
Rent Control Explained: Debunking Your Landlord's Myths 

More Perfect Union
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Rent across the country is reaching record highs-11% nationwide and over 40% in some cities. Tenant organizers in St. Paul, Minnesota think they have a solution. In November 2021, they passed a bill with a 3% cap on annual rent increases. The movement was led by renters like Cynthia Brown, a local resident who became homeless for two years after her husband passed away and she couldn’t afford her rent.
St. Paul’s bill is the kind of rent control that landlords fear and economists hate.
Landlords want you to think that rent regulation will make housing prices go up. But that’s not true. We found that rent control can help keep tenants in their homes and doesn’t hurt most landlords - it just cuts into the profits of the most predatory ones. And a bill like this would help tenants like Cynthia Brown stay in their homes. We debunked the common myths about rent control and what the bill will mean for St. Paul.
To understand more about how rent stabilization impacts communities, read the entire report from the University of Southern California:
And the study on rent stabilization in Minneapolis from the University of Minnesota Center for Urban and Regional Affairs:
To understand more about patterns of gentrification in cities, read:
Samuel Stein’s Capital City: Gentrification and the Real Estate State: www.versobooks...
P.E. Moskowitz’s How to Kill a City: Gentrification, Inequality, and the Fight for the Neighborhood
As of July 2022, neighboring city Minneapolis is also considering rent regulations modeled on St. Paul’s bill. St. Paul mayor Melvin Carter is currently seeking an exemption for new construction on the St. Paul ordinance, in spite of resistance from the activists that helped pass the bill.
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28 сен 2024




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@michaelschiemer3 Месяц назад
Mortgage rates are currently at an all time high since 2000(23 years) and based on statistics on inflation, we might see that number skyrocket further, a 30-year fixed rate was only 5% this time last year, so do I just keep waiting for a housing crash before buying or redirect my focus to the equity market
@Rachadrian Месяц назад
The stock market is no different, to maintain profit you need to have some in-depth knowledge on the market. I mostly just buy and hold stocks, but my portfolio has been mostly in the red for quite awhile now. Unfortunately to be able to make good gains, you’ll need to be consistent and restructure your portfolio frequently.
@Dantursi1 Месяц назад
In my opinion, it was much easier investing back in the 80s but it’s a lot trickier now, those making consistent profit in these times are professionals reason I’ve been using an advisor for the past 5 years to consistently build my portfolio in preparations for retirement.
@CindyValenti Месяц назад
My partner’s been considering going the same route, could you share more info please on the advisor that guides you
@Dantursi1 Месяц назад
Annette Christine Conte is her name. She is regarded as a genius in her area and works for Empower Financial Services. By looking her up online, you can quickly verify her level of experience. She is well knowledgeable about financial markets.
@Dantursi1 Месяц назад
Annette Christine Conte is the licensed advisor I use. Just research the name. You’d find necessary details to work with a correspondence to set up an appointment
@JZSPAID 2 года назад
As a St. Paul resident, my landlord was only able to raise my rent by $30 June 1st thanks to the new legislation. Them being able to raise rent by whatever price they want would be impossible for people to afford staying due to wages being stagnant..
@scottmolnar4132 2 года назад
I hope you didn't like having maintenance done on your apartment because if they cannot increase revenue they cut costs
@imnotnotgameiacmaniac5327 2 года назад
@@scottmolnar4132 9:20
@AS-rx3yk 2 года назад
Rent control results in landlords selling their rental properties resulting in lower inventory. New development will shrink considerably further worsening supply. For those who are renters now, it's happy days temporarily. For future renters, it will be hell trying to find a rental property. Enacting laws to discourage availability of affordable homes verges on mindlessness.
@scottmolnar4132 2 года назад
@@AS-rx3yk landlords probably won’t sell because people won’t buy, so they let the property fall into disrepair until eventually the property burns down and the landlord gets insurance money to build somewhere else
@joshuathomas1847 2 года назад
@@AS-rx3yk Umm if they sell the house didn't go away. Selling doesn't affect inventory. The real problem is us living in a broken culture of greed that convinces us charging as much as possible is always right.
@ShroudedWolf51 Год назад
I know properties all over the city I live in that will ask for 2000+ USD per month for a one bedroom, one kitchen flat that haven't had a tenant in a decade or more. I know folks that were willing to pay these extortion prices for a flat, where the landlord mysteriously went silent or suddenly found another tenant when they mentioned the partner that will be living with them is either of the same gender, is transgender, or goes by a non-binary pronoun. Landlords are parasites on society that will lie through their teeth if it means they can raise their profits or keeping a minority group from their properties.
@CordialH Год назад
This. If landlords were genuinely struggling for money they'd have their units full. It's like the wage issue - They decry "Nobody wants to work," and leave out the "for what we want to pay" bit at the end.
@debra1363 Год назад
I am not happy with some of the Trans stuff(in schools) but a person should be able to live with whoever they want to,and to live WHERE they want to.What you do in your private life and how you dress is nobody's business.
@lostbrit2 Год назад
I was looking for something that was a strong argument FOR rent control / stabilization. However this WAS NOT it. While the personal stories are important, they do not address the economic arguments around RC/RS. If someone has a life event that causes financial hardship, there should be social programs that steps in, but that should NOT be addressed by RC/RS. RC/RS does cause a shrinking of the rental pool, and a lowering of rental property quality. There are several proven economic factors for that, and too many examples in the US to support this. There is nothing in this video to viably support a counter argument. The reason that RC/RS tends to get interest and bills are passed is because of these kinds of social stories, but not economic reality. More people understand the former rather than the later, and people = votes. So far I have only heard of ONE example where RC/RS worked. That is in Austria, but technically this wasn't RC/RS that worked. RC/RS was used as a vehicle for the city of Vienna to buy up properties from former landlords after poisoning the rental market. Once they crashed the rental market with RC/RS, they were able to step in. The city effectively became a socially motivated monopoly landlord, and sets rents based on a balance of overall need, and induvial circumstance. It is the only example where property quality did not decline, because the city itself guaranteed it's maintenance in a zero-profit model. I would be interested if anyone has another positive example. The "Vienna" model is unlikely to get any traction in the US since it requires both a very strong socialist mentality, and a city with a lot of money to buy the properties. As far as I know neither of those exist here. I believe the closest we could hope to get in the US would be a significant expansion of well-targeted Section8 vouchers, or a local property tax increase that was then directed to building city-owned housing for those with low means, and/or high needs. Since these really do target the REAL problem which is the supply of housing. RC/RS has shown many times that is does the exact opposite and reduces that supply.
@MrMarinus18 Год назад
There is one big thing many forget and that is that a shrinkage of the rental pool is not a bad thing because most of those buildings are just sold off instead. Rather people are renting homes or buying them is irrelevant. The Vienna model also happened for a different reason which is WW1 as the Habsburg empire fell apart and Germans from all over the empire fled the now independent regions and flooded Vienna. Also when the social housing project began Austria had next to no money at all having been crushed in the war. If anything though it shows how it's political will rather than finance that determines projects like that. Berlin recently implimented a rent control system to great success. They tied the maximum rent to the value of the building to encourage maintanance and they cleverly exempted new buildings from the rental controls. This let to a mass construction of new rental homes and a sell-off of the old ones. However even though the new rental homes were not tied to the rental controls the existing rental homes being tied down still meant they were cheaper than the original rents before the policy. On top of that the massive sell-off of houses and the increase in amount of total houses meant house prices itself also dropped.
@justanoman6497 5 месяцев назад
@@MrMarinus18 A lot of building pulled from rental market actually sit vacant and dilapidated. Not those owned by individuals, mind you, individuals can't afford the write off. But lots of LLC do it, especially if it was leveraged purcahse so they can actuallly just write it off and declare bankruptcy eventually. Sometimes the building sits so long that it become unsuitable/unsafe for habitation so they should, by right, be redeveloped. But no one wants to put in the money to do that and a lot of time the zoning code etc are too difficult to work with. What you say, that is to say being sold off, do happen. But there is actually a shrinkage of active housing as well.
@MrMarinus18 5 месяцев назад
@@justanoman6497 Okay, what's the best way to solve that? Maybe a squatting right could work? Or the maybe a project where the local government buys up vacant housing to use as social housing. You could also put in fines for having empty housing.
