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@Scallycowell Месяц назад
“Three girls were killed.” “BY A RAWANDAN IMMIGRANT MUSLIM!!!” “He was a Christian UK-born citizen.” “WELL… Uh… Well… HE’S BLACK!!!”
@Scallycowell Месяц назад
@@Soril2010 They’re openly targeting immigrants and Muslims exclusively. They’re far right wing fascists and every single one of them should be jailed.
@nedeast6845 Месяц назад
Where in the bible does it instruct Christians to kill people?
@mohammeduzair7796 Месяц назад
Perfect summary 👍
@Jay_Johnson Месяц назад
The issue is they are genuinely so detached from reality they genuinely believe he was a Muslim asylum seeker. It's been pretty well documented how this started. A Russia Today fake news post initially said it was a Muslim asylum seeker. Tommy Robinson posted about that on twitter. Elon Musk then made sure to reply to that and get it pushed to everyone's for you page and when the police finally released the information to counter this disinformation, Nigel Farage came out and it was a government cover up. Frankly all of these should be in jail and twitter should be banned as it has played an outsized part in the radicalisation and organisation of stochastic terror.
@tatiana4050 Месяц назад
​​@@Soril2010 plenty of POC are involved in American white supremacy movements. Its not about class. Its about race. Even if some POC are involved. Tell me how "we are being pushed put by immigrants, I understand how native people felt in America" is not about race.
@Krags47 Месяц назад
"I've understand the Native Indians felt in America" is the craziest sentence I ever heard.
@jfk8540 Месяц назад
the british were literally the ones that were the least friendly towards the native americans, broke treaties, swindled, turned tribes against each other, cleared out tribal encampments and pushed them west. they laid the groundwork for the american methods later. the french were much friendlier to the native americans
@In-The-Zone Месяц назад
Funny how she goes "native Indians" when Britain colonized fucking India
@Kayley-bx7iq Месяц назад
i actually screamed
Месяц назад
she's kinda right though, 3 of our own taken by neo-imperialists sad stuff
@OsirusHandle Месяц назад
@@In-The-Zone she means the amerindian or native americans. the EAC conquered india and then later the raj took over but it was never colonised, the population was enormous even 200 years ago. all of Britain was about 10 million people in 1800 versus 170 million across all indian subcontinent when people moved from europe to the US between 1810 and 1860 they came from basically all of europe and were mostly poor, many also went to brazil and paraguay. whereas english migrants mostly went to canada if anywhere
@MetalGearN30 Месяц назад
You know for a fact that the ones that did wear a mask in these riots were complaining about having to wear masks 3 years ago.
@Turdfergusen382 Месяц назад
@@MetalGearN30 so true
@roxyamused Месяц назад
they still complain about the masks
@viki7268 Месяц назад
Get help ​@@BishopBer
@9jasonsmith03 Месяц назад
A lot of them were caught because of their masks. They just traced who bought masks from surrounding shops and because they didn't change their clothes they got caught.
@passiveaggresivesquirrel2052 Месяц назад
@@BishopBer oh you are one of those guys.
@riovevo Месяц назад
"I know how the Indians felt.. in America" yeah there's another group of Indians who were pushed out of their own home... in India... by England...
@beyondconfusion3458 Месяц назад
This goes true for any former colony or state under British control.
@LikeLikeLikeLikeLi Месяц назад
You are so off topic. Being “in the moment” also refers to staying on topic. Just focus on what’s happening now. In england. Tf?
@hauz287 Месяц назад
The day indians realize thier enemies are the ones thier leaders are dogs too is the day India will be truly liberated.
@TwentyTwoSP Месяц назад
Because the genocide of indigenous Americans is super comparable to the colonisation of India… a country that has its autonomy, intact culture and governed by Indians. God youre frustrating 🤦‍♂️
@jasonruggles4622 Месяц назад
Bro you have no idea what we did to the Native Americans here. We literally force them onto reservations and then try to exterminate not only them but their beliefs and their culture. We literally would take Native American children from their families so they can be taught by good Christian families. You have no idea what we did now don't get me wrong I'm not condoning that England Stole India but there's a huge difference between taking somebody's country and saying we're going to rule over you to another country literally saying we're taking your land and we're going to make sure you don't exist anymore
@eerieenby7275 Месяц назад
Thank you for calling it domestic terrorism. Our own government calls it ‘ thuggery’ as a cop out.
@OsirusHandle Месяц назад
the police has called it terrorism
@FrancisR420 Месяц назад
That's some boulderdash
@Em90000l Месяц назад
And at first refused to even mention the racial and islamaphobic aspect (which is the entire motivation)
@786_uk-ak47 Месяц назад
@@OsirusHandleYh but they didn’t call them white Christian extremist
@786_uk-ak47 Месяц назад
@@Em90000l exactly
@-chloe-8728 Месяц назад
british ppl whining about being “invaded” by “foreign cultures” will forever be the most ironic, unserious complaint ever.
@screwballsammo2218 Месяц назад
Oibhruv its chewsday innit??!
@kJ922-h3j Месяц назад
I mean it is those things just on it’s own, pretending working class British people at the time were involved, let alone now (obviously) is just pointless 😂
@anotherdayonearth2199 Месяц назад
Until shit gets real
@ethancooper9456 Месяц назад
@@kJ922-h3jSorry mate but that’s just not true. The working class were heavily involved in colonialism, they made up the majority of the labourers, soldiers, sailors and merchants. They also benefited heavily from the exploitation of all these people and their resources. Britain would not have become the developed nation it is today without the wealth and power generated from plundering the rest of the world.
@selmahare Месяц назад
It’s just too insane for words lol That’s precisely why the rest of the world is just watching and not giving two craps. Karma is not just a word.
@Mr.Coffee576 Месяц назад
“We are not far right, we are just right” *Proceeds to attack a community that has nothing to do with the perpetrator’s religion and ethnicity*
@arshiaarjomandi6279 Месяц назад
Attacking a community that shares the perpetrator's religion and ethnicity would still be unjustifiable.
@Mr.Coffee576 Месяц назад
@@arshiaarjomandi6279Agreed. I was pointing out how misinformed they are.
@cisco555 Месяц назад
@@Mr.Coffee576and how racist they are
@Skygrey2943 Месяц назад
Exactly. 'I'm not far right, but I'm off to do a pogrom'. I dont know how to explain how they think that way. The educational system is pretty poor in the UK if you only stay in school till your 16. There's no politics classes. Also, British people have been saturated in Murdoch media. The BBC is so scared about reporting events accurately because of the backlash it always gets from the right wing media.
@wewuzkangz2505 Месяц назад
Don't care, if you aren't white, you shouldn't be in UK, simple as.
@808thampire Месяц назад
Lol If you're black and brown in the UK, you're considered Muslim. Same as if you're brown The U.S. you're considered Mexican.
@redox4088 Месяц назад
​​@@Soril2010Lol, sure. How the fuck is this a migrant problem then? The perpetrator is not a migrant, he's a UK born Christian, how are these protests related to the stabbing?
@Samuel_Morchin Месяц назад
@@Soril2010 If it isn't a race thing why are the rioters attacking people who 1.) Had nothing to with the crime, and 2.) Were not the same ethnicity as the perpetrator?
@clairewright332 Месяц назад
No as we have Sikhs, Hindus and Christian, Buddhist as well. By the way, we played a part in desegregation in the USA due to black soldiers experiencing this while based in England in WW2 and being warmly welcomed. Look up Bamber Bridge.
@ActuallyAnanya Месяц назад
​@@clairewright332I don't understand why you're trying to protect England's honour right now. I'm British, ethnically Indian, and I'm Hindu. Over the years living here I have been called the p-slur many times despite not being Pakistani even (in fact I'm South Indian, furthest away in India from Pakistan that you can get). As long as you're brown, you're all the same according to the racists. There's been at least one instance in these riots of the rioters attacking a Hindu temple. My friend's parents' shop was broken into and looted 2 days ago, and they're Vietnamese by ethnicity. It's not safe for any minorities in the country right now. Also you're bringing up things the Brits did for racism abroad, while the p-slur bashings in the UK were much more recent than that. There's also Enoch Powell's "Rivers of Blood" speech. And of course the fact that Britain remained a colonial power until much more recently than people realise. Both my grandfathers, who are still alive today, were 10 years old and fully remember living through India getting its independence. I was born just a few months after Britain let go of its final colony, and I'm gen z.
