
r/MaliciousCompliance - My Karen Boss Thinks She's INVINCIBLE! Accidentally QUITS! 

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@pvanpelt1 2 года назад
I get the feeling the warehouse manager doesn’t like Owner B 😹
@Jedidiah_Martin_2 2 года назад
I get the feeling that _nobody_ liked owner B.
@jamesweekley1087 Год назад
I would guess nobody there liked Owner B.
@earlinejackson8151 2 года назад
Can’t help but laugh at the “many years ago, probably at least 4”. You can tell op is young, as mature folks say “many years ago, at least 30”. 😄
@marinam.2293 2 года назад
Haha, yes! When I say "many years ago", I'm usually talking about something that happened in the 80s. But then, I'm an old-timer now. 👵
@SonsOfLorgar 2 года назад
@@marinam.2293 and where the fuck did all that time go so fast when one wasn't looking? am I right?
@marinam.2293 2 года назад
@@SonsOfLorgar You are right! Seems like it was just a blink... and here we are.
@josephstahl9119 2 года назад
To be fair a lot has happened in only 4 years. Make anyone feel old.
@Jerseybytes2 2 года назад
then you have the opposite from older people. Often enough we say, "a couple of years ago" or "a while ago" when referring to something that's happened in the 80s. Example: a while ago when my kids were young I made fries one night. After taking the baking sheet out of the oven, I first place it on the stove. made sure the kids were sitting down at the table, and told em not to touch the baking sheet because it was hot and I didn't want them to hurt themselves. Then I turned around and grabbed the stupid thing without using the oven mitts. yep, it was hot, and I basically wondered to myself, "what part of it's hot didn't you hear yourself saying less than a minute ago" This happened in the mid 90s, or as I said, a while ago lol
@Kayenne54 2 года назад
17:38 Something extra cute about a person loving towing a plane full of people towards their runway. Often wondered if those guys were having a good time out there. At least one was!
@HappilyHomicidalHooligan 2 года назад
Gravy Story: If the waitress needs an Oven Mitt to bring out the plate, it's probably a sign that the plate and it's contents are a tad warmer than normal and you might just want to wait an hour or three before putting it in your mouth... 😄😁😆😅😂🤣
@evansquilt 2 года назад
The very first thing I did after my ex-husband dumped me for a girl half his age was put PINS on all of the bills, cancel his credit cards, and open new accounts with the bank. He wasn't happy since he had zero credit himself, but since they were my cards, oh well!
@thatonewitch Год назад
@mathieubordeleau150 2 года назад
Story 5 she did literally asked for it to be hot enough to burn her mouth, she got exactly what she ask for!
@timengineman2nd714 2 года назад
If it goes to a lawsuit (doubtful), Lawyer: "Why did you serve her the gravy that hot?" Manager: "Well, she asked for it, and by the way she asked for it I figure that she was into S&M!"
@valerierothwell1545 2 года назад
I went for Sunday lunch about 4 years ago which was a 3 course meal the main was a roast with all the trimmings when I bit into a roast potato the middle contained lava temperature fat and I burnt my mouth the thing was that the next day I had to go to the dentist for my regular check up
@heathermiller5765 2 года назад
Damn I was about to say something pretty much the same lol OP: “She asked for it” Me: Yeah, literally 😄
@slactweak 2 года назад
A classic commercial jingle comes to mind that says it all: You...asked for it you GOT it, TOYOTA!
@bautistalover 2 года назад
Exactly ask and you shall receive.
@rpgspree 2 года назад
The supervisor in the last story wanted his cake and to eat it too, getting a bonus for fast turnarounds and cutting costs on payroll. It's probably not a coincidence that he cut most of the leads, then left OP on the normal schedule and expected him/her to work a lead shift. Yeah, when guys like that want others to be a team player to do them favors are only in it for themselves. Good thing OP shut that entitled BS down.
@glennruscher4007 2 года назад
Let's hope that stupidvisor got fired.
