
reacting to 1 star reviews of books i love 💔 

The Book Leo
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@NonAnonD 3 месяца назад
The real critiques are in the 2 and 3 star reviews… but the funny “critiques” are at the 1 stars
@this_is_a_cat3437 3 месяца назад
Unless the book is really bad, but I have only read like two I would rate 1 star so yeah, I agree.
@WatchingWhileAsleep 3 месяца назад
I think to truly critique any work with fairness and clarity, you must be able to see its positives as well as its negatives. Even if the only positive you can find is "it has a pretty cover" 😂 being able to say "it was a fun time, but-" will always be a much more intelligent conversation than "this is a blight upon humanity because i didn't like it"
@QuicklyLiquid 3 месяца назад
trueee! theres nothing as painful as reading a book you really loved only to go through an exorbitant 2 star review detailing every flaw in the work
@Excellenceboka 2 месяца назад
@@QuicklyLiquid frr
@trytrykileki Месяц назад
That one Six of Crows review sounded like Matthias being horrified by the Crows' morals
@honorbound1337 3 месяца назад
"Kind of annoying and definitely Marxist" is what i want written on my tombstone
@mwvidz324 3 месяца назад
I am sorry for you.
@chewysoda9115 3 месяца назад
@@mwvidz324feel sorry for yourself
@mwvidz324 3 месяца назад
@@chewysoda9115 Oh snap.
@SJisReading 3 месяца назад
Haha we need t shirts
@taepop3800 2 месяца назад
i need this tattooed on me
@KMort 3 месяца назад
This I could stomach, but people praising books I HATED I can't stand. I automatically assume the person is stupid, whereas I think most criticism of books I love is valid😂
@76kilosofshade81 3 месяца назад
This could be a fun video too!
@CaptainThugRdx 3 месяца назад
That's an interesting take.. books you hated could just be not for you.. literature is subjective and there's no definitive metric for what makes a good book..obvious grammar issues or other issues aside.
@Akiono-ih5tl 3 месяца назад
​@@CaptainThugRdx this
@totallysanebean 3 месяца назад
honestly looking at the one star review of products I intend to buy is my go-to strategy. It is way more common to bot good reviews than bad and if I read criticisms that either bother me aswell or don't bother me at all it helps me make a decision. Like if a book has negative reviews about how slow the romance is that is a positive for me because I think most romances are too fast paced
@nitzeart 3 месяца назад
Yeah same. Because my taste is books is very personal. So I know not everyone is going to like the same books. But people loving a book I hate?? Hello? Did we read the same book?? Apparently not. And I also I'm judging their intellect and reading comprehension skills 😂😂
@LunaWho47 3 месяца назад
The best 1 star review I ever read was for Nathaniel Hawthorn's The House of the Seven Gables, and it just read, "I am sure there is a good story in here somewhere, if you can find it amongst all the words." I think about this review at least once every few days. Best summation of that book EVER.
@alicedalexandrite 3 месяца назад
Lmao thank you for sharing this
@__loveball 3 месяца назад
i love this review
@sukerbole2463 3 месяца назад
"i don't like books about classist elites" bro _you_ picked up the book about classist elites 💀
@the_reading_apprentice 3 месяца назад
Oh those Six of Crows reviews made no sense at all!! I love that duology so much that I named my two black kittens Kaz and Inej 💕
@yuli161-daedalus 3 месяца назад
2:30 The Night Circus 5:45 1984 8:05 The picture of dorian gray 9:00 Parfum 10:25 Uprooted 12:55 Juniper and Thorn 15:02 The secret History 17:01 The fifth season *Pause for dramatic effect* 18:40 Six of Crows 20:31 Jane Eyre 23:06 A psalm for the wild built 24:22 Beautiful World where are you 26:04 Bunny 28:32 The Tao of Pooh Alr now since I've done that whole ordeal WHO F*CKING DARES CALL MY BABIES (KAZ, INEJ, JASPER, WYLAN, AND THE GANG) BLAND?! also mysogonistic? Like girl, have you read the damn book? Do you understand words? Like I dont wanan be mean right, but I sure do love to break my own moral code at times
@Luna-po5ui 3 месяца назад
okay to defend my girl jane, she DOES get gone! I mean spoilers for Jane Eyre but when she finds out Rochester has a wife she fully bounces because she knows she deserves better. She only goes back to that wretched man (insert historical nuance and context for rochester as a character here that most people don't feel like bringing to their readings of classics le sigh) when she's rich, she's got family, she's got different options for her life path, and he's essentially been smited by god and humbled into dirt like the pathetic man he is and he's alone and simping for jane and she chooses to return to him because she wants the life with the most possible love and happiness and for her that's being with him. like, who cares about him. she's the empowered one who gets to say no or yes. there's a reason it's called jane eyre and NOT rochester /end rant sorry but simplistic reviews that amount to "rochester sucks" really get to me because like where did the book say he didn't
@kinrateia 3 месяца назад
The way book settled the massive power imbalance is (aside from inheritance) by literally making rochester disabled in the end and i dont know how i feel about that
@Akiono-ih5tl 3 месяца назад
i saw a review comparing it to Pride and Prejudice saying it's better because of the romance like 😂 in what world are those books comparable??
