
Romano Bolković - 1 na 1: Paul Bradbury 

Hrvatska radiotelevizija
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Paul Bradbury, pokretač portala na engleskom jeziku posvećenog Hrvatskoj, jedan je od najboljih poznavatelja hrvatskog turizma te promotora hrvatskih prirodnih ljepota u inozemstvu.
Rođen u Manchesteru, Bradbury je za razliku od brojnih Hrvata koji napuštaju zemlju, našao svoj dom u Hrvatskoj, na Hvaru. Nekoć humanitarni radnik i trgovac vinima, Bradbury je danas vlasnik newsportala o našoj zemlji, ali i sličnih portala o Crnoj Gori i Sloveniji. Baveći se svim aspektima Hrvatske, Bradbury inzistira na pozitivnim primjerima, poduzetništvu i medicinskom turizmu.
Autor je vodiča o Hvaru i Splitu, a autor je i dva romana, dok mu treći izlazi ove godine. Iako je živio širom svijeta, kazat će da će Hrvatska uvijek biti najljepša zemlja u kojoj je živio. Pa ipak, jednako će tako biti kritičan prema svemu što drži pogrešnim.
S Paulom Bradburyjem razgovaramo o razlozima dolaska i ostanka u Hrvatskoj, hrvatskom načinu života, o tome zašto dobre priče nisu ispričane, jesu li Hrvati darkeri i mračnjaci, o komparaciji Hrvata i Engleza te volimo li uspješne. Bit će riječi i o prednostima i manama hrvatske birokracije, o tome jesu li Hrvati koruptivniji od Britanaca, brendiranju Hrvatske, o tome da bi se trebala promicati kvaliteta, a ne kvantiteta, o medicinskom turizmu, gurmanskom turizmu te povezivanju turizma i nogometa. Govorit ćemo i o tome možemo li privući digitalne nomade te kako motivirati Hrvate da se ne iseljavaju, kakva je razlika sjevera i juga Hrvatske, o "uhljebistanu" kao državi u državi, jesu li Hrvati poduzetni i na kraju kako je biti stranac u Hrvatskoj.
Autor: Romano Bolković
Urednica: Slavica Babić
HRTi - gledajte više na hrti.hrt.hr
Hrvatska radiotelevizija www.hrt.hr
FB: @HRTnovimediji



26 янв 2020




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@goranbakula459 Год назад
Gost je vrhunski. Pametan, dovitljiv, lucidan, čovjek sa srcem, životnim žarom i veliki pozitivac. No on jednim kolosjekom, a voditelj drugim... Ali unatoč voditelju (kasnio u reakcijama, krive upadice, neshvaćanje fora koje je gost uspijevao izbaciti, nerazumijevanje izrečenoga u nekim bitnim momentima, pričanje i to ponekad malo neumjesno i nepotrebno i na krivim mjestima, dakle sve ono što su gledatelji skužili te se hvatali za glavu, ali i komentirajući ovdje po komentarima...), g. Bradbury je ipak uspio iznijeti, tj. iskomunicirati prema nama gledateljima, ono najbitnije. A to je i najvažnije. Pogotovo one koji ga baš nisu pratili odnosno bili upoznati s njegovim dosadašnjim radom. Stoga ne treba kuditi ni voditelja. Bitno da ga je doveo u emisiju. Makar to. Što smo ono rekli? Nema negative, no sikiriki...😁
@dt6822 Год назад
Slažem se, Bradbury je podosta neobičan za Britance. Većina izbjegava istinu kako nebi povrijedili osjećaje ljudi. To je testament njegovom karakteru i dobroj naravi da je spreman sa hrabrošću da kaže istinu kako bi nešto promijenio ka boljem. Oni su svi super administrativno talentirani, svijetom su vladali i to dobro. Slažem se da bi volio vidjeti njega u vladi u turizmu ili borbi protiv korupcije.
@apscoradiales Год назад
@@dt6822 Hounorary Croatian Citizen, Paul Bradbury.
@riobabic8960 Год назад
@@apscoradiales Paul Bradburic !
@skovil Год назад
Samo premotaš voditelja i 😙👌
@carlstadt1579 4 года назад
"Croatia messed up in such a beautiful way." That is by far the best description of Croatia I have ever heard. Simple, but 100% accurate.
@everlastinghappiness4870 Год назад
Messed up in all the ways 😃😂😃
@solobano570 4 года назад
Odlična emisija, pametan, analitičan i skroman sugovornik. Obožavam ga!!! Thank you!
@marcvanbloemen144 4 года назад
odličan gost, užasan voditelj
@Ogmios667 4 года назад
Bolkovicu, suti, prestani sa glupim upadicama i pusti covjeka da prica.
