
Redditors Who Have Lawfully Killed Someone, What's Your Story? (AskReddit) 

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@cjfritz6775 5 лет назад
Imagine if the first punch you’ve ever thrown killed someone
@skrrt1156 5 лет назад
well he just fell down and hit his head and also when u get hit to the neck even with little force you are just stunned for a little bit or fall down from the shock and thats why aiming for the neck is better
@instructoruber1807 5 лет назад
- div][ide my ego would be so much worse than it already is
@martydiggitydodz7911 5 лет назад
- div][ide one punch man
@denverbajio9752 5 лет назад
Mine did half damage
@nautshadow2504 5 лет назад
Damn you must be strong my guy
@thesnep4757 5 лет назад
This stuff would never fly in the UK. You would be arrested and thrown in jail for it, even in self-defense. Just another problem with this place.
@americanfrontier2448 5 лет назад
Exactly, say you were to kill someone with a knife that was threatening your life, you would get longer in jail for murder with an offensive weapon than the person would’ve got for killing you
@thesnep4757 5 лет назад
@@americanfrontier2448 Thanks UK, for being fucked!
@frigglebiscuit7484 5 лет назад
youre welcome to come to america lol.
@thesnep4757 5 лет назад
@@frigglebiscuit7484 I'll pass, thanks.
@frigglebiscuit7484 5 лет назад
@@thesnep4757 OK. Good luck with defending yourself legally then.
@pokemaster123ism 5 лет назад
First guy was probably in a Humvee and mounted on a Browning M2. Those things are designed to destroy light armored vehicles
@zeefresh1440 5 лет назад
Designed for light armored vehicles, anti-infantry and suppresive fire.
@pokemaster123ism 5 лет назад
Rambo 4 has a scene where a browning M2 is used on foot soldiers, and gives a good idea about what .50 BMG does to a human body
@zeefresh1440 5 лет назад
@@pokemaster123ism yep i know, i just said, that it was designed to use on infantry too.
@instructoruber1807 5 лет назад
I’ve commented this before but here goes, working security in an apartment complex back in 2016. Heavy gang activity and drugs. Taking a coffee / lunch break in my POV because management wouldn’t let us leave property for food. It’s 1:30 in the morning I notice a vehicle park at the end of the row of cars I’m parked in, notice two young African American males talking see a second car roll down my row and then turn around and park next to the first car. Someone in a grey hoodie and black pants gets out, talks to guys in the first car. Noting him shove something in the pouch of his hoodie. Unholster my gun and do a quick chamber check, something is really wrong here it’s 1:30 in the morning and these men have singled me out. I know something is getting ready to happen, I wait and turn down my car radio as the grey hoodie heads my way. He takes off in a full on sprint, and as he gets to the last car three or four parking spots away from me he pulls the gun out of his hoodie and begins shooting. I lay back into my passenger seat and prop my foot on the door, I can hear rounds bouncing off my car and start shooting back. I’m not sure if my first few shots connect or not, but he gets about five feet away and is still shooting. Full adrenaline dump, I dump the remaining round in my magazine and hit the “oh shit button” oh my work radio letting my supervisors know hey something is wrong. I sit up and step out of my car and drop the now empty magazine to the pavement and reload. I walk over to the grey hoodie, and I hear the raspiest weakest breathing and gurgling sound I’ve ever heard. He tries to reach for the gun that is laying just out of reach, I walk over and kick it out into the middle of the parking lot. Before remembering there are still more guys in the cars. I check where they had been parked but all I see is taillights speeding off. I get back on the radio and let dispatch and my supervisors know what happened. I retreat back to my car and wait approximately two minutes later one of the companies patrol officers rolls into the parking lot followed by what seemed to be every cop within the city limits. Two years later a rookie officer working two minutes north of where my incident took place, for the same company. Unarmed this time was shot and killed while working at a complex where people had broken into cars and stolen guns. I will never understand why my leadership let him work there unarmed, but I don’t work for that company anymore. I couldn’t bring myself to even go to the kids funeral, because I knew who from leadership was going and I blame them for not atleast letting me know that kid was in my patrol sector that night. I still remember the kids face and how it looked when I got the call hed been killed, PD beat me there by seconds.... I still can’t get over the anger.
@Sergei_Ivanovich_Mosin 4 года назад
"I was trying to be non fatal but as it turns out apparently most shots in the leg are because of a major artery" I'm still amazed at how so few people understand this, do people seriously think our limbs are just big meat tentacles with nothing but pure muscle in them?
@KirkHermary 5 лет назад
I chased down a guy who robbed a waitress at a greasy spoon. He was on all kinds of weird shit and laughed the whole time we fought, and fought, and fought some more. I have no idea what happened after the cops got there and he was stuffed in an ambulance...to keep from writing a wall of text I'll keep it Campbell's Soup version. Yes, I avenged a stranger who had been robbed but I also could be on the other side of the grass right now for stepping into someone else's problem.
@aydenburris8631 5 лет назад
My dad caught a young man trying to break into our house at 8 in the morning. Apparently the kid had broken into several other houses to steal maxi dresses and panties. My dad called the cops and he wanted to press charges. His family used the insanity defense because he had very severe Asperger's.
@teroterskamaki3395 4 года назад
In Finland, for every single one of these where you would defend yourself or someone else, you would be charged of manslaughter. Ironically enough, if you were the one committing the crime and survived the self defense, you would be the ond getting the lighter sentence. I really don't understand why even though i'm an intelligent guy and in med school with IQ of atleast 130, why this is the case. I sometimes think to myself if i was attacked and had to kill the attacker in self defense, i would most likely end up not contacting the police and just getting rid of their immoral human shit body and never talk about it/try not to think about it again and just live my life happily instead of rotting behind the bars for defending myself and wanting to just live my life in peace without any shitpile interrupting it.
@noornasri5753 4 года назад
Some of these are rough. Like in the accident, I'm sure he shot in self defense, but the other man was probably thinking he had to defend his family. Obviously not thinking very clearly, but its just a bad situation where neither party could think things through. Both parties had a gun.
@xpreflex8354 5 лет назад
So what I've learned from this is not to hesitate to kill someone who comes into my house
@Usmvalor3 5 лет назад
Yikes... Here I thought seeing farm animal being killed, can leave one scarred :/ Imagine initial fear, those peeps gone through.
@KoladiK 4 года назад
Bruh I said “that’s wtf he gets” after every story
@premetamorphosis 4 года назад
never bring a gun to a knife fight
@bartender4731 5 лет назад
I remember Mr hegarty assaulting my friends in an elevator shaft for getting below 10% in hegarty
@cameronmcleod715 5 лет назад
Imagine putting so little effort into a video that you can’t even use a different transition effect/not use one at all so it fits the tone of the video more.
@crazydude1262 5 лет назад
I still can't find my metal bat.
@christiandinero8083 4 года назад
1:30 keep your firearms on your person. At least your handguns if you are carrying a rifle in a go bag.