@MrMarinus18 5 месяцев назад
@@justanoman6497 One way you can solve it also is via property taxes. That you have to pay property taxes even on empty buildings which would provide a strong incentive to make use of it. The problem you are mentioning is real but it's not an argument not to do it. It's just a problem that has to be solved. I think maybe a combination would be best of a higher property tax for empty buildings and maybe a government program that you can sell houses to that you no longer want. That you can sell it to the government with no questions asked other than if it's structurally sound and for like 80% the market price. That 20% loss is cause the government will handle all the paperwork, regulations, zoning and so on for you. Then it can use those houses for a public housing project.
@justanoman6497 5 месяцев назад
@@MrMarinus18 First and foremost, you can't assume there is a way to solve it. For most real world problem, there aren't--there are only ever ways to mitigate it(in some cases, not even that, but I do believe there are here). Squatting right is a horrible thing to suggest. I think what you are thinking of is adverse possession which is not the same thing. The two are often confused. AP is already present in all states I believe, as it was inherited from common law. Buying up the housing by the goverment for social housing would be a way to mitigate it. But this is really hard to get off the ground due to budget and NIBY issues. Further, you have signifcantly underestimated the government's ability to waste money. 20% won't be enough. That said, ultimately having an out of pocket exceeding 100% is potentially better than the alternative. The "property tax" solution is already in effect and haven't solved it. The issue here is that the property is to be written off after squeezing out equity via leverages by the LLC. So they don't care if the property end up being upsidedown one way or another. A fine for empty housing would be in a simlar vein, a small encouragement to utilize to be sure, but marginal due to the intented end result. It would also face applicational problems. Some people have vacation or ancestral home etc that sits empty most if not all the time, would they be hit with the fine too? What about housing that is almost but not quite ready to be lived in held up by some governmental process? Determining when to leverage the fine could be quite tricky. Another long term, albeit slow, mitigation measure is make it so that non-person entities can't buy residential housing. As noted, most "people" can't afford to just write property off like that, it's only the LLC that have ways to dodge the consequence that do it. Those entites should still be allowed to build-to-own, because extra housing created in any way and form is good, but no longer buy so there won't be a potential drain as a consequence of whatever. But even this have problems. Regardless of your opinion of them, there are companies that act as brokage/middle man--buy up housing to then sell to others. This allows those who need to make a quick and easy sale for whatever reason to do so. So such preventative law would either kill this or have to open a loophole that might be abused. There might be other use cases that I'm not thinking of off the top of my head. So yes, there are mitigation measures. But each of them tend to either have their own problems or face opposition one way or another. "Just a problem that has to be solved" is a rather dismissive attuide toward it. It's a lot harder than you might think. Ultimately, whether to do something will likely come down to a balancing act between the pro and the con(the con being how many and frequent problems arise and the cost of mitigation).
@larrycimorell5477 2 года назад
Development DECREASED more than 60% in St Paul and INCREASED in Minneapolis over 60% since St Paul's rent control went into effect. New York has had the longest running rent control in the country San Francisco has had the second longest run. New York and San Francisco also have the highest rents in the country. This quote in 2018 from a Brooking Institute analysis says much: "While rent control appears to help current tenants in the short run, in the long run it decreases affordability, fuels gentrification, and creates negative spillovers on the surrounding neighborhood." There is a reason that literally more than l90% of economists from both left and right agree rent control is detrimental overall.
@Metzgeweiser Год назад
I think a decent amount of people think landlords are individuals. In florida, lot of complexes are ran by property management who prioritize shareholder dividends. Many are like renting from a buy here pay here, slap a pretty bandaid on it until someone signs a contract.
@susanfudge1737 Год назад
True. Those that are RUN by big companies will increase because they can afford the increased taxes, insurance, building regulations. When government passes laws to protect poor, it hurts the middle class and will eventually profit the elite.
@reverendbluejeans1748 Год назад
If there was a price control on food, the only shops that would stay in business would be big supermarkets. Because supermarkets run on vastly smaller margins, the local shops.
@Boris80b Год назад
Yep. Too many justifications for greed.
@reverendbluejeans1748 Год назад
@@Boris80b I am sure a lot of these companies are over leveraged. When the interest rates go up, it gets ugly.
@Boris80b Год назад
"Over leveraged" often isn't the whole story.
@Solidsnake999 Год назад
Landlords wants rent to pay their mortgage if no rent coming up no mortgage is paid … Meaning the bank will take over the apartment complex and the landlord will be homeless too .
@jessicabixler1658 Год назад
Tell the landlord not to leverage enverone else's money to the hilt...
@sonic8005 Год назад
If you're relying on tenants to pay you in rent to pay off the mortgage, is it not them who paid the mortgage off? Why should you be entitled to keep the property if you paid for it with money given to you by other people who got nothing in return?
@Solidsnake999 Год назад
@@sonic8005 Nothing in return !!!! The landlord is giving people apartments to live in lol
@sonic8005 Год назад
@@Solidsnake999 how much do they have to pay you to keep it? How much in rent? If you can evict them at any time and they have nothing to show for it then everything I said was correct
@zcorpalpha2462 Год назад
@@sonic8005Bank will evict you 😂
@Zer0Blizzard Год назад
9:10 Not so fun fact, basically no cities or states in the US keep track of which houses are currently occupied, who owns them, or requires real names for owners. Simply asking the local water+electric utility to find out which houses are drawing water+electricity to attempt to find this out is considered a massive overreach into corporate private knowledge. The US census also doesn't publish a list of which addresses they've knocked on, and the 2010 census had a 22% self reported non response rate, and the 2020 census is largely considered terrible and borderline nonusable because the Trump admin ended it a month early, explicitly went after immigrant groups with harassment and generally completed the already poor process worse than normal.
@richardmeiners6535 9 месяцев назад
Actually in most areas it is really easy to find out who the owner of a property is, just go to the county appraisers page and do a property search. Most counties have one, but I am too lazy to look at all the counties in the US to verify it for all of them. You can also find if the taxes are being paid or not, ones that are behind are often vacant.
@brainown3149 Год назад
The problem with this comes when taxes and insurance cost start rising faster then the landlord can increase rent due to the 3% cap. My insurance jumped 12% this year and county taxes 8% due to "inflation" but if i was capped at 3% i would be forced to sell the house vs keep renting it. I simply wouldnt pay the mortgage.
@JaymesJack Год назад
There are 2 sides to the story. We have to look at the insurance companies and regulate their cost also. Property taxes are also ridiculous. Not all landlords are rich and have the same situations.
@JanPospisilArt Год назад
Wow, almost like it's a bad idea to get a mortgage to play landlord. Other people should not be responsible for your poor financial decisions.
@NiceOCGuy1981 Год назад
Then your place gets repoed
@errorite6653 Год назад
@mericanmodi8479 "I can't afford my second absentee mortgage unless I force someone else to pay for it, but also it's still other people's fault if they can't afford to buy it for me."
@errorite6653 Год назад
@mericanmodi8479 Lmao are you even literate? I said "someone." If I leave, then someone else is forced to pay. If they leave, someone other than them is forced to pay, and so on. That is how rent-seeking works by definition, because if the landlord were paying for it themselves, it *categorically* wouldn't be rent. You're in denial of reality. You even implicitly admit this when you say, "go rent elsewhere." Like, that's still being forced to rent from *someone*, dipshit. Landlords have the entire backing of the state and police behind them; whether or not you think it's justified, THAT IS FORCEFUL. Obviously. What, are you 12?
@kathleenleal3053 2 года назад
Not even 5 months after it passed - the law was overhauled. Why? Well- new construction was halted and nobody could get financing to build housing. Unintended consequences when you put in price controls. St. Paul will have housing permits-just in the form of luxury housing.
@muhammadfawzi1145 2 года назад
Great point!
@nonenone769 Год назад
uhmm, I don't think this is the place to be stating actual facts. You are to just say landlord evil ... 🤷‍♀because. Sure the title has "...Debunking Your Landlord's Myths", how many facts were in this video to debunk anything? It's a bunch of feel sad and we are sticking it to the greedy landlords. So, pack up your documented facts and get da steppin' on this side of the interwebs, we echo our feelz and not facts. Where's the sarcasm button? 🤔
@jacobnapkins1155 Год назад
Wrong they still have rent control they just added an 8% amendment Oregon has rent control to and it's much cheaper there than it's neighbor to the north where rent control is illegal
@TohaBgood2 Год назад
@@jacobnapkins1155 Oh, so they made the limit irrelevant thus invalidating the law? You do understand that an 8% growth rate means that the rent would _double_ about every 9 years, right? Has rent doubled in this city over the preceding 9 years? No. I live in a city that has been rent controlled since the 70s. Building in the city has basically stopped. Rent is at $3-4k for a 500 ft "one-bedroom" apartment. A ton of the old housing stock has been either literally sitting empty or been cut up for condos. Rent control is a blunt axe. If you want to do surgery on your rent prices you either need much much more precise tools or you need to just address the core problem. Now tell me, would your landlord be able to raise your rent if the brand new building across the street had a larger unit with hardwood floors, a pool, a fitness center, and a rooftop with grills and a hotub? Rent control is a typical do-gooder idea that sounds good on paper but is a disaster in practice. Anyone who actually lives in a rent controlled city will tell you this.