@apscoradiales Год назад
Paul, you are correct about the Bagatin Clinic in Zagreb. Wife went there while we lived in Croatia for a few months and had work done which cost next to nothing compared to clinics in Canada. Same with dentists in Zagreb. Excellent work for peanuts compared to dentist costs in North America.
@carlstadt1579 4 года назад
I would like to add something though. As a Croat living in the UK for over 8 years, I would disagree that negativity and keyboard warriors are specific to Croatia and the Balkans. Those warriors are more than active in the UK, and the disgraceful anti-EU media campaign lead by Rupert Murdoch, based on incredible lies, deceit, and encouragement to be xenophobic and racist are beyond anything you can imagine. In the last few years it has become very acceptable to slowly but surely label EU migrants and all the others as damaging to the UK economy and society, we are apparently destroying the "British identity", and those of us who are successful are often talked about as in "oh he must be a drug dealer or something if he has all that." The future is not looking that bright at this point. Jealousy and the will to damage ones success in the UK are very much alive, trust me. Nevertheless, what Paul is saying is absolutely correct. I do believe if people in Croatia stopped believing how other countries are perfect, it might help. People in Croatia often ask me for advice as they are determined to move abroad, but as soon as I start talking about what they should be careful about, the conversation ends as they already have this preconceived black and white idea how Croatia is bad, and "somewhere out there" is perfect. That's why Paul's knowledge and promotion of what is good about Croatia is so so important. Paul Bradbury as a Minister for Tourism? Yes please!
@Molekulasti 4 года назад
"the conversation ends as they already have this preconceived black and white idea how Croatia is bad". This here is the biggest problem. "Croatian" media are anything but Croatian and with suspicious ownership structure. They are flat out anti Croatian and are pushing defeatism and negativity on general populace. For whose interests is yet to be seen.
@vicki3220 Год назад
I agree with Hrvoje. I think the worst thing in Croatia is not corruption but negativity. What can you create, change or achieve if you are negative and don’t have a belief - nothing. Only when you go somewhere else from Croatia and you dig a bit deeper you realise that many negative things we think are only possible in Croatia you can find elsewhere too.
@apscoradiales Год назад
@@vicki3220 I lived in Croatia for a while, and whenever I wanted to do something, the usual answer from the locals was, "Oh, you can't do that." "That takes a lot of money". "This is not America or Canada". "Oh, that takes forever to get", and so on, and on. Defeatist attitude all over. That's the way it always has been there, and will always be that way. Sometimes it's reassuring that things don't change, haha!
@vicki3220 Год назад
@@apscoradiales I hope people realise that negativity for a person or the society is like a cancer, but the awareness of this is so low that it will either take a miracle or a very long time to change it.
@darkonone5158 Год назад
Smeta ti Murdoch,a ne smetaju ti svi drugi mediji koji unisono lazu i zaglupljuju
@gob8399 Год назад
Gost je izvrstan ali je voditelj naporan.
@alenpaliska 4 года назад
Ja sam mislio da je uloga voditelja neutralna!? Ovaj Romano ne samo da upada, vrlo nepristojno, u riječ nego i neuspješno pokušava biti duhovit. Kladim se da pola bitnih stvari nije razumio. Bitno da je razumio "slučajni turizam" i odmah to povezao sa "slučajnom državom". Onako iskreno, po meni, slučajni voditelj slučajne emisije u nedostatku boljeg načina popunjavanja TV prostora. Gost odličan, pametni voditelj bi ga znao puno bolje iskoristiti !
@vordag Год назад
vrlo dobar komentar
@missthunderstormable Год назад
Paul za ministra turizma
@zlatkoperkovic8679 Год назад
Mr Bolkovic is such an impolite host, a Balkan guy, who simply can't stop interrupting the guest.
@lawmaker22 4 года назад
Super gost!
@rangorgenius7782 Год назад
Ovaj Romano je trebao bit vodoinstalater, baš tak izgleda. Oprostite vodoinstalateri.
@johnglasspool6785 Год назад
I forgot to add: indeed, and spot on. Why isn't there a "Dalmatinski vinski put"? It would cost the Croatian government maybe a couple of thousand Euros to stick up a few brown signs. How about a coastal "Historical Road"? From Pula to Dubrovnik. Again, a few thousand Euros to stick up the signs and produce a few leaflets for tourist offices. Surely it would pay for itself many times over? The Germans have these themed routes all over the place. The Romantic Road, the Alpine Road, there's even the "Fairytale Road".
