
Revealed: ExxonMobil’s lobbying war on climate change legislation 

Channel 4 News
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@arrowodd7695 3 года назад
What's sad is how little money it took to sell out the species' survival
@distantmind956 3 года назад
Equates to selling your firstborn for a snickers bar. Or rather a tiny bite of one.
@arrowodd7695 3 года назад
@@distantmind956 accurate
@Lockdheart 3 года назад
Every species' survival.
@avenginglettuce 3 года назад
Solid comment.
@platosbeard4449 3 года назад
The species are tethered to a political economic system that leads to their own destruction. Profits before people can only end one way. Perhaps the next time around (hundreds of thousands maybe millions of years from now) there will exist in the deep memory of the descendants of the remnants of the current species, that greed is NOT good. They wouldn’t know why this paradigm was passed on from generation to generation over millennia, but hopefully they will stick to the paradigm and avoid the tragedy of their distant ancestors.
@moonjams3996 3 года назад
This needs to be bigger. Why is nobody talking about this? Share the heck out of this to everyone!
@Red-Brick-Dream 3 года назад
Because the DNC owns all the news outlets.
@ben5073 3 года назад
@@Red-Brick-Dream Wow. Maybe if you and your counterparts on the "left" would stop being such partisan hacks, you would realize that the DNC and GOP are two sides of the same coin.
@Red-Brick-Dream 3 года назад
@@ben5073 So you agree with me, but angrily. Got it.
@Rkenichi 3 года назад
Because people literally don’t care anymore. It’s sad. They’ve already made peace with a world where pos like this ruin our planet for money because it doesn’t inconvenience their daily life.
@oldfan1963 3 года назад
Share it all over the place. Send it to friends and relatives! Force feed it if necessary! ;)
@blackphoenix8932 3 года назад
"Did we aggressively fight against some of the science? YES" "Did we join some of these shadow groups to work against some of the early efforts? YES" "But there's nothing illegal about that." Why I don't allow my sense of morality to be dictated by the law.
@CogniVision 2 года назад
@MariaMartinez-researcher Год назад
Uh... There's no law against those actions, but there's absolutely no law *enforcing* those specific actions. The issue is the absence of laws forbidding those actions, not the existence of laws in general. Your conclusion is flawed. Let me remind you, there are laws against defamation, theft, rape, pedophilia, murder. If you say you don't allow your sense of morality to be dictated by the law, you are saying you agree with those things, and with anything that laws explicitly forbid. See the problem?
@Deboned_butter Год назад
@@MariaMartinez-researcher That is improper logic. Simply because A does not encompass B, that does not mean B does not encompass A. In this case, A would be the law and B would be morals. Original comment claimed that the law does not encompass the entirety of their morals. This does not mean that everything stated in the law cannot also be encompassed by their morals. Watch out for logical fallacies! They’re everywhere!
@evanbelcher Месяц назад
​@@MariaMartinez-researcher your comment doesn't even begin to make logical sense. "You said the laws don't dictate your morality therefore you're saying you think everything illegal is moral" Not even close
@emp7122 3 года назад
$117,000 is all it takes for a company destroy our future.
@emm_arr 3 года назад
That's even less than the fake tsar paid towards Brexit.
@HelenaOfDetroit 3 года назад
While I think it's shitty big companies can give money to politicians, and yes I feel that needs to stop, Exxon isn't destroying the future. We, as a species, will survive this crisis but only if we work together and create peace and unity. Not division and hatred.
@sarahlondon6952 3 года назад
That is from one company, how many other similar companies are paying off the same people?
@nikkisharp7479 3 года назад
Don't be fooled! They get untraceable money and retirement packages in the millions!
@Thanks-Again 3 года назад
@@nikkisharp7479 this
@notthesonofwilliam788 3 года назад
"We were looking out for our investments. We were looking out for our shareholders." That says it all.
@Notaname21 3 года назад
That should be enough for a big punishment
@amandap9332 3 года назад
Corporations are actually legally required to serve shareholders by maximizing profits. Thats who they are beholden to and nobody else. All corporations must die. Preferably a painful death.
