
Romans 7:1 to  

Shepherds Chapel Bible Studies
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This is a rebroadcast beginning the book of Romans Chapter 7:1 ~~ I posted this video for students of Shepherd's Chapel to share the truth and fellowship in case anyone missed an episode and for review/study purposes only. This is in NO way affiliated with or authorized by the Shepherd's Chapel. Jesus is the living Word.



30 сен 2024




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@jkelly1a 7 лет назад
This is solid, simple teaching. Thank God for this message.
@prophetmathis9436 7 лет назад
I love pastor Murray!!! I thank God for the people unloading these. You know our Father God will bless you every time someone get to hear the truth
@eaglewingsministries8571 6 лет назад
Thank you Yeshua, Jesus!
@Wolfboy183 7 лет назад
Great video
@evelynjohnson2699 4 года назад
@garysuplee5092 Год назад
Here am I LORD Thank you Shepherds Chapel 💒 for Isaiah ~3:1 Joshua,..tell Arnold Murray.. thank you.
@aaronbrownjr7766 2 года назад
I felt from grace and I thought about Romans chapter 7 and came straight here!!!🙏🙏🙏
@marlonmorse1956 7 лет назад
thank you Jesus Christ
@sherose7856 3 года назад
Judge with a right judgement,like moses,noah.
@biblerecordingtencommandme7214 2 года назад
@sherose7856 3 года назад
Amen, that's foolishness specially when people know what the devil brings to his table, in that by GOD a person is under a delusion to stay ,if you don't wantHIM.
@dennisboyd1712 Год назад
AMEN My pastor teaching God's Word
@marlonmorse8876 2 года назад
Thank you Jesus Christ 🙏
@biblerecordingtencommandme7214 2 года назад
@deborahlevey8527 Месяц назад
GOD knew what HE was doing picking Pastor Arnold Murray,thank YOU FATHER !❤
@Brenda-yn2ib Год назад
Hallelujah ❤😊
@billymorgan1268 3 месяца назад
Thank you GOD , for making me a good person, if im still here when Satan comes back i will certainly allow GOD to speak through, cause satan has to pay for the evil that he has brought to this Earth
@billymorgan1268 3 месяца назад
I believe GOD sent me pastor Murray, to ease my mind, im only human, but at what point fo i get what i need for me, sometimes i just want to run and never look back,
@billymorgan1268 3 месяца назад
I feel just like paul , i set out to do what's right, but i seem to always come up short, even though my heart belongs to GOD, but man i can't seem to get it together, and i pray multiple times through out the day, may GOD have mercy on my soul
@rossdickens Год назад
@billymorgan1268 3 месяца назад
I just came seem to put my finger on it, i fo whsts right when it comes to everyone i come in contact with, but im always the one that seem to always be wrong, im sick of, to the point where im ready to tell everyone to go away from me, , im a fixer of things, but people are always so ungrateful, i just dont know whst to do anymore
@karenoviatt863 2 года назад
@ananegescu9443 Месяц назад
@Tkidddd Год назад
The ABCs of Christianity is not the law
@tiffaniewalls620 8 месяцев назад
Yah bless🦅👑🫒✝️🩸💜🙏🏾🕊
@garysuplee5092 11 месяцев назад
@karladee4982 3 года назад
@messengerisrael3817 3 года назад
Romans 7 explained : (1.) The woman is Israel and the husband is the mediator/protector/HUSBAND , for the people ( Israel ) , in the covenant with the Father . (2.) The Israelites who refused to live by faith ( That is repenting of their sins with a sorrowful heart , like king David did ; then believing by keeping the commandments of their mediator Moses ; which he received from the Father ; which is the law of faith ) , these fell under their mediator Moses protection ; under the sin sacrifice of atonement ; which the Father gave through a priesthood , the law of animal sacrifice ; which is the law of works . (3.) So then if , while her husband Moses liveth , she be married to another man , she shall be called an adulteress ; but if her husband ( Moses ) be dead ( Hebrews 7:11-12 ) , she is free from that law ; so that she is no adulteress , though she be married to another man ( Jesus Christ ) . (4.) Wherefore , my brethren ( Israelites ) , ye also are become dead to the law ( animal sacrifice and oblations for atonement ) by the body of Christ ( repenting of your sins , and believing by obedience , the law of faith ) , even to him who is raised from the dead , that we should bring forth fruits unto God ( 2 John :1-6 ) . (5.) For when we were in the flesh ( law of works , or law of animal sacrifice , or circumcision of flesh for sin through the priesthood of Leviticus ) , the motions of sins ( 1 John 3:4 , the transgression of the law of God ) , which were by the law ( Hebrews 10:1-4 , " 1. For the law having a shadow of good things to come, and not the very image of the things, can never with those sacrifices which they offered year by year continually make the comers thereunto perfect. 2. For then would they not have ceased to be offered? because that the worshippers once purged should have had no more conscience of sins. 3. But in those sacrifices there is a remembrance again made of sins every year. 4. For it is not possible that the blood of bulls and of goats should take away sins. ) , did work in our members to bring forth fruit unto death . (6.) But now we are delivered from the law ( law of works , or law of animal sacrifice ; which was also called the law of sin and death ) , that being dead wherein we were held ; that we should serve in newness of spirit ( circumcised of heart for sin ; through faith in Christ by obedience ) , and not in the oldness of the letter ( Romans 2:13 , " 13.For not the hearers of the law are just before God, but the doers of the law shall be justified. ) . Moses gave the people the law of the Father on two tablets of stone , and written in ink , but they did not believe ( 2 Corinthians 3:1-18 ) .
