
Rabbi Eliyahu Ellis - Codes: The Hidden Genius of the Torah 

Hidabroot - Torah & Judaism
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Who wrote the Bible, was it G-d or man? Are there secret codes hidden in the ancient text of the Bible? In a remarkable seminar, Rabbi Ellis illustrates how everything that was, is and will be, is encoded in the holy text of the Torah.



4 окт 2024




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@gregsmith5147 Год назад
What a profound and edifying study. I was aware that numerically, the Scriptures have codes and I had read about names etc being traceable, but this in depth lecture was just perfect. Thank you Rabbi
@hazelblair6634 3 года назад
i have NEVER herd anything so out there. it has really grabbed my attention and i just want to hear more.
@heartlights Год назад
Ironically when you get into it you realize how even the first 50 letter TORH code is incredible proof because the longer the gap the more complicated it becomes to keep the plain text coherent and on track.
@musco71 Год назад
We need part 2!!!!
@CleanCharityCreativeIsland 10 месяцев назад
Ask God with a humble heart ,prayer will change your life ! Pray and trust God and will found what you need in your life.
@muttandtony 5 лет назад
Brilliant lecture. Shkoyach!!!!
@aussiegardener1773 6 лет назад
wow, everyone should see this!
@JoseRamirez-mt4ki Месяц назад
Dang. I'm astonished! God bless.
@FriendOfChrist Год назад
It was the Bible Codes that first convinced me to take the Bible seriously. I've studied them since 1999. The Shroud of Turin and codes are why I became a Christian. This lecture is one of the best presentations on the Bible Codes that I have come across. May I condense the gist of this lecture in my upcoming non-fiction book, "What Happens Next?" Attributions would be made and respect for your beliefs would certainly be honored.
@FriendOfChrist Год назад
@@rabbimizrachihardmussar - Hello. Every question I've had -- from both the Tanakh and the New Testament -- have been answered to my satisfaction. I always come back to the resurrection and Bible prophecy. There is too much evidence for the resurrection of Jesus for me to ignore -- everything from the Shroud of Turin to the eyewitness testimony to the prophecies. I study apologetics, and have since 1999, including from Dr. Gary Habermas, Dr. William Lane Craig, Dr. Mike Licona, and many others. I'm retired, so all I do is study and write. I know all the arguments. I know the questions and the answers. I know why I believe. I don't have any doubts.
@FriendOfChrist Год назад
@@rabbimizrachihardmussar - I'm sorry you have so much hate for Him.
@FriendOfChrist Год назад
@@rabbimizrachihardmussar - I came here respectfully. You do not represent your faith well by hate and disrespect.
@FriendOfChrist Год назад
you're stating propaganda. not facts. I have not insulted your faith or the Jewish people. Yet, you have done nothing but attack my faith. I know the history of the Jewish people and what they have suffered, but the people who called themselves "Christians" did not follow the teachings of Christ. Jesus said "love you enemies," "pray for those who persecute you and speak ill of you," "do unto others as you would have done onto you," "turn the other cheek." Anyone who hid behind the name of Christ while carrying out blood libels, crusades, Holocaust's, pogroms, Inquisitions, or the insane anti-semitic rants that pollute the Internet, is no Christian. If they think they are, they are deluding themselves because Jesus condemned such things. God will hold them accountable. That's not your job. Jesus said the greatest commands were to love God with all our heart, soul, strength, and mind; and to love our neighbor as ourselves. Maybe you should educate yourself some more before you try to educate me. As I said, I have studied all of these things for decades. I have no questions or doubts. I know why I believe, and I have good evidence. Remember what God said through your great prophet, Isaiah: “It is too small a thing for you to be my servant to restore the tribes of Jacob and bring back those of Israel I have kept. I will also make you a light for the Gentiles, that my salvation may reach to the ends of the earth.” Who can believably deny that Jesus has been a light to the Gentiles? When anyone truly examines the impact Jesus has had on the Western, Gentile world, it is staggering. He treated women with respect, split time in two, gave us hospitals, universities, charities, and the freest, most prosperous countries the world has ever known. The list goes on. Who else has been a light for the Gentiles that can fulfill that verse? In Zechariah 12:10, which is obviously yet future, God is speaking, and He says Israel will look upon “Me whom they pierced.” We see the nation of Israel mourning and repenting at that time. Why? When was God pierced by His people?
