
"Racism Is as British as a Cup of Tea": Kehinde Andrews Says Many Black Brits Don't Mourn the Queen 

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@PaulHenry137 2 года назад
How does a lifetime of grotesque opulence qualify as selfless service?
@micridg 2 года назад
Being selfless despite the prison of the monarchy that you have banged up in. Who would want to be queen?
@shamsheerg7519 2 года назад
Of course do you think the Fighting and killing of the Nazis was "grotesque opulence?" Learn history.
@wildalbalass4867 2 года назад
Hear hear. Spot on. Absolutely correct. This mourn porn is making many of us sick to the back teeth.
@wildalbalass4867 2 года назад
@@shamsheerg7519 I have pictures of the whole family giving the Nazi salute!
@micridg 2 года назад
@@wildalbalass4867 Mourn porn is a new one for me! I suppose porn is just being self indulgent in something. It could apply to sick-to-the-back-teeth porn. Haha
@SH-jg5zq 2 года назад
Common thieves...living in abundance of stolen goods from their colonies
@negroantonio28 2 года назад
Everybody was robbing and stealing when defeating their enemies and conquering lands, are you salty because history didn't go in your favor and you was the conquered instead of being the conqueror ?
@cassiusdhami9215 2 года назад
@@negroantonio28 "Better to Remain Silent and Be Thought a Fool than to Speak and Remove All Doubt" -Mark Twain
@fattyhatty1291 2 года назад
@@negroantonio28 same tired excuse. No everyone was not stfu
@doilyhead 2 года назад
@@negroantonio28 The slaughters of the 2 World Wars was about who gets to rob the most from the third world but the cost to the combatants was also an obscenity.
@negroantonio28 2 года назад
@@doilyhead civilisations were created from conquering and Invasions other realms and tribes, the stronger Tribe defeating the weaker hence the weaker getting assimulated into the strongers culture, there Will always be a winner or loser, that's human nature, always has been and always will be, get over yourselves and accept the fact that we are all a deeply flawed species, you would of done it to someone else if it wasn't done to yourselves first... facts... LET THAT SINK IN.
@AngelsEverywhere1925 2 года назад
I am not a royalist by any stretch of the imagination. Although we must look before the Europeans came to Africa, slavery was alive and kicking why do you not talk about the genocide of the young African boys who bled to death through mutilation in order to become eunuchs in the Arabian harems, or the thousands of young African women traffic to Arabia to become sex slaves for the Arabian kings? : colonisation and slavery, is the dark side of the human condition. African kings sold their own people. If you look at history closely, you will see the crews of the ships from Europe refused to step onto the shores of the African slave markets. of fear of picking up any diseases. There was a market trade long before the Europeans, but you don’t like to talk about that do you? Neither do you like to talk about the Eastern European people who were stolen from their lands and enslaved, nor do you recognise the Irish who were enslaved. Or even the whole villages that were taken as slaves from the British shores of Cornwall and the lower part of the British Isles ? If we Could all look back on our ancestry we would find that we have either been oppressed or enslaved at some point in our history. Sometimes the truth doesn’t taste that nice does it? Today slavery is alive and kicking just look at Libya where they hold slave market every day but no one likes to recognise that because you’re all too busy going on about the past, what about the poor children that are being traffic now? No it’s much more comfortable to carry on screaming about the past than to take action to eradicate modern day slavery. FYI it was the British, who fought to abolished slavery. You call this channel democracy now do me a favour. You need to rename it hypocrisy now.
@likoumou5140 2 года назад
Everything you say here does not excuse what the British have done! We talk about the queen and what her country has done in Africa! Do you also know who is behind all these atrocities that continue until today? It's the system! Do some more research and you will be surprised! Let England accept its wrongs and talk about them instead of talking about those of others! For the other culprits, we will also tell them about it, but here it is about the United Kingdom, ok?
@joycemanning1254 3 месяца назад
Slavery has taken place since the beginning of time Study history!
@yurielcundangan9090 2 года назад
Worse thing is that they think that they're actually the good Folks
@gabrielmaroto18 2 года назад
The worst thing is these people grew up with the best of everything. and what did they do with it? The best education, privilege,money and power and what did you do with it!
@negroantonio28 2 года назад
So who are the good.folks, are you ???
@marinam1660 2 года назад
No, you think you’re high and mighty.
@atomant451 2 года назад
As apposed to who?
@JaydeeRise 2 года назад
If your dad commits a crime, will you go to jail?
@topgrain 2 года назад
France paid slave owners in Haiti reparations for the "loss" of their slaves, and the newly "free" Black Haiti was charged an amount that they have not finished paying in 230 years.
@karuna4021 2 года назад
Because only White lives mattered at that time.
@thisisprogress6817 2 года назад
Is that why Haiti resembles Detroit?
@mollycakes7080 2 года назад
It was the same in the US. The owners of slaves were paid off by the government because the Civil War ended slavery. The slave owners lost their income.
@paultrought267 2 года назад
@@thisisprogress6817 Its because you're colonisers.
@S.Anderson-Bey 2 года назад
That’s an oxymoron “Black Haiti”.
@jvanvuuren8461 2 года назад
Like we say down here in Africa - if you are so dissatisfied and unhappy, go back to where you come from...
@pennysmith9999 2 года назад
@commonsense7049 2 года назад
Considering so many people hate Britain, I wonder why thousands are risking their lives to get here?
@n.m6249 2 года назад
Spoken like typical racist white South Africans. You better open your ears and listen to truths. You don't want to hear the truth because you are products of Britain. Heartless and merciless
@raskeisar4049 2 года назад
He is on his mission telling the world the truth about British slave trade sins.
@anthonycourts3923 2 года назад
Imagine we had to work for 4yrs for 75% of the day to prove that we were fit to free.. these ppl are wicked...
@07silvali 2 года назад
What does ETERNITY represent? IT'S FOREVER!! IT'S A LONG TIME!! THE MOST IMPORTANT QUESTION of your life: Where will you go after you die and enter ETERNITY? Have you ever lied? Hated someone? Did you steal something? If you have committed any of these acts, in God's eyes you are a liar, a murderer and a thief! Under these conditions, you will spend ETERNITY IN HELL!!! But this is not God's desire for you. JESUS ​​CHRIST died for you and rose on the third day. HE did this so that you would be forgiven of your sins and have a relationship with God. If you REPENT of your sins (turn away from them) receive and trust in JESUS ​​CHRIST, you will be forgiven by Him and be assured of ETERNAL LIFE!!! The Bible says that God will make you BORN AGAIN. He will give you a NEW heart and NEW desires. THAT'S THE TRUTH!!! Do this today, before you enter ETERNITY!!! Tomorrow can be too late!!! "Jesus answered him, I am the WAY, and the TRUTH, and the LIFE: no man cometh unto the Father, BUT THROUGH ME." (John 14:
@unclebulgaria1132 2 года назад
There dead now move on
@garvin6142 2 года назад
This entire thing is sickening was she a deity so disappointed in humanity were not evolving at all seems like were regressing . All the money wasted on this macabre carnival would be better served helping the poor .
@cassiusdhami9215 2 года назад
Education Garvin. Those who would rule us do everything in their power to keep us uneducated. This is a story as long as society's existence.
@JP-br4mx 2 года назад
you speak like a poet
@l3wn3ytun3z4 2 года назад
Pagans only
@shamsheerg7519 2 года назад
The Brits abolished slavery and fought slave traders on the seas for 100 years... Black africans and Muslims created the modern slave trade, it was not the Europeans. Learn history. The Islamic slave trade exists today. Do something about that rather than shitting on a dead old woman.
@ludwigwittgenstein5054 2 года назад
They would rather burn the money than give it too the poor because then plebs wouldn't be poor anymore and wouldn't need a monarchy. But you would not understand the nuances and exquisite intricacies of royal monarchy because you were not properly brainwashed. Did I say properly brainwashed? I meant to say properly educated.