@messengerisrael3817 3 года назад
(7.) What shall we say then ? Is the law ( law of animal sacrifice ) sin ( 1 John 3:4 , the transgression of the law of God ) ? God forbid . Nay , I had not known sin ( 1 John 3:4 , the transgression of the law of God ) , but by the law ( law of animal sacrifice ) : for I had not known lust , except the law ( law of animal sacrifice or the law of sin and death ) had said , Thou shalt not covet ( Romans 3:20 , Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight : for by the law is the knowledge of sin ; Hebrews 10:1-4 , " 1. For the law having a shadow of good things to come, and not the very image of the things, can never with those sacrifices which they offered year by year continually make the comers thereunto perfect. 2. For then would they not have ceased to be offered? because that the worshippers once purged should have had no more conscience of sins. 3. But in those sacrifices there is a remembrance again made of sins every year. 4. For it is not possible that the blood of bulls and of goats should take away sins. ) . (8.) But sin ( 1 John 3:4 , the transgressions of the law of God ) , taking occasion by the commandment ( law of animal sacrifice , or another name is ; the law of sin and death ) wrought in me all manner of concupiscence ( Romans 5:20 , " Moreover the law entered , that the offence might abound . But where sin abounded , grace did much more abound " ) . For without the law ( law of animal sacrifice , or law of sin and death ) sin ( 1 John 3:4 , the transgressions of the law of God ) was dead ( Romans 5:13, " For until the law ( law of animal sacrifice ) sin ( the transgression of the law of God ) was in the world ( which entered into the world when Adam transgressed against the law of God ) : but sin ( the transgression of the law of God ) is not imputed ( represents something undersirable as been done , caused or possessed by someone ) when there is no law ( law of animal sacrifice , or law of sin and death ) . What Paul is saying : Before the law of animal sacrifice was given through the mediator Moses for the sin of the flesh/body , the God of Israel required all to repent with a sorrowful heart , like king David did , through faith ; remember , grace by faith ; the priesthood of faith ( Melchisedec ) has always been available from the beginning , for the one's who live by faith . There is no grace or mercy through the law of animal sacrifice ,and some transgressions against the laws of the Father , there were no sacrifice to protect the flesh/body ( man picking up sticks on the Sabbath day ) . ( 9.) For I was alive without the law once : ( law of animal sacrifice , or schoolmaster ) but when the commandment came ( law of animal sacrifice , or law of sin and death ) , sin ( 1 John 3:4 , the transgressions of the law of God ) revived , and I died ( Ezekiel 20:24-25 , " Because they had not executed my judgments , but had despised my statutes , and had polluted my Sabbaths , and their eyes were after their father's idols . Wherefore I gave them also statutes that were not good , and judgments whereby they should not live " ) . And the commandment ( circumcision of the flesh/body for sin , or the law of animal sacrifice ) which was ordained to life ( keep the earthly tabernacle or body alive ) , I found to be unto death ( law of animal sacrifice could not forgive you of the heart/spirit , or the second tabernacle , or the second death ) . ( 10.) For sin ( 1 John 3:4 ,the transgressions of the law of God ) taking occasion by the commandment ( law of animal sacrifice , or the law of sin and death ) , deceived me , and slew me ( most of Israel believed that salvation came through the law of animal sacrifice , or the law of works , or another name was the law of Moses ; because Moses was the intercessor , or husband for the people under the covenant with the Father , through the priesthood of Leviticus ) . (11.) Wherefore the law ( animal sacrifice and oblations , or law of works ) is holy , and the commandments ( schoolmaster , or animal sacrifice ) holy , and just and good . ( 12.) Was then that which is good ( law of animal sacrifice or circumcision of flesh for sin ) made death unto me ( this sacrifice or atonement was for the earthly tabernacle , not the heavenly tabernacle ) ? God forbid . But sin ( 1 John 3:4 , the transgressions of the law of God ) , that it might appear sin ( 1 John 3:4 , the transgressions of the law of God ) ,working death in me by that which is good ( Hebrews 10:4 , " For it is not possible