
Rev. Rob Renfroe Responds to Election of Openly Gay Bishop 

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5 окт 2024




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@robertmccollough8534 5 лет назад
I am not a United Methodist, but it is nice to know that conservative, Bible-believing followers of Jesus still exist within this denomination. I have learned much from the Wesleyan tradition and it is sad to see that it has come to the point that it is right now in history. I am praying that the majority votes for the Traditional plan this afternoon. As Christians, we all affect each other.
@jodystimm2098 Год назад
I, agree with Robert. My # adopted Grandma was part of the Holiness Movement(old fashioned Methodists). AND, she would turn over in her grave if she knew about Gay Metho. Bishops& Gay Rights. She; if living today would say# there will be a settling up day, sure enough& they are going to HELL!!!!!!!
@adamcarroll5130 Год назад
@@jodystimm2098 tell me you know nothing about the bible nor the history of augmentation to the original script without saying it. Or scream maga End it, you know nothing of Christianity only hate.
@robertgentzler2087 Год назад
It’s worse today (6 years later) You have well known Pastors of large churches writing books telling us we “got it wrong”. The local leaders openly show they they welcome this kind of behavior and give such people voice. John and Charles Wesley would cringe at what is being done!
@JR-zw2vb Год назад
Adam Hamilton is a known heretic. And he is a gaslighting expert. the UMC will allow pedos, and beastiality and call it all loving. Very sad. But hold strong. Jesus said, "Take heart, I have overcome the world!"
@silveriorebelo2920 Год назад
don't worry - Wesley renegated his faith in the Eucharist in order to found a new church - apparently, the very holy man thought it was suitable to do so...
@robertmog4336 3 года назад
Most born again followers of Jesus Christ have long ago left Western churches of all denominations because what is being taught is not Christianity but feel-good churchianity. It's truly disgusting the abominable sins that are now being welcomed in these churches, sins so awful that Sodom and Gomorrah would be embarrassed by them. Yet God wiped out those two cities for far less. Very few sitting in the pews of Western "civilization" churches will ever see the Kingdom. Wesley and Wilberforce weep over what the UMC is doing to Methodism.
@josephparker646 7 лет назад
As a former Episcopalian now a member of a Southern Baptist Convention affiliated church I understand how difficult this must be. I was one of the Choose This Day group within the Episcopal Church which lead to the formation of the Anglican Church in North America. I am praying for you as a Evangelical Christian for your well being.
@kell_checks_in 5 лет назад
Unfortunately, you threw out the baby (women's ordination) with the homosexual bathwater.
@walterarchibald1318 3 года назад
Might you consider caring for the sick and the poor since you have much energy to spare?
@ericrathburn5475 2 года назад
And how do you know that we don’t?
@johnvest8872 6 лет назад
he or she who teaches in the church will have a great influence on what path your children take. choose your leaders wisely .if want them to follow god's word, follow the bible , and don't let anyone interpret it for you. read it for yourself !
@marilynchester4053 4 года назад
@earlwilliams5473 2 года назад
Up until now I thought when the word said what is wrong will be considered right? And what is right with considered wrong and what is good would be considered evil? And what is evil considered good? I thought it was talking about the world but now I'm starting to believe that it's talking about the church. But then again if you go in the way of the world, what's the difference?
@Crystalabrown 8 лет назад
God Bless you Rob. I personally had to prematurely leave a church from where I received confirmation and attended thru young adulthood when the (then) Bishop in California appointed his daughter as the assistant pastor and another woman as the senior pastor. Their first order of business was to openly proclaim their desire to perform same sex marriages. My parents had always been fiercely loyal to this small church in Napa and were one of their major financial contributors. But that pronouncement broke their hearts and they never attended church again. I had both their funerals at the cemetery, officiated by former pastors who had been their friends, because I couldn't bear to hold them in the church where they had spent nearly 35 years but where they had been betrayed. You have my heartiest support in this very dividing issue and I will most certainly let my allegiance be known. Crystal Brown
@jimweatherly5738 Год назад
“I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine that you have been taught; avoid them. For such persons do not serve our Lord Christ, but their own appetites, and by smooth talk and flattery they deceive the hearts of the naive.” ‭‭Romans‬ ‭16‬:‭17‬-‭18‬ Which one are you?
@Crow44195 Год назад
Romans 1:26-28 ~ For this reason God gave them up to dishonorable passions. For their women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature; and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error. And since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, God gave them up to a debased mind to do what ought not to be done.
@530frank 7 лет назад
God bless you Rob Renfroe I am praying for you and each who stand for the word of God.
@boxwoodgreen 3 года назад
The United Church of Canada, with similar historic origins, went this hyper progressive way, and it is dying. One church a WEEK is closing. Four hundred in the last decade.
@jodystimm2098 Год назад
I, am not Methodist either; I, am CATHOLIC But I feel for this organization. This video was 2016; I read in the paper some groups broke away. We, have a nun where I, live that see nothing wrong with Gay Unions. She noted. at a cousins Wedding# isn't that special no one condemned them. I, told her. # we should # judge not lest we be judged#; but we still do not have to be forced to called good evil true# whatever & beautiful turned into giving in to our lists. We, are Christians whom are, supposed to be ABOVE the world, NOT as bad as. My sister is Methodist and I, pray for the Conservative Church. Jesus said the gate would be narrow& I believe in the Last days True Christians will be very few. in number🙏🙏🙏
@joannreynolds5717 6 лет назад
left the Methodist church years ago for the assembly of god.
@JonathanDeLeon-em4px 5 лет назад
The Holiness people who left the Methodist church in the late 1800's became the Pentecostals, who formed the Assemblies of God in 1914.
@angelashadd-kittrell2102 5 лет назад
Be aware that the issue of homosexual liberties in the Church is not a denominational issue, but a global church issue. Right now, the homosexual or "gender equality in marriage" movement is sitting in the living room of the UMC. But the force pushing this movement will soon be driving up the driveway of every denomination - even those that claim to be Scripturally conservative. That is the agenda of the movement - not to change the UMC only, but to change the Church one by one until all have exchanged Scripture for the humanistic theologies that support percieved human emotional/social needs.
@DrumandPianoDude 2 года назад
I've just recently discovered you and your message through my mother-in-law. Thank you for getting the truth out about the fall of the UMC.
@springstud 2 года назад
i am confused what going with UMC my pastor said our church might leave the UMC
@BUFFALOTUBE18 8 лет назад
Well said, unfortunately. Unfortunate that we even have to have this discussion. Unfortunate, troubling, and a call to action. God Bless your Reverend for being called to action.
@ernestmitchell7088 5 лет назад
In the Southern Baptist convention is headed down the same dark road as a united Methodist. It is truly the end of times.
@miniprepper8284 Год назад
The rot of the apostate UMC is just beginning. This decline in the moral atmosphere of the local churches which stayed in the UMC will not be a slow one. Many will weep bitter tears when they see the results of what they have opened the door for in the name of inclusiveness.
@heyitseliz214 6 лет назад
Taytay UMC Of the Philippines is not for same gender marriage
@mortonj91 5 лет назад
And that is why the UMC should break up. The Philippines should not have a vote on what happens in the US when the Philippines has a different set of laws. No offense to their culture, but I don't care what they believe- I shouldn't have to follow their beliefs just because we want to maintain a unifed church.
