
Richard Epstein, George Soros, and Bruce Caldwell Discuss Hayek's Constitution of Liberty 

The Cato Institute
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The Constitution of Liberty
The Definitive Edition
by F. A. Hayek
edited by Ronald Hamowy
(University of Chicago Press, 2011)
Bruce Caldwell
Editor, The Collected Works of F. A. Hayek
Richard Epstein
Laurence A. Tisch Professor of Law, New York University Law School
George Soros
Founder and Chairman, Open Society Foundations
Ronald Hamowy
Fellow in Social Thought, Cato Institute
April 28, 2011



26 сен 2024




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@laurensrodi4264 7 лет назад
talking about liberty in the presence of soros must be so awkward..
@francisl.goodwins6724 3 года назад
@News Now Adirondacks Which is perhaps why you can understand Soros, whether you agree with him or not, while with Epstein you get something like this: "...what you do is give yourself a basic set of stable institutions, you get rules for the acquisition of property, rules for individual autonomy, rules for voluntary exchange, rules for the prohibition of force, and then what you do is let the voluntary exchange run and see what the outcomes will be. And at the end if you get these maldistributions in distribution, which you sometimes will get, that's when this other social safety net kicks in, preferably through voluntary means. But the key feature about this, is that when you run the system, the resource base with which you're going to have to work with is going to be far larger, and the number of people who are going to need assistance will be far smaller, so that the chances of needing something like a formal social security or a medicare system if you let this happen will be correspondingly diminished in the ways in which this goes." Far larger resource base? Far less need for assistance? Why? Why? Is there any proof or evidence here in all this verbiage that this would be the case? No and no. Is the point as banal as saying that stable institutions will result in greater productivity, as compared with a perpetual state of chaos? Is anyone scratching their head about this? "Gosh, I thought that if the buildings were going up in flames and everyone was at everyone else's throat then the resource base would explode (pun intended)." I get the feeling that if Epstein dropped all this pretension he'd have something important to say.
@BrotherCreamy 3 года назад
@@francisl.goodwins6724 Funny, I found Soros to be very cryptic in his response and Epstein quite concise, though Epstein covered a lot more ground than Soros.
@Gonboo 2 года назад
The fact they brought Emperor Palpatine on to discuss liberty is hilarious.
@aboutthatireallydc 12 лет назад
I was a bit puzzled by Soros characterization and criticism of Hayek, regarding notions of perfect information, efficient market hypotheses and predictability, given that much of Hayek's insight is that you can't predict, that knowledge is dispersed, basically that reason is limited in what it can understand and know. He needs to read him again.
@ottolehto 7 лет назад
He needs to read him the first time first.
@TheGerogero 4 года назад
He is deliberately misrepresenting Hayek. Soros is engaging in propaganda, not debate.
@relativisticvel 13 лет назад
Um, hayek didn't believe in EMH. Soros is misrepresenting Hayek. Nor was hayek a market fundamentalist, he didn't believe that markets were ideal, only better than governments. Hayek didn't use equations and such, so he is the opposite of what Soros is claiming. Furthermore, Soros's problem seems to be that he doesn't have a good model of political economy.
@AdamSPARTAN76 13 лет назад
Epstein is brilliant. I do not think Soros could even begin to understand what was being said.
@denisdaly1708 2 года назад
Ya, its hard to understand complete BS. Epstein should try reading very basic books on economics, and psychology.
@MikaelUmaN 10 лет назад
Wow, Soros is really badly educated.
@draganostojic6297 8 лет назад
Mikael Öhman, I agree. I couldn't listen his exposition for very long, it didn't make any convincing argument.
@abhimanyukarnawat7441 7 лет назад
Dragan Ostojić I think he's smart,but my question is if everyone is fallible how do we give power to someone to rule our life?
@draganostojic6297 7 лет назад
Abhimanyu Karnawat as long as they have limited terms in office we can vote them out if they make serious mistakes. One can worry that Soros who works behind the scenes may influence political decisions and yet not be accountable but I think that fear is not justified. The reason is that they are usually affiliated with the particular party so when that party loses they tend to be marginalized and ignored.
