
Reaction To Culture Shocks Foreigners Get In Poland 

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Reaction To Culture Shocks Foreigners Get In Poland | Polish Culture Shocks React
This is my reaction to Culture Shocks Foreigners Get In Poland
In this video I react to foreigners in Poland talking about culture shocks they had in Poland
#poland #culture #reaction
Original Video - • The Biggest Culture Sh...



30 сен 2024




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@monikadyminska1754 11 месяцев назад
They speak very good Polish. In most cases, you can tell where they are coming from judging by their accent, and that is the best part. ❤
@ever_grey4468 11 месяцев назад
yes, accents are noticable, but the chubby Italian guy looks and speaks like a Pole - he lacks words, but accent is on point. Really rare for someone not slavic. About the prices - we pay just as foreigners, no segregation. Ye the religion is in a decline, but we still have decent morality and not lean towards West-like left ideologies.
@Inktvis_777 11 месяцев назад
Niemcom w Polsce brakuje aktywistów? Oni coś z głowami mają 🤣🤣🤣
@arkimas1137 11 месяцев назад
Slask i Pomorze im za malo.
@agataostaszewska8412 10 месяцев назад
Ekoterroryści i feminazistki
@paulinarapicka 11 месяцев назад
The Polish of those foreigners is quite good actually :D Yes, they have accents, but that isn't easy to lose. We do have supermarkets with pre-prepared portions of meat, where there isn't any person of the stuff necessary- you just grab what you want from the shop's fridge. And they are not unusual at all. Edit: 11:28 Nope, I was in the States, and we (in Poland) do have similar, if not the same peanut butter, the guy just didn't see every brand of that stuff available in Poland.
@EntireME 11 месяцев назад
Jestem w szoku jak swietnie ci ludzie mowia po polsku, niektorzy po 2-3 latach 😱😱😱😱😱😱
@sawomirmarnotrawny1694 11 месяцев назад
yep is recognizable. however, I have no problem with understanding. BLIK is a form of payment by phone. direct transfer of money to a telephone number.
@wucash84 11 месяцев назад
Paul from England blew my mind, the way he said „pisarzem”(writer), was perfect, I would never guessed that he is not Polish based on that short sentence.
@agnieszka834 11 месяцев назад
Czy wiesz, że jest taki jeden Szkot, który jest naszym bohaterem? Hassling - Ketling of Elgin :)) Bohater literacki wymyślony, rzecz jasna. Najlepszy przyjaciel Małego Rycerza, pierwszego szermierza Rzeczypospolitej :) Polecam Ci filmy o tej epoce: "Potop" i "Pan Wołodyjowski" (Serial).
@wuuemm 11 месяцев назад
They both died in Kamieniec Podolski as heroes.
@izabela5097 11 месяцев назад
Powtórzę się (inne komentarze pod poprzednimi filmami): uwielbiam Twój akcent. Oglądałam wcześniej ten film i był zabawny. Widać, że ludzie inaczej się nastawiają, mają inne oczekiwania. Moja siostra emigrowała do Niemiec (30 lat temu) i teraz, kiedy przyjeżdża, jest zdziwiona, bo wiele rzeczy jest (wg niej) lepszych tutaj, niż tam. To jest dla mnie zabawne i pouczające. Polska się rozwija i to widać, że "stare" kultury zachodu tkwią w miejscu (jest ok, po co to zmieniać), a Polska idzie do przodu i szuka nowości. Narzekamy i dobrze, bo wtedy będziemy szukać sposobów, żeby było lepiej ;-) PS. BLIK, to przelew np. na nr telefonu. (dziś zapłaciłam tak u fryzjera).