@jamesweekley1087 Год назад
Hopefully he got himself canned, or at least heavily penalized, for what he cost the airline. That's the usual price of incompetence. But good on OP for standing his/her ground
@tabinagi 2 года назад
Story 2 reminds me of Christmas last year. I took my parents out to dinner and let them make whatever reservations they wanted. They went with Macaroni Grill since it was relatively close and still open. When we got there, we noticed that a good half of the restaurant was empty tables, but they also only had 3 waitresses. After giving them our reservation name, we waited. A party of about 5 or 6 walks in and asked for a table. The hostess asked if they had a reservation and the main guy scoffed and said no. She then apologized and said it would be around an hour wait to be seated since they had so many reservations made. I don't remember what all was said because they called us to be seated, but I do remember hearing the dude say "This is stupid. Why do we have to wait for over an hour to be seated? There are plenty of empty tables!" After, once again, being told that they had a lot of reservations and were short staffed, so he couldn't just be seated immediately, he bitched at the girl and then walked out saying "We're just going to go somewhere else to eat, then." All I could think was "Good luck moron. Most places will probably be the same."
@HaakonTheRayquaza 2 года назад
Story 6: Here's a Crazy Idea, Why don't you just pay your employees?!
@kenkahre9262 2 года назад
This how those big CEOs get the big money - by not paying their employees.
@SonsOfLorgar 2 года назад
@@kenkahre9262 yup, show me anyone with a 5+figure monthly income and I'll show you a parasite of stolen valour. Imo, no CEO is worth more than twice the wage of the lowest paid worker in the organization, including subcontracted cleaners.
@StormFanatic210 2 года назад
Gotta love Story #3. Hopefully that jerkoff of an Ex got cleaned out in Court.
@fearmusrozenrot1864 2 года назад
The problem a lot of these idiots never learn is that if you are going to threaten to quit...you have to be valuable enough of an employee that being rid of you would be a /bad/ thing for them. It can work out...if the company stands to lose more without you than giving you a better deal. and that's not an easy situation to get into.
@damien678 2 года назад
that's assuming the business owners aren't out of touch with reality. there's been so many stories about bosses completely undervaluing their workers and getting screwed over by it when they didnt realise how vital they were
@huntjl88 2 года назад
Hey I know I'm not good at my job and I'm lazy AF. I also know you can't fire me but, if you don't do yada yada I'm turning in my resignation letter. Yeah a boss with any common sense would take your arm off getting that resignation letter.
@kenshinflyer 2 года назад
There are some bosses that are only looking at what's infront of them that they forget about what will happen in the long run. Yeah, they fire the person without thinking of the potential consequences. Then hilarity ensues when the effects of their egos clouding their senses come to bite their candy a*ses.
@JennyA 2 года назад
That's just awesome that the woman got everything on her ex-husband by checking on her account. Guess he'll have to create his own account now.
@SonsOfLorgar 2 года назад
also that he'll be facing charges for wire fraud and ID theft as well as getting sued for every dollar he milked his ex for right back to her...
@PhoenixValkyrie Год назад
Coming back to this I realised something. They should have waited to reduce the services - by doing so immediately they gave the ex advance warning that she was coming.
@bwsimonson 9 месяцев назад
Can't get sued for any of that because at the point, he still was authorized. But he does have the problem of not being able to start a new service because the cables are all in use by his account now controlled by her. @@SonsOfLorgar
@TheDarkLink7 2 года назад
The restaurant and airplane story are deliciously great malicious compliance.
@Jedidiah_Martin_2 2 года назад
So, the super would rather cost an airline thousands of dollars and forfeit his yearly bonus instead of paying _one guy_ an extra $10.50 to be lead for the shift? That's really usin' yer head, Bubba (facepalm)
@dave900575 2 года назад
S1: I have expected the drywall to have been removed and just the studs left. Shannon: and they all lived happily ever after - the end.