@shivvWhore Месяц назад
The amount of times I've been called a racist name in England because I'm half black, half white is ridiculous (was literally born here too) and it's always Muslim themed racism even though no one in my family is Muslim so rather than being offensive it's just confusing. I think racist people may have very small IQs because they judge solely on looks and not the strength of the individuals character.
@hipporuster Месяц назад
The Liverpool rallies were unbelievably stupid - today they’re screaming about getting Muslims out of the country, but in a couple of weeks when the football season restarts, they’ll be singing Mohammad Salah’s name, asking for him to have statues in the city…
@nuudelz3711 Месяц назад
Hypocrisy at its finest
@reaperj550 Месяц назад
Salah isn't an extremist... there's a huge Muslim movement who are privileged and are trying to take over. Terrible conclusion. Try again
@applepye87 Месяц назад
​@@reaperj550you're a racist. Try again.
@spagooter1807 Месяц назад
@@Happiness-Vib3syou really are dense holy fuck your right better win just listening to yall im on the Uk rights side and im from the US how can you not see what this is good luck owning a home you are gonna need it. This has nothing to do with racism I’m pro immigrant in the US cause we have an economy that can handle it and are able to build homes yours simply cannot and acting like it can is a country destroying mistake. Look to NYC to see what happens when the govt promises everyone a house, rent goes to 4500 a month average and homelessness goes up while they try to take care of migrants that suddenly flood in when they shouldn’t because newsflash nowhere on earth has unlimited supply of houses and if your countries citizens are getting cut out of buying a house that’s a big problem I know the Mexican migrants in the US will probably have homes built for them so they won’t be getting my future home but what about in the UK are you going to favor migrants or your citizens the answer is obvious to me but I guess it’s not obvious to some Jesus Christ if the west cannot identify its own best interests anymore we deserve the impending collapse because voting to favor immigration in the UK is like voting not to own a house later you can’t build more like we do and knowing Britain has such limited resources today it seems like a good way to destroy the country even more than brexit did and inflame racial tensions when people cannot own a home on both sides migrants and natural born citezens. But hey it’s not my rent America will always be building housing I just think this entire argument is in such bad faith it hurts to hear yall out cause certain groups actively seek to destroy the west us in America know that. We don’t have migrant gangs because if a migrant gang robbed someone in Houston we’d treat them to Texas hospitality my female coworker shot someone in the leg with a shotgun in self defense last week for trying to steal her car and that was a Tuesday if you don’t realistically address crime like that it’ll be a disaster and is another reason why we can assimilate cultures well you can’t just go around and act a fool in the US and if you came here for crime just knowing everyone is strapped is an effective deterrent against that even if it comes with consequences too.
@missshai2005 Месяц назад
​@@reaperj550 Why are you just straight up lying? Lol
@frankthebunny1993 Месяц назад
I can't imagine those kids that endured a mass stabbing are feeling too safe with men in balaclavas running around setting fire to things Make no mistake it was never about "keeping our kids safe"
@Aavora Месяц назад
Oh- I don’t think any of them can deny that they’re just racist and Islamophobes. They’re just using the recent event for their crimes. It’s horrendous behaviour.
@toyotaprius79 Месяц назад
Remember the Dublin riots in November? Exactly same tactics and fascists online, framed an innocent Algerian man for the stabbing
@Drownedinblood Месяц назад
Fascists always use kids as their shield, sometimes quite literally. Looking at you Hitler youth during the last days of Natsi Germany.
@gremlinvibe Месяц назад
They don't even consider the extra trauma they're adding to these kid's lives
@Aavora Месяц назад
@@gremlinvibe it was never about the kids, that’s thrown around for you to accept their hate.
@JohnTaylor-pm7xg Месяц назад
I’m from Birmingham England (which is unfortunate enough) and I’m mixed race and have often been described as “looking Asian” and I genuinely feel uncomfortable to be out and about at the minute. England has historically colonised and stolen other cultures and then people complain that England is too multicultural.
@tomsbrainhurtsalot Месяц назад
Ah another west midlands native 🤗 Yeah I’ve never understood how the white “natives” of the fallen global English empire (such as myself) can conceive of criticising multiculturalism and arguing about English culture being dissolved when they’ll inevitably retreat for a curry in the evening. Self awareness zero.
@JohnTaylor-pm7xg Месяц назад
@@JJ-006 actually only around 26% of Birmingham’s population is Asian which also includes other Asian countries such as China and Thailand etc. you’re comment also suggests I would care even if that percentage was higher which I would not. If you read my previous comment, most of the migrants/immigrants that have come to England have been forced to do so due to horrific acts committed by the British government.
@ily9402 Месяц назад
At least u live in an area with a good amount of poc my area is predominantly white and they are planning on attacking my town tomorrow 😭
@jacobgober3875 Месяц назад
@@JJ-006 you're weird
@eoghan- Месяц назад
​@@JohnTaylor-pm7xgYour delusional... no one forced shit 😂
@limb0xz Месяц назад
as a 2nd gen british muslim i feel like this our post 9/11 moment. its never felt worse walking down any random street. while 90% of ppl are normal and chill, it only takes 1 guy to say or do something insane to make you scared to exist in a space
@smartiechuco Месяц назад
I know how this feels. What helped me is to take up MMA and work hard to acquire capital. Prove you’re better in every way
@sacredrider Месяц назад
10% of ppl is a crazy number tho
@hazardousjazzgasm129 Месяц назад
@@sacredrider exactly, that's 1 in 10. Doesn't take long to meet 10 different people on any given day at any place
@jeffersonclippership2588 Месяц назад
​@@Soril2010 you when you empired their ancestors lmao
@jeffersonclippership2588 Месяц назад
@@Soril2010 well, that or you stop being racist and make amends for al the imperialism
@richardnorton2388 Месяц назад
The root cause is educational poverty and racism. That's why it's more prominent in the north, I was born in Middlesbrough (North East England) and have seen it first hand. The saddest thing is it's the poor blaming the most oppressed in society for their problems, whilst the rich sit and watch.
@Em90000l Месяц назад
I don't agree that the north is more racist. It's more a combination of poverty and having Muslim populations too low to fight back and be a genuine risk to the rioters. It's not like working class people are more racist either. It's just that the upper class racists don't riot.
@LikeLikeLikeLikeLi Месяц назад
If they’re english and they are poor, it’s their fault. That’s how capitalism works. You get a fair try at a good career annd if you screw it up it’s on you.
@NosyFella Месяц назад
​@LikeLikeLikeLikeLi you don't know how England or capitalism works
@PhoeniX199777 Месяц назад
@@LikeLikeLikeLikeLi mate just stop talking
@dj71162 Месяц назад
No, the root cause is uncontrolled mass immigration that has ravaged parts of the country, to the extent that some areas have become ghettos and no-go zones for native people.
@brodeewright8548 Месяц назад
lol native Americans reference. The irony is fucking crazy
@eliyarrows2456 Месяц назад
Now I’m curious how they teach the history of colonial America in GB lol like do they think the second people landed in North America they became American? Nah Americans just continued what the British started 😂
@Lunalight01x Месяц назад
@@eliyarrows2456I’m British and in school, I was never taught that. It was just referred as ‘East America’. I only know this from my own research but later on down the line.
@Ghostvix Месяц назад
@@eliyarrows2456 We learnt what happened in america and what happened. Unfortunately it wasn't particularly well done... saying that idk how long they've been teaching this lmfao.
@jdb5961 Месяц назад
@@Ghostvix they didn't teach us anything about it and I finished school 10 years ago. And no they don't teach anything particularly well
@Steven-ly9ei Месяц назад
​​@@eliyarrows2456they straight up don't. Tbey dint even teach us about Ireland or african colonies or the anglosphere. It is glossed over
@Benforeva Месяц назад
English woman comparing herself to Native Indian as though Anglo Saxons are native to the British Isles. 😂😂😂😂
@JNB0723 Месяц назад
right? No one remembers the Celts.
@JamesSmith-ny2gb Месяц назад
Or that immigration is comparable to colonialism and genocide
@julianbell9161 Месяц назад
@@JNB0723the Irish definitely do
@zs5002 Месяц назад
English people are a mix of celts and Anglo saxons with some Viking and French mix. Regardless they’ve been there for 1000 years
@JNB0723 Месяц назад
@@Soril2010 one was 1400 years ago... the other was 30,000 years ago. And there was no one in America when it was settled, dummy.