@MrsSmith-js5tt 5 лет назад
@@mortonj91 lmao
@edanderson2242 8 лет назад
Liberals don't recognize limits such as monetary, time, legal or, obviously, Biblical. To liberals, the rules that govern the United Methodist Church represent another set of limits to ignore as they pursue their agenda. I believe that, if you don't agree with the rules of the organization, then either leave that organization or work within the framework of rules to change what you don't like,. But, in the meantime, the rules as written must be obeyed. To do otherwise will lead to anarchy. I hope the UMC leadership will stand up, as Rev. Renfroe suggests. If they don't, and soon, then it will be time for me to find another denomination that still follows the Bible.
@carlaskidmore6354 8 лет назад
Ed, of course you have every right to your opinion, but may I remind you, very gently, that Jesus was a Liberal?
@edanderson2242 8 лет назад
I don't believe I know you, so, "happy to make your acquaintance." I'd like to ask you what your response is based on?
@carlaskidmore6354 8 лет назад
Jesus was a liberal as he defied the Jewish laws to not work on the Sabbath, he tried to teach his people that, yes, Jews had been vilified, enslaved, and killed as they traveled. They were nomadic tribes. However, he was quick to point out that other faiths had good, kind, and compassionate people. Case in point, whether it exists or not, the "good Samaritan." Jesus never castigated the Rabbis for leaving the scene where the injured person lay. Perhaps they were afraid of a trap. Perhaps they had to rush to a service. However, Jesus did praise the man, who was of a different faith, for aiding the injured man. Jesus was a liberal when he treated women with respect. Heretofore, women were chattel. Women were the "property" of, first their fathers, and then, later, their husbands. Jesus encouraged women to "be all that they could be." In fact, He encouraged everyone, male or female to be all that they could be. He was crucified, as was the way all those who defied the religious politics, and civil politics of that day. Basically, he was a political dissident.
@edanderson2242 8 лет назад
Yes, as you pointed out, in many ways Jesus was a radical for his time. But, although His main purpose was to sacrifice Himself to save us from our sins, He was also a conservative who clarified and validated the Old Testament Laws of Moses (Matthew 5:22, Matthew 5:28 and Mark 2:27, 28). But the scriptures have no examples of Him advocating rebellion or disobeying any part of the Old Testament Law or the prevailing civil (Roman) laws of that day (e.g. Mark 12: 14-17). Also, He never advocated living beyond one’s means (deficit spending). He showed His support for the institution of marriage between a man and a woman (e.g. John 2:1-10), and, while He did show respect and caring for women, He said nothing to contradict the OT traditions that stressed the preeminence of the husband as head of the family. The four Gospels are silent on the subject of homosexual relationships, indicating no contradiction or clarification by Jesus of the Old Testament writings on that subject (Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13). However, Jesus’ Apostle Paul did address the subject (Romans I, 1:18-32). So, although Jesus did tell His followers that we are to love everyone, He let God’s word to Moses about homosexuality stand as written. And Jesus was definitely concerned with the safety and well-being of children, allowing us to conclude that He did not advocate the killing of innocent children through abortion. His crucifixion was based on trumped-up charges brought by religious leaders who saw Him as a threat to their status, and not on any actual violations of existing laws (Matthew 27:23). So, Jesus did understand the necessity of living within limits…something that, as I wrote earlier, causes a problem for today’s liberals. Their use of Jesus as an example for their behavior is often off-base and invalid.
@wrinkle66 7 лет назад
Jesus was the most liberal man to walk this earth.
@clydebrundage3215 3 года назад
Amen brother! I will keep you in my prayers
@chriscastino7473 5 лет назад
Those that like religion in their politics seem to also like politics in their religion. Its a weary road to travel. Rather you keep your eyes on the prize ppl.
@miketucker402 3 года назад
Dear sir I was raised in the Methodist church the problem is not only are they wrong and out of doctrinal bounds.But you and your group are as well. You and elders like you have totally put aside Paul's, Roman's teachings you have allowed women to take the pulpits intact you applauded it and still do .Remember eve was beguiled by satin and in her or all womans punishments they were to be subjected to men in spiritual things remember christ is head of man and man of woman the UMC stopped following Gods basic plans .UMC, welcome to Gods punishment
@carolLDickinson 7 лет назад
The Bible is by no means silent, on the subject of homosexuality. So let us look at the whole of God's Word… from the Old and New Testament. New Testament… Rom 1:27... "And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet." And the men, instead of having normal sexual relationships with women, burned with lust for each other. Men did shameful things with other men and, as a result, suffered within themselves the penalty they so richly deserved. 1 Cor 6:9... "Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate (homosexual), nor abusers of themselves with mankind, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God." Don’t you know that those who do wrong will have no share in the Kingdom of God? Don’t fool yourselves. Those who indulge in sexual sin, who are idol worshipers, adulterers, male prostitutes, homosexuals, thieves, greedy people, drunkards, abusers, and swindlers-none of these will have a share in the Kingdom of God... unless they repent and sincerely turn from that sin or sins. But they should not wait to long lest their heart become to hardened against God and it will be impossible to repent. Repent therefore today and do not delay! Your eternal soul depends on it. 1 Tim 1:10... "for fornicators, for sodomites (homosexuals), for kidnappers, for liars, for perjurers, and if there is any other thing that is contrary to sound doctrine, These laws are for people who are sexually immoral, for homosexuals and slave traders, for liars and oath breakers, and for those who do anything else that contradicts the right teaching" Rom 1:26... "For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: That is why God abandoned them to their shameful desires. Even the women turned against the natural way to have sex and instead indulged in sex with each other." Matthew 19: 4-6... "And He (Jesus) answered and said unto them, Have ye not read, that He which made them at the beginning made them male and female, And said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife (the female): and they twain shall be one flesh? Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder." The Old Covenant... or Old Testament… Lev 20:13... "If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood [shall be] upon them." Of course people are not put to death in the US for the act of homosexuality… but the eternal end is the same if they do not repent. Under the New Testament we now have a redeemer who when we cry out to him for what ever sin we may have committed and ask for forgiveness and turn away from that sin whatever the sin… He will forgive us AND cleanse us from all unrighteousness. A beautiful promise from our Heavenly Father. 1 John 1:9… "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." Beautiful, beautiful promise from our Heavenly Father. Jesus clearly speaks on the issue of homosexuality in Matthew 19:4-6… and also warns all people everywhere to repent from sin (no matter the sin… not just homosexuality)… "I tell you, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish." Luke 13:3 (KJV) Love people enough to lovingly tell them the truth... to show them the whole of God's Holy Written Word and what it actually says. This is love. I say this to all those who may be a homosexual or support the homosexual agenda.... know that we have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. But God's Holy Word is clear that the sins we do with our own bodies, our own flesh... are even worse... whether it be adultery, fornication (which is sex outside of marriage), homosexuality, lesbianism, beastiality... if we do these things we are desecrating our own bodies which are made by God to be temples of the Holy Spirit. So if we do those things we in a sense are dragging the Holy Spirit in us to be a part of it also...for He is in the believers. If a person does not have the Holy Spirit in them (because they are not believers) nor a relationship with God/Christ they are not saved... and desperately need to seek God with their whole heart. God did make some men spiritual eunuchs to serve Him. Men who do not desire to marry and have children. Most of the apostles were spiritual eunuchs and were not married. They preached against homosexuality... so we know they themselves where not gay... but God used them to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ and Salvation by believing and repenting of sin. Without repenting of sin their is no eternal salvation. Grace does not cover unrepented, unconverted, continual proud sinners... who feel there is nothing wrong with their sin... when in fact there is... and it will lead them to hell. Oh Heavenly Father help the gay community to know Gods Truth from your Holy Scriptures... and also to know that you do love them and that you do not want them to perish but to repent. 2 Peter 3:9… "The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance." "Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate (1611 word for homosexual), nor abusers of themselves with mankind, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God." Believe… Repent… and be saved. From Mark 1:15 "We have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God"... "The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ."... Jesus said... "I am he way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father but by me." In Christ's love and truth, Aunt Carol P.S. May God bless you and your spiritual journey with Him today... and forever… that you may grow in grace and the knowledge of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.