@darthdrawssometimes8451 2 года назад
You know I've had a number of flights delayed for WAAAAAAAY dumber reason than Story 6 getting theirs. Good on you buddy!! 👏🏼👏🏼
@Andy-ju8bb 2 года назад
That last story is so like one of my previous jobs. There were three leads scheduled throughout the day, but there was always a 2 hour gap between the end of the day shift and the start of the night shift (from 3pm-5pm) where there was no actual lead on duty. The five supervisors rotated on a daily basis who was the "acting lead" for those two hours. None of us really cared about the extra money (after taxes, pension contributions, etc. it worked out to about the value of a cup of coffee), but it looked good on the CV, plus we got to be acting lead for our entire shift when someone was on holiday (and then the extra money was really worth it). On my first day as acting lead covering one of the leads two weeks paternity leave, our new manager advises that I won't be paid as "acting lead". In fact, they were stopping the extra pay for "acting leads" since we were only "acting". I said "OK, so who's going to sign off on the morning quality assurance report? Only a lead can do that." My manger said I was as I was an acting lead for the next two weeks. I had to explain that I'm not doing a lead's job without getting paid for it. It took the whole day for manager to finally change their mind and reinstate the extra pay. Nobody in the department did any work that shift because the morning QA hadn't been signed off. The night shift were beyond pissed. It meant they had to all of the day shift's work plus all of their own work.
@HaakonTheRayquaza 2 года назад
Story 4: If a Jerk quits their job, let them
@ShadowTaipan Год назад
Especially if you offer severance upon termination.
@kenshinflyer 2 года назад
Story 1, 5, and 6: This is exactly what YOU SHOULD BE CAREFUL WITH WHAT YOU SAY (or even WHAT YOU DO). Story 2: In a different place, you should know your role. Go on be smug, but do so at the risk of getting a beet-red face. Story 3: I literally heard the evil laughs from both customer and customer service...
@infinite6150 2 года назад
_As somebody who has had an extremely stressful day due to multiple different reasons, I am glad I get to listen to all of these stories. They were enough to make what was left of my day better._
@HaakonTheRayquaza 2 года назад
Story 1: Talk about a crazy inferiority complex, no wonder the former Boss Quit
@betsyadams9670 2 года назад
Everyone should have left with him. The boss sounds like an idiot
@christybradfield7812 2 года назад
Story 4 reminds me of my store manager (let's call him Mac) at a grocery store chain. He and I did not get along from the day I started to the day he threw his keys onto the district manager's (Steve) desk. All that the employees knew is that he stormed out of the store through the front door. About an hour later, I get a phone call for my extension. It was the store manager. I was shocked that he wanted to talk to me, instead of any one of the other employees that he did like. I even asked him if he misdialed. He wanted me because he knew that I was the only one that could help him. I was still shocked that he wanted to talk to me and need my help, but okay. He shared that when we had a different district manager (Paul), Mac shared with Paul that he wanted to give his notice to quit. Paul asked him to wait until he gave his own notice and left. Mac agreed. Enter the new district manager. Mac shared with Steve the agreement. Steve point blank said that was between you two and not me, I will not honor it. Mac took his keys out and threw them onto Steve's desk. The keys that had the store keys on them and Mac's truck keys. Mac was calling me to ask Steve for his personal keys back. Being the unselfish caring person that I am( Yeah, right) I asked what was in for me. Two giant Hershey bars. I asked how was I to do it. Mac laughed and said, by being you. Challenge accepted. I went into Steve's office and asked to speak with him for a moment. He consented. I asked for Mac's personal keys back in a kind way, I said please and thank you. Steve said no. I stood there a moment thinking about Mac telling me to get them by being myself. I leaned on Steve's desk with both hands leaned towards Steve and explained that Mac has two big chocolate bars for me and I do not think it is wise to even remotely think about depriving this PMSing chocoholic of chocolate. I stood back up and sweetly said that is of course unless you want to give me three bars. Steve declined and handed me the keys. I went outside to Mac's truck and he reached for the keys, I withheld them until I was handed the chocolate. I got the chocolate and he got his keys. He asked me what happened. I told him He laughed and said, I knew that you would be the only one to get my keys back. I know that this is long, and if I had the right place I would share why Mac and I did not get along. If anyone is interested let me know.
@badgerthecheesestick1171 2 года назад
I never miss Darkfluff. It's among my few chances to relax.
@escapistfromhell1543 2 года назад
I know what you mean
@kenarbes 2 года назад
About the lava-hot gravy story. I did that, once. A guy at McDonald's wanted the gravy on his biscuits & gravy to be hot. The gravy was kept in a heating bucket at 140-160 degrees, so it was already legally as hot as it should be. He brought it back twice because it wasn't hot enough. I took it, put it in the microwave for 1 minute. He brought it back because it was too hold. I told him that "There's nothing I can do about that" He had to wait for it to cool down. I bet the biscuits were hard as bricks.
