
Rabbi Moshe Dovid Tendler on the Temple Mount 

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For many years it has been the custom of Rabbi Dr. Moshe Dovid Tendler, famed posek, professor, and son-in-law of the great Rabbi Moshe Feinstein, זצ'ל to perform the commandment of "Mora Mikdash" - showing reverence to G-d at the place of the Holy Temple, by ascending the Temple Mount in strict accordance with halacha - Jewish law.
The Rabbi ascends the Mount every time he is in the land of Israel. He has made tens of visits to the Temple Mount.
The following visit was filmed on the 23rd of Tevet, 5769 - January 19th, 2009.
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17 мар 2009




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@Mara-sim Год назад
Thank you so very much for this archive!!! Such simple yet deep and rich revelation and understanding these concepts!!! I wept with joy! What a gift and a blessing!
@Gilalady 15 лет назад
Although my journey out of Christianity into Judaism was a deeply spiritual one with amazing help from G-d who showed me clearly that He loves me and wants me to have a relationship directly with Him, once you start reading all those prophecies in the Tanach that Christians like to use in Hebrew and IN CONTEXT, you discover that the meanings have been twisted and distorted to shore up a theology that was never there. G-d says time and again He is One, with no saviour or redeemer apart from Him.
@b5kalad 15 лет назад
I see Tovia Singer in the video. It is nice to see the teacher has a teacher.
@anna02l 15 лет назад
Yehoshua Fleisher who filmed this video did a great job! Wonderful, inspiring film. Thank you!
@rabbimorey 15 лет назад
I am so thankful to Rav Tendler for allowing himself to be filmed, sharing his important message about the Temple Mount. May his words inspire thousands of Jews to learn the halachot and go up to the Temple Mount at the first opportunity!
@Draconus33 12 лет назад
Excellent point. It is the love of worldly peace vs the Peace the Lord brings that keeps His house unbuilt.
@valeriancastelino5850 9 лет назад
peace be with you jerusalem, your redeemer about to come.
@thesephardicenter3123 8 лет назад
Thank you so much for sharing this critical video!
@MrApostolicdoctrine1 13 лет назад
May God Bless this people and give back what has always been theirs......The Temple Mount.
@b5kalad 15 лет назад
The temple mount is opened under limited access. I visited the temple mount a few years ago. We had a police officer with us but it was peaceful.
@b5kalad 15 лет назад
Funnynickolo, Jews are allowed on the temple mount under very limited hours. For example, I believe the days are Monday to Thursday AND there is no holiday for any of the three religions. Also, I believe the hours are 9am to 11:30am and 1pm to 3pm in the afternoon.
@kenlbks Год назад
Excellent. Nice to Rabbi Tovia Singer.
@simikess 14 лет назад
Note 16.45. Why is the policeman trying to push one of the Jewish visitors out? Because he dares to pray on the Temple Mount and the Waqf wouldn't like it?
@nabasdaily1961 7 лет назад
Israel God always love you...
@angelhuskyjourney3476 3 года назад
Is there anyway to build Jews holy temple soon or it is impossible to build?
@levi7187 4 года назад
@eq3149 6 лет назад
I met the Rav once when he came to establish a new neighborhood in Kokhav Yaakov.
@YourAscents 15 лет назад
AllforYeshua, well noted is the fact that you STILL have NOT answered my question, "WHICH of the 'historical "Jesus"' figures of Flavius Josephus' histories (because you have no other contemporaneous sources to appeal to) is the 'Jesus' you think is being portrayed in the so-called 'New Testament'?"
@arthurbenephraim5077 10 лет назад
Thank G_d for leadership burden testimony from Sector Azal. Shalom.
@5winder 9 лет назад
+arthur ben ephraim Spell it out. G O D... get rid of the superstition, and false religion. Just follow Jesus.
@haroldgoodman130 9 лет назад
Fascinating. Thanks for all the good work, mitsvos you are doing to prepare our return to Har Habayis. Even the Koran says it belongs to Jews. Apparently, some people have forgotten what their own holy book teaches.