@lantosabel1160 3 месяца назад
Okay, but what about the wife? 😂 where does her death fall in the complex matrix of Jane Eyre's emancipation and empowerment? 🤔 when all things are considered, is getting some good dick matters more in the moral equation than sisterhood?
@madisonemily4083 3 месяца назад
@@kinrateiaexactly 😭
@annabrewer4408 3 месяца назад
I feel you because I have to supress my CONSTANT urge to bring up the historical nuance and context of Jane Eyre in everyday conversation because I'm just sitting here like: it's so fascinating, can I please have a long discussion on how one of the more unexplored conflicts with Jane and Rochester is letter vs spirit of the law because Rochester's marriage to Bertha Mason was, even for the time, illegal (one of the few reasons you could legitemately get divorced even in Jane Austen's England (and earlier) is if you could prove one of the parties was mentally unstable at the time of the marriage- modern readers often think that there was no divorce and that's not true! It was RARE and DIFFICULT but there WERE divorces) and the whole thing hinged on him being unable to prove it's illegality due to his own family's betrayal of him and the Mason's family (and the society of the time)'s horrific sexism over wanting to get rid of their mentally unstable daughter in a way that made her not their financial burden? HOW DOES THIS NOT INTEREST YOU?
@WatchingWhileAsleep 3 месяца назад
Im seeing a common thread among these reviews, and i just want to say that if you're not enjoying a book, don't finish it! You dont have to. Being happy that the book is over just so you can escape the boring characters is somwthing you dont need to struggle to achieve. If its not a good time, just stop. If anything, pushing through a bad book will only put you in a reading slump
@thisisnotausernameXD 2 месяца назад
While that is sensible advice, there are some books that you feel compelled to keep reading and can't stop. Maybe there's just enough to intrigue you and make you overlook other aspects you dislike or you expect something exciting to happen. Sometimes the rest of the book is actually good but the ending completely loses you. Sometimes the story is good but the characters are more irritating than boring. There are so many reasons people try to push through a book.
@chrishth 3 месяца назад
The thing that got me with Uprooted (and the reason I DNF'd) was the COMPLETELY INACCURATE portrayal of period clothing. Honey, your corset does NOT work like that (like that: slashing it with a knife makes it so you can breathe. Girl, if you can't breathe your corset is too tight and what kind of knife cuts through BONING??? )
@katierasburn9571 3 месяца назад
you stopped reading a book over one line about the characters clothes?
@lilacfields 3 месяца назад
@@katierasburn9571well if they can’t get that correct then they probably have many other inaccuracies in the book that would annoy me
@TheOriginalDogLP 2 месяца назад
​@@lilacfields wild takes you all have. You dnf because of maybe it will annoy me more later? I always wonder how people like you go through their lives
@TheOriginalDogLP 2 месяца назад
Wdym a corset is textile ofc you can cut it open with a knife?
