
Robotic Icecream Bar FAIL 

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Humans for the win. Robotic Icecream bars are a fail.
#robotics #fail #Icecream




4 янв 2020




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@Okurka. 4 года назад
Dave was wearing his "I only give negative feedback" t-shirt.
@psialt9720 4 года назад
I think Dave was born in this t-shirt.
@gudenau 4 года назад
It's more of a fun tech demo.
@GadgetAddict 4 года назад
Yeah it's obviously not the most efficient way to sell ice cream. It's like having a robot make a coffee like a human would VS. a pod based vending machine. One is a lot more interesting to watch as a tech demo but the other is far more efficient for consumers and sales.
@KuraIthys 4 года назад
@@GadgetAddict Yeah. Seems like a practical ice cream vending machine would work better off the k8nd of mechanisms used for soft serve. Dispensing nozzles for each flavour, and a mechanism to move the container below each nozzle in turn. Would have a lot of engineering teething problems, especially in conjunction with regular 'hard' icecream, but assuming you could solve them, would likely be toms faster than this thing.
@gudenau 4 года назад
@@GadgetAddict Plus this could get someone to buy their robots.
@gudenau 4 года назад
@@KuraIthys There are some gas stations that do this with soft serve, except that they have different tubes for favors instead of nozzles. Doesn't work too well.
@mick7sp 4 года назад
They probably thought they had a winner the first day because the line was a mile long... ;)
@rasz 4 года назад
This is exactly how engagement is judged after every website redesign - look at all those people clicking all over the place, we have a winner!!111
@dave0682 4 года назад
I was there the other day, they have done 30,000 scoops in the first 4 months. That doesn't exactly scream fail to me
@mick7sp 4 года назад
@@dave0682 Still wonder how many walked away... Not wanting to wait all day.
@dave0682 4 года назад
1 minute per serving is all day? In this video, while he is screaming Fail it done two serves. And the video ain't that long....
@mick7sp 4 года назад
@@dave0682 Beep...click...beep...click...
@Kelthor85 4 года назад
First World problem when your ice cream robot is too slow.
@Jonas_Keunecke 4 года назад
LOL, perfect example... :)
@MrSmotrelkin 4 года назад
I think it's not really about being efficient but instead about attracting customers. For the kids it may be one of the coolest things they've seen.
@spacejaga 4 года назад
There you have 2 kids. Both pissed off. Yeah coolest fail they ever seen
@MrCh053n 4 года назад
@@spacejaga Parents. Always ruining things! Agree? ;)
@EEVblog 4 года назад
Sagan wasn't impressed.
@Thermalions 4 года назад
@@EEVblog I have the impression if you'd talked it up though, that Sagan would have gone along with a positive view of how cool the robotics were.
@MeppyMan 4 года назад
Thermal Ions yeah this was what I was thinking. Going to make that kid negative and cynical at way too young an age. Wonder and excitement while learning how things like this have a long way to go would be a cool lesson. But I have no kids so easy for my to say haha
@ZylonFPV 4 года назад
that does seem incredibly slow! It's more of a gimmic than anything actually practical.
@FireStriker_ 4 года назад
In the Aussie heat the first scoop would melt by the time its finished cleaning the scoop LOl
@LateNightHacks 4 года назад
Yeah, yesterday it was 46.5C in sydney, I would say the robot would melt by second scoop
@AdamSWL 4 года назад
Dave quickly removes an access panel and manages to overclock the control module. Much screaming as ice cream flies everywhere across the room! "Bloody One Hung Lo brand robots!"
@station240 4 года назад
Should have had a spare scoop at least, so it can hot.. cold swap scoops while it's cleaning one.
@jagdtigger 4 года назад
Or just have the cleaning stuff move with the arm, and give it a tiny bit more speed when the scoop is empty.
@redlock4004 4 года назад
@@jagdtigger It's not cleaning the scoop. It warms it in water so the blob of ice cream releases from the scoop. A robot can't cope with sticky ice cream like a human can
@jagdtigger 4 года назад
@@redlock4004 So it cant move a bent metal inside the scoop with an electric motor? Thats pretty lame.....
