
Robert De Niro's Most Twisted Role - The Fan (1996) 

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Robert De Niro and Wesley Snipes star in this thrilling and absolutely pulse-pounding ride. De Niro plays a fan the San Francisco Giants- but not just any fan. He’s a super fan for Wesley Snipes’ character who has just been traded to his beloved team. This causes a dark and twisted obsession to go from threatening to disastrous. Check out our video and see how it holds up!
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@patrickpato9682 Месяц назад
It was outside of a courtroom. What a twisted role
@scottwilson3741 Месяц назад
Cry some more 😭😭😭😭😭
@johnrawten197 Месяц назад
@@scottwilson3741 Nobody that's 5'3 is intimating!
@travisbickle2004 Месяц назад
@@johnrawten197intimating? 😂
@scottwilson3741 Месяц назад
@@johnrawten197 idk about that. I've been with some women around 5' 3" that could be very intimate
@genecide6869 Месяц назад
@jamesmorant1406 Месяц назад
His most twisted role would be Cape Fear, but this role is definitely on the list
@stephenmalovski313 Месяц назад
Yeap, Cape Fear, Taxi Driver and the Fan on close third and also I would add Rupert in the King of Comedy
@user-zx6kn2uw3k Месяц назад
You beat me to it.
@SouthPhilthy 4 дня назад
"This boys life" was great movie too
@MutantsInDisguise Месяц назад
Man, is this movie so underrated and unfairly criticized. I will unapologetically consider THE FAN to be one of my favorite films ever. It's a perfect potrait of fanaticism and its consequences on a person who is obessed with a baseball player (or anything else).
@dantheanimator5072 Месяц назад
Well said I swear….Falling Down with Micheal Douglas and this movie wasn’t a looking glass into those days but a tear in time to look at the future we are in now Fantastic and deep cinema that both were not braindead action/suspense flicks but truly were DRAMA films
@rmarkley79 Месяц назад
@@dantheanimator5072 Falling Down is one of my favorite movies. I really enjoyed this one when it came out, will have to revisit it.
@JBalderas1990 Месяц назад
Yes I remember the cable guide gave it like half a star when I would see it on repeat on Cinemax…I thought it was pretty good!
@rmarkley79 Месяц назад
@@JBalderas1990 well played, most people have no idea what the TV Guide was, LOL
@titoalgaba4794 Месяц назад
This movie was silly
@TonyBakercomedy Месяц назад
This was a solid film. DeNiro definitely delivered
@happyfuntimepewpew Месяц назад
very underrated movie
@Shadowx011 Месяц назад
Tony Scott was the best friend I have ever had…actually the only true friend. I met him on the set of Deja Vu and we hit it off. He gave me 3 big scenes…which were later cut as the PG standing changed. …still…anytime day or not I could not sleep…I would call him and we would talk about everything for hours…we both loved the same movies and music…he was truly a big kid at heart…I miss him dearly. He would always call me with yet another idea for a role with me in mind which would always be cancelled last minute, lol…but it was nice of him to think of me and he tried to help me get my acting career started. I feel very fortunate that I got to know him so close…I’ll never forget the last minute trip to New York City because I was bored. …I had no idea about his brain tumor…he told me he had mild throat cancer which was cured through radiation treatments…he did not want me to feel sorry for him. I was angry when he took his life…but I could not imagine how scared he must have been. RIP
@TodaysDante Месяц назад
I already saw his most twisted role: Outside the courtroom where he ranted like an imbecile with no grasp on reality.
@FoundaPeanut Месяц назад
if you support Donald Trump, don’t call yourself a Christian, a conservative republican, or a patriot. Because MAGA is none of those things.
@FoundaPeanut 14 дней назад
@Locadel2003 Месяц назад
This was Wesley Snipes at the peak of his career, but De niro stoled it
@STAUNCHTV Месяц назад
The greatest Villain Deniro ever played, Dwight in THIS BOYS LIFE
@RestrainingHollywood Месяц назад
"Hey, Bobby!!"
@formerlyknownashammerofthegods Месяц назад
You forgot Heat. The ending of The Fan reminds me of the beginning of another Tony Scott movie, The Last Body Scout.
@FoundaPeanut Месяц назад
Says the guy who would hire a house painter to do his open-heart surgery.