@Notaname21 3 года назад
@@amandap9332 at the very least heavy reform is needed and lobbying has to be made illegal
@MattTheSpratt 3 года назад
I wonder how well that's working for them now that a bunch of older board members got booted and replaced with climate activists.
@elephantwaffle5612 3 года назад
@@amandap9332 that is an issue with our system. A lot of the corruption and greed stems from their legal obligation to do whatever it takes to maximize profit
@godfunk 3 года назад
Exxonmobil: Our lobbying efforts are fully compliant with all laws (that we wrote)
@YaMumsSpecialFriend 3 года назад
Corruption isn’t illegal when lawmakers refuse to make it illegal to behave corruptly.
@michaelh4227 3 года назад
Thank the US SCOTUS for declaring that this is "free speech".
@vgmaster9 3 года назад
@somedeveloperblokey Law AND judicial review.
@tomato6460 3 года назад
Corruption isn't illegal because US Congress essentially legalised it.
@benjaminmeusburger4254 3 года назад
It is illegal in a lot of countries. There are limits on campaign advertisment spending, single donation limits, open competitive biddings for contract, knowingly disinformation etc etc. Our ex-finance minister just went to jail (minimum 3 years without parole for pulling strings that a friend of him gets a contract) and the next politician is already before the judge because he got honey-trapped by acceping offers while they filmed him ...
@pcuimac 3 года назад
Exactly. Biden also LOVES Munchkin. They never did anything to replace him, because they WANT him as a roadblock to progressive policies. Biden is as corrupt as Trump. There is no difference. He just used better words in the past. Now he looses even them.
@NaumRusomarov 3 года назад
they used to do this in secret, now they're doing it straight in our faces.
@gkelectrical1 3 года назад
People are arguing about BLM and rights for lbgt while in the background this is going on
@ChaarityWilliams 2 месяца назад
​@gkelectrical1 divide and conquer. It only benefits them to create seperate classes, encourage racism, and homophobia...and Ameicans fall into that trap everyday. To think religious leaders are not taking money from these places too would be laughable. They are invested in our complacency.
@Luis-jn7qu 3 года назад
Share this people. Don't let this dissappear under the rug. Our future and our children's future depends on people knowing who are these politians.
@Fluxquark 3 года назад
It's not enough to change individual politicians because the next ones are incentivised to be just as corrupt (non-corrupt ones will have less money behind their election campaigns). This is all a logical consequence of a capitalist economic system; Corporate profit maximisation is more important than anything else and will infect more and more of our lives. We need to smash the machine before it destroys us.
@a.randomjack6661 3 года назад
@@Fluxquark It's been observed under other regime types. Corruption is always linked to power of any type.Yes, even at home.
@MalcontentFlower 2 года назад
Bad news
@michaelrch 3 года назад
Great reporting. Guys like this are the worst kind of sociopaths. And our sick economic system rewards them handsomely. If we let this carry on, we are truly f-ed. Time to rebel against this broken system.
@steveparker8065 3 года назад
Agreed, although despite the inherent flaws in capitalism, the system isn't broken, it works perfectly for billionaires and kleptocratic parasites.
@thiagov6123 3 года назад
The same broken system that produced your first world country?
@michaelrch 3 года назад
@@thiagov6123 Yes, colonial imperialism driven by capitalism. That's the one. And I can criticise it even if I happen to have benefited from it because it's objectively awful.
@rinnin 3 года назад
Totally agree #RebelForLife
@denelson83 3 года назад
But how? Big corporations have quite literally covered all their bases against such a fight.
@denelson83 3 года назад
Shameful, evil, corporate greed laid bare for everyone to see.
@WayneSmith-lo8be 3 года назад
The GOVERNMENT mandates that businesses inCORPORATE. That is where we get CORPORATE GOVERNMENT with politicians ruling over We The people.
@pygmalion8952 3 года назад
@@WayneSmith-lo8be sure. both state and capitalism sucks. should we all go full blown ancoms or should we fight them within the "law" and "order"
@WayneSmith-lo8be 3 года назад
@@pygmalion8952 We The People just need to never have the Presidency and both Houses controlled by one party.