@trevfisher 2 года назад
This is not a defence of the colonialism or royalty. I'm a working class, life long British socialist, from Manchester, not from London. Britain has a right wing and a media that panders to them, they are vile. Despite Tory dominance as a party where they got 46% in the last election this was mainly about the disastrous Brexit, they have never won a popular vote. Their extreme right remains a minority within that party. Their extreme right is where the active racism thrives, it also spills over into their party generally or at least there are people in the mainstream of the party who are OK with having racists and bigots as fellow travelers. Think how comfortable the GOP with MAGA. It's the same thing. It is not a semantic argument to dispute this this headline and characterisation. Racism is not as British as a cup of tea, nor is it as American as apple pie nor as French as baguette. This is a lazy and vulgar analogy. Like much of the opportunistic Brit bashing this week, all are based on the premise that exploitation and cruelty was export only. All are by either ignorance or design utterly silent about what was happening domestically in the UK at the same time . If they were better informed they'd know about the horrific dark satanic mills of the north of England, children who were sent down pits, up chimneys or to die under the Spinning Jennies that spun the cotton, the workhouses and debtors prisons and indentured servitude in the houses of the wealthy or later the cannon fodder Pals Battalions of WW1. Few of those serving in the Empire were returning home with pockets of emeralds and buying mansions for orphans and for many the military was the only work there was. If they were genuinely interested in presenting any sort of informed opinion they might have heard of the mill workers of Manchester who risked destitution, violence and slaughter from the British army (see the Peterloo Massacre) and retribution by unilaterally refusing to spin cotton picked by slaves in the US. It's embarrassing that my own countrymen aren't taught this, it can be overlooked in Americans where the school history textbooks have titles like 'Triumph of the American Nation' and ' We're awesome and everyone else is shit thank you Jesus' (kidding on the last one, but not on the first). Leaders of the American civil rights movement including brother Fred, Brother Martin, Sister Harriet and Sister Rosa all understood that the oppression of black people was one heinous strand of an all encompassing system of oppression and that poor white people had much in common with poor black people and that race was one tool that the rulers used to keep them apart and even at each others throats. That system prevails today, benefitting the same people, the same families even. Characterising an entire, diverse nation by saying racism is as British as a cup of tea helps those who need to divide us, who must divide us for if we had any solidarity their timeless, perpetual colonisation of the working classes worldwide will continue uninterrupted.
@danjp1987 2 года назад
Completely Agree. Race has always been used to divide us. The LGBT debate has now been added to the mixer.. Wealth suppression should be the primary concern, one we hopefully unite on sooner rather than later
@fbenbow2197 2 года назад
The brave do not die, they live in our hearts forever. Hate and jealousy are taking over at the moment because nearly everyone worldwide can't afford to live any more. I am not exaggerating, I have traveled a lot in my life. People who own houses in Soweto South Africa and in India, although small, think that people paying a mortgage or renting a flat in Britain are much richer. The information flow is bad and luxury is a question of having something worthwhile to live for. My father is from Liverpool and my mother from Shrewsbury. I am proud of the good humour and patience and the hearts of the British. Don't let the bastards grind you down and all the best to you
@trevfisher 2 года назад
@@danjp1987 Thanks Dan I hovered over the enter button with this. I'm glad at least one person took what I was saying at face value. The phrases 'divide ac regulae' and 'panem et circenses' (divide and rule and bread and circuses') predate us by 2,000 + years and yet they remain the most effective methods of all ruling elites as a means of population domination and monopolising resources and surplus.
@janiscarter5879 Год назад
This is the most balanced view I've read so far in all of these remarks. The real problem is this little concept called "race" and it's twin brother "class". Poor working class whites on both sides of the pond have suffered just as much as blacks but the powers that be have more of a vested interest in keeping the enmity going. You only have to look at British literature to see how the average British citizen lived. Dickens comes greatly to mind.
@chrisper94 2 года назад
For "King and Country" was the clarion call during the atrocities meted out by the British. The oppressed will never forget the carnage.
@kiezorfc8559 2 года назад
Yes true but once the monarchy formed parliament and a government they lost almost all there power they are nothing more than figureheads and a glorified tourist attraction so yes the monarchy are partly to blame but the rest is on the British government who did all these things in the name of the monarchy deflecting the blame
@kevindurand3237 2 года назад
How were you personally oppressed?
@chanking7520 2 года назад
East Indian Indentures who know their true history from colonize India to the Caribbean, South Africa and European Countries feels the same. Thank you for your honest assessment.
@richardlewis7498 2 года назад
yep the only country that went to war and took the spoils of victory
@62Cristoforo 2 года назад
I’m pretty sure the “oppressed” you are referring to are long dead and wouldn’t feel much anger toward the Crown.
@josewilliams6094 2 года назад
Most Australians and New Zealanders also don't 'mourn' the queen. Talk of becoming a republic is now being discussed in both countries. We have no need of or interest in Charles as our head of state.
@aok1550 2 года назад
“Racism is ……… cup of teeth”. I dispute this in the UK today. It is interesting your comment about segregated housing in the U.K. Where was the segregated housing, as I am not of aware of any of it? I note too that you have become a university professor within the UK - it doesn’t seem that you have been ‘oppressed ’ . As regards the slave trade in Africa, wasn’t it Africans themselves who rounded up their fellow Africans? Many African nations have been independent of ‘British rule’ for at least 2 generations, yet seem to have regressed despite receiving international aid. Why is that? India on the other hand, another ex British colony, has just surpassed the UK economically. Why is that? Pakistan, another ex colony, has had to go to the IMF? Why is that? The UK monarchy is a constitutional monarchy, it only has ‘soft power’. It also acts as a buffer against the seizing of power by a second party, which a Republic cannot possibly do.
@topcat8804 2 года назад
"A man hears what he wants to hear, and disregards the rest"
@respectfulwisdom9405 2 года назад
The darker hue lost his/her position in Europe, the pale holds the power for over 500 years. Those with lighter hue went Whiter and sold his darker hue brother down the river!
@daleviker5884 2 года назад
Exactly, a light needs to be shone on who was doing the selling of the slaves. American tobacco farmers weren't sailing over to Africa and rounding people up. It was their own people who were selling them. Yet when did you last hear a single descendant complaining about their former countrymen? You don't hear that aside of it, because it's all about looking for a handout.
@postmodernmathematics333 2 года назад
When Africans were building pyramids the Europeans were living in cave. When Africans were writing the Bible, the Europeans were worshiping the Mithras and Baal gods!
@MichaelClayton64 2 года назад
Yup! and Sudan has more pyramids than anywhere in the world.
@shamsheerg7519 2 года назад
The Brits abolished slavery and fought slave traders on the seas for 100 years... Black africans and Muslims created the modern slave trade, it was not the Europeans. Learn history. The Islamic slave trade exists today. Do something about that rather than shitting on a dead old woman.
@georgewatts6221 2 года назад
And yet we still run the whole world. Look at that.
@chrisper94 2 года назад
Don't forget them being conquered by the Romans, and the Moors. Then came the Dark Ages from which they emerged, then creating the evil Medevil period which saw depravity, death and destruction, oppression of its people, and much more crazy stuff.
@georgewatts6221 2 года назад
Yet, without us... there would only be MORE starving Africans. No rap.... no clothing line... no mlk... no black history month.... just more Africans.
@marccemi1414 2 года назад
As a matter of fact a cup of tea is more Asian than British
@fbenbow2197 2 года назад
As a matter of fact you are at least 300 years out of date
@rhnkdhjkg 2 года назад
@@fbenbow2197 And you need to learn history and culture
@qataribananahamock1495 2 года назад
He said by the time Europeans enslaved Africans in the dark ages, Africa ‘had never had slavery’. This guy needs to be introduced to things like the pyramids and so many prehistoric events not just dark ages Europe (14th cen). Blimey. There were even white slaves in Africa last century. Slavery is the motto of our species and he narrows everything to (blacks good,Uk bad) the very country he’s leaching off of, he has no other job than moaning and blaming others. What does this old lady has to do with anything, her job was to shake hands, smile, knight and welcome people. 0 else. Tea is the mildest thing he’s totally wrong about my friend.
@Taylordessalines 2 года назад
@@qataribananahamock1495 he was including barbaric which he described europe being unique for so he wasn’t talking about slavery in totality. Nothing has existed on the level of what europe has done to the world. Nothing.
@oracleofaltoona 2 года назад
@@Taylordessalines that’s just not true 🐂💩
@clionamoore8365 2 года назад
That’s true . We have horrific racism here particularly against working class white people .
@stevegandalf4739 2 года назад
I think the strangest thing about the British Royal Family is that they are not ethnically related to the original indigenous people of the British Isles i.e. the Celtic tribes and Vikings. The RF are descendants of European royalty, most notably the German Hanoverians, who were also related to the Russian Romanovs, the last royal family in pre-revolutionary Russia. Ordinary Britons regarding this family as the pinnacle of Britishness is about as bizarre as one could possibly imagine.
@jefftepeteperu6510 2 года назад
@lennymccartney1 2 года назад
that's why i don't...
@joanneconnor7263 2 года назад
No your wrong , all the Royal families from different countries were related and married in to each other to kp the bloodline. Dont like the Monarchy then bye bye nobody is making u stay here. Plus I pointed out abt the vikings coming here ,colonising it ,burning down villages and towns , murdering men ,women and children and taking whites back to Norway and Scandanvia to be slaves . Should us whites from Britain have so called ' generational trauma 🙄 " or hate Norwegians and scandanvains?!, nope bcos it was yrs ago. Over thousands of years countries have had name changes, countries have came and went . In yrs to come there won't be the countries there are now So get over it !!!
@joeking7707 2 года назад
Oh no!! so that means at some point the Brits were invaded and colonised themselves.😂😂seems that colonisation in them times had no preference slaves are slaves black and white.