@FoundaPeanut Месяц назад
That kid that mows everyone’s lawn in the neighborhood because he isn’t old enough to get a job yet, you should totally hire him to remodel your entire house.
@FoundaPeanut Месяц назад
You should go down to the parole office and hire a convicted felon to be your babysitter.
@FoundaPeanut Месяц назад
I’m sure there’s some kind of registry with a list of felons names on it that you could easily find, you guaranteed would trust them to be your babysitter.
@formerlyknownashammerofthegods Месяц назад
@@FoundaPeanut Your boy Joe showered with his daughter. Go play hypocrite with someone who might care what you think. Trump haunts your dreams and owns your soul. Hahahahahaha
@brianbouley2117 Месяц назад
Never saw the movie. Came hear to read the comment section. I'm sure that's what the timing of this video is for. The interaction algorithm
@thespicemelange.1 Месяц назад
@FoundaPeanut Месяц назад
the best video will be when ole donnie the convicted felon goes to prison
@SouthPhilthy 4 дня назад
Great underrated movie
@drewlavay Месяц назад
Loved this movie when I was a kid, had it on VHS lol
@vorhees2093 Месяц назад
Just watched this last Monday on Memorial Day
@jonathanfeldheim6554 Месяц назад
best last minute umpiring I've seen in a movie since Enrico Pollotzo
@lmspns Месяц назад
how to forget the talented Enrico Pallazzo...
@12cm32 Месяц назад
@paulanthonytully Месяц назад
not even your own family will miss you buddy, bye
@travisbickle2004 Месяц назад
@Sawlon Месяц назад
@@paulanthonytully Good one! lol
@Mal_Freeman0451 Месяц назад
12 cm penis, 32 IQ?
@therichdarley Месяц назад
It’s definitely worth a watch people 👌🏽
@IrateCritic1 Месяц назад
“Yo Bobby!”
@derrickpaine6277 Месяц назад
I don't know what happened to the narrator but you need to get him back
@stewartfennell8926 Месяц назад
DeNiro only stalks presidential candidates now...
@dongeraci8599 Месяц назад
You mean convicted felons and r*pists.
@BReal23-qm8hs Месяц назад
DeNiro's personal life is messed up which is why he is a natural at playing those types.
@rs6109 Месяц назад
lol cope harder magats , maga tears
@rs6109 Месяц назад
@@BReal23-qm8hs Theres only one b real, you poser
@BReal23-qm8hs Месяц назад
@@rs6109 Go do something else productive than worrying about what username somebody has.
@jeremydurrance9717 Месяц назад
Actually it was the other day
@scottwilson3741 Месяц назад
Waaahhhh waaahhhh waaahhhh 😭😭😭😭😭
@whimsicalhamster88 Месяц назад
Wow, he really triggered the Trump cult. Sorry you all have Kid Rock and Dennis Quaid to represent you 🤣
@JacobPaul-ix7oc Месяц назад
@@travisbickle2004 Trump is the next Charlemagne with a dash of the old Austrian painter guy. I suppose you are not aware that all of the US's "elected" Presidents have been descended from "Holy Roman Emperor" Charlemagne via King John of England. The only President not descended from Charlemagne was Gerald Ford, and he wasn't even "elected" as President (he was Nixon's VP turned President after Nixon resigned). You would do well to look up Controlled Opposition, Hegelian Dialectic and "Four Steps for Ideological Subversion" by Yuri Bezmenov. Here is a fairly quick rundown of what is going on in the US right now. Liberals are promoting Marxist ideologies (what some people refer to as "THE MESSAGE" or "woke"), giving the perception we may be headed for a Communist takeover since Liberals are following the "Four Steps.." exactly as Yuri Bezmenov described in the mid 1980s. Joe Biden (like Obama before him) is Controlled Opposition, a useful idiot whose purpose is to help turn people away from "progressive" Liberalism and Marxism. Conservatives have used Liberals to create a Marxist problem in need of a solution if we are to Make America Great Again. To combat Marxism/Communism, Trump's fanatic cult will readily accept Fascism as the solution to that problem, and they will do it in the name of "God and Country". "Far-Left" Liberals will be round up and imprisoned, put in labor camps or executed as enemies of the State. The large number of immigrants who have come to the country recently will be put into labor camps, imprisoned, deported or executed as threats to national security. Homosexuals will also be round up and brought into the streets to be killed (Stalin style, ironically), labeled as child exploiters and immoral degenerates who are unfit to live. It was Obama (Controlled Opposition) who made it much easier to do this by making them expose themselves willingly, giving them increased rights and privileges. The government propaganda machine knows as Mainstream Media and the Entertainment Industry have also played into this, giving those people the perception they are being normalized in society. Marriage records, online data (Earn It Bill) and surveillance cameras (like the ones found at the corner of every street in a PRIDE Parade) are being kept for this purpose, as well as anyone else the government deems unfit to live. Some people don't yet realize that Corporations do as the government tells them, not the other way around. The government is like the Mafia, if you don't pay your protection money (bribes, kickbacks) you will not remain in business. You may also want to look up the following: US Public Law One Zero Two dash One Four Seven Laws of Noah Dominion Theology (What are our "voting" machines called, again?) Matthew 24:24 For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect. -Christians are the elect of God, chosen before the foundation of the world to be conformed to the likeness of Jesus Christ through faith in Him. When a person is saved, God spiritually writes His commandments on your heart and mind, giving you the knowledge to distinguish the clean from the unclean. To deceive the elect, if possible, you do not promote "Liberalism" (acceptance of immoral behavior and calling it morality) but act as though you are following God's commands. 