
Riot Tried To NERF Qiyana, but they made a HUGE MISTAKE | LS LoL PATCH NOTES 11.22 RUNDOWN 

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13 сен 2024




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@astyutechick7980 2 года назад
For people who are new to LS: he's being sarcastic when he says, "Renekton best champ in the game". Best champ is actually Annie *then* Renekton.
@tomwanders6022 2 года назад
Thanks a lot for clarifying, I was already seeing the wave of Anniemaniacs coming.
@MrStefan1221 2 года назад
Annie is so busted, she had to be banned in Worlds 2021 QFs
@Ebtalon 2 года назад
LS aka List fileS is a command commonly used in the Linux operating system to see files in the current working directory.
@m4ng4n 2 года назад
best one yet
@Zennithlol 2 года назад
You forgot your crown
@Elywely 2 года назад
I'm an arch linux user btw
@lileeper 2 года назад
@hatacoyama1246 2 года назад
@JPJonesBSc 2 года назад
LS "literally Sick" , bringing the knowledge from that big oll boiled brain
@nobodywashere3123 2 года назад
U know LS is sick when he doesn't hit the comments up with the "hey everyone, its LS"
@Narutimake 2 года назад
Riot's on a copium overdose saying solo lane maokai is strong, champ has been useless for years
@burialsphinx2841 2 года назад
Useless but can very easily be fixed, all he really needs is ult buffs, if his ult moved even as fast as nami ult he would be way better, but his ult now is a near useless ability because its so slow
@emma11122 2 года назад
@@burialsphinx2841 That would just make him even better in the support position.
@devinray915 2 года назад
@@emma11122 true
@larsg.8187 2 года назад
I have played against him once in nearly 2 years and i main top
@JakeTran141 2 года назад
It's because Maokai's kit is better used in a support scenario. When compared to top lane tanks like Ornn, Maokai is better in terms of CC, lane control, and the ability to stick to enemies, the things that any support needs when paired with an ADC. The correct way to nerf support Maokai is to nerf the CC duration on him, not nerf his healing, that thing should be buffed to make people take him top.
@DeanoWeb 2 года назад
my man forgot about Vi
@ThisOrangeIsSour 2 года назад
Thanks LS for the video despite being sick! Appreciate it and hope you feel better soon !
@dellikakechi5665 2 года назад
LS aka Ludwig von miseS was a 20th century Austrian economist notable for his vocal opposition to results-based analysis and his insistence on focusing on intentions rather than outcomes in his field of study. Being an original thinker, he frequently clashed with the analytical orthodoxy, but he built up a substantial following of his own, which was referred to as a cult by his unthinking peers.
@notVikkg 2 года назад
LS aka Lemony Snicket is the pen name (as well as a fictional character) of American novelist Daniel Handler (born February 28, 1970). Handler has published several children's books under the name, most notably A Series of Unfortunate Events, which has sold over 60 million copies and spawned a 2004 film and TV series from 2017 to 2019. Lemony Snicket also serves as the fictional narrator of and a character in A Series of Unfortunate Events as well as the main character in its prequel, a four-part book series titled All the Wrong Questions. Snicket is also featured as a minor character in Cheshire Crossing by Andy Weir.
@LazyLee 2 года назад
give LS a sick day
@Jaime_Protein_Cannister 2 года назад
I stopped playing a while back , it feels so good to be free of this(company) , watching for LS and just to stay in the loop for Worlds and Regular Season.
@catlord69 2 года назад
@sirisimpeius9820 2 года назад
Nice to see LS have an ahegao at the mere mention of Renekton. Best champion indeed.
@tomwanders6022 2 года назад
@XorusVII 2 года назад
In competitive, you can guarantee there will be 5v5 herald at 8 min fight so Kayns quest should be easier to complete than in soloq actually
@riven4121 2 года назад
TIL Riven's getting buffed. I honestly just wish I actually had build variety on her. Her balance state is so dependant on Goredrinker's power. "Item update will bring item variety" by the way.
@kklap3219 2 года назад
I wonder, what build variety did u ever have on riven before the item changes? It was always the same bruiser build or the lethality build, or a combination. Things you can still do.