@Koloviv48i 2 года назад
You couldn't put it better. He's absolutely right.
@timequake2864 2 года назад
If I didn't like a country I'd move elsewhere
@chauffeurdrivenbimbo5850 2 года назад
Exactly. Why are they coming here and insulting our democracy when they won't go back to their ethnic countries and do the same there.
@Rudenbehr 2 года назад
I’m black and I mourned the queen. We lost a living history book it felt like.
@ukcadjockey 2 года назад
@ianspeed2009 2 года назад
Well what a surprise! He is, after all a professor in Black studies isn't he. Some one go and tell him who's really to blame for all of the Arican's that were enslaved . Those African slaves were caught by their victors during inter tribal wars and it was the kings who sold their slaves from these wars, first the Arabs who by the way used to castrate their African slaves, and then the Portuguese followed by other europeans powers. All the world for millennia have participated in the act of slavery. This is not a British thing and if he says it is then he is a racist.
@len452000 2 года назад
3:35 “Ppl standing in line w kids for 24hr just to stand and stare at what was likely an EMPTY BOX 📦”… 😮 I wonder if that’s true.
@starcrib 2 года назад
Definitely true: all so demented.🌬🕯⚰️
@susanplatt5331 2 года назад
There was no queen in that coffin.
@zinedinezidane4771 2 года назад
Of course why on earth would she be in that coffin never in a million years lol
@unstoppablefavour6224 2 года назад
Can’t believe people are so easily fooled, there was nobody in that ⚰️.
@ahw3334 2 года назад
Of course it's true.. You think they were dragging a rotting body from location to location...
@estherphelps3606 2 года назад
I am so happy about the true history is coming out
@shamsheerg7519 2 года назад
The Brits abolished slavery and fought slave traders on the seas for 100 years... Black africans and Muslims created the modern slave trade, it was not the Europeans. Learn history. The Islamic slave trade exists today. Do something about that rather than shitting on a dead old woman.
@patbutcher5836 2 года назад
You don't want the true story to come out it'll blow the narrative wide open. Would probably mute the followers tho 😂
@vinnydepasquale3207 2 года назад
How do you know it’s a true story just because somebody says it’s true doesn’t mean it is true so how do you know it’s true are you true
@svetlana7904 2 года назад
@@vinnydepasquale3207 I felt it on my skin
@jamescaley9942 2 года назад
So sad that many are still stuck in it.
@alwolfy1782 2 года назад
I'm white and from the UK. This interview was a breath of fresh air. At the moment nobody can say these views out loud. We need to learn from the past in order to grow.. There are a lot of people in the UK who disagree with the crown.
@richcory7945 2 года назад
I thought it was a dreadful interview. She asked no probing questions about his absurd claims. He lives in England, speaks English and is employed by the tax payer at a rather 3rd rate institution. Professor of Black studies. How useful is that to society? Actually quite divisive. He is totally one-sided in his interpretation of what are well known historical facts. The UK crown goes back hundred of years before transatlantic slavery. The UK also suffered from slavery itself. Barbary pirates etc. Even St Patrick back in the 6th century was a freed slave. Dublin was the centre of the Viking slave trade. You won't here any of this from this pair. No mention of the Ottoman empire. Why are slavs called slavs? He is an ignoramus of the first order. What a surprise.
@ronnie2699 2 года назад
I wish more white people in the US had your mindset... they're so scared to visit the passed so much so that they pass bills to stop it..
@alexedwards6509 2 года назад
Probably taking your information from one source is neither wise nor intelligent. Don't judge history from the safety and comfort of 2022. I think Kehinde Andrews is a Marxist. He is a revisionist which means he rewrites history. Britain and America represent what he hates. And if he is a Marxist and he believes in critical race theory then according to Hitler, He's a Nazi. So before you throw your country under the bus think in context.
@algernonsidney8746 2 года назад
This is complete and utter nonsense, the overwhelming majority of Brits( over 95%) are not racist, in fact the UK is by far the least racist country in Europe.
@Nafly2K9 2 года назад
That is a very specific percentage
@UmaticSota 2 года назад
If Britain is so racist, perhaps Mr Andrews should explore becoming a professor of 'Black Studies' in Jamaica.
@ronnie2699 2 года назад
Or maybe all the racist can go live in a cave
@anonymouslee8287 2 года назад
They was rasict when Elizabeth's, mother was around!...
@anonymouslee8287 2 года назад
@ajokeemmanuel4649 2 года назад
I think Nigeria would be better where they would put his professorship to bed and give him a dosage of reality.
@lilithdalphinis958 6 месяцев назад
Oh he should go back to "his country" huh? Racist
@sundarchip 2 года назад
Pretty sad what happened to the native Americans and Australians and their civilizations. Africans too. Apartheid was around until the 1990s. Absolutely disgusting.
@miriamearthling4107 2 года назад
Still happening today, or have you seen f.ex. the USA giving back large swaths of fertile land to native Americans? How about USA and Canada still regularly planning construction projects on sacred ground? The truth is that humans are all terrible, and they're absolute hypocrites. Me me me, greed greed greed, literally no matter where you look in history or race, it's all always the same. Agreed, it's disgusting. However, this Queen served her country dutifully her entire life, didn't orchestrate any atrocities, didn't invade any countries, stayed humble and and worked until 2 days before her death. You can hate monarchy or history all you want, she lived her whole life for her country and brought much good to the UK as a symbol of continuity, stability and as a true tourism magnet. Respects should be paid where respects are due: the way the UK went about things here was absolutely correct. The Queen stood for the UK like no one else for 70 years straight.
@sundarchip 2 года назад
@@miriamearthling4107 I disagree. She never formally apologized for or acknowledged any of the wrongdoings of her ancestors while happily inheriting their wealth and lifestyle. You can't have it both ways. You say she worked until 2 days before her death. What kind of work did she do? It was all symbolic. The fact of the matter is that she lived a life of entitlement and luxury and didn't have to work a day of her life. She was a piece of garbage.
@tk-6967 2 года назад
@@sundarchip 🤦🏽‍♂ You just said her work was symbolic and then blame her for not apologising.... She has no authority to do so on her own accord, the government decides, not her!
@sundarchip 2 года назад
@@tk-6967 Rubbish. She could have apologized if she wanted to.
@tk-6967 2 года назад
Apartheid was the Afrikaners, not the British.
@toddvalle 2 года назад
I really love this Amy .her interviews are always real.she searches for truth,digging through the lies that America has taught for decades 💯 excellent job Amy
@gauci8372 2 года назад
Truth my bum 😂😂😂😂
@JM-ho4kl 2 года назад
What is your Nationality Kehinde Andrews? Is there a land mass somewhere called "Black Land"? Just asking as it seems that "scholars" either do not get this concept or they know it and choose not to inform the unimformed.
@traceycroxford8880 2 года назад
Money is exactly what Candace is about .She would not have a career if she was not supporting the establish in the US and now the monarchy.
@kalerr2512 2 года назад
I wonder if she already had an invitation to the picknick... how desperate must one be to sink so low... has she made the christmasslist? At least she gets the checks so all`s well en candaceland
@Koloviv48i 2 года назад
That girl is a to*let paper. F@eces is a better word.
@lenastropestrope1335 2 года назад
Candace is a beautiful woman who wasn't taught to be a victim. She worked very hard to be where she is today and can think for herself. She doesn't fit the mold of someone standing around waiting for a handout and people hate that.
@ashlouw5350 2 года назад
@@lenastropestrope1335 As much as you want to say she was raised to be a victim she definitely was a victim of racism. To the point where her family had to sue her high-school when she was 17yrs old and she won because she was receiving death threats on long voicemails that was so bad you can imagine the respressed trauma the woman has if she has this mentally if you can't beat, them join them. Its signs of a victim in denial. Lol..Candace comes off as someone with Stockholm syndrome but okay you go along strongly what you want to justify with what the traumatised black woman syas
@catkatzi3320 2 года назад
I'm not about money.I'm behind Candace. I'm British from Birmingham, England and too of Jamaican (Windrush) decent and even went to his Birmingham City University but I completely disagree with the what the Professor has said and I could strongly challenge him on every point he has raised. Opinions like his is stoking racism. If he doesn't like Royal Britain then he can go back to Republic Jamaica in 2025 - don't spoil it for the other Jamaican's wanting to remain loyal and Royal.
@katel7309 2 года назад
If you are not happy living in the UK or any western nation then leave, instead of complaining over a history that people in this day have nothing to do with or necessarily approve or agree it was right. Stop whinging also that you live in a western culture that does offer freedoms and choices that in decades and centuries ago did not exist if your not happy with that feel free to leave it too. The monarch has been a constitutional monarchy for ages, they actually don't hold power to "rule" ( for people who may not know) Head of state (monarch) is not ruling or dictating what goes on in a country and the decisions of their governments. People and nations need take responsibility for what is now, you can't change what is past. If countries want to become a republic then do it. The monarchy can disappear but that will not change the anger and hatred in peoples heart, the monarch in itself is not the issue. Instead of going on and on about slavery ( slavery has been around since day dot too) in a history that we don't live or a culture or society at a time that was. There are enough modern problems to deal with. Why not focus on modern slavery trafficking in labour, child labour, sex trafficking and so on.