@terminatormkll8723 4 года назад
Idiots will be idiots
@royalpayn4089 5 лет назад
"Learn how to fight and learn how to kill. Pray both lessons will be useless"
@MarcoBMark-rt6ke 5 лет назад
True that bro
@kap1117 5 лет назад
Sounds like one of the quote in cod when you die
@royalpayn4089 5 лет назад
Its a rewlly old phrase. It was based off a similar budhist phrase
@MrProzacmilkshake 5 лет назад
@@odd8716 a kangaroo can kick your head in no joke mate
@krosses7156 5 лет назад
Almost black belt at taekwondo. We live by that
@DJKennedy90 5 лет назад
Funny how the family of second story is trying to civil suit the writer for wrongful death of the father/husband, when none of their asses tried to stop him from getting his gun first.
@yourmomisajojosreference3909 5 лет назад
Entitled Parent
@tristane3444 5 лет назад
Denial I guess
@sqocks8254 5 лет назад
People will stick to their "group" or "side" even when they are clearly in the wrong, it is not okay, but it is very common...
@shlanky7151 5 лет назад
@@Mae_Renneburg the dad was most likely going to shoot him first
@DJKennedy90 5 лет назад
@@Mae_Renneburg The dad was literally being belligerent and threatened to shoot someone for trying to call the cops. Was the OP just supposed to do nothing and possibly die by getting shot by 'daddy'?
@pfistor 5 лет назад
You know your kid is a screw up, when you still patronize the business of the man who killed your son. That's pretty intense.
@skylermorgan3130 5 лет назад
@Banana Peel Gamer How? They knew their kid was messed with in the head. There was nothing they could do about it? He attacked first. He deserved it.
@arandomgrillwithoneeye6105 5 лет назад
@Banana Peel Gamer why would they be scumbags ? give me a good reason
@paffie9319 5 лет назад
@Banana Peel Gamer Did you even watch the full video?
@PismotHello 4 года назад
@kakyoin not true at all
@evgenybelilovskiy1205 4 года назад
It's not patronizing. I bet they feel extreme sorrow and embarrassment for what they raised. Imagine raising someone for 20+ years for them to die for nothing and nowhere. They felt guilty.
@rektangle1468 5 лет назад
When you kill someone, go to their funeral, have their parents continue to go to your business and as icing on the cake they say "i don't blame ya" in regards to their son's death. Yikes
@retro704 5 лет назад
Only really good mechanics know this feel
@agvulpine 5 лет назад
Achievement unlocked: Parents of the kid you killed practically adopt you into the family as their own.
@MrPablosek 5 лет назад
It's possible they themselves hated their son for what he did
@sitcomchristian6886 5 лет назад
That was really affecting.
@boyanshahpazov5168 5 лет назад
This entire video is so obviously fake how can you reditards believe any of this
@Andman8210 5 лет назад
I agree with the fact you shouldn’t feel guilty if it was self defense, if they are trying to kill you they lose their right to their own life.
@denverbajio9752 5 лет назад
That's called _Wholesome Karma_ It happens someone tries to kill u But end up dieing
@denverbajio9752 5 лет назад
11:08 Is where its at
@KoltiraMemeweaver 5 лет назад
True they probably have a family and friends, but it is their own fault for causing their own death in that scenario. You can't change the past, and you *aren't* responsible for someone else's foolishness. The outcome was out of your hands unless you let them off you.
@mastertrey4683 5 лет назад
You shouldn't feel guilty but you still do and it still fucks you up. Nobody in this world is perfect and of course if someone outright tries to kill someone they do lose the right to their life, but it doesn't make it right to kill them. Killing somebody is never right but it sometimes happens when you have to defend yourself. No matter what anyone does they should have the opportunity to redeem themselves and turn into a better person. Even if they rot in prison they should have the opportunity to die a good person. But all that doesn't mean your life shouldn't be your very first priority in a self defense scenario and sometimes you must kill in order to save your life
@unravelle 5 лет назад
all that matters in the end is that we"re all gon die
@thenecroticraptor8338 5 лет назад
That kid who killed the home intruder, I can very much understand his reaction. He was protecting his sister and did what he saw fit.
@amineabdz 5 лет назад
TheNecroticRaptor if you sneak into someone's house / property ... you very much willingly risk death ... you may not die but be sure that the people there aren't gonna hesitate to kill you if they feel they are threatened
@bakhitalketbi9460 5 лет назад
Honestly he didint need to wake up his sister imo and i dont think the intruder will kill a sleeping 12 year old girl
@recilince 5 лет назад
@@bakhitalketbi9460 What in the world makes you think that? It's better to be in an alert state where you're able to react than to be a sitting duck waiting to be slaughtered. Seriously tho, I don't think it's ever safe to assume that someone with already bad intentions (breaking into the house) wouldn't do anything. Some people are so fucked in the head, they'll even do bad things just because they can.
@MrMaharg79 5 лет назад
@@bakhitalketbi9460 the man had a butcher knife on him and that was it. That's the kinda guy who will kill ANYTHING
@combinecommando001 5 лет назад
@@bakhitalketbi9460 If you believe that, you are either very naive or a complete fool.
@budder9839 5 лет назад
6:05 All I can say in the words of big smoke “ YOU PICKED THE WRONG HOUSE FOOL”
@mrturbo6732 5 лет назад
Why did he/she loose all his/her friends?
@fatboydashredder9877 5 лет назад
@kevinhickey5718 5 лет назад
@louisryan5815 5 лет назад
@@mrturbo6732 a mixture of going to college and losing contact with people that way, to also being socially ostracized from the trauma of beating someone to death with a baseball bat are my best guesses
@minihalkoja590 5 лет назад
Ey, eyyy! Big Smoke it's me, Carl, chill, chill!
@Ole_Rasmussen 5 лет назад
"If you threaten someone's life, you forefeit your own." 100%
@NapalmNarcissus 5 лет назад
I admire the guy who killed to protect his sister. I like to think I'd do the same for my siblings.
@Helloitzkenny 5 лет назад
I like to know* I'd do the same for my siblings. They're assholes but they're my assholes.
@crystalbliss9647 5 лет назад
Yep. I'm ready to beat someone's ass if they even bump my siblings. I don't play that. Only I could bully them.
@NapalmNarcissus 5 лет назад
@@crystalbliss9647 That's how it is. Big brother gang?
@crystalbliss9647 5 лет назад
@@NapalmNarcissus I'm a girl, but yeah. Big sibling gang lol 😂
@NapalmNarcissus 5 лет назад
@@crystalbliss9647 *respecc*
@supremejack4497 5 лет назад
Most of these stories are just people taking out human trash.
@Сашаромисмерть 5 лет назад
True man, I've seen videos on Best Gore its a cruel world we live in.
@instructoruber1807 5 лет назад
Press X To Shaun calm down there frank castle
@DracoRex-Maestro 5 лет назад
@Francis Of The Desert Same here, it’s fucked up at how many ways there are winding up dead, whether it’s murder or an accident it can happen to anyone. Men, women, and children.
