
Robert Greene explains Why PEOPLE take advantage of YOU. 

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@ARS-fn6px 2 года назад
This should be taught to children. We are teaching children how the world should be not how it actually is, setting them up for failure and naievity
@daebak_hana 2 года назад
@Noways_world 2 года назад
Explain a bit more pls i agree but what do you mean by this exactly
@josshlegg8647 2 года назад
Kids need to be taught ideals and values to strive for, not just the bleak realities of society.
@josephdwarren 2 года назад
Great point! 💯
@fantasma1221 2 года назад
Mothers do this to create weak sons out of men.
@SN-sz7kw Год назад
As a young girl raised in the Catholic church, I was taught that as long as I looked after the needs of others, someone would always look out for me. What a setup for abuse. Took me years to retrain myself- & I was never truly over it. Always too trusting, even now.
@jhavajoe3792 Год назад
My mom picked up control freak Nun habits ( no pun intended).
@morningglory3644 Год назад
My mom taught me to be a people-pleaser & a good girl. She never taught me to stand up for myself & draw boundaries with people. I had to teach myself to toughen up & to not be a pushover. It's okay if some people don't like you & it's okay to say no to something you don't want to do. In the boxing ring of life, being ready fo meet conflict or opposition is something that will make you stronger. I had to learn the hard way that most people won't have your best interests at heart, especially in the workplace, so learn to swim or you will drown.
@vinishap222 Год назад
Me too 😂. Raised in a Catholic school with similar values. They may be great and idealistic values but it's all BS (in huge caps!!!) when applied to the real world. Being a Christian and all the things I learned in school set me up for massive abuse. Like be kind but don't be foolish. Look out for yourself first because that's what everybody else is doing (including christians lmao). Like being kind and self sacrificing should not set you up for abuse and often it leads to suffering which isn't even for the greater good but meaningless suffering!
@foxyfables_bookish Год назад
@godsangel67able Год назад
You spitting the gods honest truth! People want you to look out for others, in hopes someone else will look out for you
@tandlreeve 2 года назад
I've noticed some time ago that emotionally predatory people are not embarrassed to push the envelope their way and potentially find themselves in an awkward situation if it doesn't work out. Whereas nice people are always embarrassed. Embarrassed to say "no", embarrassed to put (those very emotional predators) into an awkward position, embarrassed out of empathy for the other person, out of all of the above... In other words I think it is the responsibility of the nice people themselves to not be so embarrassed about putting others in their place sometime
@dcg31free 2 года назад
It's the good people who do nothing that allow these bastards to have the audacity they do. However when you stand up to these psychopaths it puts a target on your back. A target they will relentlessly pursue for your destruction. If you are naturally a peaceful person, you'll be drained in round 1 and they're just getting warmed up. It's truly spiritual warfare.
@tandlreeve 2 года назад
@@dcg31free It doesn't always have to be an epic battle. The whole thing will not even start if one has strong boundaries. They pick their targets meticulously.
@divine3096 2 года назад
🙌🏽🙌🏽 I needed that
@RDH.85 Год назад
@@dcg31free what defines “good” or you need is a little heart which comes from a real honest place and confront the situation END OF, THATS IT. The games people play stop there and then, TRUST ME.
@zeilaporto9504 Год назад
Nailed it. One thing I have been trying is to just stop, breathe, smile and move on - most of the time they ( these sad people) just want you to engage to feed on your energy.
@rs5570 Год назад
If your parents don’t or can’t teach you skills like this you’re screwed. In most group situations somebody is going to be gunning for you. Work itself is exhausting. To have to figure everybody out is near impossible. If someone is particularly malignant I simply leave. It will never stop. I work for myself now.
@privateprivate8366 2 года назад
Perhaps, in being a black woman, I’ve recognized that virtually no one is on my side. I know that, even the people who are seemingly proud of me, they’re waiting for me to trip and fall into stereotypes they’re most comfortable with. I’m also pretty sure that, to some, even based upon my Aries zodiac sign, that I may appear prepared more for war, than peace. But, that’s usually in my effort to escape some of the situations I’ve been in. I actually guard my peace heavily and, for many, that violates their rather staunch comfort with stereotypes and that alone can be a war. I end up very isolated. But, it’s great that I’m an introvert. Thus quite comfortable in my own company. Some of the most benign “appearing” battles and wars I’ve been in, are with entitled, narcissistic people, some of whom do absolutely nothing for themselves. The idea that I could be busy with my own life, means I’m an horrific, insensitive person or at least what they’re trying to project onto me. I have realized that, in dealing with them, I’d wind up in anything from being absolutely derailed from what I’m trying to do, to dead. But, I’m in the wrong. So be it, if they cannot see themselves.
@SolarTTauri 2 года назад
SAME. Appreciate this insight!
@vittoriacolona 2 года назад
"Some of the most benign “appearing” battles and wars I’ve been in, are with entitled, narcissistic people, some of whom do absolutely nothing for themselves. The idea that I could be busy with my own life, means I’m an horrific, insensitive person or at least what they’re trying to project onto me." --LOL! Especially from Black people (I live in Canada) who accuse you of being white on the inside because you want to live with purpose and dignity.
