
Romania and Moldova Unite? Europe's Newest Nation 

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Romania and Moldova have a long and extensive history together. They have similar languages, culture and history. So is that enough to help them unify? Some want that to happen, but others are resistant to the plan... so could it happen?
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10 июл 2022




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@angelogroza1577 Год назад
Our languages aren’t ‘barely distinguishable’, they are literally the same language. Moldova’s national anthem, ‘Limba noastră’ was written by a Romanian in Romanian and means ‘Our language’.
@Ionel714 Год назад
Thank you for actually saying it maybe someday others will actually understand
@danc7934 Год назад
we still have our regional accent
@Ionel714 Год назад
@@danc7934 so does every other region in Romania
@srccde Год назад
So it's pretty much like Germany and Austria? While they're not going to unite (again), concerning the language and who wrote the national anthem, it's a similar story.
@danc7934 Год назад
@@Ionel714 but ours is better
@musaurelius7144 Год назад
A correction. East Germany didn't excatly unify with West Germany. It became a part of the West Germany and therefore legally made a part of EU and NATO without having the standards to do so. The same model is suggested for Moldova which therefore is not needed to upheld the standards of EU and NATO if the country cease to exist.
@E3ECO Год назад
That's what I thought.
@jtgd Год назад
So Germany is really West Germany?
@Lapantouflemagic0 Год назад
yeah, that's what i was about to say, those concerns about their constitution are solved pretty easily, vote for the country as an independent entity to cease to exist and become part of Romania : poof ! everything else instantly becomes obsolete. Moldova didn't "join nato" it ceased to be, there's no Moldova now.
@kosatochca Год назад
@@jtgd Yes basically, it was more of assimilation, though, Official Berlin prefers „Wiedervereinigung“ which translates to Reunification but it’s just optics, nothing more
@Galilupottepeak Год назад
@@jtgd yes
@petru196 Год назад
Much love from Moldova to our Romanian brothers! 🇲🇩❤️🇷🇴
@Veaceslav-eo2gf Год назад
Rominian state and rominian language existed only since 1881. Moldavian state and Moldavian language officially existed since the middle of the 14th century. In that way, rominian language is a nickname that was given to the Moldavian language, robbery of language, history and culture, information war for the purpose to provide classical racism, cultural genocide, and the destruction of identity and statehood of the Republic of Moldova. Rominian language did not exist in history, it is like saying the Queen of Great Britain speaks the American language, and the English language does not exist anymore, and Britain must be quickly reunified with New Zealand...
@claudiu8426 Год назад
@@Veaceslav-eo2gf Slavs knowing the history of the Latins of the East. This makes me laugh hard, and i don`t have enough space to roll my eyes in the orbit!
@Veaceslav-eo2gf Год назад
@@claudiu8426 Păzea, să nu-ți sară ochii din orbite, romine! Traducerea în română a istoriei din documentele arhivelor medievale ale regatului Ungariei, care a înfiinţat statul numit de atunci Moldova! „Până la mijlocul secolului al XIV-lea, Hoarda de Aur a mongolilor s-a retras din centrul Europei, devenind din ce în ce mai puțin capabilă să-și păstreze puterea la periferiile sale. În 1345 căpitanul secuilor András Lackfi, care a respins cu succes atacurile regulate a mongolo-tătarilor, a trecut Carpații și a câștigat o mare victorie asupra hoardelor mongolilor, care s-au retras dincolo de Transnistria din cauza atacurilor repetate ale secuilor şi ungurilor în anii următori. În anul 1352 (după alte surse în 1359), regele Ludovic cel Mare al Ungariei a însărcinat voievodatul Maramureșului condus de Bélteki Drágffy să stabilească o linie de apărare împotriva mongolo-tătarilor și a făcut o cerere către papa Clement al VI-lea să autorizeze reorganizarea diecezei de Milkov. Astfel s-a înființat Principatul Moldovei, vasal al regatului Ungariei, al cărui domnitor a devenit Bélteki Drágffy, care a fost numit mai târziu de cei de pe Dîmbovița, cică Dragoș Vodă, de rîsul curcilor nu alta... Noi, cînd vorbim de state vorbim de o identitate naționala, din cauza asta prima Moldova a lui cică, Dragoș a fost formata din ceea ce se numește romani, adică Valahi trădători de credința ortodoxă si transformați in mincinoși si tîlhari si evident sluji josnice ai Europei și ai Papei de la Roma, cu religia lor catolică. Dar a venit Bogdan Vodă care a restabilit credința locuitorilor dintre Carpați și Nistru si a făcut Moldova Ortodoxă, așa cum este pana azi, unde toți cei maramureșeni în frunte cu cică, acel Dragoș au fost toți trimiși pe scuturi peste Carpati. Citește documente originale ale istoriei și nu porcăria voastră de pe Dîmbovița, numită cică istorie, numai prostii și propagandă nazistă... Având posibilitatea de a organiza o forță militară redutabilă cu ajutorul căreia a dominat viața politică locală, Bogdan a putut pune bazele viitorului stat fie prin lupte fie prin tratative. Încercările ulterioare ale lui Ludovic cel Mare al Ungariei de a-l readuce pe Bogdan la statutul de vasal nu reușesc și, ca atare, acesta, învingător asupra forțelor militare trimise contra lui, se menține ca domn independent. Pe data de 2 februarie 1365 regele Ungariei, este nevoit să recunoască faptul că Țara Moldovei nu mai era stăpânită de el. Cronica domniei lui Ludovic, regele Ungariei, scrisă de Ioan de Târnave, semnalează eșecul expedițiilor repetate întreprinse de oștile regatului ungar pentru a-și impune din nou dominația la răsărit de Carpați, precum și rezultatul final al luptei, anume transformarea Moldovei în stat independent („terra... Moldavie in regnum est dilatata”). Moldova își câștigase astfel independența prin rezistența încununată de succes, opusă tendințelor de dominație ale regatului ungar.
@Veaceslav-eo2gf Год назад
@@claudiu8426 În studiul său monumental Originea romînilor (1927) vestitul lingvist român Al.Philippide conchidea: „Moldova şi Muntenia nu au legături genetice şi istorice”. În Încă în 1908 N.Iorga se străduia să-i lumineze pe romîni: „Între Prut şi Nistru se întinde ţara, pe care ruşii au numit-o „Basarabia”, cînd au cucerit-o în 1812. Majoritatea locuitorilor de la ţară a acestui mare şi bogat ţinut se numeau şi astăzi se numesc moldoveni şi ei vorbesc limba moldovenească” Limba MOLDOVENEASCĂ a poporului MOLDOVENESC există de la mijlocul sec.14, cu 3 istorii scrise în limba MOLDOVENEASCĂ, cu dicționarele din latină, germană, rusă, italiană, cu opere științifice ce au uimit Europa, unde peste 500 de ani, niște fraieri de pe Dîmbovița, susținuți și ajutați de ruși au luat decizia să dea o porecță la limba MOLDOVENEASCĂ și pe malurile Dîmboviței a apărut din senin o țară nouă, cu o limbă născută peste noapte, cu o istorie furată și cu cultura altui popor și acest nou născut popor a fost numit romin, cu limba MOLDOVENEASCĂ, poreclită cică romină...
@Veaceslav-eo2gf Год назад
@@claudiu8426 Cantemir scrie ca valahii secole la rând s-au folosit de alfabetul si ortografia limbii moldave "lingua moldavorum", "lingua MOLDAVICA", pe care el o descrie la cererea savanților Europei de la Academia din Berlin in tratatul "Descriptio Moldaviae" - la 1714, când încă nici îngerii din cer nu știau ca peste 164 de ani va apare pe harta un stat cu numele straniu - nu de Dacia, dar de "Rominia". Nici pomina in "Descriptio Moldaviae" de Rominia, romini si limba romina. În 1937 N.Iorga încă o dată amintea romînilor: „Într-adevăr, totul este diferit între aceste două ţări ‒ Moldova şi Valahia ‒ care la început nici nu se ating”.
@chris200830 Год назад
I'm a Romanian and during my studies at university, I met many students from Moldova. Moldovans benefit from Romanian citizenship and more, which almost completely nullifies the border between our two countries. I'd love to see a reunification between our countries, but due to all the damage that Russia has done, this dream is becoming smaller and smaller. Much love from Romanian to Moldova, though. Peace!
@RA28xx91 Год назад
Spot On...but that's one and only reason so many got Ro citizenship...just because its beneficial for themselves....if you working outside and meet moldovans majority says its just paper and right by association....and all got this at the core of any answers...Russia is big stronger than România.. Yes but Ro appreciate ya and given opportunity and etc....and this are the nice moldovans...old man hate Ro lol...dont know i wish Moldova independence and not unification
@chris200830 Год назад
@@RA28xx91 Russia may be more powerful militarily, but its citizens are poorer than Romanians and is considered a less developed country than even Romania. So, I don't think what you're saying is completely true, otherwise Moldovans would get Russian citizenship rather than Romanian. Moreover, we also speak the same language and have an almost identical culture. I don't really agree with your arguments.
@alexx-makaveli Год назад
​@@RA28xx91 Russia is a plague for Europe. Russia is strong?? He tries to conquer Ukraine, a year later, without significant steps. Russia compared to NATO is a small child. Just accept it. You're talking about the past my dear, about the Russian Empire. Nowadays, without talking about nuclear weapons, because they will also affect Russia, Russia is null. Russian soldiers don't want to fight either, but they are forced, or they will go to jail for treason
@Modern_Warshipss Год назад
Si mai bine ar fi fara posturile vamale....
@mathewvanostin7118 Год назад
It wont happen because 1) moldolvan will have a light vote weight in romania bigger population 2) moldolva who used to be bessarabia was basicaly a romanian territory captured by turks then conquered by russian And basicaly moldolva is the luxumbourg or belgium of romanian & russian cultures. So it will always be a distinct culture because of this reality 3) russia might go to war over romania if it tries to incorporate moldolva. And wont be able to trigger article 5 since its engaging into conquering a territory And even if article 5 is triggered i wouldnt be suprised if all countries are too scared to do anything 😂 too much countries trust way too much article 5 of nato. They will defend you against small country like egypt or lebanon. But not russia or china 😆
@Dark-Mustang Год назад
As an outsider, I see only two countries divided arbitrarily, with a common language, that would have greater economic and political power together. I therefore feel that unification seems natural
@quadrirahaman9264 Год назад
You could argue that for a lot of countries though, Germany/Austria, America/Canada, UK/Ireland, most of Latin America. Your perspective ignores historic and cultural differences that usually get in the way of such integrations.
@alexrider2597 Год назад
China and Taiwan pls
@cablefeed3738 Год назад
@@quadrirahaman9264 I would quite like if the US and Canada became a Mega country heck let's throw in Mexico as well
@wpjohn91 Год назад
Austria used to be emporer of the HRE. Which had most of Germany and forma Bohemia
@paulghencea9037 Год назад
@@quadrirahaman9264 We have a Common history and Our culture is pretty much The same. The only diference is one was colonised by russians and Ukrainians
Isn't nice to hear about two countries thinking about to merge because they have a lot of things in common for a change?
@phorias Год назад
Well they were divided after WW2. Moldova was a part of Romania. So this would be a reunification, not a unification
@scratchy996 Год назад
It's just empty talk, the re-unification will never happen, there isn't enough support on either side.
@phorias Год назад
@@scratchy996 Well we are talking years of changes Moldova has to make, firstly to have the same laws as Romania. Than they need to get inside NATO, inside the EU and make changes for this as well. They need to vote if they want to be inside the EU and inside NATO. We are talking 25-35years. It´s not like they will join Romania and everybody is happy. So this is just a video with a short explanation of what needs to change.
@@scratchy996 the fact that the conversation even exists it's already good.
@scratchy996 Год назад
@@phorias This is a bad video, with many mistakes. It will give people the wrong idea. 1. Without the Russian "blessing" the re-unification won't happen. That's the reason why Transnistria exists in the first place. 2. If by some miracle Moldova joins the EU and NATO, then they don't need a re-unification with Romania. Why would they give up control over their country to the a**holes from Bucharest ?
@ionbrad6753 Год назад
I am Moldovan, therefore Romanian. A fake ”Moldovan” ethnic identity distinct from the Romanian one was only invented during Stalin's time. It served him as a pretext for occupying half of the historical Moldova. Our old Moldovan writings clearly show our ancestors identifying themselves as Romanians - in chronicles, official documents as well as in simple private letters. Moldovan poets as Alecu Russo, V. Alecsandri etc were praising "Romania" years before the Unification between Wallachia and Moldova. In their view, Romania was the totality of lands inhabited by Romanians - (Moldova, Wallachia, Transylvania, Banat etc). We should re-unite and sue Moscow for the hundreds of years of occupation :(
@ionbrad6753 Год назад
@Sash Lilac 🇷🇺 Well, in 1940 USSR claimed North Bucovina from Romania as compensation for the so-called 22-years ”occupation” of Bessarabia. I imagine 200+ years is worth something considerable. Then, add the full Romanian bank gold reserves evacuated in 1917 to Moscow and stolen by USSR...