@Boris80b Год назад
@@jacobnapkins1155 yep
@t.steelelloyd9310 2 месяца назад
Rent control stops all new development
@coreyfisher2542 3 месяца назад
Noticed how they focused in on bigger property management companies. They say nothing about families in the next tier that own a single property. Inflation goes up, but there's nothing they can do to finance repairs, upgrades or quality of life for their tenants.
@MetalBum 2 года назад
Wages have gone up a lot. Rent control doesn’t solve anything it makes cities worse. Crime worse in areas with rent control too because they can’t evict gang members.
@curtisw0234 Год назад
Y’all know rent control fucks over renters that don’t benefit from rent control. Landlords jack up the price to new tenants to price in future rent increase caps.
@tocktick20 4 месяца назад
Logic has no place in a discussion about rent control. Landlord bad, tenant victim.
@hexelcolorado6275 2 года назад
Gross cherry-picking at 8:02. Read the full text on the screen, not just the highlighted portion. The video highlights that beneficiaries were "10 to 20 percent more likely to stay in their homes long-term." Narrator ignores: ❗"these welfare benefits were offset by 𝐝𝐞𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐚𝐯𝐚𝐢𝐥𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐬" ❗"rent regulations also likely fueled the 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐨𝐟 𝐒𝐚𝐧 𝐅𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐨." ❗"landlords utilized loopholes allowing them to 𝐫𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐛𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐛𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐳𝐞𝐝 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐞𝐭." ❗"subsequent 𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐝𝐞𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐝 𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐬." Guys, this is IN THE VIDEO ITSELF. The video is titled "Debunking Your Landlord's Myths", but even the studies picked by the video creators prove landlords correct on this matter. This is basically what's happening: Landlords: "If you implement rent control, we'll stop building housing." NIMBYs: "That's a myth. Landlords won't stop building housing because of rent control." Landlords: *stops building housing* NIMBYs: "OMG, who could have seen this coming? There's no way rent control had anything to do with it."
@myronmason8170 2 года назад
Landlords do not actually build houses. They buy up houses and rent them out for a profit. It is literally just a threat they make to stop proper rent control. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-9gm4b1WgVEQ.html
@chrisljieun Год назад
landlords are NOT government!!! are you going to ask grocery stores to give free groceries????
@yaboiii64 7 месяцев назад
They would. correction THEY WILL. The quiet part they dont say is once everything is free everyones time will also be free, to be dictated on what they will be doing with that free time that is. IE you will now work in a factory 55 to 60 hrs a week COMRADE! ahh the proletariat life!
@McRyach 24 дня назад
I despise the landlord as any other renter would. However, the question on my mind, is *what do we want landlords to do?* Do we want them to get less profit from running apartments? Do we want them to leave the renting business and sell their apartments? Or else?
@landlordnation 2 года назад
How can you stabilize rent but don't stabilize property taxes, insurance rates, maintenance costs, and all the other expenses? Everyone only looks at one side of the coin.
@yeeksouphand5843 2 года назад
by doing it anyway and making the rest a burden for the landlord and not the tenant
@k.w.8496 2 года назад
If you really think about it, rent control is just an asymmetric tax that only landlord pays to try to solve the affordable housing problem. It is a lot less sexier if we have to increase tax for everyone and use that to build affordable housing.
@landlordnation 2 года назад
@@k.w.8496 absolutely! Government failed miserably at providing affordable housing. So they tore down 90% of the projects and pushed the burden onto the landlords. This isn't sustainable. Rent control will eventually fail also.
@landlordnation 2 года назад
@@yeeksouphand5843 you won't have any rental houses
@BGcam 2 года назад
@@k.w.8496 funny you mention that because the city of Vienna did exactly that and taxed landlords, and as a result they’ve created a century of stable and affordable housing.
@MAURICZZIO1 Год назад
@Boris80b 5 месяцев назад
@nathanandsugar5252 2 года назад
Mankato MN- on the surface it seems like MN nice but underneath is a regime of middle class homeowner clienteleism and unaffordable housing. Not very hospitable to low wage workers. The metro area only has ~100k people.
@beasaroseco5840 Год назад
Here in NYC they built a bunch of luxury apartments and many of them sit empty because most people can afford it. The problem is mismanagement and greed.
@reverendbluejeans1748 Год назад
These things happen because of government interference. Nobody makes a house not to live in. No animal would not do that. It cost 1%4% cost of the home in maintenance costs.
@sonic8005 Год назад
@@reverendbluejeans1748 it literally is the reality. These homes sit empty as they are much less like a place to live and more like an investment.
@reverendbluejeans1748 Год назад
@@sonic8005 Sure it is. A worse example is china which has ghost cities. The CCP created this issue.
@georgewagner7787 Год назад
They are an investment. My neighborhood has changed from Norwegians to chinese. China didn't have a recession in 2009 so because they don't trust their own government they need somewhere to park their money. If they can they get tenants but if they don't letting the building set is still gaining them profit because it's going up in every year
@georgewagner7787 Год назад
In value
@taski1 2 месяца назад
A bit of looking into this subject, seems property tax is a base issue here.. but whats stopping people from building cheaper residences?
@manuelllaneras Год назад
The 3% cap is still too much of a yearly increase for many. For example 3% of $1800 monthly rent is $54, so in two years your already paying about $110 a month more. Income is not keeping up with these increases and with the inflation in general. More has to be done. We have to challenge the idea of housing as a commodity and think of housing as a basic human right.
@madderscience 10 месяцев назад
right or not, somebody has to produce it, maintain it, and for rentals, manage it. Costs of doing that go up along with everything else. Recent inflation has been more than 3%. Capping rent increases at 3% then means forcing housing providers to accept less every year for doing the same work at greater expense. That is not sustainable and we all know it. Keep it up too long without any way out and eventually you get the bronx in the 1970's. If your wage isn't increasing enough to keep up with a 3% rent increase, (which BTW could be entirely paid for with a 1% raise if you work full time) then upskill or take another job, or move, or get a roommate. There are options.
@stanleykania7184 Год назад
Ya gotta have a law that protects landlords too.
@soggytonispuri6901 8 месяцев назад
@helios2664 3 месяца назад
From what? Not being allowed to do what is effectively the equivalent to scalping but with housing?
@evict123 3 месяца назад
Rent control goes against the principal of a free economy. Income property owners are the only industry where there is price controls. Rent control limits the desire to build apartment units. Less units creates more demand, which thereby escalates rents. Every economist will cite this principal. Study after study shows that where there are jurisdictions with rent control create higher rents. The market should determine the rental value.
@Geblawi 2 года назад
I love this channel, and I’m not even American! ☺️
@iLoveBoysandBerries Год назад
I absolutely despise all people that are decades in a rent control building.. Ridiculous trash of society taking advantage of landlords
@Anita.Cox. Год назад
Rent control can work it just depends on how it works, for Berlin and San Francisco they made it so that old and unimproved homes rents were frozen preventing gentrification and making it so that to make more money you'll have to build or improve the homes.
@yaboiii64 7 месяцев назад
So let me get this straight. They punitively punished the owner so they CANNOT make significant improvements by limiting their ability to get the funding over time to make said improvements. Wild logic. Definitely a (D) that came up with that. Bet the taxes and utilities were not capped tho. Govt gotta make that caddy payment.
@Anita.Cox. 7 месяцев назад
@@yaboiii64 they froze old and decrepit apartments so they had to make a improvement, they were not stopped in improving the building they had to do it or make below market prices. Also whats the point of mentioning taxes and utilities? Majority of rent payment go towards mortgages that conveniently do not go down when the mortgage is paid off.
@godonlyknows13 2 года назад
Hot take, I guess: Everyone should have access to free housing. Like, if you want to save up and buy a home, thats great. But an option free at the point of service should always exist for housing (etc.) Sorry, not sorry. Fight me.
