Hallo, Danke für dieses Video! Es hat mich sehr berührt den Kommentar zu lesen. Da ich dies gegenüber vielen hier, IMMER mache bevor ich das Video ansehe, sehe ich es mit ganz anderen Augen. So ein toller Helikopter, eindrucksvoll vorgeflogen ( und ein TOP Kameramann ) mit dem zufriedenen lächeln des Piloten Heinz Hoffmann, das ist schon sehr eindrucksvoll, da man ja nun weis das dieser nette Mensch nicht mehr lebt !!! Meine Kondolenz für all seine hinterbliebenen. RIP Heinz Hoffmann Danke nochmals für dieses schöne Video! Frank Mende
ok..now I just want to put bottle rockets mounted on the side to have an ignition switch and see some faux fire power hahahahah this is a freakin SWEET MODEL!BABY!
I fly RC Helicopters and planes etc. I have a Eurocopter 350 with 4 blades. That was a bitch to track. You track 6 blades.....very impressive model. Nice flying as well. More people should get into this hobby...it really is rewarding.....and expensive.
Beautiful bird and great flying! Maybe a bit tail heavy but maybe it is in the design charactoristics? Is it electric or mini turbine? Love how quiet it is!!! Great job! Cheers, from Texas USA
It might be more stable in flight, but I prefer to hear the slapping from just 2 rotor blades, especially for scale. I suspect the extra blades were keeping with the full scale version though, so I see why.
That is just totally and completely Awesome!!!! Well friggen done!! At the beginning of the video I thought it said beer on the side and for a moment I thought what a great army. A beer chopper for the thirsty troops on the front line! lol
was glaubst du den? so was gibt es nicht fertig. Da stecken bestimmt 1,5-2jahre arbeit drinne. Ich spreche aus eigener Erfahrung und ich bin erst 14 jahre
I'm a maintainer on the full size version of this. although this is more modeled after the the 53a the delta had aux fuel tanks on the side of each sponson. very realistic flight characteristics of the real thing. love love love this video great build! active duty marine airframe/hydraulic mech on ch 53D and ch53E