@marjorieverdrc7841 Год назад
It appears that the comments of @rabbimizrachihardmussar were deleted, and small wonder since your responses to them are such a powerful and shining example of how Christ Himself might have replied - with patience, wisdom, and love. The proof IS in the pudding, and it's easy to gauge the foundation of one's faith by that person's interactions with humanity. Still, I can easily imagine being steeped in certain religious dogma and devoting my entire life to those "incontrovertible truths", only to have proof after proof of their inadequacy being revealed. The Old Testament, including The Torah, describes Jesus Christ Himself as the Jewish Messiah. There are verses and books of the Old Testament that Jews are instructed not to read because of the obvious Messianic implications. And yet, the Jews are God's chosen people - always have been, always will be. He waits patiently and lovingly for them all.
@shirleyannelindberg1692 Год назад
Yes, listened to this a while ago - I love Gematria, and I went to a lecture on Bible Codes, by Harold J. Gans, called The Cosmic Puzzle 🧩 and he wrote a book by that title, which I bought 👍🏻
@EmeraldRainbowGLORY 7 месяцев назад
@kendramalczyk2613 5 лет назад
God wrote the Bible. He made the universe. What can He not do? Nothing is too difficult for Him! If He wants to encode the scriptures, which He did, no problem! There is nothing He can’t do! He can do everything! He has a master plan He is unfolding! It makes me skip and dance in my heart! The God of heaven is always on the move. What an awesome Designer He is! Show everyone, Lord! Infuse their hearts with understanding! Give them wisdom and knowledge, prudence and discernment! You are more than able! Hallelujah! Give them Your Spirit. Amen!
@jonaseisenberg6973 2 года назад
@deejannemeiurffnicht1791 2 года назад
Wow, the spirit of the Psalms, and Proverbs floods out from you there!
@edbrackeen5979 2 года назад
Have a blessed day. "ROMAN'S ROAD" plan of salvation: ROMANS: 3:10 “As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one: [ all are guilty before God ( unrighteous) we must BE RIGHTEOUS to go to heaven. ] 3:23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; [ JESUS is the Glory of God and all have come short of Jesus righteousness ] 6:23a- For the wages of sin is death; [ the only punishment for sin is eternal death in hell (Revelation 21:8 the second death) ] Revelation 21:8 But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death. [the second death is the death of the soul in the lake of fire forever and this is the only thing that we will ever deserve, but JESUS paid the penalty for us and will set us free from death and hell and give us eternal life because of his sacrifice for us.] Romans 5:8 But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. [ sin debt is paid, even though we are sinners, God demonstrated his love by His sacrifice ] 6:23b- but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. [ Salvation is a gift of God, paid in full by our Saviour's sacrifice ] 10:9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. [ repentance and acceptance of the PAID IN FULL sin payment is the only way to receive the gift, we must believe by faith through the testimony of those that came before us that Jesus arose from the dead ] { 1 Corinthians 15:- tells us that the gospel is the death, burial and Resurrection of Jesus and that there were more than 500 people that saw Jesus after he arose from the dead and this is the testimony that we are to carry on and witness to others} 10:10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. [ we are made RIGHTEOUS by repenting and believing that Jesus PAID IT ALL. ] Ask Jesus to save you right now and trust him, because he arose from the dead. Ephphatha
@nicopolis7377 Год назад
You speak Truth .
@kevinoneil56 5 лет назад
Thankyou, Rabbi, a tour de force. And thankyou, G-d, for giving us so many evidences of your love. Jesus Himself confirmed the preciousness of the Torah when He said that not one yud or tittle would be removed until all was fulfilled.
@mannymannyson6720 2 года назад
Jesus was no messiah. Leave us alone
@kevinoneil56 2 года назад
@@mannymannyson6720 If our beliefs are well-founded, we need not fear debate or disagreement. The only reason we should terminate debate is if the other party is being abusive. I respect Jewish belief and have attended an Orthodox Synagogue for over 10 years with never an unpleasant conversation.