@kevinstfort 2 года назад
I like how Singapore does it.
@programking655 2 года назад
That’s a way better idea that rent control
@briant1319 2 года назад
You're free to give a free house to whoever you want. Knock yourself out.
@godonlyknows13 2 года назад
@@briant1319 No, like everyone. No one should ever be on the street bc of money. The government should have housing available for anyone who wants/needs a place to live.
@neonnoir9692 Год назад
@@godonlyknows13 that's not the government, that's us paying your way. Just to destroy the place.
@joncuz718 Год назад
help me with the math please, I went to public school, landlord cost for upkeep is $1000/month, but landlord is forced to collects $700/month, how much does landlord need to continue providing rentals to his other tenants?
@billie7745 7 месяцев назад
In what world does upkeep costs you a 1000 / month? Housing should not be an invesmtemt but it's used as such
@joncuz718 6 месяцев назад
@@billie7745 clearly you never owned a apartment before, mortgage itself is already at least 1k.
@billie7745 6 месяцев назад
@@joncuz718 it's not a renters job to pay your mortgage. I don't care. Landlords are parasites. Equal to ticket sculpers for concerts. Absolutely unnecessary
@johncrofford День назад
@@joncuz718, how many landlords didn't refinance a few years ago at 3.5% or less? And how many landlords decided to subsidize their renters at the outset by hundreds of dollars a month? I'm not sure how much sympathy I should have for landlords who got adjustable rate mortgages.
@avipharmd7646 Год назад
You must give developers and financial incentive to build low cost housing. You must give landlords a financial incentive to properly maintain their buildings. Otherwise the housing market will be stagnant and demand for housing will skyrocket.
@icemike1 Год назад
Maintain or don't get paid
@avipharmd7646 Год назад
@@icemike1 - it costs to maintain. don't put the carriage before the horse.
@avipharmd7646 Год назад
If rent does not cover the cost to maintain, the apartments will be left empty. Over 100k apartments in New York are deliberately left vacant by the landlords because of cost affective analysis. In other words, if they rent it at the rest stabilized rent than they are loosing money every month. @@icemike1
@avipharmd7646 Год назад
its illegal to get housing court records to see if the tenant has a history of not paying rent.@mericanmodi8479
@ronberman8947 Месяц назад
We need rent caps nation wide in America...
@dailyorangepill3338 9 месяцев назад
Where are all these men who need to take care of their children? This is not the job of the taxpayer.
@anthonydooley3616 Год назад
Putting a cap on rent at the same time that property taxes, insurance, repairs, etc are going up will result in landlords selling the houses. This means less available rentals which increases the cost of rent due to supply and demand.
@two6nine Год назад
What justifies the increase? Cause if it’s greed, then that’s the problem.
@charlesyoungblood9414 Год назад
I hear you got promotion at job, yes? Congratulations. I raise your rent now. You make more money, you can afford more, yes? Okay. I raise your rent.
@cinnaminson0653 Год назад
Rent control is total BS, period.
@paulk9985 2 года назад
Can we stop all the b.s. and just build more housing? This will make a huge dent in this problem. Govt is the root cause. This can all be fixed if red tape and regulations were eased on builders. This "problem" has been around for many decades, and few viable options have come to fruition when govt is involved. It's all by design, by our govts.
@theomen131 2 года назад
Id love to agree with you, but the problem is not red tape and the government. Building construction companies and landlords, all make MORE money by restricting the amount of houses. The private market does not WANT to build more houses. To get more houses we actually need the government to build them (social housing) and we could solve housing in a few years. Don't believe me? USSR did it!!
@paulk9985 2 года назад
@@theomen131 Actually we need low-cost housing and affordable housing. We (maybe not you) do not want to be like the former USSR in any way. Bottom line, the government rules everything. Builders can only do what the government allows. This is all fixable - if our governments do what is needed, yet they play game, make excuses and kick the can down the road.
@lmy2366 2 года назад
@@theomen131 What is in the interest of one developer is not in the interest of another. Why can't leftists understand this simple concept?
@sew_gal7340 Год назад
Most neighborhoods dont want affordable housing near their homes...it means higher crime and riff raff
@jacobnapkins1155 Год назад
Nope housings inelastic people don't build to the point it loses them money which is why we need rent control
@buildingbuildercip8292 11 месяцев назад
The reason why rents are so high today is because of the housing shortage, the rent moratorium during Covid, and beyond, and all of the free money people were given. There is too much money in circulation now and inflation has done its thing. Welcome to the new paradigm.
@TheAbbster79 Год назад
Currently live in a part of Saint Paul which is receiving major investment in public transportation. Definitely would be rent hiked out of my apartment without this ordinance in place
@buildingbuildercip8292 11 месяцев назад
Renters can be so ignorant!!😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 They don’t see how rent control only makes it worse for renters. Landlords have no problem selling their home at a profit. By selling it…they now remove it from the rental market leaving a renter with one place less to go.
@user-wj8pi5bj3k 10 месяцев назад
It's not the landlords job to show sympathy. You failed to save a emergency fund. It's unfortunate but it's on you! Not the landlord.
@marcusantimony7535 Год назад
If inflation is 7% and rent hikes can only go up 3%, the landlord will lose money. What will happen is that landlords will no longer fix things. Also all market-driven construction will cease if the builder cannot make a profit. Folks, it works like this: either the builder and landlords make money or no new housing stock is made available. The only building that will take place is public housing, but the benevolence of taxpayers is not limitless.
@trevor19qhshe Год назад
Landlords will lose money?????????????????? How the fuck are landlords LOSING money. If a landlord charges the national average for rent, approcimatly $1200, for 1000 apartments, thats a net of $1.2million. I dont think landlords should be making $1.2million atall. Taking care of a building like its a piggy bank is NOT a job worthy of $1.2 million. Rent should be FREE if not $25/sq ft. and maybe $50-$100/sq ft for a luxury apartment and rental homes should ONLY be rent to buy.
@marcusantimony7535 Год назад
@@trevor19qhshe I'm afraid you don't understand the concept of opportunity costs. If I have X dollars to spend and I can get 3% on landlording vs 4.5% on putting my money somewhere else, I will put my money into somewhere else. What will happen to the real estate? It will either be sold (fetch a high price), go without repairs to make the 3% return eak up to 4.5% or the property will stay dormant. Yes, you read that right. The property could sit empty at the discretion of the landlord, waiting for better times. The point is this: it's not the absolute amount of money the landlord receives that is the driving factor, it's the rate of return. You might not like this arrangement but if you were a landlord you would do the very same thing. It's human nature to want the best deal possible.
@SharienGaming Год назад
its quite the assumption that landlords actually fix things as it is also on your reply down there - if the landlord can afford to let the property sit there... earning NOTHING... while still costing property taxes... and you say that is a better deal for them than renting it out... i would just argue your ability to do basic math comes into question also - dont talk about human nature like that... our nature has been to cooperate and build communities - its how we got to where we are (dividing labour, teaching each other, taking care of the sick, pooling resources)... its capitalists that have started to select for individualism to divide us... and we are paying for that dearly... it is basic divide and conquer to further their power and to squash opposition everyone being in it for themselves? yeah its an absolute lie that gets repeated over and over to stop us from banding together and changing these exploitative and oppressive systems
@marcusantimony7535 Год назад
@@SharienGaming look, I own two studio apartments that I don't live in but I keep empty, because I don't feel like selling. I like to hold on to property, I don't mind the property taxes. So my basic math holds. In terms of cooperation vs. competition: When times are hard folks will cooperate, when times are good folks will compete. I'm sorry that times have been hard for you. If you get a job in STEM, though, you will do alright. Never too late to start.
@SharienGaming Год назад
@@marcusantimony7535 mate... im a software developer - im perfectly fine not that that should matter...any job should pay a good living, otherwise clearly the job is not worth doing and guess what? cooperation is one of the most important features of my work... cooperation is what makes humanity thrive... individualism and capitalism are millstones around our necks that are holding us back people like you and the system you defend are the reason for so much suffering in this world
@joaquinmartinez2106 16 дней назад
Lower property taxes and rent won’t increase !!!
@dirka_dirka_mohammedalijihad 9 месяцев назад
The fact is, renters pay for the landlords home, in full, and extra on top. Once the homes paid for, the landlord aquired a free home. Thats the problem here. Why the hell are people allowed to use the top necessity, besides food and water, to profit? Its BS. Shelter is a right. 50 percent of the mortgage should be max rent. Having half of your house paid for is still a win, and its a win for the renters. Dont wanna do that? DONT OWN NUMEROUS HOMES ABD LET PEOPLE HAVE A HOME TO CALL THEIR OWN!!!!
