

Soteriology 101 w/ Dr. Leighton Flowers
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Dr. Flowers, Director Evangelism and Apologetics for Texas Baptists, walks through the context of Romans 9:13 to reveal the faulty presuppositions that Calvinists read into the text based on their Calvinistic systematic. Dr. Flowers’ book, “The Potter’s Promise” can be found here: www.amazon.com...
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@johncmccoyjr3043 2 года назад
After an investigation of this doctrine, I found myself spiritually stifled ! I was anxious, confused, and fell into dark depression. Thank you Holy Spirit for revealing the truth about Jesus ! The truth has set me free !
@jupiterinletfreediving3 2 года назад
Calvinism is patently wicked - and false. Augustine mixed manacheaism,Greek fatalism w/a light dusting of Christian language to come up with this satanic horror. Calvin was a violent,oppressive dictator far worse than the pope he claims he despise.He also said baptism saved him! It is pure pseudo intellectual nonsense
@theologygeekgal Год назад
Me too! Years of depression and anxiety without hope. I couldn't even just end it all because then I would face damnation faster! Talk about a dismal view. But God revisited this with me and used Leighton Flowers to do it. Praise God for the truth!
@colereece3902 9 месяцев назад
I will never forget the first time I read Romans 9. I have never been in such a spiritual pit.
@coochikins 7 месяцев назад
Same here!
@richardbernard8491 Месяц назад
God has not given us a spirit of bondage again to fear, but of love and power and of a sound mind. It is the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry Abba, Father ! God is a Spirit and they that worship Him MUST worship Him in spirit and in truth, for the Father seeks such to worship Him. Whom the Son makes free shall be free indeed. We are to approach and worship God not in the oldness of the Letter but in the Newness of the Spirit. Calvinism mixes law with grace, which is impossible.God is not the author of confusion. Every good gift and every perfect gift comes down from the Father of lights with whom is no variablness or shadow of turning. Jesus is the central theme of the Gospel. God has reconciled mankind to Himself by the death of His Son. We as His ambassadors are to beseech men to be reconciled to God.Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved. Jesus is Lord of All !
@tomgorman4302 4 года назад
Leighton, I absolutely love this “DeCalvinizing” series. Covenient packaging of answers to the Calvinistic presuppositions being brought to their proof texts is very welcome and, for me, these answers reveal a much more harmonious-with-the-rest-of-scripture understanding. Thank you.
@SimpleManGuitars1973 4 года назад
Adrian Rogers preached an ALL TIME GREAT message on this called "Predestined for Hell? Absolutely Not!" and EVERYBODY should hear that message. I honestly just straight up wish this comment would be pinned here so everyone would see this and go check that message out. It's incredibly great.
@4knewt505 3 года назад
Thank you. I will look it up.
@as-you-were8017 2 года назад
Going to check out right now....thanks 😊
@monicawilson896 2 года назад
Yes, it is great!
@greglewis2090 Год назад
Post a link
@DeplorableNeanderthal Год назад
I went and watched this sermon you recommended (2 yrs later). Thanks, it was great.
@jesuschrististruth3731 2 года назад
Never heard a great breakdown of Roman's 9! I have been a calvinist for a couple years now, lately I have rejected its teaching. Thanks be to my beautiful girlfriend and her constant debate about this and God humbling me to look into what I believed and re-examine myself.
@jayheinz4624 2 года назад
Hey ,do you mind if I ask, what your views are on this now?, and have you heard of Dr Andrew Farley and Andrew Farley live?🎶 If you can find it, I made a couple comments previous to this one that you might find interesting.
@beans656 Год назад
For what it is worth, this is how I am able to understand it. The Bible mentions about as many times our need to choose, as it does the principle that we are predestined. So how can these two statements be compatible? Fortunately, most of the times predestination (or other similar principles) is mentioned, it adds the statement “through Jesus Christ.” This is the key phrase to understanding this principle. So how does it work? As far as I know, I didn’t exist before the beginning of time, so it is very difficult for me to imagine how I could have been predestined before the beginning of time, when I didn’t exist. However, I did have a representative who did exist before the beginning of time, and that is Jesus. So when Jesus came to our world as a man from Heaven, it is very easy for me to understand that He was predestined to return to eternity in Heaven. So when I decided to accept Jesus’ salvation, and His Spirit came into my life, I inherited his predestined position with His heavenly father in Heaven. So when we choose to accept Christ, we become predestined “through Jesus Christ.”
@WeakestYogurtEnjoyer 4 года назад
This makes way more sense. I'm a very young Christian and I was listening exclusively to Calvinists for the past two months and I was getting confused on why God is apparently constantly angry and rarely happy according to the people I was listening to
@removingveils5824 3 года назад
God must be always angry if one goes with Calvinism. For they say that God commands us to obey, but only gives a few the ability to do so, and the others He condemns to an eternity in hell. This is just not a just God to anyone's understanding. And most Calvinists don't really know what Calvin taught. If they did they would not be Calvinists. Christ wasn't:)
@hleigh7201 3 года назад
@@removingveils5824 exactly!
@FromSaultoPaul 3 года назад
One problem with non-Calvinists, they put all of them in one box. God seen the fall before it happen and planned a RESCUE for some (the Elect). Genesis 3:15 And I will put enmity between thee (the Devil) and the woman (Mary), and between thy seed (the non-Elect) and her seed (Christ); it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel (The Cross). A PICTURE OF THE CROSS; God's rescue for man (His Gift to Christ). God knew Christ would have to die so God gave His Son the Elect. John 17:9-10 I pray for them: I pray not for the world, but for them which thou hast given me (Eph. 1:4 chosen before the foundation); for they are thine (belong to God). And all mine are thine, and thine are mine; and I am glorified in them (THE ELECT). God is also HOLY in His judgement from Gen. 2:17 (the punishment of death) bc of the choice of Adam in Rom. 5:12 (sin and death passed to all). God calls all to repentance in 2Peter 3:9 but only the ones God calls by the Holy Ghost will hear and believe. The non-Elect will hear but bc of the blindness of the world the non-Elect will reject Christ. They are still held accountable for their unbelief. God did not send them to hell, the choice of Adam did that. God did not predestined them to hell, the choice of Adam did that. All of us would GO TO HELL if God did not RESCUE some of us by His GRACE AND MERCY. God did not choose the Elect bc He seen good or evil we will do. God did not choose us bc He knew we would believe. Like the murderer Paul, God choose him to show God's LOVE and MERCY on His Elect that Christ would be GLORIFIED through His Elect. Why did God choose Paul? So we could see the GLORY of GOD in what GOD done with Saul/Paul. Everything that the Elect has is bc of God through the blood of Christ. In Romans 9 God did not hate Esau as the word means to LOVE LESS. God loved Jacob more than He did Esau. Calvinist gives God the glory for choosing their salvation. We did not choose to be saved, GOD RESCUED US FROM HELL. Calvinist gives all Glory of their salvation to God. We did nothing to be saved as we deserve Hell. Now we have the free gift of salvation through the blood of Christ. All our sins are forgiven PAST, PRESENT, and FUTURE by the blood of Christ. We do not live in fear of sin but in sinful flesh we struggle with our flesh to be more Christian. We do not fear hell as Christ paid all of it on the cross. Our anger is to our flesh as it is our nature to sin but we SHOULD NOT FEAR SIN. I am not a Calvinist as it is only a name. I stand on the doctrine of Election and the TU?IP. I do not believe in Limited or Unlimited Atonement but Sufficient Atonement. As it is Sufficient for EVERYONE, even the non-Elect, but only the Elect will accept it. Only God knows who the Elect are and THAT IS WHY WE PREACH TO THE WHOLE WORLD. ..