@sallowdesertwalker8085 11 месяцев назад
@rafalkaminski6389 11 месяцев назад
On jest szkotem
@mariaszodesundberg2858 11 месяцев назад
W brytyjskim serialu kryminalnym Shetland komisarz mial bardzo podobny akcent, szkocki chyba, bo akcja dziala sie w Szkocji
@zofiatoja1841 11 месяцев назад
Biedna kobieta jaka to musi być dla niej straszna rzeczywistość aż nie może przestać o tym myśleć,nikt się do asfaltu nie przykleja żadnej kliniki aborcyjnej w okolicy,no jak żyć......
@Vhsbdg 11 месяцев назад
In mountains there are only couple of places where you have to pay to enter. I have never paid even I was in houndreds of places in Polish mountains. National Parkas are also free according to my knowledge. BTW Thank You
@vonz8413 11 месяцев назад
All of the intervieved speak Polish better than I usually expect of foreigners attempting to - but the pronunciation of both Englishmen had me completely floored, especially considering one said he had only two years of experience and knowing English isn't the easiest starting point to learning Polish, compared to other, generally similar, Slavic languages, or technically unrelated East Asian languages, that have similar consonants though.
@pabisiak 11 месяцев назад
So when are you coming? Watching is good with your own eyes.
@marcinvas7965 11 месяцев назад
Slovakian guy speaks almost perfectly:) almost like he was born there 👍👍
@Northerner-NotADoctor 11 месяцев назад
Because he is Slovakian. Average, intelligent Pole understands Slovakian without learning.
@rawenS50 11 месяцев назад
12:29 Zawód aktywista, nie ważne od czego, nie ważne po co, ważne żeby płacili za pikietowanie i wtrącanie się komuś w życie. NICE
@Wiktor_Klugowski 11 месяцев назад
Taa, aż paluszki świeżbią żeby się powtrącać w sprawy innego kraju. Niby babka jest w gościach, ale chciałoby sie nieść postępowy kaganek oświaty dzikusom.
@MsMadziuka 11 месяцев назад
BLIK - the ability to make transfers directly to the phone, without the need to provide the recipient’s account number
@brokenenglish3897 11 месяцев назад
Love your channel. Greetings from Poland ❤
@inka1780 11 месяцев назад
Relations between Poland and Hungary this is true. Our Nations like each other and we are best friends in Europe.
@RoadMonkey34 11 месяцев назад
That is not true. In Poland we know nothing about Hungary. It was true in the old generation.
@jarzenica 11 месяцев назад
@@RoadMonkey34 To ucz się historii.
@RoadMonkey34 11 месяцев назад
@@jarzenica Tu nie chodzi o wiedzę historyczną. Nie łączą nas aktualnie z węgrami żadne stosunki przyjacielskie ani kulturowe. Pokolenie 20-40 latków o przyjaźni Polsko- Węgierskiej wie tylko z głupiej rymowanki. Idąc twoim tokiem rozumowania możemy mówić że Polska i Litwa to najlepsi przyjaciele bo przez chwilę byliśmy "jednym narodem" na mapie (w dużym uproszczeniu). A porównywanie nas politycznie z węgrami to jest wstyd. Sama myśl o tym że nasza polityka jest odbierana na równi z polityką Obrana napawa mnie strachem i obrzydzeniem.
@SQNISGOOD 11 месяцев назад
​@@jarzenicato że ktoś cię kiedyś gdzieś widział nie znaczy że jesteście najlepszymi przyjaciółmi. Mówisz o czasie przeszłym, nie teraźniejszym.
@beatabonin4131 11 месяцев назад
​@@RoadMonkey34Łączy nas cała 1000 letnia historia i wspólni Królowie i podobna kultura .
@michaltak5800 11 месяцев назад
They speak pretty good ofcourse its easy to hear Accent but they speak better polish then my English is ;)
@hakunamatata7778 11 месяцев назад
All of the guests have really good pronouncation. I'm able to understand every single person perfectly. I'm happy that some people from all around the world speak my mother language❤
@internetowihusarze 11 месяцев назад
We love Hungary- this is not simply friendship because it's since 1108 year so almost 1000 years. That's why it's very strong
@inka1780 11 месяцев назад
All this people speaks really good but Italian guy sounds like native speaker.
