назад
Karen in the 2nd story has PBS - putrefying brain syndrome.
@dragonweyr44 Год назад
@@jpbaley2016 I think the proper term is spongiform encephalopathy aka mad cow disease
@jackvicory4236 Год назад
Had a customer fill a shopping cart full of spam and try to run out the store with it still makes me laugh
@tinydancer7426 Год назад
How can you fill a cart with Spam? I have never seen that much Spam on a grocery store shelf. Now, I have never been in a Costco or Sams Club, so maybe they have enuf to fill a cart, but not ANY of the typical grocery stores or even a Super Walmart with that much Spam on a shelf.
@norrecvizharan1177 Год назад
I remember hearing something about how people wound up so hooked on Spam over in Hawaii that they lock it up the same way they do with drugs/electronics, so that sounds pretty believable.
@christopherjones8448 Год назад
@@tinydancer7426 When I worked at Publix we occasionally had special deals, 2 for ones or whatever would get their own special dump bin near the front doors that were filled separately from the actual shelf (Which would also have the item) So in that case if spam was on sale there would be enough cans in those bins to fill a basket in a half or so. No idea where Op here worked but that's a potential option
@OcusticClear92 Год назад
Regarding a story number 2, we could have some "I don't work here lady" reddit stories, but they'd all be nice because the person needing help would say, "Excuse me, I'm in need of help. Would you be willing to help me?" and the person questioned would say "Certainly, with what help are you in need?" The questioner would receive help and everything would be wonderful. I would like to hear more of those type of stories.
@mysticrose2766 Год назад
LOL, when the woman said I NEED DEODERANT op should have responded with YES, YOU DO. and then walked away.
@Some_Guy6 Год назад
If a Karen touches you in any way. Use your absolute full right to defend yourself. They never show mercy, so why would you?
@shadodragonette Год назад
I have watched so many stories, I ask a person if they work there even if they have a badge saying they do. I make errors the other way, but at least the person gets to speak and not feel threatened.
@crypticghost21 Год назад
Me: Listens to the 4th story Also me: This wouldn't be the 1st time I've seen a Karen below her chances at getting a job because she was being a B to someone who ended up being the person who was going to interview her LOL 🤣
@Maninawig Год назад
It actually reminded me of another story on here where someone blew his job over a cup of piss coffee.
@ahha6304 Год назад
that fart on the first story is absolutely "fired" edit/add: The pharmacy story, in Thailand if you go to pharmacy you don't really need prescription, you can simply ask if it's light stuff (flu, fever, headache, small bruise/cut), but with prescription would be lot better
@harryboyes2812 Год назад
Job interview Karen. Her life is a movie. One in which she's the villain/monster who badly underestimates who she's dealing with and then wonders why she gets her butt kicked.
@ladyofthemasque Год назад
I love the phrase, "I'm in your care," at the end of that last story. It's a great way to remind people that they do have a responsibility to treat others well, while at the same time giving your target the opportunity to live up to your heightened expectations for their compassionate efforts on your behalf. After all, most folks often end up living up to--or down to--whatever you expect of them!
@ronaldfinkelstein6335 Год назад
Story 1-Apparently OP hasn't been to San Francisco, or New York City lately. Since the DAs no longer take shoplifting seriously, lots of stuff gets locked up. The pro(yes, professional) shoplifters have been known to come into a drug store with an empty trash bag, fill it with merchandise, and leave. Even toothpaste gets locked up!
@davidcox3076 Год назад
It actually has a name: organized retail crime.
@steveneardley7541 Год назад
In graduate school there was this new assistant professor who was nasty and abusive to the students. What she didn't realize was that one of the students was taking down all the nasty things she said to the students in her class. When the woman came up for tenure, this student sent an open letter to every faculty member which had all these quotes in it. The last sentence read , "Is this the kind of person you want as a colleague for perpetuity?" She didn't get tenure, but was put on "probation." A week later I overheard her actually yelling at the head of the department over it. I thought, "Well, good, that's the end of her." And it was.
@novabrilliant4510 Год назад
We really need an early warning system for approaching Karen's. Something like the theme from Jaws Lawson used to be here in Ohio. My husband wonders if the stores in Japan stock the very tasty onion dip.
@artos6209 Год назад
My standard response when some jerk says I need something is to tell them that people in hell need ice water, but they aren't getting it and neither are you.
@zukostryder Год назад
I worked at a Walgreens for a little while, and I work the night shift and you wouldn't believe how many people would come in and put carts in carts full of our laundry detergent, and then literally run out of the store with them, and tried distracting the me because I was the one who would ring people out while the other person would go out with the containers of laundry detergent like carts full. I'm literally talking like 234 carts full and we weren't allowed to do anything about it and they would get away with a lot of it. I don't know why people would steal it and I'm guessing once you're still in larger quantities maybe it's worth more, but why laundry detergent of all things because of stolen I guess like other things that would've been worth more. I don't know why laundry detergent I don't understand it but literally that's why it's locked up.