@Gia10294 3 года назад
​@@FromSaultoPaul I'm sorry, but what would be the point for God to do all this and for man to respond? From anyone's point of view, the Calvinistic way of thinking or the doctrine of Election is kind of like a gamble or a game of chance but with our life. I hear what you're saying, but it doesn't make sense and doesn't align with the nature and character of God. The Calvinistic view of God is a God that I wouldn't want to serve or believe in because he seems so evil and mean. "Like I'm going to create all these people but I'm going to have some predetermined to go to hell because of the sin of Adam and the others (who also came from Adam) I'm going to select by chance and have them be the elect that I allow to go to heaven because they are the only ones selected as part of my rescue plan and everyone else wasn't for reasons only God knows". Now, why would he do that? That's purely wicked! This alone can't be biblical because Ezekiel 18 debunks this doctrine. Ezekiel 18:23-24:““Do you think that I like to see wicked people die? says the Sovereign Lord. Of course not! I want them to turn from their wicked ways and live. However, if righteous people turn from their righteous behavior and start doing sinful things and act like other sinners, should they be allowed to live? No, of course not! All their righteous acts will be forgotten, and they will die for their sins.” Ezekiel 18:23-24 NLT People die for their own sins, not the sins of others and definitely not for the sins of Adam. Sin has entered because of Adam but we don't die because of his sin; we ALL have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God-Romans 3:23. Like even the way you tried to justify 2 Peter 3:9 doesn't make sense. God is not an author of confusion, but some of the points you made don't make sense and do not align with the full character and nature of God especially when compared to other scriptures. In fact, this doctrine contradicts other straightforward. The gospel should be explained where a little child would understand. This doctrine if explained to a child would have them in all types of confusion. Of course, as we grow more with the Lord He reveals to us the bread and meat of His word but we all start off with milk. When it comes to salvation the Calvinistic point of view/ the doctrine of Election is not it. Let’s read the entire bible in its entirety to know and understand God and his entire character and nature that’s consistent throughout the word. God is a loving God and we see that consistency throughout the scripture. The God of Calvinists or those that believe in the doctrine of election doesn’t sound like a God that loves. If we don’t know/understand something or even agree with something ask God to reveal it to you in His word by the guidance of the Holy Spirit. He will not keep Himself from you if you are truly seeking Him for Him! Be Blessed!
@thomasmaggio1718 2 года назад
@@FromSaultoPaul With all due respect, the god portrayed by Calvinsm is evil. Calvinism claims that all things happened because God predestined them to happen. People are not free to choose. It also claims that all descendants of Adam are under sentence of condemnation but God in His grace decides to save some. What caused Adam to sin in the first place? Was it Adam's choice to sin or did he sin because God compelled Him to? It must be one or the other. If God forced Adam to sin, how then would God be just in condemning Adam and his descendants? If God forced people to sin then punished them for doing so that would make Him evil. But if God gives people a choice and they choose to follow evil then that is their choice, not God's. As descendants of Adam, we have inherited a sin nature, but no one will be condemned based off of the sin of Adam, but rather as a consequence of their own sin. God has provided a remedy for sin through the death of His Son. All who come to Him in faith and repentance will be saved. Calvinsts claim that believing is a work, but it is not. Jesus is the Author and Finisher of our faith. He gives people faith and the ability to put that faith in Him if they so choose. If they choose to put that faith in Him, they will be saved. Not because they earned it by believing, but because God made a promise that those who put their faith in Jesus will be saved. God never breaks His word. Whatever He promises will come to pass.
@jessegandy7361 4 года назад
John Calvin completely misinterpreted Romans 9. The impact of that mistake is still felt in God's church to this day!
@TommyGunzzz 3 года назад
True. Interestingly though it started with Augustine, then Anselm.
@jonanthony6179 3 года назад
wrong. Your wrong and Calvin is right. There is no interpretation to the bible. It says what it means and means what it says. Calvinism is Biblical Christianty
@TommyGunzzz 3 года назад
@@jonanthony6179 stick around buddy, you'll see the light one day
@jonanthony6179 3 года назад
@@TommyGunzzz LOL Thats funny Pal. Good luck with ur Arminium thinking. Your missing out
@TommyGunzzz 3 года назад
@@jonanthony6179 I'm not even Protestant lol, but it's enjoyable how much he dismantles Calvinism. What am I possibly missing out on, I went to a Christian undergrad that had an all Calvinist theology dept
@cord11ful 2 года назад
Calvinism is an expression of the character of Jean Cauvin (John Calvin), NOT of God's character. Thanks be to God!
@TheLimitlessLegacy 4 года назад
Thanks so much! I am being freed of calvinism after being crushed by it
@R.L.KRANESCHRADTT 4 года назад
@@paulmichael5021 True, but Calvin's Augustinian misinterpretation of certain passages in the Bible is destructive to the very nature of our Heavenly Father none the less.
@Weaton777 4 года назад
Amen! Me too!
@JesusPaidItAll 4 года назад
Once you discover how false the Calvinism doctrine really is, you will *never* go back lol.
@TheLimitlessLegacy 4 года назад
@Stacy Caruso triggered
@JesusPaidItAll 4 года назад
@helenem4586 4 года назад
I experienced the glorious salvation of our saviour God at a joint churches outreach at Christmas time in my city many years ago, and in the crowd were my sister and brother-in-law, Calvinists. Having witnessed my conversion they took it upon themselves to disciple me, and the first book my brother-in-law thrust into my hands was not The Bible, but instead a work I'm sure you know well, namely The Bondage Of The Will, which he insisted I read right away. The first realisation I had that the doctrine of the Calvinists had to be wrong was the assumption of God's intrinsic caprice, rather than His intrinsic love. I'd already had encounters with God who'd shown me His love before I knew His name, and knew in my spirit when He saved me that the teachings of the Calvinists was a pernicious lie. Thank you, Leighton, for your ministry, which I'm sure has been instrumental in the correction of erroneous understanding of The Word of God for many suffering followers of Jesus.
@BenElyon3 4 года назад
"Leighton Flowers" - Calvinists Worst Nightmare. 👺
@danielomitted1867 3 года назад
Not even close.
@northmd 2 года назад
@mariussentiveanu7917 2 года назад
When God needed an Esther He raised an Esther , When God needed a man to expose Calvinism and destroy the TULIP He raised Flowers Leighton
@Fello5620 5 месяцев назад
Amén brother
@Fello5620 5 месяцев назад
Amén to that brother.
@djohnz8793 4 года назад
Its amazing how simple Gods word is when you block out Augustinian gnosticism
@branch9422 4 года назад
Amen...i think the most profound theology I find these days are found under the subtle leaf of nuance His word, just sitting there, is saying plainly...kind of like a happy face just smiling back atchya.
@Baltic_Hammer6162 4 года назад
The message to US is quite simple although the backstory behind the message is amazing and beyond our minds. But that doesn't stop people from grabbing parts of the backstory and jamming it into the message to convolute it. Satan and his minions have been working nonstop since their fall to thwart God's plan in every way imaginable and then some.
@tsdpixel5860 3 года назад
@@branch9422 the word is with you, proclaim it. Thats all God says.
@paulelliott8062 4 года назад
What a tremendous help these explanations are. Really loving the shorter videos. So much more accessible
@paulelliott8062 4 года назад
@@reynaldodavid2913Jo Nothing is mentioned in the verse about election to salvation
@paulelliott8062 4 года назад
@@reynaldodavid2913Jo Saved but not elected
@hleigh7201 3 года назад
@@paulelliott8062 correct!
@roblane5699 Год назад
What a wonderful blessing you are to the body of Christ. GOD Bless you sir!
@woodandwheelz Год назад
Thank you very much for your teachings. I am the oddball in the family I married into. They are great Christians and wonderful children of God who are all Calvinists. I don't agree with them and they know it, but I often have trouble explaining why I believe what I do. Even before I knew what Calvinism was, it didn't sound right to me. I had heard it a lot in my Christian walk since I came to the Lord while I was in the US Navy, but I didn't learn the name "Calvinism" until about 15 years ago (give or take). As I was talking to a guy in a Christian book store, he looked at me and said, "You sound like you are a Calvinist." I asked what that was and he sold me a book called, "What is Calvinism". I read it and thought, "I agree with that and that, but I definitely don't agree with that or that." Then all the questions began to surface and plague me. What was right? What was Wrong? I agree with Both Calvinist and Armenians and I disagree with both too. So I chose to be in the Middle and simply be a Christian who believes in the Bible. Your videos have helped me understand more of what I already believe. Thank you.
@apilkey 4 года назад
Q: What is God’s PURPOSE in election? If you get this wrong you will get EVERYTHING wrong. I believe this is the key verse in the Romans 9 passage. Romans 9:11 11 (For the children being not yet born, neither having done any good or evil, that the PURPOSE of God according to election might stand, not of works, but of him that calleth;) God’s PURPOSE was that through the NATION of Israel ALL the nations would be blessed in that salvation would be available to ALL through FAITH. Israel was the chosen nation through which the Messiah would come and the oracles of God. God’s purpose was INCLUSIVE not exclusive.