@persondos1308 5 лет назад
This sounds like some hitman shit
@KoltiraMemeweaver 5 лет назад
@stormshot119 5 лет назад
No one has a right to hurt you. You have every right to defend yourself.
@SiegeTF 5 лет назад
Except in liberal countries/states, because liberals believe the government should hold the monopoly on violence for the sake of creating a less violent society. Naturally addicts, foreigners, and teenage males don't really appreciate this philosophy, but what'cha gonna do? Pretend they don't exist and blame everything on toxic masculinity? (Looks at Western Europe) Wait, I was kidding!
@TealJosh 5 лет назад
@@SiegeTF Nah, you just don't kill. And you are allowed to kill if the perp would face charges of attempted murder if they were still alive. Gov doesn't have much better rights either. Cops have very strict rules of engagement. Match physical violence with equal violence, match deadly force with deadly force. Escape if available is the only option, all I previously said falls invalid if you could've escaped.
@adithyavraajkumar5923 5 лет назад
Except the state
5 лет назад
Go to Europe You'll be charged if an intruder hurts himself on open fucking cutlery. You have no right to defend yourself. If someone tries to stab or shoot you you're expected to just take it and be killed Learn this lesson well kids, surrender your guns and you'll live under tyrants
@oldtrash108 5 лет назад
@ r/shitamericanssay
@Rysussybaka 4 года назад
If the real world followed Zero Tolerance policies, 100% of these guys who used self-defense would all be in jail. Honestly, it is beyond me why schools rely on such a stupid rule.
@cecejamesable 4 года назад
If anything, it just makes it worse. You are damned, either way, you may as well make sure the bully gets a beating too.
@AkameGaKillfan777 2 года назад
Zero-tolerance is one of the most blasphemous policies in existence
@mymixedbiscuit9159 2 года назад
@@AkameGaKillfan777 it also isn't exactly a policy, schools try to insist they get the final say on what results from a fight, but ultimately, it is in the hands of the police. Say kid A get's jumped by kid B, and kid C starts filming on his phone, while others kids are watching, with CCTV surveillance. Of course the school will try to insist they both get a suspension and problem solved, but to the police this is just another case of assault, and possibly attempted murder. With that many witnesses and videos, the bully would probably end up jailed or sued to the point where a few days suspension isn't even on the victims mind.
@AkameGaKillfan777 2 года назад
@@mymixedbiscuit9159 I personally wish it was up to the police more often in that regard. If schools REALLY had a zero tolerance policy, it would mean verbal insults and stuff like poking wouldn't happen either. Bullies do what they do because they won't get in trouble and they love doing it. No amount of "don't be mean, you're hurting their feewings," assemblies will set them straight. It's like the people who put these policies in place and enforce them have never interacted with kids before
@ಠಿ_ಠ-ಯ1ಭ 5 лет назад
Nobody: Dude protecting his sister: *YOU PICKED THE WRONG HOUSE FOOL*
@ashkrikorian5753 5 лет назад
For some reason I imagined wolverine in XMen 2, when he stopped the special forces agent from entering the kitchen... "you picked the wrong house bub!"
@setel9412 2 года назад
I read that in big smokes voice I don't know that's a good thing or bad
@ROTATEaviationshorts 5 лет назад
"I was just scared I was going to die defending a bar" hahaha I'm dead
@doodlemcgee 5 лет назад
so is the other guy
@clancyisdeadandikilledhim3903 5 лет назад
@ay-leck1369 5 лет назад
it's funny how the word dead/die was used for two completely different meanings in one sentence.
@kylieb2479 5 лет назад
OutmatchedOutlaw poor word choice
@comedyandstuff 5 лет назад
Did it happen to you while defending a bar?
@InternetinaNutshellChannel 5 лет назад
Nice try, FBI.
@kduck789 5 лет назад
Wait? I saw you in another channel :OOOOOO
@tylersimpson3890 5 лет назад
Not today, CIA.
@denverbajio9752 5 лет назад
@InternetinaNutshellChannel 5 лет назад
@@kduck789 Just crossing the streams.
@joshf6570 5 лет назад
Nice attempt at obscurity Department of homeland security
@Ray-vn5xu 4 года назад
No one: Guy shreds someone to shreds and another caves a guys skull in Music: * calm relaxing elevator music*
@qualitylawncare819 4 года назад
"Shreds someone to shreds." Stay in school, kids.
@MK-kg9lp 4 года назад
Imagine of there wasnt the voice and you were imagining those things in your head while this music is playing. Fucking crazy
@electric26 4 года назад
@@A-rk3dn yeah, but if you shred something, what is it in? Shreds.
@rebelstarcustoms 4 года назад
Ray 69 Negan Style
@itsgodnga 4 года назад
Surprising number of people being killed with baseball bats ITT
@metapod1357 5 лет назад
Man broke into my home with a sack and a machete. My wife and newborn were upstairs. My wife called the cops saying someone broke in the house. I leave the room with my gun. I see him coming up the stairs. I shot him point blank with a 12 ga. Apparently he had someone else with him because I heard that one go back through the broken window they came in. Cops came, I gave my statement, they took my shotgun....got it back about 4 months later. Ruled as self defense. Had to replace the carpet on the stairs, scrape the old paint off the wall that had the blood and other material from the guy on it....repainted it...was a pain in the ass. My wall was like a sponge. Wasted a weekend cleaning everything. Any threat to my family is met with extreme prejudice. No I don't feel bad for killing the worthless worm.
@xunusednordicegg2964 5 лет назад
Meta pod used 12 ga it was super effective
@metapod1357 5 лет назад
@@xunusednordicegg2964 It is time Meta pod used something besides harden. lol
@yungdomino4718 5 лет назад
@ozzy1786 5 лет назад
Thanks for caring about your family my dude
@Grandmaster-Kush 5 лет назад
The trash taking itself out, hot lead's one helluva drug
@RandomPerson-vh1se 5 лет назад
*Guy:* /Kills someone with one punch../ *Music slowly rises from the back-ground.* OOOOONNEEEE-PUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUNCH.
@Cwak 3 года назад
@xxscribbledragonxx9744 5 лет назад
"I have nightmares of the first person I killed in the Iraq war - every time I see him ripped to shreds, over and over" *Chill synth keys in the background*
@bagellord113 5 лет назад
i blew a hole in a snail with my first airsoft gun. clean hole too. it fell lifeless lmao.
@vaarelsauce 5 лет назад
@@bagellord113 did that gave you PTSD though
@rottenrobb2583 5 лет назад
Just. Can't. Stop. I came back ha ha haunted
@dudemcnude1314 5 лет назад
Talked to someone ripping apart a few talibans with a MG3. They got ambushed badly, the firefight lasted only 2-3 minutes, but he said his first few shots missed entirely but after correcting the aim he wasted 3 dudes with full auto from that mg. Cant think thats a great thing to remember.
@dicktation_4769 5 лет назад
Dude McNude If the TIC only lasted 2 to 3 minutes they weren’t ambushed that badly. That dude was full of shit.
