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hehe yes u still transphobic tho
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@jayztron4737 6 лет назад
It's never "rude" not to sleep with a person for any reason ever.
@notthefather3919 4 года назад
@@CyberVelvet420 the point still stands. Sexual consent used to be tantamount to leftist ideology and now you all are shaming women into sleeping with people they don't want to.
@notthefather3919 4 года назад
@@CyberVelvet420 the question is, do you? Because it doesn't seem like you or chase have a clue and you believe that calling people bigots when someone says "no" sexually isn't a way to subvert that person's right to unequivocally sexually reject someone for any reason. Someone's preferences excludes people who do not meet those characteristics and it doesn't make them bigots. Telling someone "you can't close your mind to..." when it comes to their rejection of someone sexually is creepy af.
@notthefather3919 4 года назад
@@CyberVelvet420 oh puhlease. It is never the problem of the person rejecting as they have every right to do so. The fact that you're telling me it is the problem of the person making a choice to say no to romantic or sexual interactions with a person says it all. My so called assumptions aren't so baseless, so it seems. If it is the problem of the rejector, why aren't they the ones complaining about their rejection? Post or pre op is irrelevant. You're telling me that there's no difference between surgically constructed genitals and genitals one was born with? You really are going with that that no one would be the wiser in telling the difference? But it doesn't matter if they can or cannot. That is a valid reason to reject someone sexually. Period. Full stop. Someone could want a partner with whom they can produce biological children. Someone may want a partner who has every primary and secondary sex characteristic of the biological sex they are oriented to, even some trans people. Why don't you understand that? Most people who identify as trans don't even get srs, so why are you wasting your time discussing a tiny subset of a small minority of people? Arielles video is clearly about being labeled transphobic for not liking male genitalia, regardless of who it is attached to.
@notthefather3919 4 года назад
@@CyberVelvet420 no, people complain about being called bigots for not being sexually attracted to certain genitals. They're not complaining about rejecting people who they're not attracted to. That makes absolutely no sense. No one is talking for you, but stop saying things and then backtracking. The diffence may be negligible TO YOU, but you can't speak for people who encounter post op trans genitals because I haven't seen a FTM penis yet that looked cis to me. But even so, finding out that it wasn't as it appeared is reason enough to say no to further sexual contact. You agree that its a valid reason to reject someone but then you later say that if you reject trans women as rule, there's a problem with you. Make up your mind. Here you go hijacking the physical birth defect that is intersex to try and invalidate a basis tenant of biological science. Intersex is not TRANS or anything like it. People born intersex have primary sex characteristics that are both Male and female. Not a new sex or neither sex but of BOTH (binary) sexes. That is not transgenderism. I love how all of these non scientists try to use that to usurp a basic concept of reproductive biology. Sorry, but male and female are the basis of the science of sexual reproduction, and people with an abnormality dont negate that That would be like you saying that a concept of normal hemoglobin has no basis in science because there are people born with sickle cell disease. Just like climate change and evolution deniers, you want to toss out the science that doesn't mesh with your agenda. Do you see why you get comparisons to right wing homophobes? I did not go on about a tiny subset of a small minority. My first comment and one that followed made no mention of trans people, post or pre op, or genitals. It was you who did that, not me. You either have a short memory span or you read your own issues into my words. STOP SPEAKING FOR ME. Again, you made about surgical status. And increase in 19% means what? Still rare, and with the increase in trans identifications, it probably amounts to an even small percentage than before. But those surveys talk about intent and medical transition, which doesn't necessarily include genital surgery. Medical transition can be hormones and/or just top surgery. Not liking penis isn't a prefences, it is a component of sexual orientation. Calling it a preferences denegrates sexual orientation as mutable and not a hard wired part of a persons sexuality. A preference is something like race, i.e. i prefer blk men but have and will date other races. Race has nothing to do with my sexual orientation, but my preferences. What you call trans women or consider them is irrelevant to someones sexual choices. She can call herself a lesbian all day, but that doesn't mean lesbians have to view her as a sexual option...for any reason. This is coming across as an entitlement. As if every person is attracted to every person of the reproductive sex they're attracted to and woke up to exclude trans people. I didn't even know what a trans person was when I was figuring out thay I liked men. A male lion had a mane because, like humans, lions are sexually dimorphic, meaning there are overt sex differences between male and female. You gonna tell that male lion that he's just a lioness in a wig? No! And that mane has been proven to be sex linked because neutered male lions lose their manes I don't care if you consider my arguments in bad faith. I'm used to people in your position finding reasons to run from arguments you have to response to. It won't hurt my feelings.
@notthefather3919 4 года назад
@@CyberVelvet420 spare friend spare friend you say I change my argument, but I have no once changed my arguement, it is you who constantly contradicts yourself when you have no legitimate answer. Show me a single example of what you're talking about. There are none. I don't care what you call trans men and trans women. They are trans men and trans women and a lesbian who is attracted to women does not have to consider a trans woman a lesbian because we define sexual orientation by reproductive sex, not gender identity. You continuously contradict yourself and think projecting it on me. You say that sexual orientation is hardwired/genetic, but then go on to say that it is fluid. Which is it? You sound like conversion therapy proponents because you, like them, believe that sexual orientation can change. You're arguing that societal factors influence sexual orientation. Like bible thumpers believe that homosexuality is caused by absenter fathers, child sexual abuse, rebellion or any other traumas a person experiences early in life. That is how you sound like right wing homophobes. To serve your agenda, trans dating acceptance, you're advocating for changeable sexual orientation. You even go so far to quote one of the most religious and homophobic right wingers, Ben Shapiro, telling me facts dont care about my feelings, when you don't even know what a fact is. Claiming biological sex not being binary, claiming that sexual orientation is fluid are because sexual rejection hurts your feelings. I never put forth my feelings as a basis of an argument, so you didn't even use the quote in the proper context. Which leads me to believe that you don't do any thinking of your own, but just parrot people who validate your feelings. There you go qualifying consent, which is why people like you are called rapey. There is no context where it isn't consent. Im just going to tell you that this kind of shaming is why there is so much resistance to embracing the trans community. I don't care if you call it transphobic or not. I'm not going to pretend not to see what my eyes see with a FTM surgically constructed penis. So it's now trans phobic to call a thing what it is? Yea, you all are nuts. Albeist? So trans people are disabled now? A man who has lost his penis is still a man because he is an adult human male, his penis is not the sole factor is determining his reproductive sex. You trans advocates want to eliminate binary biological sex because it doesn't suit your ideology because a trans man who keeps his uterus to have biological children is still biologically FEMALE. No male has ever given birth. You can't handle logic challenges to your claims. You never pointed out where I came in going on about trans people. All you do is ignore when you're backed into a corner, contradict yourself even further, and thinking you're going to convice people that they're bigoted for not dating trans people. The reason why same sex marriage became accepted is because we had logical reasons that even religious conservatives agreed were constitutionally sound and gay marriage does not encroach on anyone else's personal boundaries. Trans advocates will have to change how they approach mainstream people if they ever want to gain acceptance. Good luck because with people like you being trans voices. You'll need it.
@mirandacorral9620 6 лет назад
"It's not okay to close your mind like that." *closes mind to the fact that to some people genitalia is important*
@JumbaFan 5 лет назад
@notthefather3919 4 года назад
To MOST people, it is important, whether heterosexual, bisexual or homosexual.
@mooseass2996 4 года назад
I have to agree with this
@vanessaarnell 4 года назад
@@notthefather3919 I agree. It's a hundred percent important to me. If I date someone who looks like a man and then we go to have sex and he had a vagina , I'm gonna be pissed and break of all contact . It's ignorant to not tell someone from day one about being trans .
@notthefather3919 4 года назад
@@vanessaarnell absolutely! These trans advocates who think they can shame people into dating them don't realize how creepy they come off.
@adachiselas3675 6 лет назад
Big fan Chase but I don’t see the problem with her not being able to be attracted to certain genitalia. That’s not within her control.
@dipndots1560 4 года назад
Aiden Loser You can’t control sexual attraction dude. Just like you can’t control whether you are born with a dick or vagina.
@notthefather3919 4 года назад
@@aidenloser8320 uhh no. It's rapey when you tell her that she should sleep with someone with a penis when that isn't what she's attracted to. No one likes sexual rejection, but the person rejecting isn't a bigot for what they can't control either.
@ashlabelle 4 года назад
@James Cory Maybe I should start saying that to all the guys who reject me. "Wow, how dare you reject me for being taller than you and like 10 kgs overweight, why don't you start being a better human being, control yourself and sleep with me?"
@barnabop4982 7 лет назад
Okay, but all gendering aside, if you aren't attracted to certain genitals, that isn't something within your control
@barnabop4982 7 лет назад
And later down the video you are basically shaming people for who they are physically attracted to/not attracted to. Look if you are bi/pan, awesome. If looks and physical characteristics are completely unimportant to you, fantastic. But not everyone is built like that. Most people aren't, in fact. The LGBT community spent years trying to make the public understand that our orientation or gender is not a choice, it is innate. How is it fair to then turn around and shame someone for not being attracted to certain physical characteristics (especially genitals, which is just an automatic preference for most people and a body part that you will have to interact with a lot of you are going to be intimate with someone.) Sexual preference and attraction is not a choice, period. And btw not dating a trans person doesn't mean you "close yourself off" from trans people completely and forever. There are more relationships that you can have with people other than romantic/sexual
@sneekz07 7 лет назад
Exactly. It's gotten to the point now where pansexuals think they are superior because 'they don't limit themselves'. It's getting really homophobic now.