@ionbrad6753 Год назад
@Марк Лепић In Bucovina there are not many Russians. In North Bukovina there are mainly Ukrainians, then Romanians. In 1774, when the Austrian Empire broke Bucovina away from the principality of Moldavia, the total numbers of inhabitants were: 6890 families, of which 6164 Romanian, 360 Jew (relatively recent colonists), Russian 268 families (incl. Ruthenians, Moscals, Lipovans), Gypsies 51, Hutsuls 40 (on Ceremus river), Greek 11, Armenian 8, German 5, Polish 5 and Serbian 2. Ruthenians are actually Ukrainians; Moscals are Russians (Moscovites); Lipovans are ”old-believers” (Russians that came 100 years before, fleeing religious persecutions, not willing to accept a reform imposed by the Russian Orthodox Church). All these 3-type of ”Russians” summed 268 families only back then. The census was performed in whole Moldova by the Russian army general Rumeantsev, whose army was occupying that land following a Russian-Turkish war, just before Austrians broke Bucovina away in good understanding with the Russians. Genetics in North Bucovina is also different from rest of Ukraine, more similar to Romania / Moldova (according to a Ukraine-Russia study). Google Популяции Закарпатья и Буковины на генетическом фоне окружающих территорий (Утевская, 2015). Abstract: "haplogroup I2a (P37.2). ... Within the range under consideration, this haplogroup occurs with frequencies of the order of 25-35% among Romanians, Moldavians, and ... Ukrainians of Transcarpathian and Chernivtsi regions. Chernivtsi region is the only one of the regions of Ukraine where the frequency I2a exceeds the frequency R1a. [...] Two main clusters are formed on the classification tree. The first included all non-Slavic populations of the Carpathians, the second - only Slavs. However, the population of the Chernivtsi region was within the first cluster, revealing affiliation to the Romanians and Moldavians..
@bigboyman5743 Год назад
moldovans are descendants of moldavia, a distinct kingdom for hundreds of years, modern romania is a wallachian construct, so moldova should stay independent
@ionbrad6753 Год назад
@@bigboyman5743 Moldova was built by Romanians (a.k.a. Wallachians). That is why many Moldovan voivods (kings) named their country also Wallachia, or MoldoVlahia. That is why Moldovans named themselves "Romanians" in the middle ages (or named themselves "Wallachians" - in letters written in foreign languages). That is why MoldoVlahia united with Wallachia in 1859 and formed modern Romania. The name of the country was not identical to the name of the ethnicity. Like Muscovy/Russians. Like Prussia/Germans. Like Piedmont/Italians etc.
@Rubinrus Год назад
If someone sues Moscow for that, the best play for Russia would be to pay up. Not because they want to, but because it opens up a vast sea of opportunities for the East, especially China. Right now, post WWII reparations are mostly a sign of a goodwill, however, if you move the "acceptable" time period plank to a 100 or more yeas into the past, it'll become a nightmare. Technically even Germany would be able to ask other EU states for reparations for the oppression they had received during 19th and early 20th century (although for the latter, pretty much every single culprit paid the price in blood). Because of that, any law that is made has no retroactivity. "Exceptions" to the law making others jealous and demanding an "exception" for themselves.
@CrisONELA Год назад
Romania and Moldova = one soul one love 💙💛❤
@Ionel714 Год назад
Sweet home Alabama
@Apocalypse2027 Год назад
...until you become EU citizen, then no so much love :))
@Apocalypse2027 Год назад
@maxie Truth is always better than your BS where is always better to kiss politicians hidden interests butts. I will never kiss any propaganda that changes by the politics winds. Now its anti Russia propaganda, yesterday was covid bs propaganda, tomorrow arab hate propaganda. You can stick you politics manipulation where the sun dont shine because the real truth about moldavians is known by too many romanians that you cannot afford these lies unless you speak in front of non romanians or outsiders that can be fooled easily. Moldova is not in eu space so its not any anti eu propaganda but i know you cannot afford the real truth, you puppet.
@Valera19 Год назад
As a moldavian I want and support unification.
@Veaceslav-eo2gf Год назад
Rominian state and rominian language existed only since 1881. Moldavian state and Moldavian language officially existed since the middle of the 14th century. In that way, rominian language is a nickname that was given to the Moldavian language, robbery of language, history and culture, information war for the purpose to provide classical racism, cultural genocide, and the destruction of identity and statehood of the Republic of Moldova. Rominian language did not exist in history, it is like saying the Queen of Great Britain speaks the American language, and the English language does not exist anymore, and Britain must be quickly reunified with New Zealand...
@banger2998 Год назад
@@Veaceslav-eo2gf are you from Moldavia or Romania ?
@nosferatu6171 Год назад
@@banger2998 he's from Moscow
@banger2998 Год назад
@@nosferatu6171 that’s what I would assume
@dimitri6171 Год назад
@@Veaceslav-eo2gf romania is an union between moldova, wallachia and transylvannia, eastern moldova (republic of moldova) was taken from us (real moldova)
@user-fu3co7xc9h Год назад
If a possible reunification happened using the German model, this wouldn't require Moldova joining the EU and NATO, as the newly reunified nation would ultimately continue Romania's membership in both. So Moldova would only (maybe) have to change the constitutional clause about its neutrality before reunification.
@eel845 Год назад
@lati long I'd say it's the other way around. The more Russian-speaking territories are being annexed by Russia, the higher the probability that R. Moldova will be absorbed by Romania.
@wallachia4797 Год назад
That is not possible anymore, the German model is a model from 33 years ago and it isn't applicable today. Back then, Germany had the direct support of both America and the Soviet Union. America in turn obtained the tacit approval for reunification from Western European countries which weren't very keen on it before. On top of that, East Germany basically self-dissolved itself on live television and people took to the streets immediately to see the reunification complete. At that point, everything good that could've happened, did happen. Romania does not have any of these things going for itself, all it has is domestic support, NATO backing, Russia slowly pushing Moldova into a corner and support for unification slowly rising in Moldova. That is to say, the institutions and circumstances which allowed the seamless reunification of Germany and direct transfer of influence in Eastern Germany from the Eastern to the Western Bloc are not currently present in the Romanian-Moldovan scenario. A lot of people who don't understand the actual historical and political details seem to think that it's easy for Moldova to simply have a referendum and have it all done and dusted with, but the reality is a lot more complicated and it was even mentioned in the video itself. Unfortunately I feel TLDR didn't do a good enough job to explain to the largely foreign masses why a popular support and a simple reunification referendum isn't enough and why the German model has nothing to do with the realities of Eastern Europe. TLDR: It has been over 30 years and Germany had a special opportunity and literally EVERYONE'S approval to reunify, Romania does not.
@healththenopulence5106 Год назад
@@wallachia4797 usa congress voted in 1991 a resolution claiming romanian reunification as a legitimate if pursued by democratic means by both countries… so usa basically encourages us to reunite (peacefully)
@wallachia4797 Год назад
@@healththenopulence5106 The USA doesn't control membership to NATO and the EU, which is what the issue here is about. The US has a heavy word to say on the former, but no word at all on the latter. This isn't to mention the fact that while the USSR was supporting of German reunification, modern Russia is not. Also, I'm not doubting you but could you please show me this resolution? I'd be interested in looking over it.
@samuela-aegisdottir Год назад
@@eel845 There is a huge difference between Moldova and Romania deciding to merge and Russia forcefully anexing Russian speaking territories. Romania and Moldova are sovereign states. They would merge legally and pacefully. Russian agression is illegal and brutal.
@Sabinathor Год назад
It's up to the Moldovans, we Romanians have nothing against it and we really mean it.😀
@1alexnumaiunul848 Год назад
Nah i will force it, its not up too them
@ionut9672 Год назад
as a Moldovan I'm certain it will happen. you missed the most important piece here - with the current tempo half of MD citizen will have RO citizenship this/next year, we are getting them really fast. Also don't miss on the number of MD students who chose to study in RO due to the Incredible offer of everything free.
@FlaviusAspra Год назад
Romanians call Moldovans "our brothers from across Prut (the river separating the countries)", just so that you understand how we feel towards these people, without feeling bossy or patronizing. Also, the 3rd of Romania bordering Rep. Moldova is called Moldova, historically, and has been an united region with Rep. Moldova for hundreds of years. The common history, language, culture and blood ties are there, it's not some imaginary ambitions. And yes, Russia has russified it, just like they did to Ukraine.
@kineahora8736 Год назад
Screw Tyrannical Russia. My grandfather was from Buchovena…
@o0alessandro0o Год назад
It's almost as if the USSR ruined everything it touched...
@IonutBalica Год назад
@@o0alessandro0o it started way before the USSR. They only made worse.
@Veaceslav-eo2gf Год назад
Rominian state and rominian language existed only since 1881. Moldavian state and Moldavian language officially existed since the middle of the 14th century. In that way, rominian language is a nickname that was given to the Moldavian language, robbery of language, history and culture, information war for the purpose to provide classical racism, cultural genocide, and the destruction of identity and statehood of the Republic of Moldova. Rominian language did not exist in history, it is like saying the Queen of Great Britain speaks the American language, and the English language does not exist anymore, and Britain must be quickly reunified with New Zealand...
@dragose.884 Год назад
@@Veaceslav-eo2gf Or your job is russian 's propaganda or you heard the version of soviet history. În first case F***off. În the second case ... you know nothing but you like to think you are a master în history of romanian people. The romanian language is older than your language. 1881 is the year when the Unite principalities of Walachia and Moldavia decided to be a constitutional monarhy and to be named România. So please pay attention when you read information on the internet. Best regard from a simple romanian pupil.
@napoleonibonaparte7198 Год назад
If Moldova wants to EU fast, easiest way is to reunite with Romania.
@yourealittlebitfat4344 Год назад
Imagine wanting to join exploiters. lmao
@biggiec8224 Год назад
It would also bring them into NATO, which would screw over the russians and whatever plans they might've had for the region.
@samenjaimy Год назад
@@yourealittlebitfat4344 EU is exploiters? Look at what generally happens to countries' economies after joining. Where are you from if I may ask?
@wallachia4797 Год назад
It's the other way around, if Moldova wants to unite with Romania, the fastest way is by joining the EU. Under NATO and the EU, it is very difficult to just "unite" two countries that are not already part of both institutions for reasons that should be obvious.
@DavidJBradshaw Год назад
@@wallachia4797 German reunification disproves your point. If their political will, a way can be found
@gigikontra7023 Год назад
It should be noted that "Moldovans" study in school "Romanian Language and Literature" and have to pass exams for this subject. Romanian is the official language of Moldova.
@Veaceslav-eo2gf Год назад
MOLDAVIAN is the official language of the Republic of Moldova, go to school and study more, dear...
@gigikontra7023 Год назад
@@Veaceslav-eo2gf go back to Siberia! China's going to take it from you and then you'll want to be a refugee in Europe? We won't allow you in
@dms-f16 Год назад
@@Veaceslav-eo2gf Moldavian is the same as Romanian. Who was your history teacher? Putin? 🤣🤣
@Veaceslav-eo2gf Год назад
@@dms-f16 Moldavians are NOT romanians. Moldova is 550 years older than Romania. I have read the history of Moldova, with simple research anyone with a brain, will notice that Romania was first a province in north turkey before 1800, as you can see here an official map made by historian Mathew Carey. There was no Romania in Wallachia, Moldova, or Transylvania. Ottomans have invaded Wallachia and occupied it for more than 400 years. Romanians immigrated, stole the part of Moldavian Land and the Moldavian language, and called it "Romanian" language and rominian state only after 1881. It is the MOLDAVIAN language, It is called MOLDAVIAN since the 14th century for your knowledge. Rominians share the MOLDAVIAN language since 1881 because Rominia annexed only part of a Moldovan territory with Moldavian language, and Valahia with valahian language, where Rominia and rominian language were born by Russia in 1873 -1881. Actually, the Republic of Moldova is another part of MOLDAVIA, an independent country with the MOLDAVIAN language. Go to school and study more MOLDAVIAN Constitution, art.13, and legislation, my dear ... Who was your history teacher? Antonescu and Băsescu, dear? 🤣🤣
@seaman5705 Год назад
@@Veaceslav-eo2gf You are pretty idot . What about those in Ardeal who speak the same language ? Are they Moldovans too ? For your culture Moldavia was established by people from Maramures/Ardeal , sent by Hungarians to build a defensive state formation against the mongols . Those spoke the same language like today's romanians , moldovans or wallachians . Moldovan language is a sovietic invention like you are . All those speaking romanian language came from south of Danube , speaking a language which was latin at origin . There was no latin culture in Moldavia to born a latin - romansche language . All those latin speakers in Moldavia came first from Ardeal/Maramures . Later there was permanent movement of population between the regions inhabited by latin speakers , including south of Danube .
@farright118 Год назад
Moldova should unify with Romania. They 100% the same people. They are only separated because of the USSR. They threatened Romania with invasion if they didn't give it to them
@wolf3104 Год назад
We are not the same and we don t want a reunion with those lazy russian lover. If you don t know us, keep your mouth shut.