@michaelsnow7362 5 лет назад
Amen See excellent resource link at end by NT Prof. Robert Gagnon textsincontext.wordpress.com/2012/12/29/homosexuality-false-contexts-and-perverting-scripture/
@pazstephen9779 5 лет назад
Carol, oh Carol, where to start! Maybe just this: “They preached against homosexuality... so we know they themselves where not gay” How do we know they preached against homosexuality? The word isn’t used anywhere in the Bible, you just switched it yourself, but how do we know they preached against same sex relationships (relationships, where there is love and commitment) Do enlighten us on that please aunt Carol. Then, after you have helped us with that, you might want to reflect on the significant number of those who have preached in recent times against homosexuality... only to be discovered to be two faced liars who are not in committed relationships with other men, but are having sex outside of wedlock following their lustful desires... There is a difference between what you quote from biblical texts and the marriages we see today where two people make commitments to each other before God. If you cannot see that perhaps another look at the Weslyan Quadrilateral is in order? Peace, and love to you on your journey
@pazstephen9779 5 лет назад
I agree that the Apostles were men inspired by the Holy Spirit to record the Truth. I also agree that “This sins of man” (as you put it) do not alter or change the truth of Scripture. You say, “In fact, in many cases they simply reinforce those truths” - that has a rather obvious corollary: “In most cases they do not reinforce those truths” (probably that inverse statement is correct; sinners we all are and often act in haste...not the way Jesus would...not in love) God's truth is not very simple when it comes to this issue of marriage, unless you try to say that marriage has “always” been one man and one woman. Saying it and it being true are different things! There are many examples of how that 1:1 relationship has not been the norm. Not to mention how, today, we Methodists accept that the 1:1 can be “one-to-a-different-one” since we will marry the divorced. Separate arguments, but clear cases of a change from how we saw things 2000 or more than 2000 years ago. Before we go on, typing in upper case or shouting is unnecessary. If scripture is true, you may let it speak to your heart and others’ hearts without the shouting ;) Yes, read it and understand how it works for the vast majority of God’s children. However for a small number of His children it is not the case. They are not one flesh like Adam and Eve were. When there are two of those it is not like that for, our Father does not revel in their singleness, their sadness at having no partner in life. Let not man separate them either! Regarding your telling me what you think of love and commitment in same sex relationships, thank you for your insight. You obviously do not know my relationship, but I do not expect you would. Despite the statistic you mentioned, dissolution is not what we see in our future together. It’s been over a decade, and almost half of that married. God was there when we married, and we had a very Christian wedding celebration from the preparatory discussions with our Methodist pastor each week, until the day of the ceremony, and we continue to be Christian in upholding the vows we made before the assembled people and God on that day we we declared our covenant to each other. I think you may be centered on one “act” of love. I don’t like to go down that path since what goes on in the private bedroom of a heterosexual or homosexual couple is, to me, a private matter. Some couples do certain things together and other couples don’t. Some like it others don’t. The bottom line in our relationship is that it is very much focused on mutual love and giving, not on dominance and subservience. This is not discerned in the personas adopted by either of us. Though we are both the same sex, one of us does not adopt a dominant masculine role, and the other a submissive, feminine role. You say “ALWAYS” (I assume for emphasis) but the very existence of the two of us is plainly evidence that your assertion is incorrect. Sorry about that. Sometimes I cook, sometimes we eat out and I pay. Other times not. Often it isn’t even discussed, it just happens! This is not the kind of relationship you can fathom perhaps. I understand it is difficult. As a literalist, I could believe the same, until faced with fact. God has done many new things, and I perceive it. In God's marriage, you point out that the man and the woman are to walk shoulder to shoulder--as equals. The irony there is that if we literally break that down, most men and women cannot walk shoulder to shoulder, yet in my case my spouse and I are the same height and can literally do exactly that, but in addition the actual equality you speak of is a very new thing. A conservative view of marriage, until recently, would not have the woman being able to go to work. And what of the fact that marriage for love was certainly not a thing? What of, “asking her father for his daughter’s hand in marriage” eh? That became a tradition because the daughter was, certainly in biblical times, property of her father. Marriage was a business deal, it was a financial arrangement, and has simply became less so over the centuries/millennia. So, my “Homesexual” relationship perverts your narrow view, based as it is, on how marriage was defined during the New Testament period. Marriage has changed, it ALWAYS has (sorry for my shouting this time) My kind of love is not false sir. It is just like the love in heterosexual marriage today in the western world. Not fleshly, carnal, nor self-serving. Actually it is a beautiful thing, where two do live as one, adjusting their lives for each other, so that we can be spiritually, emotionally, financially and physically supportive, and supported. I pray the same for you also: God have mercy on your soul too. Nothing, not even death itself, can separate us from His love and so I join you firmly in that truth and knowledge that His mercy is boundless. P.S. Your comment about me saying the word homosexual does not appear in the Bible... my response to your judgment of me is that it is not juvenile, and to say ignorant requires an assumption that I cannot expand upon the statement. The truth is, the word homosexual doesn’t appear in scripture. The truth is is that the words in the books of the Bible change. That’s why there are many draft versions written by dozens of revisionists, just for the KJ commissioned copy alone. I’m not completely ignorant of how we get from many books by the wonderful original authors, to one amazing bound bible. The majority of us are ignorant in some way though. I’m sure you don’t claim to have knowledge of everything either. I am deeply aware of the arguments of why my sexuality is, or is not, a sin; it depends upon who I am communicating with. The issues are complex, as is how we live as Methodist Christians, and how we use our Wesleyan Quadrilateral in reading and learning from scripture. Peace and love to you.
@dannysbookauthority7280 5 лет назад
@@pazstephen9779 no. Jesus being the word of the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob made flesh kept THE LAW.
@pazstephen9779 5 лет назад
I don’t mean to be picky, but it is “Fulfilled” the law. Unless you’re quoting someone other than the wonderful author Matthew (5:17) Blessings, and may your heart be warmed such that you see Christ in all people.