@privateprivate8366 2 года назад
@@vittoriacolona this woman is married to a black Inmate. However, through some conversations with her, before I ended them, I was not under the impression there was much understanding and empathy, when it came to the experience of people of color. Add to it that the look on her face, when I told her no [that I’m not interested in being her caregiver], made her eyes pop. While I’ll never know for certain, for her, the idea that I could say no to what she’d already “decided”, as if asking me was mere courtesy of what she’d already decided I would be doing, was an absolute shock to her system. Shortly thereafter, it was clear that she was angered and insulted by it and considered me to possibly be a lazy handmaid, oddly entitled to my own life, not understanding I I didn’t live in her attic, but instead of as a separate, paying tenant above her. I don’t have an issue, with a neighbor asking me for help. I also understand the disappointment of being told no. What I will not acknowledge, nor tolerate, are subsequent attempts to reign me in, with the lack of understanding that they’re not asking to borrow a cup of sugar. What they’re actually asking for, is the remainder of my life. She has no idea how good it has been for her, that I said no…
@hissyfitz7890 2 года назад
Many don’t want to acknowledge that you have a life of YOUR OWN!
@privateprivate8366 2 года назад
@@hissyfitz7890 that is why they are taught to respect my boundaries and they do not have to like it… I also know that, when some people see a single woman with no children, who has the luxury of taking her cat for a walk, they start to have ideas in their head. First, it’s that I’m lonely. So lonely that I’m desperate enough for their company, to start working for them, for their convenience. That may be projection as, they’re most likely way more lonely than I. I am quite comfortable in my own company and, as a creative, I wouldn’t run out of things to do, even if I didn’t work for a living. But, second is, of course, simply that they can start assigning tasks. As if they’re automatically above me, rather than lateral to me. She is also only 6 years older. That they will decide what is important and I need to comply. That a single woman with no kids, despite the fact that she supports herself, needs tasks assigned to her, especially as she’d “feel more comfortable” with domestic tasks, rather than living the “fantasy” that she’s a career woman. Complete the picture with being assigned tasks by someone who exists only to eat and watch TV 24/7. Yep. I just assumed she was bat sh*t crazy.
@sanjmalik6282 Год назад
So many people took advantage of me because I was niave. From family members to the man I married. It was because I was people pleaser and I never knew the word no.
@al1665 2 года назад
I get that people are wicked, including myself. But seeing everyone as an opponent, doesn't work for me. I'd rather think that time is the only opponent, and it's coming for all of us.
@peterryan3342 2 года назад
At the end of the day, where not here for very long, so people try and be nice to your fellow humans
@True38 Год назад
The game is social and you need to find the right game for you and cooperate with the right kind of people.
@smokinjoe4684 Год назад
Hopefully you wear a wristwatch. That’s why I do :)
@Luckimee Год назад
I get tired of strangers trying to get an emotional reaction out of me, especially anger. Like get a grip. I personally think they watch too much reality tv. I think ppl play dirty/take advantage bc deep down they know they can't cut it
@ARS-fn6px 2 года назад
Especially women are often set up for failure since early childhood. Women are taught that life is fair or should be fair and that men know best. If men dont know best you just have to "love" them out of their bad behavior and be their savior, like some beast that needs to he tamed by the love of this one woman. This fantasy is the biggest reason why and how women stay in dead end and ab*sive relationships. Women need to learn to become more strategic, less nice and more uforgiving and selfish and accept that a lot of people are just shitty human beings who dont deserve their goodness. A lot of men already know that, thats why they can walk away more easily. Also hook up culture is detrimental for especially women and family structure in general. All this stuff needs to be taught in school if we want the next generation to do better.
@SolarTTauri 2 года назад
@whitneyrose8265 2 года назад
@nstar1372 Год назад
Bingo! And it’s very sick they try to manipulate & push us back into being the way you described so they can use and take advantage of us.
@frusciantesplectrum7980 2 года назад
Not that anyone particular asked or cares my opinion, but for some reason I’m going to say it …. Maybe for myself…. Who knows… But I’ve accepted long ago that i can’t change others… im not perfect at all as a person but I can honestly say that I’m not manipulative, I wouldn’t ever willingly hurt people and was so gullible when I was younger that it’s embarrassing… I guess I made the mistake of projecting that the world thought like me. Over the years, I realised that it’s quite common for people to cheat steal, lie etc… of course people justify these things but it’s the majority of humans…just I was naive to believe that people are actually cruel and broken. Majority of us I deep down selfish and most people are too busy lying to themselves to even know them self properly. Well, I grew up and I have about 4 friends because quite honestly, most humans are self absorbed, materialistic and just self promote… contrary to my comment im not at all angry, I live a simple life and have just accepted humans for what we are… just simply indifferent. Im actually a millionaire and have an amazing partner but I drive a10 year old car and live in an average house… and work a part time job minimum wage and not a single person would ever know. again, I don’t expect anyone to care about this post but i wanted to share my secret to the world whilst being anonymous.