@mannymannyson6720 2 года назад
@@kevinoneil56 and even Mark 2.23 us pharisees tried to tell him not to break shabbat. He didn't listen. Just a random example of subtracting from the Torah. Or we could use the example of the nt itself. Makes him a false prophet as per Deuteronomy 13 or 18 where it means he deserves death. That is if he existed. Which seeing we know for sure he was no messiah us Jews do not need even find relevant to care about either way You asked for this with your uncalled for disrespect
@kevinoneil56 2 года назад
@@mannymannyson6720 Thankyou for your reply. The sirutation you refer to has many layers of meaning, too much to go into here, but suffice it to say that Jesus reminded the Pharisees that even David broke the laws of Torah when necessary in order to preserve life. Life is sacrosanct in Judaism, as you know. See Mk 2:26-28. Was David in the wrong? But there is much more to this incident, even more important than what I've covered. Please could you tell me the reference for your assertion that Jesus was a false prophet deserving of death?
@ByGraceThroughFaith777 Год назад
​@mannymannyson6720 do you question that Jesus existed? And if you don't even care to find out how could you ever know you hold the truth? Don't you see a problem there?
@maryannwain3140 Год назад
truly amazing!
@ScriptureConsolidated 5 месяцев назад
I love these codes. I found the person and myself who watched fire shoot out of my mouth in them!
@sweethomes674 Год назад
Excellent 😊
@2tommyrad 6 лет назад
view count should be 7 billion.
@CleanCharityCreativeIsland 10 месяцев назад
HaleluYAH, Adonai blessed me with many Rabbis surrounded me in my life,oh Christian liar Pastors,you no longer can deceived me with your false doctrines about 25th December is the birthday of The Messiah . My soul glad for YHWH ,I will worship Him. HaleluYAH ! My soul thirst for The Truth of YHWH and I believe Him . HaleluYAH ! My heart longs for The Words of Elohim ,I worship Him and be glad for His name ,HaleluYAH . For so many gentiles created so many giant statues surrounding me but that is not my Shalom peace ; as long as the days I live ,I will worship YHWH Elohim. HaleluYAH !
@MG-py9gb Год назад
@NickMoore56 Год назад
One more undeniable proof that scripture in the original language is God’s Word.
@deejannemeiurffnicht1791 2 года назад
LOL, the casino ad really got me giggling before my daily spiritual feed there.
@e.m.6581 5 лет назад
While the Biblical codes are definitely Devinely inspired and I have numerous new never before discoveries in the Tanakh based on other methods, one must fully understand some aspects of the codes which I did not see addressed in the video. First of all the method is called ELS (Equidistant Letter Sequences). Also for the "Torah" sequence found in both Breishit and Shmot, we can also refer to the passage וספרתם חמישים or "You should count fifty" found in the Torah in the context of the counting of the Omer as a hidden hint. But the point that the sequence is found in both Breishit and Shmot is a clar proof that the Toraah is from G-d. However, here we are helped by the fact that 4 letters in a 200 letter group was more immune to source text corruptions than sequences spanning thousands of letters. This then forces us to examine out "Golden Text". version which is the basic for all of the computer based ELS searches. So we must understand that original text of the Torah was originally written in the Ancient Hebrew script and during the period after the Babylonian Exile we began transitioning to the Modern Hebrew script based on the Assyrian writing system. (Se the Isaiah Scroll in Heichal HaSefer) for the combination of both writing system where only the holy 4 letter name of G-d is written in the Ancient Hebrew Script). Also remember that the Niqud (vowels) and cantillation markes were only added during the Tiberian Period although most people think that the Koren version of the Tanakh was delivered on Mount Sinai and is absolutely perfect. As such we must understand that although G-d clearly inspired the Torah and Tanakh, it was propagated and perpetuated by man and more specifically Sofrim or Scribes. So we must go back to our Holy texts and see the typography which clearly denotes the Ketiv (how it is written) vs Keree (which is how is how it is pronounced) as clear proof of human error in the transmission of the Tanakh over time. The numbers of anomolies in the Tanakh texts is simply undeniable. We are also confronted with the issues of the canonization of the Old Testiment where the rabbis discarded many of the ancient books such as Tobit, Hochmat Ben Sirach, Megillat HaMacabim, etc. So with a change in the writing system, change in the predominant language from Ancient Hebrew to Aramaic and the enormous chain of Scribes, and discarding of original texts, the presumption that our text today is a perfect replication of the original on Mount Sinai defies all logic.