@kyle9401 3 года назад
@@WayneSmith-lo8be Because that would solve all our problems? lol
@WayneSmith-lo8be 3 года назад
@@kyle9401 No, just stop creating NEW problems.
@justinrowan4539 3 года назад
Real journalism. Thank you from an American!
@EricByDefinition 3 года назад
This lobbyist just spilled more tea on ExxonMobil than the Exxon Valdez spilled oil on Alaska.
@valireklaam 2 года назад
typical american here - worries about the company before people
@ZiggyMercury 3 года назад
This seemingly nice, smart guy has been working for the devil, and he sees no problem with that.
@ahlishaholloway233 3 года назад
Perfect example of the banality of evil
@stauffap 3 года назад
We don't even recognize evil, because it's in all of us and we tend to make the same excuses for us then we make for them, because we don't understand how little is needed to make us evil. It really didn't take much to allow the holocaust to happen. Most germans didn't have to kill anyone. No, they just looked away and didn't do the hard work that would have been necessary to combat evil. A lot of people made excuses "well, i was just following orders! I'm not responsible but the person, who gave the orders is responsible!". Of course the guy, who gave the orders says the same thing: "I'm just following the orders of this other guy. I'm not responsible" or "you can't expect me to make such big sacrifices just for doing the right thing, while others do nothing!" Climate change is very similar. The evil we all do isn't easy to recnognize. And often we don't want to recognize it. We are fully aware that since we're all using oil, we're all responsible for global warming. This makes us feel good in not doing anything, because everyone else is doing it too. Except that it's of course not true. While we're all using oil (not possible yet not to use it) some of us are actively fighting for the change we need, while others are doing nothing or even fight the change by spreading misinformation. Maybe McCoy still feels that he isn't evil. After all he's just looking out for those poor shareholers. Watch the "psychology of evil" by Philip Zimbardo, if you still don't know what i'm talking about.
@paulmccarter908 3 года назад
@@stauffap What you left out was the lack of alternatives promulgated by the very entities that profit from that lack of opportunity; we are a captive and altogether propagandized consumer audience.
@stauffap 3 года назад
@@paulmccarter908 Not sure what you're talking about. But we've known how to construct a CO2 neutral energy system for over a decade now with existing technologies and at long term costs that are comparable to today. So there are cost effective alterantives to fossil fuels. We just chose not to use them and many people don't even know about them because of the misinformation campaign from the fossil fuel industry. If you want solutions for global warming then you only have to read the scientific literature. It's literatally that easy. It almost seesm too good to be true because it's that easy. But of course the people don't know about the simple solutions because of this disinformation campaign that has been going on for decades now. The media and politicians alike are not telling us what's in the scientific literature.
@platosbeard4449 3 года назад
@@stauffap apathy is the greatest enabler of evil. Too many of us really don’t care enough to save ourselves or our posterity. Few are willing to make the sacrifice for the good of humanity. And apathy is what the greed driven power hungry cohort among us depend upon to push through their mindless grab for more wealth and comfort and the expense of everyone. And so, we suffer what we must.
@CaughtStaring 3 года назад
I've been saying it for DECADES: "no matter how illegal, immoral, exploitive, or just plain wrong something is...if there's MONEY in it, SOMEONE's going to do it."
@viewmodeimages350 3 года назад
Exactly 👏🏼 Well said 👍🏻
@AmerBoyo 3 года назад
These oil companies should be fined into oblivion. Utter scum.
@something34100 3 года назад
Fines mean nothing. Nationalize them and prosecute the executives for crimes against humanity
@AprilWatters 3 года назад
Not $$, PRISON with NO Key!!
@Passionate_Potato 3 года назад
Fines are only punishments for us poors. For business, it's a part of doing business. If it's a crime, they need to go to jail. Simple as that.
@deadreckoning6288 3 года назад
@@Passionate_Potato Problem is this type of behavior is not illegal in our system. Remember too big to fail? Its a systemic problem that will doom us.
@Lee-lb9qh 3 года назад
Na they already made huge donations to politicians campaigns politicians won't touch them....
@HughCorbyCruick 3 года назад
It’s like serial killers: you know there are these people without a conscience out there, but still find it hard to comprehend what they are thinking.