@henare101 2 года назад
im not millionaire but your post resonates with me, if i were rich id choose to live just like you. I couldn't care less for status symbols like fancy cars or watches. Many people in the world are shallow and materialistic....unfortunately
@SolarTTauri 2 года назад
I still make that mistake, projecting my values and ability to think critically onto others. I do it much less than before though and am able to catch myself and quickly reverse course.
@p-dee2288 2 года назад
Thanks for sharing your story, brother. I’m learning to navigate through it all myself. I’ve realized that I’m a lot like my Mum in a sense that she’s constantly seeking validation from people who don’t seem to care and it frustrates me now because I use to do that with my ex gf and current/recent ex. I’ve got to get out of that mindset and accept people for who they are. In the word, Jesus talks about being “meek” which Jordan Peterson often touches on about sheathing your sword. There’s a difference between being nice and being good. And the key difference is virtue. The nice man has no boundaries whereas the good man knows when and when not to act in any given scenario or circumstance. This may not be relative at all but your story resonated with me a lot so thank you. I’m focusing on pursuing my goals and tackling obstacles that are in my way as that challenges my character. The rest will fall into place. Wish you all the best and more. God bless
@frusciantesplectrum7980 2 года назад
@@p-dee2288 yes exactly that…. True kindness can be painful… tree kindness is delivering honesty to others in the most softest way possible…. Many good people forget to be kind to themselves meaning that taking on other peoples burdens. Not in a selfish way, but if we aren’t congruent in our true values, we have no integrity, many human beings walk this planet without knowing they are diminished of integrity and I personally believe it’s a key ingredient for depression. People who stick to their morals and values and don’t look externally for validation will be rich. I really like your comment Dee, I’m not religious but I think the bible has some deep lessons that are on another level.
@nuurie107 2 года назад
But your AI knows 😂😂😂
@Carnitor381 Год назад
We’re conditioned and rewarded to be agreeable since a toddler and it gets worse when your innate personality is on the agreeable side (big five model). Learning to be less agreeable can be paramount and especially for young men who are trained to please. Robert’s innate traits seems to be low on politeness because he’s rebellious so he’s a very good advocate for that.
@sodalimesalt Год назад
Sometimes the problem is that you can’t tell in black and white if you are being taken advantage of or it’s something up with you though. I have wasted more time frustrated trying to figure •this• out than in anger🤔
@neiladlerart2493 Год назад
I value Robert Greene's advice. Out of all the videos I watch on RU-vid about self improvement Robert Greene is among the best. He's studied history and has analyzed human behavior rigorously. His thoughts on life are well formulated and provide good insight.
@poetrycorazon Год назад
This guy speaks on so many levels. The psychology of each person is so vital as to the effort you will apply. Human nature is fascinating.
@-_-_-_-_-... Год назад
The world is a battlefield, yet people continue to create more people as if anyone wants a life on a battlefield.
@playstationaccount4473 Год назад
Great comment. All life is competition. Even nature....be it an amoeba or a blue whale. And our system is even worse. And yet knowing all this people continue to bring people in this world for the elites to use as slaves.
@OumyLand-wf7tp Год назад
I swear 🥲🥲
@Amadeus_2061 2 года назад
What happens when both sides continue to slip down the slope of degenerating ethics in their efforts to "compromise"? And what happens when the other party's interests are a void that can never be filled? How long will you appeal? I'm trying to understand what the long-term outcome is in compromising higher principles and values in order to cooperate with the irrational and unjust.
@kellyw8017 2 года назад
Greene says many thing (if you watch his various interviews or read his books) - and many things he says contradict each other. He seems to want people to accept the dark side in others without complaint and then only seems to pretend at other times that he's not making that claim. But then he'll once again encourage people to accept the dark side and defeat. I say, "Is he kidding!" No way should any subject or witness to such darkness put up with it. They should stand against it to show these low-ethics people that they won't easily get off with their schemes.
@Amadeus_2061 2 года назад
@@kellyw8017 I'm glad to read this and see that I'm not the only one who noticed the contradictions in his ideas. It seems that strong adults with a solid sense of justice and integrity will succeed at reclaiming power from psychopaths. When dealing with toxic people in power, the only solution may be to utterly neutralize the power that they have over others. No cooperation or compromise; but rather complete conquest.
@kellyw8017 2 года назад
@@Amadeus_2061 And complete exposure.
@Amadeus_2061 2 года назад
@@kellyw8017 Yes.
@lkade7375 2 года назад
Very good question!
@onlypearls4651 Год назад
I have more that a few acquaintances who are dismayed or depressed because life isn't "as it should be". People need to understand that life is what you make of it, and that self-directed values and goals are of real necessity in navigating the way that life actually is.
@anthonysnyder5609 Год назад
It's not laziness to refuse fights, it's strategy to preserve one's personal well-being, and refuse your "opponent" the "win". If they were always malicious cheaters, it would be imprudent to engage. For example, Concealed carriers are not trying to go toe to toe fisticuffs, they are going about thier business and if you try to force a "competition" for stupid reasons, you could die.
@swiftkarma4436 Год назад
@ct6852 Год назад
Just problems compounding. They can't improve anyway. Find any way you can to ignore them.