@rcrawford42 Месяц назад
I don't get the impulse for super-hot gravy. It's fat and starch, you couldn't dream up something better suited to stick and carry lots of heat!
@unrellated 2 года назад
I'm actually kind of relived by the ending of the gravy story. I was worried Karen might have been trying to give herself an excuse to sue the restaurant for burning her mouth.
@nightdweller6446 2 года назад
I used to work for a major telecommunications company and yes, the ex spouse story happens more than you'd think. And it is indeed a warm and fuzzy feeling when you can "assist" . 😅
@krysd8594 2 года назад
I've dealt with it from a car insurance standpoint. I've also been used as a way for one person to tell the other they want a divorce. Sucks either way!
@nightdweller6446 2 года назад
@@krysd8594 I'd never disclose anything that wasn't pertinent to the account. Anything/one authorised on the account by the account holder can be disclosed to them, including removing secondary parties from the account. If the other parties are ripping off the main holder responsible for the account, then I was happy to remove the problem. Complete with notes as to why I did so when the offender calls in to moan about their loss of essentially a stolen service.
@krysd8594 2 года назад
@@nightdweller6446 I'm not disagreeing with you at all, I'm just saying I've had and have done the same only with car insurance. Insured calls in cause the co-insured was leaving and needs to be off the policy, or the company was informed about them living at different addresses from divorce etc. Sometimes I'd figure out that one was screwing over the other and I'd fix as best as I could and so on
@nightdweller6446 2 года назад
@@krysd8594 oh, I didn't think you were. Just relaying your experiences. It's such a fun environment to be in.(Sarcasm on that sentence) Call centres are horrible, you need a hobby or interest to make the day go faster and less painfully. Mine was diarising bad apples and following them up. There was a reason I was in the legal/nuisance area, think I was a gumshoe in a former life, lol.
@krysd8594 2 года назад
@@nightdweller6446 lol, and why I liked underwriting. I loved catching people in lies. We were allowed to do other things as long as we didn't violate confidentiality. I'd read, color, or play games with coworkers. Made the day pass well lol
@shauljonah6955 2 года назад
8:50 she got him so much for covering his tracks 👣. Lmao 🤣 good job op.
@jimknapp8731 2 года назад
OP should have discussed with her lawyer before minimizing the service so the ex didn't get a heads up that he had been found.
@SonsOfLorgar 2 года назад
@@jimknapp8731 doesn't matter too much I hope, if the lawyer moved quickly with serving the bastard.
@Lynn-kh5rs 2 года назад
Last story-Besides the costs mentioned there could have been additional problems by waiting that long to gate the plane. A major one would be the possible breaking of crew rest. If a crew is on the ground when their crew rest period is supposed to start, you cannot use them and HAVE to get another crew member to replace them, or cancel the flight. This can be either a crew member on standby if available or having to go down the recall roster to find a member who can take the flight. Supervisor screw up big time!
@roscoewhite3793 2 года назад
Story 3; two months back I found a deduction on my CC statement for an internet provider I don't use. Checking with my bank revealed that it's been happening for 11 months; $660 taken for nothing. So I contacted the firm and they stopped the deductions and eventually agreed to pay me back. However... according to them someone asked for this new service, gave them my name and credit card number and mobile number and said that I'd be paying; and that I'd been contacted and agreed! Well, that simply isn't true! But if I want to know who set me up to be ripped off, and whoever lied about calling me for approval, I have to involve the police. No helpful OP works there!
@SonsOfLorgar 2 года назад
Then why didn't you involve the police? Because that's both the person who ordered something in your name and your ISP that's comitted felonies against you. Get your ass into gear and hit both where it hurts, right in the wallet and credit rating so hard their bank managers starts crying blood.
@roscoewhite3793 2 года назад
@@SonsOfLorgar I have involved the police. I'll update.
@lpfan4491 9 месяцев назад
@@roscoewhite3793 Update?