@cleveland3357 5 лет назад
Eliezer May do you think maybe HaShem controlled what was added or written after all? :)
@adamhartstein6732 2 года назад
Changing the script doesn’t change the spelling so any ‘codes’ would be preserved. The change from Aramaic did not affect any of the biblical books so a language change can’t affect authenticity either. And ditching other books circulating at the time is also irrelevant to the authenticity of the original text. Cantonization has nothing to do with the words producing codes so even if pronunciation changed in theory codes are preserved. Also the earliest versions of the five Books of Moses are exactly the same despite a long chain of scribes. If the Torah was copied letter for letter than you still have no evidence of distortion of an original text
@waynestanford8143 2 года назад
I love your brain. I pray for that kind of understanding and ability to simplify it for the purpose of sharing. I'm just starting to study Hebrew but it's always been in my heart. I lost much time in the church traditional settings who seem not to teach the essence of the Torah.
@jontanneguy4960 2 года назад
Book of Jeremiah about the lying pen of the scribes..
@DeepanshuNayar 4 месяца назад
Bible is like water, because everyone can access it easily they do not value it enough. But the Bible is as essential as water for living a good life
@mybiblecodes 4 года назад
Shalom Rabbi Tighter skips, smaller column boundaries, statistical data significance will increase.
@bryannazoltowski Год назад
Also, how does a Jew explain Psalm 22? Or even Isaiah 53? The 70 weeks of Daniel? Gabriel had ZERO error for margin (because God) and therefore it was predicted TO THE DAY when THE Messiah would arrive. Prophecy is there so that "you would know that HE is The LORD!"
@edreiner6483 2 года назад
Makes you wonder if gematria is applied to the skip reenforces similar to the surface text
@ceciliaswanepoel4326 2 года назад
Look !!! At Isaih 53... Jesus our Messiah is in there !!! Jesus the son of GOD our saviour!!!
@mannymannyson6720 2 года назад
That isn't jesus. You need to use chrustian corrupted translations and read it out of context to think that Isaiah 53 is the 4th of theb4 servant songs. Each of the servants is israel
@ericneiman5556 2 года назад
I am honestly thinking about converting to Judaism? Wow! Praise God
@Elisheva333 Год назад
You could follow jewish Pastor Mark Biltz the highest decoded of the Torah Codes recognized by The professor of hebrew studies from the University of Arizona, the professor was offended by the Torah explanations of Mark Biltz and himself decoded Mark biltz claims and he was very surprised that they missed so much about Torah, Mark biltz teaches Torah across nations, he studies in Hebrew and teaches explained the study to his followers, his program is Saturdays 10am Seattle time every Saturday
@nicopolis7377 Год назад
Bible Codes state that Jesus is The Son of God .
@athenaozburn120 Год назад
They do not acknowledge Gods Grace Jesus Messiah even though prophecies in torah & Old testament Are fulfilled by Jesus of Nazareth. Gods Holy Koddesh Spirit Ruah will reveal to you only truth.
@AlejandroDeLaRosa05 Год назад
Look at Rabbi Jason Sobel. He’s a messianic Jew with this same style of teaching, but much better
@DonnyBrisco Год назад
FYI, if you keep reading your Bible he leaves the Jews and selects those who pursue him instead. Also, RU-vid the barasheet prophecy of Genesis, oh and he created a flat earth in a geocentric system, you don't live on a heliocentric (satanic) globe.
@JeffKohn 4 года назад
I decided to look for the Pardes Rimonim פרדס רימונים cited at about minute 3 of this lecture on Sefaria (available on web and as iPhone/Android app). The page numbering is different than what is noted in this lecture. Nonetheless I took a shot and opened to the first section of the 30th chapter - שער ל and to my surprise, the quoted section in the lecture are the very first words of that chapter!
@kenelkind1857 2 года назад
@danielpaulson8838 3 года назад
3, 7, 12 and 40. Those appear in Abrahamic scriptures more than any other numbers. What are those?