@richclough7850 8 лет назад
Rob, You mentioned that 5 conferences and 4 boards of ordained ministry have said that they would not follow the Book of discipline teaching on ordination. In addition you mentioned two jurisdictions that don't recognize the Book of Discipline. If possible, I would appreciate the exact specifics as to where these are located. If there is anything in writing from these places, I would appreciate seeing those as well. Just curious and wanting more information. Sadly, I think you are absolutely correct that this action was taken as a back-room action to initiate a forced political appointment to a bishopric which will likely trigger a schism in the church. RC
@lgrubb01 8 лет назад
One of those conferences is mine, the Baltimore/Washington. It is one of the most liberal in the UMC. I live in WV, but the three counties in the Eastern Panhandle, were forced into Baltimore instead of the WV Conference where we belong. Several years ago I made the mistake of attending the United Methodist Women School of Missions, something that I thought was going to inspire and inform. Instead, it was promoting illegal immigration, pro-Palestinian and attacking Israel, and women's rights which included providing abortion services to third world women. It was obvious who were the lesbians at the conference. There was supposedly a Bible study on the Epistles of John but that was liberal interpretation and actually denouncing evangelicals in the process. I left that night angry and disheartened. I did not return for the rest of the school. Our church had paid a portion of the tuition which I reimbursed. Within a couple of years, our UMW group withdrew from the Women's Division and formed a local women's ministry. Anyone interested in doing that may contact Katy Kiser with Good News. Wesley would be heartsick over what has happened to his church which is Christ's.
@carlaskidmore6354 8 лет назад
That M.W. School of Mission sounded progressive, and discussed subjects relevant to how most of us think in the 21st century. I would have enjoyed it immensely. I will look for a similar School of Mission in my New England Conference, as it, like yours, has voted to be in non conformity to the BoD.
@carlaskidmore6354 7 лет назад
So, you think that women should have no rights and that they are not thinking human beings?? I love the motto of Planned Parenthood, "Trust Women, Legislators Make Crappy Doctors." I was happy that the New England Conference voted to be in "Non Conformity," and that they do contribute to the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice," a group that I privately support.
@mortonj91 5 лет назад
@@lgrubb01 Sounds like you need to re-read your bible. The "Good News" org in my opinion should be considered a hate group. The values you strive for put others down instaed of raising them up just because their lives look different from your own. I agree WV shouldn't have any churches in the BWC- you clearly are from a different world, and when the church splits, that can finally happen- and that is what "Good" News, WCA and Rob Renfroe hope for in Feb. FYI- Wesley didn't write about abortion or gay marriage. Context is key, and you all choose to ignore it. Abortion isn't even in the bible. American conservatisim is what is killing Christianity. I hope you are all proud of what you are doing.
@janedough2763 5 лет назад
You don't need a "specific" to know what God says - He tells us in His Holy Written Word. And nowhere in His Word will you find the first mention of any "book of discipline". Wake up, people.
@bernhardbauer5301 2 года назад
How can "she" become a bishop?
@rickgrey5432 6 лет назад
Thank you for speaking the Truth.
@trkdigital5685 Год назад
if my pastor ever invited abominations into our church, either he goes.. or we go......ths is going to be the pattern as satan branches out into main stream religion...
@lataimana 5 лет назад
1 Corinthians 6:9-11 New International Version (NIV) 9 Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men[a] 10 nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. 11 And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God. Footnotes: 1 Corinthians 6:9 The words men who have sex with men translate two Greek words that refer to the passive and active participants in homosexual acts.
@Acoker22433 2 года назад
In my humble opinion, our pastors are not preaching Jesus. When we get back to the basics, we may have a revival. I love what ALPHA is creating around the world. Churches full of sinners saved by Grace of the Lord Jesus Christ. Try it, it might save the church.
@samthemanB3 8 лет назад
Thank you again, Rev. Renfroe. These are uncertain times to say the least. I appreciate, though, that you point out what I have also observed--unending positive, hopeful talk doesn't do the situation justice. After hearing good report after good report, I often wonder, "What are they leaving out? What are they not telling us?"
@krisblaylock1756 7 лет назад
Bro. Renfroe Oklahoma churches still hold on to the BOD. However they are trying to start pushing it here. Bro. Renfroe i come back to the Methodist church if they would fix this problem. Thank you for what you are doing John Wesley taught Holiness but the UMC isn't do that.I thank if the UMC split if this every pass in the charger conference . I thank the Church of the Nazarene will be a bigger group. I have a pastor friend that is Nazarene and he told me about 300 tried to pull this whole let's give the gays members in the church and let them be pastor endless to say the Church of the Nazarene shut that down really Fast . I am sorry for the typos and my prayer is that the UMC will get back to it true roots and not let the devil destroys it true values and morals of Holiness in Faith.
@pazstephen9779 5 лет назад
The UMC roots are from the U.K. where they passed legislation allowing civil partnerships long ago and followed it up with legislation to permit marriage of same sex couples. Methodist ministers in the country are able to bless the union of same sex couples, often immediately following the ‘legal part’ of the ceremony. Wesley looked at scripture through what was coined the Quadrilateral. If only we all managed to do that we would meet in the center and find a way to accommodate the reality of His incredible creation, including the variety in human sexuality.
@MrsSmith-js5tt 5 лет назад
@@pazstephen9779 Please read a bible.
@pazstephen9779 5 лет назад
@Mrs Smith, please read a Bible AND use the quadrilateral when you interpret what is printed in it. Remember, there are many versions of the Bible. The original manuscript is not available... what you read now was subject to rewriting, translation and redactions. The Bible is an amazing work of many incredible people, but it is not the infallible Word of God itself (as some would like you to believe)
@MrsSmith-js5tt 5 лет назад
@@pazstephen9779 Ok, so you're an atheist. That explains a lot.
@pazstephen9779 5 лет назад
Praying that my heart be warmed so I see Christ in you @Mrs Smith! Have a blessed day.
@IanGrantSpong Год назад
So a man who so obviously disobeys 1 Corinthians 11:14 is criticizing a woman disobeying Romans 1. Is this a bit like the Pharisee's prayer versus the tax collector. Certainly we should not be promoting sin, and though we are all sinners, some sins should keep people out of church leadership. I prefer the tax collector's prayer, God be merciful to me a sinner. This needs to be part of the discussion too, because we are all sinners saved by grace.
@dalewalls7689 8 лет назад
Thank You Reverend. I had hope after General Conference that this might work out, but it is obvious now that the progressives never intended it to.
@carlaskidmore6354 8 лет назад
How sad, in 2016, when since 1976 psychologists and psychiatrists have been saying that being LBGTQAI is NOT a mental illness, and not an aberration but just the way some people are born. Just as some of us are born to be short or tall, blue eyes, or brown eyes, or black, white, yellow, or red, we are what we are. Are there those who are homosexual who do harm to others? Yes, but there are those who are heterosexual who do harm to others. My God Bless Karen Oliveto, and may her episcopacy be successful and happy. She has all the credentials, and my husband was pleased to learn that she graduated from his Alma Mater, Drew Theological School!
@lgrubb01 8 лет назад
God is our Creator and He does not create homosexuals. The Bible is no longer taught or even referenced. The Bible is very clear regarding homosexuality. It is very clear in Romans and other epistles of Paul as well, of course, as the Old Testament. We all have choices in life. "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." Joshua 24:15.