@jamiewickersham8899 6 лет назад
@CynicalDragoness 6 лет назад
Thank you so much for posting this you blessing from god(s)!
@erica_em 6 лет назад
No, but assuming that I know whether or not I will be attracted to the genitals of an entire demographic in advance and going out of my way to make sure that demographic knows I couldn't possibly be attracted to them is transphobic. Why not take attraction on a case by case basis? Why not decide if the individual woman I'm interested in, at that specific time, with whatever genitals she's working with is attractive to me or not, as a total package? No one could fault me for that. Are genitals allowed to be part of that consideration? Sure. Of course. But trans people are not walking talking sets of genitals that all look alike.
@SirAlexTheSkaterBoy 7 лет назад
as a transman myself chase ive watched you for several years. im honestly disapointed in how you've handled this situation. how can we expect people to listen to us and take us seriously when we cant extend the same common gesture? why do we have to invalidate her as a lesbian to validate ourselves. im honestly sick of people finding out im trans and expecting this kind of behavior from me. youre a grown ass man act like it. she can not date anyone for any reason and thats her choice and you can do the same. she doesnt need to be told what to be comfortable with sexually. its not like sexuality is a choice afterall.
@nalabees 5 лет назад
Exactly. How far will this thinking go? Look at Jessica Yaniv's crusade of getting businesses closed for refusing to wax her genital region. Because it's discrimination because the workers only perform these services on female genitalia...
@justinrichards7194 4 года назад
Dude good for you for speaking up. I really want to talk with you if you get this message and are interested! I literally found this video through a string of videos after watching the andrew klavan show LOL! Please if you get this and waant to talk.im not the kind of person who would watch a video like this at all!
@jaceofheartstheprinceofbed9415 4 года назад
@@nalabees it's already gone very far. In many circles. I was labeled a "TERF" simply for saying I wasn't into a trans man, as a gay. About 2 yrs ago. I had no opinions on trans issues yet, besides sympathy for gay people who transition, and fascination with the idea, as a very "feminine" male. Many "woke" straight people around me punished me, and I lost several "friends" - only one I cared about tho. She was lesbian, felt she had to proove her allegiances to the trans community by condemning me with them. I since learned that the "TERF" perspectives are correct - the entire trans movement is based in heterosexist stereotypes to start with. I like some gay people who transition (do not care about other trans people), but they are still functioning off hererosexist stereotypes against their own selves, and other gay people.
@jaceofheartstheprinceofbed9415 4 года назад
Also, I've seen become an expert on gay history (in the US). Each decade has a decadent period, and a period of tyranny regaining control. Most advancements in gay rights have occurred in the decadent periods (late 70s, early 80s, late 90s, late 2000s, early 2010s), and trans movement has grown most in the mirrored periods (late 80s, early 90s, early 2000s, now). They are opposing forces
@OregonChronic 4 года назад
AlexanderNicolas entitlement. That’s why. Kids today need validation for every little thing. (One of the many reasons I feel that trump won)
@morganyoung4709 7 лет назад
Just wanted to put this out there. I'm a trans guy, and when I realized I was trans and began transitioning, I was married to the guy I'd been with for almost 6 years. When I came out to him, we stayed together for a pretty long time, and he has always been and still is very supportive of me. But he is completely straight, and I'm very much a guy, nd in the end, I couldn't be a fulfilling partner for him. Not because of my body parts, but because once I told him I'm a guy, he saw me that way. So, while it really sucked at first because we really had a pretty great marriage and loved each other a lot, without certain aspects of the relationship like sex and cuddling, it just became too platonic, and staying together meant depriving both of us from partners who can give us those things. So we just evolved into platonic best friends. All of that basically to say that, while I'm still sometimes sad at the loss of what could have been, I don't think that my ex was or is transphobic, that his leaving me was transphobic, or that I can blame him for his sexuality. I wouldn't ask him to be any less straight just like he wouldn't ask me to be any less gay or trans. Plus, he's just as supportive of me now as he's ever been.
@CarbonUnitX 7 лет назад
You're making an important distinction here that this conversation sorely needs. Not finding someone physically as attractive anymore doesn't equal not loving them anymore. Also for a romantic relationship to flourish a healthy sex life is unfortunately something a lot of people need. Glad to hear things went so well with you two and you're still friends. That's really special :)
@morganyoung4709 7 лет назад
It's hard for me to do when it was so painful for me, but I had to keep reminding myself that this was happening to him too. It's not like he's done something to me, or I've done something to him. It just happened, and neither of us blame the other. And now I'm just really glad we were together as long as we were, because when it was good, it was really good.
@CarbonUnitX 7 лет назад
I can imagine. I actually broke up with someone I'd been with for over a decade just a short while before coming out as trans. It ended for other reasons but I do often wonder how things would have been if we'd still been together and in love. I'm thinking it would have ended because as you said it's a big deal for the partner too when someone transitions, it's happening to them too. I dodged that one but anyway, that's a good way to look at it it, place no blame and focus on the good times.
@sagephoenixftoy 7 лет назад
Morgan West but he's straight and you're a dude so it makes sense that he wouldn't be interested anymore because he now sees you as male. That's entirely irrelevant in this. Let's say that you were in a relationship for a while with a dude and everything is great and he's gay but he doesn't know your trans. Then when he finds out he's like no I'm not into that. Because of your genitals that guy isn't seeing you as a man.
@morganyoung4709 7 лет назад
Sage Rothman l don't disagree. I only shares my story because in part of the video, Chase used an example of two people in a relationship being in love, and one person ending the relationship just because their partner comes out as trans and/or transitions. While it sucks that someone could stop loving you just because your appearance changes, I don't think it makes him homophobic or transphobic at all.
@ZeonGenesis 5 лет назад
It's almost like SEXual orientation matters, or something.
@zombiethieves3736 3 года назад
Sexual as in who you're attracted sexually. LOL That's why there's also romantic attraction if both differ. But yeah, I don't disagree with Ariella.
@VictorMatthieu 2 года назад
Sexual orientation and genital preferences aren't the same thing.
@SavouryGalette Год назад
And to add onto that: according to them, sexuality isn't a choice, unless you're straight, in which you definitely had a choice and you chose the "bigoted" one. Good God, these people are embarassments.
@kaiseix 5 лет назад
As someone who is bisexual, you really need to understand that not everyone is bi/pan and that doesn’t make them transphobic.
@boop3260 4 года назад
Even as a bi person I have certain preferences
@leahgachaproductions 3 года назад
I'm also bi and even I have my preferences. I kinda prefer girls but I still like both equally if that makes sense.
@SavouryGalette Год назад
I'm bisexual, and I prefer a person whose gender identity and biological sex correlate. Yet this bastard thinks that is transphobic.
@Izlandzadi14 5 лет назад
“Genital-centric” So........... Having a sexuality? Edit: fuck everything I wrote I was in denial as trans when I wrote this. For the record having preferences for body parts is not a bad thing. It's the 1: assumption that all trans people do/don't have certain body parts and 2: the assumption that a trans partner will "turn you gay/straight" if they are pre-bottom surgery that's fucked up
@Dionisio97 4 года назад
@Super165i 3 года назад
This video is very sexist. Chase is being a misogynist
@VictorMatthieu 2 года назад
Sexuality and genital preferences aren't the same thing.
@Izlandzadi14 2 года назад
@@VictorMatthieu oh god I forgot I wrote this comment
@nono-mu9rw 7 лет назад
Why do you call people who are not into others with certain genitals transphobic, like people can't chose who they are attracted to and you can't force anyone
@kevinfox298 7 лет назад
What's transphobic is assuming that trans people would want to force anyone into sex with them.
@lasseplatburk 6 лет назад
Kevin Fox Did she do that though? Although those accusing someone of being transphobic for genital preferences are kind of doing just that, using guilt so that the only way to prove you're not transphobic is to sleep with someone you don't want to sleep with. That being said, the vast majority of transgender people don't have that attitude.
@meatrace 5 лет назад
@@kevinfox298 BECAUSE THEY DO! Fucking hell wake up dipshit.
@feebweed 5 лет назад
I want to like your comment but it’s at 69
@RyzeSkyz 4 года назад
@@lasseplatburk cis people think that trans people are going to force themselves on to them which isn't the came, the only people making those assumptions are cis people.
@saintsabe8632 7 лет назад
It's not because she associates penises with masculinity, and it's not because she's transphobic. It's because she physically doesn't want to have sex with a person who has those parts, and she sees sex as an essential part of a relationship. Having a preference towards certain genitals is not discriminatory.
@monicaheartsgypsy7877 7 лет назад
Exactly. I like Chase a lot but this is ridiculous. I feel like he's looking for a reason to get upset about something.
@Ella-jk7rq 7 лет назад
Sebastian This is EXACTLY what I was gonna say!
@TheRosemaryWest 7 лет назад
yeah... and the example he gave.. i mean, just bc he'd have a mutual romantic attraction with somebody, it doesn't mean that this person would be sexually attracted to him, based on his genitalia. it's unfortunate, but that's the way it is
@squirrelmitchell7728 7 лет назад
Sebastian Finally someone said it 👏 honestly who gives a sh*t ppl should have the right to like wat they like n not be ridiculed for doing so. and if he doesnt agree with her why watch the videos, just looking to start a bit of drama in my opinion. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@charlieloveless5103 7 лет назад
Sebastian totally! I but i think it's not just about the genitals. It's about smell, skin and everything that changes a lot once you take hormones
@oliverlr6500 7 лет назад
I never understood how not dating a trans person for their junk was transphobic. I'm a trans guy and if people want to reject me for what I've got between my legs that's okay. It's hurtful but I'm okay with it. I understand it's a preference. If they reject me because of my junk then that's their issue really. I'm not attacking you by the way I just want to give my opinion.