@carwynj.thomas5057 3 года назад
Even though we all know this happens it still makes me so angry when it’s put like this.
@captaindave88 3 года назад
Mass murderer pretends he's doing everything legally.
@googiegress 3 года назад
Would be nice to see the complete, unedited footage of the interview. Even if it's mostly boring, and includes the initial manipulation of the interviewee which might make him a sympathetic figure. What matters is that he's telling the truth after all.
@testla3383 2 года назад
I wouldnt be surprised if he actually started all this by saying he hated what he did
@ryanhibbs3079 3 года назад
Look how he does not care about killing kids.
@AprilWatters 3 года назад
Children have been murdered and abused by "parents' for decades. Who cared about that? The "family" system for many has been Climate Destroyed decades ago
@dntthe88 3 года назад
@@AprilWatters Are you fucking daft? Making such a blanket statement and being wrong trying to downplay the verifiable fact that these oil execs are knowingly harming the world.
@kubabooba548 3 года назад
@@dntthe88 lol
@JamesMatthewASMR 3 года назад
Literally evil. There’s no other word for this man
@stillnesssolutions 3 года назад
It's not just this guy though - he's just part of a broader system unfortunately.
@jucom756 2 года назад
*this entire industry Don't do the cliché "shifting a societal issue onto a single scapegoat" thing please, every fucking investor in this industry is the embodiment of pure sociopathic greed.
@Freshcornpop 3 года назад
So did we endanger the planet and help fuel the next mass extection event. Yes, but to protect our money
@wassuphomies263 3 года назад
This is disgusting on so many levels. Absolute worst of Humanity right here.
@crsp76691 3 года назад
Its sad, investments and shareholders are all that matter. Even over the health of fellow citizens and our own children
@Farzocalypse21 3 года назад
This is why the British Government are privitising Channel 4. Good investigative journalism, which exposes all the dodgy dealing that goes on to maximise profit and manipulate legislation, at the expense of the ordinary working person. Much better to privatise them and have them produce mindless clickbait instead.
@gebys4559 3 года назад
Something something about left wing propaganda and silencing Conservatives.
@Beruthiel45 3 года назад
Privatising? Sorry, isn't the BBC the only national TV channel that is paid for by a TV licence? Aren't all other channels private companies already?
@woofwoof2412 3 года назад
There should be a senate hearing immediately
@TheOneSaneGuy 3 года назад
"Okay gentlemen, how would you like us to punish Greenpeace for you?"
@Dragrath1 3 года назад
The lobbyists own anyone that is able to get past a primary election so there is a fat chance of any positive change ever happening from the government. well anything short of a complete ban of corporate lobbying and the complete dismantling of the 2 party primary system that is.
@ashleyhathaway8548 3 года назад
@Scott Luther A mandatory retirement age of 65, as well.
@saga685 3 года назад
Send them to The Hague. The Senate won’t do anything.
@Lee-lb9qh 3 года назад
Politicians and CEOs play golf together and discuss how they can make each other wealthy at the cost of everybody else been going on forever!
@needsmorsleep 3 года назад
We need nuremberg trials for these monsters
@chhitijpahari1011 3 года назад
Make this viral
@comradeh3956 3 года назад
Channel 4 will always stay in public hands ✊
@guppy0112 3 года назад
State hands!
@f2yd 3 года назад
This is sad... Very sad indeed. Thank you for bringing this to light
@djozone 3 года назад
Real Journalism...
@anaransol 3 года назад
People are going to prison or getting snuffed for a pittance, these people get a massage and hard talking to for poisoning OUR environment ;(
@FallenEpic 3 года назад
If the defense of something you do or did boils down to "technically, not illegal" you are in fact doing evil things. Please do not measure your morality and your impact on the world around you exclusively on the basis of lawful behavior. Sometimes the law is wrong.
@LinkEX 2 года назад
It's like watching a cartoonish punch-clock villain. Except they are lawful evil in real life.