@simonedepaolis10 11 месяцев назад
If I am the one you're talking about thank you so much :D
@witekd.1021 11 месяцев назад
​@@simonedepaolis10naprawdę świetnie brzmi twój polski. Przyczyną może być to, że akcent w naszych językach jest praktycznie taki sam. Wiele razy słyszałem, że Polacy, którzy mówią po włosku, też robią to bardzo dobrze.
@minnierat14 11 месяцев назад
Those people's Polish is very good considering that some of them have been here for only 2 or 3 years. I'm impressed. Love your videos. I've been binge watching them recently. I like how genuinely interested in every topic you are and you're a good listener:)
@przemekwieszczeczynski6651 11 месяцев назад
1. Yes, U need to pay entrance ticket in museum and national parks - usually Mondays are free of charge, 2. common opinion is that Czech beer is better then ours, even this made in pubs. 3 about religion - yes, less and less young people can be seen in church. 4. usually Saturday is off for most of the people - of course not pubs, restaurants and so on, but not factories and industry 5. BLIK you pay in shop, internet by entering 6digit number to the terminal or window in IE/Chrome then press confirm in your bank app on your phone and thats it - really nice and easy
@aggydee4686 11 месяцев назад
English guys sound like polish is their native! Mind blown.
@mikolaj77edi 11 месяцев назад
Paul, an English guy - honestly, I wouldn't say he sounds foreign.... Slovak speaks correctly - no surprise as that's another Slavic language, however, he's not pronouncing like natives so would be quickly recognised as foreign...
@marekbroda8461 11 месяцев назад
Hungarian King Louis the Great was also King of Poland in 1370 and was succeeded by his daughter Queen Jadwiga after the fall of the piast dynasty
@kandarayun 11 месяцев назад
King Jadwiga... She was a king
@kasiazet1908 11 месяцев назад
​​@@kandarayun, she was a Queen. This is not a place to share your gender bull shit agenda.
@Justyna_Orlowski 11 месяцев назад
Rynek - Market square is open in there night even some pubs are open to next morning. But only in big cities like Krakow, Wroclaw, or Warszawa.
@witekd.1021 11 месяцев назад
Może on ma na myśli rynek w sensie targ?
@goralka2032 11 месяцев назад
Hello. I like your channel very much. I'm curious about the reaction of foreigners to Poland. Sometimes funny situations happen due to misunderstanding. I had many such situations myself when I was abroad.
@xertijagee2812 11 месяцев назад
Co tam akcent cudzoziemcow mowiacych po polsku akcent prowadzacego to jest dopiero cos. Jestem pozytywnie zaskoczona ,ze moge zrozumiec pomimo iz jest Szkotem .Jak kiedys ogladalam kanal Szkota to ani w zab. Moze mowil lokalnym dialektem w kazdym razie nie rozumialam.
@merlin3439 11 месяцев назад
BLIK is the wireless payment system in Poland
@cathulhu3772 11 месяцев назад
I work 15 minutes by car from Puszcza Kampinoska and 10 minutes walk from Nature 2000 preserve and no, you don't pay anything. I dunno, maybe he was scammed?
@AndrzejewskaAnna 11 месяцев назад
In most of national parks in Poland there are entrance fees. Kampinoski National Park is situated near Warsaw and they have common administrative border. According to Polish law citizens who live in local communities (gmina) where park is situated or neighboring ones are free of charge. So according to law all citizens of Warsaw don't have to pay for entrance. Since most of visitors in the Kampinoski NP are Varsovians there is no point to introduce tickets
@jacek021993 10 месяцев назад
Now it's time to see the work of Bartosz Walaszek 😅
@KamilaMorzy 11 месяцев назад
Yes, they all have an accent but the grammar and semantics is really great.
