
RARE WHISK[E]Y FRIDAY! - Cheap Canadian Edition || Oct. 15th, 2021 

Whiskey Vault
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@robviousobviously5757 2 года назад
oh... blend them all and call it the Full Schappert Release
@FeedWillyStyle 2 года назад
With the sales pitch “You always go Full Schappert.”
@wasabista1613 2 года назад
"Welcome to RWF, we're going to choke back cheap Canadian horse wizz from PET bottles. In the unlikely event that you want to get your hands on them, they're in the dumpster out back so help yourself."
@MessengerOnline 2 года назад
And you’re welcome for the rev….“Cough cough!”
@jessetheunending9357 2 года назад
It was less RWF, and more, Barely Whiskey Friday.
@breakingbelmont 2 года назад
They need to pin this comment. I laughed so hard
@hailsland 2 года назад
I'm sitting here as a Canadian going "I've seen maybe one of these bottles total..."
@Wilvekio69 2 года назад
Great shenanigans! Thanks gents and MB's for making it through it :)
@johnmcelwain5884 2 года назад
All hail to the Centarian! Lol...with a Plastic Bottle..just throw it on the Floor.
@bfischer611 2 года назад
You sir, are evil 😈🤣
@jeffbroemmel8003 2 года назад
I enjoyed that episode. Thank you for all the donations over the years.
@FaceIntoKeyboard 2 года назад
Absolute legend!
@Wilvekio69 2 года назад
@@jeffbroemmel8003 It was great. You are welcome :)
@ilikejelloyay208 2 года назад
Schappert went from Magnificent Bastard, to Patron Saint, to Titan, to Trash Titan and now created a new category of “F--ing Bastard.”
@itatane 2 года назад
This needs to be the next level permanently... Top kek.
@ChrisDominey 2 года назад
Rex complaining that there is "a job" that needs to be done while mooching whiskey, is the world coming to an end? Also, I imagine that this is the most Daniel has ever died on the inside.
@wolfzr2 2 года назад
As soon as I heard "Canadian Mist" I knew this was about to be a shitshow.
@johnjpetrone 2 года назад
I am from canada and we don't even drink that shit
@AlainDoiron 2 года назад
@@johnjpetrone I've actually never seen any of these on the shelves in QC. LOL
@DaveTex2375 2 года назад
I thought that was just used for mixing with coke/soda because my first experience with it was just burning alcohol sensation. Admittedly, that was also before I had any experience tasting spirits and attempting to note the nuances in flavor and learning which ones were cheap, enjoyable etc.
@fearoffema 2 года назад
The episode where Daniel finally stopped giving any fucks
@Wilvekio69 2 года назад
@papadunbar 2 года назад
I love what you did, and love what they did with it even more. Cheers you Bastard!
@squireson 2 года назад
Thank you for this William , Thank you !!
@jarredd7830 2 года назад
Cheers good sir!
@megaexidor 2 года назад
HAHAHAHA fantastic! Whiskey vault and tribe crossover episode!! That qualifies as a very rare whiskey Friday!🥃
@spencer-mav 2 года назад
Made literal Canadian mist from the bottle of Canadian mist
@travisguide4516 2 года назад
I guess he wanted the full mist experience
@gusdoesthis9273 2 года назад
Daniel is becoming more and more clear with his ingK's, today cleaningK and boringK really stood out!
@policearenotyourfriends8589 2 года назад
I'm pretty sure he's doing it on purpose to irritate people like us
@wasabista1613 2 года назад
It'sK gettingK worsK and worsK. It may be timeK for an interventionK.
@policearenotyourfriends8589 2 года назад
@@wasabista1613 yeah I don't know between that and the tasting notes that I've searched for with a very highly sensitive sense of smell and I can't find it I'm starting to wonder if I even care to watch the stuff anymore
@Canadian_Chris 2 года назад
I live in Canada and I have never heard of or seen any of those whiskeys until today. I think the person who donated them sent you paint thinner
@bstanfi1 2 года назад
William Schappert is a hero. Right up there with Peter Golden.
@seahaul6225 2 года назад
I'm Canadian, live in western Canada, and have literally never seen any of those whiskeys here.
@mwtd320 Год назад
East Coaster here. I've never seen them either.