2 Corinthians 11:14-15 14 And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. 15 It is not surprising, then, if his servants also masquerade as servants of righteousness. Their end will be what their actions deserve. Donald Trump is a false messiah, a worker of iniquity who will bring about the destruction of the United States after he turns it into a fascist regime. The Russians will once again end a fascist regime, but this time they will use the same method the US used against Japan, but on a much larger (and hotter) scale. Matthew 24:4-13 4 And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you. 5 For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many. -To date, there have been 266 Popes who have come in Christ’s name, calling themselves the “Vicar of Christ”, Potentate (Sovereign) over the Church. As Paul wrote to Timothy in 1 Timothy 6:15-16, Jesus is the ONLY Potentate. According to the Vatican, there are 1.2 billion Catholics in the world today. That is a lot of people being deceived by the false teachings of the Roman Catholic Church. 6 And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. 7 For nation (ethnos: race) shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. 8 All these are the beginning of sorrows. 9 Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake. ---I didn't mention this before, but I will here. According to the Seven Laws of Noah, it is blasphemy and idolatry to worship Jesus as God, and the punishment for doing so is death by guillotine (same punishment given to homosexuals, actually). 10 And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another. --In this case, to be "offended" means to turn away from the Gospel of Christ towards following religious laws mandated by the government and Roman Catholic Church. Like the Brown Shirts or Gestapo, people will turn in friends, family and neighbors "for the good of the country". 11 And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many. 12 *And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.* 13 But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved. ---Due to the increase of iniquity/sin promoted by Liberals, Conservatives will begin (or rather, have begun) to hate them and seek their destruction by the hands of men. There will be no mercy or forgiveness. Those who show no mercy will be given no mercy themselves.
@JacobPaul-ix7oc Месяц назад
Steps 1-3 of the "Four steps for ideological subversion" (Yuri Bezmenov, 1985) 1. Demoralization - this is a process which can take about 15-30 years to perform (a generation). During this stage, the moral fibre and integrity of the country is put into question, thereby creating doubt in the minds of the people. To do so, manipulation of the media and academia is required to influence young people. As the younger generation embraces new values, such as Marxism and Leninism, the older generation slowly loses control simply through attrition. Again, true facts no longer matter during this stage, but rather creating perceptions are of paramount importance. Communism and Religion Abolished - all religious and metaphysics is rejected. Engels and Lenin agreed that religion was a drug or “spiritual booze” and must be combated. *To them, atheism put into practice meant a “forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions.”* [Psalm 2 Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing? *The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord, and against his anointed, saying,* *Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us.* --In other words, we don't want God telling us what to do, we want to do our own thing. We don't want Him determining what is moral and immoral, we want to decide that for ourselves and get rid of His Commandments. He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision. Then shall he speak unto them in his wrath, and vex them in his sore displeasure. Yet have I set my king upon my holy hill of Zion. I will declare the decree: the Lord hath said unto me, Thou art my Son; this day have I begotten thee. Ask of me, and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession. Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron; thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potter's vessel. Be wise now therefore, O ye kings: be instructed, ye judges of the earth. Serve the Lord with fear, and rejoice with trembling. Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and ye perish from the way, when his wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all they that put their trust in him.] Eliminating American exceptionalism, fundamental change of national identity, *structural deconstruction of foundational principles, elimination of religion. Embedding a new societal design upon the psyche of generations through ideological academia, peer pressure by elites upon academics and society to convince that prior values were inherently flawed, racist, prejudiced etc.