@apilkey 4 года назад
Paul Michael How does one become born again? Scripture is clear we’re born again through the circumcision made without human hands. It’s a spiritual operation of God in the Spirit WITH Christ at the centre. 0% man. 100% God. Man plays no part in the process of becoming born again which only happens AFTER man FREELY believes. That’s the only way to become born again is to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. Anyone who freely believes will be born again by the power of God and not of man. COLOSSIANS 2:10-13 10 And YE ARE COMPLETE IN HIM, which is the head of all principality and power: 11 IN WHOM ALSO YE ARE CIRCUMCISED with the circumcision made without hands, in putting off the body of the sins of the flesh BY THE CIRCUMCISION OF CHRIST: 12 BURIED WITH HIM IN BAPTISM, WHEREIN ALSO YE ARE RISEN WITH HIM THROUGH THE FAITH OF THE OPERATION OF GOD, WHO HATH RAISED HIM FROM THE DEAD. 13 AND YOU, BEING DEAD in your sins and the uncircumcision of your flesh, HATH HE QUICKENED TOGETHER WITH HIM, HAVING FORGIVEN YOU ALL TRESPASSES;
@apilkey 4 года назад
Paul Michael I agree it has nothing to do with the will of man did you even read what I said about 0% man/100% God? Did you read what I said about the operation of GOD without human hands? I think you’re conflating faith and believing in the Lord Jesus Christ with the princess of being born again. Can I ask you why you conflate the two when scripture does not? Faith happens BEFORE you are born again and has nothing to do with the operation I’m not quite sure why you think it does. Is driving yourself to the hospital to have heart surgery play any part in your heart surgery? No you’re out cold when the surgeon performs your heart surgery and you driving yourself to the hospital plays no part in the operation. Does the surgeon have to drive to your house and pick you up and take you to the hospital for him to get full credit for a successful operation? See how dumb your argument is? You need to stop conflating the two. Also that passage you quoted is exactly what I clearly stated I believe. Are you willing your heart surgery when you’re out cold on the operating table and the surgeon is performing your surgery? No. Major conflation abs confusion on your part.
@apilkey 4 года назад
Paul Michael Faith comes from God the same as our breath comes from God. Yes we could say that EVERYTHING is ultimately a gift from God. The very breath I’m breathing is a gift but God’s not forcing me to breath I can hold my breath if I want and even commit suicide by doing so. The fact is every man has the gift of breath and of many other things including a measure of faith required to believe that he needs to exercise in order to receive eternal life. You can choose to believe in Christ with that measure of faith or you can choose to believe in atheism (which I would actually argue requires MORE FAITH). Are you assuming not ever man has the faith required to believe in what God has done in initiating salvation for mankind by sending His Son? EVERYMAN has a measure of faith according to Romans 12:3 ROMANS 12:3 3 For I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as GOD HATH DEALT TO EVERY MAN THE MEASURE OF FAITH. Faith comes by HEARING. But according to you I’m guessing we don’t have the ability to hear. Hmmm that goes against the scriptures which tell us it comes by hearing. I thought a dead man can’t hear? ...According to Romans 10:8 faith is near even in our hearts: ROMANS 10:8 8 But what saith it? THE WORD IS NIGH THEE, even in thy mouth, and IN THY HEART: that is, the WORD OF FAITH, which we preach; ...According to John 5:24,25 A DEAD MAN IS ABLE TO HEAR AND BELIEVE AND PASS FROM DEATH TO LIFE: JOHN 5:24-29 24 Verily, verily, I say unto you, HE THAT HEARETH MY WORD, AND BELIEVETH on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but IS PASSED FROM DEATH UNTO LIFE. 25 Verily, verily, I say unto you, The hour is coming, and NOW IS, when THE DEAD SHALL HEAR THE VOICE OF THE SON OF GOD: AND THEY THAT HEAR SHALL LIVE.
@Abeliever000 4 года назад
Aaron Pilkey oh my goodness, I am so clear in so many ways now. Now I know, if I have faith, everything follows because then it’s God who helps in conviction, sanctification and glorification. You are a true man of God.
@rolandobaysa4295 4 года назад
Clear as day. I pray for more wisdom Dr. Flowers. You are such a great blessing to me and to others. ❤
@khamkhual311 4 года назад
This short videos series are just awesome...You are a blessing even for us in India. Thank you and God bless you more,Leighton.
@rodneyjackson6181 2 года назад
The Southern Baptist Church needs to do two things after repentance. They need to get rid of wokism and then reject Calvinism.
@ea32da32 4 года назад
Jacob have I loved, Esau have I hated; Gods talking about the Nations, not the children.
@ea32da32 4 года назад
Paul Michael that’s made up garbage. Here you can argue with scripture not me! Genesis 25: 23 ¶ And the LORD said unto her, Two nations are in thy womb, and two manner of people shall be separated from thy bowels; and the one people shall be stronger than the other people; and the elder shall serve the younger.
@omnitheus5442 4 года назад
@@ea32da32 Have you ever read Malachi 1:21 in context? It very much is pitting one nation against another in that context. Yes the NT authors can shift emphasis of OT references but to say that's garbage means you have never read Malachi.
@ea32da32 4 года назад
Josh Smith Malachi what? Look, if you want to believe modern day Calvinism is true, good luck with your wood, hay and stubble.
@omnitheus5442 4 года назад
@@ea32da32 The very verse Paul is quoting... Mal 1:21 'Jacob I have loved, Esau I have hated.' Maybe go and actually do some research before you jump in guns blazing... sheeesh
@ea32da32 4 года назад
Josh Smith you mean Malachi 1:2-3? In fact the reality is in both Obadiah and Malachi but you don’t comprehend the truth. Esau in his lifetime was blessed with wealth at least equal to his brother. You simply don’t get it and that’s ok. You worship a man made system and I simply avoid Calvinist, not that their not ok people, but their sold out to a false system. Genesis 25: 23 ¶ And the LORD said unto her, Two nations are in thy womb, and two manner of people shall be separated from thy bowels; and the one people shall be stronger than the other people; and the elder shall serve the younger.
@jackrust9817 4 года назад
Very well done once again! Thank you for being faithful to what you have been called to share!
@YouTubehatesconservativespeech 4 года назад
Perfectly explained and aligns with the rest of Scripture and the Nature of God.
@BloodBoughtMinistries 4 года назад
Right on man! This one is very needed!
@allentomas3417 4 года назад
@@paulmichael5021 he can not think
@BloodBoughtMinistries 4 года назад
@JesusPaidItAll 4 года назад
@allentomas3417 4 года назад
@@BloodBoughtMinistries yer learn what from it, boy
@spiritandflesh8477 3 года назад
Thank you sir. I always cringed at some of the Calvinist perspectives on scripture. It never read that way to me. I could never synchronize God willing that none should perish and God predestining people for hell. This exegesis seems far closer to the mark.
@VictorialuvsGod 7 месяцев назад
This was amazing. Thank you very much for sharing your commentary on Romans 9. I am in a study group moving through this book, and we are going to be discussing Romans 9 tonight. With your commentary, I feel well prepared to share with my group and convicted with the Holy Spirit that what you share is true.
@TorrinCooper 2 года назад
Great teachings brother! I really enjoy the balance you guys bring to Calvinistic beliefs! It really helps for good study!
@jamesstroll4834 4 года назад
Thank you, Leighton, for true exposition fitting the context of Romans, Paul's letters, and the whole bible, unlike your calvinistic opponents.
@mosestwinkle7922 4 года назад
This video is next to extraordinary. Excellent analysis.
@jennagugliuzza 3 года назад
I found this video very calming. Not only is it filled with wonderful information, but your voice is relaxing and the light guitar in the background is peaceful. Love it!
@williamtorres3854 Год назад
Everyone have said this but: thank you. This Helps a lot. For real men, thanks God so much for you.
@johnyates7566 6 месяцев назад
Hate means hate, predestination means predestination, thre is none that seeketh, after God they've all gone back they've all become unprofitable there is none that doeth good No not one, their dead in trespass and sin , dead people can ask for salvation . The mental gymnastics done to try to show free will doctrine the Rome set forth is amazing.