@frost_spirit3314 Год назад
they were separated in the past even before ussr existed
@longjohnny009 Год назад
@@frost_spirit3314 Just like 200 German states, Italian ,Great Britain etc
@marczhu7473 Год назад
The invasion is still valid with Russia (valid casus belli)
@bobjoe8131 Год назад
The Constitutional Court of Moldova has decided that joining military alliances for defense purposes isn't against the principle of neutrality enshrined in Moldova's Constitution.
@kw2142 Год назад
when did this occur?
@AnOligarh Год назад
You forgot to say that the Constitutional Court did that when the pro-russian traitors/agents were ruling the country, corrupting everything they touched.
@spiko-ou3bp Год назад
That is incredibly stupid regardless of who or what you support, any alliance is anti neutrality...
@wallachia4797 Год назад
@@kw2142 Moldovan Constitutional Court Decision #14 on the 2nd of May 2017 (Hotărârea nr. 14 02.05.2017) Procedure: English text: "1. For the purposes of Article 11 of the Constitution in conjunction with Articles 1 (1), 3 and 8 of the Constitution: - The military occupation of a part of the territory of the Republic of Moldova at the time of declaring neutrality, as well as the lack of recognition and international guarantees of this status affects the validity of the constitutional provision regarding neutrality; - in case of threats to fundamental constitutional values, such as national independence, territorial integrity or state security, the authorities of the Republic of Moldova are obliged to take all necessary measures, including military ones, which would allow them to defend themselves effectively against these threats; - the deployment on the territory of the Republic of Moldova of any troops or military bases, led and controlled by foreign states, is unconstitutional; - the participation of the Republic of Moldova in collective security systems, such as the United Nations security system, NATO, peacekeeping operations, humanitarian operations, etc., which would impose collective sanctions against aggressors and offenders under international law, is not contrary to the status of neutrality. . 2. This Decision shall be final, shall not be subject to any appeal, shall enter into force on the date of its adoption and shall be published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Moldova." Original Romanian text: 1. În sensul articolului 11 din Constituție coroborat cu articolele 1 alin.(1), 3 și 8 din Constituție: - Ocupația militară a unei părți a teritoriului Republicii Moldova în momentul declarării neutralității, precum și lipsa recunoașterii și a garanțiilor internaționale ale acestui statut afectează validitatea prevederii constituționale referitoare la neutralitate; - în cazul unor amenințări în adresa valorilor fundamentale constituționale, precum independența națională, integritatea teritorială sau securitatea statului, autoritățile Republicii Moldova sunt obligate să ia toate măsurile necesare, inclusiv de ordin militar, care i-ar permite să se apere eficient împotriva acestor amenințări; - dislocarea pe teritoriul Republicii Moldova a oricăror trupe sau baze militare, conduse și controlate de către state străine, este neconstituțională; - participarea Republicii Moldova la sisteme colective de securitate, asemenea sistemului de securitate al Națiunilor Unite, NATO, operațiuni de menținere a păcii, operațiuni umanitare etc., care ar impune sancțiuni colective împotriva agresorilor și infractorilor de drept internațional, nu este în contradicție cu statutul de neutralitate. 2. Prezenta hotărâre este definitivă, nu poate fi supusă nici unei căi de atac, intră în vigoare la data adoptării și se publică în Monitorul Oficial al Republicii Moldova. TLDR: Joining military alliances, hosting foreign troops and bases are not constitutionally permitted on Moldovan soil. HOWEVER, in face of the war against Transnistria and the presence of Russian bases in Transnistria (which are recognized as part of Moldova), the Moldovan government is free to take whatever action necessary to combat this, included but not limited to joining military alliances and hosting other foreign troops on its territory until the mediation of the conflict. Basically the status of neutrality becomes invalid once neutral status of the country is impeded by a foreign aggressor and therefore Moldova is free to do anything in this situation.
@whitezombie10 Год назад
@@wallachia4797 so it makes it even easier to unite the states
@ashra8281 Год назад
I'm sorry but any poll getting 98 and 99 percent on anything is most likely not been fair. That's ridiculously high
@zygothu Год назад
Exactly. Russian political influence in the region is coming up with these North Korea style referendum results.
@dand7763 Год назад
guess who made that referrendum ...they are attacking Ukraine now
@florinmatusea Год назад
Typical Russian referendum bullshit...
@bababababababa6124 Год назад
Well considering it was in Gagauzia, a region sympatetic to an imperialist dictatorship that has major influences in their politics, I would assume it was certainly NOT fair
@ionutunroman7525 Год назад
@Иосиф Ларцев You are talking about Chechnya which is something else.
@bobkonradi1027 Год назад
The smallest of factors to consider by the countries regarding merging is that a top Russian general said that after Putin overran Ukraine and folded it back into the Soviet Union, their next conquest was going to be Moldova. So the question is: do you want to become part of the old / new Soviet Union, or do you want to become part of Romania.? That's the choices. It is reported that Moldova is the poorest nation in Europe. By merging with Romania the economic situation would undoubtedly improve, plus there would be NATO protection from Russia devouring the little country.
@danc7934 Год назад
We fought the elite turks with axes and bats, I think we can fight the untrained russians with 1930s BTR
@joanabug4479 Год назад
@@danc7934 I am in Romania, but I'd always vote for a consensual unification with Moldova. Nothing like Putin's strategy EVER. and I would rather prevent having russian troops near civilians because they don't follow any humanitarian standards like NATO has, so they are trained to be terrorists - trained to murder parents in front of children or vice-versa, train to do a lot of horrors I can't possibly imagine. I could only wish that upon my single enemy at the moment: Putin himself.
@danc7934 Год назад
@@lihwak9181 yes
@danc7934 Год назад
@@lihwak9181 Battle of Călugăreni? Battle of Vaslui? Battle of Giurgiu? Also how funny are you by just typing in 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
@patriotbarrow Год назад
Yeees, but a merger would neuter Romania's economy and it's not doing brilliantly as it is.
@Radek494 Год назад
I really want to see it happen. Stronger Romania is always a good idea 🇵🇱🤝🇷🇴
We need a cordon sanitaire against the USSR
@michakrynicki7299 Год назад
​@@budapestkeletistationvoices just support Ukrainie there geting rid of homo soviectus by truckloads
@moldovanationalist-oi4fe Год назад
never from Moldova no gypsies allowed here in Moldova
@nielsen9691 Год назад
All respect to Romania and Moldova from Denmark. Hope you become one again.
@Veaceslav-eo2gf Год назад
Rominian state and rominian language existed only since 1881. Moldavian state and Moldavian language officially existed since the middle of the 14th century. In that way, rominian language is a nickname that was given to the Moldavian language, robbery of language, history and culture, information war for the purpose to provide classical racism, cultural genocide, and the destruction of identity and statehood of the Republic of Moldova. Rominian language did not exist in history, it is like saying the Queen of Great Britain speaks the American language, and the English language does not exist anymore, and Britain must be quickly reunified with New Zealand...
@septimiufly5134 Год назад
Thanks you ! Be safe!
@Rain-jh1nt Год назад
I like dutch people, Froggen is cool lol. Love back from Romania!!!
@dimitri6171 Год назад
@@Veaceslav-eo2gf stop spamming russian propaganda in the comments
@marcfaur Год назад
@@dimitri6171 He has a mission and he sticks to it like a good Kremlin soldier. He comments the same shit everywhere.
@VicCrisson Год назад
From Moldova here, all supportive for the union since studying history at young age
@florinmatusea Год назад
Sper sa ne reunim curând! 🇷🇴 🇲🇩
@mrmrmrcaf7801 Год назад
@@florinmatusea Sper sa nu.Atentie cum bagati lupul la oi...aia inca dau cu parfum rusesc la nas...
@whitezombie10 Год назад
Unlucky there are some who don't want. Maybe soon we will be a nation once again
@dianaveres9354 Год назад
@cormoranuud Год назад
The day we see us unitied, what a joyful day that would be! I can only imagine.
@paulungureanu937 Год назад
The answer to your question is YES, they should and shall eventually unite, being one nation basically, just as West & East Germany were. There is an important misrepresented fact in your description, the Principalities of Wallachia and Moldavia merged in 1859, the new state began to be internationally recognized as Romania starting with 1862. In 1881 it was elevated from a mere Principality to a Kingdom. So, from 1881 onwards Domnitor (aka Prince) Carol I is crowned as king and becomes King Charles I of Romania. Misrepresentation number 2 - Romania was never an SSR, i.e. was never a Soviet Socialist Republic. Implying otherwise is highly offensive to Romanians, as it was indeed a communist state but nevertheless heavily Russophobic.
@antons5302 Год назад
As Ukrainians, we had experienced centuries of division between different states. The Unification Act from 1919 when formerly Austrian controlled lands united with the "Big" Ukraine is a big holiday for us to this day. I wish our two neighbors get exactly what they want. If they feel like one, it is going to be worthwhile to reunify despite the costs ❤️🇲🇩🇷🇴
@dyawr Год назад
Thank you so much Anton! As a Romanian, I agree. 🤗 Slava Ukrayini! 🇺🇦🇪🇺 Hope you are safe rn
@alinadrian5184 Год назад
And give to Ukraine Transnistria 😀 also Gagauzia
@@alinadrian5184 Transnistria is more doable than gagauzia because transnistria is literally at the border with Ukraine, but gagauzia is somewhat inside Moldova (in the south-eastern part). I do think that it is a good idea (for transnistria) to be unified with Ukraine, although that would cause more problems, but instead you can let them be independent (even if Russia does not agree)
@marcfaur Год назад
Slava Ukraini! Respect and love from Romania!
@antons5302 Год назад
@@alinadrian5184 Can we politely decline this generous offering? You can deal with it yourselves, we believe in you. Thank you 😅
@lizycole8999 Год назад
"Dragostea din tei" is a song in Romanian performed by a Moldovian boy band. That tells me all I need to know.
@Rain-jh1nt Год назад
😂😂😂 Yeah
@Veaceslav-eo2gf Год назад
O-Zone was a Moldovan Eurodance group that was active from 1999 to 2005. Originating in 1998 as a duo consisting of Dan Bălan and Petru Jelihovschi before the latter's departure, their official trio lineup in 1999 consisted of Dan Bălan, Radu Sîrbu, and Arsenie Todiraș.[1] Moldavian band, Moldavian boys, Moldavian airport, Moldavian airplane, Moldavian flag, Moldavian language, Chișinău - capital of the Republic of Moldova. Where is Rominia??? Nothing rominian, just lies, and propaganda...
@lizycole8999 Год назад
@@Veaceslav-eo2gf thank you for the condescending correction
@laurdinu3368 Год назад
@@Veaceslav-eo2gf cry russian
@MrRhyme-zi1rj Год назад
@@Veaceslav-eo2gf Slavcik, calm down. Without romanian studios and romanian money, they couldn t make the song.
@triforcelink Год назад
I’ve noticed how Russia likes to do a lot of repopulation at deportation of ethnicities, based on what suits its situation.
@magpiegirl3783 Год назад
Oh yes. The history of all these countries shows how that’s been done with forced relocation of ethnic Russians whilst “deporting” native peoples and sending them off to the gulags or just disappearing, so Russia has seeded the entire area with potential allies loyal to mother. This is how Russia has successfully manipulated the entire region. What happened in Georgia is happening in Ukraine with separatists loyal to Russia causing conflict and strife, declaring independence and appointing unelected administrators loyal to Russia. A disaster for governments of all those countries trying to balance sovereignty with the Russian ants always gnawing away. Ship all Russians back to the motherland and then let them apply to return to sovereign nations who can decide to accept them back … like a visa arrangement. Not possible to do, but if you have Russians within your borders, you are not secure.
@groovytau Год назад
they did this for centuries and still do
@Yair44 Год назад
Yes, like everyone else.
@ciprianpopa1503 Год назад
@@Yair44 Such as?
@Yair44 Год назад
@@ciprianpopa1503 Germany, England, Turkey, Belgium, Spain, japan, China. Not necessarily deportation but also genocide.
@makavelisoft Год назад
A little mistake: Romania didn’t become a SSR, just a SR (socialist republic) we never became incorporated in the big USSR and our leader then (which we hate very much don’t take me wrong) didn’t quite follow the stalinism regime, at all 😅 (And for context, Moldavia as a whole contained Bessarabia for hundreds of years, as a fact “Bessarabia” as a region was created solely to separate the romanian identity between the 2 lands)
@Betterthenme Год назад
I love greater Romania and the Romanian people !
@razvanciobotaru3089 3 месяца назад
@_utahraptor Год назад
We are waiting for Moldovans to decide by themselves Meanwhile we will still be helping each other 🇷🇴❤️🇲🇩
@zedero8 Год назад
@mrmrmrcaf7801 Год назад
@nicely done lol same...Moldova is FUBAR
@nicely done lol which state would you want it to be at? we're already a EU candidate and our government is finally pro-european and not pro-russian.
@ionbrad6753 Год назад
@nicely done lol russian minority? only 4%. Besides, there are Russians in Romania - doing just fine. Actually, they fled from persecutions in Russia.