* National identity is diluted with aspersions toward historical references. National History is re-written, re-defined, and molded to fit the new intended behavioral model and create the new values. “As I mentioned before, exposure to true information does not matter anymore,” said Bezmenov. *“A person who was demoralized is unable to assess true information. The facts tell nothing to him.* Even if I shower him with information, with authentic proof, with documents, with pictures; even if I take him by force to the Soviet Union and show him [a] concentration camp, he will refuse to believe it, until he [receives] a kick in his fan-bottom. *When a military boot crashes his balls then he will understand. But not before that.* That’s the [tragedy] of the situation of demoralization.” It’s hard not to see in that the state of many modern Americans. We have become a society of polarized tribes, *with some people flat out rejecting facts in favor of narratives and opinions.* 2. Destabilization - the purpose of this step is to change the status quo, particularly the country's economy, foreign relations, and defense systems. *The intent is to create a massive government permeating society and becoming intrusive in the lives of its citizens.* This can take from two to five years to perform, again with the active support of academia pushing youth in this direction. *Here, entitlements and benefits are promised to the populace to encourage their support.* Basically, they are bribing the people to accept their programs. Bezmenov claims after this stage is completed, the naive college professors are no longer needed and since they will undoubtedly protest government policies when they discover the truth, they will be disposed of quickly. He cites examples of this occurring in Nicaragua, Grenada, Afghanistan, and Bangladesh. ---Be honest here. Who is being given entitlements and privileges? Conservatives? Libertarians? Liberals? Or is it a minority of people who have been labeled as an "oppressed class"? When the majority is shunned in favor of the few, it is bound to create anger, tension and hatred towards that minority. *“[T]he useful idiots, the leftists* who are idealistically believing in the beauty of the Soviet socialist or Communist or whatever system, when they get disillusioned, they become the worst enemies. That’s why my KGB instructors specifically made the point: never bother with leftists. Forget about these political prostitutes. Aim higher. [...] They serve a purpose only at the stage of destabilization of a nation. *For example, your leftists in the United States: all these professors and all these beautiful civil rights defenders. They are instrumental in the process of the subversion only to destabilize a nation. When their job is completed, they are not needed any more.* They know too much. Some of them, when they get disillusioned, when they see that Marxist-Leninists come to power-obviously they get offended-they think that they will come to power. That will never happen, of course. They will be lined up against the wall and shot.” ---As I mentioned before, it is Conservatives, not Marxist Leninists, using these far-left Liberals, though the outcome will be the same. 3. Crisis-This is a major step lasting up to six weeks and involves a revolutionary change of power. This is where a cataclysmic event (false flag event, civil war, invasion) upsets and divides the country thereby creating panic among the citizens. To Americans, symptoms would include circumventing the Constitution (re: Use "privately owned" social media sites to restrict free speech/First Amendment rights) and altering the checks and balances of government (see: Video and article I posted above), and possible martial law. Creation of economic, financial and national security crisis. Also includes social crisis and a breakdown of previously self-evident restrictions on moral behavior. The Cloward-Piven approach is used to create more takers than producers (higher population than available jobs, necessitating government aid, the reason why Liberals push for Open Borders and lax immigration policies). The crisis produces benevolent leaders who will promise to deliver things to meet people's needs through “hope and change” (ie: Hitler’s rise to power amidst a disenfranchised German population reeling from the effects of WW1) through social and economic justice. False illusion that the situation is under control if strategic directions are followed-Bailouts, regulations of industry and so forth. ---Liberals no longer promote someone due to their skills or merit, instead they virtue signal and promote them based on intersectionality points (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) and adherence to Marxist ideologies. This is showing favoritism while calling it "Inclusion". I'm sure you all realize we have not completed step three yet, but it is very close. The revolution will occur very soon. Whether by "election" or coup de tat (the most likely scenario), Donald Trump will return to the White House.
@user-eq3xq4zx1u Месяц назад
I just watched this again this weekend and enjoyed it as much as I last enjoyed it in the 90's. Some movies just don't find their audience until later. But not me. I liked it then and love it even more today.