@WWEGalaxy2013v3 5 лет назад
No one: Reddit user: Not me, a friend. Not legal either but...
@levector2445 5 лет назад
The police: am i a joke to you ?
@dogsteve 5 лет назад
WWEGalaxy2013v3 he didnt die either but...
@tridentremixes5449 5 лет назад
@@dogsteve but I once saw my friend smoke weed in the vicinity of a small child.
@altus2447 5 лет назад
Edit: Thanks for the gold, kind stranger!
@mrbirb 5 лет назад
@@tridentremixes5449 just like my stoner roommate and his daughters!
@dancified1161 5 лет назад
*everyone:* getting guns is the only way to defend yourself. *man with the baseball bat:* am i a joke to you?
@FaceD0wnDagon 5 лет назад
A baseball bat may work on the unaware or an aggressor who is physically not stronger than you, but a gun works at a distance, and can be wielded by anyone. Use what you can, but a bat leaves a lot more margin for an aggressor to gain the upper hand.
@Demonslayer20111 5 лет назад
There is no better home defense than a shotgun. It's area of effect, no aiming required. And if it's a pump, there is nothing more chilling than the sound of a shotgun racking.
@MrPablosek 5 лет назад
@dancified1161 5 лет назад
y’all can chill, i know guns are better defense than bats. it’s just a joke. 😳
@FaceD0wnDagon 5 лет назад
@@dancified1161 You're fine! Some of us just like to wax informative. ;)
@OrionoftheStar 5 лет назад
It's strange, isn't it? A soldier, professionally trained to be able to kill people in service to his country, can kill a man that was obviously going to kill him and his buddies and then hold the trauma for it for years to come. But another person, never given that same training or readiness to kill, might kill someone and the rest of his life wouldn't be much troubled.
@JedTheBikerGamer 5 лет назад
I think its more how he killed the guy. like he said the weapon wasn't designed for use on people and he ripped him to pieces with it.
@deaththekid922 5 лет назад
@@JedTheBikerGamer yup , pretty much, it depeneds on what you are used to , like if you are only used to seeing people fall and not stand up ( like in call of duty ) because you only see gun fights from a safe place in a car or vantage point its different than literally seeing someone blown to pieces , possibly having a shocked or whatever expression on their face before they die , if you arent fully used to that ( and i dont think any soldier ever could be ) that will traumatize you i am used to seeing blood and other stuff from hospitals, there still are certain very ewww things that really give me a weird feeling in my stomach
@raymonds7492 4 года назад
@@deaththekid922 oh image the smell of blood and bile
@cyl0118 4 года назад
ok so what’s strange about it. some ppl are just more empathetic
@LIFEwithBAVAN 2 года назад
Alot of soldiers are against the war in general and although they did their duty, didn't comprehend being there. Imagine the other guy was fighting to "defend his own country". Which, in their mind, is the truth. It's a lot to take on killing someone who was doing their duty as you're doing yours, vs a POS druggie-murderer
@aurorawolfe6060 5 лет назад
Literally none of these people should feel bad for what happened.
@snakeywakey3893 5 лет назад
Were it so easy. It can be hard to not feel like they didn't have to die sometimes.
@37kj12 5 лет назад
Aurora Wolfe should they?
@engelbergmunoz3179 5 лет назад
"Literally", perhaps there vocabulary debbie. Objectively, unless you've been in a situation where you've killed something you can't really tell can you? I still feel bad for running over animals by accident, or having to put down my moms dog and not being there for her. Humans are more complex than "hey this guy was a psycho so its good hes dead" and rarely is anyone as black and white as any police report or therapists notes say. Life is a lottery win on a grand cosmic scale so theirs a bit of melancholy peace regardless of any loss of life.
@jacrispy3275 5 лет назад
Whether they're justfied or not is out of the equation; of course they were. But, whoever it is, taking a life isn't something to take lightly.
@johnm.9783 5 лет назад
@V P you just proved @engelbergs point, you just wrote down the note of the BASICS of what happened, but unless you are actually IN the moment and have it happen to you, you cant really know what goes through peoples minds, and when something like this happens people tend to run the situation over and over and over thinking about all the things that could of gone differently, its a very hard subject to talk about cause yes, they are there to do you harm but noone wants to kill someone else.
@reyy1k 5 лет назад
Nobody Text-to-speech: *F A S E Y B O O K* 3:30
@thegamingcashew4304 4 года назад
YaBoiRey sorry it’s at 69 likes
@CanIgetSuscriberswithnov-ci3dw 4 года назад
The Gaming Cashew you legend 🥺
@jonathanthomas7117 5 лет назад
Image someone staring with: It’s not lawful but...
@Mr_NeoCore 5 лет назад
Back when I was in high school in year 11 I had gone in a holiday to see my cousin. He was in the military at the time and had just finished his navy seal training. Me and him had gone out to get some supplies from the convince store a few blocks away. While we were paying a man walked in with a shotgun and aimed it at my head. He was clearly on some type of drug and had his finger on the trigger. My cousin reacted almost Immediately and tackled the man to the ground. The shotgun went off into my cousins chest and he slumped down dead. The guy working at the store had called the cops by then and they arrived shorty after he was killed. The bastard that killed my cousin took off and i don’t think he was ever caught.
@MrPablosek 5 лет назад
Damn. Your cousin was a hero. Hopefully he is in a better place now and hopefully that piece of shit got caught and rots in jail
@Justpassingby204 5 лет назад
Alan Mascia sorry for your loss :(
@Mr_NeoCore 5 лет назад
Xenado thanks man, it means more than you think.
@maximaldinotrap 4 года назад
Damn I read Navy Seal and thought your Cousin had taken the shotgun and blasted the dude in the chest. Pretty tame for what a Navy Seal could have done to him it it had gone down like that.
@szariq7338 4 года назад
And any motives?
@sonderp04 5 лет назад
Story: TERREFYING Music: 💃💃💃
@CrimsonPhantom88 5 лет назад
1. I mean, it's war. 2. Don't feel bad, you defended yourself (assuming there's nothing more to the story) 3. Dude enters your home uninvited, anything you do to him is fine (maybe not legal, but I'd never convict on that jury) 4. Legitimate self-defence, don't pick fights, don't die 5. Deserves Medal of Honor 6. Combo of 3 and 5 7. Criminals deserve nothing less, good riddance 8. Must be good at your job if they still come. Pro tip, never aim "non-lethal". Center of mass, always. If they die, they die, and the world's a better place. 9. Don't fucking sleep at work, duh. Also good shoot. 10. God bless the 2nd Amendment
@ian3166 5 лет назад
3. Not only that, but is clearly trying to kill someone you are protecting. That IMO makes you go from defending your home to a hero who saved a life by taking another. OP was right for not thinking too much about it.
@Archone666 5 лет назад
8: He almost certainly was aiming center of mass. First shot hit the stomach, second hit the leg. That kind of "less-than-perfect" accuracy is what happens in a real firefight. Once the fight-or-flight response hits, fine coordination goes right out the window.