@redlock4004 4 года назад
@@jagdtigger Those metal de-stickers where a great idea in the 50's but they are very unsanitary, hard to clean and cause food poisoning. They are not NSF approved. and not used on a commercial basis anymore.
@jakegarrett8109 4 года назад
Redlock oh my goodness, my classmates “heated ice cream scoop” actually serves a real purpose now and not just almost causing the school to burn down, haha!
@Sgt_Hest 4 года назад
That robotarm must be crying. It could have build cars in minuttes, now it only scoops icecream
@YCbCr 4 года назад
It would be cool at 600% speed or something, whizzing back and forth with some speed, but like this... meh.
@BakedPrawns 4 года назад
I bet the other customers were watching you and thinking, lighten up a little!
@berenscott8999 4 года назад
Robotic arms in the food production sector are absolutely amazing.
@TheDefpom 4 года назад
Just because something CAN be done, doesn't mean it SHOULD be done....
@z1power 4 года назад
I, for one, welcome our robotic ice cream-serving overlords
@beamer.electronics 4 года назад
Painfully slow auto ice cream vender aside; I hope things are OK for you and the family with all the high temperatures and fire outbreaks? Hopefully it won't approached your area, and I'm wishing you and Australia all the best. From Devon UK.
@williamgottlieb8723 4 года назад
First that poor robot loses his job at the automobile factory, and now he can't even cut it at an ice cream shop.
@15fakeaccount 4 года назад
They should hire Useless Duck Company to make it faster.
@numbers9to0 4 года назад
The creepy humanoid robot looks shocked by your son's rating.
@senseibaka1 4 года назад
You know what would be a lot more useful right now, robot firefighters.
@Spector_NS5_RD 4 года назад
Dave, you're looking at it from an EE standpoint. Kids don't care about efficiency. Consider a child's (who's father isn't involved in EE) reaction to this. It's actually quite kool.
@EEVblog 4 года назад
It's still a fail because they will go out of business.
@jaredwright5917 4 года назад
The simple solution to speeding this up is to have a tool changer so each ice cream flavor can have its own scoop, completely eliminating the huge time waste of constantly cleaning one scoop.
@crazygeorgelincoln 4 года назад
Comon son! I'm not waiting. Robot too slow. No ice creams for you!
@Kajico 4 года назад
there are so many ways you can improve the automation so it delivers this faster, but i'll bet it wouldn't be as aesthetically pleasing. it's got be cooler than it is functional. Old job had a frozen yogurt robot vendor and that thing would break down all the friggin time.
@max_archer 4 года назад
This is what I was thinking too. This could be MUCH faster but it wouldn't be as much of a customer-attracting spectacle, and this way people feel like they get a show for the extra cost they almost certainly pay for the ice cream vs. a normal human server.
@yourcurtainsareugly 4 года назад
As long as I don't have to deal with a person, I'm cool with it.
@sts-31 4 года назад
Human inefficiency pushed to 2049 :)
@natecontarino1748 4 года назад
First no-hand-shoes, now this. We are living in the future.
@TheFrenchMansControl 4 года назад
Be kind to our future robot overlords damn it!
@kevinbroderick3779 4 года назад
My my, how Sagan has grown.
@b.hagedash7973 4 года назад
Relies on employees being particularly fastidious with cleaning every day.
@SuzuranMajere 4 года назад
It looks very much like the robot they were saying was supposed to be talking to the elderly in Japanese care homes so they would get at least SOME social interaction when being ignored by their children - Anyone else remember that from a few years back?
@zakofrx 4 года назад
Their are a bunch of Japanese robots that look just like this one.. .maybe made by the same company. They make small personal humanoid toys.
@foxabilo 4 года назад
So... you replaced spotty teenagers with geriatric robots. AWESOME!
@henrychan720 4 года назад
I assure you robots can do it 10 times faster than humans if they wanted
@zakofrx 4 года назад
This has to be in Melbourne. Someone local will praise it for creating less C02 than a breathing human doing the same job.
@willford8475 4 года назад
... it doesn't fart either! 🤣
@Thermalions 4 года назад
... only if it's serving certified vegan friendly gelato.
@rasz 4 года назад
Lets be real, there is a human at the back shoveling Coal to power the bloody thing.
