
Robert Reich: The Common Good | Town Hall Seattle 

Town Hall Seattle
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@MrWphilips 2 года назад
Yes, we are desperately in danger of losing our soul and historic identity! A substantive change is required of all of us!
@JohnnyMars57 2 года назад
Bob is so eloquent with his words. I could listen to him speak anytime and anywhere. Thank you Mr Secretary for all you do for our country.
@lawrencemetzger3503 Год назад
Professor Robert Reich is one of the greatest statesmen and brilliant ethicists of our time. I love his book, "The Common Good" as do many foreign students and recommend it to every citizen with a conscience and those who wish to grow one.
@crystalparker100 2 года назад
The problem is not the system - it's people. No matter what economic system we have in place, we must have regulation to keep the balance. Lesson one is that power always results in corruption. This includes power in the economy, business, education, government, religion, etc. Business owners should not be revered as kings. They should not be given so much power over their workers. Money = Power. Billionaires should not exist. Thank you, Robert Reich for your contributions to the conversation.
@monicastella9149 Год назад
Thank you Bob, I too am a war baby and LOVED your talk tonight and true we are in our own safe bubble because no one hears us. ❤
@vb1816 2 года назад
“If you really want to learn anything you’ve got to talk to someone who disagrees with you” This is SO true. Sadly social media is primed do exactly the opposite, making villains of anyone who disagrees. Social media is a toxic wasteland fuelled by targeted propaganda on either side. It’s good to know young minds are being guided by you. It gives me hope!
@feedsravens4655 2 года назад
That is why here in the YT comments i pick the adverse comments to comment to. Way more fun, staying (halfway) polite, responding exctly to what they wrote (not a strawman), calling them out whether they have any backing for their slogans. Almost all the time crickets. It is not only politics, there is a myriad of such mindset. Trumpism, Flat Earth, Creationism, gun nuts, and and and, I use to call it cults. All share that one (or a handful) slogan is declared as irrefutable Truth, so obvious it is not worth pondering for a millisecond about. By choosing to believe in the slogan, you mutate into someone who is RIGHT - always. Who belongs to the Chosen Few who understand without the burden to know ANYthing or ever to be curious, to be forced to learn anything. Your gut feeling is the ONLY reliable source of truth. Life is so simple from now on, all is defined, no need for ANY own thinking, especially not this nasty questioning of your own ideas. Total laziness is now the Motto, all self-doubt can be dropped, just lean back and let yourself be filled up by the steady trickle of the media's pseudo-reality, right down to the so-called "documentary" channels that fill their program with the weirdest nonsense about aliens etc., more spectacular and better done than real fact-based info. Imho the movies are contributing to the blurring of reality and fiction, not by malicious intent, just for entertainment. When science and engineering is realistic and when it is just sciency talk - in a movie you will not put a disclaimer in front of every statement. We are trending to let ourselves be entertained, advertisement is a profession in subconscious manipulation. Critical thinking should be a prime topic at schools, questioning all you hear, but first and foremost what you think YOURSELF - and why, whether that is not from someone else. When you cannot formulate a thought in your own words, you have not thought it through and should not spout it out. When people start "talking" in Bible verses, you know how far the brainwashing can go. Own thinking replaced by Bible babble.
@dxhydro1 2 года назад
normally that would work. but with the current state of affairs the opposing views are trumpian crazy nuts who believe that the Jews are shooting space lasers at us you can't negotiate with crazy
@davidzz4307 2 года назад
Well said.
@twintwitch1 Год назад
You are so correct. After my Conservative twin brother tried to tell me that Nixon beat Kennedy I pulled up the Electoral College count, 319 to 209. My brother’s response, “you are not going to change my mind, I get my information from a different source than you..” That got me thinking for a day. Then I realized my twin brother like all extreme Conservatives knows. Just as if you are religious know there is a God in heaven. They know, Fox has conditioned them to know, to know what they know in a powerful religious way. So they only listen to what they want or need to hear. When they hear a contrary fact or opinion it is blasphemy to them because they know the truth. Like a religious belief only their truth is and can be true. To get my brother to listen to and process a fact contrary to what he knows is like asking a Christian to convert to Buddhism.