@randycarter2001 2 года назад
If I were Tricia I would of had Shannon's resignation letter in HR before the door even closed. This gives Shannon zero time to wriggle out of it. Fake resignations only work when you're a valuable employee. If you're crappy, then . . .
@trashcatlinol 2 года назад
I worked through high school for a guy who had a habit of throwing knives and coffee cups at the kitchen help. He was more just chucking them down as he walked by, but I got my hand cut many times, and had to clean up broken cups more times than i care to keep track of. He also did payroll, and was pretty loud about how we didn't work hard enough to earn our checks, but he did make every attempt to undercut us every chance he could. The only reason I stayed there was because no one else would hire a young girl in that small town. And my parents struggled, so I kinda needed the extra cash. And man oh man, Wal-Mart has a reputation for being a horrible place to work but the pay was absolutely stunning. I put up with abuse at the worst store in the state for much longer than I should have because of what shot my first job was. At least the knife dodging never happened there.... I eventually moved back to my hometown, and got a job with one of the store owners who flat out told me they didn't hire high schoolers because they weren't sure they could trust them. She gave several a chance since then, thankfully, because she was one the best employers I could have asked for. I think even she wished she could have given me a chance when I first asked. We talked a few times after about then, and she didn't realize how bad some of the other owners on town were. I understand why she was worried at the time, and am glad they were able to give a couple kids a decent example of how an employer should treat you: with honesty, respect, and acknowledgement of the work you put in.
@davidsavage5630 2 года назад
The messed up thing about that last story is that the powers that be probably still think that not paying the employee is the way to go and would make the same decision again the next time..
@mercenarychef9465 2 года назад
over the years, I've gotten so used to eating lukewarm or even cold food, whether because of mistakenly fired food, or because a rush happened right after I make myself a snack (Murphy's third law of the kitchen always applies) that I can no longer really handle eating food that is even close to steaming hot.
@AwkwrdPrtMskrt 2 года назад
Owner B is the one who should have quit. This reminds me of that time I worked in Singapore. The company has an owner/managing director, and his partner who works in HR. The partner has a short fuze and can scream at anyone for small things. My last year there she fired a lot of people and managed to break off the company's partnership with another company from the UK. The result: I heard from a former colleague that she got fired by the owner.
@sally8708 2 года назад
The Shannon hurt itself in its confusion.
@4bibimimi 2 года назад
Airport story. Made me really angry. It's so hard to travel right now to have to face that kind of circle jerk at the terminal.
@Evibbles 2 года назад
I love the hot gravy story 🤣 Karen can't complain because she literally asked for "burn my mouth" hot
@shatteredshards8549 2 года назад
As soon as the last story got to the part about being paid for lead work all day when performing as lead on only some flights, I knew where that was going! I would say that airlines should know better than to do this stuff, but I'm glad I got out of the industry myself!
@sparkplug1018 2 года назад
Op in the last story should go to school to be an aircraft mechanic. Get to work on these massive aircraft for a living, and when you get enough experience even get certified to taxi them for testing purposes. Its literally about as close as you can get to being a pilot without actually being one.
@someguy7629 2 года назад
The best way to get fired is to do it yourself.
@Krono159 2 года назад
What a good way to relax on a rainy day, a cup of coffee and a fluff video
@michaelgunnels9694 2 года назад
I highly doubt Shannon learned her lesson given who her family is and that she did that
@un1xify 2 года назад
For story 2, I really hope he tried calling to reserve that table only to find out another group reserved that table before him
@Rickiman76 2 года назад
Don't fake a resignation if you are not ready to follow up on it 🤣
@HaakonTheRayquaza 2 года назад
Story 3: OP; Hello, how can I help you? Woman: I would like have a Juicy dose of r/Prorevenge as my service OP: Coming right up
@colonelrobertsjr.7882 2 года назад
Shannon should have written that resignation on the paper used for Inspector Gadget's missions!!
@marjoriejohnston4905 2 года назад
I've heard #3 before and it still gives me the warm fuzzies.
@HaakonTheRayquaza 2 года назад
Story 2: This is the same is if: A Karen walks onto someone's private property and claims that it's public property and that she has a right to use it, then the owner comes out with a big "No Tresspassing" Sign and has Karen kicked off the Property
@christianmarshal6117 2 года назад
The manager was also risking A LOT of legal trouble! Having your employees do work without pay is a big no-no!