@plopoplapa Месяц назад
It's strange to me how the British empire conquered so many territories and declared them British land but they find it preposterous that someone with a slightly darker skin tone could live in the UK and identify as a native. Wasn't unifying these lands the whole point? Or just as long as paper-white is the protagonist?
@dennismetzger9287 Месяц назад
Unification was never in question
@theswagman1263 Месяц назад
These people know nothing about their colonial history honestly
@LikeLikeLikeLikeLi Месяц назад
I guess. The point is that they suck. All the nuances and history you speak of is a little interesting but the bottom line is that they suck.
@Drownedinblood Месяц назад
This is how colonial empires are dude. The colonies literally exist as just a way to extract resources, the people in them were never granted the same rights and privileges, there was never intent to actually integrate them to the core. They only force culture and language on the people in the colonies as a way to make it easier for the Imperial core to extract things and exploit them and to be able to control vectors of resistance. If the oppressed people can only speak your language, can only think like you, it's easier to see if they will do anything to fight against you.
@sanukriuki9313 Месяц назад
@@plopoplapa i think these people still felt like a power house but their reality didn't reflect that. Instead of blaming people that hoard the wealth and actually stole from them, they're led to believe that immigrants stole what is rightfully theirs.
@diegog1853 Месяц назад
It is crazy to me... how rich first world country white people compare immigration to actual violent invasion and genocide. My father (spaniard) literally told me the other day: they are so concerned about the invasion of ukraine, but none at all about the invasion at our border. Dude... what are you talking about, are they coming with tanks? are they dropping bombs? No... The native americans were literally hunted down to near extinction, you know... with guns and swords. I am not saying that immigration cannot ever be a problem or even a big problem (it is also literally necessary to mantain most first world countries economies nowadays). But this war-victimization has to stop... crying as if you are being killed and taken from your homes just because you see more brown people in the streets now than 50 years ago.
@othmaneelmansouri6314 Месяц назад
As a Moroccan who's been to most of Europe, I have not experienced racism anywhere like I did in spain, and I was in Barcelona, not even some isolated town.
@diegog1853 Месяц назад
@@othmaneelmansouri6314 I am so sorry to hear that. Yeah plenty of people here are becoming red pilled racists :/
@othmaneelmansouri6314 Месяц назад
@@diegog1853 Well Spanish people also stood with Palestine, so I really have a lot of hope, and their protest in favor of Palestine really made me change my mind and see that although right wing politics is getting more mainstream all around the world, humane people are still the majority.
@diegog1853 Месяц назад
@@othmaneelmansouri6314 surely there is hope. It just these conservative lunatics are getting out of hand, always with the most brain dead of arguments and comparisons.
@ItsJustVxpor Месяц назад
The gall to talk about being "Just like the natives in america" while the british are the ones who did at least 35-50% of that horrific shit
@OsirusHandle Месяц назад
almost the entire colonisation by europeans into the USA was between 1810 and 1860 as economic refugees from industrialisation in europe the rest of the americas was much earlier and only brazil got much aftereards
@nedeast6845 Месяц назад
Only because the hindis are too weak to fight
@K2ELP Месяц назад
The brits didn't allow settlement past the appalachians, which actually played a role in the choice of independence of the USA, White Americans were who did most of the native genocide, what do you mean?
@ItsJustVxpor Месяц назад
@@K2ELP It's been awhile since I've thought about this kinda stuff, what she said just pissed me off, I'll edit it to make it a little better
@K2ELP Месяц назад
@@ItsJustVxpor don't worry to much getting mad at this person is warranted, because she's absolutely delusional if she compares herself to the suffering Native Americans went through
@tyronechillifoot5573 Месяц назад
Europeans who say racism is an American thing i wonder what they’re saying now
@Aavora Месяц назад
Bruh it was never strictly an American thing. Have you heard of the country Denmark? Well let me tell you something about my country, old people here don’t even flinch when they call a black person something horrendously racist, and to them it’s just seen as normal. It’s insane.
@gclip9883 Месяц назад
As a German, i can tell you that there are a ton of racists here too. AfD, the second largest party according to polls currently, is pretty much the German equivalent to MAGA-Republicans. And they are not just racist, they are literally colluding with neonazis.
@IzibaMusic Месяц назад
@@tyronechillifoot5573 The least racist country on earth is America. You would know that if you ever left your mom's basement.
@Ghastlyteaparty Месяц назад
It's wild that some Europeans think that way. Europeans invented modern racism, sadistic artists with the colonies as their canvas.
@xKuukkelix Месяц назад
i guess it's american and british thing now
@TihetrisWeathersby Месяц назад
A UK video on a fookin Chewsday
@toyotaprius79 Месяц назад
@13orrax Месяц назад
shmashin day for a pint innit?
@TihetrisWeathersby Месяц назад
@@13orrax bloody wankers the lot of em
@codeinecowboy8607 Месяц назад
Oi oi oi what’s going on then
@highqualitywritinginstrument Месяц назад
Bortla warter
@Bakemer94 Месяц назад
POC: Exists Right Wing Islamophobes: U WOT?
@xin215 Месяц назад
i cant imagine being like a syrian or something in turkey or germany or the UK who came as a result their home country being an active warzone with 70+ actors fighting to the death, only to see this type of shit happen and feel unwelcome in your new home. literally damned if you do damned if you dont lol, and the worst part is they cant really comprehend this type of behavior, they havent fully grasped it because literally no one does this shit but white people
@xaveircombs2690 Месяц назад
Weirdly they don't try this anymore in america
@leonhardeuler7647 Месяц назад
​@@xaveircombs2690Because America, for all its flaws, is actually somewhat capable of recognizing, addressing and condemning racism, which is something that Europeans (British included) are , either by upbringing, culture or general disposition, not that capable of doing.
@Byrdstar6423-un3me Месяц назад
Hate that this all happened on my birthday:*
@thumpertron Месяц назад
@@leonhardeuler7647 Are you feeling okay? This might be the worst take on this entire website.
@Saucisse_Praxis Месяц назад
When you stare into the abyss... you can now see the UK at the bottom.
@toyotaprius79 Месяц назад
"Irish reunification 2024" - Data
@LikeLikeLikeLikeLi Месяц назад
Or in other words: when you look at a really over thought, insessant comment, you’re looking at saucisse’s. JUST BE SIMPLE.
@eliyarrows2456 Месяц назад
@@LikeLikeLikeLikeLithis is extremely simple my guy. What part of this was confusing?
@LikeLikeLikeLikeLi Месяц назад
@@eliyarrows2456 awwwww that is so sweet “my guy”. I love you too Eli!! :-)
@rurubelle2920 Месяц назад
​@@LikeLikeLikeLikeLi it's a simple comment though? They're saying the UK is at its lowest point right now, at the very bottom of a deep dark hole.
@HekatieSquires Месяц назад
So fucking depressing to see. My own uncle has JOINED Reform. We try to challenge his bullshite when we can but he’s an incredibly stubborn baby boomer with debilitating depression who doesn’t value what me or my younger sisters have to say, because we’re young (older gen z) and we’re women. He doesn’t even know that my sisters are queer, and idk if they’ll ever tell him tbh. Almost funny how me and him are both disabled and housebound and yet we passionately sit on complete opposite sides of the political spectrum. Almost. If any brits of colour or ethnic minorities see this: many of us are glad you’re here. Please, in watching all this hatred and violence, don’t forget that there are fellow British people that care about your life. And don’t forget that you deserve to live here as much as anyone else, you deserve to feel safe and you deserve respect.
@JohnSmith-mc2zz Месяц назад
I think the world has gone nuts. The rabble almost figure out who is causing their problems but then they end up diverting to a scapegoat because they're cowards.
@rv3427 Месяц назад
you are part of the problem.
@MakeEuropaGreatAgain Месяц назад
Listen a little to your uncle, he's been here for a while and knows what he's talking about. And no, we don't deserve to live in our new countries as much as the natives, definitely not when we hold more pride in our original nation than our new. you don't know what is going on, you just see the best in people and it will backfire hard, the last 10 years is the results and things are only escalating. the sad part is, when the killing starts, you will be safe, my family and other Muslims or POC will have to flee again. you are only pushing your agenda and will never pay the price. Close the borders, deport the criminals, and deport the refugees that are safe to return. Then we are all safe for at least our lifetime. Also, why would your uncle listen, when you see him as a depressed baby boomer and his opinions are "bullshite" listen to the man and meet him somewhere. To your uncle and all others labeled racist, just know there are migrants fighting for your nations, this is heaven on earth and the whole of Europe will shine again!