@simone8172 2 года назад
The goredrinker rework did bring itemization variety though. Not a *ton*, she's still not one of the most diverse or anything, but for a single patch gore was downright bad on her according to the riven players I know that actually played her on that patch. Even with the compensation buff this patch, other items should totally be viable on her in the right situation. For example: triforce having no mana, little attack speed, and the massive passive AD bonus + sheen with her E AD ratio buff could be insane.
@Dingdong2730 2 года назад
For Mythics Goredrinker is literally just too perfect for Riven for anything else to ever be viable, so is Black Cleaver, so I guess Riven is balanced around 2 items. Build variety idk, isn't Riven always the same? Anything that gives AD and CDR is good, so apart from the 2 must build items, you have a lot of options. So you have 3 item slots to fill up, and there is plenty of options for that. You can go tanky with Death Dance, Titanic Hydra, Steraks, GA, Maw and the bruiser QSS, then you have aggressive options like Edge of night, Yomuus, Seryldas, Serpents, Ravenous Hydra and Essence Reaver, who might be a bit more "funny", but will still work. You can also fill in true tank items if you really need them. I feel like most champs I play are much worse when it comes to build diversity, especially mages.
@riven4121 2 года назад
​@@simone8172 Riven does not use triforce's passive well because she dumps her entire kit on someone in one go as opposed to someone like Camille that has a Q that has a convenient cooldown between procs that is around the same as Spellblade. In the 1.5 seconds between proccing Triforce with one of Riven's abilities, she would've dumped the majority of her kit on someone. Not to mention Triforce's AD stacking and spellblade scale off of base AD. Riven's base AD growth is bad because of her passive. There's a reason why Riot nerfing Goredrinker tanked her win rate by 5%, none of the other AD mythics work well on Riven to the point where Goredrinker is built on her in over 90% of her games. Stridebreaker has been trash ever since it got reworked because of Sett and Darius having screen long engage then nerfed into obscurity because of Nocturne mid being inescapable with it, Riven does not use the other half of Sunderer's passive and spellblade outside of ER sucks on her (ER only works because of the 20% crit cheese and the fact her passive itself can crit), Prowlers Claw is crap ever since Riot removed the dash on minions and Duskblade does not work well on Riven and both are nullified by the fact that the champs she's likely to fight (other bruisers and tanks) will all build an armour item making Lethality worthless. The only AD mythic that is actually semi viable on her is Eclipse. But Riven does not use omnivamp that well because her damage is AoE and the healing is reduced by 66% and the item is heavily gated by its passive and is not really a good item at all. There's a reason why assassins began building Goredrinker. Lethality mythics are just flat out horrible.
@riven4121 2 года назад
@@Dingdong2730 The two classes with the worst mythic diversity are bruisers and mages. Most of them build one or two items at most and have their entire balance dictated by the item's power to the point where some champs like Urgot completely forgo building Mythics entirely because of how horrible they are.
@TheYellowWalk 2 года назад
For Qiyana: Base health has been nerfed from 590 to 520 not buffed from 500 to 520
@IllusionaryHD 2 года назад
LS misread the Qiyana changes so the title is inaccurate. Base HP was nerfed from 590 -> 500, not increased by 20.
@kut3747 2 года назад
He didn't her base health goes from 590 to 520 and instead of 90Health per level she gets 110 health per level, so basically she loses 70 health level 1 but gains more health has the game goes on
@IllusionaryHD 2 года назад
@@kut3747At 6:39 he reads it as 500 to 520. I understand what the changes actually are but LS just misread it, not a big deal.
@denisdebenis 2 года назад
yes, but the health growth was buffed so you're only missing it for first few levels
@IllusionaryHD 2 года назад
@@denisdebenis I understand that. That was not my point.
@kut3747 2 года назад
@@IllusionaryHD Oh i see nvm, i was just trying to help tho : )
@miguelguerreiro4858 2 года назад
Respect for the work ethic
@TomGeorgin 2 года назад
The crossed font is unreadable, true, but still, for Qiyana, they say they nerf her early game, so it's not 500 -> 520, it's 590 -> 520. Still, with the changes to her AD scaling, Goredrinker Qiyana will indeed be stronger. My advice is copy paste the text to a text editor, you'll get the uncrossed version.