@franklampard6316 2 года назад
Seems like the Canadians are smart. They keep the good stuff for themselves and send the junk down south for us 😀
@elixwhitetail Год назад
@@counselthyself2591Except it's not and legally fits the definition of Canadian whisky. US-Canada trading rules mean that if a product is sold in the US and it is labeled as "Canadian whisky" then _it has to meet the Canadian legal definition of 'Canadian whisky' even if it isn't sold in Canada._ We export low-quality crap to the US but it still fits in the category of Canadian whisky.
@elixwhitetail Год назад
@@counselthyself2591No, it's not a loophole, look up the legal definition of Canadian whisky for yourself. It allows for barrel-aged neutral grain spirits as part of Canadian whisky, absolutely no need to lean on the 9.09% rule which is for alcohols external to the definition of Canadian whisky. Never mind the article, I've read the actual laws governing this and I am telling you that you are misapplying the wrong part of the legal code. Look it up for yourself: Food and Drug Regulations (C.R.C., c. 870), B.02.020 [S]. (1) Canadian Whisky, Canadian Rye Whisky or Rye Whisky A distillery can distill neutral spirit from cereal grains, age it in barrels for three years, and call it a whisky and there's nothing in the Food and Drug Regulations that says they can't. Canadian whisky regulations are a lot less strict than you seem to think, and it's what gives the entire Canadian whisky industry the international reputation of being cheap well whisky because the majority of large-industry mass market products are exactly that, based on a backbone of neutral grain spirit.
@elixwhitetail Год назад
@@counselthyself2591Yup, that's how it can work and in the case of the giants often does work. But it doesn't _have_ to be that way so don't think that this is how all Canadian-produced whisky is made. I'm just talking about the biggest mass-markets, the sort of brands that distill 100,000L of spirit before lunchtime. When you're working at that scale you need some way of standardizing your output and that's with neutral grain spirit with flavouring whiskies blended over top. And in the case of really crappy exports to the US, the big distilleries never throw a barrel of whisky away, they just downgrade it into cheaper and cheaper brands until they find a use for it. Eventually that ends up being "bottom-shelf export to the US for a few bucks" and it ends up in a terrible-cheap-bottle roundup like this episode. I personally prefer craft bottlings like Shelter Point, who do not use neutral grain spirit both because of professional pride and because of the BC craft distillery regulations I mentioned earlier that prohibit using neutral grain spirits. Much more expensive than a bottle of Canadian Club but much more care also goes into the product.
@elixwhitetail Год назад
@@counselthyself2591The law says they could blend US neutral grain spirits in, but the historical context of the 9.09% rule was to loophole around a US protectionist tariff against Canadian whisky and that hasn't been in effect for at least a century, so there's no tax break to be had in the modern day. The trading relationship between Canada and the US is completely different now, so there's zero benefit to adultering Canadian whisky with aged neutral grain spirit, unless the result tastes good. Don't overthink this. The 9.09% rule rarely gets used and when it does it's to create interesting products, usually in small batches that only have distribution within Canada. For example, Forty Creek Foxheart is Canadian whisky blended with 10-year-old Jamaican rum, and I've bought several bottles because it's my go-to on the rocks drink on a hot summer day. Bearface has also toyed with the 9.09% rule, having released in the past a bottling called Bearface One Eleven with 2-year-old mezcal commissioned specifically for that blend. Another bottling is Bearface Wilderness Series 01 which was made with barrels that aged in a shipping container in the woods (not too unusual) and one of the barrels was infused with matsutake mushrooms for a week for earthy umami flavours, making this mushroom-infused barrel legally NOT WHISKY and only usable in the blend thanks to the 9.09% rule. Canadian Club even quietly made use of the 9.09% rule to blend in small amounts of sherry, cognac, and younger Canadian rye to puff up the flavour profile of the 41-year-old one-off Chronicles release. The REALLY CHEAP Canadian whisky featured in this episode is not bending the rules or pulling any underhanded stunts. It's just... really cheap, and it's really cheap because it's bad. No sneaky messing around with the 9.09% rule, it's just cheap bad whisky being exported to the US so bars have cheap commodity whisky for cocktails.
@brennanduthu9578 2 года назад
Best episode ever. Daniel's face was like a sorority girl doing the walk-of-shame and Rex was like her friend that wants to talk about last night and relive it.
@marcusmanchester1995 2 года назад
5 minutes in, Rex geysers a whiskey, and squeals clipping the audio. Also: "Canadian Canadian LTD"
@pcmacintyre 2 года назад
While the "from the bottle" lulz are great, shouldn't Daniel have provided red Solo cups for the frat boy experience? Do a 'How Do You Solve a Problem like Canadian Mist" episode. Rex can do it in song to the tune of Maria from The Sound of Music.