@jamescaley9942 2 года назад
The problem with that it is a near guarantee landlords will always increase by the cap and have also start with a higher asking price, i.e. drive rents up. When inflation is running at over 10% presumably you would be OK to have your salary increases legally capped at 3% to stabilise the economy and control inflation.
@icemike1 Год назад
3% is better than 30%
@Undertak2000 5 месяцев назад
.....how does running a highway through a black neighborhood in the 60s have anything to do with debunking rent control?
@DCMarvelMultiverse Год назад
You mean "bare maximum" for rent.
@rahnohnspears7574 Год назад
Rent control will hurt minority landlords and cause them to lose there property. Black ownership will definitely decline.
@peter9274 7 месяцев назад
I'm ok with high rent because I'm collecting, not paying😅
@Colonel__Ingus69 Год назад
The solution is not rent control it's to take advantage of programs that help you buy your own home. In many cases with no money down! Totally take the landlord out of the equation, you get the equity, and in 10 years no more rent, it's yours free and clear!
@celaeno919 Год назад
Abolish the property tax. Only THEN you might be able to say you actually "own" your home. If you have to still make feudulistic payments to the state in the property tax then you don't actually own the land or the property that sits on it.
@Colonel__Ingus69 Год назад
@@celaeno919 so true, it's like renting from the government. It's also a way to take property from the low income.
@kateskeys Год назад
I would hug this woman right now- my landlord is a pig also
@eugenelevin7892 Год назад
Two points to make: The real problem is that more affordable housing is needed with builders incentivized to build the units. The economics have to work. The only way to reduce the cost of building affordable housing is through changing zoning laws to permit more dense housing. However, people who own property in the neighborhoods with proposals to increase the density are adamantly opposed as it might reduce the value of their property. They mentioned in the news story that the jury is still out on the impact of rent control in St. Paul, however, every indication is that new construction permits are down significantly. This could have a negative impact on the future of the city and the quality of the housing stock.
@garykreitz2428 8 месяцев назад
I'm a older guy when I was younger they dedent have a lease if you want the apartment and the landlord wants to rent it to you you got it send a check to him and call him if you need something no security deposit no bull rent was affordable reasonable now its close to a 1000 dollars you pay all utilities and they tell you what you can do and what you can't do charge you for everything you do if you have a pet or have someone stay with you and they own how many properties
@yaboiii64 7 месяцев назад
inflation is rough but also PEOPLE ARE DISREPECTFUL and DO NOT PAY or DESTROY a unit RAISING THE COSTS. So whats your argument? That things were "bettah back in da day?" Thats gone. Long gone. I always say if you want to comment on a subject KNOW it inside and out. Go buy a rental and tell me how much respect you get. You might be disappointed.
@Boris80b 4 месяца назад
Excuses for greed suck
@zcorpalpha2462 Год назад
Okay ✅ ❓ 2030 - 2040, 2 Bedroom Apartment will be $5,500 - $ 6,500 a month 🇺🇸💔 Don’t say I didn’t warn you
@sonic8005 Год назад
Landlords are already increasing rent to insane prices. Rent control would prevent your "warning" coming true.
@MrVhatever Год назад
Aww poor babies can't afford rent.
@invu4834 Год назад
Yeah, cause this worked SO well in St. Paul, didn't it?
@jonathanlax734 Год назад
I lived in a rent controlled apartment in Brookline MA for nearly 14 years during the late 1970s - 1980s. During that time I had a level of housing security that I wish I had now. I was active with the local tenant union and worked for the statewide tenant organization, which mobilized tenants to defend their interests. I can testify that rent control does not lead to rental housing deteriorating or drive landlords out of business. But it does give working people more control over their housing. Bring tenant organizing and rent control back!
@superfisher4379 Год назад
If my property tax is going up two and a half percent every year in Massachusetts your rent should be going up at least two and a half percent. As a landlord I'm responsible for maintenance water bill condo fees etc. Not to mention The possibility of special assessments for things like new roofs new driveway or other landscaping outside of the building. The idea that tenants can force the government to force private property owner to only charge a certain amount for a product is insane.
@seventhcompactor1505 Год назад
Your story is exactly why we have to end social housing. They were giving you subsidized rent, yet you still turned into a whining complainer ? No gratefulness for the welfare ??
@seventhcompactor1505 Год назад
It's not 'your' housing. It belongs to the property owner. You're just a renter....one that good landlords should probably avoid
@jermainemyrn19 Год назад
Why the hell would we create a market for something as basic as housing. How does no one think that's a very stupid idea especially considering wages are not attached to inflation. Americans need to THINK
@WitchMedusa Год назад
No one created a market, a market is an emergent property of a complex society & the natural state of human existence. The bigger issue is government interference & the unnatural inflationary monetary system. Remove those, return to hard money (gold or a decentralized crypto like Monero) & you will find that many of the economic issues people deal with today will disappear.
@mitchtarpley6185 Год назад
Vote to take a way or take control of other peoples property? Taking other peoples property with out their consent is defined as stealing. Would you steal from other people? That is what this video is asking you to do.
@HagiaFantasia Год назад
It's happening everywhere. Not just San Francisco. Really bad in Detroit
@WitchMedusa Год назад
"everywhere" ... Proceeds to list some of the worst cities in the country. Now just add in New York & Seattle.
@TheZombieButler Год назад
Detroit?! Really. Gezzum what is going on? These aren't market forces at all. ( Not that I'm for market forces) something is up. Seriously.
@dc2guy2 Год назад
@williamgoodlett4938 Год назад
together for 7 years. He didn't have live insurance and have her on it? She is a older lady. She never worked? You have to realize you have to prepare. If you are not a top earner you have to work whether part time or full. People don't want their rents raised and I understand that but the first lady that came on didnt make any money!!! Also the price of things go up. I do not like when landlords raise rent on current tenants by $200-$500 a month but going up by $30-70 is a must. Possibly some states/cities $100.
@user-uc9fx4ru7p Год назад
Agree. Cold fact is people don’t think or learn about saving ,investing,compound interest, and insurance. Someone that age who was never able to save at least $3000 in an account. Get everyone has different financial issues to cost them. But if you in your 60’s and can’t or don’t have $1000 in a savings account. That’s not good.
@rodericward626 Год назад
Wake up people we are headed forward socialist country !!
@icemike1 Год назад
@Zer0Blizzard Год назад
2:00 Not so fun fact, besides being an admission of encouraging arson and insurance fraud for profit, this was routinely done in NYC throughout the 1970s and beyond. More than 10,000 apartments were destroyed this way.
@madderscience 11 месяцев назад
My city recently passed a tree ordinance stating that trees over a certain size would require permits, fees and an environmental review before you were allowed to remove such tree from your own lot. It actually said that 'exceptional' trees could not be removed even if damaging nearby structures. guess what happened? In the months before the ordinance went into effect there was a surge in tree removals. Make a law that turns an asset into a liability, and people will attempt to mitigate their circumstances.
@robm9113 Год назад
This video is a little disappointing in that it does not actually 'Debunk Landlord's Myths' contrary to what the video title overtly states. The narrator openly says that "we don't yet know what the effect will be..." of rent controls on the local area, as there has not been enough time to observe the effect. I was reasonably expecting to see a logical argument actually 'debunking' the belief that 'rent controls will reduce housing supply in the long run and make the rental situation even worse', but no real effort seems to have been made to logically debunk that argument. What the video does do is that it promises to argue from the logical side of the argument, while it actually argues mostly from the emotional side of the argument, which again is very misleading and damaging to their cause in the end. Not only is this video disappointing, it actually gives the impression that the creators of this video have NO robust argument against the prevailing belief that 'rent controls reduce the incentive for developers to invest into building new rental housing in the area which directly results in less availability of rental housing in the end'. I am happy to hear from both sides of the argument on this issue, but this video is very disappointing in presenting the argument stated in its title. To their limited credit the creators of this video do seem have some kind of a logical indirect argument in that after watching this video I do get the feeling that some compromise is possible. So, placing some rent increase caps is I think might be possible as long as these caps are not too low, for example they must at minimum match the rate of inflation. So the suggested cap on the increase of rents at 3% obviously would not work in the current state of inflation being much higher than 3%. I think a compromise is possible, but I am not under the impression that the creators of this video are looking for a compromise resulting in a win-win situation. I could be wrong.