@taukavefolau9587 2 года назад
All due respect to you Mr Flowers, but your interpretation contradicts itself. I'll list these contradictions below: 1.) Why do you first define the "hatred" as idiomatic and then proceed later into the video to assert it as literal? That God literally hated "Esau" or Edom because of their wickedness and evil deeds against "Jacob" or Israelites. I thought it was idiomatic? So why address it later as actual hatred? 2.) Why do you first use God's hatred for "Esau" to mean toward the individual called Esau, then later use "Esau" to mean those who descended from the individual? Is "Esau" for the individual or the nation of Edom? Why are you jumping between individual and nation, and idiomatic hatred and literal hatred? 3.) Why do you state that God gives a chance for everyone to be removed from under his wrath, then later quote scriptures where God says himself that his wrath will abide on the Edomites "forever"? That doesn't sound like they have a chance to be removed, or does forever not actually mean forever? That's probably not all the contradictions that can be found in your interpretation, but these are the ones I managed to pick up after listening to it from start to finish a few times over. I hope you can address these inconsistencies I see in your interpretation, or correct my misunderstanding if I am not understanding you correctly. Much love from a brother in Christ.
@PastorScottIngram 4 года назад
I absolutely love these short helpful teaching videos! Thank you for providing them!
@PhilGeissler 4 года назад
Such an important and pivotal verse to combat Calvinism. Get a Calvinist to concede this verse and their foundation is seriously fractured.
@PhilGeissler 4 года назад
@Stacy Caruso I love God's Sovereignty! But I will concede that I do not fully understand it.
@PhilGeissler 4 года назад
@@lBaerdeLouisYAna " I chose to give up my feelings to believe what the scriptures were saying." ...Then you're no longer a Calvinist or Arminianist, you're a Biblicist.
@sovereigngrace9723 3 года назад
No, the hill you have to die on is “ is faith a gift.” If it is, then Calvinism is true
@PhilGeissler 3 года назад
@@sovereigngrace9723 Don't you mean saving faith?
@sovereigngrace9723 3 года назад
@@PhilGeissler yes, saving faith and the spiritual gift of faith.
@biblemadeeasypodcast 2 года назад
Very well explained. Thank you. "God is love" (1Jn 4:8) should be all we need to know to expose Calvinism as impossible to be true.
@Ronald47798 3 года назад
Well explained. God bless you brother for shining the light on this very important subject.
@bobbyadkins6983 4 года назад
Obadiah explains so well why God hated Esau (Edom). They were a cruel and proud people who showed Jacob (Israel) their brother no mercy, but did their best to destroy them and rejoiced in their calamity. They were a people like so many who are unwilling to change and serve the Lord. Calvinists don't believe that God can predict the future. They believe that God knows the future only because He has ordained it. So much of what they believe belittles God and goes against his good nature. I can't see how they could be anything but a cult. Anyone who believes what John Calvin taught needs to be saved. Calvinism is very cruel and blasphemous. Thanks for taking a stand against Calvinism, Leighton.
@brotherarn 4 года назад
Tell me more about Obadiah
@brotherarn 4 года назад
Tell me more about Obadiah
@bobbyadkins6983 4 года назад
@@brotherarn it's a one chapter book of the old Testament that prophesies about God's judgment against the nation of Edom.
@bobbyadkins6983 4 года назад
@@brotherarn Read also Jeremiah 18:6-10 in order to understand Romans 9:21. Then read Jonah and compare it to Obadiah. Both prophets were sent to warn a nation that God was going to destroy them for their wickedness. Nineveh repented and is a great example of Jeremiah 18:7-8.
@ChaplainBobWalkerBTh 4 года назад
@@bobbyadkins6983 esau married a hittite canaaanite who was related to the hybrid fallen angel human marriages. his whole lineage was polluted
@jdude7650 2 года назад
God bless you Leighton! I am so thankful to God for your ministry. Theistic determinism can really mess with ones head and their view of the goodness of God. The calvinist may think their doctrine makes God bigger and better but they have to have some very twisted ways of looking at things to reach that conclusion. The provisionist view keeps God's goodness and love intact instead of trashing it like the calvinist do by their gnosticism.
@esteratymochowicz2786 3 года назад
i’m so confused. i don’t know what to believe anymore. everyone sounds so confident in their view.
@MarkNOTW 2 года назад
Does it make sense or seem right to believe God who is defined as love, would literally hate someone for no reason?
@jwilsonhandmadeknives2760 2 года назад
read the bible WITHOUT looking through a Calvinist lens. See if you find Calvin in it. You won’t. No early church father believed anything like what Calvinism insinuates. It wasn’t until Augustine 350 years later that the idea of predestination comes up. Calvin was cribbing off of Augustine, btw. Calvin was a lawyer who became a priest at the dawn of the Reformation and jumped on the bandwagon, as baby Christians often do. He immediately wrote a bunch of books with his interpretation of scripture because he wanted to start a new church where he, Calvin, would be the Pope of that new church. Most people would immediately reject such a person. (And so everyone did at the time except for a small band of followers in France.) Calvinism is anathema. About 5% of Christians worldwide ascribe to Calvinism, and most of them are in the US which makes it seem much more mainstream than it is. It isn’t.
@letstalkbiblewithshun.s Год назад
Would God create people for the sole purpose of creating them to be sent to hell? The bible Says hell was made for the devil& demons. God came to bring life and it more abundantly. One can except the gospel or reject it "choose this day, whom you will serve."
@mariussentiveanu7917 2 года назад
When God needed an Esther He raised an Esther , When God needed a man to expose Calvinism and destroy the TULIP He raised Flowers Leighton
@contemplate-Matt.G 2 года назад
Great post. The Calvinists think because they can find things that God did, that proves their point.
@letstalkbiblewithshun.s 3 года назад
This is fantastic. I have been wracking my head, trying to understand how god can love all equally yet elect many for hell b4 they were even born, b4 doing good or evil
@jupiterinletfreediving3 2 года назад
Calvinism is patently wicked - and false. Augustine mixed manacheaism,Greek fatalism w/a light dusting of Christian language to come up with this satanic horror. Calvin was a violent,oppressive dictator far worse than the pope he claims he despise.He also said baptism saved him!
@Objectivetruth9122 Год назад
Hey In you understanding did he love Esau and Jacob the same ?
@jupiterinletfreediving3 Год назад
@@Objectivetruth9122 lol. As humans yes. As nations, no. Remember- repeating proof texts from your gods is fun-but you must actually study scripture as a whole. Paul was talking about the two nations coming from the two men, one good, one evil. I have an idea! Read Roman 10:9-17. It will send your understanding of 9 back to hell where it belongs, as will John 3:15-18. As for Jake n Esau:“And the LORD said unto her, Two nations are in thy womb, And two manner of people shall be separated from thy bowels; And the one people shall be stronger than the other people; And the elder shall serve the younger.” ‭‭Genesis‬ ‭25:23‬ ‭KJV‬‬
@Objectivetruth9122 Год назад
@@jupiterinletfreediving3 I agree on the fact that we should read the WHOLE BIBLE! Maybe you out to take that advice too! Romans 10 and John 3 are both talking about APPLICATION! No Calvinist denies that mankind has a responsibility to act upon what God is doing within them! Maybe hyper C but they’re off the edge and don’t represent Calvinism or true Christianity at all. In order to understand application though you have to start with context and understanding of God’s role ! And as Jesus said “no one comes to me unless the father draws him John 6:44 this doesn’t void Romans 10 or John 3 but only shows what happens before you get to the point of putting your faith in Jesus. Don’t believe this then you contradict- “I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh.” ‭‭Ezekiel‬ ‭36:26‬ ‭. And also - “ He made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions-it is by grace you have been saved.” ‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭2:5‬ ‭ God took out our heart of stone and gave us a heart of flesh so we could respond! Why couldn’t we respond before he did that? Because we were DEAD In our sins! And he MADE us alive In Christ! It would behoove you to study Malachi 1 where it clearly points out that it wasn’t just nation” as you believed but also as a person, and Hebrews 12 where it states “ dont be like Esau who sought repentance and find it NOT!! And also study the encounter of nicodemus and Jesus! How are we born again? The wind “spirit “ blows where it wills” if you don’t think you need to have the Holy Spirit convict you of sin in order to come to a place of repentance then You sir are taking credit for something the Holy Spirit did! And also your idea of free will, are you not focusing on your response instead of giving glory to Christ who saved you?? Honestly you and I both need to adhere to scripture FULLY!!! If not Matthew 7 :21-23 applies to us. Those he speaks of did not have correct theology but worshipped the god of they’re imaginations, Maybe you outta go lightly of condemning theology to hell! I don’t think you have the theological discernment needed to make that statement.