@akivatalansky 3 года назад
I see Rabbi Tovia Singer there in the background.
@YourAscents 15 лет назад
No child of Israel ever worshipped the Temple, but it is very clear that you are under the mistaken notion that they have.
@AllForYeshua 15 лет назад
The greatness of the Word of God is that it's NOT confined to periods in time but is Eternal, being from everlasting to everlasting, speaking the end from the beginning. It's not limited to events in history as history books by men. Truth is not limited to time & space but remains truth always & before all. The Word is Truth & righteousness, no matter who it's spoken to nor when it's spoken. His Word is a seed that never stops producing after itself. You limit God's Word to a mere history book.
@katherinerothschild2026 6 лет назад
Mashiach is coming do not loose hope. Shema Isael. Am Israel Chai. Bless Hashem.
@nathankatri328 4 года назад
How did you go on har Habis is your tame
@He805 9 лет назад
Thank you for sharing this very interesting video!
@YourAscents 15 лет назад
I've got a lot more research on this matter under my belt than you have, I'm sure. Please tell me WHICH of the "historical Jesus" figures of Flavius Josephus' histories YOU think is the one portrayed in the so-called "New Testament", and we can work from there.
@b5kalad 15 лет назад
iwannabejew, Good points. I use that same verse when they come knocking on my door.
@argol21 3 года назад
is that R. Tuvia Singer with him?
@argol21 3 года назад
@ no, in the blue shirt and grey sweater.
@AllForYeshua 15 лет назад
(Your thinking is Greek. Hebraic thinking deals with concrete ideas.) You are sadly mistaken. The first person in scripture to choose concrete ideas, things that could be seen with the human eye, was Eve. Abram tried the concrete thing too with the birth of Ishmael, the Israelites with the making of the golden calf, and the list goes on. David, on the other hand, went to his grave believing in what he could not see but believed because the Word said it.
@salarossi 13 лет назад
There are multiple claims on Har HaBayit, the Temple Mount, and it has been taken and regained more than once in history. The novel, The Dome, by Lior Samson, offers a new twist on the multiple claimants as It explores the nature of extremism and the roots of terrorism. A video trailer for the book is on RU-vid (search on Lior Samson).
@YourAscents 15 лет назад
By the way, you STILL have NOT answered my question. You consider the existence of "Yeshua" a historical fact, but you can't provide me the historical "Yeshua" who is supposed to be the one portrayed in the so-called "New Testament".
@KingPanzergrenadier 9 лет назад
is that Rabbi Tovia Singer
@thesephardicenter3123 8 лет назад
Yes, he is among those accompanying Rabbi Tendler. He is the clean-shaven one standing next to Rabbi Tendler when asking about Birkat HaKohanim (The Priestly Blessing).
@akivatalansky 6 лет назад
Rabbi Tovia Singer is a real Tzaddik. I love his videos on Christian and Jewish theological disputes.
@Rebeca37 10 лет назад
Land of God!! God bless Israel...
@5winder 9 лет назад
+Rebeca37 ... Amen. And BE blessed.
@TagMahirTzedek 11 лет назад
Ookay come we will. Me and you.
@Gilalady 15 лет назад
Jews do not accept the New Testament as being of any divine significance. The Tanach (what Christians call the Old Testament) clearly states (eg Isaiah 43-45) that G-d is One and there is no saviour or redeemer apart from Him. We all have a divine spark - our soul - connecting us to G-d. Of course this does not mean that any Jew would dream of declaring himself as G-d. It is palpably clear to us that the infinite mind of the Creator can never begin to fit into that of a created human being.
@YourAscents 15 лет назад
Cite Book-Chapter-Verse where you think it says this. Once we know what text you are basing your prophecy on, we can then show you how you are misunderstanding it.
@JartaMan 10 лет назад
How do you know where you are allowed to walk and where you are not?
@daughterofjudea9251 10 лет назад
Inside where dome of the Rock is where the holy of Holies stood
@TagMahirTzedek 9 лет назад
***** No it Is not. If it is then go and try to prove it. Many Rabbis who dealt and deal with this issue say that one should go up (after Mikwah). Stop talking non-sense out of your *$$.