@randymulder9105 Год назад
Remember the past. People worship the positive product talks of Steve Jobs, etc. They sell a good product. They are self imposed or actual geniuses. And work day and night on computer tech. The geniuses "actually" know the possible pros and cons of possible future usages of the "information highway". But, nobody wants to listen to them speak in forums that talk about the pros and cons. The iPhone and iPad got sold like absolutely "NOTHING" bad could ever happen. They need to sell a product so they sell a lie. Or wait, they didn't lie. They omitted all their campfire talks with Steve Jobs and other geniuses that actually talk about all the pros and cons. They omit it. We pay for their omitting the possible cons. I listed possible cons in a course in University with professors. I said what about child molesters and social media, what about rogue groups forming, what about incredibly angry people using the internet while also being able to do all that on an iPhone and iPod anywhere they are, and what about lies people could spread. I got told to "SHUT UP" by the professor with a few masters and a PHd. Why? Because as far as designers and smart people were concerned the iPhone and iPod and the internet was Only Ever going to save the world and be this wonderful place with love, caring, and butterflies. It was automatically going to create a place where all creative folks would meet and help support each other. Sure. For that group. But what happens when anybody and everybody can use the internet? Professors at the time had no answers. Interesting how professors at the time only praised Steve Jobs and the internet. Praise and omitting possible cons isn't great education. Now they are eating their words and writing essays about the cons like they first thought of it....and no they didn't first think of it. They ignored any possible cons and just kept only seeing positives in their own minds. I was told to quit the course. I was told the internet and smart phones were going to the best thing that ever happened. Sadly. I was disappointed in their behaviour. Because in any other class in art school we always went over possible pros and cons with every single other art subject. BUT NOT, the internet and smart phones. They were left for only blessing. We were only allowed to bless the internet and the smart phone? Really bizarre to me. Now people get it. And it's too late? Not sure. Anyways, the California folks at the forefront of computers and inventing all of this stuff are saying they always thought about pros and cons but companies don't want to discuss or worry about negative ramifications. Just create a product and sell it. Any other company that builds cars, sells food, etc. are under huge scrutiny, and products are vetted and anything that goes wrong, products are discontinued and companies get sued when issues occur. But the internet, social media, and smart phones...computers. Oh well, just do whatever. There are some attention drawn to some faulty products. But not taken as seriously as car manufacturers and food. We seem to give the new tech a free pass. The internet is suppose to be the wild west where child molesters rule, violence is encouraged, and people can do whatever they want in secrecy and partake in dangerous and unsafe activities. Is this how you would sell a car? Or food? How do you deem the internet and smart phones unsafe? Who will deem some parts of the internet and the smart phones are negative enough that the product needs to be discontinued, revamped, or reviewed? If cars start blowing up we can have that car discontinued, revamped, or reviewed. And if food starts poisoning people then we discontinue, revamp, or review the product. How do you revamp and review the internet and smart phones? We would be reviewing people's behaviours and dark uses? How do you keep up with billions of people? How do you discontinue, revamp, and review people's behaviours on the internet and on smart phones? I went that far in the class to talk about that in 2005. And sci-fi has been questioning this kind of stuff since the early days of sci-fi coming into fruition. So, no, these pros and cons, have been thought of in sci-fi for years before we had the internet. This is not surprising by the geniuses in California. They are giving advice and ideas again. But, again, nobody wants to listen to them. So the products, called the internet and smart phones will just be pumped out with absolute zero responsibility and zero accountability. Imagine car companies and the food industry being able to run without regulations and just running wild? Would you want these companies doing whatever they feel like? I don't think so. Imagine all flight systems and the behaviours of pilots just running wild because they feel like it and freedom of flying becomes a thing? Just fly anywhere and everywhere and ignore all the rules. No thanks. Rules and regulations can be beneficial on the internet and smart phones. No? Do I have ideas of about those rules and regulations? No. Lol. But, what would be some options? I mean. Criminal activity is monitored. How do we keep up? Lol. People get away with big criminal activities with smart phones and the internet. It's a giant problem and it's only going to get worse. That's no pessimism. Criminality is a major excessive problem happening all day and night online and through cell phones. It's a criminal's dream to hide in plain sight.