@dimitrisleonidas 7 лет назад
Oliver LR im a transguy and i agree. Its not their fault they arent attracted to whats between my legs, it doesnt mean that theyve associated genitals to gender, some people are attracted to certain genitals.
@zouisrise3559 7 лет назад
@mattburgess3307 7 лет назад
FTM here as well, I agree. It would hurt but so would any rejection, and unless they're a dick about it it's no problem. As part of a relationship I would want to either be penetrated by a man, or be able to vaginally penetrate a woman so being with a man with a vagina, a woman with a penis, a man who doesn't want to penetrate, or a woman who only wants anal/oral/none..is just not something I want.
@sweetemotion707 7 лет назад
Oliver LR thanks for sharing your perspective
@FZero-gu6ib 7 лет назад
Oliver LR FTM here and I agree 💯
@aryannasomethingidk9937 7 лет назад
Chase, I'm a huge fan of yours, but some of your comments on Arielle's video are just messed up. You're saying that just because someone is not pansexual means they're transphobic. People can identify with whatever sexuality they feels applies to them. You can't force someone into liking penis. They're never going to like penis. Get over it. It's not your job to make them like penis. It is simply something they don't like in bed. They will not change. I can't MAKE you enjoy something in bed. That would be rude. And you're right, it is important to have an emotional connection with someone you're dating. But physical characteristics are often factors too, and that's ok. It's the combination of emotional and physical attraction that makes a relationship enjoyable. Stop being so strict and stop policing people's sexualities. Let people like what they want.
@leo_nouverx 7 лет назад
Aryanna somethingIdk I don't think he blames Arielle for not liking dick, but for saying that she would never date a trans woman. She's assuming that every trans women have a dick, plus she's saying "I'm a lesbian so I won't date trans women because they have dick" but she's kinda forgetting that trans women are still women ^^' liking a trans woman won't make her less lesbian or whatever In a way I understand Arielle's point because she doesn't like dick and it's fine but involving trans women by saying out loud "I would never date a trans woman because D I C K" is unecessary. Saying "I wouldn't date a person who have a dick" and "I wouldn't date a trans woman" is not the same thing. The first one is okay, the second one is transphobic because that means she assumes all trans women have dicks and it looks like she's saying "I won't date you only because you are a trans woman", even if that's not what she means.
@leo_nouverx 7 лет назад
Aryanna somethingIdk and yes I'm very late lmao XDD
@sayuri_vibes 6 лет назад
Lesbian means female homosexual. Homosexuality means sexual attraction towards people of the same SEX, not GENDER. If someone tells me the opposite, it's erasing my identity.
@Izlandzadi14 5 лет назад
Ploshun She specifically said she could be attracted to a trans woman on hormones, didn’t you watch the video??? She never said she thinks all trans women have penises, she only said it’s wrong when people say females attracted to females have a “genital fetish”
@TheUmam24 5 лет назад
There is only 2 gender, anything beyond that is just imaginary things and dont have scientific proof, facts dont care about your feelings, thank you
@martibreskin5214 4 года назад
Sexuality is not a choice. Sexual preferences are not a choice. I'm not a lesbian, but I definitely feel for her regarding how lesbians are treated within their own community (lgbt). You're only making yourself look bad here. She is not even anti-trans, she just isn't sexually attracted to you guys and there is literally nothing wrong with that. Not every human being is going to be attracted to me either. Do I care, no.
@TheGreenOwl273 7 лет назад
2010 LGBT+ : attraction is not a choice!!!! 2017 LGBT+ : well *actually*..
@goawayleavemealone2880 6 лет назад
Attraction not a choice, I know you know this - the world could benefit greatly from ignoring vacuous morons with stupid hair colours, who insist on trying to dictate everybody else's life.
@nikotoivonen9800 7 лет назад
I mean I get your point, but I disagree with you. I am a trans man myself, and I believe its completely acceptable to go into a relationship with someone and demand that they have the kind of genitals you want. Sex can be a huge thing for a lot of people, and if their partner doesnt have what they want, I thinks its acceptable not to want to date them. Its ok to be in a relationship just for sex, and its ok not to have sex with someone that you arent physically attracted to. I love most of your videos, but I just have to disagree with you on this.
@venuslove-i1v 7 лет назад
I'm with you here.
@eyeles8887 7 лет назад
ThatOneKid _ i'm a trans man too, and i think the same. My girlfriend and I are very happy together, and she's completely fine knowing that i'm pre op and don't got a dicky willy. If she wanted a dicky willy and left me for that, then i would understand. However, when sex isn't part of the relationship (''tis not for me and her) and nothing more than a kissy kiss happens, I would consider it a bit transphobic if they left me because i didn't have a dicky willbert. Idk. i'm young, i don't know.
@beanarias5806 7 лет назад
Chase... I'm a trans guy and I 100% agree with Arielle
@beanarias5806 7 лет назад
Also, you may be pansexual or whatever which is cool, but Arielle is a lesbian!
@Vynjira-chan 7 лет назад
I'm a Lesbian and I disagree with Arielle. Identity politics aside, why do you agree with her? why do you disagree with Chase? Arielle's video is loaded with Transphobic Rhetoric.. while her underpinning sentiment.. I like Vaginas, therefore I wouldn't date anyone with a Penis.. is perfectly valid.. it's the tone of her Argument, and the rest of the Transphobic she says to defend herself.. that we're having issues with.
@beanarias5806 7 лет назад
Vynjira the tone of her argument is probably because she's sick and tired of the hate she gets from people like Chase?? I'd be pretty upset too if other RU-vidrs started to get thousands to hate me. Chase is pan and that's cool, don't expect other people to be.
@stipV 6 лет назад
+Vynjira What a load of shit lmao.
@slawero 6 лет назад
I'm a bisexual male and I 100% agree with Arielle. What people are attracted to is not up for judgement. I'm mostly attracted to feminine women and regular men (I don't find bodybuilders attractive at all). I am also super attracted to FTM people (except of Chase - once he opens his mouth and starts talking, I automatically feel some kind of repulsion) and I'm not at all attracted to MTF people. At the same time there are people who won't find me attractive at all and I'd never think to call them some kind of phobic. Chase's attitude seems like I'm entailed to sex with you and if you don't want to I'm gonna shame you by calling you transphobic, prejudiced etc. II find it particularly disgusting.
@Una2 7 лет назад
I'm sorry Chase, people have their sexual preferences, you need to respect that. Being sexually compatible is a huge part of most relationships, the fact you are accusing people of being transphobic because they have their own preferences, it's quite disappointing coming from you. This is not the Riley Dennis chanel.
@ryptoll4801 7 лет назад
I feel the same, this was disappointing to hear from him. I like Chase, but I really don't agree with him on this.
@terrikemp8751 7 лет назад
Same here, I love Chases Channels, I watch this one and "Your So Brave" and I like most of them, but this one really disappointed me. This is the first one of his videos that I have watched that I wont be hitting the like on, because I'm so disappointed in some of the things he said.
@Una2 7 лет назад
Terri Kemp I agree. I love Chase, but I strongly disagree with this. And actually I could swear he said exactly the opposite in another video or podcast. I have no idea what history he has with this girl, maybe there is something behind it, but if he needed to discredit her he shouldn't make a video calling transphobic to everyone that is not pansexual. Love and sexual attraction are not the same thing. No one should be shamed for their sexual preferences.
@Xanthelei 7 лет назад
I feel like he's not sating she's transphobic because she has preferences, but rather because she wouldn't even consider being with someone she otherwise fully clicks with and loves solely because they have or do not have an organ - one they don't necessarily even want to use. It falls into the same category for me (and it seems for him) as ditching someone you click with and really like when you find out they have a medical condition.
@zamith1817 7 лет назад
Xanthelei and what is the problem with that? Not everyone likes every gender and sex organs, end of story. Just like many people would have their own reasons for ending any kind of relationship. Just dont judge because you dont know them, or the circunstances.
@MiaMartel64 7 лет назад
"I don't care what a person looks like" Well that explains your bias here. You say some people are physically attracted and some people are emotionally attracted. Actually most people are both. I found your channel the other day and watched a few videos and you seemed so reasonable, but this? This is a garbage outlook. Not everyone is pansexual, and it doesn't make them transphobic.
@mykaylaolson4557 6 лет назад
Some people are both, sure. But not everyone is. Some people are attracted to people first because of their personality. Some are first attracted because of how they look. Sexuality has nothing to do with that. A person could be straight or gay and feel the same as what he just said. He never said that if you weren't pan you were transpbobic. You did.
@wolfghost996 6 лет назад
Dating a trans person doesn't make you pansexual. Being pansexual doesn't mean "oh I date men, women and the trans too uwu woke", it just means being attracted to all genders (which includes nb people here).
@mykaylaolson4557 6 лет назад
Mouna Kadmiri that's totally right. There are no sexualities that exclude trans people. Transpbobic people, regardless of sexuality, are the only ones that exclude trans people.
@waverunner6 6 лет назад
Exactly. If I can't have a "preference" for specific sex characteristics because it's "transphobic" then we're being asked to be functionally pansexual. Because we would have to base our sexual attraction on the nebulous and internal concept of gender identity and not on the physical body. I can't believe you dweebs in the comments are having trouble understanding that. You're being needlessly obtuse.
@willowm9469 7 лет назад
How dare a lesbian want to be control of her own love life! How dare she want to make her own decisions about her own life! At the end of the day it is HER love life and she has the right to make whatever decisions she likes about HER own love life. This video didn't come out of nowhere. Lesbians have been pressured over this for five years now, just google 'cotton ceiling'. This video was very much needed to let young lesbians know they don't need to fall for the pressure and they can make there own choices. I'm really disappointed in you Chase. I thought you were a nice guy. Don't bully Arielle.