@abhimanyukarnawat7441 7 лет назад
Dragan Ostojić I have very strong libertarian intuitions,but soros is correct that we have biases,look moral psychology by Jonathan hadit.
@abhimanyukarnawat7441 7 лет назад
Dragan Ostojić democracy is mob rule think Gustav le bon,social proof
@cato451 13 лет назад
Richard Epstein is one of the most interesting and brilliant speakers i have ever heard. I have long been a fan of his and I am constantly in awe of his amazing oratory style and substance. I could listen to him debate every day. I sure wish he was given more exposure by the major media.
@TommyDavidVerbal 2 года назад
u sound brainwashed and naive
@mwmace 13 лет назад
Soros really misrepresents and misinterprets Hayek..
@tammys8711 2 года назад
How so?
@21nickik 12 лет назад
Soros say hayek, to the guy that developed the theory of how humans cope with unperfect information, is a proponend of the theory of perfect infromation. Therefore Soros has either not read or understand hayek.
@mallardhead 13 лет назад
Its hard not to vomit while listening to Soros.
@denisdaly1708 2 года назад
don't worry if you do not get him. It takes a brain to understand what he is saying.
@catndryer 12 лет назад
Soros is a powerbroker....not an economist. I don't, however, discount is involvement in forums like this. I think it is fundamentally importatnt that he be forced to respond or expose his own pretense.
@1080lights 2 года назад
George Soros must be talking about someone else named Friedrich Hayek because his descriptions are very far from accurate.
@Davidhussey8917 4 года назад
Richard Epstein in on other level even among intellectuals. This guy is my intellectual hero.
@denisdaly1708 2 года назад
yes, he is terrible at everything. Is he still 100% dead certain that just 50 people will die in the US FROM COVID? And that there is no climate change? Narcissistic nut with a God complex, who suffers badly from the Dunning Kruger effect.
@1325cmith 4 года назад
So in other words. Put Soros on 1.5 play back speed and put Epstein on 0.5 play back speed.
@tammys8711 2 года назад
@abhimanyukarnawat7441 7 лет назад
16:39 nope mr soros nope
@runelord37 12 лет назад
But Soros is very very wrong. Epstein however comes as close to anyone ive seen to understanding Hayek's theories as a whole.
@tammys8711 2 года назад
How practical when Richard talks about degree when it comes to planning. He lists infrastructure items roads, water and sewer, these things are also important to security and warrants local, state and to a lesser degree federal "viewing or input". Less is more when it comes to regulation, loved Richard's response.
@HSR107 13 лет назад
@BobbyW3363 CATO commonly brings in both progressives and conservatives to speak. Libertarians, unlike statist conservatives, illiberal liberals, and regressive progressives are typically very willing to compete in a free-marketplace of ideas
@LeGioNoFZioN 13 лет назад
wow, thanks for sharing I will have to watrch this again to make sure I caught everything
@Akatam0t0ma 13 лет назад
@Zontertes: The Austrian school is also opposed to the Chicago school. Does that make them "enemies of free market"?
@ManintheSun1 13 лет назад
George S.: Planning is imperfect so we have to plan planning in order to make planing better.. jhc give me a break
@BrotherCreamy 3 года назад
Also Soros: Markets don't work because people don't make perfect decisions 100% of the time.
@rahmega7 13 лет назад
Soooo. . . Where's Soros' theory on why governments and central banks expand credit to points that distort markets? I find it funny that he can defend the Fed in this video, while placing all blame on individuals who price financial assets ''incorrectly'' (thus creating bubbles), but not apply that same criticism to those that pump all the credit into society? Soros hasn't done all his homework on monetary policy.
@Primitarian 3 года назад
Ah, for the days when conservatives were thoughtful, logical and principled, like Prof Epstein, as opposed to the brood of sycophants and trolls we have today.
@jonaskoelker 3 года назад
Do we have any data about the population of conservatives, back then compared to now? Preferably something which tries to avoid sampling biases inherent in e.g. looking only at one's own media consumption. I agree with your praise of Richard Epstein. It applied back then as well as today, so he cannot provide evidence of a change in the population of conservatives as a whole.
@jacobgibson8379 3 года назад
he's not a conservative but rather a classical liberal/libertarian
@jonaskoelker 3 года назад
@@jacobgibson8379 FWIW: I agree, I just wanted to challenge OP on the point about change.