@CrimsonPhantom88 5 лет назад
@@Archone666 He stated he was trying to be non-lethal
@Archone666 5 лет назад
@@CrimsonPhantom88 He said he wasn't trying to kill him. Hence the whole "Staunching the bleeding" aspects. But in a firefight, you aim for center mass. You don't try for trick shots. (Also, notice how it was the leg wound that was rapidly fatal, not the gut shot)
@kalashnikovdevil 5 лет назад
1. Shredding Johnny Jihad has gotta be better than taking an RPG. Those don't hurt much cause you're usually rather ugly dead. Like, picking up bits of you to send home to your Momma in a match box dead.
@danielegan31 5 лет назад
This is why i want to have a license to carry when I graduate college.
@agvulpine 5 лет назад
This is why you want to have a license to carry when you attend college.
@Sigmar_Heldenhammer 5 лет назад
In my state you can open carry at 18 without a permit, personally I’ll go with a revolver possibly a S&W .500
@HaloDude557 5 лет назад
sigmar heldenhammer open carry makes you the first target, go for a ccw license. Open carry in general has no practical use except ease of transportation regarding long guns.
@MagnusPeccatori 5 лет назад
@@Sigmar_Heldenhammer An S&W 500. Is too big a gun for daily carry. Not practical either. Even the most experienced shooters have trouble firing it. It has massive recoil, it's too long, too heavy, and in a typical self-defense situatiom, you're gonna want to have more than five bullets available. My personal recommendation? Go with something practical and compact, something that's light and easy to carry. Perhaps a Glock 42, a Colt Defender 45. Or a Smith and Wesson M&P Shield 2.0. Those are all compact models, easy to carry in a belt or shoulder holster
@grifdenton5224 5 лет назад
@@Sigmar_Heldenhammer Do you work with bears or something?
@sawyer7256 5 лет назад
thank you Reddit channel #48424905 very cool
@imnotmilton8591 4 года назад
“i was scared shitless thinking i was going to die defending a bar”
@SmokeRingsPipeDreams 5 лет назад
A few years ago some miscreant (high on drugs) tried to repeatedly break my door in at 4am in the morning. I called the cops while standing in the living room holding my pistol. Thankfully the door held until they arrived, because I would have shot him dead without hesitation or regret, I had family in the back rooms to protect. I'm always surprised to hear that criminals will just break peoples door in like that. I'm glad it ended the way it did, I have no desire to ever harm anyone. When the cops got there I could hear them yelling at this guy that he almost got killed that night because the guy in the house (me) had a gun and was going to use it if he had come through that door. (yes, we have a castle law in Montana)
@CrimsonPhantom88 5 лет назад
Even in a blue state, I'd rather be judged by twelve than carried by six
@unknqwnshepherd1872 5 лет назад
CrimsonPhantom88 , do a Korean martial art called Tang Soo Do, and the head of the federation keeps saying this to us
@adithyavraajkumar5923 5 лет назад
@@CrimsonPhantom88 Most blue states have castle doctrine, just not stand your ground
@Archone666 5 лет назад
@@adithyavraajkumar5923 Yes. "Stand your ground" is basically "castle doctrine, but your castle follows you around." The idea being that you shouldn't have to abide by a "duty to retreat." The problem is when people instigate the fight, then escalate to lethal force and claim "stand your ground." The trial for Michael Drejka has finally started. For those unaware, last year Drejka started a confrontation in a parking lot where he threatened a woman with her children, the boyfriend/father came out and saw his girlfriend/kids being threatened, charged over and shoved Drejka to the ground... and Drejka drew his gun and killed him.
@imsickx 5 лет назад
CrimsonPhantom88 ima go post bail, just look at my wrist 🤑
@juanballesteros8783 5 лет назад
badass moment is when he kills man with bat
@denverbajio9752 5 лет назад
@derpsquad3306 5 лет назад
You picked the wrong house fool!
@RubLox_Live 5 лет назад
Which one?
@persondos1308 5 лет назад
GTA flashbacks
@taffytuck1665 5 лет назад
John wicks son deadly but lesser coz John can kill you with pencil
@dragonmaid1360 5 лет назад
3:18 unfortunately sometimes shit happens. How you live with it is to take the best mental health route that you can. You can learn these skills and they are really valuable. Can't live in the past, can't live with regret. Can't drag baggage around with you. Best to clean that shit off otherwise it slowly corrodes you from the inside out and life is not a rehearsal.
@YaBoiDoon 5 лет назад
When the police are minutes away, seconds matter
@bigpondpond9965 5 лет назад
You know a reddit channel really cares about it's content when they can't even edit the text to make sure the robot voice doesn't say "seven over eleven"
@Idengard 4 года назад
Bigpond Pond i like that
@dex6147 5 лет назад
YOUR safety is YOUR responsibility and firearms are the great equalizer.
@ThePivotaddict 5 лет назад
god made man and sam colt made them equal
@denverbajio9752 5 лет назад
Lol 👌
@dex6147 5 лет назад
@R* I'll give up my guns when you put signs outside your home saying "No guns inside! Completely defenseless!" I wonder why home robberies are so low in America? Also America isn't even in the top 50 countries for mass shootings, so so some research instead of buying everything your government funded media tells you. Cheers!
@wkdravenna 5 лет назад
@R* where's that society sir?
@Jackaldraws 5 лет назад
@R* where do you live cause I can list stuff out of context too The people who kill people in America would do it anywhere Schools get attacked across the globe
@whack187 5 лет назад
If anybody here is considering getting their concealed carry permit, DO IT. You never know what will happen in a second. It is better to have a pistol and never use it than to need a pistol and not have it. I got my concealed carry permit a week after I turned 18. Then I got a pistol another week later. Thank God I've never had to use it. Understand how to use a pistol and get a basic level of tactics. I recommend Ronin Tactics, Warrior Poet Society, and TREX Arms as some channels to help improve shooting, too.
@oinkleberry 5 лет назад
@@CanonOverseer I bet there are some goofy workaround laws in your nation. Try crossbows, compressed-air-bows, and high powered slingshots. I'm sure there's something that hasn't been outlawed yet to defend yourself with.
@sqocks8254 5 лет назад
Thank ❤
@whack187 5 лет назад
@G C Definitely not military and I got my permit through a local sheriff's office. In Alabama you can get your permit at 18 but you cant buy a pistol from a shop. I'm sure its different here than California or New York. You CAN however do a private sale or if a somebody gifts you a pistol.
@jacobp.2024 5 лет назад
@G C Because where you live is cucked. In the U.S., it's 18, and conceal/carry is allowed for all citizens in every place here you'd want to live and retire.
