
Revelation 13:1-10 - The Antichrist Steps Forward 

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@reneeeaton5412 3 года назад
Thank you for wonderful study
@wiserthanserpents3862 3 года назад
The eternity will not be kind to those who chose to kill their soul by not believing in the immediate annointing by God the Holy Ghost thereby committing the unpardonable sin
@lindsaymarksmith.9122 3 года назад
Trump = Daniel 11 19. Biden = Daniel 11 20. Obama = Daniel 11 21. It is Revelation 17:10-11 KJV Trump=6th Biden=7th Obama=8th & of the 7 the 5th head and the 8th. I keep warning what the Holy Spirit said to me after I humbled my self even if it falls on deaf ears. This is not an opinion or interpretation the Holy Spirit said this him self after I humbled my self after what happened to my mum and dad believing as a child trusting God fully like a child does a parent and that small still voice the Holy Spirit answered me. Comment for the full post I cant post it 1st or YT will hide it. I need a comment to post it on so it can be seen.
@QuantumG432 3 года назад
I’m all ears. 🙏
@lindsaymarksmith.9122 3 года назад
@@QuantumG432 When you have a warning of things to come soon in the spirit from the Holy Spirit as a watchman you have to sound the alarm. Obama is the man of sin and is the 8th and of the 7, Daniel 11:21 and Revelation 17:11. Trump is the 6th and is the king that is and he is turning his face towards the fort of his own land and shall stumble and fall and not be found, Daniel 11:19 and Revelation 17:10. Biden is the 7th and shall only be in power a short time and will be known as a raiser of taxes, Daniel 11:20 and Revelation 17:10 he must continue a short space. This came to me in the spirit from the Holy Spirit when asking for discernment about Revelation 17:10-11 KJV in June 2020. I have tested the spirit and it is the Holy Spirit he has done so much in my life bringing me from the world and to Jesus and this is what the Holy Spirit said to me in my spirit when I came and asked God believing like a child trusts a parent fully and without question and in humbleness. Revelation 17:10-11 KJV And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space. And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition. Donald Trump is the sixth king the one that is. And Trump is at the point in Daniel 11 19. Then he shall turn his face toward the fort of his own land: but he shall stumble and fall, and not be found. The other not yet come and is in for a short space is Joe Biden that is the raiser of taxes from Daniel 11 20. Then shall stand up in his estate a raiser of taxes in the glory of the kingdom: but within few days he shall be destroyed, neither in anger, nor in battle. Barack Obama is the eighth and he was of the previous kings before him and he is the person in Daniel 11 21. And in his estate shall stand up a vile person, to whom they shall not give the honour of the kingdom: but he shall come in peaceably, and obtain the kingdom by flatteries. Obama is that man of sin and this isn't my opinion or understanding I didn't even consider him I am just saying what came to me when I asked for discernment we will see the next USA president raise taxes and only in a short time. Obama will not be voted in "they shall not give the honour of the kingdom" but talk his way back into power "but he shall come in peaceably, and obtain the kingdom by flatteries.". Also people say but there are so many presidents how is Trump the 6th and I have said all I know is what I got in the spirit then I said to someone Ronald Reagan was the 1st to bring in noahide laws. Ronald Reagan was the 1st president to sign a proclamation 4921 saying that the noahide laws are the moral foundation of America's character, that the Noahide Laws are a moral code for all regardless of faith, and from that time all have signed these into law. If you count from Reagan to Trump then Trump is the 6th. Also Revelation 17:10 is meant to be known when it happens because it says "and one is" and that is present tense so that prophecy is to be known when the 6th leader is in power why else would Jesus give to John to use present tense in prophecy. The Holy Spirit said the one after Trump will be used by Obama to get back into power with flatteries and not being voted back into power. I do not know how this happens I am just saying what I got from the Holy Spirit. But there is one thing I seen recently. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announcing legislation that would create a commission to allow Congress to intervene under the amendment and remove the president from executive duties. She said this is not for Trump but for presidents after Trump that are mentally or physically impaired. With this they can move power from a president that is not able to perform there duties and move it to another that is not the VP. This came to me in the spirit from the Holy Spirit and I have had other things happen in my life that I know was from the Holy Spirit. This is not my opinion or from my understanding I did not consider Obama before this or have him in mind and when I had this come to me I didn't even want to share it at 1st because I know what people are like. But when you see danger you must say and this is a warning of what is coming soon. Believe or don't but at least remember because it is coming soon and when you see know time is very short and we all need Jesus and he is coming. The "virus" looks like it is the strong delusion in all the world and something like that cant happen unless the restrainer is taken away from holding the evil back. I am saying this now as a warning of what is coming not even so I am believed but so when it happens people will know that it is true and if they are not saved will turn to Jesus and to everyone else will warn others that we are at the door and look at Daniel 7:25 "And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time." The head that has a deadly wound is of the beast kingdom not the actual person. The 5th head that is Obama was and was in power as long as he should and should never be a head/leader/president again. it says "And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death" That doesn't say the head was wounded it is saying it was like it was wounded "as it were" That wound is the fact the head cant have power again but that 5th head that is Obama when he gets power back is the deadly wound being healed and he becomes the 8th and of the 7. Revelation 13:7 "And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations." Daniel 11:33-35 "And they that understand among the people shall instruct many: yet they shall fall by the sword, and by flame, by captivity, and by spoil, many days. Now when they shall fall, they shall be holpen with a little help: but many shall cleave to them with flatteries. And some of them of understanding shall fall, to try them, and to purge, and to make them white, even to the time of the end: because it is yet for a time appointed.". The man of sin will have his time and he will overcome the believers and we that truly believe in Jesus are to be sheep to the slaughter and we need to no mater what happens stand for Jesus and not fall away. All heads accepted the Noahide laws from that small people that say they are the light of the world but reject Jesus with Reagan as the 1st making him the 1st head. 1st head Ronald Reagan, 2nd head George Bush, 3rd head Bill Clinton, 4th head George W. Bush, 5th head Barack Obama, 6th head Donald J. Trump, 7th head only in power a short time is Joseph R. Biden and the 8th head the last ever USA president is also the 5th head and of the 7 Barack Obama. This is what the Holy Spirit said to me after what happened to my mum and dad last year. I said at the start of the 1st lockdown with words that where not my own they would not last the lockdown I have had things come out my mouth from no place then happen since I was a child and other things and after they passed on I humbled my self asked God what I did and the Holy Spirit that small still voice answered me and said what he did and I was in shock. What he said is not from me I didn't think any of this before hand I am not an American and I don't care about politics but this is what he gave me and is not an opinion or interpretation. Obama will use Biden to talk his way back into power with flatteries and Obama having two terms made that like a deadly wound to that position of power he should not be a head/leader of the USA beast again but will be and when he does that is the deadly wound healed and the fifth seal will be opened and the trumpets will sound soon after.