@flamingmonkeyxii 13 дней назад
"The cheese gets me every time." I feel like this also describes DarkFluff's sense of humor.
@the1mexicant 2 года назад
The manager and waitress missed the golden opportunity to ask if it burned her mouth to satisfaction as she requested
@sarahmallonee 2 года назад
Good on the guy for not letting them make him do the extra work and not pay him properly because people do that to employees all the time and get away with it because the employees have to have the job so they can't stand up for them selves
@stoopingfalcon891 2 года назад
"In the fakest customer service voice I can". Awesome 👏👏🤣🤣
@austinlawrence1655 2 года назад
I hope those documents they shredded still had important information in them
@zmviolaplayer71 2 года назад
Story 3... Isn't the exhusband commiting fraud. Billing a service he's using to his wife's credit card or bank account whatever is set up on autopay? She didnt sign the contract and if the ex signed for her that's forgery. That ex is gonna have a lot more to worry about than missing a hockey game when his butt is dragged to court and he faces criminal charges.
@melissafaulkner7351 2 года назад
That's my question, too. That contract should be null and void since she didn't sign it.
@richewilson6394 2 года назад
Thank God for smartphones these days you can record their orders without hesitation and no dispute over who said what. When it comes to orders from a person at work or making contracts with people on the spot.
@anominon 20 дней назад
Probably the worst time to tell someone they're not getting a job just as they're about to do that job.
@cherylw3669 2 года назад
Last story: Now let's be fair here. The airline wouldn't have had to pay OP just $10.50. They did say the company would have to pay for the entire day, so around $60+. DEFINITELY a good trade in for what they wound up paying instead.🤣🤣🤣
@kayvaanmcsharrowkyn6901 2 года назад
In this whole new reality of Corona and Lime going around lot of restaurants were doing things differently but people don't seem to remember that a lot of like the family restaurants that aren't like chain owned you can't just walk in and assume that they're going to kiss your ass and give you a table, because no. There's an Italian restaurant near my house and there are not many tables at the small place ,but it's so damn good that they will literally have reservations like booked out for about 6 months. If you tried to walk into that place with a tabletop of 8 and expected to be seated like you're walking into an Outback Steakhouse or some corporate crap, you'd be laughed at. People seem to forget that if it's a nice restaurant you don't show up on a Saturday night without a reservation with eight people thinking "Oh I can just strong arm a table", you're just an idiot in that instance. And GOOD ON OPs Manager. I wish I could have been a fly on the wall. LOL
@EarthboundMisfit1274 2 года назад
Gravy story-I would have interpreted "hot" differently. I'd put Tabasco and habanero sauce in it.
@lauralfreeberg2179 2 года назад
Or ghost peppers
@FluffieXStarshine 2 года назад
I have to remind my mum stuff is hot when I hand it to her... lol. My dad is lazy and forgets to bring stuff so her coffee or tea would be lukewarm if he made it.
@wolphin732 2 года назад
Story 3... hehehehe sounds like they have caught up with the person... through his own actions trying to scam her...
@melissafaulkner7351 2 года назад
I'm wondering why they couldn't shut it down for fraud. She didn't enter the service agreement originally.
@addieleo6382 2 года назад
@@melissafaulkner7351 The husband was an authorized user.
@jppurves7837 2 года назад
Flight attendants are only paid while a plane is in the air, therefore there is no mandatory overtime pay for this situation.
@SonsOfLorgar 2 года назад
That's just not true or legal.
@aaronmccullers384 2 года назад
@@SonsOfLorgar Might not be legal but that doesn't always stop it from being true. Might be rare but I would not be suprised if someone were to try to manipulate the wording of a flight attendant's contract such that the only work time they have to pay for are the time in the air. My advice if you see that happen, contact the union/your lawyer/whatever government is regulating the pay or treatment of flight attendants. In other words, make it both illegal AND not true.