@lolamcfarland5300 5 лет назад
Ikr Prefences are presences
@sydneysoleil8647 7 лет назад
I see nothing wrong with Ariel's video. I completely agree with her.
@typicallyteamtyler 4 года назад
Same. *im trans and attracted to boobs and vagina, I wouldn't mind dating a trans woman. But i don't feel horny or whatever looking a penises (boys or girls), so idk how that would work. But also its not all about sex and maybe I would fall in love with a trans girl and be like im attracted to your personality so you turn me on. And that's who I am making love to. *If that makes sence?*
@alyx8566 4 года назад
she literally said that a penis is a male body part.
@dipndots1560 4 года назад
Holden Joseph It is
@mw9967 4 года назад
Holden Joseph you’re stupid if you think penis is a part of female body
@Carl_ATHF 4 года назад
@@alyx8566 A penis is a male body part, yes.
@eliott4615 7 лет назад
honestly why is she trying so hard it's not like a trans woman would like to date her anyway
@graveyardpansy 7 лет назад
WHOOP there it is
@eliott4615 7 лет назад
i mean a trans person would most likely not date a transphobe lmao
@jaycelegends4300 7 лет назад
eliott kinger then why are y'all so angry about it then??
@eliott4615 7 лет назад
more like why does she choose to publicly post her transphobic dangerous opinion
@17carat 7 лет назад
+jaycelegends because, and here's a wild concept, she's still being transphobic
@veggietboy5624 7 лет назад
(This is just my opinion from my perspective, I really don't wanna seem like I'm attacking or being mean.) I'm pretty sure she's said she would date a post op trans woman, so it's not the "trans status" thing. She just wouldn't date a trans woman pre op because she isn't attracted to those genitals. I don't think it's her automatically then equating that pre op trans woman to still being a man or having male genitals. Because she has said multiple times she acknowledges they are still women. It's just her lack of arousal with pre op woman's genitals that is the reason why she doesn't want to get intimate with them. I totally agree it's rude for a person to get violent or ghost a person because of just a "trans status", because that is trans phobic. Nobody should be shamed or caused to feel like crap just because of being trans. However, Not every person is sexually fluid enough to be attracted to every variation of genital that a specific gender person could have. Just like how not every person is romantically fluid enough to be attracted to every variation of a person's gender. Like for example a straight woman, isn't attracted to other women or other genders because they are attracted to men romantically. Some straight women have the sexual fluidity to date trans men, but some are only attracted to cis peen. Like I'm a trans guy, and if I was attracted to this straight girl and she acknowledged me as a man and was attracted to me even with different genitals then that's great. But if a straight woman didn't want to date me because she isn't sexually attracted to my genitals but still acknowledges me as a man, then that's fine (I might be upset but I understand). Do I make sense? I'm just giving my opinions based on my perspective. I don't want to offend any one.
@terrikemp8751 7 лет назад
Yes, Ash Crager you made perfect sense and I agree. I don't know that woman and don't know if she has said transphobic things in the past or not. But if someone recognizes Trans Men as Men, and Trans Women as Women, than they aren't transphobic, just because they want an intimate relationship with someone that has a particular genital. It also doesn't make them transphobic if they are strait and don't want to date a trans person of the same sex, or the person is gay and they don't want to date a trans person of the same sex, even if they have the genitals that the person would want to have sex with. Most people have a gender preference, and a genital preference, and they want anyone they are going to have an intimate relationship to have both their gender preference and their genital preference. That isn't transphobic at all. If they refused to accept a trans man as a man, and they refused to accept a trans woman as a woman, that would be transphobic. Or if they were mean to someone because they were trans or refused to associate with them or be friends with them etc, that would be transphobic. But not wanting to date someone because they identify as a gender the person isn't interested in, or the person has genitals the person isn't interested in, that is preference, not prejudice. It would be nice if everyone was pan, or gender fluid, with fluid preferences etc, but that isn't the case for most people, no matter if they are cis, trans, gay or strait. Bi and Pan people are more fluid in most cases, but not people who identify as gay or strait. And also peoples fluidity with sexuality and preferences etc can also change over time. I am much more fluid than I use to be.
@megandufour1013 7 лет назад
Ash Crager i totally agree with you! And before seeing the comments i felt aweful cause i don't think i could have sex with a pre op trans woman. I felt like a terrible person.... i think we could also compared all this to a cis situation ( cistuation 😂 ) i'm a lesbian and i could tell a straight woman i really like her but if she's into men, i won't say sh'e homophobic! Do you guys think this makes sense too? Don't mean to be offensive to anyone either! I actually love his videos!
@natachasmith2539 7 лет назад
Ash Crager I totally agree, sometimes genitals are for some and not for others, Im a pan person but with a lower attraction to women aligned people then male aligned people and it's even bigger when it comes to sex, i might be on the ace spec idk yet so my sexual attraction is low and personal I find vaginas unappealing and not very arousing (but I can make acceptions so it's not 100%) while I find penises much more arousing and more appealing to me sexually, I would date a cis girl or a trans guy (pre op) if I am attracted to them but sex may be limited, and I would date a cis guy or a trans girl and sex may also be limited but most probably less
@terrikemp8751 7 лет назад
Jake Gasson, your English was fine, and you made perfect sense. I agree with you, if someone likes someone enough to want to have a relationship with them, but there is some sort of issue they have, like not being aroused by the type of genitals the person has. They should discuss it and try to see if they can find a way to work around the issue. If it is one that they can work around. Like in your case. Some times it can be worked out and some times it can't. Some people will be to uncomfortable to even try, and if they are, then that should be respected too. The other person shouldn't try to guilt the person into trying to have sex with them, if they feel to uncomfortable with the idea though. It isn't just Trans people who are rejected because of their genitalia though. Gay/Lesbians are rejected by strait people because of their genitalia all of the time. And also people are rejected by others because they have genitalia or breast that the other person thinks are to small, or to large, or because they aren't circumcised, or they are circumcised etc., as well as being rejected for all sorts of other things having to do with their body or their appearance etc.. Anyone can be rejected by someone else because there is something the other person doesn't like about their body, or appearance, no matter if they are trans, cis, gay, strait, bi, pan etc. I'm glad it worked out for you and your girlfriend, and hopefully more people will be willing to try to have a relationship with someone even if at first they don't feel comfortable about the other persons genitalia, or anything else about the other person.
@sarahjackson2889 7 лет назад
Thank you!! I'm a straight cis woman. I'm sexually aroused by penis. A vagina is not going to do it for me. Plastic or toys is not enough for me. I can't describe the feeling but having a real penis inside me is a thousand times different than a plastic one. As a trans man you are a man. And I'll never say otherwise. I'll support your rights as a man. But if you happen to still have a vagina then I don't want to have sex with you. Not because you aren't a man (you still are) but because I can't be sexually arouse by a vagina. And I don't want to touch or lick a vagina. And I don't understand why people are getting offended by that.
@dawnmayflower4422 6 лет назад
Mate, just because YOU don't care about someone's genitals doesn't mean that OTHER people don't care. I'm a lesbian and I don't like penises and I shouldn't be made to feel guilty about that. I'm okay with trans people, I'm glad that more and more are coming out and feeling safe and comfortable enough to be who they really are because identity and being true to yourself is really important. And maybe I could enter a romantic/emotional relationship with a trans woman but unless she'd had surgery and had a vagina I wouldn't be able to have a sexual relationship with her. What you're "asking" lesbians to do here with having sex with a trans woman pre/post op is equivalent to forcing gays to be straight; straight people to be gay; trans people to stay as the gender they were born as and not the one they truly feel; asexuals to have sex everyday. You're forcing something on us lesbians that many of us (not all, as there are some lesbians who date/have sex with trans women both pre/post op) are not comfortable with and are not interested in. You are not entitled to sex. I do not have to sleep with you if I don't want to. Especially if the primary sexual organ you have is the one I'm supremely not interested in... even if the oestrogen tablets decrease its size of whatever. I should not be made to feel ashamed about that or that I'm transphobic.
@oddooddood7677 7 лет назад
Chase, I like most of your content but what is this? She had completely valid points, Its called preference. This is coming from a trans man btw.
@icarusyeen2059 6 лет назад
i know this is 6 months old but its less the fact that people have these preferences and more the fact they go out of their way to say things about how they wouldnt want to date a trans person
@LoveMeKissAndHugMe 6 лет назад
Preferences are valid and no one should be forced to have sex with people they don't want to have sex with, he didn't say that wasn't true. He was saying the logic she personally used to justify it had transphobic undertones. He even said penis and vulva repulsion are real and valid things but he was not feeling that that was what she was referring to
@nottodaybucko 6 лет назад
Jonathan Crane but it’s not that. he’s responding to a specific video that was created bc arielle was constantly being accused of being transphobic for her preferences. she made a video defending herself. chase is making up all these hypothetical situations and putting words in her mouth, and is projecting his own shitty dating experiences onto her.
@alexandernoll7774 6 лет назад
yeah it’s kind of rapey to imply someone is morally obligated to fuck you and now I’m sad bc I thought chase was a good enough person to know that. It’s ok not to like dicks! and you don’t need to be a rape victim or have a phobia for that feeling to be valid. obligatory: and this is coming from a trans man.
@noahhaha5199 5 лет назад
My friends agree completely with Chase. They're trans men btw.
@AliciaTai46 4 года назад
Also, There’s a difference btwn lesbian and pansexual we aren’t you, you can’t put that on others ..