@carlaskidmore6354 8 лет назад
The Bible was supposedly "clear" regarding homosexuality, and "clear" when the Biblical writers thought that the Sun revolved around the Earth, or that seizures/epilepsy was caused by "demons." We know that none of those three are true today. Today, we have learned, through science, and we cannot ignore scientific data, that homosexuality is an inborn characteristic, that the Earth revolves around the Sun, not that the Sun revolves around the Earth, as it is "written in Joshua," and that seizures/epilepsy is caused by a misfiring in the brain, a tumor, or scar tissue, as it is in my case, and not "demons." The Biblical writers did not have the knowledge or scientific information that we have today. The Biblical writers, also, eschewed the consuming of shell fish, or pork, and the wearing of clothing made of two types of fabric, do you adhere to those admonitions? I sincerely doubt that you do, unless you are of the Orthodox Jewish faith, Remember the Biblical writers were all of the Jewish faith, except for Matthew, who was Greek.
@carlaskidmore6354 8 лет назад
How do you know that "God did not create homosexuals?"
@lgrubb01 8 лет назад
Because he says that homosexuality is a sin. Have you not heard of Sodom and Gormorrah? Have you not read Romans chapter 1? It is your choice to believe the lies and to embrace perverted sex but you will have to accept that responsibility when you stand before the Lord who can come at any time.
@lgrubb01 8 лет назад
Out pastor's scripture reference for Sunday was I Corinthians 1:18-25. I suggest that you read it. As someone recently said, Linda, stop trying to argue with a liberal. Their ears have been stopped up and their minds have hijacked by the Great Deceiver. If you don't know who that it is, then I suggest you look it up. Oh, I forgot, the Bible is no longer relevant. Well, someday those who think it isn't will learn that fact but it will be too late.
@earlhutchison4291 2 года назад
What if my pastor wants several wives? Is this acceptable? 1 Timothy 3:2.
@tyronegooch5251 2 года назад
Doesnt the bible say, "Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection. But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. For Adam was first formed, then Eve. And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression.". Had you done what God said, then these women wouldn't be deceiving your members and causing the problems that you now have." If you look at ever denomination that has this problem, it's women who are the leaders of the chaos and confusion In fact if you look at the churches that had this schism first, they were the ones that disobeyed God's word first in allowing women to be pastors.
@kentfrederick8929 3 года назад
Will the WCA still take very liberal views on climate change, gun control, government spending, and race relations? I had one UMC pastor lectured me, when I mentioned that my car was due to be traded in, and I was considering a couple of models with V-8 engines. Another pastor, a native of Canada, preached that it was time for America to get over its love affair with guns. My current pastor posted a letter to the congregation on the website, shortly after George Floyd died, as did pastors at other churches in town. While most letters were taken down with Advent of 2020, our website still has the letter posted. While I support the ordination of gays and same-sex marriage and am pro-choice on abortion, I don't like feeling like an outsider in my own congregation, for being fairly conservative politically. Even though 4 senior pastors have admonished me to vote my faith, my faith is Wesleyan/Lutheran, while my politics tends to be like those of William F. Buckley, with economic theory from Milton Friedman. If a WCA pastor is likely to tell me I should drive an electric vehicle, support higher taxes on the wealthy, and that white people are inherently racist, then I need to leave the Methodist movement altogether.
@willmiller369 4 года назад
Rob Renfroe's response makes me cringe, the way he talks about the LGBTQ community is dehumanizing :/
@SonnyReeves 5 лет назад
Come out of Babylon! Go back to the first Church and follow Jesus! Reject all practices of the Whore of Babylon and her daughters. Reject all writings past the first century. Become the Church, be the priest you were meant to be. Read the new agreement forget the obsolete covenants of the Jews and follow Christ.
@grafxgrl8030 3 года назад
What was the outcome of this I wonder?
@defan2105 7 лет назад
now 2017...what is the update? How close are we to coming together or splitting up? I'm new to all this and trying to get caught up. Thank you for your faithfulness to God's word.
@JohnnyAGraves 7 лет назад
check out the Wesleyan Covenant Association..wesleyancovenant.org
@larryisall 6 лет назад
Also, take a look at the regular online publications of Good News. I believe that the insistence by those who choose to defy the UMC's Book of Discipline (based upon Holy Scripture) regarding this issue will result in a schism. Among three proposals to be offered at the called General Conference that will take place in St. Louis in February 2019, only the "Traditional Plan" offers a "gracious division" that does not financially punish those who exit and are of the opposite view point. Not so with either of the plans supported by a majority of the bishops and the progressives. The progressive minority demands that it be "their way or the highway" or else maintain a false "unity" in which anyone can choose to do their own thing.
@stephanierawson4428 6 лет назад
The general conference is meeting Feb 2019 to vote, I believe.
@kriscasstevens 3 года назад
The church is going to split - the traditionalists will become the Global Methodist Church.
@defan2105 3 года назад
@@kriscasstevens Now we have to see WHEN. they keep finding ways to put it off and this has been a forgone conclusion since 2017 but yet NOW it is because of Covid-19...what is the next excuse. Many got tired of waiting and just moved on without either side. Thank you for the reply.
@janafedon4640 7 лет назад
What is so tragic is that the bishops are forgetting that Satan is the Master Deceiver. God tells us this many times in His Word. When the Church decides to deliberately disavow its own book of disciplines for its leadership what does that tell the congregation? The Bishops and Pastors are to be held above reproach, yet living in sin, totally outside the Word of God, and FLAUNTING it ???? How do WE ....the congregation....reconcile this?
@carlaskidmore6354 7 лет назад
How do you reconcile this? First please remember that people who are LBGT were LBGT at birth, and did not "choose" their gender identity or sexual orientation. Remember, too, that people who were LBGT were pastors and bishops, probably with partners long before the 1972 BoD that dictated that being LBGT was "against Christian Teaching." Will there be a schism? Perhaps, and so what? It happened in the 1800s and can well happen again, until the regressive faction dies off. Young people and educated, thinking older people do not give a tinker's dam if someone is LBGT. What we ask is are they compassionate, caring and competent?
@lgrubb01 5 лет назад
Jana, you are exactly correct. There is, however, no point in arguing. The Bible states that in the last days many will be deceived. There is no point in arguing. We all have to make choices and we will live or die with them. The UMC will take anyone into its membership. It is no longer preached from our pulpits that you must be born again. I am thankful that I have an old-fashion Methodist pastor who still preaches the Word of God and our little country church is growing because of that. Here is what the Bible, the enduring Word of God has to say. "For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear." 2 Timothy 4:3. The Bible also states that only those who remain faithful to the end will be saved. Evangelical Christians are being persecuted but that is to be expected. God knows and He will judge accordingly.
@Crow44195 Год назад
@@carlaskidmore6354 All we’re sinners at birth and did not choose to be so, and the consequences of that eternal death. So God with his great grace sent his son to die and be rose again. So we could be born again and choose life and cast off our sin to eternal life.