@DH-xw6jp 5 лет назад
@@CanonOverseer try throwing a crocodile at them, or one of your country's numerous venomous critters
@kaboomkomicsofficial7022 5 лет назад
@gewgulkansuhckitt9086 5 лет назад
I own a trebuchet dealership and sometimes I work there late at night, polishing the trebuchets and making sure no practical joker has one loaded up and ready to go. The show room isn't really designed for that sort of shenanigans as it only has a 30 foot ceiling. So one night I'm doing this and sure enough, some kids have cranked back a couple of trebuchets and tied a piano to the throwing arm on each one - which isn't cool at all because those were expensive pianos. Oh, I forgot to mention I also sell pianos. It's a piano store/trebuchet store/internet cafe. So I've just finished untying the second piano and putting it back where it belongs when a couple of guys in ski masks burst in, demanding to know where I keep all my money. They've probably heard the rumors that I own the most lucrative trebuchet dealership in the county. Holding the rope from each trebuchet in my left and right hands, I replied, "I've got my hands full. Hold these please while I go get the money." As they extended their hands, I threw the slip knot on the end of each rope around the wrist of each man, pulled the knots tight, and nonchalantly pulled the pin on each trebuchet, causing them to fire. Well I was expecting each of them to be hurled across the room and out through the front glass, but all it did was rip an arm off of each man and slam the arm into the ground while simultaneously snatching them both off of their feet. They quickly bled to death. Thankfully the security cameras caught the whole thing, so I didn't face any charges, even though technically I killed two "unarmed" men. After the police finished taking my statement and let me go, I couldn't sleep. I kept seeing the horrible images playing in my head, so I decided to read a book. Appropriately, it was Ernest Hemmingway's "A Farewell to Arms". This was not the last time I killed somebody in self defense. Later, at a rodeo, while riding a bull, some clowns tried to rob me. Fortunately I always carry a chainsaw while I'm bull-riding, but that's a story for another day.
@deepfried25 5 лет назад
@pentiverse6881 5 лет назад
This same thing happened in my catapult shop!
@MirIsAwesome 5 лет назад
bruh this actually made me laugh so hard
@crvot 4 года назад
The one with the 17 kid scares me, I fear it would happen to me
@DuggzValentine 4 года назад
Ehh just keep a 12 gauge shotgun. Loaded as well
@FeedMeSalt 5 лет назад
Imagine a world where you feel guilty about killing in self defense. i really cant. And somehow i cant believe anyone would really feel awful about it. Its a basic instinct.
@CrimsonPhantom88 5 лет назад
The universe is governed by one immutable law: kill or be killed.
@oinkleberry 5 лет назад
Everyone who only gets to fantasize about this thinks it's easy peasy like they're totally some bad ass if only everyone else knew. Erasing a human life is no meager act, justified or not. It will haunt most sane people, because we are civilians.
@jacobp.2024 5 лет назад
@@oinkleberry not true. Everyone reacts differently to stressful situations such as these. Some people can easily rationalize it and move on, some people can't and carry the memory as a burden, and some people obssess over the regret they feel. There is no single-way that you should be expected to react, the human brain is a complex and fickle thing. You're not an asshole or a wannabe badass for moving on with your life without regret, and there's nothing wrong with you if you're left with a mental disorder from the whole affair.
@FeedMeSalt 5 лет назад
@@jacobp.2024 if defedning your tribe makes you unable to function. You are not mentally well.
@snakeywakey3893 5 лет назад
Were it so easy. Only reason I don't is because a 30 year long war hardened me up.
@Touhou2006 5 лет назад
a comment said: AskReddit: WHO HAVE YOU KILLED? (SEXY ANIME GIRL THUMBNAIL). Thank god that did not exist
@rukas2961 5 лет назад
Idk why but I just wanna hear more stories of bad people getting killed
@lord_rainbowman 5 лет назад
for the last story when i heard "both barrels" i was just like Oof
@Bure478 5 лет назад
insane thing is with the 17 year old and 12 year old if i would do that in my country (Sweden) id go to prison
@THESMOSHTIME 5 лет назад
wait what? what is the reasoning behind that law?? Is there no concept of self defence??
@Bure478 5 лет назад
@@THESMOSHTIME well you cant just hurt anyone even tho someone is invading your house. you need to lock yourself into a room and call the police and tell them you are there. if you would hit someone in the head with a bat when they dont attack you first or know you are there your in the wrong. its sick i know. but i would still do it ofc.
@mate_on_f7916 5 лет назад
@spiceforspice3461 5 лет назад
Wow, Sweden is fucked.
@sholos4478 4 года назад
@@Bure478 holy shit thats fucking horrid.
@yermanoh 5 лет назад
i agree 100% "if you threaten someones life you forfeit your own"
@LEE-hw3sx 5 лет назад
I ain’t bout lawful killing, normal killing is where it’s at.
@nodrugshere300 5 лет назад
Pick me up mom I’m scared.
@joshf6570 5 лет назад
Exactly but after 70 kills it gets boring
@rukas2961 5 лет назад
Lmao pretty much all the guys in this video has this idea and they all died. Good luck useless soul. I know it's joke don't r/woooosh out of Reddit kids it's annoying af.
@MrPablosek 5 лет назад
@@rukas2961 r/wooo- nah this joke is shit and unfunny
@doraorak 5 лет назад
@@rukas2961 r/woosh
@burgermancat 5 лет назад
Goofy scares me
@Blazequine 5 лет назад
Lol same
@xord1946 5 лет назад
Wake ME UUUp
@WindowLickingDeer 5 лет назад
@matthewmorales8798 5 лет назад
Hey Toadfilms could you do a video on worst things seen by cps or social workers?
@itssooverweresoback 5 лет назад
there may be no ask reddits
@tsg7official 5 лет назад
It's not ToadFilms that makes them. He just uses AskReddits.
@instructoruber1807 5 лет назад
I remember going to a call for a SA on a six year old girl. I went home early from that shift literally sick to my stomach, and I’ve seen dudes that got get cut in half with automatic gun fire before.
@Poffean 5 лет назад
There is a video on some other channel about that thread
@bottlerocket2528 5 лет назад
Not relatable, can’t comment
@swangre 5 лет назад
As someone who hasn't experienced anything remotely close to what happened for these people, it's so strange reading about how they feel bad about killing someone that invaded their homes or pointing an RPG towards them. From a strictly logical perspective they performed perfectly; protecting themselves and others while also taking out dangerous individuals. I know that it sounds naive, but I imagine that I would feel a sense of pride in killing someone that was threatening me, my loved ones or just being a dangerous individual, but I guess the situation is completely different once you're actually in it. The thought that someone was out to kill you however I can imagine can be quite disturbing for a long time.
@Punk3r77 5 лет назад
The issue is, human beings don't work to well without any emotion. Ending a life, justified or not, can wreck someones mental state very easily if they're not ready to do it. The case with the home invader getting bopped probably ruined his early life just because of that.
@yrstrly98 5 лет назад
Hence why everyone should own a "2nd amendment" in their house. If it was a perfect world it wouldn't be necessary. But we live in reality, and at the end of the day, when you and your family's life is in danger and you realize that the police are always going to be 30 minutes too late, that is not the time to wish for something you should have long had. Better to have it and never need to use it.