@stephenellis9998 Год назад
The key to understand Romans 9 is to keep reading the whole chapter. The Potter, The LORD, creates vessels for mercy and vessels for wrath. Paul brings it back to the Church by saying, “even us,” implicating that they were graciously chosen by God’s grace to receive his mercy, the gift of faith. He saves. He raises dead hearts from the dead so that they have the ability to believe. We were dead in our trespasses. God made us alive. I did not bring myself to life. God did the work. To God be the glory forever.
@nicholasdibari9095 2 года назад
I always thought the basis of Romans nine was neither this interpretation or the interpretation by Calvinist but rather Paul was saying that in a nutshell that God’s chosen people are those who our in Christ both Jew and Gentile and not just for the Jew
@jayheinz4624 2 года назад
That's a really good clear way of putting it Nicholas 👍
@contemplate-Matt.G 2 года назад
@ferrellparker3176 4 года назад
it is so wonderful to hear a betiful message in regards to a selection of people of the world that can exersize their prilvlege to ask our precioud savior fore their salvation.
@mr.jollybear5180 10 месяцев назад
This is all good, but not a single ex-Calvinist including Sam Shamoun has ever addressed these questions to me: Was Jesus Christ’s crucifixion predetermined since it was foretold in the bible? Was it at any point that Christ could not have been been crucified? Was there at any point that Judas could have changed his mind and not betray Jesus? Was Christ’s crucifixion only foreseen (as if God foresaw in the future what would happen and based on that He made His decision)? If God actually predetermined Christ’s crucifixion what causes the certainty of its outcome? I beg and literally beg anybody to address these questions. Thank you.
@32Brandonp 3 месяца назад
Thank you Dr Leighton Flowers for your teachings! You have freed many from the contradictions of Calvinism. I pray God will allow you to continue spreading His truth.
@Letstalktheology1 11 месяцев назад
What a beautiful refutation of Calvinism. As always, Dr. Flowers…thank you.
@mikecorrado4971 4 года назад
My gut tells me you’re correct!
@evolgenius1150 8 месяцев назад
Roman's 9 is about Jews thinking that surely they are more worthy candidates of God's salvation than the gentiles were... and Paul puts everything into perspective - that no, not all descendants of Abraham are inheritors of the promise, not all Israel is actually Israel.. and that God will save whom he chooses to save whether that be Gentiles or Jews regardless.
@marshill88 Год назад
this video was amazing, just amazing. so much explained in such a short time, and it was illuminating to me, and i have studied apologetics for years and consider myself an apologist.
@theedenofgod5194 3 года назад
Thanks brother for clearing something up for me. Haven’t really grasped faith and now I am getting some understanding.
@thekriskokid 4 года назад
Thank you Dr. Flowers for your videos. They are very insightful and helpful. Among brothers, I would make one distinction on Galatians 4, that being that rather than Law/Works vs. Grace/Faith, it seems a little more consistent to say Flesh/Works vs. Spirit/Grace/Faith. Since God's Law is eternal (I am not saying we must keep all of the Mosaic covenant, because that is literally impossible), we cannot put anything in opposition to it. However, our flesh, whether it is in direct opposition to God's Law, or we in our own flesh try to obey God's law outwardly without a regenerate spirit, we will be rejected because we have no atonement for our sins within ourselves. However, if we understand Paul to be teaching that there is nothing we can do in our flesh to fulfill God's promises, no matter how righteous our works appear to us or others, then we can see more clearly that God fulfills His promises because He initiates the promises unilaterally. We simply need to trust in His Word and His character, walk in the Spirit and not after the flesh (our own strength and perceived wisdom) and His promise will be fulfilled because He cannot deny Himself. Then we will be able (through a new heart and a new spirit) to walk in His commandments, as Ezekiel has proclaimed. (36:26) Thank you again for these videos and resources. I will continue to listen and share. Blessings!
@danieljohnson5742 2 года назад
100% agree
@thekriskokid 2 года назад
@@danieljohnson5742 thanks
@samanthagraveswalters8443 Год назад
This is exactly how I interrupt these Verses thank you
@aaronknight4800 4 года назад
This is a fantastic explanation.
@dustinpaulson1123 4 года назад
Swing by swing, the axe of truth is being laid to the root of Calvinism in these latest videos. Keep swinging, Leighton!
@margriettalen6713 3 года назад
Read all of Obadiah. An eye opener. Everyone is given the opportunity to turn to God. Jesus said many times : follow me. Those who refuse to obey are condemning themselves. God is Love!
@branch9422 4 года назад
I look forward to the video Leighton. I am not sure what content you will provide in this video, but it would be great to see aspects of this addressed from the origin of the statement as well, "Malachi." I had recently been challenged to its use in Malachi. And as I researched why this statement was used in Malachi...its seemed to completely disarm how Calvinists use it. I don't recall a sermon or any material approaching this statement from the book of Malachi. In any case, I am looking forward to your video and just thought to mention this because I don't recall it previously introduced into the body of the debate. Blessings.
@christophersnedeker2065 3 года назад
Esau received the blessing of reconciliation with the brother he hated.
@garyleemusic 3 года назад
This is helpful and encouraging. God is so good!
@bobbyadkins6983 4 года назад
JEREMIAH 18:6-10 is the best passage in all the Bible that I know that explains Romans 9:21. Then read Jonah. He was sent to tell the Ninevites that in 40 days God was going to destroy them. They repented and God spared them. They are a great example of Jeremiah 18:7-8. Obadiah was to warn Edom that God was going to destroy them. If they would have repented as Nineveh, God would have spared them also.
@carlosreira413 2 года назад
It's important to note Paul's inversion of the typology here: Jacob now refers to the Gentiles who are coming into fellowship via the new covenant and Esau actually refers to Israel aka Jacob, who has been temporarily cut out "until the fulness of the Gentiles comes in." This is Paul's thinking, and it's not particularly logical by our Western standards, but it's revelation nonetheless and explains well God's whimsical lack of respect for the principle of primogeniture. Evidence of this inversion is that he states that this relationship of love-hate in the Jacob-Esau generation follows the same pattern as the selection of the younger in preference to the older in the previous one, Isaac and Ishmael, though Paul doesn't state this explicitly. He repeats the same sentiment in Galatians 5, freely (very freely) expanding the typology, connecting Hagar (Ishmael's servant mother) to the Jews in slavery to the law (Sinai) and "the Jerusalem which now is." None of this is even hinted at in the Old Testament scriptures concerning Hagar. Paul is putting his own divinely guided interpretation on the selection of the two younger sons in the patriarchal lineage. In both cases, the message should be clear--the Gentiles are the younger sons who are given preference for the hearing of the Gospel and the righteousness which is by faith in it. Israel is now cut out, but not forever (Romans 11). "Hate" on the part of God toward the first born is meant to be an hyperbole which calls attention to some covenantal mystery. This new covenant is so staggeringly preferential that the old is by contrast akin to being hated by God.
@conservativemovement 4 года назад
Thank God for Dr. Flowers!
@user-um5wn8ri7s 2 месяца назад
Thank you ❤I was a Calvanist until this video 📹 Christ set me free. Calvanism is modern day Phariseeism. I hated being a Calvanist......
@furg0998 4 года назад
I am honestly trying to understand this position, one of my friends is heavy on this and has asked me to watch this stuff. But here are some things that confused me 1 at 7:53 - he says that Galatians demonstrates the meaning in Romans. Surely he misspoke. He tries to add some context to Romans 9 from Romans 9 later to support his view. But that verse is barely enough and it's not clear to me that they relate. To me it shows that when Paul intends to be figurative he makes it plain, for that's what he did in Galatians. But it's not so plain in Romans that is his intent. 2. What then is the meaning of what Paul is saying about God's election in these verses? 3. Why does Paul make the effort to make sure we are aware that there is no works for either nation yet (v11) if not to be unconditional? Or rather on the condition of him who calls? 4. It seems a bit foolish to think that Calvinists don't know that there are multiple meanings of the word hate or hated or the word love. But only one meaning of love is used in this video. Distinctions between God's love for his people, and his love for all I think must be made by all Christians. But this video seems to act as if one is the same as the other. 5. If we are to err to defend God's character why choose defending his morality, and not his agency, or his omnipotence, or his omniscience.
@xxxmmm3812 4 года назад
Glen Fury the point is that election has nothing to do with salvation and you NEED to read the bible in its historical context
@furg0998 4 года назад
@@xxxmmm3812 I'm sorry but I didn't ask if election was part of salvation. Only to point out that the video doesn't even try to explain what Paul meant by saying "God's election might stand". The explanation of the text seems incomplete without this and surely is key if you are trying to de-calvinise. If you can explain it for me that's great I'll consider it. Just saying historical context isn't enough for me to understand.