@daveleitz9107 4 года назад
true, all the while ignoring the huge carbon footprint of the refined metals, plastics, production and assembly of parts, factories, supply chains, etc., required to get that robot from dirt to retail establishment. don't get me wrong, robotic machinery has a place in the economy, but this thing is an expensive gimmick.
@krupertshmurdock9904 4 года назад
if this thing would ran at full speed it would scare the shit out of you and you would get more ice cream than you can eat
@DuroLabs85 3 года назад
No one : CyberPunk 2077 :
@cuteswan 4 года назад
Maybe it's a robot that's concerned about our weight? Glad you're all having fun.
@zlac 4 года назад
Eating ice cream in the middle of winter, wearing short sleeves and stuff... Damn Austrians! :-P
@campusto 4 года назад
Guys... It's "disneyland thing" for the kids.. it's not about efficiency. Robots do pack ice cream pretty well and quickly, just check your local super market for the results... :D
@3Dparallax 4 года назад
This is right across from my work. Yeah a great novelty but I was also very unmpressed by the speed and especially the pricing! There were two humans there anyway and I asked about when it breaks, and they have a backup human, lmao.
@OuTannu 4 года назад
well More like a robotic molten icecream bar with that speed
@SuperStststststst 4 года назад
my guess is this is for exposition... Id bet the specs of this thing allow it to move and violently fast speeds
@gunplaojisan7557 4 года назад
our local fish n chip shop had the same thing and it ran for whole 2 days before the robot was removed and the Gelato table was used as the table. :p
@CrackManT 4 года назад
All that money, R&D and manufacturing for such an slow and inefficient machine, an human would've served 5 people in the time it took that robot to do 2 scoops of ice cream, unbelievable.
@randallneikirk6385 4 года назад
I did not see your moniker and thought AVe had finally made his robotic bartender. For ice cream.
@tecfixed2840 4 года назад
Probably cost more to implement than the yearly wage of a mere human assistant!
@james-5560 4 года назад
only that much?
@jakegarrett8109 4 года назад
To be fair a geared down Prusa printer or Delta with a spoon would be like $500 and 10x faster, but I think they are going for “wow” factor using probably a $50k arm probably meant for precision welding and bolt placement in cars. It’s just a tourist attraction or gimmick at this point to tease the idea, once people think it’s cool then the practical and cheap ones will come (I could automate a whole McDonnalds in a year, and that’s not really a bad thing because frankly those people could be doing something more interesting or something they care about more, one job that will not be capable to replace is cleaning because that’s a freaken challenge, you need like full hands and arm with visual recognition of dirt and clean tables top and bottom and clean floors mopping them stuff and just every nook and cranny is just a total pain, like a robot to take over a janitor would be like litteral millions! Flipping a burger or scooping and weighing fries is simple, but a janitor is nearly impossible. These people though could do other things, more skilled and more fun things, and for those that can’t (like my mom knows someone that’s excited about their new job as a Walmart door greater), well there is always the nice thing of human interaction so there will be the waiters and such (though even as a kid I found it novel to use a robot to bring me drinks and trays of food). Plus there will need to be higher paid jobs like service technicians, programmers and coders, the machinests making the parts or factory workers making castings or bearings (or maintaining those factory assembly lines), or the engineers creating the designs and their managers and sales team selling the bots and architects remodeling the kitchen for bots and of course a backup crew for when the bots crash from some stupid update. Like there won’t be fewer jobs, if anything there will be more and higher paying and more fulfilling than flipping burgers. At worse we end up lowering the standard work day to 30 hours per week and have to spend more time with human families or recreation time (oh no!). But realistically prices of luxury items like fast food would come down (good for everyone), and people get more advanced jobs. For those that can’t (disabled or not mentally skilled etc), there are plenty of other jobs that would be a total pain in the _____ to automate, they might not all be fun, but again still probably more exciting than scooping ice cream or burgers. I’m a mechanical engineer that loves making robots, wouldn’t you live a diaper change robot? I’ve heard they would be popular amount new parents! Even rentals! But I’ve also worked fast food and have to say, yeah it’s not super exciting, it’s not like it’s Hell or difficult but it’s exhausting being on your feet for 10+ hour days when a robot wouldn’t be complaining about 24/7 convenience fast food, and trust me I really wanted to automate the job (kind of like McDonnalds with the auto drink filler bot in drive through, or a roomba, it just makes life a little easier so you have time for the more important things, but yes I still wash dishes manually because I’m cheap, but thank God for clothes washers I’ve done that by hand in a bucket and it’s insane for just a few articles of clothing!)