@vesterwolfe2420 2 года назад
I notice that all the grifting complainers never move either to or back to the countries that themselves or their ancestors came from.
@billsykes9605 2 года назад
Go back home 😂 - typical comment from a racist. This is there home, Besides - they probably would, if their was something to go back to - most of the wealth was taxed years ago. All that is left is tourism and hotels taking up most of the beaches. Don’t get me wrong - I have been to such beaches all over the Caribbean and they are beautiful, but when you go in land - this is when you open your eyes, to the reality of years of oppression. Now tell me something - the Windrush generation were promised wealth and prosperity from the mother land, but when they arrived, they were rejected? (Windrush scandal is another story). Things are slowly moving forward, but we still have institutional racism.
@juliewake4585 2 года назад
He’s not my king either. Unfortunately, as a Brit, he’s forced upon me. He’s right: it is definitely time to end this.
@리주민 2 года назад
Have a referendum like australia did. 🇦🇺 chose to keep the monarchy.
@gallowglass2630 2 года назад
If he hates his country so much why does he stay
@dropperknot 2 года назад
gallow glass2. Don't be silly!! He doesn't have a country, certainly not this one.
@deepalakshmi5890 2 года назад
Well who are to question him ..
@gallowglass2630 2 года назад
@@deepalakshmi5890 Who is he that he is above being questioned
@maizywed1775 2 года назад
I am a Jamaican and I have seen black racism too. Africans are just as racist. Just try migrating there as a white person now.Jamaica is not one of the poorest countries of the world. Go check your facts.
@anglokelts6919 2 года назад
Look how these "professors" cancel the history. Never speak of Abe Lincoln or Wilberforce, that would give the game away
@nubianprincess2771 2 года назад
Yank here. There is a film about Wilberforce. He repented and lent his name to Wilberforce University after having a "come to Jesus" moment. Lincoln freed the slaves to preserve the Union, not out of a great love of Blacks. He still didn't see them as equals😑...
@anglokelts6919 2 года назад
@@nubianprincess2771 That's not what Lincoln himself said about freeing the Africans
@mollyboo7555 2 года назад
Jamaica 🇯🇲 to the world 🌎
@chestersabajo5527 2 года назад
Wa gwan? Mi luv mi highgrade from Suriname 🇸🇷 South America 🙂🙏🇯🇲Jah Bless 😂
@okthen5566 2 года назад
Jaimacans crying for the queen
@stillirise7813 2 года назад
@@okthen5566 🤣😂🤣💯👍🏽
@RELAXISCAPE 2 года назад
Hurt people hurt people period you can have 10 billion discussions but that's the bottom line hurt begets hurt. The discussions are just for fun get to the root HURT🤕🤢
@fbenbow2197 2 года назад
@Visitor I feel hurt if my great great great grandparents were evil and I have already spent more than half a year treating patients in South Africa, paid for by my own savings. There is no way you can do anything to make up for what happened. People I met laughed at me because they had property and I didn't, so basically all you can do is what you want to do and because you want to give and can give.
@anthonyferris8912 2 года назад
If I suffered as much as the prof says he does, I wouldn't stay a minute more in Britain, especially not in Birimingham. 😂
@lolphenomlive 2 года назад
Money issues
@russ4557 2 года назад
U stole what we had so let us do same
@ciscodealmeida8541 2 года назад
Africa waits for you lololol
@gregorywillis8400 2 года назад
He’s got a platform to spread the truth where he’s at. The 1st Black history Prof!!! 2022!!! Let that sink in!
@russ4557 2 года назад
@@ciscodealmeida8541 love Africa been there many many times places like Ghana beautiful wish I owned land there I would go in heartbeat. Mind you I didn’t steal anything so we are welcome
@PhilipMarcYT 2 года назад
"Black Brits" What a joke. Imagine calling myself "European Japanese" if I lived in Japan, but no, that shit wouldn't fly. Africans aren't Brits. Europeans of British ancestry are, heck, even though I'm not I have more in common with the Brits than the Africans do.
@levisludus9177 2 года назад
A Briton/ British is not a ethnic group and racial classification, its a geographic demarcation of people who inhabit a particular island, in this case the United Kingdom of Great Britain.
@levisludus9177 2 года назад
@Ihate Coons the Britain the Roman encountered was made up of different tribes with their various languages and customs,Welsh, Cornish , Scot, just the few distinctive cultures that survive today, later joined by angles and Saxons from modern day Germany, the word Britain was given by Romans as province of Rome, if my ethnic lineage only encompasses one or two generation, the British passport I hold certifies me as citizen and most importantly British.
@wharf4398 2 года назад
Kehinde is the most toxic race grifter in Britain. He's made a nice little career for himself ensuring racism never dies. His historical knowledge on African slavery is also shockingly poor and woefully unbalanced for a so-called academic.
@fbenbow2197 2 года назад
It sounds as though his grandmother would be ashamed of him
@mellejobs7412 2 года назад
You sound white
@richcory7945 2 года назад
You are so right. I think it shows the amazing decline in British academic life in the last 20 years. I have never watched so many poor quality professors in the media as recently. Usually in the humanities and often in bogus subjects like this gentleman. While these so called academics have fancy job titles, tenure and good pensions, the students have been forced into some kind of Ponzi scheme of debt. Though there are many wonderfully talented individuals in our universities, I am afraid that this kind of race grifting is a disgrace and a lot of these 3rd rate institutions should be closed down.
@l.b.9567 2 года назад
@@richcory7945 If he was praising the institution you would be showering accolades on him.
@alexedwards6509 2 года назад
@@mellejobs7412 That sounds racist. It sounds like you think black people must agree with you.
@firstlast460 2 года назад
My family is from Jamaica and some still call it the British West Indies. They love the British system.
@Arateenteras 2 года назад
You family have Stockholm syndrome ups, So sorry
@cardroid8615 2 года назад
This "professor " is just a anti white racist. Thomas Sowell would humiliate him in a debate. These types like to blame whitey for everything
@JustDaniel6764 2 года назад
Who doesn't? Looters and rioters that's who!
@monwell250 2 года назад
We mourn for what we lost. 200+ years is not a long time in history. The hand that feed us is the land itself. Money has no value when you can't feed yourself. Greed is of the privileged. Democracy is not freedom. I am trapped in a constitution how do I get out? Even a blind man can hear inequality.
@farikkaqueen2367 2 года назад
@Rose-gq2gv 2 года назад
"Even a blind man can *hear* inequality" Well the blind man is blind not deaf 😅
@gokaren420 2 года назад
@@Rose-gq2gv lol
@monwell250 2 года назад
@@Rose-gq2gv maybe your blonde 🙄
@Rose-gq2gv 2 года назад
@@monwell250 dude you mixed up separate disabilities 😂 don't get an attitude with me
@desertrose1226 Год назад
It's not British politicians that are the racists it's the ordinary citizens.
@robertagabor9128 3 месяца назад
British politicians are ordinary citizens.
@countrymanissues5704 2 года назад
@Caroline.123 2 года назад
You need to understand that England is nothing to do with you.
@valmach1 2 года назад
Candace Owens is a House Nanny
@kevlivinginabox 2 года назад
Isn't that the woman who was complaining about Disney portraying a mermaid with a black actress?
@shamsheerg7519 2 года назад
The Brits abolished slavery and fought slave traders on the seas for 100 years... Black africans and Muslims created the modern slave trade, it was not the Europeans. Learn history. The Islamic slave trade exists today. Do something about that rather than shitting on a dead old woman.
@valmach1 2 года назад
@@shamsheerg7519 So. your take is that although the brits started transatlantic slavery, that they are not culpable because they stopped slavery? You step-n-fetch it, British Handmaids will do and say anything to protect your massa''s
@valmach1 2 года назад
@@shamsheerg7519 So we will just forget about the genocide, rape of Africa, grand theft , mass murder, and global colonialism.
@rik4369 2 года назад
I think it is fitting for a Black Girl to protray a Mermaid. As many Black Babies that were thrown in the Atlantic Ocean ( for insurance profit) having a Black Girl as a Mermaid is the best choice.
@AbdulKhader-786 2 года назад
Long live the King 🇬🇧
@neilreading3552 2 года назад
"my own country, Jamaica"! he lives in London and isn't going to leave.
@marcelleratafia2360 Год назад
I hope, that bothers you.
@ketiboablay8632 2 года назад
How could you honestly say Europe was behind Africa in civilisation and development when they were able to defeat and plunge Africa into slavery?
@hanna8519 2 года назад
Over one thousand years later.