@itzcaleb1776 8 месяцев назад
i think you phrase it very poorly when you say that they can just raise rent only after the other agreement is over and it is time for them to either move or accept the new price
@Finesser-94 Год назад
So y’all didn’t have life insurance? That would of bailed you out. What you expect Living off your husband. Why does everybody ask for handouts when they didn’t push themselves to make the best opportunity out of life.
@Oscar-gq4ro Год назад
18 million empty homes kept as investment properties in the US to some 600,000 homeless. There’s an easy solution, cap rent at 1/3 the full time minimum wage. There’s also the Maoist route and frankly I’m cool with it. I had a house fire recently and wound up homeless for a month, between motels and Airbnb shit was rough. Hell the Airbnb I was in was in a subdivision full of them, it was clearly just investment properties. $50/night times 4 bedrooms kept occupied is a lot of fucking profit for these big real estate firms
@garysmokesmeat Год назад
The Maoist route leads to about 50 million dead people. At least you’re honest about being a violent commie.
@bighoss8793 Год назад
If these people spent their energy working and saving money, they wouldn't have any problem buying their own house.
@aarononeal9830 2 года назад
Please talk about Ecosia they are a search engine that plants trees
@joemisek Год назад
Okay... the discussion about rent control and new housing supply... at 10:55, "the power of wealth in developers' hands... what about the people who control whether new housing supply is in our future?" Yes, that's certainly an issue. Totally agree. But, is anyone going to FORCE a wealthy potential developer to build in a rent-controlled area? Which wealthy developer is going to choose to build there as opposed to an uncontrolled area? I agree, that's the crux of the problem. But nobody can be forced to build. If we want to stabilize housing costs, build a lot, everywhere, all pricing tiers. But who is going to do the building and what can we COMPEL them to do?
@fennec5082 Год назад
Yeah don’t mention that the U.S. is 4 million housing units short, due to lack of construction, but yeah let’s make it harder to build more housing!
@LilmissJ111 2 года назад
There is more to this story that they are expressing. And I wouldn't use San Francisco as a positive example. Because we would need to include the homeless situation in both New York, and San Fransisco.
@fhenlizhao5406 2 года назад
Yes I agree. I was shocked by the one sided foolishness they are portraying in this video. When the small affordable apartments evaporate then who will they blame?
@yarogrigoriev1609 Год назад
so the reason for rant prices going up is based off Tax, bad laws, and inflation. If you want to lower rent prices, stop voting for people who over spend in the government and do nothing. Vote to lower taxes, better laws, and lower inflation. You can also thank Biden for the increase in rent as well. Also, there are slum lords and land lords. Difference is one wants money the other cars for about you. When tax increase all land lords need to pay it so they have to add it to the rent price. So Renters end up paying it stacked with bad laws and Covid. Some renters didnt pay rent for months to years so renters needed to make up that loss. Best advise is remove 2018-2021 from those studies.
@vlsice663 Год назад
Rent stabilization it helps the renters stay within budget and actually stay in the city where they actually actively work and actually play don’t forget further a person has to go the less likely they are wanting to spend in the place actually working because one stuff would be actually expensive to the further out you go you’re not gonna want to spend a whole bunch of stuff because you gotta think of how you’re going to get it there. How are you gonna take it away all the while also being in, you know a safe condition because a lot of places might not have safe conditions. Where they are located and plus it keeps the residence in the city where there actually are working at the further out you go they might find other places to work that is actually closer and they might not have to spend a lot to actually go back-and-forth to work place and also don’t forget the further out you are There’s a good chance that you might end up getting fired because there’s also a higher chance of you being late, and a lot of Employers might not always understand that.
@georgewagner7787 Год назад
And if they have to commute farther, sometimes that's part of life. They have to wake up earlier in the morning so they won't be late because you're right that's not the boss's problem either
@naddarr1 2 года назад
The fact that 3% rent increase is too low but a 3% raise for a wage is considered a good raise explains so much.
@jaad9848 2 года назад
Also they keep saying rent control is going to cause landlords to always raise 3% as if they dont do 3% or more a lot of times already.
@Anglynn74 Год назад
because the gap is grossly large and off kilter. if it were 30 yrs ago I'd say you have a point, not in 2022.
@marietta1335 Год назад
@@jaad9848 Yeah, and property tax, insurance, maintenance, etc. don't cost a cent. Profound thinking!
@michaelhuestis7371 Год назад
Ok. I could get behind a 3% increase cap if taxes are capped at 3% and insurance is capped at 3% as well
@siglandoe3913 Год назад
A 3 %wage increase on just $20 per hr is $24 per week or around $100/ month. Sometimes rents may not increase for multiple years, or a decade or more depending.
If the city can cap rents, then the county should cap property tax.
@Srcccfy Год назад
@taiwanisacountry Год назад
Nobody is asking for a rent cap, they are asking to not be fucked over by greedy soulless entities like blackstone. I am sorry that you as a home owner do not have people who can screw you over, like blackstone can. In Copenhagen Blackstone bought up 2% of all private housing in 2019, and their units doubled or tripled in rent. How did they do it? They offered people around 37 thousand dollars to move out of their apartments. Imagine being able to profit after renovation and throwing 37000$ at people to make them move. Why do they need to move? Because they can't increase the rent as much as they want as long as people live in the apartment, and they need to renovate the place before they can increase the rent at all. So why 37000$? Because it is a "low amount". If people actually took the money then they would not be able to find a new apartment in Copenhagen somewhere else, because the market is crazy. Let me ask you, when were your monthly costs for housing increased by 100-200% ow never. Lucky you!
@MichaelForte-jn5pn Год назад
Dream on!!! (I agree with you but here in central Florida it's a fantasy)
@DiscoDashco Год назад
But they won’t because Federalist Society appointees will ensure that giant corporations continue to receive windfall tax breaks instead, which is the reason why federal tax revenues remain so low. Not the only reason, but this is a big contributor.
@Anita.Cox. Год назад
We need to get rid of property taxes and supplement them with lvt's
@Bucketmanhead 4 месяца назад
Abolish renting for big corporations. Incentivize individual ownership. Cap individual landlords to own and rent so many properties.
@MrVirus9898 Год назад
In 10 years, my rent has increased from $700 per month to $1700 for the same apartment, same appliances, and same everything. That's about 10% per year in rent increases with no value added.
@MrVirus9898 Год назад
@Orange Green thanks for the terrible advise. My apartment is the cheapest in a two hour radius.
@lucassteinruck6986 Год назад
I wouldn't doubt that the largest chunk of the raised rent happened over the past 3 years?
@MrVirus9898 Год назад
@@lucassteinruck6986 Correct. I had a year of no increases, and the two others had a significantly larger increases. I got my only break in 2020 cause the pandemic meant the landlord wasnt getting money from all their tenents, but I had a pandemic proof job which so my LL wanted to ensure I would not leave as they needed the consistent cash.
@paxtoncargill4661 Год назад
​@@user-hu3nt3ls4rit's increasing everywhere though
@mackl5035 Год назад
Supply and demand
@matthewboyd8689 Год назад
Landlord: If I can't raise your rent by it more than 3% of a year then I won't be able to reinvest in fixing up the place and making it better The place: hasn't had the landlord do any of the things that they were supposed to, person pays out of pocket to fix it themselves
@hazelXin223 Год назад
Our landlord poured rocks over the dying grass and called it an "upgrade." Now all those rocks are in the parking lot and we roll over them with our cars and it's just annoying.
@hazelXin223 Год назад
They also painted all the buildings white (horrible idea it'll just get dirty and gross looking) when they used to be a beautiful natural brick. idiots.
@hazelXin223 Год назад
And since this all took place, our rent has gone up by about $150 in 2 years.
@Boris80b Год назад
Greedy people never cease to amaze me.
@johnlast6066 Год назад
You must have forgot about the tear you lefties didn't pay rent.
@mikey_gc8 2 года назад
This is the on the ground reporting the mainstream absolutely neglects. What a valuable channel, thank you for all you do.