@patriciamasterson4721 4 года назад
Always great to listen in to Robert Reich. Inspirational!
@tonicoffee9170 2 года назад
I will always follow him! Everything he says is True!
@smeyer9507 4 года назад
@dntodo6749 2 года назад
I want to ask if there's anyone here from Seattle. If so - and if the guy in still alive - please send my admiration to the master carpenter who did that woodwork. Quite sincerely (and I'm not American) it is equal to the best in the world, medieval or modern. Seattle Town Hall must be an absolute masterpiece.
@fredrickjemison3820 2 года назад
He is a great speaker and I'm glad I listened
@alanwerner8563 2 года назад
23:05. We are not learning anything because we are not talking with people we Disagree With. Meaninful Dialogue. Friendly Repartee. This is the most important thing he has said so far. A Very well-spoken man.
@davidmercier4096 2 года назад
I do
@turkeypudding 2 года назад
Mr Reich is a good man with a good heart, it follows that his politics are about fairness, compassion and the pursuit of the common good.
@Bohemian-Nilda 2 года назад
He’s a rare commodity! A gem in the midst of packs of vicious wolves! We need more people like him, especially in the political field!
@robertodiaz9680 Год назад
An excellent presentation, followed by an organized, interesting diverse set of questions. Good to pass It on.
@steverobson8827 2 года назад
Bob you are a God among men. Also we have lost all our Heros. You are my Hero. No better example of why in war I have hope.
@danielsurman4669 2 года назад
"give to others" that is GOLD....
@contemplatingwithamaster Год назад
Wonderful thoughts 😊.
@qibble455 4 года назад
Robert is a dark horse and very funny. I love him:) Great video.
@Christopher_Bachm 2 года назад
Criminal conspiracies are common enough, but not much good. Maybe, we should finally address the criminals. Then, the common good comes into view...
@factsmatter8449 2 года назад
@leealexander3507 Год назад
I would love to get an education from Robert but I am now at the end of my life. It would be better if my son got that education. He would learn so much the university failed to teach him.
@praymunread5152 2 года назад
Love your stories.
@cherylburkhead1334 2 года назад
I know that podium and choir bay. Wish I could have managed the 75 miles...please come again.
@sangho5799 Год назад
Good morning Mr Robert Reich long time no see how you doing? Time is running out, Thanksgiving is coming, May your heathy, happy, always smiles with you family enjoys the feast at great Holiday,
As a conservative, I would disagree on most policy issues with Robert Reich, whose fundamental faith in government "solutions" is utterly alien to me. But the intellectual landscape of this country would be admittedly impoverished without him. A wellspring of lucid insights.
@kaidskerlong9421 Год назад
We face many challenges here in 2022...we should look at the present but plan for now and again
@MrWphilips 2 года назад
You made a very profound statement. It is not that capitalism is good or bad- it is how it is organized! Capitalism can be organized to support the common good.
@nitamckeethen6986 Год назад
What a great talk from a great man.
@mikesanders2308 8 месяцев назад
My takeaway from this is that we need to get rid of the labels. Myself, I identify as an individual. Independent of the republican and democratic parties. I vote for whom will best serve my best interests. Not Party lines. Country over party. People over party.
@patnoonan5281 2 года назад
What really pisses me off is how ineffectual the consumer protection agency is Their letting the consumer get so screwed by so many many products I think we should shut them down.
@sabin97 2 года назад
then you would be screwed over by many many more products....
@patnoonan5281 2 года назад
@@sabin97 people are now selling on RU-vid air conditioning products for years that actually raise the temperature in your house the are a total ripoff and all it would take is the government putting an advertisement on national TV telling the ripoff artist the will all be arrested if they continue with selling that crap and it would all stop. That would save millions alot of grief
@slicker54 4 года назад
This is what a real patriot looks and sound like.
@twintwitch1 Год назад
He is awesome!!
@suziperret468 2 года назад
Yeah, Robert Reich !
@steverobson8827 2 года назад
Controlling the mind is key.