@ehigold1358 2 года назад
Savagery is the reason they were able to do that.
@alexedwards6509 2 года назад
They didn't plunge Africa into slavery. Africans did that. Africa is not a country, it's a continent
@Aoife24601 2 года назад
He's historically incorrect.....but I won't bother to even try to contradict....genuinely not worth the time, these days it's impossible to have a debate. I am sick to death of him peddling his vitriol.....he's done it over here for years. The British did not invent slavery...read your ancient history.... Romans,Greeks,Africans,Chinese everyone had slavery.....as far as the Empire....it's long gone...fyi...we the British....stopped slavery 32 years before the USA and we didn't have to fight a war and lose thousands of men to achieve it! I am 100% Irish and a Catholic to boot...I know the history of my country.....English oppression forever...I have no truck with the current Royals...stop.changing history to suit your own gain and move on for godsake. Just in case you think I'm a mouthy Racistm...I'm not in any way, I have a Masters Degree in History and a Degree in Chinese History....in also have 2 children of mixed race and a black ex husband who managed to become a Barrister in the UK...after growing up in a council house.....you can achieve in this country whatever colour ...now I'll go and haters...don't bother...water...ducks back.😂😂
@daryl-anthonymitchell6786 2 года назад
I guess when he says "invented" he means chattel slavery
@seanvales391 2 года назад
So "achieving" erases genocide and institutional racism and bigotry. Colonialist are something else...I swear🙄
@rv292 2 года назад
@@daryl-anthonymitchell6786 It's obvious that he's not saying that a British person literally sat down and thought out slavery, there's slavery in the Bible and Brits didn't even exit then. THE MAN KNOWS IT FULLY WELL, but somehow this woman thinks that the man is dumb, so she just proceeds to savage him.
@johnwhyte200 2 года назад
If you don’t like Britain just go away.
@robertagabor9128 3 месяца назад
We did!!
@179manav 2 года назад
Kehinde Andrews: "Racism Is as British as a Cup of Tea" and we indians : hold my masala chai
@CW-rx2js 2 года назад
Lol..I am Indian but the British were the ones who got tea saplings from China to India
@monsirto 2 года назад
This idiocy☝️From the undeniably racist culture that invented the "caste" system. India is one of the most racist cultures on the planet. Only the Han Chinese and the Fijians are worse.
@hodanduale13 2 года назад
From East Africa I'll send that sorry for lost a queen Elizabeth also safe Brisas hurry😅 I'm sorry 😭😭😭😭😭😭💯😭
@stephenmcdonagh2795 2 года назад
Indians; Hold my lower cast human, I want someone less untouchable to murder him minus any repercussions. Obviously no lower cast people will own a computer, are they even allowed to? Yes India, the country with the most racist system on the planet, complaining about racism of yesteryear whilst holding on to their age old sickly form of racism. Glass houses & stones...
@Rowlph8888 2 года назад
… And yet slavery is as Indian and African, as spice and Yam respectively! If you consider it, I think you will find that slavery is worse than racism and the Brits forcibly stopped that globally, despite persistent opposition, from "every" other country, for decades
@trideep220280 2 года назад
@Democracynow you should have a chapter on "indentureship" where Indians were force migrated to Africa, Caribbean, Latin America, Mauritius etc
@Carvalhouk 2 года назад
They weren't forced..wasn't it a migration because of the high unemployment in India during and after colonialism?.
@07silvali 2 года назад
What does ETERNITY represent? IT'S FOREVER!! IT'S A LONG TIME!! THE MOST IMPORTANT QUESTION of your life: Where will you go after you die and enter ETERNITY? Have you ever lied? Hated someone? Did you steal something? If you have committed any of these acts, in God's eyes you are a liar, a murderer and a thief! Under these conditions, you will spend ETERNITY IN HELL!!! But this is not God's desire for you. JESUS ​​CHRIST died for you and rose on the third day. HE did this so that you would be forgiven of your sins and have a relationship with God. If you REPENT of your sins (turn away from them) receive and trust in JESUS ​​CHRIST, you will be forgiven by Him and be assured of ETERNAL LIFE!!! The Bible says that God will make you BORN AGAIN. He will give you a NEW heart and NEW desires. THAT'S THE TRUTH!!! Do this today, before you enter ETERNITY!!! Tomorrow can be too late!!! "Jesus answered him, I am the WAY, and the TRUTH, and the LIFE: no man cometh unto the Father, BUT THROUGH ME." (John 14:
@trideep220280 2 года назад
@@Carvalhouk India was systematically deindustrialized. To put things in context, let's say if India were to colonize Europe and put all Autoworkers out of work. Followed by ensuring that Europe only supplies raw material and buys finished product from India. Plus I will ensure that I interfere in all elctions from Belgium to France and disband governments at will. Imagine what would be left of Europe? Plus we will artificially induce famines. Now what would you do. Okay let me keep it short, why can't Europe which is so rich pay its energy bills? India pays it through the nose. This despite moonlighting being an open practice in Europe but banned in India. Europeans did much worse to us
@suburbanyobbo9412 2 года назад
@@trideep220280 >India was systemically deindustrialised. This is a common Indian nationalist myth. The myth goes that Britain took Inidian cotton and sold cheap textiles India. However Indian cotton was never more than 2% of British imports during the time of the Empire. It is just another another Indian nationalist victim narrative. I hope this helps to inform you better.
@sparkmanuk 2 года назад
Britain didn’t have many resources, the industrial revolution was made with coal and iron, from the UK for fuel and construction.
@andyigwe7119 2 года назад
As someone from Africa this guy doesn't know what he is talking about. Europe won't have been able to enslave Africans If they were backwards and in the dark ages and Africa was more advanced in the 15th century. His analysis of how Britain became a world power his true, but colonialism also brought western civilisation to Africa amongst other things. Most African countries have been independent for over 60 years. Its incompetence and corruption that makes subsahara Africa poor not slavery and colonialism
@decoloniz_afro 2 года назад
Why are u ignoring the deep system that is still in place!!!! Until roots are cut.. The umbilical cord that is still connected to this imperialist... Those leaders are left with no choice but do corruption.... And biggest corruption is invisible western countries
@briancarton1804 2 года назад
While most African nations have been "independent " for 60 years , a lot of them are independent with its former colonial master pulling the strings of the local puppet, still using military power to get their way to plunder recourses. Also if you examine a map of Africa the borders are for the most straight lines. These are not natural borders.These are borders drawn up by the "great powers" splitting real nations/tribes leaving the country abandoned by the colonial power with different tribal loyalties , and fertile ground for corruption. This has been exploited by the former colonial powers to divide people , have them fight among themselves and have their natural resources taken from under their noses for peanuts.
@igodohealth9884 2 года назад
Neo-colonialism....Read the confessions of an Economic Hitman.
@teamblitz1990 2 года назад
I have never considered myself to be British. I'm Irish and a Catholic even though I was born in London to Irish parents. My heart and spirit belong to Ireland I have no emotional connection to the UK. Remember the infamous sign " NO IRISH NO BLACKS NO DOGS" And if you think those sentiments have disappeared news flash they have not it's just gone underground and a bit more subtle.
@evolassunglasses4673 2 года назад
In group preference is completely normal around the World. Wake up
@davidpryle3935 2 года назад
What about the “No Australians” signs in the windows of guest houses in Earlscourt years ago. The Aussies had a bit of a reputation for late night partying.
@tortozza 2 года назад
Your life must be quite unpleasant, having such a severe victim complex
@teamblitz1990 2 года назад
@@evolassunglasses4673 go to specsavers
@bursartpark9320 2 года назад
If the Black were for some time under Asian rule they would never complain about British colonialism.
@charliewright3884 2 года назад
Hahahahah! An "empty box" it was indeed!!
@pathopewell1814 2 года назад
were you granted special dispensation to look onside?
@jhankri 2 года назад
We cannot change the past, only learn from it. We can change the present and the future starting with stopping the victim culture and doing something about present day slavery where people living today are in bondage.
@marieng2242 2 года назад
Well said. If something turns out to be better out of earlier ancestors' painful sufferings, then, it is worth the while for descendants moving forward instead of reminiscing the past and remained stagnant. No point finger pointing anyone who did wrong in the past, if one's ancestors' government was willing to accept the terms and condition laid before them.
@lacinabakayoko4634 2 года назад
When you forgive before justicr,you're rewarding injstice.
@jhankri 2 года назад
@@lacinabakayoko4634 Forgiveness has nothing to do with justice. It doesn't make what happened right or that you forget or that there are no repercussions. It's a spiritual thing, not a legal thing. You let it go and move on with life. It doesn't mean that while you've been victimized you take on a victim personality, if you do take on a vIctim personality you never heal from what has happened. Forgiveness is for you not the one who did you wrong. You rise up in spite of what's been done to you. Your enemy has lost their power over you when you forgive them.