@AndrewDembouski 2 года назад
And this entire episode cost William Shappert about $50 😂
@patrickknight2375 2 года назад
The shipping was probably waaaaaay more than all those whiskey's combined!
@wasabista1613 2 года назад
Fifty bucks Canadian. 😂
@evanlitchfield4621 2 года назад
My favorite part is the whole time Rex is trying to get these into their own separate episodes and then is handed a bottle, "oh this is plastic"
@InfiniteNesLives 2 года назад
Gotta respect the “2 dog hunter” as my father in-law lovingly calls his Canadian Hunter whiskey. He can’t remember what it’s called, but knows what’s pictured on the bottle.. 😂 The idea of stringing bottles to the ceiling and layering the floor takes me back to my submariner days. That is literally what we did with food cramming it anywhere possible, as food for the crew is actually the only item that limits how long a sub can stay underway/submerged. We strung bags of food, potatoes, etc to the ceiling, and lined the floor with canned food with a plywood layer for easier walking. Don’t miss those days one bit!
@BSbytheway 2 года назад
I laughed way to much at this...whiskey splashed and giggles like a school girl.
@joncarroh 2 года назад
Thank you William Schappert for probably now my favorite episode!
@MenChooseSlavesObey 2 года назад
A special Alternate Vault needs to be dug out, somewhere and all of those fine examples from the Great Schappert trolling can go in there.
@shamrock5725 2 года назад
William Schappert: "You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain.”
@samgallimore4273 2 года назад
I sat down to lunch early and didn’t have the daily video to watch while I eat. So I sat here like an idiot for four minutes staring at my food waiting for 11:00 and the video to drop. Cool story. I know. Cheers!
@BaneOfXistence4 2 года назад
Thought they were gonna end on "If you drink, don't drink Canadian."
@jackbenimble4903 2 года назад
This is my favorite Rare Whiskey Friday yet. This is really funny, growing up I had a lot of people that drank plastic canadian whiskey. Rich and Rare, Canadian Mist, Black Velvet, etc. You can’t even fix this stuff with most cocktails.
@allencapone956 2 года назад
My wife drinks B.V. ..... forgive her.
@jackbenimble4903 2 года назад
@@allencapone956 so does my sister, prefers it to any bourbon I’ve given her from basic Jim Beam to Eagle Rare 17. Scotch she spat in the sink so I gave up on that. She liked BV and Tequila.
@whiskylover9809 2 года назад
I laughed so much!!! I’m Canadian and I’ve only seen one or two of these bottles before, never bought them, where on earth did he find this stuff🤣
@Amazativity 2 года назад
I live in Ontario. I’ve never heard of any of these 😂
@jeremythornton433 2 года назад
@@Amazativity Me too. I'm in Scarborough and I've never heard of these. It's probably a good thing!
@YouTubeAdmin34 2 года назад
@passengersplace 2 года назад
A lot of this rotgut is shipped across the border in bulk, and bottled in the Kentucky bourbon bottling plants for the American market only.
@slyfox7429 2 года назад
Best episode so far.... Loved that you drank them "as god intended" I think a 'cairn would have exploded if the Canadian spirit would have touched it. Someone mentioned using Solo cups, also not a good idea as they surely would have melted from whatever Canada uses they claim is whisky. I grew up with Canadian whisky, as my parents were not heavy drinkers and just had some in case friends came over..... Now i know why we never had any people visit..... Over the years I was not really a whiskey drinker either, a good beer with friends now and then. One day a few years ago, I found the whisky videos here on the tube and learned about bourbon and what REAL whisky is all about. One day I was cleaning a shelf in the basement and found a bottle of Canadian Club unopened, Thought to myself, Oh hell no and tossed it in the trash bucket and out it went.
@justinbanks2380 2 года назад
So many great things in this episode. Daniel just saying screw it and drinking straight out of the bottle. Rex aerosoling whiskey. Daniel just squeezing bottle and spraying onto the floor after Rex says to do nosings. Rex trying to be the 'responsible and stay on task' one (never thought that would happen) and saying they have a job to do here and Daniel just responding 'NO.' just so great. Also I've definitely had those days or been given those types of tasks where it is just, nope, not gonna happen. (They never involved drinking whiskey though, lol)
@Richardson263 2 года назад
William Schappert is an American treasure.
@thomaselmer9728 2 года назад
William Schappert, NICE JOB!!!!!