@leoinsf Год назад
Schisms, Book of Discipline??? Jesus loved the individual! Jesus did not carry a bible and He quoted from the bible when He spoke to people! Jesus hated denominationalism because the individual was the important thing to Him. Yes, He did feed the crowds, but He spoke to them as individuals, not as a group! Pharisees loved the trappings of their religion. Meanwhile, Jesus loved the Publican and hated the Pharisee! The United Methodist Church dispute is not a "Jesus-driven problem." As with most organized churches, their church is "church-committee" directed, not Jesus directed! They are the present day Pharisees! I give the present Christian Churches 25 years. Young people see the sin-focused ways of the present church and they won't darken the door of a Church!
@bobseymour6870 Год назад
Have we rejected God's Word for some other Gospel?
@jcl8155 Год назад
I can't wonder why a protest at the time and place that this bishop was placed in his new seat. If everyone can protest when a black man is done wrong and change some of the things that caused the problems the same type of a protest should work on replacing this bishop. Why would not a few buses of protesters make a showing of how everyone feels, or are everyone just blowing smoke. Cullen Logan in Tampa
@kathyjohnson1356 Год назад
There are alot of sins that the world is allowing that goes againat the bible. How can only one sin be examined.
@Crow44195 Год назад
I do agree with this statement, this is only a symptom of the real problem…they are not believers in God. They no longer believe the Bible. True believers in Christ would not openly allow sin of any kind in the church leadership. It wasn’t always this way.
@TheMrTTT 4 года назад
Radical activists wish only to force others to celebrate their sin. Give them their way at your peril because when this ground is gained then they will simply demand another sin to celebrate. I shudder to think what that may be; perhaps jail for pastors refusing to celebrate their homosexuality?
@redhead8777 Год назад
Yes. This is a slippery slope. It's not about getting gays into the curch, it's about getting God out of it. IMHO It's satanic. Praying for the Churches. Praying for God's Kingdom.
@TheMrTTT Год назад
Update!! Our UMC has voted to disaffiliate. We're focused solely on doing God's work. instead of this agitator-fabricated crisis.
@arislopez411 5 лет назад
Corruption has entered this church. Enforce policy., do not change policy.
@susanroberts1075 8 лет назад
Persoanlly I am more concerned about what God Almighty has to say about homosexuality than what this generation's psychiatrists and psychologists
@wrinkle66 7 лет назад
You also need to check out what He says about heterosexual morales. I lost count of the # of verses. Understanding of human sexuality has evolved and is far better understood. Science has shown that is not a choice - where as homophobia, hate and exclusions are. No-one would choose to be bullied, harassed and discriminated against all their lives. Sadly many young people commit suicide because some (getting fewer thank God) ignorant adults told them that they were sinners. I hope that is on their conscience.
@mikewilliams6025 7 лет назад
Science has most certainly not shown anything you claim. blogs.scientificamerican.com/guest-blog/is-homosexuality-a-choice/ However, suicide is a real problem that must be addressed. Everyone needs to know their worth, and we all need to learn to live with each other regardless of our disagreements.
@jeremyblankenship7341 7 лет назад
actually science shows something very different Mark read what 90% of the psychologist say it is mental and no one is born that way so 90% and were saying christian and non christian say hate to burst your bubble on the science part.
@lesliematz1 6 лет назад
Mark, you are correct in your observation. Thank you for your insightful wisdom. Our son is gay, and he was born that way. Like us, he is a child of God. We knew when our son was very young (around 4-5), that he was gay. We did not discuss that with him and let him simply be himself. In high school, we reminded him that we loved him unconditionally. He came out his senior year after trying relationships with girls. No one chooses to be gay.
@pazstephen9779 5 лет назад
True! Nobody “chooses” to be gay. I believe there are certainly some who are attracted to both individuals of their same sex and opposite sex (they are bisexual). In that scenario they do not choose who to be attracted to, but it just happens. Yes, they do have a choice whether to act on those attractions, but they experience the desire to be close to others in a heterosexual and homosexual sense. For most people I believe they exclusively desire the closeness and physical relationship of either the opposite sex or same sex. There are a small number who experience neither, which is certainly not discussed in the Bible books that I know of. For those who are gay, it is often clear to them pre-teenage years. You can look back with them as adults and ask when they “knew” and for the most part they will say it was before the age of 12 or 13 when they first recall feelings of sexual attraction to the same gender. And they kept it secret at the time for fear of being ostracized/bullied for it based on ancient religious dogma.
@joew9392 7 лет назад
Most churches wouldn't allow a woman to be a bishop, let alone one that is gay...
@RubyCrockettsolitude 5 лет назад
...which is why I got out of the Methodist church and joined with the Independent Baptist Church.
@joew9392 Год назад
I guess I should have used the word "many" instead of "Most"..
@joer5627 Год назад
And since this video the leadership of the UMC has only made things worse. Gutless leadership in inaction.
@sabrinatenney 5 лет назад
But yet divorced people are Okay. I remember when this was a big issue.
@JonathanDeLeon-em4px 5 лет назад
The slow slide into apostasy began years ago with the Methodist church.
@jmdsservantofgod8405 Год назад
Jesus said love and pray for your enemies……..how liberal is that!!!!!
@peacehobo7 8 лет назад
Rev. Renfroe indicates only two reasons he believes Rev. Oliveto was elected bishop, neither of which are positive. Might it also be possible that Rev. Oliveto was elected because she is a respected pastor and leader whose faith and wisdom were recognized by her peers?
@lgrubb01 8 лет назад
But what does God have to say about it? He certainly does not approve of perverted sex in any form, heterosexual or homosexual. God is very clear on both of these if anyone should care to read the Bible which many seem to think is outdated. Too bad for them.
@carlaskidmore6354 8 лет назад
She is and always has been very well respected in the PNW Jurisdiction. She served, with honor, a very large UMC. She graduated from Drew School of Theology aka Drew Seminary, which was the same seminary from which my husband graduated in 1964. She, needless to say graduated years after my husband who is a retired cleric and electrical engineer. Bishop Oliveto should be permitted to continue her episcopacy, as her Annual Conference has so voted. Kudos to the PNW Annual Conference/Jurisdiction for ignoring sexual orientation and electing someone who is very well qualified. A person's sexual orientation in no way compromises their competence.
@lgrubb01 8 лет назад
Have you read the Bible lately? Evidently not. I suggest you read the Book of Isaiah, Jeremiah, Romans, I and II Corinthians, Timothy, James, and Jude. Credentials have nothing to do with anything. It is faithfulness to the Word of God and to the Lord Jesus Christ. My mother always said, whenever in doubt, just say, would Jesus approve. Whether it is gay marriage, ordination of gays ( the word has been perverted from the old English), and the murder of unborn children, which, by the way, the Women's Division approves, my Lord and Savior would most definitely not condone. He is coming some day on a white horse and He will have the last say. The Word of the Lord. Thanks be to God.
@carlaskidmore6354 8 лет назад
There is nothing regarding abortion in either the new or old testaments. The Gospel writers, all Jewish men, who never knew Jesus, never mentioned it, either. As for homosexuality, very little is said about that. You folks at Good News seem to like to "strain out gnats, while elephants walk in."