@Cataquacky 7 лет назад
Gonna have to disagree with you here Chase. If the physical part of a relationship is important to her, that's how it is. And for her, she's only attracted to women with vaginas and boobs, trans women post-op included. Not to females with penises and not to males with vaginas and boobs. Females with vaginas and boobs are literally all she can be attracted to physically (and possibly and probably emotionally), and there's nothing wrong with that. I don't know if you're pansexual or bisexual, but I am, and it's a lot easier for me to be flexible with whatever my partner wishes to transition to or change their body to. It's not as easy to have that flexibility when you're strictly attracted to one thing.
@uui219 7 лет назад
Trans women post-op do not have boobs and a vagina, tho. They have synthetic breast implants and a hole.
@icedmocha5264 7 лет назад
brittreidandkato the artifical vagina doesn't function like an actual vagina does though. It's not self cleaning, self lubricating and needs to be dilated frequently since it's essentially an open wound. It also smells like shit sometimes because they use part of the colon to form the artifical vagina. It's okay to not be attracted to that. Besides, lesbians are attracted to the vulva, clit and vagina. It's not just the "hole".
@icedmocha5264 6 лет назад
5DC stuff that is the most disgusting way to describe female genitals and anatomy. Trans women do not have breasts and vagina. They have implants and an inverted penis to attempt to look like boobs and vagina but they aren't actually boobs and vagina and they don't function like them. If people aren't attracted to that "post op" then that's fine.
@memepeepee8926 6 лет назад
this is so homophobic and disgusting goodbye
@Sofia-uc5hx 7 лет назад
sorry Chase, I enjoy most of your content it's all very informative but things like this I can't get behind. it is absolutely NOT transphobic to not want to sleep with a trans person, Especially if they are pre-op. she even said that she recognizes trans women as women. it really is about preference. if she's a lesbian she is attracted to women aesthetically and, unless she is asexual, she is gonna be attracted to women sexually as well i.e. vagina not dick. I don't get why this is such a big deal tbh because it's not like everyone feels the way this woman does, she has a right to like who she does and it's none of our business. saying she doesn't want to sleep with pre-op trans people is transphobic, is like saying a straight man is homophobic for not wanting to sleep with men.
@flandequeso4847 7 лет назад
You didn't even listen to a word she said. Your whole response came across as just petulant and smug as a result. Go back and listen to the words, ignore your own feelings for a second, and address the actual point being raised.
@Kate-ui2js 7 лет назад
This was kind of disappointing. I've never agreed with her over you before, but if you're attracted to vagina then you're attracted to vagina. If you're attracted to dick, you're attracted to dick. Not everyone is pansexual and that's okay. It has nothing to do with transphobia.
@DoItYourQUOI 7 лет назад
Thanks !! 👏 I feel like sometimes LGBTQIA+ community is judging people who aren't pansexual, I even kinda feel guilty because I'm not, it's so sad :( Sorry Chase, disappointed too :(
@zhawkmoth3653 7 лет назад
Same. I feel guilt for my sexuality a lot. Especially from either bisexual/pansexuals, or other people who simply don't have or know what it's like to have a preference for genitalia. People shouldn't make others feel bad for things they can't change. As an ally I'd never do that to others, so I don't expect it done to me.
@86thislove 7 лет назад
I'm Pansexual and realize not everyone can be Pansexual. You like who you like. I am mostly attracted to white people and we shouldn't feel bad about these preferences.
@nightmare9510 7 лет назад
"Not everyone is pansexual and that's okay." I appreciate that so much.
@kiim1593 7 лет назад
86thislove why are you mostly attracted to white people? (genuinely curious, not trying to start anything)
@alex_marie1324 7 лет назад
I'm trans (nonbinary) myself and I think it's respectable if someone says that they aren't comfortable with having sex with me as a trans person as long as they say it calmly, I understand that some people just aren't comfortable? Does that make sense? Also personally I'm only romantically interested in feminine people so if my current girlfriend told me she was trans and was planning on becoming more masculine, my romantic feelings would dissipate.
@katiekatie6289 7 лет назад
What if somebody told you they weren't interested the moment you told them you were trans, without any more information than that (ie what genitals you have)?
@alex_marie1324 7 лет назад
Katie Katie that's a bit different, yeah. It really depends on context and the tone of the rejection. I've been politely told people weren't interested because they just weren't comfortable, but I've also been rudely told so.
@lirvabbeydawn 7 лет назад
Alex Marie Same 👍
@carolineferchenbauer4992 7 лет назад
why is it a problem if i dont want certain genitals in my sex life
@aaroncastro9029 6 лет назад
That’s just her sexual and romantic preference You wouldn’t call me anti feminist because I only like other men
@619chrisoriginal 6 лет назад
you missed her point. its about what your attracted to
@FueledByHufflepuff 7 лет назад
chase... she was implying that trans women dont critize her on this issue as much FOR BEING women and feeling as if they have less feelings of "entitlement." also implying that trans men are more "aggressive" bc they are men who are stereotypically seen as more aggressive and entitled over women. i dont necessarily agree w that but you were just kind of speculating what her intent behind those words were Also there is science behind sexual attraction and not everyone's body and mind are wired the same. some people BIOLOCALLY are more inclined to be attracted to certain body parts and certain genders both physically and emotionally. the best thing a lesbian partner could do for a newly out trans/transitioning partner is to break it off with them since they are not women identified people, who lesbians are strictly attracted to whether their partner is a cis or trans woman imo. ppl deserve to be with someone that they can feel fulfilled by emotionally, romantically and sexually. Sexual and romantic attraction are real things and arent easy to control for ppl wired to be attracted to one gender and disinterested in another
@Vynjira-chan 7 лет назад
Her words are the same Rhetoric we here from Truscum and TERFs, and implies that Trans Women who disagree with here aren't actually Women because they still have their Penis.. She also outright says at the top of the video the "Penis is a Male Body Part".. and the rest of her statement talks about Trans Men and "Other Genders" which she already got into shit for when she said there are only 2 Genders.. Her video is drenched in Transphobic statements and Rhetoric, it's no one's fault for reading that when she sets that tone. The rest of what you said seems to attack a position that no one seems to actually have. Chase even says in this video that your preferences and phobias are not the problem. I love how people give the benefit and full context to Arielle while taking Chase out of context as he tries to explain that his problem isn't what she keeps saying it is.
@josephsdimension 7 лет назад
Vynjira I'm sorry but a penis IS a male organ.
@Vynjira-chan 7 лет назад
Except that it's not since it's not unique to Male or Female individuals.. it's a single Sex Characteristic that is commonly associated with people who identify as Men. (Chase even points out that she is gendering genitals). For example, a person with a Penis could in fact have XX Chromosomes, and a Female Brain Sex, and Female endocrine system and have a Womb and Ovaries. Scientists have concluded that there are multiple sex factors, and none of them necessarily correlate to what we think of traditionally as Male or Female. The Phrase "Some Women have Penises" and "Some Men have Vaginas" stems from the fact that the Body Part itself is not Male or Female inherently. There is an article in the Scientific Journal Nature on this very issue. I'm sorry but the SCIENCE doesn't support the traditional social views of Male and Female.
@josephsdimension 7 лет назад
Vynjira A few exceptions do not disprove the rule. The male sex is one that can produce sperm the female sex is one that produces eggs. This is not that hard. If you don't produce either of those (no human produces both) you do not have a sex.
@Vynjira-chan 7 лет назад
+Joseph White "A few exceptions do not disprove the rule." Biologists, Neurologists, Endocrinologists, Geneticists, Immunologists, Psychiatrists all disagree with you. This argument is uniquely made by Anti-Science Arm-Chair Experts/Transphobes that haven't ever looked at the Science. As I just stated, there is an Article Published in the Scientific Journal (IE: Peer Reviewed) Nature.. which explains that, RARITY is not a factor that determines what we dismiss. In fact the Red Hair Gene is far more Rare than Intersex Conditions and we don't sit here saying that Red Hair is an exception to the rule.. In fact Trans people are almost as common as the Red Hair trait, and as we learn more and expand to the Non-Binary.. Trans people are more common than Red Hair. "The male sex is one that can produce sperm" Except of course that isn't true it is the most often, but not exclusive to to even people with a Penis.. there are people with Vaginas that produce sperm. "This is not that hard." I agree it's not.. all you have to do is read what the Science actually says.. not assert nonsense you have not done any research on.
@Super165i 4 года назад
I’m not a feminist, but this is the most misogynistic video I’ve ever seen in my life
@jennifernunya909 6 лет назад
Being trans doesn't mean your views are every trans persons views. This video is very ironic. You're accusing her of being close minded while being extremely close minded. She's not transphobic at all. It's about preference. She's not disrespecting trans people in any way. I don't know why you're taking this so personally but it's really suspicious.
@Louisyed 7 лет назад
When she said "trans women are actual women" and then "trans men and all other genders tend to be more aggressive" - I don't think she's saying that trans men aren't actual men, I think she's saying they are and therefore they're aggressive and entitled because in her view all men are. Still problematic but in a different way!
@leviathan6626 6 лет назад
thank you, I wanted to comment on that also
@GrayLemons 6 лет назад
Louisyed there is a large group of people, actually probably the majority of all people. That believe that either trans men and women aren’t real men and women or that there is notable distinction between trans people and biological men and women with matching gender. I can’t understand how a random persons words or beliefs could possibly be problematic to anyone, the majority of people think a magic man existed in nothingness for no reason, invented the universe and earth for no reason, the made life for no reason. That’s the most insane shit I’ve ever heard, yet I’ve gotten along with pretty much every one of them I’ve ever met, their words or beliefs about that weren’t problematic. The problem is that instead of arguing and trying to get the truth to people, you simply want to control the narrative, decide what is true, and force all people to only think as you do and agree with whatever you believe. Most don’t want to examine other people’s beliefs or arguments to make their conclusions more sound, they just want people to agree with them, it’s that simple. I promise s random person on the internets beliefs about transgender people will not harm you or anyone, since clearly none of these people hate trans people and aren’t transphobic, which is just a buzzword used to insult people who disagree with you on opinions regarding trans people.