@helpyourcattodrive Месяц назад
Hell, yes, the fan character belongs alongside those other roles …
@Crush_Tiggrr Месяц назад
Awesome movie, so underrated.
@DebitAdams Месяц назад
Now do you care? Bobby! Now do you care? Just a little bit?
@SouthPhilthy 4 дня назад
Bobbbyy!! Bobbayyy! 😂
@cameronrobinson3933 Месяц назад
I went and saw this movie in the theater when it came out and I thought it was going to be a huge hit for some reason but when I went I was all by myself. I absolutely love the movie and I don't care it anybody says
@PhantomFilmAustralia Месяц назад
3:09 The son is the child version of John Cusack. 😂😂
@Mal_Freeman0451 Месяц назад
Fantastic film. Not spoken about enough. People like to say De Niro doesn't have range but this film provides another great example of how he can play very different characters.
@imaadshahrukh4829 8 дней назад
Most Underrated Robert de Niro movie. It's basically The King of Comedy meets Falling Down.
@CTEagleCeltic Месяц назад
Probably saw this movie at 13-14 years old, as a young wanna be jock, this movie stuck with me… Wesley had one of the best runs that no-one ever talks about… he was the only consistent Black action star of the 90’s.
@LarryFleetwood8675 Месяц назад
He may have gone over the deep end now and become a complete nutcase and douchebag in private life, however this silly TDS of his didn't kick in seriously until 2016 so I'm able to keep all that madness out when I watch his older movies. Such as his last truly great one The Score (2001), he hasn't really done much worthwhile since then but there's plenty of good ones before that like The Fan here.
@helpyourcattodrive Месяц назад
I love this movie. It’s excellent.
@carlredbird3054 Месяц назад
Mary Shelley's Frankenstein is by far robert de niro's most hilariously twisted role grr argh
@Mal_Freeman0451 Месяц назад
He's amazing in that film. Half the acting is done with his eyes and he gives the most emotional performance of his career. Severely underrated.
@beans301 Месяц назад
This is truly one of my favorite RDN movies. This was a great well acted movie. One of the best thrillers of the 90s imo.
@Bingo_the_Pug 26 дней назад
“You show me some respect. The fans are the ones who gave you your 40 fucking million.” that’s a fucking metal quote that every athlete/celebrity should hear
@jcmartinez1808 Месяц назад
I f***ing love this film!! 🙌 miss my boy Tony Scott 🥺
@Movies_with_Marco Месяц назад
It was a great time to be alive in this movie was coming out. Great Director great acting and a real fun to watch in the theater. Tony Scott can do no wrong.
@neiltaylor6645 Месяц назад
Apparently Tony Scott turned down the rock to make this film
@dantheanimator5072 Месяц назад
Interesting 🤔 I saw both in the theaters and we came out saying both were awesome
@masonfreeman5176 Месяц назад
I had this on VHS back in the day. About 3 weeks ago I re watched it having not seen it in over 20 years and wow. As an adult I enjoyed it so much more. De Nero's performance was amazing, he has you feeling sorry for him at the start but as the movie goes along a fear takes over as you realise he unhinged he actually is.
@ActionJackson1982 Месяц назад
So underrated
@montyhathaway4564 Месяц назад
I absolutely love The Fan! Unintentionally hilarious and I’m a sucker for baseball films
@Chize41 Месяц назад
Yes! The whole Primo montage with him getting so mad makes me laugh every time. “He’s a hot dog, he’s lucky…let’s play some FUCKIN ball!!” 😂😂
@montyhathaway4564 Месяц назад
@@Chize41 😆😆😆
@wallyr.7854 Месяц назад
The irony about De Niro being in this movie, it associates with the character that he plays as a normal hard-working father, who is also a baseball fan along with his son in A Bronx Tale. However, in that story, when his son grows up to associate with a gangster of the neighborhood, the gangster in a sense wakes up De Niro’s son from being a fan of Mickey Mantle, because he helps the son realize Mickey Mantle didn’t care about what happens to his fans families. And that’s a reality that everybody who is hard-core fan of any team or any athlete should know, they’re just athletes it’s a profession for them, and when your athlete does bad or your team loses, it’s just a game it’s not life. By the way for those of you that haven’t watched A Bronx tale, another fantastic movie to watch.