@thomaselmer9728 2 года назад
To store those Canadian whiskey bottles, find a collage and a trashcan and make some punch!
@eel1378 2 года назад
I drink Canadian Mist because it was my dad’s favorite. It’s terrible straight, but it makes a fine whisky and coke.
@gymtip1 2 года назад
It is best with Vernors ginger ale.
@Name-vu1kn 2 года назад
That whiskey is so Canadian it apologized before you tasted it.
@trevck6965 2 года назад
As Canadians, after seeing the successful results of sending Celine Dion, Nickelback and Justin Bieber south of the border, we realized we could just keep exporting disasters down instead of dealing with the consequences of our failed experiments
@ironpony9892 2 года назад
I hate laughing so much as I can recall my Dad having a bottle of Canadian Club in the cabinet and regret massively never buying him a good Irish or two. Will raise a toast to him tonight.
@somerandomguy32 2 года назад
I wanna see the after effects of this episode.. and the first vault tour with whiskey puddles ..lol
@papadunbar 2 года назад
So appropriate that this aired the Friday before Bastards Ball. Love it!
@Dennis32alpha 2 года назад
There should be a homeless edition episode, where u go to tent city under a bridge and ask them what they like to drink, and give them nice expensive ones vs cheap ones
@DaveTex2375 2 года назад
I hear Austin has a large tent city population to source candidates from. Willy the Wino. Marty methhead. Crackhead Carl and Mental Mike.
@tOmMarzig 2 года назад
Let the bottles hit the floor Let the bottles hit the floor Let the bottles hit the, floooooooor!
@anewlinii 2 года назад
Where is the 360 degree camera link you promised?
@WhiskeyVault 2 года назад
@DepressedSkorpion 2 года назад
These videos always come out on my first break. Great timing
@aarongreen4358 2 года назад
The budget scene is because our whiskey costs 2.5 times as much as in the USA. You say these are available for 10$ but the cheapest whiskey at my liquor store is 30$. I just watched an episode with Michters ( I think somebody said 35$ ) and here it's 90$! I read an article recently that an ordinary Canadian whiskey can be made for 7$ a bottle but sells for 35$ after taxes. Not many aficionados here ( unless you can afford it ), just looking for a drink. I picked up a bottle of Buffalo Trace here today for 42$. Beer is even worse, my local beer store sells the cheap stuff for ( 24 bottles of Busch ) 39.50$ for a 24 pack, cans are even more money. Cigarettes are 120$ to 160$ a carton!! When you are stuck in the winter with nothing better to do . . . This is what free health care costs y'all!! lol
@Backroad_Junkie 2 года назад
You know, starving children in some third world country could have drunk that whiskey...
@jessetheunending9357 2 года назад
No they couldn't. Besides, If you were to let them, that might be a human rights violation.😝
@passengersplace 2 года назад
@@jessetheunending9357 WHOOOSH
@FordManiac76 3 месяца назад
Cheap Canadian whiskey is designed to mixed in cocktails and even then it’s cheap for a reason!! I drink Gibsons 12yr and coke when I’m mixing whiskey drinks. It’s a few dollars more but well worth the expenditure!
@Clef123 2 года назад
The best whiskey is the whiskey you like to drink, the way you like to drink it...in a bag. Perfect lead up to this Sunday.
@wasabista1613 2 года назад
"RWF: CC," the episode that spends spring break in Florida and tips 5% at every restaurant. (I'm Canadian btw so don't bust my chops)
@vorastrix1680 2 года назад
Lived in Canada my whole life, never once heard of any of these before. Glad to know what to avoid now, though.
@chooops_6347 2 года назад
4:51 Rex really turned Canadian Mist into Canadian Mist
@stockicide 2 года назад
As someone who has tried (a sample bottle of) Canadian Mist, I was really looking forward to seeing their reactions. Canadian Club at least tastes like whiskey. Canadian Mist tastes like the sort of chemicals the Joker would fall into a vat of.
@Wabbitsw 2 года назад
Rex trying to be serious and helpful by campaigning for individual episodes "Wow this is plastic..." I've not laughed that hard in a while.
@robertmitchell832 2 года назад
Best episode ever.... should be "Bad Whish(e)y Friday.
@Wilvekio69 2 года назад
The Schappert Stained Vault Floor !!!!!
@randallporter6841 2 года назад
I forgot Canadian mist existed. When I was young (five years old, and I'm sixty-four now) my parents had parties every Saturday night. They always drank cocktails made from four roses (their cocktail was one oz. of whiskey, one maraschino cherry topped off with mountain dew in a ten oz plastic tumbler) One weekend they replaced the four roses with Canadian mist. They felt it was fancier because it was imported! And yes I was bar tending at five.