@Primitarian 3 года назад
@@jacobgibson8379 Yes, he is definitely the latter though I am not sure that classical liberal/libertarianism is incompatible with conservatism, at least where conservatism means what it has largely been taken to mean in contemporary America, i.e., keeping a stress on limited government (more or less), which indeed often has been called neo-liberalism.
@tammys8711 2 года назад
@@jacobgibson8379 funny how his logic aligns with conservative thoughts though. He sounds like a Catholic theologian when he talks about viewing life at conception. I think he believes there is such a thing as Truth.
@tonesvette2598 6 лет назад
Love, Love, Love Epstein. NOTHING is sacred in the search for truth.
@jbelich 13 лет назад
@BobbyW3363 ... it's called DEBATE, something both left and right have completely forgotten about.
@tammys8711 2 года назад
Prescient for 2022.
@relativisticvel 13 лет назад
Um, hayek didn't believe in EMH. Soros is misrepresenting Hayek. Nor was hayek a market fundamentalist, he didn't believe that markets were ideal, only better than governments. Hayek didn't use equations and such, so he is the opposite of what Soros is claiming.
@wadams19 13 лет назад
I'm glad Caldwell tried to call Soros out on his strawman. When did Hayek ever advocate for the mathematization of economics? When did Hayek advocate that the financial markets we have are always correct? He didn't, Mr Soros. Who are you trying to disprove? Because it isn't Hayek.
@matthewgibson3774 11 лет назад
That's a pretty uncharitable thing to say about Conservatives: they are constantly debating Leftists and bringing them on their shows, for example, Dennis Prager and Fox News. They also both talk to Libertarians once in a while, though usually to discuss some issue on which both agree rather than to debate. It is actually only Leftists who rarely ever invite important Conservatives and Libertarians on their shows, because they know their ideas can't compete - but their feelings can.
@tammys8711 2 года назад
Wow, how do you feel about your statement in the environment of 2022. Now rather than omit conservative voices, there are those who have hirelings to hunt them down and metaphorically (for now) erase or extinguish their voices. But I can't complain totally since I can still find Friedman, Epstein, Sowell etc als here. ...just wish I heard em in the airport too.
@Joe11Blue 13 лет назад
@Akatam0t0ma Chicago School under whom? Hayek? Friedman? Chicago school has changed a lot in the past 60 year's. As of Friedman, it's more of a Keynesian Supply-Side.
@tammys8711 2 года назад
Mission drift, its all over.
@runelord37 12 лет назад
So in essence hes saying that you can only figure things out economically be agreeing to disagree and allowing either side to actively pursue actions that are defined primarily by the extremes of their respective polarities.
@ksat8602 4 года назад
Upon rewatching the video, it becomes more apparent that you are referring to Mr. Soros’ submission in your comment. You’re correct on how he broke it down on the subject of agreeing to disagree or allowing both belief systems to co - exist in a way as a check on how far we pursue each extreme. However, all in all it’s without doubt that since the first Mont Pelerin Society meeting and frankly throughout their career lives, two of economics’ great minds being Friedman and Hayek had a lot of opposite and divergent views on subjects like the government regulatory policies and the extent to which we can pursue them without hurting the market, taxation or the regulatory centralization of the medium of exchange (The Fed) even though they shared a lot of common ground on what the core tenets of the free market should be. Hayek in one of his last interviews, argued against the centralized control of liquidity or cash as the only recognized medium of exchange (kinda a little extreme) . All that this points to is that even among the great champions of the free market who detested regulation and advocated for the free market in its most utopian form, there were undoubtedly some disagreements, how much more Mr. Soros and Mr. Epstein? Theoretically, both extremes of being for regulation or for minimal to no regulation may sound great on paper but fall short in their real-life applications because the human subjects in both extremes, have a will which cannot be preempted , but as Soros rightly stated, both can co-exist to help shape the market for the benefit of the consumer. For example, a regulatory tool like anti- trust laws, even with all the reservations a free market purist may have against it, helps keep the market open to the small guy whiles keeping corporate monopolies at bay to ensure that the competition needed to drive innovation and slash prices for the consumer thrives! So in essence, both schools of thought in our Keynesian world are needed.