@Ben-br1bu 4 года назад
Glen Fury The Bible says that there is noone who does good, not even one. All are sinners and fall short. So, there is nobody who is chosen over others. The only one who is chosen by God is Christ (because He is the Son of God and He is without sin). That's why it says that God loved Jacob but He hated Esau because through Jacob's lineage, Jesus would be born. In Romans 9 Paul only makes clear that the promise is not given to all of Abraham's descendants according to the flesh or to all of Isaac's descendants according to the flesh (Esau would be a descendant of Isaac), neither to all the descandants of Israel, but only to Jesus Christ. Hence why it says "in your seed all the nations shall be blessed". "Seed" is singular, not plural. Only Jesus Christ is chosen by God, that's why we are saved by faith rather than works, because our works have no value to God, only the works of the Son have value because only He is elected. Those who believe in Him are IN Christ and Christ IN them. That's why they are elected: It's not themselves who are elected but the Christ IN them. Because the Church (communion of all believers) are the Body of Christ. So, the love of God towards His people is indeed greater than His love to all other people but His people is ONLY Jesus Christ (and those who through faith become one with Him). He is the real Israel according to the Spirit as opposed to the Israel according to the flesh. Faith in Jesus Christ is the only way to become a part of the promise because then you become one with Him just like He is one with the Father. People are not elected prior to turning to Christ, so that they will turn, people are elected because they turned to Christ and have become a part of Him. Blessings!
@furg0998 4 года назад
@@Ben-br1bu When you say "there is nobody chosen over others" I don't think its true. God calls Israel his chosen people, He chooses his prophets, and Jesus chose his disciples. Saul was chosen by God to be a minister to the gentiles. I think you mean to say "there is nobody chosen to salvation over others". But even if that's true its not born out by this passage. It doesn't follow either because all are sinners. What you are trying to explain seems to be confusing; my summary would be: God doesn't choose anyone over anyone else, except Jesus and all those who abide in him. Forgive me if I've misunderstood. I agree that Jesus is the chosen one of God. But I don't think that it necessarily follows that all election in regard to believers is a consequence flowing from a person's abiding in Christ. I don't think that it can be read that way in the context of Romans 9 here either, it says nothing that seems to be in that direction. I think that Jesus as the chosen one he is chosen to be the messiah, the passover lamb, the one who takes away the sins of the world. Things that no believer is chosen to be, or could be chosen or elected for. There seems to me to be more than one type of choosing, or election by God and you are presuming only one. It seems to me Paul is saying that Jacob was chosen to be an heir of the seed by God's calling and not by works. It seems to me that Romans 9 is suggesting that the purpose of election is fulfilled in God's calling those whom he has chosen. Paul might not be touching things of salvation here and might only be saying that Jacob was called so that the seed will come through him. And that the call was effectual in that it did result in the seed coming through Jacob. When you say we 'are elected' because we turn to Christ and become part of him, to me it makes the word 'elected' lose its meaning. For to be elected is to be chosen, and if as you say we are not chosen then we are not elected. If Christ is the only one elect, then the way to say it and keep the meaning would be something like 'we receive and share in the election of Christ'. But even from Romans 8:33 it seems safe to say, as you do we 'are elect'. For that to have meaning it doesn't make sense to me for Christ's election to be an aspect of salvation conveyed to us through him. Other aspects of salvation are conveyed to us through Christ. Redemption is in Christ and we receive that redemption and are redeemed. We can receive righteousness through Jesus and be righteous in God's sight. But both redemption and righteousness don't lose their meaning when we receive it through Christ. Being 'elect' does. I don't think it can be conveyed meaningfully that way, I might be wrong.
@Ben-br1bu 4 года назад
@@furg0998 My apologies if I didn't make it entirely clear: I was not trying to derive the meaning for an "election" from Romans 9 but instead from the entirety of the New Testament. I attributed this meaning to explain what "the chosen" or "the elect" as sometimes used by Paul means. The chosen people of Israel were indeed chosen to be a Holy Nation of priests by keeping the covenant with God which they failed to do. But as Paul points out several times, the old covenant was merely a shadow of things to come (the new covenant). Israel was reduced to only one person (Jesus) because He is the only Israelite who actually kept the covenant in its entirety, hence why He says that He has come to "fulfill the law". That's why the promise is granted to Him alone. You wrote: "God doesn't choose anyone over anyone else, except Jesus and all those who abide in him." This is exactly what I meant, yes. The problem with your view, I think, is that you leave out of your sight the fact that Paul is writing to Christians in this letters. Christians by Paul's definition are people who have been baptized into death (or given their old selves into death) and been born again in the Spirit. So, the "chosen" are not the old people of the flesh but the new creation in the Spirit. Therefore, it is not correct to assume that they were already chosen before they repented and became a part of the Church. Because according to Paul's theology, they are now not the same people they used to be. They are now IN Christ and Christ IN them. They have become a new creation and the old has passed away. So, there is really no reason to assume that the old person who was still in the flesh was already chosen or elected, only after becoming Christian, they are now chosen. God's grace saves them, now, because of their faith in Christ Jesus. I don't see any indication of it being reversed, that they would've been elected first in order to cause faith in them, so that then they would be saved. We are only elected for salvation, for being sons of God, for ruling together with Jesus in His kingdom etc BECAUSE we are in Christ. This becomes even clearer when you consider that we are also told again and again to "remain" in Christ. What is it specifically in Romans 9 which causes you to believe that it is teaching an election of some not based on faith but faith caused by the election instead? Or is that even your position because maybe I just assumed that incorrectly? Because I see exactly the opposite in Romans 9. It is directed at Jews who think that they are chosen by God and therefore special but Paul teaches them that salvation does not automatically come to them if they don't have faith in Jesus Christ. Blessings!
@branch9422 4 года назад
Beautiful emphasis Leighton on pointing out Gen / Mal combo in Romans 9. That is like being served filet mignon of the scripture :)
@tedzeiter833 4 года назад
Listening to MacArthur on predestination I'm shocked at his teaching and how he views salvation. How does MacArthur even know he's among the elect. In MacArthur's world God might simply use MacArthur to bring the elect while he is not among them. Good luck with that belief.
@raymatthews4319 4 года назад
I have asked that question several times towards Calvinists on RU-vid posts dealing with that subject. I still haven't received an answer from them.
@lillyrose1711 4 года назад
@@raymatthews4319 the bible states that even if a angle come and teach a different gospel have nothing to do with them .
@tarascoterry 4 года назад
Ted Zeiter how do you know your saved? MacArthur might answer similarly, but would claim that to God be given ALL the glory while you might take a small cut of that glory for your part in it. It is my experience that 2 people can both believe that they are saved by faith alone ( i.e. Not works), but one believes that God had a hand in his faith (i.e. God chose him) and the other one believes that the faith was all him. One view takes agency away from humans and the other takes agency from God. If you think one side is obviously correct then you just haven't given this enough effort. It's a worthy study nonetheless as it tends to color how you read the Bible.
@davidochieng2975 4 года назад
@@lBaerdeLouisYAna We know we are saved when Holy Spirit in us and our our spirit in us testify that we are children of God(Romans 8:16; 2Cor.13:5;1John 5:10-13)
@bechet12 2 года назад
So basically when God told Moses that he will have mercy on whom he will cannot and should not be taken literally?
@honeykisssssss 4 года назад
Explained beautifully
@andrewwalker1764 23 дня назад
God doesnt want any to perish but its our choice whether to believe or not after hearing the gospel
@Chrissiela 3 года назад
".. two nations ... and two manner of people..." This sort of OT typology goes all the way back to Cain and Abel.
@martinmasten4107 10 месяцев назад
The most troubling verse to me is “it does not matter who wills or runs, but God who has mercy.”
@phillipgoodson2057 Год назад
John 15:16 “Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you.” Arminian heretics rely on their self righteousness to be saved.
@jeremeydwinell1316 2 года назад
@nathanprophet9393 2 года назад
I have questioned calvanism for years. Much of the leadership in my church are Calvanists. I see both sides in scripture and I have seen holes in both arminianism and calvanism. I've become intrigued by your your term "provisionism". It has seemed to me that an alternative has to existed. I never till now knew it had a name. Thank you.