@candiebarr6745 Год назад
I'm glad I get my kitty litter delivered on a regular. Don't have to worry about needing it and not having it
@YouTubeSupportSucks Год назад
These people baffle me; the one time I got confused for an employee I just said IDWH and she said "oh sorry" and left, and two times I thought someone was an employee it went the same but in reverse. They must have a screw loose.
@holyek7892 Год назад
The last story is hilarious! Never work for free! The manager should have given him free stuff instead of empty thanks.
@richewilson6394 Год назад
That Karen in the interview probably thought she was Kim Kardashian with Donald Trump's business persona by throwing that coat.
@mollybrown3278 Год назад
Story 3: I actually awwed when the man was telling the other "It's ok. You're safe." He knew what was happening and helped him. Hero.
@jtc1947 Год назад
Ref: The Karen in the Pharmacy? I remember a story from LONG ago where some jerk was going to play a practical joke on a NAM vet and scare him? The jerk wound up dead from a broken neck! Messing with military people is a VERY BAD idea!
@kirknelson156 Год назад
I've never had a "I don't work here" moment, or at least not like these nut jobs, I've been in a few stores and had people ask if I worked there. but after saying "sorry, nope" they just went about their way looking for an actual employee. None of this crap of calling me a liar and insisting I help them or call a manager. On occasion I've even helped people get stuff off a top shelf but I'm pretty sure they didn't confuse me as a worker there, just someone who happened to be near enough to help and they asked very nicely.
@tylerscreativespace9876 Год назад
I love the entitled people videos, but the malicious compliance is just as satisfying
@ShadowCatGaming26 Год назад
Story 3: So basically don’t trigger someone’s PTSD in any way, shape or form. But if you do, your either gonna be scared for your life or insta-knocked out. Yes, there will be a high chance of you dying too, but we did warn you.
@ShadowCatGaming26 Год назад
Story 5: the guy basically was like an angel descending down from the heavens to save the worker.
@GalaxyElfJess Год назад
I agree, I can't get enough of these stories either! It does make me concerned though, like it's sad that people mistake customers as employees so often that there's an entire sub dedicated to it. I doubt there's that many employees out there pretending to be a customer.
@Nevertoleave Год назад
I got mistaken for a librarian the other day. She asked if I worked there, and it was understandable that she would think that. It’s winter but we parked in the heated underground parking lot and left our jackets in the car. And I was in the little kid section without a little kid, mine being with their father over in the little kid play section as I was on my way to a different part of the library. So I said, sorry but no. And like a normal person she went, oh I’m sorry. And walked away. Which was a little too bad because right behind her was the info desk for the children’s section with a librarian at it but she was gone before I could say anything. She was very quick. I looked over at the desk to see if someone was there and looked back to tell her and like a ghost she was gone
@gorilladisco9108 Год назад
But .. she WAS a ghost. She was punished to redeem her attitude in her former life.😅
@markedwards3647 Год назад
6:13: Now That's a good idea. You don't use OC or a TASER or a baton as your first line of defense. Use a hand-held boat horn in the assailant's ear, and yell. "Get away from me!" One advantage is that you will cause permanent hearing loss of your assailant.
@iononcantomascrivo Год назад
Story number four: Talk about stepping in it. Karen made a fool of herself in front of the person who could have hired her. Let this be a lesson: You never know who is watching you or who you're talking to.
@KertaDrake Год назад
You know, when a Karen throws their jacket at you thinking you're an employee, you should just leave with their jacket since they were so nice to give it to you!
@stefanlaskowski6660 Год назад
I've been extraordinarily fortunate to have never encountered a Karen.
@donnakubiski5572 Год назад
I work at Walgreens in the front end of the store as a cashier. And many times a customer will come up to me with two bottles of cough syrup for example and ask me which is better. The stock answer is to tell them to go ask the Phamacist because we can't give medical advise to anyone. We are just a store workers.
@melkiorwiseman5234 Год назад
I got asked that question a lot when (many long years ago) I was working as a shelf stocker and box-boy. My answer generally became "I can't tell you the best, but I can tell you the most popular" because I knew how much and how often I had to re-stock the various products.