@ellentaylor4351 2 года назад
@John-sg5un Год назад
I've always admired Mr Reich. A very smart, decent, caring person who's totally correct as to how this country, and planet, could & should operate to benefit all people in an equitable & just manner. If I'd my choice as to whom I'd of liked to see as President and VP in 2016 it's would've been Senator Sanders & Former labor secretary Reich. Unfortunately the 2016 Presidential nomination process wasn't fair. I personally believe Senator Sanders would've gotten the nomination...however the DNC chairperson in 2016 unfairly & unethically did everything in her power to interfere so as to keep Senator Sanders from getting the nomination. How about Bernie 2024? I think he should run!! I don't mean this in a disparaging way but my intuition clearly leads me to believe now President Biden will not be running for a 2nd term.
@iouel 2 года назад
No, we need to become a vegan culture. If most Americans grow food, no one will ever be hungry. The mobilization of meat as our primary food source, is an unclean, demoralizing system of food production.
@steverobson8827 2 года назад
Mini Cooper is a full size SUV...for some. I Love you.
@zyeefd Год назад
Yes to Universal Basic Income!
@gregbusby2706 2 года назад
That pisses me off so bad when people dont know the difference between a question and a statement.
@MsUtuber2 2 года назад
Dear Robert Reich, the pic that's being used to advertise this video has you with your arm raised. I know that you don't mean to suggest anything. But people who aren't familiar with you might see it differently.
@xenocampanoli815 4 года назад
I don't think it is just wage. We of these new generations who are aspiring towards social justice and ecological well being see a malignant direction that seems unchangeable, and those who still subscribe to the various traditional religious and alignment views aren't just conservative, but imperious for a kind of trans-factual set of rights around their groups. These stark differences are NOT just a matter of not going anywhere, but a matter of inability to see the facts. Yes, we should talk to each other more, but we are so far beyond the point of horsetrading our way to reasonable compromise because we have gone way beyond the resources and the basic human decency that can allow equilibrium. I don't think you can fix it by just talking. You have to engineer some way to not negotiate a difference at the mean, but negotiate a policy based on 100% fact, and we have no time for the fantasy of anyone more in those negotiations.
@demigod2491 2 года назад
Bob has not given an answer to a single question from the audience. He should have started by admitting that the power is corrupt, in the answer to the first question. Reich did not even attempt to bring any real answers right from the beginning.
@leealexander3507 Год назад
We are now having some of the same problems we had in the WW2 era when we had Nazi groups who alligned themselves with Nazi Germany. Now we have groups aligning themselves with Putin and Orban. Our last President fell in love with Kim Jong Un. He preferred the strongman dictators. I think it's because that's what he wanted to be. This isn't the first time we've been in this position and come through it. Hopefully we will do it again although there's never a guarantee. While I don't expect to be around much longer I worry for my family. Hopefully I can educate them enough they will understand what's happening although I'm not entirely sure. I wish I had thought to teach them that democracy is not a sure thing. I don't know why I thought they would understand that on their own. Somehow it never occurred to me that things would change so much. Maybe I shouldn't kick myself. How could I have foreseen the Neoliberal era? It came to me as a shock. Donald Trump came to me as an even bigger shock. A shock I still haven't gotten over.
@Madmen604 2 года назад
Gov is spending billions and trillions on war, arms, space, climate management.. You need to cull funds from this spending. Guaranteed annual income is possible. It would reduce household debt, increase spending, and propel economic growth forward. I think your country needs to define what kind of democracy you want.
@tvdinner325 Год назад
If only the government was filled with reasonable people, such as Bob.
@Vondarkstar 2 года назад
That smirk is definitely in response to seeing the 25th amendment ask. He wanted to read more of her letter not his.
@charleslofaro4194 2 года назад
The answer to the lady's question about being overqualified is that the interviewer just by reading your resume is already thinking about his own job other than that you have already excepted that even with your qualifications the pay would be low.it`s all BS when they say your overqualified.
@thedream4526 Год назад
What is it that people don't understand about reality
@kathystewart8871 Месяц назад
Thank you. Get out the vote.
@jayneswhirled2 Год назад
When the health care screamer came in - I left.