@ionbrad6753 Год назад
@nicely done lol da, lipovenii (dar și rușii albi fugiți în 1917) sunt bine integrați la noi. Le fel, peste câteva sute de ani și rușii din R. Moldova de azi vor fi bine integrați în România : )
@pykasso4966 Год назад
(Correction!) 2:27 The 2 Principalities did not merge in 1881, they did so in 1859, 1881 is the date they had enough autonomy from the Ottoman empire to call themselves an independent Kingdom.
@danc7934 Год назад
1881? The war of independence happened in 1877
@hammer3721 Год назад
@@danc7934 King Charles was crowned in 1881, establishing the Kingdom of Romania. Before, it simply was the Principality of Romania.
@aciobaniteicezar1170 Год назад
Correction to the correction: Romania was formed as a principality in 1859, through the union of Moldavia and Wallachia. Its ruler was a ruling prince, Carol. It won its independence after the War of Independence in 1877-1878. In 1881 the Parliament officially raised the status of the country from that of a principality to that of a kingdom, thus, Prince Carol was crowned as King Carol I. Romania remained a kingdom until 1947, when the russkies with their Red Army set up a communist regime, much like the rest of eastern Europe. It was in 1989 that Romania finally got rid of all the Russian made communist bs.
@pykasso4966 Год назад
@@aciobaniteicezar1170 While Romania did sorta win it's Independence in 1878 at the treaty of Berlin, independence did not happen overnight, Most sources agree that Romania became a full sovereign state in 1881, As I said, the Process of Romanian sovereignity was gradual and slow, and I would argue that the Fight for Romanian independence started in 1848 with the Romanian revolution, slowly over the decades becoming more independent with policies reforms and political Projects that distanced itself from the Ottoman empire and brought it closer to The "West", such as the Union in 1859, The arrival of a German Duke to be King, in order for Romania to Be Recognized as a Western country,and the Abolition of slavery which came about due to rise of Enlightenment values. Conclusions, Romanian history is Very very complicated.
@pykasso4966 Год назад
@@danc7934 ur Right, but independence did not happen overnight, Wikipedia source "On 15 March 1881, as an assertion of full sovereignty, the Romanian parliament raised the country to the status of a kingdom, and Carol was crowned as king on 10 May".
@theedchannel9295 Год назад
As someone unfamiliar with the situation, your introduction and prehistory of the countries involved was informative and helpful to understand the intricacies here.
@jonsnow7092 Год назад
this video barely scratched the surface. you should really go to pre-history, to really understand why the people of both countries (except the ethnic minorities that came later of course) are literally the same people. it's just that these people lived at the border of 3 great empires and were almost continuously divided, with short periods in which, with great sacrifices, they were able to reunite.
@teocostea1450 Год назад
You forgot to say that 1/3 of the citizens of Moldova hold a romanian passport therefore a third of the population are already European citizens. I believe Moldova should push to become a member of the EU and schengen. As a romanian I don't care what ''russia'' wants. If they want a conflict it's fine. I forgot to say that historically transnistria was never part of Moldova, their Eastern border ended at Nistru River. Transistria is a trojan horse similar to kaliningrad which Moldova adopted in the soviet Union.
@groovytau Год назад
totally agree with you
@user-bb5bf2tp4w Год назад
It's funny how all people of Moldova could become EU citizens in a few months if they only applied for a Romanian passport, which is given without any requirements. Then you have a piece of land that is formally outside of the EU, but a population that already is EU.
@teocostea1450 Год назад
@@user-bb5bf2tp4w nothing is funny to us. Moldova has been stolen from us
@mirceaserban2471 Год назад
1:50 "Moldovans" and Romanians are the same people, if you really want to "differentiate"; Moldovans are only a subcategory of Romanians the same as Oltenians, Banatian or Transylvanians. Not only this, but having this demographic(1:50) will make the earlier one wrong(1:25), as "Moldovans" are a "people" in Romania too at a number of 4 million.
@Dionysus784 Год назад
"Moldovans" are a "people" in Romania too at a number of 4 million" do they really call themself moldovans nowadays?never heard of it, they allways say romanian.
@sylp2549 Год назад
@mirceamuntean6439 Год назад
@@Dionysus784 outside of Romania, everyone is Romanian. Inside we call ourselves “Ardeleni, Moldoveni, Dobrogeni” etc Just for fun
@practice00 Год назад
@@Dionysus784 nationality & ethnicity is romanian, but heritage is moldovan, transylvanian, muntean, dobrogean, etc.
@Veaceslav-eo2gf Год назад
Moldavians are NOT romanians. Moldova is 550 years older than Romania. I have read the history of Moldova, with simple research anyone with a brain, will notice that Romania was first a province in North Turkey before 1800, as you can see here an official map made by historian Mathew Carey. There was no Romania in Wallachia, Moldova, or Transylvania. Ottomans have invaded Wallachia and occupied it for more than 400 years. Romanians immigrated stole the part of Moldavian Land and the Moldavian language, and called it "Romanian" language and rominian state only after 1881. It is the MOLDAVIAN language, It is called MOLDOVIAN since the 14th century for your knowledge. Rominians share the MOLDAVIAN language since 1881 because Rominia annexed only part of a Moldovan territory with Moldavian language, and Valahia with valahian language, where Rominia and rominian language were born by Rusia and Germany only at 1873 -1881. Actually, the Republic of Moldova is another part of MOLDAVIA, an independent country with MOLDAVIAN language. Go to school and study more MOLDAVIAN Constitution, art.13, and legislation, MOLDAVIAN history, my dear British mate... Rominian state and rominian language existed only since 1881. Moldavian state and Moldavian language officially existed since the middle of the 14th century. In that way, rominian language is a nickname that was given to the Moldavian language, robbery of language, history and culture, information war for the purpose to provide classical racism, cultural genocide, and the destruction of identity and statehood of the Republic of Moldova. Rominian language did not exist in history, it is like saying the Queen of Great Britain speaks the American language, and the English language does not exist anymore, and Britain must be quickly reunified with New Zealand... Have a nice day and my suggestion - You need to study more rominian boy, I am very disappointed, the rominian school just sucks
@frb1808 Год назад
The title "new nation" is misleading, actually. Romanians are much older than the earliest Romanian-speaking state. So, if the unification does happen, it's just an affirmation of what many Romanians (and Moldovans) think the way things should be.
@boldisordorin9010 Год назад
Yes and it is more like moldova becoming part of romania. Rather than a new nation it is a country getting larger and a country dissapearing
@Lakshya_Plays_Minecraft Год назад
One word. Algorithm
@sephikong8323 Год назад
Especially when ..... it's just going back to the state of affair prior to the Soviet annexation of Bessarabia (well, sort of, Ukraine still occupies half of the region)
@frb1808 Год назад
@@boldisordorin9010 Yes, it is indeed.
@frb1808 Год назад
@@Lakshya_Plays_Minecraft Sadly true tho
@canadianentrepreneur7867 Год назад
My friend , thank you for doing a video on Romania and Moldova unification ; however the two countries are one and the same people just temporarily caught in artificial boundaries . The two "countries" united in 1859 not in 1881 , on January 24 th under the reign of Alexandru Ioan Cuza who simply find a cool solution to do it being elected in both countries as ruler realising defacto the Unification then doing it in the two Parliaments of the Romanian Provinces ; very smart indeed . France also helped under Napoleon 3 rd ( Thank you France! ) with the Unification while realising that Europe could use Romania as the bumper if it would be a strong state at its Eastern flancs to keep Russians away from advancing towards the west of Europe . He was so smart indeed . After 1881 , Russia invaded Romania, stole Moldova ( Basarabia) , killed and deported millions of Romanians from there and sent Russians into Moldova, he ethnically cleansed the province and diluted the Romanian population there . for 30-40 years including under Stalin and after 1941. In 1940 also Hitler signed a treaty wits Stalin's USSR and stole Moldova again Nowadays , as always Russia is still pushing more and more towards West and we see the cruelty they are serving to Ukrainians who are also slavic and still murder them with cold blood . Long live and God Bless Romania!
@Veaceslav-eo2gf Год назад
The two "countries" united in 1881 by Russia and Germany, not in 1859, dear... Go to school and study more, my friend...
@Skillet19988 Год назад
A person from Gagauzia here. Not only those referendums were not constitutional, but they were also corrupt as hell. Historically all the local elections here are corrupt, people are bribed to vote for whoever pays more, and in those referendums, even minors “voted”. Yes, here people in general are more sympathetic to Russia but this fact changes. More young people get Romanian, and Bulgarian passports and work in the EU now, and more young people get a better education (Gagauzia is the most illiterate region in Moldova) and therefore, propaganda in general works for old people who still live with their Soviet mentality. Thanks for the video! Always a pleasure to see Moldova being discussed out there
@Skillet19988 Год назад
Also a minor note: wouldn't trust the iData company. It has ties with pro-Russian corrupt politicians
@VIGI05 Год назад
Small minority not consider. You will have to live with this even if you don't like.
@FlorinDaniel Год назад
the most ironic thing is that your "Bascan" it's named Vlah
@ionbrad6753 Год назад
@GameBanditPc Год назад
while people say that an union is unlikely i want them to remember that experts also said that a russian invasion of ukraine is unlikely and yet here we are :)
@chudchadanstud Год назад
Apples and oranges.
@whitezombie10 Год назад
Also other things
@prometheus7387 Год назад
I mean if they want to, sure
@n3clar Год назад
Turks were sent and they never left, Russians were sent and never left, Stalin made sure the reunification to be very hard by creating Transnistria ... But Moldova is and always will be part of Romania !
@matthew7027 Год назад
Sent? They conqure & rule yhose lands. What about ukranian carpath regions and ismail region of odessa? Can you claim those historic land of yours? Couse if not then this unification is pointless.. Not to mantion givin up Transilvania to Hungary so they can unify with their people.
@marcfaur Год назад
@@matthew7027 What are you even talking about? Or have you forgotten your medication?
@victorcretu7741 Год назад
Both, the EU, and NATO support Romanian reunification. They recognize that it's the easiest path for Moldova's admission to EU and NATO integration.
@orins2052 Год назад
EU and NATO support Romanian reunification??? Really? Who told you that? 🤣
@FairyCRat Год назад
Jack: apologies upfront for how similar these flags are Well good thing we aren't talking about Romania uniting with Chad
@MrBizteck Год назад
Like the furture Ireland and Ivory coast unification 🤣
@serbanandrei7532 Год назад
I wish we listened to chad when they requested us to change our flag We could use the chad caricature meme as a flag Who's the Chad now Chad
@Veaceslav-eo2gf Год назад
Rominian state and rominian language existed only since 1881. Moldavian state and Moldavian language officially existed since the middle of the 14th century. In that way, rominian language is a nickname that was given to the Moldavian language, robbery of language, history and culture, information war for the purpose to provide classical racism, cultural genocide, and the destruction of identity and statehood of the Republic of Moldova. Rominian language did not exist in history, it is like saying the Queen of Great Britain speaks the American language, and the English language does not exist anymore, and Britain must be quickly reunified with New Zealand...
@serbanandrei7532 Год назад
@@Veaceslav-eo2gf b r e h
@nataliaphoenix8 Год назад
True 😂
@katgor42 Год назад
For people asking if Moldova is the one opposing unification, the answer in my opinion as a self declared romanian from moldova is: not really. It's just that all the momentum for unification fell flat after 92-95 because of lack of action from both countries' politicians as well as the Nistru conflict which complicated things further. After that even if a relative majority number of people from both countries wanted reunification (including me) the people who don't (primarily russian/russian speaking people in northern moldova and from găgăuzia were just loud enough about it that it never happened. Nowadays I find reunification quite unlikely and while I do support it with all my heart I can't deny that all political parties that associate themselves with unification (mainly AUR in ro and PLDM in md) are filled with opportunistic asskissers that have no real intention of addressing this question.
@tonifakerman9639 Год назад
I wouldn't be so doubtful, fear has a way of driving things, in this case a fear of Russia
@outerspace7391 Год назад
The most corrupt parties in Romanian are the USR, PSD and especially the PNL, better get them out of power if you guys wish to Unite with Moldova so much
@cmedeir Год назад
So … politicians are the problem. Just like the rest of the world :(
@holdenennis Год назад
But the polls I saw all showed most Moldovans opposed to reunification. I think the right to self-determination should be respected and Moldova should remain independent. As part of Romania, it would create separatist trouble.
@healththenopulence5106 Год назад
@@holdenennis should putins armies come closer.. i bet you the reunification sentiment will rise there alot
@cosmincarp153 Год назад
For those who don't know, there's a region in Romania called Moldova, and both the region of Moldova from Romania and the Republic of Moldova (the country) form the historical Moldova, a bit confusing isn't it? That's why in Romania to not cause confusion, we just call the moldovans from the country of Moldova "moldovans beyond Prut", and just "moldovans" for the ones from our country. "Prut" is a river that separates the two countries and acts like a natural border. I myself was borned and raised next to the Prut river on the romanian side, so most likely I'm ethnically a "moldovan" which sounds absurd even mentioning it. In my eyes I don't see two different countries, and even the majority of moldovans have the romanian nationality for the obvious benefits.