@flashstudiosguy Год назад
If I was a Manager and a Karen tried to get me to fire someone who CLEARLY doesn't work there, here's how I'd handle it; Said with a sympathetic smile: "Listen, I know Casual Friday is a thing and all" And then yelled full force in her face: "BUT TODAY ISN'T CASUAL FRIDAY! NOW EITHER STOP HARRASSING CUSTOMERS OR YOU'LL GET A FREE SET OF HANDCUFFS, COURTESY OF [LOCALPOLICEFORCE]!!" Also, they probably locked up the Spam to stop me bulk buying, I LOVE the stuff! 😂
@deaniej2766 Год назад
Story 2: I, too, am 5 ft. nothing, on a good day (on a bad day I cannot straighten up taller than 4'10") so I search for taller employees and customers. I always tell the other customer that I know they don't work there but.... I also frequently ask the spouse of the tall customer if I can borrow their tall person. It's always non threatening because even though my hair is largely more pepper than salt, last year I turned 71 and I am usually on an electric scooter provided by the store. (bad knees, bad back and breathing problems.) I have not had such a request denied. Ever. Not even when I was young.
@RunnyBabbitMom Год назад
Having a Monday of a Thursday and then the Fluff alert comes and all cares melt away. Love you guys.
@sarahrigdon7311 Год назад
Story 1 when she said the second time that she needed deodorant I would have covered my nose and waved and said, "I can tell lady"
@smith22041 Год назад
I've had a reverse "I don't work here" while browsing in a store for Xmas gifts for my nieces at a game store saw a woman with a list who looked out of her element. I offered some assistance, saying while I don't work here but I might be able to point here in the right direction since all the employees were busy. She had a list of things her nephew liked but said she had no idea what a "Demon Slayer" I pointed her to some nearby merch for it, and some more I had earlier while browsing. Said our goodbyes leaving her to make her choice while I went up to the cash with my items now that the line had thinned.
@jayschoenhaaar5369 Год назад
The locked up Spam is probably in Hawaii where Spam is considered a delicacy. I have a friend that lives there and it’s commonly stolen.
@samsonian Год назад
The last story: I find myself doing the same in restaurant/food service situations, especially if someone in my group gets sick at a club or something. I am almost always the one to go to the bar and grab a wet bar towel to clean up since usually bartenders/cocktail waitresses are not fond of mopping up sick and it earns points that sometimes can really help out (like getting vip service at the bar and such). Don’t drink much anymore so I haven’t found myself called into the ‘puke police force’ in a while. Somehow I don’t miss it.
@Maggie-xu4qn Год назад
I was in a shopping centre with my brother. I went to clothing shop and found a top I wanted to try. He went to a girl and asked where changing rooms are. She looked around confused and pointed us towards them. The whole day afterwards he was mortified that he asked a customer for changing rooms direction lol
@kevlar12345 Год назад
I was walking through a grocery store and I saw people shoving bottles of wine down their pants so yes people will try to steal anything
@itsjustameme 2 месяца назад
The locked up detergent made me think of something from my childhood. Some 35 years ago, back when I went to primary school, there were a shop next to the school. The older students were allowed to leave the school and go and buy candy during breaks - untill this took place at least. These guys had a kind of competition going in their breaks about who could steal the biggest and most bulky items. The area behind the store was littered with stolen items they had discarded because they didn’t want them. It all culminated when one of them was caught with a family size box of laundry soap almost half as big as he was, that he was trying to hide under his winter coat while trying to look inconspicuous.
@WilliamWizer Год назад
kudos to the OP that waved to the karen that was escorted out of the shop. the story with the karen at the pharmacy kind of reminds me one I had as a child. I wouldn't claim to have PTSD but I had been bullied for years so I tend to react fast when something scares me. it was still dark and somebody put his hand on my shoulder while shouting my surname. next thing I remember, he was on the floor with severe pain on his back, neck, head and the arm I was holding with my hands. we were close to school so I helped him walk and he was checked to see if there was any serious injury. there wasn't (fortunately) but, he never again got within reach of my hands. even less from behind me. I get glad each time a karen doesn't get a job. the only job they should have is working on the streets, at night, in provocative clothes. last story is priceless. good people still exist. although, it would had been extra nice if the OP offered to train that employee so he can be more efficient.
@DelphinSquared Год назад
That Japanese man is blessed by an ex-worker of his company, and had the kindness of a Japanese worker to apologize for OP's mistaken identity. This is what I'd like to hear more from the service industry.
@cathyheckman7415 Год назад
As always you leave us with a warm fuzzy story which makes me in a better mindset after the head shaking crazies!!! This is why we love your work❣️❣️❣️
@freecatpaws Год назад
💯 agree!
@souleblade32790 Год назад
Wow. I can understand being worried about a sick child, but that doesn't give someone the right to mistreat employees and put your hands on another person, especially if they are suffering from PTSD. That's just asking for trouble.
@ericbailey6779 Год назад
Lived in Japan close to a decade now. I have absolutely never seen anybody "yell" in a convenience store. I have serious doubts about this one.
