
Romans 9 | Part 2 | Jacob I loved but Esau I have hated 

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@KathyH231 2 года назад
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for explaining what Jacob’s name really means, and the actual story of Jacob and Esau.
@righteousnot1 Год назад
Love this gentleman. God bless you & yours for your time & dedication!! ❤
@jackiee3703 2 года назад
Thank you, Dr Baruch ,for more excellent teaching.
@valerieminster1626 2 года назад
Amazing and revealing. I am learning so much and it makes me glad
@helenpeffer4980 2 года назад
Great teaching. Thank you Dr Baruch
@leepettit1125 2 года назад
Thank you🙏
@jeannehunter1583 2 года назад
Looking for Romans ch 11 part 2 please. Thanks
@kimmanning2913 Год назад
"They stumbled over the stumbling stone." Hate it for em. Gotta go.
@eliumolina4240 2 года назад
The Spanish version of this video uses what I consider not the correct word for the word “ foreknowledge “ at the minute 26:46 they use Preciencia instead of Omniciencia wich I think it’s the right word for the meaning that God knows everything before it happens, God bless you I been very blessed by your ministry and teaching so far I agree with everything you said because you truly teach from the word of God
@LindaHobby1 11 месяцев назад
@BlessedIsHe_ 2 года назад
The scripture still clearly clearly says that the Lord did before both had done anything so I truly heard no good argument against reformed theology. So yes let us be conformed to the scriptures not reading what we want. Nothing takes God by surprise, nothing is plan B with God; not the fall, not the cross, not of it. Why was the forbidden tree called the tree of knowledge of good and evil? A divine learning hall to learn of good and evil? For we are even clearly told that the wicked have been made for the day of evil. All things have been made to the Lords purpose. I dont have to fully understand for I do know that God is perfect, is capable of no sin, does work all things for the good, etc; and I neither have to assume that predestination and free will cant go hand in hand for divine things are not black in white. We cant honestly understand the trinity in the flesh but we can somewhat in the spirit tho we are told who can know spirit; so some things we just cant fully understand but that doesn’t either mean that its not true; and it doesn’t mean again that who ever goes to hell doesn’t go by anything but their own choosing. It’s surely divinely possible. And one last comment; God does not learn anything. His choosing is not based on our choosing that he looked into the future on. That in many ways is blasphemous and against the very scriptures for God has chosen us we have NOT chosen him. It’s everywhere in the Bible. Not at all only in Romans 9. Love, peace and Grace in Jesus’s mighty name.
@kablammy7 Год назад
You have written exactly what I believe . I could try, however, I don't think I could have concisely put it together any better than you have done . Thank you very much .
@BlessedIsHe_ Год назад
@@kablammy7 my thanks is to you and the Lord. This is a lonely path of understanding and I pray often for the Lord to send me tiny confirmations that I am on the right path. I am grateful of the timing. God bless you dearly. Praise and Glory to the good Lord.
@jamiebadour6555 4 месяца назад
The Bible clearly makes it clear that God is above all and no man can overthrow His will! The secret things belong unto the Lord our God...(Deuteronomy 29:29). Thank you for your comment to refute wrong teachings, warped understandings and twisted views and thinking of the Word of God! God is sovereign. Period.
@kablammy7 Год назад
I have heard it stated that one reason why some Messianic groups have a proper understanding of the New Testament and everyone else has an improper understanding of the New Testament and consequently an improper understanding of the gospel and salvation is that the Messianic groups claim that we regular christians are poisoned in our thinking by succumbing to a linear ( Greek ) way of thinking because the New Testament is written in the Greek language . According to them, we ought to understand that the Torah was written in Hebrew and that language is not to be understood in a linear way, but in a cyclic way . So, unless we start thinking about the writings of the New Testament in a cyclic way, we will be getting a lot of wrong ideas and doctrines from out poisoned interpretations . Well, they CANNOT blame the Greek language OR a linear way of thinking on their error in interpreting Romans 9, because ALMOST ALL christians have the SAME INCORRECT interpretation as presented in this video . MOST christians DO NOT believe in predestination . Presbyterians and other reformed teachings DO believe in predestination and election as it is presented in Romans 9 . We believe that God gives grace to those who do NOT deserve it in the slightest . If God waits for ANYONE to show ANY goodness then NO one would ever be saved . EVERY good act that ANY person EVER does, is NOT from the will of that person . It is ALWAYS the work of God in that person as He produces good works through His Spirit in that person . There is none good, no not one, there is none that seeks God . Paul wrote that he always finds, in his body, that evil continually battles with the Spirit and the Spriit helps him to do what he does not want to do and it helps him not do what he wants to do - so that when he does ANYTHING good, it is NOT him that does it, but the Spirit of God working in him . That is why we are commanded to DIE to our own self determinations and take up our cross daily . To PUT TO DEATH the old man CONSTANTLY . YIELD to the Spirit of God in obedience . Anyone whose spirit is dead - who has a heart of stone - can NEVER respond favorably to ANYTHING spiritual . Faith in God is not a work of man, it is a gift of God and a work of God . Jesus was asked what should be done to do the work of God . Jesus said, believing in the One whom God has sent is the work of God that must be done . The one true religion attributes one hundred percent of EVERY good work to God and NEVER a single action or thought to any person . It does not matter if you think linearly or cyclically . The bible teaches that ALL good things come from the Father of Lights . That includes whatever God sees by His foreknowledge . He sees His own good works and He elects and has mercy on whomsoever He will because of His own purposes and nothing to do with the person or what they will ever think or do . That is why God is not a respecter of persons . We are all the same, before He does a work in us . All false religions give precedence to the work or thoughts or desires of the individual, which then prompts their god to act in their favor . The stories in the bible are about SALVATION . Lazarus was DEAD . He could not see, he could not hear, he could not hear the knock on the door or see it to open it . UNTIL Jesus told him to be alive and rise from the dead . That is the story of salvation .