@holakfun8243 Год назад
As a Czech I support Moldovan-Romanian unification just like I support Czecho-Slovak reunification. We are stronger together brothers
@morghe321 Год назад
Forget Czecho-Slovak reunification, it won't happen. It's been 30 years since the split, and the Slovaks want to be independent. The situation is also not the same as with Romania/Moldova, where they both speak the same language. Czech and Slovak are similar, of course, but not the same languages.
@stefantrandafir1099 Год назад
3:00 correction: there was never a “Romanian SSR”, despite being communist, Romania was never part of the USSR
@Nabium Год назад
Socialist Republic of Romania was the official name of Romania up until 1989.
@stefantrandafir1099 Год назад
@@Nabium not *Soviet* Socialist Republic
@eirik3938 Год назад
That's right, romania was a part of the warsaw pact but not the actual soviet union
@scratchy996 Год назад
The quality on this channel is going down for a while now.
@AinKrab Год назад
He said "independent" romanian ssr. Saying "soviet" is incorrect but he never said ot was part of the ussr.
@octaviansandu218 Год назад
Good job on the video, as a Romanian I can say that I’m surprised by how simple and easy yet complete you painted the story
@dyawr Год назад
Exact! Si eu am simtit la fel. Good job TLDR 👏
@Veaceslav-eo2gf Год назад
Rominian state and rominian language existed only since 1881. Moldavian state and Moldavian language officially existed since the middle of the 14th century. In that way, rominian language is a nickname that was given to the Moldavian language, robbery of language, history and culture, information war for the purpose to provide classical racism, cultural genocide, and the destruction of identity and statehood of the Republic of Moldova. Rominian language did not exist in history, it is like saying the Queen of Great Britain speaks the American language, and the English language does not exist anymore, and Britain must be quickly reunified with New Zealand...
@johnbrick9785 Год назад
@@Veaceslav-eo2gf how many russians lived in Moldova in 14th century? Get out!!
@Veaceslav-eo2gf Год назад
@@johnbrick9785 Where do You see russians living in Moldavia in the 14th century??? ‒ Primul text scris moldoveneşte este din 1572: zapisul de dăruire al lui Afanasie Coceaga, alcătuit într-o limbă moldovenească surprinzător de cursivă, înţeleasă de oricine, fără vreo slovă slavonă; ‒ Glotonimul moldovenească este menţionat în documente şi studii străine: moldausche Sprasche (Tirol, 1591), lingua moldavorum (Franţa, 1591); ‒ Primul Lexicon moldovenesc (Catastiful mănăstirii Galata) a fost alcătuit în 1588; ‒ Filologia moldovenească se afirmă definitiv în veacul al XVII-lea: -- Pentru limba noastră moldovenească (1635) de Gr.Ureche; ‒ Lexicografia moldovenească începe în secolul XVII: -- Dicţionarul grecesc-slavon- moldovenesc-latin (1672) de N.Milescu Spataru. Pînă la sfîrşitul veacului XVIII în Ungrovlahia/Valahia nu se cunoaşte nici o lucrare despre „limba valahă” în limba valahă. După cum a demonstrat lingvistul românesc V.Arvinte, adjectivul „romînească” se documentează abia în 1831. O altă descoperire pentru romîni: istoriografia Moldovei este una dintre cele mai vechi şi mai bogate din Europa: ‒ Moldovenii scriu Istoria Moldovei din 1407; ‒ Vestitele Letopiseţe moldo-slavone (11 la număr), reflectînd istoria Moldovei din 1352 pînă în 1590, se scriu la curtea Moldovei şi în renumitele scriptorii de la Neamţu, Bistriţa, Putna din ultimul pătrar al veacului XV (Istoriografia Valahiei din această perioadă este acefală: nici o cronică internă n-a păstrat scrisă istoria acestei ţări, ‒ constată cu durere istoricul românesc P.Panaitescu); Moldova este, probabil, unica ţară din Europa, care încă din prima jumătate a veacului XVII are cîteva Istorii ale Moldovei, scrise în limba ţării, în limba moldovenească: -- Letopiseţul moldovenesc (1630) de Eustratie Logofătul; -- Letopiseţul Ţării Moldovei (1635) de Gr.Ureche. Moldova este una dintre puţinele ţări, dacă nu chiar unica, ce are scrisă istoria sa în limbi străine, pentru alte popoare: Cronica moldo-germană, Cronica moldo-polonă, Cronica moldo-rusă. Moldova este ţara în care s-a scris prima în Europa monografie etnologică în limba moldovenească: -- De neamul moldovenilor (1686) de Miron Costin. (Expres despre basarabi/transalpini/ungrovlahi/valahi/munteni, romini nici atunci, nici mai tîrziu nimeni n-a scris nimic) Go to school and study more, dear rominian boy...
@lenu.cornei Год назад
@@Veaceslav-eo2gf you should learn to write correctly in English if you have something to say.
@maudcls5610 Год назад
As a romanian, when I meet a Moldovan, i am unable to tell. Its our territory and oue population living in a territory stolen by the russians during ww2, but which remained separate after the fall of the soviet union
@vitaliecobzac1839 Год назад
Almost 50% of moldovans have romanian citizenship. The Kingdom of Moldavia was divided in two parts by Russian and Ottoman Empires in 1812. The Bessarabia from which smaller part the actual Republic of Moldova was formed and Moldavia which united with Wallachia and formed Romania.
@valipunctro Год назад
It's important to note that the political union in the past was voluntary.
@Dionysus784 Год назад
there was no refferendum about it
@healththenopulence5106 Год назад
@@Dionysus784 russian name.. no, it was.. you russians giving lessons about democracy??
@Dionysus784 Год назад
@@healththenopulence5106 no, thats the job of americans
@danc7934 Год назад
@@Dionysus784 the parliaments did
@Dionysus784 Год назад
@@danc7934 i know, but without any refferendum.But there was a refferendum in 1992 for joining romania, most refused it.
@MrDragomir777 Год назад
At least one in three Moldovans hold a Romanian passport. I'm not sure if there is any other country in the world where 1/3 of the population would hold double citizenship with a neighboring state. The step towards EU membership is the right step for Moldova and one that will bring the two countries closer together.
@AS-mw6pw Год назад
Northern Ireland?
@NarcisTheDictator Год назад
@@AS-mw6pw They are part of UK.
@DS9TREK Год назад
​​@@NarcisTheDictator What point are you trying to make? Northern Ireland is part of the UK, and therefore everyone is British, but they're also entitled to the Irish citizenship of Britain's neighbour the Republic of Ireland. Many do take Irish citizenship because if nothing else it makes it easier to get into the EU.
@NarcisTheDictator Год назад
@@DS9TREK In UK there are only 500k irish people and N Ireland isn't independent so when you talk about them you also have to consider UK's population that has like 68 millions of people.
@Robert-xy4xi Год назад
Moldovans were not interested in unification with Romanian. The only reason Moldovans wanted to obtain Romanian passports was because Romania was allowed to join the EU.Was purely economic! Romania was allowed to join the EU prematurely and I speak of first hand experience having spent time in both countries!
@FlorinArjocu Год назад
Many things are right, but the history and culture are not among those. To see it simpler: Eastern part of Romania is called Moldova, too. That one + Republic of Moldova + some territories N of both Moldovas+ S of the current Rep. Moldova belonging now to Ukraine were the medieval Moldova. So all those were ONE country, they do not have simple "cultural ties" as you said. All the political main structures/the capitals were in the Romanian Moldova, in different towns, depending on the period. The population of medieval Moldova was in today's terms... wait for it... Romanian, but at that point, as the modern Romania did not exist yet (will be later created by unifying the principalities with Romanian population + some changes after different wars), they were called Moldavians as that was the name of the country. Like the old principalities in most European countries; for instance people spoke German language and were actually Germans in both Prussia and Bavaria, even though for the period before the unification they were (also) Prussians and Bavarians. Exactly the same with people in Walachia, Moldova and so on, the language was Romanian etc. So, people spoke Romanian language. In 1812, the Russian Empire took about half of Moldova, the Eastern half which, with some changes, is nowadays the Republic of Moldova. The name you used, "Basarabia" as we call it, initially was just the name of 3 counties in the South of today's Rep. Moldova, now belonging to Ukraine. In order to artificially create a new national identity, imperial Russia gave that name to the whole region they took in 1812. The Russians at some point even banned Romanian language in schools, they changed the alphabet etc. There was a brief period when the Eastern Moldova came back to the "mother-country", that was aprox. between WW1 and WW2, so for about 22 years.
@dnfi5480 Год назад
Yes! Not sure what history RU-vidrs are reading to be honest...baffles the mind. It's not that difficult.
@raducora7159 Год назад
A small correction here. Wallachia and Moldavia actually unified in 1859, not 1881. The UK and France granted them some sort of a limited union under the name of United Romanian Principalities, with some common institutions, but different leaders. However, both Moldavia and Wallachia chose the same person as ruler, Alexander John Cuza (Alexandru Ioan Cuza in Romanian), creating a de-facto full unification. What happened in 1881 was that under the rule of Carol I of Hohenzollern, the United Romanian Principalities became the Kingdom of Romania. This marked the full independence from Russia and the Ottoman Empire, which had some sort of an influence battlefield over the 2 principalities.
@predacorneliu Год назад
It should be mentioned that this territory was annexed by the Russian Empire in 1812 from the territory of the Moldavian voivodeship by the Treaty of Bucharest of 1812, together with the Hotin district and historical Bessarabia (in Turkish Bugeac) ceded by the Ottoman Empire after signing the peace treaty. Bucharest since 1812 after the end of the Russo-Turkish war (1806-1812). The fact that part of the territory of the voivodeship was ceded to Russia, despite the Romanian-Ottoman treaty that guaranteed the integrity of Moldova, was a mistake that continues today.
@Arkains10 Год назад
I think the flag you used for Romania at 0:11 is actually the flag of Chad. The flag of Romania usually has a lighter blue more in line with that of the Moldovan flag.
@barbarosbozkurt758 Год назад
They have the same flag
@talwal1400 Год назад
@@barbarosbozkurt758 they dont
@ashra8281 Год назад
I think so but honestly... Does it matter that much. Unless your a hard line nationalist its a minor and very easy mistake to make that isn't going to cause offence
@turkeykillerex9509 Год назад
as opposed to being virgin
@SilentTremor Год назад
@@ashra8281 Chad nationalists? :))
@andreipavel310 Год назад
You seem to make some confusions: 1) the differences between medieval Moldavia and today's Republic of Moldova are not properly outlined and 2) the model for unification is German post-Cold War unification, not the original 1871 unification.
@Veaceslav-eo2gf Год назад
Rominian state and rominian language existed only since 1881. Moldavian state and Moldavian language officially existed since the middle of the 14th century. In that way, rominian language is a nickname that was given to the Moldavian language, robbery of language, history and culture, information war for the purpose to provide classical racism, cultural genocide, and the destruction of identity and statehood of the Republic of Moldova. Rominian language did not exist in history, it is like saying the Queen of Great Britain speaks the American language, and the English language does not exist anymore, and Britain must be quickly reunified with New Zealand...
@dimitri6171 Год назад
@@Veaceslav-eo2gf romania is an union between moldova, wallachia and transylvannia, eastern moldova (republic of moldova) was taken from us (real moldova)
@felixgluck2874 Год назад
At 4:39 : I kind of have the feeling that you meant the German reunification of 1990 and not the German unification of 1871. The comparison with that one seems a bit off to be honest.
@rajkaranvirk7525 Год назад
I was actually thinking that it kinda looks more like a Germany Austria type of thing or Australia New Zealand, USA Canada.
@whitezombie10 Год назад
@Nomisteaks80 Год назад
Noticed the same. I hope he meant 1990...
@hexf3248 Год назад
Wtf, did they actually just google "German unification" and use the first picture that popped up? Wow.
@ionpopescu3167 Год назад
@@rajkaranvirk7525 It's a 1990 German reunification thing because Moldova chose to join Romania and Soviets annexed it. There was a pro unification movement in the 90s in moldova too, but our president was a former regime collaborator who didn't want to upset Russia. The appearance of the Basarabian Moldova was also russians fault. So if Moldovans wish to join us, then it's just fixing an injustice.
@danielgheorghe9403 Год назад
2:29 The Principalities of Moldavia and Wallachia united în 1859 actually, since the double election of the same person, Alexandru Ioan Cuza.
@peterfireflylund Год назад
A personal union is not quite the same thing. It can be de facto the same (Denmark-Norway before the Napoleonic Wars) or not (Spain and Portugal for about 65 years).
@wallachia4797 Год назад
@@peterfireflylund They were in a personal union starting with 1859 (like Denmark-Norway), and became the centrally unified Kingdom of Romania in 1877, after the declaration of independence and beginning of the 1877-1877 Russo Turkish War (Romanian war of Independence in Romanian historical sources)
@ionbrad6753 Год назад
@@peterfireflylund Alexandru Cuza was brought to power with a clear and publicly proclaimed unionist schedule. The people in Moldova and Wallachia did not vote for Cuza, they voted for Union. Cuza immediately started his program to make the personal union a real union, and he - having the support of most people - did it!