@richardcrighton8079 4 года назад
all the time the distraction goes on, the less we can focus on real life
@uiPublic 5 месяцев назад
A Person of his Calibre only is Aware of Ten Commandments actually Make Commonality to with All fellows as Equally self?!
@uiPublic 5 месяцев назад
But then Wicked take it All also true lest we Forget do Our part ...
@sub1maz2 2 года назад
Tendremos alguna vez "voto universal?", votacion en la que se respete el voto de CADA individuo. Que el proceso de eleccion seleccione a la persona que haya logrado mas votos que su oponente, asi el ciudadano sabra que su voto cuenta. Por que tuvimos que tolerar la calamidad de D. Trump si Hillary Clinton lo supero con mas de 2 millones de votos?
@steverobson8827 2 года назад
For Entertainment purposes only. We have lost. The next step is....
@bonniehall578 Год назад
Minimum wage stopped going up, and the wealthy got greedy.
@danmoen755 4 года назад
The them could include the vertically challenged, just kidding Bob. That's short for Robert. Mass. is short for a group of under five foot people.
@michelle-jn7ul 3 года назад
Robert dead wrong on definition of capitalism. Free exchange of goods exist outside capitalism. Markets have existed for much longer than capitalism has been around.
@davegunner5670 Год назад
We are f'##_d!
@itadowler6412 4 года назад
Trump was spawned not born in 1946
@truenorth1355 2 года назад
No it was hatched!
@Watcher1852 4 года назад
@caniblmolstr4503 2 года назад
Then the winged hussars arrived
@prestonhanson501 2 года назад
Demonstrations. Does that include looting and rioting? How about that
@bliss4383 4 года назад
Another voice of hope, in an age of despair. Obama’s message was always hope and change, and it wasn’t his fault that the housing bubble finally collapsed in 2008. That, in itself is a long story, beginning when the humble Jimmy Carter began a housing program for the poor. His intentions were good, founded in his Christian love, but then Bill Clinton came along, tweaked the program with another Act, and the Federal Savings & Loans collapsed on his watch. The bubble continued to grow and everyone in D.C. knew it was only a matter of time. It was wonderful to see a black man in the WH, but as a Moderate Republican, I didn’t vote for him, based on his connections to the radical Bill Ayers and ACORN. IN 2016, I didn’t vote at all. Hilary had the White Water scandal in her past, and she didn’t handle Benghazi well. (Pizzagate was untrue, I believe.) But, I also knew before the election that Trump had, at minimum, Narcissistic Personalty Disorder, and have always been a Never Trumper. In the past 4 years, I have watched him closely, have noted the works of psychiatrists Bandy Lee and Justin Frank, as well as many other people, and especially two Republicans who certainly couldn’t have any political bias against Trump. They are Republican strategist, Rick Wilson, and Pulitzer Prize winning Investigative Reporter David Cay Johnston, who has known Trump for over 25 years. Trump tried to sue him, but found he couldn’t since everything Johnston reported was public knowledge, readily available to any member of the public. The Trump admin is entirely corrupt now, as is the GOP, and from my perspective, Trump has more than just Narcissistic Personality Disorder, but also Paranoid Personality Disorder, and Psychopathy. He would score above 30 on the (Robert D.) Hare Psychopathic Checklist - the PCL-R - the international standard used in the assessment of Psychopathy. But in order to get such a diagnosis formally, they’d have to do MRI brain scans on him as well. Yale Psychiatrist Bandy Lee referred to Psychopathy in a recent article on Trump though; I found that on Johnston’s website - dcreport.com. Johnston is also a tax expert, and well aware of Trump’s many lawsuits - over 5,000. Trump is far from being a good business man. He’s a fraudster, a con artist, or as Robert Hare and co-author Paul Babiak titled their book, “Snakes in Suits -When Psychopaths Go To Work,” he’s one of those. Trump makes Nixon look like a choir boy. Not only am I voting for Biden in November, given the corruption of the GOP, I’m changing parties so that my voter registration card reads DEMOCRAT. “Make America Great Again” has been the Trump mantra of hope, but what he want is not to be the leader of the FREE world, but a dictator. Most everyone can see that now. And I am predicting Biden will win by a landslide, Trump will cry voter fraud, the very thing he’s guilty of, and will not likely leave the WH voluntarily, but in handcuffs, face numerous felony indictments, and be awarded a lovely orange prison outfit to match his skin and hair. Bummer for him. No hairspray in prison, and hopefully no mirrors. All that is really up to Biden, but Adam Schiff and former Federal Criminal Prosecutor, Glenn Kirschner know full well he should be charged on numerous counts. Everyone should watch GLENN KIRSCHNER’S channel. He’s very informative, having worked in D.C. for most of his career. As for Biden, he’s got Ukraine in the back of his mind, for sure. From what I can see, Trump is toast. This was a great talk. I enjoyed it very much to hear people are getting more involved. We have voices and votes, but have not used them as much as we should have, myself included. DUMP TRUMP. GO JOE.