@spidermcgavenport8767 4 года назад
Ideally I'd install that Niska robot in a shopping mall within a food court, have it message when its done using a novelty ice cream card. While looking for the best pair of sunglasses. more of a leisurely device.
@spidermcgavenport8767 4 года назад
Thank you EEVblog2, much appreciated.
@Gameboygenius 4 года назад
Pretty sure those robots can run fast enough to both scare the children away and to rip loose from the probably subpar base they're on.
@nikolaast 2 года назад
I can't wait to show my kids the wonders of the natural world & the various feats of human engineering, only to never allow 2 seconds to pass with out me shitting all over the experience and ingrain my children with mind for cynicism and a heart that's black with disenchantment.
@SparkyLabs 4 года назад
i think gimmick is the name of this contraption. Probably a one hit wonder once people realised that they re not proper androids.
@annverleedowns311 4 года назад
What a way not to admire the technology involved and processes involved in the implementation . Not to mention the fun factor /novelty involved with being served by a robot.
@swiftrick15 4 года назад
I would ask for 1 of each flavour. Then come back 1 hour later to pick it up. 😕
@QlueDuPlessis 4 года назад
It's really just for the novelty. LOL This would have been a big hit in 1983. :p
@4uk4a285 4 года назад
ur just jelly u dont have one
@jakegarrett8109 4 года назад
omnimacrox my 3d printed even on slow screw z axis would be faster (and it has a heating element for the scoop attachment). Like seriously, why is a $300 desktop rep rap not just geared down for this?
@LawrenceTimme 4 года назад
Ai robots will take all the jobs Ai robots: this video.
@BHBalast 4 года назад
There is no AI, it's just automation
@LawrenceTimme 4 года назад
@@BHBalast that is exactly what skynet want you to think.
@MisterMakerNL 4 года назад
MAkes no sense this setup, but it is cool as f.
@grogyan 4 года назад
Automation though is so cool
@Gengh13 4 года назад
It might be slow, but at least it won't try to sue you, and with regular maintenance it will work forever.
@pete3897 4 года назад
I think that green one was smoked pistachio
@rumbler900 4 года назад
In a strange way i think its a lil creepy
@w00dyblack 4 года назад
poor robots. Theyre doing their best !
@darkwinter6028 4 года назад
Clearly not built by Boston Dynamics...
@borayurt66 4 года назад
It may be slow, but it is a good show for the kids (and me :-))
@mbainrot 4 года назад
I want one! then I want to hack it and make it serve icecream teppanyaki style :D
@FireStriker_ 4 года назад
Cool idea, if this becomes the future less so of a cool idea but fun concept
@saturnpcbdesign 4 года назад
Maybe the robots would be faster if they were powered by a solar roadway?
@TheStevenWhiting 4 года назад
So you have ice cream to be scoped at one end and then put the sink the other end so it has to travel? Surely put another sink where the other lot of ice cream is so the arm doesn't have to move.
@snik2pl 4 года назад
We use this model of kuka arm. It can go faster :)
@HazeAnderson 4 года назад
A lot of software out there works exactly like this. 😏
@Valenorious 4 года назад
So how did the price compare to a human-scooped one? With such a large investment and slow processing time that's got to add up.
@mrmobodies4879 4 года назад
With the helpful robot looking robot and how slow the arm is it looks to me like a sorry sight.
@WacKEDmaN 4 года назад
about the right pace for melbournites! if it was sydney it woulda taken 5 years just to lay the track! :P
@ShadowTheHedgehog85 4 года назад
Working for a company that builds custom laser hardening and cladding machines I know how fast robot's can go and this ice cream robot is ridiculous slow... Honestly, when I have the choice, I would prefer to be served by a human. Nice tech demo but nothing the real world needs.
@VincentFischer 4 года назад
Wait, isn't this the same robot they use at the old folks homes?