@HSE331 Месяц назад
@@JohnSmith-mc2zzthere is no racial unity in class struggle. you act enlightened but you buy heavily into culture war and anti racism. if england was homogenous socialism would have long been achieved. to imply otherwise is to fall into perverse neoliberal survival rhetoric whereby they will sell everything and everyone to preserve neoliberal capitalism.
@unknownbutknown332 Месяц назад
Imagine counter protesting the people who are saying they are being replaced put down thought of as last In there own country They are trying to get awareness to what has been happening and what the media ignores the police were afraid of being called racist if they did something about the grooming gangs and the people who speak out about it are called racist The media loves to put down white people and so many times has there bias been exposed Theres so many examples Like Jamal and the white "boy" I wont explain it look it up it's one of many I'm not even from the uk but its happening where I am also White people are limited on what they can say they have to watch what they say or there might be consequences that others of different skin colors would not have it's ok you be racist to white people but if a white person is racist they lose everything even if hes not actually racist
@Jamezontoast Месяц назад
The UK's racism is so much more deeply baked into society than in the US, it is more casual and malicious
@jenesishunter9674 Месяц назад
Realest Talk 😮
@Byrdstar6423-un3me Месяц назад
Yeah right lol
@mookiestewart3776 Месяц назад
It depends, the racism against most other races ?? Yeah I get your point. The racism against black people?? Nahh fam, the USA is the KING of that shit! And I say this as a black man born and raised in the USA. Our entire country is founded upon racism towards the black population.
@leanio8740 Месяц назад
It might not be a pure UK thing, but an overall European thing. They care less about race explicitly (until now), but care a lot about nationality. If you ask a European how they feel about a neighboring country, you'll probably get a negative answer
@clairewright332 Месяц назад
So how come so many have come here and reached high levels in society? Pritti Patel Suella Braverman Rish Sunak James Cleverley Kwasi Kwarteng Claire Coutinho Kemi Badenoch Sajid Javed Nadhim Zahawi And this is from the supposedly racist Conservative party. Explain that
@kieronfarley1924 Месяц назад
I had a conversation with the white side of my family the other week where my cousin said her new BF had some “controversial” views, I had already joked he was a racist cause he wanted to join the British military but then I was told he is anti immigration. I responded with “oh so he could actually be racist”…they did not take kindly to that. Even with me explaining the whole dog whistle of generally anti immigration USUALLY being a sign on racism (and once again reassuring that he’s probably a nice enough guy but generally speaking). My dad was in the toilet and I outside my brother I was the only black person there, despite that they all chastised me and now these riots are taking place. I genuinely feel like I’m going mad, even childhood friends who were coached by my dad are saying fucking the immigrants get them out. It’s unironically so scary to be an ethnic minority in this country rn, especially when you come from white areas like I do, I ain’t go no in person community to lean on like dat. But hey bring back the good ol days (aka the empire) n all dat.
@RedScareClair Месяц назад
Be safe, comrade
@kieronfarley1924 Месяц назад
@@RedScareClair much love, we will all get through this eventually that’s something I do truly believe
@PHOENIX-2K03 Месяц назад
i feel u man
@rc27td Месяц назад
stay safe brother. solidarity with you ❤
@unknownbutknown332 Месяц назад
Imagine counter protesting the people who are saying they are being replaced put down thought of as last In there own country They are trying to get awareness to what has been happening and what the media ignores the police were afraid of being called racist if they did something about the grooming gangs and the people who speak out about it are called racist The media loves to put down white people and so many times has there bias been exposed Theres so many examples Like Jamal and the white "boy" I wont explain it look it up it's one of many I'm not even from the uk but its happening where I am also White people are limited on what they can say they have to watch what they say or there might be consequences that others of different skin colors would not have it's ok you be racist to white people but if a white person is racist they lose everything even if hes not actually racist
@isengrim99 Месяц назад
I'm so sick of reading the news and seeing some sort of Kristallnacht-level s*** going on. Sick and tired
@xibalbalon8668 Месяц назад
Every fucking day more brownshirt tier shit keeps happening, don't know what to do
@jeffersonclippership2588 Месяц назад
​@xibalbalon8668 I mean when we can't even stand around holding signs without being beaten by the police, there's nothing to do but wait for dialectical materialism to do its thing
@Byrdstar6423-un3me Месяц назад
Just you watch those wackos are calling for civil war
@clairewright332 Месяц назад
Yes I agree that the skyrocketing rate of anti Semitism from the left is terrible. You should sort that out before you talk about other racism.
@clairewright332 Месяц назад
​@@jeffersonclippership2588Yet you don't have any hesitation or problems with visiting speakers being shut down or intimidated by a mob just because you disagree with them so spare me your hypocrisy.
@grantmcdade5593 Месяц назад
And now people are literally crying and calling out for their mums in court, and could be sentenced as terrorists 😊
@acediamond7524 Месяц назад
@@grantmcdade5593 excellent! That’s exactly what they are (by definition!).
@eliyarrows2456 Месяц назад
It’s like the people from January 6th who couldn’t comprehend why they were going to jail 😂 what part of “storming the capital” sounded legal
@kevintipcorn6787 Месяц назад
they're getting like 2 months for assaulting cops in a race riot, in the 2011 riots they gave people 16 months banged up and deported them after just for licking an ice cream.
@WombatOfDisaster Месяц назад
@Porter-1488 Месяц назад
This has been a problem for UK for a long, long time (immigration). The label “far right” is used by the media, but the reality is this is regular Brits wanting to keep Britain Britain. Some streets I understand look like straight out of Pakistan, and not safe. Bottom line is, I hope the people of Britain win this long fight against immigration. I pray for my patriot cousins across the pond. Save your land. Save your culture.
@oshi_wow7543 Месяц назад
The irony of the same people who tried to say pro-palestinian riots were violent...im glad they were able to show us a better example of a "peaceful" protest 😂😂😂
@blxrd444 Месяц назад
I actually hate it so much right now here bro im literally black and muslim 😕🙏🏾
@aflickt4162 Месяц назад
2 strikes already be careful out there
@asappockyy Месяц назад
same :/
@aminegriffiths3649 Месяц назад
I'm moving to a blue state in the US soon. Fuck this country, now matter how fucked up America is, racism in Europe is actually way worse.
@MichelleBlessing Месяц назад
Me too and I'm a female and Irish. I lived and worked in n London for 10 years, many years ago and the racism was sickening and obvious even then.
@wiretom Месяц назад
You’re safe around me mate 👍
@calvincameron354 Месяц назад
Terrorists being referred to as merely troublemakers says alot
@selmahare Месяц назад
Yep, if you're brown you're a terrorist, but if you're white you're just a hooligan or a thug. I mean how much evidence of Britain's institutionalized racism do people still need?!
@sarasaeed6349 Месяц назад
@@Soril2010self defence from degenerate thugs. Cry about it.
@nothanks9503 Месяц назад
Yeah it’s crazy they even let terrorist immigrate into the country
@unknownbutknown332 Месяц назад
Imagine counter protesting the people who are saying they are being replaced put down thought of as last In there own country They are trying to get awareness to what has been happening and what the media ignores the police were afraid of being called racist if they did something about the grooming gangs and the people who speak out about it are called racist The media loves to put down white people and so many times has there bias been exposed Theres so many examples Like Jamal and the white "boy" I wont explain it look it up it's one of many I'm not even from the uk but its happening where I am also White people are limited on what they can say they have to watch what they say or there might be consequences that others of different skin colors would not have it's ok you be racist to white people but if a white person is racist they lose everything even if hes not actually racist
@unknownbutknown332 Месяц назад
​@@Soril2010 they think they are in the right and virtuous but it's the opposite we know this and I will keep speaking I wont be silenced
@luizhenriquegarcia3186 Месяц назад
The only language that facism understand is force, that is the way to win.
@toyotaprius79 Месяц назад
And embarrassment
@Drownedinblood Месяц назад
Look at what happened to Richard Spencer after he got punched in the face...
@somchai272 Месяц назад
Progressives already know this unfortunately.