@liamhuish1234 3 года назад
No wonder the Tories were threatening C4 the other week. Follow the money
@robertryan399 3 года назад
Democrats should have done something about this ten years ago when they had 60 votes. Now they can barely pass some watered down bill thst will just make sure highways and bridges don’t collapse. They better pass a climate bill through reconciliation after they do this roads and bridges bill.
@ryancappo 3 года назад
Even with 60 votes for 17 weeks, you still had some of the same Democrats who oppose this and worry about getting re-elected too much.
@sonnavabich 3 года назад
"Delay, doubt, deflect." No wonder so many people think Tesla's are more dangerous than ice cars!
@Lildizzle420 3 года назад
electric vehicles are not equitable and still have massive carbon footprints, Telsa now has to import metal 7,000 miles from the goro mine in new caledonia using cargo ships running on oil.
@JarredSutherland 3 года назад
@@Lildizzle420 the previous comment said nothing about them being equitable, but simply that the are not more dangerous. However ICE cars still require metal imported, they also ship far more cargo since the cars are assembled in other countries and then shipped to be sold.The irony is using the term carbon footprint, which itself was coined by a marketing company paid for by BP.
@Lildizzle420 3 года назад
@@JarredSutherland I don't know why you made such an obvious observation about what's being said here, why is it relevant who coined the term "carbon footprint"
@Dragrath1 3 года назад
Also look at what is by far their biggest success story in Nuclear energy's bad reputation sure it is far from perfect but the evidence shows its actually the safest energy source overall in part because the higher energy density. The hypocrisy is even worse because the extraction of hydrocarbons from the bottom of salt domes brings up large quantities of concentrated heavy radioactive salts which ironically means the fossil fuel industry has "produced" more radioactive waste than every nuclear power plant combined. lobbying and disinformation combined are a terrifying force of evil.
@Lildizzle420 3 года назад
@@Dragrath1 nuclear is the most regulated in the world and only produces 10% of global energy. right now we nuclear incidents in Hanford, Taishan, Chernobyl, and Fukushima. this is an era of unregulated nuclear energy, you're about to see how "safe" it really is
@MaryamofShomal 3 года назад
Thank you for this. I’m so sick of Big Oil, Manchin, and every other politician bought out by the fossil fuel industry. You’re doing the Lord’s work.
@melissadouglas570 3 года назад
We need more of this journalism. Thank you. I am sharing this with as many Arizona voters as I can. Kyrsten Sinema no longer represents those who’ve elected her; she has lied to us and no longer deserves to remain in Congress.
@hopeworldstudio 2 года назад
I didn't hear about this in the news at all. Thank you. We all knew this was happening at some level, but this is disgusting. F the fossil fuel industry.
@timingmile7030 3 года назад
Only $117,000 😐 what an amount to sell out for when the entire humanity relies on the planet
@stephenirving1737 3 года назад
What I never understand is how can so many supposedly smart people put the value corporate assets above the needs of the environment. What would these assets be worth after a total climate collapse? The modern corporate culture of greed and short termism has a lot to answer for
@platosbeard4449 3 года назад
You assume they’re smart? Perhaps you should reconsider how you assess intelligence, and try and de-link that concept of intelligence from the dominant narrative of the culture. You might find that those you consider smart may not be so. And those you ignore as such may well turn out to be.
@jarheadz96 3 года назад
I think they’re banking on being dead by the time anything bad happens to them
@Bakalakalajihad 3 года назад
When the climate collapses, there will be pockets of people still surviving because of machines which will run on oil.
@mirrezaultarique3437 3 года назад
With all the talk about "Woke" culture..... we haven't woken up at all.
@gkelectrical1 3 года назад
Wouldn’t be surprised if these guys are behind the woke culture to keep our attention away from them
@johnwright7916 3 года назад
@@gkelectrical1 Well if you're talking about woke capitalism, companies co-opt a lot of left leaning ideas such as intersectionality for their own image. Ben and Jerries might preach for black lives matter on twitter, but their parent company is known for human rights abuses abroad and exploiting global southern countries.
@RJinks87 3 года назад
@@gkelectrical1 they are. Don’t even pretend that they don’t encourage this. We have people eating each other alive on Twitter over gender politics when this is the real issue. The big companies may get dragged into it and they just throw out the standards, put the colours on their logo, say Black Lives Matter. Job done, that will satisfy the frothing masses. Now we can get back to what we really want to do. Making money however we can.