@marylivingston812 7 месяцев назад
It would be lovely to find the date for the rapture ❤
@JDouble07 2 года назад
Can anyone check anything about WWIII, Russia, and Ukraine is there something coming up?
@AllaahuAkbarr 3 месяца назад
Saudi Arabia is a beautiful country Alhamdulila 🇲🇻😍❤
@isaacslevy 6 лет назад
@jordanmccrary2498 3 года назад
@1DaTJo 6 лет назад
Intro is too long. 48 seconds. Otherwise it’s great!
@wrathfeeling 3 года назад
Who created it? Who created the book? Who wrote it down? How come we can only find out what it reveals after events happen? Why cant we foretell ourselves what the Torah is trying to show or is showing? How could any writer ever be able to make the Torah as accurate as it is? Well, the straight forward answer is: This someone or being, is able to see past present and future. Able to experience it, and retain it, memorize it. Something or someone able to see more realities. Traveling to other realities. It is a time traveler, it is a machine, it is the black cube.
@danielpaulson8838 3 года назад
@wrathfeeling 3 года назад
@@danielpaulson8838 It could be that, a slight variation to that could be the Archon. The Borg is a hivemind, of many brains/ideas together. Its what the legion is, if the bible is part of the source. If not it is the Borg, or the Archon, whatever thing with a hivemind.
@danielpaulson8838 3 года назад
@@wrathfeeling Conscious cosmos? I’m good with searching out these ideas.
@danielpaulson8838 3 года назад
@@wrathfeeling And I simply presume because of the channel content, by Archon you’re referring to gnostic views?
@wrathfeeling 3 года назад
@@danielpaulson8838 sort of, them cataloguing world events, not as we people do, but way more thoroughly.
@nicopolis7377 Год назад
Bible Codes state that Jesus is The Son of God .
@BonileMqokozo 3 года назад
what updated software did they use?
@susanhalkin2614 2 месяца назад
@susanhalkin2614 2 месяца назад
@akafilms1 2 года назад
Brilliant on so many levels. Did they find Jesus in there? Thank you Rabbi
@mannymannyson6720 2 года назад
Jesus is not in there. You need to go to christians who rape our scriptures to try insert him where he is not
@christalone1147 2 года назад
Check out John Kostik RU-vid channel
@mannymannyson6720 2 года назад
@@christalone1147 nom anyone with christ or something christian in their name is not someone to get any information on. We know this by having absolute delusional christian propaganda pushed on us far more than we ever wanted daily Not going to willing seek more from you
@christalone1147 2 года назад
@@mannymannyson6720 You search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me. And ye will not come to me, that ye might have life. I receive not honour from men. But I know you, that ye have not the love of God in you. I am come in my Father's name, and ye receive me not: if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive. How can ye believe, which receive honour one of another, and seek not the honour that cometh from God only? Do not think that I will accuse you to the Father: there is one that accuseth you, even Moses, in whom ye trust. For had ye believed Moses, ye would have believed me: for he wrote of me. But if ye believe not his writings, how shall ye believe my words? John 5:39‭-‬47
@mannymannyson6720 2 года назад
@@christalone1147 John is not holy scriptures no5hing holy or divinely inspired about the new testament. False book and full of hate and horrible teachings. Plus rhe author or John makes no sense. Moses actually existed amd there was national revelations. You don't have that. We have alot more complaints about the Nt than that though.
@jackieblackwell5737 Год назад
Can you see if the voynich manuscript is in the bible code?
@trumptv1527 3 года назад
where can I buy this program I heard bible code english program is sold somewhere
@dylanx9327 Год назад
...what does computer search say about the DATE for the end of the world?... such a important event should be encoded there...since it is more important than Holocaust...or this is the blueprint that cannot predict...
@abiadesanya5329 3 года назад
Can COVID-19 pandemic code be tried?
@rafaelsodre_eachday 2 года назад
Search for the word "Messiah".
@ShowCat1 3 года назад
To take this a little further than the Rabbi probably wants to go, the codes also reveal that Yeshua is the Messiah. Look into it, it is unmistakable. Don't be like the sceptics who quickly disavow the above lecture and stop when it gets uncomfortable, or don't go and find Rabbis who will tell you there is nothing to it. Just follow the same science that Rabbi Ellis set forth and you will find the truth. Do not be afraid of the truth. Truth is the most valuable thing there is in life and death.