@heavenlywarning Год назад
*So many things can be learned from this video. Thank you for sharing! Keep up the great work! 💪*
@MrAttilaabri 2 года назад
Marquess of Queensberry Rules! :)
@hardfought1842 2 года назад
I was hoping he’d recall. Bravo he knows there was actually name of the rules. Lol
@J.A.Seyforth Год назад
There's a great parallel in the battle of Agincourt: Henry V king of England stands on the front line confronted with 25,000 armoured French knights. The come through heavy mud and arrow fire from the sides keeping them in a slim line and the English men at arms wait. The moment before the French reach the English line they are tired from walking almost 3/4 of a mile in mud and armour. Henry's army and line is lightly armoured and simply steps back as the French take their first attacking move, they all lost balance and the English simply jump forward with all their energy and strike them between the armour with no wasted time or moves, every single French line after keeps coming and falls on top of the one in front. As such the English simply wait for the line to disorder, and tire then kill them one by one. Around 4,000 soldiers kill up to 13,000 French soldiers, route many and capture thousands. All because they stood in defence and made out they were vulnerable but they had the advantage all along.
@dianaverano7878 Год назад
Wow people are rocks. Such wisdom. Wished I learned that since I was 4. I should have defended myself from these rocks many years ago. And expect people are different. Some are kind. Some are not. Thank you for this Robert Greene.
@yolandaroberson611 2 года назад
We need to teach people that nobody is totally good or evil. We are all various shades of gray
@tembymbewe5266 2 года назад
Robert is one of the greatest people i know
@samwui94 2 года назад
He is 1000% correct
@AustinStross 8 месяцев назад
Letting others take "Kindness for weakness" can lead to people being taken advantage of, and can be a life changer for those who don't know how to speak up for themselves.
@c.galindo9639 Год назад
This is just wonderful. It hits home so well and is a huge eye opener. As much as you want to make right it can never be right for someone else although it is best to work towards making things right to suit you and not your opposition
@dmystfy 2 года назад
Stay ready so you don’t gotta get ready
@bc2647 2 года назад
This interview is sooooo cool...basic mechanics of human nature
@slimsloth243 2 года назад
Great interview. Unfortunately, his message won’t make total sense until you’ve actually experienced the slings and arrows of life - and even then, sometimes the lesson needs to be repeated multiple times. I would advise listening to this interview over and over until you have it memorized. Then maybe the light bulb will go off in your head a bit earlier before bad experiences beat you down.
@Theinternet56789 9 месяцев назад
This is so good. This is exactly the content I need
@creatingreality291 2 года назад
Oh no.. im not running away. In the beginning I was just naive to how money hungry and devious people tend to be. I was so young. But I will say this. I dont care how many people have to die, I will no long allow people to take from me without consequence.
@MypronounIsKing 2 года назад
Hhahahah me exactly. I couldn’t believe how nasty some people could get when it came to “their” money. It’s like trying to mess with a dogs bowl as he eats. You see a real mean side of them come out
@frankie555 6 месяцев назад
It's better to be a warrior in a garden than a gardener in a war.
@Catherine_Dana Год назад
*Robert Greene🎓=Most Sage OG Fighter🥊🆙 IRL*
@aceallen2505 2 года назад
This is the most realistic stuff I came across after Bojack Horseman, and Rick and Morty.
@bobbarker2963 Год назад
Self Love and Boundaries 🙏
@jupitor919 2 года назад
Marcus of queensbury rules..
@17hardware 2 года назад
Depends how close your are with them tho. I hold different friends to different standards
@vivoomtheo Год назад
although being friendly / caring, level of my trust regarding to non-family : 0.1%. human nature is 'good' , but always to them selves.
@kllol1892 Год назад
Some time Some People are rock in your way. mostly most the time loved ones my thought .😊☕
@gurglejug627 Год назад
This is the truth within the West and in a number of other cultures - having to be careful that other want to take all the time, but in some areas (and Russia is one of them) one will often find people giving far more than taking: It's a sad indictment on our society, the worse when our propaganda publishes the abusive crap that it does. When it comes to making more effort than is necessary the Germans generally/traditionally will do that, and it upsets them when people want to take from them when they are willing to share what they have worked for (perhaps unsurprisingly, but the reaction can be extreme).
@GorgonDrageil Год назад
Look... A LOT of people are fucked up... irrational... and living by sub-par standards. The more I accept that, the better my life becomes. Anger turns into humor, and I can start to enjoy others idiocy without getting dragged into foolishness myself.
@BodyByBenSLC Год назад
John Sholto Douglas, ninth marquess of Queensberry wrote modern rules for the gentlemanly pursuit of boxing. That's why they are called the Queensberry rules.
@tammy6452 Год назад
Realizing I have been a bad strategist is key areas
@cassiestevens8382 Год назад
Thanks to both of you💜
@tone3560 Год назад
Sometimes the path of leaset resistance is necessary given to put forth the effort you know for sure has no incentive or different outcome. Wisdom is what determines this caveat gauge.
@zachbartell843 2 года назад
dr. green is talking about how to adapt to a great truth. but since the opposite of a great truth is also true, it is equally valid to perform the opposite of his method... institutions can have anti-human tendencies... bc of assumptions their officials make about human nature... we must adapt so we may sustain a form.... but if we cannot choose to sustain a form full in our own humanity, we become our own negation.