@leemitchell7841 2 года назад
i think they are paid for time on the plane not in the air as they have to clean and make the plain ready for the next flight (i might be wrong but that would make the most since cuz in not idk who is cleaning them plains cuz i wouldnt be)
@jppurves7837 2 года назад
@@leemitchell7841 In past decades planes were quickly cleaned, by an actual cleaning crew, between flights. This hasn't been done for many years. Flight attendants pick up cups, papers and etc. before planes land, but they never actually "clean" the cabin, this is not part of their job description.
@leemitchell7841 2 года назад
@@jppurves7837 thats something i didnt know ive never been in a commercial plain so thats news to me. Thanks for the info
@bmljenny 2 года назад
That last story is wild. I wonder how it works when the airline incurs all those extra costs - are they able to pass it on somehow to the baggage handling company?
@LexusLFA554 Год назад
I laughed so hard when they literally threw everything out xD
@bradleysquires2592 2 года назад
That last story seriously what they should do is with all that managers pay for holding up the plane and instead of supervisor you know allowed to do what they did they say lucky and we're just going to terminate the supervisor and force him to realize what he did was completely stupid and unacceptable
@ClawMacKain 2 года назад
It's okay, Fluff. Back in mid-March, I stopped by a chicken fast food place on my way up north to a convention. Apparently, they didn't get many customers, because when we dined in, our receipt numbers were in the single digits. I ordered some fried chicken strips and while they were good... they were obviously just out of the frier. I burned the back of my throat with them and I felt that burn-scarring for the whole weekend while we were at the convention. Despite that, the chicken was pretty good still. Just next time, I could do without the side of pain.
@vickyyounghensley1269 9 месяцев назад
Reservations story suggestion- Don't wish them on poor MacDonalds! Instead, hope that EVERYBODY's busy that weekend!
@raycaron2158 2 года назад
Many years ago, I worked as an asset recovery agent (repo man) and this guy had a brand new Cadillac that we were trying to get, but it was always behind a locked gate. Looked over the paperwork one more time and noticed a 2nd name on the title. Contacted this person, turned out to be the ex-wife. She flipped out! He had told her he had sold it, and when she came over to get/drop off the kids, he must have parked it in the garage. She said what could she do to help? Advised we were not able to get the car b cause it was behind the gate. She knew her ex's schedule and said she would meet me at the house. So she opened the gate, and backed the car out. I drove off and told her she would get a notice of the recovery. The ex had filed a stolen car report and was told it had been repo'ed and decided to ignore the notice. When she received it, she called to see what she could do now? Told her if no one pays the recover amount, it would be auctioned off. So, she paid the fees, the ex was removed from the account. The next time she picked up the kids, she was driving her her Cadillac. The ex and his side piece were pissed-ofd, he called to scream about it, but in my best customer service went over the procedures, he threatened to sue, but he was made aware he didn't have a leg to stand on since we had the repo notices he signed for but ignored. Revenge was sweet!
@stoopingfalcon891 2 года назад
I would reckon that most of us have met the Shannon type at some point in our lives. All you have to do is wait for them to self destruct.
@chriscattelino8169 8 месяцев назад
Baerskin Hoodie Man: I was not expecting much and you delivered.
@LadyJuse 2 года назад
Story 5 - Lady _litterally asked for the sandwich to burn her!!_
@victorvaldez8869 9 месяцев назад
Story Two: "Well I don't see any 'reserved' signs on the tables." Does the dude not realize that they have it in a book up front & so they don't HAVE to put little signs everywhere at places where you DON'T seat yourself? If a place has a host/hostess they have RECORDS of what tables are reserved, Did he think OP was just trying to avoid seating them to, miss out on their share of tips? Frankly it's the jerk's had bothered to CALL he could have found out that they were booked solid & saved himself the trip. Story Four: I'm pretty sure the bad boss Shannon got the job due to the donations of her parents who spoiled her rotten, & THAT'S where she learned the "threaten X in order to get what I want" lesson. It finally backfired, & Shannon got what she ASKED for not what she WANTED. Story Five: The rude customer didn't "kind of" ask for it, she laterally & explicitly asked for it to be "hot enough to hurt her."