@KizTheCat 6 лет назад
“Trans men and other genders” doesn’t mean men. If you don’t identify as a man, or a woman, you are not automatically “a man”.
@devent10n 6 лет назад
Tyke Arielle doesn't believe in nonbinary people :|
@myrkflinn4331 5 лет назад
will yeah, because arielle is lesbian, I think the slight fear of men is somewhere in there.....
@juju1305 4 года назад
Classic case of conflating “preferences” with sexual orientation. Usual Bs.
@krustenpizza 5 лет назад
- "Everyone is allowed to have a preference" -"If you don't wanna sleep with me because I'm trans, you're rude" You're ridiculous
@11crystaln 7 лет назад
Ok I barely ever comment on here but I have to say something.... I am a cisgender African American female who identifies as a liberal thinker. However, I don't think it's fair to judge someone based on who they're attracted to sexually. As a black woman, I've become accustomed to seeing countless examples of mysoginoir from white men, black men, non-black men and women, and non-black LGBTQ individuals. I feel like you can't get mad at someone for their preference because unfortunately, genitalia and sex do play a pretty important role in intimate relationships for many people. If a white guy or trans woman doesn't want to date me for my genitalia or even my skin color, that's their prerogative. Idk... I may just feel that way because black people are so used to rejection and the feeling of "otherness" that we just accept that we're just not some people's cup of tea and that is perfectly fine. Someone will love you boo.....
@11crystaln 7 лет назад
By the way Chase, I do love you and your content! Sucks that you have to experience stuff like that but there will be someone out there for all of us who will accept us in our entirety
@tannerz7411 7 лет назад
Your salt level is almost as high as Aaron's
@SC-cq9ie 7 лет назад
Arrielle is 100% right . you are just not confortable with who you are . accept your self . she has every right to like whatever she wants . she didnt offend anyone . you are unreasonable . Big dislike
@kevinfox298 7 лет назад
If you actually look at the videos Kat Blaque has done about this, you'd know that most trans people treat her with a lot of distance. The only trans RU-vidrs who agree with her do so to get some exposure in her videos and later state regretting doing the videos with her. When she does trans-centric videos with a trans person, they'll be the only trans person in the comment section agreeing with her. Arielle has, in the past, reached out to Chase to ask him to look over her apology scripts and give her corrections - which he does at the cost of his own time and energy - only for her to not use any of his points and not make a proper apology anyway. When she had a trans man week, there was a lot of flack over the fact she wrote the scripts for those videos herself, with very little input from actual trans man (who were very much uncomfortable about the 'Vagina Pride' thing, which she laughed off). She's a heavily divisive figure, and just because you don't see that doesn't mean she isn't being offensive. Plus, you're sounding very condescending telling Chase that his view is invalid because he's 'just not comfortable' with who he is. REALLY not the best thing to say to a trans person.
@melkidrizzly7390 6 лет назад
ARKIRE 👌🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
@PhoenixProdLLC 6 лет назад
@@kevinfox298 "which he does at the cost of his own time and energy.." Oh give me a fucking break with that martyr bullshit! Chase makes MONEY off of his contrived posturing and his lame "RU-vid fame". The sweaty ambition and slavish "collar/networking" he does is VOLUNTARY and his own choice, because he's just another superficial, egotistical ME ME MEEEE! RU-vidr scrounging an to make coin. Nobody is putting a gun to these peoples heads that e-beg for money and flit around, fabricating the appearance of having fantastic lives with the whole shiny, happy people formula for RU-vid "fame". These people aren't rm exactly Oscar level talent FFS! Chase is a cheesy little RU-vidr playing the YT game, nothing more. "Time and energy"...ROFL!!! Yeah, like he's fucking Robert DeNiro level famous and credibility or some CEO of a huge corporation huh? GTFOH with that! Chase could only DREAM of the kind of schedule real working power players have! So taking 15 minutes to have THE OPPORRUNITY to look over Ariellas "script" - (excuse me..BWAHHHH HAHAHA!! The lingo these ridiculously deluded tubers use! Lol Yeah, like they're big movers and shakers in the entertainment industry! Bwahhh hahaha..too funny!) - ISN'T Chase doing her any favor, it's just him sniffing around at an opportunity - being the enormous Opportunist that he is - to grasp at anything that will give HIM more views. The person between them who ACTUALLY lost "time and energy" was Arielle because 1. She didn't have to make such a gesture and 2. The gesture was made out of her SINCERE desire to reach out. Chase wouldn't know the meaning of Sincerity, Respect, and Integrity if they crawled up his ass and chewed their way out of his mouth! He's a trite, glib, View who're and THAT'S IT. All Dollar store style, no substance. Chase admits to using clickbait titles and contrived RU-vid draa "for the views". He doesn't exactly hide his manipulative methods mate. He's no hero, he's no hotshot; he's only one channel owner in a vast sea of people on RU-vid, using their "time and energy" to promote THEMSELVES over everyone else and in any way they can because they're too damn lazy TO WORK. 98% of them don't have what it takes to become people who REALLY live in the "time is money" world. Arielle had enough RESPECT for the debate to give Chance THE OPPORRUNITY to do something that would give him a little more shine. And HE chose to do and that's great. But to then turn around and passive-aggressively insinuate what a great guy he is for doing so? Yeah, again, that's TOTAL horse shit!
@bicuriousdirtbikeboi2594 6 лет назад
I am gay. I am not attracted to females. I can not physically be attracted to a vagina. There is absolutely no way in hell I could have sex with a person to owns a vagina. That’s just me. It doesn’t mean that I don’t think trans men are real men. They are. It just means that I’m not going to be sexually attracted to a man that has a vagina. It is nothing personal. It’s just not what I’m attracted to. Also, it is wrong on so many levels to guilt trip someone into have sex with you.
@xMsObscurex 7 лет назад
(cringe) Chase... not your best moment. I can agree that some of Arielle's wordings in that video was a bit bad, but you just come across as incredibly aggressive, condescending and policing in this response.
@sabr4174 5 лет назад
Chase: "No one is guilt tripping you into having sex!" Also Chase: "But if you say you don't want to be with someone who has a penis then you're a bigot and you should be ashamed of yourself."
@SavouryGalette Год назад
Chase in this video is a prime example of transcels and trans entitlement.
@Jessie-ke8hr 7 лет назад
I love you Chase but to me saying that a lesbian has to have sex with a trans woman or a gay man with a trans man, is the same as expecting a gay man to have sex with a woman and calling it "sexist" to not like vaginas. I'm bisexual so I don't care whether someone has a dick or vagina but I can understand why someone could not wan to have sex with someone with body parts they don't like! If it isn't sexist for a gay person to have sex with the opposite sex then it shouldn't be transphobic to not have sex with a trans person. I feel like the term "transphobic" is getting so overused that real issues are getting ignored
@fangirlmeetsworld7743 7 лет назад
the thing is: you can't expect a gay man to have sex with someone of the opposite sex, but a trans man ISN'T of the opposite sex, they just have the opposite genitals. i can't really speak for anyone on this since i'm cis and bi, but i just wanted to say what i understood of it
@ConsciousExpression 7 лет назад
@fangirl meets world - A trans man is not a woman by sex, they are a woman by gender. There is no way to change your sex, yet. Someday there will be, of that I have no doubt, but currently it is impossible, and this is a fact. It is also a fact that sexuality is related to *sex*, not gender. That's why it's called "sexuality" and not "genderality". The fact that I have to explain this to anyone above the age of five simply astounds me.
@fangirlmeetsworld7743 7 лет назад
i don't agree with you and i really am not interested in argue about this or talk about this right now, so i'm leaving
@1deoplastic 7 лет назад
lol the response of a homophobe caught in a lie. We respect trans people as their intended genders, but pronoun choices don't override our innate same sex attraction.
@fangirlmeetsworld7743 7 лет назад
omfg i really hope you're not talking about me, if you are then you probably don't know how to read what i said up there or didn't bother too: i'm bisexual and i am not a fucking homophobe, i know how's this shit
@MrJman2345 6 лет назад
Choosing not to sleep with someone is not an act of discrimination. Sex is not a social obligation.
@ellamills5716 4 года назад
the amount of hoops you’re jumping through to disguise your homophobia is honestly impressive
@victoria6147 7 лет назад
Has the LGBT community not fought for decades to get the message through that sexuality is not a choice? Then how can we call it transphobic when a lesbian says she does not want to have sex with someone that presents as male? Trans men are men, if you are a lesbian you do not like men sexually or romantically so? I am so confused.
@terryh.9238 7 лет назад
trans women are women too. if she is a lesbian and doesn't want a women with a penis, fine. but she shouldn't act like that invalidates them as a women OR that all trans women have penises because newsflash - some of them don't.
@lemonmarie2161 6 лет назад
Terry H. She never invalidated them as women. Just said that she will never be attracted to them.
@collagesandmore8986 4 года назад
You are not funny and sassy like you claimed you were at the begining of this video. You are trying to shame Ariella by calling her transphobic. People cant choose who they are attracted to the same way a person can't change how they feel inside.