@KittyM- 2 года назад
Marquis of Queensbury Rules
@michaelesposito239 2 года назад
Yes I'm going to complain because I'm not playing a game. I want my way or no way I'm going to contribute to anything.
@kellyw8017 2 года назад
That attitude is called narcissism. Wonder how you would deal with a duplicate of yourself but with opposite views.
@michaelesposito239 2 года назад
@@kellyw8017 Hahaha what? Not me. I know I'm nobody special. I just don't take any bullshit. For example someone tells me to ware a mask and take a vaccine. I absolutely will not. That's not being a narcissist. That's standing up for yourself. I should have been more specific. You are right.
@VokeVideo 2 года назад
Queensbury rules. The marquess of Queensbury I think 🤔 not Googling it...
@christinerobin386 Год назад
Queensbury rules
@danab172 9 месяцев назад
Least resistance.....😢
@Sharperthanu1 Год назад
"As in war so in life" is why you should read "The Art of War " and remember the most important parts of it.
@icidaimon5670 Год назад
I live with two people who constantly get angry at the “rock” or whatever inanimate object is in their way 🙄🙄🙄
@johnlopez6100 Год назад
In boxing, historical rules were the Marquis of Queensbury rules.
@catskillmc Год назад
Rockstar Games took my Likeness CatSkillRaps & made me a video game Character Bully.
@graham4099 Год назад
Marquis of Queensbury
@rachaelryan4076 2 года назад
This is disgusting 🤮 Philosophically and ethically this is heinous. If you want to be a psychopath, just follow this human failures advise
@XXx-rp1po 3 месяца назад
Rachael, can you please elaborate?
@ashrafadam961 Год назад
Hit but don't get hit.
@taylorsloth9833 Год назад
4:45 * by my apparent lackadaisical attitude
@forensicbadassprofiling Год назад
Perhaps we don't get as dirty when we realize pigs love to wrestle in the mud....
@billbobaggins992 Год назад
I believe in the pear theory It aint like the apple
@mlg42001 Год назад
"Marquess of Queensbury rules"
@user-pe2yx9kt4e Год назад
@kingofcelts 2 года назад
The Marquis of Queensbury
@MypronounIsKing 2 года назад
What a genius…
@teddibeard9346 2 года назад
Excellent stuff
@cannonball9478 Год назад
Queensbury rules 😉
@SKF358 Год назад
Where does he explain why people take advantage of you?
@africangirl189 2 года назад
Nobody takes advantage of me infact it's my bestie who is taken advantage of and I don't like it at all ....told her enough times
@hissyfitz7890 2 года назад
She has her own life lessons to learn in her own time.
@skybison_9 Год назад
When you have kids tell them the truth about the world don’t sugar coat the human experience!!! We need kids who understand that he world and are prepared for the bs. That’s the only way this can change.
@jacquelinejones4230 2 года назад
Hi. I have met so many narcissists since I'm injected online straight up narcissist and that say either accept me and help me anymore stop dating online not working conversation still sometime we always needs to the same time if they want to act like I know why I can't just thanks keep trying to give people the confirm without but they don't need to tell a good person
@jacquelinejones4230 2 года назад
So many typos. I try to give people the benefit of doubt. But most people don't deserve good and honest people. So no more dating apps for me. Good luck all.💯🎯🙂🙂
@Garlandv 2 года назад
Aye interviewer keep cutting off this Robert dude
@hospitaladministrator3359 Год назад
Wow I really needed this today!thank you
@keithdmaust1854 2 года назад
All good stuff - but you never answered the question "Why PEOPLE take advantage of YOU."
@hissyfitz7890 2 года назад
Because THEY CAN; not everyone is a ‘good’ person. If you are unaware & lack personal boundaries, you become a target 🎯 for opportunists who frequently aren’t even AWARE that they are. Most people lack INSIGHT as to whether they are perpetrators OR victims.
@AlexTBon4073 Год назад
Sometimes they throw the rocks.
@Yupthereitism Год назад
By this logic you should just get really good at secretly killing people, that way you beat them at their game.
@peterney2402 Год назад
Marquees of Queensbury made the boxing rules he also was the man who destroyed oscar wild.
@jacobsolace177 Год назад
Life doesn't have to be a battlefield. Search for my event: "The Hidden Power Within (How to activate it in 1 session)".
@-optimist-2697 Год назад
I usually intentionally let people take advantage of me a few times just to see who they are. It saves my time to know who they are. They reveal themselves quickly.
@jackjack4412 Год назад
Pssy. You think the world owes you peace.
@lovewhitey4462 Год назад
Excellent test that 99% Fail
@razorboii864 Год назад
@@lovewhitey4462 100
@khalilfuller4939 Год назад
Yes, but we must find out a different way to tell without jeopardizing ourself
@dawnkikong637 Год назад
Yes, I often do a "trust test" and share something that seems personal but that I don't really care who knows about it, then see what they do with it.
@francispilkington3462 2 года назад
Marquis of Queensbury.