@edwardroh89 3 года назад
i hope people understand while this is a left problem, this was originally a right problem as well. the right politicians LOVED, absolutely LOVED oil money so right wing politics dominated. Now that big tech has surpassed the wealth of the oil industries, they'll adopt left wing politics....without the worker policies because unlike gender politics, it costs companies' money. The only difference with our government was WHICH corporations are in charge. People who think left is the only evil are as just as a problem as those who think right is the only evil. Two sides of the same coin. There is no "lesser evil".
@haruhisuzumiya6650 3 года назад
@@Alan_Berger depends on the price tag.
@newbranday 3 года назад
This is just depressing. We are absolutely doomed.
@ThomasStuart 3 года назад
Hundreds of people died from these heatwaves, I think guys like this should be held directly responsible. There's always a root of the evil.
@denisdaly1708 3 года назад
9 million people die from.climate change every year. they have blood on their hands, as do piliticians
@ProfessorGroyper 2 года назад
Heat waves are not caused by man. The earth has been naturally heating since the last ice age.
@planefan082 Год назад
@@denisdaly1708 Adding in early deaths from air pollution would put their kill counts in the hundreds of millions
@autumn64fromdeltarunechapter3 3 года назад
Exxon-Mobil is following in the footsteps of it's father, Standard Oil and John D. Rockefeller.
@imaginareality 3 года назад
I'm surprised how little this is talked about. It should have been all over the News!
@shorditchiscool 3 года назад
Thank you channel 4 x
@HowToVideosAndTips 3 года назад
My son is in the USA under the Heat Dome he says the roads are littered with burst tires
@morten7177 3 года назад
Good on Channel 4 for making this report. If you google articles related to this you'll find few major news organisations that even cover the story and the ones who do omit large parts of the conversation with McCoy (the Exxon rep. in the video). Honestly, can anyone explain to me what positive benefits (if there are any) lobbying actually provides in a democracy?
@rdyjur 2 года назад
Keeps those in power wealthy, which is also why the lobbying never ends. Quite the system.
@ldine783 3 года назад
Ah yes. Lobbying. Where people with a lot of money have their way in a democracy. Totally not corruption at all.
@Greenpoloboy3 3 года назад
These people would destroy an entire contenant and its people just to become super rich
@WhichDoctor1 3 года назад
They’re already super rich. They’d destroy a planet so they get to see the mountains of money they’ll never spend get that bit higher.
@az-yz9bf 3 года назад
Right here. This is the MOST important journalism of our time. We MUST vote out of Congress ANY senator that allows Exxon to use them as a tool to spread their blatant lies (which we already knew, but here is self-admitted). **This is the #1 issue**. We KNOW we are headed for catastrophe if we don't take action. And we CAN take action. Please. Call and email the Senators on this list, and if they don't vow to change, vote and campaign against them. And share this video!
@furlycee 3 года назад
This video needs MILLIONS of views. People need to know this. I was under the impression Mark Kelly was very progressive, this is a real slap in the face.
@LightsOnMultiMediaMindArts 3 года назад
I won't forget this.
@membear 3 года назад
He spoke the truth he said it takes political courage and will to get something done and it doesn't exist in politics.
@freda2758 3 года назад
I pulled the original video and am spreading it through every social media source that I have. This is truly disgusting.
@trustmebro4841 2 года назад
Exxon said his statements (the guy whose job is it to represent company beliefs) do not represent the beliefs on the company and he still has his job. Nothing changed.
@saga685 3 года назад
Literally just heard about this just now - the fact that this isn’t bigger news is *damning*
@Mountainey 3 года назад
Wow. Great work, Greenpeace.
@J.5.M. 3 года назад
The most frustrating part is that this has been happening for DECADES... enough is enough.
@evolveaudioFX 3 года назад
Do these people not have kids? Grandkids? And they just plain don’t care if their home is on fire.. I would genuinely like to understand this guys justification for knowingly, massively contributing to the irreversible destruction of the planet he’s standing on.