@programking655 2 года назад
No, rent control is a fucking stupid idea
@ismaelramirez4803 2 года назад
There are so many things wrong in this video and it also doesn't prove anything. It just suppose to get you on their side and sympathize, which I do. However the narrator acknowledges that this bill is the first of it's kind and that there is not enough research to know what this will do to new development, at the same time complaining that divestment and fleeing business played a negative role in the cities economy. This video is well directed but it doesn't have a leg to stand on and the people being interviewed are not qualified to make definitive statements in regard to the implications of price ceilings I get it you, and these people are good people and want the best for humanity but they don't understand basic economics, and the road to hell is paved with good intentions
@jacobnapkins1155 2 года назад
@@programking655 yeah stopping people from being priced out and becoming homeless is so awful
@programking655 2 года назад
@@jacobnapkins1155 It is when it creates a shortage of rental units and the rent controlled units deteriorate because landlords don’t do repairs. It is when landlords start discriminating based on factors other than money when they can’t raise their prices.
@jacobnapkins1155 2 года назад
@@programking655 no they won't the landlord will just sell rather than losing money great for people who actually work for a living who want to own homes and great for working people who don't want to be put out onto the streets due to rent increases
@YashArya01 2 года назад
2:58 Rent Control is a Price Ceiling, not a Price Floor.
@YashArya01 Год назад
@Lind Morn it's sad that so many people look at such videos to confirm what they already want to believe, and end up promoting policies that will lead to more poverty and poorer lives.
@ausboy2281 Год назад
It’s also a miss-allocation of finite resources where it encourages people to take up extra bedrooms and space even after their life circumstances change which prevents new people from being able to move in and afford the housing stock because any new stock is raised due to the shortage. I.E New York. Problem with America is they don’t know how to get their government to build housing directly for the lower classes
@YashArya01 Год назад
@@ausboy2281 I agree with the first para of your reply. Your second para took me by surprise. I don't believe government should be involved in housing at all, just as it shouldn't be involved with any other goods/service. Eliminating rent control and other zoning/housing regulations is enough to create affordable housing. Rest of the indirect improvements would come from more economic freedom in other interconnected areas of the economy.
@ausboy2281 Год назад
@@YashArya01 eliminating rent control and zoning would solve the artificial crisis for the vast majority of people (looking at Japan as a great example) however there will always be a portion of society where the market can’t service their needs due to their low income not being sufficient enough for them to find somewhere to live. (The jobless, elderly, disabled etc etc) Everyone should have a place to stay
@YashArya01 Год назад
@@ausboy2281 well, I too would like to see everyone have a home. Even so, I'd say: 1. Morally, misfortune is not a claim to slave labor. Those unfortunate enough to need help do not have the right to coerce those whose help they depend on. 2. Practically, we would first need to know how many people fall under that category once we have higher economic freedom and therefore higher prosperity. I'd say the number would be quite small, and the productive people would be much wealthier to be able to look out for those genuinely in need for no fault of their own through voluntary generosity. 3. I suspect public housing will come with its own moral hazards and other unintended consequences.
@hexelcolorado6275 2 года назад
This video uses terms interchangeably that don't mean the same thing. "Rent Control" and "Rent Stabilization" are not the same thing. The bill passed, the first of its kind as the video states, is "rent stabilization" -- it limits the rate of rent increase. Landlords are STILL allowed to raise rents, just not by a certain amount. "Rent Control" is when a hard limit is placed on the price of rent, above which landlords are not allowed to raise rent. The broad consensus among economists is that rent control stifles supply within rent-controlled localities. You could make the argument "actually, there's nothing about rent control that prevents landlords and developers from building new housing!" and you'd be technically correct. It's true, developers won't stop building housing... they'll just build the housing somewhere outside the rent-controlled city, i.e., the suburbs and exurbs. This means housing is pushed further and further away from places of work and existing neighborhoods. This means housing sprawls and sprawls and more families are forced into car dependency in order to get to work. This video lumps both "rent control" and "rent stabilization" together under the umbrella term "rent regulation", then proceeds to say that everything bad said about "rent control" is false because "rent regulations" are shown to keep people in their homes. You see the verbal gymnastics going on here? Watch the video again and note how the narrator hops between these three terms without defining each separately. The video also uses "St. Paul", "Minneapolis", and "The Twin Cities" interchangeably, even though the rent stabilization in question only applies to St. Paul, not to Minneapolis. They're two adjacent but separate cities. While hopping back-and-forth between talking about St. Paul and Minneapolis, the video glosses over the fact that the rent stabilization was next to useless at 9:20 because the raise cap was 3% but without rent control rent would not have gone up by that much anyway. The most egregious omission in this video is the fact that Minneapolis (remember, the city opposite of rent-stabilized St. Paul) has seen RENT GO DOWN by hundreds of dollars this year. There's no mention about how five years ago Minneapolis (not St. Paul) abolished single-family zoning. and have been building thousands and thousands of units each of the last 5 years, making Minneapolis the only city in the country where market rate rent is going down WITHOUT RENT CONTROL. In a video about preventing displacement from gentrification, why was there no mention of this????? I wanted to like this video -- all the families and activists seem like genuine people who worked really hard for their city. Even though I don't like rent control, I do like rent stabilization, so I can appreciate the work the activists were doing. And the production quality of the video was great. But sadly, I'm giving it a dislike because of the terrible writing. I dislike this video because people are probably going to watch it and come away more ignorant and misinformed than they were before watching this video.
@malikshabazz2065 2 года назад
well written, good comment dude.
@kevinstfort 2 года назад
Spot on commentary. I’m with you on rent stabilization and abolishing single family zones. I also feel there needs to be better public housing that could help increase supply and lower prices.
@brookedarrah 2 года назад
Hey Hexel I wanted to respond to your comments as the producer of this video. I agree with you that we should have differentiated between different types of rent regulation: rent control and stabilization...the bill in St. Paul was about stabilization and the study done by UMN and the University of California were both studying rent stabilization NOT rent control. I do think it's important to say that rent controlled buildings are almost universally a thing of the past. True rent control only existed briefly after WWII and then on a more limited basis in the 1970s in some cities when inflation was high and then was almost entirely decontrolled in the next decade. New York, for instance, has fewer than 40,000 rent controlled units out of millions of units. Second, we say Twin Cities when specifically looking at studies that included both cities, like the study on the racial home ownership gap in both Minneapolis and St. Paul. The UMN study of rent stabilization looked at Minneapolis but the activists applied the same suggested rate of stabilization for St. Paul --CPI + 3%. As we say in the video, this bill is truly meant to prevent predatory behavior and GOUGING which is why they based the stabilization on what would allow for reasonable return for landlords and based it on the amount most landlords were already raising the rent annually. So it isn't accurate to say that rent stabilization is "useless" because it would protect poorer residents who are more likely to see egregious rent hikes and predatory behavior from landlords. The bill ALSO has carve-outs for landlords when they do renovations and other improvements which we should have mentioned. Third, the study we include about SF looks at a city that both has very strict zoning that prevents new building AND has had laws that gradually decontrolled units. New York has the same problem--NYC has lost many stabilized units (and as I mentioned, rent controlled units) because of laws that allow decontrol. The St. Paul bill is universal in order to prevent decontrol. I also agree with you we would have liked to have looked closer at the impacts of the repeal of single family zoning in Minneapolis, which are inconclusive, but the ability to build more housing, with a certain percentage of affordable units or ideally building public housing is very important for reducing housing costs which is what the Minneapolis laws allowed. There's been a lot written about that, I included one from politico below! Rent stabilization is meant to prevent displacement. Other policies, as we say in the video, are needed to reduce housing costs. Stay tuned for that video! Thanks for your comments. Here's a littl more about the laws in Minneapolis specifically: minneapolis2040.com/policies/access-to-housing/ and here's the study on rent stabilization in Minneapolis that activists in St. Paul (and current activists in Minneapolis pushing for a similar bill) used www.cura.umn.edu/research/minneapolis-rent-stabilization-study www.politico.com/magazine/story/2019/07/11/housing-crisis-single-family-homes-policy-227265/
@likeabirdinthesky 2 года назад
@@brookedarrah informative response. thanks
@andreag8666 2 года назад
@@kevinstfort that’s insane! You only say that because it isn’t your property being affected. What if you purchased a single family home and You lived there for five years creating equity and all the sudden conglomerates have decided to start buying up the neighborhood and dumping in AUD’s and flipping houses to building them into condominiums? They’ve in essence screwed you and you can’t even get out of the neighborhood. I believe the underline reason in Minneapolis that this worked is because it became a dump. In San Diego this is not working and it’s destroying single-family home neighborhoods. Rent has NOT gone down. I think the real lesson here is Don’t use “one” case study and assume it applies to everywhere.
@zacchapman8420 2 года назад
@reneeclay1411 Год назад
My rent just increased by $348-- per month due to market value. What do I receive?????? NOTHING.
