
[Record記錄] 2/25, 3/4/2023《野番茄》和《不即不離》廖克發導演Q&A 實體/線上 北美特映「南國再現」系列 特選台灣紀錄片 Taiwan Cinema 

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2023 Spring In-person/Virtual, English subtitled double features, Taiwan Cinema 兔年初春灣區實體/線上混合式台灣電影活動 on 台灣/大馬政治禁忌
RU-vid desktop版 可分享各段時間起點或點擊直接跳到段落開頭 • [Record記錄] 2/25, 3/4/2...
0:00:04 2/25 Memorial Ceremony 東灣紀念式
0:01:06 2/25 Director Q&A 導演答衆問
0:14:34 2/25 Wrap-up 結語 道別
0:16:45 3/4 Event Intro 南灣開場介紹
0:21:58 3/4 Guest Intro 嘉賓介紹
0:36:31 3/4 Pre-Screening Director Talk 導演導覽 2'
0:39:21 3/4 Screening I Credit Roll 南灣《野番茄》放映前後(請自行尋找平台觀賞)
0:40:33 3/4 Memorial Ceremony 南灣紀念式
0:44:51 3/4 Screening II Credit Roll《不即不離》美國首映前後(請自行尋找平台觀賞)
1:01:15 3/4 Director Q&A 導演答衆問
1:25:11 3/4 Wrap-up 結語 道別
1:27:35 Coming events 節目預報
Photos Slide Shows 活動剪影相片輯
0:00:04 Photo Set 1
0:00:51 Photo Set 2
0:15:09 Photo Set 3
0:21:21 Photo Set 4
0:43:21 Photo Set 5
1:26:11 Photo Set 6
〔感謝贊助及協力組織與個人〕 台灣紀錄片資料庫+台灣電影工具箱/國家電影及視聽文化中心、北加州台灣會館;雙向影藝會社、北加州台灣同鄉聯合會、TaiwaneseAmerican.org .
2/25 & 3/4《野番茄》和《不即不離》線上(北美洲) / 實體(舊金山南灣)
這兩部紀錄片都是馬來西亞裔台灣新新移民廖克發導演探討戰後台灣和大馬政治禁忌的作品,座標:港都打狗 vs 霹靂州實兆遠。他將在映前發表預錄簡介以及映後做視訊答詢 Q&A。觀影報名及餐點預訂請點 south2.eventbr... 或掃碼附件宣傳單。 兩片都含英文字幕,歡迎廣邀北美洲親友共賞。成功報名後會馬上收到 email 確認,Email 中點擊 “View the event” 橘色長方鈕可得觀影連結及密碼,在 Q&A 開始前/後都可找時間觀賞。
實體 - 北加州台灣會館 12PM-5PM,歡迎到場欣賞、討論、嚐美食。因雙片聯映加Q&A時間較長,代訂便當並有主題南國風味的小吃提供現金認購(包括但不限於道地實料的高雄肉粽或素粽,南洋滋味咖喱料理等等),可以在上面Eventbrite連結報名時勾選預訂週四前。節目最後另有給所有來賓的驚喜項目,待當場公佈。
線上 - 限時串流兩片版權都開北美洲,這回爭取到《野番茄》線上48小時,週五3/3 5PM PST 即可開始欣賞;《不即不離》線上24小時,週六3/4 7AM PST 即可開始欣賞。
【Trailers 預告片集】English Subtitles
北加州初春的南國A1咖喱+野番茄之味 戰後台灣和大馬的政治禁忌 中英文字幕
[預告片 Trailer] 2/25, 3/4《野番茄》Taste of Wild Tomato「南國再現」3/4 加映《不即不離》Hybrid 實體/線上 English Subtitles • [Screening+導演Q&A] 2/25...
[預告片 Trailer] 3/4《不即不離》Absent without Leave 廖克發導演「南國再現2」同場聯映《野番茄》實體/線上 Hybrid, English Subtitles • [Screening+導演Q&A] 3/4《...
廖克發導演為 2/25《野番茄》"美國首映" 做的映前介紹
(In Mandarin mostly) A pre-recorded briefing from director Lau Kek-huat before his "Taste of Wild Tomato" US Premiere at Formosan United Methodist Church in San Leandro, CA
• 廖克發導演為 2/25《野番茄》"美國首映"...
3/4/23 流程(美西時間) Agenda (PST)
12:00 開放入場,午餐認購 Door opens, lunch $
12:15 開場介紹 Introduction
12:25《野番茄》123' Screening 1 Taste of Wild Tomato
2:28 默哀 1' Moment of Silence
-- 中場休息 -- Intermission
2:35《不即不離》84' Screening 2 Absent without Leave
4:00 廖克發導演Q&A Director Q&A in Mandarin
5:00 散會 Adjourn
【Intro 內容簡介】
《野番茄》Taste of Wild Tomato
導演 廖克發 | 2021 | 台灣 | 彩色 | 123 min |
Kaohsiung served as an important military base under Japanese colonial rule and had incurred heavy casualties during the 228 Incident. The film subtly tends to the deep scars of the witnesses, survivors and their descendants as an act of resistance to oblivion. Memories survive through different eras of oppression and continue to live in people’s hearts, just like the wild tomatoes grown in this land.
【Festivals & Awards參展紀錄】
2021 釜山影展
2021 高雄電影節
2022 台灣國際紀錄片影展(TIDF) 台灣競賽首獎
《不即不離》Absent Without Leave
導演 廖克發 | 2016 | 台灣 | 彩色+黑白 | 83 min | 尋根馬來西亞戰爭歷史
They sacrificed their lives fighting for the independence of their country, but their stories remain untold for 60 years.
The story begins with a man’s portrait, which has been hanging for more than 30 years in an old wooden house where I was born and grew up in Perak, Malaysia. It’s long become a taboo that my families do not talk about this man, not even to bring up his name or his past. Eventually I found out he is my grandfather, who sacrificed his life fighting for Malaysia’s independence and decolonisation, but his and his comrades’ stories are excluded from history. This documentary set out to unveil the mysteries.
【Festivals & Awards參展紀錄】
2018 台灣國際紀錄片影展-台灣競賽優等獎&華人紀錄片首獎
2016 新加坡國際影展 - 觀眾票選獎
2016 釜山國際影展 - Wide Angle紀錄片競賽單元
2016 台北電影節
2016 高雄電影節
【Guest Speakers Bio 嘉賓簡歷 】
Director LAU Kek-huat
LAU is a Malaysian filmmaker based in Taiwan. His debut feature film Boluomi was selected in the New Currents section at the Busan International Film Festival and nominated for the Best New Director at the Golden Horse Awards. His short film, Nia’s Door, won the Best Asia Short Film at the Busan International Film Festival and was selected for the 38th Clermont-Ferrand International Short Film Festival. Both of his documentaries Absent without Leave and The Tree Remembers still face censorship in Malaysia. He is an alumnus of the Golden Horse Academy, and Berlinale & Tokyo Talents.
MC/Moderator 活動主持/引言人|
Leona Chen



17 сен 2024




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