@Strider970531 Год назад
The best and most concise video on the matter. A great job given how hard people usually grasp the details of this problem.
@Zelea-nj3pz Год назад
Brit here. For those calling Romanians gypsies, think gypsy minority population is half of Hungarian minority population so would even make more sense to call the Romanians Hungarians rather than gypsies. 😂
@h.7893 Год назад
I would love to see these countries merge. I'm very excited to see Romania make such progress and I'm sure they can pull Moldova with them. This part of the world has all the potential and they deserve to prosper. Greetings from Greece.
@Veaceslav-eo2gf Год назад
Moldavians are NOT romanians. Moldova is 550 years older than Romania. I have read the history of Moldova, with simple research anyone with a brain, will notice that Romania was first a province in North Turkey before 1800, as you can see here an official map made by historian Mathew Carey. There was no Romania in Wallachia, Moldova, or Transylvania. Ottomans have invaded Wallachia and occupied it for more than 400 years. Romanians immigrated stole the part of Moldavian Land and the Moldavian language, and called it "Romanian" language and rominian state only after 1881. It is the MOLDAVIAN language, It is called MOLDOVIAN since the 14th century for your knowledge. Rominians share the MOLDAVIAN language since 1881 because Rominia annexed only part of a Moldovan territory with Moldavian language, and Valahia with valahian language, where Rominia and rominian language were born by Rusia and Germany only at 1873 -1881. Actually, the Republic of Moldova is another part of MOLDAVIA, an independent country with MOLDAVIAN language. Go to school and study more MOLDAVIAN Constitution, art.13, and legislation, MOLDAVIAN history, my dear British mate... Rominian state and rominian language existed only since 1881. Moldavian state and Moldavian language officially existed since the middle of the 14th century. In that way, rominian language is a nickname that was given to the Moldavian language, robbery of language, history and culture, information war for the purpose to provide classical racism, cultural genocide, and the destruction of identity and statehood of the Republic of Moldova. Rominian language did not exist in history, it is like saying the Queen of Great Britain speaks the American language, and the English language does not exist anymore, and Britain must be quickly reunified with New Zealand... Have a nice day and my suggestion - You need to study more rominian boy, I am very disappointed, the rominian school just sucks
@celestindimitriu3675 Год назад
@@Veaceslav-eo2gf WTF? Romania is a union between Wallachia, Moldova and Transylvania. Tara Romaneasca aka Wallachia was annexed by the ottomans not Turkey you idiot! The ottoman empire made Wallachia a vassal state but never invaded it just like with Moldova. "Veaceslav" your name just tells me you are not Romanian so stop spreading lies. While Romania is only about 100 and so years old, the Romanian people are the people who share the same cultural values and language such as the language spoken in Moldova, Wallahia and Transilvanya. Similar to what UK is only in UK there are 4 different countries of people who used to speak different languages but have eventually all united under one kingdom the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Romania was also a united kingdom of Moldova, Wallachia and Transilvanya
@healththenopulence5106 Год назад
Romania and greece always brothers 🇷🇴🇬🇷. We support you fully reuniting with your brothers 🇨🇾
@Veaceslav-eo2gf Год назад
@@healththenopulence5106 Moldavians are NOT romanians and are not brothers. Moldova is 550 years older than Romania. I have read the history of Moldova, with simple research anyone with a brain, will notice that Romania was first a province in North Turkey before 1800, as you can see here an official map made by historian Mathew Carey. There was no Romania in Wallachia, Moldova, or Transylvania. Ottomans have invaded Wallachia and occupied it for more than 400 years. Romanians immigrated and stole the part of Moldavian Land and the Moldavian language, and called it "Romanian" language and rominian state only after 1881. It is the MOLDAVIAN language, It is called MOLDOVIAN since the 14th century for your knowledge. Rominians share the MOLDAVIAN language since 1881 because Rominia annexed only part of a Moldovan territory with Moldavian language, and Valahia with valahian language, where Rominia and rominian language were born by Rusia and Germany only at 1873 -1881. Actually, the Republic of Moldova is another part of MOLDAVIA, an independent country with MOLDAVIAN language. Go to school and study more MOLDAVIAN Constitution, art.13, and legislation, MOLDAVIAN history, my dear British mate... Rominian state and rominian language existed only since 1881. Moldavian state and Moldavian language officially existed since the middle of the 14th century. In that way, rominian language is a nickname that was given to the Moldavian language, robbery of language, history and culture, information war for the purpose to provide classical racism, cultural genocide, and the destruction of identity and statehood of the Republic of Moldova. Rominian language did not exist in history, it is like saying the Queen of Great Britain speaks the American language, and the English language does not exist anymore, and Britain must be quickly reunified with New Zealand... Have a nice day and my suggestion - You need to study more greece boy, I am very disappointed, the greece school just sucks
@healththenopulence5106 Год назад
@@Veaceslav-eo2gf i wont let a russian teach me the history of my country.. you can believe your fantasy tales which nobody agrees
@nemanja3888 Год назад
I think that it is better for both countries to unite. Greetings from Serbia neighbors! 🇷🇴🇲🇩🇷🇸
@scratchy996 Год назад
Honestly, that would only cause trouble and bankrupt Romania. It will also give Romanian citizenship to many Russians, including Moscow loyalist mobsters who are nothing but trouble.
@nemanja3888 Год назад
@@scratchy996 Yeah you’re right. It can be maybe a little bit too dangerous for Romania
@healththenopulence5106 Год назад
@@scratchy996 Moldovas russian citizens are just in Transnistria… Moldova proper has less than 100k russians… dont forget Romania has also 60k Lipovans (which are russians but they are so well integrated that they are traditional pro-romanian)
@scratchy996 Год назад
@@healththenopulence5106 Yes, but those 100k are loyal to Russia. Anyway, I'm not talking about regular citizens, I'm talking about organized crime with ties to Russia. This includes dirty politicians. We have our share of high level corruption and organized crime, we don't need more of that, especially the highly dangerous Russian kind.
@nemanja3888 Год назад
@Romanian patriot Unfortunately that’s true. It’s sad that Moldova didn’t progress much from 1991
@drevilatwork Год назад
Since Russia broke the Budapest Memorandum and attacked Ukraine, for Moldova to drop its constitutional neutrality through an ammendment especially under current circumstances would be peanuts...
@bibisebi Год назад
The Eurovision song from Moldova was a great song and a message
@missmaddy Год назад
Romania and Moldova are reunited in a sense. Throw me, my family and countless others, who regained the romanian citizenship.
@mariusamber3237 Год назад
Is it true that there are serious demographic issues in Moldova these days? I recall reading somewhere that tons of people just moved to Romania or elsewhere.
@missmaddy Год назад
@@mariusamber3237 yup, Moldova had a demographic decline since it gain independence from the Soviet union. I moved in Romania when I was 18.
@SviatoslavDamaschin Год назад
​@@mariusamber3237 The quality of life decreased at least 10 times since the collapse, from a thriving country in which people wanted to live in to the europe cesspool for sex tourism/cheap outsourcing labor. Previously the country manufactured televisions, computers, tractors and the agricultural segment was quite prosperous but now it only exports an okay wine. Those are the reasons of why from a yearly 30k average demographic yearly increase we now see an average of 5k demographic decrease and heck of a lot of emigration.
@dyawr Год назад
@@SviatoslavDamaschin All that may begin to turn around in a few years...
@ubuntuposix Год назад
As a Romanian, I want the Moldovan president and Government to rule Romania. All my respect to Maia Sandu and the Government members, great people and professionals.
@piccalillipit9211 Год назад
Can they rule Britain as well, please? We have got criminals and incompetent liars...
@CuriousJourney05 Год назад
agree with you. Guvernul nostru e naspa dar Maia, cu o asemenea putere cred ca s-ar putea descurca cu toata Romania
@lukasj19999 Год назад
Wouldn´t that be a great solution actually? Reunification and she get´s to be elected as president, so Moldova is represented
@CuriousJourney05 Год назад
@Mr Pais pai si la noi se intampla. La noi cad podurile pentru ca se pune spuma in loc de beton, iti vine sa crezi? :) Si nimeni nu face nimic. Guvernul nostru e dus rau de tot cu capul
@stefantrandafir1099 Год назад
@Mr Pais se refera la cei actualia, maia sandu si natalia gavrilita
@ianis2k24 Год назад
Romania actually united in 1859 under the name "United Principalities of Moldavia and Wallachia", then it got renamed in 1862 to "Romanian United Principalities" and finally renamed again to just "Romania" in 1866. 1881 is when Romania became a monarchy.
@dristor2 Год назад
There was no "Romanian SSR" as you mention it. That woudl imply Romania being part of the USSR. It was called the Socialist Republic of Romania, a completely independent country.
@razvanbarbaud8792 Год назад
My great grand parents moved from Moldova to Wallachia in the 1920s when there was only one country of romance language in Eastern Europe. When Hitler and Stalin decided that there should be an arbitrary border inbetween, my grand parents remained in Romanian whereas my cousins are now in Moldova. My dream is that Moldovans live as what they really are : Europeans. This must be without the intermengling of Hitler, Stalin, Putin or whoever else. Inside the EU and Nato nothing can stop the Romanians to care about each other, for example Romanians were happy to send vaccins and money to Moldova when it was needed. I have best thoughts for all the Ukrainians, Russians and Gagaus from Moldova who want to live as Europeans, the Russian culture is superb.
@Frivals Год назад
Most Moldovans don't want to be annexed to Romania as the actual romanian zeitgeist is horrible, they are no more romanians but USA fat people. Just an example, in Romania there are more churches than schools, casinos at every corner of the city, Moldovans don't want that trash culture. Moldovans are way better than Romanians. And would not be a unification but annexation.
@Veaceslav-eo2gf Год назад
Rominian state and rominian language existed only since 1881. Moldavian state and Moldavian language officially existed since the middle of the 14th century. In that way, rominian language is a nickname that was given to the Moldavian language, robbery of language, history and culture, information war for the purpose to provide classical racism, cultural genocide, and the destruction of identity and statehood of the Republic of Moldova. Rominian language did not exist in history, it is like saying the Queen of Great Britain speaks the American language, and the English language does not exist anymore, and Britain must be quickly reunified with New Zealand...
@dimitri6171 Год назад
@@Veaceslav-eo2gf romania is an union between moldova, wallachia and transylvannia, eastern moldova (republic of moldova) was taken from us (real moldova)
@ilietudor6878 Год назад
@@Veaceslav-eo2gf first of all, Moldova and Wallachia United in 1859, creating Romania. Secondly, it's like saying German culture and language didn't exist until 1871, and all that was before that was the Prussian langauge, Bavarian language etc
@abelnicolae Год назад
There is a bitter side to this romanticised love story and it's similar to the Ukranian's. And that is... Moldovans played on both teams. During the 90' and the 2000', many voices rose from the romanian government supporting the union, precisely because Romania was doing better economically. But Moldovans saw themselves as nowadays Orban's hungarians. That is " we can get the best from both sides": Romanian nationality, given by law to any moldovan, thus the right to work and travel through the EU freely... and economic aid, gas, oil and protection from mother Russia. That backfired, as we all know. Now, obviously, the percentage of unionists has risen. And it will rise even more when the first russian bombs hit moldovan civilians. When blood will be on the streets, all moldovans will sudenly feel romanian, but it will surely be too late.
as moldovans, our government doesn't represent us and never did. they're simply corrupt politicians that sold their country to russia. many of us have always fought for romania and against russian opressors. nothing else really to say.
@darkoshadowfury Год назад
I'm proud to say that playing both sides is a national trait of all Romanians. If NATO (USA) and EU are going to financialy aid România for reunification I think everyone would embrace Moldova. Are they gonna do that? Idk. Heck, if they pay us enough, I'd even accept Hungary to unite with us, they're not all that different after all. Western Vlachs. ROFL.
@Sphere723 Год назад
@@darkoshadowfury As a geography nerd who has to memorize all the countries, flags and capitals in the world, I'd say bring back the whole Austro-Hungarian empire. (Also the United States of Central America and the Federation of the West Indies .... please.)
@MrTaxiRob Год назад
@@Sphere723 Gran Colombia will rise again!
@samuela-aegisdottir Год назад
@@Sphere723 No. Don't. I am a citizen of the Czech Republic and we don't want to became part of Austro-Hungarian empire again. It was a hard work to became independent. We are not Austrians nor Hungarians, we don't speak German nor Hungarian, we don't want to be ruled from Vienna, when our capital is Prague. We are Czech and we don't want to be part of Austria and we deffinitelly don't want to be part of Hungary. Austrians are nice people as neigbors and allies, but we prefer to have our own Czech government who speaks our language, understands our issues and have us as priority.