@S4SuperStarSteveSavage 2 года назад
These Marxist don't give a rat's butt about present day slavery. They just want to complain and spread their false narratives in the attempt to take down the West. The so called victim culture also known as cultural pessimism is a tactic.
@sandraleiva1633 2 года назад
Reparations just like the slavers received compensation. When justice is received by the heirs of slavery only then can you move on. No justice no peace.
@coreysanders7140 2 года назад
The Portuguese, the British, the Spanish, the French, the Dutch, and the Danish are OG of racism.
@stuffmcstuff399 2 года назад
@@5british5 Romans too. Let's not forget all the black folk sold into slavery were sold by their own people. so blaming white people for all the woes is a tad.. ignorant.
@ianfinnity2732 2 года назад
Actually, people of colour are. Think about it…
@f6876 2 года назад
Don’t forget the Belgians
@rivermountain7315 2 года назад
And why is it that black people are always being asked about racism? White people are responsible for it existing at all...why not get the answers regarding it from the people who practice it and have for Centuries?
@katej3z715 2 года назад
We have not had an Empire for around 70 years. Slavery went thirty years before the US. Does this gentleman normally live in Britain because his history is selective. We have had mixed marriages since the mid 1850's, see the census. Things went very amiss when southern state WW2 US troops bussed black and white troops separately. In time a racism infection spread. My generation and others fought back against this but it took time. Today a black lady read a reading at the Queen's funeral, a Queen who was Constitutional ONLY. Finally the Vikings raided Britain and raped and looted in my area. This is *HISTORY*. We move forward, we sort out the issues, one Nation of people who are free.
@jhankri 2 года назад
I wish that the modern day hatred and anger towards historical slavery and the people who practiced it would be directed towards modern day current slavery and those countries where it is practiced, Africa being the most prevalent.
@julianholman7379 2 года назад
noam chomsky said that in the time of slavery in the US, the general culture regarded 'wage slavery' with almost equal horror
@angelaglanville9377 2 года назад
He did not shout ‘ not my King’ he shouted about many millions of pounds of taxpayers money being spent on the funeral. Please get it right.
@lukespooky 2 года назад
he said both, get your ears tested
@colettetuckey8949 2 года назад
Wind rush was/is scandalous But no it’s not the same as the US. Not even close
@NH-lf1wu 2 года назад
The IMF sanctions took what was left of Jamaican progress. RIP 🇯🇲
@juliereed4200 2 года назад
They need to apologise give back the wealth Harry and Megan for king and queen
@molly.d9985 2 года назад
I would love for this man to tell me what racism he recives on a daily basis.And please lets not forget slavery was not started by white people we just bought a product that was already being sold by there own people.Some people just love to be victims and this man is one of them.I am sick to death of people who have never been slaves pretending to know what it feels like they would do better to try and stop the slavery that still goes on in Africa and most of the Arab country's today.The most racist people i have met in my life sure as hell are not white shock horror they were black people.Stop making black people feel like victims then maybe they would go out get an education the men would stay around father their children they would stop all the gang violence and be productive members of our society.And i do also think we need to get rid of the royal family but for none of this rubbish this man is spouting.
@francesbrown5116 2 года назад
Has he anything to say about Nigeria s slave trade and the statue of the woman slave trader .we have problems with grooming gangs which is slavery .
@andrewalex7873 2 года назад
This racism went on for centuries that’s a difference!! Family generational enslavement. Populous was complicit & indoctrinated to police & hate. Exploitation, assassination, coup, France annually extorting $500 billion from 13 African colonies to this day. The blacks that fought for the whites in wars betrayed I could go on & on. I’m born & bred in Uk & it’s not good. European Jews suffered genocide for 6 years WW2 Blacks 400years. You will never understand. Yet I do not hate but You do.
@3rdCoastAlliance 2 года назад
Does he have to experience an overly racist act being done at his expense daily, for it to matter?
@sandraleiva1633 2 года назад
Ironically tea isn't British. The Portuguese brought it from India. And a Portuguese Queen consort brought the custom to Britain.
@joedias7946 2 года назад
where did Yorkshire tea come from. Somebody said Epping forest.
@Thaddeus28 2 года назад
British Empire Rocked
@geraldboykin6159 2 года назад
The Moat Of Sh*t Kept The Truth Out
@genyagalak9407 2 года назад
People are racist all over the world... We can't blame the Monarchy for that... Event if King or Queen demands not to be racist...
@marigoldbeam5475 2 года назад
Candace Owens, so many people are going to enjoy it when you get your comeuppance.
@Shabazz0047 2 года назад
She might be one of the worst ever
@lacinabakayoko4634 2 года назад
All skinfolk ain' t my kinfolk
@vision2096 2 года назад
Candace is actually a beacon of hope for the black youth. Her message is you can be successful in life if you put your heart and soul into whatever positive thing you do to make your life better. Don't stay stuck in the victim mentality. Get an education. Make right choices in life. Don't have children out of wedlock, so you would destroy generations of fatherless kids. Don't just do nothing and collect benefits etc etc. I think her very positive message resonates with so many black and white and any marginalize groups. These people are playing the race card and giving a very negative message to young people. Biracial people are the most discriminated by the black community, as they are not "black" enough. In South Asia low cast people are discriminated for centuries and they are servants to rich elites even to-date and do not have a chance of getting out of it. Racism, discrimination has nothing to do with your skin colour. It has everything to do with how each person think and act. I am a brown person, and browns can be racists too. If you want to be successful in life you can if you work hard. In the US the most educated are people from India. They never go on welfare as its a disgrace to them. Their youth are encouraged to get a good education and work hard to get a better life. They don't stay stuck in the past or victim mentality. The Indian community actually have fulfilled their American dream. They thrive where ever they go, because they work hard to reach their potential. So this guy should move on without trying to divide people and teach young people to stay stuck in the victim mentality. Bravo for Candice.🙏👏
@ajokeemmanuel4649 2 года назад
@@lacinabakayoko4634 She does not have to be your kinfolk because she has a mind of her own.
@marigoldbeam5475 2 года назад
@@vision2096 I don't know what this diatribe has to do with the topic at hand, colonialism and the British monarchy, but any apologist for colonialism, her words 'colonialism was a net gain' is equivalent to an apologist for any other genocidal, looting institution or movement, for instance nazism. The lot of them will get their comeuppance, or in case of the nazis have already got their comeuppance, and the German state continues to recent times to pay reparations. I wonder if she would dare to say nazism was a net gain and Jewish people are better of today because of it? Since she isn't entirely stupid, I doubt it.
@shyshotcaller27 2 года назад
The truth is coming out
@arseneleela5335 2 года назад
On this day, a thought for Princess Diana.
@fractalign 2 года назад
Why ?
@wildalbalass4867 2 года назад
The only thing I learned from that woman’s death is that I am mass hysteria phobic.
@SirBrucie 2 года назад
Bless Princess Diana.
@edglebennett6312 2 года назад
@@fractalign cause it's @Arsene Leela choice. THAT'S WHY!
@praizzzeGod 2 года назад
it time to move forward black folks. Everyone one this earth faces obstacles. Im walking right over everything that gets in the way of my progress
@benlotus2703 2 года назад
Walter Mitty is a real character living in Birmingham....appears in J.Thurber's "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty", He is a professor of Black Studies of Grime, Crime, Drillz Rap music & Kn!fe_Crime& Narcotic$ $ales! !
@freyasslain2203 2 года назад
Funny thing is : Tea Drinking originally was not an English thing . It was Catherine of Braganza , a Portuguese Queen-Consort, who introduced Tea to the English .
@jamesnicholasnicholas6761 2 года назад
And fullyishly they ate the leaves and threw the tea away. The irony of this statement is that it is not known to most if not all of the British population. So the Portuguese themselves were not doing it right
@Prodigious1One 2 года назад
Very cool.
@hildahansberry1203 2 года назад
So glad that' His/Herstory is being told around the world. Now why dont the truth come out about illegitimate henry IV, which line charles and the queen (his mother) before him came from.
@selmahare 2 года назад
Thank you! The British always like to pretend that they don't know that.
@tolhumexy6706 2 года назад
Possibly a Chinese / Japanese drink originally?
@davidjames990 2 года назад
Considering KehindeAndrews is a Professor he really doesn't know his history about slavery, Africa n nations enslaved their own people and sold them off to traders, he is nothing but a race-baiter, nothing he says is an ounce of truth, why would a country colonise a country and then commit genocide on its local people, it makes no sense, the Queen finished the British empire and created the British Commonwealth, yet as a so-called Professor he doesn't know that, I notice he isn't complaining about the fact he was educated in the UK and when to university, and yet he claims he's underprivileged you can't make that up if you tried.
@lg.3267 2 года назад
Professor Andrew it was once Racism but presently People used Racism in many forms to Avoid Their own Upliftment .