@krystynamichalska6794 11 месяцев назад
Jestem zaskoczona , anglicy mieszkajacy w Polsce swietnie sobie radza z naszym jezykiem
@ilonaoglecka9174 11 месяцев назад
Anglicy mają muzyczny słuch, a to bardzo pomaga w nauce języka.
@AnnothArt 11 месяцев назад
Yes, they are good! You can hear accents, sometimes loud, sometimes Polish is better or worse. But they do it and it's beautiful to hear so many voices from all over the world speaking one language, especially mine xD
@SifuPL 8 месяцев назад
Najbardziej podziwiam chińczyka, zważywszy że oni nawet nie są nauczeni wydawania dźwięków ktore są potrzebne do jezyka polskiego
@fooeatpoo1178 11 месяцев назад
Poland is of one of the most quickly atheising countries. "Zgodnie z najnowszymi danymi Narodowego Spisu Powszechnego GUS z 2021 roku przynależność do wyznania katolickiego deklaruje 27,1 mln osób (71,3% populacji Polski)"(2021: 71,3% are christian and the number is dropping really quickly!). Uczestnictwo w obrządkach w 2021 - 28,3% zobowiązanych wiernych. In the generation Y atheism exceeds 50% in big cities, and is about 20-35% in the whole country - But I am pretty sure the number is way lower, but young people are forced by parents to the religion. I am sorry, but you'd need to translate that from polish, copied from wikipedia.
@Maks12990 10 месяцев назад
Poland is a very religious country with 98.5% christians In total with the biggest denomination of Catholic christians with 97.7% of the population
@krzysiekasdgrewr6010 11 месяцев назад
W Polsce statystyki wierzących są zawyżane przez kościół, który ma w tym wymierną korzyść finansową. Niestety z piwem to prawda, swoje sprzedaliśmy podejrzanym typom i takie są efekty. A Czesi swoje robią dalej.
@semperfidelis5407 11 месяцев назад
Religijnosc jakiegokolwiek chreescijanskiego Narodu w tym Katolickiego nie jest odzwierciedlniem Uczestnictwa we Mszy Swietej{Chodzeniem do kosciola}
@rastaman4180 11 месяцев назад
you should react about bloody foreigners - untold battle of britain react it is in english about Polish 303 pilots amazing
@agataostaszewska8412 10 месяцев назад
Ludzie odchodzą od Kościoła, bo nasze pogańskie wierzenia wracają do łask...
@EntireME 11 месяцев назад
Gdzie ten brytyjczyk kupuje mieso, ze musi kupowac proszac kogos? W glupiej Biedronce sa miesa w tackach i w kazdym innym sklepie. Wlasnie jest bardziej odwrotnie, taka Biedronka nie ma dzialow miesnych gdzie obsluga wydaje porcje - tworza sie w niektorych miejecach, ale jest ich jak na lekarstwo.
@MIKrych 6 месяцев назад
A man from Slovakia speaks Polish best, which shouldn't surprise anyone ;-) The fee in National Parks applies only to the most valuable and most frequented ones. The fee is usually quite low, for example in the Tatra Mountains it should be much higher. This is to minimize the degradation of areas by excessive tourist traffic. In the case of museums, it depends on the place and whether they are state or private. In Poznań, for example, the most important museums can be visited free of charge on Tuesdays. You also need to understand that in Poland we have many types of protection. If you compare National Parks in the UK, they are usually at the level of our Landscape Parks. National Parks mean strict protection of the most valuable areas. Maintaining parks and protecting them from tourists costs a lot. In the case of museums, the fee is usually necessary in Poland for them to last and develop, at least that was the case 10 years ago. Regarding religion: yes, faith in God and the Church (especially the Church) is declining dramatically. There are a lot of reasons. The main reason is the lack of separation of church and state, the second reason is the old-fashioned approach of the church and the inability to adapt to modern times. The Church alienates people instead of helping them. There is also a serious problem with pedophilia among priests and crimes in this regard hidden by the church. The ban on Sunday trading came into force only in 2018. The majority of society is dissatisfied with this and is waiting for the regulations to be changed (the ban on Sunday trading and the tightening of abortion are also another example of the Church's interference in politics).