@missthunderstormable Год назад
Ovaj Romano bolkovic ko da ima konstipaciju, bezvezan intervjuer, ne zna ni govoriti hrvatski, I sala na pocetku totalno bezveze, Paul kaze da ima najbolju Punicu na svijetu, a bolkovic njemu: Moja sucut
@sasaseparovic9777 4 года назад
Nauci se ne prekidat covika sa ,cesto, glupim upadicama,nepristojno je. Ne treba ti pitanje biti duze od sugovornikova dva odgovora.
@casonjimmy4776 3 года назад
You probably dont care but if you're stoned like me atm then you can watch all the new movies on InstaFlixxer. I've been watching with my girlfriend these days xD
@ikeroliver7186 3 года назад
@Cason Jimmy Definitely, I have been using InstaFlixxer for years myself :D
@guillermocaspian7657 3 года назад
@Cason Jimmy yup, been using instaflixxer for since december myself :D
Год назад
Paul Bradbury for prime minister of Croatia!
@danielk9666 Год назад
Ovaj Romano je toliko grozan ne mogu ga slušat .
@johnglasspool6785 Год назад
I was most amused by the concept of "Uhljebistan". When I mentioned it to my Croatian teacher today, she was most tickled that I knew about it. Of course, we have them in the UK; Bean-Counters like in a lot of local authority departments, who have non-jobs so have to invent as many beans as possible to keep themselves in employment. Essentially, parasites.
@osmaks1518 Год назад
Nakon sto sam pogledao video, odoh u kafic popit kavicu i usput kukati, da ispunim dnevnu dozu!
@AleksandarProkopec 4 года назад
Some observations here are very much on the mark.
@johnglasspool6785 Год назад
Very interesting perspective.
@visnjalivancic3953 Год назад
@sacrecoeur1206 Год назад
Paul Bradbury je izvanredan, napravio je više za promociju hrvatskog turizma no svih zadnjih deset takozvanih direktora HTZ-a zajedno! S druge strane, voditelj emisije je ne samo izuzetno neprofesionalan i nepristojan, vec sa svojim primitivnim upadicama najbolje potvrđuje teoriju Uhljebistana u hrvatskim medijima.
@boksic8 Год назад
Interesting listening to Paul! This tool Romano ruins the interview…wtf.
@apscoradiales Год назад
Dalmatian people must be the biggest complainers on Earth. They always say there is not enough tourists there, and that all tourists are cheap bastards. Then, they shut down for half a year, just like you said, Paul. Spending time in a cafe drinking coffee for two hours, then hoping into their Mercedes Benz to drive home...repeat the next day, and the next day, and the next day... Imagine if they were open all year long, and publicised it to the World that they're open for business all year?!!! I once drove from Zadar to past Plitvice Lakes in October looking for a place to eat. Everything was closed!!!
@abpast5319 Год назад
Svaka cast
@milanvoncina7812 Год назад
čestitke obojici
@M.C.1603 Год назад
Gospodina za Ministra turizma
@ulthien 4 года назад
fenomenalno kako upropastiti interesantan razgovor bezveznim površnim prekidanjima lol. Primitivizam.
@solobano570 4 года назад
Opet negativna stanca! Cccc!
@ivanpukanic750 10 месяцев назад
Gospodine Paul Bradbury,mislim da sam ja rekao taj komentar za Matu Rimca,pa vam hvala na pohvali da je najljepši komentar koji ste vidjeli na društvenim mrežama.To sam iskreno i mislio jer je to tako.Mnogi su ljudi u Hrvatskoj svoje novce potrošili na idiotarije,pa sada su zavidni nekome tko ih oplođuje svojom pameću i trudom.
@zagrepcanin82 Год назад
Paula za Ministra turizma!!!
@ivivi6012 Год назад
Oduševljena sam gostom, vrlo pametan čovjek.... Voditelj katastrofa, malograđanski pristup, gost nije završio niti jednu misao, poantu svojeg opažanja jer voditelj ne dozvoljava...horor, tko radi sve na nacionalnoj televiziji
@DANICA3130 Год назад
Čovjek je super, ali nevjerojatno je da se nije potrudio naučiti govoriti hrvatski jezik. 😮 Dugo živi u HR!
@jelenajukic890 Год назад
u nas ljudi ne prosvjeduju nego se samo presele
@tunintunin3417 4 года назад
How about the protests on the stolen referendums and the ratification pf the “Istanbul” convention in the parliament...? On point on most of the things, but in mu humble opinion the politicians ruined this beautiful country.
@tomislavramljak4524 6 месяцев назад
Kad je gost počeo pričati o hrvatskim apsurdima, zbog kojih mladi odlaze vani, režimski novinar Bolković ga je prekinuo i postavio mu drugo pitanje... To sve govori o Bolkoviću...