@LucyLioness100 Месяц назад
Tony Scott could make compelling movies no matter what genre. This is one of his underrated along with “The Hunger”
@3styler1 Месяц назад
He is one of the best actors going but what a nutjob in real life. I hate to see him ruin his legacy.
@kenthehobo Месяц назад
I don't get why this movie got hate from the critics, it's awesome and disturbing
@TheSuirad Месяц назад
I like how you don't censor the video's curse words like the other youtubers do today. 👍
@tenmilesky7331 Месяц назад
Excellent film!
@micksawyer1112 Месяц назад
This is one of Tony Scott's most under-rated films and is easily in my top 5 Tony Scott films of all time.
@Brad772006 Месяц назад
I love this movie. My favorite aspect of it is the cinema photography. It was filmed in a time that MTV still had a strong influence. So the movie has some peak 90's music video vibes. San Francisco looks amazing in this movie with the chosen color pallets. Now onto the characters. This movie makes me laugh so hard in some spots. Deniro's facial expressions and verbal blowouts have often made me wonder if this role had some part in him taking more comedy spots not long after this film. Next time watching it look at it from a comedy perspective. You may laugh too.
@rynocaliendo9569 Месяц назад
I mean he is insane in real life 😂
@FoundaPeanut Месяц назад
if you support Donald Trump, don’t call yourself a Christian, a conservative republican, or a patriot. Because MAGA is none of those things.
@FoundaPeanut 14 дней назад
@triforcewielder8500 Месяц назад
Love this movie
@salud7432 Месяц назад
I love this Movie
@charleskriswell7938 Месяц назад
I saw this at the cinema. There were three people in the theater, including me. Sad!
@aratufilmes 17 дней назад
This is a really awesome movie. I miss Tony Scott 😢
@ThembaHamilton Месяц назад
Snipes and Denero will never make movies like this ever
@robvegas9354 Месяц назад
That's a classic
@johnnie99 Месяц назад
I disagree. The King of Comedy, that's his most twisted role.
@Zed-fq3lj Месяц назад
great underrated movie dealing with sick side of sports - fanatics 🤢 And this movie being so underrated proves just how many of those freaks recognized themselves in this movie.
@Oonagh72 Месяц назад
Please edit your captions. Thank you.
@shelbynamels7948 Месяц назад
He just lost out on the National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) award. Let's not kick the man when he's down.
@roncur Месяц назад
@blackamerican40 Месяц назад
What do you think of 1981's version?
@monsurepik Месяц назад
This is a brilliant film
@Bookstabern1 Месяц назад
Now do you care? BOBBY, now do you care? Just a little bit? Pewpewpewww
@dondevice8182 Месяц назад
You know, I could be wrong, but wasn’t, Jim carries the cable guy the “screwed up version of Jim Carrey is the cable guy”?
@vikingodin1986 Месяц назад
Now hes a saddo arguing with people outside a courtroom
@axisfighter Месяц назад
Yep, he’s the worst!
@mattfischer1079 Месяц назад
You forgot to mention the soundtrack. Just different remixes of NIN "Closer"
@stingrey1571 Месяц назад
bobby rayburn is obviously supposed to be barry bonds. highest paid outfielder who plays for the san francisco giants.
@devious187 Месяц назад
I don't know why, but after all these years I still think of Benicio showing his brand and saying "I am number 11"... awesome movie, yeah the ending is a bit ridiculous and over the top but the performances elevate this from a "meh" movie to a "yeah!" movie
@TheMarcelo88 23 дня назад
Dope movie
@user-uv2or4mp5z Месяц назад
Good film. Reminds me of a bizarro world Seinfeld. George giving the stink eye to Mr. Steinbrenner.
@JesseRobertsF-T-C 27 дней назад
Not to mention Nine Inch Nails is played 4 times in the movie.
@SouthPhilthy 4 дня назад
My boy John Kruk an appearance in movie
@eugenemontalto976 Месяц назад
True Romance is Tony Scott's best movie he ever did.
@Lex-up6mg Месяц назад
I still quote this movie. BOBBY!!
@MegaCunnie Месяц назад
‘Maseo Del Toro’ 😊
@adampatino5372 Месяц назад
Man, JoBlo will hire anyone these days, won't they?
@RT-bt5ql Месяц назад
Hes so woke and cringe now
@MutantsInDisguise Месяц назад
Any problem with wokeness, child?