@rskl8083 Месяц назад
Joy is a brick to the face of fascism
@dj71162 Месяц назад
The people protesting are not fascist. They are just normal people who feel like they are becoming unsafe and treated like second class citizens in their own country. Most people in the UK are unhappy with such high levels of immigration. Some areas have become ghettos where natives cannot go and feel safe. People are also afraid to go out alone anymore. Our country is being ravaged and politicians aren't interested; so this is a way to get their attention.
@yellowbentines Месяц назад
it’s such a relief for an american to explain what’s going on over here and WELL. i’ve seen so many dumb takes from americans on twitter who really don’t understand the threat of the far right in this country and it’s been driving me nuts
@jfk8540 Месяц назад
well us americans on the left recognize the right in the UK is no different than the right in the US except they seem to be more ready for violence in a way that i don’t see as much here because we have had more diversity in race for hundreds of years, race riots and tensions for a long time whereas in england its a more modern issue since the UK was like 90% white until like 30 years ago, and the islamophobia seems worse there than it was here immediately after 911.
@yellowbentines Месяц назад
@@jfk8540 yeah you seem to have a pretty good understanding too, sadly all i’ve seen are a lot of assumptions that english fascists are just the working class thug type who are participating in these riots/pogroms and severely underestimating the power of the ones in suits who have stoked the flames. Assuming they aren’t a big deal because the Reform Party only won 5 seats in the General Election, when really the results were an awful lot more complex than that and actually a massive concern when you delve even a little deeper than the amount of seats won (if this doesn’t make sense because of the lack of punctuation then i’ll add it in the morning, it’s 2am here and my brain is half asleep lol)
@yellowbentines Месяц назад
@@jfk8540 noooo i just typed out a long ass reply and youtube must’ve auto deleted it for whatever reason 😭 i’ll try again later on in the day when it isn’t 2am edit: okay nope i’ve tried to censor every word and sentence at this point, youtube doesn’t like me it seems
@yellowbentines Месяц назад
@@jfk8540nvm i managed to find it in the comment history tab! i’ll censor words that might’ve caused it now 🤔 yeah you seem to have a pretty good understanding too, sadly all i’ve seen are a lot of assumptions that english fash are just the working class thug type who are participating in these riots and severely underestimating the power of the ones in suits who have stoked the flames. Assuming they aren’t a big deal because the Reform Party only won 5 seats in the General Election, when really the results were an awful lot more complex than that and actually a massive concern when you delve even a little deeper than the amount of seats won (if this doesn’t make sense because of the lack of punctuation then i’ll add it in the morning, im half asleep lol)
@RedScareClair Месяц назад
The European far right is what keeps me from committing to the idea of moving to Europe. It was literally the epicenter of WW2 and this was after centuries of colonialism.
@jamielockdown Месяц назад
I love the thumbnail shot of the English flag with anarchist 'A's in each of the quadrants. Things anarchists famously love: 1) nationalism 2) English nationalism specifically 3) Borders lol
@lorrithelinguist 29 дней назад
Lmao good point
@eges72 24 дня назад
As an ansync that was the funniest shit I've ever seen in my life
@frankthebunny1993 Месяц назад
The extremely funny thing is a lot of these dudes talk a lot of sh1t about face nappies and now theyre all being locked up because they refuse to hide their identities
@dennismetzger9287 Месяц назад
Tell me how masks worked in the pandemic as we are still dealing with the virus
@LikeLikeLikeLikeLi Месяц назад
What? WTF do beards have to do with facemasks. Tf?
@zzxp1 Месяц назад
@@dennismetzger9287 They work when everyone wears them as they slow the propagation of the virus.
@eliyarrows2456 Месяц назад
@@dennismetzger9287 because a lot of people refused to wear masks out of… protest? To a virus? Remember the literal marches at the beginning of the pandemic? Where people would all meet up and March and then all get sick?
@johnathanjjohnsoniii8019 Месяц назад
@@dennismetzger9287 Do you think masks were designed to magically delete the virus from existence? What?
@legendofo4094 Месяц назад
Thank you for calling out Elon Musk as a Nazi
@hazardousjazzgasm129 Месяц назад
watch the video Mother Jones put out about Musk retweeting race science accounts, disgusting behavior
@clairewright332 Месяц назад
How? He's not shutting down free speech, that's what a Nazi fascist would do. Just because he dared to challenge Starmer regarding two tier policing and just focusing on protecting the Muslim community. How about all communities?
@sumedhgarimella6024 Месяц назад
I saw someone in downtown Manhattan making knifing gestures towards a visibly Muslim woman and who I assume is her daughter literally 3 hours ago. This shit is already here too and it will take just one Elon Musk retweet for the same shit to happen this side of the pond.
@sumedhgarimella6024 Месяц назад
@@Soril2010 hope they recover, was it in the riots?
@sarasaeed6349 Месяц назад
@@Soril2010young boy in Hainault had the same thing happen to him by a psychotic degenrate
@unknownbutknown332 Месяц назад
Imagine counter protesting the people who are saying they are being replaced put down thought of as last In there own country They are trying to get awareness to what has been happening and what the media ignores the police were afraid of being called racist if they did something about the grooming gangs and the people who speak out about it are called racist The media loves to put down white people and so many times has there bias been exposed Theres so many examples Like Jamal and the white "boy" I wont explain it look it up it's one of many I'm not even from the uk but its happening where I am also White people are limited on what they can say they have to watch what they say or there might be consequences that others of different skin colors would not have it's ok you be racist to white people but if a white person is racist they lose everything even if hes not actually racist I remember who I am
@unknownbutknown332 Месяц назад
if standing up and fighting back when pushed around and told what to think and say because your white is racist... well... I'll keep standing
@acediamond7524 Месяц назад
Unfortunately a lot of us in the UK are not the sharpest tools in the box…
@toyotaprius79 Месяц назад
@LikeLikeLikeLikeLi Месяц назад
Word up G. At least (white people) us gringos don’t have race riots. Yall are trippin for real for real.
@windu2472 Месяц назад
Yeah clearly. you thought it was a good idea to let millions of authoritarian theocrats enter your country with a culture that is irreconcilable with Western liberal values and are now paying the price.
@zacharymcneely6039 Месяц назад
It’s nice to see the UK looking stupid in the news for once.
@LikeLikeLikeLikeLi Месяц назад
@@zacharymcneely6039 they look stupid everytime I see their parliament. They think it’s cool to look like a 3rd grade class at recess. They are literally never happy.
@allnamestakenisnot Месяц назад
As a brit this makes me incredibly sad, seeing these far right thugs, destroying communities, travelling across the country, destroying libraries and public services in other peoples communities. I have never been the subject of racism in my life growing up as a person of mixed heritage, but now? For the first time in 34 years, I am experiencing racism.
@dre3k78 Месяц назад
Ah good old irony. All this from people of a country that colonized 1/4 of the world in their "rich" history.
@OsirusHandle Месяц назад
we invented the industrial revolution, thats how we did it. india was conquered with like 50k british troops and 100k locals basically, banking is that OP. meanwhile napoleon fielded 1.2 million troops 😂
@JayzVeez Месяц назад
​@@OsirusHandlespeaks volumes about your utter lack of morality if you're actually proud of this
@OsirusHandle Месяц назад
@@JayzVeez it caused countless horrors but hey also the biggest boom in human history. thats capitalism for ya. i believe we must move past capitalism but its moral history is difficult consider world population has grown since 1750 to 2024 800 million to 8 billion. we also invented things like vaccines and anesthesia and antiseptic (tho the french discovered germ theory and did most later work on vaccines, and germans etc. too did a lot, and vaccines in concept where chinese) which contributed to this
@brentoncarter4275 Месяц назад
@@OsirusHandleyou didn’t do shit adolf
@OsirusHandle Месяц назад
@@brentoncarter4275 i mean ok but whats ur point. i didnt do the bad stuff either lol. the empire and britain as a whole was mixed its silly to say otherwise
@cassiusdhami9215 Месяц назад
Wait, why would people who live there "want their hotel back"? Aren't hotels made specifically for foreign visitors? They're so dumb.
@smj6710 29 дней назад
@monsieurgarf4058 Месяц назад
They need to hold those people releasing false statements accountable. The news sources and accounts amplifying it.