@kablammy7 Год назад
Look at the word salvation - if you move the letters l and a around - you get the word slavation. Well, it is not a word but it just seems interesting that the devout adherents to two different religions would consider themselves a slave, or wholly dedicated servant, to the sacred. When I think of the quest for the sacred in seeking salvation, I think of two questions that bind the intent and activity of the individual to the truth of their religious life. 1. What are you seeking? 2. Whose work are you about? If you are seeking things of this world, money, comfort, fame, or power, and you consider the more of these things you get are the result of favor from God, then I would regard that as a human centered religion. The end result is primarily determined by the activity and well-being of the human. I would say that most religions, including Islam and even many people that are called Christians, are practicing an earth-bound human centered religion. They consider that the choices that God makes are dependent upon their actions. This was a prevalent view of the Jewish leaders in the church when Christ lived. He denounced their error. If you are about the work of your own hands and maybe you have made the claim that you really want to do great things for God … then I consider that to be a sign that you are whose work you are about. Once again, that is a human based religion. If you are seeking the things of the sacred and you discount everything in this world as nothing but a means to praise and glorify God, then I would regard that as a God centered religion. In this view, the past, present, and future events are all predetermined by a gracious and good God who cares for His children. So, when you have much or little, you know that all of it is a blessing from God especially suffering of the righteous for the unrighteous. In the next bible verses, it is telling of these two types of people who seek what they call the sacred. One group seeks Jesus because He gave them food to eat and healed them and made them feel better. The other group sought the teaching of Jesus, knowledge about God, and salvation for their eternal soul by having their sins forgiven. John 6:24-29 English Standard Version (ESV) 24 So when the crowd saw that Jesus was not there, nor his disciples, they themselves got into the boats and went to Capernaum, seeking Jesus. 25 When they found him on the other side of the sea, they said to him, “Rabbi, when did you come here?” 26 Jesus answered them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, you are seeking me, not because you saw signs, but because you ate your fill of the loaves. 27 Do not work for the food that perishes, but for the food that endures to eternal life, which the Son of Man will give to you. For on him God the Father has set his seal.” 28 Then they said to him, “What must we do, to be doing the works of God?” 29 Jesus answered them, “This is the work of God, that you believe in him whom he has sent.” This is the Christian view on salvation: That salvation is from God, for His purposes and was determined before the creation of the world that some would be ordained to eternal life, without respect to any activity that they would ever do. Even the work of believing is a gift and a work of God, not of man. However, not all of Christianity has that view of salvation. Many Christians believe that God was waiting for them to repent on their own before God recognized their efforts and changed His mind about their destiny. In a similar way, the Islam view of salvation is human centered because the emphasis for all human effort is to work for your redemption. God will not save you unless you prove yourself worthy. No matter what atrocities you commit, you can work your way out of any guilt by faithfully performing your rituals. No other religion has a more God centered view on salvation than the Christian faith that: God became man to share our frailties and live without sin to give His life as a ransom payment against hell for our sin. He experienced all the hell that was meant for us, to purify us by His blood to be able to live with God forever. And He decided all that, even every single person He chose to love, before He created the world.