@lilacfields 2 месяца назад
@@TheOriginalDogLP i go through my life peacefully because i don’t waste my time with things i don’t like. dnfing a book is not a major offense nor does it affect me in any way 🤷🏽‍♀️
@litttlefreak 3 месяца назад
knowing what Pancho Villa (Revolucionario mexicano) did at the age of 14, I completely believe Kaz Brekker was 17 years old 💀
@gracesull78756 2 месяца назад
THIS! young people can be just as capable for good and bad. also like sure, is he a normal 17 year old ? maybe not, but most 17 year olds aren't gang leaders either lol. jokes aside, people are all varying levels of traits, so in his circumstances in that world, it's not that crazy. it's not like everyone else in the book is immature and he stands out as a black sheep bc he's the only hardened one, like clearly just how they live idk. and aside from that, if you pick up any fantasy book, and particularly YA, like duh most of them aren't like regular people
@liamcox9043 3 месяца назад
If someone types out the main point of the book as a criticism of it their library card should be confiscated for a week
@nawenyxar4378 2 месяца назад
Hear me out: when a book sells you an idea, a concept, you want it to be good. And sometimes, you get disappointed at what the book should be the best at. Don't know if it makes a lot of sense...
@romalibra_books 3 месяца назад
Love that you’re sponsored by Skillshare so often, I’ve literally learned a whole new career on their platform ❤
@yatshie8717 3 месяца назад
What did you learn? If you want to share it, I'm curious
@romalibra_books 3 месяца назад
@@yatshie8717 photography! I was a lawyer and hated it and now I’m a part time photographer (@romavera_photography) and I have my own brand. I learned all my photography skills on Skillshare, so much more complete than what I found on RU-vid
@romalibra_books 2 месяца назад
@@yatshie8717 i learned photography :) (@romavera_photography), artistic direction and how to organise and sell myself as an entrepreneur 😊
@laradadic908 3 месяца назад
I'm moving in a month for the first time ever and am so stressed about it and have no idea where to start, so seeing your moving vlogs would be so helpful ❤❤ lovely video as always!
@tiffanymoton704 3 месяца назад
also i constantly feel like the only person in the world who loves beautiful world where are you so its always a nice reminder im not alone when you talk about loving it too
@larssjostrom6565 3 месяца назад
Things did happen in The Night Circus, but it was very slow paced.
@rebekahtaylor9307 3 месяца назад
The first think I thought when I saw you was “ wow, her eyes look amazing” 😄
@LeonoraBlosser 3 месяца назад
Looove the laid back cosy vibes of this video🤍 I’m so excited for the moving vlogs congrats!
@monarie7856 3 месяца назад
I mean, Shakespeare used they/them but then again these people would probably give Hamlet 1* because he's soooo indecisive
@86fifty 3 месяца назад
You are a braver woman than I, facing down 100% negative reviews like this! Wishing you all the good vibes for moving!
@thejustinwestra 3 месяца назад
I’m starting The Fifth Season soon and I’m super excited. I actually preemptively ordered the next two books because I have a feeling I’ll like it.
@catIing 3 месяца назад
The one star for it being misogynistic makes total sense. What's weird is that women are so used to ignoring misogyny just to enjoy a book that we just dismiss it immediately. That we're used to it doesn't make it fine, and the person who rated it 1 star was being 100% reasonable.
@Firemast 3 месяца назад
I think there is a spectrum here. While definitely a problem, I honestly agree with Leonie that this by itself doesn't warrant a 1 star review.
@più_lento_28_13 3 месяца назад
sure, dismissing a WHOLE novel, which objectively is one of the greatest dystopian novels out there, and trashing everything there’s to learn from it concerning totalitarianism and human psychology, for traces of misogyny makes total sense. Sure !
@yanaivanova8194 3 месяца назад
​@@tarnim80plus the fact that i myself saw this EXACT review and in the replies the OP admitted to using it as rage bait to "piss off the men" (not direct quote) that hold it in high regard. I honestly felt such disappointment from that because even though it IS a valid criticism and flaw of the book, it absolutely does not warrant the low rating🤷🏻‍♀️
@Editorialzero 3 месяца назад
I totally agree with you, I don’t watch movies from like before the year 2000 if I can avoid it because the casual misogyny is unbearable, and I feel similarly about books. I don’t leave them 1 star reviews unless misogyny (or another form of bigotry) is fundamental to the plot though, but I have never left a 5 star review on a book where the author shows bigotry, even if it is just in the undertones. A book can’t be 5 stars if it doesn’t consider part of its cast fully human.