@dcornect53 Год назад
It is a sign that food prices are far too high and wages far too low when Spam has to be locked away.
@puru-see Год назад
Story 2 fun fact: even in germany, grocery store chains have uniforms with name tags, and they are rather distinctive (the uniforms, not necessarily the name tags), so for anyone being able to confuse a customer with an employee is baffling.
@KH-uh8pp Год назад
@RetepElpmet Год назад
I have never heard the term 'stink torpedo' before. So using that now!
@shockdiesel3470 Год назад
Story 4: That ain't a story of I Don't Work Here Lady, that's a story of You Won't Work Here Lady
@tree1383 Год назад
Pharmacy techs in the US can't give advice either
@kiralana324 Год назад
actually the spam makes sense to me, i live in an area with high homeless population, and a friend of mine manages a grocery store tells me about all the homeless people stealing almost any canned goods, apparently a can of spam and a loaf of bread can feed some people for around a week
@Reason4234 6 месяцев назад
Why don't I get these interactions? The times I get mistaken for an employee somewhere I'm shopping it's just "Sorry, I don't work here." "Oh, okay, sorry for the mistake."
@shersmk90 Год назад
Glad you ended with yet another awesome story!
@mintypixie Год назад
Re: Stealing Spam. In the UK people often take the little metal key on the side of the tin of spam used to open it. This fits perfectly into the supermarket trolley coin release lock thingys, and saves you having to fish around for a coin when you need a trolley.
@parzivalalchema5870 Год назад
the last story is so freaking wholesome
@franciebelcher4594 Год назад
I love when a Karen gets the snot beat out of her. Don't ever put ur hands on ppl, Karen!✌
@LotsofWhatever Год назад
Whenever someone tells the store of an old Karen who stomps the only thing I see in my head is the image of a skunk doing their little threatening stomp thing.
@mamanope1678 Год назад
In Hawaii it’s a staple and highly portable, easily accessible and therefore a major target for the people who shoplift to eat since it’s not a cooking required source of protein. It’s also a target stateside in places. But from what I understand it’s usually the homeless that steal it
@tinydancer7426 Год назад
@DarDarBinks1986 Год назад
I live in Delaware, on the East Coast of the mainland, and I've never seen SPAM in lock boxes at any store. At my work, we save those boxes for fragrances and some other high-risk items. On one hand, shoplifting is small potatoes compared to the real theft: That of surplus value from labor. On the other hand, there's three basic rule of life: Don't lie. Don't steal. And don't date your coworkers.
@ShatteredRoxanne 3 месяца назад
The one where fluff said crop dusted this lady killed me😂😂😂
@merlinathrawes746 Год назад
Spam may be cheap and is often the butt of jokes, but because it's cheap and in a small can, that makes it easy to shoplift and it will provide a meal or two if you're not choosy. Given how grocery prices (especially meats) have risen over the last couple of years, yeah, I can see Spam being a target for thieves. I simply do not understand how people can misidentify workplace uniforms/workers. Yeah, I get that some companies have similar colors, but the logos/names are usually very different. And for the people who aren't wearing anything close to any kind of uniform, well that's just stupidity and laziness on the part of the person demanding help. PTSD story: This is exactly why you DON'T touch/poke/slap/grab/punch other people in a public setting. Not everyone will curl up crying in a ball to let you do whatever you feel like to them. Some people have a very strong, well-honed, the best defense is an overwhelming offense fight reflex and not all of them are (ex)military. My only problem with the Lawson story is if the store's managers/corporate check the camera recordings and see a non-employee doing employee tasks and something turned up missing or not done right, it could cause problems for both the actual employee and OP.
@littlepeeper9223 Год назад
It is of course a shame for the Vet he got PTSD but the story made me laugh out loud when Karen got an instant nose job
@paul16451 Год назад
Last story: I don't know about other countries, but in the US what OP did would be a huge liability issue, and the worker would not only be fired but likely sued for letting a non-employee perform employee-related tasks. Another issue is that the manager is now going to expect that single employee to get everything done solo when the work obviously requires 2 people at least.
@ericbailey6779 Год назад
I've lived in Japan for almost a decade. I seriously doubt this story. Nobody ever yells on a convenience store. Except for an occasional drunk grandpa, people are extraordinarily polite and queue up quietly and efficiently. Even teens. And the delivery guy most certainly would never yell.
@DanDroidx Год назад
The security locked Spam is probably a picture from Hawai'i. Spam is insanely popular on the Big Island, to the point that there were thefts based solely around the product. Locked Spam like that picture are not unheard of.
@JGLy22086 Год назад
I simply don’t understand why people act this way! SMH 🤦‍♀️
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