@ioanciumasu994 Год назад
The capital can be simply moved to Iasi (Jassy), the old capital of Moldova (and former co-capital of Romania), so that's an easy one. But the key thing is this: if people in Moldova want it, it will be done. Transnistria is economically dependent on the EU. Gagauzia is more of a cultural thing, they also want to be prosperous and in peace. In the EU and NATO, minority languages are respected (nobody is discriminated in any way). Russia is not capable of protecting the Russians in Russia, and Romania is not Ukraine. No "cultural brotherhood" there - if the Russians want the end of their country, they should mess with Romania.
@olegbaron6731 Год назад
I do want to reunite with Romania! I'm from the Republic of Moldova, an ethnic Romanian. We speak the same language, we have the same culture and I do support the reunification of Moldova with Romania.
@NANO-me4et Год назад
The capital can but shouldn’t be moved
@nadiasuliman7520 Год назад
well said good sir,i think most people are blind to the military potential of romania....
@lemonade_ib 10 месяцев назад
They can have two capitals, a commercial one and administrative one, like in Benin or South Africa with 3 capitals .
@prs223 Год назад
The unification of Moldova and Wallachia took place in 1859, not 1881, but the Moldova we're talking about was not the country it is today, but the eastern region of Romania. Moldova as a medieval state lied between the Carphatians and the Dniestr, but half of it (the equivalent of today's Moldova) was taken by the Russian Empire in 1812. The rest of it united with Wallachia in 1859.
@Veaceslav-eo2gf Год назад
Rominian state and rominian language existed only since 1881. Moldavian state and Moldavian language officially existed since the middle of the 14th century. In that way, rominian language is a nickname that was given to the Moldavian language, robbery of language, history and culture, information war for the purpose to provide classical racism, cultural genocide, and the destruction of identity and statehood of the Republic of Moldova. Rominian language did not exist in history, it is like saying the Queen of Great Britain speaks the American language, and the English language does not exist anymore, and Britain must be quickly reunified with New Zealand...
@prs223 Год назад
@@Veaceslav-eo2gf Chirst...You're either a soviet troll, or a poor victim of stalinist propaganda.. I'm sorry for you either way
@ems7623 Год назад
Moldavia, you mean - distinct from modern Moldova. At least this is how we would write them in English.
@Veaceslav-eo2gf Год назад
Moldavians are NOT romanians. Moldova is 550 years older than Romania. I have read the history of Moldova, with simple research anyone with a brain, will notice that Romania was first a province in north turkey before 1800, as you can see here an official map made by historian Mathew Carey. There was no Romania in Wallachia, Moldova, or Transylvania. Ottomans have invaded Wallachia and occupied it for more than 400 years, changing its name to "Tara Romaneasca". Romanians immigrated, stole the part of Moldavian Land and the Moldavian language, and called it "Romanian" language and rominian state only after 1881. It is the MOLDAVIAN language, It is called MOLDAVIAN since the 14th century for your knowledge. Rominians share the MOLDAVIAN language since 1881 because Rominia annexed only part of a Moldovan territory with Moldavian language, and Valahia with valahian language, where Rominia and rominian language were born by Rusia in 1873 -1881. Actually, the Republic of Moldova is another part of MOLDAVIA, an independent country with the MOLDAVIAN language. Go to school and study more MOLDAVIAN Constitution, art.13, and legislation, dear mate...
@prs223 Год назад
@@ems7623 Yeah, in English is like this, but in Romanian ia the same word for both the medieval state and the one from today
@healththenopulence5106 Год назад
Im happy you guys that you’r supporting us🇷🇴🇲🇩❤️ to happen democratically thats all that matters!❤️🤗
@modmaker7617 Год назад
Moldovans are Romanians. The Moldovan "language" is a accent of Romanian. Moldova is Romania. Edit: I replaced "dialect" to "accent" due to Romanians & Moldovans correcting me.
@bv2289 Год назад
Not really a dialect, more like an accent. They do have a few regional words that either don't exist or are not used anymore in Romanian.
@vladm.6859 Год назад
Not even a dialect, it’s virtually identical to romanian. They just have a weird accent but in writing their romanian and our romanian is the same
@timothysanduleac2703 Год назад
It’s not a dialect, it’s the same language with some regional terms. But Romania also has regional terms, like in the eastern part they have words that the western part would not use, so this is in no way any issue
@modmaker7617 Год назад
Random question to Moldovans; my channel is about dubbing in film/TV/games so how is dubbing culture in Moldova? Do Moldovans just watch dubs made in Romania or do they have a separate dub like how Spanish has a separate dub for Spain & Latin America?
@boldisordorin9010 Год назад
@@modmaker7617 it is dubbed in romanian. We learn romanian language in school, there is actually no such thing as moldovan language. News reporters and teachers also speak like romanians scince it is more literate and correct, and encpurage us to do so as well
@jirislavicek9954 Год назад
Excellent explanation guys! 👍👍👍 Unification would make a great deal of sense especially for Moldova. It is too small, economically isolated and undefendable against strong enemy like Russia. Romania and Moldova would both gain from the unification. Although I see the danger that Pandora's Box in form of Transnistria presents. That would require some skilful political handling. You don't want a large Russian minority on your territory. But you also don't want Transnistria to became a Russian exclave like Kaliningrad.
@Veaceslav-eo2gf Год назад
Rominian state and rominian language existed only since 1881. Moldavian state and Moldavian language officially existed since the middle of the 14th century. In that way, rominian language is a nickname that was given to the Moldavian language, robbery of language, history and culture, information war for the purpose to provide classical racism, cultural genocide, and the destruction of identity and statehood of the Republic of Moldova. Rominian language did not exist in history, it is like saying the Queen of Great Britain speaks the American language, and the English language does not exist anymore, and Britain must be quickly reunified with New Zealand...
@alinadrian5184 Год назад
Large250.000 at 23million population 😀 we already have 2 milions of free Hungarian minority in Transilvania :)
@jirislavicek9954 Год назад
@@alinadrian5184 Yes, but there's a difference. 2M Hungarians are backed by 10M Hungarians back home. Both countries getting on reasonably well, both in the EU. 250k Russians are back by a nuclear superpower of 140M, and they are concentrated in one area. If Transnistria gained independence and joined RF, Russians would build a military base there and bring their nukes there. That's the difference.
@jirislavicek9954 Год назад
@@Veaceslav-eo2gf That makes no sense. Even less when you throw "popular" terms like racism and genocide. 🙈 People of Moldova and Romania have common ancestors nobody robbed anyone of anything. By this logic Austrians and Swiss stole German language from the Germans. And yes, Americans are descendants of Brits, who brought the English language with them. American English is still called English, if it was called American all over the world, then the British Queen would speak American. (although I am sure the Brits would still call it English)
@Veaceslav-eo2gf Год назад
@@jirislavicek9954 You must study more history, and read more books... Take easy and go to the library, dear. Your school just suks...
@cosminursache5865 Год назад
Moldavian does not mean nonromanian, it means one tipe of romanian and it is related to one of the three old regions of Romania
@spukyon Год назад
Long we have waited for a video featuring Romania and at long last we finally have it!
@Nachomiya Год назад
featuring ROMANIA? oh boy y'all have so many videos dedicated to you, and yet you guys still complain? wow
@spukyon Год назад
@darken2417 Год назад
Well Moldova wouldn't technically need to join NATO or the EU first if they are okay with the easy, smarter and more based route of formally annexing their territory to Romania. Of course the issue here would be that Moldovan politicians would be forfeiting their power and gives complete leverage to Romania as to how the union will be organized. But since Romania is a civilized modern country I'm sure they wouldn't abuse their position too badly. Definitely better then getting special military operationed in a decade.
@winterinvicta Год назад
lol Romania ceded moldova to Russia
@crazypsychovirgoman6990 Год назад
I mean considering how Moldova was treated during the interwar period, I don’t think it will be that good. Most likely they’ll be treated as second class people
@wallachia4797 Год назад
Above me, you can see two fine examples of Muscovite trolls.
@sticlavoda5632 Год назад
@@crazypsychovirgoman6990How? Do you not see a difference between the interwar period and modern day? Back in that period we had the Iron Guard. You do not see such things anymore. Don't be stupid.
@whitezombie10 Год назад
@@winterinvicta don't talk about what you don't know. They demanded it from Romania, Romania couldn't risk getting invaded
@jonathanalexandru Год назад
Not really the newest nation, mate. Romania and this part of Moldova that we also call “Basarabia” were united since XIX century (1859) till communists came and anexed Moldova in 1940. We still have a large part of it but the one we lost was larger.
@Titihoki Год назад
Thank you for your video ❤
@barbariandude Год назад
As a Romanian, my humble two cents is that unification is basically a pipe dream. Far more realistic and better for everyone involved is if we can got Moldova into the EU and NATO, they'd be protected from Russian aggression, have access to the EU development funds, and can build up their country. As true as it is to say that Moldovans are basically Romanians separated by outside forces for a long time, that long time has meant that they have a desire for self-determination that should be respected. EDIT: To put it in a slightly different way, when your brother needs help you give him what you can and introduce him to the right people, you don't start micro-managing his life for him.
@fool123 Год назад
u on crack bruv... any romanian not encouraging the unification is not a romanian or doesnt know history enough. sit down !
@talltroll7092 Год назад
The problem with that is that Moldova as Moldova isn't going to be able to qualify for membership of either for years, maybe decades. If it is their self-determitined desire to be part of both, then unification with Romania is pretty much the only way to achieve it in a timescale that is likely to matter
@ionpopescu3167 Год назад
Same. I think of them brothers too that I want to get along with. I do hate the anti Romanian sentiment coupled pro Russian sentiment tho Basically I hope our efforts and care are not unrequited and they don't keep voting pro Russian parties
@danix8538 Год назад
@barbariandude With brothers like you who needs enemies, mate. The Russians can take a vacation since you're doing their work for them. For all that talk about brothers you sure want to behave like a stranger. A nice stranger, sure, but a stranger still. And that BS about self-determination? Oh man, nice one. I see now that it's self-determination if they stay separate like Russia is encouraging them(just like all the countries it wants to enslave again or use as buffers). We couldn't possibly encourage to unite with us, to welcome back our brothers into their own house. No sir, when we do it it's micromanagement. Some brother you are.
@Airay552 Год назад
so basically what you are saying is that Moldova joining EU on its own would create just another economic aid leech abusing the system, all dutifully funded by us EU taxpayers with nothing to give in return? at least you are open about you guys position i guess :|
@hans-rudi-der-letzte Год назад
I think it would have both advantages and disadvantages for both sides. But first the status of Transnistria and Gagauzia would have to be clarified. Both republics are not necessarily keen on a union of Moldova and Romania
@vhateg Год назад
I never understood why -_- What would they have to lose? Romania already has significant minorities that are treated miles ahead to how the Romanians are treated in the minorities' original countries. And it won't be like they gain or lose anything. Heck, they will be in the EU. Is Russia better than the EU or what?
@donaldmackerer9032 Год назад
then let them go. after a little while they will beg to join Romania and Moldova.
@dand7763 Год назад
@@donaldmackerer9032 as a romanian , i don't want Transnistria region , full of soviet mindset people , to enter in my country , it's like you bring a hornet nest into your house
@whitezombie10 Год назад
It's better if we leave Transnistria, while Gagauzia can have some autonomies
@ketelin4285 Год назад
@@dand7763 Exactly . They are de facto free , why force it ?
@rares1600 Год назад
Just a quick correction, Moldova first united with Walachia in 1859, on the 24th of January, under the rule of Alexandru Ioan Cuza.
@dorussio Год назад
Wallachia and Moldova united in 1859. 1881 is the year it's proclaimed a Kingdom.
@edsiles4297 Год назад
Some time ago, I was in Bucharest, and there were graffitis saying "Moldova is Romanian" in many places
@dnfi5480 Год назад
Well...Moldova is Romanian, because it is literally a region in our country. The grafitti you saw says Basarabia is Romania and it is refering to an alternate name for the Rep of Moldova. The vast majority of Romanians have no intention of taking any land over by force, we respect the borders and the free will of our brothers across the Prut river.
@zorilaz Год назад
Written by Moldovians. We don't want to unite with Moldova, no thanks
@outerspace7391 Год назад
The case of Moldova is extremely similar to the case of Cyprus, an island that wishes to join another country but can't due to unresolved border disputes with a small unrecognised state
@ebbeb9827 Год назад
cyprus doesn't want to join another country? it wants to unify with the north but turkey and Greece wont allow it
@outerspace7391 Год назад
@@ebbeb9827 The entire purpose of the Cypriot state was enosis, aka unification with Greece. The guerrilla movement what clashed with Britain had unification with Greece as its ultimate goal.
@JohnK004 Год назад
Except Moldova doesn't want to join Romania, 3 years ago most polls showed less than 10-15% would have accepted a union, and now they tell us 43% - this is a blatant manipulation of the public opinion, an exaggeration at best, but even with these fake numbers a union is most definitely not possible with less than half of the populace agreeing to. Moldovans and Romanians would have to be in favor with over 80-90% at least for a union to work smoothly without creating a civil war or even a regional conflict as a result. Turkey and Russia like to have some influence over Gagauzian and Transnistria, so Moldova joining Romania would end that for them and it could spark some unnecessary conflicts. It's best to keep these countries separate.