@flt528 3 года назад
Their paychecks are more important than their kids and grandkids. It works via cognitive dissonance - he knows he earns a living by contributing to the annihilation of his planet, but that's too troubling of a thought, so he blocks it out of his mind and replaces it with a fantasy that global warming is a false alarm.
@MilkyWhite1 3 года назад
Why aren't CNN, MSNBC or Fox covering this story? That's the question that everybody should be screaming right now.
@GenerationX1984 3 года назад
They obsess over hot button issues and don't report very much relevant news. I personally find their obsessions over the same stories annoying.
@MilkyWhite1 3 года назад
@@GenerationX1984 This is certainly a hot button issue and yet they still don't cover it.
@vitostan3134 3 года назад
This will go unnoticed and that in itself blows my mind.
@carlosluna4092 3 года назад
Ok. Are there any Americans here absolutely pissed off of two major points: 1) The utter failure of our "leaders" to do the right thing when an environment crisis is only years away? 2) It took a British journalist to reveal this failure
@Captain.Pugwash 3 года назад
Honestly though, is anyone surprised? An oil company behaves in a despicable and unethical way? ☺️
@WeatheringHeights1 3 года назад
American press will not report on this?
@jeffbrunton3291 3 года назад
At least the guy was honest...... Guessing Exxon will be parting ways with him soon
@Patrick-jj5nh 3 года назад
He was deceived, that's why he spoke candidly.
@kirbyarroyo2118 3 года назад
People in America needs to know more about this. This kind of things shouldn't be tolerated.
@JamesADavies 3 года назад
Wow. So this is STILL happening - I found it happening in China 10-12 years ago, by these same big oil companies, ... and it's still going on.
@bananos4501 2 года назад
its hard resisting the urge to punch my monitor
@Radhaugo108 3 года назад
"I will not ban fracking, I repeat, I WILL NOT BAN FRACKING" ~ Joe Biden
@WayneSmith-lo8be 3 года назад
KYJELLY is used to frack gasholes. It does have SAND, so don't try this at home.
@brseeger1 3 года назад
Radha I hope you can appreciate he need to say that to get elected...especially in states like PA. I'm so happy he did too. Another 4 years of Trump would have obliterated the climate and our country. It's a complicated world.
@Radhaugo108 3 года назад
@@brseeger1 Except that he did'nt say it to just get elected, he meant it. It was President Obama after all that was crowned "The King of Fracking" this people care about the environment in superficial ways like banning plastic bags and plastic straws, but not at the core of the issue, because as is evident in this vide THEY ARE ALL CORRUPT POLITICIANS!
@WayneSmith-lo8be 3 года назад
@@brseeger1 What would the world be like if we had no climate(s)? What would the world be like if there were no USA? AOC says that the world as we know it is ending in less than 10 years. We won't need any climate(s) or even the USA then !!!!!! The insects will take over and the Earth will be better off !!!!!!! THAT'S EVOLUTION !!!!!!!!!!!
@WayneSmith-lo8be 3 года назад
@@Radhaugo108 Most fracking is done to release NATURAL GAS which is less polluting than COAL.
@roymerritt6992 3 года назад
What this means is what the American voters want, or demand is not relevant to governmental policy passed through legislation and in many instances neither political party can be depended on to do anything for the benefit of the nation as a whole, in fact the possibility of the very land we live on becoming uninhabitable doesn't matter. It seems short term profit is all that matters and the environment and the citizenry be damned. I suppose when it gets so bad they will simply establish an authoritarian state upon those that survive while all these investors and the politicians who are naught but their whores will go and create their own living spaces in the parts of the world not yet totally diminished by Climate Change. Eventually I'm sure they think they can seek refuge off planet where they will dictate their expectations to those down below. And this will be true all across they globe because this Fascism for profit seems to be a global position of the avaricious classes.
@Mark-ql2wp 3 года назад
What "the people" want is irrelevant. That said, 75% of 'Muricans don't know or care about anything which doesn't affect their hamberders or sportsball. www.vox.com/2014/4/18/5624310/martin-gilens-testing-theories-of-american-politics-explained
@carmenmaldonadourie8945 3 года назад
This is disgusting!