@omarsharif7395 2 года назад
Hey LS, it's everyone ❤️
@kingveer8780 2 года назад
imagine nerfing khazix
@devinray915 2 года назад
riot can, but for real they have to be just throwing darts at a board with how they nerf champs
@Carruj 2 года назад
the qiyana changes on the normal patch notes have says E is (50% bonus AD)
@butterflyintherain9851 2 года назад
Oh, thanks! I almost missed it :)
@Pistallion1 2 года назад
I'm genuinely curious on LSs thoughts why Riot seems so out of touch. Like why even care a out Mao support or Qiyana? Like there are so many egregious non fun things to play against. Graves is a perfect example where it's just a joke character right now even after these strange nerfs. Do people in the balance team even play or care about the game. It's like they have no pride in thier work. Last patch of thr season I'd hope to be like the final touches on a year long project but they just don't seem to care and want to just get on with the new crazy stupid as fuxk changes that will inevitably be there for the pre season
@_zzeero 2 года назад
do you really think that maokai saplings(which serves as a ward) and qiyana aka the no-counterplay assassin when she has flash is fun to play against??
@fth2780 2 года назад
@@_zzeero they should change maokai sapling hit-able. It's just so dumb they can't be stop
@antonjoos2106 2 года назад
i think they all play for fun in a 5 premade lobby. Their mmr is so bad that they dont see good players play broken champs. That would also explain why they want to remove all chat because in a 5 player preamde lobby only the enemys can be toxic :D But in generall i dont think they play league or watch good players maybe just worlds. But i guess they cant just ask People like LS to help them make better patches
@weewoo9940 2 года назад
@@_zzeero ah yes one of the hardest champs in the game that has “no counter play” lol what
@Dingdong2730 2 года назад
@@weewoo9940 The champion being hard to play is not actually counterplay. Its the same bullshit argument Riot has used to keep Riven extremely overtuned this entire season. "Yeah its turbo broken when high elo players play it, but in bronze-plat Riven has 48% wr so we might buff her idk."
@ChristianHernandez-ce3id 2 года назад
Riot Janitor lost his Gold 3 promos to Kha
@shinobicp7576 2 года назад
Warwick actually viable now with goredrinker changes, still easy to counter but this helps him a lot
@NM-rh5qu 2 года назад
your patch notes say that qiyana E is change to 50% total ad while actual patch notes say 50% bonus ad
@shubhamshinde3720 2 года назад
They should decrease the energy cost of akali before lvl6 and they might decrease her damage earlier if they want because main focus is to get those minion in the lane it hard to farm in earlier stage without getting poke
@Broni34life 2 года назад
omg ls take care of yourself no need to do this when you have a fever :(
@max_m798 2 года назад
Wtf Riot? Kha is "OP" but Qiyana is.. ..weak in average play? Not sure what SoloQ Riotemployees are playing at but thats nonsense. I see qiyana like any other game since weeks and it doesn't matter first timing her - just hit r literally
@harambeatemydog5283 2 года назад
Not true, qiyana is quite weak in lower elos. Her winrate alone should tell you this.
@weewoo9940 2 года назад
I hate when people say this. Qiyana is only strong at very high levels of play. Average and even above average players won’t be able to play her well enough to make her look op. Look at her win rate in all elos below master
@weewoo9940 2 года назад
@UCo9220iH97SBS8teC5dXyQA lol you clearly have never played her or are very bad. She is one of the highest skill champs in the game. “Just hit r” haha you live in your own silver world
@joemama9479 2 года назад
LS thought Qiyana gains health when she loses 70 instead.
@nitron_biohazard9499 2 года назад
She gains health per level and from level 5 on has more health than before this patch
@joemama9479 2 года назад
@@nitron_biohazard9499 Yea but.... he misread and says she goes from 500-520. She goes from 590-520. Makes her trash early game clear even worse.
@ragnorian257 2 года назад
@@joemama9479 yea was thinking the same myself… her clear is going to be even dicier now
@fdthqwerty 2 года назад
Honestly there were quite a few mistakes this time around with misreading or missing lines. I appreciate you dragging yourself out of bed to make this but I'd rather the quality stay high like it has been in the past, and have it be delayed or just skipped.
@kklap3219 2 года назад
Sucks to be you , i dont mind him misreading shit because i can actually look at my screen and correct it accordingly.
@AtaYldz 2 года назад
they cant balance goredrinker so they should remove it like command banner
@vokuhila6913 2 года назад
is irelia better mid or top lane
@ascendance2295 2 года назад
That Qiyana nerf says 590 - 520 btw
@Linkingx2 2 года назад
Ceaseless Hunger stats are insane 15% omnivamp is out of this world
@Erksah68 2 года назад
Im going goredrinker on cho gath idgaf
@counterstrike2isdead 2 года назад
Wait Vi is in the patch what happened?