@lach9702 10 месяцев назад
Religion: People go to church and observe religious rites more in rural areas and small towns. In big cities, there are too many distractions and more liberal encouragement, especially among the young. Meat: In Poland you can buy fresh non-prepacked meat at separate shop stands. prepacked or frozen meats are available in supermarkets. Beer: Some Czech restaurants also run small breweries and serve freshly "milked" beer. Czechs are extremely proud of their beer brands. Work on Sundays: Generally, the conservative Polish government banned Sunday trade in big shops, shopping malls and supermarkets. The only exception are family -run small businesses. The Sunday ban on trade was supported by the Solidarity trade union. This may change if the liberal left take power.
@teegermaster 11 месяцев назад
Religion dying in Poland since I was a kid (15 years ago). Now young generation don't even take religion lessons, cause they aren't interested in fairytales. After few more years we will, I hope so, completely ateistic country.
@annakrupiec7914 11 месяцев назад
I've been following U for a short time, but I've already watched all your videos. You are more interested in Poland than, unfortunately, some Poles. so... do you have a girlfriend or wife?😉😌
@tuurma 11 месяцев назад
Ok, soo... 1. These people's accents are quite strong, but it's not easy to get to the level at which Polish people wouldn't be able to tell you're a foreigner. Their Polish levels are pretty nice. Not advanced but intermediate and upper intermediate. 2. Polish people becoming less religious. Extremely true. There are more and less religious parts of the country and I live in one of the least religious, but even here I notice a considerable decline of what always has been rather unpopular. 3. Beer in Chech Republic is one of the best in the world IMO, your average beer there makes excellet beer elsewhere. 4. BLIK is a bank technology which allows you to pay with a code you receive on your mobile. It's similar to what used to be tokens, except you don't need anything else but your mobile with the bank's app and internet access of course. It's valid for a very short period of time (about a minute or so).
@kenkeneth4964 10 месяцев назад
If you want to learn more about 40-1 ,you should watch 40-1 the battle of Wizna Sabaton history 001
@justynago6604 10 месяцев назад
The Polish-Hungarian relationship is historic...doesnt exist now, from both the Polish and Hungarian sides. We dont feel any connection with them, we know nothing about their current matters, and the same goes for Hungarians knowing nothing about us. Ive been to Hungary and i didnt feel I was treated any differently than any other foreigners.
@Sh0u91 10 месяцев назад
less people going to church not bcs of they believe, just because modern church is all about the money... many priests taking this path these days just to live good in cost of believers...
@theRAV4000 8 месяцев назад
You usually have to pay for entrance to national parks in Poland but the fees are actually very low, for example the national park that one guy mentioned costs like 2 euros. Everyone pays the same price, no matter where they come from.
@xy2447 10 месяцев назад
i dont think the article was reliable if it said that 70% of young people are religious. Nobody from my class was. for the past 12 years i did not meet a single peer that was religious.
@Kamillo041285 11 месяцев назад
2:15 The guy from England doesn't have any foreign accent. Pure Polish language. They others realy good too.
@Samaelxx 10 месяцев назад
In almost every supermarket, you don't have to talk to anyone to buy meat. In 5% of meat purchases I only talk to someone, always take what I need and move on.
@theRAV4000 8 месяцев назад
Their polish is good but none of them sounds like a native polish speaker
@internetowihusarze 11 месяцев назад
Nooo no, when it comes to religion, nothing has changed, it has always been the case that young people were not eager to go to church, but with age they start going
@niuffka7962 11 месяцев назад
Sunday is a rest day, some people go to the church some not but rest is important.
@mariostepien4526 11 месяцев назад
@lukaszstegienko1855 4 месяца назад
Slovaka Wegra zawsze usłyszymy 😊
@LukaLEWY 10 месяцев назад
wypierdalaj z tym wszelkim aktywizmem do niemiec
@jackzweifler5696 11 месяцев назад
yep , they speak great polish , amazing ...