@TagMahirTzedek 9 лет назад
***** Its not assur, Rambam and Halacha says otherwise when majority are Tamei Meit. You Am Haaretz apikoris only knows how to curse. Can't even learn properly.
@TagMahirTzedek 9 лет назад
***** Those who dealt with the issue allow it. Anyway I don't care what you think. let those like you never go up. Don't need you. Your IQ is too low. Your an Arab for all I care.
@JartaMan 9 лет назад
***** Guys, even though it's the internet, you can argue politely. Seems from Rambam you can go: הלכה ד: טמא מת אפילו המת עצמו מותר להכנס להר הבית שנאמר ויקח משה את עצמות יוסף עמו עמו במחנה הלויה. old2.ih.chabad.info/index.php?url=ctt_he&mode=r1&ms=2457467
@akivatalansky 6 лет назад
I can't wait for Mashiach and the 3rd Beit Hamikdash to be rebuilt. במהרה בימינו
@AllForYeshua 15 лет назад
Isaiah 63:1 Who is this that cometh from Edom, with dyed garments from Bozrah, this that is glorious in His apparel, traveling in the greatness of his strength? "I that speak in righteousness, mighty to save." Yes. A bld stained garment via the treachery of the sheepfold & God says it is He. Isaiah 63:9 In all their affliction He was afflicted, and the angel of His presence saved them; in His love and in His pity He redeemed them, and He bore them, and carried them all the days of old.
@natureboy1961 6 лет назад
AllForYeshua stop quoting things out of context that verse was refering to G-d, it was not talking about jesus
@AllForYeshua 15 лет назад
(No child of Israel ever worshipped the Temple, but it is very clear that you are under the mistaken notion that they have.) The issue is more in regards to legalism as the means to salvation, yet salvation is from God, not the hand of man. As the scripture says: Acts 7:48-49 However, the Most High dwelleth not in temples made with hands, as saith the prophet:Heaven is My throne, and earth is My footstool. What house will ye build Me? saith the Lord. Or what is the place of My rest?
@natureboy1961 6 лет назад
AllForYeshua shut up
@YourAscents 15 лет назад
Such a good Greek philosopher you are! How easy to fulfill literal prophecies when you can just IMAGINE them in coming true in some ghostly form!
@YourAscents 15 лет назад
Really? If "Jesus" is the Temple, then who was he during the 40 years that the Temple kept standing? "Jesus", if he ever existed, is not a "House".
@AllForYeshua 15 лет назад
(You REALLY think that inward righteousness was a new concept when your so-called "New Testament" was written? Sorry, lady, but even the Dead Sea Scrolls community beat you to the punch.) No, I don't believe it to be a "new" concept. The NT merely speaks on the fulfillment of the OT, so yes, the concept would be the same, as you so nicely stated that they are.
@alk158 6 лет назад
Anyway my family prayed in Rabbi Tendler's shul and I have learned even more after my sister finally got married at 41 years old. Although my family has much inequality in birth rates with a younger cousin having 4 kids and another cousin having 0 kids and this kind of inequality we don't hear about but anyway this Rabbi that somehow anxiety medication would have helped me deal with my family that openly discriminated against me well I now see that my father has over 75% female friends on facebook and my mother over 85% female friends on facebook. So the problem isn't me. My father works as an accountant for a female clothing company and is facebook friends with women much younger then he is. And yet this Rabbi Tendler let this go on for over 40 years with my crazy family. As a kid they picked on me and favored my sister and as an adult for over 20 years now don't invite me for Thanksgiving. My family seems to be about materialism and identity politics and my parents got away with their behavior by this shul in Monsey for years. All these Rabbis care about is helping middle age women divorce to prevent any men from criticizing them. It is purely "exile style Judaism" and I don't think Rabbi Tendler or most Rabbis really want the Temple as they like the synagogue being the center of Judaism where they can control everything and they don't want to file the impurity laws mentioned in Leviticus 15 either even though these laws are very important if we want a Temple and yet the Rabbis claim these laws don't apply to single women and only affect married women regarding the husband and nobody else (whether it is other men or other women for that matter) and that is a complete distortion of the laws which the Rabbis can claim doesn't matter because "no Temple".