@peacehobo7 8 лет назад
Like Rev. Renfroe, you make some assumptions without considering other options. You question whether I have read the Bible and then answer your own question by stating that I have not. How sad. I have read my Bible. I read it every day. And not just the eight books you cite, but all of the Bible. We may interpret what we read in different ways, but I do not question your faith or your sincerity. Please do not question mine.
@matthewray7065 6 лет назад
Pastors like Bob Renfroe are why I am no longer a United Methodist. This notion that everyone who disagrees with him are somehow heathen sheep who have gone astray is ludicrous, and speaks volumes of his ego, and that of the WCA and Good News.
@larryisall 6 лет назад
Rev. Renfroe is simply standing with the ESTABLISHED rules of his denomination, rules that are grounded in Holy Scripture. Your exit from the UMC appears to have been advisable, considering what appears to be your disagreement with the denomination's clearly established teaching and policy. I respect your exit while having no respect for a highly vocal minority that not only flouts the "Discipline" of the UMC but indeed insists upon "taking over the church. It seems a simple proposition that if one "joins" any organization, swearing to uphold its rules, that they should do so. Otherwise, one's swearing to do so is, to put it candidly, lying. With many having done so, a "Trojan Horse" has entered the UMC's midst. Shame on them! Better that they had the honesty to exit as you did.
@mortonj91 5 лет назад
Amen brother! Renfroe is leading the right wing portion of the denomination to failure. They will not survive on their own, but he helps them to believe they are "correct" in their beliefs, so it is ok. The end is near for the UMC, and I too have decided to leave the denomination if the vote in Feb goes in favor of folks like Rev Renfroe.
@matthewray7065 5 лет назад
Jordan Morton , you might find the Presbyterian Church, USA to be a good fit, as I have. I got tired of being treated like an issue, rather than a person, of sacred worth (I doubt these WCA folks would admit that the discipline also refers to LGBTQ folks like me as "of saved worth"). I am very happy with my decision to leave. Other benefits: a structure that isn't as bloated, no fighting over this issue every four years, and a full place at the table for people like me.
@matthewray7065 5 лет назад
Larry Bassett , it's hard to hear what you have to say over the condescension in your tone. This notion that "I am right, and everyone who disagrees with me MUST leave, you are not welcome in MY church" is utterly absurd, and quite hurtful. It was painful to be forced out of the denomination of my childhood. I don't think you understand what that feels like...and I suspect that you don't care, but I'll put that out there for you to ponder, as you celebrate with glee as people like me are told "you aren't welcome here anymore" in "YOUR" church.
@janetmurphy 6 лет назад
The subject of a beautiful, fulfilling spiritual marriage, along with sex, between a man and woman is rarely preached from the pulpit. The subject of healthy biblical Christian "sex" seems to be "taboo" from the pulpit. If we are going to stop this widespread LGBT movement, then we need to teach why the alternative is the better choice. Ed Young at 2nd Baptist Church in Houston preached a wonderful 12 week series entitled "Sex in America", along with many other sermons on the topic of marriage. So many, at all ages, have not been taught the true spiritual beauty of marriage and love between a man and a woman. It's time we hear this message time and time again from the United(?) Methodist pulpit.
@Dan-ys8nk Год назад
There's no hate like Christian love
@JR-zw2vb Год назад
@Feynman235 7 лет назад
I understand why you may not want to conduct or affirm gay marriage, but I do not understand why they cannot be a part of your pastoral staff or congregation. What is the issue with that?
@rickgrey5432 6 лет назад
Leaders are role models. Gays make poor role models as they are openly defying a clear point of The Word.
@stephanierawson4428 6 лет назад
Being part of the congregation is not the problem. You can't lead if you don't follow the rules yourself. Everybody Is a sinner. But you cant be actively, purposefully be in defiance and lead.
@janedough2763 5 лет назад
Because the God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob warns us not to even sit down for a meal with those who refuse to repent. That's why.
@roywrather1201 5 лет назад
can be, hopefully will be congragants, friends and members.
@khappy1286 5 лет назад
Because God's word says to be gay is against His way. It is shameful for men to lie with men the Bible says. And church staff are to be heterosexual as God has designed and explained in His word. John Wesley believed in the Bible and the Bible is how Methodist-ism got its start.
@juliettegreen5458 2 года назад
Does not God love us all? Who are you to judge.
@chrishull4199 6 лет назад
The Bible is the final word period!!!
@pazstephen9779 5 лет назад
Except of course, the words in the original written books of the Bible are not the words we read today. Numerous drafts and redrafts, redactions and rephrasing, and reinterpretations on all manner of issues later LOL. And I don’t just mean the changes between OT & NT
@MrsSmith-js5tt 5 лет назад
@@pazstephen9779 lmao
@MrsSmith-js5tt 5 лет назад
@Sydney Piper Bristow He understands better than you do.
@MrsSmith-js5tt 5 лет назад
@Sydney Piper Bristow Only your reality.
@MrsSmith-js5tt 5 лет назад
@Sydney Piper Bristow Real facts, not your alternate reality.
@smccure1808 5 лет назад
@bradfordbogan4554 7 лет назад
@mortonj91 5 лет назад
I am a Methodist....and I love to drink. #Godloveseveryone
@pazstephen9779 5 лет назад
I *LOVE* a glass of wine or beer (especially if made in a traditional way like monks used to do! And of course the symbolism of communion with wine and bread carry’s so deep a meaning.
@DaviddeSilva 5 лет назад
The text from the "Social Principles" (paragraph 162 L) is as follows: "We affirm our long-standing support of abstinence from alcohol as a faithful witness to God’s liberating and redeeming love for persons. We support abstinence from the use of any illegal drugs. Since the use of illegal drugs, as well as illegal and problematic use of alcohol, is a major factor in crime, disease, death, and family dysfunction, we support educational programs as well as other prevention strategies encouraging abstinence from illegal drug use and, with regard to those who choose to consume alcoholic beverages, judicious use with deliberate and intentional restraint, with Scripture as a guide." The last lines seem to me as important as the first lines here. Total abstinence is not mandated (though it is encouraged), but restraint, care, and prudence are mandated (notably with Scripture as a guide).
@georgeshaw6132 5 лет назад
Scripture has everything to do with scripture, yes?
@pazstephen9779 5 лет назад
David, I find in moderation the vast majority of people are only more welcoming of others. Friendships formed, stories shared and connections made. Moderation is key of course and for some that is a challenge. Knowing moderation is a challenge means for some that they abstain altogether. And some people who have a struggle with alcohol need support from those closest to them to avoid or control consumption. Which is ANOTHER reason not to stop human beings, children of God, from the love and support of a lifelong partnership in a covenant relationship which has been known as marriage for centuries, but until recently has been shut off from those children of God that are not sexually attracted to the opposite gender. For 2000 years in most countries homosexuality has been thought of as some sort of choice. That was accepted until relatively recently. And I can say, with a genuine certainty as the gay in the room... I NEVER chose this life. I would never. I was taught it was wrong. I will NEVER accept that now, and I will never tell others it is so, because it is not. I have friends who “swing both ways” - I don’t understand HOW that is the case because I cannot comprehend ever being aroused by the close proximity of a lady (love them as friends as I do). That situation helps me walk in the shoes of the heterosexual who believes the Bible says I am damned, though I question how they believe that faced with so many like me, and then their bisexual friends in addition to that. So alcohol - there’s sensible enjoyment if people like it, acceptable abstention, and addiction which I know from my medical background can certainly be genetically predisposed (a child of God who likes it too much - not a mistake surely... I wonder “why”) Enough already! Peace and love
@landan4924 Год назад
@Crow44195 Год назад
And Yahweh’s grace is EXCLUSIVE only to those who are born again.