@iamalbertwesker2 2 года назад
Owner B probably did something sketchy to get Owner A out the company... He seems the type
@gorilladisco9108 2 года назад
#2 While it's a boost for ego, it's a bad business practice for the manager to embarrass a customer like that. She at least should try to be diplomatic first.
@mjjoe76 Месяц назад
Story 6: Another company stepping over a dollar to pick up a dime. Sadly, no surprise.
@Mathius87 2 года назад
Whenever some asks for some hot food, I make sure to ask " temperature or spice hot?"
@girlovecupcake 2 года назад
The gravy lady...ouch
@rosssnyder4490 Год назад
I really hope for the internet guy's sake the ex wife was tellling the whole truth & he didn't just give any abuser the location of her victim.
@markloroff 2 года назад
16:10 i definitely relate to the hot pizza burning my mouth lol.
@davy1629 2 года назад
I have bad habit of taking a bit of food as soon as it comes out of oven.
@demonkitty_toebeans 2 года назад
Everyone knows that when you eat really hot food you need to start "hafafafhafafaaa"ing 🤣🤣
@aetheralmeowstic2392 2 года назад
I know you mean _hot_ as in temperature, but when it comes to spice, I like my food so spicy that my tongue feels like it's on fire.
@Uhohohno319 2 года назад
As a person named Shannon, I now know what women named Karen feel like.
@s0lastsummer7 2 года назад
I always eat the first three or four bites of pizza with a fork specifically so I don't burn the roof of my mouth. 😜 people judge me for using a fork until they burn their mouth and I don't, and I eat the rest if it the normal way. 👍🏼
@deepsleep7822 2 года назад
Classic management think. We’ll spend $5000.00 (SWAG) to save $10.50. smh
@tracygardner6318 2 года назад
Second story there is no room in the restaurant for you, you should’ve made reservations for the night after like the person tried to tell you and do for you. I don’t care if you drove that long and that you’re not happy they said they can’t do it they can’t do it get over yourself you should’ve made a reservation earlier if you wanted it for that night. What a wonderful manager And you do not grab people like that🤦‍♀️
@katies4521 2 года назад
I’m not even sure most restaurants are able to serve items over a certain temperature. It’s like the McDonald’s hot coffee lawsuit all over again. I could see some people ordering things too hot just to have a case
@larrylightner5638 2 года назад
The hot pizza sauce gets me everytime
@jamiestafford6484 2 года назад
You have to wonder about some supervisors! I thought a supervisor was meant to be a quick thinker and versatile, while trying to save a company money. That super missed the mark, completely. Ooopppppps.
@minirockysgamingchannel7074 2 года назад
Story 1.....i mean if i was the boss theyd get fired for being cocky about it XD
@jorgecarreras4214 2 года назад
Dark Fluff: "If you're a grown-up and can't tell something is that hot and needs to cool down, you deserve it." Stella Liebeck, her fan-clubs, and the judge and jury in her case would strongly disagree with you. They believe McDonald's, FOLLOWING THE LAW, and serving coffee at a temperature brewed by machinery built under the eye of state inspectors to comply with food-service regulations and which can not be adjusted by the end user deserves punitive fines when Stella herself went on 60 Minutes and demonstrates intentionally burning herself and tellign the reporter "No, I didn't know coffee was going to be HOT!"
@istvanpraha 27 дней назад
Random thing made me laugh. “Happened many years ago, maybe four years ago….” You can tell how young Reddit is
@dinascharnhorst6590 2 года назад
Yea! Happy Sunday!
@fuamf 8 месяцев назад
I'm over a year late for this video, but I gotta say: The pizza cheese comment is sooo relatable 😆😆😆😂😂
@geraldbarras7785 2 года назад
Liked the airline story the most
@JohnnyTromboner Год назад
If everyone dislikes you, threatening to leave is the worst threat you can make lmao It's like rude and unpleasant customers saying they'll never come back to torment the employees they're saying that to ("I'm taking my business elsewhere, harumph")
@Jevans47403 6 месяцев назад
The Rolling Stones song: “Can’t always get what you want”
@jameslyons6655 2 года назад
Who thinks they can just walk into a restaurant with 8 people and get seated?
@velvetnightmare3133 2 года назад
The one thing I always burn my own mouth on is fresh hot taiyaki pancakes :)
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