@Em90000l Месяц назад
The government's made it pretty clear they're taking online stuff seriously so I hope it happens. Already got some people charged with inciting racial hatred online. A lot of racist twitter accounts are getting doxxed too
@jenesishunter9674 Месяц назад
Real Talk 😮
@axa3687 Месяц назад
I think it originated from Russian sources. Good luck holding them accountable lol...
@lolasdm6959 Месяц назад
@@axa3687doesn’t matter
@aggeroxf Месяц назад
Domestic terrorism is exactly what it is. Does not make me proud to be British at all.. what makes this nation special is our culture
@jimmyfable7947 Месяц назад
What culture?
@bondickle Месяц назад
I'm not keen on the word "special" because it makes it sound better than it is. Every country has a culture and that's what makes them DIFFERENT... different doesn't imply any one is better than the other. So many people here think they're special because they're British (as if they had any choice where they were born) and thinks Britain is still an empire (without thinking of the horrors it took to "achieve" that) but it's delusional. I've mentioned this to my TERF Reform mother and it's like her brain is an etch a sketch because a day later she's back to emphasising GREAT Britain, not just Britain 🫠😭 so yeah our culture makes us different but it doesn't make us special imo.
@arbitarious Месяц назад
@@jimmyfable7947let bro talk
@thumpertron Месяц назад
@@bondickle WTF are you talking about? Its been called Great Britain since the Romans, long before the empire. It doesn't mean great as in excellent or better. Also special is literally just another word different.
@nedeast6845 Месяц назад
define British culture for me
@Drownedinblood Месяц назад
Tbh it's pretty alarming having some very real examples of fascism in action in modern time, we used to have to pulls hit from weimar germany, now we're seeing it.
@Praisethesunson Месяц назад
It's the U.K. They still have a feudal society. Their serfs can buy meat pasties so they refuse to see the reality of their material conditions. While the lords use those serfs as pawns in the imperial meat grinder.
@Praisethesunson Месяц назад
@@Drownedinblood This is standard behavior for the U.K. they just spent the last 400 years exporting this hoggery abroad so the serfs at home could pretend this isn't standard.
@slowedndreverb Месяц назад
weimar germany was socialist
@Drownedinblood Месяц назад
@@slowedndreverb ....but the nazi's were rising in weimar Germany....
@Praisethesunson Месяц назад
@@Drownedinblood lol my comments keep getting auto deleted. That's freedom™
@harveyhardware4228 Месяц назад
it’s absolutely hell
@toyotaprius79 Месяц назад
Normal island being normal
@HSE331 Месяц назад
so true xister, reactions (voices of the unheard or whatever) to crimes against humanity are like the same or something. being mad that some people drove a plane into a building is also the same as supporting the action and or doing it.
@thebritishgamer836 Месяц назад
As someone who went to pro Palestine protests and marches in the UK, and saw much of the local community showing support, especially brown and muslim store owners, it is disgusting to see this portion of our population acting this way. Those same people condemning these riots going "oh it's so terrible, how could this happen", are the people who hated on pro Palestine protests also. So many fence sitters who don't want to be political thinking the left and right are the same
@HSE331 Месяц назад
no shit? people like that naturally care about their own people? just like how the majoriry of pali protestors are muslim or brown? you are the minority in those protests.
@thebritishgamer836 Месяц назад
@@CTpng is this English? Free Palestine
@Salzaia Месяц назад
@@CTpngyeah Palestine does have a history of that. But that doesn’t excuse the amount of innocent people murdered by idf. Majority of the population were not alive then… you have to understand that most of the population are 18 and below. Don’t be dense.
@cherryfroggo Месяц назад
Imagine living your whole life privileged and then going out and protesting other people living in your country because you're "done" with them? Like they're really triggered over groups of people who will never get the education they got; never have the same wage; etc. But they're "at a boiling point"? That's just delusional
@Praisethesunson Месяц назад
Living in the U.K seems like a punishment to me. that boggy little island is a mass of poor sods being openly exploited by their literal lords.
@cherryfroggo Месяц назад
@@Praisethesunson I don't know which side you're on, but that's hilarious and true regardless 😂
@jeffersonclippership2588 Месяц назад
​@@Praisethesunson And they love those lords, totally serf brain
@clairewright332 Месяц назад
Well considering that they voted for Brexit in order to reduce the rate of immigration and consecutive governments have ignored them and maligned them all as far right, I think they have a right to be angry that democracy is being ignored because the elite didn't agree with the general public.
@clairewright332 Месяц назад
​@@PraisethesunsonI think you need to stop putting down my country. It has a lot going for it and has for years punched above its weight in many aspects of life. I'm proud to be English and will not ever apologise for that or be silent when haters start trashing all its people, it's history, its traditions, culture and heroes. So cut out your first class snobbery.
@bluedreamkush2392 Месяц назад
“I now understand how the Indians felt in America when the white man pushed them out…” As someone who is half Native American, that shit was wild to hear
@screwballsammo2218 Месяц назад
The problem with England is that its full of the English lmao
@dovee1 Месяц назад
Another one said the titanic sank because there were too many people on it, which she likened to the UK’s situation. The brightest minds in racism are out in full force here.
@harimauindia5775 Месяц назад
@@dovee1 the only reason you blame the iceberg is because it's white
@hanistolemywife4694 Месяц назад
Fun fact; the guy on Good Morning Britain who was interrupting (the wonderful) Zarah Sultana is called Ed Balls ED BALLS
@bullywags397 Месяц назад
England is the only country I have lived in the world where I witnessed racist attacks on the street. There are so many racists in England the Conservative government supports these racists. It's why they left the EU, too many Polish people. They literally do not want to help any refugees in the world even though they have been involved in every conflict in the middle east or started it.
@tidecaller7217 Месяц назад
The middle east has been in conflict for 1000's of years.
@project-arlo Месяц назад
what conservative government
@tidecaller7217 Месяц назад
@@project-arlo exactly the fake cons are far left aswell
@frankthebunny1993 Месяц назад
Didnt have race wars in Middlesborough on my 2024 bingo card
@theMadCEHMist Месяц назад
I’m a Canadian living in the uk right now. My fiancé’s brother is stuck in Stoke on Trent with his girlfriend because of these lynch mobs. Not that he’d want to go home to Belfast cos my FMIL says it’s dangerous there too. There’s talks of martial law beginning soon. I regret ever thinking I could live here full time. I miss home. Canada isn’t perfect when it comes to race relations either but the racism and xenophobia over here is so normalized it’s insane. There’s shit I’ve heard people say or call other people that even the most racist person I knew growing up would never have said. Maybe I was lucky and didn’t know very racist people, or they at least felt some shame and kept that hog behaviour to themselves, but living for 24 years in Canada and not hearing half the shit I’ve heard living here in the last 5 years is crazy to me. Even I, a white Canadian girl, gets treated like a second class citizen fairly often because I’m not from here. Other Canadians i know over here have trouble getting jobs or are treated poorly by customers because we’re not from the UK (so much for the commonwealth). I worry about my non-white friends because, while they’re used to being sneered at and shouted at on the streets, I’m scared they’ll be physically assaulted someday. My fiancé and I are working on his visa to go back to Canada. Can’t come soon enough. 😢
@navdeepj16 Месяц назад
Idk I feel like Canada is heading in the same direction as the UK but you won’t see these mobs over here in Canada
@theMadCEHMist Месяц назад
@becca867waaaaay nicer. Can’t wait to come home. They’ve made immigration impossible over here. Like, I can bring my fiancé over on a spousal visa because we’ve lived together for a year and I can sponsor him because of that, but he can’t sponsor me unless we’re legally married and only if he makes £35,000 a year, and he just doesn’t make that much yet (he’s in IT and would get there eventually but not by the time my visa expires). Even if I got pregnant, my child would be the only one allowed to stay in the country. I would still be deported. (Learned that in law school over here). Good news is, we’ll be enjoying poutine together as we plan our wedding within 12 months if all goes well. 😅
@Ash-ve8hh Месяц назад
white people are not oppressed what is wrong with you...
@asbachhar 29 дней назад
Racism has increased a lot in Canada too recently but it's still better than the UK
@kailajensen1021 Месяц назад
hasan imitating that guy's accent made me chuckle
@selmahare Месяц назад
@@Soril2010tf lol Cry harder!
@Kenjionigod Месяц назад
The lady talking about she knows how hiw Native Americans felt now is wild.