@PyroRob69 4 года назад
Maybe this is why there is no line :)
@a4andrei 4 года назад
Why not have a scoop for every ice cream flavour and the robot can just switch to it instead of having to clean the same one every time?
@insoft_uk 4 года назад
scoop of the day
@henrituhola 4 года назад
Hey it's mega man.
@volvo09 4 года назад
He's so big!
@volvo09 4 года назад
Sagan that is....
@Colink02 4 года назад
There's just something really odd with the head of those robots holding just a screen. Robots really aren't useful when it comes to ice cream I guess lol
@jeffmassey4860 4 года назад
Kuka robots - just ask Nigel Stanford.
@StavrosAvramidis42 4 года назад
It should have to spoons that rotate. And wash them both when done the order. You wouldn't even notice cause no human would take 10seconds to order especially icecream 😅
@MHM1975 4 года назад
@needforsuv 4 года назад
needs another washing station over to the right and maybe dual wield at the very least at this rate, your icecream would be melted before it even got to you
@DrCognitive 4 года назад
"humans win every time" - this is version 1. Within a decade, this will replace replace a lot of minimum wage earners.
@dan_ 4 года назад
This is why I think a national basic wage system is the future, where every citizen is given a minimum amount of money to live on every year and anything they earn on top of that is a bonus. Several studies have shown how productivity increases when an individual's concerns about paying for basics like housing and food are taken care of. I'd expect such a system to be funded quite easily by a small tax on the companies choosing to 'employ' robots instead of humans, while still allowing them to profit from it. To be honest, I think it's an inevitablity in the civilised world, and maybe even in the US.
@DrCognitive 4 года назад
@@dan_ That assumes a static system. Companies knowing people are getting "free money" will just increase prices to get it. Look at how Obamacare affected healthcare. Premiums skyrocketed, deductibles skyrocketed, coverage declined. Why, because they knew the government was picking up the check. Also, from a psychological perspective, people do better working...any job. People who don't work have much higher rates of mental health issues. Working gives purpose. Take that away and society as a whole will suffer.
@7perm882 4 года назад
I mean you guys can enjoy your icecream while the owners enjoy all those profits without the labour
@Forssa1 4 года назад
I think it's cool.
@pahom2 4 года назад
Make it fast wasn't the goal obviously. Otherwise it could easily do exactly the same movements much faster. Watching how the robot slowly preparing an ice cream is a part of amusement process you paid for, so it is slow on purpose. They could make a button to choose between slow and demonstrative performance and fast practical order though.
@MrTurboTash 4 года назад
Hearts out to all the aussie tubers at this time. Enjoy your holiday and stay safe
@tamaseduard5145 4 года назад
👍 LIKE 👍
@helltanner3722 4 года назад
Where's Naomi she makes it look interesting.
@cambridgemart2075 4 года назад
Naomi makes anything look interesting to be fair!
@geor664 4 года назад
Fed Square, Crank up speed dial to 11 please.
@germimonte 4 года назад
It's not about efficiency, it's about style, a simple Archimedes screw would serve it faster but where's the fun in that
@TheAstronomyDude 4 года назад
Hell !!! But at least no one sneezes in your cone or asks how old your kids are?
@KramSacul 4 года назад
So because the robot is slow it’s a fail. This is worse than that video of him defending that kid that made that fake bomb.
@PaulJosephdeWerk 4 года назад
How much did that cost compared to paying a human. And at the speed it's going, how long until it's paid off.
@johndii2194 4 года назад
Did it get the order right?
@DanafoxyVixen 4 года назад
Those two slow scoops don't require holiday pay, wasn't late to work, wasn't sleeping with a coworker or stealing stock... it always comes down to money
@zakofrx 4 года назад
And everytime it stuffs up an order you can't get a replacement etc... Just like online orders were they make returns not worth it a lot of the time. They can send junk and not care about a return.
@EEVblog 4 года назад
If you think it's that non-human maintenance free magical then go buy a franchise and see how quickly you go out of business.
@spacejaga 4 года назад
When programmer makes a machiene... Wth isnt washing done on the same platform? Why arent there two washing stations by each icecream area? Someone was thinking with their but obviously....
@lordsamich755 4 года назад
But which was cheaper?