@chaimmelcer8621 6 лет назад
Is he still alive?
@AllForYeshua 15 лет назад
Just as the presence of the Lord resided within the Ark of the Covenant, so He resided in flesh as Emmanuel, the True Ark of the Covenant. Numbers 10:33And they departed from the mount of the LORD three days' journey: and the ark of the covenant of the LORD went before them in the three days' journey, to search out a resting place for them. Just as seedtime & harvest is, Jesus was the first with the HS in Ez 37 & hasn't stopped pouring it out, & He offers it to you if you will not reject Him.
@AviPars 8 лет назад
He shouldn't need to aks to take a leaf from a tree.
@rondmc1000 12 лет назад
yes it is.
@AllForYeshua 15 лет назад
John 4:21-24Jesus said unto her, "Woman, believe Me, the hour cometh when ye shall neither on this mountain, nor yet at Jerusalem, worship the Father. Ye worship ye know not what; we know what we worship, for salvation is of the Jews. But the hour cometh and now is, when the true worshipers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth; for the Father seeketh such to worship Him. God is a Spirit, and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth." Jesus is that Temple.
@AllForYeshua 15 лет назад
(You attempt to portray the Temple as a vain thing, but even you Xtians believe that the Temple will be rebuilt or come down out of heaven. 66:21 You can't have it both ways. ) Correction, some Christians believe this foolishness. I'm not one of those. I believe as Stephen & in accordance to the Words of Jesus & the Apostles, that Jesus is that Temple, the God Almighty. The man made Temple is but a copy.
@AllForYeshua 15 лет назад
Romans 1:21-23 For when they knew God, they neither glorified Him as God, nor were thankful, but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like corruptible man, and to birds and fourfooted beasts and creeping things. The Temple & the Torah were never what the Lord intended for man to worship, but He who is revealed through those things.
@nathankatri328 3 года назад
Rav eliyashiv says this is highly issur
@b5kalad 15 лет назад
Hey, Good points!!!!
@YourAscents 15 лет назад
Yeah, you might want to familiarize yourself with the words in Solomon's day about praying towards the Temple. Do you consider that worship? Besides, the Temple was not a 3-d representation of a living thing. "Messianics" are so ignorant.
@b5kalad 15 лет назад
@AllForYeshua 15 лет назад
(So what are YOU a preacher of? ILLegalism?) Matthew 23:26 Thou blind Pharisee, cleanse first that which is within the cup and platter, that the outside of them may be clean also. Legalism is found in those who attempt to make their outside appear perfect via the Law with the idea that the inside would then be made perfect. The Law was not righteous by what it commanded, but via the Spirit of the One to which it revealed. In other words, righteousness begins on the inside, not the outside.
@AllForYeshua 15 лет назад
(Right, so the Creator sacrificed himself in order to pay a penalty to himself) That's correct. Scripture says: Numbers 23:19 God is not a man, that He should lie; neither the son of man, that He should repent. Hath He said, and shall He not do it? Or hath He spoken, and shall He not make it good? God will not work contrary to His own Word, Gen 8, seedtime & harvest. As the beginning of Adam, so is the beginning of Ez 37. God is omnipresent & what He spoke in Isaiah 63 fulfills Ez 37.
@natureboy1961 6 лет назад
AllForYehoshua shut and get out of the comment section and take your beliefs with you and stop imposing them on jews you Jehovah witness
@AllForYeshua 15 лет назад
(Paul, however, taught against both the Torah and the Noachide Laws when he instructed, "Eat whatever you find in the meat-market (shambles)".) Paul was speaking on Ex. 32. Paul is very clear in all that he teaches, as he teaches against those who believe that through futile attempts to make their flesh appear clean & righteous, their soul is still dead & the flesh ultimately presents itself, as it did in Ex when they began to worship a golden calf. Salvation isn't found via the hand of man.
