It is amazing how a recorded live performance makes a different impact than the normal studio performance. The studio versions may be clearer but these ones make my heart pound just by the vibes, the public reacting and KNOWING this was LIVE. Same for your other live performances. It's been like 4 years of knowing you and you just don't disapoint. N e v e r. I FREAKIN LOVE YOU ROBOTBOYS. You truly are ARMazing :-) Kudos for Malthe as well!
You guys are so creative it's amazing. . Always happy to see a new vid by you guys. . Can't imagine how much you guys practice. . Love it, bring more Yo. .
Ihr seit echt geil finde es immer sehr lustig wenn meine 3 jährige Tochter probiert euch nachzumachen :) noch ein paar Jahre Übung dann kann sie es auch so gut
Robot drengene... husker jeg så jeres optræden i tv 2008 var det vidst. I var fænomenale og er det stadig. Håber i stadig holder ved jeres store talent og fortsat vil dele det med verdenen
Sure! It from our latest album Long Vs Tomzen - use this link to Itunes - or alle other digital platforms - it's in the description