@Urza26 4 года назад
Trump could still win if the economy recovers and the usual gerrymandering and voter suppression does well. It will likely imo be very close either way.
@jssomewhere6740 4 года назад
Just for clarity the housing bubble burst on Bush it was left to Obama to give out the money the checks were signed as you could say. Didn't saving and loans go under on Reagan. It was Clinton that freed up Fanny and Freddy then Bush removed the constraints on the Banking industry. I'm not trying to start a fight. I either am remembering it all or in part wrong. All were in some way a part of what brought US to where we are I just try and remember the order of failure. All of that has given US what we have. We need another Teddy Roosevelt to jump start the second round of taking down the robber barons. Only these we currently have aren't pound for pound as wealthy but there are many more of them. I think it was FDR who said something like allowing billionaires to exist will be the down fall of our great experiment.
@danmoen755 4 года назад
We are not a democracy by the way again you come up short.
@IMSiegfried 4 года назад
why do you bother to listen if you got nothing out of it?
@regicideist Год назад
Cull the preachy self-obsessed questions
@cherylpatton1977 4 года назад
Trump has heard the voices of the People who want jobs and affordable education.
@veraarmstrong9656 4 года назад
and the People want to be free. Slaves no more. We are the OWNERS of our Republic. We won way back in 2017. This is Mop UP TIME! Patriots in full Control of Everything at all times! Trust the PLAN, the most Brilliant Mil INTEL Strategy of all time. Qmap.pub sent me
@peterskove3476 4 года назад
And he laughed , at you fools. Q ? You have got to be kidding. Yea come try to “ mop” me up. I’m old enough that my father and others of his generation made America great by KILLING Nazis. Nazis, like you. Sounds like they missed a few.
@peterskove3476 4 года назад
Vera Armstrong You can keep your head buried in the sand but it won’t change the fact that you follow a man who murdered US troops, and that makes you a traitor , not a patriot. Y’all should give up your flags. Y’all would rather burn it all than admit that you were conned. Even making up wild stories out of desperation. You were conned into fearing and hating your countrymen, now that you shat on those you oppose you’d rather double down and cover your ears ....If you think trump innocent you are calling Military liars. Who do you really think is lying ??? You are about to step 100% into treason. Mop up??? Bring It
@erichum5190 2 года назад
Russian war
@alisondblake 2 года назад
Robert Reich... Thank you for your teaching. You are loved by many, including me... 🐦🙏🐦
@browneyedtwin1111 2 года назад
How can we get this guy and Bernie Sanders to lead us into taking back our government? What a phenomenal speaker! Very inspirational and gives me a lot of optimism.
@brendadavis5391 2 года назад
Vote & support or participate in your own way to campaign for him/them.
@permafrost7781 2 года назад
You're all delusional
@heartdragon2386 2 года назад
@@NEbluefire sorry, I'm all for a woman president, but not Harris. There are a lot of reasons she didn't even her own state in the primary.
@heartdragon2386 2 года назад
@@NEbluefire you didn't. You said we finally got a woman in the white house. If you didn't mean her, I apologize for misunderstanding.
@heartdragon2386 2 года назад
@@NEbluefire I get that. You mentioned there finally being a woman in the white house as well, and as that was the only woman mentioned in a short comment. I took it as an idea, if not an endorsement
@jssomewhere6740 4 года назад
Robert R. Gives hope. Agree or disagree he gives hope, by looking at things in his very upbeat way, and being able to say it to the masses in that upbeat way. Thanks Robert R. For your optimistic look on our time and the hope we should have.