@natureboy1961 6 лет назад
AllForYeshua both paul and jesus can kiss my ass
@YourAscents 15 лет назад
Cite your passages. Documentation is so important, you know.
@AllForYeshua 15 лет назад
("WHICH of the 'historical "Jesus"' figures of Flavius Josephus' histories (because you have no other contemporaneous sources to appeal to) is the 'Jesus' you think is being portrayed in the so-called 'New Testament'?" ) I stand on that scripture which has stood the test of time & has continued to do as the OT scriptures prophesied that it would, spreading throughout the entire world, setting the captives free. There are many writings on Jesus but only one that fulfills all prophesy.
@YourAscents 15 лет назад
Ah, so you're a Muslim who believes in the Quran. The so-called "Old Testament" NOWHERE prophesies about the so-called "New Testament". The "New Testament" canon wasn't even agreed upon until Athanasius in something like 367 C.E.
@YourAscents 15 лет назад
There is no worship of the Temple, here, which was your accusation. You attempt to portray the Temple as a vain thing, but even you Xtians believe that the Temple will be rebuilt or come down out of heaven. 66:21 You can't have it both ways.
@YourAscents 15 лет назад
Jezevel is Izevel in Hebrew. Same name, I believe. Iyzebel Pronunciation ē·zeh'·bel
@yahchanangilyisrael9921 6 лет назад
Better sort out the eastern gate to open.
@khaledahmed1313 2 года назад
Abraham said, "Then do you see what you have been worshipping, 76 You and your ancient forefathers? 77 Indeed, they are enemies to me, except the Lord of the worlds, 78 Who created me, and He [it is who] guides me. 79 And it is He who feeds me and gives me drink. 80 And when I am ill, it is He who cures me 81 And who will cause me to die and then bring me to life 82 And who I aspire that He will forgive me my sin on the Day of Recompense." 83 [And he said], "My Lord, grant me authority and join me with the righteous. 84 And grant me a reputation of honor among later generations. 85 And place me among the inheritors of the Garden of Pleasure. 86 And forgive my father. Indeed, he has been of those astray. 87 And do not disgrace me on the Day they are [all] resurrected - 88 The Day when there will not benefit [anyone] wealth or children 89 But only one who comes to Allah with a sound heart." Great Quran
@AllForYeshua 15 лет назад
(The so-called "Old Testament" NOWHERE prophesies about the so-called "New Testament". The "New Testament" canon wasn't even agreed upon until Athanasius in something like 367 C.E.) All of OT scripture does nothing but speak on the fulfillment of prophesy. In case you hadn't noticed, OT scripture is not prophesy fulfilled but tells us what is that fulfillment. NT scripture does nothing more than to show us that fulfillment, but you desire more for what your eyes can see.
@YourAscents 15 лет назад
Right, so the Creator sacrificed himself in order to pay a penalty to himself, but first he prayed to himself in the Garden of Gethsemane. The Creator gave you a brain. He would like you to use it.
@AllForYeshua 15 лет назад
Acts 7:50-53 Hath not My hand made all these things?' "Ye stiffnecked people, uncircumcised in heart and ears, ye do always resist the Holy Ghost! As your fathers did, so do ye! Which of the prophets have your fathers not persecuted? And they have slain those who foretold the coming of the Just One. Of Him ye have now been the betrayers and murderers, ye who have received the law by the disposition of angels, and have not kept it." Stating what the prophet Isaiah said in Isaiah 66
@avibenavraham Год назад
I spot Rav Tovia Singer :)
@rjanmyhre 3 года назад
Shlomo Goren should have been given the Dynamite when he requested! It would have saved us a lot of crap from the politicians. Bayt al-Maqdis will return to Israel!
@YourAscents 15 лет назад
Moses was the man the Creator chose as His Prophet! Are you attempting to deny Moses that place in history?! Are you denying that the Torah is also called "the Law of Moses"? Jos. 8:31 Yes, Paul taught against the Torah and the Noachide Laws. After this "Jerusalem Council" he utterly spurned James' rulings and taught counter to them.