@american-professor 3 года назад
I think I'm gonna throw up.
@gaberielpendragon 2 года назад
Unsurprisingly, this guy is still working in the same job. Despite Exxon saying he was lying and doesn't represent Exxon, even though his job is representing Exxon. These companies need to be held responsible for their bullshit.
@exposedbhauturma130 2 года назад
I thought the same but apparently he was fired in January this year
@jharri4446 3 года назад
I wonder if Tucker will carry this story lol
@broodypie2216 2 года назад
Now oil lobbies are refusing to increase production to drop prices on the grounds that they don't have the leases while they sit on enough leases to drill unfettered for the next 20 years. At the same exact time they're making record breaking profits and buying new leases.
@sam4soph1 3 года назад
Great job, Channel 4.
@alinao1386 3 года назад
People really need to see this
@joselopeziii8776 3 года назад
This is very sad …
@DouEditz 3 года назад
@KrispyCrem3 3 года назад
But you still buy gas?? 😂🤣
@innocentiuslacrim2290 3 года назад
That is a good first step that is practical to take. Its impact is small, but it is something you can directly do.
@ImageVersusImage 3 года назад
Please share this video to people you know, videos like these need millions of views, not thousands
@blakewentley 3 года назад
How can your defense for doing something reprehensible be "there's nothing illegal about that" when you're the one determining what the laws even are??
@chunkblaster 3 года назад
Ok so I think its important we recognize the tactics he's using. "Limiting emissions on oil refineries in an infrastructure bill is absurd" i mean... it kind of is. It's something that needs to happen, sure, but it is kinda unrelated to the core subject of the bill. both parties shoehorn unrelated stuff into bills like this. And so knowing the other side is aware of that, it makes it that much easier to catch these congressmen. It just goes to show you how interlinked all these issues are. The entire system is fucked.
@Lildizzle420 3 года назад
you know what fits in a high way bill? a tax on vehicle miles traveled
@rdyjur 2 года назад
@@Lildizzle420 Canada taxes fuel for that reason. Does US not do the same ? Do you not also pay for vehicle registration ?
@oliverread1060 3 года назад
an underrated piece of investigative political journalism. Very telling, channel 4 are a treasure
@contentangel2131 3 года назад
i'm sorry. i try to tell my fellow americans they're clueless...i try. i try.
@miguelrosado6348 3 года назад
The guy from Exxon truly believes that they didn't do anything wrong because it was legal and they were defending the interests of their investors. This is what unregulated capitalism creates: the false belief that the greater good is to be able to accumulate money at all costs.
@grimsquirrels 3 года назад
Humans do not care about 20 year consequences, only 20 second Tiktoks. We dug our own grave.
@Emily-bp7ol 3 года назад
Well said.
@MrAwesomeSquad 3 года назад
How did I only hear about this from RU-vid?
@JRCMRamos 3 года назад
We need a lot more of that kind of reporting, thank you.
@jennifermartin9213 3 года назад
I'm sick hearing this, knowing that it happened several months ago and isn't front and center on mainstream news.
@andrzejxr9735 3 года назад
Minute of silence for those who are already sentenced to suffer thanks to climate change denialism through last decades
@georgesanderson918 3 года назад
A village in my country burned down because of this, everyone fled and their homes were destroyed. Some families didn't even make it.
@MattTheSpratt 3 года назад
Channel 4 News and ITN doing the good work out here, you absolute legends.
@robertwinslade3104 3 года назад
Eat the rich
@jenwendy7 3 года назад
Way to go Greenpeace! Here's our dirt on Manchin and Synema. Tester is no surprise to me and he only represents 1 million people. There's 3 x that in my county alone! Well done BBC!
@aoajibadeouscaaoa653 3 года назад
High level disregard..Legal is not same as right / good.. Illegal not always wrong /bad 🧔🏿⚖️📜📃📖📚📲💻⏳⌛
@forgivenstreet 2 года назад
May history look upon these men as men of dishonor and shame. If there is a future..
@afgor1088 3 года назад
if we are to have a death penalty stuff like this is what it should be used for
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