@kablammy7 Год назад
At 24:30 - things go wrong WAY wrong . He says that ' if you don't understand scripture correctly then you will ask the question about election not being fair ' . After that, he proceeds to explain that election is not unfair because it is nor really election - it is the response of God to the will and intent of man . He reads the bible that says election is NOT about the will or action of man, then he says that it is about God who knew what the will and actions of the men would be in the future . The truth is : If YOU DO understand the election of God THEN YOU WILL ask the question - how can he yet find fault on the guilty ? Just like Coral wrote in this comment section . It is all over the bible and in all of the teachings of the bible . God redeems those whom He chooses for His purpose and NOT according to ANYTHING that any person ever thinks or does . If the question of election not being fair is invalid because it is fair according to your incorrect doctrine of foreknowledge then why is the answer given by Paul not telling you that it is fair because of foreknowledge ? ? ? The answer Paul gives is that you ask that question in ignorance because God has chosen to submit the entire world under corruption so that He can show His love toward those vessels made unto honor by enduring with much longsuffering the vessels made unto dishonor . A vessel made unto honor is not foreknowledge that the clay is good clay . A vessel made unto dishonor is not foreknowledge that the clay is evil . How many good clay vessels have hearts of stone ? How many evil vessels have hearts of flesh ? None - no not one - there is none who seek after God . EVERYONE has a heart of stone - UNTIL God changes it . NOONE with a heart of stone can respond correctly to the spirit of God . The natural man ( heart of stone ) does not understand the things of the spirit . A heart of stone - cannot see nor hear the door at which Jesus is knocking . A heart of stone - cannot hear Him calling . Only AFTER God replaces the heart of stone with a heart of flesh - opens our eyes and ears - can we hear and see and understand ANYTHING about God and the gospel of Jesus .
@kablammy7 Год назад
This is not a snapshot of one certain period in time . This is the whole world from the start to the end . Only those whom God elects to adopt them into His family are given His Spirit of life, grace, and mercy . Everyone else is left behind to suffer His wrath . Romans 3 9 What then? Are we Jews any better off? No, not at all. For we have already charged that all, both Jews and Greeks, are under sin, 10 as it is written: “None is righteous, no, not one; 11 no one understands; no one seeks for God. 12 All have turned aside; together they have become worthless; no one does good, not even one.” 13 “Their throat is an open grave; they use their tongues to deceive.” “The venom of asps is under their lips.” 14 “Their mouth is full of curses and bitterness.” 15 “Their feet are swift to shed blood; 16 in their paths are ruin and misery, 17 and the way of peace they have not known.” 18 “There is no fear of God before their eyes.” Would you call that linear or cyclic ?
@kablammy7 Год назад
there are two main divisions to religion all religions but the one true religion is human centered The only religion that is not human centered is God centered . The God centered religion glorifies God as the author and finisher of every good work, including faith, repentance, and salvation . They are all gifts from God and they are not all given to every person . Romans chapter 9 explains that unless God decides to have mercy, everyone has only a free will to choose bad or worse . Everyone since Adam's fall in the garden are born with a dead spirit and are SLAVES to sin . DEAD - SLAVES . Can a dead person choose good ? Can a slave person decide to be free just because they changed their mind ? The spirit of God is required for any good work to happen in the world . Before we are saved, we do not have the spirit of God . Only after God saves can we chose to do right by not doing what we want, but doing only what God wants . Was Abraham justified ( saved ) before he believed or after ? Believing is a work of God and faith is a gift of God, if Abraham or anyone believes in Jesus, it is only because God decided to have mercy on them / us . Any verse in the bible that SEEMS to possibly give ANY of the glory for ANYTHING good to ANYONE BUT GOD, must be reconsidered . The whole bible is about the glory of God and our responsibility to honor Him with praise and thanksgiving . Every story in the bible is about the rebellion of man and the need for God to act on our behalf . That is why Jesus is presented because we need the work of God, not a free choice . We were in Adam when Adam had a free choice and we chose to disobey God and died with him . The first Adam brought death to all . The last Adam ( Jesus ) brings life to all ( all that God has decided to give the mercies of salvation ). Adam and Jesus had a free will . Adam chose wrongly . Jesus always chose to do the Father's will and not His own will . Thinking that we have generated the will to serve God from our own heart by our self without it being a gift from God, is not giving glory to God as the giver of all good gifts . God can save anyone, even those who have a wrong idea about His glory . No one can understand it fully . Which one sound more honorable and glorifying to God ? I told God that I was ready for Him to save me and I was sorry that He had to wait so long . or I don't know when God saved me, but since it was all His decision and not dependent upon me, I can be sure that God knows what He is doing and I can depend on all of His promises . I also know if I had to depend on my own power to chose God, I would forever be doubtful whether or not I did it correctly . And God really wants to save everyone but He just can't get them to understand because they love the devil and the pleasures of this world more than the truth of God . Everyone has a free will but so many will chose so wrong that the world will just happen to end up badly like the bible says of the final tribulation and the wrath of God coming upon the earth ... or Please Read Romans 9 If you understand and believe the first verse of the bible, then you should have a good foundation to begin to believe that God works all things to His glory and for the good of them who are the called according to His purpose . Which is what the second verse and the rest of the bible describe, display, define, and predict . Romans 8: 28 [Full Chapter] And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. John 6: 29 Jesus answered and said unto them, This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent. Ephesians 2: 8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:
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