@davina1961 2 года назад
You use the term 'once racism' yet it still is a highlight for the descendents of those countries and those people damaged through colonisation. There has been numerous chances to make changes and make it right by any means especially since slavery was abolished bet you didnt know the slave owners of England were compensated for freeing their slaves back then and the last installed payment was recently paid off a 2015, there about. There are plenty things which could have taken place to remove or resolve the stigma of shame which made England Great. Today the descendents of slave owners are still profiting as an inheritance from the resources looted and from the kidnapping of people who were oppressed and abused. But you seriously don't understand that do you, yet you have the audacity to disrespectfully say racism is used as a form to avoid 'their' uplifting....Just typical. It is not racism to highlight wrongs that has been done it is everything about justice for those descendents whose life today has been impacted on by a wicked turn of events and systems of a henious crime committed which today would be a crime against humanity, involving human trafficking, the physical and emotional abuse that went on for 400 years and the trauma which has scientifically proven can be passed down through the DNA to the generations after Yet you want it shoved under the carpet to appease yourself and others and justify it by practically calling out those descendents today for them speaking out who remain to be oppressed and surpressed about there injustice and who want to be recognised to which you yourself recognise and admitted was an act of racism, so what is it today with no recognition. SMH
@carlalandrau6033 2 года назад
It's called gaslighting. This is what European descendants do every time you mentioned slavery because they don't want to accept any responsibility. In America the state of Florida is trying to rewrite the history of slavery. Governor DeSantis want to act like we volunteered for slavery so that white children don't feel bad. These guys are a delusional in every way
@默-c1r 2 года назад
Great interview, great points. The monarchy is such a racist and classist institution.
@safiyabless847 2 года назад
@jeffreyweitzman6463 2 года назад
@@safiyabless847 Your talking absolute garbage!
@Jahzilla. 2 года назад
Dude's a professor but says that Europe was living in the dark ages in the 14th century. The renaissance was already under way at the time in Europe. While the modern European economy and industrialization was fueled by colonization, Europe was not backward developmentally at that time.
@charlytaylor1748 2 года назад
You need to have your racist spectacles on at all times
@vincekerrigan8300 2 года назад
How such an ignorant person could be a 'Professor' is beyond me. He constantly accuses others of racism, which is rich because he is himself a vicious racist.
@_m_K_. 2 года назад
The "Dark Ages" is what historians in the US call the period from the fall of the Roman empire in the 4th/5th century to the 14th century. In every grade school book in America you learn about the "Dark Ages."
@fromabove422 2 года назад
dark means blackamoore
@daleviker5884 2 года назад
The term "the Dark ages" was originally used to refer to the fact that our modern knowledge of the era was very limited. They were called the dark ages in the sense of unknown. The term was never meant to suggest that European civilization went backwards. And in the years since the term was coined there has been a lot of material found and researched. This professor is deliberately perverting the meaning of the term to serve an agenda.
@alexandarvoncarsteinzarovi3723 2 года назад
Why do I get the feeling that sooner or later someone is going to start saying "Kick them off the island"
@Petal4822 Год назад
Indians are the the most color obsessed in the world. They have the biggest market for skin-whitening creams, lotions, soaps, etc. If you are of obvious African ancestry, including African-American, you can find life really, really tough in India if you are going to be in India for a while. Indians are in your face racists.
@Petal4822 Год назад
Not before the Native Americans kick them off America.
@@Petal4822 Not innacurate but hm,..poor prhasing in that regard, its more US: Ware going to enact a major deportation of these foreigner! Native Americans: Cool I'll help you pack
@CW-rx2js 2 года назад
As a South Asian, I agree
@geraldboykin6159 2 года назад
Hello! I have ancestors from Tonga in the Asian South Pacific.
@Romchav 2 года назад
Racism toward my community the Romany is up front and in your face and more visual than against any other race there are signs in pubs and clubs and wedding venues who wont let Romany gypsy's or other types of travelers in.
@johnpurdie3281 2 года назад
I wonder why that is? 🤔
@Romchav 2 года назад
@@johnpurdie3281 Racism plain and simple but i suspect you know that.
@margaretnorvell9555 2 года назад
@@Romchav Like the reason why other races are rejected-- CRIME. A culture cannot thrive on and condone crime and expect to be embraced by other cultures.
@Romchav 2 года назад
@@margaretnorvell9555 Well thats a sweeping generalization ! not all Rom are criminals we just want a level playing field !
@jamiem8680 2 года назад
Oh dear this poor man who is a professor at a top British university ,,what oppression !! I am sorry but it may not fit this channels agenda but England is one of the most open tolerant and welcoming nations on earth,,that is a fact ! And hold the front page one man shouts out amid tens of thousands !
@cassiusdhami9215 2 года назад
"It’s the unspoken truth of humanity that you crave subjugation. The bright lure of freedom diminishes your life’s joy in a mad scramble for power, for identity. You were made to be ruled. In the end, you will always kneel." - Loki of Asguard
@jamiem8680 2 года назад
@@cassiusdhami9215 😂😂😂
@uiu510 2 года назад
England is headed back what it was 400-500 years ago.... A Backwater Place!
@olubunmiadewolebabatunde4769 2 года назад
Some will want us to forget history. We can't. We will need to learn how to heal from the pains and hurt. And since the past can't be changed, looking into how to improve the future is essential. Colonizers might never take responsibility for what they did. We need to learn from the past and grow from it.
@Caroline.123 2 года назад
Sweetheart the colonizers are ancient history wake up.
@kvasir8931 2 года назад
Colonizers cant take responsibility since they are long dead. And you dont need to heal from teh past since you were not a slave. Youre just a professional victim.
@olubunmiadewolebabatunde4769 2 года назад
@@Caroline.123 I am wide awake. You probably do not understand the effect history has on the present and just forgetting it would not be prudent. Rather, we learn from it.
@mr.centrist5789 2 года назад
@@olubunmiadewolebabatunde4769 but you are not learning from it. You are just simply using it to blame people in the present.
@queenshaasiabeautifulearth2223 2 года назад
@@mr.centrist5789 it's still happening in the present is the problem.
@Fosterakahunter 2 года назад
Candace Owens should not ever be elevated as a serious thinker.
@panthera50 2 года назад
Ⓐ 👊👍
@SBrown-pl8mh 2 года назад
@flynnzilla8796 Год назад
Imagine if we spent this kind of ridiculous energy and resources on the living…
@seanthomas324 2 года назад
This topic is so sensitive. I'm from South Africa and the legacy of British is everyday evident in architecture and general development. I do not condon in anyway the legacies of coloniasm and slavery but unfortunately I'm a direct product of that in that the British settled here and had interracial affairs. My great grandfather is a product of Britain and his wife my great grandmother is a local of Cape Malay descent so this really puts me between a rock and a hard place.
@LovingLife342 2 года назад
I’m not torn at all because my mixed race grandparents and great grandparents on my mum and dad’s side were treated like crap. They were outcasts even with pale skin and blue eyes.
@Imissyoulou 2 года назад
What do you want? A cookie?
@Mina-vr1kw 2 года назад
At least you are respectful enough to recognize your legacy. You are not responsible for the actions of your ancestors.
@paulheydarian1281 2 года назад
@@Imissyoulou The Brits call them *biscuits* , Ms. Black. If only your heart wasn't as dark as your last name. 🖤🖤🖤
@roseyedwards3140 2 года назад
@@Mina-vr1kw unless One continue to profit from the actions of their ancestors without any form of reparations justice to the descendants of those whom were exploited! THAT attitude/ excuse is unfortunately all too common. Its called ' white privilege'!
@ottz2506 2 года назад
Bet this guy is fun at parties
@geraldboykin6159 2 года назад
That tea party took place back in the 1600 or 1700s. He misses it when they coated the rioters with feathers!
@user-xd9yo3le7o 2 года назад
As always it's more complicated than that. It's an insult to suggest that racism is as British as a cup of tea, I'm sorry that the contributor feels that way and obviously has direct experience. Britain has a problem with racism, but that is not the same. A blanket suggestion is wrong though, as many in the country want to live with all creeds and colours together. Sadly it's the loud discordant voices that get listened too, and cause the most pain. But we can't allow them to disfigure the UK, they won't win and define what we are. Hopefully the King will play his part so we can have a more hopeful future. It's got to get better, we've had a truly dreadful government in power for the last 12 years, who only see strife and division.
@evolassunglasses4673 2 года назад
They need to go back.
@ebonytv3414 2 года назад
Obviously you don’t know how Britain got tea,it has no tea,gold mines,sugarcane,limes,bananas,oranges,cotton,rum,how do you think it got all those things.exploiting other peoples, Earl grey lol not for all the tea in China Briton was the biggest drug dealer in the world. Go learn some proper history.
@user-xd9yo3le7o 2 года назад
@@ebonytv3414 I'd hope that you understand British class history, the profits went a very small group of very wealthy families. The system still reflects that to some extent. We have to find a way to reconcile and not continuous blame each other for what happened that was totally out of our control. That means not ignoring the injustices that are taking place now.. Unilever for example and the way it treats it's tea workers. .. Injustices ripple throughout time particularly when they are still apparent and ignored in the present.