@jackzweifler5696 11 месяцев назад
and no , it's not normal in Poland whene you must pay for a enterence to a park
@adaadowska9383 10 месяцев назад
National Park - you pay but it's a really small ammount
@marekolejniczak9905 11 месяцев назад
Brawo Niemcy,gotówka to gotówka
@przemekszuster456 11 месяцев назад
In Poland you mast pay for most museums.
@alexszlen 8 месяцев назад
We love Hungarian ❤️
@EyeScreamPL 11 месяцев назад
I can hear the accent in every case (on that vid), but cannot scpecify (unless I see it ofc) which one belongs to certain country. Fun fact: when have I heard you for the very first time, Mert, I had no clue where are you from, but i thought it might be the country like Latvia, or Estonia, but then some of the southern couuntries came to my mind, like Serbia, Montenegro. To bo honest, when I found out you're from Scotland I was quite shocked. :D Still I think you have kind of "slavic" accent (already knowing it's scottish :D )
@gcugcugcu 11 месяцев назад
I'v been to Germany, Holland (my best friend Johan), Balgium, Indonesia, Thailand, China, Scotland (and in between flights other countries). I love all the countries but mostly mine feels like home. And welcome to Poland!
@canabis86 11 месяцев назад
Try say grzegżólka
@bartoszjasinski 11 месяцев назад
I would like to start a drunk game. Every time Mert says "Tell me what you think..." or something like that, you get shot of vodka. Here is approx. 13 times. So it is a thing. Weekend is comming so keep that in mind ;)
@agnieszkamalinska6966 11 месяцев назад
"Night life"depends on city, I'm living in small town, 80.000 people , and our center is living each night.
@matkaz2534 11 месяцев назад
Actually not working in sundays is job of our running government- so its like that for last idk 5 years? Earlier for alot of years most of shop like malls, groceries stores etc was running in sundays- now it is forbidden- but some companies found some legal loopholes to stay open in sundays, but for most shops that is impossible.
@ollasdiary 11 месяцев назад
I’ve just put Hungarian spicies to my dinner 😂 I was in Budapest in May this year for holiday ☺️ and I wen shopping 🤓 greetings ❤
@PerspektywaEwy 11 месяцев назад
that the Slovak and Chek speaks very well in Polish is not a big surprise but other guys really shocked me especially hungarian one. He speaks slow but very well.
@srebrnikjudasza 11 месяцев назад
Their polish was great (I could still hear that they are foreigners but it was really good)! Canadian guy looks like Valtteri Bottas hahahah :)
@pankolegaSniper 11 месяцев назад
@arcaine3907 11 месяцев назад
any polish language skill tbh is amazing this is notoriously hard language to learn especially for english part of the world. I can hear the accents but it's kinda cute and it's not a problem. I still have an accent after all those years and I did major in Chinese too..... and yeah tor toilets in public u need to pay usually
@aw4587 11 месяцев назад
Most of them speaks very good considering the fact that polish language is extremely hard to pronounce! … have a good day
@nieczerwony 11 месяцев назад
Ah yes german girl activist. In my opinion foreign people and organization should be banned from organizing activizm marches etc. and should be criminalized for that. Good example here are German NGO which are essentially bringing illegal immigrants to Italy. Same goes for media. Only some percentage of media should be allowed to have foreign founds. Similar legislation is used in Germany where I think only up to 15% of media and banks can be foreign capital.
@arkimas1137 11 месяцев назад
Ban German minority from Polish Politics.