that the blood of bulls and goats should take away sins " ; which the law of animal sacrifice was also called the law of sin and death . Once you transgress the laws of God , your circumcision is made uncircumcision , Romans 2:25 ) ; that sin ( 1 John 3:4 , the transgressions of the laws of God ) by the commandment ( law of animal sacrifice ) might become exceeding sinful ( Romans 5:20 ) . ( 13.) For we know that the law ( law of animal sacrifice ) is spiritual : but I am carnal sold under sin ( 1 John 3:4 , the transgressions of the law of God ) . For that which I do I allow not :for what I would , that do I not ; but what I hate , that do I ( What Paul is saying , when he should keep the laws of God , that he do not ; when he go through the law of animal sacrifice for the atonement of sin , that he should not do ; but what he hate ( law of animal sacrifice ) , that do I . ( 14.) If then I do that which I would not ( make an atonement through the law of animal sacrifice ) , I consent unto the law ( law of animal sacrifice ) that it is good ( which was only for the atonement of the flesh/body , not the heart/spirit ) . ( 15.) Now then it is no more I that do it , but sin ( 1 John 3:4 , the transgressions of the law of God ) that dwelleth in me . For I know that in me ( that is in my flesh ) dwelleth no good thing ( the circumcision of flesh for sin ) : for to will is present with me ; but how to perform that which is good I find not . ( 16.) For the good that I would I do not ( repenting by faith , the law of Christ ) : but the evil which I would not , that I do ( atonement through the law of works , or animal sacrifice ) . ( 17.) Now if I do that I would not ( atonement through the law of animal sacrifice ) , it is no more I that do it , but sin ( 1 John 3:4 , transgressions of the law of God ) that dwelleth in me ( law of animal sacrifice could not forgive you of the sins of the heart/spirit , because it was not of faith ) . ( 18.) I find then a law ( law of animal sacrifice , or law of sin and death ) , that , when I would do good ( go through the law of animal sacrifice for the atonement ) , evil is present with me ( law of works could not free you of the sins of the heart/spirit ) . ( 19.) For I delight in the law of GOD after the inward man ( law of faith , circumcision of the heart for sin ; which means that you repent of your sins with a sorrowful heart , then believe by obeying your mediator Jesus Christ commandments ; which he received from the Father ) . ( 20.) But I see another law in my members , ( law of animal sacrifice ; which the Israel continued to use for the cleaning of the body , not for SIN ; that became unclean due to touching a dead body , etc... ) , warring against the law of the mind ( circumcision of the heart/spirit for sin , or the law of Christ , or the law of grace , or the law of liberty , or the law of righteousness , or the law of faith , etc... ) , and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin ( law of animal sacrifice , or the law of sin and death ) which is in my members. ( 21.) O wretched man that I am who shall deliver me from the body of this death ( law of animal sacrifice , or the law of sin and death ) ? I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord ( circumcision of the heart for sin ) . So then with the mind ( The atonement of faith through Jesus Christ ) I myself serve the law of God (The commandments of the Father ; which includes all the covenants ; which are instructions to righteousness ) ; but with the flesh the law of sin ( the law of animal sacrifice for the cleaning of the flesh/body , when it becomes unclean ) . When we use the word law , understand that the bible talks of three types of laws ( 1.) Laws of the Father ; which are his commandments/laws/instructions , that includes all the covenants that he has given man from the beginning ( Adam ) to the end of the creation ( white throne judgment ; these are instructions for righteousness ( 2 Timothy 3:14-17 ) . (2.) The law for the atonement of sin of the flesh/body , through the mediator Moses ; which was called the law of animal sacrifice and oblations through works , not of faith or the inward man . (3.) The law for the atonement of sin of the heart/spirit , through the mediator Jesus Christ ; which was called the law of faith ; the blood of Christ through faith ; which is to repent of your sins with a sorrowful heart , then believe by keeping the commandments of your mediator Jesus Christ ; which he received from the Father . Shalom !