@fargley001 13 лет назад
@gabrielguitarman If Darth Vader was a Jedi... I suppose Soros could be called an intellectual.
@SexDrugsFinance 11 лет назад
I have no idea what you are talking about yet I am compelled to ask you for a book recommendation that might spell out a portion of what you are saying.
@r3lativ 13 лет назад
This is interesting 59:57 George Soros explains why he has converted to market fundamentalism
@residentzombie 13 лет назад
@eatinbongrips It's called debate. You can't learn to argue against the statist point of view unless you hear the statist point of view. Soros is just there to argue against Hayek's theory. Nothing more, nothing less.
@emagoutard2576 6 месяцев назад
L’accident de Lady Di qui était c’est pas un accident c’est très bien que c’était commandité et qui sait le commanditaire est mort y’a pas longtemps et l’exécutant aussi. Et ben pendant ce temps là ils sont occupé Chirac comme ça ça fait bien Chirac pas là on sait avec quelle actrice il était mais tout ça c’était c’est normal c’est Régine
@fargley001 13 лет назад
@BobbyW3363 I've seen Barny Frank here too... I guess CATO wants to see both sides - even those with flawed thinking. I suppose its a celebration of free speech. The good news - if I get tired of listening to them, I'm 1 click away from sparing my ears.
@RyanJohnson 12 лет назад
What I have to say about Soros is that it's just interesting to see him partake in this sort of dialogue. I don't think he's evil, I think that's a mistaken take away from media-right and the fact that he's obviously very pragmatic in his economic opinion. As an economist isn't it his job to pull the thread of his study and for decades and decades he's done just that. Obviously his life's study gives him some inherent notoriety, but if you follow his logic it's not foolish rambling.
@impartialted4905 5 лет назад
He is King sellout.
@AdamSPARTAN76 13 лет назад
@AtibbsSPARTAN Soros contributes pathetically little here. He did not really respond to what anyone else said nor did he state a clear opinion on Hayek and the tie to constitutional liberty. He just rambled on in the vaguest generalities. If you've learned something about the markets from Soros, fine. Being an excellent trader does not make anyone the go to authority on economics. Successful traders constantly disagree with one another.
@tammys8711 2 года назад
...but even that gives us insight. I get as much from glaring omissions.
@txag2005 13 лет назад
Cato pisses me off sometimes. Barney Frank a few months ago and now Soros??? Come on Cato....
@residentzombie 13 лет назад
@pinegrove33 CATO has Soros to debate against Hayek. That's it. Don't read too deep into this. Soros is just a voice of anti-Hayekian theory.
@rumco 13 лет назад
@TheConservatveLibral A handshake will have to suffice ;)
@Albert-xd2zd Год назад
10 Nobelpreis
@a4finger 13 лет назад
I hate it when people who don't have the SLIGHTEST clue about science, especially physics, pretend like they do. Free market capitalism, or Austrian Economics, is the best economic system
@Akatam0t0ma 13 лет назад
@GrizzlyGroundswell: Please clarify...
@emagoutard2576 6 месяцев назад
vous rendre endoctriner les gens, ça sert de la religion et et en Israël ils sont ils sont très croyants avec leur prophétie et leur Messi et tout je-ne-sais-quoi là qu’ils ont jamais rien vu. Ça fait un peu comme on entend toujours parler de lui mais on l’a jamais vu le mec, ça fait un peu comme Charlie et les drôle de dame Charlie on l’a jamais vu y a Bosley mais y’a pas Charlie
@jennifersmall4027 4 года назад
omg, soros?
@RepublicConstitution 6 лет назад
Epstein is quite good
@WarVideo 12 лет назад
he is also wrong.
@TheBriRu 4 года назад
the funny thing is: if you build your hypothesis on markets on the wrong jew you're doomed
@mike420rvd 13 лет назад
im no fan of soros but glenn beck is a nut...soros aint even near that bad
@JaeWoodFLAWDSKWAD 13 лет назад
@rumco :-/ lol
@JaeWoodFLAWDSKWAD 13 лет назад
@rumco Can I meet you... So that I may kiss you? lol... no homo...
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