@Alacritous Месяц назад
"Limiting Immigration" has ALWAYS been synonymous with racism. ALWAYS. In the US it started(well... as much as anything can be said to be the beginning) with the Chinese exclusion act. That was the first law that was passed to limit immigration from China because the Railway was done and they didn't need the cheap disposable labor anymore. Another one was the Immigration Act of 1924: This Act established quotas that severely limited immigration from Southern and Eastern Europe. It was based on eugenicist and racial theories that deemed certain nationalities and races as less desirable.
@OsirusHandle Месяц назад
How do you distinguish european colonisation from economic migration though? Almost the entire white population that came into north america came as economic migrants and they oversaw the expansion of the country enormously. "Unlimited expansion and immigration" and "Conquest of the indians" was synonymous. They even justified conquering a third of Mexicos land because they werent colonising it as fast than the US could. Manifest destiny literally meant "more people to fill the land".
@Zoronii Месяц назад
​@@OsirusHandle they're not mutually exclusive. Both are defined by moving from one place to take up permanent residence in another. Immigration just includes the component of citizenship status in an existing state and colonization involves violently oppressing an indigenous population. Israel is probably the best example of both happening at once.
@---ie2ms Месяц назад
In Austria, 53% of inmates dont have citizenship, not even included migration background. Do you think its racist that we want less migrants?
@OsirusHandle Месяц назад
@@Zoronii What makes one moral and the other not? Both displace a people.
Israeli people also immigrated to Arab Palestine yet I don’t see you far lefties supporting them
@SamuraiBonesie Месяц назад
My gran's in england (she's white) and she's legit terrified of the riots. She's in her 80's, and we had to explain that the EDL goes across the country to start shit. Really sad to see this shit. edit: FYI she's from middlesbrough, one of the places Hasan mentioned. It's actually sad to see people saying this stuff.
@Em90000l Месяц назад
Same situation for my white grandparents. The vast majority of brits are against the riots.
@jen_sen8508 Месяц назад
The craziest thing is how they get mad when you call them far right. They want to believe that their views and behaviour are normal and ordinary. Theyre scared of being in a minority
@jshortforjay7270 Месяц назад
UK here, there haven’t been any riots in Scotland yet but there have been groups coming down on trains from Scotland to join riots in England. Lots of people moving around the country
Месяц назад
good stuff good stuff
@jenesishunter9674 Месяц назад
How dreadful 😮
@jeffersonclippership2588 Месяц назад
Y'all should've have declared independence when you had the chance
@Jay_Johnson Месяц назад
@@jshortforjay7270 it's important to mention these people don't tend to be from the areas they're rioting in. Southport was the best example with most of the people their pleading with the rioters to fuck off
@xazarl3381 Месяц назад
Scotland is also like 95% white what would you riot about.
@traplover6357 Месяц назад
Does nobody read history? Or do people think its always "different this time" when it comes to immigrants in the modern day?
@rve420 Месяц назад
Reading and history are woke, or something... Proud ignorance is totally Sigma bruv!
@Hat-Trick Месяц назад
These lot cant read, that’s the thing.
@eliyarrows2456 Месяц назад
It’s actually startling how many “nationalists” have 0 understanding of history. Like somehow leaning right makes you a history nerd but if you keep going right you’ve never heard of WW2.
@brentoncarter4275 Месяц назад
Why can’t you just say what you mean coward
@frey439 Месяц назад
​​@@rve420bruv 💀
@benalexevans4587 Месяц назад
What has been incredible to see living here is the amount of people coming out and standing against fascism, has been giving me hope that the UK isn’t totally fucked
@williamhornabrook8081 Месяц назад
just a bih ah cheeky bantah
@toyotaprius79 Месяц назад
Whuuuuaaaaaayyyyyy whuaaah OIOIOI choccy hobnobbbs....
@KavaskiMedia Месяц назад
@Aavora Месяц назад
Wait google actually translated that correctly WTF???
@Aavora Месяц назад
@@toyotaprius79sadly nothing changed for yours…
@thatrandomloser3808 Месяц назад
​@@KavaskiMedia it sure does
@bencullen9422 Месяц назад
You should watch a UK rapper called Akala. Not only has he debated TR he wrote a book about the racial situation in the UK, called "Natives".
@soccerstar41 Месяц назад
This is my home country... disgusted and devastated at how bad it is.
@GavaloreUK Месяц назад
Words cannot describe how ashamed I am to have 'Hartlepool' stamped as my place of birth on my passport...
@LikeLikeLikeLikeLi Месяц назад
Word up. What’s up with that G? I get it: immigration sucks. But race riots? Tf? That’s straight up triple K action right there. Like damn :-(
@NosyFella Месяц назад
I'm in Manchester but my mum is from Hartlepool. I can't say I'm surprised by what happened up there.
@itsmebd7422 Месяц назад
Yeah i would be too
@Porter-1488 Месяц назад
Soon Europe will be free. Native europeans have a right to defend their land, their people, their cultures and their future. Non-indigenous colonizers will be taken care of by The Resistance.
@urbanshadow777 Месяц назад
Be proud, hardlepool is as much yours as it is there's.
@daveferger9947 Месяц назад
5:00 Some of these people are skinheads willing to spend the rest of their life in prison, that's what's scary about them. Like the guy who knows he'll go back to the pen if he get's in a fight because he's a felon, but still has that, "You lookin' at me ?" attitude. The kinda guy who wants to fight because you looked at him at the bar. You know the kinda guy who has a six pack of beer for breakfast and thinks it's cool at age forty.
@tiwiogunye Месяц назад
Exactly. They have nothing to live for.
@Byrdstar6423-un3me Месяц назад
And now these folks are calling for civil war...and months ago they were making fun of Americans for wanting a civil war
@ethnicalbert Месяц назад
HASANABI - Please also cover the anti-racism protestations this evening in london which stopped all the planned far-right riots this evening. THAT IS WORTH COVERING
@Lily-cl6zk Месяц назад
Hearing Farage speaking is making me gag
@JimmyOibruv-dv8jc Месяц назад
Just got back home from turning up in numbers to protect potential targets. About 750 people spread over three different locations in one city. Community 1 - Fascists 0
@blakemiller2287 Месяц назад
Disgusting behavior
@Pepper98776 Месяц назад
and not the african who killed 3 european children?
@lennycrew3 Месяц назад
@@Pepper98776 the perp was born in Britain, sorry it doesn't fit your agenda
@jenesishunter9674 Месяц назад
That was a Proven Fucking Lie & You Know it Racist Trash! 😊
@brumhelldah917 Месяц назад
@@Pepper98776I think it’s disgusting anyone would do that. But using the race to get angry is crazy especially when your country is still rxping the SAME continent of its resources and engaging in bribery and corruption with African leaders
@Nopenonameok Месяц назад
@@Pepper98776time for bed, edgelord. 🛌
@circuitben Месяц назад
1st Burnley mention and it's a Muslim cemetery being desecrated. Cheers lads, really made Lancashire look great there didn't you, you fucking bellends.
@trdegreenia Месяц назад
holy shit all the UK people in this video sound like Cuno and Cunoesse lmao
@Drstrange3000 Месяц назад
Is that a Disco Elysium reference? Lol
@dobsilambre1305 Месяц назад
“Cuno doesn’t focking caare”
@jackwalker5828 Месяц назад
Hasan casually forgetting Wales exists at the start of the video.
@alexh8388 Месяц назад
Where there’s actually been no riots
@jackwalker5828 Месяц назад
@@alexh8388 Indeed. If Scotland gets credit so should Wales.
@Tlevids Месяц назад
They don't know Wales because Wales doesn't show up in Hollywood movies much (which are what constitute most people's education on history and the world).