@brewcewillis8328 Год назад
I've learned, especially in the workplace - being a "no" man affords more perks than being a yes man. Coworkers will typically have a working knowledge of people that they can manipulate and people that they cannot manipulate. Telling people no a few times will move you into the "difficult to manipulate" category.
@KevinMeehanWhistle Год назад
Bang on. This has worked for me recently
@eponymousarchon7442 Год назад
Late answer, but I've noticed that many people who complain or refuse to tow the management line seem to get their way in the end, rather than keeping your head down and getting on with it actually gets you nowhere. People who get themselves noticed even in when saying No enough get rewarded.
@mynameissusie611 Год назад
I was already covering 2 regions after being in the role when I was only supposed to have one. This was at 6 months. Month 11 rolls around and someone else quits and they say it’s my turn to take it. Back in the day I would’ve taken it on out of fear for being judged or I would’ve bucked and said hell no in the most professional way I could muster in my immature mind. Instead this time around I said, “As much as I would love to help I’m already covering 2 regions.” Mgmt: “Ohhh idk what we’re going to do!” 2 days later they figured it out! It was assigned to someone else and 1/2 of the 2nd region I was never supposed to have was assigned to someone else. Now we have no issues and my workload is light as a feather. If more money was involved I might have taken it but I’m salary and I knew they wouldn’t budge at least not this time of year. Stand up for yourself but be strategic about it.
@emmanuelsolano4216 Год назад
Excuse me lang ha,WA ko gahari Harian Dre!ngano dli PWD mangutana o mohangyo? I really got u, iro jud Inyo pagtrato
@True38 Год назад
Saying no means respect. Saying yes means being taken for granted.
@ShadowBanned-b1c 2 года назад
Fuck being friendly and nice people see you as an easy and weak target. Someone they can easily manipulate and take advantage of for their own personal gain. To use you for their own benefit.
@gerrimiller3491 2 года назад
Be vigilant as a lion and harmless as a Dove. This means be aware of deceitful people who try to persuade, charm, and trick and lie. Observe more than speak and you'll find out about the souls true intentions
@hissyfitz7890 2 года назад
@akodidi3699 Год назад
This is basically why am here, to learn to be both lion and dove
@anotherjay973 Год назад
"Behold, I am sending you out as sheep in the midst of wolves, so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves." Matthew 10:16 ESV
@hissyfitz7890 2 года назад
CHOOSE your battles; not everyone wants to wrestle. LEARN logical discernment; ignore what they look/sound like & watch what they do/how they behave. REMEMBER the Serenity Prayer: Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can & WISDOM to know the difference.
@airishviscara2326 2 года назад
much love
@apexpredatorIII 2 года назад
Awesome thx
@marcuslong9761 2 года назад
He's saying you need to be versatile, and stay in the moment to be able to defeat different types of enemies. You need to know what it is you're battling against to defeat it.
@kellyw8017 2 года назад
But the issue with his book is that you don't defeat these individuals.
@marcuslong9761 2 года назад
@@kellyw8017 Everyone has a weak spot.
@kellyw8017 2 года назад
@@marcuslong9761 If another person demands that you hide you skills to keep your job, that's not called winning.
@marcuslong9761 2 года назад
@@kellyw8017 Depends on who that person is.
@kellyw8017 2 года назад
@@marcuslong9761 Not sure who you're referring to as "that person."
@maverick7215 Год назад
I wish I had lived by this before. I have been naive, believing people are good and I have paid dearly for it. Always view people as a lethal enemy until they prove you wrong. Don’t get involved with anyone to a point where you have to give up something.
@lovewhitey4462 Год назад
Facts 💥✍🏻
@lothar3610 Год назад
You haven’t lost anything. You either win or… learn😊
@caenterprisellc6922 2 года назад
I don't allow people to take advantage of me. That's actually the reason why they get frustrated.
@user-cl6uj5bn2f 2 года назад
Haha same😆
@YUSUF_ALMUJAAHID 2 года назад
I feel you sista
@AldoApachi- 2 года назад
always happens to me. for some reason 90% of people I meet either want to take advantage of me, or belittle me. I don't let them do either, they get angry, I have no friends.
@gerrimiller3491 2 года назад
I hear ya sis❤
@hissyfitz7890 2 года назад
TRUTH! ⭐️⭐️⭐️
@inkunziebomvu713 2 года назад
Important points made by Robert Greene: 1. People are like rocks, you will clash with people every once in a while. Keep calm and be resolute 2. Always be prepared for the worst, without expecting it. 3. Never use the same strategy twice. People are individuals, different in their personality and intent. Learn them individually. 4. Not everyone will play fair. There are some people who don't play by the same rules, they break them. # People are strange and fascinating. Try to delve within them and get who they truly are as individuals
@UnlimitlesslyFunnyDude Год назад
or just still let others to take advantage of us ........ hence doing own disadvantage
@lorakline3922 Год назад
Technically schopenhauer said number 1. Greene just quotes him.
@Stress_._Free Год назад
What does it mean strategy twice?
@True38 Год назад
@@Stress_._Free A strategy that you have used in the past, might not work in the present moment and future. Everything changes so rapidly and thus, you have to adapt constantly to succeed in the environment. Like Heraclitus said: "The only thing that is constant is change".