@1deoplastic 7 лет назад
Why are we referring to sexual orientation as a sexual preference? These are different. Being homosexual is different than being a bisexual woman who prefers avoiding the disease and pregnancy risk, as well as male sexual selfishness and PIV by only dating females. She made a choice. I did not.
@zwhite8522 6 лет назад
Chase: Don't gender my genitals! Also Chase: Has their breasts removed.
@animalsisterboy 7 лет назад
chase, I used to be a fan (and I don't hate you or your opinions) but I've come to disagree with you on so much that I can't keep watching your videos. you can't force someone to be attracted to a certain set of genitals, wether they belong to man or woman. I'm transgender and if someone didn't want to date me because of my genitals, that's fine. there are no obligations in the dating world. yes, sex doesn't automatically equal gender but 99.7% of the time, they correspond and saying that you need to expect women to have penises and men to have vaginas and that its transphobic to associate this sex organ w that sex is just incorrect. yes, we do exist but we aren't common and it's not fair for us to force people to date us by calling them a bigot for not wanting to be with us etc. why would you even want to be with someone who isn't attracted to you? this is just my opinion but I genuinely think it's harmful to go around saying that if you aren't attracted to a certain set is genitals/trans people or just don't want to date them, you're a transphobe. you say no one is coercing anyone into sex but I disagree, I know trans people personally who have downright tried to guiltrip people into having sex with them and using their fear of being labeled a transphobe. that is not right and so fucked up. I'm not a fan of Arielle and she says a lot of things I disagree with but saying that she "just cares about genitals" and is "reducing people to their parts" is just wrong, u cannot make someone feel attraction to something that they're not into and saying that they're wrong for not liking this or that is honestly so close to what people who support conversion therapy say. again, this isn't hate and I don't hate you but I really believe that you should rethink your stance on this.
@Howtoeatrocks 7 лет назад
thats not what chase is saying please please listen to what hes actually trying to get across its fine to have a genital preferance but when you reduce someone down to what they have in their pants and gender them on it thats transphobic
@animalsisterboy 7 лет назад
memelord anakie I did listen to what chase was saying. I watched the whole video and even watched multiple parts twice to make sure I didn't miss anything. not wanting to date someone because of their genitals is not "reducing them" and like I said in my previous comment, you cannot control what you are attracted to. if you are, let's say, a gay man and meet a another guy who you end up really liking but then you find out he's trans and change your mind about dating him/having sex, that's completely fine. you shouldn't force yourself to be with someone who has parts that, best case, you're unattracted to or, worst case, are disgusted by because both people will just end up unhappy in that relationship. it's unfair to that person. I agree that reducing someone to their genitals is transphobic but not wanting to be with someone because they are trans is not that
@torrinashley6076 5 лет назад
@@animalsisterboy That's literally exactly what transphobic means. YOU CAN HAVE A PREFERENCE WHEN IT COMES TO GENITALS. That is not transphobic. What is transphobic is NOT WANTING TO DATE SOMEONE OR REJECTING SOMEONE SIMPLY BECAUSE THEY ARE TRANS. No trans people force anybody to have sex with them. But seeing a trans man for example as a woman because he hasn't or doesn't want bottom surgery is transphobic. Because you see his genitals as a woman's, simply because the majority of women have vaginas it's invalidating him.
@animalsisterboy 5 лет назад
Torrin Ashley i do agree that that is definitely transphobic. my main point is that genital preferences are not transphobic in the slightest but thinking trans people are gross, not their gender, etc for sure is
@81094aj 5 лет назад
@@animalsisterboy Dude. Saying you wouldn't date a trans person is problematic in the same way as saying you wouldn't date a muslim/black/asian person. It's okay to not be into someone; it's even okay if you have these thoughts in your head because we've been socialized to think and feel in certain ways. It is when you choose to make declarations of 'trans people, do not apply' publicly, knowing trans people will hear you, and that bigots will gain a talking point, that I'm classifying you as a toxic person. Am I making sense?
@k8rade313 5 лет назад
I agree with Arielle 100%
@nonia242 7 лет назад
heres the thing chase i love you but your coming from a more fluid sexual orintation. but i personally couldnt be with someone who has 'male' parts. It does not attract me, aaand it does not attract many lesbians. cause sex is important to a relationship and many lesbians like to have lesbian sex. remember we are talking about sexual orintation. you can have a romantic attraction to men etc but at the end of the day it is not transphobia. its a sexual orintation
@notthefather3919 4 года назад
"It's not ok to close your mind like that" so do you agree with conservatives who think sexual orientation is a choice and can be changed? You're sounding like my grandfather when he says "how do you know you don't like women if you've never tried it"
@shelbya.leonard6478 7 лет назад
I feel like everyone keeps assuming that she's reducing people sexually, which is logical, to their genitals based on typical association with gender but she's not saying that. She's attracted to vaginas because they'er vaginas and if she were okay with penises than she would have sex with one but she's just not because of the genitalia, it has nothing to do with the person attached to it. Chances are, if females typically had penises, her sexuality would be different because a huge part of sexuality is the attraction to a person's genitals. She's not saying "I would never date a transgendered person", because that's particularly transphobic, she's saying, "I wouldn't date a person with a penis". If straight men said this than we'd be totally understanding, I can't understand the difference. If someone has an argument to dispel mine than let me know bc I would like to be educated on this.
@allicey8787 6 лет назад
She is not transphobic. She is logical and polite. Yet she has a right to refuse to date trans people. It is called homoSEXuality or simply an sexual orientation or preference. So if for example I refuse to date ANY men, especially masculine and/or cis, am I androphobic? According to your logic, yes :( EVERY dating is discriminatory. Get over it. Facts don't care about your feelings. +ftm transition destroyed many LESBIAN relationships... Chase, please, don't be so sexist. Misogyny is NEVER sexy, no matter who perpetuates it.
@chi3605 7 лет назад
y'all will call anyone who doesn't want to date a trans person a terf and it's honestly embarrassing
@carlyfredrickson8390 7 лет назад
how tf does this have likes
@AA-jp9cj 5 лет назад
@Kojla MC Tumblr is the birthplace of all this gender stuff
@adamdarling6766 5 лет назад
I’m guessing they were bought
@ashlabelle 4 года назад
When she said "I shouldn't be forced to sleep with a trans woman who's pre-op" and he started laughing at her like she said something ridiculous....... I got creeped out. NO ONE IS ENTITLED TO SLEEP WITH ANYONE PERIOD and this is coming from someone who's not very conventionally attractive so I've experienced a lot of rejection all my life. Grow the fuck up.
@mw9967 4 года назад
So much homophobia going on in your video I can’t even... some people just aren’t attracted to a certain genitalia if you can’t accept that you are close minded
@crimsonowl1420 7 лет назад
Chase, what you are saying is completely stupid. Sexuality isn't a preference like how some people prefer guys with beards or women with big breasts. It's something that is hardwired into our brain. No one can choose to be gay, straight, lesbian, bi, etc. It's innate. A gay man is attracted to men and penises. A lesbian likes women and vagina. A lot of gay men aren't aroused by a vagina. The same goes with lesbians and penises. What you are doing is telling gay and lesbians they're being transphobic because of their sexual identity. The LGBTQ+ community has been fighting for years and years to be acknowledged and to be accepted by society. And here you are telling them they're transphobic for liking certain genitals. And don't even start with the whole "you can unlearn your biases/attraction" bullshit I've been hearing. That's like telling a gay man to be attracted to women even though they're not. That is straight up borderline conversion therapy right there. The world isn't pansexual. You do not get to tell who people should and shouldn't be attracted to. It isn't any of your damn business. Let people do what they do.
@viktoriakelemenic9593 6 лет назад
OwlFanatic I didn't even have to comment thank you for saying that.
@sunshineflicker6120 7 лет назад
Also if we watch your reactions instead of Arielle's video that won't give Arielle more views c;
@criscorrea9654 7 лет назад
sunshineflicker YEEESSSS fantastic idea
@probablyalex 7 лет назад
I never watch the original videos for this reason exactly
@hunterlang1150 7 лет назад
I think it would be for the best if you nerds watch the original video as to check if Chase had cherry picked it.
@maxens_is_here 7 лет назад
ShavingCream Producitons the video is really short so that's the whole thing IIRC.
@hunterlang1150 7 лет назад
Oh well I feel silly, let me rephrase my earlier comment. " in most cases it is for the best to watch the original content to check for cherry picking."
@joanrobinson3520 7 лет назад
"Cispicious" aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!
@sarahstevens8587 7 лет назад
lowell Robinson Anyone open to a simple straightforward conversation about this term?
@cidevant002 7 лет назад
Nope. It´s perfect.
@hannahwithanx 7 лет назад
ily and i agree with most of what you said but i think this whole thing is a little unnecessary?? idk if thats the correct word to use but what i mean is that preferences are discriminatory by nature, and just how you cant tell a gay man to be with a woman, you cant tell someone to change what/who theyre attracted to in order to be more politically correct. I see the issue and I understand it, i just think it shouldn't be the focus of the fight for equality. (i mean absolutely no hate, i just want to start a conversation)
@jaycelegends4300 7 лет назад
hannahwithanx "preferences are discriminatory by nature" fucking yes dude.
@katiekatie6289 7 лет назад
"and just how you cant tell a gay man to be with a woman" You picked a really bad example, this makes you sound transphobic. Trans isn't a gender, whereas woman is.