@AllForYeshua 15 лет назад
(On the contrary, not Moses' words; but G*d breathed. You know, the ONE who never changes. That is why James limited it to the milk of the Word.) As did Paul, but Paul clearly pointed out that it was not in the worship of that which was the created, but He who created it. Scripture is great but in & of itself it is not what is to be worshiped, but He who revealed it to us. It's idolitry to worship the created when the created is there to reveal the invisible, Who is He who deserves our worship.
@natureboy1961 6 лет назад
AllForYeshua james was an idiot he screwed up the words in the bible
@Roberto-kc8tx 4 года назад
I spy Rabbi Tovia Singer !!!
@aaronkerben1525 3 года назад
Baruch Dayan Ha Emet
@AllForYeshua 15 лет назад
This what Paul stated correctly: Romans 1:18-20 For the wrath of God is revealed from Heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness, because that which may be known of God is manifest in them, for God hath shown it unto them. For from the creation of the world the invisible things of Him are clearly seen, being understood through the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse.
@davidspinrad1542 2 года назад
The Rav received alot of criticism even from his own family members
@jgirgis81 13 лет назад
@TheChristianMystic oh my friend be careful what you say. I take it then you are calling God a liar and that the old testement is false. Read Gen !2 I think " I will bless thoes who bless you and curse whom curse you" Why would the Lord put a blessing and curse on some one who has not been chosen?
@ArielYehosefyehuda 11 лет назад
Part 2 Debarim 4:2 and 13:1. DON'T ADD or SUBTACT FROM TORAH. Judaism is Torah, Talmud, Mishna, Midrash, and I don't even know. It is a mixture.What religion were Rueben,Simeon, and Levi? Those that follow TORAH only are Derek YEHOWAH. The proof is in the pudding. Have we been cursed or blessed? Ari
@YourAscents 15 лет назад
I heard the Nokia theme play on the Temple Mount. Nokia made an aliyah!
@50crol 13 лет назад
הר הבית שייך ליהודים, כי יש לבנות את בית המקדש השלישי. אני לא יודע איך זה יקרה, אבל אני בטוח שאנחנו בקרוב יש את בית המקדש השלישי קודש לאלוהי ישראל. אמן
@AllForYeshua 15 лет назад
(You consider the existence of "Yeshua" a historical fact, but you can't provide me the historical "Yeshua" who is supposed to be the one portrayed in the so-called "New Testament". ) Like it or not, he was spoke of all through the OT scriptures, which date back before your "one man" writings & can be seen in the Dead Sea Scrolls. Next we see the same man that prophesy speaks on, found in several Biblical Codex. The writings have spread throughout the world, doing as prophesy stated they would.
@Champraves311 15 лет назад
I know.
@AllForYeshua 15 лет назад
(Not being versed in history, yourself, you only know the parody of the Pharisees offered by the Xtian scriptures that, written by non-Jews, had a definite axe to grind.) While you seem to see fulfilled prophesy as a negative, I don't. Fulfilled prophesy is the greatest thing that has ever happened in history for both the Jew & the Gentile. Yet you state here that those who came to share God's fulfillment of prophesy as being that of a people who had an axe to grind. That is truly sad.
@YourAscents 15 лет назад
"Depart from me, ye workers of iniquity"... in Matthew, the word is "anomia". Do you know what "anomia" means? It means "without Law". "Nomos" is the Greek word for "Torah", the Law of Moses. "Anomia" is "Torahlessness". YOU are the worker of anomia, not the Jews! Enter in through the narrow gate, the Torah and the Prophets!
@AllForYeshua 15 лет назад
("Jesus", if he ever existed, is not a "House".) Very few with sufficient research would dispute His existence. Now about the temple, the temple was a created location containing the Ark of the Covenant, containing the Law, having the mercy seat above, & was where the Lord would meet with the people receiving their sacrifice for sin. Jesus is that Ark in every way shape & form, the real thing, not that made by the hand of man, but by God. Any other temple is but a copy via the hand of man.