@emmanuelsolano4216 Год назад
Gamay respeto lang, lessons learned! Pareha man ta bktima aning web scam, d PWD ilusyon lang ang tanan nga way mohatag clarity! Nganong naay bastos Dre nga defensive? Knsa ni akng kastorya, ang yawa ba gihapon nga mag asawa?! Feels like Mao Raman gihapong stratehya
@Ricocase 2 года назад
'Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves. Be ye therefore wise as serpents and harmless as doves.' Matthew 10:16
@sacrilegeisrealworship409 2 года назад
Most manipulative book of all time written by absolute succubus men
@@sacrilegeisrealworship409 This guy, the bible exposes human nature, we judge on appearance and wicked to our core, none of us are good, not one. But we do good deeds from time to time.
@Window4503 Год назад
@@myballsitchsomethingfierce6319 We do what’s beneficial but not necessarily righteous.
@Window4503 Год назад
@@sacrilegeisrealworship409 Historically that’s doesn’t make any sense. A bunch of men did not sit down and conspire to write the Bible in one sitting. The Bible was written over time by multiple authors in various times and places according to the revelation they received from God and their real-life events, not according to how they though the Bible should be continued. I find comments like this a little funny because if you’re so against the Bible, you really should be arguing that the individual books have nothing to do with each other and are just random pieces of literature thrown together rather than inadvertently affirming that all 66 books belong together by labeling them one big conspiracy.
@swiftkarma4436 Год назад
Devil's Advocate was a great movie
@lynnebastow 2 года назад
Accepting that most people lie with impunity but you don’t have to join in is a short cut to mental well-being.
@ShadowDancer_ 2 года назад
Here's a straightforward answer, they do it because they're insecure.
@linconnfx 2 года назад
We have to put up with so much than we used to. People were easier to deal with than they are now. Your composure or how you dealt with situations would suffice 5/6 out of 10 people. You didn't feel like you were trying that hard. These days, you'll have to put up with almost everyone with varying levels of composure or whatever approach allows you to cope. It's so draining. It's like some people are actually out to get you no matter how hard you try to be your best self. You could be smart around these kind of people and navigate competently but it takes the joy wind out of your goodwill sails knowing you can't let your guard down and reasonably so. Quite a dilemma.
@rwei85able 2 года назад
So true bro..Sad but true
@hissyfitz7890 2 года назад
It takes TIME to get to KNOW an individual & even then… 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️
@taliyahthompson8891 2 года назад
so true
@gayanngodfrey2824 Год назад
Facts, it’s so hard and draining
@sp123 Год назад
You need the resources to leave that environment and still be able to survive
@hollyl4425 2 года назад
One technique I've learned is calling people out in private. For example, one friend kept saying I was so pushy and when it was just the two of us at the end of the night, I simply asked "why do keep saying I'm pushy?" She then admitted the reason - she wanted to be ask bold as I. Jealousy is often the root.
@SR77736 Год назад
I disagree. I knew a pushy girl and she was just rude. I was never jealous of her. She was obnoxious and I told her In private. So don't dismiss it as jealousy because someone is telling you something that isn't praise. She needed to hear that and other's didn't like it either. She always had drama. Sometimes it's good to be open minded and listen and improve. Pushiness can be unbearable to deal with and the problem can just be that. I know many other examples of this so I stand my ground.
@hollyl4425 Год назад
@@SR77736 Nobody else says I'm pushy, so I'm pretty sure in this case it was jealousy.
@jhavajoe3792 Год назад
Ah. You nailed it. In a group of 3 or more, one will sense your "civility" and know they can put you down with insulting digs. You meet them on a one to one, they act like the family dog that knows it did a bad thing by sh-ting on the carpet. Weird, man. It's the coward's way of releasing their social anxiety with thoughtless declarations and insults.
@MindMoulder Год назад
@@SR77736 You are kinda pushing your own view now, and disagreeing with her based on your own anecdotes. Like the two stories would be or is the same ?? Try to be openminded yourself like you tell others to be.
@turolretar Год назад
I think it’s more your egocentricity. People want to imagine themselves like everyone around them is jealous of their success, when in reality it’s rarely the case. It may be a tough thing to admit, but nevertheless very important to move forward in life and stop worrying about what others think of you. Have a nice day
@1972jojodancer 2 года назад
Everyone is definitely NOT onboard with what is right or just. There will always be opposition and we should expect that as so wonderfully conveyed by Mr. Greene and the Interviewer.
@kellyw8017 2 года назад
We know that not everyone is onboard. We know that very well. Weak people who easily fall into darkness are very prevalent.
@learningnochoice 2 года назад
These kind of people treat have a very low self esteem, self respect. So they treat others with disrespect. Causing unnecessary pain in others is working for them. Cause now others are also in pain , like them. They will never do the work. So they sabotage you. U have to become like them. Jealousy
@kasratabrizi2839 2 года назад
Robert just nailed it. This has been exactly my problem. I am always angry, bitter and resentful as to why people behave a certain way. I always thought my way of thinking is the correct way and get pissed off when someone isn't like that. As a result, I go into deep depressions feeling worthless, having twisted fantasies about taking revenge which has to do with the fact I am suppressing my shadow. After watching this video, it made me realise that all this time, I was the problem all along. I didn't want to accept the world as it is, I wanted the world to be in my image. But then the question that I have is, how do I deal with people. Now that I know that I have been the problem I still can't figure out how to manoeuvre through this box ring without feeling paranoid. I have been avoiding to fight and to accept people for such a long time, that I have literally forgotten how to fight back. It feels so alien to me. Anyone has any advice on that?