@lindsaymarksmith.9122 3 года назад
@@QuantumG432 I had a narrow path experience when I was younger. I was walking home at night and looked up the road to my home and seen a gang of people. I seen in what I can only think was a vision that they where going to surround me and beat and kick me. So I looked and thought well there is the road on the left and right it would be longer but it is easier paths and I heard in my self a small still voice say if I did it would be worse for me and felt it would just be more pain but I could die if I did. So I said to my friend that was with me when we walk up this strait road to my home there people will surround me and said to him when they do he has to run to my home and tell my father. So we walked up and the surrounded me and my friend ran and they beat me and kicked me all over the pavement and into the middle of the road. But in the end my father came and the people ran off and he helped me back to my home. And I could not see at the time the prophetic meaning in all this. Going up the strait and narrow path if you stumble I will come and help you and not to turn to the left or right path because they are easier and will lead to death but I thank God for that day because it showed me he can use hard things for his good it changed me over time to seek him and I seen the message. So I thank God every day for his love and patience. After the lockdown in the UK stated I said an odd thing to my ex that my mum and dad would not last the lockdown. My mum and dad where okay and I was talking to my dad again I said an odd thing the last two times I talked to him that he had to turn the other cheek and forgive others before he "passes on" my dad said not to preach to him he would not listen and had bitterness for my ex partner. Then my mum got ill and went into hospital then when my mum was getting better he got ill and had to go into hospital. Then he died on the 10th of April then resurrection Sunday was on the 12th and then my mum died on the 14th all over Passover. I am still trying to deal with that with all the madness from the so called "virus". Point is I was saying thing from no place and this is not the 1st time it happened in my life. When I was 15 my dad told me to go to the shops so okay that should be okay I did that loads of times before the shop was right over the road to where we lived. This time I stopped and said to him out my mouth from no place if I go out I will be bottled. This went on a bit my dad didn't listen and I went out to the hop and coming back a group of guys got in front of me and one from behind me bottled me overt he head and I ran home. Now I have had times like that a couple of times just saying thing from no place and it happened. I had a dream once of a car crash where I lived as a child I seen a school and the shops next to it and flats. it disturbed me not like any dream I had and 3 days later a family member died in a car crash where I dreamed it happened. I am not saying any of this to puff my self up because I am not and it is hard talking about some of this but these thing I know was from the Holy Spirit not from me and turned me to Jesus and I just don't want people to be blind to what is coming. I was in a bad relationship my ex was paranoid would get physically and verbally violent if I seen any woman be it on TV or outside so I stopped watching TV haven't watched it since 2001 and I stopped even going out side because every time I did she would think I was looking at women it wasn't easy but I loved her and wanted to show her that well it didn't word it wasn't as bad but she still found excuses to get mad. So after about 13 years of this I couldn't take any more I was on my last strew and it says God will only give you what you can handle so I asked on my face in absolute faith for help. If I left my ex she would use my kids as weapons against me say I ran away and so on and I couldn't have my kids be used that way and knew the only thing that would set me free was if I found she was doing things behind my back so I asked God to set me free. Three days later my ex came up into the room and I said to her out of no place I know what you been doing on facebook. Now I don't know where that came from because I didn't have any idea at all but her face turned white and I was like what she did something. Then she said well you know now then we are over and she said that she was chatting another man up over facebook so I got what I prayed for a way out it wasn't nice and hard but I got free of a bad relationship and my kids where not used as weapons. When I eventually had a place to go and was going out I stopped and said to her from no place again she will never have another child. She is the type of woman that loves having babies and from that time on she has tried a lot but ever time she has miscarried. So this is just some of the thing but I will put the one that started to change me and turn me from the world and on the road to Jesus now. Coming to Jesus on my face after over 20 years of being in bondage to addition just like with my ex coming to Jesus in belief like a child trusting a parent in humbleness, meekness and tears truly believing fully on Jesus and not my self asking to be free from the bondage of addiction and then having that addiction just lifted off me with no withdrawals nothing just gone wasn't my power not believing on my self or trying to do strange things to make my self give it up. All I had to do was truly believe and have faith like a child in a parent and it is hard to get to that point as an adult but if you can and let all go and truly believe and trust Jesus fully he can do anything.