@prestonblanton5963 2 года назад
My neighbor drives around in a golf cart drinking a gallon jug of Canadian Hunter. I've tried some at a bar & that shit is nasty.
@discordia013 2 года назад
Srsly.... Schappert you broke this.
@garrettgalland576 2 года назад
I feel like you should keep all of those in an old dusty milk crate in the corner of the room.
@19Kettle93 2 года назад
This episode went SO FAR off the rails, love it!
@conjoiner83 2 года назад
Soooooo.... does this episode count as a rule 1 violation? On the up-side though we now know what it takes to finally break Daniel....
@barrypoe2537 2 года назад
Maybe my favorite episode. Thank you William Schappert!
@AdHyde69 2 года назад
Just be happy Mr Lahey left you enough Canadian whisky to enjoy. After all, he IS the liquor!
@bryanwalker1737 2 года назад
Hilarious episode! But for some reason Canadian Mist shows up on the top 20 list of whiskeys sold in America.
@mwtd320 Год назад
And as a Canadian, I've never actually seen a bottle of it on the shelves. Now... Signal Hill... There's a whiskey worth trying out if you get a chance.
@david.mourlam 2 года назад
You know technically, after you break your record the first time and keep going, you’re continuously breaking your record. Sláinte.
@ColinRichards1 2 года назад
One of my favorite episodes
@aaronsandlin4017 2 года назад
Daniel: F@&k it, we’re going to drink these out of spite. Rex: but……we have a “job” we have to do. Loving the work ethic fellas, what doesn’t kill you….
@raypuro3148 2 года назад
Great fun! Your comments are bang on, but as two guys running a whisky marketing school you do realize that if Americans didn't buy this crap, Canada wouldn't produce it, especially in the quantities that you refer to. Hell, I toured the Crown Royal distillery in Gimli, Manitoba, and was told that your own state of Texas drinks more Crown Royal than any other place in the world, with Texans buying more CR than Jack Daniels or Jim Beam. It's really a pallet issue, not one of production. Supply follows Demand.
@YT_Loz 2 года назад
This may be the best episode of all time.
@davidmarshall8628 2 года назад
"There could be people who love Canadian Mist." Yeah, those would be the goofballs that keep whiskey in the freezer.😀
@jerrybarr3354 2 года назад
Started my whiskey journey on Canadian mist believe it or not 😄 Never put it in the freezer
@SimonPeter1 2 года назад
I strongly recommend that the Wizard Academy or Vault should get those gibbets or Medieval torture iron cages, and then put the Cheap Canadian series and/or Peter Golden's bottom shelf series in them, hanging them outside one of the building, put the MB title on the cages to honor their generosity and the fun they bring us...
@hevytimes 2 года назад
I'm Canadian, I live in Ontario. The Canadian whiskey bullshit is a thing even here. I YEARN for recommendations at the province owned LCBO
@BreakfastHappens 2 года назад
Have you tried the 40 Creek Confederation Oak?
@Jolazo-Music 2 года назад
two words: lot 40
@Theplaymaker1271 2 года назад
Canadian Whiskey = whiskey flavored vodka with a dash of vanilla extract
@jacobplasmeyer8789 2 года назад
Get all the budget booze, re-distill and chuck them into a small barrel to see if it can be made any good. Saves on storage space.
@bigjosh5816 2 года назад
MacNaughton was my dad's go to whiskey most of my life. It broke his heart when he couldn't get it anymore.
@dubltap7216 2 года назад
You know you could have had Brianna drink all those, that would have been much more entertaining. My boss always said "shit rolls downhill" 😁
@gregoakleaf 2 года назад
Bold move Shapart... 🤣
@davidlakin3616 2 года назад
I've been watching you guys for many years and love this channel. However, in this episode you're acting like Whiskey Snobs and need to understand what you can do to facilitate the challenge of tasting cheap Canadian Whiskey. I'm from the Detroit area and KNOW cheap Canadian Whiskey. So what did we do with it? We made high-ball (like 7&7's and Vernors & C.C.) AND we mixed Manhattans. I still really enjoy a well-made Manhattan from time (even over a good Bourbon). So please consider picking up all the plastic bottles you Daniel threw on the ground and do an episode about how to properly make cheap Canadian Whiskey into something you can enjoy.