@nancybacheldar7933 3 года назад
Your the biggest man to me Mr. Reich .More common sense than all the politicians in office right now.
@kc.jeffery 2 года назад
...put together 😅
@ARIZJOE Год назад
Me too.............Bob is an unusual, brilliant man, and has given invaluable service to this country for a long time.
@leealexander3507 Год назад
That's not saying much but I agree that Robert is awesome while I'm not especially impressed with most of our politicians. I do think highly of a few of them.
@robklonoski6583 2 года назад
I thank you for your service, both within government and without.
@aospkitkat4446 2 года назад
Why can't we have someone like him in Office? Seriously?
@Bohemian-Nilda 2 года назад
Why? Because the power hungry vicious wolves will devour him in an instant!
@carolstleger6907 2 года назад
Perhaps. He strikes me, while thoroughly palatable and digestible, persistently one lent not ( tongue-in-cheek), to be taken lightly!
@joaniegentian6013 Год назад
I voted for Robert Reich in the Democratic Party primary when he ran for Massachusetts Governor back in 2002. He was one of gee, 5 or 6 candidates, iirc, all but one of them men. So, because Mass. Dem primary voters are who they are, the worst candidate, the most conservative candidate...the only woman in the race, won the nomination, and she went on to lose handily to....Mitt Romney. That is how that happened. I've always thought that Robert Reich would have beaten Romney if the Dems had given him a chance...but they did not. Mitt Romney was tall, that's all, and he spent his whole governorship preparing to run for president.
@garyjohnson1466 2 года назад
Enjoyed listening, as This was a lecture of hope for many, as evident by their questions, everyone needs hope, especially in a era of transition and uncertainties, it hard to be positive…thank you, Bob !
@ronslaughterandalice1018 2 года назад
Love the part about the signing the Presidents name with a signature machine. When I was a kid we were going to move into government housing and I had a dog that I was not going to be allowed to take. I was heart broken and told my Mom it was not fair. She said that I should write a letter to the President which I did. I did get a letter back from one of the Presidents secretaries explaining that I should take the matter up with our local government representatives It was a nice letter but the signature at the bottom was note worthy,,,,,,,Golda Hale.
@georgenoble5026 2 года назад
I love Robert Reich. He is a thoughtful, decent, down to earth man. God bless him.
@myramorosco5423 6 лет назад
Thank you so much...you are a gift to my heart. To hear the toxic atmosphere I and others feel we are experiencing put into words ...and then given a positive solution. You are a treasure. Will continue to listen, read and do!
@lesleymoses7852 6 лет назад
Myra Morosco a1
@carolstleger6907 2 года назад
He so eloquently exists as he suggests. Chef's Kiss!
@Ericwest1000 2 года назад
Robert Reich is brilliant and is wonderful at conveying his knowledge to his fellow Americans!
@raynaengle4313 4 года назад
Love this guy
@djdollase 4 года назад
Love this man and his understanding of the way things are and should be.
@murrayflewelling1258 4 года назад
Have you seen his doc " Inequality for All" . It really did point out some real progress.
@manuelurriola790 2 года назад
@@murrayflewelling1258 🥵🎉🎉
@H.pylori 4 года назад
Interesting comments on why America is so polarized. Change is needed.
@gregorystarks2514 4 года назад
That is not called capitalism but like in Germany and Austria Socialism ! The State provide easy access to Health and Education , those who are rich pay their fair contribution to the Society and enjoy fully what they earn ! There is Social Justice and all citizens respect one another ! Much safer society than in the US !
@myrasmama 4 года назад
Loved it! 👍🏼
@oldtimer7635 2 года назад
This is soooo true. Delivered beautifully, little humor here and there keeps audience awake. : ) Althoug I have some doubs considering his optimism about the future in USA. That´s because what´s happening in Universities there, not pretty, necessarily.