@user-xd9yo3le7o 2 года назад
@@evolassunglasses4673 you would say that wouldn't you, anything to fan the flames.
@CJBlake-ym6ky 2 года назад
That Candace Owens clip is troubling. I feel sorry for her.
@k.rochie8752 2 года назад
She hates who she is and that must be so painful. So sad.
@CJBlake-ym6ky 2 года назад
@@k.rochie8752 You can tell she struggled to say it. Some cognitive dissonance there
@lennyroach8833 2 года назад
She’s a great woman who doesn’t pretend black people are the victim. The only people making you the victim is yourselves
@merricat3025 2 года назад
@@lennyroach8833 Candice Owens cares about Candice Owens and says whatever will make her money and get attention. She knows being black conservative and denying any racism gets her favor amongst people. If she could make more money and get more attention calling people racist she would do it in a second.
@lennyroach8833 2 года назад
@@merricat3025 What?? Haha. Kehinde Andrews does exactly the same thing but instead of trying to make black people look powerful like Candace Owens does he wants to make you look weak and play the victim. He has earned a living out of making the black race the victims. Look at so many races and religions and no one else does it, it’s embarrassing. Change the narrative as it’s getting repetitive. Why don’t black people look at their own image and try and help young black youths from losing their lives at a young age?? Why not try and better yourselves, instead you want to live in the past and play the victim, it’s ridiculous.
@thechroniclesofsher7118 2 года назад
Watching this I get the sense of the last days of a dying White Empire and it couldn’t come sooner.
@KillerWhale99 2 года назад
It's already dead. It died 60 years ago. Wake up.
@fbenbow2197 2 года назад
The British empire hasn't existed since world war 2. Welcome to Trump's America and China taking over. Trump and the Chinese hate poor people
@sorayamaund1 2 года назад
I mourn for my son that the British white Doctors killed at Princess Anne Hospital Southampton in March 1999 because I'm a black woman married to a white British man so, They couldn't wait to have another mixed race child coming into this world therefore, they killed him inside me by denying me an early Caesarean section to safe my son life instead they killed him. Did I receive an apology letter from the queen, no I never received any so tell me, why should I mourn for her death? Did the queen mourn for my son? That's another bad apple gone forever! This is a racism Country United Kingdom which is not United at all and the late queen is to be blame hatred and the detestation in this Country's too much towards the black people. Without the help of the black people's contribution in this Country Britain, will be nothing today!!!
@Marmite695 2 года назад
Oh yes!! The Saudis discovered a human "goldmine", and started the landslide! Nkosi Sikelel Iafrika!!!
@scottblack7182 2 года назад
I have been all over the internet asking the same question about the queen that I ask about religion..."What good did she do for the world or anyone ever?" I keep getting the same dodgy and platitude filled responses I get from religious conservatives. So all in all absolutely nothing seems to be the answer on both sides. I predict that now that their precious monarch is not gonna be there on the tv for christmas to make them feel special for a day that the monarchy is just about done being relevant. Unless of course they wanna give their stolen wealth back to their victims and their families 😏.
@tk-6967 2 года назад
The Queen was controlled by the Church, not the other way around
@gloriathomas3245 2 года назад
What good did she do? As someone who happens to be a Commonwealth Citizen, it's through her reign that my home country (Antigua) enjoys both political and economic stability and something I'm grateful for and why I continue to support the monarchy/monarchism.
@scottblack7182 2 года назад
@@gloriathomas3245 Nice try lol 😂
@goldfish2379 2 года назад
If you don't like our monarch, and you hat white people, why don't you move to some African republic?
@cshartley101 2 года назад
@Scott Black. She's right though. All commonwealth countries have political freedoms as they are all democratic. Hong Kong disbanded from the commonwealth not so long ago. Look how it's going for them.
@Ianpact 2 года назад
Thank you, Kehinde Andrews, Amy, and DN! crew.
@nguzoloveinlofi3832 2 года назад
The British only started drinking tea in the 1800’s when they colonized India- they didn’t know about tea before that…
@mangiagatti85 2 года назад
They did! Queen Catherine of Breganza (Portugal) brought it to England when she married Charles II. The tea came from China...where the Catholic Portugese arrived earliest...in the ships of merchants from Lisbon & Porto. The English began, tentatively, to drink tea from 1660 onwards...& have never stopped! (The term 'colonise' is a bit weak...what Englishman in his right mind wants to live & then die quite quickly in the tropical climates of Africa, India or anywhere else where its hot, full of diseases & hostile native populations & no decent beer?)
@nguzoloveinlofi3832 2 года назад
@@mangiagatti85 I'll concede they were drinking tea before the 1800's but not long before. My point is Europeans have a nasty habit of appropriating things from other people and culture and laying claim to them/pretending they invented or discovered these things: i.e. America, gravity, tea just to name a few.
@bibibrin5035 2 года назад
There's half of Europe that doesn't mourn her, either. Plenty of women that actually were extraordinary and amazing, starting from nothing! This one was born into wealth and died wealthy. What's so extraordinary about that.
@grahamhowat8387 2 года назад
You are a completely wrong and Im being polite
@lesleynicholls5677 20 дней назад
No resources? Rubbish. Oil, coal, gas, tungsten, lithium ...
@bramlilipory4116 2 года назад
"Two rough estimates by scholars of the numbers of just one group - black slaves held over twelve centuries in the Muslim world - are 11.5 million and 14 million, while other estimates indicate a number between 12 and 15 million African slaves prior to the 20th century.(History of slavery in the Muslim world - Wikipedia) I somehow have the impression the professor has a blind spot for the impact and role of Muslim slavery and muslim slave traders in Africa, throughout the centuries, including the Transatlantic slave trade. Was there any co-operation between the Western (Christian) and muslim slave traders? And how about the powerful African kingdoms, like e.g. Benin, who supplied slaves of conquered and subdued tribes to the Transatlantic slave traders? Undoubtedly there must be some co-operation (and competition) between the Western colonial slave trade, powerful African slave-holding or slave-gathering kingdoms and the much older Muslim slave trade. Bottomline: it's not the simplistic "white people all and always bad" and "black people always good, noble but also always victimized".
@charlytaylor1748 2 года назад
I think "slavery" has been conflated into "the north American slave trade" as if China, native Americans, mongols, aztecs etc never existed.
@donzestell 2 года назад
They're going to get it to 😊 They all Enslaved Israel. Read Psalms 73! Deuteronomy 28:68! I will send You back to Egypt in ships again where you will be sold to Your Enemies as Bondmen and Bondwomen. The whole Earth is in trouble
@justtruth5855 2 года назад
The non Muslim Africans did not sell their own people, they hunted down the Israelites, not the same race. The Pope Nicholas put out a Dum Diversas and every nation joined it, and put the children of the bible into slavery the start of the 400 year curse of Deuteronomy 28. As jesus said don't weep for me but for your children. They shouted back, so be it be upon our head and our children children's heads. Matthew 27:25
@keithwilliams5398 2 года назад
That is very silly. He is dealing with Britain. If we were to take your arguments to its logical conclusion, then one cannot condemn rape or a rapist unless one condemns other rapes and rapists. It is an insidious canard offered up by the most racist of mindsets, and purely so to silence any consideration of the aversive history of their ancestral kit and kin. The professor is dealing with the transatlantic slave trade. That is slavery in the Western World. That was initiated by Papal Bull that gave permission to planters to enslave Africans. The Berlin Conference of 1884-1885 was organized by European Nations to divide and colonize Africa, and Britain was a major player in that. So, this argument that Britain and the Royal Family should not be criticized unless the Arabs involved in the enslavement of Africa is mentioned is palpably pitiful and another example of the whining discomfort white people experience when their history comes under scrutiny by the descendants of victims of European oppression. The Mau Mau rebellion where Kenyans rose up against the abominable rule of Britain occurred between 1952-1960. So much of this occurred under the watch of Queen Elizabeth ll. Tens of Thousands of Kenyans were killed, tortured and imprisoned in concentration camps. It is ok for European Jews all over the world to comment on, to constantly bring to the fore, to seek reparations for the atrocities their ancestors experienced during the reign of Nazi Germany. When Africans react similarly to atrocities against Africans during the reign of Britain's Royal Family it becomes a problem. The reason is simple. For those who lie, evade, or engage in ridiculous acrobatic argumentation Africans have never and still do not have any rights which they feel morally and ethically obliged to respect and recognized. It is what it is.
@alfreddunn03 2 года назад
She says the end of the empire? It's been gone along time ago...
@timmycollins4709 2 года назад
I agree.
@steveg7718 2 года назад
Oh dear stop giveing these numpties air time....Can't be bothered anymore These people ae so represive....
@MM-yi9zn 2 года назад
Couldn’t agree more!!
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