@richardprescott5939 5 месяцев назад
Market value increased because more people are looking for fewer apartments. NO ONE will put up a building and all the costs associated with that if they can't charge rents to make up their costs. So they don't build, and those who have apartments watch their units rise in value.
@Boris80b 5 месяцев назад
And you hear excuses from free market apologists
@jasonbrannen7598 4 месяца назад
@@Boris80b it's not a free market. Local government tightly restricts what type of housing (if any) can be built where....and that's just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the regulations that apply to housing.
@Boris80b 4 месяца назад
I love these excuses like "local government"
@richardprescott5939 4 месяца назад
@@Boris80b Reality is not an excuse. Supply and demand is simple fact. So if you restrict making profit on rentals, fewer people build new units OR improve units. If you artificially lower the amount you can charge on some units, the other units will rise in value. In any business, new businesses under cut the prices of existing businesses or offer a better product. That doesn't happen when gov't changes the playing field. So for instance, in Oakland where they allow (some might say encourage) shoplifting, NO ONE will open up a retail store. You can't turn a profit you don't open a business
@NewSocialistEraVideos 2 года назад
Good vid! Keep it up!
@programking655 2 года назад
No, this is a stupid video
@phoebelu8956 Год назад
There is rent control, then there should be price control for at least hydro, water, gas, property tax and interest rates.
@ImehSmith Год назад
@biguglytrux7771 Год назад
yes! yes! yes! more control! more control! more control!
@georgewagner7787 Год назад
Never happen
@vintageradios7790 2 года назад
The very short clip in this video is very true about burning down rent controlled apartment buildings. I am from NY and saw this with my own eyes. The landlord's would burn the buildings and collect the insurance money because they could not raise the rent. This was an epidemic back in the 1970s and the 1980s. The buildings are all old decrepit falling apart and in dire need of repair and the landlords did not have the money to fix them.
@eattherich9215 2 года назад
'The buildings are all old decrepit falling apart and in dire need of repair and the landlords did not have the money to fix them.' As a result of years of neglect. Slum landlords are happy to take the rent money in exchange for poor quality accommodation. Maintain your property on a regular basis and it won't become a problem down the line.
@jaad9848 2 года назад
Arson is illegal. There are laws in the books against that.
@sew_gal7340 Год назад
Also low income housing also means higher crime and more undesirables, which leads to home value to decrease...so nobody would want to invest in those places or buy those houses. This video hasnt debunked any of the important questions and instead bids for emotional impact instead. There are real rational reasons behind this that are not being discussed
@jaad9848 Год назад
@@sew_gal7340 You really think the causality works in that direction :facepalm:
@marietta1335 Год назад
@@eattherich9215 The buildings are old and decrepit because tenants are usually behind in their rent and the taxes and insurance charges keep rising. And with low rent, landlords could not afford to fix them. Parasite tenants should be deprived of housing. Better to burn the house down than be sucked out of your blood life by greedy, parasitic tenants.
@tokyobrwn 9 месяцев назад
An unfortunate situation but landlords have bills to pay too. I didn't buy rental property to so I could start a charity. I didn't it so I could make a profit. Not the kind of profit YOU think I should make but the kind of profit that I want to make. 😎👌
@sandybeach3576 Год назад
I sold off my rental houses to New home owners due to recent rent control laws in my area.😊
@paulgibbons2320 8 месяцев назад
Good. Least someone is not been exploited. Why would we object to that ?
@helios2664 3 месяца назад
Good, we don’t need leech middle men.
@Luiiciano 2 года назад
Rent control always results in lower supply in housing and lower supply of housing always results in higher rent
@likeabirdinthesky 2 года назад
sources please
@hunnybadger442 2 года назад
Maybe housing shouldn't be a commodity...
@Luiiciano 2 года назад
@@hunnybadger442 so we should enslave people to build and produce housing they have no stake in? Or should people just be homeless cause those are your only two options
@Luiiciano 2 года назад
@@hunnybadger442 who is going to bust their balls, buy all the materials and spend their time to build the house you want to live in when there is nothing in it for them?
@hunnybadger442 2 года назад
@@Luiiciano how do we have roads?
@doepicshizzle6465 2 года назад
This is what capitalists wanted and vote for. This is what corporate Dems and conservatives fight for. They want capitalism.
@jamesgiroux7619 Год назад
When your plumbing needs repair we can let the rent control advocates pay for it...
@kitirena_koneko Год назад
Considering how many slumlords gouge their tenants yet refuse to make repairs, someone needs to pay, and it's not us renters.
@trapmuzik6708 Год назад
3% is more than enough corporate landlords is trying to make their clients rich at the expense of poor ppl it's unethical imo
@alexmir8942 Год назад
Lots of Landlords already ignore serious issues like that.
@purplenights1 Год назад
@@kitirena_koneko no, of course not. Deadbeat renters want everything for free.
@kitirena_koneko Год назад
@@purplenights1 Wasn't there a Rolling Stones song about that? "You Can't Always Get What You Want"? Yes, I would love to be able to live rent-free, but I'm realistic enough to know it's not going to happen as long as I'm renting an apartment because I'm too poor to buy a house because I'm disabled. What I demand, however, is for the slumlord management where I'm renting to get off their lazy asses and fix the place I'm in BEFORE it gets condemned, not that they're going to because I'm going to move to a better apartment complex as soon as I can scrape together enough funds to go live somewhere where assholes don't see me as just a burden on society.
@politicallynonbinary 2 года назад
This was really great. Thank you again for putting such effort in simply explaining such things.
@kimmieb2u 2 года назад
Except that they're wrong. Rent control does end up making fewer rental units available. The problem is that tenants want maintenance and updates made to properties while making landlords pay for it all, even though the rents can't cover the costs.
@politicallynonbinary 2 года назад
@@kimmieb2u maybe if it's so hard to make money as a landlord they should do a different business.
@jacobnapkins1155 2 года назад
@@kimmieb2u it encourages some landlords to sell which is good for first time buyers it also caps rent and let's people keep more of their money nothing wrong with that we need rent control
@marietta1335 Год назад
@@politicallynonbinary Exactly why they're selling.
@jacobnapkins1155 Год назад
@@marietta1335 good nothing wrong with owner occupied homes used to be the norm before landlords scalped all the houses
@programking655 2 года назад
Lol, ok then, feel free to advocate an idiotic policy that the entire economics profession has agreed is horrible since the late 1800s. “rent control appears to be the most efficient technique presently known to destroy a city-except for bombing” - Assar Lindek, a Swedish socialist economist
@mikepearson1057 Год назад
Why is everything about race?
@JanPospisilArt Год назад
Because people continue to be racist. Be mad at the racists, not at people pointing out how racism works.
@leelindsay5618 2 года назад
Rent control would get these hedgefund owners out of the realestate biz and enable more individuals to buy houses at a reasonable rate. People used to buy a house or two and rent it out for retirement income. Now hedgefunds throw money at housing like they printed it themselves. Soon no city will be affordable for anyone making less than a tenured doctor or successful lawyer.
@hunnybadger442 2 года назад
It's private equity firms not hedge funds...
@alaskanelsons Год назад
No, get the govt out of the real estate biz. Look at the Milton Friedman video referenced and you will learn how RC has never worked. Competition is the solution to high prices no matter what the product is- make land lords compete for your business as a renter.
@ismaelramirez4803 2 года назад
"First bill of it's kind, and not enough research to know what it will do to new development" 10:44 okay so they don't have a leg to stand on with this video
@musictosoothe Год назад
Plenty of research shows it will stifle development
@jacobgonzalez731 Год назад
I wanted to like this video, but it mostly tries to appeal to emotion without showing real data to support the effectiveness of their approach, and actually debunk the claims of their opponents. They also made no mention of single family residential zoning laws that essentially make high density housing illegal in many cities in the US, constricting housing supply in areas with growing populations.
@jamesstpatrick8493 Год назад
Buy land and build yourself a home
@laraantipova389 Год назад
The problem is you also go to live where the work is and the work is in the cities :(
@adamben-shimon7513 Год назад
The rent is out control. I feel bad for low income people. I rent out a house for 30% less than I could get. But my tenants are great and take care of my house, which is why I charge less rent.
@seventhcompactor1505 Год назад
They can share space, or move to a cheap midwest city
@tocktick20 5 месяцев назад
@@seventhcompactor1505 or just explain how they are a victim, and it is not their fault
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