@christophersnedeker 9 месяцев назад
Even if God hated him, he gave him a great blessing, he reconciled with the brother he hated, how many Christians have been blessed like Esau.
@tjw1210 Год назад
The difficulty I have with this defense is that it only talks about Gods love, and doesn’t paint all of Gods character to help us understand the text. What we have to use to measure this topic is Gods perfect justice. God is independent of His creatures and exercises dominion solely by His own authority. We cannot make God do anything. The Bible is clear that no one is good, no not one. All have fallen short of the glory of God. He does not have to save anyone, because rightly so we don’t deserve it, rather it is a miracle that He has saved anyone at all! Our wages have merited us condemnation. So when balancing Gods love and justice we have to remember He is perfect in both and that was demonstrated on the cross. Jesus took on the wrath for all who believe by imputing all sin from all Christian’s of all time into Himself but He did not take on the wrath for those who will not believe, which is why they remain dead in their sins and trespasses and are destined for hell where they will meet Gods perfect justice, namely His judgement. However, those that believe also receive Gods perfect justice because their belief in Jesus clothes them in His righteousness, He has drank their destined wrath fully and that perfect work of Christ Is accounted to their account. The God of the Old Testament is no different then the God of the new. Jesus is the flesh and bone human example of this. Perfectly loving, perfectly just. It is clear that God elects and has a group of people called “the elect” that He chooses to have mercy on by drawing them to Himself and giving them to Jesus (His sheep). He removes their hardened heart and spiritual blinders from the enemy, gives them the gift of faith and repentance and saves them from their helpless spiritual bondage to sin. It is also clear from Romans 1 that though man is dead in their sins and trespasses, they know God exists and choose to suppress the truth. Gods law has been written on every man’s heart, all all of creation testifies that their is a God so they are without excuse. All humans have a responsibility for their choice regarding faith and will be rewarded or punished based on their decision. How these two intermingle is somehow perfected in Gods sovereignty in a way that doesn’t cause God to sin, and for humans to be fully responsible for their choice.
@GnaReffotsirk 4 года назад
Hi, can you do one for the wheat and the tares?
@michaeljames5881 4 года назад
Can you do one on Ephesians 2:1-3
@razmiks.9472 4 года назад
The background music is distracting. Please consider avoiding it in the future. Your voice is just fine. Thanks
@djohnz8793 4 года назад
Like calvinism lol
@branch9422 4 года назад
lol...he likes that background music :). Sometimes i like it and sometimes it is distracting.
@ClauGutierrezY 3 года назад
Thank you for your diligent work Dr. Flowers. God bless.
@sjhicksfamily5493 2 года назад
The reason God said Jacob have I loved and Esau have I hated is because Esau gave up his first born birth right for a simple meal. Because God was going to send His first born and only Son to be sacrificed for all of mankind. Remember when Abraham was told to offer Isaac as a sacrifice and he was a second away from doing it there was a ram in the bush? These stories in the Scriptures was God testing to see how far they would go. Abraham was stopped because God was the only one who could fulfill the sacrifice for all mankind, He just wanted to see the heart of man on the issue. God was like no Abraham I'm the only one who can fulfill the sacrifice of My first born and only Son. Esau was hated because he gave up his first born birth right. What would have happened if Jesus gave up His birth right as the Son of God? That's the story of Jacob and Esau. God's very heart and mind is in the old testament along with revelation of Jesus throughout the old testament and revealed in the New Testament.
@christianhalkides5707 3 года назад
I thank God for you brother
@tophatt5706 4 года назад
Definitely election of a nation who the messiah comes from. I agree that this is not actual hate of the individual, but of the people who would stand against his chosen line. The individual and his people were blessed until they went against God's chosen people. The individuals of the nation probably could have had salvation as long as it was through blessing Israel who possessed the prophets, law and the word of God.
@cord11ful 2 года назад
This is a breath of fresh air!
@jayheinz4624 2 года назад
@GodsTruthMinistries 3 года назад
Excellent message and very true! I'm praying more people see this truth and share it. God bless you.
@amadeusasimov1364 2 года назад
Would be comical to see Esau in heaven, in the presence of the Lord and just smile at the Calvinists.
@goldenarm2118 2 года назад
What makes you think Calvinists, who hold to "another" gospel, will be in heaven?
@brianjones7660 Год назад
@@goldenarm2118 or Calvin ,the murderer, himself?
@sethblackburn4247 11 месяцев назад
Unfortunately my pastor is a 4 point Calvinist, and believes that God chooses, or that it is His will that some people will go to Heaven and that others will go to Hell, which is deeply disturbing to me. Are there any questions that you might recommend me asking him to challenge his theological point of view, or personal advice regarding this matter?
@glennharrell1944 11 месяцев назад
Excellent, but really, is music background really necessary?
@Jonathanped 4 года назад
Paul labors to gives us the context inside romans 9 that we need not reach outside of these verses to understand what he means. When Paul intends to speak idiomatically he tends to let us know. I see no indication here that he intended to do so, but instead used the terms literally. “That The purpose of God according to election might stand...” Brothers and sister, be careful here as not to twist the scriptures and re-define words to suit our desire to save ourselves rather than receiving the free gift of mercy and grace given us by our triune God. Our Lord will hold us accountable for the things we say and do with His word. I pray that the Spirit would reveal the truth in this matter to everyone who is sincerely seeking answers.
@jaygee2187 4 года назад
Jonathan Pedone when this letter was written there were no chapter or verse delineations. Furthermore, the inclusion of so many OT references would’ve been understood by the Jews, but not so much by the gentiles. Furthermore, the entire letter is written concerning the relationship between Jew and gentile Christians, answering objections, misperceptions, etc. Why must one paragraph of this letter be taken in isolation, removed from the rest, and why must the OT references be Ignored? Unless you’ve already reached a conclusion and the text must be isolated to more easily prop up the conclusion reached?
@Jonathanped 4 года назад
Jay Gee, I don’t see how pointing out that there are no chapter divisions in the original scriptures addresses anything I wrote. I also know that to be the case. Paul labels himself as the apostle to the gentiles. I’m not saying that he writes without considering the jewish readers in Rome. But still all of this is not relevant to the interpretation of the passage. As I was saying before, Paul has done the work for us by laying out the OT references. So no, we do not do away with the context that Paul provides and applies for us. We need to apply the immediate context to these verses before we go fishing outside of Romans. God is sovereign in His choosing who will be shown mercy and who will not. I would just like to point out that recognizing this truth was not a conclusion I intended to reach. I simply submit to the scriptures. I hope my writing isn’t coming off mean. I don’t want that to be the feeling anyone gets. I just want us all to understand properly the depths of Gods love for us and without understanding His sovereign grace we will never have a proper understanding of sin, mercy and grace. With love brother.
@jaygee2187 4 года назад
Jonathan Pedone here’s the point - you rightly say that God is sovereign in who He will show mercy to in Romans 9, but later in the letter Paul tells us who that is...it is all. Romans 11:32. You cannot take Romans 9 in isolation and use it to assume that God withholds mercy from some, when later on it is revealed that clearly He extends mercy to all.
@Jonathanped 4 года назад
Jay Gee I see what you’re saying. Let me look into it.
@jaygee2187 4 года назад
lBaerdeLouisYAna of course there’s no contradiction. God has mercy on all, and that’s his will.
@jeffreybomba Год назад
Another proof that this is not about individuals: Looking at the life of Esau, he goes from promising to kill his brother, to falling on his neck and weeping, and latter recognizing his error and leaving the land he surrendered to Jacob in order to avoid conflict between the peoples’. Is this the kind of change that can happen in a man without the love of God?
@danielquinones624 4 года назад
Great video...makes you wonder how anyone could think less about God than he does about his own children.
@patsydanec7864 Год назад
Thank you for these shorter versions-I especially like this one-we just called a new pastor to the church that I have been attending for 42 years and he is a strong Calvinist. He is a lovely man but I am disturb so much by this teaching that it is hard to sit thru some of his message even though they are very well prepared. I am not a theologian so arguing with proof texting of various verses would be futile for me-I am going to suggest this short video for him as he os teaching thru Romans right now.
@adamrichardson5224 Год назад
Did he end up watching this video? What did he say?