@xord1946 5 лет назад
That's circular reasoning. Basically "we need guns because since guns are allowed, people can have guns, which is why I also need a gun". Sure, a gun makes you feel safer. But realise that hundreds of people also have guns. We're better off in societies where guns are rare. And yes, in these societies, there are sometimes bad people who still manage to get their hands on a gun. An in these situations, you're inddeed gonna wish you also owned one. Because emotions. In such a situation obviously you're not gonna think "I'm fine with that, more people get to live because I findd myself in such a situation". It's human nature, we are willing to let hundreds of people die just so we are safer. And the fun thing is, we always assume we are that person who's gonna be safe because we have that weapon. We never assume we might get on the other side of the gunfire. Best balance is, all lethal weapons banned and strict punishment for gun owners. Non lethal weapons easy to get. (tasers, pepper spray).
@spades1018 5 лет назад
Xord Oh boy, I can’t wait to go hunting with my pepper spray!
@xord1946 5 лет назад
@@spades1018 there are huntersnin countries with gun regulation...
@spades1018 5 лет назад
Xord Because those countries don’t ban all lethal weapons.
@spades1018 5 лет назад
Xord You can’t kill an animal with a non-lethal weapon, buddy.
@jonathonmoores9137 4 года назад
Two guys broke into my parents house when I was 18 and my stepdad chased them out, my stepdad being 6”5 and my younger brother being 6”2 , the dudes were no match , they booked it out the backdoor and one of the dudes tripped running out the door and face planted breaking his leg , I heard the snap and everything , he was arrested and the other dude got away , no one got killed though , thankfully, made me laugh when the dude snapped his leg and was there saying sorry the whole time, I just laughed
@Tri_Nitro 4 года назад
It just hit me that every one of these people, even prepared, were deeply scared of fighting and taking someone's life. Also maybe physical wounds heal, but the mental ones stay for life. It's so sad these good people now suffer from some dumb idiots...
@zeke7515 5 лет назад
Now imagine if Beto takes all those firearms.... "We care about you"
@icedcoldkilla 4 года назад
So he can rob your house easily, duh.
@jonathanrullman1278 4 года назад
And Bloomberg told me that firearms should only be in the hands of the “professionals” not law abiding citizens god forbid?!?
@IronVigilance 5 лет назад
This music and theme totally doesn't fit with the tone of the video lol Also, this is why I'm against gun control. Self defense is everyone's right.
@deaththekid922 5 лет назад
yet , its easy access to gun giving robbers , and burglars their guns if robbers cant just buy them at a store , you wouldnt need one to defend yourself either , and honestly , for self defense , a kitchen knife can do just as much damage if you hit the right spot in the throat ( especially if you hit the carotid artery )
@linkron9746 5 лет назад
@@deaththekid922 meaning gun control is useless, because you'd still get murdered, so if you give everyone access to guns they'll have the same chance of surviving compared to the person robbing them. Criminals have no problems getting a gun even if it's illegal. That's why they're *criminals.* Because they *break the law.*
@KoltiraMemeweaver 5 лет назад
That's what I always say too. It's their own fault if they get offed instead. Make sure you're *darn well* prepared for the possibility of dying instead if you attack someone else unprovoked. It becomes a two way street.
@Blazequine 5 лет назад
I mean I'm only in highschool, so it cant really apply to me except for that I'll get beat up sometimes cause I'm a guy that dresses pastel. But I dont care much. It's not their fault
@KoltiraMemeweaver 5 лет назад
@@Blazequine I grew up abused by my father. Physically, verbally/emotionally, and molested. It's influenced my zero tolerance view on trash like in the video. That "if you threaten someone's life, you forfeit your own" quote sums it up.
@Blazequine 5 лет назад
@@KoltiraMemeweaver I suppose that's true, I'll remember that. It's a good piece of advice :)
@Blazequine 5 лет назад
@V P Idk I just try not to put the blame on a single person. It's more the school's system rather than the people.
@Blazequine 5 лет назад
@V P ....America..?...idk it was kinda dumb I just dont like confrontation so I avoid going to the bathroom at school at all.
@DracuSRL 5 лет назад
... and when i think about all those bodies i buried .. wait you said lawfully.... nevermind
@Ardorstorm 5 лет назад
DracuSRL r/cursedcomments
@benwelter8890 5 лет назад
I don't see why people wish they didn't kill people in self defence. As the guy said, "the second you threatened someone's life, your forfeit your own". You shouldn't wish you could fix the past, as far as I personally see it, you already did. Someone else doesnt have to potentially face death. I don't know, is this too cold of an outlook?
@PraecoLumieres 5 лет назад
No, it's not too cold. Modern people are just pussies.
@CrimsonPhantom88 5 лет назад
I can't fathom feeling bad about killing someone who is trying to kill me or anyone under my protection. Live by the sword, die by the sword.
@oinkleberry 5 лет назад
Tons of people on the internet are wannabe edgelord badasses. And they've probably lived in a cushy suburb their whole life as well, explaining why they wish life was an action movie. No matter how justified, erasing a human life is profound. Don't let yourself think otherwise.
@CrimsonPhantom88 5 лет назад
@@oinkleberry Doesn't sound like me. I have a broken arm and bite marks from being attacked by a maniac just weeks ago. If my friends hadn't saved me, he probably would've killed me. If one of their punches killed him, I wouldn't have felt one iota of sympathy.
@hecatrice2064 5 лет назад
@@PraecoLumieres r/iamverybadass r/lewronggeneration
@thedarkwolves8716 5 лет назад
and yet people say " GuNs ArE BAd YoU DoNT NeEd ThEm"
@Frolaire 5 лет назад
I remember reading this story of a dude who was bore-sighting a .20 or .50 (I don't remember which) upper shot bmg rifle, and had to use it for home and self defense as it was the closest thing he had. I think he said these guys ran a truck into his porch or some shit. The one guy he managed to hit with this monster of a rifle blew the torso to nothing. He eventually sold it to buy a house.
@u.h.forum. 4 года назад
I was playing fortnite when a guy came to my house and I shot him with my AK-47 UMP 9 and all my glocks
@properosn7507 4 года назад
If you played Minecraft, you could of destroyed his balls without any charges. Because he went inside the house when you playing is illegal
@nj6618 4 года назад
I think it’s really sweet how the guy was protecting his little sister no matter what #bestbrother
@curtfishfilms9895 5 лет назад
This is why Americans sleep with guns nearby. Just in case anything like this ever happens it won’t be them who dies. With crime rates high in America this is becoming more and more common
@snakeywakey3893 5 лет назад
Everyone that lives within a few miles of me have guns in their homes. Nothing bad ever happens here.
@xord1946 5 лет назад
"They result in much lower crime rate" Correlation =/= causation.
@Сашаромисмерть 5 лет назад
Thats why i want to conceal
@denverbajio9752 5 лет назад
@whack187 5 лет назад
@@denverbajio9752 Fuck you mean don't?
@whack187 5 лет назад
@R* explain please.
@Сашаромисмерть 5 лет назад
@R* Why so a mentally ill person can murder me, while i cant defend myself?