@dantheanimator5072 Месяц назад
Not to mention horrible at acting. Thinking about his recent roles…Irishman, Joker and the Flower Moon. First was a flop movie full of lies that we all thought was too long but DeNiro was GOD AWFUL being the lead 🤦‍♂️ Joker he did well playing a POS once again Third movie he plays….well he plays a Joe B type character who’s racist and senile 😆
@PincoPallino-zh8wm Месяц назад
You are right, dictatorship is so much more fascinating to you people.
@dantheanimator5072 Месяц назад
@@MutantsInDisguisehow are they a child when children are at the forefront of the woke/cancel/bullying culture that was sowed by adults and Ivy League universities propaganda? If it was 5 years ago I’d be with you. But they outright admit it in mass these days about what they are doing. But something this movie sort of touches on…..the media, Hollywood, social media etc have set anti bullying back many decades which is the worse part imo
@dantheanimator5072 Месяц назад
@@PincoPallino-zh8wmonly dictatorship I see is the party in charge of almost everything….who will see you fired, charged, ganged up on and canceled with a frozen bank account if you go against their regime and have a different opinion The other side….LITERALLY the side of freedom, due process with a blind lady justice, and free speech DEFINITELY doesn’t want a monarch dictatorship from a single party rule to happen here But go ahead….keeping spouting BS
@fredskull1618 Месяц назад
“Now do you care?”
@dominickgaramella6431 Месяц назад
I saw this in the theater
@masonteague4039 Месяц назад
Now do you care? A simple thank you would've been Nice , classic lines
@marcusmiller5443 Месяц назад
The creepiest character he's ever played.
@AdrenalineJunkieXIVI Месяц назад
Heyyyyyyooooo bobbbyyyyy
@boblevieux Месяц назад
2:55 40M$ then is 78M$ today inflation ajusted.
@shadowofbosstown Месяц назад
Does that Patton Oswalt movie rip this off?
@anthonycerulli5524 Месяц назад
They should do a sequel to this starring him and Biden.
@rs6109 Месяц назад
maga tears
@anthonycerulli5524 Месяц назад
@@rs6109 😂😂😂😂
@titoalgaba4794 Месяц назад
@FoundaPeanut Месяц назад
what are ya gonna do when ole donnie goes to prioson?
@anthonycerulli5524 Месяц назад
@@FoundaPeanut Still laugh my ass off. I’m actually an independent and think both sides are full of $hit lol
@DebitAdams Месяц назад
It was Little League. We were 12 years old.
@ciaranmurren Месяц назад
So you don't know what blue collar and white collar means?
@user-ii5qm4qt2j 28 дней назад
Movie, bang the drum slowly.
@MrJabez89 Месяц назад
Rupert Poopkin?
@ShunnyMcbuns Месяц назад
@28vasko Месяц назад
Haha May he Rest In Piece
@thischannelisdeleted Месяц назад
It’s Rupert Pupkin, not POOPKIN!
@johnnygrandomstuff5882 Месяц назад
Hey Bobby
@genecide6869 Месяц назад
Now he's a real life fanboy of Joe Biden
@lostintheark5728 Месяц назад
Of course Hollywood would shit on a movie, that shits what keeps them employed. Fandom and fame are the worst things in culture, it's disgusting and Hollywood promotes it because they benefit from it.
@thespicemelange.1 Месяц назад
Something about this guy just rubs me the wrong way I don't know what it is. He's a great actor but like all actor is there paid liars. Not much difference between actors and politicians. They're all just playing a role.
@CakeMonster82 Месяц назад
Bro finally someone has talked about this fucking movie I literally just subscribed to all of your channels just because you’re the first person I’ve ever heard talk about this movie it was one of my favorites as a kid and it’s been overlooked by so many I remember me and my girlfriend going to see this in the movies and she was disturbed about DeNiro and she swore I was like this over the Yankees coming from the Bronx born and raised I do have a little delirium when it comes to the Yankees fake bandwagon supporters and those who don’t know the history of the Yankees I usually start with some simple questions to know if they’re real fans and historians of the greatest sports franchise of all time murderers row roster of the 96 Yankees or the 77 Yankees stuff like that lol but seriously there’s levels when it comes to fandom and it was heavily explained in this movie thank you for reviewing it
@paulhugo1623 Месяц назад
Method acting…. As himself
@damienwilloughby Месяц назад
He nuts?
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