@lindsaymarksmith.9122 3 года назад
@@QuantumG432 And under this my old post to show you are in the 4th seal and at the door of the 5th seal that is the 3 and 1/2 years of persecution Daniel 7 25 said and is the 42 months that the believers that are the spiritual temple are trampled this is to refine them as silver and gold and is not wrath god is longsuffering and many need this to come truly to him then after the 3 and 1/2 years Obama gets the 6th seal when Jesus comes and give the world the wrath of God and gets his true people the born again believers living and dead and gathers them all and gives them new flesh as Ezekiel 37 said and they go into the promised 7th day of rest that last 1000 years that is the last day and at the end of that the last war of Gog and Magog. Revelation 20:8 King James Version 8 And shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog, and Magog, to gather them together to battle: the number of whom is as the sand of the sea. Then the judgment. Then the 8th day of new beginnings where there is a new heaven and new earth where there is no more death or sin and the believers are with Jesus forever. ------------------------------------------------- The four beasts are kingdoms the last world kingdoms in order there descriptions are given. The Lion is always been the symbol of the UK it also actual had it on all four then later on standing on two legs. As the white horse is went out conquering most of the world when it was the world power controlling a lot of the world. The Bear is and has been the symbol of Russia for a very long time as well and many know the Russian bear well and they are also known as the reds. The bear when it got up and devoured much flesh is when it when Communist and killed thousands upon thousand of people for its cause and most where Christian getting murdered and no one cares about that holocaust and it is known who the bolshevik are of you know the people that hate Jesus. The red horse what can I say o look its the reds and it has a sword and we know from the bible the prophetically a sword in words like the one out of Jesus's mouth or the one we need to have with the armour of God. There sword went into the world saying words on how then need to get rid of people and it ended up from words to killing a lot of people in its name. The leopard with the four wings of a fowl o look four wings what can it be a symbol of? Well why not look at the nation that had the world power after Russia. And we have Nazi Germany with its swastika "four wings" and its fast cat like attacking army that swiftly won wars and took a lot of the world. And we have the black horse and isn't the Nazi Germans well known for that colour during that time and do you remember that because of the war there was rationing all over the world. "A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine." That was the rationing during that time and they protected the vineyards to make sure the wine was okay because and army the size it had doesn't work unless there is drink to make the men happy does it. Remember the occupation of France and how that most of the resistance was using the vineyards because it was a safe place the Germans where protecting them. "Fourth beast, dreadful and terrible, and strong exceedingly; and it had great iron teeth: it devoured and brake in pieces, and stamped the residue with the feet of it: and it was diverse from all the beasts that were before it; and it had ten horns.". So what world power came after Nazi Germany? It was the good old USA. The same USA that clearly is known as a people of many nations a diverse kingdom. It goes it makes war devours and brakes kingdoms that it makes war with saying its doing to to help them or because they are the evil people when the people they attack are mostly not bothered before hand but I bet now they are angry with the USA killing there men women and kids. "I considered the horns, and, behold, there came up among them another little horn" During this time the place that was Palestine was taken and given to the people that say they are the light of the world but reject Jesus and in doing so reject God. That little horn speak things against the most high. Now we have the fourth horse "And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. And power was given unto them over the fourth part of the earth, to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth." This can only be the USA with it constant wars with the fourth part of the earth that being the middle east brings death to them and leaving hell every place it goes. The diverse beast has a mouth of a lion and the lion that is the UK mouth/language is English and the mouth/language of the USA is the same as the lion English. A thing that was then was not and is again and rejected Jesus is not God's people they that do not have the son do not have God. They that are of the flesh and where disowned cut out of the tree they say they are the light but reject the light that is Jesus. True born again Israel born again saved by adoption into the one saved people and have the promise not by flesh or blood but because of faith and grace in Jesus. Romans 9:8 KJV "That is, They which are the children of the flesh, these are not the children of God: but the children of the promise are counted for the seed." Physically born Israel vs spiritual born again Israel the older brother vs the younger brother. look at the the examples where older brother is not of God but the younger is like Cain and Able, Ishmael and Isaac, Esau and Jacob, The older and younger son from the parable of the prodigal son. the older is always jealous of the younger because the promise goes to the younger and the older hates the younger this is examples of physical Israel that rejects Jesus and born again believes that is spiritual Israel. There is the Israel that is above them that are in Jesus and the Israel in the world that is in bondage and is not saved. Physical Jesus rejecting Israel Babylon the whore on the back of the USA beast “And in her was found the blood of prophets, and of saints, and of all that were slain upon the earth.”
@lindsaymarksmith.9122 3 года назад
@@QuantumG432 This is how they want to transfer power from Biden to Obama. As she said it was never for Trump it was always meant for Biden to make the way for Obama. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announcing legislation that would create a commission to allow Congress to intervene under the amendment and remove the president from executive duties. ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-HSUqa8StAjE.html
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