@mannymannyson6720 2 года назад
No. Jesus is not in our texts. You have go go to christians who rape our texts to try insert him where he is not if you want that
@mikeakridge6555 4 года назад
Did you look up the messiah?
@jamesalbanese2857 4 года назад
Theres millions of codes about the messiah its yeshua,, jesus christ of Nazareth and he will be back so give your life to him he is the king of kings
@jamesalbanese2857 4 года назад
Its yeshua jesus christ
@mannymannyson6720 2 года назад
No. Jesus is not there. You have to go to christians who take oir texts to insert him where he us not if you want that
@sidhasudharshan2746 Год назад
@@mannymannyson6720 This kind of "reasoning" led to the murder of Jesus
@kurthill7030 2 года назад
There are code's in the human d.n.a fact 👍
@MRTACPANS 2 года назад
Kabala Gematria. THE CUBE THE ATM NUMBER FACE. Everything and Anything. Give it a Name and it receives it is Dots Dashes Lines equals Letters. The Six Sides of the Cube Found in two Triangle
@pamelalarochelle580 2 года назад
Future proves past.
@randolphsloan2263 5 лет назад
Fantastic. I study the Ezekiel 36 scroll. I'm King Sloan of Sinai.Randy Sloan ,son of Walt Sloan
@markjapan4062 Год назад
@thetherorist9244 4 года назад
All they truly look for is ONE man who can read the texts and understand the word....they are fishing for men...then they will call him the ANTI christ...make him the bad guy and keep the secret
@bryannazoltowski Год назад
And yet, no one Jew, unless they are unblinded to Yeshua as the Messiah, will acknowledge YHWH's Heptadic code spilling over into the genealogy of Yeshua as Matthew listed in the first 11 verses of his codex. ONLY God could have done this... Look it up ;)
@dylanx9327 Год назад
...sounds like a mind game for the people of computer age... what was first: person or the book?..which edition?... the only blue print for the creation can be a living person.. not a book...
@alessandrovolta8354 Год назад
How would you respond to James McKay's study on "Moby Dick"?
@harryh1261 6 лет назад
@thechariotcard 3 года назад
Can you speak faster?
@mavenfeliciano1710 3 года назад
🤣 So many complain about slow speaking speakers in YT videos. They have to change the playback speed. Here’s one they will love or complain it’s too fast. 😂
@ronkropf3280 2 года назад
@miniphe47 3 года назад
Strangely bias by this century
@abelchavez5647 5 лет назад
The Universe
@pericbowen4958 3 года назад
@francescodisanto7018 4 года назад
Wow wow wow
@VasaVasorum2 5 лет назад
Fantastic ♥️✝️♥️
@mannymannyson6720 2 года назад
Pagan Cross does not belong here.
@Vickielynnrenegar Год назад
he needs to talk a lot faster
@nicopolis7377 Год назад
EliYahu your name means " God's God " ??? So God has a God !!!
@randolphsloan2263 5 лет назад
The word picture is there. I discovered it. Therefore I know it predicts I will be King Sloan 5780
@elenimichailidis2642 2 года назад
stop passing me & others ur teachings pretending 2 b Christian advertisement when u try 2 convert us into Judaism one way & the other being the masons.
@marchess7420 5 лет назад
Google "Torah codes debunked". Such pseudo scientific nonsense and dishonesty. Absolutely the wrong way to bring people to Torah.
@jamesalbanese2857 4 года назад
Wonderful presentation and it shows the glory of God but he should have told them that it tells who the messiah is millions of times, yeshua jesus christ of Nazareth is king of kings and lord of lord's, God in the flesh
@mannymannyson6720 2 года назад
No. Jesus is not there. You have to go to christians who take oir texts to insert him where he us not if you want that
@mannymannyson6720 2 года назад
But the word Salvation is there. Unfortunately for you that doesn't help prove jesus
@thetherorist9244 4 года назад
He knows nothing he is just repeating the same old things....EquaDistant Letter Sequencing codes is a DISTRACTION from the truth and how the book was constructed!!! FACT
@DJCowboyGels 4 года назад
What nonsense!
@markjapan4062 Год назад
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