@Merakireads 3 месяца назад
well, even modern day books have misogyny in it, way more explicit than that in the past.
@vinidood 3 месяца назад
I absolutely misheard and was like "they called the book a 'tower of poo'??"
@alexjones8843 Месяц назад
I am only just now finding out that Parfum is a book. I watched the movie forever ago and I was completely enthralled, adding to my TBR expeditiously.
@bubbles577 3 месяца назад
I screamed when you showed Bunny by Mona Awad, because I haven’t seen NO ONE talking about that book 🧍🏻 like it’s soooo good, it deserves more recognition
@nissasbookcorner 3 месяца назад
“be bisexual, wrinkle, and lie” 😭😭
@johnrazbek3721 2 месяца назад
This channel is such a vibe 🥰
@hannahn3484 3 месяца назад
You’re so brave for this. I’ll look up reviews for every book I’ve read except for my favorite book!
@devlyn873 3 месяца назад
The way I went from amusement with the other books to outrage when it came to Fifth Season getting one star reviews 😅
@adreamerontherun 3 месяца назад
it's always funny to me that your favorite books are not always my favorite (uprooted, night circus) but i seem to come back to your content again haha this was a fun video !
@MrultiPaul 3 месяца назад
This is your best video, the combination of denial, anger and copium is just too good. 5 stars would watch again.
@heyjude111 3 месяца назад
brooo the hate on Six of Crows and A Psalm for the Wild-Built are so uncalled for wtf😭😭 Leonie was so strong for this. I've tried reading 1 star reviews of my favorites and I had to rage quit. not as rough as the time I begged my book club to read Piranesi and then the people who managed to finish it... hated it😬
@NiarahHawthorne 3 месяца назад
I do think the hate comments on SoC was WILD and seemed inaccurate, but Imma be honest: I'm never gonna read it because it just screams "edgy grimdark with no real larger point." Or in other words: boring as shit.
@heyjude111 3 месяца назад
@@NiarahHawthorne validddd. it is pretty edgy, especially one of the ships... but im here for the ✨found family✨
@NiarahHawthorne 3 месяца назад
@@heyjude111 gotcha. Idk, I just think those kinds of themes and dynamics can be found in much better material.
@UlleRafaga 3 месяца назад
I love how this whole video is exactly how I reacted to your review of Assistant to the Villain
@izzyeis5752 3 месяца назад
what i've gotten from these is that people read books that don't tickle their brain and think "boring" is the worst thing a book can be
@Lu-mw4pe 3 месяца назад
honestly most of these just made me love/want to read the books more
@swanlake694 3 месяца назад
I see Leonie has finally discovered my kind of reviews lmao
@tabeatamm3594 3 месяца назад
To cheer you up a little, out of the books in this video I've read Bunny and The Secret History because of your recommendation and absolutely loved both of them (just wish the chapters in TSH were a little shorter, the book took me months to read because of that lol) and am currently reading The Night Circus because of you as well.
@the_bob_147 3 месяца назад
It's always gonna be a good day when leonie posts
@allegraalberoni 3 месяца назад
My favorite reviews are from Wuthering Heights, one of my favorite books. "Omg this romance is sooo toxic" uhm yeah??? that's the point???
@valpet4944 Месяц назад
I think I like some 1⭐ reviews because they point out aspects of the novels that often go unnoticed and/or are simply poorly done. One of my favorite novels is At the End of the World and A Cruel Wonderland by Haruki Murakami. Sometimes the author is not very good at understanding women? It shows. Is it really necessary to spend an entire chapter describing the protagonist counting his coins inside an elevator? No. The ending was bad or felt unfinished? Absolutely. Is that going to stop me from continuing to read his books? No, It will only make me aware that the author is not perfect, is often boring, but has a lot to offer, especially if you are interested in becoming a Sci-Fi writer.
@romanglinnik8073 Месяц назад
I love it when people criticise dark things in books but say nothing when the same shows up in real life. Other than that, 1 star reviews are useless if not outright comedic. Also, always read what you want and not what everybody else wants. I never read reviews simply because they rarely ever give actual feedback.