@zoom7533 Год назад
Dear Mr Bradbury! After 17 years in Croatia it must be possible to make a conversation Croatian language. Anyway, you are very fine person!
@JoeSexPack Год назад
He clearly understands the host's Croatian, & the host understands his English. I guess they did that to make mono-speakers of both comfortable.
@PaulBradbury Год назад
hrvatski je svjetski jezik kojim govore samo najpametniji ljudi. Nisam toliko pametan, trudim se
@zoom7533 Год назад
@@PaulBradbury Good joke😅. Vaš Hrvatski je relativno dobar, ali morate znati da ljudi vole i cijene kad se netko potrudi da govori njihov jezik. Srdačan pozdrav!
@vordag Год назад
pa zna on hrvatski solidno, samo što mu je lakše razmišljati na materinjem jeziku što i nije ništa čudno obzirom da je hrvatski težak jezik sa svim tim padežima i glagolskim vremenima sličniji je latinskom nego engleskon
@Rene-cm6go Год назад
@@PaulBradbury i tu su mu ga šuknuo! 😂 💪
@antunuzarevic2267 Год назад
Ovaj Bolković ima pola mozga koji radi, a ostatak se sasušio
@martasitum785 4 года назад
Iako prekida to mu je u prirodi ipak ima dobre goste i ne neke balavce iako će i oni ostariti salim se naravno.
@nevenkofilipek Год назад
Điz, gdi ste našli drakulu
@dt6822 Год назад
For what it's worth, I wish to apologize to you Paul for everything you've endured that has been negative in Croatia, as a Croat living in Canada from a young age. People really don't understand just how much Britain and its intellectuals have done to make the world more decent and just, and Croatians are very cynical people, they refuse to accept the idea that sometimes things really work the way they're supposed to and that a rule exists for a good reason and that you should put your seatbelt on before you find yourself suffering in the hospital, and there's a reason why you should wear your helmet on the bicycle, and you shouldn't have to bribe the inspector to pass your building inspection because it's important to have a properly constructed f-ing building and have the work evaluated objectively! Croatian people seem to lack the understanding that not everything is corrupt, cynical, or exists as a hurdle to prevent them from succeeding and that compliance with specific rules is good for you too, and that corruption ultimately hurts the entire society. The same principle applies to the nationalistic and racist language against the Serbian people who are in my experience far more tolerant, helpful, friendly and decent than we are. The failure to recognize that this antagonism is nothing more than an artificial scapegoating oppositional identity that fits so well within the Croatian character that is so negative and intense and simply can't look in the mirror is becoming a major shaming element against Croatia internationally. I volunteered with the Vancouver 2010 Olympics and of course I was assigned to be one of the main volunteers with the Croatian team. I was appalled. The moment you would be alone with someone they would tell you how the Press attaché is a Serb girl and she's such a this and that, and this toxicity just permeated the whole effing group such that the English speaking non croats in the volunteer group kept asking me questions not understanding why so much hatred and preoccupation of mental time was taken up with such frivolous things. She was a wonderful woman by the way and we all loved her which seems to escape the notice of people who then tell us what a horrible d8g she is because she was a Serb. My theory on why this is might be different than yours. But I thought about it a lot. And I think it's the Balkan mother that causes all of the socio psychological phenomena that is unique to the Balkans. She is overbearing, doting, incredibly paranoid, while at the same time aggressive and passive and she continuously puts the father down, and is in battle mode with everyone to maintain the child in a default setting of dependency on her because it gives her purpose. And what that manifest itself as is the long suffering, loving, wonderful mother who scrubs the floors of her son's house and does his laundry even though he is 55. She has produced generations of imbecilic, lazy, dependent men, while generally alienating the female children and forcing them to become rather successful and independent because she was so obsessed with her male children, a generational trauma left from hundreds of years of Turks stealing our children. Finally, you explain the lifestyle difference so well, it's obvious you were a preppy, theyre lucky to have you. I, too, earn a decent wage in Canada as a lawyer, but work incredibly long hours, and envy the lifestyle I remember my parents had before the war. I applaud you for having the courage to make your life what you wanted it to be, and your children are lucky to have such a father. I wonder if you have ever watched the videos of the American professor of musicology who married a Yugoslav woman (don't know too many details), but he does some song analysis of music of Đorđe Balašević, and I think his commentary is quite intellectual and worth seeing. All the very best regards.
@ljubog Год назад
Vrlo zanimljivo, hvala! Balkanska majka!
@marijocorba2094 Год назад
Gost dobar ali voditelj loš.
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