@natureboy1961 6 лет назад
AllForYeshua i lost brain cells reading your comment
@AllForYeshua 15 лет назад
Isaiah 66:1-2 Thus saith the LORD, "The heaven is My throne, and the earth is My footstool. Where is the house that ye build unto Me? And where is the place of My rest? For all those things hath Mine hand made, and all those things have been," saith the LORD. "But to this man will I look: even to him that is poor and of a contrite spirit, and trembleth at My word. Paul never taught against scripture, but the worshiping of that which is created, idols, such as the Temple Mount.
@YourAscents 15 лет назад
First of all, the writers of the "New Testament" usually quote the Greek Septuagint, not being experts in Hebrew, themselves. They contocted stories in order to fulfill their own erroneous readings and pesheristic interpretations of passages predicting nothing like what the "NT" authors imagined. Second of all, cooking it up in books doesn't fulfill anything.
@religiouszionist 15 лет назад
Great video. The temple mount is ours and it is time to rebuild the Third Temple with the Temple Institute. Remove the Waqf and the Gold-dome-mosque.
@TheJAG57 11 лет назад
For the future church of Philadelphia; hold on, G-d loves you. It is written and can not ever be changed. Thank you for posting this video!
@extazy17 14 лет назад
G-D bless this great Rav!
@boombarass 15 лет назад
There are even more prophecies that were not fulfilled. Isaiah 9:6-7 Isaiah 11:7-12 Deuteronomy 21:24 Look at those first, and then I'll give you more to look at.
@AllForYeshua 15 лет назад
(How easy to fulfill literal prophecies when you can just IMAGINE them in coming true in some ghostly form!) Ghostly? Where do you ever see God in OT scripture as a created being???? Yet all of humanity, the earth, & the universe was created by this "ghostly" being? Are you suggesting that what God created was much greater than Himself because you can see it with the eyes that He "the ghostly being" gave you? Do you think God as imaginary too, or the HS? You must reject the OT scriptures too.
@LenHummelChannel 9 лет назад
Everything is left desolate and in perpetual conflict *UNTIL you are willing to say and confess: "Baruch HaShem YAhOshuah - YahOvah-Yahahvah: Blessed is the Lord Yeshua who comes in The Name of THE LORD G-ah-D YahOvah-Yahahvah THE ETERNAL 1."*
@argol21 3 года назад
Baruch Dayan HaEmes.
@AllForYeshua 15 лет назад
Isaiah 52, Isaiah 54, Isaiah 60, Isaiah 61, Isaiah 62, Jer 16, Ez 18, Gen 1, Gen 3, and on and on. And speaking directly on the coming of the Messiah & the response of the people toward Him, fulfilled by none other than Jesus: Isaiah 53 & 63...among the many. Either these prophesies are proven & tested to be true, or they are not. We Christians know these prophets are true prophets of God & are not awaiting & testing them still to this day. We know what was spoken was fulfilled in One, Jesus.
@nilhav 15 лет назад
It's funny that Christians believe a man name Jesus is God; but that's not antichrist characteristics to them.
@YourAscents 15 лет назад
Prophets prophesy for the children of Israel things that can be understood; otherwise, it would not be possible to test them as prophets. "Pie in Sky" "heavenly temple" after-life baloney is not the sort of thing the Prophets prophesied about, because it cannot be tested. Your thinking is Greek. Hebraic thinking deals with concrete ideas.
@YourAscents 15 лет назад
Right, that's what James RULED! Paul, however, taught against both the Torah and the Noachide Laws when he instructed, "Eat whatever you find in the meat-market (shambles)". "Whatsoever is sold in the shambles, [that] eat, asking no question for conscience sake: " (1 Cor. 10:25) Paul = False
@rena10009 2 года назад
2:02 wild Tovia spotted
@rena10009 Год назад
@a bruh you on your lashon hara right now.
@rena10009 Год назад
@a Whether it's true or not...I don't know, and I don't care. We all have our transgressions. We all have our opportunity for Teshuva. Excommunication is for the times of the temple. Don't waste your time like this bro. Go do something nice for your mom instead.