@bradfordbogan4554 7 лет назад
well, the rest of the universal church is leaving you behind... I'm Lutheran.
@janedough2763 5 лет назад
Show me in God's Holy Written Word where He mentions - even once - the denomination "lutheran". You can't. Which is exactly why lutherans are just as unGodly as the methodists. . God isn't a denomination - He isn't a religion - He isn't a version. . Christ says to pick up that Cross and follow HIM. .
@ferguszade5594 3 года назад
You should join Westboro BC
@AquamarineMoonDragon 4 года назад
I have been doing a ton of research on what the UMC's response has been to the "progressive" movement in the church. (Just to preface, I myself am wanting to see the church move in a more accepting, loving, "progressive" direction.) To sum up my current feelings thus far, I am incredibly disappointed in the Methodist Church as a whole. As someone who has grown up in the Methodist faith, I believe that our God is one of love, and He will welcome anyone with welcoming arms. While it seems that many people are divided on what is and is not considered sin, why are we ignoring the main idea? Why focus on hate and abandon love? I believe that our God is a being of love and forgiveness, no matter the sin an individual has committed. That is also to say, being of the LGBTQ+ community is NOT sinful. Personally, I believe that in separating the church into love and ignorance, we are our own worst enemy. If you wish to worship a God that represents rules rather than love, I would advise that perhaps the Methodist faith is not for you. I respect that everyone is entitled to their own interpretation of the Bible, but I feel that to single out damning verses rather than try to extract the overall meaning of the text will lead to the misinterpretation of the word of God. However, please reference back to where I had said that I was concerned with the Methodist Church "as a whole". I do also recognize that there are many within the faith that are also suffering from the decision to stay with the Traditional Plan (as decided in the GC2019). Many individuals, pastors, and churches are dissatisfied with this decision, as am I. There are many that are dissatisfied with this decision, some even going as far as to remove themselves from the Methodist Church as a response. In this time of debating whether our church is all-inclusive, or one that does not accept all people as His children, I would advise that we all still try to treat each other with mutual respect and love regardless of our different mindsets. Please pray for peace and direction within the Methodist Church, and remember to be kind. God loves us all.
@tsx_vision-aztec5679 5 лет назад
Do that ever you want to do. The judgement Day of God is coming back. We will all be burn in HEll !! He only take the Holy one. Exp. Noah Ark, he’s a righteous man. He do what God commands him to.
@khappy1286 5 лет назад
Some will go to hell. Those of us born again are made righteous by the blood of Jesus Christ. Read the Bible.
@pazstephen9779 5 лет назад
Seems like the British Methodist Church is moving in the right direction. Huge majority in favor of moving to allow same sex marriages in the buildings of the Methodist church. They’re really clearly signaling a shift, very much like that in the US church against the racism and bigotry against people of color. I understand there are many people, in African and some Asia-Pacific regions of the UMC, and some southern US areas where WCA and Good News or IRD is more popular, but they can continue to be the way they are in their own groups.
@johngibson5169 3 года назад
You people have so much vested in your hatreds.
@alenagilley4703 Год назад
This is a CRAZY !!!!! GOD please help us !!!!!! 🙏❤️🙏
@vinson6337 4 года назад
This guy calls himself “Reverend”! Who does the Bible refer to as “Reverend”? Psalms 111:9 He sent redemption unto his people: he hath commanded his covenant for ever: holy and reverend is his name.
@zamstudy 7 лет назад
He looks like and sounds like Bill Maher. He should go on Bill Maher's show and teach him God. That will be a debate to watch. Two look alikes ... one atheist and another Christian preacher ... debating each other on God in the same voice!
@bradfordbogan4554 7 лет назад
The bible is also very clear about your hair.
@lesliematz1 6 лет назад
Sad to see narrow-mindedness in this day and age. God made all of us. Our son was gay when he was born. He did not choose to be gay. He is a child of God just as we are. Grateful for the wisdom, compassion, and open hearts of many Methodist clergy and other spiritual leaders in our world.
@stephanierawson4428 6 лет назад
We are all born with a sin nature. We choose to act on it or fight it. He is still your son and you still love him. And i would love him in my congregation.
@mortonj91 5 лет назад
@@stephanierawson4428 By calling his sexual orientation a sin, you are also sinning. Don't you get it yet? It isn't any of your business what someone's sexual orientation- it doesn't matter to Jesus, and Jesus NEVER ONCE talked about homosexual relationships as a bad thing. Did he talk about orgies being bad? He did. But did he talk about same sex RELATIONSHIPS being bad? He did not. By calling "gay" a sin, you are being ignorant. Please stop. You are not helping, you are a part of the problem, and we gay methodist kids just want to leave because of you.
@janedough2763 5 лет назад
I see - so since it's "your" son - you think God is going to give him a pass - and you. . Careful you aren't one of those who God says He is going to spew out of His mouth.
@eddiepiercejr.8421 5 лет назад
My child was born a murderer he did not choose to be a killer he was born a killer. In the last days I will send a Strong delusion ......but you people don't do scripture do you?
@mortonj91 5 лет назад
Eddie Pierce Jr. oh for fuck’s same shut up you’re part of the problem not the solution and you drive people away from god instead of bringing them to him. Your false understanding of scripture is so passé
@BaddieBayy 5 лет назад
The Bible is weird...
@imodsimon 5 лет назад
I believe in God. And I believe that God is love: radical, unstoppable effervescent. Breaking through stone the way a flower breaks up between the cracks in the sidewalk pavement. And I believe that in the seemingly tragic vote today by the United Methodist Church’s General Convention, God has presented us with a tremendous opportunity, not one to be wasted. Not a single day should go by now - not one single day - but that plans are being laid for the creation of a new Methodist Church in America. Do something, and do it now: plan meetings, build coalitions, design websites, talk to each other, think about a name for this enterprise - do anything but do something. And start now, today.
@kell_checks_in 5 лет назад
So leave. The true UMC is willing to let you leave without being made financially destitute. The only reason progressives refuse to leave gracefully (in all meanings of that word) is because you're determined to take over UMC assets and to cruelly cripple the orthodox UMC.
@jimmydykes7961 Год назад
Not sure what you are commenting,what new Methodist church are you talking about?
@nathanielcricket3251 5 лет назад
The older you get, the less cool the long hair is. What makes it especially unattractive, however, is the hate speech.
@walterarchibald1318 3 года назад
Rob seems rather less heterosexual.
@luellakk 5 лет назад
@RubyCrockettsolitude 5 лет назад
Satan at his finest.
@wabisabi6983 3 года назад
@shawngregory1312 7 лет назад
Just a sign if the end. This church is rotten like they all are
@dickcastle Год назад
repent, for the flying spaghetti monster will return !
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