@DaughterOfTheKingdom16 2 месяца назад
I love when a book has like a super toxic character and thats the whole point of the character like example Chuck Bass from Gossip Girl books. Or more common Magnolia Parks characters (which I havent read but heard theyre toxic) that they’re like maybe like a bitch or really unreasonable and then someone’s like I don’t like them. They’re so toxic and I’m like that’s the whole point.
@whyyoucryingx Месяц назад
I bet we all had the same face when a book we like was mentioned and hated on
@pendragon2012 3 месяца назад
I still feel rage on a regular basis, lol. But I do love a good Ranting Leonie video! 🙂
@Glutiam 3 месяца назад
I devoured ‘Bunny’ within a day. I wouldn’t say it’s perfect, but I definitely do not think it’s dumb or shallow. I honestly admire how calm you are reading one star reviews on your favourite books, I would’ve started calling these reviewers all kinds of names like two minutes in 😅
@siriusblackkinnie 3 месяца назад
missed you, our book queen 🤍🫂 (exited about renovation/moving vlogs!!!)
@lexa4160 3 месяца назад
Your taste in books couldnt be more different than mine so I have to agree with most of the 1 stars, theyre just not my type of genre or plot 😭 (except dorian gray I looove it), especially six of crows, i actually hate that books bc i bought it thinking id love it but it was boring as hell 😭😭😭 finishing it felt like a punishment but did it bc i thought it got better :( worst is that i bought the sequel too bc again i thought id love both... but anyway, i do respect your taste, its interesting how people can be so different
@CaptainThugRdx 3 месяца назад
Not being your genre doesn't make it a 1 star lmao.. just don't read it if you're not into it..imo 1 stars should be about actual flaws in a book...not if it just isn't your genre..
@lexa4160 3 месяца назад
@@CaptainThugRdx I am talking about my experience and how I agree with them but I guess I didnt make it clear, I agree with the 1 stars because they do make good points. Also, if I dont like it of course it would be a 1star, not necessarily due to the genre, but its a bunch of reasons, sometimes a book can not be your preferred genre and you still love it. But if a book with a genre I dont like didnt make me like it nor the plot then yes, it is a 1star to me, could not be for you but reviews are personal after all
@breeflan Месяц назад
Despite always enjoying reading, I didn't like being forced to read certain books in high school and automatically disliked them, so now I'm going back and reading them as an adult with no homework assignments lol. So far I've read To Kill a Mockingbird again. I remember HATING it in HS...probably because I had to read it over the summer. Reading it as an adult I loved it. Sorry Harper Lee :/ . I remember I didn't dislike 1984 per se but I don't think I really appreciated it, so that's on my "reread as an adult instead of an angsty high schooler" list as well.
@yara4909 3 месяца назад
Leonie, I fully support you with your opinion on The Secret History, I have been arguing the same thing !!! Tends to happen with dark academia books a lot but I read reviews on the books I love that disagree with it and I'm like THAT'S LITERALLY THE POINT !!!
@yara4909 3 месяца назад
@whoatemychocolate 3 месяца назад
16:30 uuuhhh... having not read the book, I'm getting the impression that a large percentage of the dark academia people on tumblr either also haven't read it, or didn't get the point. Going purely off of tumblr posts I've seen about this book, I would have sworn the point was how romantic studying at a british elite school would be 😂
@mariaisabelsantos5829 3 месяца назад
my daily dose of happiness has arrived!!
@dawnnicholson9675 3 месяца назад
I too LOVE the Crows.. but they were lying about their age..😂 The comparison between Fifty shades and Six of Crows..?? I don't see it at all!!
@RangerofRivendell 2 месяца назад
You're really good at art!! How did I not know this???
@ihavetostudyagain 3 месяца назад
It really makes me angry when people forget or not keep in mind THE ERA in which a book was written and its characteristics when reading a book. Like "Omggg The Picture of Dorian Grey puts so much focus on the beauty, eternal life and moral degeneration..." No shit, that's Aestheticism😂😂
@starryxblue 3 месяца назад
I loved this and I can’t wait for the moving vlogs!!
@ShortsNSimple 3 месяца назад
I currently have a romance book in the making. Once done, I shall get my book in your hands for a review. Do look forward to it.