@jeffbell5125 2 года назад
In 1967 1 worked at a bowling alley in the navel base in Philly as a pin setter for 35 cents an hour. I was in the third grade. if you don't know what a pin setters job was , it's a job that was phased out by machines, thank God, I believe we will overcome the current crisis, I dodged a lot of heavy objects in my life and the one currently tossed my way will miss, with your help, 😁
@maniad1 4 года назад
Why doesn’t he hold office? What a fantastic and knowledgeable speaker.
@Baking_baked 4 года назад
Holding office ruins you... changes you..
@thethirdgeneration1738 4 года назад
Actually he did hold office once. He was Labor Secretary under Bill Clinton, an appointed position once. And he did a wonderful job. The powers that be would never let him get elected ; however. But, another democratic administration "could re-appoint him, again to another position, or to a leadership position inside a cabinet to rebuild things." Hope yet springs eternal.
@jenoyecole628 2 года назад
@@Baking_baked RR has held offices in three different Administrations! He is not "ruined." I believe “holding office” can equally bring out the best in people also, especially if they have a heart to do good for their fellow man(kind) and their country and world--and the position has power they get to use for those purposes! (Sincerely, Rev. J. Roland Cole., age 85, a 1960's Civil Rights Activist and patriot, who spent his family's last $ 25.00 in 1963 to attend the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom so it wouldn't be a failure and hold the Movement for Civil Rights back. I got to hear live Dr. King's great "I Have a Dream" Speech!) And I heard the youngest speaker that day, also, John Lewis. I also attended, 58 years later, the March on Washington for Civil Rights for All, August 28th 2021, to express my passionate conviction and belief in "Civil Rights for !"--that right and our "democracy" is under greater threat now than ever before. There, an appreciative and beautiful "black lady," a Professor Russey, gave me a blue, John Lewis T-shirt with his colorful picture on the front and with four of his great quotes which I will share after saying, "John Lewis's "holding many offices" did not ruin him. either, but gave him greater freedom, scope, and ability to do good for us and our country! Consider encouraging everybody to act according to these four (4) John Lewis sayings: 1. "Your vote is precious, almost sacred." 2. "Each day on earth is a gift/ we must use to continue/ building the/beloved community." 3. "Get into Good and/ Necessary Trouble." 4. The Struggle for Voting Rights/ Continues." All the Best to you and yours for the rest of your life! JRC
@carolstleger6907 2 года назад
@@thethirdgeneration1738 I know that's right!
@carolstleger6907 2 года назад
@@jenoyecole628 Oh Lordy, Lordy! How not to be taken lightly, INDEED! 👍
@davidpatterson2178 6 лет назад
Reich for President!!
@veraarmstrong9656 4 года назад
and for VP/ Stephanoupolous? LOL
@wesleybanks7487 Год назад
Sir, I needed that lecture. You helped me regain some confidence in our country. I think I should have got a better education.
@MikeJones-py4ev 2 года назад
The way you addressed the questions was amazing. I look forward to learning more about you.
@lauravinogradov1792 2 года назад
@carolstleger6907 2 года назад
"What he said", thanks Mike. My experience is that he exists as suggests. Don't we all want to be heard, acknowledged? Personified exemplification of encouragement! Again, Chefs Kiss. Standing ovation!!!
@tonicoffee9170 2 года назад
A brilliant man and loved!
@ajarnwordsmith628 Год назад
A superb communicator...and he makes it look so easy which of course it's not...
@robinlennon2580 2 года назад
Great lecture.
@margaretm.7079 4 года назад
Excellent presentation!
@godblessusaloveconquers4324 6 лет назад
nice town hall.people are actually coming out.
@ofoghladha2110 2 года назад
We are way beyond 1968 Bob , Trump is making Nixon look like Carter at this point.
@wayneg296 2 года назад
👍👍😎🤟✌️ Work on making Election Day, a National Holiday, let everyone have a chance to vote!
@deholla40 2 года назад
I love listening to this man! He gives me so much hope for our country!
@samanthacurl2640 2 года назад
Your entitled country is lost
@brendadavis5391 2 года назад
That lady, who came from another Country to here, said it right. People listen to WHO makes a statement and NOT what they are SAYING.
@muggedinmadrid Год назад
Erudite, amusing, compelling. Such a great and natural public speaker.
@mamabearjnix2674 2 года назад
I'm so glad I came across this today!!
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