@catlord69 2 года назад
skin happened
@versutus2699 2 года назад
We appreciate you pushing through the vaccine symptoms to bring this to us. We hope for a speedy recovery
@Linkingx2 2 года назад
GenG would have won with the renekton changes kekium
@Nazuiko 2 года назад
LS aka Lightly Sarcastic, jokes about how great a champ Renekton is
@sitcomsencho8509 2 года назад
@biffii5568 2 года назад
I play a lot of riven, but she will now be stronger than pre gore/conq nerf with the buff to gore and the massive shield buff. Which will inevitably lead to her getting gutted and the cycle begins again..
@devin3944 2 года назад
You know LS isn't feeling well when he thinks that those Qiyana changes were buffs. Qiyana about to be dealing negative damage
@MeleeMinion 2 года назад
Ls be like, hello everyone this is LS I am a bit under the weather here it is very raining, pls help me. 😶
@Andre_7771 2 года назад
why are the vi changes not in the video?
@jasperbrecht1807 2 года назад
Best nerf to graves would be to just reduce dmg dealt to minions on Q. Idk what riot employees are smoking to make these changes. every single patch it gets worse. they must be overdosing on some super strong Copium
@letsgobobbys1097 2 года назад
God please put maokai back in the toplane.
@fth2780 2 года назад
Riot should make Maokai saplings hit-able, it should fix a lot of issues
@pinthiscomment267 2 года назад
@kklap3219 2 года назад
Whats that
@hatzer3780 2 года назад
this patch was so weird from riot nothing makes sense lol
@A.C_B. 2 года назад
Why the fuck would they nerf Maokai?? The champion is horrible as a solo laner. The fact that he is playable at all is kind of a miracle.
@descendency 2 года назад
I wonder if the games patches would be better if riot updated less... because most of the patches are filler.
@younesahmedhenni4025 2 года назад
@LifenKnight 2 года назад
wait you can't anti-heal yuumi?
@narrei666 2 года назад
*vi* aint even there QQ
@SKMalugor 2 года назад
LS aka Little Sick
@ayuon8362 2 года назад
Ls if you die we…. AaaaHm I mean can I get that phone I would share with nana and build a church of Annie in your redemption to our lord
@Sanspepins 2 года назад
As a riven player I don't understand these buffs. She's already very strong and even her bad matchups currently are just farm and wait for mid game. Outside of Kennan anyway
@scooldrood 2 года назад
renekton every promatch was some of the most boring things ive ever seen and they want it back?
@chasingdawn7651 2 года назад
Ls is so calm about this patch compare to hashinshin especially with the akali and riven buffs lol.
@sarettodn5708 2 года назад
Wasnt hashinshin arrested?
@hungryforatoms19 2 года назад
@@sarettodn5708 he was investigated by FBI but was prooven innocent.
@joaobrito2653 2 года назад
so they revert the renekton stun changes but they leave the HP buffs? nice one riot
@CaptainMorghan4152 2 года назад
They need to buff blitzcrank for the skin
@axiosschmidt6001 2 года назад
They wont make money out of it.
@SXLLXNBXE 2 года назад
@dennistang4703 2 года назад
15% increase AP dmg + flat dmg increase on akali passive... LS " not a lot"
@savageclone6076 2 года назад
Hot garbage patch coming trough
@thomasjurasits4254 2 года назад
Hey LS it’s Everyone
@JL-xy6wk 2 года назад
@PVTP3ngu1n 2 года назад
that patch was actually awful
@wispppp 2 года назад
Your fever must be seriously getting to you to say those Kha nerfs weren't absolutely deserved.. They should've came like a year ago.. Took them long enough
@hereticalfish3509 2 года назад
Did he just skip Vi or....
@chiidybang370 2 года назад
Kha makes sense for 98% of players.
@Zer0Sen 2 года назад
@RinandStyx 2 года назад
Let’s goooo
@carljhonson6727 2 года назад
in game, the Qiyana e damage is bonus ad, not overall ad. trash video title about trash riot patch
@justinbowman3567 2 года назад
Just rework MaoKai champ is boring and weird.
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