@shelmasubmarine3306 3 месяца назад
I've been reading "the night circus" in it's german translation and it was sooooo badly written which made me sad since it was absolutely my taste in it's world building/story Maybe i should give it another read in english & it was just badly translated...
@LinnieCat 3 месяца назад
24:13 I mean I learned that in English classes too, but honestly it can still be confusing. My first instinct is always that they/them signifies multiple people and I have to “correct it” in my brain. Not because I intend to be a bigot, but I have to actively think about the use of the word instead of the meaning coming to me naturally
@BookloversPQB4 2 месяца назад
My mom told me the darkling being evil was an obvious plot twist. So I felt really humbled, until she said it’s because he has shadow powers 😐
@vulee100 3 месяца назад
i recently read "the bee sting" and it is now my favorite book of all time, if i read the 1 star reviews i would crumble
@hannahelizabeth7562 3 месяца назад
i highkey need to see you react to 1 star reviews of the aftg series
@amelias7441 3 месяца назад
So what have we learnt? One star reviews are almost always a result of a reader judging a book despite not knowing what they were getting into. A book written decades ago sounding misogynistic? What are the odds. A book about a sick mind obsessed with virgins too obsessed with virgins? Well, yeah, obviously! I hate horror so let me read horror and then complain that the book sucks 😅😅 Do these people rate graphic novels as juvenile because they have pictures 🙄
@SkadiBella 3 месяца назад
some of these have some valid points but my god what is up with all these immature people who think all stories should have black and white simplistic moral lessons and all characters should be role models and only depict wholesome parent-approved conflict free stories ??? i get that for books that aimed at younger audiences you'd want a certain level of thinking about the impact but when it comes to books for adults it's honestly really scary how many people seem to think like that these days. it feels a lot like religious fundamentalism like do you think you're going to invite in the devil by reading (and thinking) impure things or sth. bad people are often very entertaining !!! also please that guy who has a problem with they as a pronoun is such a baby it's been in use since shakespeare. anyway this was a funny video great concept i do love reading bad reviews of books i love because it helps me sharpen my sense of my own tastes and opinions but also sometimes you just feel called out lmfao
@azzah0010 2 месяца назад
I actually watch her reviews and read what she DOESN’T like, its what i like…
@ruchawadekar7527 Месяц назад
while we are on the topic vicious was so plain pls i spent money on it😭😭😭
@shamrockpebbles6181 3 месяца назад
I think we need to read 5 star reviews of books you hate 😭
@drey9110 3 месяца назад
The 1 star review that stuck to me to this day was from ‘All thats Left in the World’ by Erik J Brown which is a young-adult post-apocalyptic romance book and it said “The world is literally ending and you’re worried about homophobia?!?!!” 😭
@FreyaFreyaWillow 3 месяца назад
I really would like to know your opinion about "The Lost Bookshop" by Evie Woods! ☺️
@nitzeart 3 месяца назад
You know most of these are kinda valid 😂 like some 1 star revews can be so insightful and sumarize the books so well! (Albeit with a different perspective). And then we get just transphobic people whinning about the use of they/them pronouns 🙄 I hate people sometimes.
@noaaa7 3 месяца назад
I’m so excited for the home videos!
@SylvieMayfield-Smith 4 дня назад
We love how ben barnes played a hot (seriously hawt), morally grey character in more than one of these book film/series adaptations...
@taniavgongoraruiz4339 3 месяца назад
@LeaReads 2 месяца назад
When people read a book inspired by Slavic folk lore and then get disappointed that a character is given a Slavic name (Dragan) 😂 and is not in fact a dragon
@L_oliviarodrigosbiggestfan 2 месяца назад
19:19 i read fifty shades of grey and wanted ti be sick i stopped reading by page 200
@skylerrrq Месяц назад
you NEED to read summer sons, i feel like youd love it >_
@lonelytokki.-_-. 3 месяца назад
I feel so betrayed that I didn’t know you had a second channel 😂😂
@Sam-os3uv 3 месяца назад
I am missing your slow content. You have not uploaded for a long time there!