@ittah_2770 5 лет назад
@R* lol you're a fucking idiot
@Maks-tc5sc 5 лет назад
The porno music in the background tho
@crazyboy-ed8nz 5 лет назад
If someone ever broke into my house I’d always like to imagine what their reaction would be if it’s pitch black in the living room I have a Bluetooth speaker on and they just here big smoke yelling “YOU PICKED THE WRONG HOUSE FOOL”
@coryscout1 5 лет назад
Man, this made me feel ill. Not because of the deaths, but because of the idea of being put in story tellers shoes.
@guooofangniiiinggg 5 лет назад
@gys2801 4 года назад
dang.. after this i put my pocket knife and my very realistic bb gun under my bed, lol.
@donalddank6536 5 лет назад
Jesus christ these stories are the reason I'm a 2A supporter and plan to get a concealed carry when I'm 21
@xord1946 5 лет назад
These stories should have convinced you otherwise. Common sense would tell you to be against 2A, but yet still get a gun. It's better to remove guns at all, but given a situation where other people do have guns, it's better to have one as well.
@snakeywakey3893 5 лет назад
The residence of a human friend of mine has 2 guns in it. Both are shotguns (I think they are Mossberg 500s) and one is kept in his bedroom and another is kept in the basement in a spot no one would think to look (behind a mattress on the wall that is behind some heavy cabinets that you can get to only one way) and despite the crime rate being 0 where he lives, he still keeps them loaded (but safety is always on just in case) just in case. I personally just keep an Energy Sword with me but I have a Storm Rifle as well that is in my bedroom.
@nicazer 5 лет назад
Dude on the one where the meth-head tried to rob him, good on him for hitting fatal, even accidentally. Drugs can mess up your pain receptors and can cause you to just not feel/feel reduced pain so lethal is the only way to stop them, unfortunately.
@designateddildodealer6120 5 лет назад
I knew a guy who was so angry, he just snapped and before I knew it, he killed half the world's population.
@thecoolcarhd4402 5 лет назад
You mean bill clinton?
@EddyDaboy 5 лет назад
@Julian-yb2jm 5 лет назад
John Wick?
@Julian-yb2jm 5 лет назад
@giinks 5 лет назад
@waltdisney1701 5 лет назад
This is why i keep an axe in my room and am trained to use most pistols, rifles, and shotguns
@jacobp.2024 5 лет назад
Where'd you get training? Family?
@waltdisney1701 5 лет назад
@@jacobp.2024 I got it from my dad and I have been taught how to use most guns (excluding muzzle loaders), my personal favorite gun is a short barreled 1911 chambered in .45. It fits my huge hands well and is lefty friendly (I am entirely left handed).
@hecatrice2064 5 лет назад
That's very interesting ''TheOneTrueAnimeLover"
@reynaldoponce3645 5 лет назад
@@waltdisney1701 Lol fake and gay
@Monsiemage 5 лет назад
My dad and father in law are both Concealed carry holders, and Arkansas passed a right to carry law a couple of years back, and we were all talking about how bad of a thing it actually is. People don't really understand what it takes to carry a gun on the regular, nor is every person fit to do so, even if they might be fit to own firearms and use the for home protection, hunting, sporting. The Concealed carry class is very very detailed, my dad studied for close to a month to pass his test, and someone with a Federal Firearms license , or some other high ranking certs has to pass you off. It discuses things such as only pulling your firearm if you are in absolute fear of your life, the fact that you're going to sit in jail even if you acted in self defense a majority of the time, if you have camera footage you will still end up with a court date, but might be able to avoid sitting. The story about the guy in the wreck, who pulled a gun on the other guy made me thing of it, that guy was out of his mind after the wreck happened, he pulled a gun, and ended up justifiably dead for it. When you decide to become a Concealed carry holder, you undergo mental evaluations, training, and have to submit lots of a paperwork to the fed, and state. I haven't carried any of my guns once since the law has been passed even though I legally could. I'd still rather go through a concealed class. The damage from this obviously is, two people can get in a argument, one person gets a little pushy, bam dead. People who haven't been trained and cleared should not carry firearms in public, I'm 100% pro second amendment and 100% for the protection of the average person against crimes, but you could spit on a Concealed holder, and they wouldn't flinch a muscle, just walk away. Being able to carry is good for life threatening situations. Un-educated people tend not to know what lines have to be crossed before their life is at risk. All of these stories were justified, and I'm glad everyone that wrote them was able to defend themselves, however most seem to have damage even if they were in the right. I was talking to a Korean war vet one day, and we were talking about this very subject, he said "Yeah don't ever kill a man if you don't have too" He was still very troubled about killing people who were trying to kill him, he talked about how you had to live with it the rest of your life, he went on and on about how they were told the same we were, that we were the enemy and to kill us, and how they were actually all just men sent to fight for governments, and in his mind, the North Koreans had zero choice, it was kill or be killed by their government. Truly a haunting situation I'm glad I don't have to live with.
@frigglebiscuit7484 5 лет назад
shall not be infringed.
Completely agree mostly about uneducated people they can’t control there emotions and would go for a gun over an argument about a parking space, guns shouldn’t be acesable to everyone but are they could never pass a law to take them because people would just ignore it. It would take hundreds of years to get all the guns off American streets.
@Sammie_Sorrelly 4 года назад
"Lawfully killed" "In Iraq" Yeah, right.
@hellfirehades2232 4 года назад
Sammie Lauren H well I mean yea your right buuuut but but he was probably very young (I wasn’t paying attention really) and if you see a guy with a rpg pointing at you your going to freak out and he was a gunner on a armored car and that’s a very big gun (.50 or 30mm grenade laucher)
@therubmeister 4 года назад
13:28 Wow man... tossed a cushion at him... that's too brutal... come on he was wielding an axe not a grenade... tut tut tut... too brutal...
@tommylynch7887 5 лет назад
ToadFilms, you should make an outro The video just ends very abruptly Also nice vid
@julianmurillo4678 5 лет назад
In my country, you are only “allowed” to kill someone in self defense only if the enemy has the same weapon as you. That means if that the killer has a knife and you a gun, you can’t kill him or will go to jail, other wise you need to let him kill you or injure you until you can shoot. Some time ago some person killed a killer in self defense and went to jail 20 years because of it. Sad I know.
@davidcardinal3654 5 лет назад
Sad. That’s why I will always defend America’s right to self Defense. Once that gets taken away watch the gang members take over the country just like they did in South America.
@yrstrly98 5 лет назад
get out of that country or throw a bloody revolution, something ain't right with your government.
@yrstrly98 5 лет назад
@@davidcardinal3654 Good man.
@jacobp.2024 5 лет назад
@@CanonOverseer when a country stops you from being able to self-preserve, you know you're fucked.
@sumboredazn 5 лет назад
@@CanonOverseer and yet your countries politicians and law makers are all protected by armed bodyguards WITH guns :/ weird world and rules aint it
@TerranPlanetaryDefenseForce 5 лет назад
I am glad that many of them were able to fight off their aggressor with a weapon I am glad that they survived to tell the tale.
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