@Imxel21 Месяц назад
@@Tlevidseven though Christian bale is welsh lol
@AB-mi3ne Месяц назад
Who? ​@@Imxel21
@charliebear154 Месяц назад
3:00 the way my jaw dropped
@LikeLikeLikeLikeLi Месяц назад
@hazardousjazzgasm129 Месяц назад
@@LikeLikeLikeLikeLi you want to be smart so bad
@sparklepawz1185 Месяц назад
“They are the most ignorant people I have ever conquered.” -Julius Caesar when talking about the British
@ChidiLifts Месяц назад
Where is that quote from I asked chat gpt apparently he never said that
@easypete7920 Месяц назад
@@ChidiLiftsthat quote is from William Wells Brown, The Black Man: His Antecedents, His Genius, and His Achievements (Boston: James Redpath, 1863), 33-34 ; what caesar actually said was “ I don't fancy you will find any with literary or musical talents among them.” Cicero's Letter to Atticus book IV, chapter XVI
@sparklepawz1185 Месяц назад
@@ChidiLifts It's a meme from "it has been ascertained too that there is not a scrap of silver in the island, nor any hope of booty except from slaves; but I don't fancy you will find any with literary or musical talents among them" which is a line Cicero wrote in his letter to Atticus describing what Caesar wrote to him regarding the British isles. Caesar was basically telling Cicero "there's nothing of value on this rock filled island except an illiterate and uncultured people we could use as slaves."
@clairewright332 Месяц назад
​@@sparklepawz1185Well that's since been proven wrong.
@Imxel21 Месяц назад
@@clairewright332has it?
@redlion45 Месяц назад
England is yakub's worst creation
@HSE331 Месяц назад
yakub won
@redlion45 Месяц назад
@@HSE331 sadly
@Taradoxxi Месяц назад
calling guys in the process of actively doing hate crimes ‘troublemakers’ is CRAZYYYY
@foxdo2521 Месяц назад
I wasn't ready for Hasan to perceive Middlesbrough
@jfk8540 Месяц назад
England is literally going down the path of V for Vendetta
@itsainsley1072 Месяц назад
By voting for a labour government?
@caitlinswain6305 Месяц назад
Thats what i was thinking
@Em90000l Месяц назад
I know brits do the same thing for america but it does kinda suck seeing so many non brits make light of this or turn it into jokes or turn it into an america v britain thing
@LikeLikeLikeLikeLi Месяц назад
Word salad alert. Just say: they suck. I don’t get you.
@mimic1531 Месяц назад
Especially when it feels like something like this could happen any day here in America too. With DEI being used as thinly veiled racism and sexism, attacking trans people for existing, and using the work "woke" to target any sort of progressive or inclusive thinking.
@xibalbalon8668 Месяц назад
@@LikeLikeLikeLikeLi Useless post
@LikeLikeLikeLikeLi Месяц назад
@@xibalbalon8668 exactly. Yo Em you are useless!! Go Xibalb!!!
@RedScareClair Месяц назад
Europeans not only make light, but they do so while looking down at us. But I'm usually calling out Europeans reminding them that these are their cousins.
@JVeezy109 Месяц назад
Situations like this bring to memory my edgy 4chan past and the term 'chimping out' and it makes my blood boil that that's what racists call any vaguely left-wing protest whether violent or not. All the while we are getting more and more events like these, and I have to ask myself: is there a group that is behaving like primitive apes? And yes it's these exact people who think this leads to anything positive cause they've become completely preoccupied by the thought "those people look different from me, that's scary 😨 I'm scared 😢"
@alviverdeus Месяц назад
The "civilized" west showing its true colors.
@simonmarie83 Месяц назад
I said the same thing about Reform on election night. Everyone was celebrating the Tories getting wiped out but I was stressing about how popular the Reform party had become.
@chickensoup9869 Месяц назад
Unalived Gaddafi then got mad when what he said would happen if they unalived him is happening.
@mohammeduzair7796 Месяц назад
Step1: create power vaccum in a country which currently has unstable politics Multiple militant groups start fighting to get hold on that power Step2: wonder why they are fighting
@zakgamera3681 Месяц назад
It’s really sad to see
@LikeLikeLikeLikeLi Месяц назад
Word up. I don’t know if I’ve ever seen anything like this.
Месяц назад
not really
@pulithevar8135 Месяц назад
Is this the Oy Bruv Taliban ?
@zoozie3814 Месяц назад
Even the taliban aren’t this racist
@Byrdstar6423-un3me Месяц назад
@Happiness-Vib3s Месяц назад
Or tea thalmor (thalmor are basically nazis but in Skyrim)
@Dagestanwarrior900 11 дней назад
Taliban defend they country from Crusade from US n UK. Taliban not racist people like the Crusader
@sebastian-benedictflore Месяц назад
The cherry on top is that she didn’t even say Native Americans but "Native Indians".
@obz1357 Месяц назад
The west when try not to be racist for 5 seconds challenge (impossible )!!
@RendererEP Месяц назад
I know this comment is petty and doesn't particularly matter in the face of fascists, but I do feel the need to say they are mainly targeting Pakistanis & Bengalis and maybe Albanians and Afghans. Frankly they will see a Desi person and automatically assume Muslim. So Indians, Sri Lankans also including hindus/sikhs aren't out of danger either. There are few Arabs in Britain, only in a small part of west London an some part of Manchester. Those that are in Britain are generally viewed as a professional class, whereas muslim south asians tend to be generalised as a problem.
@mikeobrien288 Месяц назад
In Britain what you call hogs are known as yobs
@WanderWisley Месяц назад
As a Native American I felt the same way when Hasan paused after that woman spoke about being pushed out.
@hipporuster Месяц назад
If you’re gonna be specific, it’s northern England, southern Scotland, and Northern Ireland. They tried it in southern England (Bristol) and they were immediately crowded out by counter protesters.
@SamHainScott Месяц назад
Southern Scotland? News to me
@GingePlaysMinecraft Месяц назад
Same happened in Leeds to be fair - they get vastly outnumbered by direct counter protectors and the weekly palestine marchers
@kJ922-h3j Месяц назад
I know, I love scousers (who pretend they aren’t even English) trying their absolute best to make it seem like they wouldn’t be racist
@rc27td Месяц назад
the cemetery that was vandalised is where my own grandparents and many of my local community members, friends, neighbours are buried. it’s real unfortunately, only the Muslim side was attacked. every time it pops in my head since it happened i genuinely feel like screaming and crying… i can’t even understand how people can behave this way
@KtT-sn8cy Месяц назад
Muslims did the same thing to graves in France. They spray painted something along the lines of ‘Islam owns France’. In Europe people are sick of entire Islamic enclaves appearing where they used to live. In some parts of London there is complete intolerance for anything lgbt, it is extremely unsafe. Migrants from London have even traveled to other areas and stabbed same sex couples, Portsmouth is a recent example. Even just being a women who doesn’t wear a hijab is unsafe in these areas People are angry that their homeland has become like this. Migrants have a place to go back to while they do not
@JoeyHarris198 Месяц назад
Bro, she said “I understand the native Indians” with her whole chest and a straight face
@Loyal_and_Fierce Месяц назад
May the families of the three children get justice for the atrocities that happened to them
@calamitynatalie8590 29 дней назад
So I’m in Scotland, we had a protest/anti protest at a local hotel here not a 15 minute walk from my house. The hotel was repurposed to house 500 asylum seekers nearly 2 years ago. I hadn’t heard anything about a protest until I popped to the shop that morning and the shop girl was really upset and told me about it. I’ve seen nothing on social media or even in my news feed about it, not even from my neighbours while out walking my dogs and we always have a natter about local news and events! I did find a couple small articles on Google when I searched for it myself, mostly about the local mp’s thanking the anti protesters. Apparently 5 protesters turned up and were sent packing by 150 anti protesters made up of locals and trade unionists 😂 We thought the whole EDL shite was sorted years ago too…
@mummaP19 Месяц назад
All this crap going on makes me so embarassed to be British. I'm in Wales and so far it's been quiet. However I know there's going to be a "protest" in the city near me this weekend. I've been asked by a family member to stay away from there to stay safe incase it turns bad (which seems to be what's happening lately). Thankfully this city is almost a student city so hopefully it'll be a quiet and tame time. But it's horrific that people are using the deaths of these kids as a reason to be racist (the guy was from Wales) and to loot/burn things down. It's embarassing and not a real representation of the British public. Sadly there are enough vocal a**holes who are getting the media coverage and it's spurring more on. I hate Nazis.
@MrEdHasibuan1996 Месяц назад
UK is very prone to fascism because of how dire poverty is there.
@Stevonicus Месяц назад
The irony of Nigel Farage is that his ancestors were refugees and asylum seekers. He's descended from Huguenots, French Protestants who were persecuted in the 16th-18th century.
@henryburton6529 Месяц назад
Hasan is bang on. Support our PM Starmer as the alternative is actual fascists
@theonetruebean8800 Месяц назад
Hogs continue to find new ways to disrespect my entire bloodline 💀
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