@___Anakin.Skywalker 2 года назад
Bro we are kindren spirits but are dark, evil twins. I'm like that too. You just described me.
@kasratabrizi2839 2 года назад
@@___Anakin.Skywalker What can we do about it?
@jasperanusiem1743 2 года назад
@@kasratabrizi2839 become outcome independent. Create options on top of options for any scenario especially the most vital. U hate those ppl bc u need them to be like you. You are probably a very smart person who has high or at least decent expectations of others. It is soul crushing when u realize they can’t even meet your minimum expectations. This can be very very upsetting. It’s upsetting bc u think u need them. U don’t. Self improve, enjoy ppl for what they are but understand what they can never be to or for you.
@ikbalbader1462 2 года назад
@@jasperanusiem1743 thank you brother , this is the best quote i have seen ❤
@Ash-ly9sz 2 года назад
Everyone has fear and insecurities, no matter how confident or tough someone may appear to be. Like Eminem sang in Hailey's Song, "I act like shit don't phase me, inside shit drives me crazy, my insecurities could eat me alive". But when it comes to dealing with people, the TWO most important things to do is this: 1). Improve your appearance to gain confidence and the desired effect on people. A nice haircut, fitted T shirt, polo, or button down, slim dark wash jeans or chinos, and a white sneakers like stan smiths or chuckka boots like Clark's Finally, a SMILE, because people will be intimated by your new and improved appearance. And 2). Pay attention. Just pay attention to the people you're dealing with. Many times, a person you're dealing with is clearly displaying social signs and cues, like attraction or deceit, but your mind is occupied by something else, like your phone or perhaps their shining jewelries, or maybe you just feel uncomfortable about the interaction. The most important thing is to stay present in the moment and try not to miss any important social cues and signs, but at the same time, act natural and don't stare hard like a weirdo. Just stay present in the social interaction. By paying attention and staying present, this gives you insight into the other person's mind, their feelings about you and their motives. Even if you cannot figure out the other person's intention at that moment, as long as you are paying attention, your mind will record the interaction and try to solve it for a later time, like in your sleep, or when you get the eureka moment when you're taking that nice and relaxing hot shower
@learner-long-life 2 года назад
A modern day Macchiavelli. To fight monsters you have to become a monster yourself, but one that you can control. When he says that corrupt corporations or political forces don't have the kinds of self-imposed limitations of so-called "good guys", it helps me to realize that Gandhi and MLK were not just idealistic philosophers, but also hard-nosed, shrewd operators. If you succeed, you'll become massively powerful, and how not to let that corrupt you.
@kasratabrizi2839 2 года назад
Man this is such an eye opener! But at the same time it feels disturbing as hell.
@mocromo2010 2 года назад
Osho called Ghandi one of the greatest politician that has ever lived.
@Rama_Rama_Rama 2 года назад
Don't think much instead do it, translate to action and all will solve.
@adhrit1426 Год назад
Gandhi was a stooge of the British Empire. That's why he is glorified in whole of the west but you ask the common man of India, and they'll tell you things about Gandhi you don't want to hear. He created more rivalries between hindus and Muslims while playing the card of Non- Violence
@hannibalblack8953 Год назад
@@adhrit1426 it's true that he was pro-western ideals but in no way was a stooge. His own values (Gandhian 'values') were based on some redundant Indian philosophy. But still he's a way better Indian than the glorified bootlickers like Savarkar / Golwalker and elitist Brahmin gang who thought they could keep the higher social class by pleasing the Beef - eating British.
@sallylemon5835 2 года назад
Well I was a kitten, then a cat and always had been. EVERYBODY took advantage on me then gaslighted me. I couldn't take it any longer, there's no choice but to be a lion. The processes were not easy, stages of depression, overwhelmed and constantly facing my own fear. But now, I would swallow anyone who tried to cross my boundary. They can call me evil, crazy and whatever, I know there's nothing wrong to defend myself and my worth, though sometimes my trauma got me acted a bit too far, but better learn from mistakes than not to try at all. From a person who's "why do people always take advantage on me" to a person who's "now try to take advantage on me". I was once could never say no, even to things I unwillingly said yes to for the guilt conscious and feeling conditioned towards everyone's wishes, but now I would say no even to things that I could actually say yes to, for the sake of showing people my limits and who I am.
@UnlimitlesslyFunnyDude Год назад
we are not helping ourselves first and letting others to take our advantage all the time ....
@ivywoodxrecords Год назад
I think if you stay strong and righteous in your life you can overcome the evil in the world. Don't stoop to their level. Set an example for others by your strength of character. We need more men like that in the world.
@mamabear71234 Год назад
people still need to face consequences
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