@matyy_. 11 месяцев назад
when it comes to accent in polish as native speaker u can instantly say that someone is not polish i mean the hardest accents for us poles to like catch if someone is nto polish are czech and slovak accents ebcause im not gonna lie those languages are the closest to polish so its harder but certain words u can hear it for english accent lets say if someonne speak polisha nd lives here for longer period of time they seem we jokingly call it "ą,ę" idk how to explain it but like "a-z" really like formal and stuff not that they talk like this but sounds like that. When it comes to museum and some mountains and stuff depends not everywhere u have to pay but in most places like that. Ahh and some people have like congenital speech defect because of native language and how they speak in it and the way the prounance letters and words at least in some cases like americans lets say their "R" sound in polish is a speech defect
@piotrhul 11 месяцев назад
You can understand absolutely everything they say. Their grammar is also pretty good. You can sense they are foreigneers but still understand everything
@PablotronixPL 11 месяцев назад
Their accent is quite good :) It`s easy undestable to all Poles :)
@gosiayanosh9503 11 месяцев назад
wow...they speak polish so well❤...accent- yes but it's soooo cure❤
11 месяцев назад
Religion - depends on who you ask. ;) There are not many religious people in big cities. Fewer and fewer young adults people baptize their children or get married in a church. In smaller towns and villages it's different. There are fewer and fewer people willing to become priests. On the other hand, the church has a great influence on the law. Especially now, when the Polish government is strongly right-wing in its worldview. We have a small (or maybe big) war here between conservatives and people who want freedom of worldview. As you may know, we have a very strict anti-abortion law in Poland. Society thinks differently. Almost 84 percent of people want this law to be liberalized. 70-80 percent of people believe that the church should not be financed by the state, that it should not have any influence on politics, etc. Secularization is progressing, but the church doesn't care about it, because they have power thanks to politicians anyway. This is a big and complicated topic here.
@arkimas1137 11 месяцев назад
PIS is 5th column from Israel. PO is 5th column from Germany. You want abortions go abroad. The world does not revolve around you and your ideas.
@gemgreg 11 месяцев назад
their Polish is relatively good. They often mis the forms in sentences but overall its not bad :D
@MoniHaack 11 месяцев назад
The english guys had a good accent.
@tomasz546 11 месяцев назад
I work UK 8 years and I work sunday.
@tomaszczapiewski3359 11 месяцев назад
about going to church and younger generations in Poland. i'm 30+ but i see a tendency that most young people especially dont go there usually, even if they believe in god. They don't support organization (Kościół in polish) mainly for 2 reasons: affairs with pedophiles, and priests going often hand to hand with politicians. of any sort.
@matkaz2534 11 месяцев назад
Slovakian guy speaks Polish better than a lot of polish guys, Czech guy speak fine, but have funny Czech accent- thats probly only accent that i would recognize, but he speaks well. Thats probly easier for them, because our languages are similiar, a was in Czech and Slovakia alot of times, and when they dont know english, i just try to speak simple polish slowly, and mostly they understand, i also understand when they speak basic, and slowly. Rest of guys was mostly good, and i hear their accents, but more like language groups- latins, germans, english etc. But most of them are very good.
@narinyarim1 11 месяцев назад
Nagraj jakąś reakcje na polski rap albo coś tego typu
@wuuemm 11 месяцев назад
Poland & Hungary are the naturally allies for centuries. Pole and Hungarian - two brothers, good for saber and for glass. Both courageous, both lively, May the Lord God bless them. This is known widely in both languages. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pole_and_Hungarian_brothers_be
@grazynaborysow7072 11 месяцев назад
Pozdrawiam z Polski❤ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-QskK0NZB-60.htmlsi=_W9QxmC_hIVT7kZu
@elzbietabetlej4085 11 месяцев назад
We like Hungary and Hungarians also because we share history with common dynasties ruling in Poland and Hungary( mainly Jagiellonian dynasty - relatives and cousins ruled both countries); we supported each other in many wars and hospitality was a common thing. Overal we ❤ 🇭🇺. About BLIK- Blik - a mobile payment system launched in 2015. It allows smartphone users to pay cashless in stationary and online stores, withdraw and deposit cash at ATMs, make transfers to a phone number and generate checks with a digital code
@jacobnet 11 месяцев назад
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