@kimberlybrown8500 Месяц назад
Honestly, Juniper and Thorn ended up on my DNF. I couldn't get past the repetition of the main characters plainness. I am so over the self deprecating, she's so uninteresting and naive but there's just something special about her that only this extraordinary man can see. Maybe if she wasn't constantly talking about how dull she is I could have looked past it, but I was over it about 50 pages in.
@Ash95_12 3 месяца назад
Its funny because i just finished reading Dorien Gray yesterday and I loved it 💀
@luiiiandmovieee 3 месяца назад
Calling soc s3xual is so crazy. First of all have these ppl read other ya books?? Second of all have these ppl pay attention to kanej at all?? A relationship in which trust and knowing each other and holding hands is so much more intense than anything s3xual. And I mean there aren't big intimate things written with any characters in soc
@lilac_fairygirl 3 месяца назад
6:46 PLEASE at some point make a whole video about 1984!! I remember reading it for a class and HATING the misogynistic vibes I was getting, so much that I absolutely could not pick it up again, and that any topic around it simply led me into a rant. I am so interested to see what quality a truly analytic reader sees within it, and what you think about the accusations of misogyny in the book. You must have a lot to say on the topic and I at least would absolutely love getting to hear your thoughts, whether I agree with them or not 🩷
@John-dn2ec Месяц назад
I got butt hurt😢 18:59
@eovantae 3 месяца назад
@Firemast 3 месяца назад
Okay, this one will be a rather controversial, and I'm really sorry in advance if I offend anyone with this, but I have to mention it: One thing that I definitely don't like about Six of Crows (or at least find hypocritical) is the hype around its progressiveness about Nina being plus-sized and still being able to be atractive and sexy (or at least this is how many fans interpret it based on opinions and reviews I read). Then there is also Matthias, who is appearance-wise pretty much an extremely convencionally attractive specimen for a lot of people attracted to males (and whose physical attractiveness probably contributed to the development of their relationship). Am I the only one who sees a discrepancy here?
@AamitMorthos 2 месяца назад
I've always found the they/them and it/is push back once it's used for a singular person to be weird bc it is taught (I'm from the u.s so that's what I know) in English speaking schools that both they/them and it/is can be used to refer to a person. It's just that homophobia overrides a lot of common sense 😔.
@Sam-os3uv 3 месяца назад
Please read *Mornings in Jenin*
@christinemartin8549 3 месяца назад
I'm so excited to hear you are moving. I hope this means you will have space for a fur baby. 😺
@misskarin 3 месяца назад
no, you're exactly right about the secret history.
@katherineeaster5799 3 месяца назад
I'm kind of scared to look up my favorites. I've been liking some not popular books here lately (not so much not liked, but books I never hear people talk about).
@BarneyT6774 18 дней назад
The fifth season hit me like a train but ok
@poppycalliope 3 месяца назад
books are subjective, it would be crazy if all of us liked the same books! I let people like what they like and I will like what I like. I don't get people who want to spread hate over a book and hate on an individual for their book taste. This was a lovely video Leonie, as always ❤
@ireneisameme 2 месяца назад
As someone who studies greek and latin I can assure you half of my classmates are that pretentious and elitist and reading the Secret History made me really want to recommend it to them before they make it to university
@alicias.8482 3 месяца назад
I'm so sorry, but I 100% agree with the reviews of The Night Circus. It could be great with Tim Burton, though
@beepbooptop 3 месяца назад
I read Bunny because of you and I love it
@antascless1490 2 месяца назад
Idk. I hated 1984 cause it's like torture porn but for muddy gritty molasses like pessimistic narrative about how everything sucks. There're genuinely interesting ideas inside, so 2 stars. But I hoped all this depression and last day on earth aesthetic would at least make a point that isn't boring
@_lwndo 3 месяца назад
im so sorry, i really dont like six of crows☹ i tried so hard bc she's my favourite booktuber but it just feels like those boring books you get assigned to read for english. i could not get immersed into the story, which is the only reason i read
@JimenaBlack 3 месяца назад
Hahahahaha i loved this video! ❤ Exited to see your new place ✨
@justsomebody7702 3 месяца назад
Loved it!! Goodluck with moving house!
@yasminnn8 3 месяца назад
12:28 exactly exactly
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