@hannahwithanx 7 лет назад
Katie Katie how is it transphobic? i didnt say being trans is a gender, i was giving an example of preference. That's another problem with this whole thing, that people tend to jump to the most extreme based on the smallest details. I agree that I could've worded my example differently, how about this: It's like telling a person of any sexuality to be pansexual/romantic in order to give everyone in the gender spectrum a chance
@yusmiffins 5 лет назад
this video should be called "I'm homophobic"
@ashleywilcoxfotfmod 6 лет назад
So in your world, everyone is pansexual and sexual preference IS a choice, which undermines what the LGBT community has been fighting for.
@Megan-ti8yn 7 лет назад
Why do you weirdos care so much about who a lesbian wants to date??? Leave them alone wtf
@yakkyjoe1 6 лет назад
Megan Chase is a self loathing lesbian hence the reason she thinks she is a man. If you dump on other lesbians you feel better about yourself.
@woulfisk 6 лет назад
wow way to be transphobic
@youregoddamnright 6 лет назад
MaxWoulf A lesbian not wanting to date someone with a penis is not being transphobic.
@woulfisk 6 лет назад
Hehyougotme oooooof, where the fuck did I say that b
@donotknowwhattowrite 7 лет назад
I understand your point but I don't really agree with you. I am in no way saying that gender and genitals have anything in common but I see how someone could be more attracted to one type of genital. I my self am pansexual but I will enjoy having sex with someone only if they have a vagina, and that is simply because that is what I find more pleasing under the sheets. I think what you are saying shows a wonderful fluidity in your sexual attraction, but unfortunately not every one is like that. Sexual attraction is something very complicated and almost impossible to rationalize in my opinion. (please people don't kill me I promise I'm not transphobic, I've been dating a trans man for four years next week )
@lb2872 6 лет назад
"She's still gendering genitals" CHASE WHAT DO YOU MEAAAAAN 😂
@JD-pd3gl 4 года назад
L B Ikr she said she views trans women as women, but she’s just not attracted to penises no matter who they’re attached to!!!
@Hammie0141 4 года назад
If you dye your hair blue it should be law that you need to serve 5 years on the front line.
@annika998 7 лет назад
Chase. Stop.
@zednott688 7 лет назад
i agree with the vast majority of what chase is saying, except for the lifelong lesbian whose partner comes out as trans. because as a lesbian, i am attracted to women and women only (that's kind of our thing) so if my partner said he was trans and started to transition, i probably would leave him because he is a man and i am a lesbian. maybe the situation might be different if we were together for decades and decades, and his gender wouldn't matter - but I haven't experienced that and for me right now, I would say that I'd probably leave him. and i might even go so far as to say that it's a little bit lesbophobic to say that a lesbian should stay with her partner even after they come out as trans and start presenting like a man, because there's a reason that lesbians don't date men to start with. but I am definitely interested in hearing your views about this.
@colin4707 6 лет назад
Arielle actually said she would date a post-op transwoman, and that she completely sees all transwomen as women no matter how 'passing' they are. How is she transphobic? She just doesn't like dick. I agree it's weird that she keeps making these vids cuz who cares but there's also a lot of sjws screaming at people for having preferences and that's not ok. Let people be happy
@graveywav3y 3 года назад
Shes right...
@NikoBased 3 года назад
I don't understand what in gods name any of these people are talking about? Are their relationships about having sex with each other or something? As far as I know, I'm pretty sure we're all looking for partners to start families with? Lets assume some small percentage of the population doesn't want to start a family, I'm not talking about them. I'm talking about most people, most of the time. This idea that nobody should care about whether or not their wife has a penis, is absolutely selfish and insane. If I want to start a family, and raise children, my wife cannot have a penis. I'm sorry.
@rickloose4527 4 года назад
People like what they like. Its pretty tough for you to decide what they are allowed to do with their bodies.
@wolfmaiden5110 7 лет назад
That's not really transphobic tho. As a gay woman, I would not have sex with a transwoman because I don't like penises. I have nothing against trans people in general, but it doesn't really have anything to do with gendering genitals, it has to do with not being attracted to a pair of genitals.
@roborovyskihamster 7 лет назад
Wolf Maiden what about trans women with vaginas
@kaylah1037 6 лет назад
Warren A They don’t have vaginas,some just have inverted dicks
@sexyvato801 7 лет назад
Arielle=facts, facts and more factsChase=Triggered triggered and more triggered
@biancacanas8091 6 лет назад
I feel like youre judging her... i love you but thats so unfair to her. Youre pansexual and she's not..
@isalovewierdo 7 лет назад
Hey Chase! I want to say that I love your channel, I think you're awesome. I'm a cis straight woman and I've learned so much from your channel. I consider myself to be pretty open minded, but I have to disagree with some of the things you said in this video. I'm heterosexual, I'm only attracted to penises. That's who I am and I can't change that, no matter how hard I try, unfortunately. Because of that I don't think I'm being transphobic.
@adamshannon Год назад
The moment someone, be they trans or not, starts to discuss dating and sex in terms of human rights then I’m instantly turned off. Sex and relationships are not a human right. Nobody owes you access to their personal spaces, and they owe you no explanation as to why.
@samieesweetiee 7 лет назад
6:24 She would still have the right to leave or stay the relationship if her partner decided to transition. Why does she have to compromise her identity as a lesbian if you are trying to establish yours? Ultimately she would probably leave the relationship because she likes woman with vaginas. It's possible she may go for someone post op. This seems like a Jenny and Max type situation. 13:20 Honestly though testosterone is linked to higher aggression. I go to Nipissing University in Ontario and we are doing a lot of research on it with Dr.Carre. So that information is not wrong. And the sad reality is that it is easier to transition to female than it is to male because it is easier to do bottom surgery. Sexual intercourse is an important aspect in an intimate relationship for some people. She is not saying that she wouldn't still want to be your platonic friend. Therefore her preference doesn't make her transphobic. But that doesn't mean all people wouldn't be open to being in an intimate relationship with a transperson. Thats the beauty about being in the western world you can freely choose how you want to experience yourself and your sexuality. There all types of people under the rainbow, you just seem like a SJW triggered that she happens to be someone that has a sexual preference that isn't a tranwoman pre op or a transman post op.
@iang.9904 7 лет назад
13:21 she never said that, man. If any thing, she pointed out that men tend to be more aggressive in general, trans or not. Which is true plenty of the time.
@angelphilic 4 года назад
This is still as dumb now as it was 3 years ago
@PunkyOPossum 6 лет назад
There is sexual attraction and emotional attraction, even though you may be emotionally attracted to your loved one, you may loose your sexual attraction if they transition. It really sucks and its a reason I'm worried about transitioning, BUT you can't force anyone to be sexually attracted to you even if they love your personality.
@rand0mdude779 4 года назад
Why does this have more likes than dislikes?
@marjorambee3521 6 лет назад
U still homophobic tho. Leave. lesbians. alone.
@leondowd5019 7 лет назад
I would never want to be with somebody with a vagina. You can call me transphobic all you like. If you're upset that I don't like vaginas, that's your problem. If it hurts your feelings, it's not my problem. It;s not my job to make trans people happy, or validate their identities. That's up to the individual themselves. Don't get so mad at people that aren't attracted to a certain body part. It's not even any of your business.
@dianebandeira8051 6 лет назад
I’m sorry, but just because you’re okay with being with a partner who decides to transition into the opposite sex doesn’t mean other people need to do the same. And in making that choice, it does not make them any less of a person. If my Gf decided in a few years that she wanted to become a man, yes I would still love her and we would always share a very special bond, which btw I have no interest in losing. But if i decide to stay in the relationship, completely disregarding my feelings and sexual interests, in an effort to continue/further our relationship, simply for her, knowing how I truly feel...I am only delaying the inevitable. Yes, we like to all think attraction is not simply physical, if I can no longer share an intimate moment with you because I no longer am attracted to the sex you have transitioned to, we will only grow to resent each other. We are humans and we crave physical interaction & intimacy....when you completely remove it, you’re left with friendship, which had you just faced the facts in the beginning instead of staying and just hurting each other, you could have had. But instead, you are forced to stay in an effort to seem more accepting and open minded??? I’m sorry but that’s just not fair to the other person. I can accept & respect your choices, but I don’t have to be guilt tripped into staying just to spare your feelings. We can become friends and I can support you 100% of the way and be there for you through your transition and through whatever hardships you might face along the way. But please do not attach me for knowing what I am attracted to and choosing to part ways in that sense because you no longer possess it. That is just as bad as straight people judging us for who we love and choosing not to settle based on what they believe is acceptable, even worse because this is coming from people in the same community that share the same goals.
@passivelyasking4825 3 года назад
I dont understand why the idea that not being attracted to a particular part of someone is somehow being conflated with denying that particular person their gender identity. A lesbian who isnt attracted to a penis and personally doesn't wish to be penetrated by one isnt a transphobe, arielle is a transphobe for very legitimate reasons and bad takes. This isnt one though.
@aurorejonesTV 4 года назад
So many of you failed biology classes? Dang it’s crazy
@aaronvito4611 5 лет назад
Sexual preference is about ... SEX. Transgenderism is about gender. Sex/gender is not the same. So a lesbian love SAME SEX... not same gender.
@chilip7386 6 лет назад
I feel very offended and discriminated against. I can’t control what I’m attracted to! I like cis penis and I can’t control that. Being homosexual isn’t a choice.
@ladida2012 4 года назад
I cant count how many times you contradict yourself in this video
@yanggang7 7 лет назад
You do know that she literally never once said that transmen were not real men, right? Like, that 100% did not come out of her mouth. Wasn't even implied.
@hex1275 7 лет назад
i dont want to be intimate sexually with someone who has a vagina, i might try once or twice but if i dont like it i dont. I dont care who it is attached i am simply not attracted. I cant force attraction. I think this is her core message and this isnt very hard to understand no?
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