@daanvdwielen8760 2 года назад
It's so kinda ironic that when I describe Jack Daniels the way Daniel describes Canadian anything-in-a-plastic-bottle, I sound like a snob first class but when they do it it's great fun! They're absolutely right tho.
@notme123123 2 года назад
Does the vault have enough bottles to do a Trader Joe’s white label episode? They have one surprisingly good single malt and many surprisingly bad ones.
@paladonis 2 года назад
I have to say, I started with Canadian whiskey (Black Velvet, if you please). It was pretty fair at getting my palate used to higher proof coming off being a beer guy. Little Sweet. Little malty. Then I moved into Irish, Speysides, Bourbon and so forth. But I have gone back a time or two with a few Canadian ones and they can be nice. Like Ellington Reserve at Total Wine. Only $15 out here as an 8 yr age statement. It wasn't bad. Very close to a brandy as a matter of fact.
@elixwhitetail 2 года назад
If you don't hate ryes and you can get your hands on Lot 40, there's a quality Canadian 100% rye that's accessible and affordable at least in Canada. The warm rye spice lingers, good for pouring into coffee or hot chocolate after coming in from the cold as well as being his for neat/on ice pours.
@DocReilly22 2 года назад
Give the people what they want, A canadian mist episode
@SuperStarr817 Год назад
As a Canadian, I have never seen ANY of these bottles. I don't even think I've ever seen you guys do Wisers, and that's the basic bar staple. To be fair, my fave Canadian whiskeys are all from smaller local distillers and you're not likely to find them in the states, especially not the southern states. We have Lentil and Quinoa whiskey in my province!
@eggstraordinair 2 года назад
Lol in this episode Rex is the responsible one XD
@thekiltedswiller1533 2 года назад
IDEA!! All of that Canadian plastic bottled crap, down to the bar... have the master mixologist come up with a cocktail that uses that shite effectively as possible and name it "The William Shappert Shite Show" cocktail!
@jaypeder7984 2 года назад
This lives on my favorite WT/WV list, it's a therapeutic funny video XD love y'all
@joe-e-geo 2 года назад
... may you drink with us, unless your name is William Schappert.
@SlaserX 2 года назад
Canadian mist is great for cleaning a clogged drain
@petelarobardiere2543 2 года назад
That was great! William, I’m going to send you a whole bunch of crap. Daniel, oh we’re doing this. F U William. Rex trying to hold the whole thing together. Just step back Rex.
@jasonknight3962 2 года назад
Get a big trash can, cut open the front of it and put shelving inside. That could be your Canadian whiskey vault
@drew5334 2 года назад
Daniel's complete disdain for budget Canadian whiskey is the best!
@evazhu8842 2 года назад
After watching Daniel waterfall whiskey from plastic bottles into his mouth I almost started pouring my beer into my mouth instead of drinking it from the glass; would have been a horrendous mess if I did pour it. Lucky I caught myself in time XD. Anyways, hilarious episode and cheers to you MBs watching it.
@JasonMoore-bk9gk 2 года назад
Scahppert needs a whole new title!!
@itatane 2 года назад
Somebody suggested "F---ing Bastard." I have to say Peter Golden and Mr. Schappert have reached that legendary status. Either that or Brown Paper Bag of Whiskey, with a Hobo graphic.
@tannerhutton5888 2 года назад
Oh God Canadian hunter. I'm unfortunately familiar with this one. A buddy brought a bottle over the day he turned 21. We drank it all ourselves over multiple games of Texas hold em, and I woke up at 3 in the morning on my back porch, in my underwear, with my guitar in my lap.
@thewhiskeypriest1933 2 года назад
I think William Schappert broke them.
@ilikejelloyay208 2 года назад
Along with Olde Whittington Rye and Cornbread Williams Bourbon, blend all of the cheap canadian whiskies and release it as “Crowded Canadian.” With that said, am I the only one here that likes Canadian whisky (that is over $25 for a bottle)?
@robschoenung9543 2 года назад
I remember when you reviewed rare stuff on Fridays.
@Keorvane 2 года назад
I just love Daniels reaction to these Canadian whiskey, I want him to go on a rant on bad whiskey lololol
@robertstowe2003 2 года назад
One of the best episodes, without intentional shenanigans. Laughed my ass off....🤣
@Zultzify 2 года назад
the main reason for the huge budget scene is the price of alcohol (200% sin tax), and historically was a very alcohol driven country. the cheap stuff is just what sold well and sadly beat out a lot of great brands and blends. same with our beer scene.
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