@alfredhitchcock45 Год назад
They also misunderstood “works” as was intended by Paul. He was referring to 632 Jewish Commandments
@expoteam777 3 года назад
Romans 9:11 (For the children being not yet born, neither having done any good or evil, that the purpose of God according to election might stand, not of works, but of him that calleth;)
@beans656 Год назад
For what it is worth, this is how I am able to understand it. The Bible mentions about as many times, our need and responsibility to choose, as it does the principle that we are predestined. So how can these two statements be compatible? Fortunately, most of the times predestination (or other similar principles) is mentioned, it adds the statement “through Jesus Christ.” This is the key phrase to understanding this principle. So how does it work? As far as I know, I didn’t exist before the beginning of time, so it is very difficult for me to imagine how I could have been predestined before the beginning of time, when I didn’t exist. However, I did have a representative who did exist before the beginning of time, and that is Jesus. So when Jesus came to our world as a man from Heaven, it is very easy for me to understand that He was predestined to return to eternity in Heaven. So when I decided to accept Jesus’ salvation, and His Spirit came into my life, I inherited his predestined position with His heavenly father in Heaven. So when we choose to accept Christ, we become predestined “through Jesus Christ.”
@josrodrigues1075 3 года назад
Was Esau saved at the end? If not, cant we say God hated him exactly like he said he did considering God knew what he was going to turn out to be right from the womb? Why even breathe life into him if he knew what he wud do? Just trying to understand. (I m not a calvinist)
@carlidoepke5131 11 месяцев назад
Thanks, Leighton. Much needed these days!
@sfaoldguy 4 года назад
I would like to see more videos of you teaching the "Traditionalist view" straight from the Bible with minimal reference to Calvinism. Instead of teaching this from a stance of being against Calvinism, just teach it as what the Bible says.
@Soteriology101 4 года назад
Enjoy the Process This is what my book “Gods provision for all” does btw
@sfaoldguy 4 года назад
@@Soteriology101 Nice plug. lol
@janekay4147 4 года назад
@@sfaoldguy I agree with you.. To me It all looks a little like run from one rotten thing to land in something similar.. It makes my blood boil to see Christians doing vids then at the end of it...buy my book or t shirt or give money here.... Geez..the Bible is enough..we read way to many out side sources. Can you imagine Jesus standing at the Gates on you way in..saying there's books, cd's and stuff over there on the table..and the eftpos machine is just over there. Thanks mate;) salvation is free. So why are we selling it?
@richardcoords1610 2 года назад
1:10: Did God ever say to Rebekah that He hated her unborn baby Esau? No. So, the answer to the question of whether God's hatred of a baby is either "literal or idiomatic" is *neither*. What God actually did say about "Jacob" and "Esau" at Malachi 1.2-4 was not about unborn babies but about their descendants. In other words, God's statement that He loved "Jacob" and hated "Esau" was regarding the nations of Israel and Edom, which the context of Malachi goes on to explain as the literal (albeit conditional) hatred of the nation of Edom (Ezekiel 35.15), as being a people with whom God is "forever indignant," which the Book of Obadiah further explains as the basis. Note that it's common in Scripture for Israel and Edom to be referenced by their tribal heads. (Isaiah 10.21; Jeremiah 30.7) For that reason, Calvinists get confused and think God was referring to a hatred of unborn babies when yet instead God was actually talking about the descendants, which is directly related to Paul's point in Romans 9:6, when Paul quoted Malachi 1.2-4 at Romans 9.13. The dispute with Calvinists is that while they acknowledge that Paul's source material in Malachi 1.2-4 was about the descendants, Calvinists insist that Paul changed the meaning (in an "apostolic interpretation") to instead mean the unborn babies. This is verifiably incorrect based upon Romans 9:12, in which Paul pairs the two quotes in Romans 9.12 and 9.13 with "just as" in order to show their relationship together, and the quote in Romans 9.12 was not about the unborn babies but about the descendants. (2 Samuel 8.14) Hence, a Calvinist's suggestion of an "apostolic interpretation" that changes the original meaning is verifiably wrong. If Romans 9.12's prophecy had instead been about the unborn babies, then and only then would Calvinists have an argument. Paul would never attempt an "apostolic interpretation" which reverses an original meaning of Scripture because then (a) he would be accused by his critics of inventing a new religion, and (b) it would be counter-productive to then try to use the Scriptures to persuade his fellow Jews that the Scriptures pointed to Jesus. In other words, it was absolutely vital to Paul that he *not* reverse the original meaning, because it would destroy his entire objective of evangelizing the Jews from the Scriptures that the Scriptures prove that Jesus is the Messiah. Plus, Calvinists don't realize how Romans 9.13 proves Paul's argument in Romans 9.6. It's the unbelieving Jews who would object that God's word must have failed and God must have been unfair for breaking His promise to Abraham to unconditionally save all his descendants, but which is a bewildering presumption on the part of the unbelieving Jews since their own Scriptures speak of only a "remnant" being saved, not to mentioning the judicial hardening of Isaiah 6.9-10. The very fact of the condemnation of the Edomites "Esau [Edom] I hated" proves, conclusively, that there is no unconditional birthright assurance of salvation, simply on account of being a physical child or Abraham. One must instead believe like Abraham in order to have assurance of salvation from God.
@contemplate-Matt.G 2 года назад
I agree that Jacob and Esau represent nations and that destroys the Calvinist's interpretation. However, most miss Paul's actual point that the birthright shifted from Esau to Jacob. Both sides of this argument miss this incredibly important factor. Israel lost out. They missed it... Gentiles received it. That is the point. The birthright and blessing depicted the promise. The promise was not ultimately land but salvation. Therefore, Esau represents the nation of Israel. Jacob represents the new covenant church. Ironic, yes. But that's how God thinks, not man. The two nations in the womb were Israel (God's firstborn son) and the Church (which stems from God's one and only Son) That is why Jesus had twelve apostles. As Jacob gave birth to Israel the physical nation, Jesus gave birth to the Church, the spiritual nation. We are a royal priesthood, a holy "nation". I would love to speak with Leighton on this. This destroys Calvinism and cannot be refuted. The entire Bible proves it
@richardcoords1610 2 года назад
@@contemplate-Matt.G I think Paul is laying out his blueprint to the Church for how he evangelizes his fellow Jews. Clearly, Romans 9:1-5 is talking about Jewish evangelism/salvation, and so is Romans 10:1 and Romans 11:11-12. That was what motivated Paul. But how can you witness to the Jews if they believe God's word promises them an unconditional birthright assurance, simply as physical descendants of Abraham? (Romans 9:6-7) So, Paul develops his argument to get to v.13 about the condemnation of the Edomites, proving through Israel's common ancestor that there is no such thing as an automatic birthright assurance of salvation, simply as a descendant of Abraham, and that's what opens the door to evangelizes the Jews with the gospel. At Romans 9:14, Paul anticipates how the Jews would cry foul, demanding that God would have broken His word (Romans 9:6), but Paul's argument is that God never promised an unconditional birthright assurance for simply being a physical descendant of Abraham.
@contemplate-Matt.G 2 года назад
@@richardcoords1610 I agree with all you wrote. However, I think you miss my point. Paul speaks of Isaac first as the son of Promise showing the aspect you bring up which is, the children of God are descendants of Abraham spiritually and not physically. But Isaac is part of an allegory spoken of by Paul in Galatians. He obviously represents Christ and there are many clues to that fact. He becomes a willing sacrifice and carries his own wood up Mt Moriah. When Ismael is removed from the household, God then calls him to Abraham "your only son" as in "one and only Son". Therefore, in the allegory, Abraham represents Abba Father, God. It's really God who became the Father of many nations. Isaac, the second son becomes the only son rendering Ishmael, the firstborn son, unadopted "never to inherit the promise". Most forget that Israel was called God's "firstborn son" in Ex 4:22. We know that Jesus became God's "one and only Son". What does that say for the firstborn son? Yes....unadopted. This is what Paul is desperately trying to convey. Israel missed it and was (as a nation) unadopted never to inherit the promise. Why did they miss it? Because they sought after it as it were by the works of the law. Ishmael was the son of the bondwoman who represented Mt Sinai. Remember, the firstborn son was supposed to receive the blessing and birthright. However, there is a switch. A reversal takes place. It's exactly the same with Esau and Jacob. The allegory is almost identical. Esau represents Israel. They are the firstborn that should get the birthright. But Jacob (the supplanter) gets it instead. Jacob is the Church.....NOT Israel.
@LeMapOuRe 4 года назад
@naturallycurly2384 2 месяца назад
I have started rereading Romans. Do Calvinists just ignore the whole first four chapters of Romans?
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