@user-cx9nc4pj8w Год назад
@@JohnK004 I wonder what could have happened recently that would make a union with entry into the EU and NATO much more appealing?
@ionbrad6753 Год назад
@@JohnK004 Except Moldova doesn't want to join Romania?? - Actually, Moldova joined in 1859. You probably refer to the present day Republic of Moldova, which is not Moldova, but a significantly russianized part of former Moldova. For Moldovan poets, Moldova was Romania even before the creation of the modern Romanian state.
@DaianAntonin Год назад
As a Romanian politician I will do everything that's in my power to Make Romania Great again, by making Moldova part of Romania, for another unity, the one that will stand forever and ever, this time.
@VIGI05 Год назад
Let's make Romania Great again... a comment from Chisinau.
@JohnK004 Год назад
Well, you are a small minority in Chisinau, are you tired of living in peace and harmony, are you itching to spark a civil war/unrest?
@VIGI05 Год назад
How do you know all this info? How many years have you lived in Chisinau ? You made some statistics that you can share. How I can be minority if I am part of romanian speaking population and this is around 70% from total population. Not so smart reply. I advise you to think again before writing a comment.
@JohnK004 Год назад
@@VIGI05 The official statistics of the Moldovan population is as follows, 75.07% consider themselves Moldovan, and 7.00% Romanian, 6.57% Ukrainian, 4.57% Gagauzian, 4.06% Russian (Wikipedia source). It seems like you are the one who needs to think my dear friend. You are indeed a minority of about 7% of the population...
@victormuntean7961 Год назад
Big Mistake: languages ARE NOT SIMILAR, they are THE SAME ! study more. And Flag, they are the same, only difference is that Moldova shows The Emblem on the Flag, and Romania does not show it, even if She has an Emblem, and the Moldovan Emblem is INCLUDED on the Romanian Emblem.
@Veaceslav-eo2gf Год назад
Rominian state and rominian language existed only since 1881. Moldavian state and Moldavian language officially existed since the middle of the 14th century. In that way, rominian language is a nickname that was given to the Moldavian language, robbery of language, history and culture, information war for the purpose to provide classical racism, cultural genocide, and the destruction of identity and statehood of the Republic of Moldova. Rominian language did not exist in history, it is like saying the Queen of Great Britain speaks the American language, and the English language does not exist anymore, and Britain must be quickly reunified with New Zealand...
@victormuntean7961 Год назад
@@Veaceslav-eo2gf I never heard about rominian language.
@Veaceslav-eo2gf Год назад
@@victormuntean7961 Go to school and study more, rominian boy...
@ems7623 Год назад
Saying that the languages are "the same" is also an exaggeration. You should at least acknowledge that there is a difference in dialect (pronunciation and vocabulary) and orthography. We can be honest about the differences that do exist without undermining the case for a shared Moldovan and Romanian identity.
@Veaceslav-eo2gf Год назад
@@ems7623 Moldavians are NOT romanians. Moldova is 550 years older than Romania. I have read the history of Moldova, with simple research anyone with a brain, will notice that Romania was first a province in North Turkey before 1800, as you can see here an official map made by historian Mathew Carey. There was no Romania in Wallachia, Moldova, or Transylvania. Ottomans have invaded Wallachia and occupied it for more than 400 years. Romanians immigrated stole the part of Moldavian Land and the Moldavian language, and called it "Romanian" language and rominian state only after 1881. It is the MOLDAVIAN language, It is called MOLDOVIAN since the 14th century for your knowledge. Rominians share the MOLDAVIAN language since 1881 because Rominia annexed only part of a Moldovan territory with Moldavian language, and Valahia with valahian language, where Rominia and rominian language were born by Rusia and Germany only at 1873 -1881. Actually, the Republic of Moldova is another part of MOLDAVIA, an independent country with MOLDAVIAN language. Rominian state and rominian language existed only since 1881. Moldavian state and Moldavian language officially existed since the middle of the 14th century. In that way, rominian language is a nickname that was given to the Moldavian language, robbery of language, history and culture, information war for the purpose to provide classical racism, cultural genocide, and the destruction of identity and statehood of the Republic of Moldova. Rominian language did not exist in history, it is like saying the Queen of Great Britain speaks the American language, and the English language does not exist anymore, and Britain must be quickly reunified with New Zealand... Have a nice day
@ProvidenceNL Год назад
A poll with 98.5% to one side, suuuuuuure totally legit!
@Fogaata Год назад
Great interesting video!!!
@attq3980 Год назад
Moldova would be smart to join with Romania.
@cosmindvd Год назад
Yes it is, but can't, that's why it didn't joined in the last 30 years, because of the Russians.
@butnarubogdan9964 Год назад
@@cosmindvd join Romania for what purpose? To become another neglected region like the region of Moldova from Romania? ( FYI for foreign viewers: there are 2 Moldovas, the region and the republic).
@elukok Год назад
@@butnarubogdan9964 It is already neglected and super poor. They have nothing to loose, only gains.
@cormoranuud Год назад
@@butnarubogdan9964 You mean because moldavian region in Romania doesn't have highways? Think that in case of an eastern invasion the enemy would use them to penetrate the country fast towards the capital. It's sad, but it is better to expect the worst, for now.
@thetrollman6596 Год назад
@@elukok says a guy that's probably never been to moldova
@MelkorPT Год назад
If the Moldovans were willing to cut off Transnistria like a gangrenous toe and leave them to be air supplied by Russia (if Russia could be bothered) this would be jackpot for Moldova. edit: if Russia takes Odessa Moldova should unilaterally grant independence to Transnistria and Gagauzia and immediately unite with Romania. Russia would "win" another two landlocked dumpsters of no worth whatsoever that it would have to finance and supply in perpetuity.
@yourealittlebitfat4344 Год назад
Last time i checked Transnistria is it's own country. Own currency, Language, etc. I mean thats the excuse they use for kosovo to be a country so why not Transnistria
@turkeykillerex9509 Год назад
@@yourealittlebitfat4344 hmmmmmmm just curious, what is their currency and language?
@Edvinas911 Год назад
@@yourealittlebitfat4344 What language does Transnistria have?
@frenchguitarguy1091 Год назад
@@yourealittlebitfat4344 well no one accepts that it exists, so that's a problem, especially when its sole reason for existing is to make it harder for Moldova to choose its own future as a breakaway state makes it harder to join international institutions. You might give arguments about sovereignty and for some people living there it might be valid, but realistically the only reason they exists is as a russian pawn, one that will be thrown to the lions as soon as Russia no longer needs them. I say cut them off so Moldova can join the civilised world
@snowy9941 Год назад
@@yourealittlebitfat4344 Kosovo is an own ethnic group not some radical stalinists that pray to Putin like god. One is a political group the other one is an ethnic group.
@SergioAmigo57 Год назад
that slick voicover on the wrong date haha nice one
Год назад
You forgot one major thing: maybe more than 50% of moldavian population (including russian speaking ones) are already Romanian citizens (inlcuding me). So the main question is what happens when the number reaches 75-90%?). Will it be still two countries? Or maybe one? "...Care țară? Unde-ncepe? Țară veche, țară nouă Parcă-i una, parcă-s două Ba aparte, ba-mpreună Parcă-s două, parcă-i una..."
@darrencorr5903 Год назад
When Moldova joins the EU at some point in the near future, they will be United economically with Romania, and the other 26 EU countries anyway, while still maintaining national sovereignty anyway, which is a much more likely option. Eastern Europe is going through a period of post-colonialism just now after the break up of USSR and the further shift away from the Russosphere hastened by war in Ukraine. These countries have a reinforced sense of national identity as a result and in my opinion would be reluctant to give that up so easily, especially as there is a war ongoing in Moldova’s neighbour to try and maintain that identity. EU accession is, in my opinion much more likely, though I’m sure Romania will be there biggest alliance inside the EU much like Poland will be Ukraine’s.
@LevisH21 Год назад
Moldova is basically Romania 2.0 the most significant ruler of Moldova during the Middle Ages was Stephan The Great and he also is a big deal in Romanian history books. he was also the cousin of Vlad The Impaler ("Dracula"). if you really want to know the difference between the two people, just know this. Moldovans basically speak the exact same language but with a funny Slavic(Russian) accent. nothing else. the rest is exactly the same. linguisticlly or culturally.
@dawiddawid7198 Год назад
you know what is Moldavia? what would Yorkshire or Maryland state be if soviets controlled it for 70 years and made it into one of their own socialist republics, IT SHOULD NOT BE A SEPARATE COUNTRY BY ANY RIGHT, only by soviet colonialism/imperialism that such enteties now exist, its like there was communist germany aswell that was created by the soviets, thats their way or divide and conquer
@MelkorPT Год назад
Join Romania, perform the necessary reforms _inside_ the EU and NATO, 20 years down the line negotiate independence in a way that leaves them inside the EU and NATO. ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
@sephikong8323 Год назад
Poland as an ally of Ukraine in the long term ? Lmao, if you unironically think that you should stop chugging the copium, Poland only supports Ukraine because they are currently fighting Russia, they don't do that because they like Ukraine but because they hate Russia MORE than they hate Ukraine. Maybe the war will somehow changes the mentalities in the future, but I'm not so sure about that
@thierryf67 Год назад
@@dawiddawid7198 but east germany didn't have separatist "russian or gagauz" minority to manage.
@Imfernolistico Год назад
Ay, as a Romanian, this is a neat topic to see. In my opinion, though, I'd like to see reunification in a few years rather than immediately. Moldova is not very stable economically from what I've heard, and I don't think it'd fare well for us.
@whitezombie10 Год назад
The Moldovan economy won't get better on its own, but if they join EU funds will come
@Imfernolistico Год назад
@@whitezombie10 That's the hard part though, with Transnistria and Gagauzia and all... a very complicated deal for all of us.
@darth3911 Год назад
@@Imfernolistico Part of the problem is Moldova is a landlocked country thus the price of imported goods is increased significantly. If it had a coastline it would help its economy greatly, that said it’s other major problem is under development.
@mathiaslist6705 Год назад
it's not the spirit of German reunification ....
@scratchy996 Год назад
@@Imfernolistico Why doesn't Moldova just give up on Transnistria ? It was never historic Moldovan territory anyway.
@DachampsterStudios Год назад
moldova would likely have to give up its breakaway region in order to join Nato, as thats one of the alliances main rules for accepting applicants. russia’s interference in creating/fueling separatism in its sphere of influence already prevents further nato expansion to countries like georgia, moldova, ukraine, armenia, and azerbaijan
@charlesbrown9213 Год назад
Moldova wouldn't join NATO. It would join Romania
@moldovanationalist-oi4fe Год назад
@@charlesbrown9213 no never
@rockyhd5gangxd784 10 месяцев назад
@noras.9774 Год назад
Congratulations! I’m from Romania and I considered your analysis is very good and objective!
@ioan-davidpiciorlung5253 Год назад
As a Romanian, I really hope they re-unite for 3 reasons 1). They are brother-states 2). They speak the same language 3). Moldova will not fall into the Russian sphere of influence **Transnistria**
@GigiDuruDuru Год назад
As a romanian you should know your own history.. Not brother states, but same state broken by force in 1940 by USSR
@ioan-davidpiciorlung5253 Год назад
@@GigiDuruDuru I was talking PRESENT tense, think before you write something that doesn't mace sense bruh
@GigiDuruDuru Год назад
@@ioan-davidpiciorlung5253 Present Tense is even worse as a romanian, means you accepted as legal the anexation of Moldova by the USSR. There are no brother states, EVER it's the same country broken and stolen by the Russians. You could've say that if your name was Johnny, not Ioan. Get it now? Saying that nosense you give russians an argument that indeed they were and are two separate nations. Think before you write, it doesn't hurt.
@ioan-davidpiciorlung5253 Год назад
@@GigiDuruDuru Saying present tense doesn't mean that I think that the soviet occupation of Moldova was legal, it wasn't; its also against the rule of self-determination. And let me ask you a question, are YOU Romanian? If you arn't, then who are you to question the name of a person that is of a different culture which has different names than your culture?
@GigiDuruDuru Год назад
@@ioan-davidpiciorlung5253.. Mister Long foot, maybe your IQ does not help you much on deciphering my name and ethnicity , maybe you have developed some Mușchi on your brain so you can't connect the dots. You have to be careful how you put down your thoughts in the context of Reunification. The way you wrote it gives ammunition to the Russians or Ukrainians who always theorized the two different nations, Moldovan and Romanian. "Yes brothers but different people".. Do you get it now sau trebuie să-ți desenez? They will say, "look even romanian see it at two separate but brotherly states", so yes, the way you wrote it implies you recognize the legality of the Soviet anexation.
@Pikaling3408 Год назад
I do want Reunification to happen as a Romanian hopefully by the end of the decade and also as a Pro European that will also be another step towards the goal of a United Europe.
@octavianpopescu4776 Год назад
De acord! 😀
@whitezombie10 Год назад
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Never united Europe
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