@messengerisrael3817 3 года назад
Who was Paul ( Romans 11:1 , " I say then , Hath God cast away his people ? God forbid . For I also am an Israelite , of the seed of Abraham , of the tribe of Benjamin " ) ? Paul is an Israelite ; and the Israelites are the only nation under the laws of the Father , because they are the only nation to have made a covenant with him . The Gentiles are grafted into the covenant of Israel . Because the children of Israel were breaking his covenant without repenting by faith , like king David did ; in order to not kill their flesh/body , he gave to them through their mediator/HUSBAND , Moses , the sin atonement for the flesh , or the law of animal sacrifice and oblations , under the priesthood of Leviticus . This atonement for sin was not of faith , but of works ; which cleans the flesh/body , but not the heart/spirit . To be a Son of the Father , you must live by faith ; which is the atonement through the mediator Jesus Christ , under the priesthood of Melchisedec : repenting of your sins with a sorrowful heart , then believing by obedience ; which means to start keeping the commandments of your mediator Jesus ; which he received from the Father . Grace by faith was always available for ALL MEN ,from the beginning ( Adam ) ; the Priesthood of Melchisedec has been around since the beginning of the creation . Over the centuries , the Israelites lost their way , that is while the prophet Moses told them ( Deuteronomy 18:15-19 ) , even before they entered the land of Israel , that the LORD thy God would raise up unto them a prophet ,from the midst of thy brethren , like unto him ; And he would put in that prophet mouth all the things that the people desired at Horeb , or Mount Sinai ; Which is the ten commandments , that the God of Israel spoke to them , and all the statutes , judgments and covenants that Moses would speak to them of , because the people were afraid to hear it from God , lest we die . Paul started by saying : " I SPEAK TO THEM THAT KNOW THE LAW " ; that would be Israelites .Paul spoke to Israelites and Gentiles together , in most cities he ministered . This is an allegory of the sin sacrifice laws through the two mediators ; which Moses was the husband under the covenant between the Father and the children of Israel at Mount Sinai , and Jesus Christ became the husband of the covenant between the Father and the children of Israel , after he was resurrected , and appeared before the Father in heaven for our sins . The sin sacrifice of atonement went through the mediators , under a priesthood ( blood of the animals and oblations , through works , under the priesthood of Leviticus through Moses , and blood of Christ , through faith , under t he priesthood of Melchisedec , through Jesus Christ ) . Jesus Christ has redeemed them from their former husband Moses and the law of animal sacrifice . Most of the nation of Israel did not believe that Jesus was that atonement for sin to bless all nations , so they continued in the first atonement ( blood of the animals and oblations ) . Paul did not believe at first , he persecuted the followers of Jesus Christ , and continued in the atonement of the blood of the animal for sin ; which could only clean the flesh/body , not the heart/spirit . In this allegory , Paul is talking about three types of laws that is spoken of throughout the bible : (1.) The laws of the Father ; which are his laws/commandments/instructions ; which includes all the covenants ; these are instructions for righteousness ; from the first commandment he gave man , to the end of the creation . (2.) The sin sacrifice law of atonement for the flesh/body , through the mediator Moses ; the law of animal sacrifice of works . (3.) The sin sacrifice law of atonement for the heart/spirit , through the mediator Jesus Christ , the blood of Christ through faith . The sin sacrifice of atonement for the flesh/body had many names ( law of animal sacrifice and oblations ,or the law of sin and death , or the law of works , of the circumcision of flesh for sin , or the schoolmaster , or the whole law , or the law of Moses , because it came through the mediator Moses , who was the protection/covering /husband , for the people ) . The sin sacrifice of atonement for the heart/spirit had many names ( law of faith , law of liberty , circumcision of heart/spirit for sin , law of righteousness , law of grace , or law of Christ , because it came through the mediator Jesus Christ , who was the protector/covering/husband , for the people ) . Most of times in Romans 7 , Paul is talking about the law of animal sacrifice , when he say ( law ,commandment , flesh ,letter ,carnal ) . Most of the times in Romans 7 , Paul is talking about the blood of Christ through faith , when he say ( newness of spirit , inward man , law of my mind ) . Most of the times in Romans 7 , Paul is talking about the laws of the Father , when he say ( sin , law of God ) . The apostle Peter said that some of Paul's writings and other scriptures are sometimes hard to be understood . Hope this help ? Shalom !
@JaneCooper190072 3 года назад
@@yestothetruth This was from 5 or so months ago, from what I can remember that conversation was ongoing from another thread, that's why I said "you again"... I couldn't begin to tell you what it was concerning, probably letting go of old customs or something to that effect.
@JaneCooper190072 3 года назад
@@yestothetruth After re-reading that I must hold my hands up and repent. The only thing I can think of was i got that person mixed up with someone else on here. There's a couple of people who try to twist doctrine that has a similar name. Because after reading what the comments above say I have to agree with all of it. So yes, that was definitely directed at the wrong person. Thank You for bringing it to my attention.. 👍💕✝
@JaneCooper190072 3 года назад
@@messengerisrael3817 Great content you wrote above. Thank You. Sorry for my previous replies, I got you mixed up with another person. I agree with everything you put, and thank you for that breakdown, it's very well explained. God Bless.
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